€1 'sue 2:!G'L'a 3: ci-. - : _ .. __. Ellc '6cgistcr. JOSEI'II L. SHIPLEY BOOT. I HEDELL. JR Editors and Proprfrform ALLENTOWN, PA., NOV. '23, 1870 THE LEGIRIATURE. The nppronching . sestion of the Pennsyl• vania Legislature will be one of the most in Cleating and important sessions for n Inn. time, and we certainly hope that our legisla tom will do something this wittier to rescue the reputation of our legislative bodies from the bad repute into which they . have recently . fallen. The Legislature just eleett tl is though] to be an improvement over those oh recent years, and we hope that the results of the tua• alon will show that the popular estimate in advance of the meeting at Harrisburg hat. not been nn erroneous one. There Is no r a son why men of private virtue and integrity should set aside both when they get inside the State House, and no Pennsylvanian is willing to cot?cedo that our Stale cannot afford met, enough of boner and integrity to till both Houses of the Legislature. We have hail gout: men m our Legislatures in years past, but in some mysterious and ennecountable way their nfluence has been overshadowed, and the gen. ern' name of Pennsylvania legislation has be come almost as laid as that In New York. The Legislature which was elected a year ago was regarded as nn imprt,vement upon its predecessors, and great things were hoped from it in the way of Legislative relbrm. Those expectations, however, were no, real. heed, and in some respects the Legislatnre which sat at Harrisburg last winter must ripped those which had preceded it in objectionable legislation. Many of the members of the last Legislature have lees set aside for their ntis• deeds in making up the Legislature for 1811. and when the legislators see Met their con. wituents 1111'11;) to hull Ihrm responsible for their action upon public matter- limy it ill see the nee.asity of gnarling their conduct and their votes. The members of the Legklature must he convinced of the Net that they at. expected to deal cons , ient imedy f ind 116110,4 with matters which come la fore them h nt action, ard that if they t a u not 11111 . 0 . 1 / 1 111' . will lie held re,pom , iltle for their fallen., and will be set ask', at tow, a: mitt orthy of fut,,re el etione, in ill he extol li-led close atul intiotms relations b. in tam legislators and their coostito, and the former w ill find that It is is i., bni er , a.: t i e n as plan duty. to regard the inter( as ;old needs ot . the hiller. Among the more importam hi e !, will come before the next Legislature lor ac tion will he that of a Conven. non. This is s question tt Melt concerns nut the members of any ..to pot) or section, but the members of all paw', and s‘s;th.i.s ; and it is not in any sense it partisan mintier. IVe believetbat the general sentiment el' the people of our State is in favor of it t onvention for the amendment of the Slate Constitution, and the members of the Legislature certainly have no reason for wishing to thwart the popular purpose. It will !notedly be tirged by many that the Constitution answers very well ns it but it 'mist be la nu mitered tint rennsyl yanks has largely increased in population and in the development Or every material r, source since the present Constitution 'was framed, and it certainly does not follow that a Consti tution which answered all necessary pim's, s a generation ago is adapted to the needs to to.dny. The political wants of rapidly gr.Av • „tug communities are ever changing and em 'urging, and it is the part of a isdom to recog. nice these increasing wants and pro% ide fur them in the way.: Constitutional amendment s: We do not believe in making Constitutional changes Mr the mere sahe Id ' change, but when these changes are plainly needed and promise to be advantagt pus to the whole State. there is no reason Mr their postroneMent :o u t neg 1 et. We hope to see our Legislature deal with ( Ida titlet•tion, and with all other 01' public interest which come huhu, it, judi. ciously and energetieelly ; and we 'tope that the Legislature of 1871 will escape tit: harsh criticisma which have peen s.t freely. ,ind sn justly, Millie 1111011 tbute tt bleb have preceded it. There was never n better opportunity tor a Legislature to secure for itself a good mane than is afforded to the one which will asst mile -at Harrisburg in January, and we hope oat . with the coming session st ill he commenced a new legislative era which trill r, fleet credit upon our legislators end upon the State. THE NEW WAR CLOUD The attitude n 11ussia in regard to the treaty of 1830 :s still the leading hipic nl foreign news, and the gild,. is burdened with rumors and speculations as to the prohahle re. salt of the present troubles. The I relay it 11101 was signed alter the Ctintean war prodded. ' among other things, that the ll'ack rat should lie formally closed to all vessels or oar, and hat neither Russia nor Turkey should have the right to construct or maintain any military or naval arsenal upon the shores or that Sea. Russia now comes forward end says that slit has faithfully kept this humil:atini til.aly for ['tweet) years. but its prat isions have heen gradually infringed upon by other nations ; and that stir proposes not to be governed in the fitter,. by the stipteat ion which closes the Black Sea to her war vest is. The 1111110IIIICI , eat of this position on the part or Ittissia h a s fallen like a bombshell in Europe, and in England especially hits calls. d the grvat''st excitement. Earl Granville, rape. sl thing the Foreign Oilier of Cr, at Britain, has inhumed Prince Gortschult.nT, the Ituselan 31illister ut Foreign Affairs, that England 'catiMit. allow _Russia to take and maintain this position it it lout war. If the treaty has not been prop crly kept,says Earl Granville,call a meeting or the Powers which signed it and set what can be decided upon for the future. It is intl. v.l a novel principle of international polity that allows one nation to quietly abrogate. at pleas urn, a treaty made between several Powers. and the adinitsion of such 3 pit cedent would work strange changes in European Russia has caretully chosen her time far um nouncing the abrogation of . the tr. my of Pi (I, for no such announcement would have been made but for the position in which France is placed. ilad there la en no war between France and Prussia, Russia selitild never have sent this rt.cvnt circular to the Courts, and If a general Doom an war should result In elitist ritieticc of the positiot, taken at St. Petersburg, the biwne or 1 h e „ I ,„i i . Must be laid at the door or the ambitions Ent. peror of France. Russia does not seem to expect war as n result of her demand, for she knows that France can do nothing ugnilist her, and she thinks that England will not fight. The English Government does not trill i „ fight, for England is in do condition for whir; but It will not do to let hussitt hare her own way entirely in this matter. The t'rimean 100,000 nien and S. - m(1,000 e war.cost England 000, and it will be impossilde to get up any great popular enthusiasm among the British people in regard to the control of the Black . s ea , A war with Russia will not tie popular England, and the Gov. among the people of ernrnent will be expected dad required to u t. haunt all the arts of diplomacy before taking steps which shall commit the country iibe to a war wh i ch, If It takes Mawe at all, will beone ,i,y, i.iii in fiercest and costliest ever ‘gL lmiti..d PTile e to n 13';uotiliBcty°,n. a c nd lill a n.i e sa l Y tell I" t s .ve L will Submit , to some humiliation, if that ehul be necessary; before she with decide to risk Our disinucl Cs It war whit Russia, will be seen, report the,biellet* that Hassle ill invite a Curife e renee of Pai.tiislciitnla oft ; the I'n• treaty, to consider what nipdticit'ti • are advlialde. •. GENERAL SCHENCK'S CANE. Al the recent election fur Congressmen In Ohio Lewis 1). Can:pi:ell, Detnnerat, was returned ns elected in 'mini District over Gen. Hobert belt:lick, liepublican, by filly•thrce majority. election Wits carried by the I)(anocrats by rejecting the votes of thtdiwlblyd soldiers at the National Asylum at 1):(yion, and G: n. Fchenck and his r-iends hare con eluded In test the election on the ground that these soldiers had a manliest right to vote. There were some Ibrip hundred and fitly ol' the innutles or the Dayton Asylnin who pre• seated themaelves at the polls on election Oity io vote hor Gen. Sioliomeh, lino, they were met :here by :lenient l Vallandigham and others or his stripe. and their votes were challenged mid rejected. The claim upon which they were challenged was that the litltn Supreme Court had decided a now limits ago that the soldiers hail no tight to vote, but Ilse ground which th e Asylum is Inrutrd taus ceded by the Stale or (moo to the United states, with the explicit provision that the officers, inmates and employes should not be depraved or the right or voting at tiny State. county or township election. The app-al will therefore lie made to Congress for n der:slot: as to the rights or thirst soldiers to you., mot the case will he owe or the most important and interesting contested cases whets have ever collie op in this country. plain itilentioo‘ Id the Slate or ohio to making this cession the United Slates nits to 114111. flit. "lin g rights lir the inmates of the Asylum, and it the ,ololiers I'llllllllt. bt 111111W11 to vote by the terms or this grant then the jurisdiction of the Asylum grounds most revert to Olio her , el(. It is possible for an Ohio Supreme ('owl to err ; lit least it has lawn thought ,00 no the past. thr it is not many years shied a Dettionnatio• Congress tovo rrtileol it tit eision of [lois satin Court iu a eit , r. in which this same hiss is Campbell was the \I hig coonit slant again,t Democratic 31 r. hatevei the decision oil Congress may is in this Ill:MIA', we are quite sure that the general verdict lit Lie people t% ill he that a 100 nerilleol life in tlw defence of the ling lilt canoe loath disabled and crippled has quite us good a I iglii to cast a vote as 3lr. llewent 1,.' limn, ttho lilt hie country lor his Clllll - 3, .4,1101.1 to 1111•111t1k 1111 S tit the Wlll'. T 111.1111.111 1111,11 t 1;1,•iti.111 which Gull. SChelll:: tills Ink; t. in behalf o•I the intaro sts of Proteelioon awl American I nohist ry cult-oo the re , tilt lit 11n - Collll'till.ll Gut 10 he a,‘ Itittli tt nil gi eon hilet s thi , %Whiny, jro the. I'll Trader, hate exulted ever the rid Ohm of Campbell as on' of lie goo litest clel ones and gain.; of the recent Coongre , •ioonal electiooloS. lilt: STATE THE Slr ER The elution tit Stale Tresslirer %% ill he 11111 of Imo ft!, U lilt trill -nna 11(.1 . 11r1. eur nest '1'l.:• Itiettil, e. (3,11. Ihvin, the pris. tit rriseatri r, :mil or Air. Alatekey. the 'I . riapdir, tin 19119, are each %%aris ing hard L. seenrt. the eh (shin Of their lava' • ill', null !Inn- are rwu.lrs of all Sonk or 'No. gains and nrrangi ments to early the elietiot. ror one or the 411111.1' if these 111191. We Ital. nothing In stir 0110.1.01 tla•st' 1„:,11l1,- 111.11, halt t11111(.1' the pet snit circumstances of regard it as inipnriant lit the elrare i.f tht patty iu the Slate that both of then shut" l"' "Trial nn.l Ili ticlr 1111111 s t. tied. Tins should have 1...,1 1 dour last that it una 11111 daft.' 111111 la"vo'l a vrl3 ti tills niistnise. At dint tiller• t aril it Its I, 11111 flt' livid the 01111.1. one yi nr, nod i.Jelitii• ;,anted hi , n rh.im (pets the pine, a, stronger. 'rho oi ILc I.og:40 or. g*en-ulllt 11 it .1 \I r. )1a( kvy, - but 1.6101 1, 1c01i. and Ihril s iiiiiti•il Ilillt hc lltthat no, st• rum' 1 . 11 1 .11 %, in. It Slit , hat pulley 11,1 the ludly 11. -I 1 ow (Cl (wn 10 'Li. vty, nn.l II e hope that ~. 4 r., 1 mi,laltt• Si ill net lie trade again. 'I le r.• at. thinly 01 11,11 itl the SI:11, II Is, a 11.111,1111,1,1110, , (inalific,l dmlrge• •- •111 . %% 1.11 art 1:.•I 1111 S , tl 111. iti ttatimi, 1.11,. • up cue 111 those nter. and 'Once Vat in clan.;:r ot the ti nano s the State. he It. p 1.1.11e.in has !tight t :11‘,1 ctt alit thing, t..censider that the tit al t•lniuls el thi sr tta n 1111111 for 161 tittle. to sc bicb tiii-y limit it is hi:di Iliac of Ihr Male Tri s.ury %%as lined tip out of the disgraceful elitist with has characterized the eleetian of Trea-nr. t. 11511 or thte.• pans pst. 1,.1 115 have SIIIIII tulle 1111 W ‘‘ll,o dots mot Ft'l lc the \t hr rnydeys 110 ngt tits or I.ll.l.yists to iat ss 11's thetas ; 1111,1 t 51,,,, St 11(.11 'Vice', tl, St ill l' 111 - tr. 11111111•14,1 by any other I) . vilg( 1111111 simply ti, de his duty 111 . 1 Ilr pe-ilium lii hich he The i; Inn import mit In Ile t ill, au c'toply aThrize and pers.e...l inuldt len, nail tai• (.011,4,1,1. thilt 1111.1mrst inl• 1, -1, or bil. the patty and Ihr Shale still 1,, .1 h•- v nrd be eluting* tumi 1,1 Sl3 ,1i• r, --imply on at: eonnt 111 111111, ,, r ,1 1 . Ih' clittic ti ittclltilic.l st it It t his in that ling* or LE GIsLATEVL O°,I,ICF.I(N The fact ' the nepulintians 11111. jorny of only ~„,. in the tipper oat ri cooly (1110 I.lliil-111i111'11 has roused Un feral: to he especially active in midi arm• ing t.t seem,. the eleeihni nl Ilentoernik, 0111 errs %%111'11 tile I.i.gislift fire is iirganiiial. Smile :r the I),morratic hav,i claimed that an "arrangem e nt" Lod liven math I%lfieli would r..sult in the election ill ollicials 1/elllllgllli-i to the lhaft ' oeratie party, hut such an "arrangement — %%111 not It an easy retie It 111111 it. and carry init. NVe fli. not %%Ist' 11/ Rlllllll/,llilllll. there is any menih •r iit the Legislature. r. presenting eitlwr poly. trio eau he ICrt.,l ur hought In horny the poliiico er.;.llll7.alien hi lie tire; his 11111 i his fluty into the hands of the opposition. and we lite Sere Iletl the 1ank...1.1 . 111e Itepithli can Senators t l et trill he canvassed in vain for such n man. The lepn'diean innjority et 'ti' is as geed as 111..11411 it Art.le filly, hir us s , spring the election Itepithlican. officers is concerted, and (kn. If arry AVldle, no Indi ana tamely ; trite Arat , I• 1. card penker el ill Senate tat the close 111 . 1111. last Sl•s=1.111. will 1111 reel. civil. Gen. enToreed ithsenee it relict prison. r a few ye.u . s ago canse.l, its trill he remt.titherefl, a protract...l (Niftiest in 1 , 1 1 . ,i1 . 111. izing the Senate, to. the Itemitilie.ilis haft nl that nine, as 1111\r. 1.111) . 111111. tlinji.rity. There will h..; a tie thi , llme, ler the same rcti , m as ne•n, at least, tiii.l E.. intatihers elect :all I've to take their seats, tl.e I), Tinier:its trill nail tucinsel%cs unable t. ,hdeat the Itepttlin can enn , lidul a, Grorge NV. Ilamer , tv. et Gerin:lntol%n, for train} years Cleric of Ile reel-Clial le lluu lit the llonse, 11. 11. Strang, or Tioga e.ffiniy, trill proliably be reelected speaker, and (;en.. James lA. ellridge, nI Ilethlrhl lit, Clerk. Thee.' trill he other nspi• rants for the., positions or prominence and honor, bill these g, ntletnen flisentrgefl II it ditties so %%ell la-t year lhN It will he hard to. oppo.:e them. Pr is intimated that the lhdawate Dram. crass propose to send .1. Glancy .hones to the United Shoes mi the sticeessor or Mr. :-.l4llls bit.ry, who h a s had enott . .;ll of senatorial lilt to satisfy his ambition. Mr. .1.1111• S was formerly prominent among the Democratic politicians in this Slate, and it is strongly sus. pl'ell'il that be went to Delaware about a yt ar ago hoping to meet with better political tor. tune utere than lie had hi' Becks comity hi 1858, when he was Inr Congress ii spite of the large I)enmeratic majority of that locality. In making tip his foreign appoint melds l'reiddent liuclutnnit bent.!. U. as United Shites r to Austria. The Mullins plains are reported to be Ilier ally covered with buffalo. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALL.I42 . kT W TO OUR FRIENDS. We are grateful to the friends of THE REo• PA ER for the sympathy and support which they have given us in the past, and we re. spectfully from them now not only their own pat roonge, hut Iheir kind offices in enlarging the list of our subscribers. We mean to make 'lot: ItEolsTmt Mr 1871 a bet. it r family paper titan it has ever been talon., tOr we heifers progressive journalism ; owl every new subscriber 'gained trill help furnish the means 111 r carrying o u t the plans tic hare in view. Let every subset - its r and reader of •fitsjtidusima citos!der hints. If or herself a 141 re ally appoloted agent to obtain"nets soh. ,setts re, and with a very little t tfort on the part id our friends our list eau be very largely increased. Any one who sends us live new subscribers and tell t h,lhtig hi hire the Ist of diummy nest shall receive Tits; Ill.ob.rt.]; free for 1871, anti we hope that our !mode ti ill be disposed to help Ale mselves and us in this way. %%ill hr lot' the re. mainder of this 'tar to all new subscribers whir !Iu it will J \uw is it, stilistlibe and ° et im There ha. , 1 , (.1.11 I:reitt found 1% MI the teroi Is of popithil ion 0 10.(.11 hoer Islli mad( Ivy Ike cruxes unnn•rnlol - s ill 1111111) . 4,1' 4 , 11 r 4 . 4,141111101 . ,,ri4 s %% 114,41 ll.hrn in_ II I hi. by the As. arc 1111.1g1 licr too Itl‘v. Iu NiINV YIII h tin.l 111.• Iniv(• liven very much stir 1,1 !hill Mill, .1 11111111,ms so snmll, mul in L~lh lit.s a ord,•llA. and in Philadelphia r, count i, ial‘r ia:; The Lnaillta , n in charge al In• l'olifoN if !front' n I Wnsh on flit sf f f of . ingS the :MO ion: NI x% 1.n1.. 1'<:11Iti Phil i . c;_ardt.. the a r.t, .ru the I.4.turns tiwy I.X. hr. tlm 1:4 II it ii,, ( . 1.11 , 11 , bus 111 :IS (5.11: i'lll' II :1 . , I:il.c iI ,111,h.t. wit. 11, -vlO :- . lstt itt. P,'hrrrli..•~qu•r~- ~i~nt takin:: taal,n, t•Nat ads Iner vral k! , it i. 1111.% Ltblc Iii:11 (lit it. Le a iminher nl crim ontl tlit•rmlt ,‘ :is 1.1 (litre ll CI till 'he , y-It tunny pr, id, ittly ttihrii itt. , it , t at :in, att,l it i; I,m From ert•cping in. That the ,imple hart that t•t . r•ir, :Iry Maly to ,ttst ttr and wily hate emtittgh to 1 , 1 Ihr itcoph. of Nvl,ll. ctimory Io I)ll . 3linl h r ri turns 1 lint 11:1 math. 111 tht• ccm-Its just tal:Ptt. nol thnt ny to mhl;e Ihe nemly vont et ;is t“.. to et. IVe inrst r, nu^nlu•r th:11 sine, Iln• I.t-t cc a<ns ‘‘,l, I il:1•11 in ISM) %vi• 111•.1 i'( • / ce W 1 . , nI/ 111 . 11 N%r uniS..drr Yutt Pir lay thi• rail(Nil South \VII!. TI nit kill Iln lath , r snrprising ilint tim n;gil gall. inpnlalinn rnuntry slnoild slimy so large an inctiols-. \VitZi ~,,k• r lilt' E 110.1111,1 II :I '•:!.;I. nen in in i•N I. ; •••• ~,nut_, and >it'd inssll .4c:rvin❑ to he a-leete•ti 41 . 1 made hy the ollieittl ii_un•y. 1 eit Ilia 1i:2111, 1, ii1(11:1St. ul 10,11.11,.1 1 , 1 I ccul • 1; 4 60, mid, ,'164.1tr 111, , t• 11 . iire 4 :_ht. n. , :I ,111:11111..11111,II• 1.11 a r. ry-tors, ;mil -111.,‘ is a I I.,rgvr cillis 111 Slat,. I di; errs paliolliZingly nl Allviol.wit %%Oh Lrr 11:t1,•(.11 1111,•• n 111401. and 1)1.01.1,., but %. r. 111111,1 Ihat nl , ll. 111111:z. \Vo hrlirsr Illat our rile e:111 lily ,i.. 1 0.ti• in 0., .101 10 . .p.,”1 r Nv..,1. 1.1..” and v:Ctt tl.:11 ILr curl, ;vr vi wh,o, re, eltll . ,:ril‘Sth , I , •N Il• 11,1:111 Mt' I 1,1 4611 . n 'lit ~• , 1 1111'1 - I'm( I n‘,• 1,, mri mint 1,, 11,m, , n.,1 n 1 \VlNh in , '"n• rit.V h::-an ii"1".1."..1ad 'IOW, 11 it piir-n•) :0,41 itpo:l I o. Ivsv idln.P. in 11, 151% , ' i 1 1 ,11111.2, 1114' nli n, I,n• 11;n ( ~ kj,ll, :111 , 111! . 1111•1:1" 1•• 111/ , ' till 11M inlnrni.JJ, VI•H , 111 , 1111 , 1 ' 1111 %r ill II:Our:illy !mild tip and cra! CHO re ..1 Tlii• L'rral 'men:hoer, -- , 10 cumainally 'nun ',sing :11141 l'111111 . :2.illt . ,' 111 II111110:1110 . , • I tit' nnl ll al ',lulu'', F. 1111, city as do t.. I e tole id Ilie 11111?, ,i 1 flu' \V,. I. la I 11, :111(1 VII 11.1:1,(• 14. , 41111•11 IIIVI• 71 , 1:11 nun';' duitirt.: and I, rilir-arclma,tiurandlli'- pl tII I ",' util I ir e will iievide luakinv, Il.r Mud\ wllale \Cd 1111,1 natural rI n 111 l ra liaVe Lcct .;i c'n The l'oreitol rt•pmt trim is in vtatiniaml Front!. 1.l Pali,. it, c 1.1111,1,1.1 able to Ina al: the Ciaant,n lint. ni itivi , antrall tylamert•r be 111, 1 ,sits. II 11.. has I hal aliTly. the sr, he breaks vatithilmientllla 110%1..1.1.11 I'llli , 111111 111 , c , ainlry the I.eller tll ill I r f,,r the French cause. The re1,,,r1, 11,111 Pli, shoe dad thi.re are provisions ii.aigh in the 11. ViVt. I,VI, 111.1111114 .1 1'1;1111 1i1.1.1 11.4.:11.11 11111'1111111111 1111111 1111. .r Frbinary. Ucsertets In the G..rinans snot.. I hut. 6 , 1)11111 1111 . 111111 111111 th, 1 , , sitlrering ii vii, lily From hunger ant! tila. Gen. Von .11 , ,111te xi els that the Grrnuul lo,ru, s tt ill lar inside Paris il. II 1111.11111111 1.11,1, 111111 Ole G 4.11111111 ,•4111.1 rs 111111 I.n it nrellegiahlu t t In he impatient gel Isat:l, 11. 1:N . 111,111y. Tlll. 111,11 ft'l'lll4 tt I.\llll in 11111 (•r111:111 camps Hutt. after Paris - taloa, ,111.1 1.1'1.1114.41 by 11111 (11.r1111111 I . ll'C u. !.1.1111.1 :C11111114.1111 trill 6r brnugbl 1.11(.11 111111 110 „r,, :.iv. rnitiehl it ilh tt Wel, uatee tt ill he male. call hardly Is., lii he (sail.' mut he siistaiihcal in still, it position itlo rut the 111011;1,1 111 111' Ilia German s ; and (l, molly \ ill 1114 0111' 1.. large 11E11111, ill 1'11111(. ..fstipliartitig and Anal :11iPtiiiig 10 , 11 . 1 , + than It 1.1111 61.11/.lllly 1111.1 11,•ver had a .mire hitter foe Wit i.t.%m %V. NVA yr, S'ate!..zenalor front the First I)istrici. flied on r..1.1,1y tern short 111.1..5. Mr. Watt served lour tem. , in the b.% er lion, or the ~ :111111:1' , 1 y1•111' 11'11:1 01 . 1 . 11 . 11 Sl l llllllll l Iry the Ne• publieliet. Ills seat %vas cont. sled hr Alvx• ander .T. I)iainfoul. the I)viimentre candidate In• the place. lull alter it long coolest It tins gicrn to Mr. \l'alt. Mr. %Volt's death note uhangt the aspret or the Senate very deeidedd%, for by the 11..nuldican majority or oov • is lost and the Senate stands rqually divided between the Itch nOlll4O I ttr IN.s. A sp. t ho ,deeiion trite hart: to be held to nil the rftedney, and as the political eon trot of the Senate trill he detertnint , ll by the rosult '.f that el. talon 111 e result wit he a‘valted with V1•111n11 inb rust throughout the State. [loth natal, s in the I)isfr'et will undoubtedly fully realit.r the hintatience alibi' (1. (lion to 1... 110.1. (m.l Ihr Ini..essi4 at 1.111 give to the runlral ouusnul tinted et and c deisquenee. Ex•t'l erelnry Seward wns Ili e first privnle person ever granted nil Interview• with the Mikado of Japnn. THE (I, tiff TAM iv.% GEN. nuTLEO% Gen. Butler's Ilan for the settl, Inept of the Alabmutt Claims does' nit meet a itli a very warm recision in any part of ilie. country. It is so evident that the adoption of his ulti matum means war that he is 114,1 like to have a very enthusiastic followite,!, tor nut people are 11411 j 1.14 11111 V in the mood to pick a tplarrel with Grunt Britain. The'polley 01' l'resident Grant's Administration is ,peace, and the in. terest, or the countly certainly forbid any movements which may precipitate a needless war. r the territory (of the t iltltllhl'ai.to he extended at all it is belt. r that it shall I.e extended to the Northward, and llo.rt• Is no doubt that the people of the British Provinc, s in North America, are every year eittniit inure and ni,.re favorably inclin. d m the Welt of annexation to the United ',limes. There is in every use Of 110 PtoVii.C.S a ttrowint: party which has been tt:rintal iu the lint rest of annexation, and this party 144104 ngall it can I.) hasten lorward this 111..,1r111.1,• Coin:1111111111 11.11. 1 . 111 . Canadas win xvititt to come 10 nn 'll6'llllply, and when they do I.:nglninl is not likely to interitose nn!, very set ion:, objection; s11'! soy,' "gl\'i• us I clinneex tire excellent Hutt she AVM Ule 11110 . 1 . I'llllllmill., anti that cifir in ar..lnl ol the ('aninlas ‘t ill In . WI iolll , ly tie- _ . In) I it slot Mingo lute linstpontll. The recent. ; to, 011111' illiil.ll Ily the liriilSll (it 11 . 1 . 11111V11i ill t venni to Itnssiliit proposed anllitkmiuu 01 the treniy shot% ti . ""'"'" c"""'"" " . "."1 S' ; jig disposition not NT)) and ullhnnuh the idea I/1 Russia is i•xcel'ilingly the r 1114. 11 . 11F011 111111 they rate nothing nt all nhoto the noltltlily of vittly in Ihr cllSe Ola %van trhirh ‘v,nlnl.l in% Give their own immediate int, ti( Iht• 1,1111 el . a ‘v:ir beiwcen I he I sited rnie:ht he ; it i - plaint}• far the 1111, Et,t et . the Unitel tote, mit In anti invite muili w•• Tall nu.: Inn t., ',VP 14 , 11. 11! , :1er 116:1VOW the Willile Selltllll. ‘,111,..,111.11T: lately anwitinetiil fp: the only 111 :1 , 1;r1 . ‘,1601( . 1111 - Irr<rnt Administration I,e %wily mon tengibun,d by Ow enniinnane.• of tLe pre ,ent pol!ey o! judicious, voi-ony and rvirentli iittlit that' he inviting ❑ for lion wnr ohurl! the tinthlllBl (1..1)1 art . already ptcp:trintt yvar's t . l. ci ion in Ili(' illdiCiai ,11 , 1 I let Coin. 11111 . ii:4 1111. i ) Ii)111;:,11111 . ty cottloit•< tiw Noir:slotvit 6reycr, hit prli• Clinimuot to bv entidi.lide 6a• :Ire others it: 'lrlittgeniery. 11:31;1•.1:1 It“Et, for the 1.1,,e gives Formal notice that Ch orgt. I,t.tir kill br d from 'list porting 01 iii iii,ll*:ll, :Ma it is es hi at list it' justice is sot doily Itt•vettltt.r in the Ilnelis and .:tatit.ny di , tiict it trill 11.4 u I sm,• Ito nut. ie %vil:lttz to; , , npnn the Bench. WAFIIIN“TON k . 01 , 1 Ili/11 lined %%MI N.•%V Yuri: ,1,1111" or Ivhmil nre 1.. (lire Ihr rrumcnl ul C..11..4•1.u• Murphy Nv‘v York, x‘11:18. Ilu i . e.i nm ii l Iring 1., =II Qt•c•im hi: retention. It is no iiiffilritinttle I.ing itunrt the New re9lvnil,.lllces 111:d a nom , ma , r geld Illhnirl,•d to nu! ul'lhrni hi• has. hi. nmII 4 41114 411 4 4 111 4 1'0,, 1111 4 1 4. 111144 1111 1114 , 1114 1 4 .4 k 114 1 4 14 11•111 hi. 1,111 4 1 Vlll4 !he II pal New Viol: otti ..4,1 time In toh , h,l In the I etention lilt he 11 r.eryirphiOrhmsumn • St..N.yrol: Trott'l:ll nply i11111:iry :14 1.1 till lit tic' \Ve,t. ni I"l..flif.i it , I ill . 1 , 1 t Alit...lli, ititi : (ir/1111 C1.111 . (13 tLr 11•VI . 11111• MO 11,11101, till 4111. ::lld I illti I% h:11 11'e arr ;1,61)_ al.mg tare x%,•,1 it: 111.0 (•41,1:1. Vt• ,•1 1.% Cry 1011' drill 11,1,1, LLr il4 Si I.X• hit it an Ailit.init ii tratitin rah '• Titti pie tit the Etti.t are wnrh way of )t: 1.. I..r.nut tle‘t s Frmicc: 'no. 11.1 7 ,e 0,11,w:111.1.A ly Ihr 1131.1 1)..r T4IIII 31111 Fre.it•fiels l . 11:11Its 114 VI• 1.111T1V41 4 . 111111•111ffi, 11.11,1 11141 C.. 1.161141 force 11ClitIA .11 1110 111 . 111 V 1,1.11,.. The Ist fiirce is .I . ln:sling nod th. re 1y In .1,1 nliari. tw. en Ouse 01.1...,ing I it llSStillt, atic end( :11 111 , 11 rt , l . Si intrl 11l 113 t., IN a recent private letter dent .G4N11..411' Curtin, tmtv United States Mini,iert. lie alltnit to the limy. meat in this uddiug a ten,tittitiiiititl htion. Ile urges the import:ince or having the t..ntier considered as its nil . ortanet .1.-- t s, ;aid ex pies:: hope that the tine,rion trill not Le isinsiticriAl us in any eerie a inninr of part . p 'pie improvement. of the ISt.,te stitution is sidatelliing ‘vltich interest, eery .Ion:: CESSNA lii opts 11. :Step rs, who c riitleato rh ction ae C'ongre,sman from the :-.ixtet , ntlt that he shall (loin his (.laino, to a ,eat lit the National !loose of Izqr,...tnia• •t•, es. 11r. 31leyers majority tis given by the retinas is only fifteen, tool espeet, to tie able to prove that sotto! four 1, 1 , 10 1 1 .,•,1 tritodulent I)emoeratie V 01,4 Wulls 111,1Mr,1 and Sotnetset ennnlii awl ...totted for 31r Meyers. A W.u.inNoTos dispatch says too NVnyin. of this Stale, who %% as in.-I iiiti.r States )liii!,ti.r Turkey, is noa• nn Isis way 1101.1(.64 . th, pm -1,i,, 110 has not yet roaeln,l his po>l, inoplo, and ill health ill rilnited ns the rrit,on ror Isis giving np Ow appoint Tint Intermit nevtlititt rt.ct iptsi n th, first three ni,, tl iof the prt ttt ttr, hittli ettminetittell with .liil tott,titto itt 2.19.2'23. This is nu I , l' :11111,;;;7 over lit r4ceipt, tit the corretllttittlit,t 11.11 e itt,tittlts it the Ittqt tistettl yenr. E[(II[SEINEN. ATTIEN'III4):ei REAL) TIIE RANG !, Word, TAU, .1.13.1,11 CI. WrI,I.A—TIVAII Sill: I h.nr 11 , ...,1 Pr. Foe, 11. 31itt-chko • e Pru,ooD I.lu mow enn n e.I ,t 11.01 had , 41 .I.lDii. r.00.h0; I. m0n0.... I n...!b0D10 h oonil •ot• cone, e .rito; her rompb lIH.I. T111.111V1111141110 1.1111,110111 L .old by Di o‘Dri•e. 0101 - 4orokooporn. Wholo,slo by .1.0.111. , 1:. co, of lo h nod r ., pringt Doulen I . lDholoi eh F el. or 4.10 111 . 1,. M I DT & CIL Le, lino. ho it 5 110. , 1, Dr. W. F.. I:N SON, 1..11\ - .01,1. 11:• TIN laud J 011 N 11. 310SER. MaiMMIN FANCY DYEING ESTMILISIDIENT, of & IV. JON E= No. Cr2,V1,14 Fro's' W•mlerl no•I e.l nry •loser , TiWir•lll•• •, ..rliy or 1.3 . ch1a 1 i 4.11 {1..11 , ...{.1 1•I r ely k !town. 1'..p.• 51••rhio 'dyed ihe I,lllliitit 1.111115 I ..1.1 )1•. drih.• •I•••,, I. rle.11••••••1 I.•••k Ilk. , n, i.... • l:eottlr m oh's Pnhh•l rlent.•••l nr re•tlyed• Kld III••• •••• euse•I••0 •Iye•I I..•:14 h••tv, .pi. - (%111 un•l I.s.k ••Or 10ork b.•111r•• m• 100 elsewhere. ant , 7.25. LIZZINEMI The endertlenea 1v 111 ebeerlelly (rue. 11 ell tehn ett it, the Itee pe end , ttll .fireetl ee. rev pe..e it leg end e-tert nhettle nun bettoblel Vet:et:llor Ihtles. Met tell) Itontedlate•y remove. T4ll. 'Wei de., 1.1.. tan entetheet end inlyerllleo of the Shin, leg the , eltt. clear, en I beitellittl, Ile willeke t i red (free. leettnetten. for prele,te, by , “110.• IVXtteleut gr.lll . th of bale II a !mid t e el or ...teeth race, , The shore, can be ORM... I by v.'ton or•lh by sold ens InK• TIIOI. V. ell AVM IN. l'ione•po 0. 11.1 X Mr. IGO Itrosdway. Now Vo, Y. Ort 31•Soulkw EDIN ESD AY, Spccia; "ixTntirc.s. Full • ilil,iZ VE,Axs I= I,\ 1' 1.1,Ei a is) I' , V•r , ,•", It 1.,. that .•..t It.. ,1,01.114 . 1 111 p.m, I. I.:: ti.. ICI lan :II ....s.•l wol .1 I , t 1.110 %klt° ity I.• 1. II 111. I it. N !it I ,V ie--lete...) .1.. 0? It .4.. V ttrt.lll.l ....I. ti r ..I 1 1,"..11 t$ 1..1.101 IV It t . t.l l l‘ll l .t• 11.41 i 111 111, .•V1 al, Klrl I. 1 . .1 . 11..11n It) .iti 1.111/Igln, L - „ \V!)l iv,. :l)S , ,%%;.ISI).( N„fF. : ..t, .o. r.:.1./ , II 1.1.1 . (..1!1.• row v1;1. I. I .1 UWE II) I . IIIN —l'm I 11.• ”.1 Cu, I.re r..1.5‘...11 1.. 111.11 1 1 1 I 11 11.1 11. i 1111' OW :MI 1 . 1• 11, 111 110, 111 ..1•.110.1 1.10,1. 1 1111 . ,V Itll A,•l/I . l.kill l N. 1.1,1 ~d ‘ l , ) ) .\N hi— 11.1. 0: S . Au It' -11 e• 111 hi... 1 11, . - -•••••••••••••-•-• • ....... - s,: - .... ,, ,.. , • - _ -- .r. ,- .1 - ..... . , i.r.tle,..rt. iirellAN 0, et: I , ,',., .•' t. - A • .. --,-. Unlver...lly, itro mahltig ~.:1.1•rf..1 0...... t - t , *;,l CA of Cat.ccrs, l'omours and 1 . 1...18 by th.•tr ... •..; L. 1 4 tirtv tliscovur. A pato; • ! ti. atht. ht. r.:, !-, ,:l knife, 110 plaster, PO V. 11 1 ,11, lottlithtt. t. 74 t "Tlt a th...ti .. I =.•‘ - - - .-,i r.. hi.. .1, C . ) 3 `,.., .0.f..a..vt Ciogcy9!_4. Hr lld . Li oil trvatio.. ~.......--..,,..,-,-,.. .i , . ra• ,t 1 ii 0 rut. 4 the .•11.•...i....1 .:..... • ... ....t..,.... , tal 0 Hgrowths, 1... that 11.. y t 10, i, A. Ob. 1 , 11.1 di.. • .; T() ( . (...zs;• 1 - 11% s I 1„, -r r it tvall Imr:t r It I 11.1110 ICI , .$o ii . 01d 1,0 11 , 1“..1 A1:1, E1.1,-C•k, N. 1. THE DM:MX-OVEN SUNNI - SI 1)E1',00K UP 1810 mtintomeummamma L'uticecoinit ‘• Mlll=ll==llslll ItAItI,EY-'6111.:.% ( ( 1()I:ixt: s . r()vE, 1., imblte svi 13P.Abi I'llE.ll' I.\l'_\, Ogr groat d..gh , r•-I..•alrlat 111.1.11 llog•$•.11,1 y.• tr. s‘ 11,0 k.,,Vie SUN '1N . 511)1..7. I IRI•: t'E II •.1 is IL.. 1 . 1.4- M I M .Idroo,fito , l $1,•• 11-111 'I to.- .•11..•...1 ti II t, 11.....-1 :1. 11, h•- IL.'I, IL • al, I.•,111.111.'1 • S*l lk p 110 1111,.%ln . .1.1 • 111A. 1%, tal , O. I:. 11 , 1 " 1.‘1.1N, Ai111,0,11 ) , tl , tV t tIN:i1;11 it% E.•itt •.II 1 IA.TI. 11.1%1112 1 ell. 1.1..1 111 •1.%. %.• 1.• Ili.• ...I ICI . I li ~i 1. ~ . I'. 1i•~II,I ICI - I~~l' Ili• 1 :'I ~ ill I MIMI 111 N.P1111 , 111 I I ..111/• • •• 1 01,1,1 1 I 111,111111,1 1 1 ..•• .aI .• lo•pl -4 I.) MOM Illl'l 11•11111.• 11 1 ..11.1 111 11 / 1 , 1..1111 ill , 1., 1 1 1 . •• •• WI 1211 1 1i 1.1 , • 1 1• 1 1 . 11 11, 1•4. ,1 •1111111 1 1 •11• •li • t, I .41 .1. • Lk . 111 V •111.1 1,1 ••.14 11•11 1111 1 . 1 1111 • 1., 1 1 . 1 / 1 •11. • •1, 111,111. , liill. • /1,11 1,1•1 ••• 1 . 1•• • 1•• 1 1 1. , 1/1 Fll/ .1/ 111146 i 1••• all • 11 it1 1 '11l• 11 1 1 111 II 0 111111 , ••• 1.1/1 111.11 1• .... 1 it J.. 1•11• A 111 ~1 1 111, .1110 ~,,, 1111- 1 , 1.1.• • .••• 1/1••) . 1..• .1 t t•, N 111•• I i • 1 11,1` 1.• 1 1 • •••1 1 X l l. , -a) . hat t. ..• 1... 1111• 11 , 1 • a 1-4 • .1.- 11 1''1111.•11 111,11.. it it ,• ..1.1,.1 .. 1... i 1.. t ..1.• 1 . 11 .1 illl.l, P air II 1 .I.rl If .'I. I ..1 ,) , ..l ~~uui'~4 ~.~)~. 1 ~ .~.. l).•~1 ~ l i. ~,. .•... -u~~ 1. ~ i.•I: u•. „ r ..r.,:...... Iy, r, 1, „I I- II . • I'. . I~ p. 1,,, 4.1 1 .. j'PL .y ,L, .. I. .'tb~ ~1.. - 1 u ~. •We IW,.- 11• u • I, . ).. 1 •,) .. Alit , 1. 1 ~1. l .\.,..1t 'li .. 1.. i.'1.1. ~ 1 . .6 . 1,t,V tltt• I • ./li• U.' •.L., 1` l.~t 1..0 ~ l iu. u,....u. 'l l .~.• l•• 1.. MEE .0" t ....... ll= • • . I. .. • IL 1..) • 1.y.• • • .. 1 . • .•1 .. ll.i .UI ~. ...1,• .I'•I!.. ~1.. • /1.11 .11 ..... / ...to ./1 41. / 1.5 . • • 010 t o ) 4/1 tql• • / //Wt... Il• .1. /ill, is 1 4 t. I.k• ••• 411.! . I y • • ~ , 1.1.4/ 3—L.IW.) t 11.1.1. ...•1 I." 44 "el • 14,../e.n. ....II • roll, 44 .../ .14 1,11.1; ...... 1./ /11 1.1.Jr1 y C..// • t V . lie .11111 1, WI,. I-. art.. 'll/ y ) h , ') r.+" 11. t, ..b., 11.3 1/..-1../. A., "1 1.4,L .spr ir ill r•Lievi. 11.1.4 ..1.11.,...•4 , 1 I 'a •• tO ). r.. IP .1 ..; .11 plt ...• Al it •St .• . ill .4 h • r 4 .44 111.• Lk • . .0,11 I lir 15, /.11.•In .I• II • ye/ .11 11../.. /Ed. y I ;44 . .. 401..111.•/ l• /. 4. li., 111 r,se .1 I. I 1 v. 41,4,, to h., kr 1 hrod • • 4.1...•1) hi..••• I.g 1,41.5 a11..1 41.1, . 111 1'..1.1 41111 -.0 th l 4t I. ti •I • .14 , 1.4 k.• /114111/11.4, 13. y trio. "1• ill ..101. thes. 414 /it h.e• .1.1, ). lop 0q.5. .plp 0 tit /5 if10..1 hot.. 01t die 5.,11 150 111 o. • II•o• 1 , 1111.3 4..ruou. uty 1it....• 4,1/1 111,1 11.•11. 115.51 y Ir. , ..VIII /1 . 14..111 V.. IL, 451t11 v.... I.‘• I. 0p.,111 1,01 tty 11111. :-ctiliSci:, 11. I)., N... 11 N. :1 Iti sqr . = ^t i.. p . ...,. ...):::. .... a 7 ; . ;4 ••• .. , E- :.- ,M - 4 • 1' it .., t • .... ""... cl. .t , -_ ...,. ~ . , • , . . A ' 6 . ....: ,14 Bronzes. Fancy Goods. ate. II llt 'l' II 'l, II It I A 1,, ANI)• 1101,1 DAY (111.1';;. e.. 11 Elko mitentio.a ..f my leutl I,Alto E AS'SORT ENT 0 I? NEW A NI) DESIRABLE (;001).. li ..... Or.lur. by n; ;:l c.tol•flilly 111,1 proittplty ;1.1,1 1. 1101381 Ns, ,(1. 4 A R I; .1111)1)1,E, JI:WEI,CIN AND N. 1121 ST:IP:F.T; LAUF:I•I'III.\ /1:111311A1111011111,14. 4.1'. Nub 92w•w. IS 1s; ) A 1 TI.:, a". put nit Ilr• r:r n 111.1/1,111h.11. 1. SIX.( ( 1 il ) IN Al T. NUMITEIt cif. 1.1 1 . 1 1" , , t, ,1 , ' ID=lOl .1%•• 11, lIISIMEI =ME MMEMEI =I NOVEMBER 23,1870. nth 'lo%.lfrtisClllCltt,s Mil ONLY =9 • • •• • j ' • • I? 1 •• r • 1,11 . 1; •1, ~.4 11 ENT •••1 , 1 ENlll . l'''' , KsT 677, I. • • /111.111 , • 111- I tl i..P. Ai-. • 111.111.•• .411,1 i'l• 1.11 NT• rilri T..: pit '...1"1'!4' :. Ow S •••• 1,, n• r.• tI ,111% r,gtvol I:r.ht .1:111.1 /hgAnl -1 II to 1 . 1 +1 1 , ..r ~11• :hi 1,1 "all., rho • • .11,1 I ..1.11.1.. I. I. 11 ..11 1 1t1:/S. .4100. 1'1111.1.1M .1101. .1,1.. VII .•It 1 . 1:1,1 II %I. • 11., l• ••,„,„. Throtot it••••• ..• sri Brit •talp. J. C. IE,IIV. ,o .1111 IiI.• ..• t.. 1 SA LAIL' V rn 1,11 ml.l 111,1 1.1.. , .•.• 1: 31 Park If s I • . - 11 N. 'NS, i,:r 7 . V.A1 i'i•rpil wi C IA: • MMI MOE MEM IrST moirrt:.l( BONDS sT.,icsEPll.l ND I)I , ,NVER CITY I= P.% 111.1 IN ( With.lereA at (S) Eight Per ( ent. also PdprZ.le in Odd. COUPONS OR REGISTERED •100 , tr./ 111 •Irl VIL nA 1,1 V ..”1 :I I. ARO!: =EI Mlle .T firpoiq Tr ck *I/ at the t• ct. •111, / • .11.1 '!. I1,. 1 1: brbl. II • ~.• •• II• Ili•• . 1;...1.1 lIIIA ;: •-I r i I nol.l I,rtnx , 1 1 , , 14.• 1.1•I' I' .V 4. 1'.11g Fr.1(11 • 111.10 .11/ h 111 II i:.•.. I I , I I I M 1 41 r•int i•1.•i• ftte.. , lfed ..mi 0i.1.1t0,010n R'. I. CONVEIV-T l C./ .. S , •a 1 . .• e N N tVnll trn . al 'N'otirrs I.l'.ll.llCS' NOTI(E. • • ••••,•• h.. • h ..1 ~o11111bI•11+.1I..11 1 ., 14 ..1 8. .1. 1.•••• 111.• 1r L. 1 1 11 ,11 k 1..1 vo IS 111 iti N •1 'll 11 1.51.1 . • 1111.1 y A S k *S „ . 1 4 '! 1 1 : 1 1 2. 4 2 wir•• 'AI. ~,f xi, 1., 0./1111. 4. .1 .1“14..1 110..11, 111 p..•,• 1.1.1•4,1,1 .1111.111. in IV. I. I 1 . 1 1 ..• •.••.2 IV 111 I . 2 \\'ll'l2l.\.,. •.\--.:'..•.. li•.V 2 ts.w I , -, 1 :1: 1 , - „ 1: { 1 , 1) . :` , .; „ „ N ‘ d 1 1 !;,. • l'.,llsN Nil' Il' I. /I I •.1,1 111' N./1 I. V.% //1/ .111.• I I:• •/i //,‘t, ii.,• 11. I .1 . /.....t 111/• ,11 I 10.11 ., ...1 odr /11 V. 4.1 . , •.1..•..././i//: 1,1 . 11. I..t,TIAN. 1., VII, 111. )11• , !;.:1 , 5 . ) 0 11: ... P.lllC'I'NElt• 1, 1 , It t.• .•.,.t .t " 3 . t I I: . I L / 1 1 , I: . ii s , Is s o 11:s• r • • II ss s s s • ill • d :In as ossssisiss iss I i 55155111,5 sess•-1 ‘s sss •skss s slssi , rs•ssf s ssse ssa IA 151 15 /II ).1.• 111 1.. III.• nI/1, lying issuliter • rii 111:1 , 1N1: :-S 11 LI. Mclli , ar. SON, a. Ihn 0.1 11. , v •aW T's Nt:%l PATIENT :;1101.A.DElt BRACE AND r 'UT El:. 1111.1 , 1•111,. rtufaqt3t.le. ,u,4... 41,h I 411. 111 . 141. •.. I. 1aw.... ii the city. L.,01y „1,17 2t. %):41"1114311.:i't, I'4)T h' I , 11:1.1.! :LID I 'fru. ENG INF T. 1.1 : .1; 4 1EN I N(i NAV.:ANI'Y xt;ENt, l'11:1:. LIFE. AN I , I.:VF. f.TOCK IV ITT 31 AN & LEISENRINCI, 1.:•;1;t1 mill It m 011.1114 Ili otlr won 11. .Ive , V•• 1 4111 1.•1 ,p, ‘., ii ) • cay. 11111a1 111 • molLl al lolt 11,ti0.0, and 1111 nl 110 /110 .010 01 1 1 , 1 1.)' 110t,, ,, 11 .111• I 0:100 01 %VIII 1 t• ..01o11:10,11. N 0 'I .Lni/ Or I ~••• I t loottt 1,, I'.lloo/110:p. Olt Y 4.4 nl, ,%••••., I. I, •rt). • N. , 1.1-. a .1141'11111.1/41t.1 1.11 of 111:011, 0. 0 1 :I 1.,. INI 11111 hmt..• 18 feet 11111.clie.. .lln 1., N... Ir, Tsv -t t , 1.1..1. 1/ 1..1' ::011 , 111, /1: 1., I 1 , .1 00 , .1111 0 .1 14 /IL 111111 N.. i 2. 1 41-41 -101, 11.1110 • .1 0...1/11:: 11. 1 11% 0 , Went 1,1410 a 11 . 1111 y 1. No. 11, ry fr:1111.. 11011 4 £.11111.-, . 11 1• 111. llh 111 I t I.rhesl-I r.lti 110•0 w r rl rltl I'llll-111•.1 1 v II 1,1 1., 11.1 N... I'. 11.1.11 1' 1 1 1 . y, 0/ Irul, .i rooms At' sll{ .k,05011.1 0(111 0 111 010 1 1 1/ 01,11, 1i -11 0 01. , 0 10 . 1 o• :1.11 .001 1 , 111,•: of ) .1.1, :I . 1,1 Co. ,t .1,1 .4., &mil ntre..l,,, Up") 11,.• Ist., I .1 ol- l',loototi :Loa bill 110.0 0 4/ boa -0,1, 111.1 All v. t•lo op .ot.l 1,7F.111) D THE KEI Yon r. O I , I ro% ii:t.Ll onl Le ;oik unnifortable at ti: MAMMOTH SToREs ! Water Proof Cloth , Or. REPELL ANTS 011` thiro/01ii mixture l'A,Sl‘ , AT I A .11 :In.. IIOYS' MAT, UNDERSIIIRIS AND DRAWERS GROLI* RIES 4C• Pli ()VISIONS vo ••• a .11 to•rolo t00rt,...10g Lela. W. will otorau .t to I. io y 4.11‘0010ng. , Ite.l rotto,l,y. IS: S. 1-111N11 , ,1t & CO., 70.1ttad 707 Ilatulltou t4wo, Po II ; V. , 'r. 111. t Vts 4 4u Spy, A Iv:prove!! i‘; Nt )S. & CO.'S I rl j: l'.\ ; ,; , •)/ 1111 . 1{11.t I. i.(ll'l'S 1011 SA P d.t • r .•As II on IN'' , I. `I , N 1., `• Thf. ..tr ..I off, ( . ..r t t ••,, ,s• It • mot, ot r 1.411.20 v t I. ~r., t• 1111••litttel3 ••Ipaltattit the ruiou Ceitt••lltry ''' '.t r •! ' .:l ' ;:;• g it .. l l l:r.. ‘ •;• ': l;: ' ll . ... Ctn. ithr. I Telith .tenet.. : • iot• mill lip -101.1 ..”1•••crlittl•to. and 1111.1,110 i. t% HI:1)1'1E1,1) .(1,111..• wholo• rittittl•• • • ••11.1••••••••1•11 Ow). will boo w.. 1 1,, j..t 111.•etter us 111 tilt/ ortlttitivtal••e• ••I t (Serval Moor.) 927 ChrAtir te I Street, ',•r BEI BM GRAND, RE AND UPRIGHT. 31asor & Flanilin's Cal)inet Crgatils, A/1 Elripiret Nt.,rk a( greatly Pranced Prieo. GOULD & FISCI-iER,t No. 023 CHESTNUT STREET, MEE sElI.;1'1:-t:pf E FIRST PR IZE II UAI.- ,‘‘,itiii Tlll , I; IZ EAT • DA L 7 LllOl7 It: PIA . N 0 m ASTI.' AcTSI:T ,7 ' • 0 ' 4 ' 7 A WILLIAM K , , ' A bl 3 & CO., GUI \II ~ y 1 D I Pit /OUT 1 / 4 l'it r r ILtI.TIMOun, ft 14 plt rchois, fl 1»•. •I rrt I,t itre, ‘ViltCh GO, T/11.11 Tltt, n‘l 1•11111..., .1111 fill , , punt) I iw.hatiou. ;Intl li , witgloulit Ili eol.r. .1,110 Thu "i", !I 7( 'II • i tot ...I And 1)...• (tow I!, .11Itn .L 1 .t 1.1... wan) vim...-. 1N \V )111: MANSI lIP l'•r .111 111141 lb. .1u . NV.• 11.111 , 1 1 .1 I •f 1 1 11,1111111 1 1•111 11 111 1 1111 111 8.1.1 PI 1.% rind .S 11: 'it:AA/PS. 1 1 A 1,11 11 .\ll l l.mg 1... Phu... 11 . . )•.t Pit ,llll Foi II y 11'1Irra htcd I"ertra. ‘v.• Lk... 111,11 , 1111111111 11 1111•111 u 11.1 II•o. :I'hol..nlllr 111 Ei I==ll .1 NI E' K, _.l , , LADIES' IVAN41:1" FURS from tir,.t lun.de, itt Euro t.. roil have had thetil Mod.. y the lute., nkldtul st.k• I re..p ei ly ihSt.. , frlentls .t.,1 i.t tolintlo, I ui,sloYitliphe toy vPr) 1.g.• }',teary ulx, 6.1 I.wl;un tied Inut eterinthed tele lax., hpy rtsi 1i..11P0 In, ..11 y All F., W.. 1.., J. elfret 14. FURS JOHN A. STA )113AUll & CO., NO. 14,:!O ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA StA N ACTT xF. n. Or LI Di FANCY FI'B'S 101. o: flu] 5.L111 ,, , lirtil.on Bay Sable, Mink 1t..)41 e, ,1/11117.1, Sol, . and Augll Slolah r•yl. at loNellpilre•. All Ft.. gu.ou./1. il.pt,,video% JOHN A. STAMBACII C CO., b•? 6 Arch St d•yre ted , zr Ninth, south side, W HOLESA LE .1.:% IS ETA IL FE_ .1111 E i Ail the Nor .ttlyle. at the Louis , PrietA. RESsi .1 .'• R.l Nl. E. I, r L E R .11 1 .1!. INKA HA h. AN7'/7.11:A N, N RAI' SA 81. E. 'r441,414,444 ,v4tl4 t 4.1 11. 44 .4 :ow II• 4 . v t tit , 44.. 4.1.41 .4%4,5 ar414414. att.:l4l4oa r4•14r....141,4d. 111()N1.%6 M. I'IcEEI.A ND, L., • A.0..5.t., 1101, • 41 FURS.: Ft : FURS 'Flee nueler.igned rengeertredly eitieultion nr Ulu it e illl.l generdl, to Oen , fart ddt I IttAtllt . r.ll told odaud to No. N3O A 11l reed, neue e• uoii . 1,14 tV nopply nud p.illlllJh ittl LA I/IES' .1\I) CIIILI)I2EN'S FURS, ond Illalooon Boor Fni°l o . Alluk. Ernollooo i'looorar a not all alio, Li,. ual•li• 00, awl orlon.. A polo :Iran So al Calm. mod Sliffil]or. 111,01,1111, r air! Irmo o oat 11,, 110 . t I .rill old Ilanol0000: 111 tla host 111.11.1 . . 1111.1 in Ilia 'agar., aril mail oravoool atoll rnolo•roloo, al laic , . Oa ho' O . a•o• o xa tattoo lo.y goaaloo loefooto going risc o, All ~ e nd, ,vairtinted n. r.grtr+cnnd, .1r the teetwy re r0rti.....1 tud ulele4 to the lott•nt lIENItY 011 1 . 1 310 A. c.l .11 eet I= I srEciALTIEs FLANNELS! FLANNELS! FLANNELS! 11.11..L1z00ul In 1111,1 Markel high. PLAIN una PA NI . I . LAI U Sill 1.(1 F.; S.' 'l'%% FLANNr.I.s. ECK 111111 S. IIU!IE•?IA DE FI.AN.N ELS. lIEU, W EL' 111,1'1; Wool. im,l VoNI Cl' FLANNELS. I MIA!: I.I.ANNEI,, colorc OPERA II A NNEI.S. Your uo.ycrtlou of our oullro'riork sullelted• 114.-10 ctr. Ily, E. S. SIIIMEIt tt 70.5 nud 7u7 Mouth. St., Allo•Ll.mn; Pa. T EIZAISTItE tt ROSS 1.1 aro 0.• I,gest and bent eel..tted hue of goody hey.. ever hall le polo k. e ,peet e e, le the very patter. HlOl- E11 , 1)11 CIPPIINGs IS it I\ ERTINfIs. NPITTIs lIA 31 CURTAINS an CURTAIN NET, at a is uaU I. molt, he pou.oo ly e let ef !NAL LACEI.I.AIN. The el. ere hoe of LA. E.S. an I AIITATI C 1.1)3 V. VA I.ENCI A, Till/EAU. cuticitlfc, So. np *, 01 a all the he., IRI AI all Al s, M 1,110111,4/ uee, All '4)le- WII.TE (loops far I pp le t be le., 41.10.1111 V. FRENCH AII:sLINS la the Pane l...l REAL GUIPURE LAl'Ehelow 11131 k. t r•tra. 21:1 Nolan faTII STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA. By isDusTitv WE THRIVE! urn air hag 11{, dent Of attention to our DRESS GOODS. DEPARTMENT, Al an endeavor to keep it new and attractive. The vi late , hovelt .11 140:0 , 1111. rIIIIII 1111, chrupext 1/1• . • OW ntil , l u.r 6.11r,e.t. W.. ha) lur roml, c,111,111Y. c01t...1111 , 4;er roablee ahoy lIIPIIII.II/1 pr nn. Our CIISiOISII,I4 al,vnya 1/1.. 111111 0 hniti n, De make vont . Fall and Winter pun:knee, du wit fad to call at the 3IAMMOTII SToItES OF E.S. SHIMER & CO., E IN II ALL, • NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PIIIA. Inc De, att.outton to Juts 'lock or BLACK SILK. , hot shades. COUDED & PLAIN Fit ENID' POPLINS. SKI DES A ND SATIN CLoTIIS. PLAID POPLINS AND SEIDi The Wok! rlyle,•l Dte•e , (loud, cooloully receiving nod (or s•le nt ILo love A full stuck or MOVIIN INO IDD/DS always on hood. PO/'L/VS. .1/0//.1/RS ,toil .4 LP.ICA s. SHAWLS! SHA %I' LS I I SHAW LS ! ! lu great vorlelr. CLOAK VELVETS, PUI:E SILKS, Sost Goodt. linpor:o SILK 11 ES! SILK I'LUSHES !I lu • sit de•lroMe sbpdev. WAT rtt-pitoor CLOTHS. CLOT 18 FOR LAMP.° {PEAT,. VELVETEENS OF PILK L . / NOM CLOTHS FOR lOLA AND 110 TO WICAR Ntiptilnot, SI. huge, Towo.lincm, Shirt- • • - , WOll.ll to woo I trottlit, 11114 .111.011 at buch tolcott a. wi I Kira ...1141tutloon. Ito Alto krt it ntl Chrotrut 5 Vert Cttre will convey you to wiallu a tow door. of the Aure. 1:1=1 Pianos • STE( PIANOS, ( I= lois Alto! STREET, 1'1111.AD: LPIIIA =I MINE Ern WM AM K NA ISE & Co. CIE JOIIN 718 ARCH ST., mi0.n....1 tlir Hl.ock, n 'ln awl Flh ,re.•,, 2‘..110. PHILADELPHIA. Imps 1..1, 51..11Partorer 11,1.1 to nil kiuJh. and 4,n.4 , H) 4.f FANCY FURS, 2. 5 4. \ "IN I.A. ,•1111.1.1l1,:'.1 :1111 1 41 ‘ tei a L :..,W s il ' o ' t /t • I F ;i1 1 ; 11 :1:1! ' 41 1 1: 3 ‘%4 ." ll, l ;(:• ‘ n i , ' lti ;f. 7IN FU 11,5 8!2(i ll= E=! EDWIN lIALL, South Second .treet, Phile+, 4:11 •1•6) I.L.:'l'.—A I:IE:iIk:SPA All S : r , .11 NOttilltllipt.lll I , llllly, P... 11 , ...•••• 1.. It rillIM•0. Isoillther111,1•%1•Iti. • . , •141t1 . , ...111/11 .t.ll-{.11,,V11 CiPal With a gnoil mttrr too,rer awl rlr 1.1/141 ii.l ppl t.. Kock. 5',..14.•11..,vii I' I II I. , t-oic .1,1 ulliirs rot halelits !mil lot on SI XIII .tr livt!revu Tr itN LIZ awl CII I:W. lu 111 , City •I All Ow , and i. limul`k•k1111.1 1.111•1•1 ihrollgll,ll. ThP lire 1.1.1111 ly 111 "111 fllrcell ,11.1multiire cur this illtiolui!! suli-urilier let %rub I?ur il,ll I. a VW.' or Cilo• 1,110 • II . O 11 W %Mi.., iu.uu ilii• M. :mud I'. 11. 'V lll'ltnily. a1 , ..v.• Tome! 13111t1.1(' 411111, ME Pit( WEin =1 S.VITIiI).\ V, I)ECENIIIER :31 ) , iv7ll 1,1 nm to'rlock. .t , ..1 tt 1 ',b • ows er, Ow H •r• 1.:1114.1.• 1....11. tht• I.l.towlisu l'l.lo—.S 1.,.451.1.,,R lit 1., t (10 t.. , lo Int talon . r 1 .11. 1111/ SellMoy I.FII. .oN Ad to 3I .y ntp.r. prasim. E VALUABLE CITY PROPEIei 1' =1 Hu ItSDAV, 1,18 M.. .on f..11-wing vat r lel {,..wit t'ltus: KEYS fw II 111011 1./1./1.11 •11.1{... I ) ../ hi. 1/1111.1111“ . .intiat 41 ••. 1111.0 1/ U11111,1.0:1 , 11 , ••• ,/ I, .1.•, I. I .l I. II gt• )..r.l. nod N. 2.—A '1'111:EE.:,T01:1 - 11111Cli :311)12 lI,PIO I, g 11. 1 1il i•ii 11,1111.”11.e.,t 81, 11,4 t ii/. w Ili 11 I•y -t t.. N... 3.—A '1111121,;E•t•Tt/ItY •:.'11.,1t 1/111 . ,[...“0,..ii.g?.t. Otog ',la 11.1. 7;7 al.ll, • I.y I t th ;hurl It ;ill A, 110,1,1 It• iL , • Imo. - I 1...., 0,1 ..1 :11.• c.I Ilt I 1.1 , 1 N II I...incr 1.111 1"..1 ION!!It o Irul WI 1..11 th.• .4 .I.c I, 11. goolmell. lot ..f 1. T. Inc 0 111111110111. Ingo 111.1. Ilve r.. 1. \or. 11 I'lll. '"'" .1 mr 111..1.11-... It ill i on. 11 J. hug. 11, itt 1111. q-11 OItPIPIVW STALE V A LUA BLE Ii EA L EST.% TI v tln.. iiiiil it! mit cif t 01111 Or .1 riiiitry I.• isi.i• will DAY. 1111 . 2 Il Jiffy i iv EMli El, A, t o 1.2 , . 1 ., lA. 1111. . HIV i..111111111.11,1 . 111.1 . 1i 1 ,11 0.1“11 . . 111,, t NI 1.-A \"AI.I.:,:kIILE 1131. • • 11 , t log A I t;sl h• v M Irkw, 1111111x1:, mid 100 A('RES fa, 1.11111. .11W WU . ..V., 010% C 0t... story 1,04", iphcksit.llll • a largo Swi•v ",,,'l 1,14 , •tithle. ono r Iwo 0.0.111 y 4.110.1111111.4 'Ph.` 11111111.0111 P tit erly thiv lut to , T y -11101:1. It lalgo• vm . l..ty of rro't t. a, ninl oh, I vv 1101.. In, tr.-II it "rtl-y thell111.1...1111: Intro.ba.v•r, 11,,' Pl{llll'lll I' ,11,1111,110 t ill" rich troll Me d. p..-ite with Iv Ilk. It Ill:.. berm Ithiami NO. 2.—A LOT 0!" GIZOCNI) .0 0 .1.. in ro..:11.1 tow itvl,ll, a tt rulay, wrpt 11,. pulthe rtm.l t. W, r,, rlllll/11 511..1 r vil 1%11. 11..11 tl.t 1111111110,1•1011.111.1.0111:4( I •riuth.ril r. 1.1.1 Allll4- I.llWlg. 01,01,1 1 8 (_' 11 S • o•ott The 100.rovenlontn 0,,'r000 04.041., p'll good Two-'lolly. nit Iv!: WELLING 11.IT • SF.. f.arnl./100.0..101.01ter t 0 'llO. 0.. I. Inn 11101 .11 V11111V.1111.11. 111111 I. pr,., bled wl 11 I rite varlet) . 01 fruit au rl,. 111114.1.111 l.•vuli 01 of 1110, lot utak., part:haw., No. 2.—A viiJimble I met of F.l LAN .lipstP• h. toof....nahl i.kty nlk p an.l oin . trdr, Nis, 111,1,', .p.d Papiel Ili•Pn er, n . u 11..111..g..r. p aopl (main.; A1...i1l 1) 5 .•.\ R , .1,4...2.; • /ire "I b ' stmid oil ,it4.l Ow It • limn. • f theb...l Jain) lit iho ..111 • Sery 411Tlt. • nici iv II .1 ranlaallitip fr. Ili, h. six arr..... ch. h.r that la. 'Wen 111..44111'04 ~tri.‘ itact.., i.Dra co. ai 11... iv atal SVIII ht . pray, la Sli de p / . .,11,1 011 ot noel .In aof Jam, p„lea, .... a , d oe , taivtiship and ratml) Th. f..11 , 1111..1in Wlll bo .1( Had al vt ta. 1111 . tidy ..f by W3I. 11, 111,1*AlElt. =II .IoIIN I:U , v A 111, IiILATZEit, fly Mc —A. 1,. Itclir, Gleik elothinn . EXCELLENCE OF FABRIC! PERFECTION IN STYLE! ECONOMY IN PRICE! Our stock is complett ; and in--great NEM FtEADY-MADE CLOTHING FOR GENTLEMEN. Business Suits, - - $lB to $4O Dress Suits, - - - $35 to $5O Fall Over Coats. - - $lO to $3O Winter Over Sacks of Freize, $lO " " Pctersham,sl4 " " " Chinchilla, Fur or Moskow Beaver, $2O to $55 Winter Surtouts of Frieze, - $l2 If ti Petersham, $l6 other fabrics, $2O to $4B FOR BOYS Bismarck Suits, $7 Other. Fancy Styles, - $9 to $2O Metropolitan Suits, - $l4 to $3O CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. New Goods, of Fine Qualities and Eleaant Styles. American Yoke Shirts, In stoc:i and made to order. Inquiries by mail promptly answered, and System of Measurement forwarded when desired. Address Box 2256, N. Y. P. 0. DEVLIN & CO. BROADWAY, COR. GRAND STREET. BROADWAY. COR. WARREN STREET S'6so PER . ITIONTIII.-TINE RES book 1111)114,1. A(7...N ho 1011 %mr it. w wink, PLAIN 110)I II TALIi AI)N SIF.PICAL etOIP4IN romp. There never u loilok roll she, Ilkdit Any hod). eto eel It. I:very h oly tit aloe )t. :111rh7 ip o imm, fru...loW to ik :Ai per mouth relllni 11114 wt oderhal b 24 pittie Cirett'er •••u OU 'V Mont •l I v.' Anew.; 11101 I Via" /011 p npl• rritth• the went.; of Chi,' work, awl thi met the t it t• it U111 , 11,..11 who to to goo!' es Weil 11.11.11114 e motley Alike., 412 itro ono meet, Neu, IMEM nuILDEItS, I. 001( TO 1 (Mit IN TEHE:Ts. r. 1.17. lititi arr. mat.urturlng 11. a llytiull Plp, Chimney l'oto 1.,111 no us re) 'l' vs.rh..tii.. r 1.).1 ti...rn &triad., luau nrL 71p , y tire 1115 , 1”..i pots terkmit undl.‘ plwrlirA o lly (rya rrat....l, aro is fti prxer..hper. EQUIVALENT TO STONE ei II NAT Y PIM!! id 25 TO Cr, 1,102.1 fur a circular. or call nutl 1,..111. al Moir utticc *oil caccuuNclur), c”ruer ol taut lint •tc,ll and Lo d . Valley Italica:id. RE =UM EMMNE ME !=M!!1!1!!!!!!
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