(k i) 11 ‘ ) iC(1) '.14 ratlisttr. PUBLICIRIt Clllllli • IREDELL & hlll1 3 1,F,Y. TERMS, $2.00 YEAR IN .11)VAN('E No japerdiseentlimed.unth all areuragt , art aid, except at the option or rho publishers. Our subscribers who do not teveive their raper regularly will eouler It great favor upon tut It) sending word to this Whet.. Subscribers about removing ACill please. Maul a- their old address as well to , the new. CONTESTED ELLCTION.-- 1 . 111. us( (1 ,•jec. Oen ease In the Second AV.lnd n argued flay morning on it pica of Jarbilictlinii before Judo Loacalrer. Thl4 c hse Involve+ the ipieetion of the right or Ntuhkoherg vole to that ward. This cr.. represented Innicir,. Harvey ;mil li. E. Wright. .Ir., until the Republic:lion by Nlinears. Oliver, More nod Wood. EN LA ROE!). --The eninnzemont or Smith's conreetioo,ry and toy ,sdablislonent affords Creel• or acenattontlatlona for earrylia; no Ids increase ! trade. In the toy line he lots a gaantit . \ of newly Invented l'ilV1:111Lr 1101,4 :till Why J111111 , C1, 4 , solar of thew espeeia y adapt:A to young! larants. Ile alls a twenty-right inch doll fur ninrty cents—which Is the, elti,lWeL hiking Oa. 'I•IIE LAFAYETTE )10N Inagncinc pahlbhed by the &odor Cho. of Lifoyette Coi le_e and devote.l to the general intcrea. of that ito-tttotioo. It present, o good vorh•ty of ;titieles upon intere•tlug topics, trot devotes roo,lderitlile Ittentlott Ln the record of corre,t voilvg . e event- And the I.:Odic:al..' rut' how; cu.nccrniug former graduate'. We are glad to hoow that this new eoterprh.o I+ proving gntx•t socer,-1111. ACCII , i- , 1 AT CATAHAUIV • A —\u uccidrnl m . 0(1111'11 HI ItlllC , P, Haller & ear wheel factory at t';ita•ntinn two or three (lays 'lgo, which readied in the serious injury of it worlitnan nnnte.l Moore. A piHrT or iron weighing about rlr.ven Istiteired pounds fell n di•Thineo of live lea upon one of Mr. Moore's ari+. crushing it terribly and of cour:e to c.s.itating. amputation. • StAll i uTto: l'Aivrv. —A party ot liar Womb ui mr, of Sall-bury, arid rroitt dd. shy to Mr. reddruce pvertliii4 to tsistkc that Vettl4.lllll,l 111111 hit; it {,lt. When the ' , Arty arrived. Mr. and :11r , ..lacohy tvrre ahsent In church, hut they wore soot) RllllllllOll.l anlne, :situ the 'Milt, pit--c Ino pin salilly that Olt! VI-Itor, did not. leilV. , It rill ...,tdy hour Thursday n on.ltt% It u•us a very en joyable nerwslon. and p:.-sou oil Fail, 111 viorily tut nll cout•cn o I. . ‘V A siiiscT”N.--1111 Vcdot. , ,l ty 11, there N, et, .toles (nom 11:e bael; porch of Natimo l!vt,re. Wasliltofttin township, 1,12,1(1111ff, and othei articles to the value of about. $l5. Asa compally. of Gypsies payecd throtlLtil the , 11 couple Of dap, previousampiciuu re.,ttal oil them, and a search tr arrant toss ulauincd, and a efel• ettliPte Seel iu pursuit. The (iy1,1,, here feted Wel beat cited het or Aing were Gilled in their ha,, yet, lien found them. Li act' 1140 Tr.Lett. --A nuutaiug Meltlent oe eurred nn one of tlw Intim:111111We i nIJ> Seralltillt, the other day.; tchieli was not no amuslim to the victim. An agent of an oil comp iilt icing Ills attention attracted by 001110 I.lqt•et outside the tars, 1;111 lii head out Idtheivimlow loser: what wit gotna t halls order to cr eiann, lie opened lilt mouth a little wider thin usual who. his bran nut net of troth anima:ll la the riiail.shle and lie was compelled tocuter Scrai.- ton iontlileiis. It I- Fat,' %Tr. Qilninu made lll •iipper, that night, on lei eh. This gentleman frequently vi-its Allentown. 1).% NVII.I,E,i7.I.ITiiN AND ItAll.lloAli.—The that the work oil ltd. hoprovemeiii lu the Thera are now 37 mller. of the truth 1.011 roothoum-ly fru , Sunbury, exteollbur beyond the Nle('auley \lon.l - to region nod within it bur mile,: of the Ntotintailt eollhules un Itobert'6 rum. Tht, brings' Ow road, Sn far .1, 1•111111.101211, pt ,% it h ill 51711 tulle% "r ;Intl about 1.1 11111 i yet to volittect with tbs I.ebigh Vuliey Outl will be ;hipped over the road from the Bud, Ntountall; collieries by of December ; by next tprltlir, leo-otuer ualu,, will Ire nnudue livtweeli Sunbury awl N. w Yotl:, via 1). W. awl L. V. Itiliito.‘ll,. Istr.iitTANT Am 'el.t•rioN.—.\n illlplllllllll 11111 111,01011 a•:, preformed on Nlo. th ay 11111111 Sirs. Smith. Dr. George AV. Ronde: perforate(' Vie operation, ditch ON. I)1( . 1“ . 11,1111 . 11. 'l'. 11. Star tin, NV..I. Eolith; and Joint Romig were presect. Nfis. t3tnitivltas been buff:ring for some time from chronic mortification of the tight foot anti leg, and it na, concluded that tile Daly °bane, of ~v-111° 111° lwr life Wilt, to 1111111M:11V the IV:: about 1110 1101111 , of the thi.h. Chloroform tea; admin. :11111 the operation Iras very tilt re--fully 11.201111.11-111,1 without pain to Mr , . Smith. The re,llllF, of till, difficult and deacon,' operation ore very .illl-I.lClOry Si, far, and the present - condition of the patient i. unite as f.tvoralne as mould hive b expected. Tlt.‘irt.:.--Tla. nrosleectS are that. India. who wl,ll to ludillue in silk d'resses for time to come will lie ohlige.l to pay higher prieei for the luxury than It eon be ot.tained for no.;• When the war !woke oat, the Lyons ells manufacturers rushed all their. Hock upon the English market', much of ‘v 1 Ich tens or 1111 .i11:111Iy. It IS Ile latter Prerl . lll , n 1131111- -11111 e appear , alive and Ile real quality Lumina. Ite detected by the Inexperienced until it has been' worn tome time, (dllell Its Sti/rIllICAslll, , t , becomes apparent. It is highly necessary, then, for those who Intend haying expensive dresses to e•sit only those establishments of known honor and hiteg's thy. TO tilt class the celebrated bon, of Nlessrs. Colladay CO. lIVIOIILII , , Mlllllll'll II drone can ..lways•depetill upon receiving polite attention dna icing fairly dealt whir. l'lnelr store, at 11I:2 and till Chest ant .4 rind, rltliallelphla, is out of OW 1111174 inagnithanit dry good.; c-tahlishinents in , the world, 1.11,1 their 120I:111XIIIIII, lit Europe...ll;ode them to silftly their customer.; with the fahrles, as welt as the medium grades, tit the low ed prices. . _ • _ . GRAND EXCURSION OF itiiriirrfi Tlllll- 1. Allvgheity Common(lvry of Knights Templar has planned an excursion for the emu beg loring which prnmlset• to i.e one of the grea test thugs mi record. Imitations have Imeti en• to °tiler lire State; and the uNettr,lon trill probably eimtulu a good re pre-entation of the Kitlghts TemplAr or poli.yi valih. The cxetin•lonlr•ta will tic entlipo•qll .•11- litvly Of Sir EttightF, thoroughly 11101 , 11 ml, aild the grout% object of tire eve9r%loo I. to vombille lo•Autilul plearoirot trip *all a vi-it in the Eurn• wu Commanderle4. - rorr-Inunlowe has al ready her. told mitt' I.tot'tt• nt London. n Ito on 'Meet the oxeundonb•is lit Queviattavm and la. •-ottiptiny them over the billowing . r o ute: Fri in Queenstown to Cork, Lakes of Killarney, Ban. try, Glenuarrif, Dahlia, Londonderry, Beira. t, Portush, Giant's Clot-tor:ly, 01to‘gow, !OA Channel to I vel thiongli the Kylett of Frillleall Feu N e vie, New Cata.4! Oa the Tyne to London, down the river Thames to Gravesend, tlelo6, that North Fur to the mouth of ti e Schaldt, lu .Antwerp, Witivridoi Cologne, .11N: la Chapelle, tip the River Rhine to Mtlyenee, throngli Bonn, Colt. tante, Megan, dze. lo . Flatliktrarl.- 01-Ille-Milill, lit itli•Falla:11, Mani:elm, Baden- Baden, Firtislinig—tit this point a true %till lc lotion neer the battlefields Of the pro-ent war, NVeisienliorg., Paul Ntetz, and illen.nn the It Jr In r.:teltzeilatel, Zu rich, thence ticross the Alp., by the role hrated Spell Zen I'as4 to Cotten, where stenulera are Luken till Lake Corms for the City of Collin, from (biome by railroad to Venlem Flo rence, Itoniti, Nitples, 50 r ,,,0,, pelt, Vesuvius and licrenhoteuta, Leghorn, Genoa, and Turin. .From Turin to Susa and nero'ts the Alps by the Mount Ceni- It illway and Tunnel to St. Michael, from thence to Genova and Lonsanne lit Switzerlnnti, thence nu to Paris. from Paris to Dieppe, passing along the river seini; to Bonen, thence across the British Chan nel to Brighton and on to London, frOM Landau to Oxford, Birmingham, Cloister, Am., to Livt4- pool, where the patty will tilL'a fie:liners for home. This .will be a trip worthy of the Slr Knights, and they will hu Flirt to carry IL owt with credit to themsclves, their nrgatilrulkin noul their State... INsTrru FlON.—tinticnit Loehr, A. Y. M., H. Imliuued tit COniiiiiisiiHrtr, on A .itroc number of Nia.one from tlds elty, .1111 other pkees were pre,ent, Including tb deers of the Gr.io.l Lodge. —The 7tUto Bond ..f • I • rexlerotc o. eXeell , lll, organization, will give g gram! boo , :It Itn 11 , it SCIIMION in Ft hley .velibig, November All the friends of the .and should be there. BARE I'runlain 1311 SC ILIII Club has cletted the followits4 ~Steers :—Presitlest, Fleury Ritter; Vice Prusi lent, Frisk Hersh; rr, •asurer, Win. Smith; Secretory, Gen. Clifton; IP,ktillit Secretary, Milton Kuouss ; CuOttlit. 'Ranee li. Foust ; Trustees, Ilortett Foust +URI lit ory Ritter. SCITNECICSVILLF.--The del ating school at 4,l oaTk.rine, urgatifirell three weeks nco, Is c oiled on quiet speeessfnlly. The members 111 (I c.tiz.unt iu geop•ral :mend punetnally. Tile Chi ti,ele question was the Out subject for clioeussion, Intl alter a W:11111 :111.? lutcrcain4 delnitc the pd. ces were In favor of John Chinaman staying at [owe. ALLEN lithixti.—This excellent military or. under the command of our worthy May , Is prosperous and firotrreNsive. The cont pntq has received fin) . ones and equipments, half itsllll , 4ll, nail will probably receive full unifornic this week. Sixty•tlvu members have already sillly:I the comdinitionoind the prospeets are that Use Allen Mil he Increased to three comps idea in o veiy shout time, THE Pt' Mill . ()Mgt %NS. NieForiallli, Slate Stiptn intcudent of Orphans, hos 1--tied a clrenlar to the pr . neitat's and teachers orsoldito s . ttrolutw,ttelloola reettmoteattiog the ol , ffrvattee of Thatikrgivhit: Day hr apitrapehtte ceremonies. There was tint a ~inale death 11111(aliZ the thirty-six hawked min Nlay 211 to' h ctober I. The school. are lilt Inn prosretoto. , condition. A NEW ( ' rev bitialt Vol. ley itailro.til Company has lately purelytned Omni twolhty,tiyi of rural 1:11111, 111 Wer4 :Mil It I' retiortr , i Ihnt the the f!..inpatly are to hr lorated then.. nii , l Ih rt Judcr propt.-1, to foittid n city then.. The Com o:lily oiyendy of work (entity , : the roil 111111?111 , 'S 11'111 1 1 1'1 , 111'1111! to sink new ,:harts and iierdtip tine y. Tnr GrulD FIRE (70MPANT payF : " Finn, pet-moil 010.t0.v.i Ono tee eon soy thot for Good VIII Flreetootrtity tif Allentown, ha- the thiest 4 u¢ino holt, or oily Company ill tin, I'alley. The 11 itior qpietiaidly and with everyllilitt! 111,4.gs:try to to ilte it 0 cheerful wirl comfortahlt. room. The lore eorlains :Nod the plitllo, tee ito derstotl, trere 1111 . Selltvil t 44 tile Coniteloy by It , lady friend Lit nor tine Gaol Will bothe o hen they (mer think . iug REPORT of coal tninsporteo over t lie Lehi vli Vnll,y Railroad for the week emli •L' Nov. 12. 1570. romp:m..l sqth same time la , t year F-r War .11.-161 :I'll -117 17 li I;. ; .9y2,i1:17 17 Total Wynoilotr 11•17.leo. • .. rola, I • _it_ Iliatror MIIII3IIInV ... MIIIIOI (7111111 k . no 11 't:;i .711 17 1173 . :14 00 1 J. 115 00 270.14 , 41 17 . 255 07 1.77• 07 Total I.y Rail & Canal 80.501 02 3.442.240 on Same time ISC.O . 60.044 11 2.176.421 17 19,056 11 1,265,872(1 07 f net am. n .ert n-r. Co.()llEtt ATIVE ItEl,tEr --The einulloye4 of the Soul Ilethlchein Rollin_ Mill Wee adopted ein.ral Febeim• of eo.nperative bated upon inn from rueh man employed. titter mha•dd, in :mound, by the tam rereived from the Tonal wry roller! Pie: 4111 tlo• hail: of equal a,,,,ineot, the lair lon fall. eon:illy upon :a 11. and the 11111011111 of IZOnd 1)10s1 beyond commit:llion. • The object nt• Itos hr• nni.vinka fund is tin aunt relief to iinfortimate companion: In /11.4 re,s irking from inability to work, eithrr from Illnrrn or other C 1111. 1 .5. 1.1:111 I. worthy of Imitation in nil indu-trial insti tutions of the feline character. SNOW.— it hi," fore noon. The is litter in . eranint: (hie year than lagt. We had four thetwA of ellala last ye:lr no the 1411., and on the night of the 17th there wile a thunder-stnrm. We have hail all 111)11 , 111111y line Pail. and there can be no reason for eomphtlet it people nre nt In.t caught napping in rug' inl to ilwir out-door wouli. The "indent inhattititne• will he puzz , eol to rententher lilialtlrr 511,11 mill ur Oil , lake linen for nut-dour farm truth and 'mild fug operation.. The weather has bran mild and rre‘, front storms, and it trill not he IA range If we min eNiallivalle a t:tolloy centaur. Itainsti re nerd. ed to lull up the ,pringi I'ar winter ti-e, and tho trill prob.ibly conic along' in due time. Tin E FALL AtD YIN I F.:lt 'IDA DE.— Now is the time for our dealers to advertise to secure the rdi and whiter tr ale. No matterlinw well known merelatid may he, he will certainly tied it In advantage to advertise. An advertisement will show his old ett.tomers what he propo,,, to do in the future, and it will attraet new ell-101111TP. In every' growing vommunity like ours there are fantille. constantly moving:lnd .ctilint Penn from other plat s, and tite.c people will antliet heir par. elmrses•%vitere they can make them lie%l ; and ill Ilud out where they can trade to advantage they will diligently examine Ofe colatam of their h e:l Paper. We invite every Allettitovit merchant who wi.lies to enlarge his trade and his prolits to ad. verti , e itt Tau Coitus:if Mt, for wt. :ire sure he t. ill be hettellted by MUM!: sr, NEw better evideni g iy needed and °Worded of the coontant and perma nent growth of Allentown than lice large number of new litiwes whielt ore tieing erected in all pat In of the city. There was probably never Si) non 11 litiliding In Allentown during it single. year a there has been the preheat year, and • dc>pite the hitge amount or Iran-e, erected we hear loquirlcs isPlat every halal for houses' that can he retain'. The column, of Till I intorstchE contain lint few notices "to lent," and from this ma ve judge that there are few Imollottin In 4carcli of tenants. Piupny ownel, do not generally vale to have their inventinents Ile Idle, mid If • Allentnav hottne owiCcrn were in beard) of teirtill& they tire eel tainly too sterna not LI, 11111 fie through the columns of tarpaper, wblch finds Its way every day to nitioelen:-Itor circle of re.olets. It la n good indention for the growth and husine,s of oar city thus the demitini for lionnes in ever In excess or the nupply,• and we are gratified at the constantly hicreaning evidences that Allentoivii Is destined to he a large and prosperomn phlee. Grim , as 'vas our growth during the but decade, we are conll.ll4it that It will be still larger during LAW nett ten ytarn. I VI VIIN Al. lifVENt.% CitAriws.—ln once of the third section of att Act of Contrrig , n proved ylnv 1-1,1 4 6:, entitled nti Act to provide Internal Ituvenue to ettpinirt the Government awl In tiny the Interest on the Public Dein, Edward !tithe, A see-iirfor tl& Ifct, it, in rumpll nuce with Order% front Mr. Delaiii , „ o,lllll4lsiollt . r of Internal Ito innuc. hict re•ortfttilrcil the NII I .- di-tilt:l6 unit eurtitili the filet. ciniiloyeil In intik ! the ar.rS,llit•illS. a( . 11011 k 1 , 1 nrrunh 1,0,' with the general pion of the Arlitittil,trittliin ill Pre-tilent Grant to reduce the extieni4“ of the United Stole. , Government in every ineniittle twin. tier. The new nult•tllittrlete with their a•nil-tant nstoi•i•ori‘, tire ac =EI Finif Division—City Allentown:lnd the to•.rn , ship of I lunover, Tll,htn.tu Vr. Rhoads. Asstuiror. se e ,, t uf Theiriuu—Sall-linry, S.111(011. Upper und Lower Mil ford, Upper and Lnn•er Matuingie, South Whit, hull, Millerstown; Dr. Edmund F. Steehel, Third /*obi n —North 1%11101101, 'Whitehall. Warilliglnn. Heidelberg', Lynn, Livltill. IVelmen burg. ('Ataringibt, SLrtingtnn uud enplay; &din C. Ilankty. Cl= l'ourt/i Uiehdon--Chelu•ohmn, Ablugton,SPring. 11eI I, Moreland, Whitetnarsh, Upper 11.1.11., H. r Shan;, Upper and Lower Merlon, Plymouth, Gwynedd, Montgomery, Worcester. Nordin., Norrisinwm, Conshohocken, North Wides owl Bridgeport; Sound S. Costley, lAir Eredcriek, Upper and Lower Salford, Francimla, lintfield, Perkin -111111 and Towatheneln; Samuel E. Nyee. A•wessor. RLfA Divixlon-I.7piqq• Hanover, New ILinorer, Doiidha4, POI twrove.l.linerll.l:, Upper and Lower Providence, and l'ottgowil; Alexander Malbber- gor, AF.twor. The retiring AP-lßttnt AriSew.ors, nreß.CLry Ilaincrsly, In 1.e1!luli. John Pntle, A. w. shearer and mama vaernet #u Slnittgomery. EIIIGH REGIST THE FIRST SNowa.—The following dates are given showing the time In each year; during the n,n4 dre ti.. at. which tiie first MUM or the i , eapon • Dec. 9, 1865. " 10, 1866. •• 5, 1867. " 4. 1868. Nov. 14. 1569. ro thiN lVe.roll IlgsW n(1,1 N,tveinlnvr 18, 1870. Nnr. 21. 1800 15. 1561 1 862. 31, 18113 ' 10. 1..411 tinnttow ESCAPE.-31onday morning. about nine o'clock, as Mr. Reuben Glick was driv ing a loaded wagon along Ilandlton street, nbove Eighth, he lost his balance and fell ander his wagon. Mr. Ihmry Dreifong promptly 1111 to the assistance or Mr. Ouch, and SOCCNIP.I in drawing him out from nude, the WII , IOII and in tints saving, his life. A moment later and the wheel tenni,' have passed ov. r Mr. Glick's neck. As it was, his left arm wll9 badly crushed, and (mite likely will have to he =planted. It was Indeed a nar row escape front 105'501 death. Arrla•:s.—Our yew• England exchanges re , !ma the apple crop In that reckon as unusually large thiw year, and the Kites are coorresponollagly low. We see it sated lint lu sumo places near Roston It Is altogether Impossible to obtain bat rels In whleh to park the fruit for market, on account of the very large amount of fruit which has been gathered. Could not some of oar enterprlsing dealers in Allentown don good thing for them selves and their customer. by getting a supply of apples from the owersteektod New England market? They could he transported from Boodon to Phila delphia water and thence by rail, and It seems to us that they C,10.11 thus be obtained and sold at 1, , s than the iore.ent ruling priers here, and till leave a handommr morgiu for toroth. Cri . l:ll SAUCON. ssistant Mathital ond• ring, of Env; UF, hands 1113 the following c'eIIFIIA ittatistles for Upper Satterm Mr. Nand ring Itnr been d el ;yet in Ills work hy an attack of typhoid fever. The whole number of inhabitants i 4 3,514, nn Increme shwa 18011 of n7O. The number of dwellings i+67:l, at. Inereaw• of Ill; 111:111- her of famillea it 747,1111 inermme of 140. The oldest person i• Mr•. Margaret Mar•teller, aged :15; and the followltm per-m+ are over Mile mah•r: —John Frantic, 8 4 ; Nicolas Simons, ti• 1; Samuel Wort Wm: ton. ; .larolt 011,82 ; flee. Bitting. 81. F•ma Iwt—Clitli:it'n • Itnmfrid, M i'...To re Frank. ; Ma ry Newcomer. 83; Het ece.t Sterner, 83; 13a; Im ra I,:ualls, ti!; Gott rude Ft Ick, 82 ; Barbara Nivtintlivr, 82 ; Bringer,'B2. KM MATTEI:s.—The, ea,..- 1 0,,aent of the Burks Coolily Intellitroievi. tviwzsablth.nt there wit, it romoralloot that the North I'volt. ft t e in ,volllll Inn “aolnlnleil oi.'• try t'n• It Compitny, the Itviiiilog rip] h•+ ne to lost , : %N'e harillv think lle exteolllow the Per i:milieu rind to Er i'lllllSy 1 . 1101:1, la or nt•nr Allentown, ins Is proposed tin he done, tin. I.e•tdiny teill hnye n hotrr mit Irt tenon the I,,hlati Vu tiny, yin the l'erklnnn•u Hod .Sehilyl - Ohm the Noith pre. -vint+." The 111,1tateit Iflsrt Quy4 that the Ite.ollott 1101- r Colitpitlty has torte I to Itlltt,titte bnlfu million of °Ohm. to the Attolt of the propo-ett nor litre of -teamshitt. from lArefitool let T TIE LACI:AwANNA COAL liEtitoN.—The e .11IelieS a-. 1 the I..ickawanna coil region, excel. ties throe of Individuals, ale owned by the hair great corpnraloa, The 1). L. .l W., Del. & t InJ.nn, Pennsylvania Coal Co., and the Lleklt. Wallll2l COill CO. The flela ware, Licka- Watota IVe-tcrii works fifteen col I embra ciou' ten shafts told live slopes. from which '1111101:11111 chi peed doting' the 1 ist year, ..1.081, 51:1, f coil. The' Del I wit re A: lltidson Compaer welch has its liettibittarters at Scruutnu .111• V mvns eizlit breaker, in the, uppw end hl'lha embraeitur 1 0111(1,, 1 slopes, and S d.l ts, and In the lower cult of the below Pitt-ton, wnrkiiitz iif till 16 breakers. The amount of coal shipped by them (lariat: the past yet!' cu. 2,131.500 tort. The works of the IN•n,..ylvaini a Caml Company, whose head'olllce • at Dunmore, sire principally locatt.d lit 'Pitts , t eveeptlav the two shn fie, two slope,, and four drifts at Dunmore. Their annual shipments co islilerall'y exceed or.c million of tons, and with addition of the new opening, mile in progress this aimittot will he greatly Increased. Tl,e L aokaw:aalana iron and Coal company has two shafts and tine slope, the meal from which is 1,1116p:111y consumed by the company at lie I nn works hi Scranton. THE FARIS FASHIONS REPORTED BY BAI. t.noa, dace Idle' of the Wilt ult., a Paris letter seot OM by 1.110011 thus sketches the fashions at the French capital "Some. slight changes have been introduced Into the present fin Linn,.. There 14 Vspeulally a perceptible doing,: in the mode of dressing the hair. Taking advantage ,11 the algid ,ertoin personage's who had gray, thin, or rod hair, told who Inflicted on fashion their indiepen eatile false hair, our Pa risMti ladies have at once restored to liberty' their own locks so long hid under the despotic artilleial chignon. Brown plaits carefully emonthed down ; light ringlets, at once graceful tind nil eta!, have ;dime adorned for some days the delicate and pretty brads of our voting lattice, who are delighted to lace their Moat .0111.1110 adornment restored to them." The wilier then prinTerik to ite4ci•ibi, at length' the cos tumes of the season, dating, among of err things, I hat volane, ruches and bouillon! es be-in to di— ppear aith tornure a la pompadour itnii Jay, -1114•11..rvi nt IA Thole AtdoMette Quiet colors in• in Mvor, aid there is great eObrie y in the lice of jovel, ‘• This," sap, the writer in emmiusion, •• iminnue rendered 10 the v.' ',lot' the 'Maher,. the witeso lie -Irt,•r, am' the orphans who hare now ro deplore lie of 1110, dear to them, who have Fallen viethm to the cruel vanity tithe tyratito of Fr.o,e,. and , • , ri.AtutiNo.-- We t•pufte few d vc :igo of the impetus likely to he given to the al .ti trade hi thl= counly by the lice of slate G r it ggh~g 1,11110-vs. W, nllll ill the filatineton Neivs or this week some statements which chow th it 'tile :inte are already preparing to do a :aroe hostile,: in this. direction, Th,. N e w. "y, a Si,,,',b 1111.• ago flit' BLit ('O.. .1111111.11,ii 111.11111 I'lll'lll ne ['Aguilar or &c. Tile lalcinecs at once legal. to If•• b.ll lu flint line, and coon the company found Li.,•ms,•lve,.. not able to fill one tenth or the orders' received. Mr. 11. who Is one of the ..rineip. I men in said eintopany. lately informed us that chiding the last three month.. 11,.ve heen 1111111 e lit the "thee for flagging to the dnount of iv, 1,8 than 1, 0 05,00 t) feet, which nonnotot at about the ovt.ratte welling price of [hilt v-live cents per root would amount to the cum or $;i72,75'.1,011. 11'1 think tilk intik,. like bushiest , . lily wiz different eompanies, or 1i.1111110 , 11114 , hove 141111111lOten , !...r are about to commence, the nr,...t.tre of this flit:ghat in Lehigh county, d • !EMI! , aro bring 1113 lie to cstnbllc6 n tar eon p dut in N.nthanirtinr county, In the ne - • b r od ..f Danielsville, for a similar purpose. , .ger•g when properly nnuturactured n•akes 't o too I i o wilt!!s. I d.ovalk that eau he lillllll, it 1.1, o floor fur public building+ a here . .. liar er flour than wend Is requilr d. We h .pece thh 11,,eohno ‘%•111 he 1111 hottorttlint officio nif manufacture hereafter In this community. and Wu.n Is,, lielirOl• that the cl.te business will here- Ifter he n,t nltlbilted not n fir ner Intsll tllllll here t f :1111i non who mu) in. Interested in It, will -atictiell to mink.. It n mule that will pay a fair .1...... id in l'ettltll fill' the ini/11r 111111 1110111 y en 1, 111,0, 11111 i not Mlle 11l the efllleilltion tut the I- n priltitieFil Ont., hll . lllllte 111111111 n 1111 1 . 4, a fortune by engaging in it for it few years. Tilt: BREAKFAST TABT.g.— I Jonallrd of Health ham the following eenslhle remarks Iu regard to the breakfast table a • Don't eannedoirn into Clue breakfast ennui of' a morphia with a thunilcoeiniol over your Idtiful phig. What are you mad at I Have you 11 mite to pay lit IEI 11k lull 001 0 flll/10 to meet It ? IlaVe the 111.0liaelo• I 11111 I lie bab y wake you from • I $llllllll nivell I hid. 1.111 heel) prvsentell at your mar, Might null early, %vide!' you know very I well might to leive been bald 1111111 ago to the patlent baker, the Newly drenmink.•r, or the he grilited 11111 . 11;1111e . 1 ?day •lici vim lIIIVt cult your face while shaving, our stinoced your toe atralic t Ito eat, or Iliadic your wateli-sprinv in windlog It lip.. May he you are flailed liveanse you have .m.illenly remembered that 31111 failed In meet mediae. magageinent ymiteralay or took n nliort turn 1111 n Mend, nrll,olll4,ntly, and that it In 0 ionit being. found 1111 f, other. I•e 3 . 1111 WOlllll 11111 bare eared the equip of your huger almlit It. Perhaps Its yoll I idertql lilt' doer null !eat 1110,11 the hreakili.t, table you lamed slime favorite ‘ll,ll. Butt, does one of all throe occurrences Juid ify you lit 00111 i illjt Ills Wil011.:41011,1110111. In hurting the f r eling4 your children, in diseouraging the .1,•rvo11h , and outraging the glieFte at yd.llr table? The 1111111 or woman who rilllle4 ill the doily ichle with n crawl is a brine in maitre, and rally Want:l 1111 11111 , 01tIllilly to bilicia nut lilt Ilitien,,a and ineatineei. If, when volt cow to the break• • r0..111, yOll are fall from discouragement, front rmiow, from 11l lien', or from Insets, poi are 10111 ylll liavo our eympai hy ; but to it eel the Hi a l'iown. and cant It gloom liver the Uiudln iptltiehnld, nlnydy because every thing hue 1101 ;toile exuetly 111,0rOloa to your aiivereign pletitime—yoll, a Nor pitiful worm of the hour ; why, It I- so onpr melt' ridiculous I hat anything Oro 1111111 cmitenipt for lila riltoply ER, ALLENTOIV A SUBSTANTIAL COMPLINIENT.-ECV. W. A. Kerr, upon leaving the First Presbyterian ehureh o 1 Eaf ton, was presented by the eengrega- Lion with 454(i. ArciDENT --Mr. lieinsmith, aged about sixty, fell from a wagon while unloading atone, oit z‘ixtli street, on geturiloy. lie fell !lead fore emit, lint fortunately received 110 serious injury. ::(1001. TEACIINIIR AND THANKSOIVINO DAY.—The State Snperhoendent of Public Schools hug .inst derided that teacher. C3IIIIOL he compelled to leach on Thanhsching day, inarcinneh as the dnyhas been declared a legal holiday ; nod further, that even If the day in Voluntarily made by teach ern, payment cannot be drawn, IPA It Is not ndmle. clble In the 'notably report. ' INSTRUCTIVE AM) ANICHINO.—One RI the itin-t Ingenious toys we have ever seen Is the, dol lar steam euchre, for sale ut \V. C. Smith's, 733 Ilamilion street. It has a brass holler, sliver plated t ylinder and tly-wheel and makes one thoa;.and te,olntions a minute. Explosion Is Im possible, as It has a douhle,teling safety valve. Go see the wonder. SENIOUN RUNAWAY ACUIDNNT, —I leflry Gil bert WIIF drivintrout Hamilton St. Monday morns and when near Griesemer's lintel his horse took fright it a drove of lino and ran away. Mr. Gilbert made several attempts to Jump out of the Wagon and finally succeeded in getting out In the rear, when he was thrown violently upon the vrounil and had his shoulder diglneated. Ills injuries were attended to by Dr. T. 11. Martin. HEAL. ESTATE SALES, reported by Memnrn. Wittman d: Lelsenrine: Adam Schmidt Hold n I.a of ground, one Itere nod five !Tycho., with log house thereon, on the mod lending fermi EIIIIIIIMI to Bethlehem, In SAHA bury towieoop, to Lerl Sa , sa man, for $B5O. Wm. ( - Irbil wdd n lot 40 feet front by 230 sleep, on Linden i , lreet. het velum Iltb and 12tb. to Nathan ror 81200. QPICK.WORK.—BeveraI of nor exchanaTa announce that a second track on the North Penn• Sylvania front Philadelphia to Bethle hem, lobe eompleted by the !hot oh next April. We would like to see the company a:Tomlin:4h but as it took an entire summer to erode the roach and lay the oceond track from Philadelphitt to Inuton, we Nth lint Sri iloW it In possible to do on conch more in so much shorter time during the rrr.t.;.,, , l 'mot,: of winter. T , . Tho ~ .4,:snra of Norili• amptoo ,•011oty met nt Gaston nil the 11th,, and served to •-en re e-Cite ut rine-lourth its actual VON., 1• • 111 . 11 ,, t . 4'lll rnllhic will men lire to IM Mx,' from 50 m•ffl. to $3 ; 110111MCII, IlleCllllll - $ ;ma iim,‘ ; hos, tneehti tiles, $2 ; Justices of the l'eaee, $1 : Constuble4, 75 cents; innkeep• ers. saloon keel, teaehers, professors, students, mlnit-ters.lawyers, physicians, aentlemen, print ers. clerks, merchants, conductors. horses, earri• ages, and caws, from $1 to $2, and upwards. HANOVER LITEUNI.—FrIday night wan the. regulor time for the Lyceum meeting a t Ktebler's school house, but on ing to the t hreateninz aspect of the went her during the earlier part of the evert ing, the MN, of holding a meeting was abandon ed. However, a few of the members met at the school house later lo the evening, and in view of the eireumstanees If was resolved 10 meet on Fri dos night. Nov. 25th, at the satne place. The question for debate is " Resolved, that Mormonism should he abolished from the United States." TIML: oN LEHIGH VALLEY TIAILIMAII.—On and after Nlonday, Novembou 21st. the t rain lea vine: East Petin. Junction at 9.35 a. In., w 111 leave at 015 a. tn. This eonnects only for New Yolk. There will also be a train !entitle Ea•t Penn. Junction at 2.05 p. tn. for N-tv York, and the train leavimt at 12.05 noon, will leave uI 12.10. The train leavin: Allentown station al 11.50 a. tn. will leave it 11 55 for Philadelphia and New Turk. All other trains will ran on RAMC (!( 11; hl' PR( )l: 1.'4;1 NGs Ni Cab( S 'Whig ready for trial on Mon. day the Jury were discharged until this mor. The Court then proceeded to make up a trial list for the special term in December. 'Phis morning a large number of the cases marked fOr trial were either cmdinued ur aet• 1 ed, until lint two remained to he tried and those gill probably be disposed of to day. The dory were again discharged until to mor row morning. Motions for new trials were argued this morning. The argument list will be taken tip this afternoon. A LWAYS 111JIETIIIS6 V —The wander. .12,ntsity a hlch h diaplaycd lu. the construc tion of nn den, toys is truly astonishing. Walter C Hmith, our enterprising couf:ctioner and toy dealer, at 78:1 Thanilton street, Is always among the first In the country to Introduce these inven tions. Two beautiful and amusing toys are the velocipede anti the walking doll. The former Is propelled by a comely youth of several sumtners, who rims his maelike with 1111 the skill of a pro fessional. The latter individual pushes a coach and steps ffir with as much grace lib our most ac• complished young ladies. Mr. Snrith will take pleasure in exhibiting these toys, and more plea sure hi selling them. A I'I•FASANT W1.1)111M1 ANNIVERHARY.— The other evening. Mr. C. W. Chapman, Super inteiolent of the latat , atiqua and Fogel•ville road, and his . uorni lady were returning . from church to their home when they were astonished by much unusual din and confusion lu their bald tatlon. Upon enterine: their house the harsh ...muds or limmtwr. Aile tin horns and the clatter of tin implenivet. for household purposes nearly deafened them and it was a fete moments before they could realize that the vast cones irse of peo ple stirroondlng them, was composed of friends. A hasty eXVlanation asslirva them that the party wits there for no other purpose than to celebrate the tin wedding. of Cue host and hostess, null ti t stivities assumed it itleaShq and clijoVahle as pl•vt. The presilits showered upon the fortunate couple Wl re of all :111,1 for every nee; curl it Is 1101 N11.1'0141 bii• that they will never have era-ion to attain patronize a tin ;tore for the re mainder of thelr lives. Itrt.torotis.—lti the late meeting of the r. noon Reformed Scuola it wits resolved that, •• us a Synod, we most lwartily unite with the M Mister's um of the Lutheran Church to suppress the evil of building the so-called union churches,' and we earnestly request all congregations to build up ex clusively Reformad Churches, if possible.” In evolanation of thin resolution, we may say Elul., in many. case-, lii Eastern Pennsylvania, the Ger man Reformed and Lutherourchnrehes have united in erectfne a building for their Joint use, the Lutl . eras- mccllug on one part of the Sabbath and the Reformed on iinoi her, or on alternate Sabbaths. After Priny years the Oulu la do•clared not to work well, being productive of Jealousies and dissen sions, and often ordain:aim: lawsuit , . Union is foamd to he ndt the best means oofpreso rvinc unity, and the dictate I,f common sense, that every lam -I'y should hare its home, and own it, has been publicly approved by the Reforincii, and in, doubt less, as fully approved by the Lutherans. Bishop Ames says that on mission of the Meth. 0116 t Episcopal Church, In thefts( live months of Ile history, had more tokens of the divine blessing . al's o buts the lltah mission. • PitOrlibtiOlt EVANI4.—Those of our citizens who attended Professor Evans' reading entertain ments here a few months ago will be glad of the oppoolunity which will be furnished thorn fur hear ing him no Friday evening Of this aveek. Ile In a first-elms elneutionist, and ;mains of public en tertailltnento iv a o generally popular as those, which he gives. His programmes are ra vied and, furnish something for every Species of cultivated taste. We take the following from a notice In tiro Times of his reading at R.•adiug on Wednesday night tart : It would he dillieult, in an attempted analysis of his powers. to say in what pat-dollar the Professor excels—whether In the humorous or pathetic, In passion or grief, In from or tenderness—for It seems to Uri In the depletion of the various phrases of character which go to make up his repertoire, he is mdfornily good; while In the major portion of his renditions It would be no exaggeratiooi to ray that he is unegnalled by any v(012+0°11111 reader now before the American people. Reject ing nil the au tllices of elocution, he pours Into the thought+ of others the soul of genius whose magi cal wand liret eotnmands the ear, and then'elec- I trifles the Sold of the hearer. He addresses hlm self to Ids work, too, like one whose heart lain his profession, who Is untiring In his efforts to please, ned whose interest In whatever he undertakes to do never flags lior wearies. - 111. popularity In Reading, as elsewhere, Is, ilwrefore, easily ac counted for. Wu are not surprised to learn, then, that his services have been rededtanoled In all the ; ;dares where he gave readings last Spring—a coin , pliment veblrb can be .no lens gratifying to the Professor himself {bun It is to his many friends in this city. WEDNESDAY LAIPAC stock sheet music, instructcrs, blank t»,ti., cask paper and cards at q. F. Herr =ain't. %lust? Store, Allentown. —Adv. WonErrun WORK.—Tile laigest and cheap eel of slippers, Pori and plo cushions ever "tiered In this city for nale at Moo. °MUM'S. A TIIIItD REASON why T. C. 'Comoheti, of the Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Stare can sell cheaper than others, is because he sells more than a u two in the eaunty put together. ONE HUNDRED CLOAIO4, rendyntnde for Indies, from two to twenty dollars, also Witter Proof, Circular, and Children's Cloaks for sale at MN% ALLENTOWN has an extensive china and glassware establishment where as great a variety and as low prices can be found as In the larger cities. We refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No. 40 West Hamilton street.—Adv. CHEAP PARLOR OROANA, —A single reed 5 octave organ at $9O. A double reed organ with 5 ,tops, at 'MO. A powerful organ with 7 stops at $lBO, at C. F. Ilerrmarn'4, corner of 7th and. Wel nut.—Adv. sine best of Italian violin strings, violi nu. L•uitars, flutes, etc., or any other article belonging to inutile:o instruments, .can he bought cheaper than anywhere else, at C. F. Herrmann .. .l %futile Store, Allentown, I'a.—Ade. AN EXCELLENT REAAON W IIT T. C. Kerna hen, of the old Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Store, can sell cheaper than others, Is that he buys and sells exclusively for Cash, thus gab.- ng all the advantage of cash payments and losing nothing by credit sales. A SPLENDID PlANo.—Linderman'& Son's Gold Medal Cycloid and SquarePlanos troth among the finest instruments in the country: Their brit liatwy and culinessoftone is not surpassed lien eon cert gr and !Animal double the price. More instru illentS of thk celebrated mai, have been sold In Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties than of any other manufacture. They can be used many yeara and not become airy, as mist other pianos do, in only a few years. Come and examine them at C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seventh and Walnu streets.— Adv. A WOOD TO TOE WISE.—We notice that 00111 C of our merchants who do not patronize news papera are advertising to what Is called "an ad vertising sheet." It Is policy to advertise it every possible way, bat when they neglect the columns of a legitimate newspaper they allow that they do not profit by the experience of every merchant who into made his money by the use of printers' ink. The columns of a legitimate, Orel-class newspaper afford the hest,clicapest an I MOO, ben eficial medium for advertising eve" devised. A hint to the wise is sufficient. riEVIRED RAILROAD SCHEDULE. —The wir kr time Kahle of the Reading Railroad, which went Into effect on Monday last, contains a num her of important changes, of which the traveling public will do well to make it note. The earls morning t rain for Allentown, Euston and New York leaves Reading at 5 Instead of 7.23, and the through Express train for the carne points leaves at 12.45 noon, instead of 10.45 ;I. m. The early accommodation train In the same direction leaves at 7.20 instead of 620 a. m. A new train leaves Allentown at 2.55 p. tn. The Sunday way train on the F.nst Penn. road is discontinued, and the Sunday train for Allentown, Easton and New York leaves R , .ading at 5 instead of 7.23 a. m. Iter.t.rinous.—The special religious services In the Linden Ft reel M. E. Church continue with unabated success. Ninny have already professed tialvat lon, and many others are seeking Christ In the pardem of their sins. The past week has been one of great encouragement to the church, and the present week opens with Increased Interest. Service will be held every evening [166 week at !even o'clock, and on Thursday evening them• will be special services In commemorailon of Thanks givieg Day. The special evening meetings which were held by the Presbyterian church last week were very well attended and called out much religions In terest. They will be continued this week, and trill be held In the Lecture Room every evening ut sevart o'clock.. Thanksgiving services will be held at the Presbyterian church at ten o'clock Thursday forenoon. Rev. Mr Gans, pastor of the Norristown Re formed Church, has accepted a call from a•Ralti more Church of the same dommination. Calumituquis Ileum At the r•gular monthly meeting of the Ca ta sauqua Mutual Saving Loan and Building Asso n field ou the 15th, ten loans were sold—Ore at 669; one at $6B, and four at $65. George Fehr has sold two lots on Second street to Jesse Weaver, for $2,000. David Thomas, Esq., has sold his large and splendidly situated lot, corner of Bridge street and the Howeitown road, to J. W. Fuller, Jr., for $6,000. ' Mr. Fuller will. lo the course of a year, erect a One residence ;woo this property. Since the tiry the venue iron Company bits erected a tine brick, tir, -proof foundry on the site of the one destroyed. They also have in coarse of erection, upon the opposite side of Front street, a three-story building in which to store their pat tertis, sod °meesi .. this a tlre•proof oil house. As In all the buddings erected under the supervision of Mr. Mod, these are of the most substantial eh: minter The Cat:lsamu.' and Fogelsville Railroad Com pany is erecting a new A mltit•shop near the engine house of the company, opposite Catasauqua. Nos. 2 and 3 stacks of the Lehigh Crane Iron Works are baring new hot blast:, new linings put np. A projection In being built to accommodate new boilers. The boilers are manufactured by Daniel Milton, of Cutasauqua, who also con structed the bailers for No. 6, wide!' urn not sur passed by any other boiler maker in the State. Mr. Milton ban acquired an enviable reputation for the excellence of his work and has now in baud the boilers for the North Penn. Iron Company J. M. Gildea, formerly a poor Irish boy of Cut aSallqUit, and now blind, will girt two entertain ments in Town Hall on Thanksgiving Day, after noon and evening. lie received a musical educa tion at the Pennsylvania Blind Asylum, and It in 6.11. i hi• performances are of ouch a character an to merit a liberal patronage. The First,Presbyterian Church h.is engaged a . new organist, Mr. Presc t, from Leeds, Scotland. Laconic/I. The Glendon Iron Company has it new cinder rather. Easton has a Target Company with limn, Bar ris is Captain. Jacksonwold la a new past suttee In Berke county, and John Jackson In the postmnster. Judge A. B. Longaker has lately Isere presented with a beautiful gold-headed cane. The Bethiehetu Y. M. C. A. furnishes is I fees night sehn open three nights in the week. The new Presbyterian meeting 'house at Bath will be dedicated on the 24th. The fall sown grain fields look unusually well Ms year, and give promise of au abundant crop.' The new ears on the *sprees trains of the L ehigh Valley Railroad, built by Harlan& Hollings w rth, Wilmington, are magnificent palaces. Gen. Selfridge, of Bethlehem, contradicts the report that he hart leased one of the Harrisburg hotels. Solomon Long, a livery stable keeper ut Norris to .en, killed Llmerif by ettoutimr on Monday, in a tit of insanity. Abraham Landis, owner of u grist mill at Lan disville. near Doyle-town, was crushed to death in'hin mill R few nago. Dr. t:redericks...it. bickardt hub been appointed attending physician in the Moravian Female Sear • Mary at Bethlehem. The net proceeds of the recent fair at Reading for the benefit of St. Peter's Catholic Church were over $3,000. The car works at eltemt* have bien stopped for the pant few lays, for the purpose of making repairs. The County of Nmthamptou is constructing a stn-e bridge over iinkeadauqua creek at Lau bach's. Theodore Schock, editor of the Stroudsburg Jef fersonlan, hoe been appointed Associate Judge of Motroe county, fu place of Judge Levering, de ceased. B. ticholicht, who wog arrested 60111 e time ago at Lehighton for stealing and selling butter In that place, broke nut of the Belvidere Jall last week. An Illinois editor says " Trying to do business without advertising Is like winking In the dark. You know that you arc keeping up a powerful winking, but nobody else baa any Idea of it." NOVEMBE' 23, The teachers of Lower Saucon, South Bethle hem stud Freemnnsburg have formed a Literary Society, with J.. 4. Campbell, of South Bethle hem, President, and F. H. Lehßch, of Dellertown, Secretary. Dr. G. B. Linderman, C. 0. Sheer, Harry E. Packer and R. A. Picker have taken n tm, yearn' lease on the Ashburton coal property, situated about four miles west of Hazleton. The works, which have been Idle for some time, will be put hi shipping order as soon as practicable. R. A. Packer Is to have charge at:the mines. LETTER FILONS ARKANSAN Political Tema,ter ommt Promprrho The 110 (Irmo./ LI/id Stith,. too Trouble Itroplot Inerolo of Population by Immigration. LYMAN, ARK, Nov. 7, 1870. The difficulty which existed among the ranks of the Republican party In the Third Congressional District has been amicably adjusted by the with drawal of lion. E. P. Searle, leaving lion. Thos. Boles alone In the field. In his letter of with drawal Searle stated that,alt hough he wan the reg ular Republican nominee, he could Indulgr no hope of success so long as there were two IVpublican candidates. Being convinced by the state of affairs Tennessee that, should the Democratic party, larcome the dominant party in this State, their success would be the downfall of all Republican institutions, and would be followed by the repeal of all la wri enacted since the Republicans obtained control of the State, and seeing that Mr. Boles was not disposed to wandra rare, he (Searle) felt it to be his duty to pursue such a muse as would result in the sucrose of the Iteptildlean party. Previous to his withdrawal, the Democrats were highly elated at the prospect of electing Gyn. Ed wards by a handsome majority, but their fond anticipations were clouded, and they are now howling with rage over their disappointment. Their pried Pal organs lire now looking appeals to those of their Democratic friends who were refused registration, to the thelr'.:lllllavits with seine Jos. flee or the Peace. go to the polls and deposit I bele ha II: 4s, and in case they are refused this prix ileee, to prosecute both Registrar and ,Indge of Election. In this they will be furled, for those that were not allowed to register wee • disfranchised by the. Four teenth Amendment. Owing to the reign of terror which had been In •tittited by the tau-Klux in this county, the Registrar appointed by Gov. Clayton refused to serve, and others, to whom the appoint ment was tendered. declined. A Board of Review was thereore appointed, which sat at Dover from the 24th to the' 9th of Oi:tober, and all who wished to register were compelled to go there. This ram. tiered it very inconvenient • for those living at in remote distance from the county seat. In conse quence of which scarcely one-half of the legal voters of the county registered. The m :pithy of those are Democrats. The Conservatives of this county are making strenuous efliwts to elect their entire ticket, and :IS the majority of their candi dates hare hitherto acted with the Republiean party, they, cannot fail to achieve a victory. ' A fact to be deplored In, that 'quite a number of Republicans residing on railroad land along the line of the Little Rock and Fort Smith Railroad fatted to register, thus•inearicitating them from voting; while others have, declared their ititentlon of voting the Democratic ticket, because Boles te• fused to vote against the repeal of a law which permits actual settlers on railroad land to purchase their farms for a sum not exceeding $9.60 per acre. Some of them have just cause of complaint. They cleared and improved their farms and erected buildings, supposing that they a wild not be coin pelted to pay more than $2.50 an lorre. But they now find that their land Is rated at from five to ten dollars. Many will not he aide to pay that amount, and they will be obliged to orcupy unim proved land, and commence at the font of the ladder. Immigration from Georgia and Ti111".5:40 , ; Is Increasing, and not a duty posses' but that a num ber of wagons rigs' through here en route for northern Texas or western Art Judging from appearance, the men are genera composed of hard-working farmers, who never had 'the prig• liege of au education, and are therefore classed among the poor whites, the majority of whom can 'neither read nor write. The women ' , present 9 charming," oppearance. They are all attired in home-spun dresses, and have accustomed them selves to tne disgusting, habit of dipping snuff; they have ignorance stamped upon their foreheads, and their-personal appearance shows that they do not mingle with fashionable society. In many Instances the wagons are drawn by n vat, or milks with a yoke of oxen In the lead, the bight of which Is a novelty to strangers. To the credit of a 11,W. I must soy that their outfit consisted of new wagons, good horses and fine household goods. Next Tuesdny will be election day. It is to be hoped that the scenes of 'IPS will not be reenacted, hut that everything. ill pass tiff peaveably. Brain shops are ordered to he closed on that day, but the roughs will probably provide themselves with whisky beforehand. Persons are prohibited from carrying concealed weapons, but (to we an Ar kansas expression) if they tote" them "kinder sorter In front like,'' they are not mole-ted. U. S. Don't Neglect This.—Whoa you ti•it Philadelphia, do not Nit to call upon S.C. Foulk, Ile veteran Carpet dealer at No. 11l South Seeond street, between Market and Chestnut. Ile pare semen facilities for procuring the ehoier.ct etyles In the market, and is enabled to sell them .t the very lowest prices. They most IneXiwrielw,l per son may deal with Mr. Foulk wish entire confi dence. lie dors not believe in mis - represetalng tuts gOOds to effort sn lee. See bin earl in another col - A Popular ,lillinery Emporium.— Our lady readers who desire to select the ht'.•sst and most, nsehirche styles of Full and Whiter Millinery we take unfeigned pleasure In directing to the long established emporktn of Messrs: Friedberger Btrouse, Nos. 113 st 115 North Eighth street, above Arch, Philadelphia. This establishment, so well known as the'" doable store," exhibits at all sea -80118 3 comprehensive stock of everything apper taining to the bushiest, including Feathers, Flow srs, IVreittlis, Birds, Satins, Velvets, Plashes, Rib (ions, $361105 etc. Nlesnrs. Fri•dbereer tt :grouse are gentlemen with whom it is it pleasure• to do bitaluens, and the uniform entirtssy and attention extende to visitors by their employes coin lilt hint create a favorable impression upon all who deiil there. 'Possessed, as they 111 - V, With unsurpassed facilities, and having the acquaintance of the most extensive Europe., Manufacturers, the firm are en tided to scene•. In choicest and most fashion able goals, and et the came time dispose of them At the luwctt possible pries, 2i4 .t Plan That Neter Failmh—There is one certain plan to COIIIIII3IO trade, out that Is to undersell your competitors. This succeeds when all others fall. The career of Mr. Thomas Mil tett, the I enowned dealer in hosiery, hooistikirts, trininnugs, perfumery, was dolls, etc., de., is a fullitzeuntliticatlon of this fact. Ills business was never more prosperous than at preoent, although there are so many who are croaking about dull times. The reason of this Is obvious. Mr. Mat fett has at all reasons a full assortment of every thing In his line of business, and he Illltke,t It 11 point to mark his goods at the very lowest postd hie kgure. By so doing he has established a large mid remunerative trade, which Is yearly lucre:l,- lov. Ile has Just open:d an invoice of real halt, In ringlets and clusters for waterfalls, which he assured no he would be able to cell at about one half the price paid by the regular hair dealers. L tdiat should make a note of this fart and call upon Mr. Moffett, when in want of anythiag In Ids line, at No. 106 North Eighth street. above Arch, west side, Philadelphia. Do. Lonjaker oilers Ids services to the sfit.roal, tacos e•pecially to Om., suit, lug from Chronic Diseases. lie will be glad lo nee hid talk With then, P. In his practice to plainly declare a di.ease Incorstile if 1,,, Imileres It to be ,is. is which be undertakes Ito guaranies. Milo all tbst can be dour by unwsarlea nis teatime nod the application of egwriillleed skill. gained by usany your. of practice lu treating niNeuse In It. van. us and nowt malignant form. That his skill has not been exerted In ram unumrous cm - Mit:rtes. that may be •on at his °rice, will Polity. A few na are aeleetmi forrunty publwallo tl feel on, ing %In f ego ad, lisin k Pro re w's. mPI t s d their rit, Pnbiluallo ous !Id a. , co o but they are published rather ita auident, thus amny deemed themselves hopeless l y entitled bare tsy proper uppllcalf ••u el l i t ' l7l7ll ' s ' a " n ' Tu .. ; ' ll t el:M ‘c, ,Tl Mrs. Elmo Weggtent, J , slinaor, Corbers P. th Cancer of tho Proust. Mrs. Ely (Res. Ely). Alkulown. PA. cancer of the Fare. J. J. Johnson, Allentown, Skin Disease. . . . 3111 ton tt. tinaeaman, Hanover C h ronic Broachltle. Ili ury Uxlfrinl. Allentown. Beefneee. Mr. It. Yeager, Cetnextique. "rill, Heed. Braun Eberhald. Bethlehem. Calmer. Dec,, r,oxlerwwn. .I.Bnevon. Bethlehem. Polinonery Mean. Bethlehem. Chronic Itheelanatkm. • Mr , .1 /I..rner, tiallabory. Ser.!! ale. E. A. Harlacher. Croce). Tumor. Ms,. W. S. Munich. Sdlakbury. Deu,. Coal. w.d Ep I T l Wltttnan, Lanark. Town, of the !lead, Abraham filmier, New Tripoli. Tumor of the Neck. Mrs. E. It Serra Fee. Com. Mr.. E. Welndout, Yrlode Krill.. Cancer of the Prem.. Lathe/10e Amoy. • entrucille. Cancer able of the Vac Johu 14C1,11. Slrgfrled'a Bridge. Poll Pun of the Hot. Also. Fogleman. Allentown. Cancer of the Brener. Thom. Batt, llokendanqua. 'rumor Mr , it. End!, Mnbanny Ctty. Cancer of It,. Fur, • Shoemaker. Selpetowth Tumor. Calbarloo Herrman, Weatherly. Vaucer of the Aler. The shore persona wip all he referred to, Of cos Inca! oy bo feta la Dr. Loolllolkeell IdliCa. 81.11 l •lfallt. tWfall Hamilton and Walnut, Alleutdatu. Fn. 1870. BUSINESS NOTICES Pun:—Po not &lye it up nod nay they cannot be cured. Try lir. gnu' Lila Remedy. It will purely and myerdlly earn you. bbod by Drugents. COMM, fitt1110)1P, INOMIOIrIIIO NAILS. 44r.5t111 otnntht.r triumph In the Me.ilrlll crt! TIIMPiIt , IM for their can Ittlittll4{lo.lo Dr. ftrlMgqn for the aoloniching •occecc of hi. Allen hot, nod Coretive in the epeedy relief cad core of Coma, &unto., and all eilprasen of the feel, no mixer how cover.. or cgercintted the rll.O may Inc. The caplira• inn of the.° erect remedial Intents ln.tnutlY ermtm l c Or° L dlctreccine eche,. rapidly efferte c core. Sold by I/rugged/1. By mall, Cilecont exch. .1. !tannic & Co., Newark. ConnYtirrinsi!—Panne for a moment It ran are 'Minstrel with a dry hocking eenib. De tint conned' , youreeell with et he Idea that lie only a little en d—that la ell. Ilinnirede every year from the ertert• of th et no in„ 11111 e t ent s t, neetleeled ti the whenthey eelnentel have ot. loudest lt, met • too late. thuy Mei them. lyeee heeyelereelynone well' that drendrel 'Meer.... Mtge.. risreent semi LIP- liewler trill leant Is the -yinntentes end •reelennt Sold by dolmee Mewer, ,leseeeph Sift Lew lel Sri ee dt .;0., whil ete Martin, find Jrnintsreit eyerywhe re. • CATARNII. 111011,1•11 E. N Ent /11.01 A. —llk 11 r there lire who have cot .uttered with of leapt otes of the 'above illatrmodtwe flow fewthere mre tls ab Im‘, ever yet flottwl anything that womb!elieye—cot to item. non rum—thoperyalcful I.llllctloce. r A!le,ssssMr • honls.fiol• remedy to each and evs ry ono le 11,. 4.• pre,. alect complaint.. It not uly relleveeJtmtnctly, oefs 11, e , 1 C 111,4 every ene, whet, tweal steronllca to dime bona. The a otoulelllcg e $.l 11r. Ifrlge. Alley:mho s• family tomltcitte, te e•tablialevl fart. To try it to he rocvlaeml. Sold by all 11rrimilvt, each bottle mak via two to four quarto. when sl.lofml for itee, DRII.II & CO.. Nawarlt, N. J The " Phirbe Bilker" Salve. Ellen year. , s nocret— irirenroN Ns by movie— all Cats, Bat., burr., CSMCerI, Wolf nod Brokou Brenvtv, Chwprool Lip. mod 'loads tiruptlonv, Chllhlnlus. Ilnev or Stings or lovertr. air A W 4 .,N14:11119, ClItH Vint P1LE5...44 84a — sol,r , every whore. 1 . 114M1E lIARKh "I!•olur'• 1G t. Ronrb, Av. Ka...min:lto, . • romnr`l • 'lll,llso)l;...l.lling Ent., froarM h. cl !ord,. ly gotro)lnmon 14. r irt and W. AY., for Ico.tb.. • ' (only mlro rosoodr 'Corn .11,1,1 rrir.ol.l, orm y whor.. Alje . A.it for •• t0t...n0 ~thorn 44]. rg!..o ..,11 , ..,•kh.....111 by nxmo... All •• 1711/ST.% II" ei... 13 LAW A LI. N M A N. S 4 'lllllEl7 A •..• k 1... goy,' I , IIN Itl. ArN. Jr . I'l . nm:ion:gra/Me.* VI/akar Fhuuld 115 . 1.1,, , •111 Itn 1:••act. Soilreetr•A !•0.11,111114. cnnq inehl 11l 111.11 ,11 nr lI'S to Maw of II i 11. • W • . 11.../ I) • . 101.1 till 111.4 4 11v.ir, replit... till• 1 0. 11.,he I it e: •it.. To Mcltirted!—Yotir speeial littenti, .1) jo, Tu v iod to 7)1. F:1:110 Sp s. 1.1 in tilt- o .to .1 /lady and ifin , l --Such In dysiall.l Tllll ilb.tuatil. and the brain are too ll.liiiianily ...I - 6 I Om tin . one to antl'er wit hoot the olio,. no ilia. ily•prip• and iliipiriondeury art' in-eparabli . It li.a) • too. oa 111.0 Irritation of Ow idoninch in almost I.,,,irbibly arconip int. by irritation of the temp, The 111 1 :111 1 11.111116, 1111 i ' lta . r.ition of t..tli i t ' n Inner% in too., pi,rer6lll) devel...;fid 111 1 . 11.11• indlividlot. The Ilr•I 31 .... aide t...1', C•1111'.11 . 1111,1 and zing. A .11.1 , 1 41^11 'Totem; the chronic iitnia•lne.• in Ili. tegion ..( the •teln Arli p•eue.l. 1111.1 'h.. tier , : r,•-tle,ine-i. which vha. • I. ababid. Th.. •• a., ) 1445 " trat,ietit. :t not ...tire...id...l 113 id 11. i. .i I 1 er 1.1.1..11 flt, 1, 1. .i i tvay... the rt•i• hen anined can,' 'dm/id:tut- Ibr thee , • I T 11,..! ~g La. d b. Iwa. . irent tier ...ion id . 1 I I IPI . 1 1.7 4, • •allh 1111, II 1 11111111- 1•• 1,1 Al% il 1 lir . •111 1 1 . 11. 1 . or Ow in,tl , •lt ari• •rair r • in to it. tot,. ti.•••. it there )1 . I .i< 1111 ..veril..“ lido the mien. I in n nr..per 11111,, .111'1 if Ct. • lear. i• inert and , atni regulated The etb•et /Ili in r. %nut,. the . ntan• and In ca , • r t.. ',rad , r.• nnh tv gradual y and ithoitt pain. The Bitters pr. 1 1)14:, , 11 s hy I'l'lllll OW .11114 Which i• p.ir •-• • tiotlarly 1. 111,..1.011 •11.1.1 en 11111 lean/1111 11'1'.1'111 1 r are .1”t 1111' 11.111111 i AT 19 S. SE13()NI) ST., P1111.A., ra.r.,...atialt awl 111.1.1111 , C. 111,• •, ..1 11 , 14 1 1 . .i/11111. Th, t yrtreof rturdol•rt oil v oitor, awl this gr.. t .I,:e ' ' FOL. carpet Iftnro below Bfatkod. bit env:ol4oj pronite, le/writ — in [1 " .7 7: 7 l. ' „rit it i t n /t P l';;; d, ' ‘ i ' n " .. lll * nit • ffi.i.d• ...moiled an rnpro•r i tited no that al I can boy nit}. !c..aa.l ur :u.l •atit.rartiou no! .2.3.!f..i .ocatlis WOLF—Died lit till. oily, on Sun.lay evening. lint, F.lbt J.. only datiziaer of Lev i+ 1111. i Mal) lir, 11*.li 5 yeare, 10 mouth , and 21 day-. Fuu.•ial from the Imo, of the lain nts, Turnm" -Irect above Fifth, on Thar-day al'n•rnuon at 1 utn•Ptri,anl+ !IN! invited 11 , 111. trod without furtlna . notion. ECII MIDT—On November 1-t, in Tonal/mm.ln, quite indilenlv from internal Mind., received on I Ito L. V. R. R., Jinn's J. Sellinidt, :on of John ,val Sarah Sehilibit, aged lo yevr... 4 month. and .2 slays. K UEIINER—On November Lltl, st Allentown, 'dada Catharine, slvintliter of Levi and Nark Knelnier, autal 3 rear. , and It sunlit • MORTEN W A LTER —Oil November 3rd, In Tow sintesmill, John I.lelitenwstlter. aged 33 yeas, and 7 month.. SCIINEII/Ell-011 November 141 h, In Moore, Elizabeth Schneider, widow /if Op let.. John Schneider, in her ('sth year. Y 613 Tcrocrtvirntrats L AC:GEST STOC K GREAT INDUCEMENTS . tr, Luy..i (mut .., a•Ku of HEIMBACH, HELFRICH k CO., 732 HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN The tit n .r. pr.oullt put In • .11.01 1111T11 ALL LAl'li•ti LA,S FRONT. nnd have "lied . ..lto euldened their fitelhlie. I.r It.vidug tru hunt the ht:w...t -tort: to the t•liv ELEGANT FL'I:NI7'URE rnanutnetured I . t , under their own muth•r.l,oll,ll/Itl tvartxut• ed t he tho or.t tho ninth et Au in,in•enott .r their •ttlen ,• ed,vinee bet ern.. the Ad f, lIIt 1..,y1.1g non tin ni 11.13n1,6, tnti ersd. l'ATt 111'.1.. on 1 nr.• h,r lii .ut.rlnt pee i Rene en The Mammoth Glass Front, uuy tr..3•IY • pitivATA: SA LE tot' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, I 1.. d .•Lr. 3 ot.• .31e. v. , 11 CiINTAINING Ni AultES, • and , . ••r 11•••.. 01 11 aqa tht••••al al tat le n end l• rub. Y •It ale 11t111111111 , I, ...allay el 111. Ca, Ina y towitelu in. Flue au la•Ie 11..1.1 te,• I la•el. 1...1111. 111 •nt glare n 1•1••••• 111 II I'llllllr 1 ,1 1111. :tiedlll t/1. 11,411111. e eat up int•• WI 1111114 e I 11.. 1%1111.'14 111 •...,.11/ •Pt it/...r I. eau 1..• 1 , 01 1, .1'.1 • •• . •. 1 Ire 11111'111 mull ney..r II thl..tigo the e.1•1•11‘ iu• xnatt•ohle le .1 ..I1••• 1 111.1.. , 1 .1 e lnatal 1110 1.01. Aft i 114 11 V• 1 1 1 ). •ule•ar. 1.1.. 1111, 6111 I.ll' 1••• turoar.., ina onl) alnett 1114 ya •I•• loan lee Eaea Penn. linalead. 'the. titan eyeue •/el't 111, 1 • •11 1 . 1. •I ..t 11..1 . 111.t ‘V.1.,1 , 1111 11..1. N.; 11”1!"11i, %VIM ^lllll ..... r 111111., a I.rg,. train , Into. aal all ntiea het••••••ary •ealni •1•1 fug, WI In i••• tgl• uu l. ..mini.... ; der la•et -tut waYa •.•••1, at Ihe that- • aa•l hare. at/ exe lean mane ••rel•at•l a•td 1 •••••tY ..,•••', 11.1?••••••. g •al lea •••• 111 t. farm t• ti .1 it,. , PY countyat twang y. 11 her•leu e ••is the I.lll.lrea I 1•••••1 es • r 1 hna. a, it ••• I:nua 1,. •It lle• 1••• i• atoll:, loan All. ti la 11••InntatYth •unt .therner ••• r•• e 1 . ,. • 1 • Inaellasauoat? wad. at et 1: .11,•111111t 11..;111„•.. 110' 1.1 to. Ana the ••pleualat unpin nen, the 1•.1:.11.1..+• the Y el A tleaten u mia Ito •Itt . .... • •••aut) to aelt at?. matte,. tnt• 111,1111•11), lel (1,110 1. 1.1.1 111tH .It • . 1 .1 11' C1111.11.11..,111 . eot tenet 1..111:1 1 .1.e 111:1. t•••nay ”.. ; n tut ly. ell , peer!, withent louter—t nov J , ''? 7.• t• It') rriloll,lS :,11101Fr1E . 1191 . , 1.. t; N. F. 11111 1 .11 st In; N. 1:1 , 11Int sr. I= =I tlt.• JAPAN SW ES. I=l/I=6=l rh:n P.I /./.4. PADS. Jo' URA/us. /d' II P. 4 HAIR .I.ylk / I , IT I Ill's. ICKA II.111: .IS/ , WI 11.• 11 . • ti• thlet ill 111 A I n tlon-1.1 eltsti,.: 3101'1,F:11. T* 1.11. x• IR')%ICI.I ,‘LLENToWN . Nip VicINITY Shr,k.l .1 .1.1 1.: LE; !It; \1.1.!:N. r‘ming P.. I Try Iltl hiIIPLEY _ITA JJ VEGETAULF. SICILIAN 'ft c .. % 1 1:44 RENEVT R . pElt ONS \S 110 .‘IIE 01t 11 IIP•Tr hair to it. ni.ulhl cod., and II ..r,' lb. by it. nor, It 1., the best 11A11: th. ,r•,114. mak ng 11,01.. e., 'Ott, br,.?,? . nn.l pd." 61 iv. r,ir .0. by ttn24 It. P. II ALLx 11,, , ...,:,t•huA, X. II I•ngdn. D R. oitvs Dvsrcryitc l luny Trill <•urr .11i , trAe, ,Irl. bit.t.t.o• :Yam,* V.in • IVI or th.• He • rt • Bele/ten, W ronf.lncnaib. n 1.1 1 . 1011 In OW Scorn crlc WILL CI'III IlaartLam, r Ilr. nli, .or Ilail Ta•ir. Upon I far rood. a.,41 n 14..11ag of Weak rivoa aVI atl za.pralat.• Loan., linwelm. •• • • el d i , l , ll „ li r i . l . l;rira I 1.1 tt e .6101 ti11 . .1..11.4011 ii..Wo I.; y v...t " g:17;0" pnloved of tho ron and IJnnt• sdoor ..vvn tmliv,. 4,11. DR. TRY'S INDIAN VEGETAIII.E SYRUP 1 4 11.011. 0 4 and Im. , Pr^ooratOu for stll .11.,,t.e• or n o , Throat. 'Mall,. 01111 CIO ; will core n 11,1 nit oth•re f o ir, .e.ch to C 1.1.01 M, Coitin 16. Mid CllO4. DR.FRY'S FENIALE STRENGTHENING PILLS ; Is e.t. twst el,l only remedy P.m %lit Wealtnots, Pm!. td the Womb, tieNtriog 1/.1,% sll. t.t.tt• e• itstiosilon to( the Wu:1111M t. 01., D.. 1.11 t i Prri,4l,,t ttn.l pold y G. Tenth and Arch Sty. t(+, I •pj Druegl•tn Feuerally. tA)11 9 ant • nix; Rbbcrtraments T • 011 AN RI OF FEVF, • 111 lot No th EIGHTH Ntreet, 106 North MOUTH Strt..o, VI DST STORE ABOVE ARCH, WEST SIDE, PIIILAD'• I offer the fail winter underwear, cnn.l.ting of i;entA . , ol d Bop.', an being nhethylly 1.11/110r the market pr re: I. 11 tilt INo VENTS, nt , regular prlee rii'gf,"ll,lr,Vot;A: for 1.n11,. 1 , hod 11 r.N'N ERIN() SIIIT.TS AND DRAWERS. froth (Or. A SPIDI AL LI , T O FMEN'sgIIRTS AND DRAWERS, HALF L, 7:4... worth FI SI lISE I.IIT oF VERY NE QUALITY or 3IEN'S suilurSut 41. 3IEN'S s I i IFT , AND — DRAWERS, FULL ItEOVLAR MADE, fr.) 41,31 op. 11111 . A' sill ITS AND DRAWERS, WHITE AND oitEo. miss Es. NIERIXO VESTS. vEir, MEN'S MERIAOsillIttS AND DILAWEES. MRS'S if ALF 'Msg. i.pr,f,ItEOTTLAR MADE, Sk MEN'S HALF 11415 E, FILL ItRUOI.AR .IA 111.:...9e. MEN', ES4ll.lsll II A I,P lIII.i R, FALL % It. 31c. 311..N'5 ENW,ISII BROWN /MIXED ILI. .1115,, I' !IPA!' 1105 E, FILL III:OMAR MADE, 7's. LA Ul6s' 111 11 ED M..ltlNgl 110.4% 23c. FALL 1t601.1 LAIC MAtlr, DurfilLl, II Eli A N a T.' EA ' I. r,• l'ls !tog FRAME 11056. FULL. 1t6411.1.A It II AII6. U , 1:111,E 11E10.5 ANL) TOES, :f.P. INF.% NTS f..1c.N11 SO KS. Frio!, REGULAR MADE. Ts.. MEW NO 11056 conSE ES, CORSETS, CORSETS, I am w•Illaa tli,ao very de.lrable French C0r.0.i., which Ih.• 11011.4 so much comfort mid D:e•'tanre o. wear, at 0,-Id F RS. II WI.V - ENCORSETS.WARRANTED WHALE.• BONE. •lie. 'EDE NEW VEAMI,}:eR COR , ET 4 VERY CoNIFORT ABLE Plot wiNTER, roAt e1.:1% to otoko FI NK FRES 'II RIDDED COltve:ES. +I .5 FINE FSI.YCIt COltvET, WAIIRANTED WISALE E. el 25. Do/.EN OF FINE FRENCH EMBROIDERED CDR +I.V. north *l7l. IVKIt LEV CORSETS. TIIONIAS MOFFET r, • FR North Elan NI Str..rt, F;ret Store above Arch Street, a - vvt vlo• . . . WS. IV IGIIT'S = 1 - 1 t x;'"q . 1"111',A1 t M ERICA N INSTITUTE FAIR, MO 17,..40.1.i.“ rn! pitiNTING A.srEcIALTY. li p.m want printing d. , to nicely •tni che.Pll /. 3,0 your order. al CIII{ONICLE JOB OFFICE x.,121.1.• our Kt Jl.r and price lint brlone ,rtleri•A IHEI)ELL tk SHIPLEY. iNNICAL EXHIBITION o Tik pENNsyLvANTs POULTRY socirry • AS-EM 1;I,Y )MS, 10111 1N1)(1-i V.: 4 T \UT sTs., PHILADELPHIA, From Dec. Ict until DPc. 7th. incluoivn F.t.iry. , •.r .t • Pllll. AOKI. •'ll%i •WTY 1.1001.• TI N ,; ~ .lt Irl•L• NV W AL N. • rv, N tab Str....q. • the pr..1n;n0r.....f • POI N.;,^r..s . .41;ct . rttitulttl Ito N WAltalt MM. ).! /',ITS E to:luny:vs iTuli EN'r 1t..1.1.1.rci. E.g.. Tio,tir, 4 h. eil. Ain 3...011, With ..d .'itY tt.•.n MO' fe , -9. 1.17. 'l,Ol l • 140. C, 1.,!...tte.. • , 111,11.t1 (tom 1,1 ra..t. M ll.ittuiy 1.44. 11,toov Toz. Igti: .111'0 51 1:1,11., I'.ly T.x.: ..• m v '4;4 .I.e l' x. . E 11.01 1101 , 1 , o• E Tix. •.; v isi le '4llll JriLuF hotel, P..- 1 etslibimf diVidoo4i. fly 1n0.r., p Nlorig.te, - , ork I ag r.I• p.l .......... . It. wltter Erie y .1.•,..e , 111. E 31 rk.t .• ••. e.ohi n.ol • vi••••t•ry ...... . •••• ..... ........... . ..... Env 11.0. C., ,0.1......t1ary I. k+ , 1nr , ....• • T.Lx... k. •Lt.• r. v.I r. • Ir , 1111.• ..N;htli ...... =lM2=2l I 4 . • rg.• ,. . ...... 1.. , . .I.‘ •• NI 111 I. ,t 1...! 1.. t r I wo 0,1 II p r lrnrp po•I• 31 II .1. t• If 1.. I, Elk:1111.1• 11. 1;11•Ii ...... ....... • ..... I . 11” , ,, • '' ..... ... . V. , I, tool, 4.4rakat nu 1,n.0f the of r. 4 ,10 [lctl an I a .1 thn .1,••.1,11.. 0 , .111 .1. 11-a 1.3,1, 0.. r. •d !• , L tta oLohna 1.1. awl wo, flnd : hllan , In ilirk.ll , ..1 , iehty - tw , d' 11 :0• 1010., oat+ (.110. , 51V..) al hand.. lap! thl• Oa,' ,470 .1. nail 11. MILLER, =l3lll=Z4!=== Ii ..1 ly I I. t•• r •• 1..04 •treet Ito Ti.•/,•11r). 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