' - . . . ' , • . • . . , .._...:. / . - . . . . . . t . • • . . . . . , ALLENTOWN, PA. " ADVERTISING RATES. • • • - 74.- • • . • ROBERT IREDELL, JR. ~ r,s. -3, 1 Mb. 9 m0.,6 mot lyr. d . e ••• S‘ E t it a:geg t ee , . 1.60 1.75 liffi 6.50 110 . • 1 . ti 0 not nob . gancg -.la Maar, r .• OB.:mares . : 3.00 9.50 6.50 9.00 30.0 iliSemare 4.50 5.25 9,m 17.00 2AO O.: all, seam"! . 11.60 17.00 45.00 45.0. 011111,Lt No. 638 HAMILTON STREET, quarter Column 19.60 71.00 40,00 60. it Half Column . 20.00 40.00 60.03 110.0. Oas Column t 30.00 60.00 110 00 250.0. ~ • ' IIGEOANT PRINTING Profession il Card. 41.00 per lin per year. •• I,' < • • Administrator's and Auditor' e Notices, SIC° • ~: . . faille ' NEW DESIGNS a nOtICO6.IO cants pertinent Insertion 16 cial• per • . ... . rbi , • linnets eublininent Inserlion• ,1) LATEST fITTLIIII Tea lines agate constitute a equate. ' • • Stamped Check., Cards, Circalars. Paper Bookelfoimstl ~ ' ROBERT IREDELL, JR., Puntaiwan, ---- --- -- -- ----- ------- . - ------ Euvelopea, Leiter Head. Bine of Lading, War ALLENTOWN, PA. - VOL. XXVT. ~ ALLENTOWN, PA., WEDN ESDAY: MORN IN G, 0(1T OB 14. H. 16, 1872. . NO 42. . BOK Tana and Shippingeards, Poo o. of an/ BIM Ma., etc.. Printed &Mont/401ln • ... , i ' . . • _ . -- ------_____--__ ... _-. ._. . . -------- -___ -.--- ---_-- . • ----- - lactating. 40% . , 1, . , - OPENING 1 • v oiro rrict i B ____________________ • ~, . , ....... , EXCURSION .. , , • ~ .._ . pi, a NO CURE, NO PAY. b ECO , .„.. AN NU ...4: , :: - 4i L NEW DR. H. 1). LONGAKER, . . . . . . „ v o e s, * PAr keie l l Graduate of the University of Penneylvania, at Plaine'. ' . . . BOOT & SHOE . STORE, 44, , . ,-, el ph la has been la neensful practice for a number of years 49 ' . In vartous parte or the United States; will promptly M ind vat breaches of hie profenion at his room., . '. .1 70 • ., -- .: . - 1 9 ,-71.,' ' Bast old& of Sixth street. bet. Mimi/fon and Walnut SALT . . . . NO. 706 HAMILTON STREET, 'A -.. • -• :, ir. ALLENTOWN, PA . • . . To ~.. 44„,,,,,., ..... „, ~., \\J./ #. 6 cb No Patent Medicine are wed or recommended; thongs, .dies adminintered are then which will not break down the conetitution, but renovate the eyntem (roman lap:tries Two door. above learner's C..rner Sioh, - 4 • i ~ / 4, „ 0 ,4 t t It ha" eastairied from mineral medicine., and /nee tt in • . • healthy and perfectly cured condition. ALLENTOWN, PA. 44 * Zt . f . " r! 4 ,Z o t, e p .•.. ..-_,,•_- U SE 'V e-e.s.'' #7...• . CONSU:APTION, BRONCRITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all din.. of the Long,. Throat, Stomach. nod 1.1,. , .... . . ' . . ~,'". '' ._. '..• ''' , i, `',.....4 IT, w hich yearly carry thousand. to untimely f ,can undoubtedly be cured. , 4 . /,;77r.,.:":-. 7 MELANCHOLY ABERRATION, The mane flattered with the unprecedented success of their excursion of last Wednesday, take pleasure in announcing to a confiding public that they are b ) !h . r o; ', 1 II: ' :3 . 41 e i t n .°P.r,?,: ' . 4 b tree o r piece " " with ' ,1 ' .` " .nitre Inn !bat • ,'VINECAR-BITTERS that stets of alienation end aberration of mind which fen. a(.fr ' dere wenn incapable of oulaylog the pleasores of per. c ,. , U 1 lln e‘tensive preparations to repeat their pleasure, tiip to the Saline Pond, which will positively take place on Hoek of forming the duties of life. , Vinegar linters are not .v iie Fancy Drink, mad. 'RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, I at Poor Rum,Whiskey, Proof Spirits nt/Reue Liquor% WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th• • . • BOOTS & SHOES doctored, spiced, ender s , " etened to please the taste, eallni in any tumor codition, effironte or acute. warranted car .Tonics," "Appetise "Rstrers," fgc., that lead able. Eptlert t or famtekn, eni c hiproor roLectzp the tippler on to drunkenness and ruin, but ore a true horn r S o n I t 111 1 2 co , DISEASES ~ .i, „..tre. , 77.:,%,.Ldi,,i) • Medicine made from the waive roots and herbs of Cali. 1 1 4 1 1 1 ,, I ; t u y . 1 ta, Doer ntrt,leynAlltlea, purchased at low Astern, ea• ihmi ... fi /,,. fr ,,,,, mi Alcoholic s i, iri n . ~, 0 ,,,, •geretz ' r r i . p . ttni o ol i grrations, Piles and Serofulon. din. . . Great Blood Puriner and a• Life-giving Principle, a Pcr. ZPParticular ettention given to private diseases of Some of the o• entlemen who went up last WedlicalllYi have gone into the show builness, and on account of the large number of Democrats who were unable to EXTRA INDUCEMENTS (01-`1,170u,'„':,',„ . 1"1.,',7,', 1 ,7,r,e,“;:,`,,5',.,r0nc0 . ',irrin evaxid,..7.ltrrAcirtll.7=ii n Diann incidental to their I condition, enrichin g it, refreshing and invi g orating nen, can commit the doctor glib neurance of relief. see Buffalew previous to his departure from Pennsylvania, they announce that he IV ill be exhibited on the above date. when the rest ' of the Liberals can have an (T - O tin yen, tra.thig that by (sir dealing we may merit both tided and body. They are easy of administration, Cancer eared, and Tumors of ell king removed without your favor. pronipt in their action, .attain in their results, safe and the knife or drawing blood. Dineen of the i portunity of beholding him in a long list of the most wonderful political tricks. Very Respectfully, reliable in all forms of disease. EYE AND EAR • No Person, can take limper Milers accord. RITTER & HUI3E R. inn 10 dacio • and remain lon g unwe, provided their " p ...-I ,,, , ,, ;:A:mytv:Tr i r,%„,, die nee if „..,,.. bones are mit destroyed by mineral poison mother means sire - a; ciM be addresned by letter (cooaderitinlly) •ad med. Ip. wh . oever sqlys this isn 5 t Buffalew is a villain 9 a scoundrel and a liar! 99 and the vital me.s envied beyond the point of repair. Woe gent with properdirectionn lowly parte( the county. - (Ir a - Dyspepsia or Indig,st ion. 11,,,,k‘ehe, Polo Orrice: East side of Sixth street, between Hamilton and in the Shoulders, Co m p, Ti g htneot of the Chest, Disai. Walnut Allentown, PA may u-ir Mr BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER. ALSO, es% Sour . Erustation tof the Stomach, liatl Taste m the MENDING done in the neatest manor •nd with prompt: Mouth, Climes Attacks, P.dpdatioa of the Heart, In. DILES OR lIEHORIIROIDS. • , . 9:,,, N . ,,_%•:.a1.,:./ ,/' , ion. Onsinannn id . the 1.11, , , Pah, in the regions of the Kid- . • JOB. M. RITTER. C. Lswis MODES. Ilex., and a hundred, other painful symptom% me the o ff - AL PILES OF ALL KINDS perfectly and pernteneally CORED, without pain, d ange r , eaudice or Instruments, by -." , "'"1.... *- ....e •!-1.-'' It 4. a f . ny 7.el sp ri gs of Dyspepsia. In these complaints It has no " : ` 4 . 1:, : jr. ,. # toe 11. w equal, and on bottle will mace a better guarantee of its WM. A. MeCANDLESS. M. D . merits than n lengthy advermeient. 9001 AEON STREET. PHILADELPHL, Ps. • .1 -.•- ::'_' ---- \ 7, - e - .d , ..1 r fr. . 1872 FALL SEASON 1872 For re le Completion, in young or old, mgr. Who Oen refer you to over in CMS cured In Fflilladel • tied or sin g le, at the dawn of womanhood, or the turn phis alone. We denire to any to then stained, there is ' -- - --......,..:N .. % \.,' '1 '' . ...g•lc. ---...-"...\"... ... •• • • -•. """ " ""tten, ‘ : . :• -• • -... ...m4. 16,4 1 / 4 .,... , ' ' ' '`'. r fi- ..qt of life, these Tonic /litters display so decided . influeite c positively uodeceptfon to th e cure of these D ,It . . , ' • . that a marked improvement is soon perceptible. matters not how long or how oeverely you have been • • , WALRAITEN 9 For Intl. 1111 l otnry need Chronic Rhea- malign% and Gout, .Dys t ictisia or Indigestion, Itil rend, we can were you. We ale° cure Final, Fianna ola u. litricturea and Olonation of the lower bowel Come you that are suffering we will not doceive_you. • Remittent and Intermittent Fevets,Diseases of the Blood,' We ban patient. from alMolll . llVery State In the union ; • e .. .. .. ........ •• •1 ...- '' - '4 r -. ...1/Wt . %S., ewe. -- - -se , .. C" - 'w • ' ••••-•s: f " 't v .r I . . - - s. ~,s \- ;,, • ; ; , , Liver. Kidneys and Bladder, these !litters have be. mos". end from Europe. Have treated these diseases for twenty _.,......011." . "' ... """' ...2" • . ... .. c . S -• • kV. 11 . •etwA. , uccessful. Sur . li Diseases are caused hy Vitiated Blood, year. without a railer. apr 28.1 y ' ..L...... __-•er .„7.......... . -- __,...;, - .7. - =_-_-...- • „ • 4.1.-1y...i..,. A . (.. Masbnic Hall, 719 Chestnut Street, n. , 1, , : t 0. 05, , , ,.. , ,c ,, , ;! ,iy produced by derangement of the Di- p lIILOSOPHY OF MARRIAGE.-A _.. __•-• "'---- - - - ' .- :.. . . ~. -''''''''''. .• . .. ... . , ,:.--:- ...-.. . . . . . e -- " : 7:- , - %',"? 4 - •- . ' '•;. ',, '••.. , , ; - - 2- •• • ----7...+"' " 7 . - " " " " "- •-...-- . -. . '. -e •e• A • c TV Icy arc Gentle Purgative ns well eta NSW COMM or LlCTUlRO,Altdellvered Chest Penna . 0 • .e„,,., Val,,:-,... 4 - ~ ..., , • o Tonc, possessing a lso the pecutise merit of acting as Polytechnic and Anatomical Museum, 1205 Chestnet shut ..,....................... . -......-..............., 6 • -•-• -, 7 .,,. iN .... . :1 7.,. : -kk, ir,•• . PHILADELPHIA. a powerful a g ent in relieving, Con g estion or Inflainmation three door. above Twelfth, Philadelphia, embracing the of the Liver and Visceral Ol g ans, and in liiiirms DiscaseA entd eels: How to Live and What to Live for; Toollt. Ma ~,._ '..te, . ~.......,........„------...-_,....-...,..._ ^. _ as . iNiCag N, .....k -7 .:.' et2Ts - 1 ';.••51 . 1C'7,:" ~ kki7 For Skin Dinneen, Eruptions, Toter. Salt- tartly and Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The • - -.. 1',. • •••• ' . ----:.:----f'r...-----"-s'--:......--'- ........ - , b * * - ....t.ld x-.• . - ,-. ... ...... ....... .........,-... --",,,...,.... 4..li gtkt ' 4 -,--- ,__•:=...„,"-...\k • • p 1 p 1 let c Canna Of IndlifeelloLl) ihdellenee and nervous Dinneen) Ellen , , Illoielie , , SP.'. it'll, ilex, i. 5 '1l c'• '`• '‘''' accoonted for; Marriage Philonphically considered. • Nespechtlly calls the etleollUt, of hie numeron. patrons buncles, Rin-w o rn., ScalclTlcad, l ore Eyes , Erysipelas, Then !eclat . ..will be forwarded on receipt of 25cent. by •-.....g.: - .5.`• is. ... -,.. • ~.... , t• his well agitated etook of nth . See'''. ithe"lethth"e/ el the Sl6". Humors end eddresslng: Secretary of the Penna. POLTTECEINIC AND ...,.....°#' ... "" i i*lbeee.o.moemome, •••••,...... -..- • !. 1... ~ Ete.: L .,'' • :?-45•5;1ii " 'is... " : t i.. •.;.:.- -...--" • -"' iseases of the Ski m of whatever Mune or ature, are ANATOMIC/A, Moine 13 0 5 Chestout Bt., Philadedgmla, e • -..z......- ...-....,....-.-.- ---- ---s,, _ ,-. .. • , .7z.44034.vater.. • -.-,-m,.. 6- '-- ...... 4 , - _,... , , ,, 0 - , -.-.. :• ; ;2.... - ..;;; . ,• : ...._ literally dic e up and carried out of the system in a shun P enna vine .ly • time be the tt.e of these itters. On bottle in such • • .opiew .-- - • ...-..........0.----":13- -;•• ' ' ' ; ' - 7,.......eZ.J. !:*, - •t ' t ..; .-, 4 ''' . ' •‘•• • ' '..\ . CURTAINMATERIALS and FUR- x c, ,,,, convince the most incresWous of their curative W ILTHERGER'S • - • .-, -- • `.......••••*""...., --"...... ~._,.. * P - Ac , -.., - . 9; . • .‘ - . ---• . • • . NITURE COVERINGS, i.e.. ~,,,, viti.t.a m.o d yilieneVer roll find iti impurities bursting through the akin in P m ple % FLAVORING EXTRACTS ,, .--_,..1.-. 3 , • • . _.... -----.-47c-4 U: - . --4 ' .' 1. .." - ;; Ps.r.e.t- : ... ...-.'"(•••":•-',..-..1-••Y,,-...:,,.-;.-. .• ..*:. .:':\''' 1 •• •1 ....' crooii„,,, Or Son.; cleanse tl ashen 1••• P"" "' I " " l ?' Are wen Wed eq.' to any made. They are prepared • - , structed and slu gg is h . in l i e xicins; l clea ll e it ulicu i p Is i ' 4• ( . ,,. (.1 . .......... =„"efi H "..t . :..r . . i.5.. ,-;,....-.. - , •• • •':. ;. , a .... ,;. .e..„ :i .. • .. "1 : , .:. .. 4. 7 ": : : 4.' •‘'.7 ''- i•..4 . ..1i .. . , ..." '.,. ..., '.- ...:;"''''... J'' ....''''...'7...'''''‘'.. . ...'''''''..:':'•'.... ...._. ''''' ' ln l. - It ..,..; : • -'4'.1 .. ' ..; • 5 •• ' . l ,,t ete:eft B4 - 5,:ii .z. :t 4 : • , :i 8 .'' - 7.:. -...,.' :: : :: :;4 2 > ,:i ... ; 1 ' .... . ' _,...:.:-.;;. • , .* : . -11- i- i Od o ft r over g fjp .; th v i will much baler than many ''. ." / Inflected personally daring the summer months from the pure. r,T17: 1 1,", g ,3,1;" 0 11 1- I L 3 4,,",:',,,M1 c 0 0,',,',!.' t '• , aiTAsk your Grocer or Druggist for Willbergor't :. . ... most celebrated manintoren In E, robe. arid lire now ' Grateful thousands proclaim VIUMGAir BIT- Swtracts. - - ' ' :. - 77.... asn. • arriving by every dram r and being °paced for 'Wipe, TREE the most wonderful Invigorant that ever sustained BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE \ 'T . • __ • -1.-- • . ,c.., ..„ , • ...%..-I,i• , .., . . . .. ...fr„,.-r..._, eaP, I IWA'.., 4 ) ILI l. t ••• '. .. t ••••• -. .11 • . --• ... ' ....; ~ ..,,iir 0' d 0c,,,,,, - - • ..- lion Immedletely. Tile. Goods mutat be i realled for the sinking system. . : ... • " - - • •-• . • 'beauty of denten. color. a d quality IN ALL SILK. SILK , Pl ' l ' 9 ,! ' " c '''', iiii other Wor i r r nfe , , li i i i rio d ng la ill l7 6 si n ilhojt io t teLo:ht. It i h w e t i la c t o n o ri r imcloenNt‘hie.rmnelfrofuo; .',. ''''''''.- I l.C ‘l.'-t.2.- '''..-.7.7' AND WORSTED, ALL WORSTED AND COTTON FAB. '2,,‘,1`,',":04,7."'5'n.,',..ta.:;'.4,'4,7,74,14%`,;14,,`:'1P1Y.. time. the Immo weight of tudigo, end much more Than ,• t• . ' . f 11 '' .. f . ..,...0 0 ' ..." ""5s- ;'` l.z''' .. " ..• r i;t4i- • ;,-:-... 4, -..--• .5,7. ,z 4 ..: ..,,,,,,,,,, .. 1 .! ...... :.,.- ..... t. li th o .l h p . l ll 37 h .t bilfe In the unmet. The only genuine is scarcely an individual 1111011 the face of the earth whose The Lan Curtail) Depgr meat contains designs testy body is exempt front the presence of worms. It is not before offered in MI. c untry , and at prices to iwore upon tithe healthy . elements of the body . that worn. emu, . ALFRED WILTBEROER'S DRUO STORE, ' .. . . 'l ,te e ' /L . 0 : 1' . •:.; ' ; .' 1 .. : ' ... ...: •. •! '" , ....;•: . - 1- 4 ..-.:1 4 „ 1-11:.:'1 :: 1. ._ 3 it t::1 1 -Z . ' 1 4 .,,....-... , 1;_ . . - _11 . : . .1 . . :-: ....,. 4. ....''l . f° 4•7-4 :1 , 7 :7 5%... . ::: :: . 1t ; '•: • 5 , '44 i. '.:17 . • , .... :"H Immediate antes% butupon the. diseased humors and slimy deposits that NO. 233 NORTH BECOND STREET, PHILAD'A., PA. • ri 1 "c0 11 '"'' . / '''''"g ..°''''''. •i " I ''''''"• N " 7 "" " f The LABELS have both WILTNERGER' and n•st.sves hlethcine, no 'mutt - o r e% co a n tlichilitlitiCri, will free the LACE AND HOLLANDSHADES, common ou i horn. all othero ewe counter/elan. 112 r sale by 'll.-17.,r.".rvigf.t.",'',.".,"`"i1 . ,-„, .„,, • moot °-- -a Dr"ggist. , in LACE •LAMBREQUINS. Paints and Minerals, such al Plumbers, TypAsetters. WILTBERGEWS INDELIBLE INK (.1.2 dew . Gold Ifea tern, 1n t1 , 9 , 11 , 1 7 , a s_ll o l , e , y , Vs' a . n . c o c i i‘litc, , w .‘ ll n it :, lii h i . be a raLe r nd on ( .. rial i . 0 . 5 . e . a ..t f i u . p , e4tr . 0 . nig% 1/31,vorm 1 - _ subject to par . i r ase 13 I I guard •-, i 2 . 2. I lain 2 . this take a dose of Wat.kmt's Vt.:in:Alt Itbrrhus Once ,T . ;9Eth 9,aatklan faunio.l:l. ctisreils dlinip.. or..9srss, • or twice a week. as a Preventive. P '"' . rATilkinrouglavaimauv" , ,- , ~....,.- ~ .; ,-,-. ~ ,, ....-7 .: '''''• . - --"5'.411% /b,.t triO 2 4 - ,:i ., ' . -- ,:tr utt;.. "' 14,... 1 • : 1 1 . . ey.1 . .'"73. .... : '' ',. 1 t , 4.; , ; , .z . ' • 7 ' "- -_ ..:,- - 7 - 1..... - ,4-41 - 4 ; 7 ,'.....! : :; , :i7: ped vs...pft...stisssaisalliwas., .1 ; • unions, Remittent. awl Int trmiltent - . • FF jj '' ..° 1 11 : 1 (ollren te/...0 10,1114~-T.ffi - roVelell, which are so pi crab:lit in the valleys of our ince 98.1 y No. 21'1 North Beenilil4l.„ Phila.. Pa. . „ • ~....1- = '..r"- --- . 001 ,. • . ir riii V - c was ;1,; 1 , . , ea .•1 peat rivers th v a vg h o ut the United States,. especialiy those or the Idlssoisippi, Obio, Isla ouri, lino., Ten. nesse, Cumberland. All:autos, Red. Colorado, Broroe, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile. Savattnalt,l3 oauoke, if. - - • 7. ." • , .. -LEAELES . . '.. ~''' ' .'• i r ... •- ..# 0. 0 . 4 . fe :; -. '.. -- u .' -- . : -: - --'-':-.:H--- -- 7 4 .. - f . ° 14: : AT * l: 2 §, /.. t 1. 4 ., x ' . ''' ',....°.• 1 ! - :A7 l.k : i '-‘4 .; .. .. .. Z; ; . :: ff ffPP PP : -L- -''* .... .1 • 4 ,,,,, ,• 10.,......... 7.0„wee e . ..f„. -. Ar • v'''' .."- VEGETABLE SICILIA'S ki,.i 4 ;74 - 7.,7.1 r , X; '7 - - -, '...1 --' 7 ,... 4 . 7, ,.... t. : 4 • ••;:,, i , .. , z,... i .... s- A,....., : _c ,..t•r. ,- .4 J ,4 ...-.) .„ ,:::-.: ~;.,.,..:....-,.(.,..........,.........,,......,,----; , . , __ . -FA .......-.- I- -....-:: - ; :44 , . JaineS, and niany alther::, Ns :tit their vast Ertl.... throu g hout our vitae country dittlng the Summer and 10' .0 •Si ' 4* . I .Sik:lr tti -*". • i -r."- _ Annum% and teinarkali!y so dining waters or unusual ~,'"c• TTIWXxx.. 6 , . , .. - stint and dayne , .., :1-, invariab!)•aacinpanied by exteh• ..; mOltte- HA_IR 11:' . sive deron g em.. of the stomach and liver and oilier e,: i •-„,,,,-t ._,.., ....,„......„ ---/ - • ....- . • , 1.1.1, .2 .„, , i) .1,. alulmolnol of There are was more or leas nor ( • ' - 4 .'t?tr:e d' ..; ..2 ;:- .j.,g 7 '.49: .41. 11'C 1. ) 71 50wi..1_ 7• 2we...1re .. ....... ' --" es 'I Ifl " stint:ons of the liver, a weakness and irritable state of ''' . v. - tr.e..7er • 11 ". •4_1 '. 1: •---- •- 7: -1 1 • . # 0 0 ..,:a- •-• ...• 1. ...... ' 4 . ,Zre.P . • ,•,‘*. ** i_ the stomach, .and . great torpor of thy bowel, being ~„ -rorli..---;;',1..- - ENEvm:t. Every year increases the populari- • -,..--..••• • ..t,'t: , '• ,- - -..7, . ;.' j.- "•-t . '' .. " - .1? • ,e..,E•iN r -r.i.:- -:.“:.: • e clo gg ed up with vit.. accumlatios. _ln thew treat- l i '•• I ' .. , f r ‘ '5 ... .., :;a : I X t. i; ' ' ''' -'':. .2 . I- • r,)pflf 1110 r _....ra01l ' mem, A kllll rat, e, Mating a pOsivelful influence upon ity of this valuable Hair Preparation; • . ~,.,,, . .„.. ;:;;;0/ - ~ .r:- • i :t.- ' . .c.: , - ,M... ~.,,,, ~..---.., - • 4 4- -- , ' ...t: ...., Ii 1 1 . ...SL . i i . ' l l A, 111,C yarrow: or g ans, is ex...tinily necessary. There . WiliCil 114 (TUC to merit alone. We - . .:. ( 1 ..,. 1 Oli-i c . ~, ‘i ; ..=-1 .1 , .1 no cathai tic for the pulp°, tun il In Da. J. Warmstr's . 1 ':• 1 '' - 0 I. -:.•••9 . _,... . Vii i t. 111711.1,,, as they ail speedily remora the dark-colored viscid vie %kit sdnch the bowels aro can -assure our old patrons that it is • . ,• „...- ....::-- ._- - irt.'.:Di'• '•- ,' - _,_. limited, at the same time stinuiating the pecretions of the kept fully up to its high standard; -. ; ' .../ ...i • I ,- -- ,--,'' ..';'.:.- - ' ... ...0 1 . ~. .. - . ....,... - -"--.----,.--- ' . ...46. - ' --=--, -- -s•--. - _;••:-... lie and g eticAtlly rmtortir; the healthy funoions•f the anait it the only reliable and perfect- :0•: - / .. • . •••. di g estive organs. ' I/ ••t•-• HAYEs, COULTER & CO Scrotl. or IClnn Ply I, Whits Sweilmge, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck. Goiter, Scrofulou• cd reparation for restoring GRAY ~. ' . ...1/.. • .1 OR WADED HAIR IO /IS youthful color, . / 5. :.4 t:. ..• .;...... 7 Inflammations, In Inflammotions mercurial AI. " Successors to W. A. Aruotd, ...t . -o!'e. • kai.m., om sm., F.,..1.,,,, •of the Skin, Sore Eyes, making it soft, lustrous, and silken. 1.'4 -,': /./ . t.i.. MANUFACTURERS Or etc., etc. In these, as in aa nth, constitutional Diseases. Te,-,4•'.-5i1a,.... ..-.v " Wei InAt's VINP: in litiricaus hat c shown t'lcir g reat The scalp, by its use, becomes white ~- • Heaters, Ranges Low ,Grates, t e ,, ilC ,. .l , tive powers ia th.: rilicit ob.:lento and luau:able and clean. It removes all eruptions ~/ 7. 4 4 7 . .: 1: _,, , 4 .A ., . _______., ;sl.?..'f'." --, •..... _....44,-,.--., SZ4 ettge..\ it...i..4......_.1---,r„,‘ .• • . • ••• .... AND Dr. Wallrer`a California !Vinegar Diners RINI dandruff, and, by its tonic prop- ... 40 00 - . - ".-j- *** 7 7' 17 4' =';':- -..-Th/L- - ------...- _...........110,3..... •• . • • .• . . . • . -- ---.., _ MARBLEIZED PLATE MANTELS, act on all the, . -es la a siumar num.. Ity.urifying cities, prevents the hair font falling . •• "..';,..',..." ''' . . ,-• --_. --- ---- '5..... .-.... .. • then 00l la roinie, the cln , null hy reliciiving away - --- -.;-' ..' ••• .- : .., •:(...e . "' Ilffeffabe... . .._ , .... _ ~...11.- '..- ... ,;--,„., , _.....-___ ...._ ... ...1061111. ---- No. 1305 Chestnut St., me ,1.,, .‘! .0.,,,,.., i,.., ::.c. tubercular depoits) out, ass IL, Stimulates and nourishes . • .. , ,„,........1....--- ...a...7.. ~........me ...... the a ct e d. part. ;cu., liya,th, and a permanent cure 11.1" .-- .........dir.e . ' __, 416,..,_ , --: . Pill LADELPIIIA. is effected. the hair-glands. 133 its use, the hair -....t. -.we- . - . Iffil..3end for patalogue f mv7.6mdew Tie propert les of Do. Wci.geta', VINEGAR gI'OWS thicker and stronger. In ~. ... -..........w. ---..14r . " ---- - ._- •-itice..._ ___ _ran.. - - . _ . - Ilirrrit : ore Aped.% Dia,ilioretie end CarntiliTflirei '..- ..einiellisas • . Nut...J....rove, Dutretie.S.laflce,Couiffer-Irritant, baldness, it restores the capillary -----""'"' --- • -..----. ....----------..0- ~... . ,_-.., - ' -•••••• ' -...0.••- .. •-, ..___ Sudorific, Aaciativ., and Anti-ILlions. ~ INVEST The Aperient awl nc'd Ll•ative properties of Du W iiiKittes VINFO ,it I:, Pin, ore tho best safe- g l an ds to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in . ~ H eard in all ca.... of erupt., and mali g nant fevers, their • • YOUR ba1...., healmy, mid rs.alfma pi °parties protect the extreme old age. 1t is the most .co- :kt.,t , ::._s; rwt'. t,•.70t:1i -:, • t El • Inuniii -, of Om Alice, 'I heir Sedative propenim allay 1101111e;11 lI.AIR DRESSING ever used, - '' A CD 7- =I 1: .• n r ” , ~ ,,, e ,.,:,, , , , , , !:), , ~,, ~,7,,....:•?,,,a.,,,:,,,,.! eta. Viheir '''C ir Critint , t•lrtit oil 'il.d . ne• 'ke ',h.!. t.iillMit't 1 '1; 0 systlr. as it requires fewer applications, . , . • and gives the hair a splendid, glossy BIT .... FA ! i 777 Stands on ~..-.):,,is W A RECORD. ' EITHER IN Their Liftwetie pope...art tot the Knl•eys, correcting and teyalatiny the Sow 4 mine. Their AntiLlilioun appearance. A. A. Mayes,M.D., . he liver in the sccretim o hi Indianapolis,illoomington& Western Pr " PII " I '' ' • "" l '' ' ' ' . ' r l' ' and its dovhau g es theou g h the binary ducts, and are state Assayer of Massachusetts, says, • . superior to all veinedial .rat-, 'fiir the one tit' Bilious "The - constituents are pure, and care- RAILWAY EXTENSION F,,,,, Fey. r mut A ;of% etc.e -sr.- - --.-sFr.y. :Fear- _.,..,----er..----=-----_-. --ar•-_-yeag---t•--:_--,-,--=...._.=..--- .._,...---swa Fortify the anal against Aileen by pori• fully selected for excellent quality ; . . FIRST MORTGAGE tying, a ds Ili,/ . w idt /. imic sk lit r I of, No I ' I I cau t Ike L, .1 iit a a ta:111111us for:arnil. 'Die liver, the 811 a I. consider it the BEST BREPA- • . - - 7 PER CENT. :-..1., .h, Down. .., the kidneys, and the limes are rend. eel di, •1 , prouf IfY thi, g reat invieerant. RATION IIOC its intended purposes." Tills rem • • •,, . The Efficacy id U. Wwgitit's ' Vumesrt BIT• Sol Iby on Druggists, nod Denims in Medicines. art:able animal, imported in 1861 from Lunador, trained under Jake Thompson in Calla l:1 in I S 6I , • and Re-formed by the Liberals and Copperheads GOL I) BONDS T.:„.,, ,:, ~,,„,, ~ „....,,„,.,:_, Neracite: Disoders, Crincani ition, il et, .emy of .11 power, anti all maladies Price Ono Dollar. , exhibit Loin to in 1872, is one of the ~,o•reatest curiosities of modern times. This is positively the only one of 1118 species now in A.laurica, ai,cl as the climate was found distressingly alL“...y Uty stoma.. liver, bfn els, pulmonary organs, Buckingham's Dye. mt. oR IN or inicciaar >.-tent, err: unhealthy for such aniinals, the managers reluctantly and with tears in their eyes express their deep-seated:tlis:appointment that they Wel' 0 not able to . ffer •o; :Lee exet , IC PER CENT. of tlono mid., anil I n i n dredv of thousanda men: arc ask- I big fur the -atm; react. Direct torss.T the of the Ricers no g oin g to had FOR THE WHISKERS. A. our Renewer in many cases • the people of Pennsylvania for three years inure, as faithfully promised. The managers 0 ~ , . 1... e tor the abrupt termination of his engagement here, tl .• MU N ICI Pll L .130 N .1)S. . .:..,. fn. ali i.t . tit ony and unc•hal(waielassfulL Eat g,sta sstsi..iiiaz IT.t, mish av beefsteak, mutt. rCC lIIVU' too low , a time, and too I. • ' the unhealthy state of that climate admonished them that a delay might prove fiital, and they therefore were influenced by overpowering appeals from Salt River to exhibit in that salubrious land, Where Liberals are Reformed and Democrats are at peace. chop, veiso, toad beet, and se g etables; mid take out. . , . . • - I much care, to restore gray or faded Mays. Pamphlet, and Circulan (wished up. u anti dour exercise. They . are. Ammo ed of purely vegetable Oetioo, ' ingredient. and Cl:lain no 1011. • W lIISLCTS, WC have prepared this This wonderful animal, so long worshiped by the Democracy of the ke:\ st on, Sta ~ : • -- ( , .to has been sallied .it gloat expense, Iniyin,g cost the people $75,000 just for • J. WALK ER, Priiii . r. 11,11, MoDONALD& CO., W. N. COLER A: CO., Bankers Dru gg ists and Gen A g ts , San FraneisCo. Cal., IlVe, ill one p reparation; which Will feed. In addition to this rare attraction they have also secured the eelebrtited :lixs • riii, • l, TROUPE known as the Lehigh Con,gressional Delegates, who performed to hurl Corner of Washin g ton and Charlton Sts., New York, . • (4,..k1y and effectually accomplish crowded houses 'at Allentown and Norristown, and rightfully earned the reputation o 22 . Nassau Street, New 1 ork. SOLD BY ALL I)! ucalsors AND DEALERS. 0114 result. It is easily applied, • . . .topll.4sy den Aw now! . 2.1.3 m do mr' • seed produces a color which will • LIMBER t LUMBER II • . rwither rub nor wash off. Sold by • . • :CI 1 > ruggist s. Price . Fifty Cents. THE WITTE-EST MEN IN THE STATE. . . . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! • HOW • :. I,:nuf;ictured by R. P. FIRLL, & CO., . . . NASHUA, N.H. . . , .. • • -.-- They Will be assisted by Carl Schurz, in his favorite song, " \\ here is that Dentscher vote !" • 4 BOLD IN ALLENTOWN 1 If , II() FINAN 'S . WE E tuk wit • W. E. BARNES & SON. Complimentaries have been tendered to Horace Greeley, Andrew G. Curtin, Gen. Banks, David A. Welles, ...fr. Halstead, and other prominent gentlemen, in t!'• . 4 ' E •• ~ . • . flyer's Cathartic Pills . • 2 • JOII.N COCI-IRANE, MANAGISS. STEAM SAW MIT„ •, • . - SAMUEL J. RANDALL, cure or all derange. ALEX. AIcCLURE, Treasurer. • • . ~ • . menu In the nom. , AND IADVERTISE[ ~E. , . ath, liver, and bow. • - • . ale.' They area mild • ' 401 0 1;'••• 1. aperient, and aa ' VIIIIIINIMMEINNORMI/1"1/811111111181 . 1 1, SEE kr excellent purgative. •.. 411141161111010---- 4wwwwwwwsitosextswwwomm, LUMBER " YARD 1 o Beim; purely sego- • .t.... - ;., „." ::,,„ -•. , , table, they contain mitnex essesemammatte AA, I ner• is more him,: of a fool than of aim."- L 1 .416 . . 4 ,4 4 . .:-. no mercury ermine. . „ ral whatever. Much ; CrREELEy w insisted on calling, in the old of spticial legis- itol,sen,n,ri.nßatlitit:Vcotnwasheigh they erre free to dis -111111)111u order that the price of labor might P S.IIINOS OF TILE WISE lit ,ti. --- Proverbs, xxvi, 12. "When Ito speaketh fair, believe him not, - V.INDLING! ' Pt.: nsERs eti:Ok • • ~... serious sickness and ' . suffering is prevent. for there ere seven aberinationa in hie heart." by their timely be reduced, so that he and others like him tut ' s ' illucUlineatillty., Grant o ra s t u it el e i merit a u s n e t w ie, use; • find every family should have them on Dam . -- might in future pocket a dollar or two a day one who, by his perpetual inconsisteGnery",lelYs salltil°, r , a , t e.: 1 3 ,3w Greeley is eit rat ln g P s i a t y t s e b t: rh:h opened his -Proverbs, .xxvl, 25 BUIS CUT TO ORDER ........ ay MAIL 25 CENTS !.-... for their protection and relief, when required. AS THE• CHAMPION OF LA.BOR "Let another man praise thee,and not thine ' Long experience has proved them to be the not • out of the hdd earnings of mechanics and la- doing what he can, not only to destroy him- Iw ar ptited for speech with a quotation from the ef l o lt; SEO.PROWELLICO.I6 eel, surest, anti best of all the Pills with which -- . ;14% I, -Proverbs, xxvil, 2. own , mouth ; a stranger, and not thine own the market abounds. By their occasional use, self and 'WS former friends, but to delmuch I bait be n e l- i t i a tn t l i s n q 'e til OVVICV AT THE MILL, What His Views Were When Not boring men that they might have occasion to 41. PARK R O W • BIC blood is unrifled, the eorreptions Of the eye. ;;Pl l y it . e )7ll:Z Il l e r t g l FRONT 'AND LINDEN STS. NEW YORK • tem expelled, obstructions removed, and. the whole machinery of Rio restored to Its healthy Begging for Votes. employ. This may have been an evidence of which is the first step toward national di coy I anti 11, time to every purpose Under heaven-a the political and moral sense of the people, I say was this : " Ir. everything there is %season weep eircumstan I, P r% Ithful are the wounds of a friend; but the k xx is l s , e li s , of o. an enemy arc deceitful."-Proxerbs a very unselfish desire to promote the interests .t It is ender e 8 t rod for time to hate; a time of war and a Howe/ peace. and Internal organs whieh becoMe Clogged "Though thou shouhlest bray a fool In a • -- and sluggish aro cleansed by .elyer's Pills, and WABRINBTON, D. C., October 4, 1872. of the laboring classes ; but at I.IIIS time, when these reasons that we invite all honest end -Kecloiastes iii, 1, 8. independent Democrats to join us in making stimulated into action. Thu Inelpient disease Gov. McOook, of Colorado being present he was not canvassing for votes, it appeared WHITE AND BLACK OAK SAW LOGS wanted, for aull2bli" • -] mar is chatigal Into health, the value of which char,mortar among. wheat with a pestle yet will which the Wilmot market price will be paid at in deliv. When reclined on the vast multitudes who en oy yesterday In New York, at a meeting of all- to me much more like a desire to put moneyithis x x fo v o i Lls 2 h 2 n . ess depart from hi ' m."-Pro. FIT. d.o In y 12.1% HAI . SUN g it, can hardly be cotnputed. Their sugir cold g • . cifechve use of their voles anti influence by ;sure ;sere e v p ° e u c l f l e li•ltlvineeislis'eltica6praerrtsflomrilicevaer tahnaft ' t p i f l i e r t s e u r i s )p o o f r O t ( ` ) C f o Ci n o r ' r m a t n . d Fur , I n ' i s le t lie the ce s i:d u pi - the happy period the ver bs, pot}ale,ica.ceDneniiit; to centimers tlt.fsct that this i s a time , n . ' :TEST runs ISIIEDI A ISLOST BUIL. The great remedy for 1011, ' collo, nd all d Innen Mike Makes them pleasant to take, and preservestheir MS or the various soldiers' aud sailors' clubs in his own pocket. virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so of that city, was called on for a 'speech, and _. ) Mr. 0 reeley is a lover of Idiomat i c Saxon. dates of the 'Straight out' Monocracy are en - l'"'Pl e deßire the eh.' i'm "'l'm' w" was no has undoubtedly studied that "well of te LIANT WORK I storceeL and bowel In borne.. Cures every case. that they are ever fresh, anti perfectly reliable, tilled to the respect duo honorable . men sup• instrumental in bringing it about. English, 'pure and undefiled"-the Bible ' GEMS OF STRAUSS I SHOULD ERIN SYSILT seasta. Sent free by mail for Fifty Cent.. Although searching, they fire mild, and Operate without disturbance tO f n conatitution,Ordlat, or made the following statement concerning his DEHOCRITS FOR (HUNT.' though IM sometimes defiles what he ttbstracts knowledge of Horace Greeley's former views oreurstion. -- porting honorable men in the endeavor to While Greeley hall his hand i i r n om li t e tte s . h .w ou is h , l , rebuke political corruption and avert the evil have selected a few morel, therefrom, as witness hie Wee application of The publiabers offer to the politic Gin unMrte end west AGENTS wanted everywhere , A.I3WY W DAN Full direct/ons are given on the wrapper to on the labor question: " Horace Greeley de- ' The Independent Democrats who held a .Deane collection.•broue St oar. en one may nay. ,std -r the eye of the great comn.e ,not. containin g lin vary and for the following complaints, which these dared in . have suited hi s party and would have been influenceo of fraudulent combinations trading Klng.,' The following, for instance, would ills Cincinnati speech that lie was conference in New York on the 25th ot Sep for place and plunder in the name of Democ ,Y. quotations to his attention. With ihat "fatal NG work.. It is exubclll.ll d with a tine • l'. IILIVE.CII LEY'S Pills rapidly cure:- PORTRAIT OF STRAUSS, If g :.'2, improved Cucumber Wood Palmy For Dyamappetta Or Indigent/gm, Listless.. champion of the laboring men of the country. limber to perfect an organization , to aid in the racy, It is too late tor them no to organize as appropriate to himself to make their endeavors seriously -felt in the " flint which is eroo . .., e newels a. Durable, Efficient and nese, Languor and Lone of Appentn.they I declare to you that he' is not, unless time re - election of General Grant have Issued nn l'ed cannot he made same time to him rho source or ho• lt power 'unity" of ex yes Rion which has been at the and owning the prime favorite., • I :,- . 4 -• rhea 'The beat Pump fur the least should bc taken moderately to stimulate tho stoup final result of the prellent camp ti .11 Ind Straight ; and that Willett 'IS wanting cannot • i 1., . i ARTIST LIPS.-libllE DANIME -MARRIAGE ' : Id restore 01110431 w wino and adieu. ° 'l Tl7e n t ' i T tC. Ilt. , niTe t y "l' s ' At ta " •4l l 4 " ? . .r t e ' d a tritiVes 17 letill - Ti ftld Ite `MIMI ri.•' and circumstances bare Mule greet changes in address to the Democracy of the country giv. ()veil the voice of the honored Oicnor, in his be nutuberTi." - Eceiesfastee , l. /6•• itELldi -M A NliA TA -11u1 NIGHTS.-f i t i 1 . 11 1 : 1 1 0 w d zl .B cne n s o s t , ho admire, , c. a s u i 1 11 e a x p a p e rr p l e a r t l e i , m e t l e in IVIS:NER tioNll NS -I' 1E1R.4 TO. „..,.,,----, lir.ckes cod New Drop s.heck Valve, tome, Ditti r otam 4 igesstsio 0. kola !lewd. hie convictions. Just sifter the war closed I ins their reasons for the position taken. Thoy letters on the Presidential question, Ism been "And gave my hi•art to know wisdommad with which these quotations' lit his case. TllO Iv ico if EA' A sl, , w so, . 0.1. 1 .0 „ ( s pigq ) ..,,,' ,Ic i t.' p:1 1 : . .,, , n,1 p .' 1 7, 3 11144 f t .:. actor ar i ntl i Caltr , a r tig i gr MI .was sitting In the room of senator Cl:Mller. thus close that address: ' heard, emphatically preferring General Grunt to know nosinet.s and folly ; I perceive that A's IV A NNSN, , . . -• Anil. Ann. t'he OOPPee Obetu.ber, 10 his new 'leader' null 'champion' of the so this, also, is Veffation of piit" , --Rc•ieriasfes in the ohne& of hie master, might well learn a end many u•livr equally go .d Witilpes, iie:kes, Clued. -; .., ~., •.. which ewer cracks or seal. end will rerullelously taken for c:ch case, to correct the or Michigan-Senator Wade, of Ohio, and • "And In this view of the case there ought Smiled Democratic party. I, 17. ie underdone young man who edits the Tribune op t ,. marmit.. he oAlllog Wtog•ther GI mutant ally other. others were pre m id liorace Greeley's to be uo'difficully In choosing between Grant :f1 ,: g et' everywhere. Send L r Catsione MIRO IL „ Thus holding patriotism above pally and 295 I..AItOE. p it PAGES! t- , -.0 : .. 4 nil Prire•iet For rater or linarrbare. but one mid, soon followed by himself, came up. Af- mid Greeley. For while Greeley has only "Yen, I lilted ail my labor which I le tZ• ao(lso,l_rfarozbitrit'lethp'a'r.nsin6.rfireitrsZe 0 u 1 s • t a n s on r i cin T a Z!yt; n... Ant awl... ue its sppseratien, vr• rim na that ••;e5. 4 , .! = 506 C a B me U ic U e L ß A l T ra. I'Phliatio..Prl'a allil dose la generally required. D ... nr rn so o ti c n r d ac i y al a n b c v l e o cituandnopottl:gm. and u c t• c i , n u r= taken under the sun; because I shopid _ _ a the See bank i h .4 to ..., Ineettab y ALL Ton FASHION the ---..-- E 4 'For Nthetaniutlam, vont, Genial, Pat. ter some conversation on other subjects Mr. been tried to be found wantiag, as he '-- Prennt season.-. Price, 62.50 in Boardnt 41 031 u C:oth. d aeckw lelf.la rheAttock of Om 111(eart, Pans in Ike sa 'we know Grant.' And his will ac- In others to adopt, the Jeffersonlan declare- until tI B I . the a r t •hatshall be alter me. ' . Uh p. Pint, Post•paid, on receipt of tune, _ --- Ohio, Buck RIO Loins, they should be comm. Greeley addressed himself to the Senators and th his hands to" sether and ------- --._ PHILADELPHIA PA UM. nasty taken, aa required, to change the cord to his present administration the merit rat tUseased Bald 'fhass d---d enormous expenditures on success ; and for these plain and substantial lion of human rights, as the all-sufllciont creed "The fool folde Its. uo ileporlor: le5A, f i, l, B o ni 1 . ; 1 111=1 0 1 , 1 113 , 111 4 . 1 . .111 . . „ N o n : V net ion of Rio system. Wi th such change BIM POLITICAL INCIDENTS mmii)negrdaL(y) , coin pleinte disappear. and the Constitution as It is, as the all.selli. eateth Ilia own 11.8b."-Ohap. iv, 5. V i e g n h tx r id es e a fi li t , r:lJl t t r n u ti e n D li , Oar Chula Mush) Houk. THE srAND AHD . 41 M. E'O•ERETT'S Patimt cadmic/nit PressargiTrlleii positive nws, the par lof the government must be stopped at clear i v i nn e u b s t d cm isa d dv t a a n n tirg tio e n s For Dropsy and Dropsical Moen/ Pal emu! to the molest number.' au on fad Also, a large va- ones. There ma be SOMA sort of contraction . Mr. Boutwell says Mr Grf,o,3i asked him, . Spealtnen copies 'ant, for the Present , posl.pald, f r I rleij! ''' ..i ' f r‘ ge t' itt r i ". 4 h n e', V l itn ' ti ' r fend fall . Stocking.. they Fhouhl be taken In largo and frequent dosesthe siin."- Chap. IL 20. 91.25. Belt. Ohou ' lder B, labdultil l na I Supporters. Sanest. to vodnee the effect of a drastic purgc. leas currency that will reduce the price of fa- by more than $600,000.000 in Write years ; has has maintained the national honor anti di- ^ • . " All of which is reeptietfully 'sn'imitted to , it , c;or i g e r,, t) to ': i ' L l' s l l i , , ,, re i , f,07.eJl i t v h e , n•or r u , , , , ,, o ,c c h .l. uy under auriiin, Pile 11 dulagen. Spins Instrument. % Crotches. &A kor Nuppire”lon, a largo dose should be OLIVER DITSON & CO., Boston. LAI. , attended b orealy e Everett. taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym. boy Mr. Greeley add ova he was blinding a ininished the probabilities of international Our Democratic brethren In behalf of the Nti- l's voice is known Mettle Wino inconalstent with each other, tm i l i e r' , . t e tamilmrit.uiaetnv;aant).(ita foul's the multi: during the past three years and a hior, to do CHAS. li. DITSON & CO., New York. sirilsmitab,. the neon Tense Store above Marko Street pathy. As a Dinner Pill, take ono or two PITH to house, or something of that kind, and wits war ;and he has Istnestly aud successllilly en- t i tional Committee of the I ndependetit Lhostc- and either (il which done In. the way lie pro sier la•trodasat•ly d ---- promote digestion sad relieve mho stomach, • compelled to pay four and four and a calf detoured to promote the prosperity of the racy. d ldbf lthe I i Be not righteous overmuch, neither tut pose wou e fatal to us ness uttrests by ruultidu.leof words,"-Chap. v ! 3. • - An gnash - ial drum ellumulates the stomach and whole people, by enforcing the laws, Increas• thyself bver wise ; why elvJuldest Wuxi destroy of the country. NoirlocE. . 2A. MI of COPI, AY COUNCIL, No, 214, O. U. A M., bowels, restores the appollte,MUl Invigorates the dollars per day for labor, and that so long as NATIONAL EX ECU fl Vic t 131.1IITTICII. thyself ?-Ckap. nil, 16. "Dear old Benjamin Shaw," as Mr. Gerrit lug the security of life and property, remov- ' hod Anent 19tb IS/2, the (del In a/lyre/MHO ante system. Henn it le Mien advantageous whore th e government confirmed to pay out large ins cause for domestic discord, and favoring CH Anidts ATwATEIt, ettanezticut. no xerlotts derangement exists. Otto who feels . ()pry TAx f or . ig72. wAdt, , ."ii u 'i m . . 1 11`::''.'0::E.,,'..'1,,t...,:r.,,-T41„,e=0.,..,.„,, ihr.. • i„,..,,,, , volt aa„a ~, a ,i,,,,, of f eel amounts of money, and so long its greenbacks e . V_e r r e y ,, j i tuit , o n o te r asure for revtving commerce, %V, A. Co la, Florida. For oftentimes, also, thy own heart know- Smith calls his old abolitionist friend in Ver. ruts makes him feel deckleilly better, from their manufactures, giving labor its A. M. Csamnfetd.. itl nine. Olt that thou thyself likewise hued cursed moot has written a letter to Mr. Smith, fav others.-Chap. vb. 22. tiring the election of Grant and Wilson. He 5.,. A • d ollar P 011.'1111 " be i. illt fur a IlleMber, afty dollnre. fanned), clennain g and renovating effect on the tilgestlyo continued SO abundant, the wag( sof the lit- I c I , . . just reward, mid finance security aist stability. •G. WaLtinstsorr, Louisiana. The words of wise Men are heard in quiet says that he does not "grudge Ilia labors and • ;in, ; ;0 Me death of a inuinlinen WM, liVelity• live apparattis• By a Stinfliceript Ito the City Pb ri2sner of Allentown. AP- s, forn•rly tw,•nty. All fa oi Julien s Bunnell rricrARED DT borer would remain exorbitant. Somethlng There are his ample recommendations for - fm - E. 0: lIALLIN, MllStieflot it. inure then the cry of hint that ruleth among sufferings for the slaves, but it the Greeley p ert at. 224 .ey of March. WO, tie tufty Tren.rer Is igiii piiiiiiirt tate laUtteo, ' ust be done to remedy this, and what do cure trust and confidence ; and they accord 1 J. • 'l'. n. CLAlltult3E, Mississippi. fools.-Ultap. ix 17. party undo what we have done ho could ul timo the receiver of all city twee. All uf land city tax ,cp .1. how 0011 N NICHOLAS, tiff. ' Dr. J. C. A YEM.S COCO.,l4.oeSterst Chenille/fa. pe r unpaid on the Wet dl, of August wet an Jonx F. Limo, Missouri. per sent. shall he addpd i sit era 41 tea tomeloing Unpaid LoWELL, MAIL, V. A. A. you suppose this remedy was, an suggested by well with Mr. Greeley 's observation in hie! speech of January 1871: 'I venture to sug- I JAMES W. CAltati3l, Obit). The beginning of the the words able mouth most weep tears of blood. is foulideness ; mud the end of his talk ism(.-( In lowa they .compare the enthusiasm for sg a ttu , Out day of October nek ten per not. Mien be J • REEME &CO this' champion of the laboring men - of the • a - • gest that General Grant will be far better I JAMES WouitALL. Pennsylvania. chievoßB madness.-Chap. x, 13. Greeley tri the racing qualities of the mud tur ait t. hereby Wpm that the city tag for 1672 will be . • • voniffildt AV ALI , nuvecusrs EVERYWHERE. V 7.1 .4..11":4. 1 fic , ZiatiVrilleiralit."V:::!. . • (seeccs.Solls TO 110111 - t t lIIIEME cok„) BOLD IN ALLENTOWN BY eountry llt was to begin by reducing tbe pay "It is not good to accept the person of the 1 Da. Mr. Greeley 11. C. Pmai; N. Y. Seers:tar '. , Imi ltae:l i f n or i tZ T orraci a n g s a t i r o ust In 1872 the;u ( tEn (ri o i) Cheir ) iin. . . W . E. BARNES it . CON. - of soldiers and sailors and cutttrig down the wicked, to overthrfAl the righteous In judg. l H. Greeley's cliarr that the Administration mein." -Proverbs, avill, 5. ,is using the United totes Treasury for elec /I F. WOLFEIITZ W4II4IIIAN. oomini s s i o n Merchant s - pensions of the wounded and widows and policy deserve • . - - -- - -- Vs . 1 _ Preskkafial Ca m a l orphans. This unselfish patriot and plillospher"A. false witness shall not be unpunitlited ; i tioneerlng purposes, would, If they believed it, Salle:), ve ry r' s yG t, : lin o ! ge l d irine n iB n lG t cr b rae o ndtta.:ndlli forgotten, s either, that tile . ON Sunday, August 14, 1864, Charles 11. end he that spesketh lies cannot escapc."- , have a depressing effect maul some of his fol. NO. 000 HAMILTON T. ALLENTOWN, • , . --- proposed then to two Senators of the United . m .p e t bagger. ,' who have ibr long time efts addressed secret meeting of the Proverbs, ix, 5. 1 na lo c iv n e t r n ; s al t u o ce c i oir i o n ted te poo o s sible nt ds t a b p e pzit • •i • Manufacturer of all kind. of Cutlery and dealer In N. W. Cole , Ids Salle .117 Randolph elle., VY . CAPS,CAPEB& Tonal:WA Blateß, while the wounds of tho gallant old tarnished the stock of ammunitionagainst the 'order " Sons of Liberty" in the bairnnot a . witness against may neighboi ienratet,nreOno.alguttihile4agncommon with the rest or mankind, they know Sportsmen . * Artletee, which he Is selling at reduced prio• .., ..--..... es, Simla and double barrel Hunting Una, Revolver. C 1710.400, ILL 4. anti forc a e d : via T e To' i , , l • l l , t 3 l . i i rtt p ca ro a r e e P r ; b :n x t y d , e 2 c B c . ive not with thy how Imaginative their candidate has become. °Nil kind. , P•wder. Shot, Ceps, Flatting Tackle, ate aus2l7l.yer • • Bend for ILuntynATED cin: fell ow , wha fought through the war weremot ip,rwesaciuotnAgtitiinininelabtre•tnio,nt,hrioreonootividx, th p e r y ol taz . 1 1 1 't i i i i , T e .11, r ; O\IVIPA/4 cULAR end PRIOR LIIIT. ' CUNNINGHAM & HILL and peculiarity of the Slates which they curse and) nu extent, did lie carry uis disloyal pmc "Confidence in um unfaithful IL& ill time . Olden, for all kluds of CRAIN • ic II PROVISIONS yet healed. That the pay of soldiers end or bless by their prese nce , Por there are no tie,: nuat au order for his urreat WRS issued, of trouble is like a broken tooth, and a foot was sent to take out ofjoint." -Proverbs, xxv, / 0 . promptly tilled. CAPES 8, CA PS . MANUFACTURER& ' sailors should be cut down and their pensions - Special etleation glean to f o r and holding grain, No. 204 Church St. sed.bnythe or .ailin g option. for future delivery °timer. reduced, In order that he could have his house longer military Governors in any of the States; and a detachment of cavalry CAItUON county electo her Republican sloe, for parties wieklog tog:me:llan. LlYll•iler and if the people do not like the 'carpet•bag' him. Can you vote for him 't . . laus•lbiw "Seca; thou •man wise in hill own conceit? county ticket. Well one, Carbon. ' Illire " .l4. Um skesper: Tjes,friend of the workingmen r•. . . , . . ..., . . . ERIOVAII...—IV I 11.141 A 111 C. BORNE J. MAN has removed big Berber Shop from • few doors out of Moth street, to SIOHTII and IiAMILTQM strait', fader (A. I. toss Hoy. Motel. $?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers