Btu Goabz OUR MOTTO QUICK SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT THE IMANBIOTI F4TOII ES ! Blankets! Blankets ! ! • WHITS, BROWN and GRAY BLANKETS. Unsur paseed In nua lily. quality and prier. CHEAP ! Never before lower. An iii.peelion la OA the net and Yon will Le conylbeed. Call at the luo.t Popular Place and Goode at Popular Prices at E. N. SHINER & CO., 70.1 and 707 1111011 ton - , t., Allentown, Pa. T M. II A FLEMII, P., • 1012:AND 1011 CHESTNUT STREET, I= FALL AND WI TER OPENING,' MONDAY OCTOBER 3 1870 BLACK SILKSI COLORED SILKS. LYONS BLACE.VELVETS, Sr., nt l,nr rol ,, POPLINS, CASO 51 SAES, NEROE , ,DIAIIoNAL PLAIDR,Ingr , ot WHITE GOODS, LACES, and EMBROIDERIES, HAMBURG EDOINOS, vary NB dot. JOIIVIN KID GLOVES, I to 6 Buttonv. iunt recolvea. Opening Monday, October 10t b. New Stylen and great ilnveltiem In Purl,. I=l ill which the attention of parchtieern Ix until Nora•—Spocinl Mina!on paid to Country Trade. Ea rom; reduced one-half, and great bargain. m I I be of ,red. Oct 12.3u1 EA m u; Er EH NO. r S.OOTII MAIN 4'l' BETH LEH EM )RY (GOODS, FANCY GOODS, NOTIOINS, !I , H.:1 , :!:,E1 , ',1)1NG G(111-)z, WOODEN WARE, OT L CLorrns, r 3 p •U 6 =EI DEPARTII ;4: '‘ T. liokld• 1.110, al Ilia• N.•r) LOWEST CASHWES BEAMAN & TRAEGER 1) 11. t'olll%Slr. CO 12:1=1111111!1111 Nill.lT.‘ Y, 1111.:.1 TRW.% f. (MOD). F1..%(;5. ILA N I)dEs. ET( 131 Nolan Timm sTitEET, I=l ifurniturr . . Tr 337 N. SECOND ST., l'llll.A Tho. 01,1 tt•tattl,,lttttl twonty year, triutityltuut ht POItS FIT E. During ~•rent •lepre...en lu Inedues, ter alt In for oorb, ghee Pent nod heat n..ortell let In the city. toldrh we are melting At t Sow Sofa FiCtl.l. , lo rch 191 to.i .. good bed tit night, rultnbb• for olokrootn or COTTAGF, CIIAMBER SUITS. Straw, flunk, Exc4.1.0,,r all.l Straw 3lattrom, air nm, yle to mull ptrehrtxrr, IVINS BRO., 3t7 (east d « PSIM*, Funs!Tutu:. ,1 1 )STI'll '1 ALTO\ CAMNET MAKERS, No. 113 WALNUT ST., PIIMADELPHIA 'Our ostablieloneut in one of the koldokt lu PhtladolOino, and from lortg experience and rut nrior inellitlen moo JOT 'roared to furukh good Work at .re., , ,,0ub10 prier, Wo nannoranture hue forinure, nod ohm medlum•hrlood furniture of nnverlor , mality. A hum. mock of turtature hears no hind. •floodx tondo to order. Montero, Desk Work a (Rice Furnaore fm.llrt tax. °ces and Storrs md. 10 °M yr. I ma d• WALTON J. W. larrthmrr. Jo, L. Seorr. obh•lr GE:M a ir , METZGA It ND (h AS LEV I FENSTERMACI ER Corner Tenth and Hamilton Streets, ALLENTOWN, PA. (Sorrel°or to Eli. Fermeromher. nosier lu Groin, Floor nod Feed, Clover, Thur.l y VI% Sen, Sir Seed otato., Noel, Orly 1 ' and Ear A ly &rap d ed ,A ll leery, %Vial,' Boroot. (00 " . Fighl/04.1,8?inuIngli:Ao,r„vp,mnig:,,c.""- Lehigh County Cider Vinegar by t h e b orro i or mowl ,, measure. A I ;lV:inn roa're L . ‘ l ' v r h r oTe ' t ü b :l et r. 3 l3 ' ll k . ".110 State ° po i ...lust raid ve4.. mar .'t•l7 OP 17AR 0.P1812 AND MEXICAN WAR. ipt LEIGIVS • . FOREIGN COINS, STOCKS GOLD, OOVERNYIENT T..UBBER TRUBB • and other BONDS BOCCI lIT arid SOLD. IMPROVED.BARD R COLLECTIONS promptly mein on all point, Will relate mid cure the moot difficult ropier.. Im%er -01001 to loodittim... F . or . qe r tnliu s e:zi r a , to . l ,d d o urit2ily it ea ; DEPOSITS RECEIVED. laNa al h.i . t. t r Vi g o l griZia. a blr,Tr h , l 4..l. 4111 1 :i dri A ; 7 4, 1 ! art l i: l ' a ' • A ll = i tE:ril f ' l4 s t 7. ""h° l'I'"". or 11"" T"""klißecit_littirdiX:'hy Mrs. LEIO It. • , JUIINI ri, 7 . IIUSIITON lt CO., . dteL 1210uheatout street. mixt door to th e corner o(. au era and Brokers . , Ofileast Thirteenth atree t. Philadelphia (up stain,. mit 9.1, .1. 22.1 Y No. ril South ad St., Philaaa. 1309 t lEaTtero. R EII 0 % I,'. YOUNG & LENTZ'S WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOT ANI) SHOE 'STORE, 8. W. I 'orrt.” of HAMILTON and SIXTH STS NOS. 31 , 4 ANI) 40, where they Kr. now prepaml to recetre their pntrnux THE IVHOT,ESALE DEPARTMENT EST STOCK OF GOODS IN THIS VICINITY A urea, quantity of 010 work being or their own make -- and the balance (rain the beet mann focturere In the coun- TILE RETAIL. DEPARTMENT I=ll Ltailroalls ri ATM+ A VA A N FOGELSVILLE " =77trrirel. — KLlGltt - IT7O, Pn.o.onver traintt on the Catonotnon l Vusteittvilitt italirond tvill ran in connection with the Lehigh Vitilev. Lehigh k gt1,1400i1:11111:1, and ha Penn. Itniirotol, n. rolton , :— Train, Wotan STATittN.. Trititpt hart. ERE ".I('CATASAIY.II`A.. '2lB I 7 I).i •JORD 1N 111011,11 i 41 I U 7 2437 20 OPTICS. ALIIERT'S, " 311 I Tlt EX I.I.IIITaW PAUMINGTON. SPIII NO CREEK AL-BURTIS, I II .111 7 1717... •Flng Stlttlou, CONNECTIONS ILn moraine train westl COCOA Catanringna oath , arrival of the L, V. It. It. local Pannringer train from En-ton, Bethlehem :mil Allae town. nud connects nt ALBitrlin with a train on the Emit l'emisylvnnal It. R. for Rending, Potts ville, Harrisbarg nud Philadelphia, and Also with a train for Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton. New York null Phil adelphia. The morning train tant connect. lit ALBurtis with train iin E. P. It. It. from Harrisburg, Reading and Allentown, nail at Colas:mina with train on the Lehigh Valli , Rail road for htsineli Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Phil dolphin and Now York. The 200 P. M. train Went onn•cle at Al-burns with a teak: on the Rant Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsvill , , 11nrristoint, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philaileildila and New York. The Evening train Rant leaven Al-Bottle on t anis .11 of a train (rain Allentown rind of a train Pinking he rn•- tie. RI Reading with trains from Philadelphia. Harris burg, Pottsville, he., and connects ivith local twisting train on the L. V. R. It. at Cams:mon for Allentaw•i, Bethlehem and Eaidon. Persons wishing to go to Allentown ran take the morn ing train We.t to Al-Bodin, arrive at Allentown F.'An in evil return liv a train on Pre East Pennsylvania Hannon I, leaving all.w...tvn at 4 p. ni. C. W. CHAPMAN, ling 10.1, Supt. and Engineer. • I Ell IGH VALLEYEL 44 I',V Ai I. Rom,. I=l .n ood ult, MONDAY, OCTODER•I6, IS7O, iroio.a ill colt Ii• follows Leann Allentown for Easton nl 6 01, fi W. 010 and Yto nod l!111,•_ 31,:1 3.1, 5 33.31?.nd 710 pm. Fel olk. via Central Railroad of ?taw Jersey, at n Oa, 11 70 a in, 12 • 131, 51.1 and 615 p in. For Neu. York, via Morris & Railroad, al 61 11 &I 0 in. and 3 31 p For Philadolphia,via North Peon Railroad, al 60J, 1. nod 11 to a in, 231 and (1 113 , ni. Fur M mink a Chunk and Ih y Wert. at p 10 a in, and 511 Per Lambertville, Trenton idol Philadelphia. vla 11.1 Dol. R. n i Goo and rAt It to. mid t 4r, Pm. TRAINS WESTWARD. At titt.s n ut for Pithdon. Ilarleton and Mt. Carmel. 149 n in, rata Expresx for Towanda, Waverly. RDA ra. Buffalo. Ilazioton. Andenried Idol MI. Cartnol, vtopt ping only at principal tdatlons, nod conn e cting at Quakrk n with train on Catatcisvn Railroad fur Willialnxport, and at Waverly WWI train on Erin Railroad for Elmira I! Id Buffo, At Si).) a In and 420 p to for Wilkottbarro, Pitttiton, 11, Zleloll And Mahanoy City. At ti 18 P in fir Coplay. At 800 p to for MlLllch Chunk. At 23; p 111 for Williamsport. nutnx with a atm. chat Irma East Penn Junction. 11. STANLEY (11/01)WIN, Avv't (Joni Sup . l. Rourny 11. SAVIM. Snp ' t & %TORT II PEN VANIA RAILROAD. 15TV.,114i0s.tete=1.1., I= al'aAsenger. for Pitlintlelphla take Lehigh Valley It. 1. trains pas•ing Allentown nt u Maud 11 rAI it. M.. nod and A 4nin.. and arrive In Philadelphla at 55 a. 1.% . 2 15. p Es 27 p. in. Also Lehigh nut Sostotelour tut Roilrouti train. , at 75; tn.. 247 and 542 n. and ar riye iu Philadelphia at l rt. o a. 111, 215 and: , 25 p. tn. = ; Fin.. 110,,agli Train.lly, Sundays Excepted.) l'imiamger trdun Irave the depot Northwest corner Ile: :is and American >I rots, l'hiladelphltt, For Allenton ti at 7 Anna ti 15 a. ta., and 1 45, :120 I. .1 5 it/ p m` Fer Doyle, ,tva at N 21n. nn. "110 and 4 m. Far Foit Wa•lingt ,, n al 7 and 11 0 tn.. and 11 I. ail For Aldact.ti at 1 In, 3 30 and 520 p. tn. Idiu-dalc at d.ll =! 1.••••Vo 10. WA), S1:111. DI., 1210. ft 110. 1110 p. ra " 1 ), •1 1.•-town ut 0 Ida. la., tu and 51•5 p. ' • Lan,..iale at 6 tn n. ILI. Fort NV a•ltinnton al S3O, 1 , .:10 a la., .2 V. PRI 11.itnnoa :11 2110, .1 2.0 au.l 010 p. ikS !SFS DAYS. lokov.• M11.1..11..10 I . llllallolphia at 4 ann. In. 1131111. In. Io•avo ;131180011a for 13.•thlt•Inna at o:i,. p. tn. " fkkr at '2 p. tit. PlIt.)W11 to 1 1 11lIttdelltilitl, 41 SO. K 1.1.10 CLA RI:. .4 gnaL E 11, N(. ROA D I'ALL A RILANGEMENT. MI IN DAY, SEPTEMBER :i, 1870 'vitt 'lll mil: Linii from the North fund Norh-Wiiin for Phil Yolk. T11111:1111111, Wand. 1 • 11:1 1 / 1 01(111, 10'11311011, Allentown, kluiliton, 1,111. LIU/. Coitlllll/1,1, . „ . Io . ns, Ilarriaborg for New York its follows: at M 19, b.". 0 a. la., and fru p. 111.. coot/acting with simi lar trains oti Railroad, and arriving at New York at 12 lon. to., :ILO and 10 141 ptn. rt,pectively. Sleeping Cara iireiiiiipany the 0:15 a. to. tralu without change. Itetaraing I.'onf` New Yokel 9 u. to e 12 tal noon and logip. tn.; Philadelphia at a Ida, in. and sleep. Pars acconipau) the 514 p. tn. tram trots Now 1 . 1 rk utilmit change. Leave arriehorg rer heading, Pottsville, Tatnaltha, Minersvllle, Ashland, Shatookin, Allentown, and delphia at n to it. tn., _,al and 4 10 p.ul.slopping at Lekt• non and PrIPCIP.I I Wily stations: the L'lo p. in. train con necting for Philadelphia, Pottsville awl i bisColum only. For Pelt's . ills, Sehitylktil Haven and Aulown, Scuyl kill nod Su-quell:mita Railroad leave Harrisburg at 340 P.PI. F:104 I vanla Railroad trios leave Reading for Allentown, Lard. and New York at 7.i, 10:10, 10 4011.01. and 715 p. n Returning, leave New York at 914111. ru., 110100/1/1 and Sul p. In., Mill Allentown at 7 U. Ml., 121.2 noon, 41,1 nudh 42 p. Way Passenger Troia leaves Philadelphia at 79741. ceunertiog with similar train nu Last l'ettna. returniug leave Iteaditig at it to., stopping at all st lions. • • .• Lau, Pott,Villt! HI (41 Hild!ittlii. H, and 2 rolp. liermlon at 10ticl 30 a. tn. Shamokin al A 40 i. and 11 tO a. 11,, A4hla at 7 ta. and 111 30 noon. M on. ali:ploy City at ;11 par tad 107 p. Tamaqua ut Stri a. in. and 2 :Pp, to. Pidlittlelnli • an:l New York. Leo,- fart, .• via Schuylkill and SnEquelninuti 11,.1- road at E t 3 a. in tar 114 rri aburiti and 12 1 0.0 0 0 fur Yine grovr'.ud Tremid• Reading ACCOollaollatll.lllTralll leaves l'On•IVIlle at 540 , at 7 30 a. vi.. arriving at Philadel phia at 10 YU:, m. Returning, It'aVOS l'llllndelphiti ntls P. no, pan-lug. Maid out Uni) p. in., arriving at Pothi• villa. at !. -lip. in. Pottutown Accommodation Train leaven Ptitt,totvn at 2.1 Retin/Mg, leaves Philaileildila itt IV P. in. 1 . .11.11010n (tall road Trains leave Reading nt 7kil a to nod 13 a 111 for Ephrata. Milt, Lancasier. Per kltinwu l'elkairmea Juncli at 7 10, tint a. :RIP and it :Pi ti la. hemming. leato f lit 6:10, s In a w, 12. A) noon and 440 p hti connecting with similar trains on Reading Railroad, l'oldolook I,lllw Ivan,. V011.4014'11 41 1118,1116 . 2.11. lo oat:ruing Ylottot l'hotsunt at 7 00/1,1 II 21 11 11, c.0....c1aw p . 1111,11111., intl.. on Heading 1C.15. elloster VAlloy 11.1:1ro.1.1 leAve 141114iiiliott ut litand 2 itsil 502 p to: returning, loano 020 it to, 12. 4.1 and 515 11 111, conuertitig ith siosti tilt Sundays . Ira,. New 1 . k.r1, at 510.1 p Philailelph I Slll,ll. and .1 IS p 111.. SOO ti I I •A Hooding I, kayo Pail, at Slit o to, It t irriia t to, at 11 111 awl 41. in, loavp Allootown lit 71:5 Ili awl 515 , 1 in, and 10,1 . 11 1111, 7 1:i ta In 0.111 far lltittusbut.. at 721 to tor :Sow k, at 445 p 111 lon AllettloW 1.1 I 111 1 1 40 11111:tin! 1 '2.lll.ll.lll l lllladolphla. Couloottation. 3111vagt., Sem.ll, Exton . ..l. A I irkota, to nod front ail Solid., rut. , 11.tggitgo 1:11,10.11 1,11; 100 patio!. 011oWeil vitt 1 O. A. NICULLS, ly ( n • rill Set v. ri tat ll =DI INEElilaMigliMlll T 1 ill': TABLE. Inltur Mit:SDAY. MAY MIS, 1.970, ears will ci tonll trains co the Lehnth Valley and Lehigh and Song. henna ltailrea.l.., and to the Allentetep Fu r n a ce. ' cav il. Station. Hamilton and Ninth otreetA, an folln\vn: Fur 1.. V. For L. A S. For For. Leave Fn. A M. A. M. A. 31. A. Al. ti :41 9 15 6 13 7 :31 lit 33 11 18 it In 11.35 Tho 2 In p. in. car runs In conneatkin P Ilk the? St p. In. Buffalo Expret, TrAin nu 1,. V. It. for I.l, lind Now York. . . The 2 Pi runuin eunuerilon with the 2 47 train on I,sta. It. t N. fur Philadelphia and New York, The 5 :Incur mail In [Ollll,OOll WWI the 6 trli p. tn. trail on I, Y S. If. R. fur Muurli Chunk and Intermediate ela tion.. and op train no. Philadelphia Had New .York. FA.HE TEN CENTS Children ruder ten yearn of age, Fire Ceuta ADVERTISING SPACE AT VERY LIBERAL RATES. AB - No ./noklng In allowed on the Cara, and pae.enger% are reque.ted not to ride on the platform when there I. room 111 , dde. 11. L bell LOIIC II Supt. • " WORL'S" • Telegraph Instruction Pepartment. ESTABLISHED IN 1865 ToMeet the demand for operators the undersigned ha. opened a new department, handsomely fitted up, at a great ex prune. with every facility for teaching TN.W.P. lag, • limited number of students will be received (or the new classes.- Course °flour.. on, three months, reducbd o TIIIILTT DO LLA Ito.lirailuatee assisted to obtain positions.— now, wishing to avall themselves of Ito advantages will MIMEO application to J. N WORL, Telegraph Engineerand Electrician, No. OS South Sixth St., Phila., L e on I'. fi.— Telegraph Liner, both public, and private. cion• strutted In any art p of the linitwl States, and Telegraph Offices furntsheil with Competent Operators. (cep 7-3 m LAN 11 IIVARR.ANTN WANTED THE. LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBE. 9 1870. WOMEN, Make Your Homes Comfortable I! NOW 11'111 HAVE IT! CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE WALL PAPER IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY, BOTEN BOOK STORE or LEISENRING, MUER & CO., juun 30 OJ ALLENTOWN, PA. We are selling I',per or nil klylrm fit Prirt.l4 to salt elilicr the rich or poor. WALL PAPEII thin eereetn, tie nut tall to givens a coll. We have unto on hand the largest duck In the and can offer grenlor nail better Inducements than any other entabllslnent. A I 51 r 1 40 e 2 ti f 7 .1 1 I 1 1 V 4 I fin 'l l4 DO I II 0 '4 . . . REM.E.AIBER It will p. - yot dont.. t . rnrchn , o nt the BOTEN BOOK FPO It k. of LEllik,iiltlN4i, lEEXLEIt St Co., • mar W-tt Allentown, Pa, ME GREAT ATTRACTION ! NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING GRAND FALL .4 ND iris TER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OSMUN l& CO., BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM We would Inform tho Mize. of Allentown and the 'tur n mulling country that wo are prepared Wlth n lam Re ntock of goods for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, SI Ild offer them to the pIIIIIIC nt reforromble price. To 001 , 0 who tummy their Clothing rendytnndo, they are prepared to offer lIARt)AtNS• WHOLE SEITS MADE TO oRDEEI COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut nod tondo to the Intent style, and try the best workmen. OUR STOCK on CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES I N larger than It lin. been beforn, told we Intend to pelt at very our lo SMAL w L PROFITS, nod give our enetornere the bne fit of purclumen. 1 11 .O r Ni , ENE Great litututitlex and varietlex of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And everything to the line of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, YOUTHS', BOYS' and CHILDREN'S REA DY-MADE CLOTH' NG, nowt forget the piro,, N.. 015 Hamilton ~ • ••t. third docontbovo tilxth street. T.'Oemese, mar 24 if THE VERY BERT THE AIOST BE AUT.' FUL, CLOTHING, K EV ST 0 N H A 1,1, BA LLIET & NAGLE If av• tho lartre , t, bevt nod ebenpeet votek of CLOTHING ever trot op lo sell Goo& 1,, their an COATS, VESTS• and reriallAug to MEN'S F: tha yon can bay elsewhere in Eastern Pennsylvania .N 0 Slop Shop mode Goodß Rohl. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. We keep colptantly on hand n large and elegant asaort meat of (100DS, (tom which customer.. c make their *election!, hod have Ilion made up on ,hurt no an tice. work warranted to be of the very best. Call Will one our new WINTER STOCK, received at the EY STONE HALL, NO. 21 WEST HAMILTON STREET, peztdoor I, tho I' ..1 man d:form. ALLVdi TOWN. l'A. A foil to.lroLiut or 43 , 1.1%' rurnkhing o,lode tawnya on hand. ♦AHOY BALLLET. mas Silber Watt Man% • MEAD & DOBBINS. MANUFACTURERS 01' Silver - Plated Ware, . Hard iletal (Nickel Silver,) VlRaVtdbiglT:thgll74'l:lol:.niv•Ml'Vrn,tck of 8 " ' or. NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, All do.rrlytiong of SII v.. t. PI nerd Ware 04111 , 1111111) . uu 11111111. .111.140 for \V EIil)I NU PR ESEN9'S. TEA SETS L(:) " ? AS $2O N. E. ('or. Ninth Chestnut Streets, PHILADELPHIA. Oct 19-31 a SAMUEL K. SMYTH, 72.1 CHESTNUT STREET, (Aecon, pLoon). PRACTICAL MANUFACTURER OF FINE., SILVER PLATED WARE, Would renpertfully announce to his Wrenn that ho ban full stock of the latent ntylen of .DOUBLE AND TREBLE ELECTRO - PLATED WARE; • ALL OF HIS OWN PLATIML Plated on Nickel and White Metall., callable for faintly " ;1 1 . 1 tVilu de nlIty of u plating can only beknown to the plat nrl Ng:It:n:1'1;r tome a c rol lhir rho wn r el it?e r ' , " ,tr. all reptenented as trout° plate, pen be 01.11 acturod. All his koodn are marked S. K. SMYTH." Call and examine the goodx before purchanlng else• where. "OLD WARE REPLA.TED.ja mnT:Z•ly A GREAT RUSH AT THE OLD Low• Prices Taking People by Storm NOW IS THE TIME to buy Cheap at the Old Allentown Chinn and GlaeswareStore, No. 611 HAM ILTON etreet, nearly of obilo the German Reformed Church. TIIS LAROSST AND CIIKAAST STOCK of China, 1:11.!X and Crockerywaio to Lablei and adjolu lug COUI2IIOI, Now retailing ut the followlui Prim Oood lOrent PL..TE9 at 15 10 MUGS 10 TUMBLERS 15 Fine 0 08LET5,91 75 perdu:., or 75 cent LAMPS, •t Hier, •arlety of Queeneware and Glassware cheaper than the cheapest. Al o, Welters, Looking Glasse., Coffee Mills, Britten!aware and Table Cattory, beeldee a great •eriety of useful and fancy articles too numerous to mention, belonging to a first-clase China Store. All kind • sets from S oo upward. Remember the place, 611 HAM ILTON STREET, nearly oPPoelle the German Reformed A CCORDEONS, CON CERT I MAN Allk. Jews Herpu Vlollaatriog• of the best quality to Church. T. C. KERN•LIIIN be Yea at C. F. Wolferte• Store, No. 637, liamlltnn.d. • Stationer». THE LARGEST STOCK OF MEM OLD ESTABLISHED IF YOU WANT elotbing, Strrowors to tlsgrrr.(• 0 8 1:11111 IN REIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, ALLEN TOWN, PA. =lll 111=MIIMIZI=I!El THE CHEAPEST, AND ➢LOST DURABLE PANTS, FOR LESS MONEY I=E3 I= RETAILINO AT WHOLESALE , PRICES 13117113 gar tic Labics 1115 . Replies' Philadelphia 1115 HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY No. 1115 Chestnut St , (Girard Row,) F,u•mcrly C 2 Arch St.. l'haml,lphi, A conwleto tonorltnent of nil 'ho now Fall Stinnes of'Onr Celebrated "Champion" Hoop Skirt., In every length nod nine, together with oar own woke of 'Keyntone" Skirto (necond quality,) and hill linen of g".”1 E.tern /node fiklrtn. for Palo, WHOLESALE ~tol RETAIL, nt PRICES JIT ST REDUCED "IIELIV1%" , 'IllYSI: ANY FOICIIEIt SEASON. Oar C11:1M•014111 Shirts ;onto Orin ...- lain their reputation. for nopertorlt y over all others, tool are now POlll nt ouch prices will ;noel the vlewo of nil. and nee wnrrnntod In every rePpero. CORSETS ! CORSI-TS !! CORSETS !!'--Oui - n-sortinent of Cortetn rental. over 100 kinds and privet , . and Includes every deolrablo kind. much as ThottrAon's (il_Pve .1. Becker Wetly 'n, Math ..Fn y'. viol NT; s. Mood y' n "Patent Self.Alllll.llog Abdolllltllll 4.1.1”0.11.1 Cornet. In all grantee, together with toll . 1' hildren i x, stint every grade of Moot mole Cornet.. ranging In Price' , an followni—lie.. 5Se.. Mc. ;Tic., bite.. Sle.. , Plc . , 111 00, lid 11. 5111. Si 19, 25, Ate., lip to 47 to, PAN I Elt BUSTLES itt 117 style,, fr o m 31 rent, tin to 0 1 0,_ 25. Laillen i Under-Onrtintion In all anti price, Night Brennen Irmo *11111.1 , 71 ho. In fa p liens en, long and 'alert, from 4:.:131051:1. Cd,' llttslitt Skirt., A Tooke, 7.1 e. ; lATocks, Plc.; 15 Tuck., 411 32, Act., Art., up to 'AI.. Hoop Sklrtn nnd Corwin Ina. 111 order, altered ntol re paired, nt itlnnu factory and Salop iton,-, 111.1 Chestnut ntreet, Phlladelphis, Call or vend for Cirenta, nep NUM T. Hi/PRINS._ el RANI) ENINIISITION FOR TIRE 1,7111 FASHIONABLE Will I. D. COMPLIMENTS or MRS. 31. A. BINDER, N... 1101 N- W. corner ElevenOt and Cho, not streets. FASHIONS Dili it If FALL AN 11 W 1 yrEu. of IFld. Wholesale and Retail, Park and the first manufac tories supply. Dresses, 31antles, Cloaks um! C.odido 'or Ladles and Children. A special delkirtnient oleg.t 0 y rimmed pat terns, of the latest Parisian end English st v s, tit S l tier dozen. 1r you want a himilsoineiv•iltilog, well-mode el short notice, go to Mrs. Binder', for te•teful trimmings and dainty stitches. Mourning, nod Wedding outfits. Walking an I Fumy C.,•it1111 , .. DRESS AN D.CLOAIi Till NIM INti S. 1111"IoNS. OR N A BIENTS, comprising the late d lbirls to, cities Iti black and colored Fringes, Ohm, 'turbo, hoop, Flowers. Moves, Bridal-Wreaths. VII, EllOllllll4. 211111t11`14 in Velvet, Satin and Neckties. MADE 111' LACE (1110.1 S—G RAND 11111111ISSE LACE FOR DRESS TIM 01311310.—Dointe Applique, Valenci ennes. Hamburg Edgings am% Insertions, Mack Onipure and Thread bare., new in ikslgit mid moderate In price. CHOICE INDIAN ORN AM ENTS.—Faust Birds, Mats, Ctudilutis, Mouehoirs, Cases and Fancy Goods, selected by Mrs. Binder at Niagara. Elegant lino of Whitby Jet 1101111... In sets, Breastpins. Earrings, Necklaces and Bracelets. Splendid line of French Jet Goods,. Coral French Hold Sets, Charms, Slenvo Buttons, Chains, be., which for price or variety In style, cannot be sur p,,,,i. Strangers visiting our city are resportfully invited to ezaraino. Pinking and 0 offering. Cutting and Fitting. Also ti perfect SYniolll of Dross Cutting taught. Patterns sent by mall or egpres. to all parts of the Cabin. :AIRS. M. A. BINDER'S, N. W Car. Eleventh and Che•lnut Sts., 14sep-am WEE!) sEwiNG HUBER & Allenfown I= BEST ,SIIETTTI I E MACHINE OUT.' Thal Ihry will make a Stile!, on LAII Thal they will HEM ! FELL! HIND ! COItI) ! BRAID f nrvirLE: TUCK DIM LT ! DEM STITCH LIATIIER AND SEW ON AT TIIE SAME TIME EASIEST TERMS! INSTALMENTS IF* A MONTH TI LL PAID In addition to all thip. thoy are lilnallS rood for Fro• or Ileav y Work. HUBER & FRITZ, AGENTS FOR LEII IG II COI•NTY Innr 12.:.31a L OOK! LOOK ! ! LOOK !! ! AT FOSTER'S NEW YORE STORE! VIE BEST .11 - ACIII.VES TIIE 110111.1)! GROVER & BAKER'S: ==l Atrarthol tho higl of protoloot. .• T 11.• l'to•t of Ow Lc. Ono of 110.11' at thc Pork Expo•it lon. MACHINE IittEDIAN, LK WIC T co:1.11.10v on Itond. Tito proolo Allootown viciolly are conllttlly lutrltotl Ti call ot our halo,coolo. Remember the phi., N. B. lustrurti.m..l:l,ll pi.r.ton intrelat•lng 3larlolne• • All 31:tellit].... ‘varnint.•.l i t•atinfittil.m. S. )1. KEll'Elt, Agent, ISM =NCI pumux MUTV.9 OUlt SHARE IN TILE l'!()IT1';'. Shawls! Shawls!! Shawls!!! 0r1811.4 1)E1.I1? PRIEST rVSII;I . .ISSFIni BIWCHE P_l ISLE V, STRIPED SHAWLS Of every desrriptioth lit And pric, Ai4o, BLANKET awl BLACK SHAWLS nt thn MAMMOTH STOPES. E. S. SI-11.'11ER & 705 AND . 707 HAMILTON STREET, I=l • WHEELER A - WILSON'N sE11" 1 11 AC L,< ARE THE CHEAPEST AND HEST, IT IS SO EXPERIMENT T. OPT A WHEELER IrILSCA.‘" S SEWING NAPIIINE. • Over 450,000 now in use. They rest leas hiker], lu repair thou any 4uherl TI , OT are ennoble of the wideot rate .1 work. They bore but Ono teu.len to regolute. They make the rotor ythch Ott both sWa Of tie. labrie served. They are worrouted tilt., year. and reit >IA lit To SETT Al.t. reuctiashug. PETERSON ,k CARPENTER, ENE 11A L AGE A' 7'Sl 01-I CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA • _4LLENTOWN AGENCY, No. 28 EAST HAMILTO.N . STREET, Third door below German it t. Church. d mar 9.17. ‘v our 11-ly 3tao' anti Calm GREAT EXCITEMENT I EVERYRODY • - CAN BUY A HAT OR CAP E. R. M ATI 1 EWS' OUR STOCE. IS ALL NEW. • • PRICES NEVER BEFORE SO CHEAP . • SINCE• 1860. LOCATION CENTRAL.. KNAUSS' BUILDING , 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET ALLENTOWN, PA. • FIVE DOLLARS FOR A SILK HAT,. Latest Stylo and Best Maim A ..TfiE OLD STAND OF YOUNG A LENTZ, ALLENTOWN showing goo d sur goods and be convinced. No charge for even if you do not wish to boy. Berman and English spoken. E. R. MATHEWS. 0 cents lOcente Meals li cents 12 cents 10 conk 6cent 4 eeptx Ocentr Ocont4 10 cent. 10 cents each 60 cents THE MORNING GLORY FOR IS7O The only Stove thnt holds ont to be what It Is represented to ho of BASE roi BIIRNEIN tho market. for oil qualltlen grlthl • warranted for tell years. More sold In Allentown thon 01l Ihee. Burner Stoves - Said by - 3 STOVES, lIEATERS, It NOES ,t; FIRE PI. \ .•E HEATER. =9 McCOV l TVSON No. 1210 MARKIe7' II EATERS RANG ES AN 11 STOVES Carbon Reverberatory, Darlington Improved, .1 me/Iran and Brnefoetw. Farna,e,. WIII,E AND SIMILE ELEVATIIItiV I:N, r LAT 'lOl' HANW:s. CITY OF 131:111,INGT( 1).,1 , 1. • a.l Etupi, lug Stove. and Empire l'arlable (L 4 S-L1 .lIT u.11:11(0% Sri N I .1 NI , 1' NloN 11E-17'1Nli To Iltelllllllllf%tel CARBON STOV E 'lll 8188 CO.'S DIAMOND B 11.11 \ 1011 E FIB P. GAS OVENS Dnil oth ,, r our litt.. ALL GOODS Gl' .1 1 .; A Nr.:1.1 ENTABLisn im7:3. prtltiati Welm.7l,' WROUGHT IRON, AIR GAS CONUMING HEATER, SCI:EEN, CI; ATE wilorilirr IL\DIATOI:. Asp 1:1•.1:11..Vr111c PO 11 1' II NINO ,1 7'llll "I - 1;1 Tl' NrVA , TCIII:Ii °NIA I, .1. It 14 1 ,Y NO I, DS ( 'v i l linsn made v tI r Ivo oted togiitlier, and aro ,rtariintoil to loi Ilti Ore, Twill. Tile, Olt , r. tloil aro nanntreil fr,oy Itti,l in 1,1,1, all kinds a fut.l ran lie Intrnii.l willtinit allot otrol. For I:ESTArIZANr,“,i F.0111.11*.,. ALA, A FLAT TOP HEATINO RANGE. FIREPLACE HEATERS. '. V DOWN GRATES. SLATE MANTELS. REGISTERS, V EN'l ILA TOR, giving full d• •vi , 1. dres,. RAND, PENK INS 121 NORTH SIXTH STBEET NILLADELPIII \. MEI= =I l'ltrie f. r Purabirty, ;annolicitY l' , vettehtT of Fliel have no 4tipovi ,, r, The ronii.,tio4 .ott tat., I , made entirely of Winn ght Iron. 1.111 all IL, irant,.,l to give 111.4 a 111,. %Ve 111an1favi.tte a variety of rf.ll Top Mlll SWO tire,, RIIIII,OS, 11111110 It, Ill':,t ill.' it i..11:11 1.9111 , , Bath Boller +, Venti'atera, , &e. I= SPECTACLES ! SPECCACLES ! E E LASSES, A Inrgenna complete a•—•erttitr of all 1:Intl. . , Spectacles. Eye at 'laving devoted a great deal of rah , 'an I :chain., to the •Speclaclo hoolat ,4 lost fea vrn. I find that lay tomlnesA In that line ha. Men:wool ',l that I ha,. lb , terminal to ma!, it a SPECIALTY. There is no article inannfartured In olttrh there Is ntl 1111101 it. 1,1,11011 prac ticed in Mere to Spectacle ing Mat the public have lmen irmmently loltnbnered by parch-. pre tending to have a nnperior aihrle of llia••e, nod charging evorbitant pricer f. r them. thereby fcmncipg upon Lk, p l .. ce,,lties and inllrtaiile, I hove mho. fmlits h. st , - 1.71 a large:mil chinplete :t- mo of-ortio the ilne•t and (31ansen ever ntanntact In ed. .F. 0011114 all persons needing Spectacle-, au oppol tunny 1 purclo,ing at le; .onablo price, l'ersons having any dollenity ht bein a g vuttod elveNv here will it.. N, I'll to give mea I'oll, 0" I feel coofhh lit that 110 use will tall to be •oli. .1. Pemerabor the old ntand.ffiuu nreet, orposlie the Ile, man hero toed Church, Allentown, Pa. jun Tvl if El=22=ll= 1 1 111LADELP111.1, llxn just opened, with It largo uuti well ,tol.led IP. n.,... 1 mitten of Foreign und Ditint , tleCarreling,til choir,. '.- ti 4 id yl. and unnlitiet, Ala, . till Cloth, Matttogu, to •tt I/In:mot, lin., Nuts, Stair Rink, so., Sc', lilt = L , of whleh ho %till) .11 von' rhean fur ra.di. , I'. 5.—.1 hTEIVA HT DEPUY I. nil at 0:0 tit'utit Stuutoti gtrOet, Lilt With ThIiIIIIIS Depny ' 1,11117.1na 9. 13. SNYDER. W. V. 11.ttir.K.. CARPETS 1 CA R PETS I CARPETS! 011, rLfi TII. MATTING:I. DR 1:,;r; Ts, 1:1' 1.5 trixDow SHADES, STAIR 11,)1)5,,t, G. B. SNYDER CO:, 31 SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA, ACTIONS srumt I.OITHER , THAN WORDS The Pudding is Proved by Eating! CA R - ET - I) E P A RT AIENT Replnnt bed und !old at New York 1111,1 rh11.1,1411/la .4 BODY 'BRUSSELS CARPET. 34 8-4 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPET. 3 PLY CARPI , S. SMITH'S TAPESTRY INGRAIN CARPETS. SANFORD'S INGRAIN CARPETS. nil ' WOOL DUTCH CARPETS. II E3IP CARPET. RAG CARPET. • RUGS, MATS AND MATTING. OIL CLOTH mid WINDOW SHADES WHITE. BUM (MAY. HHAB:1110WIc s e lid HISEEN SHADIte.O, 723 PEABODY & WESTON, 723 Are opening n line tmortntent of huglhh holly BrosNole Tapeetry, !Collect, Three-Plye. Mots. Roan 011 Clothe. etc.. etc. Extra Inducements offered. NO. 723 CHESTNUT STREET, .ep 21.3 m PHILADELPIII •,311catcr,5 WILLIAM G. 101"CER, =I ('NeLE SAM 1111)11('VEh BUIZT,INGToN, /2111 = I= siP,EF-REM' \ TIN( ; f.rl.rickw..l:, and 2,0 N. W. COR. 13Tit I= BRICK SET AND PORTABLE HEATERS. Mil W.M. G. HITTER, Agent for Allentown -prrtarlo ('[IA-. N. NIA ;••:si.:•\,":-.;, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON >TIZEEI I= Carprt anti Oil Cloth MAN HIEPUV, A FULL ASSORTMENT ME (IVE,T 41IM. 111:LOW N. B.—A liberal discount to Church,. and Clergymen. her tN3-:im Ergo cattily. E. S. Stll3lltll 705 and 7a7 Ilnutlltott Ea., Allentown, Pa CARPETINGS. E. G ODSHALIi & CO T 1141511.1 SICK. OR AF. v Illr ur v without writ , for lir. fro. , to any I.KoN lIAMIVTON. M. D. .1, it .2.; Ni•xy York rity• N 'lv 'NT() PAY. 1)11. 11. 1). 1 ( )\1( ; 11K • f lily l',lvi.r-ity of :It 1 . /111311el• iif <into, AVM Pr.M.PLIV '.t . tit nil I.rarri , -I ;it 7-'1"11101' 7...".+1 ride ~f f. 11.bilt,01 INN I,N , IWN, No l'at, !it ~ 1 01111.0411.11. 1,11,11- rdle4 0.11.'110-vl. 11.• ~•,, dowt, tho hot i ot, 0.,. ••• .• ft -ut .01 oporlo.r , It flow In 11, 1.., 111..111111 , , it 11111 1,11 f, v y - ett f•.llii I I 1,1. 11VS1'1:1'SIA, .1..1 th.• Thro it. SiottoAch. 1.1 v• " ".. r'." lI,V A 111',111ZAT tlint •t,t,• rt, Lion or mind %,' ,. .4.11nm tho pl,sktittr••• fmniting •.1' iillE1.7)1.1 . 11S1 AND P:IIIALY, , IS, +.ny .rtn c.0n.11 . ion, c1..•..1c . ..i ..r I) ca...s of I' 1.:N1.%1.1: Kpo•..;il) ;13141 ril;;14,41; (.f • 1t111.¢) ev.ry rti. v 1 1.1 1..1,1‘1. .1 .101. C.-, fr..111..3 .• Cl': C. , ll•llii ;i..1.( ith1,....11,• r.•l'. f. • 31. ‘,lOlll unit E E ANI) EA!! 1 v.11...11...• :1,1..1..05.6.1,111111.y1.111 1 1.1 1 .1 101114' .11; j,,••1 .111' irt!l r.. . 11111 Y SEtJO . , -0. k f-73) , .ARS 0 0,, tirs .ecivi. ~,,k,--c p st\o ‘ P N EVI " s ta, R IC. 4fAR \ 4 ...: c - i . . \ 5 9 7 wR 0N..., , r; EARTH Ckg )S ,' \:" ?HILADELPHIP. : ,, ,ctl 53 NAfiI;ET N. r..,:„.. , ' 4.1 , sos-rogi .m ~ -rv , -------- 19 DOANE ST. CC7:Wll'i. '43 I: E .3'llil r.I 0 %T. cte. rel letbe 1 . 1 Cale exert the pow rrf,,l ra I power of 'l. Xll \ill's 1 1 ,11ite l'u 'Balsttrn It noiro— with a rodoitt' oy nnootonaildol loy "tin r reinatly "'retool lotr Throat and Luna til•, It in roortantnnocied toy olvdr ^. 1441 onr-tour In WMIIIIOO,I, hotolreilx in l'llliotoldithla Bald." , and tdlotor villt•-• and 011.11111111 n ., throllqi,llt li , r 1.1,11i1l ii.l l a nonfood. not i Ith a (tow ox,vp. II:1,1111v In that city tili•ox‘111 withotitt II If foon• -ILI , too totontoord it. h. it. itootottlarity whcrovtor It In Inatown—.onti thin lo•oinlottody ark,+ frootto tint fart 1113111 alll I Iv ho •to, it• Tionre In nto ens° of o.tolt 'ft! lt , 101', ASTI! IT In • Nit. and toy , . I.l'l.lltlN NV l'Wo.l'MpTitiN• tvittortotiln nyn. tent In nod inotolinn 40,1'11 AVllll %von! . of Ow ilkenono. tor tortolototiooll tionlitoitto. of Intoxt corianted tolvlt to. that thin Innollyinto Ai i'l tint VIII, if enrefolly tion•ol, arrtordlnot 1., di rtortloon,. Woo gnat:mho , It 311 tvt• relot,..nnt it In ion. and Invltto it trial ft . ,. Old nitory‘t !onto. Price, Mt cont., mod am nib. and id It , lark , ` l, O Pr , ' ~a ro d ottlY lit I f. I , N li J •111 .IN P/M L ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. 707 MARKET sr.e IV I T.IINGTON, DEL 1•161,.1.11.1e.. Ilelletvey .14 (1..33,1en, 1 1 1, 2 Arel. sneer, 11.11.11.... r.. der e, S. S. llance, 10 , 1131illeore s:reet. Fee Dealer.. I...eller:llly. jel.l-13. ~.. ..:,..11,, , 7D ,) , 7 , ; 1;:' . • • . I T' •`‘' : . ~...' ' .- ~r;' .. \CI . ' DR ! : • -:- I ill;\ ( I -''' . Dr. L • • r' °` ''' 61 " 4 6 \ '';''' ti',, l i g t r i . :l! Cam,,Ants , h,t,s p \ dt t. , ~ s u : e . i ~,,,. '' , ' V ' ti r Ll, r' t t l . :Vl '. .. ' \V, 0 \ .• 1 ~ t all , l 11 ,, r,, .1 , el ._.. hille,l and rt . — t,, , ,, , 1, :I tal„, hi • 0 0 C ., , in. ,, , .nd ., i. r n o : HOL rt:t or, I: , ,naro , ,_, A t „,,, ,„,,4 1 1 0 1, , ,L ir,u. feds,,ro, %salt th , ir , "e• i. nsent, s,llng our ', U) En (.0 [l,lor tile eta.. No Gther, . _ : .11.•vn . tbcse • .. . . tr,ttin..nti. Non, ~ : 'ire •11..11.1 ever ha tr.e.l. Fur n• ornil.lresimsnbore. =lllll NEW ERA 9e ItE.turii-taviNG FILE WONDER OF TILE AGE! COM: 01_7ND OXYGEN I. a prop:le:Won ofthat wothlorfal eloinettt whlelt lota at rooloo.l All lit, eottatittot letitA. Philotaiplettry awl litty..•ezote, that 111 LL X Y.; ILS ti multi lot loom! a power atholuato t ttot t I rttgetetration de. I Ile, A statottoltt atel ..tollrol tont-tralloo ot It during four yearo, lia. font t , toltli-Itetl le. Ilona to hetet: tho moat ',afoot ettrotivo :101.011•tor krotten. Thar tho tiN Ti:EATmENT trill promp t tly cur , Inoue th...........hottohtfotortattltlortal (nen, eiblo . It htlt 1. 1:1). ~103 ,llllrtothl A It 1 . tat:\ -1'311 6 1 . 1.5. ItI.IItI.TES. 0/ESA tilt OFFEN,IV . l'AllJt 11, 1::1,I SliEltNlA'ntltltilliA. or c00n..., I'SPLP , I.\ toot totoor olitettlit aro nyttotllly cored. Send for a 'lli ii• iteilon and reettilit. 111(1 (i (reel, iktwe.,,,ii,•toltt anal Marlt . ,t St•.„ (I. it. STAIniI7,I" \ , I)., j. biiiLlll PriArTITILINELL. =SE 4,)•104 ye:tr, .t .- ~, ' - 40, at, 11... IJ) 1„ btrl,lou pet - .., h.-illy Zir - Poii, muL.1.....11t1 -It lo: it”; re, t C 0-I'lo -.INA!, 11-, Aro' ~..ttint, l iol ii— iO4-,.."..1...p.,...;.:• r. d tlitik i, 11.,..i.“.t1.. itt,.lptiplie IU .1..11,2.. : ,I p.m- 411 , l'. S. ' .. .i • 1 4 ' .1 - . l d r iiii , , s• 1 1 ( .11111 ALVE a : ~.... Zt--.Y . Fggr AI Igg.g Igiggiggg, g•ggrg— g l i, Cancers, 11101, Cluppg gl Migg+ Iland., Et lilt , - or rtiggg• ggf luggeeigg. et, CrEE Fttlt l'tt tup hi .•. •i/.... , 31111 for contil!,), tirttt,t't- • ..t 11; it.• M 1 Xi I IIMEN=11!3! i 11'111101'T IT IS THE HOUSE ATEttm) ' STANDARD PREPARATIONS, COSTAIVS" RAT, ROArR, Ar. EXTERMINATORS. eilsTA R'S" (liquid) 11E1). 1W(1 nxTE:II. , vosTAI: S" pun.) INSECT PoWDER: II (10;11 1. A11•S" ("ply hut, r , EnetlylCORN SOLVENT. IG-so LO ehero. A.l( for •• tOsTAR'S'' (.1, lot o(ler). 43. n 11.1 cu..lor COSTAR CO.. Pl Ilownrd St., N. Y. L AN' ALL A MARTIN, ',AI MI HT & Co. Alien town. Pa. JOHN BLANC Jr.. .070!. way . 2.l.lyiLkw I 1,6131 cc THE HILL" INsTururt POTTSTOWN, .1f ONTO O.YERY CO., PA • ri' . . i rul, Frlrnllli r, Arll•Ile and rotnn,relal. 1.4,3t10n Txv•oli will Annual St. 1•11111. Thor. oilgh prelim at for l'ollego 111,iro•.. For Cirritlars, atltlrebs F. MI A. M., Princlpal. 'REFERENCES—E. , . lirauth.-501... Mu, r, etc., etc. Moos Jurlgo tudlorr Lena:tr.! Pyor., .1. S. V... 1. 11. JI. Ilr yor, M. Thayer, etc., tin J. jEANES ' PHOTOGRAIGIFIL (Late of Milladdrltla), haN taken the Gallery. • No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerly o nroplod by It. P. I.ntneronx. %Thor° pernons , on n o t„%ss plinyrltES lokrn tit 11LASOIYA IILE Pllll'l S. Atrial 1. nll that In n led to snllnfl ev.l7 onn. (11/31E t1\1 :: AM.!! 11' you aunt Photo. 'mph, Curren de Vinitr, Sinnotte, Photo•3llntalures Atnbrotypr, Jlelunlotypes. Ferrotype. rte. (IPro trlnl. J. JEANES, Surfer. to rcirbirinnl 11 1 g I xs Illt 'OSTARS" let urational iFor thr JTarinrr For Pure Water, thin celebrated rut entirely tasteless, durable and tella ble; equal to the good old•hwhlonet wooden Pinup, et :oat less than hat money Easily an co nn to be non-f awl in conetructic that any One can keep It In repair. THE BEST AND CHE FARM CRS EX 411INE AND TH 1 ORIGINAI BAUGH'S BEING The First Barr Bone Phosphate ALL OTHERS AltE IMITATION BA H'S W BONE SUPER 1110A 3 IIATE OF LIME TRADE MARK ti vi'.lLL. 1870 • I t;ittit ur. mad. , of Baty or Uttluirtpul lloneo, rich In Nltrorenou. lo .11..olvett I. nil of vitriol. pre. rating the Bone 14... r hate In n highly nolublo and quick ly ay:11400o forma and the Ammonia In much To °portion tt. to Inkure n prompt and vittotour notion upon the crops. WhP, B,lllol ' l. P1111•01IttO NT O. 1111P1i1 ,1 the 1.11 , 4 ttert.On. tho without rxerptlon, are Butt It wilt multi :Mr It• troll cornedrepututlon. reque.t In 111 , 41 of a to rive thl. article a trial. BAUGH SONS. MANUFACTURERS, Office—No. 20 8. Delaware Avenue, Philatra inur 10.61 a A Perfect FERTILIZER for all Crops :13 MAT F, R COMPLETE MANURE, EM=l SITER-PHOSPIIATE OF Lim:, A3INIONIA h POTASII ❑'arranted free from adulteration, and equal in quality to any sold during the past four years. THIS MANURE CONTAINS ALL THE ELEMENTS OF PLANT FOOD IN A SOLUBLE FORM. ALSO, FOOD HIVING LASTING FERTILITY TO TILE SOIL.: AN UNDENIABLE FACT. Experience in tho awn of "BOWER'S CONPLETE D 1 A• NITRE," by the Lent farniern of Penniiylvania, NOW Jer oey, Delaware, nail the Cotton Stale., running theoualt a period of fear years trial, has re.iulted In prov ing It to be The Best Fertilizer Offered For Sale 11 EN IZY BoWEII, :Sfenuteeturing Chetolet Orny'e Ferry Road, Philadelphia 111 N 1N SII 1121'LESS & Co., . . • 40 South Delaware Avenne. Phllnanlphla WIM. REV NOLDS. South strert. I.laltlmorr. . • - • . • And For Sale by all leading intern aug 3.lante itircbanics. coNslioHociiEN BOILER AND ('OIL \\ - ORBS, JOHN WOOD, JR., .11AlftPACTUREll OF " f 44 .) ?IO M fIR BA TE V; •711if0R aliA k. All kinds of Wrought Iron Coils, Tuyers for Blast Fur .. m tn . gasometers, SokeStacks,Blast Pipes, Iron Wheel barrows, and overything in the Boiler and Sheet Iron line. Also, all kinds of Iron and Stool Forglngs and Blacksmith work, Miners' Tools of nil kinds, such as Whom Buckets, Picks, Drills. Mallets, Sledges, An. (kV Ng it Steam Hammer and net of tools of all kinds, and skilled workmen, I Litter myself that I can tnrn out work,with promptness and dispatch, all of which will he warranted to Inn n 1.4,1., Patching Boilers, and repairing generally, strictly at tended to. apr 17 ThALnEns, LOOK. TO YOUR 1N- T ERESTS. E. W. KdoN4 & CO. aro tunnufactnring a Hydraulic Cement Drain Pipe Chimney Fine and Ornamental Chim ney Tops,cheaper and more durable than ny other in rearaet. They ore made of pare cement and sand, being powerfully compressed, well seasoned, and are In ail practical respects EQUIVALENT TO STONE. (WIN!P TOPS FROM id SI TO 10 00. gend for a circular, or call MA examine at their °giro nod manufactory, corner of linialton street and Lehigh Valley Railroad. one 1-tf iLifc Knzurancc. OLD AND TRIED.: INCORPORATED 1851. BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE CONIPANYI OF PITTSFIELD. 3IAS,'LI= T ROMAS F. PLUNKETT, Preeddoul JAMES FRANCIS. Vlro Prehldeut. ..•• • • . Socreturf nod Trmurtr , JACOB L. GREENE, AB•l.lnrit becretaryl Failure to Pay Premium dol+ not forfeit the Policy at any Time; but the Policy will he continued In force until the Prernlnum already paid urn fully earned by the coot o inimance. Should the Inaured tile within the period o continued Insurance, the full amount of the Policy will be Itumid, tie name no it 'all premiumo had been paid when Ito except that the Premiums overdue and unpaid will be deducted. EKIOIII , Pi—Claltnn actually paid under tide feature: James Joyce, of Now York, loeured for 111,000, died four menthe utter lan premium woe duo and unpaid, Amount paid. +l,OOO, leen ono Sentl•Auuunl Premium. . . . • Mockel. of Cleveland, Insured for 0.1.M0, died ulna months alter his premium wan due and unpaid. A moo ut pay, 1)1,000. less putt premium. S:1111110 . sinsou, of Concord. insured for 4.1,000. died thirtren month , . after bin premium woo duo 111111 unpaid. Ainottnt paid, $l,OOO, loon two premiums. Thin foaturo is absolutely secured to tin Polley-bolder by a law• of the Cotumonwealtla of litesuchusettn, Guaranteeing Every Day's Insurance Paid For • PURELY 3111TUAL All the profits belong to the Polley holders, nod are divided annually menu Policies In force two years.— Dividendshold mutually lu cash, or used to lucreuso the amount of Insurnce. . • • Economical management; safe investments; careful an lertlon of byes; prompt and honorable settlements; lib etal conditions of travel and residence. =l3 S. W. Con. ELEVENTH & CIIESTNUI W 11. GRAVES, GENERAL AGENT AND ATTORNEY I ir.-GOOD 'AGENTS WANTED. Apply 0b.,. or to W YODER. Astent. Allentown. - . $lO,OOO GUARANTEE:. 13 UCK LEAD E"l"Arqfil- Int. For Its Unrlvnl+d Whitenenn. Id. For Itn Unequaled Durability. 'M. Fur Itn llusurpanned Covering Property.. Lastly, for De Economy. in-IT COSTS LESS to paint with Ureic Lam, then en ether Whit° Lend extant. Tile PRIMO weight coyorm MORE SURFACE. In ore DURABLE, and utak. WHITER WORE. = 8.10,000 GUARANTEE.: BUCK ZINC Ex7.l.:4'eVother IKt. For lle Unequaled Durablllly,: :M. For Ito Unrivaled Wl,Hellen., 3d. For Its Mumma.Ned Covering Property Lastly, for Great Economy. being th CHEAPEST, HANDSOMEST. and rood DURA ELL Palut lu (Ito world • BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Sati.factlon guaranteed bi the 3fannructurord BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expremaly fur raiding COTTAOES, OUT BOIL MIME of every dexeriptlon, FENCES, die, THIRTY FIVE DIFFERENT COLORS, Durable, Cheap, Volterra and Beautiful Minden. Sample carda Rent by Mall If desired. Dealer.' Order. will be promptly executed by the man ufarturera. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W. COR. TENTH 6: MARKET STB., an 19-Ir PHILADELPHIA. For ftalo by JOSEPH EITnFFLET Ai'allow& Pa 52.000 I !EWAR 6- Tho recent frequent alarms and actual fires Impel Me. Is accordance with the authority delegated to me. to offer • reward of TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS for the arrest and conviction of auy alult..from any motive. may set Ore to a dweillog house or any outbuilding. whatever. At the earns time I cull upon all peace.loving ellisene le have an eye not only on their own properly, but. also ell that of their neighbor. and to do everything in their pow b g to malut .in the honor of the city. and to bring thee. aim nets to punishment. T. If. 000 D. Mayor. • lOroftooionai Qrarbo. WILLIAM N. YOUNG, Jr.; TTORN EY . A T LAW, READING, PA. Wilt tly v rellectloun In Berkx null ndinia Inv, 1 . ”11014., nut rninlT IVrIHRIUIN 1.. K A UFFMAN, ATTOR. , NEV AT LAW. 0111, *Prowl floor of lho Find Nntlnnnt (took 1111,11, ALLItNTOWN, PA. Collection. 1 M0,.. h Lohlghnn d ond o,' hdolh Fr be Confkliited n 'be Enrllm Inn n lanconge, top 14-ly NV'- Ir U). I,eIiENBACII, *Wort. :CET AT LAW, (formerly practiced In Carbon county). °Mee, nonillion street, aceond floor, nearly °pp.. te the Coon Mouse, Allentown, Pa. May be con• molted .11 MP (lemon lanattage. I'InX,ANTINII EnI.3IAN. Join; 11. OLIVER. Wl{ DMA% 11: OLIVER, ATTOR NEYS AT LAW. ALLENTOWN. PA. Colleaknn allionleil to In LAW, rind nlliolnlnttentintlf,PromPl oltnntlon OM, 10 oil Ist o/I1 Ini•lnerl In the oteveral Court.. Conmiltallon. In E.llOl and Oermnn. .1111119.17 REVKfi A EDW IN. ATTORNEYS A‘. AND COVNSELLORS Al' LAW, Allentown, Pe Office. No. 51 Ett.t littrullton eti.eet, C. M. !trim HC . 1111NSITERGER ATTORNEY • AT LAW. Unmoved 10 the Post Office LoildtolL worm] floor, ALLENTOWN PA. •pr 71-17 EJ. MORE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN. PA. Offlro. No. al Earl I.lAmlitfn street. cot , ulled In Orrolon. j. 14 TAMES N. BIEILV. ATTORNEY AT el LAW. Office, No). ..70 Est Ilionlll,ln munch second Mom of Lion Ilan. Allooto" o, l'o. (Special attention ttivtm to callectlotta). mnr EORGE RUPP. ATTORNEY C AT LAW. Office with lion. John It. Stile', Allen town, Pa • DR. C. C. H. GUERIN, SURGEON DENTIST. °Mee, over blro. 31. A. 0. anldin's Trimming Store, Nu.:ll Ewa Hamilton ntreet, Allentotre, FLISUI A FoRnENT. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Ne. —Went Hamil ton Menet, Allentown, Pa. inn 11-If Lr:v SOONER. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 7,111.1.E115T0W11,1,6111011 CO.. I'A. Pitt - - Ocular ntteutlon raid to innoleent and decedent °Meter, n 11.1 y rrIIIO3IAS B. lIIETZGAIt. ATTOII - . NEI" AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. - 0111ce,, No. Ea.t Hamilton tqrnet. may I.l).'in Ti.LIAN MERTZ. ALDERMAN. JL SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, A OENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL' ESTATE, Sr, West Ilninllton St., Allentown. P. WILLIAM 11. NOW DEN. ATTOR NEY AND COUNSItt LOR AT LAW. Office, Cor ner of Hamilton •treet nod Law alley, nnli aide, Alleu• town, Pa. fob 20 SAMUEL. A. BUTT. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0111 co with P. Wyckoff, oppocltn tlm Effizi. , Hotel, ALLENToWN, EORGE B. NCHALL ATTORNEY AT LAW. oMco, Flr4 douiaboye Law Alloy, AL• LENTIIWL PA. may 21.11rn EDWARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW. - 1 - 111100, with lion. Samuel A. Dritiffoß, ALLENTOWN, PA. may 1-ly TOWN, PA. may ADAM NV OOLEVER. ATTORAFA AT LAW. Oflke, opporllo tho Court House. Al. LENTOWN. PA. luny CLA.V lIAMERSLY,ATTORN EY 11,x • AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, PA. Jett 14-'I;S-tf FDWIN ALBRIGHT. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Pfight door', above the Court H0n...., AL LENTOWN Lehigh county. Pa. feb I:l..hlLly Matrijrz anb sctacirtl. ISAAC K. STAUFFER, WATCDES AND JEWELRY, No. 11S NORTH SECOND ST.. con. or QII.II.IIKT PHILA. . AnAn assortment of Watches, Jewelry. Silver and Plated Ware constantly on band. /Q-Ilepalrlng of Watches and Jewelry Promptly attended to. , nag 11.1 y IELLER a: BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., =1 CLOCKS, well regulated and warranted. Alt slier and prices, from ge: upwards. A larger aanortment of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In any other store In the city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS SILVER WARE (ovary dcto.ption. /riirWatcaos repaired on Short Notice. E= Omportoe of Watohoe. No. 622 Market Bt., Philadelphia, Would respectfully call attention to h new and carefully selected stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, 1311,tr and Plata 'll omit, Itepairttot protoptl, attended to and atoll, dot. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CHARLES S. M.ASSEY' SI Nu. 23 Emit Hamilton Aireot. appoolle the German Ito formed Church. Just received from Now York e n d Phil adelphin, ell the Infest GOLD WATCHES Ho bas the 'argent and bent arsortment or Hold Wrtrbe. and at lower prima than can be found elsowbere. SILVER WATCHES. Ile liar a lazfrerand bettor assortment of Silver Welcher than can bepurchased anywhere also. GOLD JEWELRY. Ile hue the largest and best assortment of all kind... Oold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile has a larger and better assortment of all kinds of llllr and Plated Jewelry than can be Maud elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED - WARE. Helms is splarolld assortment of Sllyerand Plated Ware. Any Person dealrlng goods In this hue ran not fall in he Bulled. • , CLOCKS A larger a.eortawut than at an➢ other eetahllehine..t. MELODEONS. A splendid :”.mort meat of Prluee's Melodeon.,. the In the world. ACCORDEONB A splendid assortment of all kinds of Accordeons. Ills establishment has lately been tilted . up, Rod is now second to noon in New York and Philadelphia. and ahead of anythingontside the largo cities. Ile has a large: stock of fashionable goods in his Hue than all others th e m ehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of bove call and see. CARD. Desire to invite particular attention to their Fall Stock of SOLID SILVER WARES, ar ranged for WEDDING PRESENTS, com prising a great variety of new, useful and ornamental articles in PLAIN, ORIENTAL and PEARL FINISH. These goods, chiefly of exclusive designs, will be found at Moderate Prices, and In very complete assortment from the inexpensive and practical article for Table use to the more elaborate and ornamental combinations for Dessert, Dinner and Tea services. A. cordial invitation is extended to all who may feel disposed to visit our Store and ex amine this beautiful collection of Art work in Silver. J. E. CALDWELL & CO., NO. 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, CANDY AhD GEO. W JENKINS, Bnreenao to MI BICANh 8 LLERS, Manitracturerr. SUGAR, MOLASSES AIID COCOANUT CANDY, AND WHOLENALO DiALEK IN FRUITS. NUTS, FIRE WORKS, AND CHRISTMAS GOODS. 161 NORTH THIRD STREET. PHILADELPHIA MEM =ll3 MEI
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