Eht ye4 1 ‘gcßister. =9 SOBT.IREDELL. Jrt ALLENTOWN, PA., MA. Ite II 23, 1810 THE BESETTINIi SIN In Butler county, Ohio, they have lately had • TreasUrer who has followed the example . 01 many others of his lirtillTll rod tint, Ile funds for privitc purpt*es. Though this would not be such a helim,. crime in Pennsylvania or New York, in ohM It Is looked upon as quite a .'oboes (Tian...— But Ohio laws are sometime , : evaded. Exam iners sometimes warn ilw Trea , arer when iln examination will take place, : o il if he ha , Bien misappropriating, and he l-tir, him eii and secures n loan, that make- hi parently straight. The.Cinehmati ElatUrday, apropna of the Butler County cane, thus tells•how it Is dose : " We were in the Pre,Mient's Mike of a Cincinnati bank some time ago. talking to the chief officer, when IL gentleman entered and asked a private interview with that offi. cer. When the stranger retired the Pre•blent asked us if we knew the man. We an,wered In the negative. "fhe . n,' said lie, •I will mil you what he wanted, but you mist not print it at present. He brought a letter of intro du'etion and desired a.limn of $40,000.f0r ten days, for which lie proposed to deposit Salk. factory security. I examined hi , vollater:th and found them •311. I ii,.,, what use lie proposed to make ot . tl mon, y. ; float first hesitated, but tll,t'ount Commissioners were about to c,unt th, in the County Treasury. and that needed $40,000 until t!,, I“ , lnt •,! I he made.' What (lid you do r we • t i fused,' said the 1 3 re,hlent. • .\r.• -eel, appl; cations often model . ' we asked. • Frequ'ent ty,' was the reply. • But,', oti l ihe h•nii: di cer, never loan money 1, , r ,tich u knowingly. Some years frirn , l. of t!,,• then Treasurer of (hi; county hoer , I ! , (.1. 000 in greenbacks at 11 o'clock, to 6 • I . or , cd by 'ii P. M.. for Witich lie Intl cur rity. Our cashier made the loan. and hearin_ of it I Inn& Inquiry, ; 11 , (1110 . 11,11 that the fun& is the I owl' 'I 1, u sury had hien coented hat da . I I had no doubt our grc..mhach u vro ,I In the Cottnt . Tr, wort ( . 111111lo'il. Al '2 P. M. they u l'1t011':11m11 1 , -.:unl l'o ri ted States bomb: Mr. I , i p. The Gaz/V, r, . :,! the sub•treusnr% -1 Willie it (101, TI 1 i rrc..! Using public a't n. 11 - 1: , • , ttl `.• traordinary sh,,w ~l'uttttit, i t it, ri1,' , 1;11., thew to depoit :1, .u. vEticial rogue will H. u , •t • • effortB uvula to pre, etit i• days ficern: too Irei t io lin, I • rui)ted us ',awl a. Itr pt t, at, only the very 10% ahn vLLiin lii :Lll other nteun, than tie %11--t 1.. it inlay be that the pioec• .., t., obtain position in . it• result in tenth:The, !heed -cr., • t;u•lc.l with the public tottiu.t, 011111 i •11)E.11) : Si tiG"./ All that is 1.ii4.1111 ,•;' that in thy jo r ifi t i i l! i- prt :!,is three word:, are little t! enough by the shit .tt 111, 1 1. t.t.r,, that «•iUi selves forwartl ver, Bch, IT. I,;1 ;I are though, what a norld rat ni,..tmr4 contain. All that i• r xpre—t•d Mantd, houseless and friendle-, mo,Med in IM -- 11.0s1P ...Sail LLn tlit - 41111Tud tore. , et ti they sound ii/ rme htclllll :1 1,401 i, 111 mei an epitaph. 'We stand and gaze iillllli w, •11 , 111,- that so lately eould have hrmi in •..t; o ii.:i r preter and we wonder a:- w.• gat•. II tt 1,1 , 1 met him yesterday, would we thought on him, beyond pi .% and disgust at his squalor? Why ,1 at him with such interest to-ihi3 Would you know dear brethryn, fyilow zeus, 'fellow sinners ? Would yo,; l a ma, je who dwell at ease and in luxury, and hays no thought for the want and misery anaind vino ? The answer is in this. Ile who yr , terWly was vile and mean and poor, to-ley 1, , equal with all men who have 1 , ,,t111 11,. grt•al 'Secret revealed by Death. The great leveller,' toy friond. Itas mdtly that abject, dirty, wri tylt. to equal' footing with s t ir dyad littler and ith mine, and when the tlysk dad! have ,Itrunk away from the grimy dial', it titan litine could tell which had 'wen thi dirtiyst. what a homily on pride it: here, "Go, get you to my ladle , climatal.: tell her thought she paint an inch deep. to Ilti complexion must she come et \ list hopes and fears, what plan, ! and yesterday have been shut up in that p.t.d 1.,t iv. no man knowetlt. llow lie sank into ti state of hopeless, 'despairing p..N eel} non, call say. What suffering, soritttw, shame and want he endured, heron., all hi , nattitioial beaten out of him, lie crept under, a died to dle—these are t:ettrets Nye cannot Nire-I i . rom death, but they are known to I hitt 1%h., tlot•th all things well. The poor ‘‘ - atitit.rer ha= gone to a Just and merciful Judge, who ; not mom See and boareth the cry or till' ill" AMENDING THE co'waTit• kliON The meeting which NVHS held lint ,vel: In the Presbyterian church was vi ry attended, and its slinme,s n is 1,11 ecidcnee of the apathy with which the people of this . glow regard the questions now :igit:Lting minds of many earnest workers in the Chni , tint cause. The question an ;thew tion tie Constitution of the United tittite.l might to excite attention among au intelligi•nt atuarsit.-.1 OLtr.gigUi. fOlit NOW , ;# considered that there is imolved in this goes lien the exclusion or non -exclusion of the Bible from the Public Schools, it Jecono s every man, who is a lover of his country and .of his children, to take some interest in the !hatter, and stand out before the world le: one who is decided on one side or the other of the gm , - lion. This decision tHey Hot be nil vcil 1,1 : and indeed it would be proper for c‘ t to consider well before he commits liims:df nu either side—but we call upon tin- people of the county to give such attention to the mat ter as will give them a knowb dge nwrit , or demerits, and not leave them standing a lignment spectators of the actions "film world around them. FORGERIES IN WALL writ i:ET. The prosperity of a Commercial count ty panda entirely upon -the probity mnil houcay of those who MIT on its business. The mit.— tion of ,National honesty and the necessity Mr the'prompt and full payment of National - oh ligations, is affected' by the individual honesty of the, Nations merchants and traders. It M., been declared that dishonesty Is the prevailinff TUX) of the age, and New York The (simmer admetropolls ofthis great Nation. is, as tumid. 'not behind hand In furnishing the full quota of instances, to make a demonstration of ,noi a proposition. Unfortunately tiv venality of CRIT Courts of Justice and the partiality with which the laws are dininistered. Is tend. .g rather to increase this evil than ditnini•ll i and' the continued instances ofbreaeh of • and embezzlement of pithily funds, are t,ringing about a state of the public mind hich 'sets every MAIII regarding hi , fohnv ith suspicion. If we are to keep a reputable character as a otamercial Nation, our Laws must lie ati inistered by men who can and!will "be Jag d tofu; not" 11'4131 A. Ni'S IL IG !ITS. If she will. -ho mill yon may &pond on't. :lu.l ir,he h.. won't and there's an end on't The lib ivii poi ffl U statement expresses that ••—• which elutraeterizes a IVO -1111111 tcith a ttiii Or The woman of the perioil izt i'ettin.t . the force of her will in the direction nt Vennile Full'rn;r,, and the world hi wonder :it the manly striae!: is 1.11;in t lowarili; the polls. But, sho Nvlio known as "the NV41111:111 Of 1110 !WC, Inc or nirans nin , t betaicrn ", I:. ~r 1%, nvijorily of her I"N is 10,111010 (10111,111S1 notorivls attravi , r the chmu tion i.,•r i!wir liken N%itli it grain or • Chr IVO .111111 i ht . pi Eitoii 1%110 Inl e, till in ittov..tiwitt, for aim' .khe calk Ow (•\ of 11(.1. sr‘, Ivith char. acteri-air imprtoo,ity ith liii .o,llo[l'llg 11.9' eredvittial,, atul i. .•titirely att,l nn sawr tun . .l can .ttlot that -11,•expl,' , “, thr‘ viva , of an inti)ti te,imal ut:no;itV. Tiiii, or the on,nigi•ii in tiii• or iiiinio ovvni,ntion, 11 , :tra 1wy.,11,1 thin cirrie with i.t....f:14.11 to the 1 11 •I'oll. TIIVIT ran he no daub) thttl it lull cxf.rci , t• of the right or voting he turn, thr Itn,, <tion or Footalt. • 4 11trrit.ze. bill tol.. mr 1 , 1011 , 1, thrrr 11,‘ 4 )1 1 i1110111 , 11 the , 111, • ' tl.l Ihr 4,11,1'. , 11 1,11,10 N's n .\no r., n to c:o . ry clo y wt.t.liloon , on ilio point. Thoy rolv tln r.c n. !Roy 1 . 10. The:ll trr 1,11 tL 1;iy111:11 . : 111111 t I 1 I Ill` IliSll. 11111 i 1 . 1 'IN 0.1 . 1. 1111.1 lill'l I• . S 1111 11111 olr 1,11,t I= f )j, ii,•ai„ 'tely SI:1111.111, tint 1! .1 Wilt t -tii11:11 , 11` l' , l t: NN ill I , e the elei Or it. Ci'l.eiNll it, I thee. IliteZ fell the en . ,l:t. %VIII net all by 11;:U =ME IMM MEM ME =I =1 = =EI =MI =I I , I I 1 1. , I i.. l' 1 II . 11% ' , ' I ' Il II , Cit. :01 !Wt . 'Mkt' ? I,'•- 1111111 ;1 , 1t4) . e! %;ti. TRADE \ n•lati , m t:te opponents C.,•) ..ry uul ngailist th, !till slig.ll* • I.oll , llllllllliiii, which envy :ill,l ( . 11i1.1 el,11,11111(.6 :111(1 1 . “1' 1%11101 , 4,1 . i' millinu< nC 0,01,r., lire collected 11 it %\ tle• I „ph• i ihh, country the venue r ert. v. ping for they tt ~tuhl he re, the t:trill itrtities, of 114124• , -1 1 ,y II 41 H4411414%41 In' 41111',•11'1•,, 114•/%V 1 4 3y111, Ihl• h Vi 1 4 ,1 4111114• , . -I.ltll 1/tree. I• 14•.. 1111 11114 . 14. , on al title, paning iu onnp lalmr and rq,it iI hill: 1111• . V net min diil,runt principle, and y drlic> ,Pll ottroc, h to 41 11141 111' 41114111111,1 tact, atitl 41114 ,,, 4411 14•,1 , 1i 1141 . 1( . 14.., It product., and arc England, Petite nod Sinn,' elti l' 4 • 11111 1 •;t 1014•1' 4 , 1111,111' I. at 1-hit'Vall 4 ill 11114•- ettm tc.sta 'VISA t;i:twral apiworN In a itt.c clutt'ac• ter. and t!:.•liln•rlc-Inciugpen can in the t , , et 11,•.1 their enemy Ips 1 . 11 , (Ir 11t . 1.11 ., \ ti n i a no vol. nth r raiittru, wt.:thin 1;1;4 :;tl.l i;) ILI ;I;•6l7;•tit II e!larteter. It .; I \l' er, at.(l.llll,.iyhing t!I lohjCl.l. I excitegreat - .1. Tat the and ung..n. Hl' I, .1 0 . 1;ii11-1 OW I'.lll. and King,, 1)y the !natl.!' 01 a ',Ca highly cohinal incidents latt in the lattil (A• iiikl•ty, lice !Ida 1..11,..11, :Intl l'or the •-alie. the kill hr 11111)1111W 1111.1 (.1,111111.11111 :1 `IN 11A1.1.111 . 011,, , , to 'mike an. • ( , 111 ,. :' 1111! ill ~ .:11. 1 1 or the nortitwogi png.nge. no . ino.nag to , nost will a one hundred and tills. lOU <lrout 11111111•Iiel% 10 he provided also ith wilt übui haYe n top sail •ehooner or nhont ono h un dred and nr:y tong. lii- route "ill In. iutu hones, :ilium', and Icy or )and, as circumstances favor, i pole. .\ bier baking his V1.,4.1 us n u as piak tieable, Captain Ilan intends to use 1.7,5-uttintattx uttintattx do g s and sled g es in prosecuting his , eateli. .1411'610 initell, Japan navy, and I'l'l , lllly 51111 , 4 navy. will, it is s:il,l. 11( . 1 . 1,n.i.ai1y Captain 11101. .\ fanner in the NVest had a dog. The tiu•- t»er's wHs a mean cur and herd disagreea ble propensities—he was a nnisance 'in the neigithorloaal and howled and harked iudis• erintinately. (h. toponlight,nights he used to go out and , t o ok at the 'noon. The neighbors got used to the•nulsattce and endured it With surpriips patience and the moon Went on abiding just the geme use ever. THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDESDA * ability cif thi P. t -flog Icttt.r in the Ns'el,l). lays I.)erorts thy .! ~t witm•ht isy all:\lur ri.san thr• tt, I Tr , t•as. ttll as a graph •I ital ring v, nary,. tot 111 an I l% I !lc, icrx.tvtl 4,0 r petple,. ME u r',U>.ru-, al ;i,,..ii~r1~~ ~~~ :t.hinghni ; ; i„ ; ; , ;;;I. IWI MIIIIMMI=I i i li Ili I''\ 11. MEM , •ri• ‘V11,11111.P1111,:q1 , I 111 11 . % il,king ti:.. 1... I . t'rll:,l ' t• p:•+. 1:w•. 11114 lii= .t a ,v;e.i WINNOWINGS lE==lll The rig;lit, of n omcu XV 110 Thil-e Iv/mien are lint few, 'file greater l' hail rat her •k a rat Exact ly tic t hey do. • Beau( v ii. in or which Oie tight, At (I.e. tlith tt•luulug arm, ; The tvoinen who %rant oinan's rights \Yalta. tua.tic, %votilati'm champ,. In a single instance Noah Webiter used hits dictionary to set forth it sentiment not connected with pliihilofiy, using a I 'yollll4lll after the style so frequently exemplified by Dr..lohn , on. Under the word virrm•reat" he says " Kings ate some time; vnllcd Nod's viciger(ni. It k . to he wished they intuit a lway, deserve the appellation." This remark was retained until the lust edition of the work. one would as soon have expected to hunt wit in tie , l'oegresslomil Deports of The Mob.% " boy, what doeA your mother do for a licin~ t" %v., a-lied of a MI lc burr-foot urchin. " She c;11 n cold . I,lllllk, nir," was the reply. When yau see 13 Lfeeee injun file, and toeing in. yn han deliberately bet ynne lust stir etvile4 dollar on a hard winter. It i. not voto.iti (Ted g,' tt Yale for , utttt•nt; to • • ,tottion, sooty-hulling in the lecture r,lllll 3 fkl'l . I 1T.1111,1. than 10 flop:• conl emporary says: "An 1 rishman threw stone at a don,ln a tlek.hhorhlg city, and miss ed Inta.•• Nl,l iur r 1',i11,111 , 411114 whi•re the ring lind n nutic, a hn woultiti'd kick nor hite, ii-bould watch him dredfill cht<c tll . l I found out iliZ Mal ie.. did 111. TUE FOItSVEIt MCIIDEII IN rIIII.ADELPIIIA. —Lewis S. For. ter, employed as n barkeeper In It-1..0nt01, No. 1:10 ttoollr horn street, aria playing cards„and drinking with Patrick Kelley. About live o'elock the card playing erased, and Forster tc out to the money drawer fur the purpose or l eitoeLr :way the funds eoetmeea therein.— Kelley. It is said. reached over : the bar and seized some of the cash which Forster had In his hand. Tin !lib conduct Forster decidedly objected, and the two loin Immediately got Into a quarrel.— the wrangle, it in alleged, Kelley drew a %nib. :owl made a furious attack on Forster. The lathe was ,tabbed nine times. lie was almost literally hacked to pieces. Tao of the wounds tt re is the abdomen, t !tree in the Mugs, one be hind the ear. and the others in the kidneys turd other place-.. Ti , injured man fell, exhausted from the loss of blood, and was subsequently re moved to the Pennsylvania Hospital. lie is :11 year., of age. [ter committing tire murderous assault, Kelley left the house. Alter he had got in the street he met Patrick Ward, who turf 011 his way to the l'ontinentill Hotel, where he was employed, and t nil him what hail happened. The two men re turned to the front of the house and one of them tired pistol through the window towards the bar. is supposed that this terra done for the purpos of finishing the work which the knife had not quite ismtpleted. POlieC111:111 :Maguire, attracted by the shisaing, came up and arrested both Kelley and Ward. I' pony the person 01 . 111 e haler alliblol The 1011..01ie1, were Locked up to ;Le it. .n its trio* AT 11;1111 , 1,111 . g, larch 18th, alter the mljourn iffillt ut the senate, a contri,t cr,,y tool: place in Ih, Nngle and! , •111,411. It ;Ipprar , llt•tt duriffit lug s. I.lll,lcrin 111 Iliad.' 11 , i. 1!. -uttre 111111•11 'No pi•r-rni./Ily Ann.! . Hit. 11r. z!•• , in lON and lIIUIr.. \yid° (ix %via- \ .1.1,111 , , 1.1 Ow and E URAIVEU & BAUER E WIN MACHINE COM PA NY. I'i not Um bail!',, 4.1 1',•.• luj urlutl. rfl I, nl owrssh,• dn -1..• 111,11 .4 the ses, ing Inarhiui• is II I, 111, hr 110114,, ii I. 1111 possillle In Nll3 . 111111111 t 11111 y 1 1 , 1 v, 1 1 . 1 .1 .hit.. W11111:111 ., . ..1.111 /N.. 111 1 .111. telliell, it i.s:li.l,islllrl'v,ill - 11/.. :1111T - 1 cli4 11 . li,. world. Wlllll 111 k lilt tritotiph ~! 1•:oglanil 111;2...m111y ha, 1111,•110 ill 1111111,111.1. of 111 . 1 II will 1•,•11111111iS 1.111.t•l, 1.11:1 1:11,11 . 1' regnril 11, .•I.,ry :111,1 tile sel11.1111•ht putho;.: Ioh.•11111•4 Sillfl." Will 1 11.1 1 1.1 111c1 - 4.1 mail of the i.11,..•ry of it past age. have ther.•foir a right to be justly Komi hat N,- t'England I, Ihi. home of this Invahutbk. ion. To Ills, SOllll. 1111.11 or the extent 011 , 1 11111../1 . 111111 . 1 . 11f Its 1111111111111 . 11111` 11, this city %VI. ..111..j11111 11 1 11111 sl:.•1v11 or the estithllsllmunt of I hi. 1t1 . 4,01 . I:,‘lcer SesrluK 3lnehlite Cumpany : :l - .,\'eo' Ilegatt huslness 011,1111 01.4111.•0•11 yvar , 51,14 . 1. LI 011.1 . plitent taltentitil by them I I eertoin M11..1'1,1111 intitrovemenis In tlo• lon imivtief timeitines. Might 1..- llpp.• .41,1 he 111,1 (if Ihe 11hil tore di a %.1.....111:111 :11111 lin I he ,anving ffinehin, 1 111 q." 11,1•11111 , 11 11:11 1111,1 In 111111 e ,iy in the nittrliet, great exertions revere remit, eil to bring ill merits tairly before the 1,111,11 e.--• C1,:tli.11.11l 111 ims,,sl.lll of ,ill 11111110 of high, merit. the3'.piritettly liNalled:111,11.1•IVCS,11111011g mot,. of tine of the motil 111ie1eul IllenllN of ~,onoipt I ho of lid v(4llslng , yerY Welt ~tittolished paper throughout the aunt. To such :In extent did they tarts• out this plan I.llil their advertising expenses fluting the time they tvero making their early reputation sere 1111 , 11 us high us ' , .10,11110 in n slugle year. At Ilrst C.lllll. in sitorly,Torl he world ridiculed the Mt, thud 11.11111,11i110 ClMill ever be elfectively No intricate and del cate all Its Newing, At one 1 Imo they con ,lit•rcil that a lair loisineNs %vie: clone If ten trill machines n tvvelt were disposed of, and these were made for them by other parties, by .•otit met, Tin• inerit of the machine, however, and the publicity 'given It by advertising, $Ol.ll 01'111101i It faVOl'llbiy ilefOre the 1/111/11V, and la II .41011 l into 1110 growl lilt demand necessitated the .t: 1 . 1 Mc,. of a lactory of their 01111 in 1 layinarltet t—htl•illess still rapidly iliervit , ltig, they, tit I built their pre,elit extensive litetory iit the run lier of Wtislllll,lolllllltl WlllOllllll ntreetS, in this :I .nIIOEIO.IOII %Vitt , Ittritiett 111111c1. AP. .l IlAll.ll 31.tCIIINE COMPANY. ViillllllSl It, 111el , 111111011C1•1110111 df Ihrlr 11ntay ill. Interesting to state Thal at ide..eitt t h e company manufacture about Lao urteltinc, per day—a, eraglng one completely t•very four Illilll110S: 111'4 ill L heir factory 5 . 111 hands (including a large 1111 must slthhled 1111,111111i1.l.) if/ AVillllll are 118111 :Maul 412.1. 11 1 1 ill Wages per year t• this nut 111 , 111,—.ottle 01 employees In their Mum dry. Mturi, 111 MIN ell', I have large branull eslabllNlnnents In thirty- Os, of the 1114,1 imparinul ell les of tills eon( I -1,11, and in 1,11114011, LiVt.rl.4ll 111111 Meillclllrlle —all nn.ler ,ilr,el 101 l of the head office In lloNlon—besidos 11111111.1 . 1111 c agoileit, 1.. 1111 purls of Enropo :no! Anierion nud sub-tn.:envies 111 lliiscounlry. .111 out nuo•Illio, have Hills Lir boon 11011- ilfil.•l tired by this company. ~,V er.lig More 11 .1 t of lull:lel, 111 it ton nd, nrr Invalid 111 tilt corner of \l',lshintr.,4 on and \Valthain streets. The main inctory i. 1111 extensive and substantial Mick nnorli, Iu height. 'l•he portion front lug ott Waltham MINA In OM feet, and that nn \%",isliitmlon Sorel is 110 feet In length. Dirt, ily con enter It the boxy Mini of labor tells vuu t hat • run lire 1111111 1.110r1111011,1 hire of indus try, which Is amply rontlrtiu•d hy the very first glance lit the Interior. Pew persons have ally Men of the Immense :man tnt to labor required to romptelc one small sewing 11111e11111e, alai of the great nleely exacted in Its !most' net ion, milli after a personal Inver t ion of the proeess of its manufaeture. The first step In this building towards the mom tildetnire of the machines is to revelve lhe•cnst logs. TileSe are made at the ettalitillly'S foundry on Albany street, and are delivered at the first story of the faetor) at the rate of abont SeVell tons per day. These, after being assorted and weighed, pass through the hands of a number of workmen, who finish and prepare them for the lap:lnning proewses. lids floor there are three powerful pressell, weighing nearly three tons each, for cutting and forming Into proper lengths and shapes bars and sheets of steel, Iron and brass. Here also are to be seen long-rows of polishing wheels revolving al lightning speed, and emitting showers of scintillating sparks IM the seetond story of the 11111111 building Is a powerful engine, bollt by the Putnam Machine Company at Fitelniturg, fed by two large boilers, placed for saafet3•, In a brick boiler house, 5O feet In length. separate from the factory. icy means of an endless array of shafting mad belting, this cnglue tatillittes the motive power to the whale establishment s A bird's eye tZllttlee 11l this and the story above conveys an impressive Idea of the amount of labor performed in thin {apiary,-- As far as lino eye Vail feltell is a class Array of ell II I lids of lathes unit other bpi feel 100 15 , attended by scores of intelligent and busy %sorbets I, en gaged in the various requisite operations—such es the turning of serows, nuts, pins, SPireisi and numerous other minute purls of the sewing machine. Among the interesting and effective t iota In this place are "gang drills," some of which can drill simultaneously from seven to ten holes. Many of these beautiful working I'•• struments were made by the corps of inertial, ca constantly employed on the premises In too.• making. The general lament of the third story mach re sembles that of (Ito other two. It is filled with all kinds of costly tools, and contains many In. genlou; edging machines for cutting irregular surfaces; by meansof a shifting frame work and a shifting bed the direction of the cutter ran he made to follow• the will of the workman ; labor saving devices are belngeonstantly invented aim put in operation by the skillful mechanics em ployed for this purpose, for fimilltat Mg the exaci manufacture or tire machines, Mid everything tending to improvement In this restrict Is Imme diately adopted. I= The needle department Is on this floor. The manufacture of the needles is a most. Importani department of the factory, when it is consider., that about 175,W are made here every mont h.— The work In many of Its details requires great nicety of eye and hand, which van only be ac quired by long practice. Steel wire IN first cut to required lengths by ma chinery; these arc then suldeetett to the various processes of pointing, rounding the end, groov ing, polishing of the butt, finishing the point, drilling the eye, tempering, polishing out the groove, finishing the eye, polishing - and miry Inc —which completes the needle. These, preemies uneessltate much subdivision of labor, every needle passing through the hands' of fifteen dif ferent persons. About seventy different kinds of needles are hero made. TIIR FOVIDII AND FIFTH STOILIEN, as do the others, present a long and striking array of tools and workmen. Every avalinide inch of room is occupied, and every workman is making the utmost or his hands and his time. On the fifth story is the " inspeeth.g mom, - to which Jae brought from all part* of the uulldlag, by menus of elevators, the Phi ire products of the toonmne. To ensure the best of material anti work mar ship, every 11111011m* is here t horoughly Inspect ed, and if : found, In any way, a departure from the standard, ill at once eondemned. It is there fore almost impossible that in; imperfect piece can get into a machine. This room contains nt Immense assortment of the Various parts of tic: machines, which finally pass to the "setters Up," Will) lila them together and test the eomplete machine. Adjoining this Is it ;them lid draw ing room where designs and models are made. In this story Is the plating room. where, by .nenns of the electro-piating process, certain por tions of the machines are coated with pure sit ,ver—these are afterwards taken to un adjoining room to be burnished. TIIR JAPANNING AND ORNAMENTING DEPARTMENT This is a separate building in tile rear id tile main factory, seventy-11s c Wet long and two sto ries in height. Here are brought all the portions of the machine which are to he Japanned and or namented. This is an operation of great interest. In tile first story the table-StalldllrilS, whorls, rte. are Japanned, loaded on iron cars and run on tramways into the brick ovens, where they re main at a temperature of INO degrees for twelve imam. They are then removed and ornamented, and sent to the puck trig room, where they are' boxed for transportation. In the second story the lied plates and other parts of the machines are painted, gilded, and oeuutifully inlaid with pearl in various ornamen tal patterns by skil, ful anti artistic work men.— Here, also, earn 11.111.1 tramways are emplo, ed to moire toe machines In immense ovens, Millie oil Wllll,ll lallnitt LWO cars some fifteen feet Ina 1•1114111. coat. .ning 2.W machines. I= Is another brie¢ ouiluing to tun rear of the toe ioy—.3o feet in length—ln which all the Milani to o ls SIIVII . LIS drills, cutters, etc., ill the W0e1i,i,111 . 4, 1/1111i.• and yetatii ed. . TUB WOOD-WORK for Puma, ting 1..C1Un111,4 Lill' ziiiiclll7lC t, IS Millie 111 Inctories entirely 1111(1 lit a ileitincL branch ul the 6uslncsl. requiting more spare nail nearly as Man) latial,ll4 ore el, paged 111 llie the 1 . 11:L01111u, 'I lac tyootl-Wt.ll: varies 110111 a ~,,, Mot, Plaint litinie 111 Viallonite earVi ttr CILMIIe!, fit ~,,, t I lOCIUII, ill'e 111 I,\c\l' )(twit 1;1'11.111101e. tutu sil- C1..11:.41111er j6ticcn, i.waLtutt Willi it VIeNV ill ntivliag t 111• l'UhL it tart lIN tkamittge tilitl ris,• tuf I. Tills 1 / 1 111.11 ...if Zhu llis- I,tIITt . IIICIIL Itirge sfIIIIH Ur II“Iltey. 11111) . LU \Cell 11114:1111,1, 11'11141 551! ',nevi LIsIIL SIIE•11 15 1.1, 7 0/1/11tli1iell whit' 11l the. sl) = A busyyi:umfiltett is. I /AIN "{Tart irUin W.ieti l the ilizstrlst.... 1/I. • part,. ut the Wcalti. T. 14, Dins 101 . 11:let.11/g I•UstlIll alone areUIMIUMS.Ii ZA.), , M,1111.1 1Va11.../1 late .11110411 r urp• cun,tuutly elliinuy. PI 111 uuuspuruug large Imuls ti , tar vitrums iklitl lur 2.1111,111e11l ,1‘,111,a111,11. ==1:1 lu .8:1,18,11,A1818 ineir CioNSIA g Inlol - 11le collipalay has /ittely 1,11114‘.81 18c..,1y toy all Uda11...011 01l \ 11811111gIu11 st lest 1151 8 lair, ill height nod 101 lest 111 lop grin. Thu• it it:a wllll machinery running In connection w,lh that the remainder of the , 1 the Myren:wit lacilitics are beginning to be apparent In tile production. We know of nut many prettier nigh n than the one presented to tine of this large and ninbannutial building with Its hundredn ut win down lighted, as It 18 every night till iio'eltiek, by gins. A good idea ot the extent Milne Mani bin in /lig ClllllllOB 118 easily 11181. lE= of the company is it tiandboine and e..1111110,11011ti Mien building at the vorut•r of . lbahy iind Plympton streets. Its dimensions are 170 feel by HI, with two Cl •rti of windows and a Freindi it is furnished with it twenty horsepower engine made by the Putnam :Shield.. Company ; t WII of l'esvy's patent cupolas for melting Iron, and Sturtevant '• blower.' • Every modern eotiveni enee facilitating the necessary operations is here ECiIEBEE! Thus we are shown how ingenuity and . never• tiring enterprise, combined with an upright and straightforward manner In all their business transactions have succeeded. Tile ntregoing %rib furnish food for the reflective mind of inany young loan now starling the busbies. or lite.— b'ront'sniall beginnings we see a busbies, gratin • atily.but constantly and surely progressing until it now reaches 0 ppittiou second to (VA' UMI in importance exceeded by none. A SPLENDID ik Son's Gold Medal Cycloid and Nut rePianos rank the (Nest instruments In the country. Their bril liancy and fullness of tone Is not surpassed bya eon eertgr and piano at double the price. More instru ments of this celebrated make have been sold in Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining counties than of any other manufacture. 'Riley can be used many years and not become airy, Xs most other pianos do, In only a few years: Cottle and examine them 'at C. F. Herrmann's Stor6, Seventh and Wa inn streets.—Adv. ScrnJu la. Soil RScum, Skll/1 and Pinta/ ilix• Worru nerd cured.—See tem Imoulal SALNISCRY l'owasstre, Lehigh Co., Oct.:',!, I , la. It 13 with a grateful feeling that 1 feel able to mule the following statement for ilwrbenefit of those who are buffer. Ing [ruin Scrofula and other Chruulc Diseases. My wife hail been buffering (or several years from Millais or se r um, uu her neon which alter a little would gather and discharge matter, leaviug a ruuniug :Amy. She had been treated for more than a year by most eminent physi. 'emus with.' receiving soy permanent benefit, her Jleru.o bee colic worse, until alio had eve of these bore oil her neck, wheu I employed Dr. 11. It. Longaker, under whose , treatment she commeured to Improve very fuel, the cores on her neck to heal, and an her unpleamnt and die. agreeable eytoptoms gradually to disappear, until her health was restored, which woo in about four litooMs. I feel perfectly lll.llerd, after having tried the treatment of other physicians In recommending all thono whoare lug loan Scrofula or Chronic Diaeunem to the. lealgaker fur medical treattneut, with a firm belief that they tt ill be bet hled, benefited nod cured thereby, as my wife ha. beou, ESigtied,) JAMES lIARNEIt. Dr. If. D. Louguker'a office Is on the East aide of Sixth drool. between Ilatullteu cud Walnut. Alleutaw LAMM stock of sheet music, instructors, blank books, music paper and curds at C.F. Ib Music store, Allentown. 7'hr Season and Its Danpn•s.—T•he Lnnuw body im chiefly cotopo..ed of tivvues sod fibres ov .eueltivu to every change In lito condition of the AtillOnpliell• an tile Most th•ltelite olectrometer, or the nuirkeilver In eter tube. The stomach, the skin. the tiervee, the lungs. ant hie excretory organs ore especially liable to ho affected by thew. varlstioue, and the beet defence against their dist... trod* tendency le to keep the digeetire rouChinery, which feeds sod• whole system, In good working order. If the stomach la weak or disordered neither the blood nor the bile can be In • healthy atate, and upon the Pines of ihene two Important fluids fur the offices assigned to them by nature, and the regularity of their Pow, health In a great measure depend.. When the sir in heavily laden with chilling 'rewire, as often In at this neutron of 11. e year. the digestion should Ist an object of peculiar care. If It le Weak and languid. the. whole physical structure will be enervated. If It to via. orous,.the entire organiration will be eirouit to resist the untoward and depressing Influence of • damp and vitiated atmosphere. A pure and power NI tonic le therefore especially needed ax a safeguard ugpluat'the dwea•es must common 14 lint spring, tad flustetlare kitotuaoh tieing the most wholesome and potent medicine of the ries,. at pment known, a courtier •f It le particularly advisable ut thin po. clod al the year. The o f will thereb y be toned and strengthenedohellver •altd bowel. regulated. the nervous syetein braced up. and nature rut la elate ur active de• fence against the 'Mamma which superinduce.. Intermittent tied reniltrt Severe. rbeumistlstne, nervous headache, dhotiypnehon tid other complaints which ore apt to assault the calcined and unfortined organizations. The body le strengthened without exciting the brain, and Vernt7i S t i tritrol l eVor r r"9" R " 1 "10 1 , 4 ,c,w,ping Croup generally cornea ou Iu the night when It 14 but attry to get medleage. Therefore take 2.3 cooly an boy g bona of pliallflX keep notll yno noel 11 ACO 11, CO LI) 4) It SO It .111. requires inunetlittto Mt...lion, :14 11,11, Onell result II) aUillt oral.le Lung 1)1...•,.. OWN . „Q.s ms.. B R° qt/A 7'1:0f:11ES BRoNcH IAL In, .bly give in..E.pic I . )POC/ov IntVe .tI Mr milithll.l.: HIN(11:11S mid I'l'lll.ll' ' , I . E.\ e-e them to ....., au,!str.ttlool tllO you,. Ow tug to tiro 1:00 , 1...1.1111.1.,11111A oil 0100. Ten. rho, Cloy te"rilllomx goo'? for ite auto to 011,01 , true. BIjII‘V..N . S BIiONCIIIA I. Titot•ti HORSEMEN. vrrENTC4I7:;! BEA 1) 1111'. )1,T. 0 1\ IN(; by \ \*1:1.1. , . N. it. Orb urnl ,prtir.; . 111 Allefflowtt by 1.. II M I lIT I ,„, 17. .1. t 4 . -11.“hu: Dr. I u1111..-1,11.11:15 . 1.. , .11 , 11 1 111 . : -I it I :):I% e• mot ith, .41 t...i , it ..11.,.13 . in , \1:::,1.11: .sl3crial ITALL'S SICILIAN HAIR 1tE.v..W1.:1; *: :*l*'' 111 s reo I: 11A1!: to, its F. 1.0/,‘/!:, Liu,! rroqtte :1 11 , 0 growth wh , t , It 1, fl kkll, kW kik.— V 11... M . 11:11111.11 prr r , ,tt tho ../ All I, ho 111,11111111i111 1,11 . iu IllViklkikkkk, lk ritv of eiu te 111. our t T t tet h a 1,.. 00111 ft,4 0 I.y , .11 ANL, ll,C1(1:Ik For Aide by Lill tlOl/00 ,4 `• WORDS OF AVlsoov, volt youNG Ar" , -.. - 2/ 550. or thr 11101 g 1'...1111 owl 5h.1.1 , 11E1.1' lot 11111.0 t... . ,.. 111/%l*Alll, A•ISOCIATIoN, I'. phii 111-10.... EItRORS OF YOU Tll.--.1 ;1.•1101•toi.1,1101 , 1 for N• vll- I 1111 . 1. DiTO Y 111111 ill . "1:1111.11 .13 , 11- ,, • 11..1, iol' 1iL.,11k.• hiilrokr.: . tot 101. , Ile,' It. lill• DWI!), 411:J .111 , ~ ill:: 11:o pie Voillooly by h.' ,110. V. I -i1:112, profit by 111,:o1vo , rtt, , r' , ii V.I -rv.%114. .111 ii N 0•1.111:.N. yII()WAItD SANIT.NItY AI!) .ksz,()( ATioN.—ror ti... 31AktulA..1: tttp.l tor s 11. , .11• 110W.,1:11, it,,, ,li, 1.,,1,''i,, THE: FOIO\I TM l'il()VEI) \ )111,1 SEWING t 1 V I I -• .1 HI vo-o• I,OIV V:1111.ty ••• :114 k .. Illte.-1 111.. ;. y • ile•• iti P•IV•I'd :11111 Si 1111 I. I. o h,Agent.- 5, 100.1 1,111. I. oral ounnii•-I.k. alloy 1..1 Jou.' r • .5. S. 11.53111.0 , N 5,,. 7,51, I”....Gintt Si: I= TO coNsu:%ti-rivEs.—Th, buytog boon rtettored Co health to a text' 0 eel , It, a very n1111)111. reintoly. alter haying :otiferetl • vt tot years will, 0 ..evere long Mit:riot., tool ttett ,u,„1I I. ,ottoption.b. to 1.• II the 1111•1111 , of care. 'l'.• 011 o de•tte It, tt tll -tool o copy of th01,,,,,111:1 ,, t111••••11(h . ....f r 1,•• , I 1•• •/ II t•r•• tittl. for prepartag anti tt-log the -ono:, tt loch the> nod It more yore 1.11: Coosatitittieo,..\ :Abate. Ittoto hot-, e.e. obtort ot the adv.:l:l,er to -tottlitto tbe et.ertp• Otto ot to benefit. tbe afflicted, awl -pre ititot:te. , leo tvltieb 110 1•••11,1,••••• le 1.1• i 1,311101.1••: •111.1 I••• 1••••, • • •',l•ly ~oilierwill try hi. ietly, tot it o ..-1 1.1,0 titg met may prove a bk.- ton l.V Porit, o i. 110; the Itro . -ertPti"tt will el':. old to-, 111,. 0100%01:It .0. ll' IN, Williant-lito I; i.o' N. I'. SCIIENIC'S SE.I - TON IC 111111 M• 1 101 l'a lil• 1'.11., II 111 1,1 1.0 1 ••li ...mien, laver Complaint, mill Ity , }Wi , -1.1, it IA k• 11 pr. ytertlntor to direettont. They air ull d m al mt it' the Warne Th,y cleanse the mentarb. rola:: the 11Vm. and pat it toe erk then the tilop t: o•lit.. hoonto+ meld: the ro „ ll ;tn . ! u t , t hev g• 11•11 I/100.1 I Ili. P;111.•111 groW too `......11; o to 0 ,1 .... (1101.'1.. 1 1n outgrow...llo . and t t•I:. 1. .- onlytt ay to cure eantitutplinth T. , dime thtee lu r t v lie l net. P e r. J. 11. t Y, Ph: it!. Phi, n,. his un i e . ml . n i I '. 01 111 l emmlolo . ebntt oolptan )rtt tin ', p.m . - e t oiled matt., In the Itinti mtmeott It It itt s no.rooration, tr Ivlon the I,llovo tit i ghtenugh t‘il ilnett ell, tt.l the pm hmt „d t lang vi htl. T,.1,, - h, n 1.011 , ..1y 11....11 t . 1.,u....111.• —.lll H... puloo,oulo. ',row 1..,.,1 u, .11 pull, •..I. Mnoolo al, ~E. t I .Poto 11 , I I, mll c010.1r010•i.u . .. I 0111 X 1 110 11110, 1.1 the thill-Idathlm, Lit • etartt riettly. Owl Ilv. r reloovotl: 0t..• -1.. it tvoll vi hat It. t .111 da; onalmni 1-- cal..111.•1 .1.•..11ty - .I,tooger.ou. lo lose 0110 ...or. 1. to: 111.• got! -Mudd, 11 1111 to .• 31:toiliailio In out. Of Cie 1.14'•1 prm..i It. iit Cent. tidal... ru•lteak't It 1 Tollie it a dmitle ' • 111! /C.1••I' 11 1 ISO, and the ark Olt lit 111. /40'0 0 0011. II 14 1/ •Ii•- 0101,1 a 11111 1 4 , 111/411.4 I. 11-.1.1 , 1 110 .410111/041, 10 1111•PII ••111 1 II 100 10 tlin•olve Ilto Illt Syl up. 000 to Wood about 1.•r0000lliot000t .•/ tuo, 10. The 0,,,t too-. xv oy phytielant do ant tore rmitanti , t en It they 111 b. M. 1•••1 1.11/1.11 tin y Illn otied 1.1 r.o ;tooling , II..• ,y,. pt. Sl•tor,k. 111 111....11.,0100t0.t01, ry ulµµhll l tl'I:;I 11 ti or ley., 11• • , :1111 • 1•0 1111 I'ol l ,l 1111/1 101, ,Thro at, 00111:1 1111, 11 5 , 110,1, l' ,ll.° I'll, km, blet.r.tittl nub,. the Ili m ml -hme. tit .. /111111 U healthy. it a inditnn has Ihtattunintion. of c. 0...., 11,4' 1, • ,toy ato do.e.t..ed, 1411 1.01 1111,0140104, ~10. 04, •0-, IJI• 4041 Po' 11 1:1/1.1 1011. 1.,u0v i• 1..-- •.. • 1• ligitoulitql Hutt ilorotymo.t. 1.1 .1111, ...-,- 0141 -1 104 41111114 I 1 I% 11411 0111).1 110 111 11,10 ha: 01 II••• , 11•LI• 1011 41 h o le ottl 10,..1 11,1 ,•• 1.., 111,.,1 SIMI', 10 mak.. oul Nest the y 0,1 1101. i lu lake tscloo.ook'.. 1 1.0 111141 101111, IVIIII.II WI 1 1 111'1 114 110 I tut,. to the ...low. 1., 0100 ptolioul Ak 01l 10,1 11 10 II •ill' I • 01. II dittott rally and make •ml 1.1..,..1 then Int ;tom, beg.nt to gettem Ileth, 11 101 il• .00.11 0 , 1 110 11,01 s'l 1,11, 1 , hol , 0 10 111 001111111•1100 10 11.,1 1 II 11. 01111 1 110 0/In,. gt.t -devlty and well. it the pall . 10) . 10 VIII, 1 . 01,1111/. 1011. thorn In 110 111 11gl1101•11.0. and only 1.11„1 and l/ytpointia, Schmitt'' , VOll 14.1 11 , 1 1.1 1111 Pahl /Ile 0011100111 11 . 1 110111 I 110 I'll 1010111 C ityt up try i,,,,,y rt ykyt pale rtettly In all biltety• rompli. 1111.. a- 1110 . at perlet.tly Lnl mien. ivhe hat enjoyed iminterinitted health tel many yearn putt, and itatv svetelt-. paned-. tra- tt -bid atvutt tout ere tkelrten, tt. It y 1,1-1 -tad , m I'lllll •. t' ot umptittit, hit iolo Iburelett and ultimata...l m .t. by the aloretattl ined.r.uve, and 1•1111.0 111•• 4,./ 111.10) 1/101,111164 I.llllllltirly have Dr. erhentt poop. p11.1...rus %CIO. room. nalolo Fo011.lio.•rt woo. ach, matte it net 01.-dlittely y owv 1110 o• noutolly Itrottelettm, mile-. the 11111,1.111. u 1,1 1111 111'41, /1 1111 14'1 11110 1/11 j 1•0••• 110 1000 4°4 •0I•••• 111111,. o•vry ,i..• • .111 nionotily• tot N 0.1101,41 :111,01 / Nciv Vet L. ev • Tilettlay, utul et 5... . I Inn., er miem, them ery , other %% rlinettlay. to% tt- v 1... It., 1.01 011 °ughelalm t o t 11,, II0••• 1./L..11111, 1, 01 I 1" "4' ...I. 0111 re 11011, 1 01101/ ). 11010 A. 11, 1...1 1 . , I)I{. .1. 11. SC 10-Iy..* gar Salt anD ro tct 420 111:ItIAL LOiS 1 , 4111 C 511.11.1. T iittiler+lgneti fol ,tlO 1...11 now ' lary Tetali 'lllel , ll. kill 5.,1.1 .111.•cripti..t.. ;milv aft..i . 111.,v hole nutilloer AI I • 11 1 ,110 •0 11 or ilo•y c "11.. ,ok loy In itmaitt . 111 111. oI ,•'• ut our °like. tot 12 t.,1.11 , 1:1.111,. To LET.-A It E.tSIIIN Alt LE 1 , . :SE will ha Utuen on the Citi.ton vial,. tlnari v, wiled in townultip, Niirthittntiti.llllly, . tittirkertotvit. It Collskt, or 11110111, 1.11.• dat• vein. tt nevor•hollu slate. fitllY °gnat to the It ell-known men Slide, with ir good tinter pow er anti o Tull I and 1 . 101.011 g 110 , 11,11 , opportunity 1.1 thiu kind ex.intine hit Hi. tit. slily,. and apply to think, tietteltettoun I'. it. r o. L. Prii•ol. FOllll ENIRtEII, Ft R :11 S 1: SALE, ranging In price from iiiittol , lo per ni tolinprovionetite, lorntlou ttzti, menial elinhitii, utd near market, There harms are i•itriateil in Vireo., Ara Maryland, .01110 has Ito. Inintedinie vicinity tit hut ton and other. teen,,ll/ 31, slllil , 111.1,1/1I tee, the t•,,,f Addreio.ur e. 1111.11 .1. Il e hi ANtt Whit I; 11 . • Fell. Avenue near Sixth street Wunltlugleti, li, I,' T4lOll. SALE, . • A g o od 1 1 1 1 bE, hy :12 tee l,llllll :W.l--.11,1)" 11,.11. 1 mu 11,1001.41, -110111.1 ot, SI XTII Si., :tiros.. 1 7 111... • Ag,;.t.' Lot :Iklre..l r,.nt 210 1,...t 1.1.1 111..41 .1 r o Ito! be-t FRUIT TliEk:S. V. 111 I ow n , ~„, ~, ant, 501 , 0 1.. 'E. C. KENN.% 1 I ES. the .1 1 1.-13,1111 lo t sq.. A 11.•.“..“ 1- -11" 1! t XT S E . it t E ll,' . 1 1 : 717: 1111 lel 1 . 1 1: . : 1 1 :4) 11:. 1t r:-„r„.. 1 14 ) 111 1110 1110.1 Cvntral 1,11-1111...5i,0rat1..11 , I 11, 111 1 ,1 -Ile. I To P „ +t, vitgagi.ig n •ttro.' r.t-t• 1111 it taro hithorthiott; Th.. hot Le p• , rted with hot Itti the httlitt, lt•t•ilth •ti hi Tonto , . Markel rat., for good. 1.,,! loth h.t-11 Ih• quite at hi., BMW The REF.-: , Ti)lt BRICK SPORE ROUSE AND RESTAURANI Slmai° on the Nartli•F.a•t cora, or Front an,l 11,1, In the WARP. IS ALLN l E'ilWS Pa. The lunation of till+ ployalty, n O n oP o o nlot ii o nom! 1.11.411....• -lam! For Information apply to nEsin"r. \ ) v 1;1 I t : l l ] AlLlernion el Po.-1 Alloatowa. MEE CDOICE BUILDING LOTS AT PRIVATE SALE The Ituderslguetl "tier., at rriv:kte 11 eheiee 11.111dieg Le, beautifully .1 I nut I'd oil I.elmat cutlet y. Tit..., lot. It'lll le. eel.l tmeol. gel lcli vt-t pug !rein le .klut/ et'Y eOeY tert. , t II i be tutluememet t.. tam/ 111 , 011% 1.1 ..Cll I tor 1tme...11 a home. elmut. are...1.10n lei be met wall, ae the mlltige IM rapolly inermming 111 Pet tt vit 1....1 .tutu mete vain/title every )1.111. 1.01.• 1.1 II I ICU. lure apply to • e 11. .8 .nova lloketelatptua. Lebtah pitivATik: SALE. The InderNlgnetl offers al private nate the fellottiritt real ettat.,. 1., null: A LOT OF GROUND fu the villogo •f Ilitheutlauqua. Lehigh e , tnui' coutaiulog übanl ONE ACRE, MORE OR LESS The 1.4 la well 0.0.1 with all kind. el iltUlT THEE s, and under good truer.. rho Improvement- tliereou MI! are. 1/1 , 11.1 ANP HALF STORY H111(11C 11N1'E1.1.11iii o.yy 110USE.21 bt' t,uuda FIIAME LIIIELI.I Nti 111 , 1*SEX..i. two nwries high, both honing 0 11111'0...HU "lll blinding, There lo Bleu MI the !Item., a 10.01 Fib% ME STABLE, 111x1f1. to good enter nod rep.tir. 'l',/ 'n0t...h....111 0 ,0 of S. 11. llokelld/1114,111. FOUNTAIN lIOTEI, . • • NI: ill •Pl'lll ll' 4Q1'AIII: ( OFFERED FOR RE N'l'. THE FOUNTAIN MOTEL COMPANY . '• • n A LI. I.,'N TOWN. PA, offer ,i,, , iri,,,.,tirmi,,,,,q, .110..te1l ITI•4t o Ind 1..13,01111.r the clit..ol A11em..., ....... - , filreill. Ti,,' building 1113 U lirt•i Wet: i• i i four. iituriiiii high, iii litilli Willi IiII 11, 1 ZEtantet. mud". Imptvvornnui:, end 14 41innind ."-- , r th ilu n i n irry " . ' T b.4 •Pri .4 l l . Itt i lr u fi " o " ?Viitri i rl i ti . e f i ri " iii , rt i ll ill ' i:i r l i iii:l ' . l l . . , l3l , th f ' . I .— ir - TAN TlEil.::TII It EE TIIIIIIIII4 Mg ill U,l ' .. 'c ,: ' .g.n:irgif. r i b ;(l7l% " l:!r7e r 4 P (l7l ' l:U• " clt l iP( , l!!((• ' onl'll: ' ~ , I j „ 1" ,;: 1 .4',!,.. A ,,1 1i n' '' " l '' ' ' '"" "rgrilV .i. liPitirwilir. " igrgo ng. A cool. rerreolOng npring lif triiirr rliii•ii In ii . j „.. j .,. ji iintlumil atream near Ihe billltling. _ • Propoonl. trill bo recalviid until Ihii Kill ,lay ii(Vorci, r----- Pot frirtlirr Informatlon nil rot ter . uld iiitrliet %Till i. i ,i ; iii : AC4I)RDEIONS., CO N C I E It TI 1 N AN, on or 0p0r095 the tindetelgee . . _ Jew , . liurv r 4. l Vlolvi u Slaugokof m ho m be i st gu n al.tyto TO V •Ir ICIIIN 1.. HOFFMAN( Pr" iliP:11. hr had . nil`. I'. Nii (aria J.. Irirri. ri. . . itm Inn Pt, „MARCH 23, 18 The Item Exccllence C.hearnoss of our Cloth inq is the only sorrel of o•sr iireat , 21 o FA::. AND C7llTiElt OF 1969 Wo have male the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numberle%s Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, srri—All nut ,k, Is nro 111110.1 , i Ilt, I.IIW El< -011.111 S. n• I Ile w Irurtir . tr+ JA.J p•Tir. I '‘ t AND OFPARTgENT FOR DOW AND YOUTHS' WEAR A wrll pr•pari.4l tft n41.14411..3. New and Defter Cutters, Unproved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Clotheq, Sunday Clothes, ' Many New Styles, Wdaring Qualities Unequaled. TEE STATE, I. E 6111 S IJAKKEI•, noo.cing who'. 0,, oth from t. , lorkot to Nlloor. I= WAN``.`,. , 1111 ..Uriiiri ial . I. LIEN OR 11111:114)1C- L lII,IND. 11,111N1I. v.•ly. perfectly per. 1'1 . 111:1 1 st ;111..111 1 1 :11 1 1. 11oug..r. 15111=EliMEIRE! PA.. ...,.•1 di II ri itel3,l .kr 1111 'lll.t „11, I. I, IP. 4• 111 . 111 . 1 . 11. A 1” , .C . •`1 • 0. . ' O, •• .1 , ‘)/ '4OO 111 Olt% rliv~rr.v. 11. 111„111 1141 Z. 1.1!: ..'litiflil- ri ' 1 1 14 :4 -0,. . ,.. ii.c ,. .p MARK • r$ 1 ..• AL.! EXTRAtiI , it:r:.., , ... ~.. . =I . . •• 11..14% A T...\ otJJ \ • •:•• I l'I"r1: I , IZ •1 tor ut.l %le , h. , 11 I.N, I ;11.A LI; ch.. a.4.11i1,1,1 TArli?.\ N'l' k ('O., NEW YORK. 111= - NO (TRU. NO I'AY I►lt. LONGAKER, I.i• /.11.1t. tif Irt 1111 , IVIIIIIIII. nt 1911111.1.. i. ill .11rVir 111 . .111.1 . ••tOr a 111/1/1111 . rga )4,11, .11• part- Ilia itilod Sinte2.; protill ,, lY I 1..n.1 1., lull 4.1 ' 1.1. I,l . ore,niial tit his • ff== I= N. , Pit Nlvti 1 , .i ito• arr rer.llllllll.llLit'd t the rem• . o• fle,. O. tel. will 11.11. breolr ;town 1.... ..yeteto tl . Olll nII lujllri,,. ULM tea,/ 11 In st 0111..4 renolitten. Nr I'..e 3! 1 . 1 . 1.. N. [lnt/N.IIIIIS, 111ittl'El'trl A. 111 et the 'llirout. Stomach, nod I' :,r ly e.lloy (1,1,1101- 1.. not onely Y. are, ran M 1:1..k NCIII )[,Y A ISEIZIIA'1'1()N, ,i,„, 11,1 Irto inlud ‘rhlch er/loyitig tho• ple,nle. of miEumAnsm. AND PARALYSIS, to lot ill client, or neute, tv iirra tiled or. alit, F0n1•.•..y. no lolling ~irk ne••.. and rliroins• or. sinl,- L. . I • I. F. I(ISE.%NES spertlil) :nal main ally nni0,...1: %on 'non 1,•••••,o., t , tyear.' ntondolg) • ~••1 •1•••••11p•...1 and 9crofnlna..l.• oo•••. ~ollinan.l In•nl imy. 1.76-I'.l n.0u1., aitnnti.a i;.%•..1 to prlvalo dlnnu-ns of ',ad., • romplalut Incidental In thnir •.•0. uon •1••olt inn or rnher. roan , nnO. and l'itnior• nl all kind , . removed wllliont ••1 1,14.,1. Ili•ea•••.• Ilin ASSIGNEE'S NIWEICE. Whereitii of Catiti.ouquit, rut, county. by ‘olantory third of otoilguniiint i March I'. A. 11. IS7tt, ronveyed to then olt.criber all In. murk. tool, froiroitidl nod itnxiitl. for the Itoot•Ilt of in. rrodnitr-i t• beroli) given to all nernion• indebted to (Ivor, 11. Minnlvh to look° 11.4'1111.W to it, nth. iirrilior within .ix week,. and litioto having chtinut to Pro. soot the -.a...duty 111101CW...1 , 11 aitli.o the %3111 n Ir r . . note' ~1 ntit...l. hi'lWei'll Hamilton nod HENRI' SELLEItS, npr• CAl.l , Al•itt , :Match 1h70.1.4%, • EYE AND EAR, ••• .11i 11 • 1111,1•11 or it.trltarge tlln 111., 111.1'k I. auy 111...111'0 0 1 lie 'ICU: 1,11 IP , .1,111 , , 11 II•111 • I IC.lllthleat.liy)attot 111,1 ,:111 111/ 1 , 1..1 , 1 t1.1 . 1,11..11, to nily intrt uy 1111..C0U1/ty Di:. 1%. ‘SSILER N LOG IST MEM ltlll.l'.\l.Alt'd, SCROFULA DR. W. A. HASSLER (;Y.N.ErOI,O(4IST NORTH ENTH e`lotltinc~ 1.• writ .I,•ged, ..orvfolly • t. , , , •11 of Reldy ,.• •ro 00/ k°liter 1/11 I va• •i L; their wolk cumfurt pith nro petpplied r;rtitiougr, •• u " " ' "" ilel• ,I.gutit Into lotock. FA/ 1.11 , • 1••,11.11kiil,r .!• • In I,r 1111 r• • -•11 ..f 111• r.p• r •. , ,,1“1101,11 w„ d•. It I, tlint our mnoy 1,• 1011 :/ . 4,r t11 • ,11 any .I:, IVf luvitn • f. i r romporixon of pric.m. N nishing Goods !LlIWlI 4 •t.UTlW.lffl.m -I\D FITS 411i5allancou5 . ICORSNSON CO MILIT.11t1". (•111'1“ LI. TIII.AV:1( AL GoiiDS. FLAGS. BAN NEIS. IMES, ET( NO. 131 NOltill TIITRI) STIIEEI I= B a 1 IV F. It • S ))11 , 1,1.';114; N] : \ NTTB I .4I'I9EIZ-1110SP11.‘TE OF I,IMI = == MI 111,0 , 111 i n,, , 'odor.] 1.1, , t t.l 1.11..ri01+, I otn I,lllllll'd ....VII • •1 ; 0 311 . 1.F.TE It I,,wer I le)? fro) , .11-mot Fo.f ••11. re, ) ItoW Kit. Nitnufartori. ' I , •try r"lttain,o , l 111 , , Iruu , .nl. „1 plow i.. , 1111 , 111111, I, cull,,e. Experience in the of Complete INlitunve 'by litrinero l'euniiylvnnin, New .Tin,ey. Peinwarr, of the New F.:unbind Suite, running period of three year,. trial. eon- II lamp. II ro /b. 1, , r1 Vtinifir,r 11 , 010 StibRPLESS & CO., AO S. I)EL.NIV.IIZE AVENUE, PIIILAWA. INItLiAM IitYNOLILS 105 SC/I;TH ST.. BALTIMORE. 'MANY LAND NEW SPRANG GOODS FOR IM7II cool'Vk CONAid) POPLINS. 4.1 1.1.A11,1•101.1.1N,. ID.ACE DRESS GOODS. WIDE DELAINEs, EL. UA LC r E. ILAB 111.311 WINE. L o l l MODA I Ks. M 011.% I It A.DinE. EICNAN I. BLACK ',ILK:, CRAPES... , . GOODS, LINENS..kc NOIV While iillllll, El..glitit luhln Dainit.k%. N In, 00 to +7 lil rcr C/1 01.,/el: 7i0,,q, ..}llo +1 . 2 ti•./..11 1,1 p. 144, N 11111.114 1)U I, (;O O) )1)s. worth 1 , r,r • 11,1,...,1 0 •.••.k inlpEit A cus . .kiti). S. E. ( t)IL t.yrll & sTs., I=l MI;11=OMMI • . . . J ft.rt ol 114 Si 81111 En re Inpr. Pei, CON. A laCTl'llr. ON 1 ICAPICA core Sottlittal W...tb00-, Ni.erniotoirboro. ludo, by ri01i...%10t0•, lovoloobtry or Ner you. and 1./ Mattronge generally; Eirler-oy 31eotal awl Vii Itlypac.ty, I{IIIIEIIT J.CCI.VEIIW ELI., 31. V., tlw " Iltook, • &e. Ter I•ooWll,ittutlbm, Itt till. admirable let:lute, clearly prove• fr o m ha. u tt t,petueneo that•the a w tut C..llKetillelleo. of eellattut.e may Ie err-lama! y removed wahaut medicine. anti 1,1111011) d 11111:. on •urgleal tatent tmn., Lougee., lo.a I anima, ram. to Adult, peattluit eat a a 1 VIII, ..11Ct• tell:1111.11d elli•rttlitl. by whaut ve•t Muer. uu matter what hi, be, may Tme Inutudi riths Lka'• rick; %vim, 1 - 1010 F. A Li to:i 'l . ll Tli,,L SANDS AS II Sl'llt 1111 tier ',Ai, ill 11 plain 4.11V01011.`, to any odder,, ret ., ,pt uf -at: matt, ur tat ti pautatte ...MP, bp ud ave.-nig the pithlt•her, Ake, Dr. Culverwell*c " srarrhute ird,le Priee2l et, .1.11 rr.. the l'u l2i7vailm,, , CIIAS. J. C. KI,IN i n , Co )'_l-I)' . wory New Vora, 3 . 4 APIS. IMiNGUMMiriMi =II in Prices Taking People by Storm I r. 111.156 AT WIIOI.I:AALL sow Iti TIIE TIME to buy Cheap at the ~ I tl :11111 gla,,vorr .torr. :171:AST 11.%.11 I.Tos g 1 ,31.1 - opp,-it. the iertmon I:Pfunniql .111,111. =9 =I Sow youtillt,; ut W. pLATEs • MEI 10 111!(.0.; 10 TIT 11.11,F,1tS =4=113M1=1!11 MMerd cents Er, ryl andlilaiiswoie cheap, than the• Waitor, Looking (thi...o, P.m...paw,. slid Tahiti Cutlery, besides a great I,.ty ,if tisoral pod fancy articles too inaneriiiis to loentioni I. e lirst•class Chios Store. All kind, "f sets froml oto.os the place. EAST II Aat I 1.1%.N 1, ~ srlp opposite the foriiiiiii T. r. T_lo:lloNi.t. NURSERY. 30 VEAItS, muck y Srra. berry, Ar.parogu... —Ey ovy. 1,4 va it Imve .11' :it) year... eX111.1 . 11.111 . 0 1u ull. 11 0, 1 . 111.11 VP I'al t 1,04. 1.. r It) rem, It phini WM. I'AIIII Y. 9:0 flunalultl , ..u, N. .1. trgal NrOtiCCS A DM ISTICATOR'S NOTICE. qf LEW,' MA lill.11!)1, gerreetNed . . Notltn , l,ll..rt•by gLi on that !vital, i allulini•trt ion on litre Ow above. 1111111141 Ll,ll Murbach, late or tin. tow n..111n i Falnhury. Lt. the c.onnty.of 1.1.111141), havo Ile., granted to Mary L...1.1.r. re,tllng au th.• towu.nip SalL,.l.ttry. /111 P.,1111. Intving iletnan.l....g.ktu , t the ...tot,. oi ary 00tn....1.41 111 k h.` -al, nn..wn 1. , .1111 3lary wsthont delaY• id) 1 , ;..W M.hltr II EISII ER. , TRIAL LIST FOR APRIL TERM 1470. %VEDNESDAV. APRIL 0, 1070. I= I. 11,11 and \VII', vs. 31;11110n loather. 2. E. Mei-bleb V.. Angn•ilts 1/ank , l. I. Jneol, 11. F , Ilo•ro11 s 1./myna', Dr....10•r 2: Muslin. .1 4. 1 1 3.:r v•• John r/. E. 11ponlo•onor v.. Itvnlnql Slettlor. 01. 3,1”, 31. link.. & Co. v.. Enos 1V0..., 9. 7. Chork. llonty llontotv it Irmp..) . WIll• Zil/11111.11.111 5....11.. A lll, N, Eberton Co 11. 11../..1 limp, v.. I'lloon 11,111 awl wire. rhark. (lull v.. .1.4111 11 rallln Trusto. , .. the el 110. linniht. 1 1 )3loa,. 11. John lits , dlvr v.... Fronk 1111 Brown nutl . 1 . , 03 , 11 An the,. 12. F. Jordan . 1 / 4 111,11, vs. Or , ,1. 13. t v. livoigo 1. mum,. Nathall 51..13. •v., 1-'l,d, I;einharli. ntltll3 11 WEEK C.onnioneina . April 11. • I. oou. Loh., e.. Fad. 3loro end Even llolhon• hit•anon Rev,. and Atne 0110 %)'v., V.. Jove). slitinnin 3. hinith & 111111,101,0 Newt...rd. 4. Allentown Iron Colnpuno 0. L'lwitie 11, 811,1 :e. 11. D 1,1111 ,, ve. Welrli A Co. Sane' 1111 dge & Co. I, S.llO V, Deniol ,11/1.• V,. Iluidge A Co. 3„hp selpinp SV. D. 1 1 .11voll ,to Pon. 'lt. Jen... tien,towero Cheri., Mom. Jotal Kook 31ortr end Cherlee K. 11. letFityetto Lent, ve. Cherie.. 1). Pallor et It. P. sane. ve• . & Camp e...Jonee & Them., 4•. Theothy Donahue 17 Ilellry II Pah/ V,. Alexander Lisk nod 31111.. r. IS. Geo. iSonntoyer nod Cnorad Sootn. 1. 1 . V. D. Jon., ti•.r Stll.lfinan, n•nogneo ui Itoinhard 1 ho Thotti.t• Iron Cowl/011y. 21. TIIOIIIII4 31011011 V, I'etriek end 31ichel Cntnglawn. 22. Joh I.ll...Hinman ye. Tho 'lltnitie. I ru o. n CutilltellY• Ir.l. Allooloo' 11011 COOlllOl4 J.. 1111 Culbert.... and Thulnut. of 11.nfinen,1110 . . ',intl.! St.etti. It, s t all ' s. leter ' llable et al 17,u1n 1.. Ft gely (lottitii 11.. Stets. 28. Leon Hsu. v.. S.titto. J. Jollu 11.11 liver, ti.o vi s Sehttsix find Hegirr. :30. CllllO, Mt. II vs. Hear). nisi Witt. Shall. NI. Ivoryt 31ilier sod With,. selaill v.. Chad... IlJtich. Kers, .Ir v.. Nathan Anthem.. 33. 'IV.,. F. Blank, by hi. tivot t . ieitrga Munk v., Trati•ite. THIRD WEEK, Cots...lag AVrll In. hobando Batt and Son. v.. ,lumen Cole. Harare Ilathet v•. Witham Ntb.eis and Watt' Venn. Llettlabotf, by Ittn next friend 'Cilhhnotti Heber 0.. Ju.eph Jame. 31clitalt!y Ulla Wirt v.. Etiv•ed MeOlnley. Ell tbdtiatt or. In (ki. and ltetwrra Stlitotl (a. Ileu.tatatta liernarr. Sala° V.. Willoughby lieruert stud Llonjantltt (baled , El. Hoffman v.. Jdlin. 11. atofltet. • . . G . 9. Pelt, It. Weaver v.. runge Blank and Owen 0114 10. theta y C Lungneekur. a•oignen la bankruptcy or. (too. C. Rohe vo. D. J. F. Ilatthlor. 11. Henry Smith no. Willintn Null. Tfinoduru 31erkotiervo.itnteph Antbetto Id. Charlet% it. Antrim. v., Henry 11. Iteroun and Ilitnry 14. W.llhun F. Stlllth no. John WOLIT. • 19. Mandulenn nrhuoider Ti.... (lowan andStnart. Ad4uPP. Mtllor Mid vs. Miller and 17. Jt., It. Murno va. Anthony Donna., 19. William Millar and Wife .vo. Jonrph Millar. 19. John it. nfidllet on. ELI Iltdrtuan. 2). Jones 0 Mild Vn. /0101011 Y DUntintl. 21 JIM /0 , nod With 9.. Sainnol Nowkard and Wit, 24. Ewe! & Bra. vo.Jcaub .1. Caborrollt. NIOIIIOI littler On. Cnutly Lorltr.dgo and Tito 1 , 11401 Crane Iron Cutufittuy, 24. 1.44y0r a 9l wee v•. Bold!, & t 4 114119'•. as. Patrick Maier vo. Edward Kointnilll.4 and Jam A. Dtrkrntats. 'AI halm. v.. John Sh 11111171: 27. 11. F. Allan., n. , of A..orc 11. Ford - Vm. Wm. 11. Kre., 23, Henry I. Longliecher.u3.lgnee In bankrtiPlrY ol 1.. Huhu yo. Wm. Kern and Tilghman W. Kramer, 'JJ. H. A. Sao lur 34, 31onia. W. hinilyer of rl. 3 1 . Cbrkillitt •ur .mmlllElOl Elleinlua Illuthharl. lola - Kllemlua tilirabeth w , dow 0 1 31. .1.1,...0113,'Vi1'14."ft`.17i.0frm. nfi•ffer• Prier WelkleKramer. who Wan In &woe.. 411 Kramer ve. Tilghman W. Kramer and W. . K ruiner. 33. .1. Houlley Duller. Jr.. auelgnea Ihn Labial. Rolling 11111 Company Va. Hnhln k Elru Qoos INTERESTING «'1 1( 01 IT MAY CONCERN I I= TO COMMENCE HOUSEKEEPING ME REPLENISHING. E. S. S 1-1111 ER cV Mammoth Store Are prepared to furnb.h and supply the wards of all. a (I, rare I.,Venl ptissibln prices to correspond with lb. All ire oak In a call to examine our stuck, which I. complete in ,•rrry department. Our cloaca are podia and °bilging, als,pya ready and Pilling to ohm OGOUA• and give prit'es. it then remains for you tojudire and. deride. Thereabull b• no mist . ..presentation toeffecl It entirely inipLooliblo to enumerate articles, bat wilt quote only a P•w or tt, leading artlelo4, sack a• • TICK INCH. CHECKS, COTTON TABLE DIAPERS, ' LINEN TABLE DIAPERS, TOWELS. DOILIES. NAPKINS, BLANKRTP I'EATHESS, MA lOW I.Ts, 110 NET OOHS QUILTS, ((LASH AND QUEENSWARE, It ['El's AND OILCLOTH, WINDOW SHADES, HOLLAND SHADINCIPI I=ll ) ESS HOODS, SHAWLS, INEETEIII SI I - DOWN PRICES ! Cnll lief., purchw.inir herw, ai WI wUi inurrintmo it to 3 mlvonlak, .( Jt 'N'I'RY PRODUCE = =9 E. S. SHINER & 00., S AND 7 WEST HAMILTON STREET, A LLENTOW N, PA MRS. GELDItili LADIES' TRIMMING STORE NO. 3.1 EAST HAMILTON STREET 01+ 12141/14 /1,111., 10 C 4 r .110 is lit 111 .111 "L. Iv itt% ALLENToWN, PA Iv conet•utly supplied with all of the heel etyNe aad varletssi of TRIMMINGS for everything a wontan see pat eI from the crown of her head to the aule of her foot' TRIMMING(I S for .1.111.1 A. capes, bonnet* sod robes; of 111 i, satin, crape, velvet AM/ la ret to fart, TRIMMINGS for everythlug to weer that cold be thought uf beside,. lade , ' arid CNDER GARMENTS, HOSIERY. THOMPSON'S GLOVE•FITT/NO CORSETS. DRILLINGS, CAMBRIC AIIIsLINS, and a large variety el MAPPER. PATTERNS. ALL G OODH OF THE BEST NC ALIT Y. awl bold at ASTON IsIIINGLY LOW PRICKS. SIIEPPARI). VAN HARLINC4EN EX R AOR DI NARY BARGAINS TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, DOYLIES, TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, TOWEL• 1 NOR, ETC., ETC. F'JrENCII, BELGIAN, BARNSLEY, COMM. aryl IRISH SHEETING, and PILLOW CASE LINENS. • 41 FRENCH AND RICHARDSON'S IRISH LINENS In flu, medium, and heavy waken of all gradva Inc aeon ell woolly and Inc. EMBROIDERED PIANO ANDTABLE COVEDF, BLANK ETS, FLANNELS, QUILTS, AND COUNTERPANES I'SRY ki t '!!. ! END T a IOAN r 1,4 eft AND T W- A ND AI R NS W ND° ir Slf.t LIES, ET , ., kft., Nitre WELTS, PIQUES, Wil/TE GOODS, AND STAPLE EMBROIDERIES OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL STYLES, THE LAROEST ASSORTMENT WE HAVE EVER OFFER ED ; PRINTED PIRCALZA, New and Elegant rat. terns, FIFO Colors. ALL THE BEST MARES OP DOMESTIC JIMMIES AND SHEETINOS 111 . WHOLESALE PRICES. SPECIAL AT TENTION IS INVITED TO A NEW MAHE OF Hr./air MUSLIN, WIIICII POE MANY PURPOSES IN TUE FAM ILY WILL BE FOUND VERY VALUABLE. MANUFAC TURED EXPRESSLY YOH OUR TRADE. NO. 1008 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA GREAT A UCTION SALE DRY GOODS. 4 HARR CII4NCE TO BUY VROAINSit. GOODS MUST BK SOLD.. PRICE RUT LITTLE OBJECT TUESDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. TUESDAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE. AT FOS'TER'S NEW YORK STORE. All ki n ds of goodo, from a %pool of cotton In • silk drew. AUG/ton! AVCTION ! AUCTION !! We propooc to fell everything. We expect to lure money. We aro amino" to sacrifice our good,. They moot bo ould. Wo leaft! for the Vent lo a few ch.).. Dry llo••do ut Pry (kook at what goo bid for there. Dry (i not. at your owe Price. Di lloodo Ititno•t very MN.) (Luny, preared to boy laraelY • Como with p yoor pocket full of money. Come folly, rube often, nod keep corotlng, Solo will cont.uue emelt dry 11111 week, commend,' Tint:WAY, AIA,CII Mb, at 2 o'ctack. Two stales each tiny, to dm num - moot at 2 o'clock. nod In the tteellll3l ti.: o'elyek• Spe , Ytkl attleulluy to tom., an d ...h.!, o f the .tyre r.`ll.7lVed eXcity•let•ly rue their itee061010,1•11011. FOSTER'F) NEW YORK STORE, 10 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA $ 100 A MONTI' AND_ Ig3IWENNEK to •grott, the I:2IJARATED4iIIfif• LEY KNITTINQ AYACIIINE, woo , ISA•Al• cheap, reliable. Knits erytttl , Circular •Vati.l• •tocktor fro, A.l.tro,i. , Ninth St. 5 •. o. fob -391,, MEM CASSIMERES, &r 64 ARRISON I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers