`,llcAistcr., rt,Lrenzo ST", yr.:lns.? AT ROI RT EDELL, JR TEEMS, $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE No parer discontinued until all areArnes .are ald, serept at the 0141011 of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly Will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this Wee. Subscribers about removing' will please send us their old &dittos' as well us the new. SPLENDII) 01:EA7' IND C E.VEN •r' 10 U E7' SUB SURII3 POR I'HIS PAPER. Flattered by the large additions to our nubscrir- Lion list during the past year and believing that our list eau he still flit tiler inereaied with eery little labor, we are induced to make the following very liberal offers : ♦ny one sending us the names of two now sub ' sUribers, accompanied by V.OO, will receive the American Agriculturist fur oue year or a photograph album. For Three uew subecrlbers we will send Tm■ Lc- WWI iir.4:ISTER gratis, 'Or 0116 year. Old Nllbileribtri 111 , 011 Petpling tv three new 01.1 , n will be credited with a year's sali.eription. For Four new subscribers we will give the Scien tific Ai - 1101'1M' for' nie year, sulHeription price s3.oo—or Gotley's Lady's llooh. For Sixty new subscribers we will give the sender o:te of Grover tie Baker's ;GO Sewing Machine, For One Hundred subscribers to nit tee tint Post offices, we will give the sender . SSO tacEENITACE4n. ♦ny one tettior op a cla) of Onc flunked Ell, scribers ut ono post-oflice, can lurk thC paper sent to each at 51.75 a year, and will be prc- sented with t;51) llti 4,E:van:sii,4l.ldrti It ia.axpressly understood that every subscriber sent In for these prises must be a new one and not a subscriber to Tull Lentuti Itaeisvan at this date, and that each name !mist he accompanied by the cash to pay one, ye a r subscription. Parties desiring to seen IT these prizes may send la the names as fast as procured, and, if they (hid theanielves unable to rake the required number, they will be compensated by prizes which shall be proportionate In value and aatinfaetory'to them, except In the MICA of the Sewing Machine and last prizes, in regard to which arrangements should be made beforehand. Titi: Catasawitin Bridge has ht. a .otteri .1 to 'the Comity for $16,000. r rms horses of the Good Will, with their handsome harness, make a fine apperanee. LEVI L. BERTRAM hits bCCII stable of the borough of Coplay, Is place of John Nicholas, who refuSed to serve. BEAL EtuATE.—Mrs. Fianna Fics 'has par. chnHed a home and lot on Chew t.treet, between Seventh and Eighth, ofJo,epliii rvs,ly, foe $2,100. W N TED. —By a gentleman and wife, hoard in a private family. Must not be more than two nquarex irolll Sixth and Hamilton streets. Ad dress " l'rivate Board" CII Rex 011iee, *ling real name, location, terms, etc. —.Monday evening the Monthly meet ing of the Union Loan and Bill As-ochntion \ea, held at the ollive of Alderman Mertz, and the loan.; were told at the following premium, :—live ari 4 ll, two at t!lil :mil two at s;:t. REM AcclDENT.—MosEl:liabenold, ia siding near Fogelsville, out %edit a :crime , accident while pruning tree.. Failing to cut his tree he eta the fore part of ma, of his feet, producing a very pain ful wound. SERENA DIL.—A " chizen Thdrohty morning:o,cm( nine o'clock. The tulle sclecte,l Was • Shoo Inc (tOO% !wader ute. — Ilc olitcnc, er.nmkln to:l.k the ,cren.oler, inn. 11AnNity A NIMEWS.—The mau itaincil Nclro ' nmar a hole in hi: , throat the other day. sit I.ll^toll, Stoted to lie the in dividual who i.ervel out A trrin of luiprisontino.t in the Penitentiary for the murder riot replrt llit• lire in the Fowlh Ward riclit,ol ,iinie boy , had Lrru 1 iaylii2; in tin. hncc , 11 . 1;0 111 LI ‘l,l 11112011,,1,-:10 110 . , 11.14 1,1•11 Iy lilt() Ow iz,, , inht•Nl,',l) i 1 11.•• Church a :i111.1;ty wed:. Tlic ded. iotit,tl it 1.. vtity c•NiAtitti.; 1,,t• Slot.t.N.--1 tit the !.;(ith it a hotar an d. bo, u y ht.:,ll2ll,t_t to Norri-town, Nta, ,to!ett. A rt,‘.rl of fifty dol l:it, 01Fr,•41. A th.,lll.elts ,f wetg. , n, :1110, (1,-crilJ, d inadcrrti,r tnru iti,,llother lirsr.Ess f'ff. --The firm of "rroxell S Slue have r. 111., 1 / 4 0;1 Dr. I:etit', to the t.b,rk• lately M.:•. T. \V. K . rand.l., second door I wIONV the AII:PCP . ..II 1101 d. the ,lore ll.ey left will he oceal.letl by Mr. 'Herman Schaal' IS :I,4rovery. 14:1.1610U5.-- . 1 . 11111p1 , 111 . I),V,lns wen. !nip ti-r1 1.11, the Ilethh•lwin by the lit,. Balik,ill..r the Montgatneryvillu rflapti,t ui ch, on Sunday afternoon One pel,oll NV, 11,1,11. rd at th,. I)dyl,town liapti-t Church on lb 31.1NS1ON ItUUSE, (.11UNIZ.—Alter.t tiuns and linpri.venient, iu the li t is of the Val ley are all the rage, nail the Lori=uf •• initie seem determined that they will keel. Pace " :111 .' the tunes. The Manelon nowse i- to he in.i.le 011 V of the largest lintels in the State and is Li) be re titled in :melt n style ai to make it more than ever ipopular Summer resort. 110EsEti.—Thu Good 11'iII 11.,rsos were in Fervice Thursday for the Mist time, and hail opportunity to show their strength. The with Which they eonveyeil their stiuttner to the tire ie netted by the Columbia boy, a. , an excellent tedFoll Why they idottilil have too. IVe hope our citizen. , will net gencroilslY to wards them. OV'tr.—All of lire teas y month g nbuul 11 ;tn .' the fire devirtinelit acre on lewd to iLII commendable The itlarin sra, by tbi nevidental kiudliiig of n Leap „1 ill the vellar under the re-I.lenve or Ell .1. S.te t .er. on Ilitiniltou-Ltruct. The fire he ineaniF of it gartleti and the fire aid not get into service. • I)l.t , Airrunt.: run Tiuir.,T. —Mrs. Ilacll..r left tonn .11011(1ay ceening week f.,r the \Tett neemturanled by her prrfect 10,4 or friend. railed on her during the nftertn,,m and nutny brought with them present= 115 tolivflg Of allil t' , lo, m for her to caw with her. 1)1r -1.4, her many years if ra,nrction with the l'htirelt In thin (lty lidelter haw born ImoDat as one of a s s con, istent har,!-‘verl,ing member-. Alway , fu!,tuu.t h i o w ,h ; ,,ity situ eel nu example of nn-ellisli devothrn to the cause of her :Ma-ter that tnany more dentol,trd tive.('lhri,tlatte profit by. She carrier with her the be-t in lies or till', V(111, llnriuuf 1;111.11V . ,1 her have learned to h oye resreet her. .Icrim, At 5 .. ..10.1 . 1),1.i•Ea.---un bify fgcreif 1,1111,1 NVillie -ant of Do. tfir.l,o•lt-nn of Strotifbilitirg, t :m,l liver the :you It: i !..o tho lower 11,1 'cif the g 1.0,Th boy Ho It nt the hmnc It !t ol: fin -if f.i".111".•ao I bill] thgt ho 1 . . k. I 14.:( nin little 1 . ..E./W, who good rider. lit I I ua !be .1 until the 1101,0 ...;‘,l into :tit fitifl,lnirg, tt lieu, '. Li. 1,"-•,1 tl.e lerign clinrell, he Itifitt,l 1.111 11011111 d illlll Ihrca tin' 111))" °verb'', he.f I. Young .lafiltiouf fell tiff lontfy to the itToftufl :Ind the liffr.g , fill oil top .if Wm with biA LIICCS, ruhturlun !Lia lun,a ftful otlitirwl,e Injuring bluff The pooi . boy wit, taken Ironic nun ,lingered for it fair hums. TowfArtlo the lust he hail no pain toil died (lulu:easily. tie was beloved for hlabrlghtned3 nnil general good ,lualltlee by all who knew Lim. • Ltnitom 011 Ilnwou Co.—The Lehigit Gap Ilridge Company have declared a semi-aunual dividend ofd per cent. payable on and after the 20th Inst., CE the offiea of the Tyeantirer. Lehigh and Susquehanna Ittilrond C'ompany will open the Ne,quelming Branch on Monday next. Workmen are engaged on several points ulnan the main line in laying the second ! track. As the sidings are numerous and of con siderable length the thine required to complete the ! double track will not be long. ' LATn CITANoE Esi THE P. o.—The reason given for the 'removal of R. S. Lelt:curing front his position in the Post (Mee without notice, is that the Post Master wonted to reduce the ex- The Piod. Martyr lee 6 reminding' OM the chief end of Public ()Invert. should be to Serve the pub lic Avon aml not to " fenthri their own nestr." y t\lloty Ilaoltazi.—One of the large win dow, In lir. liontig%; Citrar Store was broken Wed nesday afternoon with it stone ; thrown by n little boy. Thy child did not intend to do any mis chief but this stone throwing is one of the nui sances that are continually resulting In accidents. The breakage of the whitlow Is very annoying to the !Meter and will of course cause him trouble. TIM LAST Oh' I'llE SWITCIIIIACIC.— Tile famous Switehback railroad will shortly be 'lulu bered with the thing.: of the past. The tun nel ii the Nesquehonig Valley Railroad will make an end of lids wOniler of eligineeriniz skill which has made Mauch Chunk and Summit to be Enos in 1111 , 4141mi1l this count r} and Europe. In the stininier or alitunin season what could be more deli;;;10 rut than a trip around the Switch-Niel:. Many thousands of;pcoplc will hear with regret of the demolition of this road which is likely to lake place by 1:371. Curl AY 'AU T. POST OF Front poet to pillar and from pillar to ,ay, the ()id proverb. This may be made good !oral proverb by altering It to "From Cop lay to Laubaeh'S and from Lautmeh's to Coplay." Yesterday we were retiabitt informed that the post wae to be removed back to Coplay to-day. Equally reliable information has reached us that a despatch nag, received. front the Wash ington Post Office Department de'cidiag that the fstst "Dire should remain at. Limbach's. At pres ent the Laublichites have the victory, but wait a little,.the Coplayites haven't done yet. Who can tell how the War mill end? It Evoicr of coal transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week ending April 2, 1570, compared with same time la . bt. year: For Wirek For Yemr Tot al Wyoming 12,077 02 188,067 13 `• 1107100 n 10,382 11 467,303 13 ....... 873 04 1.651 00 " 11vver Meadow 15.293 11 154.896 OS " Mulmnoy 7,416 10 07,745 19 •` Mauch Chunk 447 17 74,941 07 900,112 10 .48,101 00 707,110 on Grand Total Same time ISG9 24,545 02 130,200 01 Inc it qqc DeciL t-e "Turn STIAWSTS. " —Three of the Easton students, in all attempt to distinguish themselves; have been in some clanger of er-tingulshing them selves altogether. They wanted to go to Trenton, and went up the Eddy Wednesday morning and got on a floating raft. They were warned of their danger, but they stuck tin nod went Along quite satisfactorily until they Caine to the railroad Midge, when the raft struck a pier, and the "hardy InalineN" were eonsiderably flustered by its breaking Into several pieces. They all huddled together on one piece, and the last seen or theirn 'thry were going down stream, Om most forlorn looking "water fowl" that haft lately been seen in the nviLthorbood. CorNTritprATING Five: CENT PIECE9.—A :nail mused Lewis I has been arrested, for manufacturing - leaden flee cant pieces, lb Easton. An itilopteil son of his vient into the drug store of Dr. I,e and wattled to boy a knife, offering three lead coins , imitations of five cent pieces. The edges w re not filed down and they were instant ly detected, and the boy being asked where he got ibetn. declared his father gave them to hint. The la,u,e of Holier bring searcha, ten others were found, and, on his being arre,ted he at once de , tiered that he had only made a few for fun mould of his owl inanaractlire, and had never intended to pass them. The hoy had stolen them from his trunk And hail stolen things before. Ile was detained in ellatotly. .1 IN 11000.—A letter from . lionie says ‘• There was a wedding on Slirove Tiwsilay, at the .American Chapel, extra the tirnt Protestant atliar in Home for many ; the gentle:nail, Mr. Denby. United States navy ; the lady, Miss Laura Hooper, it Phi. Iddelphian, well known in New York fashionable 1.•ly. .k irreat many English :toil Amerieani, v , pre,ent ; scale.ly 1 . 10 . 11°41y else. The bride given :;way by Mr. Theodore Bronson, of New York. Mr, Denby looked handsomely, wits beautifully dressed, and was supported, through the trying ceremony, by Messrs. Ihridg man, United States navy ; Harry Russel and ,iames liiirzviles, of New York ; the holy assistant beim.: Miss 11; yl and the two Misscii of Philadelphia. 't it F.:. the strikingly ' 6 V/right:ll" of the Dem , cref. in the con,e of oking over rxelnolge," cow- , acrn,, :tnything lie col:Alder,: very high viry funny, he inalit, a note of it, that is ii, elite it nut and +t ores it toray fir future Thu, lie puldi,le.,l the following in editioti Emmen, is in his glory at the head of 110,7.)- 11,1kilr ut $l2 a week. Poor fellow, everytime La think, or it his heart doles up sind slows' like h elwrinlasher. Sesiention,a unutterable joy caper over it like rating goats On a stable. roof. and thrill through it like Spaniels-needles through a istir of tow-linen trowsers. :I goalie wish delight in a mud-puddle. so swims the scionad Johnny Bull Ina Sell a glory. Visions or ecstatic rat•ture thicker than the Isaira On a black ing and brighter than the hue,' of a hum ming pinks's , . visit him in 1114 shindies,. Ile whirls around in hie editorial impottantse like a bumble-bee under a tumbler. Since the jinkle of 'M in pisanies comes to him every Saturday night he feels; as if lie could lift Itheseff up by Ids lisea•stratin into the •cupola on the Allen House. Ile smen for his sal — like a pointer for a. blac bottle tiv. Ili forgesthat he in Entmens—tho lock-up • rooster. I low much the above resembles the following extract from a love-latter written by Joi.ws F.o,tat wwwa, M thinohject of his affections, and published a couple of year, ago:— " try hte.w—Every time I think of vou my heel'', dor, tip and clown ilke a churnoilan - her. Scow -1 ions pr unutterable joy caper over It like young goats over a .table roof, and thrill through it like Sp:wish need lea through a lair of tow-linen trowsern. An a gonlin ewisnmeth with Might in touil-pushile, no ewiw I ins sea of tzlory. Vis— ion, or ecstatic rapture thicker than the hair on blacking lien-h, and brighter titan the hues on a 111111111011 u bird's piniunn, visit mein my slumhers ; and borne on their Invisible wingn, your image stands before me, and I reach out to grasp it like . . old pointer snamiltuf at a blue-bOttle When I iir,t beltchl your augolte perfections I wa, whirled nronail lilac n bunthle bee In a gime txtmhhn . . * * * I ia.metim, feel os if 1 could lift ineFelf by my twat :Arai, to the top of a elimeli To sroliTiNo NEN.—Tnorrimi z-r.ienx. Th, nitwit,: of the , Ea-ton Driving Park Asimo.. ei.ttion hare at ranted the following Plo!rjalfillle for the spring meeting In Jimmie: No. 1.—5150. For horses on nett in Warren, I inningion, Northampton :old Lehigh eottuties,tio d a y, previous to the meeting. $lOO to first, $:10 to second and $2O to third. No. !!.—slso. For hurse, that have never ; 5;5 to first horse, $5O to second and run toad with the flood The train, when within itetMty mitten of Mauch Chunk :gallon, 'Poling rapidly on the down . vroill . the loCionotiVe Wilek an enormous log, twenty feet long by two feet in diameter, the cow-catcher and turning it under the forward trucks of the engine, throwing them nit the tracks nod destroying a telegraph rle in the vicinity Thin immemdt log was turned lengthwise of th. No. 5•-3::50. For boric, that have n e v er beaten trawl: by the concussion, coming in Slalo to lied horse, iIUO Rt second and Z5O • Ns', with the linwzaggiaingros•entri:i to third. In:: nu rxeaVation of several feet in No. it.--350. ltuttolog dash, ; 4' 5 to earth and roe); alongside of the tract lint horse, a' ' nxr discovered the log when wititl: 7.—s-1511. Forlon,es that have never beat., it, on rounding a curve, .and blew th :Nod to first home, 11 . 00 to second and let . ti down hyakos. lirakelilati and von to third. dutdor stash to the brakes Aurlog the ups and No. 5.-2ltel. I:tinning . race, 2 to 3; eV', to down:, of the train. The engineer these, eea much S'ls to third. No. For her. , es that have never beaten ;t:1) iniantes ; 5175 to first horse, $75 to errand and , Sso to third. No. 4.—5:100. For horses that have never beaten 2:47 ; 1175 to first horro r $75 to second and 350 to (lord. t linr'r, SXS to setstiol. , for sticking, to his engine, having reversed No. 0. , --$l5O. Fur dvitthie teams ; $lOO to it, thereby saving the whole train from being l i £5O to Fveond. thrown down a bank Wily feet high, Otto tint No. 10.—$100. For paviug ; $6O to first horse, ' flooded 'river below. Miss Dickinson remained SXS to second and $lO to third. seated, as cool as a veteran of the old Sixth corps No: 11.—M°. For hones that have never I under lire, while other Oldies se.tee restrained from beaten th2S; $:175 to lied horee, $l5O to second leaping out of the train to certain death by one of and 475 to third. the tonic passengers. The train was detained two No. ,1,1,-...-tS(10. Open to all ; t:+00 to MIA boron, hours, and another engine attached to the tyttln ut 4200 to .e.econd and $lOO to third. 311auch .Aprif OM. ' THE LEHIGH REGI Steam Brewed Ale end Porter is the best In the State. • PROFESSIONAL.—In another column appears the card of Drs. ltdmig, announcing the formation of a copartnership botsreen Dr. John Romig awl his two 60115. A Goon CHANtt.—We have a very pretty assortment of pocket knives, of English and Alllerle:111 Manufacture, from twenty live cents to two dollars and a half, which ale being sold a t gold prices. tint hest of Italian violin strings, violins, guitars, flutes, etc., or any other article belonging to musical luntrumente, can. be bought cheaper than anywhere else, at C. F. Ilerruinu'a Music Store, Allentown, Pa.—Ado. PARLOR 0110AN11.—A /Jingle reed 5 netnee organ ut $9O. A double reed organ with 5 etops, nt $l3O. A powerful organ with 7 ttops ut $lBO, nt C. F. Ilerrrnaun'e, corner of 7th and WM nut.—ddr. ALLENTOWN has an extensive china ald glassware establishment where as great a variety and as low prices can be found as in the larger cities. We refer to the new itore of Richard Walker, No. 40 West Ihunllton street.—Ads. A. CORRESPONDENT Step OR Friday iveriing a colt was foaled on the farm of Jonas Mauer, in Lyon Valley, which had feet like a steer. This "strange freak Of nature" seas killed on Saturday morning, as the owner did not consider it :nlvan tneons to agriculture to raise such stock. UDEAT LAND SALEn.—The Land Depart ment of the Union Pacific, 011 'Marh :U. sold four thousand acres of land in Nebraska, wc,4 of Columbus, for a Fool total of #1.1260. The sole of these railway lands di rapidly increasing and the Platte Valley will 1.01111 be thickly settled with industrious kuslcucluten. -num, OF STEAMMN.—We nubbin:land dint there are to be there In Allent cn‘'n ill .a shunt to test the relative capabilities of the rotary and piston machines. The boys are determined to hove the best kind of machine that 0:01 he had and the citizens of Allentown will have the satis faction of seeing what caul be tomomplished by the crack engine makers. IT is rumored that a steam fire engine, which INtS bel`lll,llCeeSSIUl iu healing all the rite:liners With which she has come In Mlllreillloll, In to nr: rive in Allentown In a few days to tent her capac ity with our steamers. If. after a trial, she Is Tictorious, she may well claim the championship. We can't vouch for the truth of the statement— we give it as we heard It. FitcmitireK INfiirrruTc. Frederick, :il sot• gomery Co., Pa., lion passed under entirely new management. Rec. Louis A. Buehler, A. M., formerly Principal of a Seminary in New York, Lan taken charge of it and will open the Spring term, Wednenday, April 1311,. Mr. Bachler in a graduate In the regular course,'of both IL first clans College and a Theological Seminary, and in every nosy worthy •f the patronage and entire confidence of the public. FATAL ACCIDENT AT NRW BEEDSVILLE. IN NORTIIAND . TON COUNTY.—A terrible accident hap pened to Mr. Sam'l Graver of New Brunswick,week before last, which terminated fatally about four hours after its occurrence. Mr. G ray.tr wan n farmer and was driving the horses attached to n thrashing machine. Ile stood upon the "horse power" which was not protected with the usual platform over the wheels or gearing, and, reaching forward to make a cut at one of the horses bin foot slipped and his leg went do;n a moor, the machinery catching in, the large driving wheel. The horses were stopped almost immediately but not before the limb was smashed and mangled mont horribly. HA:CA oN TIIIL Herald has a Teutimle friend who 0115 descants upon the weather of the pest month:—" Dose bin oful yet hers dot we hull do, days. Dot Warne gouuty Is tone dimes no so better as der old gentry. Here dos shnow rains all der dimes down, nut dos lee freeze up on dot zldevalks, sn Cell I rail: I must stand so steel like aborytlngs, or In• erashus ! mine heels goes qucelt sere mine hed sac, and dose no, mocks dot zidcrnik bleed all .ofur ! nod sfi vein I goes out I intl . to slitay all der times tint mine house. dint dot so I 0, dose vethers bin orful. A, needle of all surds one after de under at der zame aline ! Dose Amerippt lz a great liceplcs lu Vsyne gounty. Yaw, py entshus." Ph:ARIA—GULP OF CALWORNIA.—Tp, cases mole return, for 1869 received by !act mail from City 14 Mexico, show, Shell for the past year ou the. (full Coast of the C oo . mgt. Benjamin Eherharth territory granted to the " Lower California Com- ,„, oath „ r puny" amounted t.' the large ram of ;78,1:00. nit. Franhlin I lartweg. Charge, bigamy TM, of emu,e, ie the valuation -of the Pearl, The following were ignored t given by the divers is (muse- I•nm. mgt. Charles Ilehmer quietly very much lichen the n en‘al value o f 0,, oath or J. W. Ileberlinz. catch. Com. :igt. Wm. Smith. A Pearl is sold frequently for :dill, which resold or John at. Panama at $9OO, brings $l,OOO in Park ; and in Charters of Ineorporation were granted to TN many ca,cs moils greater profits • on very flee gem , . Not over one- h alf the r the Government, and the yield of Ow. may be safely estimated at CIOO,OOO lu grrld - - Continued. !thntoity oth At cults.—Miis Logan in her t. , ,a. agt. charge, rect , iring . am watt h• Before the footlightl li,1111b!elolru ,,ti t a Moses L. I:loll:auk. EI II Seettee," says : ignored by the Growl Jury. By dint of practice, the memory of ocuirs Ito- cons. agt. wilitain Baitimimitew. contra remarkable for its quieknoss. •lihz liquor without license. True bill 10utul. Not to have " good study," as it is teehnivally se ' ' 1u 1 ucr , , , ":"" ,,, c t . " .. "„`"i • t - Charge, called, would be an almost fatal drawback to the ( ' oat s ri g l.. " "• s-nco.'" :,, "'". " — r aarge.' , a'a , ‘ , lll assesses, of a Isibtrlonic aspirant, and such cases ore and batten', on oath of I wury "any. ;vowel • • , nal guilty. Costs to be paid one-third by prose rare. - Even a poor memory becomes wouslssrfully to ,. valor :obi t'w'o-thirds by defendant. Cson. agt• John I/towline. Charge, 111,011, till proved Icy the practice of Inemorizing stage posts, while the exploits of route:tette'. WllliSeillelllol . le6 6"l' °I. l'eri Wecl3: ' Bill Ignored. Com. ngt. Levi Snyder. Charge, malicious 111114 s have . bren naturally good, and which (save been strengthened by practice, me;ilun„dt I ,y,,„„) mischief. True 1,111 found. Colonio:lyre:oth agt. John Kern. Charge, the reaeli of credibility. . Ones actor, 1 remember, not a ,very hag time 'meetly. Verdict not guilty. Ago, while In London, sits, a play presented nt one _Com. mgt. Levi Snyder. Charge, soilingliquor on he th,,,,,,; acid „ tort ", to his room ~,t. ,on Sunday, on oath of Reuben Rehm. Bill nn and aides/ by memory Mona,sends! it all et. Chstrge. s-ellssig : down, word for word, from beginning tumid, three , noted and county to pay the costs. ! Coin. agt. lioraee lialli liquor on Sunday, on 0.101 of Palmist llsssigsa, lenthy and complicated nets, with long and diver 11111,igassred and county pay Ilse costs. sided parts for us many as a dozen persons, run- Mug through the piers. ~ Com. ugt. Atom Quinn. Charge, assault and ! battery, on oath of Bridget Quinn. 13111 Ignored. Ills copy was brought to New York and played. Shaff So completely identical wash with the author's Com. aft. Absalom 11111 ignored.er. Cliarge, selling manuscript; that It WAS Of COUrtill supposed that • liquor without lit•ensc. Com. sigt. Wm. Hecker. Charge, selling lot he Lail obtained a written copy from some person i . who was not authrwir.ed to sell it. When Ise took trey polices, 011 oath of John Probst. Bill ig• oath that he hat written it out from memory, scrod. . . . Com. :W. donathati Essama. Charge, misc . :: many unitiated people Were Inclined to doubt the ziement, on Instil of C. F. )I:sr:goner. hill ig- Mltetereeet 1 cultl any otter or mi•tress could easily noted and prosecutor to hilly the litiStS. testify to Its entire credibility. Com. agt. Levi Snyder. l'harge, malicious Most actors Soil that writing out a part greatly : mischief. Bench warrant awarded against de press the acquisition of It. Slow writers hl,- mischief. press the words more on their memory than rsqsld Com. agt. Levi Snyder. Charge, same. Con 011e3, and it is said lila( veil sandy' mere perfectly i finned tu "ex' 'c'h.)ll'. from an 11l written copy than a good instnuscript, 1 Charles Roasts stgt. 'flits Allentown Iron Uti. as the pains takes to ascertain the santeures ins- ' • : Suit was brought to recover back pay.due Idol, press them Indelibly on the Illeletiry. . like C0111)1illly laving withheld lo per (Tel. of his ! ...„,,,., In aessordanee with the rules of this Com pa ATUDENT ON TIIE, LEIII6II V.%1.1.EY HAIL ivtAiI—NAHROW ESCAPE Or ANNA DICKIN. , ON AN n Stivr.vrr-FICT. l'AssetittltllA.—Altont seventy nye passengers; Including MisA Dick'won, who had lectured the evening: previous at Wilke,harre, took the quarter-past eight morning train on Sat urday, for Philittlelphia, the rain pouring . down lit torrents, :tint tvitli the snots - r..t diFarp.ring twin the Mountains, eausing the Lehigh River to TER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13 18 Flan IN EasTos.-A large, fire was rag tug In Easton nt the same limo the names were destroying the Allen Tannery in our own neigh borhood. A report has been circulated that a wo man and child perished in the llnmes but our dis patch mentions nothing of the kind. FRED DOUOLASS FREI) 'DOUOLASS !—On the third page of ,DA ILI' CIiimNICI.P. VU will Bluntly commence and continue till completed, t llie of Fred Douglass written b)• himself. The narrative, without bring long, Is tqdrited and gives a graphic account of his remarkable career up to the time when he lectured in Europe lu the year CloNr. To THE horse ur IlEruoE.—ldttle Annie Wenner, the imbecile child who made liev vral :maims to tire the house of Mr. Kramer, on Walnut sired, was last Wednesday removed to the !louse of Refuge, in Philadelphia. The scene at her leaving War it 11110,4 ntrerLing One. Stir told every one she was, going to "boarding sehool" and was in great distress at parting with MrN. Kramer, to whom stir la much attached. There is little or no doubt but that all the attempts to fire the dwelling were made by her mud yet there le 110 possible reason for her conduct beyond the desire to Imitate, so noticeable In feeble-minded people. or course her perfect irresponsibility and the absence of any evil motive in her conduct cause the family she has sa loai4 . lined with to re gard her with pity and tenderness and, their part ing with her yetderday, was under the conviction that FM* it confer Wits for tier good. We hope that as her physleal faculties develop, her men tal qualifications may.become strengthened suf ficiently to make it safe for her to be at large again and that Antde Weimer May return filitn that admirable institution In a condition to tualie her perfectly re.ponsilile. Clot: ritocEEDllics.- 1 - . P OII lion Of the !ltockhol . lers of the McDowell Slate Company, the name of Ntid corporation Iva, changed to " Girard Slate Company." Com. ngt. W. W. Follweiler. Charge, F. I It., on oath of Eletnina Engler. True hill found. Coin. nt. John Haggerty. Santo charge. Continued. Com. agt• A. R. Ride]. .!aule charge. Con tinued. Coin. ogt. Phnou Wenner. Charged, nssault and battery, o■ Ott or Willoughby Gehringer. Nolte proFevt; cuter e I by' ledve of the Court on payment of costs. Cot. ogt. Michael Trump. Charge, desertion, on until of Mary A. Trump. The Court sentenced defendant to pay the costs and the sum of 1.1.00 per week for the• period of one year, unless he should agree to live with her. John Nicholas having been elected constable of the borough or C"piny, infusing to serve, the Court appoltrted Levi L. Bertram, to serve iu his stead. Con, a:t. Franck 0. Haines. Charge, r.ipe, on oath of Thereaa Young. Bill igtiored Icy the Grand Jury. Coln. agt. Jacob Datterer. Charge, larceny. Defendant entered the plea of guilty and A, at. Fell tenced to pay a line of one dullarand cots, re,toro the property, &c., and undergo an imprkmasent, in the county jail ru'r the term of two year,. Com. agt. Same. Charge, larceny on oath of Sanford Stephen. Defendant pleading guilty in this case also was sentenced an additional mouth's Imprisonment In the county jail. Cont. ngt. Same. Another charge of larceny on oath of Solomon Stephen. flaying plead guilty to this charge also, another mouth's imprisonment woe added to the sentences already given. Cum. ngt. Charles lireholl. Charge, nEeault and battery, on onth of Hoary Raub. True bin found. • Coto. ugt. Edward Eugleman et o/. Charge ,nrety of the peace, on oath of Rupert Dethart Defendant t.eutenecil to pay the costs of protecu Lion. Cow. Crader. Same Linage on oath or Stephen 4ettitty. Defendant found but guilty, and the rro,CelltOr ,enteuced to pay the costs. Coln. agt. Andrew Dougherty. Same charge on oath of Nicholas Smitlt. Defendant sentenced to pay the Coal, and toter Into bomb fur good be haviour. —The (Antedate Com. mgt. Lewis C. Doll. Charge, larceny on oath of Augustus M. ltortz. True Bill foam!. The ease of Coin. out. Uuviii W. W. welter was called, awl the greater portion of the forenoon WIIA consumed by the trial. Verdict, guilty. Sentenced to pay the cost!, S•IG for lying-in ex penses, one dollar per work until the child arrives at the :Igo of resell years. Coln. agt. Solomon noel,. Charge, dr;.eition Now on trial. The GrAnd Jury returneJ True Bill, in the tot MEE Lyon Valley Ifor,c Insurance Company of _ow Lill ;Ind Fairvielv Cemetery Associatku of Ghat Couunou c:Lltli , m em,mger Chargo, F. AZ 14.. oil oath of Jolt:tuna Trout, ny, lu Ito nth' at the end of the year, het having been discharged for mniscotoluel before the tad of the ye:tr. In the hands of the jury. Case of Cita,. ltboaty ugh. Alientown Iron %ea pany, reported us 11AVIllg gone to .Tary. Verdict, liNotion for new tohl eat, el by counsel for defendant. F. Oppenheimer ngt. Iteithen . Stoit Aupe.il ' Application= for llcetates lit a rtl last eve::ing after 7 o'cloelt. A reinonstrance against t;rantlieZ v. :Is 1,1 . f , e1111.11 to t It corn . PROCI:EI/INGS.—AII the Jitilttus on In the matter of the applicatinn or the Dihtelet hanit to the tc,t‘',.r of I:rftrsr, thl. ee,lll The t. ‘,I gly.trrlialimbill a the• in:thav,,, ,4" tlu• ihku , of itvrw:e. The proc e eded tt, hear rriu:,iuiue Noun for All of Nlonittty morning \V;I: , tioellined 111,11111os Jury and di-posing of license b u siness. There were 312 applications for livense, 203 of which w ere granted. The Omit adjourned at 11:20. In the afternoon, the tirst ease called was that of Joseph Newhard agt. Levi Krauss. This was a Feigned issue under the Siterill's Interpleaden. Edwin Albright for plalytlif, IT. Cowden fur deferin-nt. •, larceny on harlch Ilel,ner. Char Charge. la r- Clinn;e. Inievtty Charue, larceny on 1= VIUILANT F 1 COMPAS Y.—The Committee of the Vigilant Steam Fire Company have taken advantage of the excitement occasioned by ye,ter day's lire and have raised some $5OO on their as sessment. HAT • NIGGEIL—Last week a man was; discovered running up Hamilton street with_ a negro under his arm, the one used for n sign at the tobacco store of C. First Ward. Mr. Knauss was about, .rettintr.ollt a Warrant I'.r the arrest of the purloiner, hut fortunately fur the lustier Ilk cOMiage failed him and hr left the 'maize at the drug sinus of Lawall where it was round. FA LSE :ALAI I.—At about nine o'clock on Saturday evening, a false alarm of lire caused . a general turnout of the lire department, and the rate at which the Good Will went down Hamilton street, coneitlerahly astonished our citizens. Ntitif APPLICATIONS von lariNil•: HE rrsi:D.—Allentown, 1 . 1,113,1 Clo,ky, John \Vooil, John A. Thomas, Jacob T.:kiwi, Cornelius Hanlon, John 11. Harkins, Ma thias Decker, Andrei% Schaffer ; Cata.sauqua, Au gustus Rie•hter ; Slatington, Peter ltrelloge', Jas. R. P. Schelllly ; Loiter Nlaellogle, Reuben Rehm, Carolina ; North Whitehall, Edward Rogers Win. Leh ;Simeon, Win. Reinhard, Patrick Dolan, Wholesale license; Coplay, George McLaughlin. ItEAD 'lllll FILED I)ot',O..ks, to be po!,11,1,1 it 'l • ur. ( . 1110IN lollllslelleillg an 11,thlay TIIF. DAtt,y a daily cventitg paper containing cash day the later.t telegraphic hew by the A r.acicltl•tl i n tl lICW or hit original vilirlr> on popular tpics, it II) cent. per wee!: delivered I , y carrier. Two vkllts purt..py MIM=IIBE=O 'Cur I)l.mocit.k . r.- At, :t bincli:gtiar•li,t tilt ciit“i• or the hi- mvii !Ult..' lii IN% or thrrc issue . : he Lai cx- Imu-trd all hi, epithet,,l ilitiigttiler Unt re.4pretalile for his ti.e. As the Ifrom,refit i< the hereabouts, we are viol to lirla the t :11l ,aeration taldir.; place that will prol , ailly relW.or it inor , lit for general reading. So long as the nuttier In Copied the readers of that paper may he sure M nig:m . 4y and more slit than has hitherto ehatiart,rizeil the it, chief Mum,. Fut.:). I hit•GbAss . 1.1....Tritt:.--Tlle audience assembled at the Court lloti-e last Friday evening was so large :111,1 composed of till anal evident ettlture and intelligence. that it vvould have been an honor for any leetuter to address. t11(.111. 'lli, large munher of tieloq , sold for reserved seats and the admirable ar rangements made for seating the audience. caused it to lie fully eight o'clock before they S(111.1.11. It WI rt 1(1W 1101111112 S 11(1)(1 eight NVII011111(` (1111'( . 1' I1C . :41111 1.(1 ,1)1()Ii: ()II the )(1111 . 11T1 .(111 . l:O111111)-its Nationality and for fully two hours br 11,IS ii-11(111 . (1 141 With 1111( meal prof o und attention. Ili, lecture was a 1111prejudie,..l, :111.1 VII•XV Or Ille :111(i I•N`111(5 . 11 a -pirit of national i11'1111( and manly independence thought without any alloy of uncharitableness or any display of those hitter feelings that might very nat urally he supposed to have been engendered by the cruelty, oppression and wrong,to which his race Intve been kathjected. Ile spoke of our present condition as a Nation, of our pos sibilities, and, in view of our advantages, of Iv hat we ought to be. normal condition of man, he declared to be freedom and with the eloquent earnestness of a freedman, who, having tilt all the tlegratlatimt of slavery, has liven loosed from its shackles, lie spoke for the utmost extemion offreedont and for the break- I lug (101v11 of the harriers w h ich prejudice and pries have ever been placing in the way of those who (vo 01,1 rise from ignorance to itnowl. edge. Iron ilarlmess to light, and troll the depths of despairing slavery to the heights of physical and iiitclicclunl Iris dom. The negro had Iron held in shivery. a tvorldiiiiii without wages. for the benefit 11l WE southern 1/1 . 1411- ! y e n. When the war Begs n, the North and tile South both hail turret that sidivory should contintiti, hilt, ere it ended. the had ills . covered how untvorthy and loot . warm% uats the policy dint named this asylum for all the oppressed a while rwit,tey, :mil they called upon the negro to rise lorthe protection oi tile • Mara and stripes. 1:laci: itrizades arose ltvo hundred strong'. Tlicy did not, — ' i ll the speaker, put the doocu, but titey helped you to pill it down." and in doing su, they earned the right to he come Amer ican citizen , hates South, ' in its lain struggle had llllerell fre1 . 1111)11 to the slave and 111(• war, lV1)1( . 1111:111111 - Z1111 in the lull( Ili/1(1111g SlL:Very, (wiled in declaring' vernal emancipation. lint the negro (1111 ., lt4)11 WaS 11.)1011g1 ( r the que,tiiiii of the hour. ,lola Chinaman %v.:is...lining. and corning in crosvtis. 1 4 . Ii I,ntiret t‘ 1111 hi . - kli,taitt hone. !It• n wi rt. ,rnir rt. lic pm.' or our t . Smithent t:171'11 tllliti !ZVI the to for thous in place ut'r.le Ite L tro autos fp t 11011111 g. they kill 110 the ne..• I,i -I thin! ..f . et it text to 110111111 I .:. Chill:Mt:III is a dill . . rent WM . 1011:111. Iii,111::41:1,1111 11 , 1' fur !dila .1 1"40; l intl With a, an I, as any man under the ,am I,tiom the ne.z.ro, do ImoNvit him for ,oic latritile ,, , inoffensive \Vhenever lie lietztil to \yonder at ::r deplore his condition in this world. it Nva:: only necessary to point: to the words, t• Cursed hr Canaan" and Ii y; as Si- IC/cell yid contented lit look fur happi ness iu the next. Not so John Chinaman: he has a pretty high estimate of his deserts' in both worlds, and svuitt to take those pertain ing to this,' first—bir cause it comes first. Our South( rn brethren Nvoultl change negro slave ry for tooth. slavery—the sau c e old sttal:e with it new skin—hut they^ must learn Nvhat all the world besides already know,. that when a prihciple is abolish: el or ithanilimeil, all the deductions and a:nein:Li:us from it :ire inevit ably ahaiiihiinia with it ; that whrtt slavery went down, all that appertained anti belonged to ,Itivery went tloNvtillifor ever. If. in the future, the iron lintel of oppres sion should grinil doyen into liii• dust any race, the -ante mighty thunder bolts of Ileaven :ire in tii do:vit the "Plu'essor and give l'reeilom to the slave. The spail.yr made a most eloquent appeal in behalf of H11'111111:111. 11111 k% lilt %%Adel' common misfortune engenders—plead for the lied Mau, that he might Ire consiilet its one of (hod's creatures, and not, bv being !apt in emit:Let with only the outer edges t,t our civil ization, Leconte imbued %%lilt all our 'worst vices. alutllinitllv driven from the face of the rafth. Ills scathing exposition of the power and the folly and the wickedness 01 prejt/(liee wits ationur tlie,liest things of his lecture, and the tendency to despise eeerythilly wile I not in conformity with our own tastes an:f 11:11.its (always the selllAlstamlar.l) was sla,wa I Tlllt hi lie on ti eof the tu..l debasing and despicable Prom it to :15 hands lvvre eonetantly employe: tendencies of our fallen nature. A tribute to at the Ta ner Ireland and to Irishmen came front the lips of ny. and will he thrown :tut of employ the frac:bowl Itimglass, with an carne-tress inent. In all probability the work of rebuilding which IteNpoke his hr,,,/,/ «ilmii..ll/..ii for getm- will be eontuteneed Inimallately and by working me worth. goodne-s ;Lod greatness. \V it ay and night in three or four week:: it may be aticuipting any lofty rhetorical flight?, the pliti•tilv resume work. speaker displayed a depth of feeling , and that The Fire I ' lep ' artinent dill their duty well and I deep p. rsonal tutu rind in his subeet. which.' with unflagging zetl until the danger of combined will his remarkable flow of gmtgr ov,kiii t o u p .al hint her spread or the ilatllCS WWI over. tore. !tut ing the afternoon tonithers or people walked To ' , Peak of the callere iir the h cturi , t•--to lows' to me the smoking ruins. tall: of the mental acquirements or lied Douglass, would be sup( rtittom.. _XII the world \ I . l:are requested by .Nlr. 11. flabriel to inth. ktox,, what has d"1"e in Ito liSli the folio:wing which appeared In the Daffy • way of ataittiring information, how he has tie i ramie till the dilltrultil s :it s Ids c ar. nod is to-day the peer of tiny ...t cuirt.'s I/Am.—According to certain remota— . "r tit" — whit" men" who take delight tit at the la-t two meetings of our Select calling atlrutinu to (lair superi"rity—which.o, lo ,ll, (•nlierroinv: ley Mill Dam, erroneous int in most can i< a ocry precaution, NTS:10111,W, !Tread illllollg the citizen Nof Allen- , town, to the elteet that toy Main prejudiced the pow or of the Water Work.. Therefore I deem it proper to make the following facts known. I,t. The ,Etta at the water works has a height' of .1x feet, :111,i is about ,ISOUfeetretnote from the: s 'REWARD.... STOLEN, ON ' ~ vii S a turday. Marsh 11. a brlghl Ha/ AN--- % . Mare. free trim, white. elic•Pliiilir *tar Ili fere.„...kontoi: lived; aboutnine years old cad 14 hand% blab i mane std tau black ; coterie. 3 Into head; I. round bodied. elooooe coated and *loam Iltubc[l; had ou a bridle without tilled* and oliraa*t *altar; tho waddle mud bridle wont iiil• vet' ini011111.1; ab• %rota barneaaad 1a a a•-top. ono•aro•ted re•ifilit. tondo worn, and has lag a leathern bunt. curblook and Cuing or corduroy (eualoino tore); in the frost l wheel a .Tooke swill (rot, the hub• about half Ito length. 1 'rho tlikt woo ,teemed Ina drab overcoat and a brown bolt lout, rollout crowned awl the broil villiell lit the ii,il, Ili, iiiiitiolit 3.lyetirri 01E1, dot 3 trot 9 leap,. klub. fell rlo-t• oil And Toa tool %boulder...l, %retail... about 11, iiiititP. ..• tor randy e olloplexion, Iliad hair mod beard; the hair To cut "ill, r',. dam. ' ratbooo cloooooly. the iniill•lliciiii Ai but of 1 row week,' .arbor very Ileac, and and al..° coneht,ive ' tny"il..,‘.y::', ;;;. , ,..,4 . ". , vari,,r; a t' r. l . ' sn ' t . .l l' ,742 . T.:; ' t i t ) ,., I . r " . - 1 - 1 .. ....;; ' 1 ". - f.i . t.t. 1,--that at the wane work,, the &Janice be - t-..e,.,..r ` y et the Mare. and olc:fo few th e m rroo•t of the thief. I oikrooVlory, 0111 not 1 1!t till . ,11 , i1V1 ,. 11?:lii i i i, till' Wi•VII the XIIIrk, Watel . l.lllll the head water Is folly Upr 10(.1] WIII. PERKY .CO. , Norrh.ton .., p u . Wi:‘tiolll. anti lilt tilt! I,llWrly , 111'10114 lo lift GI l iIS 1111101 ili• Illii loovor eloinie.l [mot:lll4e. Bet Itiolle.e pitsvArt: NAL'', ok Malty link, haw is it that The It cloneconelitiled at a few iliiiiilie , i 1 looter the wiled: at present I' The ImEtver ht. after ten ml , l the stwaker was surroon.lo.l hy . Itecare.e at this Eliiiiiioll the river Is 'swollen, mid I TA.1.1.",k.111.E MINIMI rnorEirry. Loies and gentlemen )111 Sluts? for an introdue. the water below monk !low off fiti.ter than It 1 lion or to Collgralltillte" hilt on his woloollted comes from :thrive, therefore, if there la mach I _ l ' ,, T i.. iiiv i a t i i int4bl;r i tAr,V i ti i i4t . ri.v i n a m :v a l e i .,, ti r, i li.t e Lr y v i a ., 1 , ‘ , ..t . stiveet .• in our city. 'rite arrangements for water apave, the %Milli Illiottitily 111 Ott be below. "t., I c h i t'. Tht• troll cattalo* mead). • Sealing the audience, tic., were admirable, as my water-power Is lea.. than It tier he to (Imago 3'OA CRE:3 , • • have been all the arratweinents connected the property ' fall Y nn(:' • I have taken care to keep MY dim 100, 111 he of 1 all ovr[rcrawn with aplonilid yowur Chcoluut., containing' [ 100 our late lectures in the Court House, I - 1 . , ~ . I .1 . tae ,life ' , hie. Ant for kuVerati >Ler. prop., toy nu luoxhauattblo quantity of which 11:11Ve iii`ell emplueted by the . Haug • factory by it stein engine, a great 'tart of the men.who were, Instrumental in bri nging -..nr. 1 y ea e. Iron "Ore, Kaolin, , . , - Douglass. The thanks of the public are tltw Of everything said above, especially about the I and a harp, vein of MANGANESE. Nobous deGrono of to them and wo troll their enterprise will Ire-height of toy dam, any one can came and stalely 1 viewing iiii.r"PoriY ....Att., TTlarlY, Lunurk , or warded by monetary Inecesa. himself. • - . U. GAImiET., - .p, 111.4,f ' 11. MERKEL. hellebury. , very small toin,l ittaced,Nvho could tail to r. , e 0.'1117, and be affected liv--the otter itbsenc( - 110111 el set reiher% above. NI) . dal,' in 1500 Not or hitter feeling, not with:lauding the wrongs below the dam at the water works and ought or 111. p ,,, ple, 3ill tie Pyr‘ii oetermht"tion t" ~ therefore to hive a fail of about 2 feet. . . . . .... . . .. 'bl. The mil!, neer 113 place have over two feet more pOlVer Ithill the water works. thls shown - - - " "-- - dt our dam - and Ulu had ,zl, , ri‘,ll:. 'rutlire (d. =EWE '4.llllitti.ll. warty REVENtrg NOTlCE.—Assessor Italie gives notice in another advertisement that the lists of annual taxes assessed for 1809, may be examined at his office from 9 A. M. to 31'. M., for ten days from the second of May, and that a court, of appeal will be held on the 17th of May, at his Mike in the City of. Allentown. All ap. peals must be In writing and specify the particular cause, matter or thing respecting, which a decision is request . ed, and state the ground or principle of ineaualitypr error complainad of. CU-DA !CCM:UMW' lir 'DU. DOM° & SONS.— We wish to call the attention of our readers to the card in another part of our columns relative to the co-partnership entered into between Dr. Johu John Romig 'of Allentown and his two sons Dm. Win. 11. and George M. Romig.' The many years of professional practice Dr: John Romig has had In Allentown have made hint so well known throughout the county and neigllborhood that no words of ours are necessary to speak in his praise. His sons have titled themselves for the practice of their profession by devotion to its study and hold certificates of their capability from the best tnediS. eal institutions in the Stoic. May success attend tile new ilrin ;And Hilly it he very long ere Death the physician's foe 'shall cause uu alteration in its SUPPOSED 110IISE TIDE Sllur.-011 6utr nrclay, the '2Gth of March, a young men hired a horse at l'erry Co.'s livery stable, In this bor ough, and not returning with the same they were initi:ilised as listing been stolen, a reward offered fur the recovery of the property, and the nuts himself accurately described. Nothing was heard of either the man or the property until yesterean when wont was received that a person answering the dm.eriptioe of the one hiring the honie at Per. rye had been arrested at Newark, New Jersey, and In end,troving to escape from the officer was shot. The first discharge took effect, but the man did nth stop, when the Mlicor tired again, with fatal result, tts.death ensued soon after. From nn exeha age of photttgraphs . with the detectives ft lb believed that the person IS Henry Ziegler, Jr., of Skippack , this county. Ile had left home owing n good deal of money to Jacob Bergey, of Mifflin town, Pa., trout whom he had purchased horses. It I- silleged that he had a great deal of money with him, obtained probably from Um sole of his ill-gotten property. 11. Ziegler, Sr., believing that the person was his Feu left home for the body, and we soon hear rellabl.: particulars. The Mes,r, Perry pare not heard anyti pug about their missing horse and wagon.—Norristown Her obi of b'at'e day. lAA -runt: Nttxr MoNtt,ty.—On next Monday evening nt popular lecturer will appear before the public at the Court Douse, fur a good Call,. In going l 0 hear tieorge Francis Train our •itizcus will Iv sure of getting their money's worth. Mr. Train, besides being an entertaining bonurer, I. in himself a curiosity. Ilk fortunes and misfortunes have been all told before. No other 111311:S moue, probably, who wau born at as lute a day as George Francis, has appeared in print oftener and under a greater variety of vie eutn-tanees. His name is as familiar to every body :Is an old acquaintance. In fact he seems like an old acgdainntance who has been absent for a time and all win be anxious to see him to note what changes have taken place inn his appearance since he left the English dungeons. Resides there Is another thing to be taken into consideration. The lecture is for the benefit of the Liberty Buse Company. Our citizens have too severely felt the necessity for a large, well-organized Fire Depart ment. We have three good comp:mien, but we want more. The Liberty is composed of good, iteliVe men, and we are confident their exertions to place themselves in active service will be duly appreciated and that appreciation can be shown in no better or more acceptable telly than by at tending the lecture inu Monday evening next. unr large property holders should buy tiekete by nine dozens, and not give them away, but lock up in 111.1 r safes those they do not use for their famine-. Give the "Liberty" an ovation on Monday evealing next. I EMU FIC CON FIAGRATiox Canon..nse Destruction of Property— Loss MOZ).9oo—lnsurnnee Iklo,ooo. alarm or fire on Sunday mnruing was 11C- Fr,ioned by the burning I,l' the Alleu Tannery ,one.l ,C: Co., situated in !fano eve 'rownship, on the east aide of the Geer, 6eLt~c Hamilton street bridge. 'l'h, origin of the lire i• not known, though many ingenlon, conjeeture: have been plaided and the learned on tires a•sigo varionx po•rible C:111-1, n .1 . it, yi.t. tilt, founantion 1111 which all re,d eery Indeed. The ,inTielon 'of 1n eead1;,,,,,,a th a t has been raised hai only this to justify it—half an hone .a.,n hertwe the lire two mon cam , • tht , roal that nw. hr the tall- In I). Tiwy i.ri• not nwuilht ur crru htlrryillg III; Ihi , the ti jl.ll ,t, 1,1 , 011 , liivi !well :4;01.1 11111E1O=I 'rho, Ino-t ioft,ostv.i ser no g ood re.,00 to Ow the lice w.t. , the re•tilt of :111 . 7111111g but t wot,tlicr 11:. , 11 went into lh.• carpenter's shop in the •outhcrn vitt of the building, to fetch a MIMI The carried a 1.11,C.rn kith them and one of the eon . icctures'i, that a ,park front the lantern kin (Hod the Ilamei. To give color to this supposition it is said that the lire broke out here; but the watchman, who certainly ought to know and is a p e rre e tly reliable Mall, say- that It impossible to tell wheal it broke out. ills first knowledge of he lire was the el.:fel:lhr! and the roaring of the IL wcs, and"then he 111ew the whistle." When the whi,tle blew, the. wu-; brytniethe possibility of bein g . saved. () VI mi . ...! the I. so is' very great 1n stock, lo machinery, iii Intildingond In loss at' time and tram.; ma the tendency to exaggerate has cer tainly been ill , played in the reports concerning It. - near a , We can ascertain from good authority, the folhowing k the c,titnated loss: 0: ,•tnrl: in the loft between 3000 and 4000 .it, $ 30,0d0 The building riot. 30,000 Machinery toul shafting, 10,000 inner an vats, &e., may iaaughly bring it ni to avarly*M l ,ooo, but till, I, certainly more that enough to cover all the damage. 111110111iK (0 not more than about 140,000. Un fortunately only $lO,OOO was on the building. It is natunate that the lire did not occur some iteoll4 ago when the stock was very large. The leather trade having been very brisk of late, large tinantitior of 0111115 have been shipped and the ,lock reduced to a very low figure. MEE M2ll=Ml MEE MIME I= MEER am I=l (1 . 01111,0111iCa(Itl.) Now is the time to set trees. Pear and peach trees by the hundred or thousand, also a large stock of shade, evergreens, shrubbery, dzc., at John Latch's, Lawrence street between 7th and Bth, near the Little Lehigh. 13a-3w LETTER FROM ARKANUAIL Omen 11. S. -iAIIBIIAL Or ARKIMBI.I3, Van Buren, April let, 1870. The Indian Territory has, for a long time, been , a safe retreat for outlaws, and numbers of ban ditti who, in order to carry on their operations more successfully, have their hiding places in the i almost Inaccessible mountains with which the Cherokee Nation, east of Fort Glbcon, is diverel fled. From these they occasionally sally forth, , waylay and plunder the unsuspecting traveler, end although every conceivable mode Is tried by the officers to capture and punish them, they arc in I many instances enabled to elude the officera by I being harbored by some treacherous Indians (mostly half-breeds) until they can make their escape, or are hid in the cane-brakes, where par- I suit is impossible. A great deal of counterfeit money has lately found its way into the Cherokee nation, and it has been ascertained, almost beyond a doubt, that most, if not all of it, was manufactured in south west Missouri, and distributed by a gang of despe radoes who have their headquarters at Fort Gib- 110th The gang Is composed of horse thieves and outlaws from the Northern and Eastern States. One of the principal members of the gang is Ward, native of Ohio. He Is a prize-fighter, and very dangerous character. Full information con cerning the Whereabouts of several. of their num ber was received a few weeks ago by Marshals It. Fitz Henry and C. E. Cole, who started upon their Journey to Fort Gibson with bright hopes of being successful In arresting them. A few days follow ing my return from 'Pope county, a report that Fitz Henry was shot and severely wounded while attempting to arrest Ward, reached us. All the Marshals lu town at the time were ordered to pre pare, for aim immediate trip to the Fort, while in formation was sent to a few who had gone to Bax ter Springs, Kansas, to join us and aid in arresting not only those who belonged to the gang, but ail who hail in the least violated the Intercourse Istw, Leaving this place on the 17th ult., we bent our course westward . througli the Cherokee nation. and after traveling two days through as' rough a country as I ever had the misfortune of traveling, we arrived at our place of destination and found our wounded friend doing remarkably well. I obtained full particulars front him concerning the unfortunate affitir. They had succeeded in arrest ing a few, whom they conlined in the guard house for safe keeping, and while on the hunt for others they met Ward on horseback. After going throagh the usual preliminarles necessary In arresting des , peradoer, he was requested to unbuckle his belt and deliver his arms, which he refused to to, Gay log he had sworn that he never would surrender ' to a Marshal. A favorable opportunity present ing itself, he drew a revolver, when Fitz Henry took dead aim and pulled trigger, but instead of sieing Ward reel and drop out of his saddle as he had anticipated, the cap failed to explode. Slum- Itancona with the pulling of the trigger, Lax ienry leaped from his cuddle, and in bin haste to ietnonnt, his horse took fright, throwing hint on he ground. Ward took aim, tired, wheoled his horse and galloped rapidly from the scene Of ac tion. The hall struck Fitt. Henry In the left leg, entering at the trochantar major, and making its exit half an Inch to the left of the temerol artery. Medical aid was immediately summoned, and ft wan at neat feared that the wound would prove fatal, but ht is now rapidly recovering, and strong bopea are entertained that he will anon he able to resume his avocation. ' We soon ascertained that all parties were,on the alert, sentinels being stationt4l at every conVenient point to watch our movements and Inform the outlaws whenever danger threatened them. Every effort to ascertain whore they were lurking seemed unavailing, and two days after our arrival a con sultation was held, when it was decided that four of our party were to scout the country for a dis tance of ten miles, and arrent oil for whom they had a writ, and In case any of them attempted to resist arrebt, they were to let their weapons do their duty. Three of us remained In town to watch the movements of suspicious persons, and night found us on the move. No sound, was borne to air ears FtIVC the occasional yell of a savage, mi ll midnight, when the ilriag of four pistol shots a succession, and the clattering of horses' hoofs )elow town, convinced us that all was not right. ye listened until the sound died away la the die :ince, after which, knowing that we could not be successful In tindiug any oue during the night, we retired to our COUCila, soon fell Into • tranquil sleep, and dreamt of " Home, sweat home." Our scouting party were expected buck an the day fol lowing (Monday), but night cdrne and no tiding., from them. On Tuesday morning, however, they arrived with two inisouers, who were played In close emdittement. Several of the gang had smiled for Texas, but were intercepted at Perryville, and one of their number was killed. Our chief object was the capture of Ward, and lib he was known to he in the vicinity of Fort Gibson, two Nl:to:hale remained In town to look after, him, while several of us struck otr in a northerly direct ion. Sight found us forty miles from the Fort, at the residence of a white man, who Collie. to the Nation a num ber of yeari ago, and married a daughter of the forest. 'rhealight passed oil without any disturb ance, and ai the first streak of day we arose, and were soon quietly pursuing our Journey over the broad and level prairies. Nothing was seen to attract our attention, excepting here and there the decayed remains •f an animal which had fallen a prey to the voracious wolf. A rlde of twenty toilet; brought U 8 to the hank of the beautiful stream— Cabin creek. A short distance front Its hank, and a quarter of a mile from the road, we found au ahl log cabin containing an inmate a filleted with that dreaded di6euxe—Ednall pox. Au Indian, in order le prevent the spreading or the disease, pro need to have the sufferer shut, hut the proposition was overruled by Ids brethren, and the poor fellow Is now slowly recovering. After attending to MOllle business affairs we 12- turned to Fort Gibson, when, we aFeertalned that Ward was captured during our abueneeby Charles Robinson and John Porter. Tile former is a Phil adelphian, but served to the Confederate Army ; the latter was a member of the 2d KAIIMIP durlug the latter part of the war. Both are perfectly familiar with every nook and corner In the Indian Territory. After ❑taking several other 'arreids we started for home. Traveled fifty tallee the that day, and thirty the 'second. Ward Wild escorted to this Place, nod Is now occupying furnished room+ In the United States Hotel. The Cherokera are ranking rapid strides toward civilization, and are, In my estimation, far In ad vance of the original Arkansiane. Schools era in successful operation all over the State, and the tasty church edifices erected In some of iheirtowne show that their religious ednratlon Is not neglected Many send their children to the States to school, from which taunt of them return fully competent to take charge of any echoed In the Nation. They have a regularly organized government, Governor Downing being their chief. lie resides at Tahle quah, the capital of the Cherokee Nation. I will not forget to mention that while at Pint Gibson ir had the pleasure of meeting two Lehigh couutiane, Captain J. P. Schindel and Milton It. Schalfre.Tfe former Is well liked by his men, and the pets de of Fort Gibson are to be congentu , hued upon having such n noble' ollicer In their ' midst. The first evening I remained with the tal ler, we spent in htippy talk over "childhood's sunny days," and our.ravele ending lu our Joyful meeting. U. S. • Wcim 21binrtrumento. PROFESSIONAL. NOTICE: THE undersigned having entered Into a co..istrtner ship fur the practice of MEDICINE. SUIWEItY and 011• STIITRICB, are ready at all times (day and night) to at tend to all call, for their prefe+xional servicm App one preferring the nervier. of either of the under- ." signed will he •econinnalated. Patieubt will be treated Alluphellcally or Ilemeepathl.. tally, as may be deemed most expedient. °vices, IWO, heretofore, 17 Dr. John Romig. .OLIN 11OM10. M. D WM. II ROMIG, M. . . CIEO. M . ROMIG. M. D. N. 11.—I u accordance with the above arrangements new account.. will have to be opened. lir. John Romig would respectfully 'storm his old pain,mx that he will. an fast as . the than will permit, make out their unsettled accounts and have them forwarded, or presented, requesting also those who have demands attained 111111 to present them, NO that settletneut may be matte at the earlle.fcenveulence. Ile would respectfully rettnext, also , all thuno who have any of his BOOKS or INSTRUMENTS in their pusuession to please return the same as soon an possiblu• A PPEAL. • UNITED S'TATES • INTER:VAL REVENUE! NOTICE. IS lIEREBY GIVEN to all persons residing or doing 1111•1110. 111 the Sixth Collection District of Penn sylvania, composed or the Counties of Lehigh mid Mont gomery, that the lists of Animal Taxer , fur ItYl9. asseested under the Act of Congreed entitled "Au Act to provide Intermit Revenue," ete., approved Juno 1804. end the* amendments thereto. way be examined en my Wilco from 9 A. Al. to 3 FOR TEN DAYS FROM THE 24 DAY OF MAY NEXT And a Court of Appeal will bfeheld on the lath day of May;337o.•from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M., at tha Montgomery lion •, In the Borough of Norri.town. and on tho 17 . r. DAY OF MAY, 1870,. AT MY OFFICE, IN THE CITY OF ALLENTOWN. AD appeals must be In writing , and specify the narticulitr rallio. Walter or thing respecting which a decision Is re quested, and state the ground ur principle of Inequality or srror eomplained. EDWARD IIIIDE, Mace, No. 6 East Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. GREAT EXCITEMENT I EVERYBODY CAN BUY A. HAT OR CAP AT E. R. 'MATHEWS' OUR STOCK IS ALL NEW P.RICES SEVER 13EFORE SO CHEAP ! SINCE 1860 LOCATION CENTRAL KNAUSS' BUILDING, 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA FIVE DOLLARS NOR A SILK HAT, Latest Style mad Itextaajte AT THE OLD STAND OF YOUNG .L• LENTZ, EOM= Call and sec our goods sad b. convinced. No charge for .lowing goods even if you do not with to buy. German. nod English spohco• E. R. 3IA'rHEWS. • OFFICE OF TIH LH EIGH ZINC CtIMPANY, No. 1.33 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. April Tor Annual Nesting of the Slosithoiddra of the LEHIGH ZINC COMPANY will he held at tho ComPattY's Onion 10 Plolsitelphla, on WEDNESDAY. MAY 4th proximo, at 12 o'clock M., for the purpose of electing oesou Directors to del sluring mou lag year, .11 for the trans:tett. of other hominess. 001111011 MoNOES. apr 13.tua Treasurer. APRIL, 1870. OPENING . ISZEM Spring Trade ! READY-MADE C LOT IN (3- W A NARA K Elt ,k, 13 ROWN THIS MOON Tl OPEN TO TIIE PEOPLE THE GRAND EST STOCK FINE CLOTHING FOR MEN .3. BOYS, EOM ()AK HALL HAS EVER CONTAINED Ingt Pall we havo ercurthl the two large lute ad. jumlug and here erected uguu them an lrou-frout budding. otos! lu Nile tt. our fumurr Building. making 0.4 K HALL. TWICE AS LARGE A BEFORE la order to accommodate the tatEAT MASS OF PEOPLE I= invite all ear customers with their Peighhora mud pay as an early visit, to evatnino our NIAAIMOTII BUILDINGS, =lll M.A.MMOTH STOCK., WANAMAKER & BROWN, OAK HALL Cl uT 111 N C.; ESTABIASIISI 11 NT $. PHILADELPIIIA. tyMca•d your ord.,. Ir you cunt con, 110%‘"CO (Tim CONSUMPTION 'w? THE DIIII.HSODIIT OF DR, SCHENCK'S GREAT . M EDWIN Ed.—Will people never learn to know that S. disoased liver and stomach nerewarilydm !milt.° •,gem ? The {dement Principle. of common vU o teach da y te, and yet there are hundreds who ridicule the Idea, and ntinue In .the roar.. which atom.' Inevitably bring. them prematurely to am grave. Inliclug a. the windily of re ,ploconplete v•rianer with the laws id naturo, it Unlit be apparent to all timt. noonerisr later. nature will enge herself. Hence we html that loirsow when tudnlito toxc.. In the tun. or Very rich or innligemlblii food or lintingledling drink, Div:m.l.ly Puy a heavy poonity lu the end.'Elie htionach Lineamentdisorder...l and retuned to act; the Dm fall. to perform it, funetiow, dy-p.p-la and Its attendant evil, follow. ..I still the guttering %individu ate per.l.t It clinging to tho thoroughly kPlonted idea. ot the paid. Dr. SCHENCK'S nacillelsen aro roe...mended to all ninth. They bring MIN and certain toile( wherever tLsa• need a. ilmirted. and all that le y to ea. tintslish their ri•potatlon with every siting than or woutim In the land I. a fair and impartial trial MM... tel thoho wk.. ore skeptical on this pomt. and Vin) permitted Interested in coon , to prejudice them agnatmt them. now eel•lirated remedies for Consumption nilmard their Praia nip,. and be governed by the prismipler of reason and fommua inn', If the ardent la disordered depend atom it. in nine Cane% OM of tin the soot of tha dlanirdor will ha found In OW .inniarlt and liver. To demise a•il invigorate the monlach and to stimulate tho liver to houtlir 11,14 SCIIIINCICI4 MANDRAKE Pll,l.9.—The dolly MEMO. lug demand f,r these VIII. i tLu best ev Were.. of thdr value. Thousands upon thou...ls of boo, urn hold tinkly. Whys Simply bunkum. they out premPtlY and ninciently. lovelies who may not find It outrank.' to toil etk r. lielteuck la per.uu ore informed that complete D direetlau• fur two accompany each Packelf.? of th. MANDItAIiIi PILLS, PLILItIONIC SYRUP AND SEA- M/SAID TONIC.—Tho.e medicines ,ill cuts etonAtlmpNio• Unto?. tit long. are so far ``rue that the patlaut Is autuely beyond the mach of medical relief. It may he asked by those who ere not with Om virtues of those greet reruedlee. ?lieu. to Dr. Sell ILSCK tl utedwitme effect their wonderful cure. of con.umpilou ?" The answer a @Duple one. They begin their work of , rent...ratio? by briuglag like &lomat:h, liver and bowels Into an active healthy cendkliou. It in food that 0ur...0.D fore weldable dinette.. SCHENCK'S lIANDRAK E ri 1.1. s net on the liver slid SIOIIIIIC/1, nrottnittug healthy secret... and reree•log the 1010 and •lono which have resulted trout IL. inactive or torpid cooklitle• of itwoe urp.o... nod of the ayeteto gcuerally. Thie stunitielk .1 51 e of 0 . 0 aukt the rommulkent accninukalluit of the uuhealtity so • stances rained prev•ut the proper ilge.tiou et feud, and, as a natural cutmequeuco creates Lits•aue, which rosulta Is aftilitli aud SEA W EI:D TON • . IC, when taken regalarly, 101•010 w.th Cie& aid the digestive organs, make goad rick blood, mid ae u natural sire tle.h and strength to the pan....t. let 11,0 feeulty say, what It may, tuts le the ally true ten (or , No u•lilN, tree. Eeperietwe ha.. proved It Leveed Ms •Ikadois of a doubt, and thou ere to day alive nod mull iyhe a row years place were regented . 11010.1.,• WIN Whim were IllthlCed to try Dr. SCIIENCE ri ttled.e., and were restored to permanout health by their floe. One of the (rot Asps the physician •hould tee" with u cuunitoptlve patient I. to 00. g orate the ey.icio. Now j how le this tubed...? Certainly u of by giving we Now that eabaunt gad euervate—llledlClLlMl MINN Impair ....toad of Improve the Amen.. of the digestive urge... Doctor SCIIENCE '4 ule,hclue. el£ansr the xluuwell not bowels of all oub.taticen whleh ere talc Mated to Writute or weaken theta. They create lee uppente—prentote thee , . • i tioa—wake good blood, arid, as a conmeditruce. Lk i ria r rl7 res : 5 1.1 k k ' r i h . " ' y r :a nut Li. dime, thou ltak now 0111.1 be regarded ae a itoprierx 1.1•. If the physiciatt [lads It Impossible to make u CATllier llC,itte, If the dinette.% pereu I I I i imilake Of gam! uouriuhing feud and pnerowly dh g rol 11, It I. hal.oeli.• ble teat he can into irk dealt and strength y add Ills tummy Imi/Oesibld to Whit a portent to Ibis tondltlen ao lung at the liver Is hi/rattled with dl d bile, sod the etotuacia ' leder" with unhealthy slime, eleto.l toe gist reque“ rustle to the physieles. by It MIA soroptlve patient I. that ne will prescribe Ilirdtel3l. , that will remove or Allay the cough, 'tight .weat• ou,l chllle. • NA hICII are the ours attendeete ink cutoutruption. Llut this should not be dour, as the cough In only au effort of astute to relies., itself, sod the Melt sweat 4 nod £lllll. are caned by the disused lung, The remedies ordinarily ptescribtd do more harm thanood. They Impair the I ouctiette of tho stomach, Impede g healthy dig...tlou, sod eltire••l• ruttier than cure the disease. 'Chem 11, after it'', eothinp like feet. with which to tub. stootiotv n Von Mau, and it he upon fact..lll.l Uwe ICII RN UB _ relies. Nearly ell who hove takea h 1.4 11111.11e0 In at, cordance with his directloto. hove out ee l) - Le, ucured of • hitt, Irom the tact that tI:to tuddicittrdt ant k With w usularlul power ohm the dige•tive orgelis, futtlUitte limy owed ..peekitly 000 Chmh.iag Ills c lad mk all impuntiee, they In) . OW tollt{i1;41,111 Mt so, they .tanriel structure. Itexturio: theaaorgeo. to health,. they • create an apPetite. Th‘ , 61., : vv0y 161, tioDitity of blood le nut ouly nurreased,ltt lamb, ri and strong mud tho foot of w e lt 0 of Wp ayes tom all disease Muter be banished. Pulll directions accompany . rech of the inedlittlett7lani that It le not absolutely necessary that pullouts abut:l44n* Dr keIIENCK per...tally. utile" desire to bate their lugs, exutunted. For this ?torpor. ho La at Me prin.. gips% orate, No, 15 North Sixth ht., corner of Commerce . Philadelphia. every Saturday, from 9 A. M, until 1 P, 11 Advice la sista without charge, but (eye thorough eY atalrottlart with the Reeplrometer the charge taro - ; Price or the Pultnoule Syrup anti Seaweed Tattle each. $1 50 per bottle, orgy half dozen. • Mandrake Mille as [Mita St bag. Vor auto by tali drusslata.• . • E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers