Inc YOigt2 '4cAiMct. rt• 111.1111110 pr KIT WEDNEMPAY lIT ROBERT IREDELL, JR TERMS, $2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE No pxper discontinued until ell arearnes arc aid, except at the option of the publishers. Our subscribers who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon its by sending word to this cam Elubserlbers about removing will please send 118 their old 'address as well as the new. SPLII.:N1111) Ul7 I4RS GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO OE7' SUB SCRIBERS FOR THIS PAPER. flattered by the large additions to our subeerlp lion list during the past year and believing that our list can be still further Increased with very little labor, we are induced to make the following very liberal offers : Any one sending us the names of two new sub scribers, accompanied by $4.00, will receive the American Agriculturist for one year or a photograph album. For Three aew subscribers we will scud THE Le nten REGISTER gratis, tor ono year. Old subscribers upon sending us three new ones will be credited with a year's subscription. For Four new subscribers we will give the Scien tific American for one year, suliscript Mu price s3.oo—or Godey's Ludy's Book. For Sixty new subscribers we will give the sender one of Grover.dt Baker's $6O Sewing Machines. Tor One Hundred subscribers to different. Post offices, we will give the sender 650 IN GREENBACKS. Any one getting up a club of One Hundred sub scribers at one poet-office, can have the paper sent to each at $1.75 a year, and will be pre sented with 650 IN GREENBACKS It Is expressly understood that every Bam - 11,er sent In for these prizes must be a new one and not a subscriber to Tux LIIIIOII RECISTER at title date, and that each name must be accompanied by the cash to pay one year's subscription. Parties desiring to secure these prizes may scud In the names as fast as procured, and, If they find themselves unable to raise the required number, they will be compensated by prizes which Bind I he proportionate in value and satisfactory to them, except lu the cases of the Sewing Machine and last prizes, in regard to which arrangements should be made beforehand. WIRE'S Steam Brewed Ale and Porter is the beet In the State. A SUEIIII , IeB sale of the farm and stock be longing to Mr. Everitt, of imwhill township, took place on the 17th inst. UNITED AIfERICAIs; MEctrAsics.—T he bill Incorporating the State Council of the Junior Order of the United American Mechanics, has Just received the siinuturc of Governor Geiry. ON hand at all times, ladies' ready-made under garments, such as tucked, embroidered and plain skirts, chemises, night dresses, dm., at Mrs. Gal din's, No. 34 East Hamilton street.—.4./r.-31. EASTON.—AB announced, the ini.itary alle gory of the " Drummer Boy of Shiloh" vim; per formed at Easton last week. The utteadunce ‘vas large and the audience enthusiastic. • Trim Rev., H. B. Kistler lins resigned his charge In Bucks County and removed to Cherry vine, Northampton county, Pa. Ile desires that correspondents will tlleuse address necordin gly. A. VESDUE WI,S held lust week at the "Leather Corner Post," Claussville. The effects of Mr. Daniel George were sold. Mr. George is about removing to Sehneeksville, where he takes possession of the Behneeksville house. Tae best of Italian violin strings, violins, guitars, flutes, etc., or any other article belonging to musical Instruments, can be bought cheaper than anywhere else, at C. F. Iterrtnanu's Music Store, Allentown, Pa.—Adv. CHEAP PARLOR OROANS.-A single reed 5 octave organ at $9O. A double reed orgau with 5 itopa t at $l3O. A powerful organ with T stops at $lBO, at C. F. Herrmann's, corner of 7th and Wal nut. —Adv. A QUESTION FOR ARITIIMETICIANS, - A far mer had $lOO and purchased with it 100 head of stock. Ile paid 50 (Toth for Sheep. $3 for hogs, And $lO for oxen. Bow ninny of each did ho buy REAL ESTATE CHANGER. —Enos Minn nutl Tllglnan R. Kline have purchased a vacua lot of Nathan Miner, feet by 9.30, situated on Hamilton stroet between Tenth and Eleventh, for 10,400. _ • THE PRICE OF 3iONEV.—Money still com mands high premluine. At the Imt monthly meet ing of the American Loan and Building AllO6l - three shares were sold at a premium of $Bl teach, three at $84.50 and the. e at $7B each. As the first of April approaches many of our ' subscribers may be preparing to more. They would prevent mistake', and much oblige by leolug the new athireAs at the anp `UsILY °Mee. CON."gitlittATtoti.—AL Heidelberg fifty-three children ar,llrWring for confirmation under the instruction of 134mninger, and at Morganland twenty-four 14"%1".°ge1. They will he conf i rmed m the con. N.c.or titqo or fottr weeks. ACCIDENTS AT foul, OY.OVe WWI! tallied men within thin lout week or a good. in 40,th by an accident while ehoppin painfni {matinees the axe slipped and lath ;Au wound on the foot. Their name,. at. Karsten and Jacob Bittner. ENTERPRISINO.—Mr. Levi Fiisternut.. 'her' corner of Tenth and Hmilton, Is one of our nu uterprising inerebants, and our bottrekeepers would reap a benefit by giving hint a call. White sugar he sells for thirteen cents and other thing's In proportion. DEATH OF AN Ot.n CITIZEN OF A LLENTow N. —We have to record the death of an old resident of this city, Mr. Jucob Hagenbuch, father of the proprietor of the Cross Keys Hotel. lie was 73 yearn of age, and hie health had been falling for some thne. He died on Thursday morning about 3 o'clock at hie residence on Hamilton btreci, above 11th. LYON VXI,II.EY.—A number of children were sleighing on the fields near the Lyon Creek, on Saturday, and some of theta slid into the water. Assistance was at hand and they were quickly rescued and escaped with no other 111 effect,. than colds and fright. Runk= RumErr.—ln our editorial eolutna to-day, will be found an article with reference to this high4ouled patriot tied hid love for his coun try. It Is inserted with the Idea that it may prove interesting to oar eltlrcan of Irish birth, who no revere and honor, the memory of their martyred countryman. .oon thanks arc due to General Jas. L. Sel fridge, Clerk of the House of Representatives for a copy of the Legislative Ilabdhook for IS7U. This useful book wits emptied by the resident clerk, Mr. Juo. A. Beaull, and Is valuable for the accurate Information it contains on political goes flow'. We return our thanks. AN assignment has been made by Sir. Jacob J. Oberly, of Catuoattqua, of his land and mill property, In New jersey, and all his effects, to Mr. John Kern, of Lower Nazareth township N irthamptou c zunty. Mr. Oherley'li lute tin for., tnaute losses to business have , compelled hito to take this step. ACCIDENT AT EASTON.—One of the soldiers . , durlug the performance of the "Drummer Boy of Shiloh," et Easton Wednesday night, had his baud severely Injured by the explosion of one of the shells used In the representation. The Eas ton papers all speak ,most highly of the perfor mance. , Doo3.—The dogs have been making :qi havoc among the sheep In Lowhill township. A correspondent inforu.s us that slicep'have been killed by them lately on the farina of John Wer ly and Jacob Peters. Last week Mr. F. D. Frey, of that place, slaughtered mad hung up In his eta- Me a One calf. It was lett to hang there during the night, and in the morning he was surprised and mortified to find only the two hind quarters left, the dogs having made away with the rest. CAUMIT A CATAMOUNT. One of there mountain eats (or wild cats) was caught neat 81.0 e Dale the other day. Mr. Levi Muthart, resident of that vicinity, set a trap one night and bag4cd this game next morning. Tie Intends to exhibit it to the curious at the mildly sales in the neighborhood of Slutington. SIEOFRIED'S 13nthoE.—This untortunah• Rtructure Is to hr rebuilt, as we have already in formed our readers. The work will commence towards the end of the present month. It Is in tended to Mike. It 156 feet longer titan the ola bridge, and to make it, If possible, better adapted to resist the force of freshets. Solomon Butz sk. Sons, of this city, hare secured the contract. TtonnEny.—Our jail received a new inmate awe In the person Of Jacob flatterer who has been displaying a taste far burglary in the neigh borhood of Coopersburge Jacob entered the dwelling house of Mr. Sanford Stephen and car. chat away with Win some $llO or SW. A proverb says lie what steals %%dist Isn't Ids'n, When he's cotehed must go to prison. Jacob to-day experiences the truth of the pro verb. HARD ON COUNTERFEITEM—The 'Fre:miry Department is now trying n plan that lb expected to render counterfeiting the currency almost 1111. possible. It consists of covering the face of the bank bill with printing so flnely executed that counterfeiters cannot afford to copy It. In one case, one word we , repeated on a dollar note 1i2,000 SOLDIEILS, ATTENTION.—h hae 11CCII &Cid. cd by the Supreme Court of the United States that Soldiers who enthmted In 1801 on the first call of President Lincoln, and who were honorably dim, charged before the expiration of the hermit of their enlistment arc entitled to $lOO each as bounty.— So the Court decided on the 15th inst. UNrouTuNATE.—Bishop Simpson while at• tending' the Methodist Conference at Pottstown was telegraphed by Do Haven Brothers of Phila delphia, to'tlie effect that the "City of Boston" had arrived safely at Queenstown. He announced' the Intelligence to the audience, who, tilled with gratitude at the news, united in singing, "!'raise God front whom all hlenaings flow." The story now turns oat to be a cruel hoax. Tut: OtimaA.—ln the Senate on :Monday week Mr. Morton (Itep.lnd .) offered 0 resolution request lug the Naval Committue to report to the Senate Joint resolutions expressing the deep , sorrow of the nation for the loss of the officers and men on board the war-ship Oneida ; expressing' the national lid imitation for Omir gallaffi conduct, and the nationa abhorrence for the Inhuman nod hrinal conduct of the commander of the Bombay. TENIPEILANCE.—i 0 accordance with the in. structions bf the State Temperance Committee and the recommendation of the State Temperance Society, at its lute meeting In Amsterdam, it Tem perance Convention to consist of two delegates for each Assembly district in the Stow of New York, was held in Tweddie Albany, on Monday nt 10 o'clock a. in., to take itction to securca thor ough organization of the. Teniperanen voters of the State. THE N/NTII PENNSYLVANIA CAVALRY.—A re-Union of the members of the Itth Petmsylvania Cavalry took place In Harrisburg wallah inst. This regiment did duty in the Army of the South-west under Kilpatriek, accompanied Sherman's army In his march to the sea, came up the Carolinas and served in tne rest of the campaigns until mus tered out at the close of the war, at Lexington. It has many friends in this neighborhood, :Ld we will rmleavor to give our readers souk account or it :it a future day. A CITY HALL.—We want a City Ilan in Allentown ! The press has talked about it. The entertainments given In the Court House have proved It, strangers who conic to the city all agree about It :tad altogether there is an unanimi ty of opinion that proves It beyond a question.— Who is to be the projector 1 Some one will start ere long and benefit himself and the community. hatever 14 done let it be done right. Don't let us have a botch but something to be proud of. NEW STOVE AND TIN w. RE STOR E. —3l AID J. Laubach has opened a new stove and tinware Fiore, on Hamilton street. two doors above the llalllet House, Allentown, where he invites the public to call nod examine his stock, Old house keepers& well as those just commencing, will (Ind it to their advantage to make their purchases of Mr. Laubach. Ile has laid In his stock, all new, at the lowest pi-tees, and ha is therefore en abled to sell as low as the lowest. • STEEL lii I.ti, —A large amain of persons Interested in the experiments for making steel, ai,einbled at the Allentown hulling Mill on Fri day. to witness a trial of the Welding eapabilitiei of the flank Steel. Six rill of thirty feet were rolled and the experiment tell• deehured to be a decided nieces.. It is elaimed for the Harris Steel that it eon he tempered, and one end of mien(' thellails was liar dened to demow.trate the Met. Farther expert meat, are to be made to test the of tilt, Fleet fir Other parptise, RAILROAD AcciDENT AT lIELLERToWN. An accident occurred tt Ilellettown on the llith hist., by which Mr. Kessler, of that place. true sr verely ihjered. While on his way home inc was struck by the midnight train. pulsing through that !dace. and his left leg was co badly injured that it trine necessary to II mpninte it. Ile wan taken to hie fathers house where the operation was skilfully performed by Dm. W. F. and .1. .1. Del welter. assisted by lie. H. D. Ileller. Britot.‘ns.—At lliegelsville Oil Wednesday night. the Walt inst.. the store of Mr. Worman was broken open. Entrance was effected by the hurglars prying and breaking open one of the window shuttere. The safe wit., then blown open gLiirOlVtlVr. MO property to the atunnut of two thousand !toilers stolen therefrom: The pro hundri,l dollnyt, in looney and Cities and eertitleatca mark. No orre,:ta have been; made as yet though . .atspieton point , ‘ to 'or or two tntlivldualw. GE whit; FRANCIS Tit.4l , ::—This uututiour k $o lecture iu our cityon the t!stli of .1% mil urer next, for th kuelJt of the tAb,erty tioec Co. been paid about thiappm, CO num, 130 much ha. stories true nun omens hate been 300 by end about tam, that lit every whe" 1. And hear him. es t. cariosity to eve hll Hie suldect ie to lie lil44ui " 1 " I Cni ' a Icrivarile." of Thu Lilierty Hose have Ow gve '4" A. 5; 11 elirswdecee Felecting their lei .." ' re A r. he. . 2" o 4 lionee will be filled with citizens NU " ° . l4P" ' aU lone to hear him and Judge fur then. 'tsre'' PHlLlimimomc Socirrv, to The Philharmonic Society of Bethlehem iS give a concert in Easton this week, for the lit of the Argonaut Bout Climb of that place. Easton press predicts for them a large audience and, If the success of their concerts given in Beth lehem is to he taken an a criterion, they viii cer tainly have it. Thy racers of this society arc, President—Charles F. licekel ; Leader and Con ' doctor—Prof. Gruber; Directors—Dr. B. Batt, Prof. Theodore \Voile and B. E. Lehman. There will be sixty-six performers taking part hi the concert and the orche'stra will consist of twenty four plet;es. 1/1 l'Oal trumpurledoverlheLehigh Valley Rail! and for the week eodlhg Mar. - 112, .41 Milt same time lust y. rr. TotAl Wyomilox: ..... •.•• ...... . •• •• ILIL Meadow " ...... -• • Matadi (. Iowa: . ('rant) Tot,il Ikeruk Inuit .1-e A SISOULAII AND PAINFUL ACCIDENT.-011 'Tuesday lint the child of S. C. Collard, Postmast er of Jenkintown, Montgomery. county, aged twenty mouths, woo sitting on a chair with a com mon slate pencil In her band, when Al! fell to the floor, strikin g on the point In Stich a manner as to delve It Into the bones of her head, it passing Into the ear and sticking so lightly that It could not be removed until it had been crushed mid taken out, small Om,. The operation was successfully peffortned by Surgeon R. Levis, on Thursday evening. The child to now doing us well an could be expected.. What Is very singular, when ntulls. imbed I 'ttsenni.d to suffer no pain. . LEHIGH REGIS THE SINOU GAIL AND FATAL. A UCIDENT To A 1101041:. Last week n horse belonging to Mr. Ed.: whi ifellinan, broke lose. while In the stable and tore toy with hlin a piece of the toanger''. The pointed and Jagged splinter by Fffine means pierc ed his stomach and in the morning. the aolinal wits found with his entrails hanging out"l the wound, Ind so fatally injured that It Wag Judged advisa ble to kill him. lioniwitr.—Tlie floor of filo kite Lion nt Mrs. ❑lumer'e residence. on WeMet street, below SIMI, was left open on Saturday night. Sonic panties took advantage of the circumstance to walk In and help then'oelveu to eggs, table clothe and a pocket book containing a small RUM of money. It in necessary to im‘o Om doors safely locked when retiring to rest. Safe bind, safe find, A proverb never stale Iu I hrifly 1111110:' NARROW ESCAPE% —On Saturday noon at llfllerstown Station, East 'Penna. Railroad, In'o gentlemen made an attempt to get on the train that goes through there at that hour, while It wee lu motion, and In doing so both of thrill fell on to the track. Fortunately they rolled out of the way and escaped with very slight lid uric‘. Pas sengers are expresdy forbidden to get on to a train while In motion nod any attempt to do ,no to lead to punishment. In thin case it (11(1. ACCIDENT AT BATIL—Last WCIIDCAIIy an accident occurred in Bath at the Drug Store o f Dr. Kern, by which Perry Kern, the eon of the Doc tor, was very seriously injured. A hoisting ma chine is used for the purpose of taking heavy goods to the third story of the building, and the young man was being hoisted by it to the third story when some part of the apparatus gave way and he fell thirty-live feet throu4h the trap-doors on to a weighing se tie. lie was very badly in jured, hut the particulars of the injuries our in formant ma , not able to give us. PETEcsos's 'l..xti.kiiNE for April is already on our table. It maintain: , the high diameter of this favorite lady'd blade. The steel engraving In capital, full of fun uiul character. The colored steel fashion plate is excellent as usual. "The aecret of Bartranch //ohne, — is brought to a Moo , in this toucher, and "The Prisoner of the Motile, — by Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, is continued. The oilier stories are by the best writ ere in the country ; ht this department 44 Peterson:: excels pre-etninently. We do trot see how anybody can do without this inagazine. Tel its, $2.00 a year, with great rednetiOns to Midi-. Address, Peterson, Philadelphia, Pa. ' St.l.F.BAtscmi riatett.—Mur readers should try this valuable article which realizes all that is claimed for it Ity MesQr, Pretz, Weinsbehner & Co. We, as well as other , who have tested it, hare no hesitation in recommemling it for use kit every family. Always ready for use, it saver trouble and time, and makes superior biscuit, cakes, &e. Being all article of Allentown manu facture We hare the inure Vieit,lire to thus reeolll - it a n d hate II() &MILL that, °nee Med, it Will he protiollilee(l all ni bleb• for the family, by our hoilSeheeperS. ' Tut•: EDUCATIONAL. GAZETTE is a first-class Familytirliall, devoted to pure, high-toned lifer stare. Its aim is to furnish in a popular and at• tractive style the latest results in scientific, educa tion:4 and literary labors, 111141 111 these respects Its present snceess is well deserved. C. IL Terser fi Co., 6u7 Chestnut street, Phila delphia, are the publishers, and they deserve thanks for the excellent reading they have pro vided for the home circle. fiend for a specimen copy, and while you are writing the letter send the anionnt of your subscription, Is only One Dollar. for you will he stint to do 10 a Iler so , lilt DEATn OF As Ut.o CirtzEs.—An, old and -e6pectuil citizen has Just been called away from the acetic of his toil, in the person of Mr. Joseph Hummel, of South Whitehall, who died on 'Tues day the Iralt inst., of typhoid fever. Ills loss is mourned by a large circle of friends who held Mr. Iluminel in the highest estimation. The Sono of Temperance 100 a strong supporter or their CaMC and one who during the ninny years was connected with it in this city, did a good work, in helping to save and reclaim his fallen fellows. Now that he is dead and gone, the memory of his TeMperanCe work is one of the most precknot things that lilt friends behold, in the record of his life. THE CuttomeLE.—We have to thank our friends fur the liberal patronage bostowed on the CIIRONICLE,naiI to apologize that we have In ~01111`, Instances omitted to deliver the paper as early as we would like. The number of new subscribers handing In their names, and the necessary exten sion of the route, causes some confusion among our carriers, but in a few days we hope to have a More thorough organization and to supply the CHRONIC LK regularly. In answer to numerous Inquiries we would say that we are making ar rangements to send the CunosteLn by the after noon train, KO that our friends at 0 distance cony he supplied with the latest news daily. FIIUND !E.lll.—An unknown man was founp dead on Saturday morning in the Jordan Rolling MIII. Ile was a Vagrant 10111111 a nude of dertita thin and :Neel poverty, as was evident from the condition or Ida appaiel, A:c. Ile is said to have been tin Efiglislinian who had sought shelter anti warmth in the and with his head 'allowed rni it lire-brick hild himself down to a rest that. had no awakening in this world. It is reported that • lie has 'wen banging around the Rolling Mill for a xveeli or ten days rant ! !till 110 one know- any -1.10114 More or 111111. roroller 1111s11 Was not filled and held an inquest on the holy, whi . ch was ill a filthy condition.. The jury returned a verdict of death from liatilral eatisc6. Tl:NivEats.scE. —The anniversary of the orgaitiration of Friendship DMSIMI, Soon of Temperanee, of Philadelphia, trill be ,bold on the reciting of the :nth of March, at the Academy of Mash•, Twenty-live years ago this Division wtts slatted, anal it has had 3 career of. nseftt prosperity that its members ratty well he proud of The meeting Is to be presided over by (Inventor Geary, nod it it , expected that Senator Wilson and General . 0. 0. Howard will address the meeting. Viet. President Colfax has been Invited to be pres ent, but it is doubtful if his opirinl tutu other duties trill atintit or hit doing so. This Division Is one of dual stand in the van of the Temperance tinny, and the anniverAttly trill undoubtedly be atteuded by a large audience interested in the Temperance geformati.m. CONCERTS AND LECTURES IN VIE COURT llOUse.—On rrneSilny evening. the 29th itoa., a lecture hi the German langtaige will be delivered by the Rev. A. Spaeth, of Philadelphia. Ilk sub •lcrt trill he Flit “1,011 Old 'fiance" On Saturday evening, April :11, n rozwert will he 4 ,,L,:mt by the chub• of St. Pelee:. Aelm he rrofe,soo. Wolff and Fouq. the SlYth Ward Maaerehocr. and ohm , . On Thur•oluy evening, 2Stli: the Rey. R. Ncumann, of New York, formal) mbadonary to Cliiits„will deliver a Iceman nn `: aud the (lilac -v." The.e are all for the lumelit of St. Pctor's German i.utlu•rau Church. Tickets, ,c 11 1 ,4 for each lecture, or a ileket admitting to the hr,..0 lecture-, 50, c•rul C. On Monday, the :nth of April, (rutgu L'rtnels Troia. the indmoitable. the tmairmihuble, d i e uo :wrountable aud intomprehensilde, will deliver tt lecture entitled "Ireland and Cuba after ward”,'- for the benefit of the Liberty /Jeer of title city. CON'eltliT AT CATANALIeA.—The concert given lu the First Presbyterian Chard' at Cala sangua, on Saturday evening last, wa- a decided meecss. The Organ Solos were given Kith ad mirable etteet, and had taut selected with great good taste. Espeidally worthy commendation for ha exeellent execution Arita the by \Veley. The singing of the choir was rental h ably good. and for stendine , 4 and precision In the concerted pieces deserves great praise. The solos, which; of course. were the great trias for ama teurs, were rendered lit at style that reflected great credit on the ladles and gentletueu who sang them, and the choir has great reason to he proud of the inimical yap:10110es of An members. lr he con eluding Organ Solo was Metalelesolas Wedding March. l'or W ,, k • For yonr 9.4110 07 15'2,471 10 .!.:7.719 10 :170.7'29 01 5'20 05 :t.731 04 119,1 , 59.19 . 11 71.'274 bU 19 19 447. 17 41,079 17 717,206 07 •N,:;70 EC= 57,1111 (XI Concerts irf this ebaractur are of re :ti beneilt a community, li i helping' to .retlne and elevate publie'tante. They afford an opNrtuulty of hear ing Isle musical compositions of great masters to people who otherttke would never, twit,' these woo dman compositions by the great molcluos of the •past and present. The careful practice nod etudy evinced by the AI bolt. on Saturday evening cannot be too highly comp.inded. A repetition cf such entertainments will be of 4Al44ntage to the cowl:out:10 dud alto to tho' choir. j TER, ALLENTO • - THE FOUNTAIN llousE.—There have - Veen many rumors at different times ns to the rental of this house. At one time It was confidently stated that a Ladles' Boarding Scho4Nens to he located there, and It was expected that Allentown would he enlivened by the occasional appearance of the fair boarders, In all the paraphenia of irresistible toilet. Perambulating our streets in enutpaniett and squads of beauty. t• "raw: a nattering tale, — con tradicted err ' turns aril tall. This 11111 e ice are assured that the rumor of its lett log for a Sumac. Resort, Is a fart. Wu understand that Mr. I biers or . rhilioophin, has rented it for live years at 85 . (X1 per year , ' for the first three years and $lOOO per year for the last two. The Fountain lion-c Is very fortunately shoaled for a summer resort, and we doubt tint it will attract many visitors to sojourn awhile in our beautiful city. The general verdlot of tourists and travelers as to our aream modations. situation. ete., is a very favorable our. and the inereasing importance of our manufae tures and productions are remain inditations of the growth and prosperity or our eity. We shall welcome Mr. Betsey amongst us and wish hint every meccas In his enterprise. LION BUILDINO OFVICES.—TIIP Iltin office:4 at the Lion Hall, 16, IS and 20 Hamilton street, are fitted up in the Most elegant and com . enient style. 11. Leh ok Co. have given to nor citizens who are prolessional men sin accommodation that has long been needed. The.oc offiecs are all well lighted, airy and comfortable. They are oc cupied as follows: the front room office, No. 1, Is occupied by the Franklin. Savings Bank. Instil:l - habits of frugality and industry ore practically taught to Investors. Room No. 2 is oceupled by the Copley Cement Co., gentlemen who naturally . toy their business become Mt:wiled to the colon. Room No. 3 Is occupied by Charles Eckert, the best known and oldest established Life, Fire and Accident Insurance Agent in this city. Mr. Eck ert is also agent for the Cunard Line of Steamers . . Any one travelling by the numerous line• of Rail road out of this city should give him n call and Insure their lives and limits against accident. in the Railway Passenger Assurance Agency. Room No. 4 Is occupied by our valued friend, Mr. James S. Biery, Attorney at Law, end that is where anyone requiring his valuable professional services will find him. The other rOOllll3 in the building ore being M t,' up, awl as will be seen by a notice in our col umns to-day, are for rent. They will hr occupied in a very short space of time, ns there is a gosh demand for good others. MEET'S° AT TIIE PREFRYTERIAN (Hl' It 4 it. —A meeting tens held In the Presbyterian Church on the 14th, Bon. S. A. Bridges, Cldrinau. to hear a report; front Dr. Wm.d. Romig of the two. ceedings of the late Convention nt Pittsburg.— Thin Convention was held in the interent of the movement netts' on foot, to stature the recognition of God In the Constitution of the United States. In an address of an hours length the Doctor told what had been done, dwelling particularly Opel the views expressed by the Conventiod on (11l :till questions suggested by the proposed amendment. First among these was that concerning the Union or Church and State. Thin was emphatically re pudiated. There was no delegate but we- -trona ly opposed to such indult. The question of the Bible in our Common Schools wan discussed. told It was evident that the late exclusion of the name lu Cineinuatti, and the feet that under pr,ellt. State.and United States laws,Courts are isciverl.-9 to prevent such action, had made those in (hoar of its use very serious and earnest. It k proposed to Miaoge the preamble of our National Constitution so as to read is rOnOW, thy braek..ds Including the new matter " We the peo ple of the United States (humbly acbuowledglog Almighty. God us the source of all authority and power in civil government, the laird Jesus Chris( as the Ruler among the nations, and Ilk revealed Will its of Supreme authority, in order to consti tute a Christian Government, and) in order to form a more perfect union, establish just ire. in sure dome-tie tranquility. provide for theennineal defence, and promote the getwral welfare—do or dab] and establish this Cm.stiini ion for the Called States of America." Thu other resolution, expressed the ,en,nfthe Convention as to the ditties of Government, and Notions in tres.oemizlite . Cod, ate! the 11111 n, Ills revealed Will. Dr. Romig %Vali iititl'lled 10 iniereid and a few remarks Wen' made by different e The toPethig \ca., opened mid 12121 bErrcici.: AT CATAOm*quA.—A large audience ninembled at the Towr Hall, in C'atu-:nt quo, to greet Mr. Tilton on evening of 151 h. From Allentown and Bethlehem quite a delegation un dertook the Journey to hear the man who, by nlicer force of character, by love of truth and by Manly independence. hub made himself a power among men. The spacious Hall was tilled by the time the lecturer appeared, and from the utterance of the 'lent sentence until the clone of the lecture he wan listened to with 0 wrapt attention Mr complimentary than demonstrative applause. Tit re was the utmont nynipat by between speaker And audience. Every narcanni, piercing with in delve the bone and 6111,W of meanue , , corruption and wrong-doing, was recognized with u quiet amireeiatiun that left no sympathy with noise. Once, however, during his remarks Mr. Tiltonn wait greeted with it burst of irrepressible It was when he spoke of the liag of the Vnieu having been stricken down by the hand of God, so that its starry folds might fall on the huniloe and lowly, and when It' was again uplifted, raise• them with It. The earnestness of the speaker and the nobility of the sentiment, roused the audience to a UnaniniOlni expression of approbation and pleasure, and at that moment there could he nu question of their heartfelt sympathy with the large freedom and nobler humanity inangarated by Abraham Lincoln ht Itllhd. To 'Melilla to give au account. of Mr. Tiltem's remarks on the tie of the mind, its glorioue stun and theneeessity of tratining the moral sus ceptibilities to bring abont the perfection of Intel leetunl culture—would be an hopeless task. Th e manner of the speaker as well as the nuttier of his lecture, his earnestness us well as hie elo quenee, combined to produce an impression on those who heard hint, that will not reedily he ef faced. No man could hove heard him and not .gone away with n beater idea of life and lb-dully.; and a more vNalircl Standard for the perfection of EMI M'e hope that at suer• not far ahtant day, Mr. Tilton will mane to Allontown. \V 1.11. he 0111 Sore of a hearty welron u •. The ,peaker tear introduced by ttPv. I.lolr of llokuothioqua: The ,Teeial train reached Allenio‘vo no the 11 111111 3norney ot 10 o'clork, HEAL ESTATE SALES.—Phillip Miller sold it lot of ground on Chew street, lietiveeo Sixth and Lao• alley, 60 feet front by 60 deep, to Willlato Yeo:er. for $llOO. Mr. Yettger sold the ~woe prruiMet to Win. 11. tilos - nor. stt the ;atm. pries ileum' J. St•lmartz ,01,1 a trao. of it 11,otigt,v,ttop town , hip, IS.•rhA cllllllly. to Joshua I)engler, for .i,2,7100. Retteeea Coltel sold a lion:, and In! or !trowl on the rant side of North Sixth st No, 1,1 0..00 OWN' Mid Giirtinn, 13 feet 6 hullos front, Ity 3'2,1 feet deep, to Mrs. Aliktail Medley, fir 61,600. Caroline Erb.; sold a 11011 , e awl ha of tzrotiiid do IVek ride of W“tet 1-Ireet, a 5 rovt!J:hi I"..rt Henry lirobst uol Whitehall townsiii atild'24 perches; N 0.2 containing I> acre and S. perches ; No. 11 containing :12 acres and 55 perch es; No. 4 common:4 nen.. to Charles Broinit for sdooo. Gldeon Ntoyiw sold lots N. itt and iiJ in the Clutter's flub -division of East Allentown, !:5 front each on Walnut street. hy 105 feet 41. T. 1., I,mix L. Sheldon, for P2iXr. George Locan told a lot of l'nutol on the wr , t hide of the Ellwood road, ‘o 6:41h-bury tou•u+hip, 60 feet front by 195 feet drop. to Jame; Christ. for 5t2 . 23. • Lewis L. Sheldon sold a lot of ground on the north-west corner of Ninth MO Chew sternly. to Gideon Moyer, for $llOO. rani Ehret sold a frame house and lot of ground On NV , ' street, 16 feet 8 inches in front by by 150 feet deep, to (leorge Nander, for $lOOO. Henry liner sold a frame honk and lot of voila,' 36 feet 3 inches front by 110 feet deep, mr. Tenth Street, between Turner and Chew, to Sophia E. Frick, for $3,300. Mrs. Eliza Lehr told a two story brick house and lot ur f iround on the wrest side of Tenth Et., between numilton nod Linden, to Mrs. Ellen Moy er, for *2lOO. Catharine Huwk sold a lot of ground on the east side of north Tooth street,. between Turner and Chew, 20 feet front by 110 deep, to Mob busau Beckdr, for $205. N, AVEDNESDA EXTII Anti amt a lII' Ex ENT IN WASII INOTON TowNsliii.—A lavn SnNSATION—AN Ux- ItNOON CARPET 11ADo1:11 or Till: IlltrTr: ciIEATMN ATTENIrTs TO 1.00.kT1: I's AND IA roihro.— rhe'peoph. of Washington totrn-hip were thrown into iin animal state of excitement a fell' days ago, by the appearatieti aft very reinarkahlt• and vety of range looking animal near the foot of the Woe MoilllTtio. II ,vziA a [lei:worth+ (him prowling around the Rode! Ilittulwt•rk, and 1 , 110 Ilscrol.un It F. , ..11 , 11 :11111 earrikql err to the inounhlhi one of !or:4,A ;foe,. Por,not w.on nnio, but in -pile olext raonlionry csenion. upuo Um purl of tile pas.,acr:, the uuim:il 1.-1,114,1. A acre plan of operations 1114 then adopted and put into ettect. A strong and well halted rox trap • 10110 t•rl, on flit• farm of Ilon. sallow] .1. where it had lint been A 0011.11011,111 a very short thee they had the sttisfat•tiou or bagging their game, 11 Welt in the end, owing to the great nt venni It and ferocity or Lim animal, tin' no,; dint.alit rat' or the toulertalting, lint by means of pitch fork:, pikes, clubs. tke.. it frah finally secure I. Some idea or (real -tremittli 11l ty he formed from one of tit, leaps it made after !slog eanalit iu the trap. It Jumped twenty ceet, t•arrying frith it the lit•itf y trap, 0111111 ifini atielior used in eateitina lox", The Strange .1 part 111 . lift :ktur ii 111311 the oldest hunters the vieitiity 110 not kotor what it is. It has appoitrittiee about the hood or a 1, nil eat. yet the shape of its Int ly and IMO.- is mare fifty that of a dog t lu ' , bi4 it mitell 0x01,19 it will cat; it is ufn dark ...Am . , n it 6 a fet of grey. and 11, hair is long and 11 All the works on not mat history in the " tipper end'' havt• been t•••astiltetl. but they have I""iff'l to shed the least light upon the subject. We tinder stand Mr. Ititlittrtl, one of We ,aptors, tiooloi toringioL,. It to this city to put it on exhiifition as a Carin•il y. ll' ttinotia hadn't. kri the 'how 1)11 , 1- i t c .,,11.1 11,1' It furl one. 01.111: LOtirAN • S LI;CTURIL--It has altvitys keen the tot tune of the fair Olive to incet eintvdriL houses ultra vied to tier lecturer hy the noiltriety the has acquired. at, well by cnrloeity 1,0 iittar tvotilan talk tint in Allentown tilts various to hear her. Allentown 11.t.1 heard a great deal :Wont her u n it All,' , rut etrontr gatitei Ire grcvt the lady ;e -5 night. With wo taahly punctuality Olt 'AN'tt time and it AVtl. not until Ltvetay minute, pa,: right 111,11 5111 . . 011: • 011111,.11 10 till' 011111- 1• 10 .1. • Tire fa,10.11:110..• a put.:l ratwe tor 10,:an her itllsttlitto 111111 it-t• lit: 1,11 b.•.. 11 .1111tet,.. I pettith• one it, th, tit I ..thit.llll hr t•LiS , eti ttittottg . ,t, what the flirt "Th,. AIL, Logan. •• has n holthy - and a ite.• li-avning to her lout are last ,v, :110 1,0'11,10 , 11 to vry. -that'.: oh 0%, the mania kith I hire.'' Logan di-artie ritiei , in as to the profun dity of her lecture. by a Ilvelactlitut she makes no attempt to deal with her salijot.l in it philos sophittal ur manner. and she cer tainly does tail: shout it it; ao atutising and pleas ing style that 111:11:1- 011 11.011 . 01111 :I i 0111,10•111 in li-1 0 11112: to 11.• r lass rabidly way. She tells stories well atid is as fall of finny its ic lob- , .1% a .le-t Moro or au actress titan a lectures , . she inal.est litany points by her facial expt . essions tool suggestive gestures. An evident 11,11111,r of Aunt Eliza beth (Italy Stanton. Mil, Logan anal the cost of the c•volutionizers. she . tualses an enpeclal pet of her strong-minded (lid, and treats the Womanly Girl v ith all that contemptuos 901T11filll which 1110 u••0110-I of 4 . 011 use in speaking of her t-iscot. Unrovll.t.tely for .7,111 ,4 Olive's pet, the IV.lll,inly flirt we have always believed to lie as Isom the miserably puling creature she .1,etit....1 to 119 011 Ti1111,1:1V as 010 -trong-tu uel el Girl i fi.ion evaltetf tieing the leelliresr would oto to tut. As wust very truly s the Itialolo fir. the that it ott 01 , til 11, iir tii.iiiiy it cor th,• 111.111 uI :turicultural lahAr. I , lk , lxvo trrrilllt• out \S4-1) or ilit' k shot evi•ry Ili, 111.111 In It• oprO , lte bt.. ;11111 I hr inure \Vonlauly (:ii Thr :ku(lit•nce ,vied ‘1 it 11 Logn and ^he bad their Inel: of niq , roc;litt ion. 1 , .v, ry jot,. told, Fwd her i e.v Ore lire,ion of frequent `• vck.ivan . , entilici:t tion, mere 11,1 It 1.C.11 MI-. 1111 V. .. I, a gl,od 11111 , 11 ., .1011, :11111 tcc di, not ilolllll, it in (I, 1,0,4. She Vir:1.11.111 , . and very it iffit,iiitt She 'peal:, out w the I or! tre,,ll :thd maligned of o hit Wonnttny ea rne,nn am! is enlit led ;T o's", o no t ow i , of hion.r.ility 01141 m rout. nud lit.r.•‘allotioLi 01 purity .It , tl right. : 4 110 lot, 110 t hero, 11 , 011% Idiot, MI III.• tf10 ., 114 , 11 01 woman's right', and It is a pity (fir of her :trgunteet4. She mill vertainly Imitt.elter au dience and euin nieud- e•herever she goes, 'MI , C ll' Ole kill t-Ver tithe niuuc cenvea, to the of the str.tit.t Gnat rreilit 1. tine to the itfohtgrr. of Ow doter ittoo,o for th, :ohnirohlo ztrr,ol2.rtorlit , maQe ,•. 1 61114 111. 1 iu:di,u , .•, :11111 (VP 1101, 1 1111 a 111 1 11eVe 111 , 11' 1 1 1111 1 1 . 1 1 11 , r,•u!inl 111 11. 1 ,1•11 1 •11 .nw,s , I)Ay. —At an early, hoar the I . ,tirring ~mods 11,v drum and life ton•ed .1 he of the wurd lu the rick',, Day in the nioriiing'• hail dawned. The vied: of the weather hail 11111tle. Ill , lci. !IMO evidently to do an naieli for the Iri,ll hop: its lie eoncculent iv could i co he hanleue.l,up the tinultly road-. Mith a ito-ty grip, :old di,,ciilluated a clear atui braving at tium-phore Illitt 111.1ilt . 1 , 11:5 uuar to keep up the cireallition. Green Inch 'rim out,: 11 ere fluttering up awl down Prang -treat. and , ulufornied inar , ll.ll- ga110p.. , 1 tuna fro. all al rangillg 1,,,„,„. of t h e day. liy servo 11 . 1d.a . k the rt'lLi.l II Icnniu•rhr , wl. Idniiing :111 , 1 Manly in their elegaut miliforne , , had =tart ell for thedepot tnjein more “ftheir friluml , at 014,1 1.1 r, 1 urn liver al I t• :11111 at SI. Mary% Church, wchrn• ,1,11, W.l ilvid at +rcru',.'rlorl:. i 11 • boy. woo' t., 1...111r1 ttoiwg ..) Ilt v aura allarr,.. Ihe Mr. T. isiti .0' Its 11kii.y %vim 4111:.1 , 101, Ilr 'lit -- ll.' \V.I , 1'1 , 114 t'J 11.1 V, 1111 pla,l,'llre or St. P;orkic,o,:iy viry 110 low nil. , In Ihi. \ 11.110111 lI Irid Ili, 1 .11.1 1...(1 I'll , l 1 , 1 1,1011, • . 111,1 11'110-r II .1 rni 11,411- hail cirrn him a ! I to 6.1 . , Wllt'll • :1.1. ilo•nt ~41,1 My ,•o”-i•lit.,1 to -o, 11,.111, 1 he 111, 1 1 V 111111 1119,11,11 111,•111 ;11,11 111,,, there iti 111,11,1 sytoisa hy 1 . 1 . 1 . ;111 the 111,1 V11111:- ry, 111.110 liherty. MEE yloiti for the 11TH t need ror hiuih In 011,111 luattp Enitilvti 1 The it ".teed lII,OIe their heule, it tV., lllcir out mom. fre.h !Lod greou that tio memory of Po, patriot , ❑'ho had gone hvibre Veccr lot their counwoohlable love atol adnOratioo for 11. , ho , ilitoloo , of Col, noble loud i.f A 000100 . . . ... . . p.r - !noise land - a I,lch at that moment rein trod illiliZra l ion, aWI it 1. , eery uritifyinc to note that , : ,‘,,...'i • , • .:. •• , - ,,' , ~::,,, , aI, Lin ihoir hrea.t.. Ile ~ 01110 1110 00:1111 lllioa , Stale s, hid, 1,, lota hi3O 10.11,0,1er:1d ils the ~,,,,,i , ,:: .. n . 1.,:• ,:,,,,, t :, 4 ... " : ' ,', ‘ , " ,,' " 0 1 ,:.';.:,..;, r i: ' , "' , h ,, L .',?...,..'::::', hilig, they had a 1.1.11,h Olin,' 111011 allo lithe .I. i i k ~,,,, , ,e e o r o ur „:,,,,,,,,y. I. split ly inere,ii,e lone toil Iseie ilk.. vie' as aim I'llllll.l, ...T. 1 1 , 1 ,y 1,...,0.1 ' . was ' -hurt. lie had P e e. le ,,,,e.ted to ono 0, w,',ith and population. A 111111 , /, Is .1 ail 1; :l'" I ' ll ' I, l i ''' t " .• lit il '" 'in''''' "I . '''''' " u r'.. i 1p) ' wou ld a,,; them to relne,,na , r to-la) gliocing richer, lila' eredit I, Inlprovlng, nod iii I ;,,..: 1 ;,, ' ,. 1 , 1 .:1c ... ;.: " 1, ' :• " :, ' , ' ,.:!: ' , ‘ ,. n h , ' ,li t , l 4 " ,;;. ' ,.., i t ' . ' ,. ,. . ' e h" ,,t ' . ‘ i, '" a r t ' , l l . that eritleal t ye. WOlllO I , a tell th. , 111, 111111 It • loYe tors, when her present ~ 1 101.1 .y,deni wit einthitot ~f ‘ si lin.iti ii ..i i ii Ii . 0 111 ; 0 1,, became limit ti.i coitiltlel theiii,Ylwr. its trot. Irl-lp ;he'll, -avec-fit! operolleu, awl her 1a.50111,, a re tvol , a l . lh , he e•u , 1, .. , - , A.": ~....-..,;,- 'bough he li v ed Men, loving and 1101101111 a, their won, a lel hailvit,„ none fully developed. -he tall be one ~f the 'lel,- "'"''" _-_ _. . • tlO 1010,11, 11l IV( ally . 11•10 , 10 ell ~.01111, upon then% eel 11110 1110,4 i1e,11,110, htal , ` 11l I IR' *OllO,l, 11'11,. 7'. Hopkins, .1 . 0. 1115 f."hrienuf Al., i'hipt. througlicondact ofthelrs. 11,th:tidied thrill 11 , r the The Nittllitillis snil• Little bock Railroad a 11, , , te1e1,.. , . wip. 11.. , w SO er.0..,..1.....t0 seta,ecily lone entlta,,liteni with Mile' 1 1 .1 be, ~,,,. been received and noon lie cotalieted, ;pal work on the Little Hoek due,i, soil -o fee iiratill re, -.veil tontine the Asir Pea'. IRMO . hi. appear/its, agLall. la 110 , miverti.,,,,, wiiY Ili w[elied the., tt happy day mid eatlitisiantie reeep- and Fort Swill' Howl 1- vluornunlV Pro'ceuted. — th 1.,,,,,,.. no., Id. adv. 1.1011 u 10111: the route of the' proeestdon. 'rile The latter road Is graded to ivithin it Slittft, ills-' ' - --- - speaker called il,rtl, repeated cheers by Ids re- twice of Lea tabard, anti tvill.ho eompleted at till : I !narks, and at Ilw elo-" three (*beefs Intro give. early time. Oth, ,roads Will follow rapidly, which - , , _.. ..- .. ... . , for hint. , will place A ritattnan ahrca.t of her noel procre.- ST l ll . 7 l ..—On the :3711i of Febratirs,ln Haycock, 'rile proueeslon now I'c-forted and k , llirted for ' sine rival sl,cer St,tten. Along the maul f , o lll Van ;‘ 11, K,. 1 1 1,.., 10 o: , , , i , y; ii t tI l i i ,, 11,I of s tool I 1 %tt„ ,vo itild Catharine Ottan i ' the upper Fart of the city'. It pe e ,euted a very Soren to this place many log cabins have lately . BAitT1101.0:11EW.-niLit, l ' he Bth of March, in flue appearanco a n d an It pan.ed up ilainlllon St. twen accred I,y poor "Carpet , bangern,” who Qllltkerimv ll , Jana , ' son of Franklin and law) the varloun noifortan Of the 111 , 01101. A 1 1 / 4 (111 , 1111/n have sonic to A rkanoas to thou to home for their Aiii, 1 1011 1 10101111,11• • Illledll rears, 7 months mull% . untl Otlicern with the green emblems of the men • families. Although for a, dune they will let sub- , du tlOrE.—On March 30'11 In Richlaild Cellre, ntalit n Very pretty pleture. Th e cite comet leo to many ' inconvenieneen. the time Rill ' Jiteot, l'ope, aged 104 yealP l ' e,., 8 dayn. •'' 1 11 1 AVO111•11, .1 1.1 1 ,, 111'1' 111 11 itotiolt ;01 1411 . 1 1 , 1 . 11111 =MI MEM= Y, MARCH 23, 1 Band and Drum Corps with their strainwf Irish unrsie, added to the attractiveness of the scene and delighted the ears of our Trish fellow-citizens us well as those who Ite.tril them on the route. At ton o'clock service Was hold in St. Mary's Church and, nw usumulh Willi larvoly attended; the raviolis or;:anizttions marching in procession. After service a start tans niacin for entasanqua. The doings on St. Patrick's dity in the evening ennshdial or r:oppers, fun, frolic, and at• general good aline. At ['Masai:pia, Copley' • and Holten •lainina. there teas a good two nil. and "the hoy, — r lily rijoict•ll on the ivenro•llee o r the ..onivorn:thy or tio•ir 1 ,:,t run t lint. Si. Patrick's Day han Nino• nod gone. The mother favored its celebration, and the his - horn pretty generally took part in it with national en- I litl , litslll. Love fur the" Green Emerald Isle — is p:l,nitlll in tilt. hiSh111:111's breaSt thai neither time nor di,tance Can tie-true or ohate. RE UN:ON oF NINTH I'ENS , VINAN I. \ CAVALItI.—At three o'clock on Wetltiesdlay last, the surviving ollleers and soldier; of the Ninth l'emisylcaul.t Cavalry met ill the orphan', court r tam at Ilarrddittrg, for Cae purpose or forming it society!a perpetuate the glories or that gallant regiment, which Mr nearly four years partieipateil iu every eavalry rot tgemeitt of the Wc,t, ern armies. On motion or Captain W. 11. Eeliels, Col. F.. C. wit.: clime!' temporary chair man, mill on motion or Col. E. G. Savage, Ca pt. O. B. Mac Knight was appointed temporary bc,'- r,t,try. Col. Williams slated the object or the meeting. and called nn Surgeon .Taines Moore- of l'itiltidelphia, to return thanks to Almighty God car Ills goodues,l in permitting so [natty inettib...r , to meet together. .lordou then de livered the following :Md.'s; or ‘vetrome: 1.1.11011.-S0111;teN of nit-Vitlh 15 oosylvoaio Coma t•ii —lt give" me more than ptimeure to welt:mile yoo to litivristuirg• Five years ago this Very day IV., were all together at the battle or Averiesistrough, io Nt/I'lll Ciallllllll, wham the 1.111111,10 r of motion .tad t;t;tsh or rwnll :11111-, out drutll ill till ill, hor rid forms. Nee are itgaitt eitizmo, propli,oy is fallillcd, "Your sword- are plimun. share, nil )0111• lees are pruning NW, yettr• ago you sprain; to :tons. :old at your could 's call became soldiers. The illel ' prayer; and blessings ol' father, :nal mothers hose heads trail he'll whitened Ity the -um., of ge, and leive., went Wail you to the battle and strengthened your arms. and idtarpenvil )otir sabres, and gave coarage to your hearts, and won for 4111 the victory. lint. whit( ..11.111i!, hive brio wrought eiiiee you lie-t rainy to: dither. Your by the fratricidal 41:1 I , or the children of twelve of Ito' Fl ale-. 1111:1 herding al every lial: ha. brew caved, nud you. "'"e faithful ell men roldier.., helped 111 rare n by burr tag yutir bre.did, to the td.orin, and et.,mling a::: Adam:tut hetwecti fetich, in aril, and our lira, gioriiimi. and time-Imniir,l Odd tury attimit te I to alt l' bad: through the. vi-ht or year-, to the -.cell, through wllllll we have p a s Ned. there hi Indeed much to lilt with tiro. 'lute daring eharge, the hold adviintlo. the retreat, a oil the critvolin.4 victory; all, all eatie our hearh , lo overflow tv . illo home-t lordly ;, and it, we recall lailmilun. I l errVville. the retreat Front the ilisaidrio.ha lioid of lieu nel:y ; the rdid under the gallant l'aid.r into IZiover, Dandridhe, Eden, Cloicikinalli.dt, [teed , hr, and lhr 1 ..4 eerie, oC nooVidoodit , till Ilie rill ;ohd the march math' the 'milli. , of 1 Vapor.— borough and the fail ti' irl.lloll through the Carolina the battle , : of Blacks file. td.atioti, IL•ntonVil and the conle , t , itrittiiiil Italei4ll. mid thatlaa eueounter, at liorrir•ville, the reeeivei, 11h. (lag tritee from diclleriti 'Joe tering or Burrender ; the.e all and many more that have not minted belong to the heaory or the thli renti,ylvanitt l'alVary, tor the plan. I or her cnu h.t; reddened every from Iditaiiirhy through thin gull' 3tale amitind This iS but a part or your have in deed been makints lii-tore. Ile tvhute 1 I'll Ell or title tear shall haVi• been Nvrillo‘o, uud the and tlehrhi or the li.ittle-ilehr: he wiled away by (line, and the detionii of (ha true men or I ill, army recorded. then Ns forth in eo nn- I em the ti,oih.iit iir the o , „I shift. het, feloiiv—oldiere, till (vim Weill into the light I with is are not hire to-day. I vinteinhi id ' lough, alai Wall'eii, :111.1 11,11, and SilfliVal'. a 11:1 oloiltitz, who fi II by my chin ul 1:11111 1 1:1:11., While el1.11 . 1:illZ. :1101 eue:ll tin 1,4 our Rout the el11•111S—and Freer, rand lined, and J1111:111, 1111(1 Ya 111 E, Mel 1 Ile Ilia!' V:4111110 nl 011 e noble dead, wbu>,. 111:11-1 lie oil every battle-ilehl of tie Army of Ohio, the Cilltilocriond and the • (;cortt'a. "i'i. but oltruv that tct =1.111,1:LI 111110 1 . k . - 111,1 , r hitulty trio) wutu n ilhlu , Otto tho battle )/111 Wilt) eau/le not "11l L~:ir!a.i•-P eyt , did not Kindle ut the rry of virtory. 1 . .1r 1111011 their count :Otto' thry 11.1.! lilt flow. thr it lives. and tlitra Call,uitic tit.t - hti,it for the rivitt Their 111,11 e• and their Hove. , %.icolit here Let lit heart , ,p-ok for them to,l,ty in ho:t1 tilt eternal 1%1111011;4 grol, .%ul glory guard, with ,ol,tno rolo , l The hicou: u • of tlit , dc.Ld. lignt tiur Kittle o'er — it In hilt proper I.rea t hilt IVO A/011111 Mahe 1.);!, ther 11111..111 . thing will Inalit'lit Institution liv lily ming 0111,.; rn it 111.111 n, tv; , ;;;kri;11 with it con:litiltinit I,y-lair".:liid • Nr , ..r L, tune ttrip• int•ctim4 title a year. Tlii= I Oren, a ;natter h It IPA,' their exvec great inipiollanee, it gill error t.i I:ver , :;.; .111111,/.. train th, • ih n ., „ u „ t feelln:; . • of a Ireili , .ll eaten keyed our long ihri .ttli=1.•.•1••• the. round :L ~aehlliml on lick!- , ~‘ "ttd. Print ilvart: , thine lintily than t•Vt.i . ; owl a= death ~,,,, lIV when hilt a 11l lie !Mii ir,bt (7,,,,,,.—Tite memory of Dr. \Vis or thi , 1)rotill r..giiill.llt Illcy ).).• ...1 1 ..i).,...) )).•.,-1- !l t d. t tree each v ear at 111.1 r t he • i)1 . 1 . 0111411.. 0 , 11- allli 1111, , the onrc fo 1'))).1.- of v.))) 1w)1) , , , n•.. , . I.» ))) Poltip,try In ti1..11)..ry ti. l h r tittle ,k l• (.1,1% ).•..t . • proratatio. ncuibrongti Icrrr full, and 111))))1; (:0,1 it Ihv grit i 111).y • 1 ). 1 .)r , 1.• it, ...I r, it eljnyeni havia; of the N i),l th:this guu • 11".• ',mid .1111 of len Goa to oilvertixtokitt of JOieph con „ Alell •11, 114114411 , 10hin. In thin 14,4u44. welcome. •' 1'4444•14:444.44-4 441 4 4444,4 , 4i,4444, 4.1.4444141 n..t unit t , tv44 After the opploo-v had boo %yeller moved that n vonooliv , e of live he :I w or 20 lay aside rd io perm:men!, •11 ('Onto ; or of 11”.11;2,0 01 80 vannot ugretst nt. andfolloo - iu~" in the 1, t4.4s invonte ;10 rout- ; or at the ' op. C I ..till Collilliillcc : J. J. S. 1 ), 1w , i1 4,,. .1 .,, P1• 11 of 40 .are froln the exts-neos -14 cent+ a ‘ceek B. W:01111411, Sur.2,.on James :11.wro 1.4 .t. E. S. Ti,..-, , sunts ,oein :mil so they are, Itut thee //omit leks M payll , r a volley of insurance for ; 4 1000 on On motion of Col. Kimmel, a vontutittee or Ilan )0„,, p len a the „Neese teal, oPl'oit,ted by Ito' chair t o ' 1 " fl " '""' Unio "" `• losurance is so expensive," whet. , the low rstes and chair -111",.,'I II:' f . '""" l "'. 4 of the Ml'.llll'A N are offered In you I nu-110W, : ii11111101.:11.li1 . 111:111. W. 11. 4 , „1, li. G. O. 11, MelS111;:.lit LEI 1 FENSTlll%l.\elirit 114V1114 ellftrgc of unit the hooks liln preulece , •or, Mr. Elton Fenster- After in the Committee on noteher, would rt,peei fully request those Indebted l'onti.theat (),".:nniZation roporte.l thy folltorlog for old aueount, to ',mho payment to toot, of officers far the ensithig year =lure earner of Tenth and ifatnilton streets. 21 l're-ident—ltrevrt Brig. flea. T. .1. Jordan. • A I.I.I..STMVS has an extensive Chilli!. and fire I"re-ddent , -1-t. E. S. //endriel, , ,, V1:1-,,vare e.tal , lllinrilt a+ great a varlet) Thttentee-ly and Seret. dein, M. Inal...ker. ~d a. low prin., e;:ii ho. Glum! Its hi the target Svcretary Ttv,ercr—O. It. I , ..K.night. Lae eine.. \V.. refer ti. the new store of Richard eel rote, 1.111.t•I'llo lValker, So, all We..t lientliton Cill've•pon Sveronirv — O• Landl4,oene•• Tilt! LADII:t.. Son° of New York, re nt foot., gulfragt. Tilt. rciort tin.tniiiiion,ly o„,i r heir duly—ft, 111 , 011 !Ili' 1.11:111% iu a !WIC! . .1, 11 th..y •,:,, t 1411 mttlollit Dmllo twl thank , - I'm' Ihn liottm• ,• 5..11..\111,`,.,. Gough St; :old Itlng-nirk.., mot tlo t..01w1..‘1..11 1...0.t The 1.01.11 the Committee „n. . ;;;, d.;t : ht, ; TI'S. cr.' . 4..1 11..,, mad.. tho ,ron. Auft }wo .t ‘,. „:„. inti-roli th e y ‘.l„ ,t. rob 2.4, A Titian ItE.‘ , l)N wily (:. Kvrthoirn, of d , . 1 . 1 •0i,,too•o, m•o..loo• F. Dt•t‘v,•il, or ntnr fiir tho Ilpxt tii,thp.:, S..l.•ty .111,1,1)kril China, “1 , 1.-ware and I.:ttor Sto yr LETTEn FROM URSA": 11=1111=1 11011,1 o f tLia ;,.Itmcy ,11111111 It Ott Cllll , 10 VIVO p a rk o f phihow. aulaalat of hi- taaaiallit . ll ilut- phi, is nimtvr Or It r•at cre.itt In no, lag :mil ”Itaa• tile liar. 11 . 1 11:01 I hre.itotoql In mull' (hut car. hat o ur, mit It kill. at Ile-t right, a eel t I/on•r, aa lance th,a naine ffl I . :Miin' teeny every elti7-41 1101.(1 ! .. •8.-.,„„. an.llv .1 iii, uu ..u.piciouo of Llang,n', he V .I) ,i 111,11.1 at !twit Ilk 11:111 or, Ills d0115e,,,1 I lo)tn,, ero, ni„„ „. up to iho and ore uow 111 .Cll-t0,13.• n 11i .• „ :getable Sic!lia,s Hair Renewer restore! uirdri, .11'.. lately • been voinwittvii 111 La`ir hoilluring alt llle Arhanq:. . . ri.5 . 11,,,,ve of Ow edlirt h!1.1•1 otltur out th ,- • Off/ or' marl/ Folke.—The Iltuatt (111; pat utul hrlugliuf thew jw.ti , 11:l: ,V.ery N„, .... 10! eventually arrive when they will be fully compen sated for all the hardships they are enduring now. The trmiority of the new settlers are from North and South Carolina and Georgia. One of the most flourishing little towns along the L. It. and F. S. It. R. Is Ituseellvllle. Elegant new buildings are being erected and oh ones removed, and as It hos a beautiful and healthy location, It will ere long become one of the finest cities 'between Lit tle Rock and Fort Smith. The value of land In it, vicinity is increasing, and thoe who purchase and itlirroVe fa runs here'now will never regret It. Arriving at Clarksville on the evening of the gith ult., I put up at tile hotel. Upon paying my hill in the morning I woo very forcibly reminded of a remark made by an Trightnan while stopping at the Anthony lion, at Little Hoek, who didn't know that he was stopping at a tirst-claes hotel before. If my stranger should happen to peas through Clarksville mid should unfortunately stop at F. M. Payne', hotel, they must provide themselves with it sufficient amount of "stamps" beforehand. Alter leaving Clarksville my horse became lame, compelling me to leave him and trudge on foot. Calling at n house, I found an old woman in whose charge I left him. Think ing it would he an advantage to her to know who 1 was, I told her toy name, to which she replied " A mighty bad re a rm•. A n o w by that name has Caused me a heap o' trouble - . He looked like you but you are not the man. Ile's dead." •• lie cannot have been a relative of mine for I am from the North." . . " where lie was from. lie was froin Kansas. I inn from Pennsylvania." There's where he was raised." • • A rew more remarks convinced me that the t'el low all u ded to woo it scoandrel t but. Bald shit, I'll take charge of your horse If )our stifle Is ev.oling I attetitle,l a " Nltilca! and Tali • leauv Ewell:11.1,11.2ot" at Galley Hoek. All were well pleased whittle:performative. tune which reeeiVeli ha -hare of applauPe and to which AN Itatc•ltoo , never tire ~r tO, waR the old ,011 T, M . ' l'll, , Ad:oll,a, 'fraveler." Jli,i ellanr n us; 31,, , r,4. Hartzell proprietors of the platiing mill nn Ninth Fnrel. have dissolved pArliter,lllp. .lo,:eph Hummel, Esq., of Smith Whitehall, dish on the 15th :u the advaneed age of seventy year:. Ile had hero a :ming soppo'rter of the l'entFranee raw,. 11. leave: it munber of friends to mourn his 10 , 1. 011 the afternoon of the 111th a boy named Ed win .\ Ibright Was thrown front a ladder Into a heap of scrap iron In Dirt welter's. Inneksmith shop, ; ant Walton below Sixth, this city, and reeeiv tel ark, AlcvsN. Steitz and Heebner have formed co-p:irtnerAli , is the coal husloc... k meeting of the riperatoN, miners and , shipper:s of coal 0110 in session at Pottsville. on the 15th. to take Into coniilileration the le of the rout trade. Ahout nue hundred noon ' her , 'sten! present. Philadelphia W:le largely rrprr;rtrtrd. Tor ennventlon agreed on the (of , low lug With veal nt $2 .50 per ton at Port C outside wages. $1 1 ; inside $10; miner ivage,t, per week : contract work re ' die rd',relay per root., ne heretofore. NV, have liven! that the .troug-minded femi nine, of Allentown Were aroused by the lecture of Mi. , c Logan and that muttered premonitions of Sitrre,k, Ar.e.. have been heard. Thee symptom~ generally lirealt out like a ‘• ra,ll" Immediately after a \Vont:ill's Riglne Leeture, and like :1 " 11,v Hill di,. 011 i if let eit , lue ' A ferocious dog has ole a areal deal oi trotthie iii Fall Ulcer, Last Autumn lie bit it boy, and nnainl boy ha , sine,: exhibited symptoint of hydrophobia. I:ponn the strength of these, thn bay':: parents have sued the dog'n; ()tenet . , seeking to 11:CO3g' I lie neat stun of 08,000. lint this Is hot all. The dog;', owner and the afflicted parent belong on the saline church ; the Ivithie gab h.n. brel t . r.insfornied hunt an veelesiastira disitufe. (toad polemics eumpileated svith hydropluninia I Was there not no "Ting and ,44:triiiiir and izrowli44.4 and enough in III:II thrt I tmont 411 . 11111114411 energy 144.1i4re A claire!. r 4.4.1 4441.4.4.4' 4.44 i 4.1' e of mod-flog—it 114.104.41. IWSINESS Null( ES •• thy. te •tlt tri , lL• iltvl plea— t how The val uric [l. uml the ill, ..htek, the heat .thil • 1,,it.•• tho le•tv ••tt.1•••, tl••• / ,helt,eve .ounty put together !Iv o Cita iX iru ibrl t0 . ..a1 . ,/ ill thin ibsoe of M, Th Window nir Brim, r, the most mbl by nll drtigyi.t, DratiA, Nen Abbertionnento. ARCH ST. CARPET WAREHOUSE, 832 ARCH S'atErET, BELOW NINTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA • - - - THE OLD ESTABLISHED STAND, Receiving (or the Spring Trade a largo ntack of the Nein &Ors or CARPETINGS, purch..,d at thr lowest GOLD RATES, and will be said at a preut reduction rol st season's prices. ENGLISH IIItUSSE AO. and all other goods .In pr.,purtlon. JOSEPH BLACKWOOD, mar ...11•Sta 5(2 Arch Street. Phis. TO THE LADIES. NOW OPEN, THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN LADIES' DRESS TR I.II2IIINDS AND PAPER PATTERNS. MA-XWELL'S, S. E. cor. Chestnut & 11th sts., PHILADELPHIA. Inelpal Agency' for E. UCTIRRICK & Co. 'd COlObrated rntlerns of Gartnenie fur Ladies, Mincer. Boy. nud Little Children. Heed for catalogue of idyles and prim!, nailed (roe. Trimmed pattern. for 11101Cht0l. and dreeninakern. SolD•cripitous received fur the Nefroyailifan,a monthly maga:teem r rt.t, 1.,11 60 per annum; _the me/rope/t -han and Quttrictly eport. conibattal; , yd lA/ per 0,1211111/12. with $2 OU worth o f patterns gratis to anbecribers for both. 41 CO worth to aub.cribers for the Afefroponfon alone. Stopple copies of ;magazine tout by wail ou receipt ibf fir- Aa puny and perfect aystoto of Areas-culling taught and lor pale. lu inu DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT, ernie MLLOI ti . %titelituri, quilling mud embroidering In figure , . oi nu) PrOWPtIY executed. The TRI.II3IINUI DEPAIIT3IENT Will he mons tautly supplied with all the novelties of the t . a s o a r.„, as they appear. Also. with a full ill2O of „taw, a.,14. In the I= t'lll be found a full unsortment of all materials used In übroldering. crocheting and knitting. • mer.2l•tf DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CA TA/trill treated with the utmost ouscees, I.y J. 5A.1(75 and Profe.sor of Damsel. qf the Eye and Ear, (his eriscirtifyi in the Medical College 10 . Penn ey( canto, 13 grare experience, (former) of Leyden. INA. land.) Nu. S Arch Street. Phila. Testimonials can be -000 at hi. office. The medical faculty are Melted to at comp'suy their patients, as he has cm secrete la hie pruc• tic,..Arthicial eyes [stetted Without palm No charge for exittuimitiou. user 23-ly 1115 HOOP SHIRTS, 1115 Ho/'KIN'S "OWN MAKE." In all tho Now Spring Styles. for Ladle., Misses and Children; the quality rod price* of which will recommend 01..0 yes to every customer. CORSETS ! CORSETS ! p ' Co RSETS ! ! Just marked down to gold at par; makin our present prices less than they can be afforded, until gold declines to that point, and 33 per cent, lose than the price one year ego. We were the first In Philedelphin to give silver In change to oar cnatomere. and now take the rode. ln giving them full advantage of the return to a eye. basin, in advance of the Gold market; which will be lolly appreciated by all who examine unr extremely . low priers. !loop Skate, Our Own Blake, at 37,'40, 50, ,n ), W. ;0 75, 60, 65, 40, its, 161 00. Sc., to $2 3). siol-niado tVhalebone Corsets St 00, 60, 75. 50, $1 00, hr., to $1 75. Superior French Woven Corsets at,75 cents, reduced from St Si; at $1 Si reduced from $158; nt 51 11., i educed from 51 75. Sc,, Sc., to $5 00, reduced ilium $7 00. It. Werly Cur at $2OO. reduced from $2 50, sc. Ac. Thump.° Glove Fitting Curvets at $1 76. reduced 'front id 20, he,, Ac. Mrs. Bloody'e Patent Elelf•Adjunting Ab• domino' Cornets at a reduction of '25 cents to $1 00 per pair, °wording to quality. All other `node proportionally re• laced. skirt, and Corsets made to order Altered and Repaired, Wholesale and Hetatl—Ono Price only—Call el wild tor descriptive circular. _ W.M. T. HOPKINS, pro. 1115 Chentaut St.. EMEEI EX ECUTO SI'S NOT ICE.•••N OT CE i 2.4 IC HEREBY' 01 VEX, that letters testamentary hav• lig been granted to the undersigned In the estate of BAR- I:URA MITT, deceased. late of Upper Idllferdttewnsup; Lehigh county, therefore all persons who know them• td be indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and such 1V have any legal agates( sald estate iv present them well authenticated for settlement within the above specified time. C• F. DICEENSIIIED, mar IYrsettfor. STATE OF INANNAII RIIOADS 12.1 DI ANNA RHOADS AND CATHARINE RHOADS, late of Whitehall towunhip, Lehigh •County, deceased• Notice is hereby gives that letters tent...lnter,' have Oeoll granted to the nudornigood upon the above onttito; All pornoun knowing thetngelvon Indebted to ;mid entails will :nuke payment within nix weelot and thus. having visits, will pronoun them, duly authenticated, for nettle. went within the above %molded time I=l rl EORGE METZGER AND CHAS. MILLF.R. WITH L'EV I PENSTERMACHER Corner Tenth and Hamilton Street A LLENTO TVN, PA. (Successor to Elias reueterumeher.) Dealer In Grain. Flour and Food, Clover. Timothy and ~I ve Reed, Early Seed Potatoes , each ae Early Rose. Surly Soapock. Early floury. White Sprout, Etc. .4 FUI.I. ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES, PRO. VISIONS, Q UREA'S WARE AND NOTIONS. Lehigh County Cider Vinegar by the barrel or 'Kanner onaa e. A 'erg...l4,k of Liverpool Salt. best Mackerel. ID guar. •e.• half barrels. wholesale and retall• York State %pules ;rot received. mar M-IY. THE ADVANTAGES WE ENJOY I as the result of a long established ~ uccessful business, enables us to (I.r inducements that makes this an uncement worthy of ATTENTION. Importing cur foreign goods direct nntrolling many leading styles of fabrics, employing the beet artistic talent in the production of Cu' goods, and "constant progress" our motto, we claim to lead the market in READY-MADE CLOTHING, of which we keep full lines of all i nacles, for Men and Boys. CUSTOM WORK our products are unsurpassed for qual ity, workmanship and elegance. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS our stock is constantly large and sesi• sonable. We are the sole manufar.. turers of the which we supply I)Clih ready.made and to order. Prices uniformly low. Gentlemen visiting New-York are re quested to call and have their meas. tires recorded upon our books. System of Self-Measurement, and ether information promptly furnished when desired. Address Box 2256, New-York P 0. DEVLIN. w. rowLii Ala b inPropiietars. Bost= y ruggl la and dealers generally. genuine =on atzusil 4 BIM% . R . LEIGIVX IMPROVED DARE, RUBBER TRUBB. %VIII retain nod cure lie most dircult raptor., limper. vioue to mot turn. or ctranibissis and durability 4hos equal. Tho lightest Truss over wade. fiupportorse Risotto tits. Btoothigs, iutpsasoilils, all Muds or . ar e ts . eil L3 lit::: :u B . t d riar a , b o T o n d m ol . l til e r i mechautral rem. itiuCheohlut strum, next door to this oornor Thirteenth .tell*). mu 4ltt M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers