lil I .. i READING OUT OF Tllll PARTY. i AFTER TILE DELUGE-IEIIAT ? it i b C ' ill tOl q 0 41, c q 151 c v , t Dr. Acker, having just heard of the reading out of the Kimmel's, has undertaken to pur- , i sue the Caine course towards those Democrats e t I;4IIIT.IIIEDELL, 3it., • warn t.. cuit '''' Ev. in Montgomery ma who did not second him in nartorh a,.. v5,,pri,, ,, , , his aspirations for public life. We have not t h e , the least doubt the victims of his terrible scar- ALLENTOWN, PA., NtiV. 9, ISIO. hour . ings have the most sleepless of nights and the ------ countr. 'most miserable feelings by , day, as they have r p m . , , WE have n't , i'el"t'''l with "in t he n 'T s r a- always respected the wisdom and character of penn y nu per publishing business, .1. I, Shipley, Esq., the Doctor ! Their opposition to him did , or d e, t, 119 We Editor of the Sennton Rpublican, who savor a little of selfishness, and indicated that will enter upon his dutit s Lids week. Mr. they jou cared more for Protection to Home In- a marvelous. Shipley has long; a bm experience in the edi• dustry than they did for mere party consider- ng a date tonal profession. He received his editorial bear rnalnow i t ations. Probably When the Doctor grows to liar sentiments training on the Sprinvtield (Ms , s.) I?epubli- a ripe old age and the bitterness of his posh. can, where he occupied a prominent position lion shall have beensoftened by time, he will journals its now L and are evidently for a number of yea,, aft t.r is Lich !at wits en- I be able to see that his party was not so much gaged as editorial writer on the Domon Jour- at fault as the candidate. masses of Paris and It is perfectly patent nal. ' Ile remained AA iiii this I aper until one l Ile ought to accept the result philosophically • looker that the Cana year ago, w lien lie was engaged :IA edif"r n r - 7 ' , .ction is sure ; his noblest aspirations France its a Provisions the first mimed itate.r, and his abilit;. ~. 'larger reached; what more does he want ? A utterly incapable as any management have a, in :giving that larger majority could not have .kept him in would be of saving their journal a leading po,bion among the first• the office any longer, and his expressions of terms. " Let its not " class dailies of the State. We believe that dissatisfaction against members of his own " that a rear intim, the emoim: of Mr. Si.ipl‘ y w:11 be greeted party will only heighten the hentility towards would cost us „. with fitvor by those 4\ 1 , 0 pace till interest in him and keep Idol out of a nomination for a continued to the progress or our (Mc, at w simpers, and we second term. For the benefit of our readers such hum' . hope with his 0, i , r4.,,11ii , 11 to make the Ave append his remarks upon this subject, our der' ituezisTint a iv , leome a isitor into every fain which he publishes under the head of our Fran , ily in this locality, which lin,. the de.' re to the p ee k s , : sot read a fit st•elas , newsputt E. : "In Mont gomery county, there was it fidlure „.—.....---- 4/f duty on the Congressional vote. The Dem. Tens mug maiaanoaaccmeat in politi- Deride candidate was cut about sixty-eight rat circles is thet Democracy is working I votes in PottstoWn. Ile was cut in this Bor. upon a plan to de felt the Republicans, a ft er ough. Six or seven in Bridgeport ; ten In the Republicans h::\ e won the election, The I Marlborough, also a small. number in Other small Republican majority is the Legislature I townships. This was done by men, of whom is, if po ,, Fabie, wig , tw0 : 4,1 °err ill the oppo. several have become known to us: There -.Rion, and Democratic lobbyist , and comp- were others who gave the Congressional nom tionists are now traveling the Stele to accom- j illation the cold shoulder front the moment it plidt that purpos'e. A part or the p r o gra mme was Math , and W0111(1 like to have seen the is that Gen. Harry White isqo be defeated for Democratic nominee defeated. They had not Speaker of the Senate and any Republican WHO a word to say in behalf of the success of the mill do their bidding is to be s far by th e party in that respect up to the election—on the Tf„• vo t e w ilt a t, contrary their talk was detrimental to the sue. be cast Mr any Republican for Slate Treni-urer cess of the calniblate- of these Men, sonic %% lin) will seem, t o them eine] :It lit:publican Mire been well taken care of by,l at Senators and It. pri —intativcs to sin Berry.' the expense of better and more deserving minder t h e sc„ ti . as tn ; no m ,. L eg i n . Democrats. In rapier to both classes it may 'inure into lite hand- of ii-- it , mocracy, said, that persons who cannot vote on so well as In the to it»partant it position, as for a democratic nom suit that party. ince for Congress when the candidate has been a democrat all his lice and regularly noinimtted, or urge Id, election, cannot make touch claim to being dt Inner:Os and the sooner they retire froni the rally the better, Supporting the ticket only Wiwi) their friends are on the ticket is an mifairmiss that will not hold us titer. There has been too much of that already, and the Democratic party is now in a position, not to be satisfied. Willi such a course of things. 'Wherever there has been a failure of duty, the decks must he cleared so that faithful and true men may take their proper ;Atte( ' T4l Necorlii)li , ',. C. , C.,0 I• 14 1, 'Hill' 1)0110- t . 30e t.t 1,111i1Wr ..• .1 1.1 ; 1, , In i"1. :Ill et/ to i s‘%(•rt•.l. bei,ty r . 1, r! 1 idol, r tTp. , rript,ll lie goy , ul n nuol u'Linu he l•uds on ik%t logo Alt., 1ic.,11, .I-I,d :in •”11.- .1 . 11111 , 4't0n, LW, hi- 01 •• Ns'ln re he hail and a,lit•d ilnd iltt• wit r t I!, El1111 . 1,i11•11 I .11i Ili: •. Th,• n un • Facc, :: ititr Snit %OW tits ILratnst fei t.,V that 1 . 311 ~ .!:'1•1 1111:12: 1 11C11,. liccd hl-n• in :ttt.l Slicrilt or .tild ols friunds wrm rtt.trni....z It.t I 1Arti , 1:111.12., and, t tt'rn ttrntind, ' tutu I I)iclo sit'li:t• "flit: SI rill wn:lii It 1.:.:Iy, fur -1,1:1'd Ihr ti: onion irui4,.1111111 , , Ill( ut 1 , 3' leis 11,1111111:1' :1111i his 111 1.1:11:.s. :9,u:dim:inn or 1)4•Istott:-. Tht• st,try i- lot: tin A‘s. ,ffitiNe I :d:: ty :1101 ri t 1::: • . k Nutt,' lip>t um:cm:it hartn Lunt l,e:tilt O. tht: vtiginal ‘er- inu I th, is rio( hl. ‘‘(•ro iUt vl•t•lv 'fns 1111111 ivier china >r e m t o di,. l•redit the rumor that a day is lixed l the mas.sacre of all foreigner , . The higher authori ties hate evidently m me to a n miiatien the wcaline4s position. This I, imii• rated in the execution of vend of those guilty of the Tien-T , :itt !nun!, r , IN:idle the nth rs hsve all tdong born as rse to is ar, (In y up. p.,tred even ire tittssllling to inal.e the sac- Hie, of vride or principle, seeming to he in c,dcr d in it compliance with Colmt liochecho mo demand, not for indemnity in lands or money, but for the execution of' some or their _nifty people. hat the Chinese ,anthoritie, leive complied with this demand shows that they Lace got over their tunes' of security azninst foreign invasion, nod if they I r.llet'd so rar ihcs have imombly determined tlrtt it is 11 ise to us,. the potvt.t . tt of the Gov. ertnitt•ltt iu protteliog foreigners in the Ent.. pire. A i o n oNot:NT Ivriting from London, .Itys : " The ino:4 eNtraordinary machine in the exhibition is, be . % question, the one f o r itn'eroscope writillg. 'Chi , enables a per,oit to •.( rite in the usual way, anti duplicate hi , writing a million times smaller, so small indao h that it is invisible to-the naked eye, yet 0 ills a powerful inierviseope become so plain that every line 1111(1 dot can be SCl'll. The inventor claim's that with this itc , truntent lm ran ropy the entire Itible twenty-Iwo times ;11 the , pael an inch. The Astor Library, c..nitl be transferred to n sheet of note paper, l'ractieally, it It ill be of great service in preventing forget i lN'ith one of the , e machine-, a private mall: can be 11111 on bills so minute and 11.111 et that the forger can matio r perceive nor imitate it, htrt the batik vier!, broli, r, 1 '.ow in where to had:, can :It 1(1111' detect I. at the bill is eennitte. The machine is the invention of a 31r. i• all' apitittsl l'res• idt.itt 11rtutt \\•:ts leis auccpt:lntse of gill"; front kV(' don't 1:11m1 bad' pr:,r~ire or 11,4ne ver I but lb) 111 , 11' 111111 lii, Exc. Ilency hn, done a good 111111..... for Ilit• it t.ple litt•nt n sound, t . t . ottoditical tolotitti.dialiott. \Vt. Ittivt. 1,, cony.• t•• arctistotit...l io t.,llang about iiittot•r,.. ititdicy e are liable 10 11% 11:. r.r to. v. orl, tint( 1.:, , beet. (lone, lit li:' year lira 4 . 1,411 iiith.144414.. au, 1,570, the ab41:411 d 1 . 4 , r• 4.:44•11 ‘v,4ll,ing (lay over t h at of 1 1 .• 1,4 . 4 4.. I%s , $•.2:?2,.110 ; 'being ort.r hour. and ovt.t . $17,1 per min nte ; being mote than rlionl to the extrailroP. Ping of • -,0 111 1. , 111 , coffers or the Treasury in every ,econ.l or run,. '1'111.: t:ltieng,. I opt , arr. now U•unhled Litwin the no at they 'the 9 • c•iitni,• nook some serion. charges lotain-t it, ,till they have not been refuted. Nito teentit.t)ventieths of the ' wort, or that city, it ;t,...1, 2 Vol the flesh of rattle, hogs atol sheep, that, whet! thet• are brought to the etoeli yard., (1111,1 the on the road if shippc d.' or (0 mild be - be the health it 1111,0111111. This sorry :41111'1%y. about live lintesa , :tnndi 1011 as prime beet. am' tt , that fact is not loyal to I hieago, tee can only hope that thin horrid state of aintiN Ilt” s not iSt in other I).INrN .`'oath, r‘oir tit' I h.. prig.h. ivho have had experit lice in l'oolie labor, reel much dis posed to go hack to the lean again. The thousand Chinamen who are working on the l'hattunottgit Itailroad in Alabama do not give satisfaction, and the experiment is nut likely to be repeated in that section. The railroad t men who employ them think they are neither better or cheaper than,negrou , for the heavy work of railroad TllF:itemthig Times appn;ves of Gen. John F. Hartranft for Governor. —The public debt W(l9 reduced 15.129,200 VI during in.t IDEMOI•kt.VIN vs IREPIIII.I4'.INISM The Tribunr of yesterday says :—At last, one day hel'on• the election, we are able to I)riut the tigtin of the ('ity and County I)ebt I kn. they are : CITY AND COUNT( IPE:11T. 0 , 70111:11, 1670. Debt (tithe Corporation 646,811,206 50 Temporary City debt......... 7,746,372 10 . Funded County debt.. .. • . ........... . 21,447,019 04 Aggre , gtlle dubt We were satisfied, From the care taken to keep the truth from the public, that the City Debt hail largely hie' e.ised, but were certainly not prepari such a stunning blow. Con troller lber, :it the close of 1'863, handed over to, his Muse, -siir, Matthew T. Brennan, an ng :.:.regate heft fif.12,71,721. This included neatly ad the extra leans in consequence Ibr War. The debt ha.: been raised under 1\ 1 c : .srs. 1311 nr,lll atel.Conniilly to the figure a b o v e gj over $16,000,(100, an increase Of $33.-1•2:3.;7:i 7-I in I< ss than seven years ; or, to be precise. 11101101 S, -1111 a hive k au increase of delft (not count- tug street a....5t s..ments and other heavy bur dens) of Thirlrrvr Thoasa)rd Fire flu and 'l4irtz;•: , ,r,n dollars and Thinly-seas rents per day entire period of. Tammany ad ministit ho. ot the city's tinanres ! ag gre;rate debt is s;:e.? r'lleat'l Mr the entire population, and $5 . 3. - , for each voter just regis. tercel. The ; ale of tax this year is 4428 per !mad for the entire population of the city; the public debt is ris:ng at the rate of Fi.s6.lan hour. Is it any wonder that the Controller has stopped gis ing the public annual reports ? Yet these plunderers make the welkin ring with denunciations of the Federal Adininis tration for heavy taxation and extravagance. The city k rapidly incensing her debt ; the nation is rapidly decreasing the general bur den ; Tammany increases taxation by millions every year; the National Government has tahen I/n . 111E61 of the war tax, and it is daily lightening V. hat remains ; Tansnumy calls for t 2S per bead from every inhabitant to run her machine; the Administration pays all the running expenses of the nation for considera bly less than il2 per head. Is it not about time to try some less expensive local govern nx than that given us by William N. Tmeed? I'mrnobbi NI N.isny appeared at the Philadelphia Academy of Mole on Wednes• day evening, 114 Ohe of, the Star lecturers. The audience was very large. llis subject Was, " Inn reach of the man of Sin. — lle said : I do not wish to be considered egotistical, fur of all the fidlintis of nature egotism is to my mind the most ridiculous. Ile who stands as perpendicular as the letter l with an exclamation point after it, to call attention, is an immitigated nuisance to society at large. Honest merit is always retiring and shrinking, which exillitins the mason of my being' so lit• tie known. I have lived for many years in a small village in Vermont, and there I am a man of considerable note. I' have a farm and stone quarry, lan it would be hard to tell where the farm Mgma. The existence of sin, men al a distance, Worries me, and to - obtain know leibte I left mq• home in search of the man of sin. I hardly knew at first where to go. HO 11110 goes in search of sin purchases a ticket tbr Ni iv York, thst is if lac desires to see iii' improved article in all its tierCeness. Di siring to see the largest specimens, I visited there, and found the railroad president, the Wall street, broker, the politician and the bur glar•, nll4 - "vas well Sllli,fied. I have seen in the south judge son the bench who at one time had been hustlers in some of the stables of ite north, soil Whose knowledge ol the criminal law• was obtained tvhile standing in the prisoner's dock ; that I visited Washing ton and have seen the way in which things were done there ; the bartering of cadetships, tlie'creating of offices for the mere purpose 01 filling them with OM friends of the elected. I hate st,n Me nation made absurd in the eyes of the world. I stayed in Washington long enough to sue an attempt made to reduce the franking privilege and see the civil service bill introduced, I then left and went to . Tren ton, believing that the members of the Legis• future from the rural districts would be virtu ous, I remarked that if the rule that compels a Japonese official to commit suicide the mo ment he commits a crime or n blunder were in force, there would not he ninny members left. I Immil soul on all sides, and on my way home I stopped ilia camp of re limners ; they were Milloting for President, and sixty-nine, not counting IrkY" , elf,were present. When the votes were counted each man hail one vote, excepting the one I had voted for, and he re ceiving his own and my vote was declared elected. The society broke up in a row, and each one lett, saying that they would start ono of their own. When I returned to tiny home I found many ehanges,and at last I have succeeded in finding the man of sin. It was myself. The speaker concluded by saying all of his hearers who try hard enough, and have patience, may some tiny become as good as me, and the reward Is great enough to Justify them In making the trial. ' THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALL . i.i: l'4, To 1 Vkr.N. 'ii - vEDNESDA.Y, NOVEAIBER 0;. The French Republic has every reason to pray to be saved from its friends. Here is a sketch of the trifling task which one of the most respectable and consistent of its oreans, the Steele, prescribes for it: "At. the present hour the Republic ought to be able to save the country without it costing us one inch of ter ritory, n single stone of our fortresses, or a penny out of our purse." These be " pravc lords," as Ruellen says, and will be found in a marvelously attenuated copy of the Parisian journal'now being published at Poitiers, and bearing a date about three weeks ago. Sim ilar sentiments pervade such of the liberal journals ns now find their way out of France, and are evidently shared by 'the republican masses of Paris and of the other great cities. It is perfectly patent to every intelligent on. looker that the Committee who now rifle France ns a Provisional Government are ns utterly incapable as any oilier Government would be of saving their country on any such terms. " Let us not forget," adds the Sieele, "that a war indemnity granted to our enemies would cost us more dearly than the struggle continued to the bitter end. To support any such humiliation would be to acknowledge our defeat. That we will only do when France has no longer a single. city or n single soldier left." These, lie it noted, are the words of a journal that never raved like the Gautois, nor shrieked a Der/in, like the ',Merle. which condemned the war front the moment of its inception, and advocated peace up to the very hour of the fatal declaration. 'When their best friends place before them a programme like this, it is not difficult to un derstand the hesitation of the Provisional Government in accepting any terms of pence based upon territorial concession. They are I compelled to .form the connecting link be. tween a past system that has shamefully broken down, and a new one which is but be ginning to be ofganized. The Empire leaves them a heritage of disaster to repair, and a population enervated by years of " paternal government" out of which to form the struc• ture of the new Republic. The demands pressed by their friends will not be likely to be neglected by their enemies, and their fail ure to accomplish the impossible will with un , . Ihiling certainty be made an article of indict ' meal against them. But, presuming that the impassable gulf which at present separates France front pence could somehow be bridged over, the inmates of the military prisons of Germany present a very substantial danger to the young Repub lic. The men who laid down their arms at sedan and•Metz, besides those' who have been otherwise captured, cannot number less than three hundred thousand. Ina country where the citizen and the soldier are synonymous terms, the difficulty of absorbing such a force, as we ourselves have experienced, need not be very formidable' But in France the army has laten for many years sedulously kept apart front civilian influences, and the history of eighteen years of Imperalism has shown that the inmate of the barracks has little sympathy with the political aspirations of the workmen and the shop-keeper. The Repuldie, ! , at ever else it may be, wEI be a Government whose Policy will be peace, mei h, ' se principleS will be the abolition of siawling aimies. One of the problems in the imme diate future of France will he how to avert the danger of Some new may, r employing its own soldiers to aid in the demolition of its newly•acquired liberties. Complicated as is the task before the Provisional Government, and the duly confirmed Republican regime that will replace it, there is comfort fur all friends of free institutions in the thought that for restored Imperialism id: Monarchy the Prospects are far more hopeless. •-elf-govern ment is the only possible alternative when all others have so dismally failed, and in one way or other France would doubtless find its way to a stable and orderly Republic.—N - . Times. $76,005,499 74 hits truly said that the records of all wars have lawn frightful re cords of preventable sniffling. The latest story of the war between Prance and Germa ny comes to us coin the surrender of the city of :Metz, in which, although there has been but comparatively little suffering known to the outside world, ware found nearly twenty thousand sick and wounded in hospitals, and the new•made graves of thirty-five thousand dead. And now in Paris M . victorious Prus• sian Generals see that "hunger is their best ally," and that tln wounding of tens of thou. sands and "the starvation of hundreds of thousands" is ill be the inevitable result. The Germans certainly have succeeded wonder fully well in giving surgical core and very wide distribution to the vast number of the wounded. But now , they are some four hun dred miles away fromthe home base of sup plies, Mid, as the, ironmerved Bismark says in his note to the German' Embassadors, which we put dished reeently,even when Paris capitulates, "it will he an absolute impos sibility for the German commanders, when Mitt case occurs, to provide one single day's rations 11,1• a population of nearly 2,000,000. The environs of Paris, to the distance of several days' journey, since the stores there are necessarily required for the Ger man troops, will then offer no resources." The Germnii-born portion of our population has done nobly in sending lintel). contribu tions for relief to the sick and wounded With in the lines of Prussian army. It is earnestly hoped that they will keep up their contribti ilons until tlw war is ended and the hospitals closed. And, now, the time has come for eur native citizens to join in the interns roast movethent for giving aid to the sick ,ad wounded as permitted and asked for un- A.l. the German treaty. The American branch of this authorized work of humanity in sear appears to be efficiently organized. .Its ( ommittee, a recognized branch of the Inter ( ational Committee,announces in our columns t. call for contributions, and the Geneva Cen t-11 Committee of International Belief tele -17 ;mils across the Atlantic to the American Association that " the want of money is cer- Linty great." Liberal contributions should nv be forwarded, for, in whatever way this rrihle struggle may end, it will be amid frightful sufferings, while vast numbers of sick end wounded will die for want of timely relief.—Tribune. VON 3101,THE'S FORESIGHT Among the recently printed documents (Ils e )vered in Paris after the flight of Ow Eint ress, Is a curious despatch, dated Forbad], A Aril 9, 1860, and addressed by a certain Capt. Samuel to the Minister of Wnr at Paris. Capt. Sannu•l telegraphs, "Since Monday I have followed Gen. Moltke, who is visiting the frontier of France and studying the posi tion,. On Monday I overtook him at May mice. Tuesday he stopped at Ilerkenfeld and took notes of the heiglAs near the ruins of the old castle.. Ile slept that night at Saarbruck. and has taken the dispositions of defence nt the station and the canal. Yesterday he was at Sam-louts, where he is now. This morn ing, in spite of the bad weather, he went out in a carriage to visit the heights surrounding Vandevange and Berns. I suppose, from in- formation, that he will go to-night or to-mor row to Troves, where he will descend the Moselle. Is it necessary to follow him 4 Ad dress reply to the telegraphic office at For br.elhy Accordingly the reply was sent, Follow him but the further results of C' it. Samuel's vigilance are not known. The election in• Paris on the question of maintaining the powers of the government of national defence resulted In an overwhelming m tjority In favor of the government. THE WAR AND MIA OOPS.' Probable Scarcity of French Milks— Stimulated Production Elsewhere —Etreet on Our Own Country. The Ivar in Prance will effect not a little the supply of silks suitable for the spring trade of 1871. Workmen at Lyons have been requir ed for the defense of the city ; but es much of the industry in silks is conducted by women and children, at least to the extent. of prelim.- Ing the raw material for the weavers, :mil as many of the latter, by reason of age, ere not subjected to conscription, the work to some extent goes forward. In Zurich, the Swiss suffer in the same way, inasmuch as a force for the defense 'of the borders had to be raised ; but contracts for the supply of silk fabrics are taken without condition in Zurich at a !light advance over ante Minna prices. Silk goods, after the defeat of the Vrench nt Welssenburg, fell off in Zurich ; but not only has the amount been regained, but an addition or from five to ten per cent. is. 1101 v asked, It seems probable, unless there shall be an early peace, and an immediate restoration of this great industry In and about Lyons, that the supply fur the spring will not is tutolOtrill s to the demand. When the Huguenot,: ou t u i France by the revocation or the edict of Nantes, the workmen or that description who manufactured silk goods went, some or them to Germany and others to England. Al Cry- Feld and Elberfelt, in RIK:M*I , h Prussia, the manufacture which thus arose still goes • on, and at Crefeld particularly very elegant silks are made. This industry in Spitalfields, England, which had the same origin, was in the mein profitable until .the Cobden treaty was made with France. Alley that it lan guished, but at present the turmoil in France will be advantageous to the silk weavers of all other countries. To some extefit it will stimulate the manufacture in the United States, Although there are several establishments in • the United States fin• making silks for ladies' dresses, yet the only one 4111 n large. scale Is that of Cheney Brothers, mar . 11nrtIced, whose establishment—which loakts over a million dollars worth per anumn—will he in creased, if it is possible to do so, Si Its to be capable of making double the present quanti ty. They arc "sold ahead'• constantly. lint their manufacture differs from that of France. This enterprising firm uses what in Germany is called Bchappe and in France fits laqie, which is principally what is left of the cocoons which cannot be unwound. This material by means of a new invention is converted into a thread, spun like that of cotton fabrics, which is woven into silk cloth by power machinery ; Whereas the French use the silk as it is un wound from the cocoon—several threads be ing combined into one--and thus preserve its natural and elegant luster. This luster is partially lost in the process of looking a new thread, but 11 substantial material for dresses is made from such On cad, quite ex cellent in appearance, free—owing to its cheapness and durability—from the t:ompeti lion of French menufacturer4, and beneficial to the country. ItITI'BI,I('ANIS3I IN EI'IIOPE What can justly be said of France in this matter, can be said no justly ()fillr other great peoples ,Ir Europe. Hvimulicai, institutions are as impossible in Spain and Italy as in France. A Itcpuldie 'in France, holding its life for n year, would inevitably create great popular disturbances in the countries named, but they would be distarhances that could lead to no great results for liberty. The strength of republican element in Spain has already shown it , elf. and is found to be inadequate to in.spir, :old mould the national destinies. Italy is weaker than Itspain. Both countries are cursed by a priest-ridden peas antry, of whom it is not possible bi make the material of a republic. Why should Ameri cans rejoice to Witness these popular uprisings for free institutions, when they know that their only result trill be the clos, r enslavement of the masses, and the inarlyrdom of the few who have the intelligence to know the right, and the faith and heroism to r er their lives to it ? Before it permanent republic there must come education, morality, religion. The old mess of military glory, ()I governmental pomp and pageantry, and of caste and class distinc tions, must he superseded by an intelligent ap prehension of the glory of peace, a healthful love of simplicity, and a thoroughly practical recognition of the equality or then. There will be spasmodic:. revoltstt:....aiust tyranny in all countries, and (publics will rise for a day on the ruins of despotic paw( r, but such ruins alone make no fitting foundation fir free gov ernments. " lrire is Republique .'" " A bits 1' Empire P' till, the Republic dies a natural or n violent death, and . then I• 17re ."' what ever may come.—From " Topi e of Oa Time," by J. G. Holland, in Seribner'.+ llonthly for Enrember. 'rite King is expected to retard to Berlin on November 11, and great preparations are be ing made to welcome hint as Emperor of (ter- IBIEM 1117S1NES NOFl( ' Il is no wonder that hivallils lose faith in all epecillcm, when no many worthless n 1,11,111 ., ate odor Obeid for the care of varittun dinense%; hut which, when tried, are '' found wnuting.•' Wr hayle yet to learn, however, of the find failure or 111%.11'intar'e Fiji chcrry. to core rough., roldA, and rdltnonot y di,. OR,. 11e, have used the Wheeler & Wil -on Sewing, MaChin , lu tar (molly for over On (10) ) , 711 , 1 NV ithOnt HO, repair., doing sewlttg of nil kind,. front Ow t , tor.t•ttf to thefineet, nod xtlll tot it. Would not ox• chant: , It (or any other. TII CAS. F. FCII IlAnnlnnttutt, Sept. 0, Kn. Petar,ou S ('arprtitar, Paualta. Craot, Allontown. Pa. .1 Bally and 31 ind DINCOF C.-811E11 it dyr plash), The litottlßCll and (hr brain are too Intimately .alli• a for the one to .ulfer without tio. other, 4.3 that i!!-.1 and dcaspondenry are inseparable. It Tway leo added, t .0. that Irritation of the stwilach is :tiniest invaliably accompanied by irritation of the temper. The Invigorating and tranutillii° ng oper.e.... of 1104. tetter • s Billets is most powerfully developed in rest, of Indigestion. The first elfcet of lids rtgrm . able •tottle is comforting and encouraging. .1 mild glory pervade, the payment, the chronic umattsinen• in the region .if the acb In lessened, and the nervous rehtlehstea•s'w Melt char• acterizes the dineasta Is abated. Thin lotProva Inept Ix 1101 lrnuxleul. - t 1, flat sncesamied l.y the retail aor the old symptoms with superadded force, an Is al y+oultb OW cane when 1111111 , A1CRINIS0111111.ts tad. gi voa f. , r Each dose aeons to impart l permanent MT. healthful invigoration. But this in not all. The epeelent and atiti-bilboth properties aof the preparation Cl' nearcely hecoudary in importance to Ith tonic virtues. II there Is an overflow tat' bile the hecre lon In noon bealtalit proper limits, Had If the bileary organ is Iteut anal bapid it is toned tun) regulated. The effect op au the discharging organs it. equally habitat)°, and in cas.n .ft 1.11 , 11,11 tin, cathartic action ih just hullicient prodo ie. d-trod renttlt gradually and wlthout 1111111. The 11111 is also pro. mote healthy evaporation from the tut rave v. ts ticulatly desirable at this reason iv stitlthaa heel], aaf tars, unpleasant ‘reatlier aro apt rhecit Ilit• perspiration and produce congention tho bier, coughs anal 'aide. The taint 50f . ..911,rd flUtg 114 rill Olio, n.o Ar iN bodilY rigor, and thin the great 1 eg••la LI 4. 1 e.core live essentially protnotes. • Dr. If. D. Longaker otteri to III,: afflicted, more enpechilly to tlione iittlitirio4 faint Climate Dineamen• Ile will be glad to nee and talk will Elwin. It In his practlci , to plainly declare R if ho believer it to be no, 'litho. cane. which lie undertake. he cuaranteen to do all that can bed Me by ono ••ario at• tentlon and the application of 1•Xileri01101 n h ill, named by toasty yearn of practice In treatlng (P.m,. in it • s ir.• onk and most maligunnt form. That Ma 4111 nor been exerted in vain. iminaroun `ma)' be keen ut Ills office, will testify. A ten name- ura noliketail for publication, bleb nro known to coom. N o feeling of egothon promptk tholr publication, but they are published rather an un evbienee time many who have deemed thmakolves hopeleknly hkVe by a proper application of the remnrcioi of medical kilo:ire, been rentored to health alld the enjoyment sill its la, 3la. Minn eggant, Johnkon Corner. I'. IA Canc., of we Breast. Mr, Ely (Rev. Ely), Allentown, PA. Cane c of, thin Face. J. J. Johnson, Allentown. Skin Piktiono Milton LI. bamintuan, Hanover. Chronic Brani . lllll.. Henry Gabriel, Allentown. I/camp, 3lrs. U. Yeager, Catanatiqua. Tumor+ of the !lead. Nathan Eberhard, Bethlehem. Cancer. 3lre. Ilech, Trexlertown. Cancer. Wm. •Inmeeou Bethlehem. Pilllllotiary Cithlnh lamer (leen. Bethlehem. Chroule Ilhontnatlx w, . . .•. • . Mrs. J Horner, Salisbury. berofuln. E. A. Mal:teller, Phiiiidelphia. C.incer Tumor. Mrs. W. S.3llunich, Salkhory• Soo , Coto. Vid- loto•Y. Abraham) Lanark. Timor, of tho Head, Clatter, New Tripoli. Tumor of the Dock. 3lrs, E. It. Soria a, diallngton. Fem. Con. Mrs. E. Weludout, Frieda Cane, of the ill east. Catherine Ansey..Centreville. Cancer ido of Cho Face John Levan, Siegfried'. Bridge. POl3 of the Dove. Mrs. Fogleman, Allentown. Cancer ol the Mesh!. Thomas Dots, llokendaunim. 'rumor Mrs. D. Krebs, Itlabauoy City. Ca., of the Faro. I. J. Shoemaker. Sole town. Tumor Catharluo Darman, NVeatherly. Cant., of hit The above parsons may all ho referred to, or certifkates tweet,um iel.ll at Dr. Longake's Allentown, ixth •trost, Hamilton and Walton, Pe. • -- rhysieMna recommend the ❑=e of Hall', Vtgc table Sicilian Hair Renewer In precut groyne,. null to heal eruption+ or the scalp. HORSEMEN, AVMS 'MON HEAD THE FoLLowING 2,11,111.11, 23// Ward, Phib/. JAM, O. Wl . l.l.4—Dt.ut SIR: 1 I,,tvr tied Or. Tyllx 11. Matorldrn'n l'rgyntlftil Liniment on a mare of 11114 m, ii hlch had a bad 4.1411141, causing 111111e11...../. I u.rd one IFYIIIe wish entlro snores,. curing her coniPlelelT• Apr11:I , ISSII. JONA. P. 111EPELL This Inyalnabla 1,1:4111mnt 15P1.1.1 by and Stnrokreport. Wholvsaly by JAMES li. WELLS, N. E. car. ••1 1 , 01 and Spring lianfen l'ltllmlelphm. I'•.r mNola Allimmtrn by 1.. ,1113111/T S Co. Siry,.l. Dr. W. E. 11.%11\ ES S. ruIN, 1,1 N. 4.1.1. :1A TIN ond JiMIN 14. 310, El: '':'ilttC!'_ i.epcna, , _BALES VEGETABLE SICILIATI • ER. RENEWS Til ITS,11;1(i1N II l• ult.\ Y. It , tI,V , rho nutritive matter which TIII (110 , 11'TIlf , 1 /1/K 11.111: 1111 E., 1`0•114,4 . -11“.1 , 1 , 11, wily hair I. • .8E4\.1-11P-:i4 DEE:;SIN4 mut It. ell. 04. It. I'. HALL .5; C. , . II 3 111:0.4... 1 IC•:1 Z. ut:rtarr,rttir .t hy l il y-It • v 4.. h, hat. ;.• 1:. hee tt I,, , fre tl e • 11111.11 r. and ;a that I tee 1 ,-14 ••••:,. •v Itt part- 1 ..1111e 1 1•• t, •• I.y ; ; It teelay, that I . •• 1. 'ld • Ca; r ,a. 4 1, Its w.ltelerlul power in leilevtir l : t'' , . , n. , •; e ha.. never brea equ.,ll , .1. :Ind it ha.. 41 ailll impala; ay. hy it% aat wet it. N. , rat. t.%.• 1•. hie!sill Ido••uteit.l ..1 eot • .li,, . varlet; - tt tle• antailltar cure, ore tee 1vt.111;11.. , , , t; t.. ree .;..tit 'that In thh. ail% arle.einent A. on . /;• ; taeollcle. the Pala li•vertleas arroattalaY via 1 1 1 Bahl lit all Itratrat4l , . Price N 1 e 14., ;1.1 411 , er 1 .-111 . • , NN I7 5I )( M uh..od, 11 I,SLII.F 11E1.1' tud 1.1 it.. IIIiWAIIII Assilri ATI t iN. I;, , I'. 1 U .,. Ma) . • Ijikr)/N‘:\ 1 : 1111 11 1. ...;\" I • 1 ' i ! )( 111111.0•011111,1 i, 011 PI 4,11.1i1 , ./.. 9. •'. , I' E•••-:9 ,1. III.• Lot 4,1` Youth : N...l .I •I' I:, 11, • . 1,:t., tb.•..1111.,•11. lIP AI 1.1'..1••,,k • n \ lloW It lb 11.•, I', I . ! , 'a. EItROIIS OF YOU'III.—A vretitionian w sulfured for )• from Nervous Prou taro Decay nod all Iho ulleels youthl ludlsureti.. will, for the sake of sullerhor ~.,,,,I Irrr In who neva 11. the recipe aud diroolloa 11131%ill:4 ihe si irk remedy by ht. ivas rer. .ishiaii profit Imp 11,, od vurlisur's our, Waco 1,111 ••1 I.y o ioporfori coo, 3..11N It to \. i l. Vo. I)EAFNESS, 141.INI)N Ft . -6 .1 NI) I. TARRit 1r031,1 with ISAACS. M. 11.01,14 ,/ Er/r. (hiN xpicierll. , /1 L, 11 11,1ir . ,1 I ,11, , Ryireill Pr, 1.11/11/r.V t!y ;1r. , . II I No. t, ' utll.°llk Till. Ni..111,,1 I. 11{11 ttl.• ;::. their . r t "'" .Vr . t 1 i Univeriiity, nro making viin.l..l II cor. 1...! of Concors, TllOl.lllll no.l tic ii. by liwir .., new 4114cm:ery. A 11:tint...4 trinliiiont. fill LI hnifo, . 0.1 , 4, tot rito-dic !Awning. t 4 T Ito moat a r Is. 0 ni. oirot't CANCER,S lid . this P:,ii • . .. . rittex thu clietniviii demo:it. "r ~,,,•. ~, tn growthi., 61/ thatl'S 111 `III h , i, 1 . . ' :'l,l 11: ~. • appear nod will not rotor, AI! C.. -• . f... Ilicteit orm Coll oil ill Pnol. —or , 11l I: 111 VI r-ity; itr nilill...v. Nin'filit'ii i :•:r. , .' r T TO c()Nsu:%ll"rivEs.—Th", 1. 111,101 .111 11,. Very liav 1.1 t t ig yi•ari. milli siivisri , I.llg 11 ft erl.'lllll. 1101 lilldedia-iii Ilf 011. urv•criptloil nnsl (friii of with ill , die lidos for rirowirizig anti tliiiy tall 111111 is sure 01110 ediedisoptii•te only oliiiici of Ole i 1,101 /11,, t Pio...elle thin hensillt :11,1 1•111,11t1 11....111111.1011 81111 . 1,11' will rdiniiily, its It st itu P il may pros artiti• lire. El , \ V.\ ED .5. Sl' I I,sioN. N. Y. ' TIIE DOUBLE-OVEN •SI'\NYSII)L COOk 1::;‘) ENTI1:1'.1,1" NENV AVU P('l i;S'fli'lr l'1:1 tvith ,V1.11, , N 501.tri11t0...1 , . .r. .1,•11, :11141%1s 1.1 hole. A% kit 1,1"-t hit . it 1 . 1,1 tai OW We ;1, 'Ili! 111 A /Iti 1•11 , 1) . II BARLEY-tiIIEAF coolilNG sTovE, highly 0,„ •ovcriti L ." ; ATA, lint Gnat dortlsl,ll , ,titic :•1' , .V1:. I.:. improved arid v••:1 1. sits (Ito stivt 0..11 thfr M•IVe it.. c,,iltsl.•ot L/ SUNNY : 4 11)F.: FlItl: I'I.A( 11111 , 11 In at .1 PILL. mu' ‘t at. the .1f.1,..,11,1r,1 1 ot.( HO. o 1., (/ • 1111110111 h ~ übjrrtrd In it.' I. o 1:... I , I—, II r... War. , 11..LL1, , 1 . 1.4 • L 1... I'ETEIZS()N ('!).. For ,L1..113 - LI., li. 11011 . 31.1 N, 1%. rpm: I,VONDEIi OF I'lE2: Jl. 01[ ANS . 111(.;liT3 .k PRICE ONLY 'Cll . () DOLli.111S! Active Cativatttotrd ..1 eithar -ex L•r th I. t Itorhotol. 'Eerttr , lalotral. 4,11 14-if 31. Jo:it' , . Wthotoeten, Del. Tl 4 NO'I'ICE.—NI)'R'II('E fIS lIEREDV GIVEN that nu eh ,cia ha I ..1.1 Ev II e illeittlett , of the 31 ' , TEAL FIDE IN,EIZ A A l'E' , 3l l'A. N V OF' LED 111 11 COVNTI", on 31.3;0.11% the -EV day of NOVE3I DEE tow, between the 111.11,.. I I dad d 'clock lu the ullertoton. ttl 111 , toGthe I ett-a 01 Auk'de- Hettinger, lu South Wiuteltall 11•11.1 , , (Walbert's Nation). for the electlau of Tin,t••• n tract., to datrvo tor the curdling' 3 , tr. 13y intlerol the Bould IllreS II .1.'3: AII A WdZEI.I., Pr, tt n't Wuttated lilt F0 , 11:1,. Si rr, hlry• ,3,6 F-0 PER IleiNTll.—'l'llElSES'l' •hook ever 1 nbli-t0 . . 1 . .3“ r.NT , 3vho rtell our ukv work, I'LAIN 1 1031 E TALI AND Ill:IDEAL ('O3l 31 , tN tttl:N SE, In,vo uu etunpolttotu. There never watt a h0..1; unit: sited 114 e It Any body rtu t oil it. Evoi y tdy v. tot, It. )I , ny itgautt, ate now otaktud from Vat' to 4 , per mouth G ,'inn thldlvotolerful hook. 21 Pan' . 'ot o oppllcattou. We non, no ,1 ova Atuott, o whorail Italy the mono. .td the 3v..rit..1 •l it Ink thin It totod , ttnivertotl ...1. Anettt- 11 he th to do good or well att hak e I/10111 . Y. Ad ha,. . . 3V 1:1.1.0 t'atirri N. .10124 41 412 Dltt tote ilk I, Nl',. Volk. • IN I. 41(/. FANCY DYEING ESI'.I.III.ISIIMET, \V. JONES, V.. 4.12. North Fnoll Dye Silks, Woolen and Edney e It 01 every de.tertr• 11,11. I)) el.: Lido , ' and Geutle uoI, • w1.1,1y o. lll3nn nl 31k too nhau dyrd 11,10 100•11,1111011k1nwnplain nn Crap.. 31 1. c. look like hew. A1t..., todleitten'tt Apparel, awl Curtail, demoted t e•tly ed hid I•tvt, elettotottl or dyed to leolt GI, two'. tOri'Vell ond bed: nt our work .:1,7.'21,1 -.-•••••••••-• .A.. NO TA /I i'l'hl,ll! A .V.I) 11 - 11 ENG IS T. B. LEISENRING ui.t•ltANcE miESt FLUE, LIFE. AN WITTMAN ,%: LEISENHIN(;, Redi Estate Agents and Scrivener; PARTIES doNirlng anything In oor in , will do well to glve to. a call. We have noon our lend:N.l Iht of no. inort tietdrable property In thin city, Ivltlch tt ill h; .-dd of low tigureet union.: which urn No. I. A two.story 'trick duelling h0n...., nod lot of ground Ili feet front by tr.itt deep. on 7th fillet botuo. n Chew nod llertion I. Will olto.tit• No ;!. A two•htory frante dwelling loot. , tool lot ..f grground Allen attreon Id fount'l ,1111. Ineltea (rout by I'd leet s , botol • No. 5 'rwoodory brick dwellin + g on.l lot of geounXlS feet front by 141 feet deep, on th Illlt tdroett. near Turner. No. 7. A two otory brick throning lo n 0... 15 feet 1 , 104.10.4 front, and ittr of ground IS feet In Inciter trout by IN. deep, Lot 10 Ilue order., ott trick hut k . t . t.,t hide. cheat, No, 10, Two hon..% ..nitaltio I, or groeory, op httedt, homer, -Alt itiol 01h, Lot net Iront by 132 deep, Will planted W till wil l tri g etC, l'rlre 40:00. ortii+ No, 12, Two•ptory fOduoi dwellit., th tilidVo (Jordon, liot 11 lip 1 . 2,d le , t, tiNo, Two.ritor) . frame lotus,. with 4 c.w.., cut.o tee•t Klatt of Sow ..tteet. No. 15, 'rho protoirty on rho cortltro•t cdriliir :Olt nod Turner rtreot, II 011n0 011 . 00.1.10r , .W lip :11, lirodt kitchen nit:Letitia, well pdpocc 1 thontattont. to g. , 1 0“/. • 1 Loll al bv 110 feel, ittillatile tor loit•titii—i Ne. leranne throning, Itottory, :12 by . .?1 , feet, I roil:Li :tol I.iit 50 by feet Vac tut loot of ground 'Motto tho f .11..wito; tdrottls Sloth vtreet. corner .ti tide :dot Allen tareett; of Lohlgh Itallroad,Stxth Oen , o.'e bt.. tort. , oa4Y tit 1014 011 win. Chicle and (1, a, n tho itio•t reti•otioldo Orin.; IS tdreet4; st feet front oti loth ,i,redt, IIeIIIe.O And ddltdoli. All very cheap and term. eany. PIMPLES The undersigned will cheerfully mail (boil to nll ado nv.ah it, the Recipe and Inll directions for preparing and hlmple uud be:initial Vegetable Ilalui, 111 Immediately remove T., and all eruptions and Impurities 01 the Skin. Roivlnn 1110 game soft, clear, snuinth, and lieantilith • , , • 11111V1 Ili.° neutl (fro. , boil.. nowt tor protlitelny, I.y x i try xlmul, menu., a luxuriunt crowth of butt - oti a totbl head or ',mouth lace. Tito alnico tutu bit obtain,' by return mail. by AN, 1:10:, I in f . . 0. Box 612;. 110 B 1100. Broad N.M . York. net 3141,104 w oWar - f-a77 5-7 ,31r.:,.- . _:! , .t.IVERY , • C 134 v.str , A Oolor and Dreiniing that V 7 11 not Burn the Hair or Injure the Head. It makes flair soft and fine, restoring its natural e.d , t without dyeing, by imparting 'a healthy end vigorous growth. IT 13 ALTOGI;T111:11 UNLIKE ANY OTIIER mem.) ONLY IT J. 11. Donvo, 426 North Etalith St,, Phi!ado, Prlen EI.OO, Inrgo botllrs SOLD EVERYWHERE None genuine without my signature, and 1 put toy name to no goods that are not of ,nrpassing excellence. f; - 571--/=7: , e MIME (); C . ' 2. k'st... )1k S 'I I I ' ' J. =ME 1 , ".( : ME lI'. I 1p : 1,1 , 1 . . 3 -..1.1 5 1 Ito 1 .• 1..11 , \-• !:i .111, ! 4. •r,!. lio ,i) I v.,Dt 1, • , 111 , 1 , 1 t to• I.k .‘,.•11 • ..11 , 1C.11:,.t— , •-. m ,V. 10111,. N T.lll -ti. •.•t, I I , I. A I i; • • • 5..11. 1,1111 1 . . V. , 111. 1 L 1,-rs..l Is .I.:Zft • 1. • W Pant: I: ow. ==MMEM •G ; , myra'Euev.— ,Neti.4lta- I lt Al Nttlrert.4l Willi Ca 1.,t 1... , A:1 Itit• I .11 • tt pit l• 1- -0 •1 I /10 10V I. r.•°. ••• . 'l' l * IA 3 ci. ,t— , , 3i.• Noltpl.• roto,ly for :1,•ot , 1..111N 1.. oiii y ..gym tk• ‘,14 , k1e I . oill a:,,- d, .1. ••11 1.1 11..1,1111 1L1: 1 1 1111..11. 1111 1 ., 111 1 ,1 11111111 1 . 1• 11. t, 1 1 • 111 .11r.11 1 1 111- 11 11 1 1 / 1 • I.N . .I.• 0: unf ,, rt 1 ‘,lll r .14101 11. 1 , Int in • .1t , 1.1 . 11 INM.,N. ll_ 11,1,1, IN. o , l' . oon h • •,t ~.111• .1 ..) ....ii ii!• of N at• '' '''''''''''. lii lii li.iiiiii "I -liii-. I*i.lii Ii I in , !. • •1-1 E•• ra 131 , 11 t Ii 1 t H 31.1 MIMI 4'Ait. t WINE, I.) . dato.l 1,101/er 21. 1 , 70. r•ols. real, atl.l IIIIN• I• 11 I••• 1 • • I credltt,.. h 'I , I.V II I- •111 -. •••• .%!/13t1- 411- 1 . P.1'115. • •5 •• • rl• 1111ii-•,111 , ! /01.11 Ili. .11110 I, • ' , ..litl, li, {lMO. A N. \ • r !1..% •••1;,,• ki.l. n . tht• rtturt 1 . 1...- 1.. i tt .1J:ill, of N .t. t.. t• 11.. V I I.Ii.IEIZV ' t s L t 1 , 7 .t •,1111 I I .:It t.. graitt .out l'lntrter A 071 EAT 4V-ITiCAL DISCOVERY D. NVAIOTED'S C.^.LIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTERS 4 cf ID, 72 . . 4 13.- •ortlir - (Iv Ir Wuatle I '. 1;1.4 _tear testimony to heir Wuat tut Curative Lit. itt. ,t 1 4 ti WHAT ARE THEV o np ; t..c "7 a t a go 'Z. 7'3 -4 ' e ' O . 1 0 4 tl4 , . 1-; 9 1.1 „ -4 4 ri \ ,Lao ij 0 5 E.• 0 c THt T NOV A VILE :::FAPICI/' DRINK. !nut° of Poor Bum, Whisker, Proof Spirit/ and Ittfuno Liao Urn th , Clur.d, bpiced and sweet• cited to please table, enll,l Appal/. ern," i• Ileetorerit," e., that lend the tippler on to drunken:l,. and ruin, het men true Medicine, mad° trout the Nato, e Loot; and feria of California, fret, from till Alcolaoll , Stimulant. nay aro tho GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER t u rd A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Itenovator and Invigorator of the Syetent, carrying off all poisonous matter and re:4oring the Woad to a heathy condition. No petition can into Mee Illtters according to dime. Sion and remain long unwell. Sill 0 will he given for nn Incurable case, provided the bonc3 are not dez.royed by mineral poison or other means, on 1 the vital organs trusted beyond tho point of repair. Fur Inflanimo gory nod Chrottle It [minim. Hera nod Gout, Dyspepsia, lir I urtigentiou, Bilious; Remit tent nod Int eemit t ent Fevers sense, or the Blond; Liner, liitineyto mid Bladder, these Bitter,' have been tuo,t anewe• ful. bitch Plneusee bre ranted by Vstimed Mond. winch In goner:oly ire :reel . deranument of the Ditieetire Organs. DYS7 . I:I'SIA OR IN DIGESTION, liend ache, Pole in the Ohouldt. !, cum..); Ttohtntoi of the Chedt, Dlzzinefa, lone Ernetr ef. the Ftonmeh, Dad taste la the Mouth, 11.110. .'.Ltael..e, Palpitatlen . of the Heart, (le of gv, Vain In the region of (lei Kidneys, fuel a hi;o liad elf to palt.lul aymptotne, are the I Tin y invejornie the St. math and ttlntulata the to:• flat:act and 1,01,1 , 011:kb 14.1 b r them el' unequalled chicory In clean,in;.,. t:.e hie. I of impurities, htta r;r: vi;; , 1., 11.0 o hole syLletn. FOIL SRA N DISEASLS, I:ouptlot:c.FettFr,:,lt Eltentn, Illetcher, F butt . crs beneles, Scal.i.litad,!, re. Eyes. Erysip. elan, Itch, F. curia, Dheolt ratlera of Ibe Skin, 8er.11.1 and Biomass MC 1.1.10, of whatever name or nature, ore . I.llj up anti c.lrthal out of the nytActit a short lone by the 'h.: of these llltters. One bottle In such C(1,31.111 Cu,..CV, nun Incredulous or their curative elect. 1111111Eri Cleanse the Vtt.,...e.1 Mord whenever you Rod Its Impuritic3 bu,tin;; through Ito shin In Pimples, Erup tions reres ; clean, It it n you find It obstructed and taugt;l•h 111 tlle ; Connie It when It Is foul, and yuur fedlors will tell you w hen. lieepthe blood pure end the I.t silt; rf the r r r* m Will folio, TA 1'74 ot:,,e1V011 . :11S, larking In the eyi ICIII Cr rn arc effectually destroy od and Ft worm. —a I_ll tllreetlen3, road carnally the circular It tattle, printed to fourlar, Fl.och and Spatdbh, J. WALKLIZ, Pronr,, tor. it. /I. MoDONALD & CO., Druggists and 'Gee. Agents, Pan Francisco, Cal„ and Si and 31Connourcu Street, New York par soLD Dr ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS ~ I.:ncturr lEEE 4 )l),Th lIIIIM '.'•IIIN = =MEM I.'. I:NT ACCI- ~„~. ~~:, 147otirrs . . r.u.Grillll,. liu 870. i3irtnos II) tV1 . 14 tic CO., New &• Improved Grand & Square PIANOS. B. SHONINGER & CO.'S cllUltUll PARLOR ORGANS sda for and INSTM.)II;NTS. Purchno.crc will do 4,1111111 W the riItEAT IMPIICIVEMENTA parcha%lnd . ckcwhor , s..ud :1,1 DenetirLiVe Circular. W. REDFIELD PHELPS & P(or,) No. 997 Cheßtnyl ~Street, PRILADELPIII A. nos . 2 ein 1(11 E EC 1' ( PIANOS, GRAND, SQUARE AND UPRIGHT. Mason & Hainlin's Cabinet Organs, An Elegant Stork of (Imlay Maws' Prieto!. GOULD & FISCHER, • • 1,1'1:. , . , 1ten To J. E. 000 Lo. No. 923 CHESTNUT STREET, 10IS ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA EMI `EVENTS-rsVE FIRST PRIZE ME- L, DAL , AWARDED. THE GREAT . IMO BE PI A NOVOgi , , MANI'PA , TI:I" WILLIAM I( NA BB & MAN i'VA , Tralilo , *%V (: MIND, SctrAltE .I \"D UPRIGHT 'IAN() FORTES BA LT !MORE, MI) 'll.cs , I Ivurotnents have been beforn the public fur no,tilv Thirty Years, awl upon their excellence alone at• I a I Ilea ununpurellan/tf pre •I nl in, ;ere, tv Well pronounces oseunclle‘l. Their 'I ONE groat ih.tver, i•wentonsi., nod One ringing Winn ,. well a , great porlty oi Intonation, and 5W1.1 . 1111 , 1 , 1% 11.1011 , 0,111f110 entire real , Their )1 - (. ' I I 1,11.1111 mot elaqte, , entlly (roe the •ilittle,4 itto,it In nutty WORI(MANSIIII' they , r , on , ottallv.l,u-hoz non,bot thn very beta Ae.nowl row! , eta the law capital emplovvil in our ' en- Odin:, t, to k eon emtinuall y loonen•v stack nf hn. her, Sr., on hand. our Spo,rr Pirin,a have nor New hula...vett Or rt•vor SVALE tied the Ayr.ffr Tri bin. g.)-We wool./ all special attention h. our Into holrotN mom 'JUAN/1 HANDS and MI /'Alt 1: (:11.1.05 , PA rt, 1. which brio.; the Piano nearer 7o•rivvii., than Aug. has yet been attained, Reery l'iano Putty Warranted for 5 . J'crire • \ Imre pot urrangettlent. for the Solo 1174.1,4 , dr .1 •i• • Joe', for the 1.1.1,4 Celt•brutell P• 4 /1/,(//r f, whirl• we utler NVI•olee.•11. and 11.1101. Ai l'artory ILLIA7II K NAIIE l (' I l. .lAIII ES "VELLA K, whofroni, Popol. 2,11 1`1•11e., Po. ••• 1 , 14.1;rol WE L t DlE!s' IVANt'Y 11l RN. JOIEc FAREIRA, A\ 71$ ARCH ST., Midi.. of tho ni,,,k, be ',llk, met n 'itn and Sth nue. m. south Side, 1.1111,1.1 I PIIIA. • 1.. li7 r . 3: !, . 1 i:1:1I:P i Rir 11P!VTin " fri ll , . FoItIADIIN' S. CIIIIIMI 1 X /' ~ , -' 7. II liVing L 7 1:111710d, r,nod ' At ':' ~, ; Med and Imroved my old 'l i ,1151, - . end far oroldy known FUR 1- Vllita EMPORIUM. and having F.- • l'i,lL f Imported a very Mtge and _. splendid assortment of all ' tho different kinds of Furs from first hands In Europe. uud Lane had M. el made Up by the most skiillui work no ii, 1 world respecifully ins lie my friends of Lehigh- Mittii, ltellt COOlitie,, to CM/ and examine my very large st Ist mall el mooirtuoiat of rout, tarn, for Ladies and I loldren I airs determined to melt et on low prm/ no any titer ri -ettitlilo Hone In thin elf). All Fore %Var. mut• it A A miot, pro , . motion to °Hort outfox JUIIN FAHEIRA, ~,t 253-3.1 711Arclt street. Philadelphia. FURS. 826. FURS. 101 IN A. STAMBACII & No. S2O ARCH STREET, PIM ADELPRI A , MAN crAcrununp4 or liA DIES' FANCY FURS Consistiag of Rn..lnu Fnbb•, limison flay Sable. Miuk Royal Ermine, tinge., Seal, A ntntchnus, Squirrel, Children's Sett, Grutimiem's Collars awl (110 yes, Carriage nod Sleigh The latest syles nr lowest price, • Ali Furs unamistemi no ropreseuted. JOHN A. STAMBACH & CO., 826 Arch M., 5 doors Mole Xinth, south side, 11E I.l'lll A uo 2.3 m iIoi.EsALE AND RETAIL FURillEll, . the Nor Styles «t the Lowest Prices. t'ssl.lN I. P. 1/l .\'l: . AS TR A AN, HUDSON RAI SABLE. rogether a oh a lull hoe of low priced tioodn, nultable for the Whnla.Ltle Trude. Children's beta or every do ,eription, nud every article guaranteed an repreeented. /M AS M. FREELAND, MI=C! MEE FURS I FURS I ! FURS II! .Thf,uder.og,wd resportfully invites theistic:Won of his friend., c,pdoluers, and the public lu neucral, to thu fact hat he and linuov ED (ruin nix old stand to No. 8.30 Street, and is puss . ready to supply nll his friends nud plutons wiLli LAI)IES' ANI) CIIILDRE:s.;'S FURS, Such it, Rossla and Hudson Boy Sable, Mink. Ermine, Chinchilla and all other fashi sable Fors. Also, black and white Ahtracau Seal Coats and Baena., manufactured tram and 'dunned with the best material and gal Iced In the best stunner, and in the latest and moot approved styles nod patterns, at prices to suit the times. PI , are call and examine my goods before golug else where. All goods warranted as represented, or the stoney re• funded. ghtsfurs direfully repaired and altered to the latest style. lIENRY lIASKE, act 19•3111 hit Arch street, Philadelphia. 3Jru Coob,s SPEC( A LT I ES IN FLANNELS! FLANNELS! FLANNELS! This Department. t 1411. PLAIN and FANCY PI/AID SIIIIITINO FLANNELS ) PLAIN and FANCY TWILLED FLANNELS, (NIECE naA SOLID COl,OliS lIOAIE.MA DE FLANNELS. RED, WHITE. YELLOW and lILVE WOOl, and DOMET FLANNELS. COrFON'And SHAKER FLANNELS, 1,11 culura. OPERA FLANNELS. Your 1114 - .:ctlon .40111. entire stock ualielted. • 12,,pectrully, E. S. SIIIMER 4: CO., 703 and 707 Hamilton 6t., Allrotown, Pe LEMAISTRE A: ROSS Are offering tltt largest and twit selected Ilue of goods thy have ever had lu stock. E.peetal attention Is called to tint sow pattern. HAN EURO EDO INIls AND INSERTINGS. Handsome tiorrlNU RAM CURTAINS and CURTAIN N El's at a great bargain. The uhnsually Chat lot of REAL LACE COLLAItS. The choice line of LACES, an HITATIIIN CLUNY, YALENCI A, THREAD, DUCHEsS, CROCHET, Ac. As troll te. all the bent TRIMMINLIS for general tn.s. All styles WHITE HOODS for Infant Wear. The best and cheapest FRENCH MUSEINS In the mar ket. REAL (WI PCRE LACE below market Wm 212 NORTH STII STREET, PHILADELPIIIA. BY INDUSTRY WE THRIVE! Vc are Rio log o urrot deal of attention In our DRESS -GOODS DEPARTMENT, AIWA ym endeavor to keep It now and attractive. The very latest noveloes of the PORNO!). from the cheapest IMO, it) tho (Inept textures or fabric,. We bay for ready Cobh only. IR coneegneuee enables us tub n i ).Ina cheap at the bottom prices. Our always O m the profit, Belo., you make your Fall and Wittier purchases, do not Mil to roll at the MAMMOTH STORES OF E. S. SIIIMER & CO., f 5 nod 707 Hamilton St., Allentown, I's EW' IN HALL, NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, PIII LADELP In% It s ateialon to bib Mock of BLACK SILKS ,_best Nukes. COLORED SILKS In oil dentrabl, ',Latium "PIKS" 11111111 POPLINS. CORDED & PLAIN FItENCII POPLINS. SERIIIIS AND SATIN CLIITIIII. PLAID POPLINS AND SEIWES. Th,lnte , ..t Ft ylex or Di,. Good. colminutly receiving And fur nalo ut the lowe,t pricen. A full .lork ut 3101'1151N0 GOO Its ultra) , On hand. BLACK POPLINS. 11011.41 RS and A LP.WAS. SHAW LS ! SHAW LS ! 1 SHAW LS ! I=l CLOAK VELVETS, PURE SILKS, imports!. SI LK ! SILK PLUSIIES ! Is all dexirable WATER-PROOF CLOVIS. CLOTHS FOR LADIES WEAR. VELVETEENS OF SILK Timm CLOTHS FOR StEN AND BOYS' WEAR Table-Lineal,. Napkins, Slieetinsts; TovreHugs. Ellrt• Ingr. Flannels, Blankets, Counterpanes. Plano and Table I:over, Embroideries, Laces, Whim floods, Moves, &c. WO dont In good goods, and will sell at such Vireo an shill give satisfaction. The Market and Chestnut Street Cars trill convey you to within a row doors of the store. EDWIN HALL, Month &wood street, Minds. ISEIZI JYor Salt' anti '►ito ILO. TO LET.—A ILEASONABLE. LEASE trill to given on llto Easton Slat° Quarry, nitn•ted la Plainfield township, Northampton county, P.. tan , Slarkortoirn. It connlstx of number ono flat-vein, blue, never-fading slate, fully equal to tho troll-known Mail man Slate, with a good water Culver and a full rigging el pumping and hoisting nutohlnec 'Persons desirous of ac uPPortunity of thin kind will pleas(' examine for Ilion, selves. and apply to Reuben Koch, Sinekertown P. P. mar :1 'm l H 1,. SCREIBER, President 420 BURIAL LOTS FOR BALE.--- The undersigned offer for mato 4'3) new Ceme• tau lota Immediately adjoining the Union Cemetery, on Tenth evert. The into will he mold by subqcrlption, end Immediately aroma. , whole number ow dlepozed of they will be award ed by lot in the some manner an In tho organization of the Union APNOCiIItIOII. or piano of the preminme ron he seen at our oflice. 12 GOOD & 10•11 E Ht i t ; li N te k riiffe ll r ' s 4l l. ' m la snle f t i s! A w lE tse .— anl r l i ot li s il l E t l nat N etr ij" on SIXTII Street, between TURNER and cirinv, the City of Allentown. Tiro house is complete with all the modern conveniences and In handsomely papered throughout. The grounds nro tastefully laid out nod are well stocked with fruit trees. An the furniture wn• bought ezoressly for this dwelling the miliscriber would prefer selling It with the house: For farther formation, terms or VIOW lir h.. call on the subs her on the prem ises, between the looms of g A. M. and 3 P. M. It. W. HUDSON, North fills drool, above Turner apr 27 A PAWNEE'S SALE. A - 1 The undersigned will utter nt Public Sato m SAT• URDAY, the NINETEENTLI day of NOVEMBER, 11 , 40, nt I o'clock. P. M.. on the premises, the following Real Estate of AtaatAlos Frantz. to•wit: A SMALL FAII\I uu,..e In North 1..111411p, Lehigh cmity, U. dining lands a John Frl,lrlelt, John, Nchneck, Slophen olt, Stephen Uhler. Abraham tichovak, Wlllinm Lelben• Ilnvid Senunel, And other, CONTAINING 27 ACRES, I°7 PERCHES, strict measure, whereof about three acres are numlow . . and a part timber land; the rointuuder being good form lund. The Improvements thereon eaglet of Two DWELLI No [MUSES, carpenter tamp, frame Swiss Born, wagon shop andolher outbaildings. Also, n good Apple Orchard, wells nt thc house and barn, ant u the merubog are .eVeral sprlnge or water. Also, at the aurae time, vial.s articles of persons! Property will be sold. Conditions will be wade known on day of sato by HOT lid A. K. WITTMAN, Assignee. Clothing . PLIIIN FA f CTS WORTH ADING. rge, well established and ful business, with an ex e of more than .twenty rs, enable us to offer tents to all who are become purchasers of A succe perien five y induce] about t 1 • t .; Clothing second t no establishment in the coun' y. Our garments are all made f the best materials, carefully • lected; nothing un sound or any way imperfect is made u at all, even in the sof goods. It is dished fact among It our Ready-Made every thing that a superior gar iqualled by any in Philadelphia. lent is so large it every one can without delay. always guaran lower, than the iVe have .ent of INEEZE clothiers, th Clothing, i goes to ma ment, is u stock of goo Our assort and varied th be fitted at one Our prices an teed as low, or lowest elsewhel also a fine assor MElf' Goods in which will be mat in the best ma prices much lo usually charged made to order. Samples of goo. , with price lists for all kinds . garments, forwarded by, mail t any time when requested, w' instruc tions for self-meas ent, and garments, either g . o order or seleeted from o eady- Made Stock, for ar. d ex press, guarante- • t t ..r -rectly. Persons not res it • ere, can when visiting • ila elp 'a, call and have thei rn- re r• gistered on our b Kok. •- . for that purpose, from ii , r ments can be order .d tai future time. BENNETT & C Tower Hall, 518 Mark- Lralf-way between Fifth and Sixth PHILADELPHIA EXCELLENCE OF FABRIC! PERFECTION IN STYLE! ECONOMY IN PRICE! Our stock is complete, and in great varlet,' READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR GENTLEMEN. Business Suits, • $lB to $4O Dress Suits, • - • $35 to $5O Fall Over Coats, - - $lO to $3O Winter Over Sacks of Freize, $lO Petersham,sl 4 " " " Chinchilla, Fur or Moskow Beaver, $2O to $55 Winter Surtouts of Frieze, - $l2 " " Petersham, $l6 " " " other fabrics, $2O to $4B TOR BOYS. Bismarck Suits, $7 Other Fancy Styles, - $9 to $2O Metropolitan Suits, - $l4 to $3O CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. New Goods, of Fine Qualities•and . Elegant Styles. American Yoke Shirts, In stock and made to "order. • Inquiries by mail promptly answered, and System of Measurement forwarded when .desired. Address Box 2256, N. Y. P. 0. DEVLIN & CO. BROADWAY, COR. GRAND STREET, BROADWAY, COR. WARREN STREET "VIIT • J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT V V SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER No strap. under the awns. Perfectly . comfoitahle, ana. ornlcally made and highly beneficial. 0 4 North 7th elow Arch, /eh \ladolphis. • Treason, Snprorters, Bhutto toeklnge. l.rnt e IC., c.. I nwe.t price. In the ally. Lad) tendent. •en ly e up to order, ner, and at r than are r garments
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers