Tl2c Atgistcr, EVISKT WHUNKADAT lIT IRE - DELL & SHIPLEY TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE No paper discontinued until all arearages are ald, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send us their old address as well as the new. • THE York Daily is the mum , of a nnw pa. per just started at York, Va. It present. , a flue appearance. Teachers' Institut° of Northampton eoutty will meet In the Court lion=e at Easton, on 'nimbly the 4th of December. DIVIDEND.—The Allentown National Bank have declared n Rani annual dividend of Ma per cent., payable on nod after the Ilth inst. DISCHAIttiFAL —Henry Fogel, charged with larceny, bun been dincliarged from custody, no evidence having been produced to itstain the CO THE Columbia Fire Company hare porches• cal a young Newfoundland, which has been named "Hose," and Is to be brought up in the: way ho Amid go—to fires. Itguotous.—Rev. S. K. Brobst was a dole• gate to the General Council of the Lutheran Church, which tneci, at Lancaster, Ohio, last I= THE young man arrested in this city on last Saturday, on the charge of committing a theft In Lancaster enmity, was henry L. Fogel, and not Francis L., as erroneously stated on Monday. THE Rending Times thinks that if the I)cin. oerats are no good at counting population no they are at counting Votes, a new census by their City authorities would give fluor city n population of 50,000 at least. THE North renn Iron Company below Hellortown, have nearly completed their new fur nace, and expect to go in blast sonic time this month. Every modern improvement ha., been embodied In Its construction, and It is considered one of the finest furnaces in the United States. MEETING OF COUNCILS.—There was not a quorum presert in the Select Branch, last week. In the other Tirana, a petition from property Owners on the West side of Seventh street, between Gordon and Liberty, asking that the breaks on that street be rained six inches was read, nod an order passed granting the request. TERRIBLE AND FATAL ACCIDENT Two MEN KILLED AND ONE WOUNDEIL—A end uccl dent occurred at the Keystone Slate Quarry, near Slatington,Friday afternoon, at half pasti o'clock, liy which Jacob Kimtzman and Felix Boyle were killed and Earnest Dallier badly hurt. The above wan received by telegraph, but we were unable to get further p.irlicular. • PRESKNTATION.—Thursday evening Liberty Hose Company were the recipients of a beautiful sliver lire horn, presented by numerous citizens, through Charles 11. Wolf, Esq. For this token, It IS but justice to say, the Company , is Indebted to the Indefatigable labors of-Mr. Wolf, that gen tleman having collected the money from the liberal Mends of the company. Boost AOHINCY.—Pr. Wm. J. Hornig, gen eral f‘gent for the valuable books entitled " Enii ncut Women of the Age," " The Old World Con-- pared with the New," " Lost Abroad," and "Phi losophy of Housekeeping," has turned the agency over to Wm. IL Deshler, Hamilton street, next door below the American Hotel, to whom all ap plications for districts to canvass should be made. THE Allentown Dramatic Association, ac• cording to reports; Is progressing vigorously nod will he In running order in the course of two or three weeks. Such an organization would he a credit to our city and an adVatitage to thon who may join It, especially those who wish to Improve their elocutionary powers. We hope, for the reputation of those having Its management in their hands, that this entertainment will not meet the fate of the boat club. ELECTION OF OFFICERS OF 'tin: GRAND CHAPTER OF PENNSYLVANIA, A. V. M.—The sin mull election took place Thursday evening nt Ma sonic Hall, Philadelphia, and resulted as follows: Most Excellent Grand High Priest, Comp. Micinel Nishit ; Most Ex'eollent Grand Scribe, Comp. Charles E. Mayer; Most Excellent Grand Scribe, John Wilson, Jr. ; Most Excellent Grand Treas urer, Comp. Peter Williamson ; Most Excellent Grand Secretary, Comp. John Thompson. The installation of the officers elect will take place on St. John's day, next, December 27th. Coat, THADE.—The Pottsville Journal of the , 29th ult., says :—" The prices obtained for Scranton Coal at the auction sale on Wednesday, which show an average reduction of 32 cents per ton on all sizes shwa the September's:de, bare completely paralyzed the bade for the present, and prices will have to rule still lower to inert this decline. This, however, will be almost Im possible. Bet few of our operators are more than paying expenses TIOW, and Many arc losing at the present rates. To suspend the collieries would not help the trade now, because the other regions could supply all the coal the market will require, and consemiently it would have scarcely any ef feet on prices for the balaace of the season. It looks gloomy for November and December, but It cannot be helped now. Those who can go inc will do so, nad those Who cannot at low rates, will have to conform to elrcuttistances." PRICES OF GAB IN PRINCIPAL CITIES.—Mr. Janice Stewart, Clerk of Council of Savannah, Ga., has complied, from official information, a tabulated statement of the prices paid for gas in thirty-three cities, together with the tests used, the standard, and the capacity of the-burner, from which we take the following : Pittsburgh furnishes the cheapest gas in the countri, as It can well afford to do, the price be ing $1.85 per thousand feet. Cincinnati conies next In order, $2.25. Cleveland, 0., Milwaukee, Wis., pay $3.50; Baltimore, Chicago, Providence, It. 1., Richmond, Va., and Wilmington, Del., $3 ; Detroit, $2.30; • New York, New Haven, Peoria and Rochester, $3.50 ; Troy, N. Y., $3.75 ;Charles ton, S. C.,lrorfolk, Va., New Orleans, Springfield, Mass., and Wilmington, N. C., $4 ; St. Louis, Mo., and Newburg, N. Y., $4.50; Augusta, Ga., Atlanta, Ga., Knoxville, Tenn., Rome, (hi., and Savarmah, Ga:, $5; Columbus, Ga., 00.50. The above arc the rates charged to private consumers. The Pittsburgh Gas Company furnishes to the city 12,600,000 feet annually without charge, and charges $1 per thousand for what Is used by the city over that amount. CLOWN, AUCTIONLRIt AND HINDMASTER CIRCUS nintit THE HAMMER—CONUREOATIoN Or CLOWNS AND RINONIASTERS AT TRENTON, N. J -THE LARGEST ELEPHANT IN THE COI7NTHI SOl.l yon ss,ooo.—The sale of French's circus by auction woo commenced Thuraday at Trenton. The proprietor, J. M. French, Intimated to the public that the sato wits not brought about by a failure. He had worked the liminess for a num .ber of years with success, and it 'was because other and more pressing business demanded his attention that ho was obliged to sell out now. At the hour appointed Nellie sale a large num ber of persons—principally circus map:lucre— were present on the circus grounds. Of these Mr. John O'Brien, of Philadelphia; Mr. Kelly, agent for the Van Amburg circus, New York, and Mr. ow r.NT. —Between it o'clock and the Jacob need, for the Ilillsdale Menagerie, New ! midnight of the 21th of October, the livid; of a York, Invested largely. All the seats went to Mr. farmer named William Milk, of indo.,fid I own- Kelly for 050. Four splendid pad, horses for ship, were invaded by ;t cattle raider, and two $1,220, and a pair of white pet forming horses for valuable heifers takes therefrom. They were $BlO, were also purchased by him. Mr. O'Brien traced Into the possession of a' matt named linos bought the large elephant fur $5,000, the band huger, who had bought one of them, and a neigh chariot for $3,000, the,performing pad horses for hor of his near Lbw Lexington, who held the other, $925 and the canvas and and canvas wagons for the 'pair having been" bought for e7A, and a $750. Thirteen camels were purchased by Nir. portion of the purchase money paid. Snspleion Reed for $5,200. A double hump-backed camel attached ton man named Henry Felt, who deeribes woo also purchased for $4OO by Mr. Reed. A I himself as being it York State Yank L-who had number of homes, carriages and other equipages ; been living as a farm hand with Edward Shaw, were pUrcha . sed by private Individuals. The sale and who bad previously narked upon the torn of the monkeys Was the most amusing spectacle ' Mite near Lamdale. Comtable David Well,crt ever witnessed by the Trenionians, and the versa- I went for him, arrested and brought him before tile auctioneer managed to equip the two riding I (teary, l'., ou W“lnr,day, but ttil proof of his monkeys In full costume so cis to glee the public guilt not being very conclusive, he we: let loose. the benefit of a day's fan gratis. Tile greatest Other circumstances routing to the knowledge of bargain of the day for a buyer wan that made by I the Constable, be endeavored to arrest him the James If.lfeGuire, of Trenton, who purchased next morning, when Felt endeavored to escape; the cranky, tricky little pony for tifty-five dollars. but was brought to by 11l pistol shot. Ile admds A few weeks ago Mr. French was offered $4OO for the larceny ; and was placed in prison on bast ells minimal. Friday evening.—Dnyleptown Minnow'. READINUS.—It is said Professor William Mason Evans ill v.s._ Allentown shortly to give readings for the benefit, of the Episcopal Omni. TIM wholesale grocery line of Messrs. Scipio, Johnston & Co., es:wet to Imvo Own. new building, at Second nod Hamilton strom-. ready for occupancy by the nut of January. Wen NEWB.—Fore'ign Ai=pnt cites unnntinee that " Turkey le getting, tine.t,l - --.t elate of feel log peculiar to the turkey on tlr• nppr.nelt nt Thenkeuivlng Day•nvery ern r. 'l'i4! meeting of the Moy , r Monument Com mittee will be postponed to the ilrq 'ChurnlaY Lt December, to give time for a eoMplete return from time Sunday Seim()ln of the county. W. It. Gott;,, Chairman. TitAYET,Ete , Itt:coiti) paper Jostled by the Tearyler', Inqura nce tfaffipany and 111.,trIbnted orataitonily. Thh , company has created an Innnen;e by faithfully to printer's Ink. rhaelee Eeloo . t i , h:. t , ..ent for this city. ( n om!No.—Sam Shur')ley, tilt• great te cru minstrel, trill visit this city, the tie-t week in De cember, with his combination show, whet, he will distribute a large number or pre-enta 1111101)g the audience each evening. His way of Joint: thlugs Is Splkell of :04 lair cud impartial. LIASEII.“.I,.—The Piehed " ..f !claim.. are eadenvorlog to .irr for another match trill. the t.. be played In eity, prolmldy 0.. tlae iii t of the College Niue. If they are' the Quick elepe must bring their best el..e they will lose their laurel... Mnsuv.=Money is very plenty in Ibis city and can be bad at low rates. Short time loam, rule from to 5 per rent. IL 1110:1111—!OnErer lime In proportion. The bide for limns in the Farmer, :npl Much:mien Aseociction, evening, were i'iMM qO. lii Whitehall i,..5!2(T_1100. • 'l'ii America hail it &lion , time Tuesday evening after the election of tialr apiece-. The following are the stluet , 6llll C,1:1,11t1.11: , : —Pi dent, Jacob S. Henninger : Vivo Pre,ideht, Fo-tor Halfpenny ; Secretary, Allen \V. lici per ; .Ns-is- nt Secretnry, John Slip ; Charles filump; Foreman, N. I. Foreman, George Wats-or : ' ill-11Y-. )11:;11:‘ , 1, Allen Stattler. funeral of I•'rodr•ric!: T. 8.,!,1 . •u look place la,t IFedoe6day from the rt .1,11,c.. of hi., father. 1114 remain, were followed 1.. by the Excelsior Wile, awl .111,m Zo•,t ives. a ceow panted by inutile, a delegation of print• r. and compositors from the sivcral r.tebli-Inncnt. of Ills - city, and a large number of frbauls and r. la- Ile buried kith eillitery 'weer ATTE)II'T 111(11INVA Ku❑tn_li v other night nonie ruffians plaiiti•il thioni-eivi, in favorable pn,ltiuuS for action on tliv rovil from Catmmaqua to .\llentown. in from this elly ea= rrturniim of o that road, ‘vlh•ti tho own ! t deutly, with II IN= Ic spirited Ittd- ne• t tt hem and frit,trate4 tilde d ❑nt a detective DEATH OF A 11EINIT.--1110111:1 , \ Vitae' died last week In Upper Providenue. Niontvoincry, county, In the 94th year of his a wa never married and had lived a beriilll ., if for ever half a century, ina dilapidatedaa hovel. Ile had no rclatlveii. In order to rave 11 , ellile for Id. es;• ro tors he purchased lit tomb stone two year, and had It Inscribed with hi , rime and use. v: hieli was put down at 04. It is rumored that he • either willed his propertylor a ceinetrry or to the alarm of tire, about half past 7 o'clock, Wednesday morning. was cati,ed by the burning of a franc kitchen attached to the de ri ling, of Francis Yobst, on Sevcntli steel Gor don. The Liberty !lose, being pert• at hand, were on the spot soon after the lire WAR 0.1,0 oVereli and through their timely effort:: the main building tuns saved from destruction. The tither ciinipanie , were out promptly, but the promptitude of the Liberty made their services utncer,rary. The kitchen was burned out and the roof destroyed. The loss is not heavy. llEconT 01 coal tranqportedoNTE Leht..ll Valley Railroad for the week emit tt: (let. iPJ I compared with mme time la,t et r : • • Wevk Total Wyoming 13,548 16 I'i36 711 03 Hazleton—. 14,11i1! 10 1,1 4 :13.071 07 Upper Lehigh 114 06 11,637 03 Beaver Meadow 15,050 00 617,7 1 1 10 • Nlahanoy 0,771 03 3:12,055 06 Munch Chunk 1,3i7 07 Total by flail A: Cana1...... 91 Same lime 18011 .1.1,009 10 '2,0:,ti...2:19 00 Increase Dt crea-t. APPI.IITix'S . ALMANAC for 1871 is really Milli:int—but useful us well a, hal 1,0100. It is very full of practical information, lats a elmioe miscellany, :tad several original poems lv Albs Cary mid others that are excellent. But IN ill features are partienlarly noticeable. Its cover or colored butterflies is truly gorgeous, aml most its illustrations gems of engraving. Its s ab. , of • calendar lalads are particularly beautiful, and , 0 are its full-paged dance pieces. The yr:x-111(1.i' little gem is forty cents, and this stun reinat el to the Publishers, D. Appleton Al - . Co., New Yoe!, will 'retire a copy by returo post ByitGLAhs Anou . r.—TnEy ate; 14111.A11 I) BET NOT AItRESII7D.-011 Monday 111;4111 a lleMeellll and I'2 o'cloelt,Allett Weis , . ran again'st two men hi the yard of Id, father's residence at No. q9G Hamilton street. Being, naturally, smnc• Willa startled at the sudden mecting, he made 011 possible haste Into the hou , e, when the burglar,. who no doubt shared the same feelings. also made tracks. Mr. Welts afterwards went out into the Street and, securing a policeman. went is pursuit of them. They were seen at the earner of Eighth and Hamilton, :nut upon the approach of the pur suers started nil' hi opposite directions. II the light of the lamp their fares could he distinguished and the policeman gave the opinion that th.•y were strangers In the town. Why they wore not arrested it a matter far conjecture. .1. it. Writer's Jewelry store is on the first door the building where they were discovered. Mr. Weber general ly sleeps in the store, hut last night he was away, and it Is supposed the men were aware of lids fart and would have broken lota and robbed the estah lishment had they not been discovered. A SICRLY TIM]: rots ItmanTs.—We Copy the followlvg from the Nor . ristown Jler•afd—" !lur ing last weck a gentleman farm our town, ac companied by n friend residing at .Topton on the line of the East Pennsylvania Railroad, had some ram , sport amongst the midis. In throe days they. bagged lifty-three, all in good condition. lie visi ted the mines of Messrs. Fatham. near Topton, on the East Pennsylvania 12. it., Brrks county, bringing specimens of magnetic and hematite ores. The former is of great magnetic power and specitit.l gravity, and I- worthy a place in any nit scum. Ile also brought a specimen of petrified wood from the stone lee thily, which is al-o a real curiosity. Ile describes that portion of the Lehigh Valley ns well worth a visit—the scenery on a grand scale t 4 magnificence. High hills and rugged rocks, sloping up . lamis amt fertile vall e ys, wooded ravines anti bosky dells, busy mines, and pleasant homesteads, eoutlilhe to naihe a grand panorama of thrift and science beailty. ,• We would inform the Mesabi, howel , T. . 1 . 0140111 , not. In the Lehigh Valley. STEAIJNO nEivERs—ARRE,T ,EIIIW - 1 REGIST THE ACCIDENT. Pluton Lei illiach Met with nu aeei.lent on Salaclay, by being caught between a heavy box andone of the wheat or hh wagon. Illt Injuries wer, not ,erinni enotmli to compel him to 11111 wnrk. Ile comblm , n n narrow et cape. Tin; ..11 (hp invriezin Hotel, tvhieh gives the lie,' part such :111 tine appe:u•ttutce, Is being ~.xiemletl 11l the oilier stories: When the portico I, raised ;mother story nod the building throughout the exterior revolves its cost it lir/Unit, the Aliterleitil •until pre,ent hop4.lsg 11 prearmicv. Boy DllowNEth—Thulelphip. Post says the Coroner Wednesday morning was untitled to hold an inquest on the holy of a hap, who, on the day previous, fell overboard at Tastier street wh:itr was drown oil. The m a ne ir Frani, Nortlistolte, unit is a resident of Malnthoy. Valley, in the vicinity of Mauch Chtoth. 1118 father the proprietor of n canal Loaf 11 leg at the above Mimi, and the boy, while playing •nn Monday, NI from the hail :oat Wit-. drowned be fore ,lICCOr rrnehed him. - E. 11. lhainnii, Slat ington, will preach lu the NI. E. Church, 1111 A on l'riday ecruine . Se , V;(.1, In llre 111:1i11 1111(11- The protrdet,l Meetings In this church continue with find hat ed. lute re , it. number have profc , sed ,religion and oilier:, ari• •relting Sikh'iltloll. Tile Ferviet, held In.l ,veelt %Imre in a great measure an experiment, of the Itind Imvifie ever hero livid in till: einirelf 'wren'. milli it is i 0 1111- lietelee that the IlleiSt illitielpalimp , of the congrefzetion were fultilled. COUNCIT, MEETING.—L'Ity Councils held a meeting. Tile:slay evithing. In the Select.l.trancli, the rettigtmt lon of Gill ton In.uth, lol.• engineer of the Colmultiti Fire 1'0,111,111y, iteeepteti and the eleet t ion of 1,, 1, 61,21111 , • 1 ,, 111111111211, resolution anLI Diehl to collevt 11.11.1nee of 'city lON LV.IO pu.sel, but was ito-ttpte.l , l ii. It continon Branch. A e,t901 loft Ira. it,s• .1, ::nd etsteurt I in, request ing' the Nittyor to Ittitily 11 . rty 11 , 11tler:t. 1111 ‘ecttt ride a ;0...1,1 I, A.A...., I . llioll, LO tri.air Iltoir, dolOy• re,o lotion relsitin,:t to tti.te itt,intitting \Vitter,lr,el.; 1, lett not etes - it r • 11 . 11 th • Ctintint n lirattelt. lu Ili 1,1•11, 111%111,11, the (:".11 . 1141.•., dn, ‘V:I re lii6tract,l t., :‘t eArly a 1 , • Pule ‘viatt plan is in HI iu thir -..1711 'laa. li llply'lhrl tail \‘' 1.1 the 1,:.1 :1 Into Iva, p.t. , se I 1161111 11:111' iii: hol , o-ra upon erhuhril- in rue!, conuty foar the purp.., ore , t•thli•hilur a lau Ehr.Cry, , .1 coloolhh, hill lie. n .li.polute.l ,ane time ;Igo to cam the provi or . el into onxt, !AA thcy .• 0tt.0,1 to 11,. ol,:lter, 11 Oell ;11,. olo:OliIW or E. .T. More, Eawora Harvey :ma John RT.! p, Jppoitortl. mu) On Thut- 1 .3 y laot they h chi to l'O111.1r1,.111.1 . :11.1 :thou) two lulu Ire 1 vo:olue , of 1.110 1),,0k, 1., All. loown lilt Friday, \Whet' tl.ry Iltd room 1,0•:: of the Court 11 here Ow m 1111,1 , ui the all! the olll ecr- of t . 01111 - 1 - .111 bore fret, aceess to then, =CI MEI =EI The:, 6',01.- ‘‘eie.lll percba , o(l at the store of Jolla Campbell, nil S.I 11,1111 and among , thcal b• .1 CollllPll2tt, uf l'enn-ylvania liepous, ,xteediuz, ,01ne cur , before the Iterolu tbm. Tle. h,:lanet luincipally text books. An (web , aeenTa dale :ern fort lilt adtlitlnm Stilt be ma le I•, lice 1,11, that. I)rrt, —llll Coilowing lion-er Tully, from Adams county, lately decided by Suproine Court, in.ty give ii- fill inform:abut a, to the duties and o!,ligotions of inn-beepers to their guests : Tully w,ou inn mud purchased li quor, &e., ;111,1'g:ivy money for safe-keeping to one I in the liar-room, as to whom there Was evidence that It, was har-hcrpe-c. The money was lost. The Court properly in,tructed the jury that if Tully was a guest, and gave hi, money bottle bar- I t heeper, or if lilt In fact bar-keeper, 0110 acting in a capacity from Which all authority to receive the weary on the olthe house might helitirrretl, he could recover ir the lammy aas ilitylitleti to him WI the Credit 01 the Inn ; hut if Tully was not a guest, Or 11AM-its] the onmey on tha credit Maioo innamepar, let Lamm and r e c o ver. inn-Imaper extend, a pea era I invitation to travolets ;tea yet, ives ❑ l'eWar.l its his hospitality, from whielt re-alt' corrermonaing Milks, one being to protect the property of hi, guo,i , . .th inn-keeper is baud to take all possible ea, of the good-, money ;ma of hi , dern,ited in his lion, or entrusted to ha , family or is reaproi , ilde for their act, and the act , of other Lt1it.51,,.. An inn-keeper I, hound to pi (wide honest servant, unit to ext rei,e an exact vigilancwoverall parsons coming' hao his house nu guest, or other mate. An inn-hamper is bound to pay for goods I stolen in hi , 1:00 , 0 from a ; stolen by the -recant or volayanion of the euc,t. 111 ea . ce ;,„ ihoo,c.c.though li,thiefortlw tat,h.,: , •;11:10 01' hi, guest's money when not a To,it it Oa the ,cearity of the inn, ':rusts it to:La:flier gas-t, or inmate in whom :"V.;,77,11 1t I 17 1 NM 11 of I`.”-i !!‘ •!. V. 1 ,1101 Not Guilty, •nt ow.. I tli is Ilia :br 1, '!.•• Ck1 , i1 . 1 . . 0 . .1 "tilt of L.., t 1!111 i NV II 4. n It lb in. Puller. F. an 18. Fined $5O ttlition lo :u.titence fu such CII9CF. in. :11Z1..1,te01., I);cill and 1,01 Snider. 1,1 h ttt,vy. Tin.. ton r0...d. • IL. battrry 1):lo.t.1 int plead guilty t.) `I% 1111/1111, .1 . 2 t .n. Ilti.l.lpll. duty I . .nurtnal n vuraiet Cuu iti C L:n•reoc. ~ •ntcnred Ct;ut.; Selling liquor without I)..fotut;tot tzullty. Fined QM :AL, 11. Cio I'. al! 11. on oath of .1111,11.1 11..walcl. (Lt trial. Commonwealth :tgahug Bcnjamin Burger. Ass and Imttery. \e idiot, N u Guilty t en.,ts di yidcd Ina‘vcen rum , ccittor and thleMlatd. Com. :mt. Loci !order. Vertliet, fluEty. Remanded For ,tmtclun•. Com. agt. Stcpben Fry acid David Scholl. Lar s cer.y. Stephen Fry, one oldie defendant-, pleaded gnilty nud u•as ..emmtemi to one year. Cola. ant. Daniel Smith. ana hattery. l're , ccutor complains that defendant, a police offl: :trre-led corncr.ltmllng and tool, him to the Etation house, and while arresting hint pushed him vinlently oil a Elora has. 1 / 1 1 trial. COlll. Smith, (revolted ye.terdtty oil ti vordiet Guilty—hut dorendault pay of ow ct,-ts. Unlit. :fgt. Atl,ll-on zer. t barge, forgery. tlefoithiit was vitarg , tl with forging the name of Singtna-t :del nor re.eleis teill leinetn• her wa , arre.tctlttiol co...tined in the old county from whi h he coca 11,1 hudnn• ltit, occur• ed. lie Ne t t: re, tpitireti a lust week= ,11,0, ht antlinritlee lu Le enmity. Thn pri-totor pleaded' guilty ttnd NV.I , ,i . 111,11C,t1 to it , 11 , 11,011111';:11 . I , f tiro yeaus nulsiv 111 , ,11(11-. M'nt. Craig. Val,. prettier on oath 'fit: Imtheriin Observer oblects to the tine of the of it,tokt Noll. pio-eritti end:red. j term "mmitereci," as applied to the Augsburg Tot, ends the criminal li-t for this term. Ars Confession, bolding that as there are but one Paul lion Justice, were 011:11 talien up. and onelile, so only does It linow one Augsburg Chas. Itoaty agt. Allentown Iron Company. Confession. The use of the expression naturally . Plaintiff claims a pr•reentage of wage-retained hi. arose from the filet that In several publications &root lilt, fOr darn 1.40 , for 10.1Vitit: hie sn‘lrk all thl c011i , 2 churches the Confession was 00010- ,101 e the Furnace way .for i what changed and adapted. plaintiff. New trial grant.:d on motion of Erattoto For fifty yearn troth languages were preached and Oliver, attorneys for deletulatit . 3361. s, Rupp In St. Johns,-Easton, Pa., and for the last twelve and Harvey f o r I *d:um years,. by two pastor,. lint now a eery' fraternal Tilghman Sell:nor., and James Christman, separation has been ellbeteri. The English part trading as Selo:toy, christman, agt. Brown .v retain the old church turd pay the German part ' Andrea , . I'.oodur7 ,totot pay for groecrie, far- I C.*:•:0,"2:10 to build it church for themselves. Ali are trish. , l lap or,:rs of )I.•fernlatit at their orders. On I perfectly satisil3:d,and the division In peaceful. trlal. 'ltrblges Selono) er for plaintiffs Em. Tito General Assemilly of the Reunited Presity ', matt and Odver for defendant , . terian Church authorized Ito Board of Domestic . Per r rders agt. John)lour:. V. r.liet for des Missions to supplement the :salary of any pastor . koT,l,t. it, for new receiving loss that :SOU a year, on recommend:l- I: it. I'. Smith Co., :tat. Daulei fr,:org . e. fter flan of their presbyterie:-. . h a ving* inipaneiled a Jury not hoard part of le.- (ire. It. F. Slicker, of Kutztown, to eontribut timouy ease was cent. rl. Ing to the DA:Tana:o Missionary a sales of 'u nroll:lg A: Kelm, , of Rhoads ,t; Kelm, ticks on ." The Principal Pulpit Orators of the net. John 51.11111. This was an action for debt. Imtherau Church," translated from the German Jury In thin case is out. of Rev. W. Beete. The liret Is published the ilent•y Colt agt..lantes Hooey. Ott I ria present %reel:. and is upon Mullin Dither. • \\ D I.i ra 1,1,1 nudt•r ER, ALLENTOW MATTEits.—The repnin4 of Coplay Flounce No. 1, now completed 0101 the blast put lu again. As limy ho expected the hest of Imo is tondo and taken ft not No. 1. SIVEIt.— ; EW Brown Silver Alining Com roey of ('lllorTi.), clorint: Oetober, .Upped two loOton , of silver respectirdy 1148 and 60,1 at over 4 , 18,00(1. . ME Dramatic As.-ocintion, II k announced, will hold a meetlne: . t the office of Morris L. Kauffman, Esq., on Thur,day evening; next. Ilusl ne-s of Importance will he before the meeting. A :slEw Marlin:E.—T. 1). Clarke, of has rendered himself obnoxious to the Brid get, of the country by inventing and manufaetur. leg n dish iva , shing machine. Mr. Ciarife'a ma chine is sail to po form its woth ;V. thoroughly and che,iply :In a C6111:1111:111. ELErrEi , l'ict•srEE.-711r. O. L. Schreiber, of Copley, who was u representative, at the Synod of the Reformed Church of the United States, which rony, boil at Mechanicsburg:. l'a.. last wed:, tvioi elected by that body a Trustee of the Reformed Theological Seminary at Mercersburg, Pa. We understand that the Seminary I: , to be removed Miring the course of the present year to the city of Lancaster. Pau:.—The lire Saturday morning,about hail SeMI, WI. caused by the burning of a bed In the house of Frederiel: Goebel, nn Penn street above Gordon. It appears, a little boy, who was play ing with !minims, set lire to the bed which was consumed together with some carpet. The Fire Department was out, hat their •ervlees were not [wetted. Tap: •Bethilehem Times wanja a market lion,. After having a market house erected,,the town would probably ht. In the Ilx as our own. We have a market holow and although the city might receive coln.ltlerable revenue frelll the renting or and the citizens would receive con4leralto.• 'advantage therefrom, the City rather: take no onion to.compel farmers to tali° thei. proinee Otero. We have a tnarltet house, kat our markets arc on wheels. l'unsurr o .‘ SUSPICIOUS DOO.—A dog, which was supposed to Is mad by some of the In habitants of that rat of Northampton opposite Coplay, I va: ek.,,,1 by some mon over Into Cophy, tvl r y.,, ear tool, olttle from his pursuers by :• • -.Totl story room c. Aad r.•, - home, t‘licre he was de teetc.l by a nuoill7 of the family soon after. The al was ammo a 01, and to those pursuing, who lo•t no iinu• is Mincing his existence to an un happy termitl.ll,. T E COP \ SUN DAY Scnool, was reopen• IA last Sunday. after a vacation of nearly four months. The protracted vacation was owing to the erection of the new school building and chapel, wherein the Sunday School and divine son ices are held. The Sunday school opened under very Civoriihle auspices and the stall,ties for the In>t year show that by far the better per (ventage of attendance was during the muter months, thus proving the !het in this instance that the Sunday school , hould lie held open all the year round. St•iciot:.—lliram Comb]um, aged about 35 years of age. committed suicide yesterday morn ing by hanging himself in the garret of his, resi dence, No. 2'2 South Second street. lie was last seen Ile fore the occurrence at about tun o'clock, when lie went up stairs to go to bed, and was 'ills- COVered abnul twelve. Deet: a sed was a printer by trade, hav lug worked for some year lit the Mike of the /,'”aliay .hubT. Ile was In the employ of his father-in-law, Mr. Samuel Nyce, wholesale provision dealer, Fourth' street above Penn, and left a wife and three children. Ile had been strongly addicted to liquor, and his suicide Is at tributed to mental aberration from this rause.— Rotiling PUNEHAI Or A Pill lINENT PfIYSICJAN. The Aineral of 1)1 . . A. L. Huebner, for a number of years a practicing physician In Bethlehem, look place Wednesday afternoon in that borough. The I welt's pall bearers wine physicians of Lehigh and Northampton counties. Drs. E. G. :mil Dc wee. L. Alartin, of this city, being a 111611 g the handier. The Doctor was a profel.or in the Mo ravian 1 1 ',1nale Seminary, and as a mark of respect tat Lc deerased,the young ladle: of that institution, :mine three hundred iu number, attended his fune ral in a body. The services were held in the Mo ravian Church, and were marked by their Ito presslve solemnity, the efficient choir discoursing: mo-t beautiful and awe-insphlug mush.. Ills re mains were interred in the picturesque eemetery ou Ni-ky 1 I ill. Col.l.lsloN or TRAINS ON NORTH PENN. Its 11.RO/co.—This morning, between Comlyville nail the Seller,,ville Tunnel, an accident occurred which was less serious than might be expected. The conductor of the down freight train, Chris. Search, imaead of being out of the way of Con ductor F.d. llammann's down passenger train, ,basi on the track. A tia,gman was sent back by the freight train, but not far enough to prevent the collisloa, there hying a heavy fog at the (hue. Engineer }lose 'Miller, of the passenger train, jumped just in time to race his life ; his fireman also jumped, but was somewhat injured about the bead and shoulders. I'S? passengers were hurt. The Villiadelphia train was late In getting here this morning in consequence of the accident, hav ing to ellan4y all the freight, baggage and mails, amt tahe them around the wrcuh.--/i,f/dehon ( ! f' Wobte,bly. )1.1.1 , 111NE WITIIOrr LICLNSE. Cope ems arrested 16. t evening on a war rant issued at the or the Heading Metlival ..t.,:oviation no the charge or lo.aeti,lng• medicine Inn Reading a Rhona the pmses:Ton °lin medical diploma. rope is :t stranger here, and appears to Lace inch ,rei,lng the occupation oft physician vecenDy in Northumberland calumny, whence ho one hither on the :hi instant, tal:lng hlginit, at the IV.t,lilngton liouse. Here It 6 alleged he re ceived and treated patients, having Issued hand bills, advertising himst.lf as an electrician. The Act of Assembly under Which the prosecution has been brought, forbids the practice of medicine or surgery in several of the counties of the State, Beri:s Included, without a gemination with the degree of Doctor of 'tedicine and a diploma from a chartered Italical College. ,\ further provision of tine law requires the payment of a county license of $.200 by any person opening nn transient medleal office, or circulating of handbills Issued In in med ical capacity. The defendant ens committed by .\ Herman Richards, In default of ball,.for a hear ing this. tnornlng.—Th. tiling Times. . Rl'montin RamitnAD piaci' that the Reading Railniad Company aro about to lease the Philadelphia, Germantown and Norri,town Railroad fora period of ohm hundred ninety-nine year,. aureeing, aiming other t hi ngs , to pay the -tool:holder , an annual dividend, of I wet ye per cent. At Ito dis.tant day probably Ninth and Greets s..tioei, will be the location ofst great Union Depot, and it may be with this' object In view, together with other consisieratiors,that the reported change is to be made. — N'cs take the above from the Nor ri-rown /Laity II ra i l. II the project Is Ntrried oat Wi,belleve the Read ing Company will extend the Norristown Road to theYerkiomen, using it for their passenger trains, while freight and cool will he carried over their old road aS now. This extension will ultimately, We 1101,, 1 , 1, of advantage Itt our own eitlzena oa, when the Perklinuen Road Is completed to Eutaw, 'ha.-en_rrs from Item will be taken into the heart ofl'ltilodelpitia without changing ears. WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 9 1870. LARt.r: stock of ehect, music, instructors, blank books, music paper and cards at C.F. Herr mann's Musk , Store, Allevffrn. —Ake. Wbusricn Woms - \--'9l largest and cheap est assortmcal of shpt s, sofa and pin cushions ever offered In Ills city for sale al A Tomo ninsoN why T. C. Kermthen, of the Allentown Chinn, Glassware and Lamp Store can sell cheaper than others, Is hecattse lie Hells more than any tw•o In the county put tog,ether. ONE Iit•NDRED C I.OAER, rtady•noole for adios, from two to twenty dollarg,, also Water I'roof, Circular, and Cloaks for oils at GULDIN'S. Tim best of Itnlinn violin strings, violins, guitars, liute,, etc., or any other article belonging to musical Instruments, van he bought cheaper' than anywhere else, nt C. F. 11Jrrulann's Music Store, Allentown, Pa.—Ado. ALLENTOWN has an extensive china and glassware establishment where as great a variety and as low prices run he found as In the larger cities. We refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No. 40 West Hamilton street.--Ide. CHEM' Ono.k.Ns.—A single reed 5 octave organ at $9O. A double real organ with 5 stops, at $l3O. A powerful organ with 7 dopy nt $. ISO, at C. F. Herrmann's. corner of 7th and AN EXCELLENT REASON IVIIY T. C. Ker 1111.• hen, of the old Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Store, can sell cheaper than others, is that he buys and sells exelusively for Cash; thus gale lig all the advantage of cash payments and losing nothing by credit sales. A SPLENDID & Son's Gold Medal Cycloid and Square Pianos tank among the finest. Instruments In the country. Their and fullness of tone Is not surpassed bya con, eertgr and piano at double the price. More Instru ments of this celebrated make have been sold in Allentown,. Lehigh and ;Opining counties than of any other manufacture. They can be used many years and not become airy, no moat other pianos do, In only a few yeo•g. Come and examine them al C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seventh awl Walnu street s.—.dn. DEDICATION.—The dedication of the new Catholic Church, on Sunday, was an occasion which will be a notable one in the annals of that church. Numerous visitors were present from the surrounding towns and cities, who participated in the procession, parading our principal streets headed by the Allentown Cornet Band, which dis coursed most beautiful tousle. The principal features of this display were the large number of girls dressed In white with white veils, Catholic Societies, and Bishop Wood, and noted priests front abroad. The services at the church were nto.t solemn and Impressive. Tunas: is to-day, and there has been fur a number of years past, well-founded complaints in regard to the high price of beef in eastern markets. We do not know, nor do .ive believe that the butchers are to blame for this. The fault Iles mainly with speculators Who bay up all the avail able cattle in the West, and then, of course, are able to fix: prices to snit themselves. With a view to heading off these grasping Individuals, a refri gerator car has been inveated, by means of which, fresh neat can be brought from California to New York, and sold there at half the prices charged. This is an important fact, and one upon which consumers time rell , oll tocungratulate themselves. We should pay lees for meat, bntter; and flour, and these successful attempts to transport these Indispensable commodities front the points where they command mere nominal prices to the great city markets of the East, is a , triompli of skill and enterprise of which too much cannot be sail In eOMOICOIIatiOII.--Stoir. :IttiONAL.—Mr. Shipley receivel the fol• g plea , ing notice in the Scranton /N/Idiom Ida) :—Mr. 3. 1.. Shipley, a,-otiate editor of the Republican for II year past, leaves its this corning for Allentown, having deeitiol to perma nently locate himself in that city, v here be has bought a half Interest In the Mike of the7LL:1111111 RI:OI , MR (weekly) :mil Cnnositt.E. Mr. Shipley will proves valuable acquisition to thepress of the Lehigh Valley, awl will influence a decided ITVOIULIOII In the character and standing of the papers of that Important section of the State. The DAILY CIIIIONIC1.1: Wri, under Ills manage ment, take n decided poaltlon 11111011 g the effective, enterprising dallies of the State. Mr. Shipley's training fur the profession was upon the model papers of New England, the .Sprinatleld Republican and the Radon Journal, from the latter of which he cams to the Morning Ripedican. !lir. year's experience here In dealing with Pennsylvania polls tire mil people will be of nervier to him in las new tleld. Mt. Shipley is a thorough going gentleman, ccomplhilth 1 scholar, nil easy and ready wti ter, and an unimpeachable elirl,thin in ;he has our sincere tvishe3 for the best of emcee, in .Ilien lown, whose people are it, 1,1, 1,1,,va Tur. LEcTuRn FRIDAy EvEsis.i-Pitost LEIII6II TO TII PAI rl , .—Cs \ Wright, delivered his lecture on " From the Lehigh to the Pacific" as announced, in the Court House last evening. The lecture 13 the re , iia of the personal observa- 1011 F. a n d ex peril nce, of the General during' it sunitner t rip, extending between the polnt,.intined. c`mie and Inci4l ob,ervation along the route, di , peile•.l the Taney of many a reader of flowery• dies of that dl,hlat land, and for great (Hs tances along the route of the Union Pacific Rail road, the lecturer could not see the Inducements offered Inn emigrants to settle the arid wates of sage brush, sand and alkali. Ills description of Salt Lake City and the Mormons trite lucid and very graphic, presenting to the mind of the !nearer the Picture 01 a beautiful city of white houses, overshadowed by green trees and sparkling with Jets of pure mountain water, in brooldels alid fountains, surrounded by towering mountains, rich in the frosts and snows of Winter, but the immoral shalt of polygamy rests like a cloud upon It, like a beautiful gem marred by the blight of de fection. From Salt Lake City the cars speed their wty over the spurs of the Sierra Nevada mountains and through their gigantic gorges, called CllllOll6, which seem lihe narrow defiles cut through the granite of the mountains, which tower to a per pendicular height on either side of from ilooo to GOOD feet. .18 the cars speed on view after view of grandeur heaped on grandeur bursts upon the enchanted ,traveler'A gaze, of landscape. moan- alns, sunset and moonlight until the soul is wrapped and lost In mute amazement and Cla Ind expresdou only In adoration and praise at Ile feet of Mtn who created all. All this the lee- hirer portrays vividly until you imagine yourself rmilling by his aide In the cars and drinking In the scenery as it burats upon your view. " It is re ettlifOrtliit NVitil its varied climate, ironderful and 111500115 fruit and varied productions, the General regards more as a country of specialities than an extraordinary country inviting' unlimited emigration and exhaustless development. The presence of the Chinaman in also discus-ea, his habits, customs and treatment, and while some of the lecturer's views upon this subject ar, not very pal ular, they are manly, Christian and true. With the arrival in San Francisco, the lecturer describes the celebrated Golden Gate, the turbu lence of the waters without :ma their severity within, the hot her being capable of affording. it Bare and ampleoneherage fur the tkets of the world. • Front S,LII Fr. 161 , 12 n stage route up steep and winding mountain passes, e'n't out of the sides of i the mountains Just wide enough for one wagon to pass along, while on the enter side are perpetulle ular heights down into the gorge below, where the streams lashed into foam look like white bands of fabric fluttering in the fleece driven about by the storm ; onward we go by 'stage and on horseback until grandeur-reaches Its climax In natuhis mas ter-piece, the far-tuned' Yosemite. Volley. here amid tow ering mountains, huge Madders, human Laces chiseled by nature's hand on the slat., of granite peaks, amid the music of fushing, dash ing wateN, down craggy heights and toppling over rocks a dlitance of 2700 feet, with the mist of the ".Bridal Yell" gathering around yon, set tling on yon and penetrating you. The lecturer i leaves you enraptured, entranced with but one feeling bursting from you, that of awe and wonder. Upon. the whole the lecture is replete with graphic descriptions of landscape, mountain and natural splendor that carries the hearers with the traveler from Omaha to Eau Francisco and thence to the Yosemite Valley, without the trouble of tick ets and trunks, while the substantial attractions and inducement; of the country 60 frequently over-drawn and over-estimated ere confined with in the limits of their actual existence. None heard the lecture without being entertain ed anti Instructed. nod feeling they knew more abont the firent West than they did before. REAL. ESTATE.—Alderman Bleckner has 80ht C. F. White's two story brick house and lot, on Second street, east side, between Chew and Turner, to John Sterner for .$3,300. NEW ARHANOEMENT.—On anti after the 9th, the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company will run their passenger and freight tralna through to El mira without change, using the third rail which they have recently laid down on the Erie railway. MRS. GULDIN'S SCARLET FEVER.—The scarlet fever is rag. log In Slatington as an epidemic. Many sad cases has, resulted from this fearful malady. MN. FARIIS died last week, leaving a 01E11 not yet weaned, which also died Sunday. tier brother hxlF, - , lying 111 with the same disease. SHOCKING CA'!C.V.fY•—A shocking accident occurred at Bethlehem Sunday night. It Is sup posed that the man, who was Dutch John, formerly hostler at Fetter's, attempted to Jump front the stock train on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and that he was caught in the cars. Ills both• was horribly mangled and torn to pieces., parts of hls body and limbo being scattered front the Depot down an far as the Rolling Mill. SLATE ITEM o.—Slate pavement is being laid in front of Out Philadelphia Slate I louse which Is taken front the Franklin Slate Quarry, of Jones & Williams, at Slalington. Machinery has (tech put up especially for sawing and planintr the slaps and pulling them in condition to lay death. The Slate trade at S1111111;41°11 is picking . up COll - but It le not probable that ithy quarries which are nit now in oper.tlin•t will pst :Med I hi , Call. The Becond Nation:ll 11;1111: of ilent;;em 1:1); lug down it splendid ~lute pavement. THE. Newark Courier deprecates the cm ployment of very young !toilet as teachers in pub• lie schools, on the ground that a. woman should not be placed as an instructress over youths hall] her mind is fully matured, as otherwise, her weal: points are sure to awaken the . ridicule and disre spect of the members of tar class. No girl is, therefore, lit to teaelt until she Is at least twenty years of age—u I she has Attuned the ways or the world anti hail the vanity of youth somewhat dampened by experience. In oiler that a teach er may not turn out a fool, It is also highly desi rable that long years should be devoted to self education before essaying the responsible .role of teacher. This may hear heavily upon sonic of the young holy teachers of our city ; but there Is sound sense in the logic of our cotemporary. A Pt:ntit• LinnAl:Y.—The 'establishing or a law• library call= op the subject of a pubile library for our citizens. That such an institution does not exi=t In our tuld=t is a sad comment upon the tastes of our citizens. That they believe in .educa lion is shot% n by our eNeclicnt public schools, not surpassed anyn•here in the State, but after the pupils have !Wished a course they have no bat I to draw upon to satisfy their longing to still further perfect their cducatlon. We believe there is no argument needed to convince . our people of the importance of a public library and that it is not only necessary for the well-being of our rising generation, but to sustain our reputatlon Its an en lightened city. The good which o•ould result from the establishing of such an institutioa edition he over-estimated, and we believe that if the proper persons would inaugurate the movemeet it would be In the greatest degree successful. .Thi.rrmtv.—The following are oilleia or deri of Gen. Selfrl:l4e, upoaile,“111011,, eon) mand of the National finarik of tl:e Seventh lh vision : IIEADQVAILTr, 7Th DIVINION N. G. BErnmmum, Pa., Nov. Ord. . Genera( Orders No. 1.1. In accordance with the appointment by the Commander-in-chief of the National Guard of Pennsylvania of Mite Sept.ilOth, 1870, of the undersigned Major General of the 7th Division, composed of the Counties of Lehigh and Northampton, he hereby dbstunes command. 11. The following named ollieris are appointed the stair, and 'will lu (d)eyed and respected ac cordingly :- 0. A. Imckentlacli, Adjt. Gcn., with the rank of Lieut. Col. W. I). Lucke:Mach, Division Inspector, with the rank of Lieut. Col. 'lloward .1. 'Reeder, Judge Advocab.;, with the rank or Major. It. A. Abnclt, Aid-de-ea:up, critic the rank of Major. 1). J. tiodsitalk:Abl-tle.eamp, with thexank of Nlajor. JA s. 1.. Sr.t.rattnin, Major Gen. Hunover Lyceum met on K _ mlatnazoo has a dog tinlieted with the genuine Thursday night last, Nov. lid, at Bat's School I i"1"1`1"g agile. If O l - dng, hi , House. The Lyceum was favored with select hart might cure Min. reading.; by several of the members which were -tga,..l/. has opened a discussion out the potato followed by election of officers for the next emu- ail beg, bat the bug doesn't seem In 111111(1 It :1 log term. 'far tatty-live persons hare been " put out. — of cr• Tlit question, "liAsulecti, That the moral. of a ( if truce this itmitlt.oll Iry hululsing in the delight fill community depend upon Its intelligence," was game of ' , lse ball. fully and ably discussel by the members, with It is said the Grand A ritty'of the Republic will pretmellt Gen. John r. I hitt ry n n. f 1r novt Governor Messrs. Rupp, Rosenberg, Datestnan the :Minos alive, and Desch, Hartzell, Iratz, Iklong on the I of re"" , s l rania• negative. Tire ittlirmative manifested a &demo. "lion sleep the Itnty, who sink to rest, by all nation to win the debate, and did so in spite ".'the their country's wish., blest," occurs in four-fifths Incessant shower of arguments which they ens of tire newspaper I, bituario , of Gen, Lee. countered from the opposing party, and succeeded it Fanny Fern says " the modem old maid is as In verifying the raylnv, ". We grow happier ns we good as the modern young maid, and a good deal grow wiser." better to those who hay,. outgrown bread and but . The debate was eltardeterizei t y the ter." Ilut at what age Is a person supposed to manifested both by the members and the molietter., have hi-0"d nn,l Littler 1" the littler of which were composed of is large In nest, rto a eorreliondent who wrote to a number of people. The Lyeelitn rm sets next country editor. asking if he ;nigh; send him tiny night, November Ilth, at Shoettiir,iville. • . ` till the editor certainly—let It ite a 1,11 . 1 . 1 . 1 i fifinr,rut a ula ter of beef. — A Californian his invented in bret•ttioloaditte. 3/EKTLAW 7' TIIE 011::1111) 11()U.` , /,' i needle cannon. YENTF,RDA F. Mlss Emily Stalker Las beer ordained in the 'lowa ministry. Of Emily's n t Our id. re 0 itelmvi will pies rut their 1011- day attr.,etiom I and if the its iters witot their good- to emimin they., they liml It Hue ma adver tise. MINORITY REPRESENTATION The Executive Committee of st wenty-000 mem ber,t, itppointed by the COnventim; held at Rends ' ing, Pa., on September Ist, held a Ineeting 'I lucre- day afternoon at the Girard house, Philadelphia. The Chairman, Mr. E. J. More, of Allentown, in., presided, and Mr. 11. T. Darlington, of Bitch, county, was elected Secretary. There were present Morel's. More, Da ribinton, Batman, of Schuylkill ; Berry, of Philadelphia ; Stauffer, of Rcading ; Dingman, of Pike; Young, of York ; Steadman, 01'C:triton ; Ruttier, of North ampton ; Fulton, of Westmoreland, and Miner, of Luzerne. Co-operative Committee, consisting of Messrs. Morton Mc M lehael, J. Gillingham Fell, Frederick Fraley aid Charles Gibbons, from the b•ulon Learns of Philadelphia, were also pre• sent. The Chair stated that the principal object of this meeting seas to organize the Executive lour aortae. and aPpoim the soli.committees nece“ary to carry oat the object; of the (.'onvetit Ou'inotion Mr. Berry, the chidr was author. • 'zed to appoint a commitu•c of live On pulilleatlon, , whese duty it should be to obtain the publication A soldier , ' monument will he 'rested Schayb and dieseinination of Information on the illbjeel of h u t „ minty whi ch will eu-1 3U,000. proportional representation. aml confer with oilier ! The in p a p nlatian in Ohio 18,10 li Mr. Ban go r moved that this committee. confer The First National Bank have ileclat,l n sem' with the Democratic nod Republican State Central annual dividend of six For rent. Committees, and such other OrgallizatlOns as :nay be Interested, on the expediency of rolling a con vention of delegates from all the counties, without regard to pa , ty, to meet in llarri,huig On the 1.1.11 rd yi AST—VOUNC.—On the ;Alt of November, 'Ca,sday la January, ISt I, for the lillisPa•e arg - by the Rev. N. S. Strassburger, Mr. Wililato log the objects of this committee upon the Slate Mast, of Upper Saticoni Lehigh Co., to NI I -is Su Legislature. sannith Yining, of lietill••loan. r. Gibbons thought that the Legislature should be Ind aee.l it possible to pass a bill providing for nn election lit June noNt, bur Delegates to a Con- . vtailion to aineml mid reforimthe ' JEANS.—On Saturday evening, in this city. Willie. Infant son iii•Jo,epli mut Annie E. Jean-,. the State. aged I year, 10 months and lit days. Mr. MeNlieliael suggested) that It would be EASE.—In this city. urn Saturday but, Susan. pos-ible for this Committee by its own call to pro- milt, wife of George Bra-e, year-, 3 cure the meeting of a tou vention, tvldeli would sloury, Nov. Or', Nathan root he partisan In Its character. Ile thought the Berner, urged years,.l month and gg days. wisest course woitid be to confer with the Demo- • matle and Republican State Committees, the Cotn- Inlttee of the Union League, and . ... . . . . l . ... other bodies, as obertiscnictits. c to the proCuring . of a passage of a bill through the . .„.) SALE Legislature,' as suggested by Mr. Gibbons, :tn•l j of• that the InnUunee eXerle,l AM the. Leglslattlre by VALUA 111,E CITY this means would be quite as powerful as If a eon vention Wore ealiaal by this committee for that W.III!••! , Isi•• m Pahl! , ••!!1"•,. purpos, . OIL: Itt."11). - \.Y, DEC EABEIt 1, 18; 0, Mr. Darlington offered the. following substitute for Mr. Bantam's resolution, which was adopted : c ite'rtseh, P. M.. .11 il; powilw-, tic r o tt ew i ttg y e w. eeolved, 'Phut a sub-committee of . flee N re be au- ' "H'''.'" l ''''"i'' . t " -w " .- R' . - . 0.'1.-1 he well-lioown CILOSiL KEYS or TlA thorlzed to confer with the Slate Committee, Or , iiiN itrrit'slit nrci., -.dust, es no- corner of 'lan • ... the Republican and Democratle vallee, and other I 1,,A t‘ '," g ' 1 ,;', 4 . 1 ', 1 1 1 ,',.::,. r .,,,,-;- i' l',' r t.l . ,f A i , i ,',',, 1 ,7',"' , z . 4 Wet interoded organizations, with the vkie oreo-op- 1 hoot 0 ,, 11 ,, mliton .t....'t tt,nti sl f.'•.t in attittlt tto En t litit ' ntro. l, bowth, will/ a tarito yard. Wal All tn'tt."w)* crating in the work or Inducing the passage by , .t..t4,-- , , shod,. etc. the Legislature Of .1 bill calling tt vonVelitinti lo N°. .2.— ' illtEr ' ST4P4 t .., M UCK ST°ItE itt t l'sr, yAlelning the thael. rot/tattling a front of the State Comeitullon by such meane as tO Pot tot 11 wallton /•twot by a tloprlt ..r 1. 4 0 5 ,u 1...... ,.. 4 .„ , , ,,i ocroplotl by t'. A. 1/orooy 11, a mall/wry /ono.. / ~ , they bind' together Judge expedient. No. il.—A TIIREE-STORY BRICK ST ILE' iitiUsii,..l-b-pshor LL‘i,......F ad:dopy s from wi Ham- Wq 011 motion of Mr. I)arlington, the Chairman of ' ,- the Executive Committee,was authorized to invite I ' o l i3l ' T ' t:l l d . ; - 0V ,' . 1 .; 7 - 51 ii ) : ,,j' . ' l/ ‘ ;::S n e ' r ',..' •r h y . t slci ,'"., •) ' ' 4. l : l ' t,a , 1 the- , o , otl and third Nowlel of both t..- lailbll r Otot Itt% watt co•oreration of ell Democrats who Gaon:o i , putt of :lm botel. ' I ~,,tlLutlouttl reform. • Alto, at the same time and place, Four advati sgeototly ,Ituatll BUII.DISti to ti, at the corator er On motion of Mr. Her: y, Mr. IL T. Darlington. ' wait elected Treasurer of the Committee, and the ~ri',.,;!:„l-':;ll,(,`-'2.,ltie,!'iti;,`,j,.,','lj!"l"4 " fr "'" l "" Ti ' tit following gentlemen were appointed as a Finance trine Ow Cool tt.lallt of Jae l• I . ly geattnelt. het., of t hy Committee: Meyers. Berry, Wills, Young, Reed- ci , ty ot Aiksewp . , tleCeatotl, lona. o,t•y. Itiatt or onytartit, from two W dye ycttri er, Fulton, and Miner. I% J. II vti1i. , 151.1(711, ' After passing a resolution Moulting the proprie- . 1:. ti. HAW:Mint:II, Executor. 01:0. lIAGENMICII, tors of the Girard Ilouso for the nee of the parlor, o l.. ''171!1t:;:;1117"'''",1111 r"'' 13 u the Onnrlitee tljourned. „4.T.11; , ~V, : ~;;,. Laconlem St. Louis Is to have a public park of 0000 acres —which is 3000 acres more than Allentown's pub lic park contains. An Allentown belle has broken forty-four matches. They were parlor matches. Zenner h Itusling arc making quantities of their celebrated Jockey Club cigars. They have procured some handsome labels at the Cnnostrts office with whiCh to decorate their boxes. The ilea• lock boxes at the post 'office attract nelilerablc attention. It is said Northatnplou manufactures more ei gat•s than any other county In the State. Wr should like to see the figures. The liveliest scene in town Is the exhibition of rivalry between the bus and car men upon the ar rival of trains at the East Penn Junction. New York is called n spirited city, bccau , c thcr, " n tree rum shop on every corner." Napoleon's head is to be Talton oll—the French poslag,e elanip3. • The leaves ore felling raid, which it the ll business to do in the fall. John 1k Death keeps a saloon In Katmts. Ile Is said to be Death on pale tile. Brigham Young's organ, the D e seret News, ha, to print Lie SCrinons In full, and on account of their harrennesß, it is prop,oed to call the paper the Dt,rert The towns of Jeirerson and Laneaster, N. 11. do a stilrbusine;:s In starch. They consumed 100, 000 bushels of potatoes this In it , manufae lure. Joseph A. Howl:Lod, of \Voice:Li:2r, lii a squabl: vine, in Lln garden, 1,1 feet In length, which has produced 3:50 pounds of squashes this season. \V don't see llow-land grows such a Ville! Niblo's N. Y. theater it shortly to be supplied with Fregeh ballet girls per halloo:l—which it IL most :ippropriate method of transporting the-, "airy" creature,. A deuto:•ratic patior sneeringly remarks: "Four thousand U. S. soldiers to ti - ,erthrow the Demo cratie majority In Nett• York, but not 100 to pro tect the s , dtlers In Arizona from the Indian'" Because the Arizona Indians are not such a dan gerous class as the' New York deinorrat le Ina jority--more yon know.— Wailli,lfiOle Colllllll.lcial. No American city, it is sail, ha , hall a popula tion reported by the census-takers that to at all equal to the anticipations of tits newspaper. A gentleman In this town clalths to have a country seat—a vullkhig stool. A thinking titan I, said to have wings. Won der if this was the man Who Clew into n pas ion. " Eartlepunke,," says Ii rs. lUtubrown, •• won't collie to Allentown, for they must Mace some lit tic respect for the remales i , r k burled in tine Square." It Is a selentilic fact that the cleated li,harge4 of heavy artillery will cause rah, in France lately the same came ended a reign. If you wind' to observe the e'l'ects ~f cnry amt jealousy, go and join a chor, choir. You will get enough of It before you get through. Allen town is an exception (1) to this rub•. Part, has let its last Napolvon. It would lie mud) holler If it could diq..,01 every "141. Why are sheep like those who play at faro Benann, they are sate to be 'leered. NVlny is a hell like all editor Ileean-t. -he' seratehe fora living. is a 111111 who commits matrimony like a criminal imprisoned for lire 1 Itee,ne. 0., release except by death. Troll .ail,. Icr~inc Flog? into rale,ge, iu .Ter-ey City. Not .to troll table—llVlll:4 orn•-;(1 for it. Import:lla con,titational provi•ion in organiz ing a military company—`• C,e of War thin company rhull Immediately li-hand." Auctioneers may Ir 2 lonteq. butt they trill down" in their Int:int—t. One of the latest wrinitle4 to carry nutmeg,, In the trotteri pockets to prevent , udder cold. Ceemataowti it. de-ire for an opera Thu int,ie or 111 , re COIIIIIIOII 1111111 1..! the red wan knows what Is a go,l spell of Ideaahle dance h called the "Rye which i' tiro' the "Dip." There Will he toonv cohpie,:now, " thro the Rye." Empress •-hoes — :ire nosy Oa eon,' Ihic, for I'a.hinnabh• helle•. Not with,tmi.llipx her mirror ; lime-, the young ladle , are \s illiuc to •• stolid in the Ealpres,s' shoos. — The AdYenti,t are iu a haliity fr.tute of Jost now. They hare it all •ti,nred oat that the Europe:to \vat . I, the •• hoot log out of the -eyeulh vlll, and thal stililtioary thing, are goilig to ; eternal smash Immediately, if not sooner. Fn our reader, need not trouble theinselves iihinigengag• I, log Thatiltsgiving Oetolier seas warmer by ilegiee , than the corre,poodlog mouth for elghly Four awls oseaped front the I.uzl•rae younty jail last steel.'. • • flon. Af..t iiicopie from Ow lil,i Ii Valley ltailrcrwl is Wild to he per day. retwinary t= zt newly coin e I word for renude 2 11arrtagr5 Draths Nctu .ttii3ertiorninitz VLIEXTION NOTICE.—NOTICE IS LI HEREBY GIVEN Ihat at election will to , bald by the nnlnbors of the ItNIoN MC ' TUAL VDU: INSURANCE COMPANY OF PFINNSYLVANIA, on BATPROAY .11. e IRO day of DECEMBER noxt, between 110 , 110000 of JO a. tn. and p. h nt the public ome of (Odeon Yoder, Troxlertown, Lelogh county, for the election of 'I hitteen Dlrert order 1,1,V0 for the Numb= roar. • By rder of the Board of Director, D. D. BASTIAN. Pg . ,. irlrut. ii 1,00011.1.0 Yount. &enfant. DissoLuTioN OF PAIL'INF,IIt- SlllP.—Notien Ix hereby given that the beretoforo exkling between SABIUELIIOnri nod 1I i Vtilt A. HITTER. under the limn nntor of AlellttriEl Ar. lIIT Hlt. Ives dissolved on thr grit tittY of Attrittsti 170. All porsonw 1111101,1°J to the said firm aro toque. frit to make payment within six weeks front ilritlitto !terror, and thirte v log claims trill protiont them to the surviving liortoor u Rhin the above n11.111(41 tune, THE BUSINESS earl "It by SAMUEL WHOSE tit SONS tit the ohlt•tand. hot . !I•l3tt it? .Arii A r., gwa. . m:, _ '-.-‘.. •-• " - C. Bronzes, Finley Goods, ate. BJRTIiIAY, R I I) A L, AND . HOLIDAY GIFTS. tumid call the nitration of oar patron:. Lind tdrnil.ti t car LARGE ASSORTMENT O NEW ANI) DESIRABLE GOODS. 0.. Importation , . of thim seithon Pr , “enl Dimly NovELTIES, whirl, we feel certain will ,1 111..:1 , by Mail car..filily and rromPtil attmnb`d to ROI3BINS, CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWELERS ASP SILVERSMITHS. No. 112.1 CHESTNUT STREEI', S. P. CLARK. r.\ V' I. II 101,1.5 . 1 1 , 1.11A111:01111IN v g itsT 311[0itTGAGI BONDS ST-10SEPII AND DENVER CITY =9 l'A Y.ABLE IN GOLI With terea at (8) Eight Per Cont. also Pogo3le in. Gold. • COUPONS OR REGISTERED Fiegl Clary flowlv are now (or sale I, the Com p:, ay through the anolorAlgued. anti Iwo confide nt Fp re: 1 , 1 , 41 Iv , Jl4. 41as colablning A1:401.17TE CA VET Y and a LORAN .elm..t the entire lino In romp'eleol anti Inn tree ,, sful On ft/ Tie. uhf .1111es , t1 Trek h, boy nt the NVe•tern 4111011. Q, and that being r , ,!illy !obi. The e , ent truffle of the Rena In AMPLE (lIJAItANTES for RELIABILITY of then,' Sernrllle, run+ Wo•tt from ST. JOSEPH, and rennin n threngh Entt and route. II ilgatte pre nutty covering Franehlne nod till 1,..1111,1 1...0L1C11 Or Rand 111 Mlle, Telnl I—tne of Itendnitl.nnn OW, Imot ',ecru"? info r•Nt in currency Map- end Pamphlet , ranninlied itppllcatlon. En- =MI \V. P. CONVERSE & CO., m Nue Street:New Y. It G 6 nUPOSITORY OF FASII NON, I.l,t:Air 11E, AN I) I NSTIOT no N." II:\ PER 8 BAZAR A -or ri.•Dooll coulainiug pottoio. or oo•loi ihn nri.ry fortnight. BAZAR Contalini hi folio tingon or din Kiln or it AI:11.1CA r, riihnninr,nl pn pei, Weekly. =I a1 . 1.1i li t.eit ,1111:11t1., ilit'illii••• • • pattern, :t vnrlnty of tonttar of ...tweitil and inintiiia to the fan rtleli , ot: hhealth,iirii , B,ll.ll4lllolliiiikerilillg nil I:. la a ollitornil matter specially ailautad eirelii it ',lnland...l to Inatruct: anti I I ntririon. and literary :natter :if merit. ittint .iirpri•ina that the journal, with anal: foatarea, 1,:,. achieve:l Inn no intinett.o sneers; fir awl pi 11011.11.,.. I aVO 11lira (lin tlelnalid. holy 1110 111111111, or IIARPEIL . I.I /Alt I.liliolt . soh.orlhor for 111, it York Evening The BAZAR I. excellent. I.lke all the periodical, witch the 'levee, pahll , ll, It l• allteett Ideally well edited, null the el,v of readers ler wheel II lv 'Wendell—the tnothertt .I.titgliter: in average. fataillev—rau telt hat wont It) •etive anti gut tay.te, h a y., t ko tt. are ttetlay lIIIIkII/g ver ,ay- home , harrier 01311 they ten y h.,ve betel latetre Tihe wonten Itratta talc ing Ittwetam la tmil and holl.elteltl •.11l 111g..111out (ren t th , , mvutor.-17, Nation. 1:111.r. SUBSCRIPTION .4.-IS7I El= .111 r.rh, Copy • WI. r the 1.1. / WEVKLY BA,irritid for eye,' Club of Fly 51 of 10 ertoh. iri 11,11' ro :natant, : r, Si . . . trillowet ,rtret r , olw. II A111.1:11.'4 MAcIAZI.VE, ,r in. 0.. one athirrx.rfor one lla , lr. 00: for , o t 1/fie rirldrc,r for ,inf . yr”.., Id, yr coo at an) . UM, Vol, 1.. 11., WO II or for the year lets. •;nt, ilegantly benntl In green morte.o cloth lip expro.,... freight prepsi 1, for 4.7.1) each. rot•tage 01l 13.%/nit is 20 cents a year which mut, psi.l At the xtd.serie, p... 4•01114 O. Addrese. II Altl'Elt It !Mali hltS, No. York. -,, 1)1t. SCIIENCK DV SES CONSUNIP- L —:"riv Ed To GO TO L. 111 r).O IN WINTER Hayloft for 1 110 last thirty.fivo ve trio devoted tio 1011..1. Onto and alteotiou to the nIII4IY 01 111, , 11111,11,6 ,11141 slllllplitill. 1 t.Ol 01111 I and. retool fully thel coarse alai eight to he Purse 01 to restore a tolerably bad ca.. orals. ..el lung, to healthy siottolomo. The 11,1 al foot int. pert.. •qep I. for the patient to ovoid taklng cold, nut! the best tit oil places on 1111 , routluout for thin purpose II mt. r. I, Floral well down Sit the State. where ore I, reguhtr. and not subiect to such variation. Mote Northern latitode.. Palatka la a point 1 cat reettil.• .0 good hotel II kept thsre by retcromn 11oiler I ',IV ...!veral persons there whoa lamp, h a , twee billy hut who, tool, the healing Influent., ihe ellut qt. end my. a eel le, uses, over.. getting well. one .....11.01 nob , folds, down the river Is a po'n tt 1. c't I pe'te'r to Pehlke, al the temperature I, to le oil 1111.0, dry nod brat log. Mellonglilo nth no totthted lir ro. I should give t ell.. It is two tulles frontrier t e n, eto a!ouist Impossible to take , c. 11.1 there t Itt . might be better. 0111 Patten', c 01101//1 14 it slgn, as it Indicate. n o r ' pun t ..lto, and It lieu Ibis Is the case they. geitorn I 1 itiete fo• ..IL thettqlie lungs anvil lien'. !liberal. f 1 toett lb.,' and man y 01100 1.1.1, , ill v“ riot,, parts of 1" . 1.00.1 cull be safely roe.. mewled to con•noiplive• in winter. Sly remit. for say nor so w are thee patteut.tre less Bait. to take cOl.l 'her tit m here there 10 0 less .•ven temper.. ore, 111111 It is no cery to say that where 0 constooplivelpeeuesllo••• s•a f • fa...moot b' , Ito is certain to d o ie shortly Tl ' 1 I" , e .1 Y yfi'•' fo ge well flown Into the Mote. ou the leash ..1 prevailing 01.1 triads anti fog,. Jeeksen Mlle, or almost nay other of the 10.11 , 1°0 I hove mound will beneilt tho•.• who are troubled telth a tort.l.l 1 kV,. ll...ordered stomach, deranged bowels, sore throat c cough, imt for those If hose longs or.' disee•eil a 1110 , „ ta li.. pent. lie:tn....Hy recionuomtled. Fer , il Peen y.. prior to 1101, I loos nrefessioit tlly 1 New Yolk. 11,.t0n, Ilaltimorn nud l'ittladelphio ever .0. It lose I ',LI, :11111 eXllllllllta un nu overage 111 111:0.11 , 1 ratiVIII , IL A practice I'll plgt•t• of lung 111,4,0, 11114 11,10 on er•tand thodkeaso folly, :tad hence rotto pofer.l to talc Inv cold. •A peson limy take Tool 4110,1 Polaroole Sy t, Seaweed 'route 01 51...ha1, ' 0. rul l yet die If he doe, not mall 1111111 COW. • 111 rior da. nearly everybody using Schenclt'l Still &Atte Pills, for the olunate more likely to produce MI ..o• babe: , than amp, ...Otero latitudes. It is otroll e tatilished fact the null ye, of l'lsrida rarely 4111. of 0.1 esperially those of the southern pert. On other hool. ill Now Eaelatol. One third, at the of t ...lotion die of 1 his tetra,. 111,01Ise, the Slitle. Ft tt does not prevail ho largely. still there are 1001 theo•ends of 0,11,i 0101, Wllll IL 011111 percentage of 1 be saved if r tostimptoeft were 111 1.11•11 y 111111111 in r. car.' to tailing frmoi cold its 'Loy are Athol near lover, suml pox, Ar. But they aro not. They. take orl t f., term ala cold, which they aro credulous ell * belol. will wear oif in it few oar. They pay no 101 11 010 It. and hence It lays the fonntlation for !moll and another ,till, until tie hirliPt aro diseased bey owl Lope for curie Sly otivico to persons whose Wags aro affected .01 y to lay Su a stock of Schenck's l'ulmonlc y. cup, Schenck , . heatroed Tonic null Schetick's Moulin. POP fool tto to Florida. I recommend tho.o pnrli cu toei'etes her.. I am I 1.1,11{01 f ly acqmtinted with a 011.01. I know that where they ro used lo 110101 aro. alie with my dlrectlons they will do the work that Is juire.l. Ths 001 Oilit4hed, natue will do tho rest. h, wi Ito pres n cr p ibes tor cold, r rough or night -met Nllll 111011 1111V1s0k the patient to walk or ride out on. day. trill be sure to (hate a eurpso on his bawls het Lu M g. y Plan Is to Rile my three medicines, In occordo v: 1010 the minted except In sonic OftrWlAoll4.l fn., its, of the Mondr..ko I'll's Is necessary. My 'li: Is to give tone to the stomach—to get UP a gond aPPet II Is nitro y. n good sign when It patient begins to to topiary. 1111104' hope. of such. With a relish Le l. mid the gratifiration of that relish comes good 'beds I lit It more 11'01. 11111011 Is closely followed by a heal tho long. Then the cough 100,0111 and abates, cr. opine chill, and clammy alght•stvents no longer in ire , awl annoy. and the patient getB iron, prov avoid. taking eeld • Now there aro twiny c lei Who lint' , ird menu' to go to Florld. The question may be 0 .10,1 Moto uoltello for nitclll Certainly there is. My wige sack is, and ever 1,114 114,1, 10 stay In a worm re to .1 Pm the winter, with n t noperateire of about sereutY hido should hit kept regularly at that tm. toB of IL thertnotneter. Let such a Patient tok ox within tile limit.. or tile room by walking IIP 414111 11 11,1111011 11S Ids ,T'ea'l will perintt. 111 , 00 , ' op a healthy eirculittlon of the blood. I have ewer a xOOll I,r 0101 ey , tein, and citu do no agaln• ....telly cured as any other dicconu If It Is 111111 the proper k lull of treatment Is purdic , l Taal stands oodinuated .th record that Schenck'. VA.. N 1 Moudrako Pals nut: Seaweed 'route r. very loony of wt. ft cootned hopelc, 00,0, of c fief, flu 101.000 you will. you will he alun , p I 0.1 In i 11.1 some 11001,0011111111,1 VC 1110 has been ...cued tho 0011 law , of dent It by their UllO. So for us the Mandrake Pills aro concern...l. e•ef/I' Lou 11l beep In sapid y them au hand. Iloher act Beer better than calomel, aud leans no o 01 it , lint effects heltlud. lu tact they are excellent in il r where a purgative inntlicine Is roomed. If Y.° / In ••v'' taken too 111.013• of fruit ttud .thettiova ciothe, Ode. the Mandrake, WlllOlllO you Ir you arc -obt ei to 10,11111010. take tt dole of the Slandothfs Ifm i 0 . 1 plietre you tu tuth hoot,. If you would obrioto the .• of ‘‘. change of NOlllOl., 1110 100 free I.ololgeare 1 1 1 tato' one of the Alatalrakes every teght or every , utcht. and you may then drink water awl eat tter "".• Sl , banit'e , . plums, licaChe• corn, with. risk of being outdo tock hy them. They Wlll 11r01,1 1 It'll" 11l datoll nlttiations agalust chills and fro 'fry them. Th. Y are perfectly harmless. They CA yOll good 0111 Y• 1 101 vo 0h...J.. my professional , 11• 11, I ' l New Yolk but continuo to hull 16111 , 1. , .. 11l mot , 15 N. SI Street. Philadelphie. e,eIT SaturdaY. A. SI. to P. AI. Those who It ~}l 0 thorough extol tiou 11111 the Itespirotta t T a 111 Ito eherged 1110 del The 111.1 , 1 rometer tleclores Me exert coutlitlon of lutigt., owl patients eau nobly learn whether the fatroblu or not. But 1110,10,, it Olstiuelly understood the value of my medicine, depends entirely upon 1 11 . 1 101: token strictly according Ink In conclusion, will say O. when r.e,r^,en., 10011111111, 11114 their nth brottga , W. Wr C"". ..e), they ittc.uot Waldo to take co 00 1010 with di•eased bows an intr..a nUddca chan atmosphere w itliout t be 110billtybf greater Or lots I Full directions in all langnages 0 , <0MP..7 .Pliclt attal clear that ony ous can nso wttnout contult log 100. 01111 0110 be bought tram RUY gl.t. J. sNoCool!eviDall..aDet.l: ==! tr... c -•-• " • OEM Eaali=Ml MZ=M! 13121218 GEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers