bc Alci)* 4ctlister. =I killlr.iitEDELL. JR ALLENTOWN, l'A., NOV. 2, 1870 Tim Press tuns n 1 , m.: article I i.day to prove I that the census or Philadelphia is imperfect. The whole number of dwellings erected in the past ten years Was 11,7118. Besides these here were erected numerous hotels, orphan asylums; etc., whose population is neeetisarily large. Allowing sevi II pt r,, p, to each dwel ling the increase would have been 173,186, giving the city a population id 739,115 again9t 657,159 as returned I c the lunrale The in crease In voters during the same p e riod wan 29,267 which multiplied by six, the 'general average, would give an ineress , rm' and n population or 711,167. . . • Tin, subjcet or amcndhig the State Consti- ! ,:, t 1 ii delphin show a population 0'657,179, an twition is receiving fsvorable i imsideration by increase Of only 111,650 In ten years. We do the ine,s tlitonglooll the Commonwonitb. not place the least reliance upon the figures The 'movement iiiiiiiguratill by the Union . given far to e ,i ~ ty on Brotherly Love. Any- League of P 101 ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1' 16 " In " - with 11 read Y hmly who is acquainted with the vast exten i•esponse and it is in•lit vuil tint the Legisht sions made in that city during the past ten lure, at its next i0...-ii•ii, may he induced to years knows that there have been enough new Inks early action in the matter. It is ot vast dwellings erected In that time to accommo interest to the ti hole p eo ple mi l w e hope they date three times the number of people ennme.. will give the matter that support which it de- rated in the increase. serves, ❑ntl stiiv , It make it OH' 1111'111N of re • moving mmuty of Ile• evils which now e xi s t. The COnstittition should be so amended as to Cliu'Auo wishes to have it understood ilit t prevent improper le,ti,letitm and to secure to the foreign shipping interests, ovi r whose tit - those in a minority in the s, coral legislative cadence the lamentation has been so lo u d, are districts the rights w hieb Choir localty entitles retilly or secondary importance besides the them to. t lonte,tle shipping interests, especially time of the great lakes. In testimony whereof the 'rot publishes the official returns, showing? • Ttist. ' who have h01 "" 1 that P.m ''' . "' I. " that In the sear 1808 there were entered at the result from the lab st ne g o tiati o n, are likely to port of Chfcago.l3,l7l vessels, being 1,418 br disli.pointed. Prussia is persistent in It 'r more then entered the ports of New York, matols and Fr:ttos• I i. tent , e,l to recognize Philadelphia, Baltimore and San Francisco to (he kopelesso-ss of her taus,. Will it I"tY gethcr. For the last six months of 1869 the I. "" i° toI r f wit I°T. the purpo ' e ' i t t. entries at Chicago were 9.004, being 156 more l'en't'n-' ° neh ht 3 than at 811 the ports named, and Boston also. sets.re the ei-siott I.r territery, is 1 qm.,-,tion When in addltion, it is considered that for dirt °DIY riche , • eau deei ' l "• N°l ‘ with. tour months in the year the lake commerce i ' liludin g I cifittinte triumphs °l. the 2ru ' . amounts to nothing, on account of the He, shalt armies, their 'et,,rj, ,htrn , it it is easily seen th it it is nothing. to be made hvnvYsacrilicts.*\ le l'attalk° of Laud- lktlit or and that its interests are worthy of nt \relit., tinder General Kammer at Mete. says nintion. ibe Berlin rot respoodi lit of the New Yin k .1/teaht: in it t Ilazaimis sortie on the 7.1.. ls. 0%. r the 1,ct%% yen the filen& of 31sekey at : 1,070 end Ins in is mery bitter and the light he twc, n theNe lection's is likely to destroy Ike In 11,e - • ; of the , power of the 'llepublican party, we think the ~„ are those Repol,liean members of Ilit Legislature, as a hoicher:. Titey duty In the party, as well as to the whole peo „O. n it ;„ 1;., rii t e n ple, shotd.l cast aside both af these rispirant4 1 ,1„,.„„f . and h a lg.. for the tdlice or Slate Treasurer and elect a I hese and of toe di, new man. IVl.en it -.hall become apparet.t tre.s of the people i .• arott•ed a decided that the party has gotten so low that only feelitm in favf these two area can he found in the whole Stale tdf l'etim.ylvania capable of performing the tlutits of fr, fisting., then it will he time enough for the party to hang its fortunes upon the necks a these indiridunls, but we have 111:- nterous public men w Ito are not the choice t f particular cliques, who are honest, callable and would make efficient ollfeets, and in this class WV I:110W it no one more worthy °clime honor than General Joshua T. Owen, of l'hiladcl phia. :\I ALLY IN. 1 iti 111 Ut 11.,1,1 from Me 1..• ...',ll Ey, n i r 7., :tii ‘vhich the readist.... l athi r ,]o,w their apprecia tion he ~ivitt..2 it tot it to irtiesl Qupport. This thet has heen eta ;11111 An gen erally acknowledged it is not neciisary to partiettlariz , any time insittnee, null therefore the public ittatt'rested no surprise %viten the :dlerticon papers of the American associ ation published the news of the stirrer. der oC linznint• oar tiny indin:n tir• jois. oats a the Assoviated Pre, had !veived it. The ineltie , s of the it organization i. constantly and rapidly inert asing and its fa. cilitics for collecting 2111 1111),:nlitting etery huportant item of new: are wonderfully emit. plete, c;oisidering that the enterpri s e ha, had an existence of only it dew months. The. rt. per,: of the antiquated Associated are alvare of the fact that the ime.ple recognize the merits of the ['tell association and they never neglect 1111 opportunity to injure their rienl It . y all dlshttne,a . tuna digracetill mean: in their pease. lEg= .Vlter a siege of only tell weeks, say, the Ili.. great fortress of Metz has surrem &rel. • At an early hour yesterday, morning its mtriison, one hundred and fifty thousand strong, including *A larshal Ihizaine, one of the ablest military comnianders of modern l'ritnec, thorn their arms. This capitulation Is nn yv. ul in the prellent' conflict next in inifor. ialice to that which tool: place at Setlan on the •M September. When .711clution was sn dkan'rously beaten at IVeh-senburg the hopes of France were at once centred upon the army. under Ilictaine, which occupied a formidable position on the banks of the river Saar, facing the main army. liut the terrible chi) id tie gulls or the Croivn Prince 1..1 scarce died aivay . it, the Iliac!: .Porest before Steinmetz advanced Forbach and hit mum the iinfialitnate Vrossaril with such crushing force that the whole line was com pelled to mustily retire to tile valley of t h e %vei; later linzaine attempted to retreat still further west in order - to direct junction with :dentition at t'llahms, but en vounieri il the . 'Rimy on blab, Minks, was tared In give battle, and 1011'1'011TV (lays' ter ride tiravelolti., on hit of August. tin, c , qupellrd I.) lake refuge iiithin the walls of Metz. %Vint the eeep.ion of oera•ional sorties, of the diameter or extelit of which tee have hail but inew:re accounts, this ended the suorl, of 1111! boasted .Iriny of the pile a hostile army' has been overrunning their country, 'cvering commit• ideation bet i,Tell Paris nit the iyorld,• anti coolly planting teriiiile engines 4,1,1111,21 km 1,11 ,•1 cry no:, of if, these Men, fatrioth..hrtive, mill eluding frith resirainl, brave been cooped 1,1, 11111 it 1 111'1, , ,1 to 1 4 11 . k1 1 111111 , 1,111. I . l'l l lllll horse. Itcnii diet of starve. Ding NVilliain reports ti%enty Hams:mil sick !nen among the pri,:• oners. YU Matta hie nintinient iri mine (/I'. I'l'l2l. Ifut %\ !^111 . 1i11,11,g a. II \‘ll , It 113• 111111. 'lag for 11:e hrol:en and ,i,lit,t;.ll/1.1 :truly ut t dun, Ina 3111 z. had ah% .•11 tegard,.l tt. 0110 gist l'ot . i!t n "rid ; indt•ekl \diva i' is intpregtiablv. It has al- IVilyti !Well tlaiwvd 11111 t nothing but ,tarv,t c0‘vat',14.1....r heathery could roduct. it. .1 dispatch - 01:s reports thy arrival at Tour., as who rccvntly escaped is oh:guise, and w r(vals , that the provi. .huts were id . 1., v,ral 1111111) . 11.. olic e, al 111111-0 till gartison of I.IIWIII I.IICC. 11 c:R:11.1.3., then ? Perhaps not. For the Minot 01 Fralle.• 1,111. has disgraced (111 . 111 I.IIOIWI iu thi. C11t..,t I' hope not. We al', inrliuOd to the opin ion that this surrs oder mer as more than /111111.1114 1111011 till. 11111 11 it. Tiler(' iS thing which King NV illinin's bulletin do( s not d i s o o k, %Vt. cannot b, 11111. that )111? has ' a n v i l so easily from :11.1,01111V lint 131111110 s t. 13117.11111 V 11,1, !wen a patty to an itittl-Bcpublic, conspiracy, will the French ~,,„p t e submit to • his dictation In the ab s'o;,,(lf ii „ y thing front Tours this question 'CillAttlt now he answerril. If th, I'reneL arc. wise they will resist 00,1 c ongcr. Their great esl need to-do)' is route, and they should !mike haste to srcure It. If l'rtissin is harsh or 'un just the world, will witness it, and the scal es of juitice may 110 balanced at some future day, lint to continue this unequal struggle Is worse than folly - -it is madness. A 'Aster despatch confirms our suspicion as e xnritssed above. 13aznine has surrendered 04..ectssity, against the protestntions of his otllcrrs, has arrogated to himself extraor dinary poivers, ignores the Provisional Gov eminent, is in lengue with and Is lunntied as it traittir by the peopte IPrnnee. What nest ? IT is said the report of Senator Cameron's illness was gotten up to raise the hopes of some aspirants for Senatorial bailors. The General will, in nil probability, live to be re. elected. NEW YORK ELECTION. The arrangements for enforcing the new election law New York have been com pleted. The government is determined that it shall be strictly eaforced, without detriment to the rights of any voters, but im the interest of all good and law•abtding citizens. The order I() the military commanders will soon be Issued enjoining upon them great caution, so as to give tut cause for a breach of peace, ' hut to be in readiness to render •stich aid as Imay be necessary in the proper enforcement of the low. i ILE popuintion of the city of New York is 927,4313, an increase of 113,767 in ten years. The returns from the Census Marshals for THEN EMI' I*o ELECTION the uli la Democratic journals are raising a terrible I tecmisc the President 'has sett troop: I. New York, to be ready to assist tl.e :llandlak, in cats• they shall be over p.m (Ted by 111 r mlt, in enforcing the inn. It not the mull of the governMent- that e\. troue in( a , mes nave to be resorted to, and it is the saw, lily which hotel against the el forcemeh , of the law in New •Voil, that. op posed tie coercion of the Southern Rebel-. Ever h•., abiding citizen knows that .he is \cr interfered with in his rights. WI ev. r heard of tr(mps coming to Allentown I.) preserve ~ rder on election day ? Democrak and Ilei.oblicans here olie the ia•,vs [mil tl col. protecting the bal.'ot.h o s by for( e has never arisen. !t is In sustain the otderl • peaceable and la w•alliding citizens of NeNV York in their rights that the President ins sent troop, there and this class of pc., plc are thankful that they have a governinebt in ensure them the privileges of nn American citizen. IT has gi•ni•rally been supposed, says the /;u//etiio, that a very hiavy increase in the population of the °Uproducing counties I Penn,ylvania world la , shown by the censr, , , ri turn- of 111)70. These counties are Venango, Craw For.; and Alc . .reer, the largest oil producer hieing aati;.,o. Ili VC is a SiatelllCllt or their tern) and 1870 : 18110 1871.1 Inereas, 25,0.13 .111,362 21,330 48,755 63,827 15,072 311,856 .111,0s1 13,125 1 o 61 Cfa Oro! I 11 1,1. I I 0,6:3.1 160,1110 49,536 The increase in these three counties is a lit tic less than h , rty•nine per cent., %%Idle the in. (lease in tie 4 Mile Western District is at the rate of thirty-nine per cent. Ltmerne county, which is not a producer of oil, huh is a pro ducer of coal and other valuable minerals, has increased its population from 90,2•1• I to 160,- 071, or a little over seventy eight per cent. Imzerne geographically belongs to the Eastern half of Pennsylvania, as do seven) other counties that have been, for the sake of con. venienee, put into the jurisdiction of the United States Courts of the Westein District. Butt the extraordinary increase of its popula tion, even as compared with that of oil counties, shows that, after all, the wealth or Pennsylvania in coal surpasses that she pos sesses. in oil, nib only as a solid basis of pros perity. but as an attraction to capital, mulct prise and lapulation from abroad. COMPOBA I. PUN ISIVMENT N PUB ti/'ROOI.K resting disctosion occurred at lit' meeting of the New York Board of Education last wed:. which indicated a somewhat stroll; tendency among the members of that body 1. .fit or corporal punishment in the schools as r means of discipline. Instances were adduced in th•e course of the debate where teachers hail corr. eted children in the most cruel and bra btl manner, and ether instances where schol la , Mid acted in ape❑ rebellion to teachers. and h a d even threatened them with firearms. The ca r e was alluded to of the boys who stoned to death in Nie-sachusetts a delicate female teacher Mr some fancied wrong she had done thew. This was instanced in justilicn n011..1 1110 use of corporal punishment, when it night perhaps be quoted on the Opposite side of the question. The whole difficulty in this matter, we think. arises from the selection of .leachers who do not posses, the moral qualifications for their calling, and is hose tempers are irritable, and whose last( s are not ill consonance with their pursuits. It the School Boards would, in choosing the instructors of youths of various dispositions and capabilities, appoint those only who are capable or adapting themselves to the moral its well as the mental chm•acteris ties Of melt pupil, there would be very little if any nerd of corporal punishment in the schools. It is not simply necessary that teachers should be proficient in the different branches of education in be taught, or should be able to answer all the set questions pro pounded to them when undergoing examina tion for the stations they seek. Something of their Melings and asSoclations should be In quired into, and especially of their domestic history' and early training. We question, however, whether any such considerations are entertained in the appointment of tutors in public schools, and until they are we shall continue to hear of cruel punishment by teach. ers and Insubordination among pupils. THE LEHIGH. REGISTER, ALL ELN ruk )WN . EDNESI) A. THE Democratic press say the military are sent to New York to prevent a fair and free vote. Their idea of a fair and free vote is where a man's free to vote as often as he pleases, as long ns he doesn't vote the Repub. lican ticket. Pious has been summoned to surrender, and, It is said, for the last time. It was the most natural thing Imaginable that the Ger man commander should seize the occasion of the fall of Metz to offer terms to the besieged at Paris, but it does not follow that patience Is exhausted, and that the tender is made for the last time. Everything which the Germans have done, and all of the little which they have publicly declared, Indicates that they have no Idea of either assaulting or bombarding the French capital. The latest circular from Bis• marck, addressed to the Embnssadm•s of North Germany, which we publish this morning, leaves the impression on the mind of the rea der that the Parisians are to be left to the fate which naturally follows tint isolation which their city WO lib W suffered for forty days, and which they in part produced in the vain at. tempt to delay the Prussian advance. Count Bismarck suggests a painful contingency re sulting front the too long delay of the sur render, which now seems inevitable, in the intimation that the German commanders will be unable to provide n single day's rations for the population of Paris in the event of its cnpitulation. This consideration Is one which the French military lenders cannot reject, and there is just reason to hope that Paris, when it does surrender, may not lie found in the de plorable condition of Metz.— Tribune. THE STATE FINANCES The monthly reports now published by the . Sinking Fund Commissioners afford frequent opportdnity for the public to see for them selves the Commonwealth's financial condi tion. The statement published on the sth instant shows that during Mat month $100,050 00 of the bonds of the State were redeemed and paid, and that since the 10th of November last, the whole amount redei , med by the State is $1,576,151 GS. This is truly n gratifying exhibit and proves, if further proof were necessary, the advantage in having Republican officials nt the head of affairs. In referring to the subject the .Statc Journal says it further appears, on examination of the subject : that since the 00th of November 1804, the semi-annual interest on the debt has, at all times, been promptly met, and that the handsome sum of $8,141,214 07 has been paid on the principal, thus reducing the balance of the debt to $31,238,389 27 on the 30th of Sep tember last. This and result will more clearly appear when stated thus : State debt, Nov. 30, 1804, $:30,379,003 94 State debt, Nov. :30, IS7O, 31,238,389 27 Ana paid since N iv. 20, 18111 211 This result cannot be other than satisfactory to every patriot and taxpayer in the State, and the more so when it is remembered that the Democratic party, during their long mis management of our State finances, had piled upon us a debt of over $10.000,1100 : t,renty three milliona of which wits veer-ds,, and no provision made fur its paynient. • Western District or Pennsylvania The following are the official figures f i n• all the counties in the Western District of Penn- a~'lcnnin Allegheny, A mist rong. Beaver, Butler, Blair, Bradford." I led lord, Cann roll. Clearfield. Cambria, Clinton, Columbia, Crawford. Cent re, Clarion. ' Elk, Erie, Fulton, Forest, Fayette, Greene, Huntingdon. Jefferson, Juniata, Lawrence, Lucerne, Lvemning, Kean, Mercer, :Montour, Northumberlant Potter, Snyder, Somerset, Sullivan, S119(11101111111:1, Tioga, Union, Venango, 'Warren, Washington, Westmoreland, Wyoming. Inc' Icv, =I New pniutiy formed out of Potter & M'Lean. We shall publish the returns of population or the Eastern district as soon ns they are made public. from the large increase in the 'West ern district it looks as though the full census return will show an aggregate increase of pop-, lotion in the State of more than one million since 1840. A " LOUD - MAMMA'S TACTICS. Not many days ago there was a rather " loud" woman down here, says the Cape May Wave, rich and vulgar, swooping around with her daughter, and putting on more airs than you could grind out of n hand organ. One man, who was disgusted with the aristo cratic pretentious of the couple, thought he would have a little fun at their expense. So one day he pointed out a good-looking fellow who was passing the hotel, and mentioned to the woman in a sort of careless, offhand way, that the good-looking fellow was a lord, who had just arrived in the country, and was stop. ping for awhile at Cape May. This woman, you understand, wanted an Introduction, so that she could set her daughter at work to rope in this scion of a noble house. The stranger was presented the next evening in the parlor, and this designing being of a mamma began to gush over him. She kept on exclaiming how much she had always Inlmired the English nobility, and how much she longed to see them In their own beautiful home; ; and then she asked this man if he did not sometimes long for his island home, and hate the society of the vulgar American, and sigh for his high-born con,- Pinions ! At last' the man turned around and said she must have made a mistake ; he didn't care n red cent for aristocracy ; he had no island home, for he came from Germany ; and Ile had no high-born companionS, unless some of his friends were born In a „garret. So this woman rose right up and pranUed out to the fellow Who introduced her to the aristo crat, and she said : "See here I I thought you said that man Nash lqrd!" "So lie Is," was the reply ; "he is the land lord of the Dutch hotel around the corner there. Nice man, isn't he !" •Perhaps that woman won't souse that man under and hold him there, the next time she cetehes him bathing in the surf. It wouldn't surprise us to learn at cny time that ho had been jammed full of red•hot hair pins by a savage female, who crowned her performance by executing a Kickapon war dance oh his Inanimate remnine. . THE CEM4I'S 1870. 1500. 202,482 178,831 41,385 35,707 30,132 29,140 :10,485 :13,594 33,031 27,829 51,100 '48,734 28,036 20,736 4,273 new N PII nt y 23,779 18,759 :10,372 29,153 23,213 ' 17,723 28,765 25,005 63,827 48,755 34,304 27,000 20,542 24,988 8,315 5,915 65,977 49,432 9,361 9,131 4,18:1 898 43,284 39,909 25,893 24,343 :11,252 28,100 :10,123 33,087 21,061 18,270 17,491 10,986 27,298 22,999 1110,071 00,244 47,038 37,398 8,820 8,859 49,981 80,856 17,509 10,310 15,334 13,053 1, 41,440 . 88,922 11,418• 11,470 15,606 15,035 28,325 26,778 6,191 5,637 37,530 86,207 :15,102 31,044 15,568 14,045 46,382 25,043 23,897 19,100 48,481 46,805 59,699 53,736 14,585 12,510 1,713,958 1,233,039 1,233,039 490,018 HEAVY BANK ROBBERY. WOIRCESTEIt, Mass., Oct. 10.—The First National Bank at Craften, In this county, was robbed kist night, by n gang of burglars, of large amount of treasure and valuables. Includ ing over $lOO,OOO in Government bonds. The whole amount taken is -estimated at from $lOO,OOO to $300,000. The robbers attacked, gagged, and bound the watchman, snit fasten ed him in the conbroom, threatening din with death Vile made a noise. lie stales tient only five of the gang were in ihe hank, but they told him there were 18 in all. The burglars tore away the bricks in the wail around the safe, and we-re several hours eel work. After securing the treasure,they made a hasty retreat at 4 o'clock this morning. In thvir hurry they dropped quite a number eel gold dollars in the street. They also stole a horse and wagon in the vicinity, which were found he this city this morning, leading to thee supposition that they came here and left on the early train. 'l'h, bank offers n termed 01510,600 for the capture of the thieves and the reeovery of the property. tieorge P. Slocum, (me of the di• rectors, offers on odditionnl 1.1 wird of $5,000. The affair has created mneh excitement in this county. Persoual lion. lievordy Johnson arrived in the Chinn on Saturday. (10titt0(1, the er.1111 , 1 , :( . 1 . . hn. Ilod 1).(1111 to London. Only six nominee:4 lilve the Eng llell mission so far. General Burnside has i.iiven up pneitientio and returned to London. 111 . r. Bessemer has be( n rleclyd president the British Iron and Sleet Institute. A matron of 14 y fige, in maim., is already tired of matrimony and wants a di vorce. Hon. Clarks Stunner :n rived In Phihulel phin last evening., owl i< the fittest of Mr James F. Furness. :Madame Garcia has iirr properly by the wttr in France,, nnd gone 10 appear on the singe again in London. A Western beau is under medical treatment for lead.colic, induced by kissing a young lady of improved complexion. The ex-Hon. Greene Clay Smith, of Ken tucky, has renounced the Congressional errors of his former ways, and become It preacher in the Baptist Church. The Supreme Court Judges arc all in Wash ington for the opening of the Court to.day, except Chief Justice Chase and Justice Nel son, who are detained by illness. Justice Clifford will open the court and act as Presld• ing Judge. A IVOODEN RA I LIMA D A milt mid with rails of woml has recently been built ft um Quebec through the village of Jacques Cartier, about fifteen miles. 'the Qua( c C'ernnide speaks id it as follows : • " 'Hui problem of wooden railways for col onization purposes may now be said to be sol ved, and as a proof ot it, it is necessary to say that we passed over the ,rmul yesterday at a rate of front twenty to thirty miles an hour, a speed which is seldom passed on any of the iron roads in this Province. The ears con veying the part yesterday were simply rudi mentary vehicles, known , { 4 platform car riages, but sufficient evidence Wits given that the line when completed will be as easy and emooth fur Itaveling purposes as upon tile old established iron or steel rails. The road is built upon a 4 ft. R.l inch gage, being the or dinary width of the modern English and American railways. Each rail is 14 feet long, 7 inches in depth, and 14 incheS In width— sawn and prepared at a temporary mill recent lc erected by the contractoion the Ime for the purpose. Each rail tests on several sleepers to which they are liedened by wedges—by a process so simple that the rail when required, can be removed and reversed by ally ordin ary mechanic. 'lle locomotive is from the Rhode Island Iron Works. and is most assur edly a splendid Meet' ”rm eiethieni ingenuity, while it is supposed to weidi ^1 tunQ, loaded, without the tender." 'THE Washington ei.t respond. nt of the New York Times says that Chandler and Cameron have been credited with a part in the resigna tion of `ccretary Cox that they did not take. Ile says that when the Seeretary visited Ohio, in September, he had detertnin d to resign if certain personal matters could be arranged to his satisfaction. The correspondent contin ties "Thus while absent. to . er Iwn weeks ago he.did forward his resignation to the President, stating in it several pri% ate reasons therefore. It should be remembered that he had not seen the President for a month, and the President had never intimated that he would like to have his resignation. It so happened that Senator Chandler had several interviews with the President it the subject, one or two oh which were after the receipt of the resignation,.of which Chandler, at the time, was wholly ignorant. The President does not hesitate to say that the statements which attribute to hint a disapproval of Secre tary Cox's policy, in any resmet, ane wholly devoid of truth." ' TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY l'aris has received the last smilinon. bethre bombardment. The French Government has issued :I stir ring proclamation. The capitulation of Metz is denounced as imperialist treachery. Baznine was• mobbed by woolen after the surrender.- Lyons is proposed ns new headquartivi for Prince Frederick Charles. 'Tiers declines his safe.condnet to Paris. A PrUssian raid on the railrnad Iwtween Rouen and Amiens was deli•nte 1. The trench army of the Loire is bnt rin,nno strong The German States are reported let to nuke King William t h e Emperor of Ger- SEE Hungary is unfriendly lo territu rial increase. Germany will not interfcn• with tin Span isli .)letz will be occupied by tlio Germans to day. The who' number of pi ironer: is now represented to be 17:3,000 including three mar. studs and 6,000 ollleers. One hundred guns were tired in Berlin on Thursday in honor or the event. A despatch to the London Tinge Irmo Ber lin intimates that the French hid rejected the German terms for an armistice, but thinks the fall of Mete will lend them to reconsider their determination. Lard Lyons, British Minister to framer, is preparing to have Tours. The Berlin .Alizage . r says: Germany. re. gaining Metz, has the strongest point im the line of tke Moselles, and she musi keep it. The Correppondence sacs the health of the Emperor Napoleon requires a milder climate, and possibly early next month he may change Wilhelinshohe for Elba. A correspondent of the London 77,,el tele graphs from Versonlett, under . date of the 2.3111 that it he few days yet before the Ger mans will be ready to bombard Park. It has at last been settled by the New York Court of Appeals that it is dangerous for to, al lopathist to call his homeopathic brother a quack. Dr. White, homeopathist, brought a suit against Dr. Carroll, allopathist, for ap plying to hint that offensive epithet, and has gained his suit, the Judge declaring that sines 1844 the two schools had stood on the SIIIE.O footing heroic the law. This ntiwt: be painful to the feeling of the old school. Out of the thousand of nntlve.hurn citizens, who have come to their majority in Massa chusetts, since 1857„only two have been found incompetent to meet the test of the law which limits suffrage, to those who can read the con stitution in English, and write the signature. One of these was a Cape Cod boy, who from his childhood had been constantly at sea, and had thus been deprived or a school education,. The other was a Journeyman painter, horn and living ill lioi:toti, who could read ently 1•11, but is writing could onlc •ign ll' th,se nr, tie fruit , : or requiring rending nittl writityz, us prylintintirius to voting ; wt. can only soy, ;tivt. 11 , More of flown. PRI SM.% Urrpitnietlion 01 the fir.oft I:wires., of U'!: - 150,0110 Prisoner , - 01&1st NO , I, i I= BERLIN, Oct. 9.7.—Tlic t..l..zrupl , to ' 1 tlic Quccn to.tlay, as follows: "'flits morning . Ilazaine and cupitn• 110.000 prisoner=. 20,000 sick utol woutolvil Flu arto and ! zto•ii-on laid down Hick urms this Wil.1111)011. the most important event , of the a ar dance h.• Ihanked.•' EZEM3 op) . the 111•:rrrf/i 01 11,7,r he • •ri Or If 1.1,,1e,•1 Losnos, (let, 27.—[ Sp. cial to the New York World.]—.\ correspondent at ...tend telegraphs ns follows statement lois been received from INlars-ln-lialit to the effect that upon receiving a Mrmill deelarat ott s i gn ed by Engenie that she was unwill'lp4 to ,iLtit it treaty making cession or any ' , relict. I. rritory. or bo be it party to any scheme invnlvin, n pr o h i bb• outbreak or a civil our in I , r:ince. 11:i4aitie exclaimed that lie tv.aild btk.• all nere ,, aiy responsibility himself. This was WediteA day night, and he immediately real a Pal tin mentaire through his lines to Prin.— Fri delo.]: Charles at Pont a l\lous,on. The I'rincc canto up elurith.r the ni•z111 to tho Chateau Ic Freseott, %Otero. this mo rning vaily, the stipulations rrresi.ined for the sur. render or the :truly .Ir and the 11)1.1t1 ['Metz, 'Flo repot adds that Gent rid ‘l,. commandant of .Itetz, entored a written pro test against the surrender, declaring that he was abundantly able to protract tl..e tence into the winter, that the recent ,l, hats the Germans had made it practically hopes:4lde Car than to imperil the possession of I,e place; and that pros isions were in abundance, (Will for the army and the population. Since Oh:. totter 15, the people had received daily rations of 400 2ranunes of Mead ; 200 graillnit•S 1 - or children, and 100 for inrants. 'rhe ()=tend rorrespoil.knt -ay. row the total 1. , s or the army or Prince I.'ll d, rick Charles, From the beginning, or the siege, is estimated ill 15,000 men by h:d tie and ilk- The artny of Pretleriel: c.tc-1 , t,1 on October 20 or thv 1,1, < - 2,1, :hl, 7th, Sth, !Ith :mil 10th Army ”1'1311,1. Nvehr attached tothe Olt Imy inithing a total or 100,000 men. attillcry an,l cavalry included. The surrender ot• litl7.llllll', it is Ailed, has boon made upon the full under-landing with the Prussian government that the uccapallon of Mete anti Strasburg shall be accepted as an ndegnalo basis for withdrawing the Ger• man armies from France, and concluding a peace. 'I he r e publicans here loudly proclaim Ilezaine a traitor, anti that he concerted Ids action with Prince Namtlein, Eugenic, and King William, a n ti that the government at Paris will repudittle any peace prepared or signed by him. In spite of' the rumors about the ,in•render of Metz he French loan has advanced in price all day. Laurier is arranging for the expen. (inure or a large amount of the luau in the purchase a arms at 13irtninghnm. krSINESS N( )T1( E;-: Tu ineeeare, ttntl thicken the growth of the hair, 11:111 , 4 Vegi.table Slcil!un Hair 1, , 1101 . til/./ Wll 10 .0'1.11.1'11. The Blood ()Ives Its roil color lu minute globules nitwit 111 , 01 in (hilt fluid, tinil r I lit , altliy non, a tart, of Iron, ay vitality to Montt. The J i lin nvlan Syrity •optilii • Inn ith thin 111111 give. •tri•natli tii 'I llakar" Salvo. eiY.lO. year- ....eta,— . I.y teio una Iln:krnI;r~:~ - I , I. p• Pov, 8.,. or ...poi.. .11Z•A (T Fon pi LE,, A 3 Ai ovory wht, • " " L 1...-. RA. "rostor't," (liquid) Rod. I•C.o.I.o•n" (pure) r.o thin hr ly pow) ro. Fre aro) W. "lon., for "Co•tar'.." Golly core. 41 - 4" - -S 01.1) every (deer... .42iT•Ark for “On..tar'," Goo) out) jr.r. Oro...eta I.y op pro—. "COSTAR 13 11.,vald N. Y LAW Al.). & MARTIN, SCHMIDT & lolvn .101 IN 111..1CK, ..IreIII, CA:l,l;g,, CORNA. NAIL, &.•.- triumph In the inedival art! Then-ands .4, , •ir 111 gratulation. to 1 . /r. hug for the a-tool-11.4 m of lii Alll,llltOr and Cavallo. , In Oa. sperdy f an,l . t• 111.0 of Count, iluolon., anti nII oo.eo•es the I, no matter how severe or aggraval. , l C:1.1.1/111) . 1••• Ilan of them, great remedial agents Inrlsialy ...toile, the most Illstre.41111.! eooon 11.1 rapidly ell. ei•Saki 1/roggists. lly 111311, 01,11 t Ad/. Ir • DI, .1. & Neo . or, , S p•. s t ,7o. fooffly have boa axing a Witt el or Sowiug machine for oboist See (10) or twelve t 171 year,. It rose nothing fur repairs during thin thou, 1 it be. never beru out of order, although It has Burn touch used. It ills. ulrrn perfect SlllisilkFtioll ill every regpert and tholdlo.s has tut superior In its vvity: I rhesrfully recommend it gs a firt-elt,g owing m.whino. GEtt. I. l'eter•tott Y Carpenter, .kttent+, No. ft: 1.:n.1 Ilainllten xtreet, Allentown, Pa. • Cancers, Tumors and Swellings of all kind: , War muted cured without uslug the kulf;, clrii i 1 , 111 or draw lug blood. See teutlmoulul.: This Is to certify Dint I loot been tronbuva three yeara with a nwelllug or tumor oil tho large of my right hand, which loot brer aiierated ot ..tie time with out any benefit; after which. the tumor commentied to eke rind enliirge very lint. I cannulted Dr. D. tumor r, und went under hi, treatment, by which thi, tumor Walt rrlllo Vett Without agog the knife oi drawtng blood, and Call Sing line hut little Inconvenience while under treatment. I min front nay awn experience reroninconl Dr. Longa Lee'streatment to a.I peraotka ' , offering Troth elituan, motors, ranee:, or nay old or chronic illiono.cs, with the l acea tlint In tnY rase tWitirit I considered no trifle, a very ainful operation having raihol to cute it.) he gave petlect adliaraction unit effected a re Inn very mart 'fill cu ti3l.%;" F. lIDTZ. liotieNtll , /eA, Lehigh ro., Dr. 11. It lore taker's office on the knit side of Sixth street, between Hamilton nod Walnut. fillentowa .1 Rudy and .11 . ind DiFealre.-4Sacli is tipper:la. The stomach and the brain arc too intimately 1.111.11 for the one In suffer without the other, so that dyspepsia and despombotcy are Inseparable. It may ho added, too. that irritation of the stomach is utmost invariably accolopiloiod by irritation of the temper. The ',trig...Una sad tratiquiliZng "Iteration .4 Bitters Is most powerfully 114`Vi•It/11,11 111 CA,4 of ludigestion. The urn eirert of this agrootble lona. is comforting and encouraging. A tothl glow pervades the system, the chronic uueilsiness in the region „f the silo., itch Is lessened, and the nervous restlessto....which acterires the disease It abated. Tbl In,provrmnut in not transieut. :t is not succeeded by the return of the old symptoms with slit...padded force, 11.1 In always the case nomadic:tied stimulants are gives Cr.p the complaint. Encl. dose teems IO impart iwrimment acecs+ion of Invigoration. But Ibis Is trot all. The aperient and antlsbilions properties of if...preparation are scarcely s, .dory to importance to Its tonic virtu., lb litre In ano overflow of bile 1110 seer° hit Is soon brought scatln proper limits, and If the bleary organ Is inert and t. , 11 - .1.1 It is toned and rogniated. The OPer upon the discharging organs is (slimily salutary, and in casss of constipation the cathartic ...ill. In just sullicient to',rodeo° the desired motegradually .d tothout pain.. The Bitters ab.., pr... mote Ili.lllllly evaporation from the surfaco which Is pars' Ocularly desirable at this reason whoa sudden 'polls of cart, unpleasant weather are apt to check the toonral perspiration and produce congestion of the coughs aml colds. brqslibutilgrtt frit iliA(11111$ in bwiily riper, and this Inc great Vs/retold. , Ilestoratis e essentially promotes. t f ORSEIIIEN, ATTENTION: THE FOLLOWING ! Totroily, t.:41 Word, Phibt. J.Oll. li. WELLS—I/H.ln Slit: I twirl' nned Dr. Felix 11. 3lnt,chko'n Pop.lan Lluilama °O at mare of mho., en Well hail A bail t.plint, causing lament.... I lined out , bottle with entiro xnreerx, curlun lire cmnPletrl April 3 , ISOI. JONA. IREDELL. Thi. invaluablo Liniment •1.1 gold by Drnagints and Storekeeper.. Windom's by JAMES O. WELLS, N. E. nor. of fait and spring (Roden Sin.. Philadelphia. For tlo in Allentown by L. scum my In CO East Hamilton SHirer!, Dr, W. E. BARNES St SON, LA *ALL R MAR. TIN and JOHN B. MOSER. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TizAT the underalgned have Doyle application. to the Court of Connors Pleas of Lehigh County to grant a charter of Incorporation to the FAIRVIEW CEMETERY AnhOCIA• TION tcF ALLENTOWN. lobe located In xald noun tr. the ankles and condition,. of which have been 0 led In the Vogl...tory .011 Ice, 1110 uulemv soffirlent reason. by olLown to ho contrary on C on fore October:ost. A. 11, loin, It will ho lawful ror 0.. rt to groat said Charter at the nett term hf Court, George Fry. • J. J. Stela Charles Eckert, 17 , 11d&W R• N. Shinier. , - NOVEMBEt 2, 1870. 0 : 112 "IPEI AVERY • D ObbiaB IWO/ T 4-1 VEGETABLE A Oolor and Dressing that will not Burn the Hait or Injure the Head. It makes llair sort and fine, restoring its natural color without dyeing, by imparting a healthy and vigorous growth. IT 13 ALTOGIIIIH. UNLIKE ANY OTHER. Pl:tr.tflEn WILT or d. II DutIBINS, 426 North Eighth St., Philada. Price $l.OO, large boil les. SOLD EVERYWHERE None genuine without My signature, and I put my name to no goods that are not of surpassing excellence po7fiii;ie UMINI _I,T.L4 L_ES VEGETABLE SICILIAN R_ ENEWER . MESE FINEMEM .‘,l - ill' . 1..11.111; 1 , 1.1.;•••' , 1:\ (: I: I' II \ N •1.”•. N. 11. •1 . 1.0 rl Nv()llps OF \vis , p,(l,)l FUlt Yl/I'NG L - : .., Elyly ',.k. ...•!:1 I rt! .111111:11e Ilia \S'.% I \ 1 .\; ..4•15• II(INVA;1) II) .1'11 , '7 , ill , B. Ind eud rtiro 1i..• I:rtiuti 11.1 I . it 1:11. .....f V. 11111, 11111111 W 111 I. 1.111..11 t.. M .1111i1 I', 01,1 1"... I .u. 11%11.4, Nlllll ,tuLlitry id I, It., ill d .11. 111./W Allll ASIIIIAIII I .N. 1{.1%. P. l'a. Itch 11-11..• FRIZOIIS OF YOUTH for y , ^ r• tnnn Norvon. 11ct...y ;tll.l ;01 tlo. oil. et... 0 youth, ul in li•rrru,~n tt i•;1. ••alt.t t;110. lnc 101m:001y, .4,14 froo I„uli tt tw; ;1 it, tho roviromol tlitvrtion for tiot in t: tho I.y enrod. Suitor,. %VI-king to oxporiont, can tlo Inc .1. ;In; l•tt iot.;•rro , l coolllowo, ./t , IIN It itft DEN, No.SI. Now York. • 1)1 , ..\ FNESS, 111,INDNI , ,SS AND C.l - treati•il the by .1. M. I).,tttul ,kr //i.ve , t,s ”1//i• I:!freintl I:•rr. (big xp , cielll)ll ios Mricer 1,11 , yr. tlp "Pro ..1 "• ) S 6 Arelt ran be t•tt Itt hi , T 11.• MriEvol lir , itivitt,l liiu cowpony 111.•11 . II- ill bin I it ArClit.l;tlcs , - I. N.. rhitrge titat=lly Prolo-sots Ili i istNt3 a. It acs of the American 1 • Univer-ity, lire malting w ondrrfill ruin , . I • of Caw. rs, Tumours tool Clcori liy their _, tom Mitre rit painli:s tri atm( nt, no .1 , , Jaffe, no pl ry. ,to, on constie horning. ti ,iii, The 'mot - 0 ' ' :4 „i,. ,r,,, I CANCERS. of tit i s i • : .. tr..... • ~, It brim ,. 1:1 rates the chemical oloinclits of rancorous E.' , growths, CO that they blirird, dlo tool dis- ippear :Mil trill not return. All thoso lif t iiii tifil 1,1,1 cull on the Profe,ors Ituchatian & thou, lt Vol, I -Ur . . or :obit. -s, No. ;ill Nu , .: , 1,-,-ot. philad:, ', To coNsu 1"11V ES • - - ; ;I, ;I •,1;01•7: 01111 • 11101111 3 I*, w 001..., by a wrytttatalt• nittO , •nilortal twvottal year; ill,:, ..;•, 1•o 11111'4 311,i,•11, V 11.101,11 tfrotal 1 . 1;11- th1111;till11,1'.1,1X1011,1•1111.1;•01,11,1111i111,f,11,,o huthaters eta , ,t) 1•111 . ... To all lot.lo-tro lot At - i 11,...) a voily 11, p)otter.),itta 1•Ial ao), with the Itt, , 'l`: 1) tag lh " " duly." 1 o)Ii a -ira I 1110 1..1 . 1 • ;;I:•111,1•t;11, A. 41111111, 1;11 , 111101i, &r. ho ohly 40111 ot 11.,) atlvorttt, .taolina Prottorii). I. It , hiatrat hot' oallott and spread Info) :nation which lot omit• i vot. Io ht. In V,111:11.14 ; every gill Iry hi- foinotly, at II tvill co, thoin noihing anti r tl' , • hl. )-I.lna .ottiptioa e ill Pitta- , ad.ha•tt , : tie 111 , \\'.11111\ lI,St)N, Wtlliala,bota: King , Co. N. V. THE DoUBLE-OVEN SUNNYSIDE COOK OF' I) moth FLNEEA:.WAIi grittr Maidto thoro l ughly utot t‘vo or, 1111,1 SIN pot loth—, \\wl t‘vo•thlt t tl% ittuul 111 Ilto iIN ••11 'OA ar. -till 111:1 1011 i; arid IS.\111,1:1"-SIIEAF ( . 001:ING STOVE, .I,ly I.'l I .1 l'N I \ , r,at tVE. ii.,11110041 11 yv3r. ku..tvit tl .1 11.. r• SLI\;NYS11)1; IlEATEliti, nninv trvitni off Ow lirm. :11 11,0 .li.ir,hrtid in-ii..l!tr Derltilllo,.. io, although ,utn.•t , .1 In Ow itto r i ll.Lltitio.r. 'lll, 0.0 ,•.1> 110...h0t-air live- Wm,. In Ow Ina:,.. :...1.,1 111., tn.gnli,. 1 , 11111 I'i:oitt.l,..nl sTc.‘.l:T, PETEItsoN •. 1 . 1111,A101:1.1111.1. P.\ 1:‘ , 1 ....I:. I.> O. I:. 11.FI'MAIi, ißiw To CURE CONSUMPTION Pill Lth , ..lPll OP Wt. Sell 311:1111'1 ille -NV 111 peaphe peter learn to It note abut dista -..1 113 ... nod tliw.the the entire he p1at....0t lumpla, of eoltwoolt leach 1111 1.1.3 yet 11..1..11a a, Ito ridicule thellloll, and /11111111.' 1n the cour-e ‘t loch I.llna,t Ittevltobly brings th,m t mom t otaly P. the grove. I.lvinat no 0.01.3 0, 113'0t :It c aapict..3 .111.111, with the l,swr of nature, It tott•t 1... ppareot to all that, hoot, w latar. maitre will r e3 ,a.. Ile,. If. lima . .. ay.. m t' go 1,111N(.. , ..r1 111 111 , • 11-i• • , I vary rich or 1t01m...111,1e rood or ittlaxwatttm .10111 i,.. too artably pay a heavy penttlty 111 the and, '11...,•1010ar1i bacootao tiloordered toil refuses to ac.: 11111 11V1•1 . 1.1114 to pectorm as function, d y+it..m.la and la Imola :a ea 11. 101i0‘v.111111,4411 the ottliering Individn• pet t hon.., to ill.• tiloromthiy exploded Ideas of the pa-t• llr. Or II liNt'l:•ti medicatesale reeointoentled to all: Itch. l'iwy -ore muol cattalo relief avherever then aro 11-0 a to- ,lit atm d, 0.1.1 ttil that Is to.reto.ory to en tal.l,ll ti.... 1011115.1 mm 11nhh every Idling 1111111 or 11 . .11111LD 111111 t• 111101 har 1111 impartial trial 0 . 111,11. Let those tvit • are 01114 55411111. 111111 who hove portnltted ihtarentaol 1...r00.0. to prejudice theta a ga1a...1 t 111,1! re d DOW elebrated 1 ,. I,for Pot,ltotmaoth tiioear thtirpleacho t —, a t doverlool I.y principles of Le reason stud C 011111 1 ,11 1 ,11-1. 11 th.• ' , lam d I. omplored ttllatt it In alim ell,r f tan th . disorder trill be found to the owl 113 ar• To cloans.- and Invigorate the atontach toil to -thoolata liver to 111,111 y aclism, use \ .\I: it 1.1.5.—T10• daily Jarrett..x• lug ilemand for tie -0 1..11, is the Le.l evidence r e their Ta o usgwia upon thousands .1 I.l.kes are cold d: 1)'. Why Supply be erase they 55 , i promptly and 011..1 ly. lor :dol.. a lot may not dual it convenient to call on Dr. Schenck in Person are inferno,' that full and complgit.slitectionn for Ilse orromploty each packago of the Nl'llAiflt I'S' 1.7110N1C Sl' HA p Ul' ND SEA. NVIIIiD e.es lm. contion 11111. , ... the 151110 , are ro famr glte l on n e that wil lb. l .. e patient 14 sum entirely beyond the reach at noalteal roltef. It maystinre not finiliar. with tha virtnes of these area b t rein iedles,t a l•Ilow do ' Dr. SCIIENCIi 'S etfert their woutierluicares of consumption 7' . simple one. They begin their stork of ro.doratlon I , y luau:inn the sin:oat:li t liver awl bowels into au acts"ben !thy condition. It of food hat cores this fors inida 1.1.. .1. I:NCIV • a MAN It HA IV E I'l LLS act u t!... lisee iital ntaiihich, promoting healthy ma:ration, , t o t ag Ow tale and shone have resulted (rein the Iwo torpid condition of the,: organs. and of Ow system generally. Thlssloggl,ll stale of the body. and tia e.is,iloutt arClllllll.ati.lis .4 the unhealthy ',event the prop, digentioil of boat, alai, iiiitorat rim...imam , create. rsioulta In vm..trat ion and IlimllY p death. :AA! E.NCIS ., I . t . ',MON Si' !frt. and SF:AWNED TON• IC, T t ...golurly, mingle with the litod, aid the 1.1.. , d, and as II natant! raroospantre, c.v. flesh nod :Ilea nth to the Vatiout. Let o bat it two-. Ili,s to Iles only (rile Mire for I.olairimici. ha, LiVe.lll beyond the alit .1.5111 , 1. ie at•atols ore cloy :dive and trho '' • ri•g:11 . 111 . 11 t 11111.1.1.., comes. hot stn t 011• 11,1111,1 Its 555 lir. al'llllNliK'S nod were rr.to reel to 11011111,1 health u by their se. One of the 115,5 sis 1141 ql, 1111),i .. .1111 nhauld calm with tl .10 invigorate situ floW fito;c f. ilita d lieolief Cult.iiiiiy not by giVillg stollel sex that enerviite—illeilidnes that Iropak tustead Idimprove the Noeden. or the diarttlvo organs. D o ctor SCHENCK a:r,brluesch•;psr.•the ale tnnrit mid bowels of hidt sire valculated to Irritate or weaken them. They create an appelne—promote hrallittnl dike/. tam—make goad blodd. nod, n. a gonsruttonce. they In• vigorate strengthen Ile , eel lee system, and More es vernally Iliorn• tart , !itch this cannot be thine, then the e.,.• ao is hovel... litho pl.) tlnd , It Lo-,d., •,Id s . m o b,. Fr.l:l, 111, , , 111.• do , d eatalot partnke of good Rout t.b.11/0 Lad end itrel , erlY .11g , I it, It t, itabood. !do Mot 11'. r o ll: illa at.,l ,tichglll, 11 ,1 d ed .di, ta tog a pa twat la 1111, couildlon tttt tit. 1110 Ito, I- but dottod :tut' Ow stout:telt laden Villl 111111 e., A llama Iro• 111,1 rodee,t made to the ph y.debto by nal nuxiptiYd i , :tl tear in 11 1 , 1 1 ay trill pro , ellbe medicines that Ir 111 retoove rtilIt;11. 111011 2,3,111.1 ti Itt3l Chins, the• couch i C r " t ' l ' „ ' 1 " ) ." 11 1 11 " 1•71 ! :1 . nt 2'l'lLitkrint3 I to reheve.t•••ll, and the night ',weal. :tad chilli, aro relaxed thoth , eit , ..tl Mug , . Tho tenoolieserdlttatlly ilteArrlbed do nor' hol to than o.tod• '1114.1 11111111 it 111111:1101114esf it.,! Iterede healtby dlge,tion, and aggraveta ralhur than rola lho Ellett. i , , alter all, t 0111.1,, like feet- will, wbleb to toil. ill' ia,,po.illone.diett, and It I, area tat , that Dr. MAI I C 31.•arly trio lire area ittedlcita, ll, (311311111 e t, 1,101 threotiox • hot o u.a truly been cored of C 311,110,11.1, 11111, 1113111110 1311 111.1 t nietilellltt. 11E3 WWI 3,31tit . 1 . 1111) 11 . 1 V 01 . Montli 1 thus cured Ipoodlly CleatialAg the p.y,tent of ell iadattatie , , the lay tie' foultdation fora ,üb• • elttatol , trlit tore. Il,toriud 1111-31. orgol, to health, they rlttaltt Tlll . 100, In 1,1,1.31 y 1 0 0 quantity 01 111.1.4 1 , not only lurrea,od, but made [lull and 0.10110 and 11l 11.'1,1'0 tif MIVII 0314111 U of Ow tom all di•oe, 1111,1 101 ha • 111111 dlreetodos ttllol of Ow 113M10111 4 , that It it. Dot alliolmoly ve , ory that itatited , ••hotald Dr• 111•11.,, they t b ,Iro to have their long, examined. Foe Md. in ua 1,16 peie •,llal 011100, No. IA Ndrllt :11X111 cOrlittr tor Commerce, I . ldladolidda, 01 01 y o.dd! day. Iseto A. M. mail 11% 31. Advil o liked Moult elo d ge, but u theiattdlt ex. 11111111M1t13 Wlllllll , ll. •pnr.11..... the charge 1.4.1. pd.,. d o . rahoonle )•1 op and VII 'l'ol/i I`loll, :Mier Itttllle, or 17 .11 1 11 hall (loran. 31andritko 2.5 cent 1 a box. 1.0, 1 / 1 . all ~lluccl.t.. • IN FLANNELS! FLANNELS! FLANNELS! 'Fide Department t. filled .tnelfs 111101. PLAIN and FANCY PLAID SIIIIITINO FLANNELS, I'I.AIN nut F.'iNC)."l I 1.1.E1f FLA E aN:a:LS, (NIECnd SOLID COLORS 110:1E-MAI.E• FLANNELS. lIED, AVIIITE. Ylil.LoW and BLUE WOOL and Dwipr FLANNELS. CO FI'ON nod SHAN LIZ FLANNELS, nit eelora, opEff A Ft ANNELS. Fate In-peed.. el ea . entire ...dinned. liespeotfolly, E. S. SIIIMER Z.: C0., ' 7.V. and 7n7 Illnuillton Ft., AllentoWn, Pa. P. 11. Kramer, NVIIIIum Kid.lln MMMM It , ttriucr k ItiCls ENKE lIIMINDE I'// iP/ T//k Hi/ 11 . // :'V / lEEE uvolicinan who adverti,er 13tano5 L , ,-,, , t ,,. rro LET.—A REASONABLE LEASE () I.:( ) 1 ( ; I.: ST FA I b (v . k ky , .A. will he given on the Hanlon Moto Quarry, olluntal lu Plololleld towalltp, Northampton county, Pa., near PIAIcOS 9 St.rkerlown. It consists of number one flot•veln. blue, never-Naito stole, fully equal to tho ivell•known Chap. mut Slate, wit). good tatter power and a full rigging of (;RA .A 7), SI? U IRE AND 111'111GIIT. ' != Vi n L7 l „ l 4lTlfi',',V, l :ll7"'ic r .:.":;c7., d il7,7 them. ~..... ..be.. non npply lo Reuben Koch, Eilnekertown I. tt, !nor 2 WI U. L. SCHREIBER, ProsMent MINIM & Uanflin's Cabinet. Organs, i ii. 42 BURSA L LOTS FOR SALE.-- .t,, Elegant Stork at Overlaycti P Ittoltteriers. I N -I Tho owlet . .. Mood offer for solo 423 now Coma I— ary Into ttninedlatott adjoining the Union Cemetory, on GOULD & FISCHCH , Tenth i'.,`.7'4,iii- ho nob! by ro b 1p I In, and in n In 1 atm tho tv hol e no ml/or 'II o dl ' op ' o c e r od i o ' f theyaill ' loTil i al ' rd i . od by lot In the atom notoner no In the nrgonlratlou of the to Aa‘oclotlon. Phan or phlox of the premlumn can be stenon t ...it . office. my 12 0001) &11.1113 It• TO .1. E. VIII' L No. 923 CHESTNUT STREET, 1018 ARCH STREET, A DEl.rit A ISM Q.Ei'ENTY-FIVE FlusT PRIZE ME- L] DALSAW AR I)ED. 1'111: 11.1 IMMOR It: PIANO ' ‘I‘NrriCTORI I 1,1,1 AM KN ABB & I=l SQC.IR: AND ITRIGHT P N 1..01a ES, 13ALTIMO1 E, '1'1,,.' I 11.-ti notion,. hove been before the public fur t.all>"fltlrly Yvan.. und upon their excellence nlone nt taltied on ollpurcliftsed p 're. ve 111111 re,lv hick pronounce.. them TON combine , . gnat power, ',vet pots, attil altuting as well a. great porit) et Intenatton, and tiweeturra throughout Ow , eule • Their r r()I;(11 i. pliant alai ela-ale, 1.14 ontirely free from the rtithneas go, d in FO 111.111 y 1 N NV oIIKALANS.IIIP sre unequalled, milog tho Inc llm o! , riot, the la ism Capital empi nonehot oyed In. our business en. aiding it to keep continually ail Immense block of loca tive,. hatpi, air Our Square Pim"x bane nor Now Improved liym,rorm; SlOl.ll and tho doralre qv-We would speelal attention T In our late Improve• ‘lO.OlO In 0./4.4 ND PI ANON tool SQUARE GRA EDS, re:N duo. 14, list/, which bring the MHO clearer perfection 0.1 hot yet been attained. Mery Piano Patty Warranted for 5 Team We Lore made arranimineuts for the Sole ll'holoorle •ITP,ow forth.. most Uelehroted PA RLOR ORGANS toO S 1,,0DE0 NS, which, we infer Wholesale nod Retail, at Low..t Factory friers. \V I LLIAM K NABE & CO. \ ES 13E1.1.A Whole•al.. Dep.!. 2•9 & 291 South .Ith Phila., Po QM LIMES• FANCV FURS • Middle of the Block, It, Moen 711, and flit .S: reels, South hide, rnn.A erhent.i. mporter, Ma unladen, end Dealer in ell k In& and quality of FANCY FURS, V.B. r.A LIFO' A I'llll. tar.? Ti',AR. ' , 7= 110 01110'0.4 0 d. ro. , d • vied and Imoved my old ` . . -4 "' and fat orebly pr known FUR EMPORIUM. and harlot, It I ~tried a very Mtge and sVlendid essertm' tut of all rho different kinds of Furs frets first hand. in Enrope. tail have had them med.. up lip the most nkiiltul work• teen, 1 would redtectlelly Invite MY friends of Lehigh and adjacent Cotten°, to Cali nail examine my vary largo and heaetitul h.e,ortmdat lit Fancy Furs, for Ladles and Children. lam determined to tell at as low Itric4,lol Any ther 6yectublo House in tide city, All Fern Wan routed. A. mit.repres. elation to effect sale, •TOIIN PAREIHA, eel 9d. he 716 Arch street, l'hiladelphle. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AU the Nein Styles ot (he Lowest Prieee RI'SSIA.V,V.IBLR, • i(41.4 . A h.ISKA ASTRAICAN = Tosether with s foil IMO of low priced Goods. suitable for the Wholesale Trade. Chlldron's Sets of every de ,wriptlon, and every article guaranteed RN represented. THOMAS M. FItEELAND, to 9I Arch I. PhHa FURS! FURS: I FURS The undersigned respeetfully Invites the attention of his friends, customers, nod the public In general, to the fact that h 11.143:0ven front nix old stand to No. MO Alt Gil Street, end In note ettatly to supply 1111 his friends and patrons u llli LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS, Serif es Rennie end Hodson Bay Sable, Slink, Erllllllo, 1'111110AI:11 and all other (Willi 111)ble Fars. Ake, Mark and white Asdraeall Seel Coats awl Barques ann Metered trout and trimmed with the hest nowerial eand finished is the best Manner, awl in the lutes( and 1110F1 eporoved styli, nod patterns, at prices to null the time, ase find examine ley goods before going else where. All wonts n sweated ns represented, or the looney re funded. fQ—Fern eat eftilly repaired nod altered to the latest HENRY RASKE, 1 , 3111 Audi street, Philadelphle. IJru (.13"cwb5 iv. II A IST E at. ROSS A r e offering ti, • largest and hest •olected line of goods ,her havo ever hail In stuck. Especial attention is c,11.1 Io the new initterus 11A11- 1111111 EDGINGS A NI) INSERTINGS NoTTI lIAM eritTAINS nu I CURTAIN N ET, nt a great bargain. The unusually Ilun lot of HEAL LACE COLLARS. - Th.• c1i010.4 line of LACES. as IMITATION CLUNY, VALENCIA, THREAD, DUCIIE , S, CROCHET, Ste, Is well as all the host TRISISIINIIS for general 110, sty All los Winn: GOODS for lulaut Wear. 'I he best and cheapest FRENCH MUSLINS In the nua• REAL (WI I'l l C L SeE below market rates. 212 NORTI I • TII STREET, PHILADELPHIA. INDusTiev WE TM RIVE A ) Wu ...le glv:eg a areal deal of attention 0 , 01 , 0 I)RESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Aiwa) s entle.tver to keep It new and attractive. The very latest nostit.es of the season. (rout the cheapest ar - ticless to the fittest tekturcs or fabrics. We lour for ready cash only, lu consequence enables its to buy cheap at the bottom prices. Our customers always share in the profits. Who., you make your Fall atol Winter purchase, du not fail to call at the MAMMOTH STORES OF E. S. SHIMER & CO., 7GI and 707 Hamilton St.. Alloulown, EDWIN HALL, NO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET; PHILADELPHIA.' Inc Dec attention to his stuck ut • BLACK SILKS, best tnakea. CoLORED SILKS In all desirable shades. "NAN" 1111511 POPLINS. • CORDED & PLAIN FRENCH POPLINS. SEROES AND SATIN CLOTHS. ~ PLAID POPLINS AND SEEDED. The theyles of Dread Goods constantly receiving mad for sole 01 lowest Priee , A full atoek of morRNING GOODS alwayx on baud. BLACK POPLINS, MOIL{ lUS mid ALPACAS. SHAW LS ! SHAW LS ! ! SHAW LS !! ! In great variety. CLOAK VELVETS, PURE SILKS, Best (lauds Import°t.• SILK PLIit , HES I - SILK PLUSIIES I ! In all desirable shade, WATER-11100E CLOTHS. CLOTIN FOR LADIES WEAK. VELVETEENS OF SILK FINISH • - - CLOTIIS FOR MEN AND BOYS' WEAIt. Table-Linens Napkins, Shootings, Towelings, Skirt ings, Flassels: B lankets, Counterpanes, Plano pud Table Corers, Enihrulderies. Laces, WhittellOods, We deal la good goods, awl will sell ut uch prices as will give satisfaction. The Market and Chestnut Stteet Cars will „ convey you to within 0 (VW door. of the store• EDWIN lIALL, Oct 1:51111 . 26 South Second street, Phibula. THE WONDER OF THE AGE! WONIANS' RIGHTS IN : ASHER ! PRIOR ONLY 'rwo DOLLARS! DELIVERED FREE Active Cum . ...ors minted of either keg for this neigh borhood. Tenon Liberal. Add roan MT 14-IC "C. X. JOVGi. Wilmington. Dol. W . J. EVERETT'S NEW PATENT SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER. No-trap , ender the arme. Perfectly comfortablearm made, and highly beneficial. 50 North 711, Bt. elow Arch, Philadelphia. Truett., Supporter/I. Hlaetio heireet prime lu the city. Lady .tendant. top ly ELECTION .NOTICE.—NOTICE IN HEREBY GIVEN that an election will he held by the lumbers of the MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCRCOMPA- N Y oki LEHIGH COUNTY, on MONDAY, tho CEVENTII lot of NOVEMBER nedit. between the hours of 1 and o'clock In Ow afternoon. at the public house of Antnoden liPtonger, In Routh townehip. Lehigh county Watbert'a Station/, for the election of Thirteen Director,. to +erne Sro the twining leer. By order of the lionid Direrlors AS HARTZELL, Peceldraf. NVtu.orolint Srerth S6SOPER NIONTIE—THE BENT • _ soiling book over published. AGENTS who sell our non? PLAIN HOSE TALI: AND MEDICAL COMMON DENSE, have n, competition. There never wan a book published liked Auody can IL Ever body want• Stony qca to ore now snaking from gkllto y $'Y) per month yelling thls wonderful book, 'a mum Descriptive (Nrcntar stnt tree ppllcation• Wo want good jive Agent, men who ran fully uppremato the merits of (ho work, and the fact thst meets a universal malt. Agents who desire to do good to troll , make money. Address MILLS sk COFFIN. del '2,3-it 112 Broome street, New York. 'ESTABLISHED lii 1810. FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, & W. JONES,- No. 1:12 NoriA Front Hired. Phi/mit/00, Pa D) e Bllko. lAroolen and Fancy Goods of every descrlp• Dow Thelratiperlority of Dyeing Ladles' and Gentlemen, • dartnenta ix w Idely known. Crape and Merino tilutwl• dyed tho most brilliant and plain colors. Crape and Mo. riot, iihnwl• cleansed to look like new. Also, Oentletnen'a Apparel, and Curtains, cleansed or reolyed, Kid Gloves cleansed or dyed to look like now. did -cmi nod look at .tor work before going elsewhere. JYor Sale anti aro .I[l. 4 n ) r it rilt i r l effir i PrLlo F fiC • .l L lol l oin .— anTl i ot l nt ' unt N el luin. on El STNbetween TURNER and CHEW. 111:11 . the City of Allentown. The liou/3 In complete with all the modern convenient:en and In hntolnotnely papered throughout. Th, greninin are lantefully nil out and a re well stocked with trult wren. As the furniture wan bought exoreanly for thin dwelling the subncrlhar would prefer netting It with the hot.e. For further Information, term. or a view of the loot, call on the muhncriher on the prem iron, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 3 F. M. 13. W. HUDSON. North Gth xtreet. above Turco.* IME NOTICE IN H 1E BY GIVEN that aPPliention ham been made to the Court of Com • nom Pleas of Lehigh County to alter and amend the Mit don ef assorlution of the I,YO N CALIhY HOUSE NSCH. ANCE. COMPANY OF LEHIGH COUNTY. A copy of amid ulterntiona and unosidtornm have been tiled in the Prothonotary'n (nce, not If nu aufneleut reamen helthOWl.l to the contrary on or baoro 1111. first day or next term, the cold Court will ultement 0100011 the sold articles 1111 prayed for. lOCIIARD J. KNERIt, Pres't. /MER F. FATZINOEIL NOTICE.—NOTICE IS HEREBY 1 OI V EN . to all persons indebted on the books of the Irate firm of Treater & Bros., dealers in bomber, to make settlement or the same tll Jonas Teenier without farther delay, at the lumber olliee of Willoughby U. Treater, at the corner of Tenth and nonillion streets, and all persons having dolma against said tirm will also please present them—Janus Vex', alone being authorized to make set tlements pertaining to sold 11 rat. JONAS TREX LEH, WILLOUGHBY B. TREX LEH, E. W. THEXLER. I=l3l ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Whereas A. F. NOUNS, or the Borough or Patussu• quit, Lehigh County. end PAULINE, Ills wire, by volun• WY deed of assignment dated August 2d, IS7II, conveyed to the subscriber ull hi , stock, real, personal and mixed , for the benefit of his creditors. Notice Is hereby given to o il per s on s indebted to said parties to make payment to the subserater within six wriiks, and those having claims to Present the saute, duly tinthenticated, within the same Line. 31. 1101 IN, Assignee. (litta•nitqua, August IS7O. AuaelNlSlll S' N et: Notice is hereby given that letters of administration hove been granted to the undersigned in th,• estate of Na than Sclithoyer, lute ol the borough of Croons, Lehigh county, deceased. All persons knowing themselves to be Indebted to multi estute ore requested to ninke Inv meat within six weeks from the dote hereof, turd such Who have any logni claims against the said estate will ' , reseal them well nuthetatented for settlement Within the abovo street• fled thus. • N. 1./.:ON SCII3IOY EIS, =9 JUAN FAREIRA, 71M ARCH ST., A succ: perien five y induce about tl second t the coun all made carefully sound or is made u 1 lowest gral a well estal clothiers, th Clothing, ii goes to mall ment, is ur stock of goo, Our assort and varied th be fitted at one Our prices an teed as low, or lowest elsewhel also a fine assor which will be mac in the best ma prices much lo usually charged made to order. Samples of goon lists for all kinds forwarded by mail when requested, w tions for self-meas garments, either , or sele6ted from o Made Stock, fo ardl press, guarante t, rectly. Persons not res j can when visiting call and have theil gistered on our b o that purpose, from ments can be ordel future time, BENNETT & C Tower Hall, 518 Mark .17alf-way Ithvern Fifth and Sixth PHILAD.ELPHIA. CANDY AND FRUIT. • GEO. \V JENKINS, succ..s. to RUBICAN & S LLERS, Jrantkracettrer . SUGAR, MOLASSESA II EI COCOANUT CANDY, .400 WHOLINALIi 1,11•LHIL In , FRUITS. NUTS , FIRE WORKS , AND CI I. lt ISTM AS GOODS. 161 NORTH THIRD STREET. deo.IS4, :PHILADELPHIA. A K. lIVITTBIAN, NOTARY PUBLIC AND CIVIL ENGINEER T. B. LEISENRING MORA:WE AGENT, FIRE, LIFE, ANO LIVESTOCK WITTMAN & LEISENRING, Real Estate Agents and Scriveners. PARTIES desiring anything In our line will do well to the tot a call. We have upon our books s 11.1 of the MOP desirable proper! ln this city, which will be sold at low OVUM among which are No. 1. A two-stort brick dwelling house, and lot of 35 (round feet front y 230 deep, on 7th street between Chew and Mellon streets. Will be sold cheap. NoA two•story frame dwelling house and lot of ground 2. 10 feet 9 inches front by 1.% feet deep. ou New al., between Allen and Liberty. Price .1201 No. S. Two-story brick dwelling house and lot of ground 18 feet (root by 154 foot deep. on North 11th street. near Tomer. Terms emly No. 7. A two story brick . divelling house 18 feet 10 Indies front, and lot of ground 18 feet 10 Inches front by Is° deep. Lot to flue order, on North lltit sheet. west aide. Cheap. No. 10, Two story brick house, minable for a bakery or grocery. on Linden street, between Ithnod sth. Lot 25 foot (root by LOS deep, Well planted with fruit (reels, grapes, etc, Price 4C3.503, Termscot3r - No. 12, etc, frame dwelling W , M., west side of sheet, oboe° (Warm. Lot 15 by UN feet. .N 0.13, Two-Story frame house with 4 root., tot tr....t side of New drool. • • No. IS, 'rho properly on tho northeast corn, of Oi.and Turner streets. noose three-story, ~ x) by 80, with brick kitchen Winched, well papered throughout, to good order Lot 23 by 110 feet, sultablo for business Louse and 10, Emote &telling, .tottory, :12 by 0) feet, .5 room. and basensect, Lot GO by 21 - feet. Vacant lots of round Minato in the following streets Sixth etreet, corner ofBtla and Allen streets( went Ride of Lehigh Valley gallroml.Nizth Ward, price tr.Ll per, foot, terms early 00 lots on 10th. Chew and don xtreets,upon the most retwomablo lomat le lota on "illithmatt and cudets Lot 134 feet chip nodrog, twitter,. Hamilton Modem. All yen' o i"rtn`,...tr• ILrgal Notices 11EN ItY Admlnlstrattor. tlotbing PLAIN FACTS WORT!! A4DING. rge, weU established and ful business, with an ex e of more than twenty .rs, enable us to offer tents to all who are become purchasers of ~'CJotlrrng- a• no establishment in y. Our garments are if the best materials, :lected; nothing un any way imperfect at all, even in the :s of goods. It is dished fact among It our Ready-Made every thing that • a superior gar iqualled by any in Philadelphia. 'lent is so large it every one can without delay. ialways guaran 'lower, than the . We have -nent of e Piece,-ea DED- Goods in up to order, ner, and at r than are r garments , with price garments, t any time h instruc- ent, and o order eady d ex t r i ere, iila elp 'a, me re ' for i r t a mann
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