NI Elytilt Pgister, = I= ALLENTOWN, PA., APRIL 19, 1870 MINORITY COUNTIES The time has come, when it Is necessary that some measures should lie taken by the people of our State, to arrest, if possible the Course of proceedings • adopted by the State Legislature. We do not intend at this time to make any suggestions as to what shall be done, or in any but a general way state the cause of complaint. It is sufficient to Say that the people of the Stale know and feel that corruption and dis honor, have fortified themcelven in the halls of the Legislature. The Legislation f-r past few years, is a libel upon public lan and justice, and if the thing is not arrested the State will crc long be without any definite form of government, as it already is without a-uniform code of laws. )Ire leave each man to judge what share the Republican majority in the Legislature may have in bringing about this deplorable lion of things.• Of one thing we are certain, that the party in power have consented, and we believe in augurated the practice of submitting all local Legislation to the individual representatives. In other words, the Legislature, which is large ly Republican, and has been so for many years, has consented to submit all local Legis lation for 'Lehigh county to the two Demo cratic represtittatives of this county. They cull this "courtesy," but we think the more appropriate name would : be "bargain and sale." By this most unfair practice, the five thousand Republican voters of Lehigh county, who own large manufacturing mining and agricultural interests, are handed over to the tender mercies of two Democractic repre sentatives. We believe this to be the case with all the counties in the State where the Repub. Beans arc in the minority. This evil must and will in one way or another be temedied. Experience has shown that it is useless to appeal to the the Legisla. Lure for redress, and equally useless to apply to the Republican State conventions. - The only course left is ror the Republicans of the minority counties to call a State Conven tion. Such convention should consist of the ablest men in those counties, so that it would proceed with a Isamu and Intelligence. The assembling of this convention is the only hope we have for the continued existence of the Republican party, and the correction of ex isting evils in our State Legislation. We respectfully present this matter to the Republicans of minority counties, and urge them to appoint delegates to represent them in this convention. So that it may meet at an early day. II OMI( 1!I)Ar. Rr: I IF; 'FOR 'HOUNDED HONOR It has grown to he the fashion in these !M -ier days to measure honor by a curious stand ard and in certain (8.1 to dispense with law a itd,justire awl let revenge work its blind un reasoning will. A man may neglect his wife and children: starve them, oveasionallylllllllSC himself by heating thmn, and no man darein, or the honor of the noble creature is wounded and pablie Nelo e lit will exalt hint into a hero iiito days the raqh intruder, lln,..bands of the brutal type are to hi' (1)111111 In every community, IN la, _rote sentiment a l in their cups On the subieet of their honor and assert their snp:•riority in the home circle by thrashing the tinnily all round. The sacred ness of the marital relation is admitted on nll hands, hut the marriage tie, while it binds the woman and man together, does not altogether deliver the wife to the husband as "Ids chat tel" to he kicked and rutted .and starved and degraded when4er he becomes beastialized in. brutalized N;illiciently so to maltreat her. Again there are a Hass of roystrring young bloods, who frequent gambling saloons and inftunous resorts. Who are proficient in the arts of drinking, Cheating, lying and swear ing. Who break every conummdment in the deettlogue andare pnnetillions about their honor. That is to say, they will put their own construction on this or that action and. with warPed, besotted and befuddled intellect. pass judgment out this or that man's doings and, adjudging him worthy ilr death, will pro ceed to execution. This kind (,r thing is becoming vert• com mon ; this class or murderers arc thronging mu. courts and sheltering themselv'es from the punishment due to assassins, behind a roman tic public sentiment, which is ton alt to regard the plea of " wounded honor" as covering a multitude or sins. The lirst duly cif a good citizen is it, abide by Ms /ate. sinned against is mani febtly unlit to `• take the law in his own hands," because lie is blinded by passion and actuated by motives of revenge. A Christian man can find no consolation for his OWII wrongs in the death of his fellow. he remembers "ven geance is mine, saith the Lord, and I will re- To promulgate in our Courts of Justice the pernicious doctrine that a revengeful murder is, under any circumstancrA, justifiable hood vide, is to aim 'at lite root of all justice. It is in fact to over-ride and supersede the law. Teach rather that the law is its own vindica tor. Make the law powerful to sustain the right and:to punish the wrong doer. and let no violation of it go unpunished, whatever the provocation. This is justice, and this alone will Pave Its from such an universal contempt of law that will result in a reign of terror. PROGR rsszonr Every day the world moves on. Every day it grows in knowledge and in culture, Mill learns to look la the questions of the hour front a higher standpoint and measure the things of this life by a loftier standard. flew _ °mite(' Mr the past enthrals the Timis 0180111 e, a dull inertia or a spirit of "pure cusssediwss" binds the hands of others, and thus many thousands are tumble to exercise the new tiaillt born within them and are chained to the old superstition that is dying around them ; but tliCl.l. Is HO 111:111 "raver:lgo intellect on this broad continent, who does • not in his heart of hearts admit that it is thy• mind and not the form, the intellect am: n o t the color, the hon• !sty of purpose and the truthlultiesh of Pie, not the accident of birth or chance of fortune, 'that distinguishes men above their fellows, nod makes them worthier of bearing the image of the Creator ani hoping for the Life to come. Yet, while this is admitted, to himself. he can not shake off the old habits of thought, the old way of looking at things and, in all the actions of the non progressive man, be movse as though the Divine Hight theory had never been ex ploded, as though Christ came to save . all 'white men, as though a it?.iited sepulchre were is heavenly passport, and as though the war of In'dependence and the war of Rebellion had yet to be fought. , For ft wise and beneficent purpose the minds of some men have been so constructed as to act like a balahee wheel to the Impetuous : .itttrebanisin of the spirit Mprogression seldsli, never risking anything, pre fecring established practice to the sulditnest Ocory, they are like the cold water which drips on the machinist's knife and has its use in preventing such heat front friction as would destrOy the blade. lli t while the knife naives •: forward, they move too and are progresssing While they arc throwing "cold water" on progression. As the days go on and canna • nearer to the cud; when our generation shall r - have passed away, and we sleep in the dust . And are of the past, the work of progress will elllhgo'onand. with largeeNlows and nobler aspimilons . men will. regard no distinctions ihoic ' •okines and worth, . • OUR DUTY TO OUR NEIGIIBOR JACK REYNOLDS. In the yard of the Tombs prison in New York, there stood, last Friday, a misetable wretch taking his last look at the April sun. Whether he sate anything or not, none can tell. His mind was so bewildered with dread and doubt, and the reiterated exhortations to "look beyond the grave," that it is doubtful if his eyes could convey any impression to his poor dazed brain. When the executioner's axe severed the rope that had held him suspended between time nod eternity, it made one more notch in that fatal beam which is the tally stick of the scenic]. It was one more mark ill the sciire that shows the indebtedness of the gallows to the rum-shop. The poor wreMli liked liquor. Ile had been used to it from tits earliest days and all its as eciations were his associations. Ile had al ways regarded it at a first-rate thing and his notion of enjoyment was to have his fill of it and his ambition was to get money, somehow, anyhow, that he might be enabled to do it. He neTer discovered its deceit and false friend ship, until (as he would have "it went back on him,"and he found himself doomed to die and then he said " I wish all the liquor was out of The world." Wes it his fault that he found so much of It here ? Wash his fault that men traded it to him for the non he got somehow Was it his fault 'altogether, that he fell in the wide open pit by the way side ? "Constant dropping will wear away stone,", says the proverb, and it is on the same princi •ple that constant stimulation or the animal part of roan, Causes it to obtain the ascen dancy over and to wear out all his liner sus ceptibilities. That all men have, naturally, " finer susceptibilities" is beyond a question, There never was a mat born into this world without the capacity for exercising gratitude, love, obedience, gentleness, and such like qualities, as well as those of which tiny arc the antipodes. If, by the force of circum stances, the influence of association, or front any other cause, the mind becomes tilled with all that Is good to the exclusion of nil that is evil or rice versa, the man either reaches the perfection of manhood or sinks below the level of the brute. It Is the inherent truth contained in this proposition that makes the question " What Is our duty to our neighbor 1" the most impor tant one of the day. Human beings who are placed from childhood up, in a situation where the worst influences are brought to bear upon them, have a claim upon our sympathies and a right to our help that we dare not disregard in view of our common humanity and in the face of the words " Inasmuch as ye did it not unto one of the• least of these my brethren, ye did it not unto Inc.'' This view of the liquor question demands every educated man's at tention, for none can shirk its responsibilities. riiE 1147TIEFI O,IIICIIIOOI. DIREC- TORN The opinion of the Court in the matter of the proposed Independent School District in Whitehall . Township was published in the Cunt)some and REGISTER last week. The Court decided against the establishment of an Independent District but in the decision gave some plain and judicious advice to School Directors that a majority of them can very well utrord to profit by. The wise provisions of the school law too often fail of their legiti• mate effect and their noble work is often hin dered by the ignorance, incompetence, or earelcarness of the " Ilonril of Directors" who meet in solemn conclave at the country tavern and think their whole duty consists in getting the rheapeAt teachers, the eheapeit school t o and the lowest taxes possible ; without regard to brains in the first. comfort and convenience in the second, and justice in the last of those necessities. In almost every country .Ichool District (not to mention the cities) you will find one or two progressive spirits who INC CVCry?r f6rt for the good of the community and are opposed by the rest, not with any violent or demonstrative opposition but wish the dull disheartening stolidity of inertia. It is true also that unfortunately there are t u rn in every dis trict who are opposed to the noble school laws ofrennsylvania and, still more milbrtunately. these Men are; often represented in our school boards. The progressive naen have to en counter this active and this silent opposition hut they hair the consolation of knowing that the law i= on their side, :mil that a grow ing puldie opinion is declared in the words of the Court—" The plea of heavy taxation is "an excu,s of little moment, When weighed " with the vat Impor!ance of atlin•ding to the "children of the nineteenth century the "means of education." To separate the wheat from the chaff and put the progressive people in separate districts would be to defeat one of the objects of the law. The party of progress must drag the inert mass along, fur the law will give to the future citizen of this country an education to fit him for the responsible po sition lie will hold as a voter, notwithstanding and in spite of the ignorance or stupidity of his progenitors. Every one who has the good of our public schools at heart should see to it that in his district, this decision of the Court is dissemi nated, and, when complaint is made of a dere liction of duty on the part of the school board, let the people know that the law is not in fault, but that the remedy lies in "e l ecting better men or compelling those elected to per. form their duties." OR [TEA 1111 Any diligent reader of the newspapers must have remarked the eagerness with which death in some families is made the opportunity for a display of extraordinary poetical powers. The most remarkable rhymes and terribly halting verse are !nude the medium for dis playing to the world most touching sorrow. We ,have no wish to laugh at well-meant tributes of respect, love, or affection, but we cannot help regarding somewhat curiously that desire to display the hitherto "hidden fire" which grief is powerless to allay.— "Vanity of vanities, said the Preacher, all is yaliity," and in the fashionable mourning garments and in the obituary column of the local paper the sorrowful survivors will put on airs and graces in the very face of Death. When a great and good man dies, distin guished through life for his simplicity and lack of ostentation—his virtues will be sounded to such a tune mid he will be puffed and exalted to such a height above the common herd that at last, to thOse ‘tlio stand at the base of his monument of praise ❑tnl lookup at Lira, he ap pears very little Indeed. Certain soldiers and officers met at Chicago to do honor to the late General Thomas and thus began a set of resolutions:—" IPlth the setting of the Sun in the far Cr Pacific, went to rest on the '2Bth of March, all that was mor tal of George 11. Thontan." In. style this preaudile.very moth resembles an opening chapter of one of G. P. 11. James's novels, and is not the only instance in which his memory has been belittled by the " post 'nor tem" eloquence of his Surviving comrades. The epitaph of a soldier should be incisive, sharp, brief. 12121 • CAR bonor'k ~ire provoke the vileut 0u.4, • Oryhtfterp nowt, the doll, cold ear erdrath The man is dead, but his memory lives and all the ploquent writing can never express the sorrow and the pride of his countrymen. Tun funeral cortege of General Thoinas pissed through Eric Thursday, It is n !at ter or much . regret that the Keystone State had cepa no delegation to escort the TCIIIIIIII9 through nor liorders. The cortege then went to Buffalo, where 'the demonstrations were of en imposing character. The funeral will take place at Tray pa-moryow, Aga pro- viously anuriugcej. • THE LETTIGII REGI IVOMAN'S BIGHTS. Faith Rochester, a woman's rights advocate, puts a case as follows : " Suppose we expect the boy to get his moral training mostly, as best he can, between the street and the Sun day school, acting upon the idea that young men must be expected to sow sonic wild oats, that a little profanity and intemperance !mist be pardoned, and that no demand should be made for entire chastity on his part. At the same lime, suppose we keep the girl from all free association With the wicked world, incul cating the idea that a woman's virtue must be above suspicion even,' that 'a woman with out religion is like a !lower without perfume,' etc. Will there not probably be us decided difference in the moral character of the two, how6er much alike they may have been in childhood ?" Now let ifs suppose that the moral training of the boy and the girl is alike, and that we permit the girl to " sow sonic wild oats," and indulge a ';little profanity and in temperance," as Faith appears to think is gen erally allowable in boys. what then ? Who wouldn't if he were seeking a wife prefer the girl who Lail been kept " from all free ass,ffi ation with the wicked world," to the one W h o had the boy's training? Will Miss Faith an swer ? DEMOCRATIC VENOM Twenty-one Democrats in the Ohio . House of Representatives (says the Cincinnati Tinol of March :30) were yesterday mean vnottgli to vote against resolutions of respect to the limn ory of General Thomas. The brave old sol dier, living, could expect nothing lint bitter hatred and contumely front 'these lily-live red rascals; he had (I( alt their friends too many hard blows for them to so sisin firget and treat hint with bommon decency. Put, cid I in death, the coward who could dinil it in his heart to vote.against the usual slight tribute of respect to his memory, exhibit, the spirit and propensities of a hyena, or an Ohio Peace Democrat in his most aggravated and aggra-• rating form. The lustre of the grand old sol dier's fame can be dimmed by no such ebul litions of petty meanness; while the only reputation these small-minded bigots have achieved is the infamous notoriety of standing in the way of a proper exhibition of the grief of the State occasioned by the death of the great man.—/furrisburg Telegraph. REBEL VENOM A Disgraceful Assault Upou a Dead The New Orleans Picayune assaults the memory of Gen. George H. Thomas in the following disgraceful fashion. It is evident that the rebel spirit is not yet dead in Loui siana. Under the title, 1 : A Renegade Head," the Picayune says : "To Virginia, the shameful defection or Thomas to the Southern cause ' was peculiarly humiliating, as his career in ,Mexico had en listed the pride and, admiration of that noble and generous people. His mane, joined with that or Winfield Scott, whom he resembled not n little in personal appearance, will go down to posterity, covered with Ihrir repro bation. Ile was alone, among his I:L.:1y, in his treachery to his native land, i'or broth er was an officer in the Confederal , army;, and a spirited and patriotic sister, on, those Virginia matrons who stood out dm in: the desolation of their proud old Connonnw . ealth by the Federal armies, in the resplendent ma. jesty of devotion and self,:acrilice, is reported to have anstvered an applicatlon fur thesword which the State hail presented to her recreant brother, by saying that he !dirndl not have it, ns Virinia hail presented it to a son or whom She then prinnl, hat that. the hand of 3 littler : -1,1:1,1 never gra:p it:: hill. But the man ha: gene to Ilk last nttount. L:.g hr ifirellerti SaCriliCCil al Cl , lllll to a niche ia the same commemorative temple 01 . :2.re0u giniatn+, ttilh Lee and Stonewall Jael,on. and W,/11 ninny the very ilimhtful compliment of sharing such honors with the rutttle,. deso. tutors or tyrannical oppressors of his (Wire SOH, 1111(1 of his nearest kindred. Pew should envy him such n fate." " P.ticis Ilb tit•NLlt;it'r AND (.;.\ A W o rk Deveript;,,, the .Ifu,frrh, ond Virluty, Splenglorx, 11,0 ('ity James D.' .llef 'abc, Jr. • 'flak is the title of the must complete and at. tratiire hook or the day, hy the •' \atiomal Ihibli , hinus Company, — of l'hiht,leli , h;.t. It i, a 1 ‘l::,e volume of oycr 5i;2.111 lilt:C(110y \S illl . lollC 1111:i1ir,1 :11.1 lilt line i 11,1:1't itlgs, Inc tit,. Ffr:ich at.,l from the Irli of ti writer Mi., It and in a for, he,ide , eont,tinhez ❑ ~1,1 ti tion. it alitotit,l, th.tts of the thither or reader is c.,rsied into the lot and squalid quar ters of the nag-lad:cr., and is iutroduce,l to the houses of the sad child r en of loverty ; the mho noted I.ori ties and qu-ens a r e portrayed with par, et trialifulncss ; the terrildu biroads.which vice of all kinds has hiude in French society, is shown with a startling. vigor; ylalille and Its gullies, with the voluptuous Can-nut ore brought home to him ; aud the mad revels of the carnival are reproduced with great accuracy. The book is, indeed, Paris photographed, lind is as attractive and spicy. to the reader as the city Itself to tin; American visithr. Our ;intim!. dwells Particularly on the " rapidness" with whieli our countrymen conduct themselves amidst the divot patious and temptations of the gay city . ; nor is the book valuable only for its sensational quali ties. It is brim-full of the pleasantest historical instruetion, and no one possessing a library should fail to place It on his 611V:VCs. It is g'utten up exquisite taste ny the Puldisheri, and in quite ns attractive externally as internally. Amongst the Illustrations 'of this line work, we notice the names of Gustave Dore, De liar, Fichot, Cletget, and Theroud—than whom France has given no moro brilliant and successful workers in the art of en graving. It is sold only by nllkeliriloll. Hionscn EEN, ATTENTIIO HEAL) TILE FoLIMWING !•shothlc I.ltllni•nt 1.1 , el,l I, Pi oc.ti•l4 utd Start ‘Vhol••..l. J.1111:: 1 NV1 . 11.1. 1, , N. 11. cor. of LiEll Siolog Gunk. SI,. For mak In Allootoo Li 1,, 1.. s,•ll3ii *fret. .ph, a o 1o ; , O• S , ' —irr r - . r r; St r . ; 111 Prit.,qatt I.ltimeut lor very ~1•11` .f rredtteloor otto,ry, .11r C.. blip' , it .111.1 ,ther ,11.0a.ort to it Lit It our hot r•eo 1111Ve Iv an , 11111 i.. I, .111.1 1111• I• 1.11111111110 a radlrat caw 111 •% pry ea.o. NV.• ho•r , vow , . two hundred In our ttaloo., and it oold not 1,0 tvithoot i1o• Liniment 'woo :toy 1 , 11,101dt:6, coo 11, art,l> rmoontororl a :111 irk rare ol 1' H .. 1:0•1. 1 , 1:•. J. 11. %VALHI:I:, Nlo't 0. tk. Grete , `r• 1 1• 1 .:0• t 41 . 4) 11' UR. (' 0. riD (7 It S()it I: TIIII , IAT r :1: l•rt ontredlate atte! I.ql, KNA. , e k r. •10,161 4.1114..111.1.111 1.1114 • •• ‘. § .‘P " : '" r " r:o N , 111.11. 7.1:0C111:`i Z116 : 4011 . 1AL loyal - 1.1.1e eve in rt,t at r•t:er. FOI 111:11, 111114, .1111,1, 'V)?.? 44 1, -- 4 IYII . IIVI. 111 , 1 T1111...11 1,1•1•,•., 00\ have a troothing etrect s 1,11,Nt , 1:11S nod 1 1 1111.11' al 1 11.1.1:Ens uo them t clear nod .1,1,11.0111 w volee . t o the good tetottati , o, poirad , rltY or 11 ,, the.. ot,tty froetlelre, t tchivls ore weird /or 131 anyl to ou •ivr the true. Jrniancial allb COllllllCITial. = . . NV hem( Fkor, p., bbl +7 (.0 I•Ciiill4 NVls(ht, 0,1(1011'1 1 17 pay 011: Rye, SO " Corn. 1 01 .• Ott., " Flitx, , (l. " 1 S/ ' ' T(o(,(thy Serd, pap 1001(0 2 (21 •• 1 . 10,, Sol.(1. '• Wheal El(01r, per rm . ( 2 .',l (.(.111(1g 2 (0 .• (70 riZ/N , 1(1.. * U(0 Ilutter. per pogliu 0/ Paying. .Itrtl. '' IN • • '1 • /111‘1,T, .• • 10 • • 1111111, • • Egg, prr doze. 1 . t..10. , , per 1010.1 10/((,1 Apple, pot. 1.1010.12 t 0 110 —TlNAaven an.l S , curlti,, tlivf ing = 11:,0 114', .".....11'. N.:2 V 111 , ..r.5111 . .,`, 111 . a 1 dll . l r.t.•n: .0 1.. , , 111.:“ I,' ,r,n , n.... o .:• ...a ell3n.r,,t ca.y 111 , 0 P C.nn..uul In :LL— I': 1:alt1 Sliver : I , , 111: Unlon*Parine IL I:. I. M. :Lod , I 1 nr .., ir:4,1111 . 111 1 . 111111.. It. I' Untuu PACIIIC Land Inant 1:.,u.1 ' 5 0.745 HOWARD SANITARY AIR ASSOCI ATION.—ior the nollof aril Core l((,, the and unfortuome, ou Principleh of Clinktion l'ltiluuthropy. EunyetA (lie Errors of Youth the lollies of Aso, in relation to !Clemens noil SOCIAL. Emig, with nunnery kid for Ho Afflicted, Snit free, In_ sonnet Envelopes. Ad dress, HOWARD ASSOCIAT/ONp (lox I',.llllladolpllln, l's. fob 841•••• licro. LITERARY :TER ALLENTO Itiarriagrz DERR—CONFER—At the re:Mit:see of John Thomas,'Esit., Ifokendaui Atoll 7th, BM, by the Rev. James A. I,lloe. lie. John Derr, of Beth lehem, to Miss Mary Emma Conner, of Ilolom dnuqua. Philadelphia papers please copy. KUNTZ—CREED.—On the sth Inst., by the Rev. N. S. Strasedierger, Mr. Louis Kuntz to Miss Ellen Creed both of [Ma city. lloitEirrt.3— SAI rrii.-611 the 1211 of Mareh, by the Rev. G. M. Laz3ro, Mr. I.oll'l, Roberts, of Richland, to 01'1:M7101111. 1111•LINGE11-1110E.— . On I h.` r4ll inrt., by the sane., Mr. Jame, D. 1)illl e F. Dice, both Lower NllllOO, I,l.l.itrb eoonty. DEM :%lAYElt.—On the :27th or February; of typhoid fever, Adam Mayer, aged II year,. 8 months and lEEE! CICESSMA N.—On i he Idi h o 1 February, of eon. - m111,1'14,11, David Cr,: Spr;ngtleld, aged years. 1111,1,1'()T.-011 lie of Starch, of COIIVIIi hiOII6, 61111011 :".":111111H. '111 . .1111 sill, of Ile V. Joseph 11111 pol, of I.yeomint: vainly, formerly of comity, 7 month, :ital 0 (lay,. 11ORN.—On the 27111 of Niareli. in Richland, ul' Jaundice and .li,erder of Illy liver. Levi Ilan, aged .1.1 years, 10 month, Ills remain.. "ere interred al A milehaele, II()Util.:It—On the lilth of March, in 1,16.41 ToNrinolip, Sarah Jane. ,laughter of Joseph ,1111 EliZablq II Houser, aged :; 'yearn, 3. tnonthn and 2 days,: anti on the 27th of March, Ellententla tlitutthter of the ,anio parents, atred I year, nootths :Ind II day, and 15day-. tln• or Itlnre Tun whip, \Vt avvr. Sannid ;:.,r1 y.•.tr, , , 1 month :nnl SI day,. I-I. in Lidliv:ll >1:IIV tlati;Jitur ..1 wz.A.l 17 yr:tr, 11 111,1111, nu illy-: ;110 on . S,111111•1., , 011 or th •I 1 •,t , ;:tirl 11; SCH.\ El' [Tit nem : l'. teracill• A unit Mari.' s, lit. ills Samncl 'chacllor 1 , :e.I!!'.1 lo month. ,1,1 9I dny, 111:1 NVN•S 131:tiNt'11IA I. TI:OCIIEs B1 . " 4 1N1.:: - ':-• r 11( E. 4 T in,t preparation known in mail et for .rt gray e.plor, In II:111'4 Vtiirtitable I;cittelver. Try it " The :hoe/ icon Life liistirinice f'omp.tay o% Philipti phi,l" is mnineatly prearev•ire. Every n n plan, wherever originated. is earefelly cosiikrod and all good plans showing favorable rasulta to the policy hold rm. and the eettipany aro adopted. Besides all this their able Actuary, Mr. John I'. Sims, hay devoted Ids entire limo Cro twenty year, to the inter est. of this cont.., nod gmrotivlaully ten 'lea sew methods to aid to Ito W.f., A year age he constructed th• Reducing Presnioni plan. hy whirl) the premium rota) wolves nt the vane) rate au oa the ordinary life plan and is reduced each year for twenty year., when the policy litteonte• paid tip .1,11,1 f-supporting. A similar plan of declaring milled the Edith incressint: system , tu all mutual pAr.,,, IV 'III into ethtst ou January IS:). It iv considured the most just itiol equitable to old and at, peliry•litililer• and to the not. ratty itself. Phe Erlipse.—l'lture is homething wonderful the way In which has :in oilier clothing t•• r•••utrii.l It gra.lnully unlit tip the ii. and then miti•ei•••.- fully rirai•••tei) Trial tt•eni, unit thinly li•It Ihcu, fur iu ilie extant i• 1 ',ll:thinly. levy in-ii•P• and g•ii.ll litre ip•thiux in ilia. rl.iihinz lin • t , i with 'flak ILO!. 7 , la taus! t.',dhappy Person in the world i, the livery thing dark i.thl In feel. ,ant with hint-.lf tihaPl... Lift t•,Thi. rah all It , visit d - L7• tailing l'erite syrup. (a prat of lean 'S year- , rtriuttiog itar• rich I,) it. A Twin, 1tr..,0N why 'l'. ('. w..le And Lanip Store (.111 Chi (Ip•r than otly r:., he cells limit (11(111 a ly tut: I.: IIII• II( lug-thrr. A Svi.uxion Gold Nledal Cycloid :1111S.iJitrelligili)4 ra nk among the liiir.-t inid rumen! in the country. Their bell lidey and of t.vie not liya COll - at iliathle the prier. More ini4 ru mem.. of thi. eidel.rate I 111:110.• itaVe 110( . 11 curd in Lellir,ll;LZlti adjoining Colllttii, than of any other 11.1111factIlre. Th. y eau be Tally Year , nod not 111. , -1 other pianoi; do, in only a few year,. Conte and crunine them at C. I'. Ilerrinann's Store, l•eventh and IValtin A N EXtIII.I.I.NT \VIIV C. KCrlla ht.!), of the Mil .11 lentoten China, (11a,sware and Lamp Store, con deer than other:, is timt he buys and sell= exela , ively thus gAn ntrall the adrant,te, le,M;; .nothiug by credit T L'i , v for fraud iu agv, is can = 11111111111111111=1E TIMM = =EMI rI A , r bpl Leen vitCer.lir 7.. ii Die, ..r ellln 11 her It l• • : 0.1 4,1 E.,. ihvi ibirke twitter, I,l,ing 1.11t1i:lil I. •!il` been treated ware Onto near t phy vi. clans with. receiving any permanent hen• 11:, to rJi. , •aco bettinoiliz wort,. milli %he lia.l five of mini ve running kers on her neck, when 1 employed Dr. 11. li. I,, , Pgaler, under whom treatment title cenunenceil vi Dotreve •ery 1a..), the ev on her neck to Leal. and till her utiple,tint and div it.trerable vyniptoinv tiriiilually to divaybeer, until her health ie., reitore.l, which no,. in about four telniae. I ft el perfectly juvtiled, after barite: trieetlie 11."1.11,11i of other phyvklatis iu recommending ill lino, me ili,trf viltrer- Dig from Scrofula or firm 1/I,, , avve in Dr. boo:el:et. for tre.ittnent, with a firm belief Obit they Rill Inc Init• Ivllbil. benellteland wren thereby. :iv my vrile.liv. been. (S.ll;ned,l DARNER. lir. 11. 1 , . I...ngal.•Cvrime the Litt able nivtli Miner, I et ween Ilenb,irti. I,AnGE Mock of sheet music. in,ttructors, blank haat:4, music Paper anti cards at C. F. Music Shale, Altuntuirti. nary rwi"moption h., robbed ,fl" it; torroN. road 111,.11)" 1:1•1•• lii gin. a Lappy idiot in 1110 r, (leeigmlicoml ..lil,4ents.-Pre,ll, pure air 1- 11 c. NVl44l4 4 ver 1• t1, 4 1,arr,1 by ulreual 4 4, halo nurc•Uided arca., 1 4 1 1411144 ttivi•ll4lr. 1/Zli 1 4 4 4 11, 4 1 1 ri1l 4 ,111111111141 i /,4 4 414. a 111,141 1 11,11 141 4 1 441 4 4 41111 1 1:11. li. • grattl 441,1, 4 4 4 t ,411 /old hp la r',1... , .•' 11. 4 1 1 .1.11trit) 1 ,taud• 11,t alatailtE tit. ivarn 4. 4 d and inatlin/31. - •.Pf t yr4••oltt day. Ta 1114 4 ..tia 44 441 14441•0.• .itottgtal 1.41,44, .. 1 . 14 tY1. 41, 11 44 . 0-4 1 54, en,/ 4, 'I taatata • .11, a 4 4 11 . 1141 1/1.• 44.1 11111114.11 1 hi' i11111 4 14414111 4 1 . . 4 14.11114, Y 44 111, 44 111 4• lh 1 1 4 ' l. P ..111 " .•11 4 1111,4.4141141:0114. 5. 4 1,141100 1..1111 . 1.. 1.4,101111 1,1414 41. 'lll4 tut taro al lb. ingnadtoto• i• no in) , tory. 1 44 414•14.14. 441 al . ..laud) pt. , 4111111 , 1%. ta tilt. 41 - .1 4 •tirt - hat tlatd •4111.11..11. ratd• azal Itatk ' • null 11.114-. 1.1141 1ai11 . . 4 1.4114! 144,4 11, tll. 4 lltra- 4 , 14111 11 . 11411 ar. y Tito pti,. 44.11 4 4 4.1,14 4 •r 14, or Haat 144 141...4111 11/ ill 11. :44.1 .4,4 44 nr th att 1' I 1 • and tal :1111 4 111T, .‘ll 1444•...• 4•14 /414 . 141 4 4 Ur , 141 , 1 1444 111 114. 4 1:1114 4 1 4 .1 11.11,1 , 111, , 1144 4 4.11111,4 it. 111. 4 4111 . 1 ail: 1 0 1'.•11111i. 114 41.111..114.. It t• al-411 , 1,441 41•14,11. 4 111a1141 Itt. - 1a - 1n 444 14a. Ilia 144,14 1.1 t•ttr :I/ 111.11 1141- 1.4 4411 14.11 l:.:II)' 4N• 1,1,1. ' 1 ' 4 1, 4. N1 . 11 ,11 Ity 11 , 41114141 1.1,11111, 1 4 1 , 41114 .11 1114 4 11.1 ..4 'al/al/011, 1/4 . 1.41 144114.. .1,1 111..1 1.4 1414• .104 4111114-41411141.44 t, 1 4 .111 4 ,34141..1 1114 4 114,11 t 14 4 dpar nablo the •y 4,14 ta 144 4 ar op ev.a. fora • ach day Ida., Ilia 4kb/111.11111g . 1111 . 1114 44 ..1 a 111111141 allna - 1 4 1. 4 1., a vt1. 4 1,4 4 .1. 4 1 , nlit allaratly. 1. urgandy 1 4 4t., 4 41. ota .14, t• -apidiod 114 ,4 441• 4 114 4 C• 1 ItLll.r 1 • 1,1 0 1 a• llior t;1.,11 v ,1.44411.4 1gt . .1 lia in al v antau .P 1411141 uI lalelll, - I 1.4,11.11.41, lill=1E1;1Z111;:ii;iiii;iiiiililril=1711i;!2::1 Sprcial Notims Gar HALL S rEGJ TA ILL SICILIA.) HAIR RENEWER, In r,storitst: GRAY HAIN. to its or tt and pro: mount; it- ;tots% tit. It 11,1, , tht• sott Ntt.i The obi itt attitt . -ttattVoat , You , : ttzatit. It t,lt.• lat-t 11A1111)1tESSING• ever It tetimvo. ['malt all' :mil all Smimy Crop' 11 •iala Our Trvati , .. lii ,•111 I nv by mall. Ilm% are .11 11.. Iminorm, a, I. all ..•Id oar tom:I:won. I:. I'. 11.11.1. S. 0. : II. : r.r oal.• I.y ull drag,i-t•. WOl . ll/S W1:•31)()N1 rur Y()CNI; Ow 1:101...•• it/ a,•l Mattlwod,x,tll,l:l,l• 111:1,I• • 11.1‘AIZI , I. PA. May 1..-h• • OF youTit.—.\ vvoo. tiro the ct- of youllifiil x, Al, tho hAte ~ntleriti4 h.iiu In,. to all 11.,..1 it, the rec.i, and dlr.q.n.nt.l 111.11.10, the 2...inedy ‘sliidi lie v. a. •rttred. xv . ..hilig to by the .01 inct, I. lot• dr ,, e.lng, Input r.vt c,ntidenro. JIIIIN 11. till III:N. f." DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND - u .42 TARIM ttraied with I r - J ISAAC , . it. ti., nod Pro f....,1. .f 11, Ear, thix nv) in.11e,11.111 e ra.7),fetir,. (ronn, of jot, no. Arrir Sireet, Phibt. Teolbount“h, be ecru at his oak, -- The medical faculty areunrlsl, lovit,4l to ate aoinpoor their pallet:lE4, an ire hag no secrets in bin Prat , lice. Artificial eras Inserted nittioutiAiq. No charge for exualootloo. nor M-1T WEDESDAY, APRIL 13, IS7O COURT HOUSE GEORGE : .t , 0- . { 1 O4; MONDAY, APIA L " Ireland 14'irs1---Cniia GO AND HEAR I=2ll=ll ;•;1 NG LE TICK E'rS, RESERV ED H I= Cigar, nu Sixth Street, tutts A meriratt nil. 11111=1 A - 1 4E011) ai Uti E":'S Heal Estate, Insurance Agency and Loan 01'Ike. o f fice, Next h,,or the 1.';e,l Not;vh , il nank .1• the tits , I, near al hand fir thr ereelies setv ; We list eall the :Missies et Iho pnlalr to ( .2.I U .TYAV'ti• fine hishling ei .110. 1:11a3 . 1.•• 31, ,istitt , sl /1.111,41 . 1414 , 1,1.111.1- r. 11. 1,70. thr i.treet, Nl'3Elnut and 1.'n1.4i 1 iierehy iss tii liou ii; 411* 11411 . 111 4 1,11e1l htreet•, ts 1E1.13 s prep sitt vory dr „Li ily sieile of itis!.ina an.l son. I'is l ~ iis le 1,,!. et . aildition t - i) . it , I 0 ill po-li it Is he vet) . iil the Alltintsu ts ~ I 1 Nlll 1,111 l ith mid , 1..0;1 I , .itetitt vets.. Priv. it .tit ..11.` 111111111,11144 11,1 11111111r1 4 41 ver let. Vet y Jr - Al.:11141 tern, es.y. 'i,v•t• We stir 41,15 tr ., ,h., Allests‘sitt, nisi 40 'hair, el National liauk. G-It i..titill .1. 1:1'111: FAIZMIEIZ'S I ia,riporteft under a State C6arlrr 1!;711 =I Tlii• In-flint:on lio• 1.00:1..1,mi/oil and anti, a Nniti• lio in icon on . All :inv,. mot in any Crina Anil up,varti.., for whirls G PEE CENT. I Nri'El EST iyl.^ with 1)1. 11..1. I.llllel .i t .1 at:, laxit. - 13 E: R • n ( . ()NIII.I.:TE \I.INI-1H 111112ENIZEI P1:11-1910s , plixTE Ill' Ll M i ; Lelia nil! 1 =WE= nahn.:l to •••11 I'llE at and by Ow nnl nf nu 11 . ). tillll, :n gnality• ( Inter, d t 'ph, It en, (hon.) • . • 110WEIZ. :%lAnufacturillg• rhoutl,, Urny's ' , era Philinle 111 . 11111r0 ulentant. , of plant food Solet , plefrwm 0 , 1111.10.11 j In 'II, food tor giving la.tnig furtility n il. EX P. - 101( . 0 In the 11Sr Of "COMPieIY Manure - by the best fartaern of Penasylvatnin, New Jersey. Delaware, lll.tryland, and of the New England States,running through a period of three years Intl. has rel-tiltt.d ill you gratin It to bo the best Fertiliser now Idrond for to ls. DIXON, SHARPLESS & CO., 10 S. DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILAD'A WILLIAM REYNOLDS 105 SOUTH ST., BALTIMORE, MARYLAND Rian.t.rp 7-:;no, A CCORDEONS., CO%CEUTfI 71; AS .41 • Vtolit: ' , nil:l:i Or OW " liu ItA3 all!. F. Wolferte:.:•toco, No. 3:E. 11.1uffit.ok St. J• jEANI 7 4 rnoToGRAPIIER, Mato of Philadelphia, has taken the ttallety, No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, v ••••ropleil by R. P. I.amrn•us. ulna pers,lN 1 . 3 . 11,1 rlltSl . -01.A5 ,4 ricrvitEs takrn at ItfiASONA. 111.1 t PIZ ES. A Irbil fall that 1.11 , 1,11 A IA ..nikrY ONE! 0 , 311:ALI.! If you NV:1111 I•hub,t:rArh•, Car,- ,I,• Vign , tt. n • Pilot , . Nlaiulurun, Ambro lyr,•-. Melaniutypen. Ferrotypt, rte, Illv,• 11,t [nal. J. JEANES , . SurceFlor to Ft. P. 1.11111011.11 X. =EI 1:1 - 7.%! iN THE / • '• ' A's .\\ r;;; 1 . _ ' . 7 • ' - -"' • s =EI ( e, tf r.L ITI/'l7('Q~ 1 . • Sara I, loarL> gis that the Duplicate pot teller. that of 11'It1e: 11..111t for the 1,..11 I Iltc Yt'ar heett at the hand. ~ f the untleragn .11. to act . .. Matt e, mitt, the the ttecttett of MI the tl I.trilaaten ater lu the l'lty ul' Alleta..lva, a, tel -1 I.lre: • SI,. 3. That all rent , for the tt.t. of the Ivater I he payable In ;111v:tate to the tit, llay April next after the ontract, and an molly In advance Irani that day. Ie lba l'll>' lattolll co or Ll, place of Lnalue.n, n u ,l tit all rent. remaining lahall Ihnlkltll day of :idol 1110011 11.11 P.I/3/1 ill n . added per coat., and to rem. ro ma Iona: 11 11 pa pl ou the llrtt lay Jun.. follt.), tug there hind I Le added 10 per vent., anti to all rent. retnanatignu ital them day of July ilwrvArt , .111,1 po, vent. latch anienut than eotteeted ah taid tent- aud :1 1 1 delinquent. at that date. The Tra.l•. p t. tort uL r. aive the 1. , `1 , .11 1.,V1/111g the 1,a...h. a ah ctrl net , of •tt 1,1 dellnattencle, ,1111111“ the amount o tt rent ei tot 1114 the antetatt of per, coma ter n Ite a - )nteta in I 1 1.. ~ u the lailaro or the dell tot neut. L. 111.4 lie the roottatetl payment a Ilium ten day. attet data there,. II that' 1,,' the ditty or Ile. (V. 11,1 1. , .11111111(01. r. at It -11 it 1. eau-, the fel lath, of hitch. delinquent. I de tached •.111 the pipe '.lvhattliat. and rano. all, to he In .l anted 1., 010 1 , V01 . ) . i 1110 reat• and p,`l aciaatte datt, lel 1 11.. tot . sal ,redmdetaching the tec , calet. ' Ily tad, ot the Cannata..., .11.)NATIIAN 'rr.t..arer. To) CONSI2NIPTIVES.—'I'IIe ritlvertker, n..tur,lU. liraillt In a lon' N, • with ,nnaly, all, having mulfertl y.nnx with a neves, long all.naion, and that dread 'on 11111ki.k11.VII tO hi. lellnn . ...lfin,ra ' • .11(.1111.101curr. I• he m 1111.1,1,1 a cony thewremcrlittltal umetl(rrse el/an:nth wh ich the dirt , s thin, for mentality nod 11.11111: tili. nine which they will Ttttl It sure cure for Cnusulluttlen, Ilroushitts. &e. ic only object 01 the ailvertiwr In mending the Prt,erip. lion Is to honollt the nlttletell, tunl•mprewl Infornuttnin which he conceives to be In,1111:11dC; and /rc linPe 4 muilerer Will try lila remedy, tie It will colt thew nothing and may promo a blooming. Partlemmmlehlng the prescription willflea.e ndtlMey Hay. kanVAll A. NVILEIONL Co.. Fraiwis MEI .11TIV•Ards DIE ZEZZIM ( A TS, 7:) CTS ll=l MEE IMitME MEM !!==l PE OEII. r ( * ITV T111,,I•Itl • Ai.i.EsT ,, ,rN. M.grvls lfur 1.1. ct 4 , 3 f ) 114:11t I aa. Lo Ts for mil, Ivry tiiii lit: T.incli will li.• • ail, .1 I: lii 1 111' 1 1,111111, 1,11 111. 1 1 1,11 1 , /:' . ll rho rt.c.%sE tvill 1:..,.... Plnlnflnld toNvnship, ZiortliansP..m onnutT. P.., Tioar 1 ,•1,,,t.,v1.. It .4 11111111 1 , 1.11 0 111 1 1-,.11. 11•••• • ”t, .1.1.1111,•1.11. t., . ill 11)1 tllll 1 r I pouf . : ri 1. • ”t{ CIA T. , Att 41, . . 11.1 i .\11.11.•• • MOM 111n7. 1. 110)N i Ilar .I 0w1... t • ,• • _ lio•y • , o• .t -I r.ite ••• lial 1:: . t.1r0.d. to •o• I del l i , tl C. aa: 11,“. ..11 , ng•ha ,, •.•....!.• , :.:“ , men. 'l'lo+l , a l'or....ppart.inity .1..... MIE BIM ttr, 'o II it LI .• I 411:1" 131:1CI: IZE-S1.11:11AN'l rI 1,. I:N It V T. I; rt.o.n; I'll \ T S. \ pr,.. • -:it. 14 'lllO d MEI DEMME A Log' OF G.I“)US c;mtattling about ONE ACRE, MORE ()It LESS The 1::t is Nyell 1 , 1,11111 . 11ith Mud, 11:Urr Ila 11111ler E[o , lll 'fll.• imi r kV1.111 , 111. 77SZ (WO ~tortg, high. 11.1v1Lig 'lltort• ott pr.• 111 1 ,.•• r 1: ‘m STAIII.E. 16s is. ill 1,0.1 ea.y. ~:itvre 11. 1.111(11, pUlt' R,ll Ll .1131. E (Tr,' pito, PERT Th.. Ow I. •t Ai I of I), .I.\ COB It. I:NEltlf..loc. .1, oi ..f 1,111:!1.1.1,tto ni,ylrikoho xv1111,11(1•V to E.ISTEIt - MONDAY, Uz, 1,71) At 1 ~ ' elaric th.. a rt. 11101,1. PI 01, :111111111;A I L... 11. 3.,‘ 3. th. , • • .1..1.13z 11,3, land, fvoal on ch.. vornor of Secon.l and llomiltoll .0r , 01..; WA I il.t y Allent.,,, II:011,lb by fon ~ .oth by tt to foot Po. I.y 11. Vl`,l 1, lot 1I., V• ill front l: -lid 1.•. 1 1:t .1. r.. ‘‘ . ;:1111 i o. Th.• .1 . 1.v.• illl- . on en,1;,•1.1 Ipy 1 , 4: I, .1 I;t:t mai:, a 14.1 no.: 14 - 1.1.• ; 011,1 .11141 1., 01. tr,t, 10111110 .0111 tit V, hole •.: , rio• .'I Ow 1 ::y 11,11,1 1: :11 .1 , - :I M=SEM=M • totulu)i ,. • ,•11 I.y Mar 31::4x• I=l W:T.LI.\ I II:1. -. XTE:IN CELD.OIGIV.II:I: STOet.E• 1 ~•-1, ,c 11111:v ”1i0vt11,,. 1 , t y co, a. a ‘/4.1v 1 ' L 1.% .W.11:1. CU.GU U'J::ST J1.I.!I/i Y'LV .STJI; 'l:7 .; 1... t .1 1.... tit .11,1 .•• .1 . t ENE =l2 I=l =ME \rl ['lV. (U U 11, TII I•:XTIZICAL (:,;( )DS, FLA GS, IL\ N C1;;3, JUDGES, I:Tt N 1). 1:1?, Nr)!:"Fl =I WO :kfl E , hake Your Home:: Conylbri able ! O W WE HAVE l'l' ! THE LA Itn EST, CHEAPEST AS I) NCl4'l' COll PEE 11, ;ifc IN THE 1.1:111(:11 \'.\l.l.l:Y, (L 1) EsT.kiusliED BUTEN STriT)v lA./01 'llltLXl.l , :it, .\ (11 LE:;SI‘]NI:IM.I, I. LENTO ‘' N, PA II 1‘ 1\ I \ \ 1., I In : i :~lltl:L INMISES C.A\5rY AWED P1:1".11 . , G I L l O. \ \ j N 1 I NS, lIII= I=ZIM st* 11..\ssEs AND lo).\ Nri t V k.,) A ',A FRUITS, c UTS, FT RE WORKS, (:()(11)S NOItTII Tll lit 1) STREET PIiIIaVDELPUIA ec l'S-17 ye. 11:.1:1.1;l• w•,-.1! v •• . 1 t• I 1• , .11 , 1111.1 , 1 I;.A up, II; tl. .. -111,/1,0 11. , 1y -i..•A‘.nt,l ti from I t Atc :Lnt -ut . , 11 , h.iv.• \ 1.311 . 111i1/1 , 1111 ,I,tatt., 01. ,111,1111101111r.itotl fur 1..t110m.,1 Iv , llllll Ih.. p. 61110. r• .2;•Ctv WY: OF t: 011 OA CVvi J 1 , 1 AND CATIIAItIE •i In A , }1.111 ttpyrl,lllr. I,.•high C.ltlity, .•.1-•.1. ... • .01 v ,. kto.tvolg thorn-oh,. 01.1.•110..1 to -414 t... 11,1.• ttin utak , pAyiontt. toc and tlooo tall r00t...1t - thorn. dolt 10010,1tIonto.1, for ',IA %%allot tho •tot., LII. Mmi 11.1 L 111,ty.. ‘..lltit.try tl n• I, • p I liu N .1t8... 1. 1,8 18•1 , y givB.lll.• 1 , 8 r -81 81. , -14.•Ii311r11.1..18 t•• t • J, ; , .ve E/.llopt-nrtry I 111”1 - 1 , ,t. , 1 m .'•• I , a. 1 1 1•.•,.., hie of 11, ity .111.1“..,‘11. 1,1[4.11 ...1111‘ .11 , t• fore all L..,•.11 who is t11.,1,11., 1. , he t •.“.1 • • 111, yd 1. • '1 111,11 1 P P ll,. I P . P ‘• l^ll t ,111/1/1 ,s , • L•I, 111. 1, •%•• .1,•,.• ,1 1'1.1.111- .1,1,1,1 .1 . .11 P Alll/ 11r1',11t • ..f \ sl, • : .1.,t• .1 Al ~.11 I, 1,0.11 OW 11111 , . .10,1 1:70. • rw.v • , ipac 1.7,11 1 I.X II \ . 1:1.0 I. I I , II .•11 ~;y. p.• 11, +lull 1. , •1 i. .tl, ~.11 ..LH I LI. ••••. ••:INC • •• ..1 '• 1‘1•)..• %I i 1• 0 .1/ /, Itl diql 0 ./,, ' )It. 1 ). LONG. Ell, =I Mill i• 111-, 1%11: 1 /1 11 , 1 1 l• ,Vll 11.• 11-1.11111 .11. 1, 1111. 1. , ,S 11 111 , •y , t, mlt 0,11.5.111,111r1. I CH, .11111,11 , i) ....S., , •:11 and Ncilio,y A i;Elll;_vii, )N, IME .\ NI) I'AILVLY:,IS, alrtlt) rot ol .• tontr moth., wart . . .toil vor• alEpilor•t . . , srtl.,•-. 0.1‘.11 n1,111c., ,111 , • 1 ,, •T I I \ -poodtly .t.tio ollt ovot tt•rt 1)41,1.0 eit01,411 , /11 , . I . lb, ttittl tt,rolltlott.,ll-- Ce - Pot t:. old] . :Itt• tot .11 gly , u to II iy•te tr. I -11. • otloi in It oitt 'tto rotnitt ttitt illeoltotto , to 'heti I 1,11/ii , roluoy. d ‘,1:11.t lii, k untw ut the • tuodP 1.., : n) .1•• .1; t-. by it, ,c.ntlItlen11311,11(11.1 1 , [••14 , II ) 11.111• d .1111‘) t 11.1.1.. I. .•1 - !law, ,V.;:ant .111tp, ypr t 1 1, t . c ... ... EP.SS4riE yiAi, 9_~ ; I LEI zEtii)l,t)ki iST .4 nine NVionntin is a cutup:a:lit that Inn„ •on••••nitim.i m I. ': a limn' 11., tin , nian.l I /.• p•ittnt•nnlr a -111113 11l 1111111.trie. ecnn•nini,....liy. I !, .I.eELI ILA •I -11 11• •11,1,1! N• t•• Ntil:Ig11.••111.{ Jllll ritria„ I . • r.••.••I 1•••n11 .•114! I.• I. kk ••ni 1:11.11,1 • . 11 1 .1I11..•1/1 In .111 Ili.. .• iil . ..d, 1 . 4 ti. :111110, I'd hOltdi , dl ..f thJ t. t'..• i ,h at, aIL v.•ry prnoiltvut /111, d.•• d EMS 121-. L \ ' ) , i•il !Nnll 12MM t (Art , vr 427 Al 'TI/I: ' 41/.1) . . . . . Low Prices ng People 1 ) \ Storm RETA !LINO AT 1Vi1(11.1:4.1t.r PltTer .N1)1V 1S TII E T1114:,to buy Cheap at the , !1 .111. to, 3,1 ,I,—lvote htere, No. :77 EAtir RANI I. TON t, 1....C1y .11p, I, the Gertstau Reformed Ch , tr. L. NC. T !'11124 PPS S K .::d Ii ~~'. ~•~ix~:e lu L.liiiii •hi.l Ib,lj..iir IMIE ~ —,~,,,,:., .., EIEI e!.I. Lemehile, the tklac-. 11. 1 / 4 311111 , N erl'ItEET, 1,1.. th I y eptlo.ite the 1:• 1:e .•13. T. C. 1:I:I:NA II I,N. 9EETZ,I4Y:!:. Anal. . 3111.1.1.: writ LEVI i.'ENS'i'Elli\l_l(:ll. 0 , 11i.1' 1111111it , 11 Strt'et., .4 4•1 . r; Er )t •I, r:... " • )11,, 1..1 =ME T • 1 t. •N ;1 \ • .lay ki • kl, V.3.:114;1f•S EL. IL11.1.1) I:GBR6It '[llU:5 \V,II :mil emit rill .Imi:di:lily it k I ' 1 ••• 1 DY 1.1.1011. ..ilic•,l.:l , l'l.•••.Lpli •i. :11 ^ C-1 II o•N 1111 1 1 1 : 4 , 1: 1 111:.1.'1' 4'.!E - SE 4)1 , 11.1,-.511,.'; PRIM . . . I.) ~.“, 1 ,1•111ty, :tml I zap , Mi:.l..t.t• 1' , ,•; tl I• 10 •14 In i.v!. , ;w1.1.1., 31. 1/., „, ••••• "111111.t111.• 11' Pi •,‘ ,•• 111.. 1111 , 111.. 1L 111.11 . a r 11 IS.. , wlla 1111,:11 11.1u,1,11. •,1 , .•1.1• 11,1•, s...llming n.I 11., it . cur at 1,0 , 1,11/1111Ili / eI y.olforor, no umlicr sr bat Ins condition tit, t> in, may tlno.ol choply,tolvat , ly :tool rodie.tlly. THIS 1.1.:1 T1'1:; \V I 1.1. 1.110Vr. InniN TOI'II , II'SANDS AND l'1101.1;;AN Sont undor In a pinlit chvi..loy. to any address. on roevipt or .IX coots, or MO by tl ..A.1111; tho publisher, Al4o. Culveruiell's ".I.larrlage. Guido" Price2i.cti. Adtireas lho Publishers. ' 011AS.J. C. KLINE& Co. 521- 1 5, 157 Dou'ery . . kio!Yurlc. P. O. Bole. 1418. , "A.Q . l„it Noticrs.s =I 1,1 I nII, I „• .ni,. EM=MI .TI ERN. ;~:i~.~~iU~~1~ 4,4 11, 1,11 EMBEIZEIM EMS EVE AND EAlt, I)VitT FitEE ISE 1N1) FITH NEArt ::gI'AIIE, -11.I.ENTt ) . \\"Y„ ft\ I=lll= IMIZIE=I MEM =am ME tL-, ...L,Lly it, .11 1..• 1 t ` i:1 - 1• 1 -• .11111,1 .% .1 IA =II Ili , 01 I I'. N. II F.1,1'. ANIt ==fi Dru Goo's WTI] RE ST I NU BEE! \VllU_\l• IT )1A)" (lONCEIIN TO COMMENCI I IOtTS3 EKIEEPING AtiE PL EN if SH IN( . S. I I', & (10., lEEE ‘LiiaithliOtil Store t t.hfn.•lll.lltl ...ttptily Ow wank of nil. a y ‘y •-.1.1.• to voiro,pon.l with the ty.• to•k io a I'AII oxautin. , ony storL, ‘Thit.ll to 1. y: evet tiny • clod, ate pont.. 1.1..1.1.gitig, .11%, :13 • to.t. l y 1:1i ti tt) (i1)11i/S t..rtl,rt 4;11., 114 , kk ...lowrato kill CHECK, .rn.s TANA , . uis r.uu.r DIAPLI:S MUM FLRI'III k". .II A l;,1:11.1,Es or I WO; LV CI LT, , . G LA, AND or LENSWA.RE. CARPETS AND OIL CI.OTIL WIN DoW Sit.% 11.1.1. AN I) SHADING, WintLevor WLutcr relaaluiug, uuell uF DRESS GOODS, SHA NV LS, I= ;;AI.\SII-DOWN PRICES ! 1'..11 . %V.) Vf youvililvitut:LL, COUNTRY PLMDTIC E 1111= MEM E. S. SIINER & CO., 5 AND 7 WEST HAMILTON' STREET, .u.LE:crow PA All. GELID! VS LADES' TRIMMING STORE NO. 31 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTWVN, PA oonittutly 4opplle,l n,ltlt nll of the be.t bitylt, and Turit o otes of TIIIMM INt for••t••rytbioga n pot on ft,n cro‘s o too hootl t•• we 'vie Iwo fool: TIMIMINt; , .; for •utwi. dmd robe.; of 1;„ crop, atot lAct, 'I'III3IIIINUS tor ovt rytltlng woor th, rool.l thttogla bt , 111., too,,`' l'N t; 1:m ENTs. !lost Eity, 1;1, , V1:•FITTINIt 01:11,1,1Nt., t:vl 1:1 c• ott.l I: , l'4'^ Nariell" ••, IIV THE tug,p SAS !=i! EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS TABLE (1.0.1115' S NAPKINS, DYLIES TABLE L E INN, Tow uTowEL INGS, ETC., Ere. 1.1; 'II, II L'I.G I A U 4IINSL.EP, COTUII awl s 111 IS SII E ETING, and P/LLO 4.4 AND IIIC11.11:1I , oN'S LIZIF.SS In tin, niodinnl, Ot In•Avy makca ut rtl gradva for ..11 coal lanol) and ape. PIANO . AND TA lILE COVERS ISLA N ityrs, FLANNELS, QUILTS, AND UM=UI k I:1 , 11. NEW AND fLEO.IN 'l' LACK AND 1 - 1 . 1N , :11.4. , 1 Dr DTA INS, WISIMIV SHADES, /I rf It II eul I t •) V ul 12i 3 NEW wELTso . Kturs, WHITE GOODA, AND STAPLE ENIIIROIDEIIIES or NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STY LEN, TIIR LARGIIBT ABBOTIT3IENT WI lIAVI tvnit ()mut ; rritc.i.ri; New and Eicgaut 1 a-1. Color:. AI.I. TIII: MASEA ol"1/011ESTIOIIIIBLINA AND ,BEETINB , .BI WIIoLESALI: SPEcIAL AT TENTIoN 1S INVITED TO • NEW ATARI: (IF HEAVY MUSLIN, AVIDcn ronwTA;er pritvosts IN TUE FAM ILY WILL BE I,l'NO VEST VALUABLE. )lANUFAC TUIIED EXPEL-FLY FOIL' OUR TRADE. ri I li. 14 I ft tl U. 1008 WI ESTN UT ST., PI11L:V)ELPI11A To THE LADIEN .runt OPEX, K A T N ,, r1:•1.T11.'/ IN LA DI Es . 1)11100i T/;/ if 311 Xa .1 AND PA Pp,: pATT VII Pi, Al 4 i A X AIT -I_, I NI .'N S. E. cor. (Chestnut fi llth sts., PHILADELPHIA I:. 11, rt •••• • •el PAr.rri, !Lti-)., !toys ; nl „ 11,1, ••1 1.••1. num/tit: or Mel • p c0n.1.1..,1, CI 141 tier nollum, ;II lz df- El y,r.111,r t.i t... 1 nu,‘ pt•th•ct to . -t..tu dik I..•culting taught 81111 h.r 1111= tity tirticlo ut .uter .•r under clothing cut 31.. i lltt.l nr tlit.,l.ett lt d. -Ired, at ~qt tu lice, sad mud- Lain tug and entbrvldet lug AU nun. , of ;toy de..ign it t igtty tinvcnt.d. The Titi3imiNoA • Wilt Lr ...wand,. .11,0411 with all the 11,Atilied or 010 V 1•11.1 as tab& its they appear. Alno, with it tall line goods. 10 the • EliPIIYI! DEPARTMENT, Will bo fullud a fall fiAnortiucut f nil raLletlals wad, jib fUldslll3ll .croalletlairaud kalitbar 1 . 1041 =mt. DOILIES, NAPNINS, . . LILA NKIITri OASSIMERES, &c l ARRIS))N MEM ME I CCM I SCS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers