712 c Yligtl Acgistcr. MII,IOIIBI, IMINT WtIIRRSU•T ST !to 13 ERT EREDELL, .1R TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE NO paper discoutlnued until all arearages are aid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not teeelve their papers regularly' will confer a great favor upon 11:1 by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please semi us their old address as well as the now. " Tug Berke County Teachers' Institute was in *mutton at Rending, last week. . ANOTHER military company, composed of veterans who served In the late war, Is about be ing organized at Pottsville. THE Iron bridge of the Lehigh Valley Rail road across the Little Lehigh le liming lie wood work reuowed PHYSICIANS report considerable activity in the sick market during the past two weeks, with a fair prospect of a good tall trade. ON Tium..—The Columbia steamer was out on trial last Friday In charge of Lewis Onunmes, who was elected engineer on Thursday evening In place of Gideon Ibach, resigned. FRENCH'S circus, the one which exhibited in Allentown, will be sold at public unction at Trenton, N. J., on the third of November. It will be sold In tote or In parte to suit purehubers. -Tnr. next three weeks will he busy ones for the inw:i'ers. The trial list Is n long one, and it Is believed that It will hardly be posible to finish all the business In that time. PARTIES desiring reserved seats for the lec ture "From the Lehigh to the Pacific," should procure them nt once as they are going rapidly. Tickets for sale nt Weiss' News Agency, Post °Mee and at American Hotel. • • THE Lehigh and Susquehanna Railroad Company now run through ears front Philadel phia and New York to Williamsport, over the North Pennsylvania, their own roads, and the Catawissa Railroad. A UTILE girl came into town to see .the circus procession, and her principal admiration were the camels. Upon returning home she was asked what she hod seem Her reply was that she had seen "some tows mit the decend bend !" PUBLIC TEMPERANCE. 31.1LETING.—ileV. J. IV. Wood, of Allentown, will deliver his Interest ing and lustruetive lecture on the comparative evils of Intemperance, in the Ironton School Holm, on Friday evening, November 4thott seven o'clock. The public is cordially invited. Tax grocery men or New llaven complain that their customers taste so many eatables while making purchases that the prollts on the hitter dwindle to utmost nothing. They talk of peti tioning for a city bylaw to meet the ease. Won der If they lance any sympathizers In Allentown. Miss MAGGIE HAROLD, so WPII known in this CRY us a former member of the Gaiton Opera Troupe, and now• of the Sappho Troupe, was form erly it school teacher In Philadelphia. She Is one of the youngest, prettiest, liveliest Lind sprightliest comediennes on the American stage. A CIIANGE.—Mr. James M. Knecht, car riage maker, of Blatington, has sold out his entire interest in the carriage business to Mr. I'. A. Semnici, of Sacgersville, who will carry on the business at the old stand. Mr. Knecht, we under stand, Intends to remain a few months tosutierin tend the business for Mr. Semmel. . ACCIDENT.—On Sunday, week Dr. Meyer, of Mllleretown, met with a serious accident. A liorscovhleli was tied In front of his hotel, broke the bit and ran away, and the Doctor In attempt ing to stop him was dragged some distance and Injured so much that he was contbied to his bed for several days. lie is about again, however, and doing well. Tun Lehigh Valley Railroad . Company have completed their third rail on the Erie Rail way and freight can now be shipped to and from Elmira without reloading. The company have recently added six magnificent passenger ears to their rolling stock and they will convey passen gers from New York or Philadelphia to Elnera without change of cars. JUSTlCEl3.—Justices of the Peace chosen at the late election, who intend to receive pay for their commissions and assume the duties of their offices, should notify the Prothonotary of their ac ceptance forthwith, otherwise the Commissions will not be Issued to them by the Governor. ,The law requires th9t this notice be forwarded to the Secretary of the Commonwealth within thirty days after the election. TnE Miners' .Journal says among the pas sengers lost by the wreck of the " Cambria," were three men from Schuylkill county, named Robert W. hares, 11. 51. Ginter, both married men, and Alexander Cummings, a single man, all Scotch men, on their way to Scotland, for the purpose of bringing their families to this country. ,They were Industrious men, and hati•e for a long time been employed at New Mines, In that county. THE watch game of base ball at Ilittersville, at the end of the seventh Inning, stood 17 to 17. Each club was skunked three times.. The Quick steps gained eight runs on the last Inning on ac count of the ball becoming wet and slippery, and the Umpire called game. The fielding of the City nine was unusually tine. The secession of Ernest _Ninhlenberg to this nine would form a club capa ble of heating any other In the Valley, not ex cepting the Neptnnes. • Titu annual exportation of ir.0,(V0,000 worth of cheese against $500,000 worth of butter tells why butter Is dear. The milk that goes into that cheese for export is taken away from the product. ton of butter, and we feel it in the prices we have to pay for butter. This cheese making Increases rapidly because the foreign demand is large and steady. The factories cause such a demand for milk that the farmers discontinue making butter and make a larger profit on their milk. BABE BALL.—TiIe game of base ball played InPhiladelphia Wednesday between the Red Stock ings of Cincinnati and the Atlautlesof New York, resulted in favor of the latter, 11. to 7. The play_ log of both Clubs was magnificent throughout In the field, while the Allanties by far excelled at t he bat 1345 6 7 8 9 Red Stockings, . 1 0 3 0 0 0 0• 0 ' Atlantic, , 0 0 3 1 0 1 1 0 5-1 Runs Earned—Atlantics, 7; Red Stockings, 1. Umpire—C. Mills, of the Mutuale. _ _ POPULATION.—The Luzerne Un ion, speak ing of the population of Wilkesbarre,snys—" Our borough limits do not embrace more than one-half of the town, proper, and is therefore uninet, look lag us a little hamlet Instead of the city we really are. Tho exact dimensions of our place is as fol lows : Four miles in length, and twosand a half In width, embracibg a population—not mentioned it the returns—not ono less than 10,000 souls ; which, added to the above, would make 20,982, shout an honest figure for our beautiful town." Very Ingenious, indeed. • Can't some one Rug. gest a method for making a big city out of Allen town 1 A NEW :;'FRAMEIt FOR EASTON.—TIIO Free Preu,of Wed nesday,says the new:third class steam fire engine of the Keystone Ileac Company, built by Cole Brothers, at Pawtucket, It. 1., arrived to Phillipsburg this morning rid Central Railroad of New Jersey. The Keystone boys proceeded in a body to the depot where, in a few minutes, they succeeded In unloading the beauty, when they set to work "with a will" and landed heart the Coin any's house on Bushkin street in a very short time. Sh e weighs 4700 pounds, fully equipped for fire service, and Is painted iti white and green colors with glided stripes. , This afternoon the engine was taken by those whose" aim lathe protection ofour citizens" to the Lehigh river, Just tielow Green& Gross , saw mill, where, In four and a half minutes steam was got ten up; In five minutes there was 5 pounds of steam ; five nod a half minutes 10 pounds ; and in seven Minnie& water was forced through the hose to n considerable distance. At the hour of our going topre.ra the engitir, with 80 pounds of steam, threw Water through 200 feet of hose to a (Balance of itIO feet, with the wind very unfavor able. Pi lISONAL.—COL J. P. S. Goble,. formerly commanding the 4111 i Iteghnest I'. V., wit , In town last week, stopping at the American Ilotel. THE sale of tickets for Genernl Slbright*B calm has commenced. They eon lin lind nt. Wm. T. Weiss' News Agency. THE City Council of Wilmington Imo pissed an Ordinance for the nppolntment by the Mayor of n "Special policeman" to net in the capacity of detective, nt n snlnry of $6O per mouth. Just u•hnt we wont in Allentown. LECTURE,—The lecture OF Major A, H. Calhoun, at Bethlehem, last truck. ans attrnd od by a brge number of A Bent onlamt. The audi ence was not so large as might have been expected from at town having the Ilterdry repntailon of Beth- Ills subject was the Mountain Indians, and was handled skillfully, forming n very Inter- Ming and Instructive lecture. Tort LITEMAItY COMPANION, fur November, ebnies to uo as brivlit ;11111 as fresh looking as the green Held,: are nfier a gentle rain. It Is published by E. C. Alien ro., Augusta, Maine. Terms, 75 cents per ye: u •. .\ line steel engraving, entitled " From Shore to Shore." Is presented to every new subserlln•r. It is really one of the most pleasing engraving, ever he fore the public. Tim Cot/Tani n. is printed on tine, Peary paper; Its columns are tilled to the brim with good things by talented antlows, and withal It is one of the largest Still nnest 111..... t rated film'. ly papers published. STOLEN Rousts RECOVERED. —The horse and wagon stolen front the Eagle Hotel on Satur day week, were recovered Thursday morning. It Is supposed a young unto by the name of ?un ncmacher, of HI'S city, Jumped Into the carriage, drove off and when near the Lehigh Mountain re pented of ilia criminal action, and to prevent cap ture by the authorities turned the horse Itmsc In the Mountain, where it was Urinal in an unfte (moiled port, and in a half-starved condition, by a couple of boys. Word was at once sent to Coopersburg and the owners reclaimed their team. They are In scorch of the culprit, but thus for he lion not been captured. COAL OIL. the leai d I hat coal oil Is sold In Allentown, as well :is In other cities, Hutt trill not stand the lire-te.Y. All such oils are dangerous and little better than benzine. The Fire-test Inspector of Petroleum Oils will, in all probability, soon visit the city nuil make thines right. Those who are eaveful In buyiwz oil that Is fully up to the standard show that they have a proper regard for their own lives. We should like to see the names of the manufacture', of the bocits article exposed in the public prints. When the Inspector visited Norristown, last week. Intl of all the oil sold In that town that rink' Skinnier, \i.is the only kerosene that stood above proud :mil :ill the rest was considerably below the test.. P.‘cirii Excelsior Rifles have been fortunate in s ecuring General Albright to deliver a lecture on the above subject. The General is a eb;se olf , erv,r and las taken every advantage which his tip t'•,litor- El, lua snnnm•r. :111.11,1 '.; lecture, an.l r.••a1..• • •::. rv riences In it making hi. -al,ject of the greatest luterc,t to ail Thc country traversed by the Pacific Italirn.id ha , been written up and lectured upon until it se,.lll+ that we ought to be thoroughly ver,ul in it , char acter, but It Is so.vast, so grand :ma at C.,llll.llla tively tune that every cx pincer into it , my aeries and wonders has alwayi•something now and in structive to say about it, and when we consider that by far the larger part of our United State, is yet unsettled, it Is not to he wondered at that a gentleman of the ability and experienee of I f,neral Albright should lied so much material to truth upon that le new, novel and entertaining. Those who have heard the General ,peak or the lecture In the highest terms of eeinmendation, and every citizen of Allentown should go to hear him in the Court Monet, in Friday i•vening, the fourth of November. THEEE was a mini in'Doyle,town who had his life Insured, and immediately started out to realize out his policy. lie had one urn en! off in a saw ; lie lost a leg by being run tlVer on the railroad ; his nose was bitten oil by a tuad dog, aud a skyrocket accidentally went off soul eliot hint through the lung. Still he I\u:twined al IV e . nod as healthy ns ever. Then a torpedo whirl he tried to crack with his teeth, exploded and blasted his mouth out to the size of the Mammoth Cave, and a brick fell from a scaffolding .ad smashed Iris skull so that he had to be trepanned. Just afterwards he caught the small-pox, and upon his recovery was smitten down with the yellow fever. During 1115 illness he swallowed, Inadvertently, a quart of bug-poison, thinking it was medicine. But he got well—this man did—much to his dis appointment, and was around again in a month as hearty no ever. Subsequently he fell front a house and broke his remaining leg, so that it had to be amputated, and his left arm was torn elf in a rolling mill. lie was carried away on a stretcher and on the road he was atineked by a herd of cat- e . and gored through :mil through with their horns, while the heat was so intense that he was sunstruek. lint he recovered in about a much to his disgust, and was in splendid health, when his house burned down one tiLiht, and, as he was unable to move, everybody thought he was dono for at last. hut, kr:111g, ti),ly, he was raked out next morning, charred a little hut as lively as ever. Ile was so much dlsgitsted at this En-t. fail- MC that he abandoned his life iniiranee, and swore he would never. pay another cent towards such n e whiffle. Singularly enough, that very day lie ate some toastcil ellee4e for dinner, :old it dis agreed with him so much that he died in liasins In four hours. Perhaps' the word Chagrin will best expliss the condition of mind in , which lie found himself In his last 'mments. .Ifte- all the pains be had taken to get In on that lire In surance company, to he beaten In that tray ! Ile hadn't heart enough It:ft to get all any last words. Ile only said it wan hard. i:onnt melt seemed never to have anything but misfortunes, no mat ter how persistingly they worked, atm! he sobbed as he thought how mach It would have hem in his pocket irhe had blown out his brains in the first plague. LIST or .ICltons.—ltelow wC publish the list of Jurors drawn for the tern: of Court MM.- inencing on Monday, October 31.1, to continue three tvccits: GRAND .IPl:ol:S.—John sorriar, SJaean: (meld I'. Ilenslnge-, Innkeeper, Loser Mot-Hugh.; J o t. huthler,'yeionan. Allentown; Day 3lrlientla, yeoman, I hlatingtou. Jame. 11. Smith, butcher, LS' 101; Ileory Nen- moyer, .tone sutler, 31111or.tonm: Aaron Eiriv-lberm-r, hucknter, (Inver Sanwa; Haab TbMIDI,. 1.1 I:aLtsnn , nn; Wni. 1,. Ilreinlg. farmer, l'peer Alamtnuie; Conrad Shiltrer . llll/ke0V,,r.k1.i...1411111; Jacob rrek . h.d.ll.l . , H farmer. Heidelberg; Loos Erdman, farmer, Upper Sat, roe; Florentine Iloehle, tailor, Hanover; %V. N. m o ramm, Heidelberg; Owen Romig. Inert-Imm, Cata---an. . 'rant, Webo., J. I' ‘Voli•enborg; Judah Ilmtel ' 4V s h tl. Allentown; Joe . l 11,,, farmer, Lynn; 31 iton Moyer, merchant, Lo.wer3llltord; A..allahn.lariner, 11.111..1 over; Chan. Foster, do., Upper Mdford; .1.1.11 n AntlionY, tdortooitl4North mit:ol.in; tolliCi 1,. Ilrelo , T. m ovlrint. Lynn; !Sem Orb it, silo Ward, Allentown. PETIT JPIIOIIB-1111ST WEEE.—S. L. Meru.— 3 , 0• matt, Ninon+ boronglit Solomon Stiller, roarltinaker, AI. lentorro; Horace Italtint. yeoman; lioithlVlldehall; Ileo- ry Illeller, former, Welaenloirg; . 1141 11 S. !inn', Lower Alm-tingle; Peter Snyder, farmer. I.)im; Jahn m Erdman, farmer. North Whitelmll; Sauel lle so, tailor, Hanover; Solomon .1. Peter, fame lieldellorg; I'. F. Merlon, watchmaker, l'ata•lootna; Edwin Reinhard, far. mgr. Upper haucou; henry Cpper . 3111hord Ephraim Moss, 411, ward. Allentown; %Yin . F. Yeager, 2.1 ward. A Ilentown; Milton .1. liramer, merchant, , town; Ilenn noln IF',;,. merchant, glatlngion; Nathan Shafer, yeoman, Lower AlisctlLlglV I (imago \Vols., 1 , 1011,1 gmk o r„ notliag, 11101 311Ilera. I town; l'al‘vard tiellantr, earpemer, %I'anlauglon; Thor. Dewlre, rodnurant keeper. Allentown; hanolel J. IV 1-4- 1,.y. ; 0 ..”-.% Ileldelbe;;;; Henry Fogelman, loCeher, lieorge Blank, .1. P., Cnnar Saueou; Inigh• man (Mod, :Id Willa. AllooloWnt James F. blintrar. It., met-, Culler baar Y. Erna.-, 111,101.1111.1. Lower Milford; David NVIIIIII.I, Oat,, 1.-lactlatan; Lewis Hinny, merchant, Ceidelnes g ; 'llooolota s,oh. teacher, Lynn; Edwal Vanitnertonn, tuukerper, Lon mil; William stela yeoman, Lowhill; It. F. Jaeohy, dooti-1, Allentown; .tone- Itex, farmer. AVel.enloarg; I„ ho 11, tililmer, yeoman, Cpper Milford; Willoughby Il.Trogler, lumbar merchant, Allentown. . JUiltilin—SECOAl o Cern, far tier, Washington; SoMama Kline, miller, nolisbary; Pn rid Wt'lda, DI; bill. Anent. wo • Wm. Eggs, do., d d ; Stephen IL Neninoyor, carpenter. I.oW•tr D. Fuller, yeoman, l'ammotitio; Dill .1. Smith, Lanier, Di t i t er Alticunglo; F. T. Jolost, ye"nian t boa.; Jonas Wleand. yt•omen, nellsburt•; Joint Ale:1 ulty. do , Allen town; Jacob (Craver,w W teano.ier, do., Hermon P. Upper acungie; Oea,. Fitn.t. tanner, dd. ; Clt e r Sol M Solent, initacepen, 131W:igloo ; Win. Iliter, lortner. %Vel• itenhorg; Abetting Weiler. it,, do.; Frenklin painter, Allentown; Joseph Nigel, ; ;;; ;,,r, ; dy . Imikeopor, Wd,htogion• do.; Joel T. Ilertzoit, merchant. Cutte IL mingle; lit Slialfcr,'lnukeeper. Lowe Stilled:r illord: IMi.ntem lirea., leek, AIII.IILOW Anrou Lroltintli Inereltent. itlet.tetv n Wayne Bitting, drover, do. ; heilbe Lliert, butcher, 1,1 not Willoughby Fogel, yeoman. llitlow %male; L. F.Stem, farmer. 1.owli,11; Aaron do., Lynn; (Vin. tClirlan, saloon keeper, Ciitesiiim ; Johnl4. Upper Macungie; Churl,. eonmo, (teary blimp, slitter. blatington t Jo.f eh ll o Lotion. r. lat • ;;;‘ ,, o uthwlntolittli ; Harrison Ileidieu, selisbo ry ; I.eopold Korn, ',rowan, Anent°. n. • I'ETIT 11. p tinter, filetington bdrougli; Colteln Cinder, ilielebent, r Doper 31,Dord; Stephen linechel, fernier, L'lWl'l Al nun. I,e; David L. Beruer, do. do.; a nrhu Flank...ll,ld. ; linuover; D. J. schlouci•, carpenter, Alicomwn; PIM Eisenhard, Looter.liner. neuron; IL S. llogli, car eill:11.11 , )111 Franklin Cutup, farmer. I.l'itit Owen F.-Peter, carpeator. blatiuntou; ticrinatt. yeoman, Allentown; Reuben butte r, Alit ward, Allen town; ileorge It. Carl, former, Lower Milford; KO Ivo; d Deshler, tall tenni, Allentown; Samuel J. Verger, see ter, Slittintrion; Win. Leann. .1, l'„ Lower. Meetingle; Ales. Singinaster, yeomen, Millers; ,trii; Ibiniel With, ‘Velsenberil; Churl E. Berk, do., Low hill; Levi Lich- Down 6r., yeoman, Lower Alecongls; Lewle liar. miny, farmer, Lynn; James Joidem larm r, Upper Mil ford; David Peter, el Joimo, merchant, Wesiiin . ntoo; ilnerimu Wieder, fornd r. ltpl , rr Allifordt (forgo loopp, tinsmith, Calaoutopm; John Crell, [armee; NOM White !toll ; Jae. beliwnrtz, ItterchuntXatesatiquit; )Blinn Wail, ymmoin,,Lower Alucungio; )lonia liuuwmcr, 411; %coin, Levi Clue. yeoman. Me. 1 Itatilel Moyne. for mer, North Whitehall; Aural Ce llar, Id ward, Allen. tuwo; David Dituner, yeoman, Jaiiid.tOMMt Una liar, homer, Culver 31acutulle 1 (heal. Wnnderly, (Di ward, Allentown ; Joshua Selbcrllna, .1. I'. WelAelilmrd. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN WEDNESDAY NOVEMBEit 2,1870. HEAL ESTATE.— William S. Young, Eq., has purchased the Tan lard and farm of thirty acres, situated on Cedar creel:, from Solomon H. $13,000. TERM ACCIDENT.—A girl about eleven years old In o Hemming to kindle a lire 0111 rant oil, TneedAy afternoon. over in Solishury. woo badly burned about her body. tier clothes Were entirely consumed and her appcaronee woo pitiful In the extreme. tier Injuries are of a dangerous character and little hope is entertained of her re covery. These frequent coal nil accidents Fllollltl serve as a warning against its coreles, arc. lit:roitl• 01 coal transported over I he Lehigh Valley, Railroad for the week coding Oct. 1870, compared with same lima last year: For Wevk For Yritr. Tot I Wyoniln. , 11,157 12 501177 01 Hazleton 45,150 02 1,707.170 02 • Upper : 17g IS 11,353 04 Beaver Meadow..... 12.857 16 007.00. p 04 51ananoy 0,51.11 16 2'111:131, 15 Cloth], 111 01 913 12 Total by Rail Canal 75,U211 05 3,064,121 18 Same lime ................10,511) 05 1,014,853 02 Net e h•i•rca,r I NIPOIITANT 1)ECISION-1r. A BANK HE. I'OII TIII: S‘FI:TY liiNl:y Li:FT IN IT , t the present term of the Sarato gl Supreme Court and Over and Terminer, the ease Of Patrick !Niihau agnimt the First Nation n I Bank or Saratoga Springs, was brought on. This was an action for, United States bonds pnr chrism' 6y ontotiir or defendant , ., and left with them for safe keeping. .t flee a time Ole b ink of livers reported the bonds missing not all trace of the Sallle Wets Justice liosekrans, after the testimony had been given, ordered 0 11011 snit, on the ground that the !Anima lola Gilled In -how ooy special negligene, oo the part of defendants. —.I//mny l'erliiimicn I , nilrond which is lensed and rim by the Itutditie; Cailro.id tompitily. Is do ing a very fair Int,inet.s. The !non trovei is inereitslng, told the nviudit canned over the road already loran.. tip 111 11111/11111111M lioCelltly II 1111 . 110111 11;1,4 been laid 41111111 nt Ye!'lie, Station, font mil, front the junction, :tint improvements :ire iti progress all along the lint. of the branch toad. Rat few short road= in the Slate are richer in ilroinl-e Omni thk, Al'oooll2' n<il doe= front the mouth iir the reikionien to it; ,otiret., throat:lt ti, (natal ty itch in agricultural:lnd tit:neral and peopled by a class of men tel enterpti, i. not trNeeill'd ill :ley ' , art State. The l'rt omen hranch 10,1 ultimately connect w lilt tht• of IZailway tanning ap the Lehigh and :- . .orilio•- lt:liout rAllrv, awl ea-I to Vet' Yot I:. YOUNG N --The Third C.H.V:lltion of the Yonng A.-..elation of the. Slate of Penn will convene al S•mtidon, Idir.erne coun ty, on Tuvolay, Nov. Sill, 1870. elo,itig its io..,sion on 'flitir,lity Itelegatt, ore expected from all A , sm..imions in the State, among whom many of our Iniel prominent ministers and earne,t ihri,tian N 1 .1 kvrs. A most cordial ME 1.1114,11 Is extended to mini ter., and Clohtion lay men in town end country Ilitriets where there are As4 , 4,44iations, to come to the (.onvention. tno,t healty (1404.tlati welcome asattretl to all e Ito conic. and arrawculetil44 in 111 he 11111d1! their entertainment. ac Nvell a. , fe n • reduced fares railro.ot,. An a ho thisign atteinlina", are reguriited to ad- Ire-- Tirana; K. Cree. Chairman Stale Execu tive Committee. PitKl,lll.l4ll, that they may avail th,in-olv, ul these Tut. .\ I - root Lost week the aurora into as minguitienoin as any we remember to Inane been. l'ronn can ly Inn the evening the deep purplish light shot a-rini“ tine . shy—front west-north-west to east s.miln-cast, with tvhile lights farther north amd again the purplish red In the north-eastern horizon. It ca-- a magniticent di-play, setting one to re flecting on of ,n cause, anal results. The singular spot-.on the sun, 1101 V the ;yonder Intl nulmiration ofa>t ronifinerr , , and %Odell they are studying to anneount for, may bane something to do Intl In this elcetrical display. How, or by what means IS not yet discovered. One old gentleman with NI hots tee tallied, was inclined to ha sup,r-tillons and prophesied another great war. He nllnterd that the, were the signs and wonders spoken of In the Bible, anal in.liniated stirring times. Younger two pie, however. upon 111,, likplayS as attribu table to *oats direct c:111-4 . . 111'0 :I eurin,ity and worthy of the student's time inn sentrehing for the rea-min of their rnieurring appearance. "STIIELT'S P.U.At ESIO, - 1: CAR UOMPANY." —We are glad to note an Important change being made io the lonelier of ,hippleg beef cattle to our home markets by railway. A lartte proportion of our beef supply is brought to us from the We , tern and Southwestern States o'er several hundred, of miles of railway, unit the sufferings of the poor brutes In transit are or the most terrible character. In the ordinary.stoek ear, about eight by twenty eight feet in t %to, from twelve to twenty cattle are jalin,l tOgt : tlit r awl scoured by closing the car door., upon them. 'tie-. , cars have inferior spring,. and :11.0 I , lllllCCied tir,;(llll.r in long trains as they go patinding along Over our railways, car rying with them the tortures of the damned to the poor Matte, thus trio - qt. - tried. Finch time the locomotive make, a fresh jerk forward, the side, of the eattle in the rear end of the ear meet receive the ,Loci: 'of the emir , . weight of cattle behare them, and it each sudden chock in , the !notion or - the ear the eattle at the forwal .1 end sutler i i the Yearly every title who has passed by a eagle trail) On llur railway lines has heard the 11103119 of agony e..seaping from the poor brides there confined and J., tinned together. 'their horas, in thecrttsh lug inat,, -core and wound and tear each other, and the shippers. with awls inserted in the ends of poles. continually pass from ear to ear, goading them in the most merciless manner, to prevent their lying down to he trampled on by the feet of other , . For Ilse, tea or fifteen days, they are thus jvinined, veored, bruGfsl anti goaded on their way to 'wicket. OecasiunallyY they are unloaded for f0..,1 and Wilier, Just Mug' enough for their punctured wounds to fe.,ter and their injuted frames to heroine rifle and stilt, when they are again reloaded, to pass through another period of similar torture. only aggravated by the wounds and soreness cif .the bruises they have lv.fore re ceived. Nor IS this all. Frequently l'or two, three, and even four Jays and nights together, the poor• crea tures are without a morsel of fond or drop of water, while perhaps n broiling situ is pouring its rays down till the air Is stilling and suffocating, and frantic with misery. they press and surge and moan in Agony. Not Inirregnelaly, in their greater withering froln heat, hunger. thirst and wearied limbs, they Ile down and refuse to rise fur the goad of the shipper, though it is merellessly.thrust Into the rankling flesh, and new devices of torture are substituted, such :Is putting quids of tobacco Into the eyes, or• destroying the sight by thrusting the goad Into them. It is heart•sickening Indeed, to know what these poor brutes stiller in transit to Many cattle are killed by the cruelties of ship. ping ; all areauore or less bruised, and reach our markets in an unhealthy and fevered condition, with their systems relaxed almost to a elate of collapse. To prevent loss it quick Hale and early butchering ore accessary, for so sick are they that they continue to fall In flesh for some weeks after their erne! Journeys, even under the best care :Ilia kith Ol 1 1111(laldsupplles of fool and water. And the meat of these cattle, after butehe . ring, when compared with the meat of offise Lulchcrcd fresh from their native pcsturcs, is quite different in color and appearance. It cannot be possible that the meat front the fevered carcasses of these eat- Cc Is harmless or healthful food for man, and there la little dOubt that tint diseased beef supply Is largely productive of ;navy of the fdarmlog (M -INIS, of our 'cities. .‘ company has laiely bet, formed in Chit . ..kg° who propose to remedy lhtao evils,and every lover of humanity, or one having a kind regard for the of dumb mrimm,, will Litt them Godspeed 13 their wetk. They build ears nu passenger coach springs, and of greater length ; make them into excellent stables, where each 011 e ate Nall, in which It cai lie down and arise at will, tie: stalls hieing adjustable to the sloe of the cattl a Each animal is also supplied with food awl fresh tenter in abundance, without unloading. These ears are rightly nann•d "Palace Stock Care." It I,Sto he hoped. that these cars will he immediately adopted 011 our several lines of rails may, 4t11,1 the criminal Inhumanity of the present mode of cattle shipment prohibited, If necessary, by lore. Vert:duly as its sanitary measure the sub ject is one of great Interest to all classes of our citizens, who now• consume much beef that can hardly be called butchered ; tire sick animal being nen fly dead humors It' reoches tho'hulcher's hands, AN EXCELLENT REASON WHY T. C. Kernel hen, of the old Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Store, can sell cheaper than others, Is that he buys and sells exclusively for Cash, thus gab:- ng alrthe advantage of cash payments and losing nothing by credit sales. A SPLENDID FLVXo.—Lindernmn a., Son's Gold :11edal Cycloid and Square Pianos tank among the finest lustrunients In the country. Their bril liancy and fullness of tone is not surpassed byn con certgr and piano at double the price. More instru ments of this celebrated make have been sold In Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties titan of any other manufacture. They can be used many years and not become airy, as most other pianos do, in only a few years. Come and examine them at C. F. Herrmann's Store, Seventh and Wainu streets.—. We. CoUNCI I. MEETING.— At the meeting of the City Councils, last week, an ordinance relating to the opening of streets woe passed, lifter which Intl branches went Into Joint convention to open proposals for the building of a dwelling house at the water works. The following are the . bids of fered : I= Solomon Butz & Son 5.1,475 00 David Schwartz & Son 1,347 00 Ilartzel, Sheldon & Co 1,148 00 Abraham Diefenderfer 2,100 00 Ilartzel, Sheldon & Co., being the lowest Wa ders the contract tra , awarded to them. The Committee on City Property was ordered to report at next sleeting the cost of erecting heaters in the 'anise? of the Colmahla and Good Will fire companies. • WINTER EVI.NIN(; ENTEUTAIN . MEN'ES.-11. J. De Cordova, the !trend humorist, will lecture :It the 31oravian Ity School Hail, Bethlehem, on Thursday evening, ...ovottiher MI, on "What will NIN. Grundy say!" This opens the course of Winter Evening Entertainments under the Y. M. C.. 3., during n94ch t wo concerts will he given by the Philharmonic Society of Bethlehem. The Committee are pleased to ammunce that they have secured fur one 01 their entertainownts James E. Murdoeh, the most eminent clocutionist and reader in the United States, n•ho Is expected in miry next. The price of season tickets is $2.00; single tiekets to suls,ribers, 50 cents ; to non subscrlhers, 75 scuts. Season tickets are for snip by 11.'.1. Seaman. 11. T. Clauder, Jim. 13. 'Aims (.'has. 5!. noti•nii. Abraham S. Schropp, Commit,ee. • A! ! Mr. Wm. li. New- Inn]. it' the late. John Voting, deceased, ,told on Wed:::,l:ty last, the lot or ground situate on the ,iinthed-t earner of Sloth and Walnut et reef,, Ii lice Walnut and .420 on SlNth streets, to M German, for 55,t200. Men-r-. Wittman Lelsonring report the fol lowing : :%Inyberry S. Weidner sold n lot ,if ground, sit uated on the north side of Gordon street, between Sixth and Church streets, 35 feet front by 105 feet deep, to Leonard Soling 1111(11 FAIWIII St muss, for Samuel Flick sold a lot of groutul, t•ituatett oil North street, to Benjamin 13. Burger, for $9OO. Moses Guth sold the undivided one-half of n lot of ground, situate on the southwest corner of Seventh and fior t lon streets, 02 feet on Seventh street by 110 f•ct deep to Win. F. Yeager, for ti‘lrtoo. Tun, business in Writing paper and enve lopes Lids season Is reported to be touch larger than has been known for many years, at which the dealers and manufaeturers are Jubilant. France has done until now a very large export trade to this country hi I,ney paperand envelopes, and prices of these articles have advanced about ten per cent. These French fancy papers are Ids mosl the only thing we Import not successfully imitated by manufacturers here. After one or two attempts, In a small way, It has been given up as impossible, and the French have the control of that braneh of the market still. The present embargo on manufacture and export in France may, through the demand for these articles, set some of oar ingenious countrymen at work, who will succeed in overcoming the need for importlog over again. The immense proportions of the paper business any be Judged by the large Impor tation of rags Miring the year 1869, which, it New York alone, amounted to 104,001 bales, valued at $2,191,202, added to which the lonic production must be very large. Anins' Lr:s.-1.30w legs and knock•kuces are among the common deformities of humanity ; and wise mothers assert that the crookedness in either ca , c arises from the afflicted one having been put upon his or her feet too early in baby hood. But a Manchester physician, ,Dr. Cromp lion, who has watched for the true cause, thinks differently. lie attributes the first mentioned dis tortion to ❑ habit some youngsters delight hi, of rubbing the sole of one foot against that of the other ; sonic will go to sleep with the soles press ed together. They appear to enjoy the contact only when the feet arc naked ; they don't attempt to make it when they are socked or sllppered. So the remedy Is obvious ; keep the baby's soles cov ered. Knock knees the doctor ascribes to n dif ferent childish habit, that of sleeping on the side, with one knee tucked Into the hollow behind the other. Ile has found that where one leg has been bowed inward more than the other, the patient has always slept on one side, and the upper -most member has been that most deformed. Here the preventive is to pad the inside of the knees so as to keep them apart, and let the limbs grow freely their own way. All of which is commen 'ed to mothers who desire the physival uprightne=s of their progeny. STOI.I,N VIi,,pERTY ItEcovE1101) AND TIM THD:r AID(EsTED.—On the night of the 12th of September lost, two valuable horses, a carriage and set of harness were stolen from the neighbor hood of Rlehlandlowo, In Bucks county. The horses belonged to Abraham Ort; a farmer lu that vicinity, and the carriage and harness trete taken from the pre'rukes of Daniel Diely, one of his neighbors. A heavy reward was offered and diligent efforts.were made by the members of the Richland horse Company, to which Mr. Ort be longed, for the recovery of the property and the ari.est of the thief or thieves, which did not prove successful until last week. The reward,'Whlch was about $4OO, acted as a stimulant upon the detective.; in various pails of the country, and some of these officers continued their Investiga tions until they finally got nu the track of thti thieves. The property was found nt a livery stable In the vicinity of New York city, and Charles Fellman and some other members of the Horse Company were notified by telegraph and went on to identify it. The thieves were also ar rested. One of them is reported to he Lewis IL Landis, who formerly kept s t ore at Quakertown, as a member of the firm of Cope and Landis. Ile is very respectably connected.—lnteffigrater. SII. Eit PALACE CAIN von PENNA. RAI ROA —The luxuriant traveling railway vehicles known os the Pullman Patent Sliver Palace Cars which have been In use for a year or two past on the Jersey Central, East Penna. and Lebanon Volley Railroads, or the through line from New York to San Francisco, are models of elegance of workmanship anti comfort of construction. They have been adopted on the Pennsylvania Railroad, and two "rtile:,e carriage's have Juslhcen com pleted for this line by ['tellurian& Hollingsworth Company at Wilmington. Their names are the lonia and Saranac, and up thnsAeserlbed by the Commercial: The Interior of these ears is [hashed 11 American and French walnut and Ambler], Abe latter an African wood, of peculiar beauty, mid susceptible of a very tine polish. The windows are all double and of plate glass. The floor, are carpeted with Brussels, of a beautiful figure, and the furniture Is of walnut and velvet plush. Ex clit a feu• fine gilt ornathents which decorate panels, everything metalleabout the curs, Wfialler for u'e or ornament, to of heavily plated silver. The silver lamps are very beautiful. The superi ority of all. Pullman car over all others,conslste. of the perfect arrangements for concealing the sleep- Ing arrangements, while it is being used as a day car, and tlw case with n•hich the change Is made. There Is a roomy vestibule at each end, and one handsome ntateroom in each ear. In one of the cc:4ll,llles is one of Baker's patent heaters, which heats the ear by pipes, through which hot 'water Is constantly caused to circulate. Altogether these cars are trinmphs of chill, labor, and artistic taste, luxuriously combining comfort and Inxury so that they really are no their mune Indicates, palaces on wheels iu which the traveler may ire- Verse a continent surrounded by e ttil the comforts of home. Their design reflects credit on their In- : Tentor, and the execution of the design credit on the Harlan & Hollingsworth Company, the eni elent foreinah of their car shops, Mr. Bowers, and the skillful men under his direction. "Tic cars will l,o r e at once forwarded to West Philadelphia, where they will remain on exhibition for ti few 1111 P. IZEeovEnEn.--Mrs. Goeple, who had her lieet Severel y scalded some thus ago, has, we be lieve, nearly recovered from her Injuries. LAllog stock 3f sheet music, instructGrs, blank ',nolo, music piper and eartlnnt C.F. Herr mann's Store, Allentown. —Ado. SUBSCRIBERS to the CIIitONICLE and ItEnts• Tmkean have Godey's Lady's Book sent to them for $2.30 a year, by leaving their names and the money at this olllee. The regular price Is $2. WORSTED WORK.—The largest and cheap est assortment of slippers, sofa nail pin cushions ever offered In this city for Foie nt Moo. GrI.IIIN'S. A. TIMID nEnsoN Why T. C. Kernahen, of the Allentown China, Glassware and Lamp Store can sell cheaper than others, Is because he sells more than any two In the cannty put together. . . THE: beet of Italian violin strings, vlolims, guitars, flutes, ete., or any othernalele belonging to musical Instruments, can be bought cheaper than anywhere else, at C. F. ilerrinann's Music Store, Allentown, Pa.—Ade. ALLENTOWN has an extensive china and glassware establishment where as great a variety and as low prices can la. found as in the larger cities. We refer to the new store of Richard \Vanier, No. 40 West Hamilton street.—.lds. CHEAP PARLOR °ROANS. —A single reed 5 octave organ at $9O. A doable reed organ with 5 stops, at $l5O. powerful organ with 7 stop at $lOO, at C. F. Mullion Ciz, corner of 7th mai nut (loop PLAct.: Fort Locm.s.—Pottsville mnzt be a' glorious place for lire locals. During one week they bad one roan murdered, four shot and wounded, one wife beating, one suicide, an (dope meat. and any quantity of minor crimes. . HEADING. —Jacob Conrad, n well known citizen of Berks county, a . tid for sixteen years steward of the alms house of that county. died at Lis residence last Filday. CV12101114% The Berl:. County Teacher's In-Illitite closed Its sessions last Friday evening. Tilt: os.—'There are now• confined in the Lehigh County Jail twenty prisoners serelug out sentences or awaiting trial at this teem of Court. The crimes with whitdi they are charged extend from petty assault and battery to higatifq nod forgery. • _ _ SENATOR CAM ERON. SlllllllO 131117, Senator Cameron's private secretary states that the Sena tor has quite recovered from his recent indisposi tion, and is now attending to business as usual. Ills physician, who made a careful diagnosis of all the symptoms of his case, gives it as his opinioa that he was not threatened with anything like paralysis, but that he was simply sufi•rrlog from the effects of a severe cold. 'NEW PAPER.— We have received the first number of the Lansdale Reporter, a sprightly sheet recently started in the flourishing village of Lans dale, on the North Pehnsylvania rallro4d. The Ile,' candidate for public favor looks well and its columusitre filled wlllvitem. of much interest to the people in its locality IL is published by Frederick Wagner and edited by M. 11. Snyder, FALL AT Tim Cincus.—Friday after noon, while the performance at the circus was as suming a very Interesting character, the raised seats on,one nide of the tent gave way, precipitat ing the vast crowd to the ground. The excite ment, of course, was it.tense, and fears were en tertained that the occident hail involved toss of life and thou) to a considerable extent, but when the confusion ended it was found that the only person Injured was Mrs. Elias Wefley, of Lowhlll, whose Injuries were but blivzht. The occident was soon repaired :111 , 1 the iliTrinlllllllCe wont on as A d/rrrt:crivE WANTED.—There is no reas on why Allentown should be behind her sister towns and cities in the matter of a detective. If the olliee Is created it' will he an additional ex pense, hot that the employment of in person for this position alone would be money well invested there can be little doubt. Our experleoce during the past year demonslntes the necessity for hav ing sonic means try which crime can he detected. Incendiaries flourish in our midst without fear of punishment, because we trace no one whose busi ness it Is to look rifler such persons. Depreda tions of all hinds are committed secretly rind the criminals escape punishment. How much could Lace been saved to our citizens if we had had it detective a year ago and the perpetrator of the first arson had been arrested. The necessity for offering two thousand dollars reward, had that been done, would not now exist. The subject is Worthy oh consideration try our COrllleilA. A SAD, SAD STORY—TIIIII.:E LITTLE BOYS ENTICED FUME Timm 110mEs IN TUE LEHIGH VALLEY TO ALAIIAMA—TWO DIE %%IDLE RETURN ING ill/NM—The COO/11,10rddi, of Fri day, rays:—Yesterday afternoon a tale of miff fering W:18 developed at the Mayor's oilier scarcely exceeded, perhaps, In iteart-rendlog details. It seem; that officer Weissentown. on duty In the vi cinity of Union Depot, was called to take charge of a sick lad who was resting temporarily in the depot. The officer took charge of the lad, a little fellow tigml twelve years, and his pale, emaciated form nut:gest cal many thoughts of Blckness, mise ry, i.Xe. Ile was ttlien to the Mayor's office, and Ills Honor nayor Brush, on Inquiring into the (alio, learned the following particulars; The little fellow said hic name is Siilloll Mc- Keever; and he Is Just twelve years old. lie fotm erly lived In Lehigh county, Pennsylvania, but on an occasion of a visit. to Colas .uqua, he met a man calling himself Clyde Miller, who asked him how he would like to go to Alabama and perform the duties of clerk of the laborers employed ou certain railroad In AISIJSMS ; that Is to say, keep the time pay roll and other light duties.• Simon Promptly accepted the offer and Clyde then asked him If he did not know some other boys who would go along as cooks. He Saki he had sixty laborers to take down with him and desired boys to cook Silliest got two other boys—Robert McTosit and Robert MeNlei—to go along down as cooks. Mil ler look them down to Alabama, to about the cen tral part Of it, and there placed them In a cook house, his prospective clerkship never; being spoken of. The boy could not give the name of the railroad he worked on, but after awhile they tired of the work; became slid: and wen' sent do a hospital. On recovering they started to walk north, traveling in this matmer, some live hun dred miles, to Green county, Tennessee. On the way thither, we forgot to slate, 51111011 . 6 compan ions, Maoists and O'Neil, died—one ate hospital and the other at a farm house where they stopped temporarily, but he could not tell the location of either the hospital or farm house. At Tenn6ssets he went into a hospital and remained two weeks, and subsequently reached Cairo by railroad. There he engaged himself as cook in a saloon, but soon after he went to work upon a boat, and by and by I.t! reached Arkansas where he was dis charged. lie (lien became sick, was again obliged to go into the hospital, and on recovering started Immediately for Cairo. Ile arrived safe and by his entreaties to the railroad officials got free transportation to 1,0;Isville and front thence to Cincinnati. At the latter town he 11181 k. 111111,0 i known to the railroad men, and they cent Iffin to - Pittsburgh, the train from the West: yesterday afternoon bringing him In. As staled, he was found at the depot by officer Welssenburn, and it severe fever was raging on him. Ile said he had eßills every day, followed by high fevers and could hardly walk. Mayor Brush, on hearing the fact's, called on Mr. Fortune, Overseer of the Poor, and, as that gentleman &clines' doing anything, because the unfortunate lad did not belong in the city. ❑ad Ills Honor made no farther effort; In the un fortunate lad's behalf he would have beets without a place of shelter last nlglit, savethe accommoda tions afforded at the lock up, and what would they have been to a child suffering from chills and fever 1 lint no; Ills Hosier called at `the Mimeo- Fable Hospital and a,kesi to have the lad taken In there, but for sonic MlCXplalued reason the re quest was not complied. with. The Mayor then went out to the eoldlers' Home, Twelfth ward, and got the authorities there to consent to receive the boy, and a buggy being procured, he was placed In it, covered over and shivering like nu aspen leaf driven to the Ilome. That he will be well taken care of there Is scarcely n doubt, and just here we mlght say that It Is strange the offi cers of the Hotinuopathie Hospital will announce time and again that their doors ere open to the Milkiest and those injured by accident, and then refuse to admit patients when application Is made to them. The Mayor will endeavor to ascertain something farther emicerning the Ind and his rely BUTTEIL STOLEN.—The mlllt vault of Mrs. lillns Hoffman, la Washington township, won robbed or butter on Saturday last. 'DEIIATINO SCITOOL.—On Tuesday evening, Oct. 25th, the leachers and Influential citizens of Sehneeksvtlie and vicinity organized a debnting school, to be held every Tuesday evening. ONE IlrNmom CLOAKH, ready-mode for ladles, from two to t*enty dollars; also Water Proof, Circular. and Children's Cloaks for sale at Moo. PRESIDENT ELECTI,II.—Rev. .1. R. ' of Barren 11111, Montgomery enmity, has been elected President of the Lutheran Synod of Pena. syleaula for the ensuing year. REAL. ESTATE.—MCSSrg. GO ‘ Od & Rube, real estate agents, bare sold n lot fifty-one feet front on Jackson street, corner of Tenth, with two tame buildings, the property of C. W. Rau, to J. If. JohnFon, of Philadelphia, far sn,:mo. THEATIIICAL.—'IIe brass band of the Lan. trier Constellation, which performs in Kline's hull tonight, paraded the streets tills :tfternrion mud entertained our citizens with a free serenade. The troupe zl ves every aprea ranee of nein:: a first class one. INO/111 IlEt.itEsENTAtioN.—A menting, of the Committee appointed at the Nlinor;ly Con vention held at Reading in August lust. hat. been called by the Chairman, E. J. More, Eeq., for Thitmlay next. at the Girard House, Philadel phia. %.—A young num named Francis L. Fogel, from Lehigh cennty, was arrested In Allentown on Saturday morning, by Officer Schadt of this place. and taben to Lancaster, to answer the charge of ❑tc Inrecut' of two watelte , and $lOO In money rr.m.Jolin Johnson, in New Holland, Euston SllyS it is reliably Informed that Jacob Gelssinger, of Free nitinsburg, has in his ossesvion a lierman 1111 le, printed from wooden tyre In the year 17.'27, mak ing it 343 years old, ar twelve years older than Ole 0110 1/0100g110.1 10 Jacob ilotrman, of Lancaster county. Of emir,. The LrLl,h Valley :tlw,iys takes the lead. PRESENTATION. —At tic Columbia Fire Company'rt irtnrlrty, William Mo ran, leader or the City Cornet Band. was He st:Mud with a silver E flat cornet at the hands o f the citizens of Allentown, 11. C. Ilanstrerger, Er triniiint; the presentation -troccli. The cominittve who were active in getting up (hi , dc..erverl I rilmte are James M. Sell, and Tiktliman Bast , . BALL.—The last contest of tin Iwo series of game:: between the Athletic of Philadel- Phia, :old the Mt:tools of New York, teas played In New York Friday and re:rulted in the de feat of the Atliletic4. The innines, tee:, as fol lows : !! 5 07 S II 11001 I 0 I I -0 1 0 0 1 0 1 II I- 4 Nluttial, Athletic This was the seventh game these two Hubs hare played together this season, and the Mntnals have defeated the Athletics by a total sense of :30 to 20. TO DELINqUENT SI7II: , (IOIIERS.—The print ed addresses whirl, arpear upon the margin ~ f every issue of our paper, mulled from Oils 011 i,, afford n good opportunity to delinquents to aseei fain how their subsCription accounts stand with the office. For Instance, if the address rends: "John Jones, Hoetfei," It means that the said John JOllei owes on his paper "for two years, up to October frith, 181 fr. We lope, therefore, that, these gentle marginal reminders Will serve to se cure the payment of haek,tancling sub.erii•liou<, BASE BALL.—The Allentown Chronicle, telling Its readera that the game play,tl at Bilttersville yesterday, stood 17 to 17 at the end of the seventh Inning, and that the Quieksters made S runs "on the last hitting on itecount of the hall becoming fort:and slippery'," closes its to title thus The accession of Ernest Muhlenberg to this nine would form n club capable of beating any other lit the Valley, not excepting the Neptune-. Bet ter beat the Quicksteps first. As for the ball slip ping it didn't seem to slip through the hands the Quicksteps very touch on the eighth inning, while the Picked Nine were at the bat. Conte, now—say at once that the Quicksteps made their runs by their eNeellent playing.—Brialesn Times. The Quiclodep Is it tlp-top club and an M ot or t o Bethlehem. THE editor of the fit•tca claims to have made an honest declaration. We are glad to hea. Lc is making an effort at honesty, and hope that he ,nly some day so far succeed in his great undertakins as to gine us the Ilk Volltath , that We allow 11111 . 1 In ours, by printing oar •talo menls ungarbled. The stuff which 'appeared in his edition of this morning is very diamatical, and to those who read his ass-ertions, which wen. pub lished In our Saturday's paper, it ,how; 111,1 he la dirldual In his true light, and will undoubtedly he appreclided by oar native horn And p3tlintli7ed American citizens. tint until he shall have entirely reformed his diameter, we cannot expert him to exercise hon esty in his editorial duties. 1k has just can P.r believing the Yankees a race of acne In hie own, dear Ent;.ai t ~ the .41w Is cxaenlca cps I :ill' Criminals without fear or favor. Kimwin g this, and reviewing his career In this •enniary. he many well lay !lack and sneer " 11114 e3ll himself Smart. '1'111.: :ritPrif WHITEHALL SUNDAY Scitrit. Ah,MMATIoN.—The triellas of Sunday Sehods have received an Invitation to the Sixth Quarterly meeting of this Association. Thy subjects pre sented for discussion are well selei.Steil. ;Ind, if properly handleil, will impart well calculated to advance the local School cause.. If the people of North IN'lritellitif at all appreciate the efforts of the Assoeiation, now so well established hi their midst, the interest of these meetings will bit increased by continued attendanee :tint by rn generous pa rtieipation in the free discussions. While meetings of far le, im portance are generally sustained, and while men of the world are ever ready to give throe and means toward gatherings proznlslngsenstial pleas ures anti temporal gain, let the men and women who proles, to have higher interests at heart, be not less faithful to their calling; but, by earnest effort and a well-direeted zeal, show Owlr high appreciation of a great work. Within t h e limits of North Whitetail] the anxious Pastor, the faith ful Superintentiert, the Teacher who loves his or her work, and the parents win desire to have their children trained in the admonition ol• the Lord; each will, if practically, attend the itallictsville meeting next Saturday, ready with heart and hand to glee a "(hid speed - to the good cause. Since preparatory arrangements :ire under way for orgatilzhig a Sunday School Association in Uppyrand Lower Milford townships, it is expected that some of the Sunday school turn of that sec tion will attend North Whitehall meeting. We trust the good friends of Slatington, lloken datiqua. Cithisampia, Allentown awl other sec tions outside will not forget this coming meeting. As the friends of our }Luster's cause, It is at such meetings that our local and sectarian prejudices, whatever they may be, eon he put aside, and we can show to the world that therelo unity among God's people. Not all the best Sunday schools, superintendents and leAchol ,, aro round in Alien or Catitsanquit ; nor can any denomination make such it claim ; therefore, It Is by a general Inter course, such as Is proposed at the Ilailletsville meeting, that each can learn of the other. The Lehigh Count) ; Association and its first anxillr.ry Association, in their p.tot proceedings, stand to day its evidence that Christians of different de : nominations are ftletidA, not ewhaes ; that, on 'hundreds of qtleBtlollB they can talk face to rare and call each other brethren. '• Blest be the tle that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship of kindred minds is lilae to that " Before our Fatlier'e tliroue • We pour our nrdent. prayer. ()or fear, our Imlay, our olm4 tiro ;me, Cur comforts tool our earc,. ' We share our mut❑al uMes, Oar mutual burden', bear; %t at often for each other llotri; The nympithlzlng tear." A sad reflection effineff over us as we call to mind, that at the coming meeting, we shall miss one who was so ready and willing ott every occa sion to aid the advancement of the Sunday School came. An we lifok over the records of the past Sunday School meetings, the 'mine or Tilghman 11. Moyer Is on every occasion conspicuous; it shall be no no more, except to spank of him ns gone to ids-eternal home. Brethren of the: Sun day Schools of Lehigh county, fir us It is still to work on, and as we remember our. deceased brother, let us determine f.o work more earnestly, working falthfully until the end of our days. " Work. for the night Is coming." NovEstmm COURT,—The November term of Quarter Sessions commenced Monday all the Judges on the Bench. Francis Weiss, of Weisen burg, was selected for foreman of the Grand Jury. After delivering the charge to the Grand Jury, and receiving tie returns of the different enlist:l'. Mies,. adjourned to LSO p. tn. In the Afternoon the following cases were vaned, and continued to next Session : Corn. agt. James Slanikweiler. F. and B. Corn. agt. David Williams. F. and 11. Com. ngt. Ed. Knecht. F. and 13. Com. ngt. James Gross. F. rind B. Corn. agt. David Ackerman, Margaret A. Mixel and Jeremiah Mizell. Cont. ngt. Lawrence Theyken. Selling liquor without liect.se. Defendant plead guilty., and was sentenced to pay n flue of $5O and cod-. Coin. agt.Jolin Matelielt. Desertion. On trial. ftlarriagrs On Sunday morning, October 80th. Lt Cherry vine, by the Err. It. It. Kistler. Mr. Freeman Kresge, of Pleasant valley. Monroe county, aml Ntiss Elizabeth Saezer. of Icreidemville, Now, a opt en county. PETER—YOUNG. —Oll the 20th of October. iv Rev. N. S. Strarshurzer, Mr. Godfrey Peter to Matilda Yount, both of Allentown. firTFI—BANKHARD.—On the 24th the ',line, Mr. Simon P. Guth. of North Whitell I. to Mk, Rebecca Banklia rd. of Allentown. TREXI.F.II—KNAUSS.—On the I:411 (ember, by the sante, Mr. Walter S. Trexler to Mlsn e Knows, both of Ilanover. KERN—WOI.II , .—On the 24th of Septetnln r, by the same, Mr. Jo,lali R. Kern to Mss )East• both of Allentown. I,EII—KERN.—On the 2.lth. by tht• same, hi r. William leh lo >Il ('lnnt Hern, both of town. DREIFUSS—DREITUSS.—In En,ton. nn hlo? '2GIII, by Rev. D. Epp=tt•lu, Mr. 1 6 •nry Urrifvs- to Mks Itt , .;inzt Prelfus-, tooth of .111elitolun. 7 :lratil , this city. nu almdac eventnn. last. Frsderich T.. ,on [l.l,:th Ilolacn, nerd :I? year., 1 ttnnolt and 13 days. Funeral nn Wednesday a nol'llooll ,11 ilushr One n'elocl: frnm Itls fittlles's rt.sltlence. Sevet strcet Itetwocil Ilontilton And Linden. Podativ..s and friends use rr prri folly Invited (e, ntlrr . J v:11 in. out further inttlrc. Itey. a. 0. Di of tiniore On Ociti)liiir Sib. in Mary child of 1/avlil• 11111 i Polly II On ()etnhor Itib, ttcu nOl, InMantly Icilled 00 the L. V. it. eltleFt son of•lVillimn an I Marc Ann 1 ,, .1.r- Ivr, ”Lred 1:i yoars, moon, au,! 11l day,. On (h.tolwr 1,10211 town-hip. 001011 ‘vit'v of %VIII. 11,1. ac. .1 20 y. , 01 . , ri ' I,Ell It.—ln thl< city, (;,,,rg, ..nn of (;,•,,rgo 1 Eliz Lehr, aced I :i 100,11, 010 i I.()CRENBURGLIII 11,,r 'l' . l ville, I)etober S. li denlitirff. wz..,1 yea a. N1.11'11 , .1.1.:112.—0ct. sintit.lzton, Mael.cll3l., this_; , .ter of Th,ltno , Eliz.t )I,lcloqlnr. of Gorman:6w, STINF.131:1;(;le:!;.—In rein', tide- morelieeez, II:R.110 Stint.litn.reele, xvielow of Pietter Stineelleer_eler, nerd 77 yeAr , •. ii month , :ind 1.; Y.cb) TAbbcrtrsrnunts. 71711'1'10E. IV. Wh. roa-. AN1.1:1,1", , FRANTZ :1.1 111.- ii.• ilo• •.•1;i t.. 1,” :ma Inix• .1. for Ik• ~ ~• No• ,- 1.,- C. , flltrit,, to Iola: , ib.ytilvtat.o ttml. r-hrsl , l 11 it , 1 i. t. tint, v A Still,;NEE'ti tiI.E.E. Thes l'al$11; 5.11.• ssss t!$•• NINEITENTII day af NoVEMBEI:. P. II OW II,111,•• • f.PIIOII iuu 1:4•.1 ro•tati• al Ala, 4'l, \ S\l.\l.l. \ ,11....11. North NVllit4.l,ll 1.• t' lona. ~r Jelin Stvpl3. , l Itt.it, Sopheit Witt, I.t•tbors• Pavia wind, and CONTAI NI N(; •:27 ACI{E-;, 1'27 PEIZCII •Iriet 111..-1,... ali.ol, I :111. 111.1 ;1 1 .1... heii.g Ito f r• ,•i-t TM , Tri, I,W ELLINt; c.triotqa. frAiti • Suvi....ri I;arn, Autt qlit•r ,iii:!l Appl4. otchard, barn, mid ill 1114.41.1.. V are ~.verai %VAT., .tt Ch.. .1011.• I. y ill 1., , ill 1...• 1;i 1.1•• 100,/ im .1 iv a ~i lO N. WrI"I'MAN. () 41 "r QI ii E It,. INi 7 0 J. P. C'OATES' UEST SIX- (MD Is No. \V TIIL ()QTLY pot sIX-C()1{1) IN A LI. NI.MUEIt, l'root No. StA Noy , mom- ~•, 1t )1; 11.% NI) ()1•Z Al.l l lll\ . • 1111) I_ VEI J ..I a I FP' 4, t,L LIFE' ASI , M'I'II.ENT iNsritANcE (OM. PAN V, or llortford, Gm, l'lt%h A.....r, .1.1,:..9.t , ki (ilallt. Lin: alli I:ND , W3II.:NT 1 .,, 1ici.... or ;111 :,,,,,t.orml form, .1,16..... , e1z. rity, loNv 1.1 t i. ,. M., 01•11,• 1,1;11,1.1 ACCI DENT:: ~.L , l.lim ~....,11.0. tom] ,I'..ol.ility. 11,1,. 1.1.1.i.70. 1 1 ,, dcw.l , le ..li .•'lr or, in 1.11,11, to poii,y•ilolticr, rplll.l 1".111S1! 1 lott.tlittg .11trit'altitrol ,Itottltly tho Flitted Sumo...; ttiloittlog tottato p I. 1 . 1 . 1 . ..it1t1 1 ,1.1 0,1 to Form,. evot 3,vltoro a thoroughly rolloble ,11111 ,V 4 II illlktratoll Atti o•lutarttl and Jottr , ot. It k lorltt`lY toad , tip or ori4iital toattor. att.! dt•soto , l to' Stock 11:11- 37 ;.jt l t 11 . 8 mat, a N'lll'ilottry . Dopttrtutt.lls, t'ttl pt, wit, 11; atlvattco. t'opb tippllrottott. nu,l II V us Ills %11 , 155 . • bill, furnkltt . tl tttt oPPlit'ati.t l'Ast'll lA. 1,14 eitttot, .Nott!) I.lllltolt.:t.tito. IT.1)11ES, 1111 , ..1.1.1119. H 119.7?iESS. .1 A. tv 1 , DE MITA ri gr.hn „ITT roWS ot Too II III:A V S 11,11 S C. The • toga of tlo,outh." bolo • !rook N. Y. The 10.1•111, light fill I limah. al ill.. ‘vort.l. Fr. , (non m,. rigor. of Norfh,To , N. 01.1” Thro.“ yunb, outl orchard , . in 101 l 1,W... Fol v..Th flT1:1; A, (h. 'lola. G .. ),".", A %V EEEi SALA 11,11 . !—Y • nwn w“..1•4 u• trilvAllittr (with , t3ltlyl It. 11. W MAUR, 31 11..11'. 411: 11/.4 Li.(l , l"i'ESl V.— . 11 v1.11...111,1flitlIi •10 .1 by 1 . 1 . 1131, li. I. ri - la Is NO IftVC:.— seittl ill,/ !".) v. uts, NNIIII i 10.11:. VOL./ win rut.. on ill, a c..rr....L pirturo .1 y.,ur rota, lauebttia or wit•., ill .1.a.• of W . . I i.N, I' 1 , 111‘,. r. N... :21.: Ftlllouvllle, N. Y. 4111 t !tit. E.-1 still'ert.(l with Ca - thlny! .4:: by .i 11114 ., remedy, will ..• tl I ill T. J. MII.11). 1ie..v...i N. eeA!II V.4'rEltV S E IDEVI). l* 31Itslitt,' Private l' , .nvt.r-attoil %vitt! )1.it.C.1•.1 %min, II 4”• 1111111111,. 1.111. 31r-. 11. 3IETZIIY:II, 11:tb..v..1. I . A (..tit;, A Clorgyala, la .la try. ili.COVer..tl It 3,1111 , 1 e 1 ,3 11.../r Cu al Nervuay NVanknaso, Early I) , ray, El r..y and Srialual Organs, alai tha trla.a• Ir.atu ar 411, order. brYtarlit hy Lawful anal V 13 1 ,314 !whit, Gre.tl tatiabary lat ve eitaaaal liy 1111 , ta.101.• ',natty. Prompaal tt Ira benalll !ha 10111eia.1 awl 11116ori t nate, 11, 111 Pr..Pariag uud II 433 0114 , C.lll`ll 03,101/3, any ono 111, flood. 11, Fo , A.1011,-.1.11.5L1'1l T. I 531.% 1111110 V•nl, ray. 1411 8 . 21;. I t 1011 N A. STA & ( 1)., NO. SOl.ll STIIPET, I.IIII,ADELPIIIA, LA 1)1 NCY !TIN, • • 11.1%.,tx Illy S3ble, Ermine. S..al. Atralon, 511111..1, Fad, &r. (iontlemen's a u nt Car.l 514,11 Tito late.t ii ..:i;.l: I .Nl. All Fttr4 gtt Ti. 01N A . lIA.CII A: Ca, Arrli .q!.. 5 d•r,rA birtor• Ninth, s.pillt Aide, 11111,A1.E.1.1 . 111A MN that ocll•ku ,, teu, ,littidard,stO polmilar retneay • PAIN • manninrtured by Perry Devi. & inn, Provident , . ii. I. been br fore the public, and In that Olen hnrbeenuue 1:110W n la elliparts of the world. and been tined by people of nil nation , lt remain.. to•d y. tlitit .1.. good Imo oelent remedy. Its weiniertul power ill relieving the t nevetopale has Hover been equalled. 11114 iV has earned Its werld• wide popularity b,• Its Intrinsic merit. No curative event has l i on nu whle•spredil emnie or given bash universnl subdue- lion. Ttde•npren. various Ills for whleh the Pain Killer In nn unfailing cure, tiro too well known to require recapltulw tton In this adrerth•ernent. As un external a•tJ internal inedlehte. the Pllll.l Killer stands unrivaled. Dirertions iterinupan y each bottle. . • Sold by 1111Druagbah. Priro rix., ¢l.l q 1 "r bottle. Xrtn ,Ibbertizeinents Ps E N The untler..igned will cheerfully mall (free) to all who Walt 11, the Recipe awl full tilrertio. for preparing 11124 i u ainga alinple nail beautiful Vegotnblo Rahn. thnl will Inuntullalely reinovo Tan, Freckle., l'hiinlob Blotch., awl all eruptlonii nuil Impurities of the Skit, the catm miff, clear, moonlit, and beautifol. Ho will alto send (from instruclinuot for proditeing. it)" very Mummy mean., a luxuriant growth of hair no lo•aJoratnoutl, Lice. The above can be obtalnol by return mill, by albino°, log _ THOS. F...SI.IAPMAN, 911:111P11., 0. II Iniqlkt% EP LIGET, DAVIS at Co, New & Improved Grand k Square PIANOS. B. SHONINGER & CO.'S CHURCH &TARLOR ()liUANS fur CASH nail INSTALSIENTS. will 1'X:,111110 Ibr IiIiLAT 111111IOVE311iNTH before obiewhere. iiir a Circular. W. REI)FIELD PIIELI,'S O. , I 1 , 1 , )or,) 927 Wield)) t Streei, PHILADELPHIA. 11., 2.1 A GREAT MEDICAL DISCOVERY Dr. IV A r.irvros cuLretoRNIA. VINEGAR BITTERS l g Hundreds of Thousands a o p 08 ? g P F; ; 1151 AGb 0 5 ;* Boa F, 9. .t u "g E P ;ItEft' g g ;1 V, a a PO t• CI E .ST ortE 0.9 lyMpn g 5'.17 ab E H g 7, TREY ARE NOT A VILE a 44 Eih'FANCV DRINK. ~w ?Sado of Poor Rum, Whisker, Proof Spirit* and Refuse Liquors doctored, spiced and sweet. coed to please the taste, called "Tonics,"" Appetiz. ere," Restorers," &c., that lead the tippler on to drunkenness and role, but aeon true Medicine, made from the Native Roots and Herbs of California, tiro rout nil Alcoholic Stimulants, They are the BLEAT BLOOD PURIFIER and A LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE a perfect Renovator and Invigorator of the System, carrying off all poisonous platter and restoring the blood ton healt4 condition. So person can take these Bitters according to dirce• lion and remain long unwell. SIO 0 will be given for an Incurable case, provided the bones aro rot destroyed by mineral poison or other moons, and the t lint organs wasted beyond tho point of renal,. For ludammatory nail Chronic Itheuinn. Gent nod (lout, Dyspepsia, or Indigos' loth Item Diem nail Intermittent Fevers. Dlsensen of the Blood, laver, 'Kidneys., and Bladder. these 'littera have been met success• ful. Such Dlnentivii are caturd by Vhinted Blood, which Is generally produced by negement of the Dlttestitett Organs. DYSPEPSIA OR INDIGESTION, Ilerd ache, Palo In the Shoulders, Coughs, Tlghtnets of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of tin. Stomach, Bad taste In tho Mouth, Billo; a Aty.chs. Dalplistion of the heart, Inflammation of the Lung, I .1u In tie• regions of ' tho Kidneys, and a hundred ot: symptoms, ore the offsprings of Dyspepsia. They to elgorato the Stomach and ttlimulato th•• t r. phl liver and bowels, which render theta of unequallt efficacy In clean:deg the blood •.1 ell Impuritice, and Imparting new life a - A vigor to the whole system. FOR SKIN DISEASES, Eruptions, Tetter, Salt Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Bolls, Car. bundles, Iting•Wot ms, Scald.llead, Sore Eyes, Eryalp• else, Itch, Searle, Inserlorations of the Skin, Humors and Inseatcs of the of whatever name or mance, are literally dug ttriatal carried out of the system in a short tune by the sine of these Bitters. One bottle la, such eases will or at leer the mutt Incredulous of their curative effect. Cleanse tl. Vitinted Blond whenever you And Its Impurities hurstrog through the shin In Pimples, Ern)• lions or Sore, I cleanse it vitro vii find It obstructed and sluggish In the veins; cleanse it when it In foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Keep the blood pure and the health of the rystm., will follow. TA PE and oilier W013:11S, lurking in tho system of 1.0 many thowianils. are effectually destroy. ed and ren a m•n. c f All directions, nod carefUlly the circular nr..un.l cacti bottle, pa toted fu four lan. guages—Englhlt,t.erinan. French and Spanish. J. ITALNER. Propel. tor. R. It. McDON'ALD & CO., Druggists and Gen. Agents. San Francisco, Cal„ and 32 aid 31 Cumuli:me Street, Fee• York ME PrSOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS „,,,--;,,,J. 5 .:-- , ..„,,,, ‘;'//: ,3 AP) ) , ci p .. ' , '.iit , .; Af ....,,, ( 1 , .:.‘. i ''' ; Ci\ i iA f , -', -- " .- Pe-; , ::4, , • '._^,› 0 % ~. ,.f. - ) ' fr.. E ., :ti '' ,. 'l” N, t , P _.I'3.LLLENIL. OF FABRIC! PERFECTION IN STYLE! ECONOMY IN PRICE! ock i coirplct- ;and in rre:lt I' 7 A DY-MADE -4 k l / 4 nTHING 1 T ' , CENTLEMEN. $lB to $4O 535 to $5O $lO to $3O • r Sacks of Freize, $I 0 ' " Petersharn.sl4 " " Chinchilla, Beaver, $2O to $55 17.0'..1:S 0 Frieze, - I 2 " Petershaih, $l6 " other fabrics, $2O to $4B FOR BOYS., ME -,'• Su t 3, $7 Svcs - $9 to $2O Suits, - $l4 to $3O ME CUSTOIvi DEPARTMENT. Now Goo !s, of Fine Qualities and nt Styles. Ara3r,„,.,:i Yoke Shirts, a t. 3 undo 1 .1 L I promptly a: 'm. C" r,al,modicat forwarded ra 21i. N. Y. P. O. & CO CARD. _ e? I' CALDWELIi - Desire to invite particular attention to their Pall Stack of SOLID SILVER WARES, ar ranged for . WEDDING PRESENTS, cam• priaing a great variety of new, useful and ornamental articles In PLAIN, ORIENTAL and PEARL . goods, chiefly vif exclusive designs, will he found nt Moderate PiiCCR, anti In very complete assortment from the inexpensive and practical article for Table use to the more. elaborate and ornamental combinations for Dessert, Dinner and Ten services. cordial invitation is extended to all who may fuel disposed to visit our Storo anti ex• amine this beautiful collection of Art work In • J. E. CALDWELL & co,, N 0.902 CHESTNUT STREET, PITILADELPIIIA, • 1Y•17 i„CCT 4 , ?'4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers