ginencial. OFFICE OF FISK & BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERN MENT SECURITIES, No. GNARSAII STREET, NEW YORK, Febru y 15tL, 1870 ==l of We W i t LUAUS of the C RRRRRR PACIFIC ItuLauam Cua• PANT nod the WMITEIIN PACIFIC lIAILIIOAD COMPACT, and We popularity and credit which these Loans have maintained In the markets, both in this country and Eu rope, have shown that the First Mortgage Bond, of wise ly- hkrated and honorably-managed Railroads ore prompt ly recognized and readily hi.MoM as the most suitable, mate, and advantageous form of innstment, yielding a meta liberal Weenie than elm hereafter be derived from Oovern meet Bonds, and available to take their place. Assured that, in the selection and negotiation of supe rior Railroad Loans, uo are meeting a great public want, and rendering a valeablo service—both to the holder,. of Capital and to these great National works of internal im- pruvement whom, lowlnble merit and subnlaullul charac ter entitle them to the umo of Capital and tho confidence of luvenlon—wi• now niter with eperiol ctintidence and soli, =I FIRST 3IURTG AGE BONIN CIIEMAPEAKE OHIO RAILROAD CO The (Mesa peala mtd Mau Rid? road, cumweilmt the Allautic count apd the muguificem harbors of the Chesa• lamb , . Bay with the Unto river at tkriut of reliable sari• uml tha•, with the culls,' Rallread system nod water truntittobtallou of the great Went and Suuth•wott, FOILES . THE ADDITIONAL EAST AND WEST TRUNK LINE. ou imperatively demanded fur thu accommodation of the itumonne and rapidly-growing tratupettatiou be tween the Atlantic tooditaird nod Europa uu the ono hand, and illy great pro sc ion rename of thu Ohio and Misein• 01ppl Valleye da Me oilier. THE /11TURTANCIS OF rnis ROAD AS A NEW OUT- ==I2MIN uuo of tiatlintal coi.equeute, and iumuren to It an ostetnilyis it/tough trualc from the day of Ite ompletluu ; whllo, le the devolumeut of the exteu.ive nericulittral add mineral reoeuree. of Virgluta and Went Virginia, It poottiafo, aloud its own line, the element. of ft large and profitable local Lashes. Thum Om great lun , re•ts., both general and local, which demand the completion et the lIIIHNANIIAKR AND UlllO RAILROAD Co lhu Ohio MN,, afford the Nurvett guarantee . • Itx :tad val.., and RENDER I'l' 111 E,EyrEn. I . i:o(illEsS TIIIs. Ile. pernority u•tau F.a.l:ind WI, romp, and tlir prom i.e of an liann.apn and prolltabli• Crude It‘raltlng It. .111 pleti.;ll. have drawn to a tl.l. itttenuon hind ce•operdlou of proinittvul aitJ Haihos.: !nen .or thlm flip, or •i.II aid judgitseut uuJ k 11 int..grity. 11.111 C C./1111.•Cli011 ivtilt 11, tourther trait that otitswent eitootix Ittul til 1. o.' uJr Virgiuio and W,._ Virgiuill, INSURES AN ENLEDETIC, lIDNDRAIII.E, AND SUCCESSFUL AA\• MIESIENT. The Ruud In C..111P1V1.41111111 i 4O l/Cr•lii.)ll from lllebnioutl ==Malla!M 227 mitre , and Mere remain but 'MO Mike (now Partially cnostructiel) to be completed, to carry it to tine propoerd hinniutui oe the olio river at, or vicar, the mouth of the Mg Bundy river, I:A.10111e, n buv.•l;lurluuutl, uud MO miles below l'ltielwgh. Mat, are non• projected ur in Dregrenn through 1./Wound Kentucky to thin point, which will connect the CHESA PEAKE AND 01110 WITH THE ENTIRE RAILROAD SYSTEMS OF THE WEST AND SOUTHWEST, AND IVITH TuE PACIFIC RAILROAD. valuable friturli6e. and ~ u perlur advnithkgen will place the CREAARRAKE AND Onto RAILROAD COMPANY Utotowt tlw richest nod must powerful nod truatwurthy corpursiluto. of ILe cosulry; AND THERE EXISTS A PRESENT VALUE. IN COMPLETED ROAD AND WORK DONE, EQUAL TO' THE ENTIRE AmouYr OF TIIE MORTCIALIE. The detalla of the Lean have been arranged with npecial reference to the Wants of all down of inventors, and combine the Valiolld features of court:alum% nafcty. and protection against lobs or fraud Thu Iloudo aro lu deuomluatioun of 81000, 8500 AND 8100. They will Le hinued an Coupon ifondm, payable to Brisrer, uud unibe held to that form; or The Bond may Le registered In the name of the owner, with the council. remaining Payable to bearer attached, the principal being then trans Amble only on the Imok of the Company, uultoot reoal.igtted to bearer; or. The coapeue may be detached nod ...oiled, the Baud Wade tip...tea/ten! Registered Bond. Ls . ..tremble only - on the book, of tho Centiliter, nod the Inter,,t mode par able only to the regletered owner or him attorney. The three chtelien w 111 be k morn re.rectively ee 144 " LYON BONDS PA IA BLE TU BEA • MS "REGISTERRD BONDS 11'1711 coUPOSS MEM REGISTERED BoNDS D7TR VOUPOSS =S3IIMEZM 3thecify9ug the eta,. of Ilehtlt. tloplred They Imre THIRTY YEARSto ruu fruul Juuuury 15 =IE2IIEII vomber I, I&D. PRINCIPAL AND INTERN.' •ATAlll.o IN 001,0 IX TIM CITE Or mar-Totta- The Interoitt to payable to MAT tad Novituttaa, that It may take the Place of that of the earlier him. of Flee• Tvreutlee, and null the convenience of our friends who already hold Central nod Wentern ?swine Deeds with In toreet payable to January and July, sod mho may denim In making additional investinente, to have their intereet receivable at dlilereut oeuaouo of the your. The Loan Is secured by a mortgage noon the entire Line of Road from Richmond to the Ohio Myer, with the equip ment and all other property and appurtenance,. con oectod theresilth. A SINDIXII FUND or 11100.000 rxx . axxar 1$ PUOVIDUD POE Ins REDEMPTION Or TOO Boxils, TO TREE EFFECT Oil TILI ♦ETHO THU COMPLETION or you ROAD -- Tho zuortgam, Is for 615.00).000, of which 62,000.00 u will be reserved sod held lu truPt for tho redemption of our• "standing Ilond• alba Virginia Central Railroad Cam• puny, now merged In Ma ellISAPE•IIII SOD 0010 •Of the romalulug $13.0a),C00, n eum cleut amount will be sold to complete the road to the Ohio river. parfait and jimmy° Iho porilon now in operation. and thoroughli whole fora large and attire tradic. prem.:ll prime to 90 and aecrued Interest. A Loon ea amply secured, au aircfidly guarded, nod certalu hereafter to command a prominent place amen ' the favorite sccuritit.e in the market., both of this Comity . ' sad Europe, trill he at onto appreciated and quickly al, IMM Pr) ra•.prrl(uly FISK & HATCH, BAN KERS •Y. s.—W., haoa isoued . pamphlctc, containing full par Malmo, dotallo. [naps, etc., wh!ch,rlll be fur 'Mahon upon application. • liirWe buy and sell Oovernment Bonds, and receive thi accounts of Hanks, Bankers, Corporations, and altars. - sleek at sight, aid allow interest on daily bat- Mar 2•Sto Sror tbe tabiefs. ATOII, HE CHEAPEST AND HOST RE LIABLE TRUSS STORE In the city. W. J. EVERETT, 50 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, Below Arch, Ehtladeinhts,'llate Mrs. ilfeeletmehatt's) Tresses, Female Supporter,. Braces, Entitle Bolts, Stock ier. Lowest prices. redact 'Ointments. Lady at tendants inneE4ly LOOK I LOOK I I LOOK !!! AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE THE BEST MACHINES `IN THE WORLD! GROVER, & BAKER'S IMPROVED HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the highest premium, The Cm...of the Le gion of Honor." et the Perla Expoeition. MACHINE NEEDLES, THREADand SILK TWIST conatantly hand. The people of Allentown end vicinity are cordially Invited to cull at our saleerooln. Remember the place, opposite the German Reformed Church. N. —Full instructions given to any persons porch... od;Slachinee. All Machines warnmted to givematiefaction. S. M. KEIPER, Agent, doe 22 No. W East Hamilton St.. Allentown.Pa Boot Alahrrz. 932 MARKET STREET IN THE cheapest and bent place to buy Choice Tobacco 11 and Cigars by the . • ü b nd ox June. & Son's Tobacco always on kluersclutunt Pipes, Briar, French, and other styles can ho had 'tote to null cuntourers, either wholesale or retail. .10IIN LEES, Wholesale 11.1 retail Jobbing )tonne and Manufacturer or Cigars Wrt NIA UN ET St. not•Lt t I~E'Ol'.\L. v rvriv 1)1 (Ni r i i . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 1300 T N STOR E lIAS BEEN I:I:MOVED Tot 'HIE S. W. Corner of HAMILTON and SIXTH SM., NOB. 35 AND 40, where they are now prepared to receive their patrons The WHOLESALE DEPAHTIIEN 101111110 EN THE LARGEST STICK uF GUIIDS IN TIIIS VICINITY A great quantity of the work being of their own Milky and the balance front the test tuannfacturers hl the country. THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT Will be conducted an heretofore. tune 30 '69 HUTTON d• MeCONNELL, FURNITURE WAREROOMS, No. SOD MARKET STREET, PIIILADE_LPII I A PARLOR, DINING ROOM, CHAMBER FURNITURE, Of Eta Latt,t Fgic. mud 11,4 Manufacture. Abut FEATHER 11ED.5 AND MATTRESSES. felt . 21-3 m - 111 OE SEC DON STREET. FURNI A. TORE STORE. 337 N. SECOND ST., PIIILA. The old fititud establlnlwd t wonly yearx. triumplauot In FITRNITI'it E. Purlog the recent &mansion in biluintoin, wo laid lo for cash, cheoncut nun load acnortod .tuck in the city, which we aretelling at rotoonialdo prices. Sew Patent Sofa liedstrado which make,. a good laud at night, colloid° fur Kick room or other, • COTTAGE and WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. Straw. Husk, Excelrl••r lola Straw Illallrerrea air -Part, Snits I'vholsterfft in roll/ style to •111 purchrterra. IVINS BROS. 9.1 y 4:17 N. SECOND Si_ Rio. Vino Earl plo. FruNrirritE. JOST4II)H. WALTON CO! CABINET MAKERS, No. -113 WALNUT BT., PHILADELPHIA. Our establisioneut le oon of the oldest in Philadelphia, itud from long experieuru and superior fecilitire we 010 prepared to fit ruish good work nt reamlo prices. o manufacture One furuiture, and R io , , medlum-priced furniture of nuperior quality. A largo slunk of durniture itiwnTs ou baud. floods motto to order. I %tinter, Desk Work not! Office Fiero!! urefor Banks, Offices none/Mores,7llllde to order. Joe. WALrog. J. W. LIPPINCOTT. Joe. L. Sill ly LANDo b y WARRANTS WANTED OF 11'.4n OF 1812 AND MEXICAN WAR FOREIGN COINS. STOCKS GOLD, GOVERNMENT laid other BONDS BOUGHT and SOLD. COLLECTIONS promptly mad° on all points PEI'OSITS ILECE“'ED. No pall. will let 'Tared t° ' e of who favor tte with their ltue.lneLl y .° th° jutere"' el"' JOHNS. 111%11TO:: & CO., U' Penitent end No. :AU South :Alit,. NEW SPRING GOODS:FOR 1870. COOPER & CONARD. • (D SILK POPLINS. II al SILK POPLINS. ~ POPLINS. We. PLAID POPLINS. BLACK DRESS GOODS. WIDE DELAINES. TAMISE. BArFISTE. • ENGLISH BOMBAZINE, DEsT MOHAIRS. MOHAIR TAKISE. • SILK lIEJINANI. BLACK SILKS. CRAPES. &C. WIIITE GOODS, LINENS, &c. NM pima New While Goode, W piece,. Elegula Tuble Oxon Millet., el 00 to r 11l per dozen 3.50 dozen Towels, el al to #l2 a/p L er dozen. NO pieces Bh Wing and Fronalue lueu•. too pieces Diapers, all the widths. WOOLEN GOODS. Union Mello., Lk.. worth mi. Caeslnteren, 01111 c. Taal worth 75c. Ctodttteree, Sic.. real worth $1 10. Doable and TWiat, 00, worth al at Black Clothe and DOPMiclus, ;1 00 to .1.8 (5) Blue and Brown Coating., .4c. COOPER & CONARD, S. E. COR. 9TII & MARKET. STS., =I BRADRURIPS PIANOS, TAYLOR & FARLEY'S AND E. P. NEEDHAM h VOWS ORGANS AND MELODEONS, ANDLIPWAEDS. WM. G. ' FISCHER, • General WitollemtleAgeaL uki4c.3., 1018 'ARCIIBL uid2lN. ELEVE NTH 11.. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDF,SDAY, APRIL 13, 1870. Irtirititurr. NORTH 9 TIE, MUM I= • DR. W. E. BARNES & SON , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL • DR., TT ri" 7 NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON ST ALLENTOWN, PA. The altentlen otihe oilier]. of Allentinon and Lehigh , e. nip i n renpertfrilly ins lied to thin PRlnblirthment. 'Every l,ralttl.lxicaileli.kce..p.t.l“noanflgrortit•clarts Drag Mort bu fun ,o 1 for mile here, nt the cot prices. Onr clock in !loge and P"fODßß , laTir/11.,110 4,Zr. °"s • A FULL LINE OF ALL rim POPULAR . PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RE.`STORA7'Ir ES LINIMENTS, Pe., of all html.. Conelantly on bend a largo clock of Soda ash, Polosh and tinncentrated Lye for noon lank hog. iVashing Sods, flaking Soda, Cream Tartar, Turn Pepper, Cinnamon, Cloven nod Spleen of ail kinds, Cool lII], trireme, Lardnn, and Lubricating 011 e for machinery, and in thousand and one othore nrilclee whirls cannot he enninernted here. We have the largest lino of Trusses, butoPortere nod n°°°ldnr limners lit the \r 1.1 ""'" c midn ore spilled lo• an experi enced physician, consequently a 'reelect tit is goittruntored. Paints, Min, arninloon, end Putty. Painters and builders are Invited tif our store before tucking their buret... , . We keep a foil line of point+, etc.. of the bent hose " t o gentry for the Great Coiled Stet.% Ten Crompany of :few Torii. and err selling the clouice•t gradoos of Tens at !Omni half Om noire charged by other Modern, for an inferior finality. Try it .d Inc con vinced. Physician. noirl Country Merrhent+ mooldied or the orernet W• hereafter to pay Par ticular attention to the Wholesale Itrrouch of the lonsinenn. Peelerr b - ill flood it to their loterest to give um trial gooier es ter feel confident ere will be able to give .04..121 Inch in unality and price. orders try mail promptly attended to. (Inflictions for specified quauthien furninlied nil eunioroion. • Respectfully, apr ST. E. lIARNF.f! St HOF. p- -_- LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, PITTSF lEL D, 31 ASS INCORPORATED 1851 BENJ. CIIICICERING, Secretary Div idends' Paid An n nually. nn the Contribution Plan, from 29 to 70 An Annual Payment Life Policy is NOT FORFEITED by fuilure to pay Premium when due, but is continued in force under the Massachusetts Law of April, 1861 One Annual Payment will continue the Polley in force 2 years and 3 days Two " Payments " " 4 " Three " 7 ft it 27 tf The BERKSHIRE was the FIRST COMPANY in the United Stntes to make ALL of its policies SOY-FORFEITABLE ASSETS kNNUAL INTONIE All Endowment and Limited Payment Life PoHiles are untitled to a " PAID-CP NON-FORFEIT- ABLE POLICY," alter OueAunual Premium bas heeu paid PHILAKTATIA - BRANCH OFFICE, W. H. YODER Agent for Lehigh avid Northam ton. Counties, Alleutowa TYNDALE MITCHELL & WOLF, CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE NO. 103 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. FINE PARISIAN GRANITE, The beet eloaeware le the market. roll at the pile., •( ordinary good.. WHITE', FRENCH. CHINA, in all the best shapes and styles. DECORATED DINNER, TEA and TOILET 'SETS in great variety. (ILASS ENGRAVED ON THE PREMISES. AND ['MINA DECORATED uithor in full cute ur nutrhluge. la ORO Loet meaner. - - - PIRST-CLASS GOODS ONLY and LOWEST CASII TRICIIS Latere of iivitary Itt rrguld to i Aron, tcr., of guud ,, . PrutuPtly 0.-yot-d. S ECURITY AGAINST LOSS BURGLARY, FIRE OR ACCIDENT THE sAFEEDEposrr comrAmc, INITIIEtit I= E= TILE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUS SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY I:i=2! I= N. B. Brown, Edward W.Clark. Clarence 11. Clark. Alexander l , .nry. John Welsh. Meill...n A. Cal.lw. I Char!. Macn l'. Henry C. 01 ( 1 ; •h e o o t r 4 g . " TY''' Eremltleut—N. 11. BROWNE. Pico ProxIdeaI—CLARENCE:IL CLAIR:. Secretary nod Treanurer—ROßT. PATFEBSIIN, Axe&taut Secrelari—JA3lES W. 11A7.1.1:11CRST. The Copy hove provided In their now Itoil4hr mot V.log uheoluto rehlrity egolom, to w I)Ft HUHU LARY. or ACCIDENT. and RECEIVE SECURITIES AND VALUABLES ON DEPos. IT UNDER GUARANTEE. • : Upon the hollowing rates, for uuo year or Period: Government and nil other Coupon Securi ties or those trounferolkle lky dolleet y.. +LID ikor I,Dio Governinenl and nil other Securities real,— tered and negotiable only by voklkirk...• "mull per 1.001 Gold Coln or Bullion toe 1.000 Silver Coln or Bullion 7.w per lokAl Silver or Gold Plate, under seal on own. orot exit:note VILlilO, and rate .06. cl tundjustmeut for balk 1.00 per 11l Jowelry, Dlumuuds, etc por 1.01) Peed, Mortgages, and Valuable Papers generally. when of no fixed value, year Poch. or according to hub.. These littler. wheu deposited In tin boxes, or, charged according to bulk, upon u busk of feet cubic gaped tY. Sins year. Conpons nod Interest \rill be collected. alien desired remitted to the owners, for one per rent. The Company Whir for RENT..the it,t.tte raclu,ivoly SAFES INSI4FII t i I iIOPILAIi-PitOOF • Al rake varying front 445 to . ri each per annum, error tug to a • Deposita of Money Received on which Interest will be allowed; a per rent. On Cllll Deposits. pnyablo by check at algid. null 4 per rent. ou Time e• posits. payable tin lo into putt,. ==lll M== This Company In also authorised to net . Excentern, Admluletrators, and thou-Moos, to receive nod execute Trusts of every description front the courts, corporutious, or ludivlualn. N. B. BROWSE. President ROBERT PATTERSON. Sorf'y and Treneyrer $lOO A MONTH AND EXPENSES to agent., to sell the CELEBRATED DINE. LEY ENITTINO MACHINE, for family osa. 61mYle cheap. reliable. Ertits ormything. Circular and maple stocking free. Address, Nu. 25 N, Ninth kit. Mind's fob 22-9 m T. F. PLUNK kyrT, I'rc•widnd JACOB L. (MEENE, Asst-Scey Per cent EXAMPLE AT AGE 35 cr EMI 329 WALNUT' STREET Ouneral Agent and Attorney fdr Pemin DEXBlivEN&;:iro, GOVERNMENT SECURITIES MON A: CENTRAL PACIFIC It. R X 11,000,00 IsT MORTGAGE BONDS = U. S. BONDS, COUPOrIh Cashed. Stoke bought and sold on Commis.. nlOll only. Accounts received and interest allowed on daily Siaauces Subject to checks at Sight. jou 10 1115 """' 1115 11uPKINS'"uli'S NAIR." 111 all the New Spang Styles, for Sadler, 311,ms and Childr e n; the gouitty nod price.. of which trill 1 , 1 ,1 ,11111011 d 1110111,0'1,N i° every andoiner. CORSETS ! (ltiltsVps t o I CORSE'Cii !! Just !narked &Mille gold at in mukin our present price. la.. than they can be n &Hai, until g old declines to th.O poit, ad Al per ent. lea. than the price year ago. We n weren r the first In Philadelphia to give silver in change to our rtatorners, and now take lite lead In giving than full advantage of the return to ti spa ele basis, In advance of tbe Rohl market which trill be fully aliPreelated by all whtt eXIIIIIIIIO our extremely Pow driers. 11.0 p Ilk lets, Our Own Make. at 37, 40, CO. 31, CO, 10, is, (Si. 5.1 le b 41 00, are., to 4,2 baud-node Whalebone Corsets at 50, CO. 75, WI, 00. Sr., to 75. Superior Frenelt WOVPII Conon!. at 75 cents, rehired from 41 Wit oil reduced reducedint at 41 25 latticed front 41 75, Sm., Am., to 43 00, from 47 De. It. Wetly Corsets at idle, reduced frotny! 50, 3c e. ' Thompson's Wove Corsets at 41 7,t, reduced 'rata 3.), r. Sc• Mrs. Bloody's Patent fielf-Atijustng Ab dominal dorvets at a reduction of 25 cents to 41 ito per pair, according to quality. All other goods Moroni...oly re• lured. Skirts and Cornets md on to order, Altered and Repaired, Wholesale and Retail—Ono Prieo holy—Call or rend for descriptive circular. T. lIOPKTNS, mar 11 •10t NC. 1115 Chestnut ht., I.hiled'a. • exam Charter Periwt ual IZVERY POLICY is sued by tisis Company Since April ♦. D. 1811, iK NON-FoItFR,ITABLE, and sn expressed in the MEI K 250,000 .100,000 W. FE. GRAVV,S, BANKERS AS.D DEALERS lA' .10 s(a - rn TIIIRD STREET, I=l GOLD I= fTcbirinal DIR. HUTCHINSON'S VEGETABLE WORM DESTROYER In the beet Worm Medkin° for rornovlng tho tnnll mrnt wort. from children, wilhont making the child sick, as other worm latiillelnea do. It Will 11340 remove 010 Cal. , worm and the N 1.1111.11 WOlllll. =9 NO JfEDICIX Ti) BE G IFFY AFTER IT PRICE 2, CENTS A BOX •Iste sts.l bee yysi k 1, rapper. If )'..sir s.l 11.1 v.. st !ism tgot it Ins HoLImWAY (I)WDEN, .1 , 1 - 21 If Phil.k.l , lll.l:t SEND FOR CIRCULARS n O. oADe ,„op-viiiis AA‘_,, ,/ e cp ....,, ed NE ,.,,0Rh.; 4.,A,„, v e .5-978,R0t.wA EART„,,,,,0 , 1 vH,LADELp,.,ips. 0 „ v3,,ARicET, EAR 4# --- 4 .E4DOSAINDEr‘IT" A Tincture of rare, howling herbs, sold in bottles only. ot 51. or 55 ti SiS par Dos. Sent to any ad- ot o dress on receipt of money, 40‘ . and guaranteed. rune DEMUTH 84 Cl'. `nelllists PHI LAYA. 1 11 5141JtPPP 6. & 11 1 4 1 $ 1111 SiVal‘‘ A Genuine Funnily Medi , cits prepsred t.r the Cure , of Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Colic, Fever & Ague, &e. It en courages Digestion, cures Heart burn, purifies the Blood, & regulates the Liver. See Circular. S•ta I,s Dru MRFR[ApS IN ~ RELIEF easy. • •:0 11.411;. 25C( . 111, , 111 ••I I hIPEHIAL OIN f: MENT for Cots. Blimp, Eruptionß, will urvor Le regmtt....l. boll by Druggist& —ly = )11(ESI P Et"r 4)R rna:aicor“ x i'D"rolmr, r•riu ;<r,n Isrtx•nuc.v,rrr.e= - s 25 ' • " Celli Y. ts,/,' Pboonlv Pectoral trill cur.. the .1111oa 'as of the l'ituo•r AND SllOll 10. Vroup, Asth ma, BrOneltitl•, Catarrh,Sote 'hhroat, W hoop.. fug (lough and l't 1.111,1111 r ('ON -0111110 N. 1 . 111, 1110.1101110 I. I.foltr , d 1.1 Dr Levi °hart...Deer of Philadelphia, and foonnorly of Ploeuixs and ulth.lugh It lee. ...II) burn offered Cro five years, Inure 110111 0110 1111111011 blade , hav• a1r...1y sold, and the deniand (or it is itterens, ing ovary day. Many of the lletall Druggisto buy it 111 lots of !Ivo gross, and 11.,1 a lore of the Country Storek.....p. urn try one groa. nt a Dino. Nearly eva n. ty o. Who ha , e••r sold it Doug.. Co it. lo.pularity, awl nearly all who have used it, hear te•tiniony to its rover lll curing Cough. ll'.si e re Colillt blit that there 11 is 0 kIIDWII mod loins 01 411011 gieut value to the coniniahity as the l'lhrnix Pectoral. It Ilan cured titt,is of tlin tinngh, id years hi:toiling. It lute gns ru itibtant rvlinf in ...poll , . of tiolglijng. It ati. unitantly . Cough unit greatly •illot It 11, , cured Croup in a tion•ininption lia• 6,11 c. 0.! It) it, ivh.n'o all other rent tailed to .lo good. Homllns th . .. 11 1 .1111,1 by It Ina ar/inn... 11.iny . ititiononiiiiikil It, unit oiln•rii 1,., 1I thettoo•lye,tull adutinnaor It in tL. ie , • 0011'1 tipp.....! 1 / 1 .1,11,1. tak. , ax au It• nt.n••••• Ire r••counneti it t•, our re.010r.., :tut' for lurti•••r panic ularl would reter you to tho rirculur around the 1•••ttl , where you will find uninerott , .curtificato•gtveu Ly per , . who hove tt..ed it. Ii in .n tio•lii liiiit.childrcti cry fur it. Ill! it iitimulatitii: gtvlug Ntrcugth at th.• nUtlie thlit It the cough. proPrict, •ir flit, tociliciti•• much Iv it•i citratisc t Ii that Nt •ii 1... tii tiny porch:pier Wlth It I+l,,l'ar'd l.l:l'loltEnnOLTZEß, S. D.. pitt,qtr, 1."6 Nu:111'1 ; 1:11(151., I'htla.f . .l t. 11. —I f your ao,rent DruggiNt or r. , ,r,keuper tha, nut have thi, hip to get It fur you, nod rlu li t let Win pat you off wall sou.• usher prepalathul buva..• he make., inure 111111111 . OU hilt go or wad Al onr.• to hl.1111.1•14,, !tern you ktrow its, tetui to Dr., . holtrer. Siild i)y Cn , Ur. Wm. Barn, Si , n, .1 !iluni.l.. 13.11111.1, .1. VI Y th . tiggl-t kiniper in Lehigh CoolliktY. tic 1.6111 Dri Geobs 212 ElGlll'll ST. 212 :111.1 NEW 1:111111¢1.0R. 1.4 1V14 . ..1 . PLAID, PLAIN •• ENTI:.I WIDE FRENCH )11•:.1.1N...4.1,., 11.1 ...01 4 T c. 4 ODI/AN DIEN !•11l 1:1;111. 1..‘44 D 1 311 T. 4 TI.IN I'.l I.4INI'IA 1:1:.111. •• 111, nt " .1. I . 4r. IZEDI , TERED .4ND I 4i1 . 1 4 .1:1 . .1 . 1. DERV. :"ANDINiIII.4 And I:1 141.1N0.4. 11.1 111'1:0 AN INSLIZVINII, ~.- ri.•ly F.4110;01D111:1:1., INF.\ NT II'AIsT:4 N. V.. •• •• Sinn" Dy ili N. , 1"1'1Nt.11.01 AND CIII:TA 1..404:. 1.1...4 I'llllll - I: LA DI I'lll I1.4N1 1 Ic.1:1;• 1'01.1..4 DI Durcitnilnr 11'1:.1 I S'1:1 & It( 4SS, r u~ i-1 ~ Mil II~ILLIKEN S, Cl - 1 ESTN UT ST., Pil.ll„knEi.PlllA. LINENS HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS! LARGEST LINEN STOCK IN THE CITY OUR OWN IMPORTATIONS PRICES aREATLy Tamt-erm! VEST LINENS, TABLE LINENS by tho Yard, eLoTlis NAPKINS 114_,V LIES, ToW ELI LINEN sIIKETINii,, 16,1114 PILLoW C.IAI Sus , - T.adieß' nu4l , ; ont.' I.ln, I.iumn Lawn Fruuch Cambrics, Nur , ery Diapor, fir., &r, !sIII,I,IIiEN'S SI I [HT llz is( ims BLANKETS Illanknol for Crib., Sinclo Urdu, Doublets:l4 Extra Sires Hotel Dimukco., FLANNELS PIIII II a HALLAM/VILLE, ci 1.11 , cu WELSH, S. XoNY, SILK NVAEH, . DOMESTIC MCSCINS, COTTON sm.:ETD:Gs, • WHITE GOODS, = trot dqty it to tip,• 1.,W..•C 17g d,•,.. (roan the country rarprolly tO, :11 . 1 , 1.N:110 bYla lb—ircd. c.EUR('I: MILLI I: EN LINEN IMPORTER, 1128 CHESTNUT STREET., • intiNcn sfone., 629 Anrit STHEET. PHILADELPHIA. !tor 3-Cm TABLE KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS 1 COFFEE MILLS. &e., aCC. F. WOLFERTZ'S Storo No. 3d Eahl Hamilton Street. mep 13.17 ',leaters. ESTABLISHED ISSI. .1. IZEYNOLDS & SON, AGi • I A P:ro cos, flo. Dysentery, Diarrh,,a, Colic, and Griping Pains. It regulates tho Bow. els, quiets Restlessness, allays Inflammation, and promotes Healthy rest. It softens the Gums, and Teething . • ~,,,ify 11.1 wecm 1 1 , 1 . ..•10 aw2.J•l( I:3lttlithilig ins° Ow - , .ffixturrs. G .ts FixTußEs. _ A ll ROBERTS, & KUONS 4, : ,.. 1'1.13111E1:S .I.V1) G.I 8 17771:1:5, Mil All 1,i11.1. tuAlz,r, 11) . .IrmIt II ydrmtlit. lac and I'Lluip+, Bath 'nib., Wator Clreithillog &e., .1... ,1 1 , 1 , 1 , ! !, L r tv ,, 1 ., Li r , ,,., 1 . , , t , , r k t .i i . t.11• G.l upl. 7.1 y G),s asu K EROS EN E 11.1 MI PS I=E=igi=al I. ,, eated at r.,roor stud alley, in Lion lialL ...won' 'tory, ~iit,• Ili. German It •f,,, mod City of org,ini/ed and /f S/X or pi . 115. ,?/, r ' .1; 7„ ‘ II it.• 'FILI-1....- of 11Bi , in-11101,0 1,.,v0 the 1'01111. , 1 ~ f Lehigh County, Jiro, Goa ti. , 'mi., 1 , , il , l in Ow ~ f 1 for tho faith •HANK. St ~r st v, 1 , .• byrow ler nmy 11ur.,,11 . In addict.. te't he Act id 110,11.11,11011 1111110% 1110 ' 111.1 d 1 " ,111. " 1111,..0l I io; &f n ol. hi t n th. ,'.,pilot .tilo , I. 01 the 'taut:. which nky Iten•and filar.. Ithstly to Increase it to ono Itntelt , d nod Incl. The-, prevlst , ... trill !nal, it a tern drsir.ibla and sal , place of d, to It 111.ty1,. prttper t.t that the deposit , rrlll 111. k,twt 110 1 ,1.0 .f /8.10,1 10.•bried vault/ in ihir Arrauttelo,nt- trill lettnadtt to (mats(( drafts on the Otto, of .ItJw S. A. 111110 1 /1:S, r0,(40/1. .1, NV, Wll,lo\. J. E. ZI3ISIE.IIIIAN. ra•lier. I/ankel 11. Miller. r • :S. A. Bridges, John - llelltett. • J. W. Wilson. Baer. J. E. Zlautternitud i I/. ri. Creltr Pater (trust, Edwin Zimmermuu. lent 304 f I= I=l I= wnouGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING EATER, I=l I=l WItoI'DIIT-IRON RADIATOR == II III: \ 4 • St. ATI: : , ;(;t• Etiltehtional l311.:‘ NSY l'Ell.t ('Ol I'lll,l- f.rt,r , f •• MoN Y, APRIL ISTH, P3-.11 Itaard nn , l Tutti., lii Lattlit.llllt..tach.... +I l'ot eat ft b J. l' ,111:1131 IN, 'll • jltot'z-ttlet y . I UItSININ COLLEGE.. liA. Spring To at or Ow Devartiiwiiic or LI, will N 1).11", APRIL 4T ir, IS7O. F..r Catalog., ( , •111.1',1111/, pArlicular , Pri cip.ll, .1. 11. rErt r.i:,.1.F. mar 2-Za rritE 11111.- sELEirr r.tmuLy I:nglislt, Classical, 31:01tematical, Scientific and Arti,tle Institution, Y' NO mEN AND E,,y,! 1!5=111 The Flr.l Tom er Nita•t..anth .%nnual So•-ieh cohltnenco WEILN 1 . . I la. •115 day al ,1:1'14:311;1.' .rt. reraiv , •l um.. 1 , , C.,. hr. a drupe E I: IIV " NI LEI:. A. IT.. . alcipal I= Srlaeirvr. • 111111.•nhnri.r. Stu.v.•r. Hutt,. g.. r, Wyk, ntertrt, t•tr. 11,,N..4.—.11,dge 1,101" w, 31yer , . Thayer. 11.,J. M. lt , .yer, Jac.oh 1"...1, r, etv. iir h...1T. 11. r% It. T . hmtv diarl. , Watt:m.oler, Sao, & vit ,1115 1,15 E LS OEt `.OecM%L I NSTI EMMET C 110 (I I, PO 1: 1107'11 ,5 ==l MONDAY, 31.\1r:I1 2S.m. 1870 All :0 , ..., 1. Comm. iaiE , llll•lltl4 , l., taught. === MEMEI SPECr.t.Z; ; 7I . :S t ! I, . . . A , :11,••• ..r ..Fly^ (IL\ ssEy's, N 0.23 HA:MI.I'ON 61•111.:E1 I= ol , I 11.1 a:tollt . ..:11. the , 1 • ,1.L.•1e rlll.. y• I 1i:1.111,1 nly bit-tlio. , that I lniv. , 1111111,1, • I.\ Lay H.., niatitifactur.!lilt l 1111 14.1,•:i I 1.11,1 , .1 by 1,n,, • yr, .1 -111.1..1 prie 111 , 111. 111..11 1. it .1 Lag.' .1.11 ,, 1111 , ..•1.• .1 , -.•111.i •I.t "r h.. .1, th, .1.1 111111IY p 11,11.1,114 11., • 1 ,, 111a 1 ~ 11. A 11l 1.L11,1.111,.1. 14 1I .ii... 1.1: ..f. .1 1'... jun , A. 071(1 . : I. ~~ =.~' I..VI.IIZUS MORRIS IMBEEDIE PE - uvi.:( TED 1NI) EYE-GLASSES =CABE MIMM N 11:•.%•.. Jult vier, Al' • ‘V ,, I'.ll , '4.).,•1 , 11" ..S1) . 111: , I , A ',lO .1N I ) :11. 15',70, Ito atI.•11t1- 111 1 :: M. l-1, • Fir FIN,: 1 1.1. i 11. T 1)1! l': , 11 1 rov,11101,1..1,1: li••111 ,, •1%• . • /11:, p..llllllilr. . I, Nlot,Ial•lt, 111111 a vk.,,,‘,.1.•,i g .,1 I. be Else I[l., ovn,111:11111,..1...1 Ited :11111C:11/ Iniiray.• nll"lltb , iding and e.tabort svl.pb,1,111;11i , l,1111: 1.1.`,1,111Z th.,roughly. NO. Sr; WEST HAM ILTos STREET, NINTII .\I.I.I:NTOWN DEEP WELL PUMPS, =I .1! ERIDI iV" PL"I: X ell if•—t 11., in Ow inarlo.l. II g:sn lin. 134:0,4 light 211111=111 couLTEH, .I().NE4 Lk: CO., NANt'FACITEEKS AND ‘M , I,I:sALI: DE.ll,l*. 702 ARCH ST., PIIII.ADA MEM THE V•EItY REST THE MOST BEAUT IFUL CI, 0 11 1 N AT KEI . TONE HALL 11A 1,1,1 El' NA CI I,E lia vo thy Jai .g .. •t, 1...- ci.,erniN(; ov..i . got iu r1ty..,.1.,11 bu.,tl (1)1:I'', laptl itll oilier ta , rll:4 1 , , W A R than yvu eau buy elNuwbo•ro iu F:uniern 87ni) Chop Goods sold. CLOTHING MADE TU ORDER Wr. kept, vtantly or, Laud a !at kt3.l•logara n..•orl ,nont oro,ftoki h ca.t.ooor- ra their nolortiok. anal have horn lord. up oti ,haft tJ iii irr, 4jr.111 work wal Ihr rri 7 loo.t. Cell mei -oe our tve W I NTIll: STIIC7i, ruviral et the K >NE I ,L, No, 211 . Vest Hamilton Street ',xi door In (;crnt I:4,:nrd iChusch, 11.1. EN 'FOWN, .1 full ..f .A.\l N lIALLIET 12. ti ri 14AT ATTItACTION ! NEW FIRM! NEW Goons! CIA Yll-1 1 N ! ('LO'I'N ENG ! =III r:RAND FALL AND 'WINTER GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. ()s M . I; A R :1 I N ♦T Tll4l GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM NO. 43 EAST 111\ MILTON STREET, We w.n11,1 inform Ow rill, uf Allrnlon, and ILa ur r.,ond nlry t1..11 me aro lor , pared nvnb a largu sleek of goadr for SPIII N(; NI) SUMIIEIt WEAR, nod "It, thous 1 , . thy pisblic ..a.tonalrlo print, To thorn who boy thoirl'l , olsioil ready..P.ths, Illoy sass to ISA Itli.llNs.s. SLATS HA USI TO ! ('OATS, 4.\1) VESTS Cnt at;tl made lo tho latohbstyle. and by lit•bobt w•rk men CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSINIERES, largur than 11 ha. born brforr, and we Intrall la .011 v.. ry rOlal.l. nod gin• ourruntruurro th• bona fit or our low purrhu.r.. NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, And rvrrythlng Iu tl.B line of t'; nxr's NISHISO GOODS MEN'S. Unpc••uud CHILDREN'S It EA DY- \1) I': CLOTH I NG, notCL plsco, N. 43 1::.t Hamilton street, third iloor abovo Sixth 1. J•coe IL. Sruoi.l., MARTIN LTNII 2-I.if for thr gamier. for Puro Water, uso nw , this celettratol Pump, t i.e4i„ 0 .6 8 LATcHLEy, entirety tasteless, c .. 1 durable umd rolias fi24 &66 Ida; e.ittal to the 0, tt i; TanErtT ST gaud tdtbra.ltiottod Ptl woodou Pump, and C; Toot loss than half the •<r'is money Easily arranged Lt. nn to be nomfreezing,, '4, .9 1, and in ronstructitat no simple that any ono can put It up and 71),,, troop It in repair. THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW MADE pAciric GUANO i'o. CAPITAL, 1,000,000 JOHN K. REESE & CO ; EN ERA I, AGENTS, 122 Soil II DELA A\'E\L'i• SOLITIILE PACIFIC =I No YEATILIZI It IN1111.111•1'1:11 TO T• 11 1,6111:6]. AT Tllll DIDDLE .ANDKODTIII:IIN NT•TI, 11.1 , 111 . 1:6 6DAA AND 1•611NO1N1 tv.tIIATAITIoN 1 . 114 N TIIIA I/11: riLA pin IN ID 11 AA N 1 DADII.V IN:CM:ANDO DNA], TD A IttNNow riinor , oron ENTI4II Atli:Nth, 1,6 TIIAT Dr AST i. 1 .11 1 .11 Tllll 1.• /DO: CAPITAL INVDTVED IN ITA.I'IIoIIeCTIDA AD- Dol:L/A1111: -1 . 111.-1,1,11•NT1, or ITA l'oNt 1:611:1.• Tur. vompasr A TAU 41111,1:111. IT.:Ill:NT IN Kim I.I:I:IIANANDE .11. Its THAOK THAN ANY 61,1111:11 DY ONA1,11:1, CAN 111:0CD. IT IA TIIN 111tHIMAT INTDADAT tll. 111, coNI DANT To ADD 11111 111:0T . WEITTILIZI:11 INTO MM.- :II:T. THAT 1111:111 11N1,1,1. I'Al'll.l TILA, AIDED DT T4lll 111:-D11:NTIFIV AIIILITT DAN 1 . 4.1111 . .. D. T 111.4 ANo IA nol.lo AT III:TAII. DT DOTAL ADANTA lIY 116 comv.nDllll.l . lillorT :TIAT JI:IIADT, I . I:NNATINANI I, AND SOTHIDTAN •61.1 AT D . 11t.1.1.-41.11 UT RUN S. REESE 00., OENERAL AGENTS' FOR THE COMPAYY. kb 9-310:m.117-31u BAUGH'S RAW HONE • SUPER PHOSPHATE OE LIME. , GR ADE MARK SPRING, 1870. „... . FA_IIMERS, CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT A GRASS A &I 10 Ihe tour Sat. By a Jadiriour and 11conolu'.eal m....k0 of MANURING. cET THE VALVE ill' WIFE OFTLAT TIIE FIRST FIFA soN. oRTA IN BETTEn FILLED LAns AND HEAT! ER RA IN. KEEP VoIIR Still, lEEE F1h,,11 N.Lxicirs WEEDS. MAKE orn LAND PEIIMARESTLY FER TILE. . . liver years of. an•innl use. nn all r ha,. 'w a s, !bat !San Cis Raw Bone Ph...lamb/ may be de pendea 111.111 by Farmers. Rd - Highly p r o red and Stir Warranted...fa* r sale by Agrienllursl Dealers general! 1. BAUGH eL SONS, MANtwArrvitEics, Offirrt—Aro. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, I'llll,oa. mar W•Cill SAIINC HANK, 31ILLEtts•1'olvN, r,Elil.;ll4ouNT v. win he ..poued on or to the 1,1 day of Art il. will he taken on d• at all Itine4 stud lu any onion front ono dollar upward., iar 4111015 atz PER CE;cl . . INTEREST pr • r annum will be paid. Deposits may be withdrawn at any time: AI.o, wooer loane.l out MI lavorublo tertn.. J WEILEY, l'rreident. Fnaxcids J. F. M. ShilTert, George ididwir.. Frederick C. Toted. Chrbdian 6. Henninger. David Donner, fielltiay. Griebol, Gideon F. Heuer, ilobillo T. ilertrog, Dew:unite J. Schinoyer. Janice Dingmauter. ,nier ledfrn A YEAR AND EXIPEN, tits to Ageut• to soil the celebrates WILSON SEWING 31ACIIINES. Tho beat machine ill the world. Stitch alike 01t kith sides. ONE MACIIINZ WITttOCT Breaux. For further particular,. addrous 23 N St, Lllad'a, Clitotbing ME CHEAPEST, AND MOST DURABLE l'A Fun LESS Ml 'SE y, 111- Ft4rltl.l/Ing Gaul . I w.T• on JOSEPH NA61.1:1 Mrt[aer 1 thlsoilgn =I I= I=l 131=1 =I 0 I •ICES PHILADELPHIA 10 SOCTII STREET, BALTIMORE. GUANO. Vrofiozionni Carbo. D. LUCKENBACH, ATTOR • NET AT LAW, (formerly practiced In Carbon cunty). Oldre, No. —Last Hamilton tureet, meeond door nearly opptiAite the Court Howie, Allentown, Pa. May be coaaulted tu the German lauguage. CON,ANTIN!! 3. ERDMAN. Jolly 11. 01.1vEit. It 1111 A OM VElt, , A'1"1'011C .1J :74:55 AT LAW. ALLPiTOWN. PA, Collectluup nlloqulrd 1.. in Lultlgh ul l ikaljoining voUntie.. jro 14 uloultion all •legal bu.lnums lu the ) , everul Cott n. Eugludi and (3erloan. jun 10.1 Unit( 0: lIALI/WIN, ATTORNEYS AND (7)ENSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, 1' Mlle,• No. 51E. Ilanillton stret. E. 31. I:UNK. [jail I F. A. B. BALDWIN.' !..41 . 1 ,. 121:: . 11 . L . G El . A . 170 . l!t!" . T ""'"""4 apr. 21.17 To J. 310111E..tIr1'OIRIVEY AT LAW. A.!J . ALLENTOWN, I. . Mice, No. &i E:Lbt Ilionitiou 1!1=11=1 TA3IES S. RI ERY. A7"IIIIILNET AT el I,Aw. 001".. 1:1124 Hamilton ~lreet,ntl tl.por 11, (Sp,clu I rttunt ..c luu =II SI'IIIYARTZ. ATTORNEY 7_, AT LAW, Sikth nod Ihuniltou kuholvan Hotel, Allouthwn, Pooh,. L110111:111ii liCl . lllllll 1.1P4 Cil/',ATLI.. in I.ehlult Itud adj. eta conuti, pt..ruptly kit...lca t'. I::-TS E 0 E 11. Rl PP, Vll"r4olt3i EY X AT LAW. tonic, with How John I). &Ilex, Allou town, l'n. (ZA,I CEL A. BETZ. ATTORNEY AT L.) LAW. otnr, with P. wyocorr, oppuote tbo Each. 11,0, ALLENToWN. PA. T VALLEV FIRE INNER -1-1 ANCE COMPANY, ALLENTowN. PA. Office over N:11100111 Bank. 11.1. , property agalloit lung by fire on the loom:110mi. C. S. Ilreu, Pres•l - RIA LIFE LIKE. P TIMMS. (..urrE, Uh vi,ITEs, 42 PER DOZEN. All rezi..tered. S. \V. lIURCAW, ALLEN ToWN, PA. Al"11)1tNET AT LAW. • xvith It. Kant/. E+q., Slatlngton, Lehigh r.mnty. 1.1.131gh, Northampton nod r.amth, mmaptly atom Mal to. may '.?l-/Y 171.1511 A vonnEsT.; ATTORNEY - it•N` , El.l.olt AT LAW, West limit topn Allont.Pu u, juul4-If T 1 CLAY HAMERSILV, ATTORNEY AI , • AT LAW. CATASArgtri. PA. J. 14-'6B.a THOMAS B. 3iETzG . En. ATTOR. NEI" Al LAW. ALLENTOWN. PA. Mice. No. tl2 E.L.t Ilatedltml •irvet. inny 2.-T5l 1 - 1. 4 LIAS MERTZ.' A LDERIA VI Kl' ilt AND CONVEVANCED A(.1. - .NT rttlt THE SALE OF REAL EFTATE, We, Ha mllLot St , Allentown, l'.. ‘DWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEA ./ AT LAW. viola :dots, at° Court House. AL LENToWN 1,11101 rOOOtY I. fob 13,69..1y sow I) EN. A TTOlt I I to ' ' I.NSEEL(' I . I A7 I'M'r. A • C e TI.W l'A. A :2t/. DIV %HD II .1 IC VEY , %EY AT I.A W. Ogle, w ith Hog. *11111411.11 A. Bridge. M=2:=l TOIINIREP P, :tyro RNEy AT LAW . , NI/ and Hulath. strve l TOWN, i'A,mmaAyLlllll A DA 11 WOOL EV ER, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oilicu.• Ihe,.Court Ikuee. AL LLATOW may 1-11- (I,EORGE B. !WHALE ATTORNEY N-A Al' LAW. Olden, first door above Law Alley, AL LENTOWN, PA. may ieddint SMOYER, AVIORNEY AT -1-4 LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Ofeci, N. W. Curtin tith and Ilazailtou Streets, Second floor. t Particular att. Lou paid to the twilit:meta of Decedent notated. Collee• tiono made Sic Jan 0-1 DR. C. C. 11. GULI)IN, StiltGE4llll DENTIST. 011ier, lITIT Mrs. M. A. 0. Tramming Mora, No. :14 Ea..t Hamilton street, ALLEN. 'I'D \l'\ 'A. couroN DENTAL ASSOCIATION Ilrigivated tLo 110:enthPlif at.° of nitroux coda° go 4. tlri u.t ll.l w rniouT PAIN, so 13,tuopatiank teatlfy. gna choir slturoa at Illy OFFICE, No, 7d7 WALNUT STEELY I,low Eighth, PhiladeUtllla. Zliattlys anb 3rianiru J.E.CALDWELL &CO.. ELElls, 1M PO RTE RS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, KEEP ONLY IRST-CLASS FOODS GOLD WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, WEDDING SILVER, PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, BRONZES, FOREIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, &c., &c All 101 , 011 4 . really Ilne rollable In /la:day:lad a.Aderdic in price, are corialn to be ',hatred by car excecdelely lame and varied callectlon. ()tar Stock Is kcie al,vdy+ ...Millen. front drat .entrees. tier•l.od iserdaoeuccd “nc cf the host a ',aura In the w o rld ; any panlina•the city arc cordially lu cited to call and 111 , 1 , 4'e I • II jan'le•ly p.t.tor K. STAILI , VER. WATCHES AND JEWELRY, No. 115 NoRTII SECoND roN. ov (WARILY, PIIILA n'e l An n....rtinont of Watches, Jewelry, Sliver add 4';', Mole! %Var.. rmodantly 00 hood. Caf2,e, 11 , )-It.intiring Watrlr oo.L Jewelry promptly attooled io. • . nug 11-11 h'ELICEIt .t nuoTnEu, NO. 27 W EST HAMILTON ST., A i.r.ENTowN. r. CLOCKS, vPII rocoloted nod warrant...l. All Imes nod prlc.t. front 12 upward.. A lurgor of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES than can be found In nny other .torn Ito the city. JEIVELKY OF ALL KINDS, SILVER WARE of •••••, cie.rrlptlon. 44-Watches repaired no !Ikon Yotlre wATcHEN, JEWELRY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE CHARLES S. MASSEY'S, N0..2.11'.50.t Tintollton xtrret, 0pp..10 this German Ito formodilturh. Just received from New York out ndelplita. 'kllllo 'Moot style 4 GOLD WATCHES SI LV Ell wATc II ES. than Ile Ca bas ll 1 a ,l 11nircharger 1111 use, 11 1 better n.ort ke. nt , nt of !ilia,. Watches anywhere e GOLD JEWELRY. It, ban the 'orient nod Lest as•ortsoeut of . • 11 kind. of Gold Jowelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile 100 l larger And bolter asportment of all kind.. of GM od I' Wed Jewelry than fan 1112 wood elsewhere. SILVER AND PLATED WARE. Ho a, a uplendld AN.ortinvut of Sllvor and Plated Waro. 1,,,,,,t1,1t,1r1i5c good , iu lino ran not full to CLOCKS A larger arporttoeut than at auy other eatabllabuteut. t MELODEONS. 'A .ploo.ll.llohortment of l'ance's /delodeoue, the bea t the world. . . ACCORDEONS. . A ..plentll4l tolsortinent of nll kinds of lonrtloono. III+e•t bus jolly boon fitted nil, nod Is now ...old to nosy In Now York .00l 01111.1..10W , ttntl nboud of :tnytlllnnontAtle tbo lorge rlto, !Joit. n largo: stock of ta•ltion nblo nondo lo lit. lino Il y ion all otlowti Inn I.ohlgla unty comblno.l. To now:lure Ilion of Ilio nboce cell and XVII A,CTENTI4)N, 110INEICEIEPERS ! CHAIRS ! CHAIRS! C HAIRS ! e REU BEN .. S I EGERS Chair, etc., Salvoroota IE at NO. 68 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLEIITOWN, PA A taw doors aboye tl, street, and ulmostdlrectli.or , posit° Iluneubtteli hotel, When , ho will be please,. to attend to uU culls trompersous who desirenniriblny In his Inc. mar /Ow USUB/Irl Elt CM MOM MOE ME= of. W oAchoe b St., Philn.dulphlo, csll 3!!enl;bn to his se , ect..l stock of ELSY, DIAMONDS, I,nre, hr. I=
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