El Riebitinal. NO CURE, NO PAY. DR. H. 1). LONG AKER, graduate atlas linlysrelly of Pennsylvania, at Philadel phia bag been in .ucce.eful practice for a number of year. In various part. of the United States; will promptly at. tend to all branches of his profession at hi. room., Batt We of Birth &trod. bet. Hamilton and ll'ainut, ALLIMITOWN, PA No Patent Medicines are need or recomtnended; the rem. edit. administered aro those which will not break down the constitution, but renovate the system from all Injuries it has sustained from mineral medicines, and leave It In a healthy and perfectly cured condition. CONSUMPTION, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, and all disease. of the Lungs, Throat, Stomach, and Llv or. which yearly carry thousands to untimely graves, can undoubtedly be cured. MELANCEIOLY ABERRATION, that elate of alienation and aberration of mind which tea derepersons Incapable of enjoying the pleasures of per forming the duties of life. RHEUMATISM AND PARALYSIS, in any from or condition, chronic or emit°, warranted cur able. Epllep.y, or falling nickness, and chronic or stub born canes of FEMALE DIBEABES speedily and rsdleally removed; Balt Rheum. Skin Diseases fof yearn' standing) every description of Ulcerations, Piles and ticrofulona die• en a, warranted cured. Particular attention given to private &soaves of every description of both seam Ladles suffering from any complaint incidental to their Hex, can consult the doctor with assurance of relief. Cancer eared, and Tamura Mall kinds removed without the knife or drawing blood. Dismiss of the • EYE AND EAR • enecessfally and effectually removed. eirt i re r a . n L l `' ,.l,ll7=h;thYrVgt?4, 7 otity, `" ) " . ° d ' UL . Ulna cent with proper directions to any part ot tn a e county. Orytcy. : Rest nide of Sixth t reel, between Hamilton and Walnut Allentown. Pa. may 28-17 PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. PILES OF ALL KINDS perfectly and permanently CURED, without palo, dung, r, CEMslien or instruments, by WM. A. McCANDLESS, N. D., 21101 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, Who can rotor Ton to over MD coons cnred In Philadel phia alone. W o desire to say to those afflicted, there is poxitively no deception in the cure of these DIRE/01. It matters not how long or hew eeverelp yon are been Ifcted, we can cure you. We also cure Pistula, Fissure Prolapans, Strictures and U Iteration of the lower bowel. Como you that are Buffering, everyi not &Odic, you. We have patients from altnont State In the Union and from Europe. Have treated these diseases fur twenty years without a failure• apr W.:ly pIIII.ONOPIIV OF MARRIAGE. —A NEW COURSE OP LECTURES, ii delinelV at the Penns Polytechnic and Anatomical Itinseuni. INIS Cheetnut three doors above Twelfth, Philadelphia, embracing the aubjects: How to Live and What to Live for; Youth, Ma tartly and Old Age; Manhood Generally Reviewed; The cause of Indigestion; Flatulence and nervous licensee accounted for: Marriage Philosophically considered. Then lectures will be forwarded on receipt of 25 cents by addressing: Secretary of the Penns. Pot.rrecusto AND dwATomicAl, tivesum, 1205 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. P onus one Va•ly WILTBERGEIFS FLAVORING EXTRACTS Are warranted equal to 'soy made. They are prepared from thefrttffe. nod will he feud much Leifer than many of the Kremer" flint .41..0111 illiirAxk your Grocer or Druggist for Wiltbergtee Extracts. BABLOW'S INDIGO BLUE T. .Ithoeit doubt tbn Lest article In the market. for blueing clothes. It Nlli cuter more outer th a Ater Mlles the amen weight of Indigo, and mach more than any tale r trash blue In the mantel. The enhivennine in that put up at ALFRED WI LTBEROER'S DREG STORE, No, 241 NORTH SECOND STREET, PIIILAD'A., PA The L ARNIM 111V1/1 , both Wtorn Pall P.a P nod 13A names 011 I hem, all others are countertenor. , For sale by moat Grocers and Drefig Ws. WILTBERGEIt'S INDELIBLE INK Will he/mld or, trial lobes superior article. Aiwa}, nu bend for solo et nn.. neblo , rice.. l'u n Ground S. ICES. (leonine MEDICI a E, Chatnoin Skive, Sponge.., Tapioca, Pea.l. Sago, d all artieles In the drug Ilno . at W ALFRED ILTIIBIt.. ER'S DRUG 8. ORE, June 28.1 y No. ZVI North Second et., Phila., Pa. JL4 LES mo‘ vi l / 4 1trVEGETABLE SICILIAN ,lacm w HAIR " = - =EWER. Every year increases the populari ty of this valuable I lair Preparation ; which is due to Merit alone. We can assure nit old patrons that it is kept filly up to its high standard; and it is the only reliable and perfect ed preparation fiw restoring GRAY OR FADED ILwiit to youthful color, Making it soft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes white and clean. It removes all eruptions and dandruff, and, by its tonic prop erties, prevents the hair from falling out, as it stimulates and nourishes t he hair-glands. By its use, the hair grows thicker and stronger. In baldness, it restores the capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will create a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is the most eco nomic:lll'Am DnEssm; ever used, as it requires fewer applications, and gives the hair a splendid, glossy appearance. A. A. Hayes, M.D., state Assayer of Massachuset Is, says, The 'constituents arc pure, and care fidly selected for excellent (nllity ; and I consider it the BEsr PREPA RATION for its intended purposes,", 5.111 by nit Druggists, and Dealers in Medicines. Prtoo Ono Dollar Buckingham's Dye. FOR THE WHISKERS As our Renewer in many cases requires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or thded Whiskers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub no• wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL, & CO., NASHUA, N.U. SOLD /N a LLms , rowN BY W. E. BARNES SON Ayer's, Sarsaparilla Is widely known ns one of the most effectual remedies ever discoVered for cleansing the sys tem and purifying the blood. It has Stood the test of years, with a con- • ryLzfr/ t7 •V` stantly growing rep utation, based on its intrinsic virtues, and sustained by its re markable cures. So mild as to be safe and beneficial to children, and yet so searching as to effectually purge out the great cor ruptions of the Wed, such as the scrofulous and syphilitic contamination. Impurities, or diseases that have lurked in the system for years, soon yield to this powerful anti , dote, and disappear. Bence its wonderful cures, many of which are publicly known, of Scrofula, and all scrofulous diseases, Ulcers, Eruptions, and eruptive dis orders of the skin, Tumors, Blotches, Boils, Pimples, Pustules, Sores. St. Antl y's• Fire, Rose or Erysipe las, 'fetter, Salt Rheum, Scald Head. Ringworm, and internal Ul cerations of the Uterus, Stomach, and Liver. It also cures other com plaints' to which it would not seem especi ally adapted, such as Dropsy, Dyspep sin, Fits, Neuralgia, Heart Disci:we, Female Weakness, Debility, and Leucorrluitt, when they arc manifesta tions of the scrofulous poisons. It is an excellent restorer of health and strength in the Spring. By renewing the appetite and vigor of the digestive organs, it dissipates the depression and listless lan guar ()Nile season. Even where no disorder appears, people feel better. and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Tire system moves on with renewed vigor and a new lease of PREPARED BY Dr, 1, C, AYER & CO,, Lowell, Mass., Practical and Anatyticai Chemists. EOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE bOLD IN ALLENTOWN NY W. E. BARNES & SON. Boot Alaimo. JOHN E. LENIZ . , WM. TT. WEINSHEIMEI JOHN SILLITOLD, JR. JOHN E: LENTZ & CO., SUCCESSORS TO YOUNG & LENTZ The firm or Yonne Jr Leafy ovine .11.nolyed by motilel cocaina miFebro ry Ifith. 1072 Mr. Young retiring. Wm 11. Weioehelmer Rod John Seuboll. Jr.. haying t.kon his Week 'Miaow firm hal ea to have the rohtlnosoco of the oetronage so liberally bestowed upon the old firm. They will use their utmost eutleerore to accommodate their Petrone With prom, tom sod .tirulph BOOTS AND SHOES •r the best make and material, suit soul always bays on •nd a bolo arc.rttut of tho moot &skald° -styles, tilted to the trade or th in as The firm of Yonog & Lents baring been di...cared, ■1 nettles Ineebtod to them ore requested to make artthnnon netweon thls date Rod Aorll Ist next. The books wig is exalo at the sign In Either of the old Inatorn. is au thottsed te sign In 'holds lime lentil-Oen Sinancfai. JOSEPH MILLER dr. CO.'S BANKING HOUSE, Fogeletiitte, Lehigh County, Penny. MOM'S received on deposit, nod 0 per cent. Interest allowed on all some renisloing sir months or over. For shorter periods special rates will he paid. Executors, Administrators, Trustees, Assignees, Treasurers, lax-Collectors and other cu.todlans of pobllc or private mockers, are °tiered Ilbsral rater of Interrat Farmers, Merchant.. Laborer. sod all who have money to pat oat on Interest fora long or short period w.II flat oar lon Ration an agreeable and adyanta¢roas one In which to do neatness. . . M.q.ey deposited in ibis Inalltution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED. money loaned out on fav rablo to , rn . JOSEPH MILLER. .1. H. elf; n TE NW , A LN ER FRANK J. SLOUGH. w MILLERSTOWN SAVING BANK MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. , Thla Institution will be opened on or before the bit day 3f April. Money will be taken on depoalt at all time and o auy name from one dollar npwarde, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST per annum will be paid. • Deposita may be withdrawn at any time Also, money oaned oat on favorable term, JAMES WEILER, President /11ANICLIN SHINER, Cashier. J, P. M. Elharert, Georg Ludwig.. Frederick C. Yobst, Christ . .1 K. Henninger, David Donner, Willi% ry Sdliday. Isaac Oriolkel, Gideon F. 6 aner, Horatio'''. Hering, Benjamin J. Fchmoyer, James Singmester . mar 16.6 m ALLENTOIVN SAVINGS rNSTITIG TION, Organized as "Dunes Saving Ingiitition t " NO. 58 EAST HAMILTON ST., (2 , IIARLT OPPOSITE Tile ALIER10•11 HOTEL,) PA YS SIX PER CENT. INTEREST FOR MONEY 01T DEPOSIT. Thin Institution, the oldest Saving Bank In Easters Pennsylvania, has beed lu continuous .d successful .11101.6{100 for ten years, and continues to ray SIX YES CENT. CENT. INTEREST on m oony for ono year, and special rates of Interest for shorter periods. JIM-All deposits of money will be held strictly confl• dentist. Executors, Administrators,Trusteeß, Assignees, Treasurers, Tax Collectors, and other custodians of public or private moneys, aro of lewd liberal Wes of interest. Farmers, Merchants, Laborers, and all wild have money to put on Intermit for a long or short period will find our institution an agreeable and advantegeoun one lo which to do ',wane.. We especially ILIVitO L•Dlttli to transact their banking Lenin..a with en. MARRIED WOMEN sod MINORS have npecial print. !egrt granted by our charter—having ful, power to trans• act badness with us in their own names. Money deposited with thin Institution IS SAFE AND WELL SECURED, by a Capital stock and snrplus money curtly of over SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. and addition. the Huard of Trusteen have as required by t barter, given bond, ender the supervision of the Court In the num of FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, which bomb. are resin. mad In and held by the Court of Common Plea, of thin county for the security of depositom.' Our Iron Ilaulte are of the most secure and extensive kind known in thin country, as a personal inspection will show, and to which we invite our friends and customer.. We refer to this. believing that cafe Burglar Proof Vaults complete the torfety and reliability of good Saving Dank. WI LI. lAld 11. AINEY, Presideot, CHRISTI A N PR Erz, Prexidont, REUBEN STABLER, Cashier. TROSTEEO: • William 11. Ainey, Charles S Bush, Christian Prot., John D. Shim., F. E. Samuels, Benj. J. Ilagenbuch, George Drubst, Samuel Sell, Nathan Peter. ;an 1211 MEIMiGiIL=I Located at the corner of Hamilton street and Church alley, In Lion Hall, second story, opposite the German Reformed Church. In the City of Allentown. in organised and ready for business. If mill . pay SIX per cent. In- Ores on nil elepoette except NINIPIR. depostle, for any/ period of How, to he coion Zated f mon the dote of deposit. To secure which, the Trustees of the Institution have filed In the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County, under RIO direction of the Court. a bond In the aura of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars, conditioned for the, faith ful keeping and appropriation of all such MUTH of money BAshall be placed in charge of said FRANKLIN SAVINUS NK. whether as deposits or shares of stuck. which hoed may be enlarged by the Court whenever It may ho deemed necessary. In addition to this. the Act of Incorporation makes the Stockholders ;oxen ra ally liable to the deporttorA (1..t0n- Ale the amount of the Capitol Stock of the Bank, which In fifty thousand dollars, with liberty to increase it to one hundred and fifty thousand dollar, These provieloue will make It a very deelrable and eafe place of deposit. Boetdeo. It may bo proper to state that the depeolts evil be kept In one of tho eotfeet mad best protected vau lts tr this city. Arrataromonts will he made to furnish drafts on the cities of New York sad Philadelphia S. A. BRIDGES, President [J. W.W I I,SO N, Vice President .1. E..ZI3I3IBRMAN. Cush ier. FZEM • • Daniel li. Millar, 8. A. Bridges, Julm Ifolhen. J. W Wllnuo, William Baer, J. E. Zimmerman D. 11. Creltr, Polar Oro.. . Edwin Zlmmormau. mar 30 WILMINGTON AND READING RAILROAD SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS, FREE OF TAXES Wo aro offering the Second Mortgage Bowie of this Company AT 85 AND ACCRUED INTEREST, hafereet Payable January and July „TIIE BONDS ARE IN I,ooos, 500 s and 100 s Acd can he ItEfIICTEIIED free of expene. The coal. lelecellaneone frelglito and veseenaor bnelnese ere con .uutly incraealoc The one. ipts for din your ..1.11 Ire. lob,fl 31. 1071, tr , o $70.774 22 MI., h., yearend. Ing october 31. 1470 •I he mere.nn f r live nionihn. Inc Aoril 1 11172, over four months ending . April 1. 1471., sea , . 434, 72.5.:N1 Honda'. ramplkleta and Informal!oa can La obtained of DE HAVEN & 8R0.,, Fiscal Agents of the United States, 40 SOUTH. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD =! THE ERIN SAVE O W E BN BANK WM. L. YOHN WORTH SEP ENTB ST., ABOVE LINDEIV ALLENTOWN, PA. This sank has beau eatabilehed for the purpose of carr7 ng on a general Honking business. and to offer to Litt 3ommunity a dECUHE IN VEtiTSIENT fur their money at uotne, at tho soma rate of Interest that It would command n Now Y.lk LOANED OUT MONEY OUT ON GOOD SECURITY /GP - Gold, Sliver and Government Honda bought and told. Drafts drawn on the principal elite. of the United States a Roma to Colt purchaser.. Collections mode on all acceeelble point., and proceed. promptly remitted at current rates. Farmers. Merchant.. Laborers and all who have mane) m pot out on Internet for a long or short period will dad .his Institution on agreeable and advantage°. one in which to do businens, Intermit allowed on deposits at the following rate.. wit: 6 3 RI P EA ' FIR. N iTl r e ` g for thirty day, and under on. rear. afirßevenue stamps no at. Li an %I dew CONISIIOIIOCIiEN BOILER AND COIL WORKS, • JOHN WOOD, JR., 1100CPACTURER UP • rUß 4l..Ngs ° ll.7o IDIERN - Yht; Mid" 7.11 kil kinds of Wronght irno Cells,Tuyers for Blunt Fur• once. (I otootnetern, Smoke Stacks Ulan Pipes, Iron Wheel. oarrowa, and everything In the Boller and Sheet Iron line. %len, all kinds of Iron and Stood Fors... and Blacksmith work, Miners' Toole of nil kinds, such., Whom Iluckete. ['lrks, Drills , kluiletn, Sledges, die. Bathos a Steam Hamer awl net of tools of all kinds wad skilled workruert. Idotter myself that I can turn out work with promptness sod dispatch, all of which will be warranted to he first•clase. Patching Boilers, and repairing generally. strictly at laded to. ' ape 17. A IiANDSOIRE MOUS I'ACIIE ! MOUSTACHE I PROF. ST. CROIX'S RENCH COM. ESKERS. !POUND, the Orcnt HAIR (MOWER, MOUS) ACHE. I will prodn a hoturi tat MOUNTACII sallBKEsS. I .1. 0 lIIOKERS ou the smoothest flee. Plow.aut to use. nous 10400 01tirule on receipt of Illy Cents II 'l'. lION U, CIiEhIIST. N. E. Con. TENTH and CHESTNUT ETO., PHILA. feb2l'72-ly A PROFITABLE BUSINESS! 11011TEQUAL TO 0 AS,AT ONE.EI(4IITU TIIE COST! Cannot be ra.zthulf 1 M. chimney nr Wick treat. MEN &Motu/ a PROFITAoLIS RUSIN r.OE, coosec-re 110•EXCLIISIN lt1(18 for the Into of Intl,' T'S PAY. ENT CARSON OAS I.IOIIT BURN Elio AND ()IL, Tut COUNTIES ur STAt ES. Write for Inforunttion or cation M. B. DYOTT, No. 114 SOUTH SECOND RT., PHILA, N. B.—CHURCHES luenl.bed tv Rik CHANDELIERS and LAMPS of every 11.cerfpefort. 21 Per rortt. chroPcr than at any other eatublialuneut In the country. coo. 13.3tew C . F. WOLFERTZ, . NO. 606 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN, Illanurecturer of all kind. or Cutlery and dealer le Sportstnen'e Articles, which ho le meninx at reduced pric• se. Single cud double barrel Minima Oooe, Revolver. to all kinds. Pewder, tlbor, Caps. Yiehtag Tackle. etc. uly27•te A LOWE, =I LOOKINO.OLASSES AND FRAMES Large assortment of OIL PAINTINGS AND CHROMOS 130 N. Ninth St., aboro .drrh, mpl•Bmwl PHILADELPHIA THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19,1872. J. F, 6,r, E. B. ORNE, 904 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Have now opened the most Elegant Variety or New Carpetings ever imported. Notwithstanding the Have determined to offer their entire Btock at old prices TAPESTRY CARPETS, ALL THE NEW BRUSSELS STYLES IN SINGLE AND DOUBLE WIDTHS. J. F. & E. B. ORNE are eloalng nut the balance of lagt Season's Importatlone, VELA 2,'T AND ENGLISH ShUSSELS CARPETS, at a heavy reduction in Price. Also an Invoice of FRENCH AXMINSTER CARPETS, at $2.50 per yard apr2-21noe d prlo-2m w _ . NO. 21 NOR'III. FIGIITH STREET, NO. 21 NORTH. EIGHTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MILLINERY AND DRESS TRIMMINGS. .ADOLPH B ELLER • Has now noon the moat complete meek of Fran h millinery gond, nod drsits trimmines to M. felted in thin city. A toll assortment of rill,. In all new 01100.. pl.ces colored eilbs,fr tit id Si to 2 rot For yard. IlLtCli SILK AND SATIN. All shades 01 tint - moisr el It end corded satin cranes. French therm , . stiatv woods, fringes. oleos. laces, buttons, am Ladles Who will give me a call may rely on getting uow and geld goods. at the lowest prices. • ADOLPH HELLER, mayl.2mw3No. 21 N. Eighth street, Philadelphia. 707 TYNDALE St, MITCHELL , 707 HOUSE FURNISHING IN CHINA, . GLASS AND CROCKERY WARE WE HAVE NOT INCREASED OUR :VETOES. THE WHOLE OF OUR IMMENSE. STOCK WAS PURCHASED BEFORE TILE EXTRAORDI NARY ADVANCE IN EUROPE. • 'BEST GOODS. LOH EST PRICES, 707. CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 707 prl7.2m w MEAD & ROBBINS, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER-PLATED WARE N. E. CORNER, .NINTII AND CHESTNUT STS., PHILADELPHIA. DINNER AND TEA SERVICES, URNS, BUTTER DISHES, CAKE BASKETS, TUREENS, ICE PITCHERS, SALVERS AND CASTORS. • CUTLERY !, EVERY VARIETY IN PE',A Rl, AND .IINTAL HANDLES, PLATED AND UN ",17.3.,,,] PLATED SPOONS A.ND FORKS A SPECIAL I Y. =I Coal anb Lumbry I= •• • . • I I i r ; kit dErrra, , toms( a r ' ll ' U % I t A JR' Unwn zet4. it i f - Street, near Lellgh Valley Depot, Allentovni RITTER & A li_llolll, MANUFACTURERS OF Sash, Doors, (MINH(' Blinds, Inside Illinois, Mould ingr, Brackvt4 lifilustirx. Pirkots, Shar tugs. W(1140/0 Frmi,x, Door Frt°. s. SCROLL SAWINI), TURNINI: PLANT SO, mATcnixo. FLOORING Au.l RIPPING =I A LSO,•STA In ItUl I, DI done and HAND 11A I LING matt° to order •• • • (loving 1141,V luul alnpoit 'lvo yearn,' posaciiiiitin of the lolh refurnitthed It altrioat wholly avith new and Improv ed machinery, and having nowt 'u'exporiontiod work men, we aro b preparod to defy compatition from at home mil abroad, oth In price and work niatp,hip. Do you contemplato building 7 fall ul .ior Factory and or tbity yourself frith pernotial examination. Pt - aft:logs (or 1,1111Mo:fa, bract:eta, patterns for orna mental frork, merlin. for ',relic.,. can be soon nt all times ty calling tit our °tern. Any Intorniatlon to tho builder •ornishoil choorfully and freely, by calling Itt tho 31anu• factory, on Union afraid, at tho Jordan Bridge, Allen shorn, IN.. or by letter through the post Mlle, atm 3.ly] BITTER A ABBOTT. YILBROT. OTTO. H. W. OTTO. 0. W. MILLER F EDER • , OTTO at MILLER, MANJFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LBE R , WI LLIAMSPORT, PA. MILL ON CANAL WEST OF MAYNARD STREET OFFICE AT TUE MILL W F CRAM , AGRN.L. 4 nue logy Spertarlc,s. SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES II EYE GLASSES. St C. . 3 42:12gi . O=OARV , IIVII Or all kinds of CHAS. S. AIASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA Having devoted a great deal of rare and attention to the pentacle bunions, for 01". laid few yearn, I nod that my •014113.1.t11n that line low increased no 1101 hot I have de. 'mined to notice It a HPECI isTV There is no article nanufloctured in which there bit much dectoptiton prae• Iced as there in In Spectacle MiliOnen. Knowing that the labile have been frantoetitly humbugged by portion pre millog to have Pi impeller article of lilaaaen, atttlnhargitor tgorldtatot price, tor obetto, thereby Wanking open tine lie. eanitlea and inftruiltlea of age, I have token pains to so act a large and complete aaaorttneut of the nueat and heat /lomat. evils manufactured, thus ooffording all person, tending Hpectaclen an opportuility of porrhaslng at rea. tonabie prices. Pernona having any dollitoulty in being mited elmewhere will do well to give not u roll, no I feel :confident (bat no one will fall to be suited. Remember the old eland, No. tf.l East Hamilton tlrect, opposite the tier. nunliefoo rued Church, Allentown, Ps. Ina 2t" tf OPENING LADIES' SPRING & SUMMER SUITS AND COSTUMES ! EVERY DAY COLDREn AND FANCY SILK SUITS, lIERNANI;TAMISE AND CASHMERE PIQUE LINEN. LAWN AND DROANDYsUITS, AND NUITSIN EVERY V RIETY OF THIN MATERIAL FOR SPIUNO AND SUMAIER WEAR. ALSO A FULL LINE OF SACQUES, TAI,MAS AND LA DIES lINI)ER%VEOi. • LACE JACKETS. POINTS. &0., Arr. THE LAIWES I' STOCK EVER SILO MN IN THIS CITE AGNEW ENGLISH NO. 839 CHESTNUT ST., OPPOBIT6 CONTINBATAL 110 TEL AND 29 SOUTH .NINTH STREET, nviii.w 01 • PHILADFMPIIIA. CARPETS. great advance, J. F. & E. B. ORNE, FURNITURE I FURNITURE ! =MI HUTTON & McCONNELL, 809 MARKET ST., PHILADELPHIA ALARGE STOCK F FINE Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room FURNITURE ! All °drbs wsirrauted. All old cutiromort will Ise dealt pith a forsossrsy, stud Clio padroudgo of Otto public to bartoostly solltdosd. H. L. MeCONNELL, Menu l'aetnrer tied I?eabtr In FURNITURE, ntattl: :lam] • Bth Market etreet. REAT BAIIGA 1 NS FURNITURE AVERILL BARLOW, NO. 45 S. SECOND STREET, has hix lumen.° wardroom. (six xtorld.) filled with a groat Satiety of grot-class Furniture, and is offering it at Prices lower thin any other Dealer in Philadelphia. soiling the Warne class of g oods. Ile has also a groat •arlety of low-priced work, which ho Is selling at redu^ed prices, either at wholesale or en tall, Including all styles of Collage Foreituro, Also, Agent for the Beckwith Bowing Machine, Price $lO. Capri.:lnm • STOCK I LA KG EST • • GREAT INDUCEMENTS To buy all your furniture at the largest furniture store it, town or GEORGE W. HELAIBACH 732 HAMILTON BT., ALLENTOWN. Thn firm finer 'recently put In n AIMS!. moTti Aid: PLATE•OI.ARS FRONT. nod have ethertvine rolurged their faellitien for t,f keeping on linnd the largent stuck In the city. ' Their IJI ELEGANT FURNITURE kmatinfactnred In their own establinhment „ < - 7MI , Mt . mdse their own nupervinlon, end in warrant. iN t.; he the beet In the meeker An Inspection ; of their ntueli Cull vim, buyer. of the nd- • •.• vantage of buying r ..... them Ise W Ilmmitach. mannfneturn KITTLE'S PAT VNT !MONO BED, and aro nolo agents for that +ulterior hod Call and nee it. Remember The Mammoth Glass Front.. • SAFE AND DESIRABLE MUNICIPAL BONDS or KANSAS, MISSOURI. COLORADO AND WISCONSIN. Daring from 1110 20 yearn to roil. Principal end Internet payable In Now York I lir. For mile at mires th.t whl pup °FEN 12 P• It PFNT. oo the Menton.... Curren. poodetwo aullmted with all rumble' i. i•ity or a •11. • MOS. P. ELLIe & CO., rrairk••re,' melt 4ty w] 14 Pine SOW. Now York PIIIILADEI,I9III4 R IU I ". :e3 lll NEONei' BANDAfig INBTITUTE. No 11 - North NINTH Street. abenve Heriget. H. C. PVEHETT'S Patent Orstinating Pres-ure Tt use positive IY cures raptor's when all others WI. Also, *lst.. ve .l.y or ctn.sp Trusees, Improved Elastic Eteckloev, Belts Moulder Bram., shtleininsi Conpuriers. Su -pene I'll.' II rain. Enloe losteurnetae, Crutches, Lentos etteudrul h} Etre. Everett. Alr 4111-itemember, the second TIM. lore above Macke / eet 11. L. MeCONNELL, Ilne on baud, nt the old Maud —AT— Greatly Reduced Prices Zjaatclies at* 3033r1ru. BAILEY&O lf.hestnut & 12th Sts., jewelers ano Silversmiths. FINE WATC4ES I IFFLEridi LOCKS, BRpNZES, PLkTED WA e FtE. Guaranteeb. IBooos sent by 'Express on approval. w may,lo —ly pit,tc K. NTAIIIIFFER, WATC I ES AND JEWELRY, N00..~14 NORTH SECOND ST., eon. or QVAIMS, PIII L A and frirltepoirlog of NV:tulles end Jewelry promptly minded to.ter 5-ty KELLER it. unownEn, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, woll la upwa reg rd ulated and rger warra lnted. eI lt o AN r PiZOM and prices, from s. Ala 11 , “Ortil GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can ho found In any other more In the city.. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE 4 ZlCE i t ' c ' n ' :..,Ve i g ' i . red on Short Notice. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, Nn. Zi East Hamilton street, npmetile the Nem,. Ito formed Church. Jost received from Now Yurk awl Phil udelphlu, all tho latest stylus GOLD WATCHES 110 han lbe lament and best assortment of Gold Watch°s and at lower prices than can be found elnewbere, SILVER WATCHES He has a largerand hotter assortmont of Silver Watcher than can be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY • Ito has the largest sod best nottortmout of all kinds of Gold JewtOry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Fin has n larger and butter asaortmunt of all'kluda of 011 t and Pladud Jewelry than can ha hound olooaloro. SILVER AND PLATED WARE notion a npletulltt annortment of Silver and Plated Warn. Auy person donlrlug goods la thin lino eau not NH to tin nutted. CLOCKS. A. larger assortment than at any other establishment MELODEONS. In ital , . , :tj, r l l l l. nstiorttncut of Prince's Melodeons, the heat ACCORDEONS. A nplendld assortment of all kindn of Accordeons. lIIn establishment has lately been fitted up. and In new second to none In NOW York and Philadelphia. end ahead of atnythingoutside tin large olden. lie has a large: stock of hothiounble condo In his line than all Other.. In hrhigb county combined. To convince yournelves of Inc ahem cull and two iEgAtoWatg' NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, A few doors west of the Continental lintel. Je w e ler s, Silversmiths, IMPORTERS OF WATCHES, DIAMONDS, FINE BRONZES, FANCY GOODS, EURoPEAN NOVELTIES. Maya now in store. and are conmlacir receiving. an exteuslve variety of floe Goods appertutulug to their Feßpectfally invite p.n.s.c vtaltiax the city to fay° them with a visit. • immlrlen.atal or.lern by mall promptly attend.] to I'oo.l y iFor tilr labirs MRS. GCI,IIIIN7I Ladies' Trimming Store, I= The trade at this old nod troll known estsbllchownt constantly Increasing. oolitic to the fact dial NEW t 11)b aro bloc constantly !weir,' of the LATEST STY hEll and al war. , sottahlo to tho wants of her numerous root. naors. People should always go whom they are sure to he uottod at low Ilcorno irtl'r ''lli REAL WHITBY, JET JEWELRY, FRENCH JET AND VI , LOANITV JEWELRY = Part. owl V it. n t Fat., Hair Pills. notry 1' ~llrilonry •lis Itr. 1..111g 1 . 55. 5. IL.IIII. 111 l (11 'P.n. All S.{llll eed superior to 50 , 'n0 11.1008 11. DIXON, N . 21 Smith Eighth litr,t, apt:i-w DAIIII iva 1313 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, lie. received from Park tho latent Spring etylee POLONAISE BUSTLES AND CORSETS La Victorlon Kang iron k N Olson BUSTLE SKIRTS for lu and prom• mule dreNNem. Parin W.rly 3 Childreu'a Cowin, all at popular (life, •Jnar '2O ly TEMPLE OF FVOIIIOv. ESTASLISH E 1517. MRS. M. A. BINDER, 110, N. W. COR. 1 Fru R CHESTNUT STS., DIMPIIIA, Impott, and Ilh....crier of Paris and London Novel'irs, 2.4.z.,lrTrlromod Parer Fallon). of Lotost nod most rollsh.e Styln, for Lodi s' and Children's oe Ladles' Press. trimorogs, ludtotion 1 sees. filoves. Vnnw, Itlllh i s, T.es. Fre ell .IswelrF. Goods. Fp CLOAK M klilN4l‘n the ooe.t tssie• (11l and o , gsu , min ols. A All Swarm of DRESS TTISI strict punctoooty In follillment of orders. PAPER PAT'FER.VB, %VIIOLESSLE AND it S 2000 PER ANNUM CAN BE MADE IN BELLING THE NEW WHEELER & WILSONS'S SEWING MACHINE. A few active. rellaldo ha•lnese men Or good habits and 'addrers. want , it lu dekiroldo territory at present an wo nted. Woo: a furnished ; Security requited. Hood for Information. or call on PETERSON & CARPENTER, Gen'l Agt's, 914 CHESTNUT STREET, PIIn.ADEt'II lA. J W. ALTHOUSE, Agent, •1v 61111..01t0n ..treat. Allentown. I=l Fancy Dicing islablishment .1. & W. JONES, No. Torth'Front Strrot, Plaflodelphia, Po. DVE illka, W..olen and Face). 0 unlit ev,r deorldft- Pon Their etteari rite of Dyeing Ladles' god G ndle mon'eCaumeatxlx wlde , y knout, Crape nod 111,1 no glinwiti dyed the moat I ntillau and plain C.14/11.1. Craps and Merino nh e.0.m. , . to took like new. Alai, Apintrol, an rloanued or re.dyud. Kid I oven damned on dyed to look like new. II ted look at nine work Itooro going dumber°. lir win aco. con Ninth and Vine ate. apradirow THE IMPROVE]) FLORENCE. The next tiettintt 3lnehine Made. The uly ttlarhine Clot °token Four dill . ..rout ntitchne Tito only )Machine thou totem. the otter of Sorento 1 The only .Iforh(n. that will to .ve the work in anydArection dreirtd I nun the only Marnine that lint e pelf t dioxin/IC tenni o Their 1111./.. .MI combined with the hoar. Ropftfify, and Qrti.to •.a alto roof!. no. Inevibe, wlll3 Vet two •ty and Quoftly of It no k 11/10,71T IN rPIiA, , hta now tiurebio and Best Family Sewing More to tie. World. Good Agents umlaut in entry County. Wilson & Pennypacker, Managers. 1123 Chestnut Meech PIIIIII(111# npr2 , 4•9rp iv] • Ciopt4.2m tf Cebicinai. so: ~ i - __i ik, : .4i ' O 1 -Vt.: .r• . !I. 4 . - g J ' . . . , 4, . c_ V . -gag; , -, 0.0, , , 0 ,7"4 'i\ :,ii t t i lit , • k ~ )._...4 • r k __ • t --1 )...„ 4 • , ~ •,,...,,, y tm -4 r i C) ,---, td. • ' 'V:tt r7T-,e4 6--+ i l t • 5 v4 .Ai U V e l e; —4 . .'l‘-:: et r 1 et % • %AS - At .., 1 1Air tt ' t •t t, • ; O 11 . 7. „ t • feja i K'', r•t • , 4.4 ; ~v s 4,•:rs, •---• tw , ~... 1-1-1 1 ' .itk....o' ,tile 4 . 4A NEW DRUG STOR,E ! I take th e pio,oro of Informing my statopromtC7 l 2 trietula u,ol chic general Eliot I hat,: curd IL now Itrug Store uQ NO. 735 HAiiiroN STREET, acid tilled It with n carefullvselected stock or Pure Drugs and Medicines, PATENT MEDICINES, COAL OIL, n ll v , , ,, r p ifipi gr j A OIL LA MPS Choice Perfumery and toilet articles, ns the finest Pt, tenets (or hanolksrelnet and I.llllllg. Hair os. flair In. el totatott. and Bate oyes. An innanter.iltle 71.••. t oil'. U.S.'. fel. wssldutt. shay ;ne ;1114 fat or point. Tooth Brulthen and (lair llrusltsn it all nta les and wires. pea ket hanks, foss Peeks. Taper and Pens, Packet 1C elves an I Razor, n taro. , variety 0111, E.ll.llund (term. Foni Iti,d 'rankles. In short, ererythlng that can Ire expected In a First- lass i ty Drug Store, Aisl) AT The Very Lowest Market Rates, WILOLESALE AND RETAIL. PiIYSICIA "S t PRESCRIPTIONS will I , I t o Ilny or night wits the greete-t I~iturtii ii. ity 1111 aceontey. SterekneporA supplied with everything In •..y /hie ill. 1110 lowe.t tnerltet r.tee. in: It t.I 'e ley il.lhood whoe Drtte I coollilvia 11.1 I eau nerve all Lucy favor eie with a till, to their nattnt.tetiun. E. W. DANOWSKY. Dr. WM. DANOWSKY talon. thin opportunity to thank blot numerone friends for pt favor. Ilud Ito at the Drua Store to lon SOU WA ea IL who iudy denim hot medical eery tee, REMEMBER THE PLACE, 735 II A - A FLTON STREET, Br! went Seventh rind Ilfghth. PARENTS TA K E Nall( THAT AT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE YOU WILL sterns FIND YOU NALRJ•I.I.KINDA SCEIOOL BOOKS, • BLANK EIDOKS, COPY BOOKS AND SLATES, PENS AND INK, AT THE LOWEST 'PRICES, The lime to again here for children to prepare for SCHOOL I. And we linvo on hand and for rule everything they want and need In the SCHOOL ROOM. OUR PRICES ARE AS LOW aD3•w`io to leer, r, . : ! ,.170f. 1111 give MOW jual what they DON'T FORGET. AND REMEMBER THAT THE BOTEN BOOK STORE • IS THE PLACE 10 BUY ALL KINDS OF School Books at the Lowest Prices. LEISENRING, TREXLEIt *.t CO., Kit Henillton St.. Allentown, in. eepl•tfd AGENTS QUICK Cli= i ‘ f d t i / i r ' 1 . 71.1! ry, .I Clore In a, rush for It) on DIO LENVIA' lent and greeted woe k. OUR DIGESTION , or. MI',JOLLY FRIE.VD'S SECRET. It le be °dila the tenet taking nod enleble book In Cho field. 1 It la ori n vitally lineorlant eubjea. it id by fitnerka t e moil popular Wir onset Ph. 11 10 tor the polio, the large.. • ea haul book ever eel.] I.y Luleio 'pilau. Agent., the people are . neer 1 r Pad , a i .k. nod .111 urge you to bring It to thorn. Write for terms. eie . free. GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher. novltely Sr • rial Sonoran Street, Phtlirdelphla. - \TORTII PENNSVIL-17,* rsr VANIA RAILROAD. 30e. .I!raiik; 8111H1IRR AR RANGIBMENT.I Passeneere rew Phlladelphln take Lehigh Valley R. R tralnx paaslud Allentown at a IS and ti 13 a. m, 01..: fa 8 0 , 11. 2 : itTt p l . r: n . 1 . 0 ( 1 1;14V:4: 4 8 ; - :. ,,,, 10 ... t t a n m . dAllrood irallot ./.15 p. t. 40 and 8 'lip 111. r o Philadelphia at 10 4 . 3 a. to. . '2 lb, 3U, 831 and 10r0 P. m ' • ' I LOCAL SCHEDULE. (Six Through Train. Daily, Sondaym Excepted 3 Pasneoaer traitne leave the depot Northwest corner Berko ocl American .t sot.. Phlladeiphla, Fur A Ilentowu at 830 and 9 1.5 a. 10, 3 37, 4 06 and .45 p m. Pola , o x.ro. are attach c 1 In th• 631 a. in. train. Fur Duylesumu at 8 47 a. cm. 24)and 44; p tn. For Fart %Vtlahluotuo at 741 nod 11 a tn. 6 and 1130 in m. For Ablution at 7 . nt . 13d, nod 730 p. m. Fut Laundolu at a 3) I. to. Tralue for Phllgdolphth Lease Itetblottom at 630, 31 A. to., 1213, 333, 610 and 411 P, "'I/03.440%v,,nt 731 a. m.. 300 MX) P. m. •• I,noudnle at 601 tt. to. '• Port Wanhlngtou nt 647, 10 30n. tn., tad 215 nod C 0 It '' Ablngton nt 7 45 n to t 2 Be ad 25 p. m. 03rti D A 16. Leave Bethlehem °or Phllltdr!plitn.at 4 . 0 , 1 p.m. b 4, ""''"'"'w" • 8.,' I hem at al L°l " P " l "`: lPhi 'rjuo'yi Pero—Allantotrn to Phllnuerhl t 44 60 . h ' 1,1.16(1,ARE, /mot. OtT,tiaintiLittikilA ANDgatz ., :t - b g o FOGELSVI LLB IL R. ftor JUNE Tlllllll, 1672, Pxnnoneor Trultin on qua & Fnurinvillo Itadradd tvtll mu In cannon. Lehigh Valloy, Lenin& & liusquohauna, and Railroad, ux follow m:— On and of lll.l:alnxant tbtn trltlt lb Ka +I l' t n I Pralnx WI P P.M.A M. I I.t I .7 7 i I. i 7 1 1 41 7 15 I 1 , , 721 I 7al 74 761 K bta, The maroingtrnin wet leavemeAtatiangna on the arrival of the L V It. It. Paatootgor train fr o m ELIAIoa, o hl,llllllll All , town. nod connect', at Albania with a troth . . . . •11 rho Hoot l'imomylvoul.t It. H for Hrodlnu, Ponxvllln, :I Irrimboru nd Philadolplilo ktol ORO With IL train for A110w... u. It a ottlinhoto nod EnAtno. 1 . 1”. inoru log tr..le East COIIII..CtS at Allon"fi wito.calun toii. I'. It and . f rom at Citta• llarrtsliorg, Pottsville ho•itiling end Allontown, anike with train on th Valley Itallpatil for Munch y Chunk, Wilkesbarrii e , Seranhohligh• ion, Philadelphia and Now York. Ito l Ir. p DI train West euu n. cis 01 Alburtis with trains n Lilo hurt Itsilrosd for Pottsville, Her- - . . . 0 1prg, I.llll.tolt.iphitt, Albutowu, livilllobettl. i'mxton, ;tll N..P . York; 11,11170 to I'lllllWe/01i. Vt. ROOthng of i 11 p. 111. " ' . The Evening train East loaves A bartia on the arrival 1111 trala !rota Allentown and iris train nuking counee tious !leading with trains (rota Philadelphia, liarris• burg, Pottsville, Ate.. .111 , / COlllll l lllll with local aseenger train on the L. V. It. li. at C•4l.l.tontins roe A l lentown, Bethlehem and Engon. iloketolattgoa and Coplay. Persousal.l,ing to go 1.. .Allentown eat, take the morn ing train tVevt 10 A:louttis, arrive at Allentown 015 a to, .tl nail:, by a trail! 011 the EANI Peausylvaula Railroad. leavlug Allautowu at 4 p. C cm 10-IYI ti . “ `. c B A „ ` , " ..LVZ . ,r. L I T, I LT'A ' t ILLEY SCII2IEI2 ARRANGEAIENT. Leave A lleuto3v n !or New York. via Central Railroad of Spiv Jersey. at 5 01s, 6 15, mud F 15 a tn. nod 1201, 12 Ih., 40% 1.11,1 500 p. tn. For New I lira, via Morris St Fomex Rollrnad 01 055 4 , non Innnun^_il. l2 I.le. 4 , 1% and a• 1 p in. For 21iintutk. Chunk and Belvidere at 817 . In, and 5 40• p in. For Lambertville and Trenton at 615 a m, and 1211 nod p For Easton at 555•, 0 11, 4 110 and 10 lira m; 12 nl. 12 11°, 3t 0, 54• .)74., 7 4 , nod 508 p tn. For rhilocielputa. via Nu , th NW) Railroad, HI 0 15 815 a in, Awl 12 nl. 5,. , , h 2r, I For WM411110101., I). C . 810 11. T. 12 01 and 828 p m, Fnr Untiumutio. Foglesvilla If. R. 6414 in aua /220 rII. For (loplay at4la or. 12 4 1 4, f^l and 0 . 24 p Fur nhaich (Munn at 644. 1tni71) 10121, 4 , 4 • ...1 824 I ) rn. Fur Wilkoslinrrelltilli . lltelltal.lo, 6 44 arid 10 47 a to, 12 2 , , 4 34 p m. 11'ur Wovrrly, Owego Elmira. Inborn and Buffalo, at 170 ,t Express Fr...) ' 1 1 0 4 P• Fur 114/11.10 at 641 a lu 47 Di, and 424 p m. Far Andenthal at 1047 • a For 21.11tanoy City a. ti 44 n nil 1" 47 n tn. and 4:41 p m. For .115. Carmel nt 11 11 ml 1..47 win. WWIn star , •1 •Inrt haw, Earl Penn Junction. fI.S FANLET (.1 00 D WIN, Anal Sup't, R. 11. sAYISE sup't At Ent. j ILLEVEOT'S PASSENGER HAIL iI WAY. T lAT Itl TABLE On and after MON DA Y. JUNE 3, 1672, care will enn to all teethe on the Lehigh Valley end Leingli and nusque neut.., Philadelptile & Reading (East Peon inuctlnnj natiroada, and to the Allentown Furnace, lea, lug Sta tion. Ilarnlltuu and Ninth atreota, as follows: For L. P. L. &S. E. Penn. Furnace. Leave Fur A )1 A. M. A. )1.• A SI. A M. 5 45 74) orol 53) . 11 01 6 13 10 II 0 4 , 1 11 21 51 35 7 43 11 35 11 1.0 04: I'. M. • P. M. 111 12 1 10 1 50 11 :45 • P. M. P. SI. 300 310 11 fer 2 53 1 42 0 110 t) 35 P. 31. 3 al :4 (0 7 01:1 7 1.0 3 2) 0 15 0 1 , 1 3 AO 7 00 0 (0 ---- n 2) Pay Dap. St tiatroalie 7 In ONLY 74J 840 9 di The above cure run to alt tho paesenger trains on the above roads. • FARE TEN CENTS. Children cinder ton years of age, Five Cents. R Fo i r ..., G GAIL•ax . • I . • t fO r e tr.* 11.'1 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. MONDAY, MAY 6, 1872 orest Trunk Moe from tho North anti North-Went for phis. NeW York. Y.ro th . Pottsville. Tnnotigue, Ashland sibatooklo. Lebsoon, Alloutown. Easton, Eph• Into, Litlz, Lancaster, Colombia, etc. . . . Tr , oths Ivaco II orrinhurg for Ne . w York as follows: at 24.5, 810 a. to.. and 201 p. In. connecting with similar trains an Pennsylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 1007 a. :no, 3f:l and .0 43 p. m. respectively. Rotunda, lean. Vow lurk at tio a. at.. 12 30 main and 543 p. at.; Philadelphia at 73', 830 a. to. nod 3 30p.m. ll,nLeave II artisborg for Reading, rattan Ulu, Taman.. Ashland, Shamokin, Allentown, and Phila. delPhia at 8 hit , m.. 2131.11 4115 it. to. stipping at Loba• null dud prlnelpa 1 way stations; Om 403 p it. train con. orating for Philadelphia, Pottsville and Columbia only. For Vottsville, Selinylkill Haven and Althorn, via Schuyl. kill and Susquehanna Railroad Ica to Harrisburg a; 340 P. F.Tnt Pennsylvania 1401,501 trolos leave Remlitlg for Allentown. Easton and New York at 4.14. 1049, a. , and 105 p n Returning, leave Seer York of (lie n. in., .12 30 00011 !Id .45 11. to , and Allentown at 720 a. to„ 12'27 noon, 13, 422 and 013 1,. ro. ( 2 sc,e, m. it'. f:4 4 ),s' 10 -4 '4. , ‘..f.,: _ \Pay Paitaiinnor Train lauvoaPhiladelphia at 730 a. 1113. Connecting with eitallar train on ant Penna. Railroad returinug liin kt ve Rending at ti tn., stopping at all titit t Loavd Volt,illla at 91A. m., and 2 '4l p. nc. Herndon at I 0 Pi it. to. rducniok in at 540 mud II IA a. to., Aabland at 7al a. Hi. 12 43 noon, 51cchattur City nt 741 a. Hi. and I 50 0. tn., fnmacc cm at and 210 p. cu. fur Pluladiophin. Now York, Heading. Ilarriaburg, &c• Lenaa . Pott.vlll.. nud Suaquelutuna c• road at l5 a. la. for liar... Mug, and II 45 a. to. Cur' Pimp irriiv- and Tramiiiit• Pot ,V.llO AtTolllllloclllllotl Train leaven Poitsville at 55. 4. t.i. p at 725 a. in.. arriving at Philadst• plod , 950 a. in. Returtituiß - Ivaves l'bllailelphia at 51 p. pas-ing Reading at 7411 p. arriving at PULL. v.II Pottstown Adoonintodatlon Train loaves Potlalown t 04,..,t0. Mourning, haven / . 111141.1.piila (Math 'lll. Ur.,14.) al 420 ni Cola taloa litulroad Tralax leave {loading at 7,10 a at nod a 15 p lu ror h.phenta. Lids, Loucamer, Columbia, &c. tr., turalag tear,. I. iti..ter as SID a ta, and 1 :Lip at, ..u,l Calutalnd ul Jla 10. and :115 pul 4 . ...,.....14.411r0,•41 TrAt.. Perktomeu Juuctloo At 7.v 1. U, It M. 3 II) .45 o to. 1.4..mu1ug. lent 6:1), t•O in 11/. 111, Aud 445 p .• A.u• ut...41.4 4001. voillar 14..411.4 If • . • • . l'iclo•rtitt: V4ll, Ititt !vitro Pl.tuttlxvlllit nl 9 111 it nI, 9 litittal 5 :Ai p in t ictottit•ig Up., ut .1 35 it Ili, 1.46 mat 4 2; couttectiug with bitnthu trams tin livitottim • Onallreoadlale !lallrnall trains leave l'ottalown ai !tilt a 01 and I 20. nun 7Li In; taturnlag leave Mount Pleaallin .1600, 010nd in, and 321 p connect ,ng with tra,n• Rea.tlpg It. It. . . I..lit , tt'r Volley Ilanlrchla male. leave HeldlrePert at SA' a el 3.1'2 I , :ael n;al p in; returtnag, leave 111 % 12 3 ) U.”. L 4, I/ 0.11111.,3111g tenth /math. haaeltug tin 'mta vs: leave N wYork nt t,, 41 p in. Philadelphia at h Jo a in and 3 15 pin (the 81A) a to hale rulinthif °WY tip 17,ttlinge leave rull•vilia 54,1 nt '2 4.1 mid . 2 (Up Alleatow iti {.2sanal 95 p to, Rend • 19,4 71., u w anti 11 3.1 pin for II ttrei,burn t al 4 5 4 n w for Nee Yolk, ot 7 Lea in tor AltealoWll.al lit 94. a tai and 41L p in ter C. 01111110.11013., 3111.1.1 g, SOASIIII. bell.' and Excurtdoo to dud 110111 nil jp.thste, roductid mitten. RAgg.go chucked through =OM C . P. ivoLrEwrz, CUTLERY, NO. 000 HA MIL VON tl MEET, ALLENTOWN, PA. kfannfarturen uud keno, con•tnutfy on hand n Inrgo nn humor,. of all kinds of Cottony .lazara Titbit, Koine null Fork,. Pnoikot rimyea tinlnnorn at thy • ML LENTOWN Rolling Mill Co., Sure... to • THAI ER, ERDMAN, ‘VILSON & CO., STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS, BRIDGE CASTINGS, RAILROAD TURN TABLES, MILL 'GEARING, SHAFTING, Furnace, Rolling Mal and Mining Work, N. ll.—All work guaranteed and delivery prompt. L. H. GROSS, Sup't nognxt N.:im Wi WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF WI. ql ti SAFES . gL_ .•-..41r,..'-'-4 PSTABILS BED IN 1843. THE OLDEST SAFE:IIOIISE IX PHILADELPHIA Th.' ooly Rafe with Ira' am Donna. oLiEmititePa Free 'non Daewoo.. Also price. hem 15 to VA per reel. lower than cello, tankers. Please need for Circular nud Prire I let. 'l'. WATallfl & PON, Late of By,. na dt • Wnteon. Menu ecturera, aute2.l 601 w No. la H. Fourth tit. Philadelphia. 71111 11.1.IUKTIT4TED I'IIR E 41- 1.00 leA 1. JiIIIIIN Al. le overt* r• ., P..< 1 . Clore 31hUerloa. Ito erttellot ern the Ittetw.t 1ater... 410 oil. It leachrn w tre are .m 1 to police the mow or eureelek ,, r• Tho lororttottlon lie r . Norte 'on the Laws of Life mod Heathlike unit worth the 'rite of It,, Mettetloo to every, totally It hn th0b11e1....1 at CI (hi n 'no,. By a erieclo orrenuetonot we two eutthlekt to Lao , the Pigeon -1141.111 J. tiring on a Preto n t for Ohre new enbwrilker• to the LnlllYtt 1100110 1 en or will r.nr.,1,41 th , •1,111.11 Itlintot- T• 11 and Phretholeulcul Jouruel Weedier for Oak. We commend the Journal to all who want NllllOll 31111Z1.1ine. [hir°ee LII oruua. to ROUT. 1111.:1101,1., JR. u ,P Allergen . a NrItITEN L. ICAUFFIII AN, ATTOR• NU AT LAW. (Mice, seiond flour of ale First National Book 1011,1103, ALL LCiTtl%Vli, PA. Collections made tu Lohluhrund sdiulninit conntios. Coo be con,lted oche English and German lanensfics. asp 14.1 y itailroabs. Train INSIEM CATASAIIQUA, 9 53 *4EI I , I,E'S. 9 45 ..11 , 111)AN BRIDGE, 939 (I UT lI'S 9 34 IV Al.l{l , 3lT'B, '9 29 CHAPMAN'S, 919 T It EX I.E ItTo W:sl, 907 BIWA N1(18\11,7,6. 8 56 .81 . 1:1N17 CREEK, 8 42 AL-131 . 1iTIS, . BJ7 I= . WO pond. Allowed each J. E. WuurTEN, =IMMEAS El==l &c., &c., .kc profcssional Carts. HCI „ , C. 11UNNITERGER ATTORNE • AT LAW. , Rmoorod to tee Poet OM. Width record Boor. ALLENTOWN PA. . mm.o4 J. MORE. ATTORNEY AT LAM V/ • ALLENTOWN, PA. 0111cn, No. r.O East 1.1.11 M Went. file. he .13.114141 n Oermnn. J. 14 W • D. LU(KENItACII, Arroll NET Ar LAW, (fortnerly practiced le Carl) Office. scallion strs.t. second floor, non the Conn Hons., Allentown. Pa. Mn, be c. the German NoVW. county). ;tin ion BUNK t IRA I. rowa 41"111111CN El AND CoUNS6I.I.OIOI AT LAW; Allentown, ' Office. No. 84 Emit Ilszatort sired. C. N. Rum ' F. A. R. BALowtx Ii.LIAS HERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER AGENT FOR TUE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, S.MI Wiwi Hamilton Ht.. Allentown. PA CIEORGE U. RUPP, ArrousE AT LAW.lico with Lion. Joho D. tidies, All town. l's U'DWIN ALBRIGHT. ATTOITIVE' Jr) AT LAW, elglitAeors above the Ceuri°Are. A LENTOWN Lehigh county. Pa. •febtl..'lll-1 0 FORGE K. WILSON, ATTOIt N E N. X AT LAW, No. MS Hamilton street. no.,rly op olt.• the Comt ilooon. Allentown. Collections promp , mode in Lehigh and Northampton counties D R. C. C. 11. GULDIN, SURGE I DENTIST. Offlre, over litre, M. A. 0. IIUSS Trlnuslug Store, No. 34 Sant Hamilton West, Animals. Ps. TEVI SHOVER, ATTORNEY • .11-4 LAW AND JUSTICE OP THE PEACE, 3f ILLE TOWN, ',IMMO CO., PA. Paroculur altoollo s n pato =MME2=2= t) :Al 6 44 5 921 691 6 75 16 WIII. N. YOUNG. JR., (WITH KNoWI.TOS, ATTORNEY AT LAW; Boom. 43, 45. 46 nod 47, No. 11 Waulangion Streg . C ., cugo. JOAN 0. BOWMAN. ATTORNE AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Room 0, No 630 out street. l'hilsamphla, mar THOMAS It. METZGAIt, ATTO NEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No MMIM=E GEORGE B. SCHALI. ATTORN AT LAW. 0111., Find door above Law Alley, LENTOWN, PA. , may 29.13 t 11 EN N. RIGRv, vi"ruitx EV AN COUNSEL , Oli AT LA W.' door a M. J. K. mer'u r., , 1.111 , 0 S to iho Engle lI,AeL Alloutowy, Pr. [A.r 17-IY FDIV A. D HARVEY, ATTORN AT LAW. °lnce, with Mu. Sarnuol A, Brldg ALL ENT , . WN, PA. . may I-1 'I 0 AIN RI Pl', ATTORNEY AT LA CP (Mkt., N. E. Con, 6th and Hamilton Street.. Al A: TOWN, PA. may 1-1 ADAM IVOOLEVER, ATTonx AT LA W. Caro. opeoetto ate Court Hooter, A LENTowN PA. only 1-1 11.1.1 A TI 11. 41LACIE, ATTou NE v AT LAW. CATASAUQUA, LEIIIOII COUNT inity 10.1: MEM D CLA II All ERSLY,A TTORN E LL. AT LAW CATASAUQL'A PA. iqu earprt3 nub Oil Clot. CARPErING.. . - WILLIAMS & DALE, !WOOER. EA TO E II GOMIII A Or, 832 MARKET STREET, PHILA DELPIJI Bonier+ tu CARPETS, CI I. CLOTHS. MATTING% e We ha vejte.t. r.re veil for the l•prlog tr•do n largo a hands ow• lootertatent llf UV.' coil teautllttl .Olean Or eels. Inarnl.,..llautotle. .11 Winnow And • etc.. et •.. all of Oily tVo 111 t Vol leo tont C. PrAcen. We invite , all to till and nee uc. and °Amato° cluck bolero par [maim, elsewhere. WILLIAMS A DALE, ' 5.32 Siprket el.. Philadelphia =I !RICH AND ELEGANT :CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, & S. C. FOULK NO. 19 S. SECOND ST., PHILA., (First Carpet Store below Market, East alde,) Invitee attention to him oiplend'd aseertmont or Import and American CA III'ETS, which will he mild at a rn 0011 d. . no represented no lb all cau buy with confidence and natiaractlon. CARPETS! CARPETS! Also, OIL CLOTHS, MATTING WINDOW' SHADES, &C., G. B. SNYDER & CO., SOUTH SECOND ST., PIIILADA., Wont Blda. boloar Market A' 11.—A liberal it feemint in Churches and Clerg 11,11 17-3rn w 'VA MA P NNW S' • ALT. EXT. r In the wonderful medicine to which the afflicted are above pointed fir relief. the diecoverer be 'levet lio hes combined in harmony noire of Na ture's most siwereiiin curative properties, which (Lid has instill,' into the vegetoblo kingdom for healing tliii sick, than were over before combined icre or i Urine. evidence of this Net Is found in VI, groat variety of most:obstinate dis eases witlrlt It h found to croupier. In the cur° of II eonehlti a, So tie ro Con hr, pp of Co 11511 in pt I ))))) ft has astonish.' faculty, nod eminent pliy alclaas protium, it the great,t medical tilseove ry of die II te. It tares the reverent Coughs, It etretigthitiet thin rye toll told purl flea the blood. II( it+ gni it and thorough blood purify lag properties. It Cures till tin In ors from be woit Sr rofu to to it common 11101014 Ping pie, or Eu rapt I on. disease. Mine+ rat P.ilso:l• , , tit I their effects ' aro eradicated, and vlpirian health not a Found coinitlintlen eclair+ E rysi palm+, Salt 1111011 In, or Sores, Sealy or lt +nigh Skin, In ehort, all the on n:iroits ilDeases ranged by bail blood, aro veep:crud by this !emeriti' purifying and In inedlebe.. If pet feel dull, drowsy, debilitated. have 1.1111,1 w color of skin, or y 1.1111,0,11 brown spots oil face or bole. freq•ienglten hello or dizziness. bad taste In Internal heat or chills alternated with lint flushes, lu.v spiriN, nod gloomy forebodings. ir regular updetlte, an I tongue coated, yon are suffer ing (nu 11 To rail I.lv or ar elalliooa nerr.l, In 11l toy canes of Liver Com pla lit er only put of these evolptoins are eel.- rienced. a re n•ele for • nil PIICTI canoe Llr. Plume's GJLilfll MOdiltai Discovery ham no equal, fon efforts perfect cure+, leaving the Ilverstrength cued ant healthy. For the cure of Habitual Constipation of the bowels It le a never fail ing re n:r.ly. need those who have need It for this wren.: are loud in its prates. 'The proprietor offers 51.000 reward for a mrdl. nine that will equal It for the core of. all the dis eases for which It Is recommended. • Sold by druggist , ' at $t per bottle. Prepared by R. V. Pierce. NI, 11, Solo Proprietor. at 111001mi+ eat Laboratory. 149 Seneca street. Buffkle,.N. Y. Rend your address for a.PailliPhlolii may I .•.0 REMOVAL! REMOVAL! S. R. Engelman & Bro.'s CHINA STORE lIAB BEEN REMOVED TO No. 740 HAMILTON STREE (markers 01(1 Stand,) ALLENTOWN, PA SPECIAL ANNOUNCE M ENT FOR THE SPRING TRADE. THE PIN MT ilbSOlt aI:ENT OP TABLE WARE, Vases, Cologne Sets, Figures, Smoking Sets, Mantle Ornaments, and PANCIr ARTICLES. aver offered In ads city, togatha sr what • largo Muck ur FINE: .CUT GLASS WARE. m~rcb 91 .4tfr BEM WES MEE B FIVYDRR t W. t•. B.Hrta. lEEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers