1=2131 1:3ro Goobs OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS MID MAALMOT] I ';'17011 ES ! Blankets! Blankets ! ! WRITE, BROWN anti GHAT BLANKETS. raeur. pans , d qua lily. quality and price. CIIKAP Never bero.olnwer. Mt luppecileut+ ell we ask. and you will beinn aed. Call at the mutt Popular Place and (loud. at Popular Prlces at E q. SIEMER & CO.. 703 and 707 Eamllton St.. Allentown. Pa. e j I. lIAFLEIGII. • • 3012'AND;1444 CHESTNUT' STREET, PIJILADELPHIA. FALL AND WINT OPENING, - MONDAY OCTOBER 3 1870 SLACK SIT.KS' COI OGED SILK s. LYONS IILACK ELY ,TS, , POPLIN , . CAS" MERE , ,otlioE , .lll AtIONA unlit variety W!I ITE IlooDS LACES, ;old E31111:0IDERIE;t. II AlllllBllO VIM I ND C.vr, y do, .10VVIN KID 0 LoVEs, 1 to ti ju•l Opening Monday, Oetober 10th. Now Styles nod orvat uovelll,4 In Polls soli., WALKING DRESSES A SACup r.s. to which the attention of rurelinter4 is loth. NOTZ•—SpOthil aliontlon paid to ronotry Trod, En peotex reduced eno.holf, nod great hot:mins o I I or. , crud. urt • SEAM AN & TRA EG R, NO. 17 SOUTH MAIN ST., BETHLEHEM DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, N( YTI ONS, ,) i HoUSEREITING G0()IN WOODE N WAR E, O L CLOTHS, C 3 t 19 Very large ...al: went to 4•vvi DEPAR TMEN T. 00,14 Lought o the ♦ 1, LOWEST CASH PRICES, I= The pnbllc.nre requeeted to call and examine, SEAMAN & TRAEGER M. ROBINSON & CO., Wn, G. 311utz,,) Il'l =l=9 3IILITAIi I, CHURCH, SOCIETY, BOoDs. FLAG. BAN NEfIS, MA DOES, i:•rc N'p.ll2l NORTH THIRD STREET, I=l guniturr NE SECOND sTREET FURNI TIME STORE. -337 N. SEcoNI) BT., PUMA Old Stand esibliilabotl twenty pear.. tilottipliant lu lag lecent tlenre.• en in ba•tre..., we 1,,i4 In ( 0 , ebealwal buil lie. t a•iirrsal 111 the city, yellich e tilling at trti-si p. ire, Now I' f or a Parke g , .. , 41 at night, boilable for am or 01111,4, 'rAGE .11 W A1.,1 1 till A Mill:It SUITS. Strew. Fixeelsier xis! straw Milne...en. Pttrior Sr , its I")Olufnt..o.l in 1111 y gtyle in grit OnfrP. I I . INS BR OS., 1.37 N.. 2,1 SI ~ Vino Ira.l mido) BNrrunir. 'EPI I \VA I:Co , o qmuNET MAKERS, 113 w‘I.NUT ST.. PHIL.thELPIIIA. I. one of 110 , In Philadelphia, I,,,,,,poririwe nod nTe A at r ic•••, nodl t,„r A Lt•nr no, •k , nruitore n hnool• oundo to order. , erg. //est: Work nuo., nd Stores to or , • r. ALT oN.. .1. %V. I.lrpfNcol r L „Tr. MGE nrrzatn. AND (THAN [hum onn FENSTERMACII Ell ruer Tenth and Hamilton Streets, 41.LEY7'011'..V, PA. p U thoceemettr to Ella., Feneterumeher. Grain. Floor nil Feed Clover. Tthictlir p.;ctio.n't.arty'elitetitt;:"Wl:it!„,l4 ho.e. ; t 1; AVE ( !Ms'. ? 0 . 7,:,,c. R ''• only Cider Vinegar by the barrel or smaller :rlittel..lit.i7=lle S a a l 'obtft't Slaekerel t In yy ter. mar 1 - .1.16 -------------_ 1011'S ROVED BARD RUBBER Trtuss The lightest Truse ever Supporters. Its, btorklugs, busi•rmriee rude o • f 'l‘:e'Sit6rg'rtilr;te 1 ' g; . 173 rd" - c* , " 10Chestent street. next doer to the corner of tree!, l'hlladelphln (op stake). ma !ear Boot ilitalterfs. R EnOVIL. YOUNG & LENTZ'S R'IIIILESALE AND:RETAIL .1300 T A N 1) SHOE STORE, it, FILEN REMOVED TO THE S. IV. Corner of 11.4.11ILTONana SIXTH STS. NOS. 38 AND 40, where they are now mewed to recelye tlo-lt patron, THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT KERRACER THE . STOCK OF OQODS IN THIS VICINITY. tt ' l try. C I THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT Ito conducted no heretofore. '41.30 'St Itailrozoo. . . fIAT.IPIAIIIIIA DF,, rtTr FOOELSVILLE R. It. On and niter AUGUST Ist. IS7o.l'nt“rn•rer tinting on tho flatoottann.l Fonnittvillnlrtotti will run In connection with the Lehigh Volley. I.rlttnlt Sutturbnnun, nod Etott Venn. Itnilrond, on follons: rtninn Wenttl tSTATIO:tiS. P. M. A. N. I -- !N 67.1 CAT ASACOV. O I. 95' •SEI MS. .'S 94n 4 .1101411 AN lIRIDOR. b 9.5 1. 11. . ,4 1 ' 7 4 r :. I' I : 7 ; 1 119T11'8. 19 29 0 91 712 WA 1.414111T•S, 924 4.1 17.11 t CIIS ,O IIAI'S, , I f: 4 1 10 !:14 7:9 THENLIIIITOWS; i 9.1 11111'19 lOSVII.I.E. 816 I II FA 851INGToN. 148 7'17 •91'111 1(1 CHEEK. 922 742 AL•IILIIITIS, s 2i) •Flug 818089, CONNECTIONS. ne tnor ing trot tve•ll eaves Cillanauqua on the arrival of the 1., V. It. It. Local Passenger train from Easton. Bethlehem nnil All. town oral connem. at Al-Ilurtis wl.h a train. the Enst Prunsylvanni R. It. for Reading, Poll.. smile, li a rrislittra and Philadelphia, and also with a trait .for Allentown. Bethlehem, Easton, New York nod Phil. adelphia. The morning HAM East connects at Al-13artis wlth train on E. I'. It R. from linfrielawg, Reading nod Allentown. Ind at Cotamtnquit with train on the Lehigh Vitlley ihdl rotJ for Mooch Chunk, Wilkes•liarre, berantou, Phila delphia sod Jew Yolk. '1114,2 P M. train West connects at Al-ltartia with a ai,. on the 'East Penn. Railroad for Reading. Pottsville. Ilurrbdittro, Allentown, Bethlehem. Easton, clilladelphia MIA Nero York. The Eventug train East loaves Al-Mirth+ on the arrival ..fit train front Allentown and of it train mak Ina ronnec• dons nt Reading with Rohm from Philadelphia. Intro, Pottsville, At.— anti connects with local posvenaer mJu ott me 1.. V. It. It. et Cutdsamitta fur Allentown, Bethlehem and . 11o•ton. Tenons to go to Allentown eon take Um morn ing man West io Al-Barth+, arrive nt •Ilentown aft a in teturit Icy o train On the East Pennsylvania Railroad, leaving Allouh•wil at tn. C. W, CHAPMAN, :apt. tutu MEE .E I I II: Il VALLI:I' • 4 am 1,4.u.4=7 , !:1 - .1-.1 11/111,1:1,A1,. teAr! WI S TEI ARI:AMIEMENt. vtrtn i M..NP ‘ , CT( 1 111 - 11: 1., 11 , 7 9 . train. n 111 run 1- 1.310 w • ho A a ve li...taw n Pir En•ton tit 99% 1.3 V, 9la and 11 to . „,i 54.1,.; re 7la p to. Fer New Vora. via Centnil or New Jerne), at it 09, h 31,• II 59.1 pi. 12 , .• 1133. 5 41 tool 915 p Now Volk. 31orri• 4 Foo•orltailloatli at 9oa and II :+);t in. .t 31 p at. 1.1.111ht.1 , 11 , 1 , 1 , 1, via North Ihttin 'tail road, at 999, Sri. NU 111 .:1111. MA I'; at. F., 3111999k:1 t honk pita /S• h 1,191 i. 10 It tri, and 5 47 P For latialiort v ill,. 'fronton awl 1 1 1111noleilthith vi. It. if., r I 1,01 WOO it in. 1111.15 45 p m. TRAINS WESTWARD Al o,ou IEI Pitt•lon. IltErlrton and Mt. Edttool. At!litu to. EH +1 1.111:11Y1,11 for nverly. El rni• II:1710{4M. Audourled and Mt Carmel. ittoll. 111111,1111 lit prlto.ltal %alor, att.l connecting nt Quaka nd ltP o Ith tr.tht ltta i m boott i It:MI.0111i for Wllllltthtport, a it NVtlvorty trdln Et! , Itittlroad for Mud!, dud At bolt to d 420 It Ili for Willi I'lltstnn, lltt. riot. Moldtooy Etty. At a Int, to I, Copia v. At S 111 I.r Mttnell Chunk. At 237 p w for Wlll , :itotdloit. tottll a hi,.r start from Food l'ontt Ittoetton. 11. STANLEY Ettitl) WIN, Sup . t. RoitintT 11. S 1 till. Slll/ 1 1 61 Lou;.• V - 011T11 PENINTSY—raI VAN I A LAII.IIOAIL Ot3g,'W'MDF727-Tiriel tirMITF,IIARIZAN6F.MENT 1 , 04,..r..nnn. for l'lolndelpliin lakn Loins:lt VaII.`Y train. I,4•ing ti ill and 11 5.1 n. In.. nn 1 2:41 1545 p, in.. nod 4rlive iu Plolinlelphin at 55 a. in. 2 11. P. 05 nod _lO. In. .114 n Lolliult and Sumitiolotim.. .tiOlrnd ni rp7 2 47...1 542 v. In, mot or. nvo 0 1.1111n.101v1114 nt In n. In.. 2 11.11n1 125 0. In. = .Fivnitnettgli Dit Sonde) , ExecPM].) I'd , t•enner balm lens, the den, Nortlttve•l corner Iterk• Ind Anenic..ll det Allititiow teitti it 15 it. M., anti I 47t, :120 end 5 in p Prier. For lidylt—tdtvn et • Rennet le p. tn. I'de W.•-I,.enten at ; din! n . • end II 3 , it• F•tr at I In, itml "1 , . r•ti itt M• =II ej.ll. 1210. :lA% it 14 P. in • • D..) 11 3.0 t n. itt • • 1..111,111'.. tit t;tt) t t . In. .• Vtt , t I.lltt el„ :it Itt:to n . • • ...)•1. 4 . 2-laud It lull. tn. t,N Sr:CO.II , IL 1.i.. r Plotttiolttinlsta tit 440 I). M. 1 ;31111. Pft• nittlpit:n thl•liert/ It 9 • • I .1 - 15. q ,1•2 ” Si 4%1.14 Ar••ttt VI Et 111 NU It tlll.-vmf5:77,77.7,:---7,2:: FALL AIIRAN .1 EMI:NT. )W\ 1).11', SEPTE3I'IIER 5, 1870 Groot 'Yroult I.llno irom th.• North mid Nor:ln-W.44 rot AI-01111111.1 1:non Yon nn. 11.kplionr. l'tt,lll. tutu ukp 1. 1.1117. 1;o1non1mn, . rn Tro•nn- ',am. 111,11-burg for Non,. York iv, follows: no 5 . 11. ~.„.n i,J . b :4l , . pl., rountortllng svlth ninon ano- l'ononsyl , nonia 11,0 rood. tool a rrlyikg 111 Yl,l York un Ip. , 3,41 nod 111 o p ro•portlrely.- nnlon•pUl4 noroinp tuy Pp. AAI 31. 11. train %,illioul Itoturnini, I .301' Nonn York ot nn 01 u. 1100 munn and 10' p. nn.; 1.1 .1. In. nod 1:41p. In. Sleep na nrcompato 1 , 111. M. Ira no trout Nenr York ploparm I.o.nve nlonri-I.nrg for 'leading, TolOnnloo. 31nker1villo. A• 11 land. 51... 011111. AlhouloP n, 1101 Plilla• 1 plpn In., 2:0 011114 1 , 11. 111. SOIIIIIIIIII int Lelun• I' . tilpt Prlncipnl y 1,1 11 1 , 11 1 the 4'lo p. tr.nin coo ....mpg for 1 . 1.1 ; A ll tlolumbio. °WY For P. nt•v Sylnoylklll 11l von aml Anl•ortn..v inn nelloyl. .1 ,111,1 511..1111011.111113 ,(1,111 . . , 1111 /111.1 . (1.1 ,, Irg 111 A 1 1 ,11 . 1111 1 1 . 1 .1 ',lo t 111111nia Ba N l nnp,vo iYnt otrrk ni n no t n noa v lo o ;1 1 % m l u o l 4 o l g ll .I f l or 11 1 .I.*l P. I 1 Nett. Woo. Irovn. New York on ono, I n., It VP noon and nl.l p. 111.. out AIM° tow n kta. nI noon. 41 1 1 owl 15 P. in. y l'a•ountor Tr- to v no. Philo 4101141 M 11l - 30 it. In., rounneopou 1111 nonunir train on Ent , t Pennon, .11allrontl IC 1,111 lt , `llll,llV P In., '4°l l l4llK nt old 41111 ~...vd Poll villo nt 411 and P.P... 111., and p. ileradon at 111 >1 a. la. at 540 and 11 111 a. In.. Ashland at 7 0.1 a. In. and 12 3./1.000. Mabanny Illy at 7 51 0. tn. and log 1 1. T. 10411114 1 , 1 013 a. tn. and :'217.. lar Pliii.ideildna • 1 Net, York. Ida", Pottsvp.l.l PrittiylPlll4 , ..l Sitsquallanna lit.ll- r • I ni S 1.1 a. in. idr Ildtrishurg, and 1214 noon for Pine• grove slid T.einont• lag Areosnotodidion Train loaves Pottsville at 0. 40 ul., p is-es Heading la 7 :10... in.. arriving nt 1 . 1111.1.1.1- 1110.. d Mgla. in. lieturniug. I'llll..lolphi. all 13 P. n , , 1 1 1vsing lieaditot at Nip I. arriving l'otts• ..1114 1 p. in. Pottstnp t. Ace taloodait..“ Train leaves I'oll-/ow'. at 11'2.1 ... I:attuning, ...nye.. I'lol.ooolla at{ 111 p. 111. Volaialna.lea , ' at 7 nt and IO p in I, 11`11,1,10, 1,111( . 11 ,1 1. C. 111111.10. •1• POOOIIOII ii. 1110.111 1 .111 Vlll,lolliell 3110,11011 01 7 no'. a to. 31. 0101 11 nl. nrning. leave •chp eaksv ilk al Ws), .lox tn. 12 noon and 441 pm, n0...11111g ,11111 teinilar trams on 11e...hug eon Insodolale 1141111. 1 , 15111,401V11 01 1 4d a and 1 ,t , nit ietal aing leave Mons 11 , 1.1.11n1 II '1 a 01111 ',HUM' train-on Reading It. 11. Cio—ter Vdlley 'I rat., 1,1111g , 1 1 011 h:1 . 1111111114 1 1. 111 1110, 101111'1111/g, I , llVe V.11i1114101. 01 , ... , 11 111. 12 47, HIS) :.i 1 1 111, 01'1111 sinlilar 11,012. au 1ta11i0...1. Ntinday... leave Nett . York at 510 p uI, 1 1 1111...lelphia at PP. lo 110113 131/ ttlie •tt. aln train running only lo it, ;1 ,1. 1 ,, kayo p o tt.volont 0.1 11 in. Ilarristinrd 7:1:. 11. alai 410 p leant , Alle. tot, at 7 2.1 111 11011 S la. and 11.....1.ng at 7 150 and p 111 111.1.141111r11. di 7'.1111)1for tietv York. at 411.1 p ill for Allento 11, 41/1i 1 11 .0 , 11.1 4 1 , 51 1 in 111 .`'lll 31.1eavo, oson, Palloot and rh.0,1, .1111 d 1r0n...141 , 01111, ai redneed rater. 11. 1 ,1 0 0.; pp pound. al lotved, encl. Passenger. id. N 10.11.7 . 4. 0 ig 14 11 fie/nordi So/lir/tint. netettf. 1111119 lEMElUElfililliMlill • • 'l' I :NII.."I'A 111 ,1.,'. On nut after 11111.7 1 illAY, MAY MI., In7o, earn 11111 run tooll trait.. oil the Lehigh Velley mud Lehigh uud see qu ,, ~ a nno. hutlro...le. until to the Allentown Fureare. lenvlll9 Stution. Ileuulton nod A ntrools, in.. folheve. For 1.. C. Fort.. & S. For Fur. Leave Fur. A Al. A. M. A. M. A. M. 2U El 141 011 .115 :41 h 1 33 1115 S ILI 11 3.1 11' lo P 31. 1 M. P. 31. P. At. ?... 1 i I 40 I ~ 3 tu 5 2/ 3111 1.1 ti 4./ 1 ?;.'. 11 45 Slit 913 'rho 210 p.m. r•, , r rm. in connettlon unit 0..2 :Kip. in. Tmin n 1,. V. 11. it. for I . lillnilvlphin nn , l Now York. • The V. 13p. to. car run% In connection with tip 2 47 trnlu on I, It. ho Plulatlolphin awl :Year ork, • . Tho :ti . ruiodo coin...llou with ii, 6t9 p. tn. trxln on It. for Mooch ('hunk nod intorhoolinte 'da tion, Roll tutu tralo liblholelphin ;mil Now I", k. FARE TEN CEN Chltdren under teu learned nue, Five Conti. ADVERTISIN(I SPACE AT VERY LIBERAL RATES. ~irml,lng In :Mowed on lb^ rues, end pannengern ieque•inil 110: to ride on dm 'Uniform when there In run LOPC 14 SIMI. , -„ S „ ” WORL Teleirimpli Instruction Department, ESTABLISHED IN 1805 To Hurt the demand for operator, oraleraigined I mired a ila' department, laiiiikoinely tilted nil, at a leeat exp....v. finery ilicilliy for teaching Telegrap. e. A Waited cumber of altakiii. trill bo received fur tlw twir Cteirtte lontrurtion, three month., reduced o 711 IRTY 1.“1.1.A Its to Obtain wklllnir to Kroft 1110111..0Th, , et tin ttllVltnitlite. Will 1;1100 . 111 , 01.W. , to Tel! , crarlt Entritv!er ant! Elcctrtrino N. 11S South Sixth St., P. S.—Telegraph I,lties, both public .d titivate, Cu, , . xt tiled lu u,sytelet of the United mutes, uud Te.eurai k Office.. furitixlied tin eututuiteut Operuturs. frier, 7.31 u LAND WARRANTS • WANTED OF WAR 0F.1812 AND MEXICAN WAR. ""i"...sdzwreoM'Et.BllV,l..,72:ClT.""T COLLECTIONS promptly inn& on ollpol DEPOSITS RECEIVED. No nolo,. will he t.pare,l to serve the lutorests of those who favor tt• with their lotsloras. JOON a. RUSHTON & CO., Beaker,. and Brokers, dec 2.2.1 Y No. Cot booth 348 E, THE LERIGH TrEGISTER; 4 -I .LENTOWN: 'WEbNESDAY. ,NOYEMBEI! 23,1870. Make Your Homes Comfortable 11 NOW WE HAVE IT CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE WALL PAPER, BOTEN BOOK STORE OF LEISENRING, TREXLER & CO., ALLENTOWN, PA. We nre rehire Piper of oil etgles price , . to either he rich wr poor. WALL PAPER Train t. •.%. ~311 tble renenu, do not fall togive a. We Intve note on Itnnfl the largeet etork In the Vallee, nti ran oiler greater nod better Inducements than any other eetakllelonent. REMEMBER • • it svIII !my you bull , t • pnrchn..o nt the BOTEN BOOK ,•Tti tit. 01 LEISINRINO, TIIEX I,Elt 4 CO., toot M 14,141011,, Pn. THE VERY BEST THE MOST BEAUTIFUL, AND MOST DURABLE CLOTHING, AT KEYSTONE HALL! BALLIET & NAUI4E Have the largeeL Le•t and cheape,t 'neck of CLOTHING ever got Op hi title eny.and Jots In their Ilfe•odleh ;‘, COATS, - VESTS and 01l t.tbet tioods I,n:titling to MEN•S Adc FOR LESS MONEY tbno you rev buy elsewhere In Eastern Pennsylvania No Slop Shop mode Goode sold. • CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. We keep eonskintly on band a large and elegant asserts. mem of IiOODS., Burn ‘vblell customers ran make their elertlons sad have bent made of 011 short notice. -ttill work irerranted tu be of the very best. C.,11 .cc our new WINTER STOCK, rec••lvrJ 010 KEY Sl'ON E lIALL, NO. 2.1 WEST lIAMILTON STREET, .•cort door to On tlriwim 111401 . 11 0 4 Clotral. A 1.1.r.Z; TOWS. PA. A full it.sdirttnout FarulPLlng 0.10.1.. ty.. on AARON BALLIET. 111i1Y I•2-tf GHEAT ATTRACTION NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS.' CLOTHING ! C LOTH ING CI It .4 ND FALL AND WINTER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN :PRICES! ' l ' . 0 M N CO., GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM We would Intern, the etilrene of Allentown and the slur reuntry that we a, p,pered with a large stock .4 good-. fer FALL A NI) WINTER WEAIt, end alter theta to the 'albite at ree•onattle To there nil hay their rtothlek r atlY•teade. they are prepared to mr, BA I:0 MEC W 1101.1: S IV TS .11.1 DE TO o , Rprott COATS, PANTS AND VESTS cni hud rtnoe in the latow ,•tylo, awl by llw•bret workman CLOTIIING, CI.OTIIS AND CASSIMERES , S bron brf, 11,1 W.' Intend to at very MALL 1,101F1'15...l orr oor ellS10111,11111• her, at of Our lot. 1,111T1111.14, G ENT'S I'C'RNISIIING GOODS, 31h:N'S, BOYS' and rIIII.I , ItENI4 REA 1 /Y-N1 A 1) ' LOTITI NI:, thuct ~ •rget the phti.o. \U. Cal Ilaroiltnn street. third door 11110%•• sisth 'Avert. T. (I+ 1 • mai 24 I 1 SAINT i3.ltteb Z.Ziarr j(EAD itomuNs. Silver - Plated Ware, Hve now tin o largest and tnilAt ailractive Atock of Silver Platted that ploy il3Ve .ver otkred, In ' All de,riptitoi. \Van. haw!, +11,t•I.:0 N. E. ('or. Ninth & Chestnut Streets, OEM SAMUEL K. SMYTH, 724 cIIE'VrNUT STREET, (SErOND FLOOR), PRACTICAL MANUFACTURER OF FINE A BILVER • PLATED WARE, • Would rr•prclfnly aun"uucu patron,. that ha has full mock of the lairAt rlylex of • Plated nn Nickel cot White M s etals, uitable for family or city trade. city nobly of plating can only be known to the plat• or, the purchanor 111101 rely en the mantsfacturer'a state -1 there b.•ing 11111011 woribleivi ware In the market, nll ripienented a, treble plate, at prices Impossible to be tonna adored. All Ills god. are marked "S. K. SMYTH." . Call and exanolue.tho goods before purchasing else *here. 0" 1 1LD WARE REPLATED.jin m:‘, A GREAT RESIN AT TINE OLD Low Prices Taking People by Storm NOW IS THE TIME to buy Cheap at the Old Allentown China an 1 Olussm are Store, No. 611 HAM ILTON street, gwarly opposite Gio German Reformed CLurelt. of China. Muss and Cruckeryware In Lehigh and adjoin lag eoutitien, • Now retailing at the following 'micro, . Good In cent PLATES at . - 6 rents 15 ' 10 min II 13 12centa 21 BOWLS 15noula 13 12nents i. 15 lOcants II 10 Scants •• earn! 10 7 , MOOS ' 10 TUAIIILERS Scents 11 lOcenta r-ne imBLETs. 4,17.1 new ilw.., or . 15 cents each 75 cant LAMPS. 01 60 cents i. NWO L, Every variety of Queenswaro and Olasoware cheaper than the cheapest. Al.°. Walters, Looking °leases. Coffee 811116. Brititmlavrare and Table Calm , , besides a great variety of naeful and fancy articlen too numerous to mention. belonging to a flret•clnoe Chloe Store. All kind nen. from 5 hi upward. Remember the plane. 1311 HAM ILTON STRD.T, nearly oppo.ito the Oorman — freformed Church. T. C. KERNAHEN StationerE. WOMEN, THE LAROEST STOCK OF IN TIIE LEHIGH VALLEY, I= OLD ESTABLISHED IF YOU WANT Clothing, THE CHEAPEST, PANT, Sof, mrorn (o Mel:flor & ((solo n BARGAINS IN IZEIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605IIAMII.TON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., I= Great gonntltle. And trarlrtlo , of NECKTIES, CLEFS, COLLARS, And orrrythine In tit line of =I IMIMOISEIM= = llar4l lietni (Nickel Silver,) NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, WEDDING I'I;ESENTS I'EA SETS AS IA )‘1" sou PHILADELPHIA DOUBLE AND TREBLE ELECTIW-PLATED WARE ALL Or MS OWN PLATINO =I RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES =l=3 ffor the ilsabito 1115 lloßills' Philadelphia 1115 HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY. No 1115 Chestnut St , (Girard Row,) Formerly 629 Arch. St.. rSamtclPW A complete assortment of all he new Fall Shapes of Our Celebrated " Cluttopion" Hoop Shirts, m every length and edge, together with our own 'roMe of • Keystone' • Shins (second quality.) nod 4011 Hoes of gem! "E "dent made Skirts, for sale, WHOLESALE sod RETAIL nt Ph WES JUST REDUCED BELOW THOSE OF AN Y FollblElt SEASON. Onr Champion Shirts room tirm suss lain their reputation for aopertority over all others, nod are now cold of much prices ns will meet the vlews of all. Ewa urn wn mos ted to every meow. CoItFETS ! COILS. TS !! CORSETS I:'—Oar nssortment of Corsets contalos over lOt) finds and prices, and Includes every desirable kind, surf, ns Thomson's Move }Ninon, 3. Deck erk. It. Uteri y 'n. Alstdatne Foy's and !dm. Moody's Patent Self•Adinstlng Abdominal copportiott • Porsetk In all 'trade, tother will, Moses' and Children's, nod every ands of ge made Corsets. ranging lo prim a os follows •-450.. 5Se„ .74e . 7.1 e., hlO., 410.. A,. Ole fl 00,.1 11, *ll4, Ott 19, $1 25. Ne., up 10 47 Oil. I'AN !hit uubTLEs In 27 st) le., rnon r 0 cents op to (h7!:;5. Lillie.' tinder-Ottomans in ail SMtl. 1111./ 1 Ire.. Nillll Dresses irologd to to 42)00. lufant 11.011) 111111 short, from 423510411. Onrr,l Muslin Skirts, tiTiteks, 75e.; IS Tucks, 04e. • 11 Tucks, $1:12, np to 411 , Hoop Skirts nod eornets 1111111.1 to order, aim. ...1111111 me. paired. st Menofortoty nod tittles Rooms, 1115 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Coil or scud tor Circulars.. sep 2,3 m WM T. HOPKINS. • - GRAND EXPOSITION FOR TIIE FASHIONABLE WORLD. COMPLIMENTS OF MRS. M. A. BINDER. No. 1101 N- W. corner Eleventh and Chestnut ntreetn. FASHIONS FOR THE FALL AND WINTER of 187 e. Wholesale and Retail, which Paris nod the 11,4 nutunine tortes supply. Menne, Mantles, Chinks nod r.,,tm00. for Ladles nod Children. teA.7.l..o'fi."UT„nrlP:,`,?,",lll."'ll"o',\"ll.lg:',7l,ly I,r.'„'."'„7,lLP„l•Z dozen.'" roll-made sail, u If you want n bandsqmoly•fltting. abort notice, go to Mrs. Binder's ibr lantern' trimmittan and daioy mild., Mourning, Traveling and Wedding outfits. Walking and Faber Continue, DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINOS. BUTTONS, OItNA• MESTA, comprlnlna the Intent Patin 1141velit, Flowers and intermit Fringe, Oltnitn, Ruche+, Limps. Moves, Bridal-Wreath, tells, Ribbons, now slndex In Velvet. Satin and Taffeta Ribbon, Santa., Necktie, MADE UP LACE (MO.:S-0 RAND DPI:HESSE LACE FOR DRESS TRI Malln:L-1 , 4110 Applique. Valenti omen. Hamburg Bighorn and lusertlonn, Mark (Dillow° and Thread I,co, now in deslan and moderato In price. CHOICE INDIAN ORNAMENTS.—Fans. Bird, Mats, Cushions. Muuchotr, Cones and Fancy Good, nelected by Mrs. Binder at :Dugan, Elegant lino of Whitby Jet Good , In sets. Hrenstlnn, F E r a e r nlchsj e N eeokdanc. eC o a a nd an D d r a F c r e e l n e c t, h Co Spl Se d ts. d own n o , f Sleeve Buttons, Chain, Ac., which for price or variety lu style, eitunot ho Nurpassed. SO - mixers visiting our city are reli,clfully invited to CXIOIIIIIO. Pinking and Oofferlutz. Culling and Fitting. A 1,.,. a perfect syntem of thresh Cutting to Patternx neat by mall or express to lair... of Mt, Oil I. MRS. M. A. BINDER'S, N. Wu Cor. Eleventh nod Chestnut Six.. Philada. 14sep—hu WEED SEWING . NI,A( I N FAS. HUBER & FRITZ. Agt s., Alle n t n srn WHAT NVE CLAIM THEY WILL IICI BEST SHUTTLE MACH/NE OUT! That lla•y wilt taake a Stital. , 1 .0, ! Thal thry will HEM ' EELI, lIIND CORI/ ' !MAID! EEFFI.E! TEUK 1 Ol' 1 I,l' •. MDE EM •.TITCII ! (LATHER AN SW ON AT' TIIESA)IETDIE! I=l EASTESI"fERMS! INSTAL3IENTS S 5 A MONTH MIL PAID! In'addltion to oil thIN they are Eq. lI Good for Filar or Heavy Work. • HUI 3 ER & FHJTZ; 1= ME= LOOK I LOOK I LOOK II I AT FOSTER'S NEW YORE STOEE! TILE BEST .If4CHIYES IN THE Halal) GROVER & BAKER'S', impßovEn 1110 HEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE A‘var•le.l the Itlultent pr. Th. Pro... of tho orlon of llottor. 'at tho Port. Fxpo•Won. MACHIN' NEEDLE., THEEAD WI•••'r con-tautly ott hand. Lepeopltt of Allentown:ma virtutty to ,rtlll,ll Ittra• to roll DI our rote...room. Remember the plueo. optooote llto iiertnan liefornted Churl+. N. lte-tt Helton , . given to ally per-on porelotOor 3lnchno• • All :111,1•Itto. ti rott ..1 •• .tivo -otklaction• S. El PEI?. A:rynt, No. IP En.t Ilanolton .111entomt. puitElN 3111 - 111:.11, I EMI SHARE IN THE PROFITS! Mtawls! 1.41alvls!! iSlutlvls!!! OCR Sll.llll, DEP.! f TMPNT r RrA ssEm BROCHE, PAISLEY, STRIPE D SII WLS Of ..very 1+1..%1C1 ET 4.11 BLACK ‘v nt llir MAMNIOTII STollEs E. S. Sill M ER & 705 AND 707 HAMILTON :zTREET, A I.I.ENT. oWN, l'A . WHEELER it WILSON'S SEWING AIM:111N 1s ARE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST, IT IS NO EXPERIMENT 7" B''Y .1 ` - 11EFLER lIVLSON'S SEIIIAT: • //NE Over 450,000 now in use. They cost less to keep to relmir Oa any ether'. Tinny are of the widest range of work. Thoy hone hot one Lmslon la hatolte. Theo make the same stuck oa Loth .Idol of dm fabric Hewed. They are Warrantsd three year' .41 ToAlas MAIO: To ALIT ALL PrlleitAnlnt, PETERSON CARPENTER, GENERAL AGENTS, 914 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA ALLENTO WN AG ESC Y, No. 2S EAST HAMILTON STREET, Third door below Gorman Reformed church. d mar 9.13 . to n.az 15-1 v 31latz anti Capo. GREAT EXCITEMENT! • EVERYBODY ' CAN BUY 'A HAT OR. CAP E. R. M ATIIEWS" OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW. PRICES NEVE:I3, BEFO:;;7L. , SO CHEAP ! SINCE 180 , 1 LOCATION CENTHIEL., KNAUSS' BUILDING , 45 EAST HAMILTON .STREET . ALLENTOWN, PA. FIVE DOLLARS FOR A SILK HAT,. Latent Stir° and Best Make. a. THE OLD STAND OF YOUNG LENTZ, ALLENTOWN Call and see our goods and be convinced. No chants foi Gelman even It sp ok en not sink to tom and English E. R. MATHEWS. A VADORDEONN. CONCE It TIN AN be h.a":twe. g.oCirITAIWA!`"Noj. bit= 1!.1t. to I*4 OUR (UST R?catcrs. nionNiNG GLOILV F4l IS7O. The only Stovr that hold, out to bn,7.---4_,' ~,, i t:t. Nvlott lt I me th 1......ti1ed to be et 1i: 17 ..p rr „t,,,, BURNERS e tont he'. l' .e all . .._4„,tl,,tv i r,s; tI.I‘,ICA 111111 Ii111,111111y• 11.111grile - - ,-. ..,..:;...{.11,.... min t 1,41 f. ten year, Moro ..old In '='-'-.,,--• Alltuu.m.. Uinta ull [luso Mature bture4 couorted. bold by WILLIAM G. BITTEN, STOVES, TIEATERS, EANOES A TIRE PLACE iirATnus , *'Cull and 'we, McCOV at TTSON, No. 1210 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, Wholeonle and Retain Ucnb•rnm HEATERS RANGES AND STOVES Carbon llererberatory, Burlington Improved, American and Beoefactor I'll CeR. • li N CLE SA NI I NI DnFBLEFI FVATFII %XI) Fl %T. • itA ES.• • •• CITY OF BURLINGTON, COUhiiirlliclll, Pacific. Dam,. nail Empire ( took- Ina Stove.. alai Eitipit Pariaiile GAS-LM lIT STi NDA It I) ANL. UNION BEATING S To I'ES. TI urtlelo,tre umnufactur , l by the CA !I IMN Srl'()\' E 11.()itES BURLINGTON, N. ME 8188 CO.'S NION I) BALTIMORE FIRE Ml= GAS OVENS and :di nth, orllelo. In nnr ❑no. ALL , GOODS GUAR A NT EEL) =9 RAND, PERKINS& Co 11,1. NORTH SIXTH STREET 1 3 111LADELPI I I I=ll BRICK SET AND PORTABLE MUT EltSl ‘ --- -64--. . ----,-;'. ~r ~, --- ,l' ' I s .. ' ''' :1 , i,) . I. AA . 1 4..`:•'Z4ll' ''''-' ~Tk_ -aL - I± ------- ri,,:lr:1: 13.12 : :: '' S 4) 4 .--1 ~ ~r.r.-,-,4, : ,- __ . 1 . 1 - f::11' -' t ' II 1 1' ‘L ±: i, ; '.. :'i l t. 1 R ... 1 __-.2.-_-...54y- J ~ /WO , ,' l' '' ; l il t' } , \ ' ' '' ' ' ' '.-10 ; liiii,,,—,l . .. r q ' i. r . 1 , ,„,, 4 ~.1114, , o w - . - , - - 4-- - -'' ' \- s9' N..". '-,...:—.----- 4 ?o.: ~..i.., , 4.lAfi.: '" 4 4g 4,0(11 : d ~ 0....., , -, ,„:,7-_ 74 - ~,...„, , - 2 .......T-•-•4 2 _-_- Alf; '''' ''-'-- ----------77--,.?",_,, • - •,,, , • - 64-:„-:.Pc-*---'7"-:. 11 Irrk r PorolOl,v, SMT , I)" .110 I Till' I • d] 111/11 °sou I, I. Built Iloilo, 1?.....4i5tt.1.-. WM. G. BITTER, Agent for Allentown 05irStNI)Fi , It C.III('1.1.A1 EsTmaisui ED is" ❑lglic,t l'rmanna. Silver Medal. aNvar,led over all coin at Mt chain,' Exltllntl•tar Ilo•Ion. octohnr. 'O3 =E :-;ELF-11EG IIT ING IVROUGIIT IRON, AIR TIGHT, CIAB NSETIII N C-Ir HEATER. DI*ST WEEP:N. RRATE B U • WRoURIIT IRON 11.%14,•r0u. AND ArtoNIATIC ==ffiffilfMa=l =NZ= bric.l,v...k. Itll.l '2 .1/ l':.rt tl • 1: 111 , ',Y N() 1,1 )S '( ) N. W. (OIL 1:1111 & FILBERTSis =I Iledirrq nro 000 l.• ..1 Ile tv% xvrll nod u', r .no.d tv 11A. nod Dr, Tool' Tlory r• Mithrollt rv, ,11.1 .11 hold. furl con lo• Idir,rd or Loot cooomyt; PANG.,, • 110TE1. , . MIME, At. A . n FLAT l'ilP II E.\ TI NI; 1:1N1; L. EIRE PIAVE III.:ATER , . \\* (:1; TI SLATE STELs. IthGls I EN-, LN I I I.ATOES. f,IL 11 . ... 1•.1.11 . 11.1 dre., pcci. tlts cs 4 .r.Eti !! A largo o my!. t• Srertarld—, 1:1.• t•I:.• 1,1 • (1 1 A s . I . \`': !:1 NO. 2: Tel X. I'.l !laving 11••vttt.ttl n tut•.tt .•1 t ti, r ;„ 0„. Im-tro•—• I •,‘ • I Ply 1111, Pt..., tt ft: tt I • ertaliwil it it ,P1:1 ' ',Tv. Ti,p• t- pit vit. pitipufitclun 11/ 101 •11 11101. 1- (Wel 11,111, I. 'l.'l,ll'll' 111,1( Iln I,lll.llellaVf. 11 , 1 111 ri••• ••xorI . P.III pro , 11.1, • 1,1•1. 1 11 11.1 1011 11 11, Pint , I p 1,1 a al ~,,.11111 ( . ..111)4 0 , - . ...111 t h , 11 4 .4 evt.t ..11 tie...llllg .1' ..ipy .1 Hi ••11iN ,14 e 4•41, feel 0110.1 11{ lin. he .1.011 . 011. d !idle I:.•.1 11.1.0 r the 1181 Shlllll. i•E 111.11.11..11 l'•.. 11.111 1(1.1 . .. Cllll' I'.l. 1111' '2.1 n It Carprts anti Oil Q.loth ~. 'll4lllllll AS I) EPII:V. 1 : ~' 1:;, ~ ,' out'li Scr.nd Sfreel. alba , ' Chi - qlii.d. 1 - tz'l'll 11.AI/111.1'111A, . 4 I II tt4 ill , t ortetwol. ~ We ~ htrt, .11.1 ~ ell ....1. , .•1..4 1 i_ -t. I-, ..1< 1,V111.11{111111.1 D0111 0 •Lit . i . 1111111 , 11,•...,11...1 , • .....; ".. I '51,, NM/ tin ti;tl.... A t•... Itti 1,0 I. .31 .t•ttig-, t il•tivg. 1. IludA. M it•. St.tir 11. , 41-. &e... .c:t. • , ill %, ortvh ..11 Iv , Nt ill ....II v.•ry o , w 'or 1.1 it .I'. S.—J , T , . \YAWL' 111 , .1'1 , 1' I. nod at .:1.5. , t1 , 11 ~ . .t..1 otre..t, Lut with 'robot,. Veva) . . ..up 7 atit C. B. SNTOVIL W. r. 11,cr.n. CARPETS! CARPETS! cAltruTs: A FULL ASSORTMENT ME OIL efAITHS. MATTING'S. DRUGGFTS, RUGS 111.VDo 811.1.1)1:S, STAIS RODS, &c. G. B. SNYDER & CO., 34 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA I=ll N. B.—A litterittili+couut to Chord o , and Cleroywo '2,3-311 ACTIONS WEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! The Pudding is Proved by Eating! CA PET DEPT! irr t‘i ENT up„ , 60,..,, and Rohl at New York and 1'11141,44011u ri t.ll priers. f•l 110 ri I 4 " .• 4.4 rAPT.STIIV lIIIIISSELSCAIIPr.T. 11.1.1' S. SAIITIPS TAPP:4IIY INUItAII`I. CAIIPET6 •• A ANVOIIIT'S •• INGOAIti CARPETS. Ail spaklem, AToOT.111114'111;AllPErs. 11EMPCAPPET. ItAR,CAUPET. El= OIL CLOTH and WINDOW SHADES BUFF.GRAI", ORM!, DROWN alld GREEN SHADI:44.:. • E. S. 811131 , 11 t & 701.dItto” CO.a CAIPETINGS. 723 PEABOI)Y & WESTON, 723 Fr, 6 , 01,. TO . E. 11. G & CO Aro npen l na a Ann a.gortrarnl of Eag11011.1..14..e1a Tnp•'otr7 I ~ lugraluo. Mato. Bugs 011 Cloth, em •.'ele. Extra inducements offered. NO. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, , •ep Yl.Sm I.IIIL.LIELPIII r,t, 11r. 11.1111 M. 10 any ToN. M. D. 4,,•L 21t1...br: City. NO CURE,NO PAY. 1)R; L I). I,()N . G ..f 1 1 .•nf,t It :Inl 1. nt t. 1...•1•111,1”1 . 11.......1...,.1y....rt. or .t .11 1. 1 .. 1 ..P 1 1Y lend ut I=9 .r✓. td* Si.,lb Orrfl.hrt. awl Irallarrl No Potent nodiving.K.Nr..ll , l , l .0111111e1111.11; ;1111roth 11 , tot •'I o %, t, loch will d..wn tho 11.1. 1 , trorn all 'tootles ' vote,l frave It it )11,10, iti ,1•1111,:i) Mt=l! and all 11-a• ar 1.. alt. Stoat lilt, atal I lv ar. y In ma, grava., eau al,. M ELAM:IIOI,V BEIMATIOY, hat y .to of alleoetloo 1.11 .11..1 4111111.1 (c idol f p.!lnn ow- 1.1...1. o the plearntes of per LIILUNIATIsM AND PARALYSIS, ••.1111 thrmir tvarrattt••‘l enr „1.1..: Lin; r. • 1.. , rur •i•k lir...tite ••1 t I 1 ‘1... Itod r•dir. 'I) t••••••• • • Vtmlitut ) it.' '.l. 1.1 , A , rotoP l,l l l, liiel.l.•Witt to thv't • ..••oli r I•ll,,,wice rolior ii. . 1:.• 'li, s .11 II lit. temoved ,vithont HU I • , v,ll. .11.tauro If do “. I. • ”.1.i,• -.0 (POI 11.11.1111/11 1 3 10111 i lIIPII -11.11/' •••rit 1411,1 y Tr, I of 111 , county. 11,11 0 I .1. Pl. 110,1 i ..tt Iht , lllll.Pri y , 1 I FENo roR CIRCULARS c pIAITS 14 \".‘it:: l ..- \ 1;J ay( :•-:,, : -,-:. -.' \ \F ( 0 10 9 111. * 4 7 1,7,714.0 CP 1 ENITH C..u.t-5,41• : t !Ehe,NN ~m3D4.„ .-6,,,,,,, ! r Ilc ,a• Ire lq,r,t r.lot crra the pm. ME 1,1 i i I'l'l '.l~~\ 11;\ ~ r lii 1.... ~~ ~..1. .1 lii .I ~ ~i~ i ~~~ ~ i 1.11..11 , 111y Ly PRACTICA ORGANIC' CHEMIST, =I .411phla 11 , 0101,1 y S C. , wolon, l to , F Or 1100111,r, Mt`olie 1.1.1 y i =Z . ) . T 'ec? S' .4 C3 't ~ ~; N 1-r.:C.i - 7:17,7 - --„ . -. 7 i•:;7, .7. _17,, ,,,. 1 1 % -,. -, 1, • ,1 1.01,1 . .3- , ' • • ._ or 4 11.Folsiig ~ ~... C . / ‘ Pa .. d , ':,!' g'', - ri , ,• : ..1. I , i..r.• .4 0 \ , 1 \ n , , : ,:,.: : ,,, n,...,e• ,„..t0... ri,...”.“ .•nr VI \ tfi \Ep \ :,.1%,,t1.,.. r i I_3 1 - 1 4 It , t tt saaa :Ft r , ; IA 5.111-G1 111!.:G I'lli: \1'0N1)1:;; ul"I'Iil; , 1 - ::1) (,).t;EN ('u'. n,. 4.. I•.~~. i~•`I. I, C. , ~ ~ i l . t ~ 1.• IEBE°• iiER kIVE r i g , F..r 31 , roc', Ilort,-, ICancer.. Roo .1 1.4 k. 31111 i 11:11111. h1111.{.1 , 11, 01 `ling, or 1n...qt....1r. I=l nri I fot All drier;,t, .1 ti -ell 1. WITHOUT IT IN THE HOUSE A lit , TN, ~.'• 0 , i Akki ,r ,, , ,-- - - : , i i-,; - "V• :f.:.; - ^, 4gV , r . IL , 1-7 •-• .:,-, . 1 `' 44..;:i4tra - -'S:j!; l iY , ... - • -----1- - ( 1 ):-,'I'AR'S" STANDARD PREPARATIONS, Orie.TATI , •• EAT. ROA , II. ENTF.I.IIINATORE °Coss II's" Osisill ENTEIt. ••/•.o.TAH tm,lt sloe) I NS , :t'T Is IIV OKI?. ..c..TA iv , ' • CORN SOLVENT. Ao ; .• I: • ( t 110 51. 52 .5 1 . /..- ft St., N. y . T.ttV U.I. t a ,Irri N. SC II MI DT. Anis.. Allen town. l'a. Joll N 11I.Ac E. Jr.. .Ng , nt, V:llll%tittri. , ll. .....I•lyd.LW trentn 6 6 THE HILL" INSTITUTE POT TS TOW.A'. .110 N TO'• 1"EllY CO., PA. ,- • A-Irollll A rt.tlr niril Commak c , . 1.0,D0t , 10h0i,,,1,1 ,, , Ttccot Annuli 5a..1,,0. Thoo. on2ll 1•1111..“.• .••• t••-. .1.1.•••• O. P. NI11.1.1;11. A. 31.. J. /11 . }1:1,1,?N'i ,,, -1, ,,. • Dr.. won. Kroll I , cc,. Duca. etc.. clc. .I.oke 1.11.11 , tr J. S. Yt,l, 11. 31. l!cyt.r. 31. Itti•,l Thoya, t;,.. roll' L 7 e L JEAN ES, 1.11))T0 . 31)APIIElt. (Lute of -P1)11:,)))1phin), ha , tnlp, thr.Gallery No. 11 EAST HAMILTI.IN STREET, Forrn^t 1., L. II I. mot 0 , 0, g,or-nor „,. t 1.1 1 "1 ., PE, 1 iti!A •tiNJ one. IMI 11:11, JI.I. v'on w. 1 ,1 ...• , • V°, lli..,lt,•3ltrol.itile.. 01 , Lunen:us. !I:lcririnit I=l3 EVE AND EAR NEN N:YORK, ? H 5 l L 9 A 1 B D 7 a P P ID H W I A IN I.: : 5 , 3 mARk ET DOSTON , ' ID DOANE ST. •••realie,' ! ' I' NM !'!l 11 l!Ill IZ.il tiU 1 rnm de • l• • ..111,111. •, 1 .1 ' , Olt: 1 1 / 1 . . 1 .01. 1 , 1 .1111,11 V ., 01 MEE Ili MEC !I:' \ • NI TT! • NI:•E•1".“. .1 tlo.it J. 11. M. 'I) No. 71)/ MARKET Si'., WILMINGTON, DEL • 7,177: /// , \ „.4) MEI . , t {S U , ' IMIIIIIIIIM 1 , .•11J{, ill., /11,14. .11A I )11:NT..xvill 1.. I ,1.• • ,is, “Z.,NA Olt . 'II, - MEN :v, A. M.. .11. IL, I= DUST' BE ONE DAY eburat it'll al lESEME "iLifc Ensurancr ULl► AND TRIED INCORPORATED 1851. BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY of PITTSFIELD, MASS TimmAs F. PLCNKRTT, Prriddent. E." JAM ' , RANCH P . Vlco remidett'. BENJ. ("BICKERING Serretztry and Treaenrer JACOB 1,. GREEN K. beeretnry Failure to Pay Premium does not forfeit the Policy et any Time; hut the Policy will be continued in force until the Premiums filarial) 'mid are fully earned by the cost of Instirene •. Should ihe Insured die within the period of ponthotea Insurance, the full amount of the Pulley will be aid, them um as Ifail premiums had been paid When d due esc..pt that the it overdue nod unpaid will ho educted. FAKlllllple.—Claims actually poll tinder this feature: James Joyce ! of Now York, 'floured for $l,OOO, died roar months after hi; premium was duo sod non Id. Amount cold. "s 1,0"), loss ono Semi-An:to:a Prorehun. Makitollien ?docket. of eltwohool, 'mewed for $1,(00, died moo months utter his premium was due and unpaid. Amount odd, 4d.000 loss one premium. ttamool W. Mason, or Cotten.% Insured for:M.o3o, died thirtrot mouths after his premium was due nod unpaid. Amount 'odd, +Ludt, toss two ' , rondo. , This Comoro Is choductly Pendell to OM Polley-holder hy n law of the C. 11111 1 ,011 wealth of Massachusetts„ 6uaranteeing Every Day'n Innuratare Paid For, =1 All the profito belong to the Polley holdo.o, nod aro 111 vi lr,l ntilluntly among Pollelex lo fore° two prone.— Pivldon.l% paid to c. 0.!, or to•ed to lucrouxo 010 stooolot in-or:moo. ECOOIIIII,II I lOU unpferurnt ; .ihre Invoqments; .:nreful krt.! ,it live.: prempt Nettloments; u al con;11;ions Of travel and residence. I= S. W. Om. ELEVENTH &• CHESTNUT IV H. GRAVES, GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY iftly-GooD AGENTS WANTED. Apply AM above or to W 11. YODER, Agent. Allentown. . JYor tlic JTarmcr. Per. Pure Water, this relebratiel ent i rely tasteless durable and relia• ble: 0,111,11 to tbo goo.l Woe.o!en Plillip, ot less than hal manes EttnlY ar rn as to nun.' awl iu rumitructi that any One cal keep it In repair, THE BEET AND C ItlrrhanirS. 'IONSII4)IIIO4'IiCEN 1101 I. 1 . :11. A N I) (1)1 L \1()1t • .1011 N WOOD, AIL, • I , II,O,ACITIMII Or TORE. FLEE AND OYLINDRO BOILERS, RATA ASO STEAM CIROU N LATIO BOILERS. All k 11 1 ,1.. or Wronald Iron Coll, Toyer. fur Biwa Poc ono, I , ;ootneter, Smoke :clock, Blast Pim., Iron Wheal borrow 4, awl everything In the holler and Shrot Irnu Bp, khra..,f Iron owl Siho Pord.ndd and Black.onth work, Milo•r.,"I'ooli, of all 10;1,h...talus {Shan Buckets, Plck, SleddaA, hr. llor Ina o !Wollner and yet of main of all kladA, and wollmen. I II otter myself that I ran turn out herk Ith pro/m oues. and dlqp.cch, all of which will. ho 3,1,111,1 to hit Urnt-chuol. P •trlong Hollers, aud rePulrlhg gfrerallr. lltrlc/19 at tended to. Apr 17 Alden Works! Lye, Potash, Soaps, &c. Queen of England Soap! Tto Strongest Pure Soap Made. For doing a family washing, In the cheapest best and quickest manner. This powerful Soap hoe all the strength of the old rosin soap, com bined with the mildness, blandness, and lather ing qualitlea of genuine Castile. Wo have sold to many families, who state it is twice as strong ns any they have used; that they can do their washing in half the time they take with other Poops. Being of extra strength, It washes the canto in salt, hard, cold, or warm water. It re quiren no soda or other mixtures, and none should bo used, and it ie just the thing for fine linens or flannels leaving the clothes nice, white and sweet, without shrinking or Injury. This great labor saving soap should be in every fami ly. Try it! See that tho words "Alden Chem ical Works" are on each bar. Ip YOU man To mAKII YOUR OWN SOAP USE Alden Works Lyel It makes splendid bard soap for ono cent per pound, or nearly a barrel of best quality soft soap l.y using ono pound of Alden IVorks Lye. The cheapest officio in use for cleaning typo, e,,ftenilv; water, cleaning gummed machinery, making washing solution or any purpose for uhich lye is used. Don't be deceived by so claimed cheap, low priced goods. SC(' that each pock:lgo reads ..AldCu Chemical Works," and you. kayo fifteen pounds of good hard soap gummtird. LINCMCTI, Co.; Pi., Feb. 1311., 1869, 3lr. l .3 De., fir—We recently procured fle.. I. Aes et the Alden Works Lye, and used It accord- Inc to the sireetions, and we obtained fnon those flee •C k t • llt3.oV e pounds of the ninon hard soap 7 ever 3ly ....I,lll.nra wee, astordelled when they ease it. I I. we b.... tt. Inn n n.hy dilierent kinds of lyo I , fere, but could never got Were than tiro pounds 10 the hex. 3IAILY S. OROFF., 1:n.••e• & Kimberly, Grorors, 11.11thnoro, 31J., ono of t 11.• I .rg...t lioles.do I lou.. N. writes Wi Norpoil.er 15, 1-67. •• hurt will you 6.11 Alden IVorko, 1•11•Indelphls, ? horn sold different makes, but yours Lao. gi ere nn:, Nlh sallstictton." July 7111,1569, Preammn of the North American arty' . •le.on.l.ier one pound of Alden Wprits Lye equal to two 1,1.1110 of renniylvatila Solt Company'. fur cleaning Alden Works Potash! Gnaranlial Equal lo any in the Market. Creamine Soap! A new discovery, compounded of Olive Oil, Cream and Glycerine. The harshest and rough est skin, by the use of this splendid Toilet Soap, will be mado white and soft up satin. Invalua ble for babes with a tender skin. Should be in every nursery. Should be in every Lath-room. Should be in ovary hotel. Highly perfumed, yet costs no more than common soap. The finest genuine Castile soap is made from Olive Oil olone, this In addition is perfumed. Nothing bolter for cleansing the hair and head. Give it a trial, and ladies, you will be delighted with it. Mrs. R. B. Alden's Hair Restorer and Dressing, Oil of Benne! (BEESAIMM INDIUM.) A purely vegetable extract, unequalled u preservativo and drcs!ng for the Hair. Raatonia permanently, Blanched or Gray Hair to its natu ral color. Invigorates the scalp—producing abundant Hair. ' Prioe, Fifty Cente Per Bottle. I= Extract of Jasmine! A DELmwreut, rErtrtatn. Price, Fifty Cents Per Bottle. fient by me:l on receipt or price. =CM Alden Chemical Works, 48 North Front Street, PHILADELPHIA. 'or 19a10 by tf J. KRAMER, et the old C'ornerEtutl. .lUSTITS EVANS. Dry Goode nod Orocary Store awl'. ton St.. w ern 7111 Sill • LEVI FENSTEIMACIIER, Grocery corner o Vent!. and Ilntnll tan. Mk'IIIOICII. l'a. 81,000 REWATeD • For any ensnor Blind, Bleeding or Itching PILES Ida De 11l NO'S DILE Ilesigirr falls to care. It Lae cured .on OW year. .tending. Try It, god get rld of the moat rouble.olao disease flesh le heir to. SOLD HT ALL Jaya- Lntorntory-143 Franklin at., Dilllmore afd I MET 2.5.1 r Profezoiontti Carts. WILLIAM N. YOUNG. JIL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, READING, PA. Will attend prom 117 to collections 1n Corks and sdlolai log eOllllOO, nut 25daw MORRIS L. KAUFFMAN, ATTOU. NP.li AT LAW. Offire, second floor or Colleenr t National Bank I.ollllllg. ALLENTOWN. PA. . is tondo to Lehigh and adj.inics counties, Can be conm it. d in the English and (lemma I: es. veyl4-ly WD. LUCKENB4CIII, ATTOR. • NEY AT LAW. (formerly practiced In Carbon county). Office, Hamilton atreet, SC , llO{l floor. nearly °prom to the Court Ilunxe, Allentown. Pa. May be con cllited al the 0.1110.11 language. CON.TANTIM: .1. MinxAtr. .TOOK 11. 01.IVRE FRDIIIAN At, OLIVER, *WOK. NEI'S AT LAW. ALLENTOWN. I'A. Collection. :Wended to In Lelslah and adJololng cotton.. Prompt .ttention given to ell legal tetAinese lo the aeveral rands. Conpultatione In Bunnell and German. Jan Iflar UN R at BALDWIN. ATTORNEYN AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, Pa. Ofllee. No. Al Ea.t Hamilton street. . . IMMM 11101 - C. EIENSBERGER ATTORNEY c 0 . . d . 4 4 , „ i u T r, I.RV L . EN IIg i viVAl . lio Post 0 01,:ea EJ. NOME. ATTORNEY AT LAW. • ALLENTOWN. PA. Ofere, No. b 0 Eoot Swot. XiirCau be COUlitlitOd Is Germ.. ice 11 TAMES S. INIERY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. °flirt). No. al F. et Hamilton pared. eccocd floor ot Llon Hall. Allentown, Pa. (Special attention given to collections). mar 17-11 .IiLIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN. SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, AGENT FOIL THE SALE OF REAL ESTATE, Si Weet Hamilton St., Allentown. Fn. GEORGE 111. RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office with Hon. John I). &Ilex, Allen town, PR. DR. C. C. It. GULDING SURGEON DENTIST. Ofilre. oror Mrs. M. A. O. G Odin's Trlunnlng Store. N 0.34 E.rt Ilamllt..n btrert, Alleutown. ELISII A FOR REST. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. Went !limit. ton t.treeleAllentotro, Po. Jun 1.14( LEVI NMOYEIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 3OLLERSTOWN, LF:111GO CO., PA. Par. ttrular await'. paid to muulvent aud decedout extaturi. inn d-IF' rIIIIO3IAS B. BETZGAB, ATICOIt- NEY AT LAW, ALLIiNTOWN, I'A. Office. No. 62 East liongliou 6treet. WILLIAM 1111. NOWDEN. ATTOU NEI' AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, Cor• ner of Hamilton street and Law alley, south side, Allen town. Pa . fel, 20 QA3IIIUELOfIIrow A. BETZ, A TTORNEY the.fi AT ki LAW. ith P. Wyckoff, opposite aglt. Hotel, ALLENTOWN, l'A. G _ EORGE R B. SCAM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, First door above Lair Alley% AL LENTOWN, PA. may DD-Urn EDWARD lIARI/EY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, with Hon. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN. PA. - may 1-ly TWIN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, el (Hike, N. E. Corner GNI nod Hamilton Strotds ALLEN• TOWN, PA. inglY 1:11. ADAM IVOOLEVER, AVTORNEY AT LAW. Unice, opposite tho Court Honor, AL LENTOWN, PA. mu) 1.1! RCI. AV HA 111 EMMY. ATTORN • AT LAW CATABAUQUA. PA. J. 14.'68-tf "VDIVIN ALBRIGHT, ATTOUNEIi 1!) AT LAW. eight door. ,Love the Court !loupe, AL LENTOWN Lehigh count - . Pe. (oh 13-411-17 Matrijo anti .1033cIrn. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No.IIS NORTH SECOND ST., con. or QuAnatt PUMA 6' PI ted Wnre a Tewelry. Silver and rri-Itepalring of Vpli ‘ es a cud Jewelry promptl • attended to. ^ nag 11-ly KELLER at BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, well regulated and w ranted. All sixon and prices, from upward gul s. A larger asnorttnent of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can ho found In any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE ' r ig•CU l t=r , fr , ..i. , . Short Notice. THOMAS W. DAILY, Importoc of Wotottoe, No. 022 tiorkot Elt., Would respectfully call attention to his now and carefully selected stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, faller end Fisted Moro, te. Repotting promptly attended to sod bead, done. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. MASSEY'S,. No. f..lEast Hamilton street. opposite the German En formed Church. .lunt recolved from New York rind Phil adelphla. all the latent cols ee GOLD WATCHES lie has the largest and best assartm_en e to e t w il h o , l .r d e. Wptchea and at lower prices than can be toand I SILVER WATCHES than can be puryw se. GOLD JEWELRY. He has the largest and best assortment of all Undo of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Hellas Fl larrcer and better assortment of ell kinds of Gilt and Plated Jewelry than can be bound elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. ilohns a splendid assortments( Silver and Plated Were. Any Person desiring goods In this line.. not Nit to be suited. CLOCKS. • A lam, am•ortinent than at any other establishment.' ' MELODEONS. A splendid assortment of Prince's Melodeons, the best in the world. • _ _ - ACCORDEONS A splendid aaeortment of all kinds of Accordenns. Ills establishment lots Weir been fitted op, and le now second to noon in New York and Philadelphia, and ahead s r saythharentalde the large elder, Hellas a large: stick of taohlonnble goods In his Ilno yourll others in Lehigh Combloed. To convinceelvee of the above call nod see. CARD. Desire to invite particular attention to their Full Stock of SOLID SILVER WARES, ar ranged for WEDDING PRESENTS, corn• pr.sing a great variety of new, useful and ornamental articles in PLAIN, ORIENTAL and PEARL FINISH. These goods, chiefly of exclusive designs, will be found at Moderato Prices, and In very complete assortment from the inexpensive and practical article for 'fable use to the more elaborate and ornamental combinations for Desser., Dinner and Tea services. A cordial invitation is extended to all who may feel disposed to visit our Store and .'ex.• andne this beautiful collection of Art wo•k In Silver. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET PLIILADELPHIA, a 10.1 v CANDY An MEAT. GAO. W JENKINS , Socceftso to RUBICAX & B LLERB Jfa nu/a ci u rerr SUGAR, •MOLASSES AND COCOANUT CANDY, ♦6D WOOL66*LI,DEAL 6 i IN FRUITS. NUTS, FIRE WORKS, AND CHRISTMAS GOODS 161 NORTH THIRD STREET. TT-TIT A T)ELPHIA =1 I=
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers