lEiru Gooto - . MOTTO Cli SALES AND SMALL PROFITS AT TILE 1 AMMOTI .4'170R Es ! ankbts! .Blankets !! E, BROWN nod GRAY BLANKETS. • Never qua My. quality and price.. CHEAP ! Never wer. to irodlecilon Is all we /111 k, nod you will aced. Cull ul ILe Prot Popular Place and Bootle lar Priers at E. S. SlC:kn.:li & CO.. 7O nn.l TO; linntllton si.. Allentown, P. I. lIA ['LEIGH. 12 AND 1014 ESTS UT STREET, I=l I" 1,1..\11 WI \l' Ell OPENING,, ON DAY, orroBER ;1, NO, BLACK . COLORED SILKS. LYONS BLACK vm.vr.Ts. low nrir POPLINS, CASII M ERE,. SERB iii, 111 AGO NAL PLAT D 9. in great ynri WHITE GOODS. LACES, and EMBROIDERIES. GAMUT:MI EDGINGS, Aory cheap, :01 doz. 30E VI N GLOVES, I to 0 Button., to•I rernivotl.r 'ening 3tonday, October 10111 Nt•Ny St yl, .4t, totvt.ltl, In l'At t WALK I DIZI.I. , ES SAC•BIi., ...'i.: 7 ,',',71''!11.1 . 1 ' 0. " : " ‘,11j - e l ;i ' t C l! ' n " rTa r i ) :.. r 411 . 1 , n 6 .1" eci 12.3Ln EA NI N & 'I'RA NIL n soilli NL\ I N ST BET111.1.:111.:N1 )1 - 11( GOODS', FANCY GOODS, NO'HONS, ci()oDs, WOODEN \V ARE, OIL CLOTHS, r • .c; PIC) •r) )r1 =ES =MEM 1 ) 1.4.1),‘ T. I,()WIi:ST CASH PR I , ', All A N & TR A EGER IL U:011115;!:07a at Co I= MILITAItY, CHURCH. SOCIETY; I'llb:.\'l'ltl('.U, (MODS, FLAGS, BAN SERF, BA DG ES, ET( N. 131 NORTH THIRD STREET, =I iTurniturc " tvr Eva' I,IIIINI 137 N. SECOND ST., The Ohl Star,a e•hil.PAhed itvenly yezit%, triumph till' it FIlltNITr • During the ...Id dente—don hi loteinite, wo laid In for rash, chest... ond aloe% In tin. ally, whirl, %go are polling at reaeonnble title., .ow Potent Sofa Bedoten.la woal e ho'll m . atte a go od lied at night, sidniblo for alekroont or e,.. COTTAOE uud wALNI"r CHAMBER Straw, Husk, Excl•hir .1.1 Straw Matire., , , spur,l„ pPrreholv .117 N. ab..s, Vint. k) 1 nidr I'S)),,. j ()SEPII \ A LT() N CA NET MA KERS, No. 113 wALNL"r ST., rIIII.ADELPIIIA Our l otabliellifteht 1. 11110 of tfu• 01.1.,t lu I.llllndelplll%, ;aid from lou f f ,r e=rl . .. , :o n tie• 001 sutforlor fuellitleff foe I' Vrif o l d un ' u ' incture ru b r y .: ' i l tur o e l . ' n ' t . ni n t ' t ' lT. l ftf.. ' i r l i t t ri; . ..tirleoci r tm at u re antnierior quifilly. .1 large %lock id urniture alwayx an.l. 111,01' to order. (lonfers. Desk lough and Office Flirofloss i~~r•lfanAe, Offices mitt Storrs rough; t oder. J.. WALTOti• .f. . larrlNCoTr. j,. 8,„". 0b9.1Y EORGE METZGA It AND CHAN kir MILLEN, N'llll- • I +RV I FEN ST ERMA ( 11E R, Corner Tenth and Hamilton Streets, ALLE.V7'OIV-V, .P.I (Succentior to Ella+ Fol+terntarlwr. ) Dealer ~, walu, Flour and Feed, CIOVOT,IIIIAIIY and Flax Seed, Early 80041 1.131.04, emell 111 Early Early tietweck, EatrlY Horn' , Wl , llO Sprout, etc. • f iriiio1 4 4, S ZUTEN'I ' frE W i g Vig:Vc. "". Lab le, C o unty Cider Viecger by the barrel or entail, linerrif'di;:lif'ehicar'rfht.vaoTeinfainiriklJlrtr,3l'afik. e" 4: 41i Ary.'lesJust received. mar 21.1 y - - L _ 11 EIGH'S IL:PROVED HARD RUBBER TRUSS Wilt N Y' i t' tatg,u7k:XiiiiiigLuit rura'St"4,7647Vii e v ol'eu:utal." 11,11leet TrVve ever made. Sur vorter• lilastte Belts, litoacluts. VV lioltigtrie and ll ; lb. irujor ea.,:g6! I'LCBrlgt:d7lll.l I (UP 'ow., Po:rly Boot filaftens R E II 0 V A L YOUNG & LENTZ'S W I lOL ESALE AND RETAIL BOOT A N 1) SHOE STORE, 1 =I S. V. q r HAMILTON and SIXTH STS.,\ CHEAPEST AND MOST COMPLETE NOB. 3% AND 10, A FIIE WIRILESALE DEPARTMENT 1W •A IA P CIL 1. Elt witero they are now pretot re it to recel••e ()tar pittroro. 11=111 S'I'CK OF 0001)5 IN Tills VICINITY try. THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT Will Lo couthicled u+ Lcrepdorr Unilroals. CIATASAIAITA FoGELSVILLE R. On not after AI'GUST Ist. IS7O, Pas.enuer trains on the Cabo:ono. A: 1'92011,1110 ItaMonti will ran In connection iththe Lehigh Vail,. Lehigh & Susquehanna. and East Penn. Railroad, n• fllows:— . Trains West STATIONI I Trains tont. r. 11. A, SI : I .i_):_ P. 4.1 1 09 2 ii 41 I • C 212 0 5.1 A'PARAPI4I•.I. •SEIIII.E'S, 9 5.1 1 I; :19 9 *I II 3 1 7 214 701 1 ..10111/.174 111111411 R; n :IN 027 ' it 77 V . 2 I iP, 7 , .7Z. , ' , ' - 111 I ' I 111 WITIPS. W ALBERT'S, pIIAPNIAN'S. Tl:Ext.EirrowN, BREINIGSVII.I,I4. FARMINGTON. 9 2.9 t 1 21 9 24 0 1 , 9 14 0 19 a ol I I; Go S I 9 , 1 I .1117 j 37 I 4 : , 2 17 42 , •,PRING CREEK. A1.•111' IZTIS, Tv. CONNECTION: , _ The morLl;g traltwestl enves fittnsannutt on the arrival of the 1,, Y. 12. It. Local Passenger train from Easton, Bethlehem :did Allay town. ant C 011111,14 at Al-Barth , with a train. the Enst Pron•ylvntitti R. R. for Reading. Potts ville ilarrishord nod Philadelphia, and also with a train for A'llentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Near York nail Phil adelphia. The morning trclin East connects nt Al-lintils with train tot E, It R. from Harrisburg, Rending nod Allentown. and nt withirnin on the Lehigh Valley Rail. road for MunchCh,unk, Wilkes-liarre, Scranton, Philo • delphin Intl York. 'the Xi I'. M. train West connects nt AL.lntrtis wills 0 trala on the Ellet Penn. Railroad for Rending. Pottsville. Harrisburg, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, PhiladelphL and Near York. The Evening train East leaves Al-Midis on the arriva or It train from Allentown :Ind of It train making cornier thorn at Reading with truins from Philadelphitt, burg, Pottsville, Ae.. and connects with local passenge train on the L. V. IL at Cata•augna for Allentown Bethlehem and Dist.. Persons wishing to go to Allentown can tithe the morn lug train West to AI-(lurks, nrrivo at Allentown 815 n m and return Ly u train OH the East Pento.ylvaula Railroad leaving Allentown nt 4 Sti p. nt. C. NV. CHAPMAN, Supt. .d Engineer. MEM LII I G VALLEY IT, p, cur, -1-4it.o 1.11()A r hi I= 1.11 lilld fir MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 144 3 0, Oah. W4l run follows: Leave Alliitown for Easton at 0 00, Ft Ti*, 910 and 11 11l a in, and 12111,• 233, 3 35, 3 45, 0 110 and 7 111 p mu. Fur New Fork. via R an t ral ailroad of New Jersey, al 0 00, 11;11, 11 ru. 12 03.* 2:CI, 4310.113 15 p For Selo York, via More, & E•neX Railroad, al nod and 11 rid n 30, and 3 33 3 1 p For yin Nord. Bonn Railroad, 01 601, Sod 11 in, Mandl 313 a m. Fur Maidnika Chan& and Belvidere a'. 9 la a In, nod 5 U p tor Lambertville. Triliton and Philadelphia, vin 11,1. Ii l. R. it., at 000 and II fio a in, and 5 45p TRAINS WESTWARD. At OM ato for Pittston. Illtt echo) a n d Mt. Paz - incl. At p 4 ,11 al, t'a't Exprenx for Towanda, Waverly, Lit,, • ra, Buffalo, Harlot., Audenrled a n d Mt. Omani, atiiii• ping only at principal stailooo, and connecting at (Withal , with tr a it, o n p. 1 0,1115,0i Railroad for Williatosport, and at Waverly will, train 011 Erie Railroad for Elmira at, I Buffalo. At Li to and pto for Wilk••sloitra Pit Lion, rietoit and Malianoy City. i At aISp In fir Coplity. Ts Uhl' , W 1111 It star Mart iroin 14,t Peon Junction. . S'FAN LET GOODWIN, Art (1101'1 Stip't. liotodlY 11. S.W.. Sttp't & Eng. XTOitTli PEN NI SV 677; 1":15 , " 1 0 1 VANIA IZ LIMA !..4731N1EE R RANG ES:ENT • Poseenget far Philadelphia take Lehigh Valley It. 1: ratan pat:sing Allentown at tt 00 and 11 51 a. in.. And 2 51 1111) 5 45 p.. In.. nod nrrirt. lu 1'101.1,-100a at ft fit a. to . ro. SVI 311 d S 2) p. tn. Alto Lehigh and Sn+quelttot t tallroad train.- to 7 111.. 47 and 542 p. and a: - Ivo Philadelplild Itt 10 55 0. In a 215 and •-• 21 p. Pt. =ll 1111010,11 Tr,ins 9tintlo 5,, EN:coined.] 4.0...t.0,0.1 . ti ail, 110tvollt0 de; k Norlblyttslittirnerllttrh. 0101 tttrtbt.tn bt ttePt, tt al 7 .15 nod 015 0. In., and 1 45, 3 at .1 .5 at 1, nt ll 1400 1,0.10-140 0 at,: 25 tt. 01.. 2 :14 alOl I 141, ta, Vttr Fttot Wt.-1010:p.m 7 antl II a ot.. aatl II , . t. 1: , , t Altllo.ooo al 11.5, 330 it tot .5 p. 3p 0 Lllll , lOlO ttt.tt p. fol; Phiflilol,l,l,‘ Lo 11,11t1010,u alal oa. 3 1 1 . 11. i., 1 anti 010 p. 1 11 31 • • 1n00..110e al 6PPa. m. 0 • Al nc Wo•1111.glop 111 haO, 13 Nil 0 13., 22 , , I. p i 21.1, 4 2.1 and 6 1.. p. N SI 7 NI)AYO. .• 1111v1,••lu II 1 . 1111,p10l pilot at 11 , 011. 10. • • 1r.., 03113. 111. 1,11 thiolivin at 191 p. m. • • lon Poy )el: 111210 P• 111. 1.11011+ , 1 01,1,10 1'1,911 Agent. ND E y G NE A I I,- r,f;:i Al. \ n. I'ALL AIZRAN.;EMENT. MoNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1870 ti lent Trut,k Lino nom llo• Nortli7iimilallortli-Wesl f.r rieNv Yoga. lawlina. Pottsville. Tamaqua, A.l,lami. Shamokin, 1,11311011, 'AHI I IIIII,I, Easton, kph rata. l.it ir. Lantao , tar. Coluntlmt, l'rain. Iva,. II an tor New York us follows: nt S to. $ 24 1 u. 1n , mul 2.'41 p. in., col...cling with simi lar train , on Penn..) 11141:4 Itallroo t, and arriving nt Now York ~t 12 to u. 1,1.,:1 NI and Mai p a,. ro.partivoly.- sk o piug c at s urn nosollthe a. in. train vvilliont I hung, lieturning hat ve New Yorl; ut ,111,1 11. to.. 12 141 noon null 1 .p.ta, Ploladelphis at s I:, 41. 111. 101,1 . 3 311)1. m. Ser01 , 1).11) 011 1 :F1 1 1 1 r. la. troll, Iron, Now • Yolk 11 1 :I,llll'l. Leave Pottsville, Tatnatom. :4 ws,v A 51,101.1, oltin, Allentown, null Phila delphia at slo a 111., - 11 .. 4111 P. In. stopping at L o b o . 1,11,1 In omit, ,I ”tatma , ,t the {}U I'.ln. trots rln. 1 ,• 11 1 111..: tor.l.l,4l S .o c hlphia, l'ott.milo nd 11C1a11l,um bl a only.h y os p o tt.viiie, aylioillia VOll.l Alliarri V ilSchuy!- LH , Ilatirand rime ,lriwg at ' • ' 1:11a liont.•) I aida liallroad le.tvo dlkidnwn. 1,,,-tn and N..tv Yolk al 7'21, rlt loan, and I p. leavo Netts Yo al 1. I'.lll wool a “.l p. tu., rya Allontow a al 7 P.! 4 S Way P d atontoo . 'Patin vi,. I . l.llsidolidlla aIIII a. in Wltil viii liar train oa roan:, ' ltalia... rule I , at II In., 4lapplng at all L lfi onint. P011...ri11, al 44 and !lit, iii., and 250 p. la 1.11. a. I. ,liiitisok al 540 1110 It. Ito .5,111,111 al 705 a. ni..lllii City al ;' , l tara and I p. Too/aqua lit n. nud 2 p. 11,0,..1,410hi.• :405V Vork. VIII Sclnyll,lll and li.o.rialairg, and 11l ILI num. for Pluto T14.1110III• Reading Acroannotlallon Train leaves Potterlllo at 540 1, , 11.'111111111 at 730 u. 111.. arriving at Philadel phia a t 10 20 a , it. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 515 p. 1 pas..ing Reading at SOO p. la., arriving at Potta• ville at it 40 P. al. Putthlown Accommodation Train leaves Pottstown at 1..5 it. In. Returning, leaven Philadelphia at 4111 p. 'Culuulhiu Railroad Trains leave Mauling at 720 a in an.l 615 it at fur Loltrala. Mal. Lancaster. Clllllllllllll, Sc. Perkhonen Railroad 'Trojan leave Perkionien .Inuctioa at 7111, NW a In. 3110 and 631 p tn. Returning. leave weakhville at 1:0, slO a in, 12 ttl nowt and 4 401/ nt, conueeting with sltallar trains ou Reading Railroad, Colebronkdale Railroad trains leave Pottslowwitt 1140 ~ in and 6131 p ta retuning statist Pleasant at ?Maud II 25 ta, rounecting WWI similar trains ou Reading R. It. Chester Valley Railroad Tr 1111 1 ,1011,1 Bridgeport at sr] a and 11 r 5 awl 502 p in; returning. lease 11. Avniugto at 1120 a lit, 12 4., stud 51.5 p connerung with,hill,,sallat trail., oil Itendaug Railroad. uu Stiadays: 1, oev Now Ylali la 5 (0) p In, Philadelphia 015141 a to 111111315 pm (the 11 111 t In train raining 111115 to Reading). leave Pottsville at SOO tt In, Harrisburg at , 11 1111111 a 410 P 10, louse Allentown at ,25 a is and 45 P at, .11111 Reading at 7 15 ‘lllllllllllllll5 p la for Ilarrlsharg. at 723 a at for Z.ew York, at 445 p it ft, Allentown, 011.1 al 9 41a la and 4 25 p 111 (or Philadelphia. Commutation. 5111eage, Season, School and EX1.11.10“ Tickets, to and from ail points, at reduced rates. Baggage checked through; 100 pounds allowed vac!. Panseuger. li. A. NICOLLS, s , pt 14 ly , (it nit 1 ..roßtria tuna. at. =EI TOWN PASSENGER ItAll, A LLEN 'TIME 17A81,E. 1/11111111 aftor MONDAY. MAY pith, 1670, cars Will rr toall tron , on the Lehigh Valley and Lehigliand Susgne• Moon, Railtoods, aiol to the Allentown S 1 rn,s. l eur th : Station. Ilanolton and Ninth streets. ili follows: For 1.. Y. YOr L. & S. For Fur. heare For. A M. A. N. A. 111. A. Al. .5 dd 7 DI S do a 15 15 7:0 a1;55 II 15 a lo II" 11 10 I'. 31 P. 31. P. 31. P. 31. Ifi 1 ill 1 4) :1:U !10 'LS h c.o . rune 111 COlllll,liOllN llh tho 2 nt p.n. BMW° En pros 'l' rlllll OM L. V. If. IL for I'hiliidelpL6 and New York. The 2 . m. ear Pons in connection with ILo 2 47 Irak, on to It K . It. It. for Philndolphla and NOW York. • . . . • 5;0 rtir rums In runnect,lon with the 009 p. Irnln On L. & H. IL It. for Manch Clionk and lutermetllnto eta• Pon., um) up train (nun 19.11adelPhIn and Noun Yurk. PARE TEN CENT'S Children under ton years of uge, Five Cent AI VERTISINO SPACE AT VERY LIBERAL RATES. 4BNo litnoking allowed on the Cars, and pamaengora are teipoodoil not lo ride on the platform whim (hero room 11. R. SCIILOCCII, Sopit. J " WORT 'S" Telegratith lust ructiOn Department ESTABLISHED IN 1865 Toeet the demand for operators the underaigned hos opene m d Is new department, handsomely fitted up, at 0 great expense. with every facility for teaching Totem'. Inn, A limited number of students will be received for the new cl,.ses. Coarsen( iustruct lon, three months, reduced to THIRTY ItllL b A itit. Meditates assisted to obtain positions.— Those wishing to avail thenikelves of Its advantages will mxko appl icntlou to • J. I\T W ORL, Telegraph Engineer and Electrician No. 168 South Sixth St., I%llw, l'a. P. S. —T Linen, both public ntal private, con• OOin IlLy port of tin United Staten, and Telegraph Laren fornlnhed with Competent Operators. (nett 7-3nt LAND "'"""TrA. - OF WAD 01 0 1812 AND MEXICAN WAR FOREIGN COINS,STOCKS,_GOLD, GOVERNSIENT and other DoNDS BOUGIITaud SOLD. COLLECTIONS promptly mndo on all point.. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. No vales will ho spared to servo the interests of (hoes who favor us with their buelsess. JOHN B. BUBUTON dr CO., Bankers and Brokers No. 00 Booth Bd St.. Plaileda. Cl= THE LFTETGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN WEDNESDAY , NOVEMBER 2 WOMEN, Make Your Homes Comfortable !I NOW WE HAVE IT ! IN THE LEHIGH VALLEY, BOTEN BOOK STORE 01' LEISENRING, TREXLEII & CO., June 30 I ALLENTOWN, PA. We nro soiling raper anti xtylrn nt price. , to stilt elth the rich or poor. WALL PAPER Ihfp 0011.11, do not hill to give as a roll. WO have now on band the lrgest stock In the aley, and can OfrOr greater and holler induceinentpi tha V n l any other establlnlintent. REMEisIBER It will ray you double t u'relotse et the lIOTEN 1100 K bTORE of TREXLER & CO., nine 30-tt Alleutowu. Po. MIMI TUE VERY RENT THE Mb:V.l7 BE AUTIF TT L CLOTHING, KEYSTONE HALL I3ALLIET & NAGLE COATS, VESTS anti all other Cowls pertaining to MEN'S %V F. A R FOR LESS MONEY than you coo buy elsewhere in Eastern Penusylvanin No Slop Shop made Goods sold. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDEN. We keepcountantly on hand a largo and elegant maul of (MODS, from which cuntoinern can inuke selectiong have t nude up on very /WA II work warranted to be of the very bent. fill awl see our new WINTER STOCK, received NO. 21 WEST HAMILTON STREET next door to the (term. Reformed elnorlt. ALLEN TOWN. PA. rend. nlr A full tisrtorthieul of dolt , ' nirniAing Land. AARON RAMJET. may 124 r GREAT ATTRACTION ! NEW FIRM NEW G 0 ODS CLOTHING ! CLOTHING GRAND FALL d•ND 117STfill OPENING , OREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. OK MUN CO., GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM • ALLENTOWN, PA. fundingld inform the eltizenx of Allentown and the sur roun etiontry that we are prepared with a stok. of goods FALL AND WINTER WEAR, and offer them to the public at reanonable price.— To thane who boy their Chillffint r ady•lande, they are prepared to Offer BAROAINE• COATS, PANTS AND VESTS' Cua 111011130 CW Ow latent style, nut by lb bout work • CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMEHES In harper than It lion been bernro. toil We intend In poll very SMALL PHI/FITS, and Wye our customer. the bon fit ef aer low parelaptes• • GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS MEN•S, YOUTHS', BOYS' Bud CHILDREN'S REA DY-MADE CLOTHING Don't '0,04 the Once. No. lAti Ileedlton arr deer above ,15:111idreet. T. (4,11'5. JA.. 111 Ii• ScllOl.T. lilltr 24 if Ilatcb MEAD IROBISINS, ading I r Ili 11 n. ni. , tt. In .71 it. Silver - Plated Ware, Ittye 'tow the largt,t owl most attractlye. stork of Silver Goods thrd they hoed ever otreted, lu Lon All dencr illobleolptlo fnsr of fillvorl'lnied Worn ron.tonlly on d, to N. E. ('or. Ninth & Chestnut, Streets, PHILADELPHIA SAMUEL. K. PEUVTII, 724 CHESTNUT STREET, th PRACTICAL. MANUFACTURER OF FINE , SILVER PLATED WARE, Would respectfully atuuounce to his patrons that he has a full stock att.+ latent styles of Plated on Nickel and White Metals, e.ultable fur family or city trade. An the cleanly of plating can only be known to the plat er. the purchaber must rely on the manufacturer's state ment; there being no much worthless ware to the market. all repiesented un treble plate, at prices Impossible to be menu acturod. All his goods are marked "B. K. SMYTH." Call and examine the goods before Purchasing else where. Stationttru. THE LARGEST, STOCK OF ISM OLD ESTABLISHED IF YOU WANT elotbing, THE CREAPE,ST, AND MOST DURABLE PANTS, KEYSTONE HALL, I= Storees..) . Bl4 , .11,1:0ti ,1111,.1 BARGAINS IN REIMER'S BUILDING. NO. 605 HAMILTON STREET, Cl= = f :rent quantition and N.:n - I , th. of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS And everything In the line of I= 12= Hard Iletatl (Nickel Silver,) NEW AND ELEGANT DESIGNS, WEDDING PRESENTS TEA SETS AS LOW AS $2,0 MEM IM=ll DOUBLE AND TREBLE ELECTRO - PLATED WARE, ALL 01 , lIIS {)W PLATING VirOLD WARE REPLATED...Z3 mny 18-1 Y A f,AREAT RUSH AT 'rim OLD AM,i,ssrowa MI INA STONE. Low Prices Taking People by Storm RETAILING AT WHOLESALE PRICES NOW IS TIIE TIME to buy Cheap at the Old Allentown China and Glassware Store, No. Gll otreet, nearly opposite the German Reformed Church. TIIE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST STOCK of Chinn, Olson nod Croclieryware In Lehigh and adjoin lug counties. Now retailing ut the following prices Oood 10 cent PLATES ot =MI 10 MDOE4 to TUP,11?1.4:116 13 Flo° DOBLETI3,OI 7 per dox., or 75 coot LAMPS, at Every variety of Queeneware and Glassware cheaper than the cheapest, Also. Walters, Looking (Haws. Coffee Mille. Britmulaware and Table Cutlery. besides a great variety of useful and fancy article& too numerous to mention. belonging to a Best-class China Btoro. All kind sets from 00 upward. Remember the place. 611 HAM ILTON STREET. nearly opposite the German Reformed Church. T. C. RERNAUEN. JToi Or Rabic% 115 Hopkins' Philadelphia 1115 HOOP SKIRT MANUFACTORY, N 0.1115 Chestnut St , (Girard Row,) Former/y628 Arch St., Philadelphia. A complete nseertment of all the new Fall Shaper of Oar Celebrated " Champion" (loop Shinto, In every length and elm together with our own witke of • Heynto." Sklrle (wood quality, I and fell lines of goat E.tern made Skirts, for rale. WHOLESALE and RETAIL. nt PRICES JUST REDUCED BELOW' THOSE OF ANY FORMER SEASON. Oar Champion Skirts more t h an .1.- taln their repulatlon for suporiorit I ooel are now 110111 nt ouch prices an pill meet the views o; anti are we rrnuted In every rt.pert. CORSETS CORSrTS !! CORSETS !!!—Our aneortment of Corsets romaine over WO kinds and pricey, and lorludee every desirable kind, such no TWIOWOCII 0 1000 •J. Ileckel'e. It. Werly Madnine F'oy'e and lire. Blood y Patent Self-Adjuntlng Abdominal Subltorting.' Cornets In all grades, together with nod n nn od every grade of MOO 111111 W Corset, rouging in prices follown,-450.. 58m, gin, 7.1 c., stk., Ke., 900., Ole , $1 00,41 11, $1 I.l*l 19, t)1 2.1. 51e., up to M7OO. PAN lER BUSTLES m 27 nty les, from 31 rents oP to *:121. Ladles' Under-Oarnuoits In oil kinds and Prices. Night Drernee Iron! 901 IS) to (II 30. Infant'' , Pressex, long and short. from $2 33 1001. tiered Skirts, 0 Tune, 75e. 0 Tucks, 91e.; 15 Tucks, id 32, kn up to Si)). Hoop Skirts and Cornets 10610 to order, ;diemd nutl re• paired, nt Mariam:tory nod Sales Rom., 1113 Chestnut street, - Philadelphia. Call or mend for Circular, eel; tgblui WIL T. HOPKINS. CIRAND EXPOSITION FOR Tim %._A FASHIONABLE WORLD. COMPLDIENTS OF MRS. )I. A. BINDER, No.llol N W. corner Eleventh and Chestuntstreet.. Philadelphia. FASHIONS FOB 'THE FALL AND WINTER of 1117. Wholesale and Erdal!, whieh Paris and the Orel manatee tortes aupply. Dresses, Mantles, Cloaks and Costumes for Ladies , and Children. A special department. of plain and elegantly trimmed - terns, of the latest. Parlidau and styli e, milli per dozen. ir you want a bandsomely•fhting, well-made snit, at Mort notice, go to Mrs. Binder'u for cling and nud dainty stitch°, Mourning. Traveling und Wedding outfit, Walking and Finney Costumes. DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, ORNA MENTS, comprising the latest Paris novelties In black and colored Fringes, (Mar Ruches, temps, Flowers. Moves, Bridal-Wombs, ', ells, Ribbons, now shades In Velvet, Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, Sashes, ecktie, MADE U l ' LACE (0100 S-0 RAN D DUCHESSE LACE FUR DRESS TM MMING.-I , iinte Applique, Valencl- Cane, Hamburg Edgings intuit Insertions, Mack Galt.. and Thread Lane, now in design arid moderate Inprice. CHOICE INDIAN URN AM t,NTS.—Fans. Birds, Mats Cushion, Moucheirs, Cases amt Fancy Goods, seleeteii by Mrn. Binder at Niagara. Elegant lino of Whitby Jet flood, in sets, Breastpins, Earring, Necklaceu and Bracelet+. Splendid line of French Jot Coed, Coral and Frowb Gold Sets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons Chilli... &C., which for price or variety st can noels, sn massed. strangers visiting oar city are respectfully invited to examine. Pinking and °offering. Cutting and Fitting. Aiao. in perfect system of Brea Gritting taught. Patterns scat by mall or express to all Parts or tilt Pulon. • MRS. 31. A. BINDER'S, N , '. W. Cor. Eleventh and Chestnut Phliada. 144,p.4,, _ . WEED • SEWING IN Ez* tu BER & FRITZ, s., Allentowt SEE WHAT V 1 CLAIM THEY WILL ! BEST SHUTTLE MACHINE OUT Thht they will make a Stitch alike on both -I That they will FELL! BIND! CORI) ! ItitAl ! RUFFLE! TI'CE QUILT ! HEM STITCH ! OATHER AND SEW ON AT THE SAME TIM EASIEST TEEMS! /NS TA L YEN TS S 5 A MONTH TILL PAII n addition il. nil till. they at , Ettn.illy ft. od for Vitt my Work. HUBER & FRITZ, tWEN'I'S FOR 1.611 I( 1110 Y LOOK I LOOK ! LOOK ! AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STonE! THE BEST .ILICIILVES 1.1" THE 110RLD GROVER & BAKER'S MPROVED lIIGIIE§T 31.1(111SE Awardod the Idghoot premium, .• The flroo, nr tho I.o• I i " . " 1„, ( 1 '" It& nand. Tho people of A Ilentotv n and vicinity are rerdiall ' y Invited to 0.111 at our voooroola. Itennouber the vlaro, .11.500110 the I.erinon Reformed Church. N. 11. till iledruellons given 1 , . any poroon Purrhoolng 'Al:whine • All 31:Lonnie+ Warr:tilled I.) ..atinfittliOu• S. M. Ii . EIPEIt, Agent, dve 22 NII• In En-I 11110111 Ion puituEl.l( 3111.:'1'11`Al.1 01:It ('USTI )I‘IEIPS SHARE IN THE PROFITS! ShaWis! Shawls!! ShaWls OUR DEP. II:rill:NT VS f• I: P.I SS BROCHE, PAISLEy, • I llA 'r din I 1 . 61 T SHAW STORES E. S. SHIM ER & 705 AND 707 HAMILTON STREET WHEELER at 11•11,!414V!.i SEW I Nt; ! 1N ES ARE THE CHEAPEST ANI) HES MEM 11'7 aUY'V - .11.1( VE. Over 450,000 now in use. Ra c a e g t , l ,, o p , a t to k o e f e Nio ln, v r o Ar r tll,:k g ti o n o ll r y u lf s :l They kayo but 000 tot.lon to regohtte, They wake the 00100 WWI on both the tobrl sowed, They ore mnrrauted three vat , 1111. i MAT A 1.,. PURCII),EI, PETERSON & CA Rl' EN 'l' ER GEsEir.u, AriEs rs 911 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA ALLENTOIVN AGENCY, " No. 28 EAST RAXILTON STREET, Third dour below Oernmu Reformed Church d mar o.ly NV urls Lift Emtratur OLD AND TRIED. INCORPORATED 1851. BERKSHIRE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THOMAS F. PLUNKETT, Precttlettl. JAMES FRANCIS, Vlce President. BENJ. CIIICKhItINO, Secretary and Trea.nrel JACOB L. GREENE, 'Antitstaitt Secretary M Pay Premium does nut forfeit the Polley ut any Thant but the Policy trill he continued in force until the Premiums already paid are fully earned by the cost of Insurance. Should the insured die within the period of continued insurance, the full amount of the Policy will be dpaid. tlou some as tf 'all prenoluods had been paid when uo, except that the Premium% overdue and touted.' or be Seducted. Examples—Claims actually paid under this feature: James Joyce of New York, insured for 40,000, died four months after his premium wan doe and °null& Amount paid. $l,Oll, less one SembAnnual Premium. Maximilian Meckel, of Clovolnud, Insured for ai,ooo, died nine months after hie premium was doe ma d unpaid. Amount mold,eil,WV). loss sue premium, Samuel \V , Mason, of Concord, Insured for 4.1,003, died thirteen months after his premium was dote and unpaid. Amount paid, SLOW, less two premium, This feature ix absolutely secured to the by a law of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Guaranteeing Every Day's insurance Paid For, 0 coats 10 cent. 12 cents Vicente 12 cent. 10cents 6 cents 4 cents 0 cent• 0 cents 10 cent. 15 coats each 00 cents divided annually -among to the Pelley holdrs. nod aro Policies F lo toren two year...— Dividends aid annually lu cash, or osrd I. Increase the amount of Insuranco. Economical management; snfo Investments; coreful Se lection of lives t prompt and, honorable settlements; Ilb. et al conditions of travel norresltlonce. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, S. W. Con. ELEVENTH 4: CHESTNUT W H. GRAVES, GENERAL AOENT AND ATTORNEY W .T0,.11 ( 0 ) 1 11 E 1t?l:t o ll? , {l i ii e N u LP: ,;. Apply tot above ur to A.cconDEONS, CON C E It T I N AS Sows Harps, ViolloStrings of tho bent quality to hrnt U. V. Wol form'. Store, No. 1411, iillllliltni,•t. THE MORNING GLORY FOR 1870. The only Stove that holds im,t to 10 what It In represented to be of RES,b 47013 . 7 4 ,b,4 , ,, , BURNERS in the •inarket, fdr all 14t,ti • qualities and durnbillty• onto . •• warranted for ten years. Morn sold In Allentown than nil Base Burner Stoves combined. Sold hr STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES et Villl MACE HEATERS Sir Call .41 ,i1 7.3n1111.. McCOV t TVtiOni, No. 1210 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, HEATERS, RANGES AND STOVES Carbon Reverberatory, Burlington Improred, Amtrican and Benefortor 1(d- Air Parnaers. STRIPED SIIAV/ I= ol' I'ITTSFI ELI). MASS = gicatcrs WILLIAM G. BITTER, MEE Who I)onlrr+in UNCLE SAM IMPROVED, DOUBLE A , ND SINOLE ELRAM;EVATIMoV EN. Slo vhAT Top ES. (Try OF BtiIIT,INGToN, Cattaillotion, Pacific, Dextrr, F.Tapiro Cook ing Stoves Mid LI111,11(!i'01110.11. Hang, (I „I L Ir7UT ( /.4M 7'/S s TA S N PES n p . .I.\'L ro." /E R .I/: 'Do . thr Th.. 1.1,..ve artlcfe.. Itre w;muf:,,lumd hy A 11 . 11()N STO \'E ‘,1 . ( )111( BURLINGTON, N.. 1 8188 & CO.'S DIAMOND BALTIMORE FIRE PLACE HEATER. OAS OIiNS and all oth e r officio- In our ALL GOOIIS GUAR ANTEVI) EMI= EsTAuLtsumn Illghe l'reznium, Slivvrlod ..vor till Coln al •1.1. TUE AND uhSl'l \F SELF-RE( ;FLAT! N( ; , witouGHT IRON, AIR TIGHT, GABCONBUMINGIEATER DlIsT ScItF:EN. GRATE klAl: witormir IltoN HAMATon. As! , ArromATl , ' I:EGVI,AToit FoR It r NI NG .4 et) N o .Ic4 TE BITE If .11, f; IV 41,- for briel,volb, on.l J , l , • MASITA4 °NIA 111 .111 ,1 N0 I A )S N. W. COM 13TH & 1 ILIIER'4'SIF 1`1111,AD1 , .1.1`111 , .. P rues , Hooters sio magle of nosy y Wll , OOll Iron. well lveled together, and are warrooll .1 le• .1111.1 y lit, DVAT TIIIIIT. mt.>. th 4 , / ihnt omsged ,ilhfoff modowpro, 1,1,1 y ,‘l,lrh bluils f fuel cos to homed witheot oe, COI , KINII RANI , ' ES. For REST.% l' rAmILIEs AI•o, n FLAT ToP HEATING RANGE. • FIRE PLACE HEATERS, toW DOWN GRATES. SLATE MANTEL , . REGISTERS, FEN I I LATOI:s. 1'4.111,1114A+ giving full dt 6 . 11.. tltt ft dres, IAND, 121 NORTH SIXTII Kilt EET, piirL A J)Ei AN It Ell+ AND 1 , 1:A1.1:1D , IN r. 3,, A BRICK SET AND PORTABLE ~~;..v._ t” f .t. Duralnlity, Sitopliett y :ma Econ.! of ve rodintinn -urlore entlrel, of %V; tot gilt Iron, :lint all nie cu.l nnno..l to gl ,ttl.f.t4 tht. We 111,11 ill:111 , 1faCt l• V•llii•ty of Flat 'f null till, Oven thug,., motto heol.:1 , 1,11tionol root! Ventintlor,, WM. (.1, nITT En, A r c.nt ro r Allentown 0i) - SEN Fffit ItCr LA I s.phiacirs sPEcTA( 7.,v ir i i L ti . r , e , .: 1 47:1k , (I.Es I I A Ittrgo and rompkto.a•, , rl moist ..r all t :,... Rpm:tildes, EyoniVlemer, tilattmer, CIIA.S. S. NI ASSETS, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, I= Haying devoted a great deal of Care and ;Month.] to the Spectacle business for theso last law yarn, I find that my boldness In that litre has Increased so notch that - 1 have do. (ermined to make It a SPECIALTY. There is no article manufactured lu which there la P, 1111101 ;Inception prac• deed an thero is In Spectacle (I lass,. Knowing that the public have been frequently hufnlamaffil by partlea pre tending to have it superior article of Ilinrse.. nod cha,ffiSlcS exorbitant prices fsr ;heat, thereby tratilehig alma toe ne co.:allies and Pair:WM.lot age, I has° taker, pains to re tool a large and complete assorintont of the finest and best (Hassell ever manulactuted, thus affording all person. needing SPectuclev as opportunity of parch:taint; at rea• sonfthte pricer. I'e nn having any difficulty In belug nulled ebtewhere will it. well to give toe weall, as I feel cstalitisat that no one will full to he sntbal. Its turn old stand, Yo. 'SI East Hamlin.] street, opposite the (ler• man Refoffined Phu: eh, Allentown, 1,,. jun '2J It 0. - 4trinto an Oil. 0. - loth. .............. . E . ... THOMAS DMI', 137 South Second Street. above Chethi ut, .',' um lothimuni , ,9 ihu. io.t opened, with at barge aug hell SPlVeted p, , .tork„r Foreign uud PoinentleCnrinuang,nrelle'oi Ci iatyler and louLlitlen. Avui, Oil Chitlin. 3lntilugs, let .e. Dins gets. Rugg, Mato, Stair Rods, .re., Sze., all 'X O of wialeh be will tell very r beau for en•li. :. P. 0.—.1 F iII EWART PEPUY i•• not nt grd South Sa.eenli street, but w . 1111 , 111:01 DePnY• rep 7.3111 0. B. SNYDR. • W. F. BAKER. CARPETS! CARPR.yrr4: CARPETS! A FULL ASSORTMENT ME 11/ /, RD RDD 111"12V7'DDI 11S, 31.1 ;WADE 7' TINS, GS. DTi I 1 - 0 DE S,, 111',,S V SS G. B. SNYDER CO., it SOUTH SECOND ST., PHILADELPHIA, 111:1.1•W N. —A Itlwral Jkcount I. Chu mut Clergyition. ~5112.1•31 n ACTIONS SPEAK Lori)En TIIAN WORDS! The Padding is Proved by Eating! CARPET DEPAIiT Al T Repleninhed and sold ut New York NIA 11101011 A rt tall mice, 1 , 1 RORY BUSSE! S CAR• 1.4 .4 TAPESTRY BRUSSELS CARPET. I PLY CARPI , . S. SMITH'S TAPESTRY INGRAIN CAR 1 1 1,T , t. • SANFORD'S • INGRAIN CARPETS, nll grrades. WOOL DUTPII CARPE Fs. - • 11ESIP CARPET. RAG CARPET. RUGS, 31,47'S AND MA7'7'ING OIL CLOTH. and WINDOW SHADES WHITE. BUFF, GRAY. DRAB, BROWN and OREEN SHAM/.o Itroptctfully. E. S. SIIIMItIt & CO illttutt 7,7 11:ttalltota St., .I.ovotlont, • CARPETINGS. 723 PEABODY &WESTON,. 723 E. 11. GODSI.IALIi & CO. titrZnvf,` Ott c loins. etc, 7etc. ' Extra Inducements offered. NO. 723 CHESTNUT STREET. sop2l.lm 7 PHILADELPIII r • THOSE 13110 AIM SICK, OR AF. Meted Al MI :try eltroalr tlltllralty, tthottlit without delay write f , Dr. Ilatolltan'a Now Trtttl4t., free to any addri`MM. it. LEON! DAS II AMILT.N. M. It. ort ttn2itt.t.ort 2; 41w • 'New Volk City. • No C1TP:1 , 7,, - :() PAY. 1)1t. 'II. I). 1,()••.;:\ Oradonte of Ow Univer-Ity of rennaYirnlllll• hl:k, Ilan been In allures4.l prmalre for a number of yearn p nrlon4of t of 111.,he Unit pr ed Staloa; l Id• tend all Inancln, ofe,.lon rota,. En./ Aid , Si.•!l, ntr ,, l. Lrf. Hatirill•oi frit•l .I.• EsToWN, I.A. • No l'atent Med at. 1.0,11111mnd...1 t therm.. rllrx adnilabba..l ti ‘vl.lrh will notbiretta 1111W11 the reir.titall.m. bat irtao ot.• 11...cy•telo from all la wirlex It lion 1,1,11111 rd from nillircal Inedlrine.., and I..ave It In 11 hrallhy and ymirtaly canal condition. 1"11. , N, and all 11,. La Throat. Stomach, 1.1 v• er, xchl. II yearly it th.ot ....I , to unlitbely gram..., ran ttmlonlot.dly he rar...l. )(EL.\ NCIR)I,I' that httite alien:lll.ot tat a1...rt.:111..11 niind.Wllll.ll I111,11:11 , 11' 111 l' o-yinn the plracur.... pm . • rot 8a1i , .. of life. 1{111',l' 4 ) 1 .A NI) I'AIiALYIS, hi any f win Cr condition, clonnir or math', tvarrabbal car , able. Iltaler-y , .4i hill.. lilt...,and chronic or %lid. halaland millrally remorial t Salt Shia Ilioar. , •x evrry decerlpiloo..f PM-. and •ercf01......11.4- //r I•11.1,. al . warranted yarn'. of l'orti.ul.lr attentbat itiven to plicate •••11.1,1 evorc doceription of bath 1.11111. Attilecica flow any rmantaint Incidental to their .111.1111rIIIL doctor.l•..nrati......f frit. 1. ..m...1, 1.111 , fall him!. reninve.l without ilic nr blood. ti , .• EVE AND EAR, toter...rally and r Ilertaally rctance.l. 11111,1'1, Vll•ite dbnattre If rat.hr addr.......1 by totter (confidentially) and med. all with moray ilirrctlena to any part ..f the mittnty. t try Ea.! 1...1,,,•11111111111,11 and Walnut, Allmit.n , a. I`.. may 25- ly SEND.ARS 00 1 , , e , irs ockchTi. gasnO - c ti ), NEW 4, - A - f q- 4 C,* 597 BRON-•—• 1.. 05 0 ‘ . 513 MARk ET 51 ' ?HILADELpHIP. EARTA 1 C . _ . "70 sos-roNA Ir 4 • 19 DOANE ST. COUGHS, SORE Tiano,vr. ate Aro or textboeot eon excel the pow eerol rarer of S M \Vl►il l'►►lmrn►i~~ It roll, with a rophhty by ;toy other remedy 4,111 hir 1.11111:111g1,S1 .4 . It Is recommended by ever thicioihnui In Wlllll /1C 1,.11 . M 11 and Mldr.i. In I'lllllllloll l loll, I toir t:1111111,V ..ther 1.1110.1111111 . 0 1 / 1 1111111iill , ' Mr...ghoul the country. I/r. I'voulturton, of loth 11linrIr. 111111 , that there 11 not INvith it few excel , thins) a fanilly In that city who ‘, 11l Ise ~Ithout It If Inu'• to protn,. 11. Such it fta popultLrlty ‘vberever It la know n—rod 1111, popillority (rota the fort that It tiolveriodly toirvii all Iv], nne It. There no rose of Illl'llllli, 011111: TIIIIIIAT. ASTHMA, BIM:V- I citiTis. SO. 110 AItSENESS, ' and 'lt'll Pl' I,NION I'ItNSI'3IPTIIIN. where the lota not lirolt• n thurn with 111 e ‘viiiir of the iliiieare, Or pretended no dicta, id inelyerlotiTiol that tilt medicine win not cur,' if candidly according 1,1 (ll r.,tion4. guarantee It al I ,ve reptui , eut It to lie, and invite a trial from the rtlllctiol every whine. l'rire, 1,1,1“lin nod +I tor large t.il4• bottle- l're- Parini ~.~ :i 11 ~' :1 ~~ 1111 _~'~)' ra':tr;ivu:it, ORGANIC CHEMIST, No. iUi 311111iET Arch vt. 11.1timoro 11.‘1131llipioro I , “r .10 by 31,1,. io 1 IROM THE BLOOD, .N titt l i , rcti TO':IC 0 4 . "'" ' - • 0-- I)R4 Tho " . I :111 , 1 • • ('retell DLL. Si c.irsi.:, ~"/ r , .. /,,,.. r p t 1 -1111 St., Cilwilitt.i, t 1., n. , 1 Dr. ,;,, ..,,,,,, ('hurl. ‘,.. . _ 1.14 n•tnlehin, ~. t. II rcs of nll CI %.4 I 0 ' I , ) theor grvot r , 1 Cancer Atilldct. , ..., . . m Lthout lb , . i .1111 . , ..r ea,tle r, , --e r. In etlirl it e. 0 , 1 xRh I.tit lit tlo ' Z. 14 .0 \ Fllll. E,l IA. :llt i til•ro .., 0 . . 1011,1 null R,. 1 t.10%.,1. :1 tult, nln ~,,t 0 VI \ ~m en,,,1...0n. It, town), Itel‘ aro ,tj ,„,‘ ,k Id Lo to l'rt,- fasorA, , alk llwir W\ '. Lova toat- mei., Coaling .o.r , I/1 ' lll tfl ntivor t lee- .. mnt.i. No r•tl.r , ' ------ lixve these troltmente. N.,11.• nth , r .1 , 0110 l ever I , a 11,1. For .. rtrt.e,01, , ..a , 11 ,, r or , oilr volt, or n. , 1,e1s nl , ove ' tzttizt..x.s....- - .. , .:..n. ,,,, ..... ..-....: .. .. pt ti..tt:t 'CYV - ' NEM' El: A. II X [REA LTIII-GIVIM IME WONDER 01 , "111E AGE! CHMMUND OXYGEN F.. a preparation of that wonderful element tvidelt lots at itt•t re, lit••dtoil the ....mine hop, of Philecophers and Pit y•dclatis, thnt tt X TOEN ,VOlllll 110 (41011 d a power thlt ondie to the phys•c•ti regeneration ott the , tt ee. A nt•tenfillr 1111i1 ,I.llilll A,1•11111i•irili1011 Orli daring tour pew:, ho.. folly e•tabli-inol claim to being lite moat potent cocattve agent ••%er known. That tie. t•to3litol'AD TitEA I'MENT will Promptly cute i1..1 . 6.1a0A. C./11,111,1'11 gild,. CA N 111.; IlLAIIIN,11:.‘T 1). art. confirmed POOP INA CO A •I' A Iit.TV.S. OZENA Olt OFFEN , IVE cAT.\ :Ln , l SPLIDIATORIZIIEA. Of rotate., IM'SPEI . nIA owl minor ttilmettot are speedily cured.. Send r. , , it: to••• 1 :, • r action IT.IIII, 11111 Girard :-;lreet, Philadelphia, El= r,• , u Cli,t!lllt 1.111:Vt St.., G. I. ST.kIII:EY, A. M., M. Mill - sh.tgs .-- Ihrl.tll° sllll , llng Sid :111,1,0 It— daily f.,11.1•01111.. I , s llll, IS in Ail Hurt. all.. V. S. • 1• 4 - • • 110-1.1.0111 ALVE • fr..- 'For .111 Ca, Sur., Itrnl.rx, Sore.,l7lvors, Cancers, Sore Ernluiu tin t Ars It reit.t., ChaSS , 4l Litut ttud ilttsdh. C11111.!alit, ”r StlsK. IsKr , tm. rte. WON111:1:11'1, CC lIE FOlt t nit In ."."t% for nttttillttO All .Irtutt•t.• YMIVre `sea it. WI'THOU'T IT IN THE IiOUSE. M ;N' OR' stk p.:7l`,7rid STANDARD PREPARATIONS, "COSTAE'S" lIAT, ROACII, hr. EXTERMINATORS. " CoST A R's" (llania) BED• BIM ExTEIL "CoSTAICS" (only pure) INSECT COWDER: "COSTAR'S" (only , wre remedy) CORN SOLVENT. 1/1 , 51OLI) evory where. Ank for • • CosT A ICS" ()Ore no rwheil• • 41, 4.1, 4), and 4,5 id, H, order from cosTmt C0.,13 Ilnwnrd St.,N. Y. LAWALL A I ! MATIN. SCHMIDT Co. . Allen twn. to. • 301 IN MACK. Jr.. Mot). Csimmaugua. nay 21•1y)14w WC6III GG THE HULL" iNsTurtrri l'O Trq TO WN, 310 NT° ONElir . CO., PA Focllpb, Srl , ntllle, Artlelle and Cr.:lner,.lnl. Locatlon odullralde. Tweutleth A So.ndon. Thor. on it preparathm for ..r nnual For Clreularp, addrcsi . lir... F. MILLER. A. M. Principal. REFEIIENCES-'- II , v• Dn. Wks:, Selunnh.r, mnun, Kraut',Judo Ludlow, Leonard Mycrh, .1. S. F.,A, 11. M. Boyer, M. lltax4el Thayer, etc., etc, Jul . 27 • JJEANES, . PHOTOGRAPHER Mato of philudelphin), too takou Ole Um No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Formerly occupied Ly I'. LamerenX, where run net IA Ith'r-CLASS Nun , nEs Wheel ILEASONA LILE A trial In 011 thttl Ix needed tit natlnfy twery Ann. C 03114 ONE COME Al! !! If yea want Photo graphs. CArteN H/tel n Vlnite, Vigne terret te. I'hutreAllnlaturee, AinbretyptL etyp.. Fypen; trIA et, on L .1. 113ANEEL L. Lunen., filcbirinal lizil sant 1. 11.SINIMS, M.l) W 1 LAII NGTON, DEL Dk7 6 ,. 4 / 1 . Y Hwy l ° ll9 En • r ill. , Ihr Wood irlllt ACVNT-MON ,11 ,•1 .syrrip. • lON-MOPE. Proprietor 1 , 1 I '11.%,1- , ltt Leith rally. sold; Pit ACTITIoNER DON'T 1U ONE DAY ISTAR'S" LDurational 1212111M1 870. JYor tly junta re'r Pura Water, this celebrated Put entirely tasteless, durible nod rolls• We: equal to the good old-Willem wooden Pump, at tort less than hal money Easily art to an to bo non-f and In congruenc that any ono can keep It In repel?. THE BEST AND CHEAPES FABBEBS EYVIINE AND BUY THE ORIGINAL, BAUGH'S BEING The . Fire Rate Bone Phoßphale Made AI,I, OTliftllB AMP. IMITATION BAUGH'S RAW IiONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME TRA DE FALL, Of 1870 Tldo Mall ore In rondo of Raw or Unburned Bono, rich In Nitrogen .. matter. dlsoolved In Ott of Vitriol, pre• octal. the Bono Phoophate Innhlgaly oolublo nod quick ly available for. and the Atattioula lu ouch PtoPortlau an W o he n re ulrteo aa p l r ' o s m Ppto an p d a v tew ot a o n t p a r p a p c l t i lo d n t u h po p n a sht ea ctropno.• the indication., without exception, aro that It wilt mnio ii Ito wen earned reputation, We requeol nil lu need of tO give this article a We & SONS, MANUFACTURER, Office—No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, Philad'a. umr piciFac cfluANo co CAPITAL, :1,000,000. John S. Reese Si Co., EN ERA AGENTS, OFFICES 122 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE PHILADELPHIA 10 SOUTH STREET BALTIMORE. sO MiLl PACIFIC GUANO. No fertilizer introduced to the farmers of the Middle and Southern St aten Into given more general and uniform satis faction than this (Immo. The trade In it Ilan steadily Increased until the consump• thin note throughont the entire country far exceeds that of any other Fertilizer. The largo capital involved in its production affords the surest guarantee of Its continued excellence. Tho com pany has a far greater I Interest In the permanence of to trade than any number of consumers can ha-on hence it Is the highest interest of the companY to Put the best Fer tilizer into market, that their unusual facilities, aided by the boat sclentilic alnihty can produce. This (limo Is sold at retail liy local agents of the cum • pinny throughout Now Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, anti the Southern States, and at wholesale by JOHN S. REESE & CO., GENERAL Al, ENTS FOR THE CONPAN g 9.9 m A Perfect FERTILIZER for all Crops BOWERS' COMPLETE MANURE, I= SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, AMMONIA A POTASH Warranted free from adulteration, and mud in quality to any sold during the past four years. THIS MANURE CONTAINS ALL THE ELEMENTS OF PLANT FOOD IN A SOLUBLE FORM. ALSO, FOOD (DYING LASTING FERTILITY TO TUE SOIL. AN UNDENIABLE FACT. Experience In the nee of "BOWER'S COMPLETE MA• NUDE." by the loot farmers of Pennsylvania, Now Joe vey, Delaware, Maryland. and Ilse Cotton States, running ts,,,ssgis peekd of four years trial, hoe resulted In prov ing it to Ito The Best Fertilizer Offered For Sale. I I EN RE ROWER, llnnuOtchttlng Chemist DIXON. SIIARPLES ( S jr 3PC . .7.. I'''''y PLllndelpldn nEyNo 4 6 o l, S s t..ti l t a lt s te u la t rAte xtm Avetate, And For So le ?ly trig :tttltow aab6as Jrixturrs. GAs FAXTERES. ROBERTS & KOONS, ;:i` I'I,I%IIIIEIIS .IND GAS FITTERS No. S 7 WEST HAMILTON STREET I,OOIN BELOW NINTH STREET, ALLENTOWN All kind' , ..f (ion Flxturoe of the boxt maker., II ydraul:c llumr, Lift and Force Pumps. DEEP WELL PUMPS, Built Tubs, Water Clonets, Circulating Boilers, &r., .4c. Special attention given to putting up Portable (lag Works In town or country. All work warranted. Apr 7-ly Alccbttiro. BUILDERS, LOOK TO YOUR IN TERESTS. L. W. KOONS d: CO. aro manufacturing a Hydraulic Cement Drain Pipe Chimney Flue and Ornamental Chim ney Tope, cheaper and more durable than any other in marget. They are made of pure cement and sand, being powerfody compressed, well aeasoued, and are In all practical respects EQUIVALENT TO STONE. (WINNE Y TOPS FROM 6125 TO OM. Send for a circular, or call and examine at their °face titsnufaßartory, corner of Hamilton street andßuiel• Lehtfigh Vay • CONSHOIIOCKEN , BOILER AND COIL WORKS, lOHN WOQD, JR • , NIANTEACTUREIt OP ruEs•AVAFElYvVilffri l .ll l /slT,Vodifhhq."'" All kinds of Wrought Iron Collx._Tuyers for Blast Fur nace. Oasometers. Smoke Stacks, Want DIDOS,Irun Wheel- B barrows. and everything In the oiler and Sheet Iron line. Also, all kindlier Iran and Stool ' , urgings end Blackemith work, Miners' Tools of all kinds, such as Whew Dockets, Picky, Urllla. Mallets. Sledges, Arc. Having a Steam Ilamtaer and net of tools of all kinds, and nkilled workmen. I flatter mynelf that I can to out work with promptness and dlnpatch, all of which will be warranted to be Oral-clans. r,,,,hi n g Boilers, and repairing generally.' strictly to. "filato anb Capz. GREAT EXCITEMENT ! EVERYBODY• CAN BUY A HAT OR CAP E. 11 . . MATHEWS' OUR STOCR IS ALL NEW. PRICES NEVER BEFORE 80 [.HEAP SINCE 1860. LOCATION CENTRAL. KNAUSS' BUILDING , • 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET ALLENTOWN, PA. FIVE DOLLARS FOR A SILK HAT, Latest Style and Best Make. AT MIE OLD STAND OF YOUNG & LENTZ, ALLENTOWN Call and see oar goods and be conalaccd._ No charge for •b er i gtnn a lgiNs i l i s ladon___?" wish to buy. e E. R. MATHEWS. MRS. GULDIN TAKES PLEASURE .F.M.x I annonnolog that allo half_qatrocaly±d_HL out toutorllnont of all kind. of lritS:..l:rgi n t i lglLO t r e l i a . n her Hoe, and would e p n 0.60 , Mont I , f PAlt Ab a dkia , nod LA MEV SILK NACKV EAST HAMILTON FITHERT. iprofroional earbs. WILLIAM N. YOUNG. JIG. A TTORN EY NT LAW, REAPING, PA. attend prom tly to collectlona In llerka and adjoin ng countlett. -•llll2.Adau ——- - • MORRIS, L. A EFFRIAN, r IR ATTO• NET AT . Olnee, second floo of the First VR(1011111 Bonk building. ALLENTOWN, PA. Collections made In Lehigh and adjolnivgrountles. bo Consulted In the Ent/Halt nod Get :nun languages. ,el, 14.17 WD. I.IUCILENBACII, ATT4IIII- • NET AT LAW. (formerly practiced In Carbon county). Office. Hamilton street, second fl our, nearly °pros In the Court House, Allentown. Pa. ?day be con. salted in the German language.._____. CONATANTINE .1. ERDMAN. JOIIN 11. OLIVIIR. tlc OLIVER, ATTOIt -1.14 NETS AT LAW. ALLENTOWN. I'A. Collection. attended to In Lehigh and adjolning coontien. Prompt attention given to all legal boxleen. In the leveral Court.. Consult:Moue In English and German. Jon WIT DUNK at BA I,DIYIN, ATTORNEYS Lik, AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, F. Onlee. No. 54 East Hamilton street. C. N. Runic. F. A. N. A C. HUNSBEItGER ATTORNEY .e co. g d o o tT r .LlErt:Els!r4vAndleAt.ho Pint oal ce .p b311 . 141, EJ. NIORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW', • ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, No. GO East lismillou iitteet. /Air - Cati Lo courtulted lu Oerman. Jan TAMES S. MERV, ATT iOßNEYsecond AT ty LAW. Office, E Hamlton etreet, floor of Lion Hall, A110110'41,1. l'a. (Special attention given to collections). mar I'Lly fZEORGE 11. RUPP, ATTORNEY N_A AT LAW. Mike with lion. iolm D. Mlle% Alleh town, In Du. n• . GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIST. Oflin, nimr Mrs. Ni. A. Onidiew Trimming Store, No. NI Eltnt Hamilton Wert, Allentown, EILISIIA FORREST, ATTORNEY AND CoUNSELLOR AT LAW. No. West Hamil ton ntreet. Allentown. Pn. jun 14-tt LE ATTORNEY AT LA W, MILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH PA. PlC talent lou ptda to inholyent aml decedent estates. j.ku • THOMAS B. METZGAR, ATTOR NEY AT LAW. ALLENToWN, PA. Office, No, 62 Elist ihunlltun 'urea. may al-1D ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, , A OENT FOR TIIE SALE OF 'HEAL ESTATE, S 5 We.t Ilanilltou St., Allentown, Pn. Wlll.l. IA 31 U. NOW DEN, ATTOR NEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, Cor ner or llasallt..n ,trect and Law alley. bouth .Ide a Allen -I.oon. ra. eb•AI • - • Qt MI EEL A. BETZ, ATTORNEY AT 1•.../ LAW. Oflice 'trill. P. Wyckoff. opposite the Enie Hotel, ALLENTOWN, PA. (ICORGE 11. SCIIALL ATTOHNEV AT LAW. Office, Firk door above Low Alle, AL LENTOWN, l'A. may s) -Um E -• DWAD HARVEY, ATTORNEY R AT LAW. Mace, with lion. Samuel A. Blida., ALLENTOWN. PA. tnay I.ly TOR NRUE' P, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, N. E. Corovr 6111 nud Ilanallou Street. ALLEN TOWN. l'A. mtty 1-ly A DAM WOOLEVER, AIrTORAEI AT LAW. Office, opponite the court Homo AL LENTOWN, PA. 'may I%ly CLAY lIAMERSLY,ATTORN At •AT LAW, CATASAUQUA, TA. 3. 14.'1SLtr 1 - 7., DR IN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY J AT LAW, elght doors Above the Court House, Al LENTOWN Lathe. C.U.tY• fob "Etat (.1)1'5 anb 5033c1ru. ISAAC R. STAUFFER, WATCHES AND JEWELRY, 115.NORTII SECOND ST., COIL cot , ClerAunx PIIILA .4., An arrortment of Watches, Jewelry. Silver and PU-d.f„axicx:rttiv . ,2l . ,ewelr u , ; b l nr attended to. KELUER at BROTHER, . NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST., ALLENTOWN, PA. CLOCKS, wall . , 4zt. ted,,,,, ‘ , ile; r, ll n A l,l, o t, Fttef nizen and pricer, from GOLD AND SILVER wATcnEs then can ho found in any other store In tho city. JEWELRY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE 1 'f lArT. ' ‘ l tfcWATired ,;11 Short Notice. THOMAS W. BAILV I\ Cmportoe of Watottoa, No. 022 Markot St., Pbiladolphlo, Would respectfully call attention to his ( now end carefully selected stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, Slicer and Meted Ware, Ae. Itepelrrng promptly attended to and neatly done. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, - CHARLES S. HASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hamilton etrool, opposite tho Garman Ile formed Church. Junt received from New York and Phil adelphia. all tho Went ntyles GOLD WATCHES Ile has the large and bent assortment of Gold Ws!eh es and at lower prices st titan can be ss rou n d else where. SILVER WATCHES Ho has a larger and better assortment of Silver Watrhe than eau be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY. Ile has the largoat and bent atolortment of all kin k 6 of Vold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. il : ir V or fr rt ' t a r : d. of Gilt . m llXd3eTlAiVcaaolrs.Me. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. lie ham a s pjenc!da inortn qutlfSliver and PI" tO Wore. =N!""'""'"1°'" la IL."tine"a"lr"."l" "" CLOCKS A larger assorttneut than at any ether establishment. . .MELODEONS. A splendid assortment of Prince's Melodeons, the best In the world. - - - - ACCORDEONS. A splendid assortment of all k lode of Accordoons. llis adablishment has lately been fitted up, and Is now second to none in Now York and PhiladolPhia. and ahead of anythlugoutsido the large cities. Ds loss a larger stock of fashion skis goods In his lino than all others In Lehigh county combined. To convlnco yourselves of the above call sad goo. $lO,OOO GUARANTEE BUCK LEAD ExcelitOber lat. Par t ite Matralad Whitoneas. ' 2d. For its Unequaled Durability. :id. For Its Minoru's/led Covering Proyarty.. Lastly for Its Economy. yylT C . OSTS LESS to paint with Doug Lean than au, other White Lead extant. The same weight cover. MORE SURFACE, to more DURABLE, aud makes WHITER WORK. BUCK LEAL isthe chooptst and area $lO,OOO. GUARANT4E. BUCK ZINC Ist.For Re Unequaled Durability, 2d. For its Unrivaled Whiten... Stl. For its Unsurpassed Covering Property Lastly 6 rev " O"OI If e nTAEST, and moot DU RA being the IIEAPEST, A BLF. White Paint in the world. BUY ONLY BUCK LEAD AND BUCK ZINC TRY 1T AND BE CONVINCED. Satisfaction guaranteed by the Manufacturer+ BUCK COTTAGE COLORS, Prepared expreealy for Painting & c . C.OTTACIS OUT BUIL DINOS of every dexerlpiloo, FENCES. THIRTY YIVK lINT COLORS. Durable, Cheap. Uniform and DIFFER eha Sample cards sent by Mall if desired. Dealer.' Orders will bet promptly executed by the man ufactorera. FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., N. W..COR.TENTR & MARKET BTS., ion 1D•1y PHILADELPHIA For .alo by JOSEPH STnPFLET Allentown Pu FEED TILE HUNGRY, AND CLOTHE THE NAKED! You can be provided and be made comfortablo at ilie • - MAT! M. 0 TFI STORES Water • Proof Cloth, Or REPELLANTB of nil the different mixtures. • CLOTII ontentEnse A [nil Our for 11078' SUITS UNDERSHIRTS AND DRAWERS. • ALSO. GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Oleo ae a coil before purcbgatlng eleawbero. We will' guarantee It lo be In four tilvontage. lte filli. " ErfirMEß & 7A7 no da 707 lbonlitou 61., AlleitfoWD. Ps.. Excel“ all otlirr ZINCS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers