ffinanciaL OFFICE OF FISK & HATCH, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERN WENT SECURITIES., Na 5 NASSAU fiTREHT, NEW YORE, Febru y 16th, 1870 Tbo remarkable enc.,. which attended oar negotiation of the Loans of the C xxxxxx PACIVIC --0 ^• v . PACT sail the WIIIITHIN PACIFIC RAlLltuau leMCaa V, and the popularity and credit which these Loam have maintained In the markets, both In this country and Hu rons, have showa that the First Mortgage Bonds of wise ly-located and honorably.tnansged Railroads are prompt ly recognised and readily taken an the most suitable. cafe, and advantageone form of Investment, yielding a more liberal Income than can hereitfter be derived from Covent meat Bonds, and available to take they place. Assured that. In the selection and negotiation of supe rior Railroad Loan., we are meeting a groat public want, and rendering a valuable ecrela--both to the holder. of Capital and to dune groat National work. of Internal im provement whose totrtneic merit and eubstautial charac ter entitle them to the use of Capital and the confidence of luteators—we now oiler with epeeist confidence end earls• faction the VIHHT MORTGAGE BORON CHESAPEAKE 6. 01110 RAILROAD CO The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, cennecting lb Atlantic comet and the magnificent Mahon of the Cliche peake liar with the Onto rlyor at a point of reliable nevi gallon, and thus, with this entire Railroad system sad Water trauepustation of the great West and South-west, NORMS TNN ADDI'I 10A AL EAST AND WIDII 4 'PEON b: LINE.. imperatively demanded for the accommodation of the immense and rap.dly.growing transportation be tween the Atlantic seaboard and &trope on the one hand. and the groat producing regions of the Ohio end Missis sippi Valleys on the other. THE IMIORTANCE uc THIS ROAD Ali A NEW OUT LET 1110 H TILE WEST TO TOE BEA magullleit li Int one of ustlouol counegueuce, out lusuree to it nu extensive through trifle !om the do , of Ile completion; whllo, I the development of the exteueive agricultural and miner rasources of Virgiula mud Wed Virginia, It puroo.e btlocig Its own Ilao, the ohqnonh, of n Jorge and pro/flab I= Thug the great lntereate. both general and local. whieh dometud Iho cutupletlou of lb. CAttn•rasics ASS OSLO RAILROAD to the Ohio Rl•4or, afford the uoreot guarantee of 11, buccer and value, and VANDER IT TRH MOST IMPORTANT AND OIIIoTANTI AL R• I LRO•D ENTER PRISH NOW IN IN Tllit, Co DICTRT. = be Of 111 ItanikAllta blot krofilable (rail• swilling :ti oorn =1 I= mood judgwont awl kuowa liOgritT. 1010.111 ..100L1011 with it. together w t that 01 eminent citimaa •ntl nema men of Virginia and Weal Virginia, 1248111i1it3 Alt IioNIPHAIiI.P., AND sIit:ORS:OIM MAK - AUKIV7iXT. lb. Road iv coutploieti and In vperniton from Richmond to the celebrated Willie nuipbtirSprione of Wont Virgial•. 'LIT miles: and there retneln but ax, miles (now partially constructed) to be colopletod, to carry it to the proposed terminus on the Ohio river n, or fear, the mouth of the Big liktudy river, 130 wilo. 130111 eincinual I, Rad MO La btiow Pittgburet. Lines gee now projected.er in progrexe through Ohl. and Kentucky to title point, which will connect the CLIESA• PEAKE AND 01119 WITH THE ERTIRI RAILROAD SYSTEMS 01 THE WEST AAD SOUTHWEST, I.IID 111/TH THE PACIFIC RAILROAD. he valuable franchises and superior •dvantains v place the CIIM*Ar2I•I3 4.111 D 0110 iI•111110AL 0111P1.111' among the richest wad moot powerful and' trustworthy onporatlotto of the eountry; AND THERE HIIHTtI A PI:MEET VALUE,III COMPLETED ROAD AND WORK DONE, EQU•L TO THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF THE MORTGAGE. The details of the Loan have been arranged pith +peolal reference to the wants of all cleaves of Investors, and eombizte the ♦nrtoue features of eon•entence, safety, and protoollou against lose or fraud The Bond' are I denomination• of $lOOO, $5OO AND $lOO. They will be' Maned ae Coupon .Buktdc pollutt.. to Beare,, and may be held In that form; or 'rho Uood may be registered to the name of the owner, With the coupons remaining payable to bearer attached the prinefpfs/ being thee transferable only on the book of the Company, unless re•asslgned to bearer; or The coupon. may be detached and cancelled, the Rend made a permanent Registered Bond, transferable only on the book, of the Company, and. the interest made pay. able only to the regletered owner or bin attorney. The three cleseee will be known reApeelisely xa lot. "COUPON BONDS PAYABLE TO BRAE? 2d. "REGIS TRR SD Bt".:VPS . /TN corro.cs ATTAC.II.I:D." REGIS7'ERED COUPu.vti DETACHED." end obt.bl be eu deeiguated by Co poodebta 10 epenify log the dee. of Bond, lirntreel. nay have TIIILITY YHARB to run (tom January lb. 1870. with Interest at Ca per Gent. per annum from r, v•mber 1. IW.P. PRINCIPAL ♦ND PATAILR IR SOLD IN TEN CITT OF SSFTObb The Interest le payable to Mar and X , that It may take the place of 'that of the, earlier haulm of Dtve• Trull., and wilt the canvenlenth of our friends who already hold Central and Weetern Varian Donde vtlh a tweet payable to January and Ally, and who may de•tr• la =Mai addltional Inveettnents, le have their Miami recaivable al Moroni waerio• 11 the year. 7be Loin le Secured by mortgage upon the entice Line of Bold from Richmeed e, th. meat end sH other property and appartenanees connected therewith. •BnizmoyalnorslCO.ooo PBS MUM II VIRVIDID Vol TEM AIDRIIPTIOI OY TOM BONDS, TO TAXI ErnICT 111 •RMS TIM COMPLITIoII OR VII ROAD The mortgage la for $10,000.000, of which s2.oooMllil 011 ho reserved and held In treat for the redemplio■ of out standing Donde of the Virginia Castro( Botfrood Com pony, now merged ie the cpeAree.lllll 0110. Of the remaining 1119.e03.01, • anal cleat amount will be add to complete the road to Om Ohio Muir, period sail la prove the portion now is operation. and thoroughly equip the what* fora large sod active Oslo. prima price in 9) and scented Interest. ♦ Lo►n BO amply aeourcd, BO carefully guarded, and ao Weida hereafter to command a prominent place MOMS the favorite eivenritles In the markets, both of ltd. Cormtry and Europe. will be at once aPfireeleted and alulaalY embed. . Very rnoperifelly FISK & HATCH, *BANKERS P. saw Celled PatnPhiet., sostalning full per tienlars, statistical nstalls, maps, oto., watch will %afar slaked upon appllcatlon. air w. boy and uU Government Bonds, and re..sty. Lltbaccounla of Banks, Bankers, Corporations, and °Curs, 'd I I Medi° Cheek Pt alibi, and allow Interest on daily bal• ligw•.. - • ins? il.Sm Sot tic Rabic's. L AND WINTER FASHIONS. M. A. BINDER has Just arrived from Parts and London with the latest designs, personally selected from the greatest noveltiee; also, the moat elegant Trimmings e secured In facie. L ES. RIBBONS, VELVETS, BRIDAL VEILS, FLOW IS. FINE AWELRY, and TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS. DRESS and CLOAK IRAK INO. Exclusiv• sgent for Mrs. IC Wark's celebrated system for cutting Mlles' dronern, marques, Benno., etc. H N. W. Cor . ELEVENT and CHESTNUT Ste., Phila. Sep '4 , .6m T " '-:' 1; 7 1 1 SEWING . t . i 0 / Ii Machine! 1 . ~ THE BEST IN THE WORM) The only one that makes more than one Mitch, nod FOWN mom th•u one way, and Forward, ithout turning your goods. Bark Doe wurdan all kbndo of work,. Light and Heavy. They are sold aa cheat, as other tuachinea and Warranted to ha good. Call and nee them no Hm. Yramer'• Millinery Store, No. 5.1 Emit Hamilton street, second door bolow American Hotel.. sap 15 Wm. V.IWOLLE. Agent. THE CHEAPEST AND MOST RE LIABLE TRUSS STORE Is the city. W. J. EVERETT, 60 NORTH SEVENTH STREET, Below Aroh, Philadelphia, (late N. McClenarlion's Trusses, lend& Supporters, Braces, Elastic Bells, :dock tale. Lowest prices. l'eA‘ect adjustmeuts. Lady at tendaut. G. jtate.2o-ly LOOK ! LOOK I I LOOK ! AT FOSTER'S NEW YORK STORE TIT BEST MACHINES IN THE WORLD GROVER & BAKER'S IMPROVED HIGHEST PREMIUM SEWING MACHINE. Awarded the highest premium. "The Crete of the Le gion of Ilonr," at the Purim Expo.hien. MACHINE U NEEDLES, REA D and SILK TWIST constantly on hand. -.rite people of Allentown and vicinity urn cordially Milted In call at cur MiiiI,(0011.1. Roloolober rho place, oppoette the German Reformed Church. N. he•tructlons ghee to any Per.... Purde.- Iti Machine, All Machine, warranted to give atittitactiou. M. liElP.Elt, Agent, No 19 East nonillion St.. Allentown. Pa OE WIIIMLER d• WILSON'S SEW IN G 111ACHINES ARE THE CHEAPEST AND BEST •••4 -o'‘.l:Ytsl-81.r,14. s , T . 04. • P 4 El --.; (---- r- IrthSt , N S 51.111.\ , ; 11.4y1/XE Over 14(000 now in use 'f hey ro•t Iron I keep le tep.iir th tit ,iny ether. They ell7qlllle of the . wide,. s‘ork. They have I.ilt ten•ton ,gplat.•. They triak• 111 ,. • le.th ....le- of the lab sewed. They arr. warraat.,l !are,. yeal• 14114 10: SUIT l'r11.11•41.111P. 'ETEI,s()\ .11trENTElt ,- ;EN1:1; A I, AUENTS 911 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA ALLENTOWA AGEN CY, No. EAST HAMILTON STREET Third boluvr , irrsnau llcrornird Cl urch. d noir 7 17 • v. mu r 15.1 y frurnitur -HurroN eCON L FUR N AREROoms No. NU!► MARKET sTREET I'l[l I.:\l)ELl''li I:\ PAIII,OII. DINING I►OOM CIL‘MBER F1:11NITtilll. Of Ihn Ial:e•I ti..(113e0 31:mural .• A •ir FEAT HER LEDS ND MA 777:ES,!:Es T 111 : SECOND; STREET FURNI VIII!' hl ORE. 037 N. sEcoNi) ST.. • 'llly 010 v triumphant fu .1/tiriom t . ...nt .1,1',...•14.” I. • • kcl , .TII CO TT Afil . a.; CII st'l Stra,r, Exc. 1... .11,i , t1:IM . NI.. • "iiY slyb .roil purrlmso =9 F URNITURE JOSEPH WALTON & CABINET MAKERS No. 113 WALNU'I' ST.. PIIILADELPIIIA fin,. ..111 • oin• .4 1111. P110,0...10,1, and irmitil.nJ;^atinr oxin.rion, 11.'ll it And Cc, inl 0. il••.1111411111ii .11p. rio , quality. A •4 fortionre aln-nyn int Iv nil ti, or lin.. f'ol(hter.g. litAk 11 . ,ktupt Vor,ll ill.. for WALr , i. J. W. I.lrpts , • , l .I.ks 1.. SP..", fob 9-1). Itailroabf.s ORTNI 11 3 1 , NN SY L- N TANI& RAILROAD. I= Pasaangara for Philadelphia take !Allah Valley It. 11. trains pna•lng Allentown at 00a. tn., II 45 a In. nw Lep. tn., lied sori•• In Philadelphia at n a. in., 2 IS P. m. and IZI p. m.. alto Lehigh tot iill,lllolllll[lll Rallroal teals at 7 10p. at sad arrive la Plilladolplda at 4 40P. In. Psataingera for Doylentowa take train,. leaving 110111. Wham at tl xl •. to. and 2 2.10. in. LOCAL SCHEDULE. • CFCS/ Thmugh Trait. Dniiy, lintnlayn Esrepted. TasionitortralnelonToll , drpot.Nmtnnert corner Berk latlrl OA, For Allentown RI DM rind 9 45 a. In„ mud I 45 and sp. to, • • D•yloitowl• RIP A 5.1. In., 2 40 and 4 IS p. tn. Fort W44l3 , niton at 30, 4.5 a. tn.. and II 3)p. no Abington Iv 1 If, 20 end p. m. Lnnerlato al 821 van. • Tr•lo. for Philadelphia. Leave PBOllOl,ll at 6 2011. m., 12 In, 2 21 itnti U in 1,, In Detylt down at a. ut.. 2 4.1 nud 2 al at 6 10n In • fort Wanhingiou at 8 35, !I 45 a, ca. and 2 In P. m • Abington at 2 45. 0 10 nuti 8 :lip. tn. O 0 SUNDAYS. for nt 4 CO p. In, DoTlettoran 7 00 is. UI. Learn n ,i t i lt 2, 3 , , , ,)1;. Fare—Allentown tt; I'l.llllOOV A 6 + .. VATASAIMIA AND WENXIR N—/VOCIELbV ILLE R. end •ftor NOVEMBER le, IFM, trains nu 'Ma...MILL SE Fu lay ill., Balk:m.l will ruu iu roma, with the Lehigh Valley Rullroud Nita East Penii.limil• , sa follows : ITLEIM SUZ! . - - 6.50 CAT A9AUQUA. 'lols'. 6.3 ,, 7.00 •HEIPLES. i 10. CH 6.29 LOS ..JORDAN BRIDGE. . 110.1. b. 6.24 7.10 OUT lII'. 110. M• 6.•20 7.151 • WALBERT'S. 1 9.50 (1.10 7.231 CHAPMAN'S. , 1 9.40 6.05 7.191 TIIERVERTOWN, i 9.:7( 6.:0.1 BREINIGSVILLE. I 9.14 i FARMINGTON. • 9.1 N 7.39. •SPRING CREEK. 19.951 5.49 7.45 AL•BURTIS. 0.30, 5.43 'Flag Stations. CONNECTIONS. The morning train west leaves Cetusn .on the arrival of the L. V. R. R. Loral Passenger train from Easton, Bethlehem, and Allentown and connectsat Al• Burtie with a train on he East Pennsylvania It. It. for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and also with a train fur Allennwn, Bethlehem, East. •nd New York. The morning traits Etat connect. at AL.Burti• with tralus. H. P. It. R. from Harrisburg, Reading and Allen. town and at Catasaimuit with train on the Lehigh Volley Railroad for blanch Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, Scranton, Philadelphia and New York. Thol.oo P. M. train West connectsat Al-Bartle with a train on the Bast faun. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg, Allonteniu, Bethlehem, Radton, Philadelphia and New York. The Keeping train East 1 Al-Hurtle no the arrival of a train from Allentown nod of a train snaking conneo• links lit Reading with train, from Philinolphia, Harems- Mira, Vogt R. a verde with ral A peeneuger FlZainetialt "'nu"' ir Pet sone Will Isg lola to Allentown ran take the morn ing (lain West to 41- is arriv eat Allentown 8:50 tu, and return by a traiu oe i 4, 6 re at reunaylvaula It. It. /Wink Allentown at I. / • • ° lo lA lgtr Deadly] o.„aee r. Maw (14.111NDING BY WATER POWEI;i alialf,MAntrlactured Pocket Knives and &bors can be fermi at C. W. fir olferts's No. J Last I.laralltoo street. N. B. Harm Notaber Silvia and Starner* grenal by water power and made en genet ae new. ' rap 451 y THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOA 12/ TT C - G- S FEE Tho otnotton of the rittreon of All,olowu nod Lehigh county In renpertfolly Invited to thin estublislitnent. Every thing unnally kept in a lirnt.clonn Drug Store kill he found ter nut., lo•re, nt 00 lowest prices. Our stork in Etrgo o tt i well vOected, consisting of P "FVDRITf7S/71.','7/TIV..1.1:1:/:711/r-fiti: PATENT MEDICINES, IE4III ItESTOII.,ITIT'ES LINIMENTS, Re., . , of all kinds. Constantly on hand a largo stork of Sada ash, l'otasli and Concentrated Lye for . soap 11114{, 111 R. W,llittit Soda, Baking Notla, l'ream Tartar, Puce Pepper, Chola IMM. Clint's . nail Spires of all limits, Coal OW Sperm, Litt.' Mad Lltbrlelillitg oil s for Illitellillery, and a thousand and one tither article , which cannot I. enumerated here. We have the largest line of Truss..., ewliperters nail shoulder Ilractin in lit.i city. These good , are applied by an expo,. eared physiclan, consegatintly a pet fort Ilt Is guacatitivd. Paints, Oil, It . fs and Putty. Painters and builders lire illYlied to 4111 r store before utak its their purchase,. We kii. it full 1111 k. of 1,111111.: •Uti.. of the Ite•I quality at priers as lOW as the It. Nll , l. TEAS! TE.IS I—We have the agency for the Great United State , Tra Company of New Pio li, and are selling the choltitod grades ol 'lca,. at shunt halt the price ch01a...1 by other dealers, for 1111 tabular ,111:111,. Try It too t d b0r.1,.. stored. /Illy-luta. , and CouLti) 3leciilaitit- ',with. it at the liiNcest market polo—. Ws intrtia hotel. , to pat. par. Ilcular attentioli to Mr Wholesal , limn, It .ii the business. Dealers n 11l find a 1. , 1..11 1t111.1t...141Ve 11. i It trial ordet us we fiiiil confident toe toll he utile to g o., i -oils...tom liiith to fluidity and price. (Huhu. lit nutil pcoinlitlY ...mho' to. (Notation: , for , perilled 1111.11d.i1.•• 111111.40 A Oil :11,1,1ir011.,11. 11,PeelrUI/Y. lIIPr 2.5.1). W. IL BA lIN lid ,1 SON. s _Pi I 32., LIFE INSURANCL 1 COMPA.NY, I NCOIII4 )IL\ TEI) ISSI BENT. CIIICKEIIING, Secipt: ...k 111111:1 1j . ‘. 11 ; 1.. 111:111. An Annual Payment Life Policy is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium when due, but is continued in force under the Nta , _:saelnisetts Lnw of April, 1861 ,f 7 - • - i 7 ,.." I.—, Ce, ..••;!..!, e... The BERK • tIrRE was rem the FIRST COMPANY in the United Stittei t,i make ALL iM pone.' /N-FORFEIT A B LE ANNUAL IN(o\IIS AU Endowment and Limited Payment LI roncie3 Are entitled to a I' NUN-FOR l'Ell PHILADELPIII \ BRANCH OFFICE, W. H. YODER TYN DALE , M CI TELL & LF , CHINA, LASS, AND EA lITIIENWA RE, ININ , 1 . , •• I VII i• WHITE, FltENCll in all the best shapes anti • tyle,. DE('oIIAT El) I/IN:Ct.:it, TEA awl 'I%)II,ET SIN'S in great variety. GLAs,„ EsunAvEl)l , s THE 1.1:11%11-1:-.. ANn)'II I NA DE , ORATED either lu full oetn ur mom., priesT.() (; 00ns o.\ /, I and LOWES7' CASII PRICES. Cr,, 1:11,0,11.. pa ~ .•!, • .. ,, wered • III:11 2.2111 sEcuurry Ai:A NST LOSS BURGLARY, FIRE Olt AUCIDENIT THE SAM DEPOSIT C.O)IPAN NEW FIRE AND ttritut..ut PlhfuF 111'1M/IN, N i l), •NO cilE;T:sirr 'CIIE 1 ,4 11)E1.1T.Y INSURA.NCE, 'rttes, CArITAI .1 , :. 1. 1 ... , ,, n , : , r .. 1,.r. ,. . i 1. 1 : ,•:.,,..“.. • N. D. Brnwn, Clarence 11. Clark. John Wol.li. , 5 . 1 . ...! ,. •1 , ....ti t . j r , ' ,, !;1 . w..[1 . Charlt, klacalerler. • Ilearx C. Gilioa. Prerldent —N. B. 11114 AVNE, Vice l'reiiident—..C.l.AllliNeE 11. CLARIC. Secretory and Ttica-iiriir--Rii lii. pAT A~nletuut Secretary —J AM ES W. II AZI.EII I'lisT. Company brava provided in tin•ir ilow 1111,11ov nn.l Vault, a1,.. , 10D , •••••111•Ily pgalt”.t 10.. I. h!1 E, liT ED - LARY. ~r ACCIDENT. I.lltl • • - - • • •• RECEIVE SECI'ItITIEq AND VALU ItANTEEABLES ON DEP. , : IT PNI)I.:It lirA. Upon the following rate, for one ye..., periad: Government and nil other Coupon See•tri- Go, or those in...Gmbh , by delivety . Government and all ether Seenrlteie regi— tered and negotiab'e only I•y eudoi.e. ,4 per 1.1.a1 neint Gold Coln or 11011.1 Lan. Fattier Coln or liaison _an pee I.ltio Silver ur Gold Pinto, under -eal oil wn mititnitte of valise. end rite enhji to adjuetment for bulk lon per loa develry, Manmade, etc r Lout) Trnlux EAt • Deeds, Mortgagee, and Valuable Paper. g , rwrally, when of tin fixed value, 41a year ti.telt. , ster.prtlant to hnl . The.te latter. veinal tlitinettled tti tin hove, are Ap einteeinl cot-ding to bulk, uon heel. of Irvt ty.1110.. yen r. Coupons end Intoreiti will boo wboti do•tred remitted to tho owuerti. for .11,1,01.1,11 i. The Company offer i for ENT, the I , —, ..e czel.l.lvelY SAFES INSIDE iIi ti IitULAN•PROoF vAvurs . , At rate.. varying front , 1 , 15 to 475 eikeh per MIIIIIIII, :11,, , r itta to s i ze. 1 - 141.1i1l of n , 110Y• R,COIVed n whlrli 1E11,4..1 will 1, allowed; 3 pi, 1,100. on .11 Llopioill•. liy °L o ck nt wigid. and 4 per ri•gu...ll • poidln. payable on 10 dap.' lioticr. Traveler'• Lotterot of Credit furnkhod, oviv.1.11•10 io nll ' parts of Eliroym. Tilt. COMP•I37 I. also authorized to art /to Executer, Adtutulatratora. and (Mardian, to receive 111/li execute Trott, of e•ery dencrizillun (NIL the court,. cerliorattoux, ar Ibdla lola. /10BERT PATTERSONN I . I i'IPu It i h 4 ) 1 1 1 1 ' ; N T V g rf:y r i:;` ' r b nt 5.:1M 8100 ,1,7 I,—.I.IENNES euTt ir u ti l e! ATE I) HINK LEY V. - HIVES/till MACHINE, fur family aAe• cheap. reliable. Katie everythintr. Circular end warier IIIOCkiLIE frac. Aililnica: No. 24 N. NlniL It .. 'liable e Ye. fob It-(m DR. W. E. BARNES & SON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 14 EAST HAMILTON ST A FULL E OF ALL THE I'OPIII.AIt I'ITTSFI ELI ). 111 r. F 1 I' LU NK ETT. President EXAMPLE AT AGE 35 One Annual Payment will continue the Policy in force 2 yeari and 3 days Two " Payment, " 44. 44 Cr 4 44 44 12 Throe " 114 7 4( 44 27 o - ' = -r ' ASSETS ABLE POLICY," ❑tier One Annual Premium I . ia, Iwo,' pail! :J) 1t .\ I ,NT:T Acent for I.rhTih and Northolor..o. Countfc Allentown NO. 'A; CHESTNUT ST., PIIILADELP„IIIA. FINE PARISIAN GRANITE, , the tn:ttio ttt .1 - dinar) gottti lEMIEM SAFE DEPOSIT CONIPANY I= MIME ALLENTOWN, l'A Charter Perpetwil .lACUIS 1.. GREENE. Asst•SPC}' l'el• cent 11". GRAVR-; (irucrul Atom awl uey fur P,~uua ‘•• = GOV Ell N MINT SECEJRI'I'I lii moN A: CENTRAL. PACIFIC. R. .1t IST MORTGAGE BON I 10 SOUTH THIRD STREET El= Buy, S , `,lund Lxcliango u II U. S. BONDS, GOLD I= =MMI MMIMIE ITJII llll[ I [ lfl j lfllll ILI A Air-Kr 31 , 4 - Sll ELTI TO DEL TIII: .1 IT .'FEES LEON 11 RSIVS BAZAAR FOR THE SALE OF' TOYS AND FANCY 000IBL OF CEBNIA ', FBI N( I'. 1 NBLISD, • =I NO, 812 CH ESTN UT STREET, the only plAre letter', complete a••ortuteut Of toys and C.41.11111e1l I. A • .•111. • ..111111•1,1/too 11..1.11‘1411 good. note . on ..1,1 lot 41. • II:I/110111 •I. , 11: 11'11, ..11' Inr hurl d , .• , 1., • tall I. .1110. X. IP 11.1. 11.. 1/1,/pl, 1 . .) 01.+ nl y.di v.. I , +llllO,l aetoort /11 •eiCrl [IOW. And av oh! the .taguyatutu of an overcrowded 0,01,11 Chrimma• matt. LEON 111E811. dee{ No. nl2 Cheßtnet adreet, Pldlede, N, WEDNESDA DIC. UTCHINSON'S l b V 111, B , the int•l \V, , ro )1 , 414.10.4 , r removing the mnall total vr orn, trom elohirct4 stiloot torhttot tho ritild Mirk, worm loot the tv.t. to. .111:11 IC IN 1.!TO BE WI - EN .11.7 Ell 17 :0111 • ...11l 111,1,1,1)\\ (I)\VDEN, SEND rOR CIRCULARS NN CS 4N P SETS W:Meva ND/4YORK, 4 fARY - 597 BROADWAY, pHILADEL ,EA*%7 . .0 \9° 44 -, BOSTON' , MARKET 5 1 ' ID DOANE ST. EARTH A Tincture of rare healing herbs _.....--I sold in battles on , y. at 'O. or Si per 1,, DJ/. Sent to any ad• , A dress en receipt of money, 4, and guaranteed. \ lO ektnr. 6 nig 1111r5_1/4,9ri.D=CINIUTH It _ r.:0 4 - . . -- - --" :: 3 / c t T i "' L U ll l 15L,... Pte4,lt' '9 11) 71 1 - DEIVP.N I I" E (I' 4) it .1 11,l'!'IiE S II I \ I. 1I • 1. lii rorGil • ci' • IMIIM nun • 1.% .1, C...1..1. :•1 .1 ; siiicc April A. I). 101, is ' " EVERY POLICY is sued by this Company NON•FO1 FEITAIII.I It !I I %. I, .•' awl so e.rpr , o , e(i iu SEM Ntp. .1. :11,.1 11... it IIJ.•11:...'1%• • .• 1.1 - .1 ‘ ,11.111. /1 . .• 1t 1 “ 1 / 1 1.1 1 I, II 111 1. Id. •. 11111 I, 10.13- t.. th.• s‘lll ..l• 1. 1..1/1.1Ii•‘ It .11.• elolll , ll. C.. It. It . k 111 t 11 1 ii 11 , 1•••1 11,11 V t , l 1i1,1,11111 , %, 11.,.• 11.4 '1 II 111.i' : • 1,1.,..•y t 11;/ 11141•41 1.1 ;tit) It :.1.. • I.o'l 01:1.1:11tol.TZEN. - •ro1'il • ).r 11,1 4'lll, •1t •1 ,‘ 11/ 1,11.1 1.1'.11...111,1 - I.• I/1 ) 'l, /1111 1, ....1./ 11111, )..11 ,t 1,1 , 1,, ,•11,1 hi Dr. x 1,230.000 .)00,001) I. 11 I• Whl .4,1, .1 1(Cio IMMIIIIMMEIBM MU I=lllllll j}libicinnl a:sTituy ER I .Ns 10, CEN'N .\ 111)X 11. 111.1 . 11111-... A A I , 1%,11 , 011 ill :1 yo.i. I I h.," .1 o`il e A Clrouine Family Medi , sir, prep , red for the Cure of 0 i-pepsia, Biliousness, . Colic, Fry. - r & Aeue, 6c. lt en coo ran, Dierslion. cures Heart. burn, purifies the Blood, d, regulates no Liver. Sr n lir Primal 'li, I I) MRS REA ' 1)(: ' 7;17,;;:g ' u ' l i f i t r o I D I. I t :G n r n l o p7n Y ; 1 . 1 1 / 2 1 "1" ,•.3 .-I '' :l ' .n ci rn " !n ° t ;t i n n n " , tl a c l7ll s r ' o . m °l o l3 l Y e: E lt nEL I ~ti_. so ft e ns tho rc,•„t4 I 111ENT 1,, Eruoint, will liv,r :old by brugglbt6 * ' - '7.l':' ,- ;.4.; 1 A- -- re ---- - -*_w . -,:41,, .I 1, .11 16,• •thl• •,1 • 01 41. 011.. 44 k ./ 110 . k • Imy ,it r.outttry tow ,vh.• ha 1. •1.111.,,zy..t.,.1 tly all the =I ME C100b,5 =1 I: n 1 I • • II" .?ollzoli 0 \Gl$ ...I • .sir. MEMIS=V h.% SI NEM \vi.o: \!!--• I 1;1•: ):-S I (' I 1 1. - 'I I N L'T ii ILAI,ELIIHA. I, 1 N ENS ENE 11017 E ITRNISIIIN(; (M)DS! L.IIW EST LINEN STOCK I TIIE CITY OUR UWN IMPORTATIONS PRICES GREATLY BEM -CET)! III:ST ci.l N... .di I. D. il"LiEs. y i.:11; zt Frvltch &.• I=l3 MILLI K EN'S $ll I 1( >SUMS iLN iii' ern—. mid liuc. FLANNELS W.UCP, ' DOMESTIC corroN SIIEETINGS. WRITE GOOD:1, P 1.4 No, .V1:1.01 , P , N AND 1.11U.E r Efts 014111 . • till! ,kl,lll Y rief4 bent I , y tl (I1.1()1tW.: 1 11,1,1 E EX LI NFN IMPORTER, 1125 CHESTNUT STREET. sfct RE. ES MICH STREET vui r.a 1,1:LPIII FOWLING PIECES At retina.] prin.:4, 114,441,1, PpW.l,ll.llll,Shot Pt rewttilutt etc.. by C. E. Wttlrertz, Ito. 3tl Elbt Ilmollten Street. 15.1 q Y, 111A_RCI - I 23, 1870. ESTABLISH ED 1%51 J. REYNOLDS SUN THIRTEENTH & FT LIIERT STREETS =I I;11111fActliro•ni of the rrlrinralr•rl WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING IlEAT14:11, WITH PATENT DUST SCREEN, wqou(;irrAnoN MEE f 11., y Wrotwltt•lrott, terll rivettotl toroth •r, the -tiro pros outiou ittritit,t et— t.tilto or Iht.V. Pilo). are ott•ttly itt!tttagotl, glom( mity thittpor, l'atota Itatlitttor ovottiv not ti-tt itil.oyont.. , of 1411111, tilt 1. portitittotittly ittutclt.l to the. flout,. Thl- root.l tlttroblo. •littitltt. economical :mil itopolltr ihtttitty .11t)orrorrittt over offort.tl for 'Fltoy wr nil ett:trantortl e4.I:ING I.lt - how's aria 1.01:T.11;1.E llE.vrEtts I. ATI:o111: LoNV DOWN SLATE VENT! LATo] I=l NEW FLAT-Tor IIEATIN“ RANGI. f• Pa:111,11kt ,F1E311.% p.l; COL any qmortd, (-.01, 1 1,t.. 1,11111111,110, MON DA Y, A 18T0, IS7O 11.3 , 1.1.1 To,ni 11.1.0 111....11 ,, , glo. For .1. P. 1 , 1111 . 11)1.kN. 1 . ..1111 - 1•4,v 1"..11..g0s 31 , 0nig. , 111•'1) . 1, 1 , • • C 1. S 1 0 R NORM 1. INS I'I- L. 4 Tyre. • SCHOOL FOR BOTH SEXES I=l 3IOND.VY, 31 Alt Al '2Bl it, 1870 .All Ili• brantiriii , pr -11. n 1 E.lne aria, mi. Saad 1' III:. A. , Principal. Uarvi ilk, IN A, Co_ l'n U RKIAI'ti co EALE(4E. pA. El Th.• Suring Trr ttL Deino.tmeui ..f 1.1111 /lA/101,111 IV II fliwn n • MONDAY, APIIII, •Irn, IWO I ( I ,u 1 th " UE r IKILI." SELECT FAMIL`f NCIIOOI. I.n English. Chmt•leal, Scientific and Artistic Institution. Fist: vorNu MEN .\N I'oYS! AT poTT,ToWN. 31 , INT‘“ , 311:1:1" Col'N'll7. I'ENSA Ti,.. Term 1110 Nttl.l..4.nth ..n EON ESII.1.1", ti,e nth .•f SEPTE3IIIEIt 1 . 110/ , 11 , • 0 111 . 11 .11 111, For Mi lt FA , F. MI I,lEll, A. M., Prinripul. REV. Dit..—Melz., Sell:totter, Matto, Knuth, Sok., Mohletalurt: sour , r, Rutter, sztirk Conrad, Bomber ger, Wyle, Stern - 4, Murphy, Crotk.hask, VIC . Judlao Loosant MYet•L M. Ituss' .ll Th:tyer, Item. M ((ever, 3iteol.S. Ye -t, Illo•ter Clymor, .lellll I< etr. Est/S.—Jllme- E. CALI well, .I;tmes I, rim:horn f. S, S, *oB:ten, L. 11,1111, S. (tr.... Fry, 31iller & Dort., l'lLtrle. NV:mote...lw, S.III & Or. eie, mug It 3•1) r-Sprrtacics. spEcrAci.Es:! EYE GLASSES, .tr. A I a rao 1,1111.10 v a (' I I AS. S. NI ASSEVS, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, • %lug devel,..l it groat deal of Fare and attention to the •• acle Inio,nn•—• for the. , lust low year, I lind that iny I. in t1...t lino 1111 . 1,, , 11 ••1 munch Oat I have d0...1 ...1 mined to mai, it a A 1.1 • I'V. There 1. no article ninnutartntrd winiull thole much cleceptiou panic' tvd us 014'1, Is ill `lpeetarle lila.srs. Knowing' that the Public hare I ..... u fp.npiently litilalotaged tIP Paulin ',e t...tiling Inn role. ...uperior inyttoleof and charging pru ••• for them, tin, cby trallielng upon Ow ne- .sn le- And Ittlfl . llllll4'- ,o 1 ing.• I ha,' 1:110. ^,• or{ a hag.' and coleplet.. a-011 unlit et the and I Ila.,•• 1,41 111:111111.10111 . A. tli i , all . ..idling ~..eding ,lpeetan.l., au t.t ,rliu:ly of P , er iniputig at roil. unnalile having any 11:111euliy in being w ill d.• w to give no, call, a. I Leal 11 . II i:111 10 be snitod. Ittnentl., the ',and, No. ZI EP, 114111111,1 ol.j/i/•11.1 lit,. n Reform,' Clout Allentow u la. jun SI'ECIAII, wr tout: ".`4%. p I.in . IL'.-. 11111111111 =NM LA/ANUS PEIII , I.:(I'EI);SPECI:.\CLY , S , ANI) EYE-GLASSES ll'itiliMßlMMElM= M I:, , sus. KELLER .BROLi., Jeweler,' .10,11 , mn, 1 1 1 , 1 1'0 1 0 NIOND.II I AM, 101.-DAY .IC'( Sl' :10 AND !4.. th.• ~1 r .o YIN , ' T 11 1 .: NVI . : 1,11.'1 , 1,11a llu l'N l'• Sl'A I. CASE, -oil, log ii.ou tuipall .4 or ri-uul aro r, 1 : 1 11.1,111,111.11,111 111 , 111-.4V...• Of uortultity. our rlport.u.l, dr. arliw.wludgea the• hlo-t tuulo, •,•1•111irt • t.• S1411, 1 ,•1' 111111,11 . 1111 ,. .1. ”41 ran al‘ruy.. 1.0 1,11,1 Or , . 11.• 111r.1 1 1.11/t P 1 .1 11 ,1 Ind c.mourt ‘rhilo .tren:lhotihng ;ma 1 ,,,,,, tog 11"• luo , t thoroughly. M ara -r\'' takil ...101l to !hairy the Public that we rin 1 , 1. , ) I , :it.' i'a , ll4llll 111,11 11Z.4111., 1111,0 urr• tending 101Iant . 111/r sz,..l+ tor tale IttillS•tr I:Numbing anb eras gixturm. G rixTrie ES. HOI3EI{TS, & KOONS PITTERS NO. M 7 WEST HAMILTON STREET, DIO,RA DELoW NINTR STREET, ALLENTOWN dll ktn.ls Fixtnr... of th, b.,1111:11o.r, Hydrants II )'dr:inllt I. Lift 111/11 Force Vamp... Bath Tol”, Clot.nt 11.11,-, !kr, , Are ' , perm! ittt , ntlon trivro potting op Portnhlt• GA% W'ork• In town or country. All work witrrantod. nln 7.1 Y G .tS I NITRES 1... ROSEN E LAMPS I=l MERIDIAN BURNER, an4l 13. , 1'111 the ntrk , q. givvs the hirge.t light , . ”fittly I.lu, COULTER, JONES ,31ANVFACTI'ILEItS AND WIItiLESA DEALERs .702 ARCH. ST., PIIILADA. • QTR.II"I'ON'S ronTABLE Ailt GAS PATENTED MARCH aisT, l'E MONEY BY 31.11.1" , YoUn OWX fIAS. TILE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE Strutton'. fla• Machina for illittillnaling Iletela, Private 1ti...141e11e..., Stine,le in ea...traction. 1,11,111. , 1111 160 Ill:11,11A 11% , i1 in malio , ann eboxp a. Iu lirtilv it within the reach ..full. it i. :1 ..4. fiainex rim Ine in., haneil by any P..1%.11.nu1l prod .:en fight .11 ether-, at ......balf the of ordinary buthing na... NO FIRE. IS AP1'I.11:1 1 A PPA RATUS. It call he attaelled to ordlnar) pie , . and the only variation lining In the onlar,,,eitinut ..f 1110 lain - lariat, All Vint.'.( 11111 h•• wont ,horoughllllti work inuolike Ina nisei-. hiillerinftlY ..,ni all 111a01111. , 10 , 010111 Pd la the ("Cowl., Vartlflailfn First. Co l of sint CoLharnyllou. Second. Illitinilog Caper. icy. Third, 111111S1101.1.eitY. 'and cen.....queld I,,,pinodbillty or it...glatiliniint of Eruslowy I, grit of A 111.14100 411 i .LllO .1 , 1 ,1 ) 10 11 teti horllt . ll6 Voin. 71. Auy utornuill”ll will be glOl,ll and the workithVi. of the machine exylanied by AT. tins noent j•Pille01 cunuty. ITMEEI C. W. STUBER, WALNUT 6TREET, CONNER OF PENN, • (Anon waulnrounu CULLEIIY.) I , ALLLMOiiIi -PA 31catcr5. I=l ME Eburtitional =MEE the I . lln A. 11. FETTER.I.F. MEE= • . • ••,,rtrni•llt of all' .Pf 1= CELEisiz.vrED === DEEP WELL PUMPS, Cl)thing i r ifIVERV BEST THECHEAPESI MOST BEAU T 1 PITL AND MUST DUIRAI3I.I. 1. l) 'l' 11 1 N G AT KEY S'l l ON E . I-I. A'L L BA 1,1,11'1 1 N C.,1 I, E e lb.. And clwapp. ntock of ci,,YrniNli over g..t UP ill thi. rity,ml....llthiml , in COATS, P I.N 04,1(1* per!,iLiTig t' MEN•s w EA it FOR LESS MONEY, than you coo buy ellwu hot.. io ..turn Peno.yl,,ui NO Slip Siurp bttide Qmtdu null. CI rrIIING MADE To onoliit W.. I,eil clitiq a uil y a Inind a larzt. and Plcgant ro•nt tioffits, lain uliirli call to•!..rtinti. and hay.. thonn made ttt , on 'hnt tinily... Tin., Vatting Departannit Y. antler the nupet vl-itta of )RUE K. REEDER, who a had many yi•st experion, in Ow tailoring linal lind who ill hr reed,' the calls of his form, ,vurlented to lel rd' 11,. very be. C.. I I tool W I STIR STOCK, received id tit E E 1 1,1., No. :24 West Hamilton Street Am" 1.. r to tho GertnAn IhG,nw•d 'Church, AI.IIEN l'A. A full ft....)ttment of ll , •ntn' Furni.lninz nuod. +11 ,,, Y , . on hand. AmtoN I'_•tf Cr EAT ATTRACTION NEW FIIL NEW GOODS! Cj i (Y1 1 11ING! (IA)THING! ~ I:AND FALL AND WINTER OPENINa. (411EA1' EDUCTrox IN PRICES T.OSMUN&CO =1 BARGAINS GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM I=l NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET, I= ottlil inf. , rin the e - ititem. and the .tar t•mildlt,tc,t,itry that we art , prepared unit a largo stock ot 4outl• AND SUMMER WEAR, and oln.r Ow:, to the pallv prlro+. TII tho.n wk.. t•lothlu g n•ady-nia.le, they aro pr , pared r to .111 r IL% III; 11$5. WHOLE SC IT! , MADE TO OROCAl! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cnt rand mud. , in the led-tt ktyle, nod by the bit.t wo-lonett I=l CLOTIIING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, IN rg, than it Int• neon loqdro, and we intend toe •Il cry nII A LI, PROFITS, unit Our custoniors the bete tit of our low purelnoo, On - at guAutiti., diatt vat-le:lt,. of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, I= FURNISHING OOOPS MEN'S. YOUTHS'. BOYS', mud CIIILDREIVR REA I . ) Y-M AI)E C IT NG, IS= D,ss,•L rorir.q the Once, No. 41 11a ton ;street. thud sloor 01.04 • Sixth ntre.q. I= T r• tnir.l-t! got the Jarmo. For Pure Water, Ma celebrated Put entirely tasteless, durable an.lrella. ble: equal to the good eld•faehiotted wooden Pump, an. teet loss than hall money Easily errs In a to be nuu•tr and in catnip-1..60t that any one Can keep It In repair. THE BEET AND CHEAPEST PUMP NOW MAD pACIVIC CII'ANO CO cApITAL, ,1011:\ itEEsE & .\ GENTS 0177 C L.‘, 122 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENISI PHILADELPHIA. • 111 sorril STREET, 1L LTIM ORE. SOLI' BLE PACIFIC GUANO • No 1,1, II I/EI: I'D Ti 111 E VARIII,I:s or NI, AIIIIDLE AND ...WM.,. :•TAtE+ o IVES mot,: I%IP I Sll , lOl rl-I,.•TioN fIIAN rin.ur Ann. I tic TNAI,A IS Il' lIA+ rTI:t1.11, IN4 . l,y+Ell r I 3+1•51P1 IoN NoWillitorollorr 1111. ENIII.E.OI:NrI,IAIt 1,11:1, , 111.% I or ANY OriliAl 1,11.141,11. L01../1. , .%1•11,1. INVOLVED IN 1 . 10101•OrIoN Ar• r 1.10), ADE coNTIN1 . 1:11 LI NI.F. 1.1 1 ,1 ,41,1 NY /lA+ Al' INTERENT rl, 114 Alt AD.: TIIAN ANY or .N , y 4 Ey,11., A lIAVE; 111,1'H IT In 7111:1111111.TINITIlE•T or 1111: CoMPANY I•rf TUE FI:1,11.1“11 INT° hiAlt- Kr, TIIAr tiNr+r A I. rA , II.,IEA, AIDED L, THE rilil.NT rti• ADILITT cAN 1•1(0111•I'L. . 1111,01 . 1. N., IA .4.01.1. AT itcrAll. DV I.D CAI. ADENTd Di , Tllli I. OIII . AAV T1111.11•11110r 1 . AL.' .11:11,V. DIII.AWAItIi V1,5A.41,,i1.1, ASO THIS SOUTIIEUN STATEA, AND AT WDOLI,,AI I: DV JOHN S. REESE & CO., , • GENERAL ENTS FOR THE COMPANI GL 9-SuitZ,or7.3ol WEBB'S BAB' BONE SUPER PHOSPIIATE•OE LIME 1111 ; E I t1 / 4 : 11K ) . " 18;0 FARMERS, INCILEA , IN YOVIt CROP OP CORN, OATS, POTATOES, WHEAT & GRASS, Ad.( to the F., Way pnen• .sa By a 311did.111. aml EcAtoml,4 mo d, „f MANURI.NG CIET TUE VALVE oF yor'n orTLAY SEA. :ON OBTAIN lii:ruitrlLLEl , EAR , AN!! lIE‘VI ER , IRA IN. KEEP R sol I. ritEE Noxiop:: WEEDS. MANE 1 OCR LAND PERMANENTLY PER rILE. Our SIXTEEN yen, of rnnidant a., on all crop, lot IlroVoll Cud Puoull'• Haw Bone Pho.pliale way be de orndod npou by 01-11igVI/ Inaproruf eintl Shuvlflrd Intrrolutt.l •1011 For rule by Agricultural Dealers BAUGH & SONS, MAsrrec•rcunne, Office—No. 20 B. Debimare PAibura tuzir Li cm NIIILLERSTOWN SAVING HANK, 31ILLERSTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. in•tlin! ion will Un opened no or before the Inc doy of Apil. Morley will he token on depooll vt all ilia. sod in sly onion tram one dollar upwordo, for which SIX PER CENT. INTEREST p.r annum xv:11 bo h p .11. um• hn withdrawn at nny time. Al.o, manor louttud .mluu ,I1V1:1,11/10 t. .104 E; WICILER. l'resitient. . FIt•NILIN 6111111V1i. ell/ h • - .1. F. M. lill!ifert. Georg. Ludpit. ~.4.,r101t 11. Y..b..t. Chrt4lau H. liouctluger. Ih.• cl 11..qatir. WII limn H.alldur, - 1... 131,51,01, .. (F.D.. F. 6zo , r, ItarminT. Ilertlog, Meuinutht .I.l4l4moyer. JamPANlngmalater. tnAr leaks, Vrofc,sstonal earbS. ii.11111114...tr0g1,er..51.1 floor 01, llou.t, it:biliowii.Pa. May 1,1 1 .... ih•fillano • I ~ 111 1 11 / " : ' !.‘ . : 1 %%. F. I • •ti 1;1,111,1 iall :11 Ik'r'IVICNEVS it A ND AT LAW, 1... 1/111c.., N.. I 1,. Ildur L• , 11 4.. M. I:t %K. ,1, i ll •, , , tr, F. A. IZ. BALDWIN. I C. II ILASBEICGEIt A'rrolltNEY . cr .‘w • , •... 1 °lrk, I A1..,;:s ito%VN, 2. ' 1 4 ` J. 310103:..11.1"11111CNE1 I.AW. • A 1.1.1.:, 1•.1 Ea.( !jaw n. ~,,, • Fila 4:. NCIIIVAILTZ. VII"rOICNIEV _AI Al LAW, lillittl.S • building, lib.th and Hanslltott ;greet-, utda,ae the Allll,ll ,I 1 Hotel, Allentown, Penns. te...,,, end nel lilt. •p01....11. t:ollCrtiOltn dt Leaigh aud adjutent contain , plonk htly ;Metaled to. VESIb lEfiltlit 11. RUPP. A'rEDIVSET N-4 Al LAW. titlice, with Min. Joint D. Miles, Ali . hiwu, _ Q.1011:E1..t. BUTZ. AII."TOIINEY AT k 3 LAW. it w.kh P. Wyrkkat....PP , Pethn K.Erte AI.I.I.NroWN, FIRE INSIUIt- LEitili VA1.1.1.11( . ANCE PAN l', AItItIiNTONVN, l'A. (Mire over sevt.tsl attonst Ilattk. Itt•utett property ttgainst lost. by tivt °lt the ',orb trtutsal plus. C. S. lictot, Prer't EIIZIEMI BE.WIFEL LIFE LIKE. P . CA IZTES PE V ISITES. ir.2 PER DOZEN. All nvgatives regi,tor...l. E. W. DrECAW, ALLEN 'floWN, l'A.. DROPER. ATTOR NET AT LAW. • mitt., with 11. Kuntz, Log— SWIOIOOII. Lehigh Pa. tb.ll,to.n. in Lehigh. Net - am:opt. anti ben c..ubti , . proteptly ,Itteuded LISII A "'ORR EsT, ATTORN EY ANN COUNsELLOR AT LAW, Nu. Wext 11.11111 Va. trio .14-If (L t' HA MERSLY, ATTORNEV I_IL , • AT LAW, CATA ,, AUQUA, PA, ion 14-'o4f - - - - - - r11110:11 AS B. MI ETZGEIt Al"r()It. NEN' r LAW. ALLENTOWN, PA. No. tC, mu) 21.'69 = ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN. suuvEvon AND CoNVEVANCER 4 AGENT Fon THE tim.E. op REM, ESTATE. ,liou Alletituwn, 1 4 - 101 , 1111% ALBRIGHT. ArI'OUNET L AT TAw, OOPS die Collll ilt/UP. Al ThAToWN I,IIIItY 13-'O.O-ly • • Law Alloy, nouth ALLZ:i- Elk) 111.41:%1,4 j 01112% it. fi'• Olt:t AA . 1..5. 'I, • i•o• a- 0. A UFA 31 WOOl.llll li lt. All" 101 16 I% EV .1 - 1. .0 I.A 1.1. t. lire Col. flout,. Al. i-q. 1,21.:010161.; 14. A. A'I"r4)IINET l_A A I hA k M. NO", e LAW AlleY. AL WA) EVI 13101'Elt, AvrouNilir AT I'N, N; C,,rurr uJ ; ~, tav ul ot-avut.at Juliu-1 DR. C. lir.Lms, suRGEON DEA I A. ii. unialu'ft .1“111.11, Ao. Eit.i F. \VA VA. CDLTON ASS()LAATION al1111,011 . 1•C non of tillrous oxide goo, ad notostel it in die twist liolouer, isit-1441‘ thiuo bin I'ISAU V oust dory cuiletoly Jotial WITSIOU I*PAIX, eve door oignAtureo ul tho OFFICE, Nui 737 WALNUT SMELT bidito Etultt L, Plolodelidox• iutiCALly Eliatcbc.s anti 3cturtru. ECLDELL ed.. CO. .1 I.; NV EI,Elt S, AND =I POUTERS, 902 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, 111`;;;T-CLASS GOODS VARII.I - 2 OP (301,D W A rIVI I ES, DIAMONDS, EW ELEY, SILVER W ARE, W E DDI NG SILVER, PLATED WAKE, CLOCKS, BRONZES, FoIIEIGN FANCY GOODS, FINE PAINTINGS, &c., All per•iine, tell ly rine artlclen, reliable In ti n ii iity nod mo i ler-mt. in pr ceenre cortAin to bottle:Rued by ,,,,, yi.trititl collection. Oar *lock ill iskiAway-. y'-.11 itilthtione front first enlace', , nt, -tote i• nrionittnetol M.` of the elegnut In the world any pertie• - lting ihe city are cordtally In vited to roll L. r. ' • ).‘0 .'•l) r AAC K. STAUFFER WATCHES AN!) JEWELRY, N 0.114 Nolan sEcosi)sT.. rob, ov erARRT. PIMA Ann • •••ertnient or Wowlwo, Jewelry, Silver and colt,lattaly ',tut!. r- 0,-Ilop,liritig of W.ticlie, ituil Jewelry promptly att..11(1,1 nuts 11-ly [nlportor of Watohee, —2 Ntarkot St., Pllllntl eflphltf, 4,41 , respoc.ftrly call ettnnt,nn to his 4.c0 anti ~:are, I, so'rctLri a•cck o f V/ATCIIES, JEWELRY, DIAMONDS, Lett,tHtt promptly •1V11.,i to •tol ttcotly &ea KELLER A: nitoTimu. No. er,' 1F1;1' H.I.MILToN 1,2 w . 1111 ro ...1g + nlated rear an nmaull ad AI: alto" •nd lannea, from 1 , . A ~oen GOLD A . ND SILVER WATCHES than call b. , for/110, 14 Any oth, .totela the r!ty. ,JEW 1L Y OP ALL MONS, overt/ do,ription. repaired on Wirt Notice. WAT('HES, JEWELRY, SEINE \ .) PLATED WA CHARLES S: MASSHAr , S t No. 21 Fa.t flatoilton otreot, opio•lte the Gorman Flo formotl Church. A u•t ',tog vet: from Sew York and Phil ndelhhin, all the lateot tyieo • COLT) WA'ITIIES. tTo rs:i',:ro3 , ?e r st;Ve. ".." ‘ " SILVER NV ATCII ES. • thnn Il ma la rg, nha belt anywh, v rYe olortment tidy , W."'h ., ne n GOLD <1 ENV ET,RY. , 111 La. tho largo,t ouS asoortnient of •11 Mott. Golit .lowelq. • GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY. Ile II:. a target . ..l better assortment of all kinds of 011 e Eul litted Jl•welry " than v. be tuund ebowbern. SIIXEIt AND PLATED ti AUE. Ile lurn a+pL mild a,ortidout of Savor dud Plated Ware. Aul Peron do.llllll, gouda it thin Jake cad not fall to. In, auifrd. A tat per a ort went than at •n y other r otabll.h went. I 311:1.01)EONS. A e,plml,ll,lu,ortincut ”f Princo'x Nelmloons, thx 1..01 in the world. ACCORDEONS. A P•plrutli , l assortment of all kiud• of itrvirdimnr. His establishment has ingot). horn 0111.11 and Is now coed hrtione in New York owl Itkd upend of anythhigoittiode the large rim s. 114' hro. x 1.14 4.,. .LucK ..r fashion ablo good, In his line than all othr. In Lehigh county condoned, To convince yourrel yen of thr above AvicvnioN, 1101P4EILEEPEUN CHAIRS ! CHAIRS ! CHAIRS I It EU BEN SI EGER'S Chair, fetter, etr., Suleeroom t• NO. SS WEST . 11AMIIATON STREET, A faA ao.TA..bos'e Eighth avec% and altnoeldlevetly op. poatto ilanenhorlCA hotel: where he w:ll he ple.wed to attend to nit ratio Irons NIIO dl..lllV.Vll , 'llg to tde Inc. mar 11 or 1114IIIIHN KEEP ONLY THOMAS W. DAILY =I ALLENI'OWN, C LOCKS, SILVER WARE CLOCKS ALLI?tTOWN, PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers