c~lZcYel2igll Pgister. No paper discontinued until all arearages are paid, except at the option r bf the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Bubseribers about removing will please send us bele old address as well as the new. R EMOV A L. To-morrow the business office of THE Le mma REGISTER will be removed to the second story 9f the building 688 Hamilton street, one door above the First National Bank, imme diately opposite the Allen House, where we would be pleased to have our friends from the country call whenever they come to the city. THE paddlers of the Pottsville Rolling Mill have become tired of their strike and have goon to work. Tau Week bass which were brought to Bethlehem, like those shipped to Al!mown, 'are dead. HANDSOME CARPET.—:SSMUCI G. Kerr, 832 Hamilton street, has Just supplied one of our protninent citizens with a magnificent Axminster carpet. PansoriaL.--Glenera I Haman ft was in Read ing to attend the annual conclave or Kulgbts Templar. Daring his stay he was serenaded by a number of bands. Turf Democrats of Slatlngton are generally non committal upon the Presidential question. A few of the leaders are hot" In favor of a straight-out nomination. EIVICIDE.—Jacob MU, of Upper Provi dence; Montgomery county, committed out skin on the 11th Inet., by hanging, whilst lu a state of intoxication. A nun. Cu/ay.-041m George is build lag a row boat 28 feet long and fifteen Inches wide amldshlp, ana 1, will but welghmore than City pounds. Removm,,—Ni9kum & Grim, cigar manu factutors, have taken the second story room Northeast corner of, Elihth and' Hamilton for their workmen. They employ twenty•llve hands LUCKY.—George Englemma, Capt. 'Cie& ner and Andrew Nagle were out after frmze on Wednesday, and succeeded In shooting 140 near Llmeport. THE new span being erected at Siegfried's Bridge, In place of the one blown down, is rapidly approaching, completion. The frame work is nearly completed and anon can be4ased for wagons. THE News Agent of 014 Lehigh Valley Rail road [Bed to circulate over two hundred Tribunes along the route. Now, wo are informed by un doubted authority, that the list has dwindled down to twenty-flee. LET DB HAVE Pence. —Theodore Foust, the music man, got so much excited on reading the account of the coming Peace Jubilee, that he let a knife tell upon hie leg, the blade of which pene trated nearly to the bone. Tun people of Bethlehem and South Beth lehem are signing petitions praying that their New York and Philadelphia mails be distributed at 10 instead of 11 o'clock. What trains them mails aro to be transported on, the Times does not say. THE Commencement exercises of the Lehigh University will be held on Wednesday, June lab. The University sermon will be delivered by Rt. Rev. M. A. Du Wolfe Howe, D. D., Bishop of Cen tral Pennsylvania, on Sunday, June 16. Tun Argus says tile New York Tribune is losing subscribers In Easton. It. has been losing ground In Allentown for some time past, which 'does not P peak very well for the cause of Greeley and Brown. Tun Miners' Journal advises housekeepers and others to buy their coal nor, In anticipation of an Increase in price later In the summer. It says that " prices have reached the bottom, and they will iro uo lower; a change must take place as the season advance,. Tus Mahanoy am.itte says that on Monday of last week, some horse thieves visited Mahanoy City, and took a horse from one Individual, a wag on from smother, and ten bags of flour from a thlrd,-and cleared It. This was doing the stealing business up by wholesale. SENTENCE FOR ATTEMPTED ARBON.—James regley, charged with attempting to fire the Union Planing Mill, was sent.nced on Friday to pay a fine of one dollar, the costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment In the Lehigh County Jail (or two years. • THE elate trade at Millington is still very brisk. The demand is greater than it has ever been before and the works have difficulty In sup plying orders. Notwithstanding this prices are still too low, the big fish, like Horace Greeley, seeming to desire to run out the small fry. BEETIALD BENEFICIAL AssocisTiox.—Mr. C. C. Boyle, of Tamanna, has J.:at ;warned from a Weateru tour after organizing Grand Branches of the above Association In Milwaukee, W Won son ; Chicago, Illinois; Indianapolis, Indiana ; and Wheeling, West Virginia.—Miners' Journal. A STRAW.—By a vote taken in James M. Soip's cigar factory,Battarday tn'ornlng,lt was ascer Seined that the twenty hands present were all for Grant. Olio or the hands,a Democrat,wasabeent, and h was agreed to cast his vote for Greeley, so as not to have the thing too one-sided. The vote then stood Grant, 20; Greeley, 1. TUE Lehigh Canal Company charges the following rates of freight per ton on coal :—From Mauch Chunk to Welesport 18 cents ; to Perry ville, 18 cents ; to Lehigh Gap, 23; Waluutport, 83 ; Hokendauqua, 31 ; Catasauqua, 31; Allen town Furnace, 33 ; Allentown, 34 ; Bethlehem, 36; Freemaesburg, 98; Britton, 93. AN INCENDIARY FIRE.•—The loss occasioned by the destruction by lire or Miller's Bone Mill, at an early hour Thursday morning, will amount to about $27,000, upon which there is au insurance of over $19,000. The fire is supposed to have been an incendiary's work, as there had beau no (Ire in the building since Monday.—Reading Tirll6l. ACCIDENT.—On Saturday Milton Eckert bad his left baud caught in a plan!og machine at the furniture manufactory of Berkerneyer Jt Dorney, at the Jordan Bridge. Ho was taboo to Dr. E. G. Martlu'a office whore his lingers were found to be so badly lacerated that three of them bad to be amputated. - FiensoNAL.— W ill F. Hood, formerly man• agar of the Color Guard, Is In the city, having come hero to accept a position In the employ of Dr. A. J. Limbach. He came here from Mahanoy, where they closed for the season. When be was here upon the occasion of the presentation of the Color Guard he mado many warm Moods who will be: glad to learn that ho will make this city his headquarters. WE hear that the furnace party, at Walnut• port, ere still keeping life In the pril ct. We hop,. they will continue to do so; but why don't they get some experienced Iron. manufacturer at the toad of it. That Is what Is necesiary to give the people confidence lo the enterprlse.—Slatingtoo News. A LARGE BTONE.—A flag stone ten. feet square and weighing nine thousand pounds ban been brought from Bradford county, this Btate,to Ea st on, and w 11l be used as the roof over the vault to ill new building of the Northampton County Gavin s Bank, now , In course of codetruetion. This s aim, which Is probably the largest' and heaviest of the kind ever seen in this town, Is moved with but very little trouble.—Aryrus. Trim seventeen year locusts, according to a eorreepondent of the Coatesville Union,ar e making their appearAnce in great numbers along the ridge between Lancaster and Chester counties. Seventeen years ago these destructive insects played havoc In the same neighborhood, witti , the trees. In this section of country Vie seventeen year locusts appesred the lad time In the summer of 1868, and will not be on hand arra 10, therefore, Until 1835. We believe, howret;er, their cline Cities In different parts of the Un!ted Slates. Tait Spring Fair of the Mollig.imery County Agricultural Society opened nt Ambler, ou the North Penn. Railroad, on Wednesday. Tim America Hose Company has engaged the BleKamilla Band for the parade on the Fourth of July. ARM BROHEN.--Whilo Augustus Laudrn sehlager and another bay were playing see-saw at the Second Ward School flonse,on Wednesday, ne, was thrown from the board and had one of hie arms broken above the wrist. Drs. R0m1,.; set the fracture and the boy was taken to the home of his father, Wm. Landenso'alager. BLATCRLEY'S CUCUMBER WOOD POMP Is THE BEST. For sale by the Hardware Trade, Dealer.' In Agricultural Implements, Sm. If there Is no agent In your town, send for descriptive cir cular. C. G. BIATCIILET, 506 Commerce Street, rtilladelabia. George Horn, agent for Alleu• town. • mar 13.8mw PYROTECHNIC DISPLAY.—WO learn that the enterprl , lng citizens of the First Ward have al re dy set the ball In motion and mean to have a grand pyrotechnic dl- p lay on the evening of the Fourth of July. Every effort Is being put forth and the arrangements are to be quite complete. Our citizens will doubtless enjoy quite a treat and we would say to all to visit that portion of our elty on the evening In question. More of this in the future, however. In the meantime we wish she First Warders every success. MORE ➢Sour.—Skimmerhorn is first assist- Alt hod carrier at Schimpf's new building, In the First Ward. Lag week he was quietly perform• Ing his duty and some men in Smith's butcher shop opposite cried out,at oho tintervals,"mort" "more mart." Skimmer paid no uttenilon to them for some time, until he filled his hod a..d walking across the street very unconcernedly, emptied the contents In the doorway, exclaiming "Dab now, shut up ; you got your mart !" The men did shut up. Toe NEW SUPERTNTENDRET.—Mr. Benja min F. Itaesly; tho recently elected Superintend• ent of the Common Schools of the County, took the oath of office on Monday last before ,Judge Cole, and at once entered upon the discharge of bls duties. Mr. Reesly, as we have often said before, Is an experienced teacher, and feels a deep Interest In the welfare and progress of oar public schools, and he Is deserving of all the assistance and en .ouragement an intelligent community should bestow upon a willing and faithful public sertmut.—Emton A-011. t Tint PARADK of the Knights Templar, at Raiding, Thursday, was one of the most Imps•l ie process!ons ever witnessed in that city and one of the grandest demonstrations In the annuls of the Order of this State. There were thirteen hundred :sir Knights In line, with four hundred musicians. The Times mentions our Common dery, in the second division, as follows : A llentown' Cornet Band, 23 pieces. Allen Commaddery, No. 20, of Allentown, 52 Sir Knights. Handsome banner. Eminent Corn minder. 11. C. Wilherger ; Generalwitno, G. 8. Hensel; Captain General, E. A. Lawrence. REPORT of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for week ending Juuo Bth, 1872, eumpared with samo time last year: Ell= Wyoming 10,704 04 066.888 05 Hazleton 47,270 06 1051.0 $ 0• Upper Lehigh 5 12 1.350 08 Beaver Meadow 16.4)7 04 -875 753 1.8 M a hanoy 12; 93 13 173,03 09 Mauch Chunk - 28 12 1,092 19 OE 86.719 11 1,870,991 17 .36,182 19 649,443 04 T0ta1........ Same time 1811. 50,536 121,221,548 13 Increase A MULE SOLD.—On Thursday a Dr. McClel land, from the Blue Mountain, drove a mule Into Blatington, awl when the Doctor wanted to go home he found the mule so enamored of the place that he refused to be taken out of town. The su periority of the white man showed Itself and brains conquered stubbornness. The Doctor quietly tied a handkerchief over the mule's eyes, and, the ani mal not knowing where ho was going to, eutivred himself to be led out of the borough Mite, and when the blind was taken from his eyes, he QC knowledged the corn and went home decently and willingly. LEFT AND 50 DID s7s.—William Casey, 0 laborer, and for upwards of a year an Inmate of Dilute & McGovern's Rotel, on Third a treat, yes. terday declared his intention to leave for other quarters. Re packed up his clothlng,paid Mears. D nan & McGovern balance due for boarding,and then left, buying a ticket for Reading. Now 81- non Kelley boards In the same house, and in his room has a trunk or chest In which be kept $75. which he Lad saved from Gls hard earnings. Un fortunately the key to his trunk was In a pair ol pantaloons hanging up In the room. Still more unfortunately, Casey got Into Kelly's room, and was seen there by a fellow boarder. When K , -l1 came home from work ho found his trunk had been opened and robbed of 'the $75. Suvielon has fastened on Casey, and the Chiefs of Pollee of Reading, Johnstown, Phoenixville and Philadel phia, bane been telegraphed to and asked to be un the lookout for him.—Bethtehem 5 ivies. SERIOUS AcclDENT.—The•Bethlehem Times says, on Monday, as Mr. Llewellyn Helfrich, the popular young drug clerk with Hess t Snyder,ane his lady, were returning from a visit. to Daniels vine, this county, In a carriage, they met with quite a serious accident, about two miles above Weaversville. The circumstances are as follow.: The road had been newly but badly Made, being In an Impassable condition excepting along a deep ditch, as is the custom whit country supervisors. Mr. Helfrich was driving akin; this narrow strip, when a man, who was driving some cattle near by, snapped his whip, which soul armed the hors., that he Jumped into the ditch, aud the front whet+, of the carriage striking a stone broke down,throw- Ing Mr. Helfrich out between the wheels, and slightly Mitring him. Mrs. Helfrich was not o fortunate. She was thrown under the carriage, her dress torn into shreds, and she was really se rlously injured. Mr. Ileltrich did not loose hi,. hold of the reins, and thus k.•pt the horse from running away. Mrs. Helfrich is not able to be about; her inkirles being so severe as to COlllitlC her to her bed. GONE.—The Bethlehem Times says Jahn Barnes, vulgarly and Irreverently known us "Holy Joe," for a number of years .an employe of the Bothieheut Iron Company, and rather au eccentric genius withal, having for the pat year or more read the Tribune, has taken Mr. Greeley's advice and gone West. Instead of fulfilling Horace's en. Ore II )unction '• to take with him his entire fam ily," he left his wile at her residence on Broad street, Bethlehem, with a note in the clock, stet. log that he bad " gone West;" and that she would never more hear from him. All this happened on Saturday last. Barnes left home on Saturday morning, stating that he would return in the eve• nth* Ile proceeded to the rolling mill, drew Ills I pay, all excepting one week's back pay, and left. The unfortunate, deserted wife waited and waited, and was quite uneasy until the' following morn Mg, when she went to wind up her cloek,and there found the note as above stated. Though Mrs. Barnes made diligent Inquiry among her hue. band's fellow workmen, she failed to elicit any reasons for hls leaving, save that he was Infected by th 3 contagion new prevailing among the Bene diets. A TuIuI.UNO MOM ENT.-011 Thursday after. noun, at haltpast one o'clock, persons assembled at the Lehigh Valley depot at Blatington were thrown Into a great state of excitement by what appeared would be an Inevitable smash-up. A freight train going north was behind tithe and was Just starting from the down track on to the up truck, when a down coal train came In sight and It appeared that It could not be checked in time to avert a catastrophe, but It seemed that the fr Ight train could run mire on to the other track In time to get out of the day. Just as the people were satisfied that the freight train could make its escape, and before It bad gotten under much head way, a coal train rotating north came around the curve at full speed. The excitement at this too meet was intense.. The brakemen on the freight train yelled and waved their hands,and the spec tators were trembling <with fear. Thu engineer of the freight train threw wide open his throttle and the train bounded forward. 111 the meantime the engineer of the coal train blew cown brakes, the brakemen flew to their posts and between tee velocity the freight had nen:bred and the slacken ing of the speed of the up coal train, a collision wee averted, but the engine WAS not more than ten Eet from the last.frelght car when all dauger wee past. During the excitement a fellow who was stealing a ride on the coal train jumped off and was thrown bead over heels on to the ground. I The freight train was a few minutes behind time and the up freight mile was fifteen tolnutesahead of time. • THE - LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, 187.2. MON LT FOUND —6 OI'VOS,I) To It A I'ott• TION Or THE WedoeS. day last while Mr. Henry Truett)°, a farmer of Washington township, was working about Ida barn which is located about it half a mile from the brute of the late Daniel S. 'Creamer, he dis covered a large sized blacking box which upon opening It contained si6 50 in sliver half do tare and one live dollar gold piece. The silver coin was or a very old date, commencing with 1709 and running up, and bore an appearance of little or no use—the pieces Molting like new. It Is sup posed this Is a portion of the money taken from Mr. Kreamer's house on the night of the murder, consequently Mr. Trombo brought the box and money to Pottsville on the same day and turned It over to the District Attorney, In whose posr:es• slop It now remalus.—Mintr's DICKINSON COLLEGE COMNIENCENIENT.— We have before us un invitation to attend the chtlity-tpth annual emn;nencement of Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. The exerclies will c mance., June 22, Scientific Society Lecture by Prof. C. F. filmes, Ph. D. ; June 23, Annual Sermon by Rev. E. W. Applerm, A. M.—Bacca laureate Address. by President Dashiell ; June 24, Junior Oratorical Contest; June 25, Senior Class Day,—General Society Anniversariee. Orator, Ilon. John B. Storm; I'oet, Rev. F. Bottome. nine 26, Alumni Oration ; June 27, Commence ment Day. The graduating clans Lumbers eighteen. The following honors were conferred upon members of the &as: Valedictory, Edwin Post, N. J. ; Latin Salutatory, W. I'. liendden, N. J.; nglish Salutatory, J. 11. Shope, l's.; Philosophical Ocation , Joseph P. Gross, Sell necks villa, Lehigh county, Pa.; Litelary Oration, T. McGrilllth, AI. EL SCHOOL MATTERS. —At the organizal ion meeting of the Third Section Board of SeM , Ol D.- reetors held In the Council Chamber, ,Inne 10 Iy 1872, the following cucumbers were • present : Messrs. Evans, Ettinger, Keller, Molt-, Rube and On motion Mr. Thomas Mohr w3B chosen Pres— ident and C. 11. Rohe Secretary of the Board to serve the ensuing year. .On motion of Rube and Keller It was resolved to have all necessary repairing dose nt the Thild Section School Rouse during vu cation. Ou motion of Evans and Ettinger It was resolved Oa' application be made to the Board of Control lers to get permission to. have the Third Section School !louse no pplied with water uceommmln- Sous In the rooms of the building, and if permis sion be grunted to be placed In the hands of the Sectlim Roo- rd. ReArdred, That we, the Directors of the Third Section, I,qur,t our Controllers to recommend 1.. - (-re the Bo .r.l of mitt-oilers the appointment of a Receiver of the School Taxes and other lands dutio he II card, In the place of the Trea.mrer, and to act in the capacity of Receiver of Taxes and 1 reasurer. On motion adjourned ANOTITEIL FATAL. R UMIDAD ACCIDENT—A. STUDENT or LERIOII UNIVERSITY INSTANTLY K ❑.LED.—Thursday morning, a sad and fatal nc• cident occurred at the Elm street crossing, on the North Penn. It tliroad, by which a young man named James E. Bowdoin, aged about Id years, a student at the Lehigh Unlvernity, wan hurried into eternity without a Moment's warning. Young Bowdoin was coming down Elm street, and as be approachad the crossing his atteLtion was directed to the linliJ train front Philadelphia which was coming up the road. Ile continued to walk on until he arrived upon the side track, , where he stopped, intending to wait until the train bad pas cd by. At the same time, engine No. 267, be longing to the Lehigh and Busunehanna Railroad Company, was backing down upon •the track on which B , awdoin stood, entirely unheeded by him. The engineer, as soon as he saw the young Hill standing upon the track, sounded the whintle and reversed his engine, hut too late to prevent the ac cident. The tank struck Bowdein and threw him down, the wheels passing over the hack part of his he td, crushing it hits a shapalesn mass ; also mashing his left band, and breaking bin right arm above the elbow. Deputy Coroner Robl•on w. as sent for and arrived in a short time.—Bcfhlefona Progreso. IMMO IMPORTANT IRON Ong POltCHAsn.—Messrs. Henry Gabel, Jacob 11. Gabel, and Jacob Fegcley, Jr., of Pottstown, In connection with Mr. GrIIIIth Jones, have within the past few days completed a very important iron ore purchrse. They have bought, says the Pottstown Ledger, for the sum 818,000, of Jabob Gilberg, the one-fourth interest Is a twenty year le Ise on a rich mining tract in Hereford township, Berk: county, the other oxn ern of which are two brothers, named IVelkel, one veshling at Bethlehem and the other at Allentown, and AndreW Spogen, of Bethlehem. A rich bed of ore lies in this tract, so rich, we are informed, that a competent Judge of iron ore and iron m an uf tetures says Gist there js enouJi iron there to suppl:, half a dozen furnaces for the next filly years. The xeln is . nbnut 18 feet thick, and comes up to within three or six feet of the ground. Its depth is not known, but It has already penetrated forty feet, at which depth it becomes wider, and there is no diminution In quantity Or quality. The lea.e tel mging to the parties extends a instance hree•fourthi of a tuilu throm.th which tin! vein passes, it having heen pierced at several point • . The ore c n be take,: out very easily :Lod cheaply —at un expense, It is said,of not river a dollar in r ton. It Is the Intention of the Pottstown purcha sers to commence working the mines at once, and portion of the ore, which Is magnetic, will b.: used, probably, to supply the new fu niece of the Warwick Iron Company of Po tatow•u,tn be erected I alai 'early day. The tract Is width: about three quarters of a mile of a BraOch of the Cutusauqua and Fogelsville Railroad. OIITTUARY.--D is with sincere regret that we record the death of Charles Seagreaves, Eso„ one of our oldest, wealthiest and most useful cid. eons, who departed this life Monday evening of I week, in the 75th year of Waage. Mr.Sea— eay.s was horn In Allentown and commenced 13 a poor moo t and by hard walk and Jo Mous' management worked his way up until, berme his death, he could count his fortune by the hundred thousand , . For a number of years he carried on the livery business, and was a partner of dlcoh Peters In the stage line running between Mauch Chunk and Philadelphia, in which be made con, Alembic money. Ilia investments in real estate were always fortunate and during the time lie held them increased several time, their east lu value. was a gentleman ablaut, straightfor ward manners, generally expressing himself for cibly and as ho felt, but though coma (Imes seem ing severe, beneath the exterior beat a warm heart and his dealings with his fellow men 'were fair and honorable, and often very generous. Although (wolfed to ostentatious show, •he was liberal In his expenditures for beneficial improvements, as was shown in the extensive alterations he made to the American Hotel. dud be lived,still further Improvements would have been ma -o In that direction which would have been advantageous to the city and would have called forth the ad to iration of our citizens. In his death our city loses a useful and much respected cltlz-n, whose place will not filled for a long time to.come. A NARROW Et:CAPE.—On Eighth street fives a woman who Is anxious to have her teeth extracted. Her medical adviser, however, peal. tlvely forbade her to take gas or chloroform, and the dentist's tongs were too greatobjeets of terror for her, to face them boldly as she should have dove. , So elle conceived the following brilliant idea: Testerduy noon she told her dentist to call at three o'clock, and a close observer could also have seen her have a " little brown jug" con taining a pint'of whiskey; which was to serve the purpose Ogee. BhC drank over 11 , 1fof It and lay down and fell asleep, first giving orders for the dentist to proceed immediately when he arrived, without at wakini her. lie did not arrive at. the appointed time, but an hour later when she was miake. Still hoping to postpone the painful op-, oration she told him to conic again In about an hour. She then took almost all the rest of the whiskey, thinking It would produce sleep. But when he came the second time, the whiskey ha: not taken effect, so he was as unsuccessful as before. In a short time after he hit left, she commenced to art strangely, then stranger, until slal actually raved, and two persons were scarcely enough to hold her. This continued for several hours, her screarots aroused the nelchbortiond,and people enough collected to hol I a Ilr,t-c lass public . sale. A physician was twice called and then came a change for the better. The crowd outtilde then adjourned, some pleased with the proceed ings, and others dissatisfied. She Is ail right this owning, notwithstanding her assertion, last eve ning, that she would ale. She Is very weak from the effects of the whiskey. Her teeth tire to be extracted at emu Indefinite future tlate.—Chron ictiqf lanlllh. KNIGIUN PYTIIIAL—The 80111 sestion of the Grand Lodge of the Raights of Py thias of this State will be hell In Wilke,barre, at Music ❑all, commencing on the l7:11 pri xiam, continuing; (our days. IL is expected that there will be' present between font and live hundred ileptesentatives and Pest Chancellors. Arrange ments for their accommodation have been ttoole at the several hotels. This linter Is now ono of, the strange In the State, considering its age, It being only alinutelght yea re since Its institution• A Toucntso SI(IIIT.—A trout thfee months ago Jmoph Lieberman sold in pet dog to John Shutt, of Malinnoy City. On Thursday Mr. Lie— berman pall a visit to Mainanoy, when the (Mg exhibited the fondest signs of welcome. When Mr. 1.. loft on the train for bonne the thing Milowed and for six miles kilt up the race whin the train. The passengers were greatly excit4 ni over the coin— test of speed and there Were few who were not moved by this exhibition olden:onion %limn the part of the dog. The conniunnter, and cominttors rile generally stony hen rted, could not longer refrain Irons an act of humanity when Inc saw the dog fagging out and therefore stopped the lent In Mid took the dog on. THE I.ltcomiztu at NT.-- Mr. Genrge Woors ter, of Anthony township, who 11..16 the honor of being called the Lys:dining comity giant, has at tained a height or seven feet and weigh, 250 pounds. It is probable that he will yet reach a ureter height and %veleta as he is c sly about eighteen years of age. The health of the 'youua man is good, not withstanding Ms extraordinary Size at such 311 u trly age, and he is enaaged every day at woll: iu a saw mill. His parents are of the ordinary wiz •, and none of his brothers show any slgns of endue growths. 1. forge is a very quiet, well Ischaved youdg 111/111, of a retiring and mods, disihdtion. His strength scene to be In protew llUll with his great slzs, and w .in l hilly developed he will be a glantladeed.—Lyeaming Gazette. I= While some Of our cit nms are puling fur eottim tniils and enterprlses or it 81.11119.1.11 re to U.lvo dlver'slty to our IJabor-caltployin4 Industrie?, we hare a brunch of manufacture Iu this city th t is not peculiar to Pennsylran looml which is carried . on on a large scale, givion constant employmcnt to a large number of hands nut! which is (hilly growing in extent and Importance. if. hell t Co. mold ay ii, nit one hundred and eighty halals In tho m oinfteturo of haute Mid ahu s, from seventy live too hundred of whom are Women and girls. Their manufactory is ruin by steam, the motive power being a six-horse pow( r upright unglue, built by Natiig t Wright. hih beautiful ;dace of niechankni is on the tomtit flour and is noiseleis In operation. As yet Um power has not been alto, had to all the machines, but additional ones arm constantly belog altered so that the engine will FOOll run the whole establish• molt, including the ho Luting and lowering of the elevator. C. H. RCM:, Secretary 't his Man has aim at large tailoring establish- Inent and, with the cellar, occupies live !lours lu Lion Dail Funding, 626 and (125 a liontiton street. The double front store room, No. 620, I used fur the tailoring establishment. Over this Is the counting house and salesroom of the shoe 111:11111. factory. Oa the third floor are a large numberedd girls running sewing machines and sewing and sthelting tippets liar acid misses' shoes. Little or nothing in this d •p:uenaeut Is 11 , 11 C by la aid. Eyelets and button-holes are made neatly , and In a few seconds lay ingenious machines. On the fourth flour, over 026, wet kinen are eau plot ed running machines which Oust on the soles,buriii.h the heels, and put the other linishing touches on the shoes. flees Is a machine which splits sole leather, capable of .livitllng the leather into ten or twelve thicknesses ; another pats fancy stitches on heavy bouts; auotht r sews the boots with morel thread, making 'the wolle as stating 116 it could be done with hand. The machine that PULh mt the soles can sore about three hundred pairs a day. The soles and heels are eat out by machines, a separate die being required for cacti size. Every variety of Wall IlUd 8110123 Is produced at this establishment, from a delicately male lady's shoe to the heavy laillasaalled boots of the miller. The lirm's sales extend to all ! r ata of the State, extending east as far as Norristown, where It. T. Frees has, at present, the sole monopoly,and run ning out west to the extreme wes:eru counties of the State, besides selling to nearly alit he retail stores In Allentown. During the past tire., years the business has made extraordinary strldes,utail It is one of our most important industries. L. Leh St Co. employ travel lug salesmen red 11.1 vU heell In the habit of keeping a large stork on hand, but the demand upon them has been so great du Mg the present spring that all their machinery Is employed to the utmost capacity in running 1111511 orders, and the signs of the times warn them that they will be compelled to keep on adding to their capacity to in tit ufacture, A larger factory on the outthirts of the city Is among the probabilities of the lactase. At pal:scut their payments fur wages are lit the rate of from $OO.OOO to 6115,00) a year, nearly all of which stays iu the city and goes o enrich our retail merchants. Central Republican Campaip Club Organization at Military Ihlll A tneeting was held at Mditary Ball, on Mon day even hitt of last week,whieh was well attended, conelderiiitt the 'Ann notice. o,t motion Win. S.YoUng, was elected Chairman anti J.ttlies S. Bier) Se repay. The President then eluted (hut the meeting urns called for the purpo.t• of organizing for the cu ^ paign. Ainey, after column:taloa on the notainatlons for and Vice President of the United Shave, morett that a Grant tiial IVlltion Campaign Chili he stard Agreed to. It was, on motion, recut red to appoint a committee of lire for the purpose of selecting permanent officers. The chair appointed William 11. Ainey, Dr. 'l'. C. Yeager, .1. 8. lllvry, Ed wilt . Camp and Friink Good. On motion or .Dr. Yeager . It was agreed to up point a committee of one from eteli ward In pro cute a club room. The President appointed t Ward, NV. A. Roney; 2.1 s Georde B. It oh; :3:1, Joseph lleeker ; 4th, El ward ; sth, M. S. Weidner ; 6th, Frank Beisel. 'the cottonittee•on peon filen t orgauistt ion re. ported the following pertuant at bilkers (Attie club: —Pre,id. tt , Wm. S. Young ; Vlee President sdieo. Erdman, George B. Itoth; S. W. Buredw, .1. L. tiotfinals, A. J. Zenner, Samuel 13. Lewis; Scole• tortes, J. S. ibery, B. F. Abbott, De. S. S. Apple; Treasurer, Wm. K. Nlosser. On maim) It WAY resolved that the President should appoint a committee of nine who, with the ;Aileen; of the club, shalt constitute a 13oard of Matatgers. Committee, George Fry, Joseph Young, Mi. 11. Alm**, Samuel Mc!Mee, Kiwis Camp, Edward Rube, Herman Sehuou, floury E. Rube and A. J. Ziliner. On motion of Mr. Kube, It wan agreed to appolut n Famuce COMM ii to consist 01 live from each War . The President appointed the fallo.vin4 committee: —Firet Ward, Herman Sehuon, J. A. Troxier,Omme Eritinan, Fleury Kleckner and Jas. R• Ca.e ; Second Ward, E. B. Young, 1V ilum; 11. Miley, 11. E. Rube, J. T. Culver and M. 1.. Kauff man ; Third Ward, R. C. Ettiuga, Jas. Hooker, leery Rachman, A. G. Benlnger and A. F. Whit, nan ; Fourth Ward, 81111110 i R B. .T. ,eh, Katuniai,r anti Walt r Grim; Fifth Ward, E. 8. 'dinner, Win. F. Mosser T. 0. Glut:lnger, Samuel Coiner, 11. H. Keck and Rutsel A. Thayer ; Sixth Ward, Samuel B. Len Calvin Knatris,Andrew F. Lockwood, Fin k Bekel and Jinni' Palmer. It NVIIS on motion resolved that the President should appoint committees on ,p,takers, music awl of arrangements. The following committees were Lima announced by the PreeWent Committee on Speakers, lionet. Iratloll, Jr., Wm. 11. Romig, M. L. K tuff men, \ T. C. Yeager, Joe.epli U leer, Charles H. Kililll6l 4 H. C. 11 mu berger and Lt. Frank Abbott, • 'Commlttee'on Musle—a. P. Zenner, R. C. Et tinger and Frank Good. Committee of Arrangements, D. K. Maunder , fer, !ivory I'. itleckt , er, Wm. B. Colladay, Item) 8. Reninger, U. S. Lea 'Merger, Dr. P. L. Reich ard, J. W. Reber, Frederick ‘Veltutheitner, L. It Unger, C. W. Stutter, C. C. Blugantio, John J. Luwull and Thereat, Snyder. pro,er cononkteea were then Instructed to 'mike the neeyelry urntheements for th, hold lug or u RAWleaden Metulog out nit] y A cummltteu eoueletitta of M. L. KA utrutn, B. F. Abbott, Dr. 8. S. Apple, J.B. Blery and IValter litione were appointed to draft a Conetitutluit and By—Lowe to govern the Club. Mr. Ainey moved that the came' of the Club shall be the Central Iteptibileau Cautpulgo Club. Aureed to. Oa mottou the tneellug adjourned to meet ut the call of the Preeldent. Tae Escclsior R lL•s will go not n e xt Sai •rday prospecting. for a slaty for nn etintrnpment CoNritirrong are 'recpwtt!el to read the advertleoment arldok for proposals, lu mother column TtEPAINTRIL—SeveraI men :no en gneed nt pVesent in rer.iintin t : the Lehigh Bridge Roil a 11l thus save the the strueture from (lather MEM PAINFUL. ACCIDENT.—L 4 Monday ClifOL Finney had his wrist badly cut and an artery sae urea by a window sash falling up•in hi: arm nod thn uhiss breaking, at Momser Grini'A next dour to the A lI n I SUCCKS9I , I.II, OP!LIL‘TION. -- Dr. A . .T. tin, of this cily, roslsted by Dr Ki 3 Icr, of 9eludadr4vil le, perform al an operation. for ban— lip, oil the 21st of M Ly, on IL rbli.l acSe mouth , of dr. Daniel D,lhert, of Rockdale, which proved a great ruIeCV4G, ditelng been a very vomPlicdtvd e.Lbe,and the it, having united very beautifully. Rumour or or.Ards For the week ending .Tone 1G; h : Gall te dropsy I Dl;dberie emu') ..... ................,. ......... .:........2 tierebro Spinal Monlnglllo. 1 Of these all are TIIILIV.3 born. One 3 years, one 5 years, one 11 years and one 75 years. Ningle, J; tn.trried, 1. 8 males, one female. GozNo TO Ett.tuB.-0 i t tc Ist or July, Tlr. Wm. II Berlin, now WWI M S. Young& Co.ov ill go to EIMIUS to accept the position of honk keeper nod Aye !slant Superintendent of the Familia fmn Company. For the present he will reside iii Al- U, going to end ranch lug from EIMIUS every day. Tint Cotupauy h &done well in sneer lug hia sere is TUE 8t . 1111.• , ,t 111 t'o,gress says Saturday afternoon about 5 o'clock,. Uorlincr Thomas was holdhies the Lucas inquest at this Eistrie lit, el , he r•ceiyrd tt ilespatea Irian Easton, blasting that cob Noll had tinning himself. Nall was lictween 70 :toil 8.1 years of ace, and resided with his sou, ou W.I halt Street, Easton. it IS S:11110111, he made two prerittllS attempts to commit suicide by hauz. Tim West Chester VillaLre Wean] says it aa , si s With the Philadelphia Preis in saying that there is a deep and growing feeling against Gen erals Ilartranft and. Aden, but that so far as the editor's ohservat ion noes In Clymer county "it di agdinst their being defeitied tient f lit by the Mrs iire. 8 of the Dinnocriiiic iii ti''"rhe riess,a day or two since, declared that there was dissatlslae• lion among the Republicans of Chester round), but this I, the reply of the, It.feord, which ling circulation almost if !rut quite as great as that Cu the former.—Norriqozen Out LITE TUAII.—if your mind lo set on iteenmplislibiu a eert, tin oil jet width promises benedelai results, do not turn out of your way for any eauFai,' nor I): induced by any repre•enlatious to an ultlon your iutentlon. Bear tlik In tr, inil, and when you have decided to net your Summer Clot bine remember we have got cheapest mid best in the country. 13e determined to come and lime •t our vast emelt before goine elsewhere, and don't fall Mtn nny 'of the trap that await you on every ride before ton :mho ot. the Greet iillothin..; Emporium of IIIINNI:rr J.; Co.. ,Vitat HALL, No. 518 MAICUAIT STilcur, h II (-Way between Filth and Soffit streets, Philadelphia. AT ii.,ll'lo.:.—On Saturday taunting abort ta•o o'clock, Lewis Ritter, residing on Walnut street abaci! Eighth, beard a noisc at the rear of his premises. ❑e cane! to a neighbor, but wiihout aav Ili, ling him. After it while he went down stairs to the spit where he beard the noise but failed to discover any one. After day. light he found a ptlr of bole and a pair of leg• at his kit: hen door. lie supposes none Ire okra won had gotten in there by mistnite,and had f i rm oir his hoots so that the'' old woman . ' sload not hear him : come In, bat WllOll Ritter call, d the inebriate must ha no been made aware or Ilk error and in his excitement forgot to take his effects along. MINIM; ACM DENT.—Prom the Tremont News lee kern that several terr 1,10 accidents oc inured nt the mine. of Owen, Long A: Co., near Donal Isom. hoinas a' minium, while working at the itchute was instantly-killed by it fall of coal. Oo the satne day and olmost simultancomly with the above detailed occident another occurred nt the 90100 colliery. Two 111011, Samuel r shell uud jonntinoi Sturman by come, while working In It tunnel were considerably It jotted by a bl.Ol. Mr. S. having jolt poured a charge of powder, into a hole which he had Jost finished drilling, the powder thromr,il 501110 111C,01:1 ignited, himvina(m , both his eyes. Mr. Stole 11.111 WAS io tile act of id.ooping for the tamping rod, and received but alight juries. WASHBURN'S LAST SgNSATION, with every. thiez new original, will appehr it the Opera Douse, Saturday evening, .Jane 2d.i. An exchange says " The Opera House was crowded last night to wltini]s the Washbarns, and everybody lab] themselves down si The feats ad], Wa Milan] Brothers were worderfal, while the Dutch emnlcalities of George S. Knight 'sees more than humus (maid stand. Ashton,' the English Comique, is Ow Most pan In his husln'ess that ever favored a Hudson audience. Miss Lisle Did. die Is a very pretly singer, and has a very becom l•ig st go appearance. Neoskaieent Willi brought out three times In her favorite soaps, and by her beauty, us well as her voice, took the audience by -twin. The fact is, the whole eimidellai lon is be. yowl it erilitirtli hOlll US, 111,t1 mend them, In the broadest sense, to the pualie everywhere." TILE celebration of the Fourth of July at this year, will be on a grander sth le th;th la any time shice liS6O. At a meeting held the other evening the this'll, of the different corm mittees were made and the prepathtions in king were shown to be in a tothielently forward stage of progress to warrant the most Sanguine expec rations of 0 grata! time. The emninittee on tousle reported that they had conferred with ILc hands of mask, whose prices were Williamsport. Si;s AI. unborn, $11;0; Bingham. , ton, 8.S0; their expenses to be additional, with the cxc pt lon or mient.sn, moo) would pay its with railroad fare. The committee was instructed to on mire the City Cornet of Allentown and the Danville hand. They will have duty nt&le and female . voices on thestamil to slug patriotic songs. Over eleven hundred doll ern has already been collected to meet expenses. NEW PAPP:IL—We have received the first number of the Sunday Morning Free Truss, pub lished at Scranton by rho Co-aperative Printing Aseoclation. It ie not very large, but Is print' et in smolt type and the publishers arc thus enabled to elvti it large amount of reading matter. It prch.bly does not contain eo much as sortie of the ..91 quilt xhci Is, but It thus avoldStlwuppsantuce f pul,ll,4llng .11131.1:Ing " to till up." In the first issue on interesting sketch of the S..ranton Republican is given, W Hell shows what a brave heart, pluck and energy can accomplish in the newspaper business even under adverse cir— must tures. The Republican was Started as a wet Illy in August, I9rt6, and was issued regularly, though nut very . successfully in a financial point of view•, and ehangetfowners several times, September, 067, when J. A. Scranton purchased a half interest, P. A. Crandall owning the other half. On the first of November of that year, the Scranton Morning Republican was issued and fvg suppose Mr. Crawl:ill became sick of the enter— prise, for he sold his share to Mr. Scranton In the following March. The daily, during the that two years of ila existence, struggled manfully for p..pular favor and a firm foothol;1. A great deal' of money was sunk lu It and under a proprietor e , s couragemis than Mr. Scranum, It would have ~eue under, but he re,olved to 114 ht his way through and during the past three yeare.be got nit his money back with gm Interest and to day tlieSeratiton bembllean eFtnbii,llllll,llt. C:111110L h b right for is hundred thounand dollars. Mr. Scranton In ja , t completlug a new Mind ing, live storks high, trittSS lent, the !rapt ot Sy rueuse Ibuestotio and the side of M Itsvisukee pressed Mick. The basement will he occupied by the pre,s room, which will canstain a hula home engine, which' can be seen in operation from the sidewalk throsmli the largo plate glass. The lint nom Irma, will lie occupied by Om Third National Sauk and the rear by the business Mike of the paper. The third nom will be occupied by the bindery, the stuck room and the mulling depart :mut, Sind the fourth Muir Is divided tutu cornpo.- ttorel romp, editorial and reporter.' departmeuts. It will be me of the most complete buildlogs of the kind In the Stiste. RITTLICO EKCI,L9IuR CREAM Bettie—Ttifite z.l•n.t drink, tunlyouwillnotinqvlttioutlt. THE CAMPAIGN ()PENH° RATIFICATION OF TILE REPUB LICAN NOMINEES. Notwithstanding the very threatening aFp:et of the weather a large crowd assembled at Centre Square,Friday evening. ter reify the nominations ~f the Republican patty. The City Cornet Rand opened with music, after which Wm. S. Vanity., E-q ; President of the Central Republican Cam• pnlgo ChM, Introduced Jamen S. Biery, of Allentown, who said that this was mu erting for the ratification o f the nominees plated In the field ny the Repubican party ; that the nominees for President rind Vice President are the represent°, t Ives of the print:Mies of tine Republic in party and then wetted some of the grand achievements of hat party, among which was the unshackling of four mittiool, of sleets and ntking them to the eminence of American chiziniship ; the quelling of a most gigantic rebetllnn ; the , inauguration and perfecting of a system of National linance, than which none better was ever known in any country ; providing the widows and orphans of soldiers and salmis with tree homes, etc., etc. Ho referred to the able ad eminn let ration of the Government under President Grant, show. tug that the country is enjoying as unparallelled prosperity, during which taxation has been greatly red iced, the expenses of the Gorerlitnent have 'teen fully met, the interest on the rriblic dept hag been mild, anti at the same time the principal of the debt has been p rid elf at, the rate, of over one hundred millions n year. Ile also referred brit fly to the blessings the Protective Tariff, enacted by the Repub Ica. party, has bestowed upon our Val. ley. The establiMment of the National credit on a sound basis, was also rt ferred to. Ile combatted the Idea that the raission of the Republican party Inns been Untied and argued the danger of trans ferring the reins of the Government into the hands of either the so called LineralsorDemoerats. Lt closing Mr. Blery paid n glowing trilmto to the life and character of Ilan. Gem ge Leer, his curse from Om inception of the Republican pa. ty to the present making hint a lit person to represent the interests of C.is district as Congressmannat-large. Atter intrsie by the band, Mr. Young introduced Mr. Lear, WllO hail] a pretty 14ibute to "this neautlini city," and t xpeessed his gratiOcation at havieg the opportunity to agate come among us and note the astonishing progress and prosperity that was ev, .rywhere shown throughout the Val• ley. Ile was not a stranger In Our midst. Ile travers.d the Valley thirty years ago, going up and down on the Lehigh Canal. At that time very litti rail was unloaded front the boats be- tweet' the month of the Lehigh arid the B ue \fountains, anti although tile ore lie Imbedded under the soil very little eflitrt was ma le to de velip the hidden wet Ith. lint now, under the .y-tern or American Protection; lista works have sprung up m thick until fiom One Stack you can count numbers of Other.; either up or down the Valley, and there is to- lay more coal consumed by tit Se works than was Shipp .11 to all tile points at which there was a demand when Mr. Lear Wan a boatman on the LAlgh. Mr. Lear referred to the deluding idea that Horace Greet .y la the father of the Republican party. But, then, Charles Sainn r eLtims, also, na he the lather or the No. Ile wanted it under , .iorel that there was no pnligamy about this tilt. WaS eolleeleed In parity. It was born Ma sentiment that reigned in the breasts of the fathers of Ow republic when they threw oil the thraldom of the British yoke, and that senthuent was Freedom. Mr. Lear said he was n delegate to the Conven tion at Philadelphia in 1850 which nominated Fre mont and at that time Musical Knurl Hall was large enough to hold all the Men there as,sembded, nut the principles there enunciated took the coun try by storm and created such an enthusia-m that swept everything before It, and this State would hive been carried and Fremont elected President it sot been for the eotl'ee•pot naturalization istpttrs used by the Dem wratic party. The cause , kept on growing in strength until 1800 when the 4reat titil wave of Freedom aw•egtt over the Conn. try and placed Abealmin '.incoln In the Presiden tial chair•, and It would keep on rolling anti elect President Grant for a second term, and Charles Stmin n• nor Horace Greeley, nor any other man who chose to stand in Its way, could stop it. 11,, inentioned the abuse that was heaped upon President Grant, but the venom that was spit out Neon him was no worse than was poured upon General Washington and upon General Jackson and 'upon every other President tram 11'ashington down to Grunt. The attack of Sumner upon Grant reminded him of the dog barkisg nt the moon. The dog howled and kept up an unearthly uproar from the rising of the moon until it set, or until daylight appeared, but the moon kept shining on calmly and serenely, notwithstanding the protests of the dog. Sumner pours' thee! its of his wrath apon President Grant, but the gentlem in In tile White House took It quietly and calmly, and -lilacs on notwithstandiag Suinuer'a protest. The goat and lamb story was opportune and convulsed the audience with laughter. and the story of the pet lamb which was put among the shabby sheep of the 11 ,ck to . induce the weal:- minded boy to take those Tor Ills share was a good Illustration of the present position of Horace Gree ley. Many Republicans may part with him w•lth feelings of regret and may shed tears ns they see him backsliding from the principles of the Repub lican party, but they will say " though we .save ever regarded you with feelings of admiration and alloctioa, you are In scaly company and we can't follow yon." Ile referred to the attacks upon Ge•. lla rt ran ft. The General fought for the cause of Freedom, the sentiment Which was the Inhere( the Republican ',arty. As Auditor General of the Sine he was a faithful and honest public ollicer. It was lie who r, quired a statement front a certa in account ing other of tilt State and it was he who caused an Investig ttion Into the accounts of Evans to be made, and John llartran It Inds were clear of any.comptielty. In that etrlir. There Is not a spot ; upon his fair fame tend even the paper that attacks him acknowledges thatllartranft Is an man. .‘s kr ue princliden are represented by men John F liattran ft in the representttive of the principles f the depublican piety In thin State and every true Republican will vote for him. • Mr. Leaf's .speech wan a beautiful, eloquent effort, to which tills short repots Callllot do justice. It was Ikb:tied to with intuited attention to the close, after which cheern wore given fur Grant and Wi.son, and the t . eve nailed crowd departed for their homes, each one feeling anxious to have the honor of voting for ouch all ItOnOrable and accom plished gentientsnlor Cougressinan•at-Large, nn George Lear. • ItUttoltED CoNritsalON ot"rtir, MURDER o' CArr. Omani.—Thu Bethlenem Times says—lt I- no doubt vividly retnetnbered by the most. of our readers that just after the clot, of the Great lie beillim the dead body of Capt. Henry Outer was found, mangled and bruised and inuch dbtigured, Ijing in the canal below the railroad bridge at Easton. A majority if not all the relatives and Wends of the deed Captain were unwilling to he- Here that he either committed suicide or MANI ott-ly w ilked elf the bridge and thus met hie death. •fhe ease excited intense interest In the whole Lu high Valley at the time of Its occurrence, and wrenuan6 elforta were made to ferret out the tour. derer or murilfrero, if such there were. The ex• eiteinent produced In Bethlehem and other towns. in the Lehigh Volley was again intense when the rumor came into general circulation that a patient of physician living at Freemansburg had made confe.,slou to him that he, the dying mutt, with two others, Were the murderers of Captain Ocrter ; that they killed him :o get possession of S3UU they supposed he it .d with him ; that they threw. him Into the canal at the base of the bridge to Induct: the community aud the authorities to believe that he had jumped or faile❑ therefrunt ;; that they only got $1 and Watch its the reward for his blood. Of course such, n rumor,cireuinstantial as it was, and nearing with It so much plaushllliy, gain d Immediate credeuer. So we, in discharge of our dirty as jaarnalkts, sent a e linpetent re porter to make Investigations, Here Is the result : rho reporter went direct to the physician Ivhom the rumor said had heard the (mob/l:deo of the dying murderer. The doctor said he was not the neat who beard tire confession, and referred the reporter to a luau to whom another doctor had told It. Tills, the reporter tin nght, woo rumoring the thing out to considerable length, and for tiro present gave up the trail, k.elping in his mind somwthings which may enable us to resume It with success In the near future. fie la of the opinlon that it is very probable there Is trial In the grave rumor, slime, In all the torten-Ity of I.ll'r story, names of p: teens and places were pi elervol. u hope to ley bellire oar readers, very won, the result of an interview attire slum: of thiS rumored murderer'. confession. TIM 01. D CABINaT Winsio,r is a brand Just recolvad at Lawall & Martin's City Diem Store, 7:22 liamllton street.• IL Is a supetlor ant tie, very popular and they arc Belittle' large quau• titles of It. Give them a call. DR. BERNHARDT will rentals in this city Mang n week longer. He has no , folly recovered from his rect nt Illness end Is still under tile medi cal treatment of Dr. Dome. We suppose some of our readers might have a chance to secure his services in the meantime. AOHNT WANTED, ill Lehigh county, who will persona , ly solicit business for the Equitable Life Assurance Society, the Company that does the largest. business In the world. It willpay you better than anything else to work for thls popular company. Write at once to the General Agent, I. L.. Register, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. nlOll Settool, COMNIFINCILMItNT.—TIin eniTl• tnetwement exereisys w1:1 tike OWL! 111 the Court House on June '24th : The valedictory I, to bud., livered by MI.Is Lnl lie rishel. The foilow Inc are the graduates :—Mirs(.l4 Rtick, Lonsia Wag ner, Marie Koehler and L FLibel, all of this city. EXTRACT front a letter front Mrt3 .1. C. Al. drieb, Wauseon, Fulton Co., O.: "R. I'. flail CO. Gentlemen,—Please send tae one dozen bot tles of your Slelllan flair Renewer. Our lld and gray' do not want to he out. My mother is a living recommendation of the results (tom theme of the Renewer. Being almost seventy years old, anti having worn a wig over thirty years, It seems to miracle to those who bait: known her so long so bald, and what little hair she bud Mug perfectly whlte; now her wig thrown anitle, her Lair grown out, and tt slum:Y[l, glossy brown, as in g;:riltood. Hoping you may long co•ttleue In pour blesninga on the heads of the ellheted,l rem tic,yours truly." Such evldenc:,..w•ith the Indormnnent of the great chentista of Is en. Enuland, Dr. A. A. Dayes and S. Dana Hayes, flion!d eat kis pay oueovhlch of the preparationk produce the In ,t HEAL ESTATE TEA NSACT;UNS.— . Wrn. Young, Real Estate Agent, sold Bald— win's store bout,. on Hamilton ftreel, below Eighth, to M. S. Young, for $10,7:30. Solomon 11. Ludwig's store Imut , e, S. tip'. corner of Fifth and Chew streets, to Henry Pfeiffer, for $4OOO. Joseph Young's brit k dwelling bonze on Ham ilton abovu Fourth Street, to Sarah Egge, for F 4600. Also, Joseph Young's brick daa nag hrnse ad joining the above, No. 419, to tl . 11. lha ha, ha - ClOOO. B. B. Benson propul iv BlL.quebtimittlrmtd, in 11,iliovtr W. lox worth, for 2'•:155(} MoribiYSTOLEN,--Mr!. Patric:: Neitson, who lives on Second soil Fullh.11) . vt rest., on I'. edit,- day morning last missed u hundred dollar, which was then lying on Ills l.thle Ili her lion,. Two nice, Chas. Allen II Lightning, were in the house at the time. linaaillatuly alter the molly had disappeared, it was generally thought that Allen was the thief. Now however It eu ins that Lightning siole•the money. lie left lawn lltimedllttelv lifter the money disappeared. Allen was arrested last week !toil In default of bail, was committed to Jail. Since the d ibeovery of the real thief Allen has been released from J and rc. toted to liberty again. Lightning, besides steal Mg the money, left u board bill unpaid of $lB with Mrs. Neither'. Patrick Neilsen, the husband of this Mrs. Neilson, was required to pay a note of $:l6 for Lightiting. Two children of Lightning were sent to the i oor house. Jacob has left a bad record behind and by reason of which merits some punishment. Lucx.—At Baker Lk: Co.'s, Ninth and and Hamilton, the people speculate iu photo. graphs the same as real estate operators speculate In real estate. The latter oftentimes purchase lots at such prices as they are certain the property will always be worth. Thera may be soma un sceu advantages connected with tae property, some surrounding improvements may he Incite, that will Increase their lots In value a hundred per cell'. or more, anti the speculators realiz handsomely ou their investment. Su It is In the speculation In photographs. They are worth or dinarily. twenty-tire cents, but If, alter Investing, they are found to be backed by certain letters high up In the alphabet they Increase wonderful ly in value. We tried our fortune on Saturday 'evening, and purchased some photographs. Strange as It may sewn on the haCk of cue of them was the letter S. We handed the photograph to the salesman, when be panned a hole through the S. and handed It back to us. Then we select ed a chrome with the letter S upon it for which we paid a dollar and considered the investment a good one, us the frame alone could not be pur chased for less them eight or ten dollars. Dr. D. J. Martin also Invested In photographs and ob• tubed the privilege of investing is chrmnos. TI .e dealings of this tirm appear to he fair and honora ble. Bethlehem Correspondence A SAD ACC , I,ENT—LUCAS IN JAIL-811'11°S Fes Ell AL—cauncii NEWS, EIC. 13grumumm, June 13,1572. A sad accident has happened today. Instantiv killing a eery worthy student of the University. The name of the unfortunate young !nun is Bow dole, from Baltimore. Mr. htl,Vliolll was the only member of his Class who was to be promoted, having successfully passed the examination. had• but lately returned front the funeral of his only sister; and nos• he, themuly surviving child. is gorse too to his long house, in such a sad and• melancholy manner. Rumor has It that Lucas was to-day conveyed to Euston.. Also outside feeling against him has by nu menus subsided. Young &lulu, killed on the railroad, was burled today. It scents violent stud sudden deaths have a carnival Jost now•. We' hope, though, teat the loot for some time has been recorded. The Centre Street M. E. Church has given a supper for the benefit of the betiding fund Mid it is claimed that over MO hos been cleared. We sincerely hope to see their beautiful edifice soon completed and tastefully furnished. Tile Reformed Church, Centre street. Is also to be 'finished forthwith. The congregatiou have heretofore worshipped In the vestry room which, though large,proves often tot) small. Their's Is a strong and flourishing congregation, abundantly able to Iluish, In line style, theft church room ; and we know that It will be well done. Mr. Pal Hips, boss of the blast furnace, bne broken grimed fora new house oppo its the shove winked church. A good number ii new buildings are going up; but still nut In sufficient numbers to gratify builders and meebanlre, who fear a scarcity of employment towards Fall. Houses suitable for tenants will certain'y be again in great demand by the time the new rolling mil', intended to employ 600 hands, goes Into full ope ration; anti to build theta non•, when oAirs aro at a low ebb, - wiiF, It is generally believed, be taking time by the forelcek. Oxcr.-ix-1-71111LE BUSINESS NOTICES liwnatas share with Horse , the benefits derive& from tho world. ronow ued 318 s WV. 5N,A.0.N. I,i MONT. rl , O meat Irrefrnuable te..timony estAbludina the fact that this woodeLels taint ts..rts the Banjo aoothing sod healing 101 tennr when appli...l to the human entlele, that it doer In mules of spay'n, form io s, ringbgue, redo ovil.ennach• wind gall and other ailments of the heron which re• Hair• outward treatment. It Is. lu fart, thg um, etf+c. teal a all ogle. oat retnedle. for r h enma iNi o , g o ut. nttg te•e of the neck, neuralgia, sore throat, swelling... colic and bruises yell A Pitiful Comlitiors.lt la a sad thing to pans ihrottalt life rely half alit., Vol there are thou.atad wimp° habitual condition in one of languor and debility. They, romplalat of no needle dlnenee ; they seller no a oaa. lava p.i n ; but they have no telanlifor anything will. It' alr.rain mental or eannatmen pita aware. In eine mown out of ten thin at.to of lannltude anal torpor arl.ea from a Ina, had etonota h. Ind Wallop dentrova the energy of both ud and body. %%then the troop of nature is not rup• plied by a due and regular awitullvtiou of the food.every orcito to nerved, every function intoroupted. Now. what does common lease laucreet under thoteclr• climata:wee of depreaalour The system nerd+ rousing and tairengthenitag ; not merely f rte hour or tun, to elk orterw.ard into a more pitiable cohdition titan ever Its It a .auretily wool ado Iran ordinate y althoholic elina• ' ulant were resorted to,) le - t radically and perm•noutiy. llow in thin dealrable object to lor acrompliehed I The answer to thle purstion, founded on the novenae' ottre• clause oft quarter of 0. century, i• easily given. hr.„,, raw vigor into the dialledro organs by a coulee of Ilea. letter . • Monattch Hitters Do not woo o time by adminia. tering te•oporary rowdier,. hot wake the sweet on lay romorrating the fount .In•head of physical taring h and energy. thu great organ upon which all .ho other organs t ippeLid for their nuriore anal nuppott• by the (Imo that a down doses of. the great vegetable tonic and Inst./ors t hags Leon Mkt u, the feeble frame air lb° dY•P , Ptt , soil basin to reel ha belly° Influence Appa.tite will he creat•d, and with •pnotite the capitally to digest what It craw. •. Pereevere 'anti Or cure in be*ltliful blood, 11l to be the .fl.wit and utu•rie,bone and vett/4mnd kralu,flows thouttah th., channels of raircult.ttoe. halliard of the watery pabu lum with vr..lrl; they have heretofore been Imperfectly nourinbrd. Dr. H. D. Longaker offers his service to the Afflicted, morn ...i:edgily to ) non no from Chronic 1th.C.,016. Ile trill) e rind to non and talk with then,. It is Lls practice to plainly declare n disease incurable if he twileves it to h^ or. In thorn case. which he nedert •kon ho anerantoes to do nil that not. be done by unto cried at biotin:l and the rplicittion of experienced skill. gat ' • dby Mtn)" ytblY4 of prxCliCO In treating aim., to It% vial on. and mote malignant Curio. That his skill, has not been exerted in vein, bbIllnrUll• certificates. that noty bn •evu at his filtice, will invtify. A tow bab..4 Inc. far pu Lliruthm, whist nro known to eit.rens of this but Dr 0 feeling of egotism prompts their poblicittion. nut tbey ar pnhll.hsd rollow an no eviiim , co that ninny snlinhacolleemed theta.el yes hopelessly Mingled haveby nronar xplllCn Lw of the refialreOn at InrilleA men boon restored to health and the enjoymeut of all its Wei- Jene Tlethleb m, 31 ". Ely (ite n e..ElY). All n ento r Ce n , " ile ° . l. th lrisC r e ' r et' the are. J Johnenn, Alletown. Skin Disease. Milton 11. Mit.marstan, lionocor. Chronic. Bronchitis. Henry (labile!. Allentown. Denfneea. Mr.. 11. Tenger. Cata.attqua. Tumor. of the Head.. 'Nathan Eberhard, Ilethinitero. ranter. Mr, Bach, Tres lortown. Cantor. NVIII..1:11110.1011. iletbleiketn. Catinn-ary Catarrh. JAM. itn t S h P ielle o nt. ) Chrc ornoico Iti snmatletn. H r A. Ila ß l r her. a h is at t e r lphi S . Cuter Tomor. In Mrs. W. S. Allookii, Nallabuty. Four. and Eel- C. Wittman, Lanark. Tomer, of the Head. Abraham Kistler, New Trilm I. Toontr of the Neck. Mr, r. It. Soria rt. F. an. Coen. Ste, H. Weitolont. Friedeneville. C"th" ,. ... Ca.', aid° of the Face. Levan, Slow'rleorn Br line Polyp°. of tin :goes. Mr, Poebontna Allrot•tms. Cancer of 03013..1. 'rho nn. Ilion ilokroolnunitA• Tomnr• N.. B. Breit, :11.,hanoi ,bty. Career of the Fate. I' .1. ni.o.onal,r. nr priottn. 'rumor. c °benne ibtretnatt, Wentberly. wenerr of tLr N.A. rt”• a h,. .• be referred to, nr tort ideates ono- heeben at Or. fe.unakerb. °filen. Sixth atreet, be t , rnnss 11,11., coil W3lnnt. Allentown, illurfages. SIGLE—SCREFFERT.—Jour 10, by Rev. S. K. Brobst, Mr. I lir. ttb;:o to Miss Sarah A. Seb r fert, both of A Hemmen. BOWER—MOOD.—h lhia city, Juno 17th. by Alderman Kleckner, Mr. Joseph slower, of Chain Liam, hlorthammon county, to Mier. Sarah Mood, of Hanover towmhip, I.chito county. BEAR —M ILLER.—Juno MII,III Warren. Ohio, at the M. E. Parsonage, by Rev. 0. 0. McEntire, Mr. BeTTIMiII E. Bear, formerly of Pogelevlllc. Lehigh county, Pa., to Miss Mary Millur, both of Warren, Ohin. KUII. , —MII.I.IIOESE.,—On the Intis Inst., by the itev. S. G. Wagner, Slr. Veorge Kuhl to Miss Sarah E. Millitoustt, setopted tletathter of the lute Charles Muffler. Esq., hoth of this city. Deatim. ROT this city, June Ilth,Jatous \V. Roil], Pon of Salllllol and Amin Roth, aged 10 ytan+ and G moot 110. SEAGREAVES.—Oa the evening of the Chart,: Seogreuves, aged 74 years, 4 months and 2 dayF. Cf.ENIENS.—M r. Jamb Clemens, father of Dr Clemens, this city. MAU CRS Eli NIVI'II.'E.NOTICE. IN fi I VEN that leltern le..Oorenntry haring InTu nrantod to the mph, gned In 010 .n,lllO oI 11W A .I.c.not• Into of the ,t% or Ai 1,0- 10,:11 county, tin refnro nit PoOnnln who Lnn‘v them vex IA 60 Indebted to are tegur.t.nl to mak° iro. moot Svlthiti.t>, wools.: fonn dato In•leof, and !In. Tag Huhn. n p0....nt Onnn nutneuticaled for onent within 11..0101 . e -non.fle.l thin% JONEI . II %V IT DIA N. EX , Tntor, I', 0., Lipp, Salle.ln, Lvltlgn C, • V. , juneln nn A PPF,%.1,. Li UNITED STATES INT , ItN Ti,.VENUS. . . . Ilco horobv htivoth to all port:nom rehodlou or doirE lohniutoko ill . llll. Sir lb roll,rtion It:tor:et of I'vouthylvoolo, I wed 0 1.1 ennot vo of Loh:Rh:hod Olootstohnory.thAt 11, 1••. t, of Anniholxo. lor 1 , 72. orop.otodi am net of Cool, ohotihl.ol •Ats Art ao proci'li 111 ort , ol Ar ,•' July ligl9oodJUly 14. lgd. ohol oto-netnt.,:o therofo. Mat ..)(101111... I oilloo Proot 90 th. to:: p foe tell day, (tout hoo trait doy of Juou itua, undo "•• • • (•()UIIT OF A PI'ENT,. will lie held nu P. .10 tiny or litly. 1!•72. fiiim 11 a. m t. I p. ni No. ii3illiii///11.411 / VI, it/thn CR} kir AliPtitiiwn. All nnpOnla most be to writing .d epectry the II:MI.- I.r me.c, mutt, or thl. 1]....1( deol•llm •• 1111041 e ,, st g Or principl,t'of qr.), I]) oc etrur complete.] W ARO IttillE Aepe,eor.. 11:1=ZNOMMI 1=II!IMMM 1 IIM A NtHRDININCI , ,Gft,II74'III:I;CI PEli mirs Tn (: I,EANSEIt , (Ili!: ordllliobt . By 1.. e gem o 111111011111110 A C.11111(11/11 of Met ity 01 Allf•lltistill. i.ti It I+ beroi,› ..“li,j.ord to Writ)• of the Amon, That on m1.111(11, 31,111 oth. 1,72. It shall be nulowriil for nt.y 1 lor oolv .k , O 1.1 eou.ty or el, no re.. pools within II - e city Iloilo.. without I..yout lintobtun.e.l n lento, lt...rtiot Iron. the bovr.l of It a.tn anti any violation ..f thi. ordinance shmll 1., puninlied by a Hun of left do !larn. w M ii. A I !•.. FY. Pr. 'CI c,C 01.1/. no in, C. =MEM= . . . . b. 1.. C lth JO.) IA June, 1 , 7/. .015 ll] T. 11. ((0(11), MATor. A N FOI: TIIIE L EN - I. TEN' ISO TIIECti Ole 1 , 0 1:111 STREET CP WA LP; 1; TIIC ALLEY. It 000tele.1,. Ity helve, and Comm., l'ontirds of t`nt Coy of Alloulowu unl It. hordly onhto e•I by nn,ho•lii Of ale •anie, y.e rot hl, Pod( sirdel lIOIX tent, ed up W 410111.10 OW Alley hulling Inn,, Wialuut to 11,11, Lien tireet. Illl,{llllnioly wir.ll UTol nod that thy eon trod Lo it. a. d-t 1 to J. F. iiviawid tint; Jo wtil do the u orka Ohio „ lirlre iiiintro yard as that of Fonrin Jset. ud lb. Cdv hedlueer 1; be,. ir It, ;Id .do II the corurr t.f rout 11 :1101 Lt alnot sin eta. ti oolii Inn itit tintir,einout cdu utl uoitio lrllloolt my to lir, vain propuity• WTI. li. Al NJ Y. Pll,ol S. C. CEO. HTEIL Pies't C. C A brat :-1V a. S. Cierk ii. C E. L. 110111 t, C. ill.'!] I= t LED PROPOSALS *or the 1.7 arnolug of fonder homer, Liberty no I Tllglinoon streetn, itior for the gradkg ••f Allen b two. n Elalo.ll nod ;omit, ..rroera. Ala" for ilo vXenVnlion of iito Nxrn ot thn City WiLtor Work, trill recotved at Ob. oilier until MIN o'ClorK on the Tab dny of anon In‘t SpeeltiCatioan trill be fornlalled by tho City • T. 11. 0000. Mayor. Maron'o Opytru, June 17, !ti72. N . ( MICE CITY TAX for 1872. By a corplotn•nt to lbr City rl,0•1••• of allootovett. • Pr0t...1 utr 12.1 day of Marot, 1S u, the •llty Trcomuc••r nod.• thn rec,lv••r all al, City All it hold city tix retudluing untold • o Ihu tlni day ol nuin.t next. lic•• pct. rent. chili lot hil•lod; .11 it ••••••l on tho lint day of october In, ray snot. shall lid 11.14 , C0i Notica le hereby al,n licit th•• elf y Idx for 1671 cccrlco.l • .10 Ill•toillcd - , r .td.alloututra. jot) 4ttilla•w] JON ATIR .4 It all:RABB. 'lre., WAR 1Y 11111 ENGLAND R'unld cre.te a groat t ; I•n;tad; erect In notlcipalo.l. Thu greatest ta. it,,;;wat ALL-WOOL 10, 12? 15 Dollar SUITS ! THEY ALL WOOL - JUST THE THING FOR SPRING AND SUMMER. Theme Suite two going rapidly. We Par we will be un• able to .apply the tleinand. We r dein° all who went mtch to rAll or sect! order:, LT mull, which will race!!• it,tupt. attention. ROCKIIILL & WILSON, 603 AND 603 CDENTNET NTREET, =I /1= AGENTS N. ANTED FOR IArE AND TIMES OF I+ , l~. JAS Con•dm I.l. , arnp'.l a or Wis., Vsnd•tbilt. Tweed. sw.th • duanstsl fosters • • h.. and (I:t•N'r KNI.W ,Lb .11 "BLACK I) AT.' $i Ad dles,. 'SEW YOLK BOOK N1‘1•1111 FL. N. Y. Kansas lle : .,oasi - e,red Bonds. An R• nod Pr0t11.0.1.. 1.. v, lit ad, Some Of the trealll.l.tennitl e+ln KA • SA'— I.nt, x ov.Prank- Jtolt -on .N 1 Dongl 1.7 thei Slate or Vil-101t ony ontt end are orar , ar.. told. tune 3,0 a• havoc benn 111 1 VnYn ..egnln I) nod prolop lv p. 1.1. n , 01.41, au.l ttddrono SAM' A. AT 1.11111. & CO.. 31 IV nil NO MORE RUIatING ! 101 V ONE OF STONE'S FOUNTAIN IVISTIEBS, rfl".. 51. ONE&Forn , , IM Arch Street , Pa, Sot fur Circular. ----- - - ISREWARD . r.,11, 7.1,1;i ':;"";,"111 / ,',4:41 13 il'il d o; / ' Ihnt I.r. 11t,..'n PILE ItuNnor !Allot to . It b. prpon, d x. prenoll to can , ttoi T'll.r. awl tiutlimig el.. 80111 by oil MI OS 0. Prlcr. el M. - -- WIIHN Tatt flt.nor, R 110.• o to 1,6[14-11Un 111 , 110. e to tho he I. rittp.intr hot dumber.vorltszo 1t nn tOitht. It to rortatn 411100.1111 to and izinc leiutlsa I. r,llllregl. 110.11 TAttitAST'll EPPIIKVEKVIINT bELTEtta Arinfk.NT ohoolitt.l.o It ULM° re 'Mod to. A GENTS W A NTE D. —A cents make more An. money atv ork for us then msythlb lc else. Boil- PFP 141111 and pe.-tnunent. thancol..r. free. U. MS* no et no.. Pine Art Pulatohers, Portlund. 5,,1 PIANO CO., N. Y. PRICE $290 U. No Agents. Eiretlines free. ISGANIC.I.4,W OF TILE SEXES.— Coodlonpx 'which •ItolitY—Po•ltlvo Rod 'trolly° flacivcDy—prouf In t Itte Ie ue.,lene without e , titt—elfret flu , nee of 11•11 mid whorebue JOr—F: r Inn troAtment of polvir tileeeree. mtneture and nut 3wr..•t of ilevelfmmont • t•n in tore to his o• Iv to enritlo.l I toe, by IiDNIT %RD N. DIXON. Y. D.. 4' k gal Anoloo. N. 1 t .4 pni es. 2 , et nit. 'Niter it... Trio the tie.. • fDr ettX ni•ot ova Irma' to the wholo h tlO.l 40 ace."—llorrivr Grc•icy. CLICUAT lIH DICAL lIUOK or wed Vf imo.l.d .to .11. Colt hen for tern %tempt. • Ad. Otte. DC OCIAPAeTIi A Ca.. Ciaclositi, Ohio. 01 .T 11 ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers