Yrl? ) i . o . ( l , 4 lctiistcy. M . 111.1411E1, EVERY WEDNEADAT nT 13E11T REDMA,, TERMS, t 2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. nj Witte!' dlsvontlnued until all are:mu:es urn except at the option of the pahlh,hers Our embeeribera who do not leeeive their papers regulnrly wilt confer a greet fever upon Us by tending n nid to this office. Subncribere a b out removing will please fiend us theinold luidrens.as well as the new. TUE (11' ISM .1". W. Wood trill preach n sermon on the tleoldt I.f Peter llankee, At the Presbyterian elistrch on Fifth street, on Sunday morning next, at 10 o'elock. The members of the Band, Fire Company, and of the other organizations of which M r. liankee was a member, are earnestly requested Ebb:Ha i It IleCitt. 34uljunoiselle Zoc - tntl her well-known New York . Thentrienl Company will give two enter tainmentA in Ilan this and to-morrow eve Robb yy The German Lutheran Church, on Eighth aired below Hamilton, was entered on Friday night of last week, and the box placed In the ye,- tibule to receive coot rlbutlou9 for the poor, wrench ed off and ils vont unt4 Pt nien. Thrtian At a meeting of the Laurel rill. Company, Lehi at York one evening* list week, rehnintions werf Tarred expreAslng the thanks of the company to the firemen sowd citizens of Allentown for the generous hiropititlity accorded in them during their recent, vielt. • • Utra,pf - at A rlioth d luring the early part of last week some evil stiqtomal persons attempted to fin unorenpled house belonging to Mr. T. J. Keu,inzer, on the corner of Linden Mid Second Areetf., ho making a tire of paper and FlLlVings ou the floor. The at tempt to [ire the handing %\': utumeeei4ful hut the damage done to the houne and garden amount.; to ieNTral hundred dollare. iiirmrtl Opening of the olllent•grn Female Col lege. Tithi institution which has existed in our midst for some time was Introducie 1 to the public Wcifiktedny afternoon, by a formal opening en it first-oluno Female Colltyr. The proves-ion, con sisting of the Trustees and Faculties of thin and Thildefiberg Cidlege, City Connell, Clergy, Speak ers. line, fit:Weids of the College and citizens, was foronol is the College groundn, on Fourth street, miles toe diretithei t i Milyle Good, and marched . to the Cram The exerei-es, which eon. of 4111011 g trail Illideen..s, were highly inter entinij, and lintened to by It large an.l appreciative anillues, the Court House being well filled. The mnsie Woe rendered by the young Indies of the college, under theerlickot leadership of Prof. C. F. Herrman, and a most 11,111dr:dile feature of It A ()EMMA SMAritt..ll . that It was all of It elinrchly character and On Wednesday morning nn accident hap well rendered. pencil on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, at hr. Jiuhleulcrg, President of Mohlenberg Col- Coopersburg, whirl!, fortunately, involved no loss lege, delivered it very 11 pjirnprtntr prayer, in which of life. An engineer of n co:att . :On left some of his Le devontsolly invoked the blessing of cod upon ea , on the man track, and While he was hacking all connected with the meth orlon. i ton siding, the broken of one of the earn govt Rev. T. c. Apple, D . D., President of Mercers- i way and the ears which had been shifted ran into burg College, delivaed, iin aide address, in which I the balance or the train with grout force piling op he , et fOllll (ho iwportaner of a thorough Christian j and destroying tight or ten ears anti wrecking the kai , e• The pc. Poi Pectin I-,e" j cab of the engine, the roof of which descended connect and hhhk"ut which li would he upon the head of the engineer though ilia inflict wet, torah elill.leet• - 1 With ( . 0111111e pia ing a very serious Injury. The grade at that place Into practkal elfect• is sVly.fcet to the mile, which gave the ears eon- Rev...T.Beck,oT Easton. limn liiiiiaved with some sib rithle momentum. The passenger train anent of tile steel iiinvements of the formation of this I Bethlehem at 12, neon put bad: two-hours and in-ui nil iu iii Allentown, and some humoroui de- failed to make vonnection whh the 1.. S. train lineations of his idea of " Woman's Rights," In iv:dch he mottle some earititi lilt.. The speaker proved conclusively that woman had a right to live, and to he eiluented to the fell extent of her <a parity anti sphere In life." ikilentown Female College Is now a fist ore in 0111 . 1111114. It lea, publicly intro.ine:sl to the stun -timidly last Wednesday as a lived fa-t. it iilread3 numbers ,aiventy young holies as its stuileids. It lets a full and efficient Fuenity of Professors, fur iiinhing the young lulus of Allentown nail Lant ern Pennsylvania the hest of opportunities for a I borough .Christian - and tins.ic edueation. It is earnestly hoped that these privileges and superior advantages will lie eminneed, and that our citizens will extend to the imtitutiou that encouragement and patronage which It deserves from them Court Pooreedihip David Wllllanin agt. , Allen Xander. . Ejectment. Drought to recover possession of two has of ground lying In the Borongli of Slatingt on. Davhl Willl nms, the plaintiff, e 0 the agent of TIIOIII,IS Para•, sold defendant iu l'ehrua ry, I SOl, Iwo Loin on Ma in street, Slatington, del.ohlaut paying plaintiff $lO on account, for which the following iceelpt, was• given: " Slatington, Feb. 11th, IRI3. Received of Allen Xander, tell dollars on Iwo lots of •10 feet front each, nn the tnain road. next to Mr. Wood ring's lain... The whole annual is $O3O each, or for the t wo. Deed h. to lw given hy Thomns W. Parry about the. first 0.1 .1 twit next, when the whole amount Is It he pail The party huys the property in to pay for ninhing the deed and the I;4werunlent ettUnp. " Ravin ' The parties Dot being ready to give and take the deed on the lst of April, ns per .erintraet, defend. of went Into possession. May !fist defendant tendered the money for the deed, and again on the :nil, when a deed wac tendered containing a eons dittos that the purchaser should 6ulid tvithin a year front the date of deed. Defendant refused to take such a deed, but still ref . ..v.4'4.10t deliver up the property. Consequently this action was bronchi to recover the possession. Plaintiff alleging the above reeelpt was procured from him h.! , fah • representing that he would build oa Enid (Muhl. , three, tory'liriek building, and that lie would lure =old oa no other terms. Plaintif rontriteted with Parry that the purchaser Omuta imunqi.ktuly proceed to build On the lots, so that sorroandluff property might be oillanced In vnltte. Instead of Imilding upon the lots. opened n lumber yard, and used the lots I'm that panto:, ever shtee. Verdict for plaintiff Roth, Grim Co. up. Af•a Balliet thin was loying•ht to recoNer dalllageS hUS laiued by plaintiffs by oil stock token from defend ant as part porch:nie money on a furls Ntiii to con lulu iron ore, told by plaintiffs to defendant. allegc that defendant guaranteed the 01l ,look to he ourtli its pat value, with interest, in els inott!lai frOla tittle of halo. The stoelt titoylna worthless, tilailititrs I,rotialit suit to refiver. Des fenlant alleges in Itis defeat, that plaintiff's Villa slulently reptanented the farm so la .lefentlant eon. tainoillron Ore ht large it:131106o, whieh Induced Liw to purchase. That. Iriviti.g soak several i-litifts tont Ilialiug 110, ore as represented, he has sustaluecl damage. The Jury io this care WaF cusp; tied Friday evening, Nov. ;all. Now on alai. M.S. Young & Co. agt. J. Allen Kramer. Sch.,' jo,ia4 ts r .Ifachitiars Lien. After empanelling n jury 11, parties settled. John Stahluecker agt. Thomas I)err, tnrnl bee e,f :Nathan Taylor. Plaintiff suffered non suit. Erur.:d Selman aut. Anent non Cnimet Band. Plaintiff brought salt to ropnver t'2sG.l.)ti and in terest, being halo ne.. due him in sale of musical inrtruments to F.ai..l Baud. Defendants alleged !hot the imtruments n ere not American nianufac t ore as they were represented to he, and'lliat they were Inferior Instruments, Trial ocmpleil tno days. Verdict tor plaintiff, ,one cent and = ttttt Long :fgt. Baer and tern , tenants. Scfrefarlas sue .11rehaulex Mtn. V.•rdtet for plain till' for .$24.80. Appeals from Justices. Daniel Yawl: no. The McDowell Slate Company. No. M. Sept. term, Verdict for &Nuhint. Willoughby Wiwi agt. 'rile Allentown Rolling MIII Co.. No. 'JO, Nevi. term, !bite. Verdict for defendant. William Noll agt. Motu Soil. Actiou for di- VowOe. Court having conalilereil the' deposition; buying - been Med. the aPP ll,Oll ' n W" 0 MI the other ease, , tot the trial blot Pr the Lace been settled ur The Sheriff ark:owl:Aged the following deeds : To S. R. Engehnan property of 11. D. Kramer. To G. Weltzle, property, of Stephen alias John Maurer. To S. A. Bridges, property of Charles McCarthy. To .Jaerd: Relebard the property of Jar oh Smith. Srde of Loam.. • E)IANUIPATION DEMoN•;TRATION. At the regular monthly meeting of tile An enutneipation dernowdrathm Lj the col ored people throughout the State will he held at American Loan and Building Astmelatlon, held an Monday evening, nine shares were nold—qbeee al IlarriOnirg, on the lath Intdant. ' ttiri, three at it9:l and three at $7B. 11.11I\ DEMIIto )11: ED. 7' he Sem Commkßioner. The barn Hl' Benjamin Schumacher, in Low- Stephen Kern, the newly elected Commis .hill timphhip, this vouilly, was destroyed by tlr, on Tuesday evening. ' A large amount of hay nod stoner, has been sworn In In place of Daniel Focht, 1 straw Wets totally enusumed. 'I he -table and eon whose term had expired. The boanl has doide• tents was folly insured. . • the following appointment% for the ensuing year: , Clerk, Lewis M. Engletnuti ; Solicitor, Peter , .“ cIDENT. Wyckoff; Jon Physician. Dr. A.. 1. Martin ; liter- On Tuesday, the 2(.1 inst., a boy ten years eantile APPrals,4:Charlesll. Blank. , i old. son of n ivoihman ou the Allentown Railroad, , ro I Hug near Shaer% mill, In Grecnwhich town- Another rork Pis% Company visits Allentown t sh i p, „,,, o„, t by the n eebb.„,„l , i1 „ i „„.,,, of „ —Their Rerepttnn piotoi wideli he carried In his isa.ket, the bullet The Vigilant Engine Company, of York, ar- ' 1 slging in his ,itte. It is . feared that the wound . rived in our city on Thursday last, nn a visit, and 1 will prove fatal. left again on Saturday morning. They numbered : laLAt. ENTATI.: about fifty members, and were accompanied b'y Frederick Eberhard has sold a farm or about the Spring Garden Band. They ids° brought their , tlfty acres. situated at Stendon, on the Lehigh and steamer with them. The Fire Department turned Susquehanna Railroad, to J. W. Grubb, for itgd,- Oar to receive them and made a handeanat parade. The Columbia, Good Will, America, I.lhert y and . s°° ' Reuben Miller has sold his house and lot nu Vigilant Steam Fire Company, of the Find Ward, I Main Ktrect, Elnan, , . to John Boinat. of safi s imey, were all represented In the line and the entire rip: El, IflU. pandits of the Department was Out, with the ex ' f or Wm. , Chapman has ' , ought r.r Samuel Seem the ception of the Good Will Steamer, which is now at ' Seneca Falk undergoing alterations. The visiting store stand, dwelling, 111 the borough of Chapman. The Chapman Slate Company will firemen were the guests of the Good Will and were hereafter keep the store, hat Ing bought out the entertained In a manner for which the latter g" Benjamin and nXtliren AS they Fa th.d. Company Is no famous. Benjamin Kistler of this city, has sold his heatt - - tifttl house and farm, containing fill items, in Hei delberg township, to Nathan Snyder, of Weisel'. berg, fur $4525. ' A. T. Kleckner sold to Caleh Rinker a house and lot on Ridge Avenue, In First Ward, for $925. Obituary Oliver A.. Ritter, a Avell.known tinti highly respected citizen of Allentown, died at his rest- j deuce, on Wednesday, after a lingering Illness. I ills remains were interred at the Eaton Cemetery on Saturday, and were followed to the graVe by a large enneourse of eitizeni and the members of the Masonle Order of this city. Ile was engaged with Samuel Mellow. Esq., In the manufacture of lire brick, up to the time of his death, and leaves a large fortune as a result of unceasing energy and attention to business. Peter A. [Linke, also a well-known resident of our city, died on Sunday„ from that most ferrittle disease, enttumption. lie was hurled nn Tuesday, and his funeral was attended by the Colittnbla Fire Company, and a large number of relatives and friend,. lie wae leader of the Chy Cornet Band. NIE oiuNT) =II The Direetorg of the National Bank of Cat nAnnqua have deeiared a +end-annual dividend of five . per rent. I= Messrs. Peter Uhler, Henry Pointer tied John 0. Wagner, of Easton, have organized an Iron Company and will proceed immediately to the erection of a blast furnace nu a tract of 17 acres of land situated just above. Glendon where the carriage bridge crosses the canal. These cot tlemen represent a gond deal of capital, and have the requisite snap and enterprise in them to make the matter a success. It is encouraging to note Cant lama capital is thus invested. RIO see wish the new company abundant success. WHITE:HALL !TEEN On the Slit of last month soon , perstzs en tered the cellar of Charles Sehlerrr, In Whitehall, and ,tote therefrom a whole beef, which Mr. rer had killed only the day previous. Steps taken to apprehend the guilty parties but re sl unsueressful by. the same night a ert of new single harttets was stolen from the stable of Robert Rhoads. anit~ On Various Improvements are being made in the neighborhood, among which may be mentioned the Park that Mr. John Leisenring is establishing: The new brick house now being built by Stephen Kleppinger Is nearing completion and will soon he ready for Its intended occupants. The new saloon of David Peter will be opened to the public In a few weeks. TILE BEST TIME ON RECORD Mr. Hobert Bonner last week drove the Bogert colt (a five-year old by Major Winfield), at the Foshlon Course, to a road wagon, making a half-mile In 1:11.Ini. The first quarter war made In 37 and th• second in 34 seconds, The colt Was then put ton light sulky, and John Murphy, the relebratea horseman, drove him one mile In the extraordinary time of 2 minutes 1911' seconds. The.firrt quarter was made In 36 seconds, the see and In 341 i, three-quarters of 0 mile In 1:43, and the last quarter In 34!y SPOlllld. This Is probably the best limo on record for a five year old. The feat was witnessed try Messrs.' Humphries, Simmons, mad W. Vor6t. Gond Judges are of , the opinion that the Bogert colt will one day al -1 taint to the title of " Kim:nor thu Turf," now held by Dexter. =I The Pottstown Ledger sacs the track laying on the Colehrookdale Railroad Is now about com pleted to Mount Pleasant. live allies beyond Boy ertown. and thirteen mile.- from Pottstown. Id a few day,. it it expected, the passenger :tad freight trains tanning to Itoyertownovill extend their trips In that point. The new road, we have understood, is not to he built beyond Mount Pleasant at this time, bat it is probable that it will not be long ere it is run on to liosensnek Gap, where the Perklo men Road will he eottneeted with It, forming aline to be extended to the East Penu. Railroad at or near Emus, and opening up a short route to the Lehigh Valley and New Sprit. The freight and passenger budittese of the Coletwooktinle Railroad, since its being pia in operation to iloyertown, has been very cousiderable—much larger than was expected, but when the trade of the rich Iron ate country that lies around Mount Pleasant le thrown upon it, Ile tonnage and travel will certainly be greatly Increased. The mines of that section arc being extensively worked, aud . the ores which have hitherto found their way to destinations by lento- Ng, will nowhe carried, by railroad, at far cheaper rates than by the old process. It la probable, too, . that many ud . ditional operations wilibe commenced In the vicinity, tending to developthe rielt stores of Iron which lia embedded in that region. Alto , gether;the prospects of the new . Railroad are very. I favorable Indeed. SEE HIHCE:LLAN EOM Tile Slatington Brass Band le progressing rapidly In the art of music. The Iron to he used In building a bridge over Trout Crcek,at Main Street, Blatington,ls expected to he ready for operation to commence In a few' w echo. The new. Lutheran and Reformed Church nt Sllrtingtou will be I:inhaled In the course of a few wuelo:. The Noes lays when completed, It will he one of the tineit structures In the Stntei !t Is "said Northampton County lost 00,000 by the late freshet.. It coeds $26,000 a year to run the Scranton Daily Repub/ican. . The paper )unt entered upw Its third year. The Bauer Family 1011 give a rural /tad Intilrit mental concert In the Court IV,e next Friday evening•, . . The old depot of the North Pennsylvania Rail road, at Doylestown, has been removed, and the D 01100,1( of that place takes credit to itself for the ehanes. It is only one of the 11111110 . min hillki,ro tueuts which the Caturany is constantly making, 1101. e *1 which were brought ahont by . the how). craf or any other patter, butt whizit were warranted hy the growing prosperity of the road. • . The new fifteen-cent notes are objected to by many buninssu meu—for the reason that they break the uniformity of our ;:urrency. We will continue to OffiVe them Ira any. amount for debts due thin eitahlinbineiit• Entztotro Ir to tot7r a tA•rmau and English weekly newspaper. The ropor: that n 'I,IIIY le to be published there 16 without romhbalon. The amount of Berko county'a debt paid off dur Inc 18119 t $R9.7.R5,136. leaving the debt P 145.000 THE . LEI UGH 11,1441 S .‘ver the Lehigh Valley Hailrond fur the week ending, Oct. 30, ISII9, eom pa re..l with ■lllllr tlmr f:ltt year For W.... 1,. l'oar Tea. Total Nlitlialloy• 1'.2,A1:4 .01 :;77,tiTO CO '• . Beaver .Mentlow... 11,!?76 111 347,1156 (17 Maliell Chunk 103.1 694,13 I:piwr I.chigh 6.541 11 " Ilnz'..•toir 701,755 17 ‘• Wm]llig. :1116,0116 16 (;rued total Some tim• 166'. EN= 1.E.111011 ALLEY IRON TRAM. 19g nit tra n sported aver the Lehigh Valley Italleqad Ce. ttor the week ending ni.t. 23, 11169. Frtim Tour. Carlton Iron l'o 95 Lehigh Valley Iron Co :Int TlMma , Iron Co Lehigh I Iron Co 741 Allentown Iron Co 15 t llohert4 Iron Co 00f 1 Glendon Iron Co 19, t Lehigh Iron Company 5 : Bethlehem Iron Co I Other Shipp-wet 114: Total F .............:a. A NIAUNIFICINT MI:11101 , 11F LIWITINO Yesterday say, , the ItetulittL , . there was to :it the 10,,,• ! . depot new anti niagnineent pa,teloter ear. built by the Penntyl raffia Company at their shoy I t Altoona and one of a lot of forty %Odell they are note eons 'alrueting to he run hettvemi Pittsburgh and New York. The appointment , of this splendidly 1111- i:dual vehicle attracted general admiration. The ear in lighted ,illll gilS, It 110111111' chandelier being placed near either end of the deck, rontaH- Ing two glass tt'oltes. The i• 111 healed by stoves, anti water in ,upinied 1111 nprfcht eytholer at one end, designed to he filled front abort.. The Howard" ventilator- are pineed along the ' , ides of the dunk. This maiJ ' nitleent speeimen of 55 001111a110.11111, We understand, cost $O,OOO. It was scut hither for the purjosc ofshaving itiljtisted to it the coati tarsiwil gas cylinder for Ilflitlng, insert upon the Beading road will, 50 lulleh 0110er/0 for .the past tell yeal+. Ti llee 1111 1510 attar roads in the country, we lire iv.fortned, that trite employed the gas system of car lighting, the i'aniden and Ain- Irroy. and the l'antrxylvania rantral, neither ci' which, however. obtain their supply upon exactly the same 1110111011115 the 11.ea11114; road, the cylin der upon their cat, living stationary lio-tead ui portable, and tilled at particultlr points during the stoppage of the t r ain, whereas upon our wen 00,1 these are tietnched when the supply is es haunted and tilled and again adjusted to their Platies UP desired. 'the method of tilling: theta is of come latorsr. lu tire 001 , 1'00 rdmp at the lower IlepOl lids 1500/4 Is performed. A tore, pump t,r wthelt orlinary steam gunge is attached, f..ree, the gas front one attic city service plpex Into two vertical troller cylinders. each about 3 feet in diameter and 11l feet in bight. t•lf acting, valves leading front the top of these open loin a tiring conduit pipe passing outside the building and 001111111111iVatIng with Ilae cylinder , to he Oiled. which lire 1 , 11111.1111 a NOV. The 1/111111/ Is worked until the gintgo murk, 1150 pounds to the nrotare inch, rcbich is the pros-lir, of gas to which the ear ry 'hiders are 'stitifreteil. The latter tire ens feet in length, and lire colt ntriteted of Iron one-eighth of an Mein In thickness. The heads ar, made concave, to withstand the enormous pressure. This pressure, which in mode to answer the (Ware of that Wlll/1.11011 to our dwell ings by the Illas,lN"e 14ax ureters lit the gas worn':. i. ,aattiel,Jm to ..uppay nro limitiers In a railroad car fiai ten bane-. To properl r-gatlat..• the tt , the 1. , 11111.1 hi V. , Val for a long time. the great prohkin, the fore.. of the lottllre-,0.! goe le•inh; entirely 11111 peat to utilize it 1.:111 illuminator. To meet thie exigency an iormition 11,11. 1v1111•11, though rim plc, admirably I.ll , Nvel . f. the purpo , c for which it is (I.—ianed. This 1.. the `• Itegulator. — pnteutcd.by Mr. Abraham 11. Superin tendent or •ow 140111) Mid copper ,10.11 of the Com pany in Heading. It eilmi•a+ ol" It 'midi dl.e upon the oppoeite lidr, of the gat. elllool from the cylinder 0011 i. .11 , 1 111101 , 1 1. , 1 1 , 1.• 'owner, and mut:tilling upon ,the 111.1.1,❑ eircular piece of cop per, whielt ‘lelii4 or eontroin. areonllue to coin 'llol, the (lace tchirh 31.011.1,01.1.1 y too strong' 0 head if brought to bear 1114011 0. :111 . 41.. mi llet.. le regulated I.y the lateral pre. -tire, to the rennircil .bilitiard. So well do. tith- little eon. rivituce do 11. 11111 . k ill:11 it I , a head eau .celired until the erlilider 11e,1 eXliall.led. Th.. iis,fuln.—of Inv) talon will rapidly secure it. adoption' upon other rondo upon all parts of the yountry, upon nitiell tat , I. to he Int r11,1110,'11. By the tiituniiiis of modern ineehani-dii, our rails dad ears are 'wing Iransfiirmisl into traVelhig even luxurious liedellambers, heated and supplhil with I:‘ ery Lome ronil'ort. Is ii a tem:der:m.ler these These railing' palaces are illll . ll, that the old fitshiontal rlptignattisi to starting it'll on (I jiiiirney lii hoconto comi,letely --The pr,l.ytelion con IC . time ui EA,4 Anon t.wilship intend to build a chore!. ail 142011 I=l —)lrises. E. and 31. E. AUL dt have bought the foundry of Ai,hntt fi cnntight, In South Bethlaein. I th. title of the firm 1).1%; Ab bott A: Brother. --On foal )11% 01411'41' ft•iTiwr M iller, of towirlilp, was carrying a hag of wheat from the barn of Nir..lo, Levan, of Kutztown, Ms footand 11.• feit and hrolzo hi , leg. • railroad form l'opton to - Ittitto‘vit almost comviti,•(l, and the toeomntive Is (.111.1...1 to Le neon nt IZA117.I.)1 , 11 Ili IL rOW --The Alontgomery county TettelierA' A on. elation wan \reel:, at Norrddowa, and waa very brgely zltlVlllied. It el. Red Friday ithernvn. On Monday of last vrek a tire was dlscover,l In tkelgit School. were of great confusion en sued, all the children tusking for home. Very little danger, however, was done, an it was merely the wainscoting In one of the rooms, retelling lire from the heater NV kirk was not properly regulated. It might have liven serious. A little girl .r.,nei N nliinp, turn ilfllllll , l, 111,311 y CAme to her d'hath last week, from her endeavors to discover whether hrunetplus were .a wholesome article of diet. She did not succeed 111 swallowing more than one or the epnaequentes would have been fatal. Base hall tt played by the flubs iti thk ',felony lo getting to he 0--well. a otti,tner. After the game i= 11Ver. rack party trio., to brillogigatir t h e oth4T. :ld not very ehdlee language is to.ed. If the is title ty brook lip. m• the roughs who nos• rout ore "fooling" the balk and oinking no "Nitrite," Eaton cuftern it lost In the ilaath of Dr. Edw. Swift,, who ilnplirted nth: life on Saturday 41,4, after n few• hours slehliess. Heart disease was tbe cause of Ills 'trail'. He wits n beloved physi cian to ninny 1111)1111(.4 hi Enston and )l urdneiy of Pldt:plctptd n, I=o VINT IN sonic readings to•snorrow We , aTre, to tico holy an Easton audience likes leetual Prl,Awaint. IWPOItT IW C 6.11 1,7.2' , . ( 9 Pi ^lO It; ..14,099 10 '2,069.6'20.03 00.211 05 2,324,047 15 BEBE 2011 lo =V orR NEIGHBORS I= I= I= 001 EASTON COSMIP E ISTON, N.V. 6, 1 bipti IFT, A L LEN 1 N, WEDNESP4. that bnani expanse of wider, we hear the roar a , nie comfort In that hour, as d ory on the verge of --- , eternity, will he trhot hose I for Jesuit? Oh, i caning!. one of the "Cunard - line of i•teanierti 1 'it pay s . tin this world. 14Mur Mil Jpoitta Minn 14 3feelluy of the Mosagotifrey l!,soisty Tearheri I Just sailed as Ilia noon gait nt the 'navy yard was 1 owtrairesitt reward lipee.' 'lint At 'paystu . eternity! institufe—Addreltses oil (Pograpky, Mental fired. There area thontintul hate whirled and in- lirpktiers in-littalyess llfe, consecrate yourselves to Arith nudie, Permit( Teachers, etc. Jeaut! munte.„,..l wills you like t. make money. , numerable hautlkerehlufs waving, its that .grent. lie eurlin from its ' . boat, with the black stno p• . tie d :.Bat 1 tell . you,l never In my life hall such solid NonitnerowN, Noy. 6.—The teachers of this In- eitlafactlop; such unalloy.l4.-444anxtzi ate It t l„ the st Uwe met In the court-house at Norristown on laut;.few .. tuouthle traxelifig , throtgh , the St te, lu statilt, ride. swiftly toward ULMeau. . We watch. ~,,,p erh ,;,,,,ie lit , ;it until it beeotnee ti mere speidc. We tort! tier. w th . a . , .!i t tre t : r Al ie tt r ! g te h t i ± e li c i l y r n el e n v l c o r l cause,(i.l,lltiut,tittrg tile Is( inst. Mr. Rambo...minty going - I*(4th ivlttr earnest faith atulloye and.Lta l t:, opened the priteeeiline' , with an approprinte ml- I faces from this grand tstitoranna anti open the' lii dress, In which he enlarged upon the progress of win ' ' sewlur,theal needs of rightemootess. I meet theta shutter marked "North. " Tile remaining the public ne [l school. of Mont omery count y, pre , - ows I will describe in. a subsequent letter. • and greet them nod take them by the hand, and g ent s inno p ii n,. we strengthen nod cheer rueanothei,tond God lug suggestions rm . their Improvement. ‘ gives us to know the blessed compensntions that Mr. 11. 1,. Gerhart and It. 'i'. lloffecker made . . ... are in sympatSy of mind anti heart in a eommon antogonistie remarks on the Silbjeet ~f Geography. LE9rrEit V 116311 Alin ANS.4S. • work done for Jesus. They tell,me of, thelr l ent , and tritunplo through.Gnea ghee, of the 'mull" et After which there was it ilietrsidon on the guy , - GALL'''. Rue R " (?"' .6, la6 ' - '• , children that are being born into the kingdom, and lion, "Should pupils he required to prepare their if,.. imu n ,. : —Th e ! wa vy • awl obscure amnia., my - whole soolgites out with theta And is refreshed studies out of ....hoot i" The :tegument,. were which have overshadowed the wild and immtlight- :as in gardens or spices. Oh, this work pays! It mninly on the affirmative Aide a the question. ' linainess men, who work .. hard for the cord State of Arkansas ever sites its settlement ..1n3.1•1 odd. work Jinni tor Jesus. (dye Yourselves. prof. N. A. Calkens made some remarks wpm! by the whites, are slowly but surely disappearing, (ice rs i f i r lima Give' hilt ithodaa. yourselves. ntaf Ow l'ellnale In New York wiry, ~haling lint ,1300 told signs ,if future greatness are plainly viable. talents. Give your sympathy and presence end teachers were therein - employed, with 100.000 There is pude t itiv„ito state in t h e l'illon. wills the counsel-, to li d s work. Set the eitainple. flu Mid. Gather/Your children on the school roll. New York has to eXCeptl. , ll a virgioia, that h:,, ...torero! to such ma , , , ~ ~ 1 1:11 .' 1 1 l ' n r. " 111 ' 11 . 1 g l i t '.1 1 I , l s l V -1.1 pours el l ..' ' l ‘. . ' s . n I I tau full!! Vnay! "Normal Sellools" -01 4 two grades, priniar' extent as the State Or Arli:111,:1, IlW,,'IllIrilIL! the 11 ' ,111 , 4 ~Nlll riljlWilli,bll.Z.,,p4ur,togalfird flier ' anti grammar. The pupils enter the primary h o l e re h e in o ,,, Th e „ ; „ . I,„.hy ~ ,r 1,,,,. „,„,,, ~,r , . , .flush l in e put kit, ri nd !iii w h i dt h ral w , will he school at roar yearA Of age 111111 remain there until slain ; her thd i l. were Inid wasteolearly onerythillUrev o lptiouiz.ed through . tic ' iniltteilef. of these 'lll. l ssed Sunday School labors." their tenth year. After'spending four years in tar of any value was deff ',yeti ; and defenceless men. Yours truly A. .1: Bit El NIG. I •or. Sec grammar school they graillutte. Ifs afterwnrils H i t t i ,,,,,r, ~,1 , , 1,„,1 „ rr h e d „; I h s . •• w{, ; ,., of T. ii• m ,,,,,, i, ri .„ 1 ,,,,,,,. , Ppl.kl . On till' subject of " Oldest Lessons." form- Lire," wore lirittAlly mitrilereil. \l the elosn of Cii ivi . a IV ii•Li in', Sei'rei.Q • In a deplorable t the l‘io.. e5a1.1111 ,, ,,, 11111 113 ing a class from the member, of the Institute to tic War illustrate 1.1•• method of b.:telling this interesting the untiring irxi•rtion , iif ii,r la , i isnizen. she ha branch of elllwatinti, and Illeatiolled the 111 1 1 ,1111- made cupid in lv i ini•entents, ittlil now oiler- •Irong alive of teaching the sound o f 1,-,,,•,,. ti c . :Udell iirdllevilletiln fo evict-pH:4m: men N, 1 ' 1,11111 , y -.ea 111 ow i ii the N,,, y„ r k sw i„„ i i, si ll nations sin . ti . is _ so Irate their „ ors iis , s . si iss ~,steel! loos ~..... ~.1 G.sio• - n Of 111 . 111 - 11 * S 811111, and Stationery doer. resented, even the little t'llittese. - paddle their men e.t1, 0 • ,- in 1 Ile .011111-We...1. ~,,,., ~,,,.1, „ 1 ...1 w ,, h ,„,..h., i n . 1r ,,,,,,,, , hi,,,,1, ' . profe s mr iliekok dellVered an eXtellll l .l , lll ,ll, tier mineral resolirccs :Ire 01l a parallel Willi 1 1111,,11 1,001,, inu•th, pallet; and cards at C. F. lien-mantis Address on Popular Edueation, advocating the or MisnOttri.latt arc novas fully develop ii. Score, NT ~,,i,, z ., 10 ,-,.. A11,,,, t ,,,,,,. eflieleney of female teachers and the neersslty of of eliligrants are. weekly 1 , ,,,...11114 1111 die A rkansas "' boner; ,' i .. tore, inereasing their salaries, roncluding with tut River. with the intention of eettllog . in- the State. f ii ,./ ling-010s .-ei-ore 0 the //..e;!,, Stu annolint Illukt ration of the sentiment that '• .5 some luring their famines with them: while otheiii., ... come ill lind in home, and afterwards return for „.......... little learning Is 'a dangerous thing." Poeket-Pooks at alt iniiii:i :II Iredell'. Biol. told Mr. llottek. Deputy . State Superintendent, nettle their w lye. and little any., A vast number !'l Stationery Store. sonic Oily nail Interesting remarks upon Aritlone- them are from Gedrgia, and nearly all served in tleowommentling " Mental Arlthmotir" to be the the Rebel Army t vet all, with the exception of it n,i),,t. of Italian Violin s . i.ritigii, violins, flutes, most potverfnl auxiliary employed tt qoployed ht teelting a few ...neaking and cowardly assassinsaire pc:tee: article dile etc.. or any other ticle beloitglittr to initsical ill- correct idea of the English latignage emote.: the ' and law-abiding. Quite in tlinniu•rpr ~hi r..,id..iii• ,11 . 11111e111 , , van lie houghtehcaperitlitm anywhere German population' of Penm•ylvankt, but warned of this eotinty remained true to the old nag. and else, at G. l-' llerrstinuo"u4t.titie Stqre. A 'lento++ n. teneher. against devoting to o much 0.?„.. 10 t his i pr o + ed their ildelity by tau-ring in the Union Artily. 17,,„p PO eqol . 01;a1/S.—A...6111111t,rced :, octave study, to the negleet of orthography, grammar : After their return to their homes, its Might nottir- or. , itu at ;`4O. A double reetl:Oigliti:4ltli 5 elope. and kindred studies of equal Importance.' ' ally be ex P'eted, throats wet , ' relwat'llY """l° and nit g{ 20. A powerful organ Ivltlrl,egoin at .!..Itin. S. T. Kirk, Superintallent of Burks f'ounty, , occasionally carr i ed into exec Minn, that 11111 e,,, at C. F. Herrmann's, cornur 7 .... 4intid AVnlatit. .\l made an able address. asserting that the army Y 1 they.lefi for more congenial climes. they would 1,.„ 1 ,,,, • EDUCATION leaving , could Jn more than 1% S. (,ra n t. 'l'h..3. .ittr..r the Vettp•attly 111 . thine hearth... , Wri.l,llu,. Fir"• pt . 114:111V , ;m.l i . :17.0N al Iredelth‘ Book aml would prevent rebellion, which iii, better than lii termed nuo•rillii.. The latter 1 , 0011 tiscertailled. Ni 1 1 , 1 , 1,,, it by force of ant-. This ,tatement on h o ver vets. that it ivan not adyi.nble to hid: ttg11111:.t _• _ the edurational Interval.. of nor Stale and nation the government. anti they are I , O I V enarting the emsms inr (;0,0,10,9 /Logirs, Pripet, 0 ever was etnquentlY exl t r ut e -r d , e u" e l tit t ed It Y - t ut ' favor ,v11. , 111 they P,ruicrly hoed kind, Irartln , material., ;Tationery for Millet!, lug why the proles , ion of tinning t, not in liberal filmoting a 11 , :tri . it —, frequent ; Ye t penkiticui, nrisnura, ra Zvi, and pocket books eau profession. 1., bet•ttuse tettelters liner not triad,. it iw ~,red man is a. 111::tle to bilet h e d oI but k ' s he found in Varitt:'‘' nt limit:ll's Stationery Store, aa• day. ago. The reltietanc o e Id , relative, to gilt, .to oth ll onitg formerly occupied by Young & Lentz. I 111 u I el , lll 111E1:1 i• I • . t• they littil rut betii hi, t i rivik• The :With .1 rianCo.—Lincicrinan & Gold .1% .ILLENTONILIN Anitl►.ll). rendered more ,lineking fruit the thil Ihut the Nednlryeloiil Mime, i•fink liniong the uufuHwine , hum W.lr. Lrartic iolns i eate d n l ih rlhie,i thi• country. Their brilliancy . . • • .• and .dl. ue I. 11411 U.hen iiiiiieert WIZ tool. tie dcparturt fur a v..orld tc lieut., uo ra r o ter . grant l' rims nt t nu t c is price. • u n - Monts oft Ids celebrated make have been sold In I • aura tam. n. Inßtt. return , . The t hat anti itriinot the mil) remind- • Till: Vint,. .k Ileut its% it. I.chlgh am! adjoining countlek than of They eau Inc used many ers our U t refUthers did dm Inn the Itevolu- . will anitoulaedl) move a save,— in this Stale. It • n "Y """ ufacture • years and not become any, t its nuaa other plaut. thin, here There are several houses j meet. with :t i,reat yet I °hi I,lool:tut:wet "lie ;WI whiell ire t 'happy to iitxt,. t h e iu only it rt., and tAttilitile them . al I'. I•'. Hennatut's Store, "ith and %Veinal streets. MEE A 111011:. ahem i. lOW 1•1111 ,, I1 'l 4 It rapidly volt Fen's Vankre Ir•Ilf•r" well 1.11..wn :1, reld of all , dared s id ro o t on h er ..,d; flow Ageatii.oit has an i.•teuillee elilya and glivisleare of ow 1:1•4 contury.and as the lu were I "'" I ' ll ' h"" 2 "' " " "" 1"Y ""d un 1""' kep.purt tin; ly prisono - 4 eapi t need Sriiia • whit o Prather-:ire in great iloinand all 0 011 lonks hintingly ou t liver the Mato. Those from the Ildtereity or upon Brighluu -treet• asking the li•ear% . and lowa i 'hi' Stile i NV."1""1"" ty to a cohifortahle homy . It is l ion used FWVlrnly - fly , to ninoty dollar. per month. hoard piper-A g priyntr boa rill mt Long, hr,;pulrnil mit I. very or : tatie,. 1 ain told, is tle , ' , line a, in Sine , the 11,.. a ery While the officer.. Woe , kept boro• tho private. , - • "- the ' It %reef. I:ert in lut rruck... i I..tt '4...0 oi. 11, 1'4".".' -` - ......... - curlier uf I nn lc acct kilo , .. as Mail. owl 1.....:.., : re., hi• tru., 111.., :IF, a' r' - 1 pail' aft V. 1,1,, ti ..t ,v.h. , v ril n• th,r, rr•idrut its Ow city, thnt Cho. Thl, plH , ,` in Mut' rtHettrird by .t ~. .1.., : lud v ;cud nolH,sll. in Hprr,tti , ,H. •ipr.• 1..1 , 1, ... HllO ttrc HU', r , t , n , ...1 . 1 ,1. Ilic. rholi7r . o !Hi h. , t, I'lll,lllly 001 , 1 11,1. , the I bluil 11111 Club Stable. Oil the .IT...it ~ -.id., : 1.4.1" bear ~ I 1 ibc `,link, 1.''..1 , . 1 .1 4 q. ll.' 1. , • ...' d.,.::,, ,• '. .. ' „ ' i 5 ,. ' , " ,, ' ,.,; ' ,; ' ,';',...' . '-':, ".".',..."''' "1" 1 ." :" 1 " . 0i h.,. ,ir..... ti..•r..stundn a 1:. ego ,itiare-e.-...b.d : rl.-lc 11.4.1.• lice for lb.. pur[... , ... IA ai,11...,' ;:, , lt , \ :It- , Br , .. 11.1:,. ,i, ' '' l ' l % ,) l .}ii i i;[7:l . ,:‘ 4 Nk t; i:::.,;_rc ". 2 " ! Ilic a ..1..w..-1r...1.1.... rsire. :Iry V.. 0 cute..., \.. H ~,,i ~, .1 ~, (th u tantit , tt.H.r. I'Lll-.lrlPhin. BEEEINIE lulcr 9""ter'. 116'i" "' I Ilgi""h"Li"" ""A„ 1 1 .1 it t„ lilt „At. thltd: hi_ heel) tt 1.1:1.•.., Atilt it mail it xv:telr.l \ \ N 131'1'. OF Plf1.1..11)EL1'111,1 "p tin furr.l -pot l” the rite. jump "" I t..„:1.. srry .11; t . ;11,1 thrCatithritle, nod Ito,ton vity rri r,„ :\v„,. for throv-fourtit , of ;tit ihottr 1 r,!telt ra it 1,, )0 , " 1.: Lt.--••• mut actor Wan: 31t1 111 , ••••nolii• • Izit -Nllll.l = EEC tilt .k liPt•tillt.l• it .t;11111 , -. 11111111 tLrc:l, happy, s„, Ih it , , 1 2 . 4, I .1! and viii tor :ill time point oat the . 1 " 4 ill! Il.• . 1t1t.t . .1” 1110 , 1 Me11.01'.1.11Ii• hattle of ram illtiolO.lltlellet` Was ----- fought. It is built of ;Vete }:d_t'laidi zrarite, tooldindred mai twenty high.llllsl mmended 4 Nil, 04,f I's two hundred awl nidety'4ive Lis laved,- 74 , 1113:0' , 1<*e• laid Ihr I.01.11U1'..(010 011 1 . 111 • lilt of dune, „ it snit , i„ , , s ,, NV, ,, , , ter delivering the oration on thi , isss,ss,g,.l'-.l•sifly is. ored.ion• The foundation nips oLirlt hl tva- 11 , 1 , ofl he 5 , m111. begun hein,‘ of insullielem ,t , ptil to tvitl,tand the ssuil aetlon of the fro , t It tv'm 11•1110VI'd 11.1.ti11. 011 : the tli , t of Jitty, 1gt.17, the preeent hard' 50,15 rota- I hu. plea d. \Veal; 55.1, progre,sin.! middly 1111th the ! 111 rorre , pololiog r s t futt.l: 10, tlllO stove, :111.t tea , only -,•veaty-live „„,,,, feet high Its the rear 1515. In September, 1 , 10, 'thee h,,% m•oed tile "A.M. , s I N.`ll . 1 , 11111 11,1 Ily ~r _ chttsett, ,, , held a fair 11'0111 \Odell sr, rr tlised lit Il i. , 55555,505 551 , :thou' forty thotpdowl dollars. lii eantraet 11,r nndlyd , to earl, the Vie, Pr. -Heat -df Its,'hi th it, completion teas immediately aw:tr.le I to Jame. 1 , 55155515 55,5,5155, ,• ,.. 155551 S. SnV;c4t.... \VW, b e g=otol lilt WOO: in till, and fon 111111. emhpom the 'laid,. ,5"11 Iglitql It in the mameedimr, year. .1° gran,l celehrt- sill a O, 1; , .. 5 al.. that In honor of Its completion was Lehi on the 17th of Jody. .thinnt; the va-t ',moody, di h einhi,dl .1.11111 TyliT Itllti saber 1,1.01111111,111 .111 . 11•111 IS. I)anniel Welwt upon th, peettsloo delivered 11.11orallon• 555,55,.555. ‘v 15 , 5,5155,11. 05 \ s , ss • 5, I i for the ntr"l,umeht. WWI 111 , naleal faetn I have been able to Oat' Irons valid'' , ,otnves. ! tie \eon.' 1 r• -pee thill,‘ 411 111...5, lb • ire I'r' •i. ea-Igide, ther, 555.555., 555. h.. 55.5555055555, 55.5„.5 555.5. 5 a suite where everybody pays hi , fare (20 • , v it . . 11 111.1.1 t .1 • . • • e••lii,), to the 013—nettled eletlt. .11ter rege-term'' , ~ti,, , ,, , 0 ~,, „‘ , , ,,,,, ,.,1 i , ah .„ 1 ,,, t ,.1 3 - ~,,,,,... ~ry 1...13., Y'3l , ' nain' iii" 'l3 , "ri; "en" he 3 13.11".' , 1 :' "nr, 01 nee 3 Ilitt1,111111,011:411,y,‘,1111/,ill.•11. I: i • ittli.ria it 11. VOll all• IP•rllliti. to plii;•••••.i. .% n111:111 Ili9}l- • . - •• • '' ,, ll•i , lt! • ( ,:., i:ii/ iliolt • uinent the ; criiiiteil by King 'l' trill "‘. in 17...4, In nitininry „r hi. (' ''" Ht Y \". ''''• ',doubt, Pi the. fri7"Li. ' Y 01 hint Wili•i ' ll it it , `iirtll;, l ,l A ' 1 ' llll OW Southerner, after tr.ttnitintt up the ,tonv t.tei , to tile top of the monument, being Lolto ,,:a . " nIY L'lsrsiletu - . l ou all the, looltintt ..losvit to the gromni, retinal:tt, tt'ltit 1 ' l ' l- 11'1 4""'I" ,'" '1 l'"'" • , o m,ftv e, • ,ot,oole for tm• o rlr:os n bleat .• \Veil, it . , r •tivit call killed NV:area ; he on, den,' afore he knelt ! - , „ „ it." Tlio, who Made the trip up to the lop of ill, • ‘,.,,'." t " .. fi i " '- „r. ”1 . fh , 1. , b;:1h. r,,,,,,!, , ~,, monument only knots Mot to appreciate th e ~e , ii . t ~.,•,1 1 ; ' ', ' , ..' " ,'::' , ,;,:;. : ;;' ; ‘,..,' '„ " i '' s i --Ai ' tot- 'ij''u!!•"l. Ili, 1:‘ pro. Tr by uoing up a hundred fret Muller ! the 1 l''''''"fil , !l fi'r '," '' ', ! , •l' l 'l l ;•ll A l' ' '' ' ' ''' '' i! '" 1 11‘?11 ' 1 ; 11'.1"'"' , Ily a NCNV v e n t u re r he a ny Neel, 1, 1 ! ''"lnPrl'' ll' '''"tin' '''''''. l .Y.'' l ''"' l ' h '!" :, " ," " : ; ', I I : : ' n•lietlwr I 4liould uup any farther without I C .;i ' - ' l P :l l l ‘ ,; . ilt A. " .1".",]-2"I'Y ,tei! ttt.ts!l the a, sollt- Fl'Veral 11111IrS rent. I was qulteLllllllbell at a party I 1 ,1;1,1 in s fort i ,l l l i i ' ;U • s " ;l ' ,. ' •"-‘ whom I met tin the way, ahotit half way front the 1 Sunday- - rluu'l ran-,', the 'rr , "l! top; allold Germai and Ills lean, with two elillil- ' l o r a ' i';:', l ,',`" .l?- ',..' 1tl A l- ' !" ' i , i i i !il. '''' ! „' ". „ , relhelim.:lni; to the ralling,chunberingand rlllllll- ', 1:; ! •: 7. ,1,. !. i ! !! ', ... the ' '!" _f .. !"". !"."' '' " 11.7 a:" If for dery life. For all I know they never ' 411'4,1 foli:;11.:::.1.!'itr:I1t.:::.Iii,";•.‘;'1,,f;:ns':.1- '' l t. . '''•lI -11' - kt tke 014 i•onsemion oi 7 the I! :!!!! ' l r iti ‘ l . a .! !:! w .... h e l l ' O n . " l t-ilslie,l the top, for I mot them alien I left. still - /vitae slittanee from the ,oltuntil. The lapel 11... T u ‘. •l ' i ';' i '''', l " s l r i t '"","Y• l ' l i l l ',.' , All: ,' .t k " ^ " i i "' m...t...t 14 nt)...u. tils r..., ,p,. : ,,,. Th ere sir , ii n , , ,: ', „ ! . 'e -.' ''''!:' ; nu" ''''':'..' 7.. ! ", ! '-'n't i..., 55.,,,,,,,,v,..,,, mow, ~,,,,,,,,;:,, islo, ~,,,_,, iroi, 111.0...1 . 1 1 :5 i t , .....; r 1 , 1 „ 1/ u . : „ .4 ;i 11 n p: 1 .11. , 1 ,1. . i . 1 . , 1e ,, , , - ,',l,t, IV:t... lie gtitel. Iliove each opetilmtthere ix aI, i1e,,1,..,i4. : happ.,ed by -mo ;hal the oily e l h ,t l U,lnt'Ll li l l i t ; T t III: inioul; the poin, of on, (.511n1„,,,,,. on ow u. • 01 , !.;, , ,:oei.ttion I, the fsonlinilssu of Couventlcolts rind be couluitlerml °lie l i there are two unit' cannon, hearing the Uillowing i (11 '. l ' l l ie ul l ' U ' aiii l Ol ' lJ ' e ‘ e ' t i •i "l ; ',. f ‘ , l t 'i- I".'Y n'elil'll• - m 4 i the " linticoek," hi a . o Aa„,,,,, • •• oi , ! yet wen'. mte laloor, Is; s . lsY . l r l i t ' • l r ' . " : l :l l l t t :1 ) 11 1. fl i.' i l :1 1 11 .3 %\ -I' Ir n i:. ii. 11,1,1 In. :LerolllplinllV.C.. All , i 1,,,,Hi1.... , ..i..1 . 1! • 111111.114.irt.1ii11Ve111it111tift!1d tiIVII : .. SACItED TO 1.1 ISERTY. , imaltate,-. in wh - iolt Suttbay Felton) 'teacher, are ThiH I. nue of the four cannot.' toltioll co.o.thaned . lobo arolt,al, itoartiol.,l Alta It:lined for their toork, the what° trelu of field artillery 1 It h0....1.1...‘ the duty ..1i hi, As•ociation to build up 1 1, ....0e•0al by the British Colonies of North Atnerit a ' the w a-to Ow,- of 0,, County. To do this wo . at Ow commencement of the ' 1 , 11 ,1 he [ o ily ao. l naiuted with the tutinbor null. IV Art, !01,11 o n ..f r ti-tin:: Sunday Soboole, Ho an to be (11, the 19th of April, 1 777,. I aid.. h. ~.lieit the heat ty ....operation of ittilhoir • Thi,•• elllllloll6 . officer. rod 'F...1.11. 1,. lii,llle thi- il I,ll,o , Vhede and hi fellow, . l'ino,t to. 11*.1..1 every .li-trios aestitute of a Satl. , y helont:,ll.s . !.•,1 uhmher of oltlto to. ,PI • I 80 ,00 1. The t 0...1,0t' th, A..., ~•1...0,a, I ~,i,„ .„,,,,I ilof.ton the in•oporathat ht the route , xbailn.: Stfillla were tn.... 1 1.1 many onaagenlent. Sollool .4,41,mi' Oi the 1,4111%, ;1114 tow Ara the ..- during the tear. • t Ranization ‘,l - 500,i,,• rh•booi, in even -oho,: di.. The other tWo, the property of 11..• • 1 itiot hat :Woody protia..l. S. nlll , ll aooono State of Ifttftaeltu•otte were ! p 11,11,1, the .I,,ta latbot w'e'nd ,I1!1 ~,0 1, ~” wail tuhen by the mewl}.. . retry 01.11.1 of the epliffiy eau 1. , t .01,1 .1 SII/Itlll.‘ hle,•lng of God, 0111.eillit,lonoll., '11•11c1t••• :Ito Scholar-, !nay 1•011ii.111311y 111411111 V /1 11 1. .0. 1 , 1. 111 .1 . , tint'„( Itiblieal knowleboe ard 1 lirl-thu 1, , • .1 li The •• Athos" teas lair.tc.l sylille fi g rin a ,aline . core. ailing ,or chilrelle;;-;les;.ry u.'; we . pith I.;' by the 11111h:try holy • not; k no b, as the Ancient I Lee true to their profe,,ion.: and I ' . I 'hrl4l. . and Itonoralde Artillery. .:Ir. the Ina: chlater lc • „.,, 1; , • , •1• " 1 "'''''"' • I lt ttn•tt, t .'"" l ''' "', • , 1 ' 1 i "',"" tt ;•' l , , swnng Open, the cool breeze front the ocean hlll,ll i „,,,,,i l i ' n ' :-., " ,,:, ' . ' :::_ t ,,,; ‘. "L •Ci ' , i , S . !:":,! • : '' .., ' ,„ 1 .1 ' . ' , ' , i:::: . Pl " :i '. c t r oq` l y Upon tin. . i,i,ii ol i harbor, one lit lii. 11,1 , hug after llit; woollies, and Ii lie dte.,..11.111,.. I ' i,, :a •.; ;;;..• ;;-: •- ; ;- -- ••,;" .• ;.. ,;; , Its ~,,,,,,,,s i are alread . , 61g:oils:II, I: I. holed ilial the •la 3 i- ;.,,r,;,..,: - ,; ! ,', ' 1 ‘,",',..',7,',',. ',.-,,,'!!',..,r .?.,'.... - .J '''. : 1.1... 1.. d.;;;., In tile world, Is in full clew, withit Ildllni, nod Inlets and Ito nttiolowlebs 0b1p... and I 1 ,," 1 4 ,,, f , t , t . i r it t1i i ' 1 1 5 tu i ". 4 ::,., 1 ,\ t , , ,' 1 t t , • :,,,1.,', • . • “ 1 „, n ,,V 5 it t . \ he S o l i ." ' l ' ;!! • ;:. •t t‘ ... !. ' l.. . t o" ..i t t i i-l .s .'"" 4“ ii i . 4 s :ft s: ' ;'° '; .: l l : l, 4 l 2''' l . c .:' ; '?:;.ll " ":l. rp .•‘; ; i 1:0:11,. Furl Imielse". l,ll e.'. Inns , Prominent, Ilan 1 What ten te•101 theStete ~ ;••itel. ,t l:•' n i ' t ' i "- fur '' 1 "" . • ''''' t" . ' ' ''',r ' ' ' ''' ' ' ' ' , ,F° ' 7 ', l ':: ' "„"'' ' ',",,,0!'1," 1 ,1,:';,','; ' ., - , 4 ,,;: , (''' '. ., : 1, 1 ,^'::' roil ,•,,,,,,,,,,,i ,if the channel /Wel: ;olio'' , or het I room le, tre . no a County ,\: -orb ' olna ::::::t . d;, llei llii; I.. " ••ntlicr• lin'l!,:al:ii.ii-,',('‘....i.ii,•;'•.-,,ti1i.',1,'0',.,-,r,,-li•fiT ; ! ,,, 1 ,..,;,.",',... ! ••, , ,,.. ;i, • ~ a , ~ ..- i . li ~..et• •11, ,I, !duo boil, . , two ves•cls at a lino, Tio• ore Is ~,,,,,,,,d ~,, let i 1 1.."1 , - 1 ‘ 1 1.• , , • ~ ~, to t towed ,oi on, \ -•„41•,,I,, i•vel% ~..' .! .!. ' .--. C ''' . ''''''''. i' " uut4t•- • I tt " .•••I I •••• Castle Idand. At 11:1.: place Stephen Harrow, 111W11•111, :,f . the 1,11 . 111 V In eel ;; , I 'd h II • 4 ‘ '‘ itY;:.:l.l••• • ' : , , .y: :unlined In a dunceoll,,,4ed by digging' bb. way t , Sunday School mull, ~,,..,,s ~• I l ' lll '.' a ' lldri t -;; ' . 1 yo ' ll ' : 1 1 : 1",",.," • ;“ , , 4• l ' I• s ,"", •••I I :. : 4 1 1• _, ;' ,. • •;•!/"; '''''' I" 7''''' ' ''''''''' ; out and upsetting a sliTtly sentinel tit Ills :bor. 1 et:rite:MY ['Gillet - link Y"lt 1 " Itt , thv Y"ltr , • l `•"' 11110.- I!;;' 1:1.'11111 ...;;; t b;; -I r.:•;:...triitd.i ' s . lull oi•i.t I, , , At the right of thin, and south-east front where I te r T t , t , tr; ; r , 1,", ; 1 1 : 1 e , ' . 1, . i , ‘. , •,., ,1 ' i •;. ,"1" " , 1; ;- '' t• .•:..;:;;';',';',';;;:.l':;;:l."'..;';'',;l,..:':::f.‘";:',.'i•‘l'dll:t.l.•Yti'll':.''::.l':•:trt. I stain!, I.; the famon, f• arm Selinol hit Thoptp6on t z I pull, Y "; ! 1170,n:beat it . oral 1 u i1 t ,, 1, •• ' 11 1 ,:, 1 t 1 .. ' •/ , ' Ili,. .-j,•A H. 3S ' I 4 • • I !slung Cnarlestown tiny): yard, front thN whi- ; `II it ray I" • \Ve pro, , ,tet an tinywer ' ' 1., tto ' :, doer, 16 in 11111 tit it, I than spent: of Om tit Ito. 1 ',P l ,'''' tlffi ; b •Y,', l l. °lll ;g 111"c1 ''' C "f,"F:l'e,{M"brlivertl • li ‘ ;•in i‘ e7a h b r e ' r ' ,l l ,Vi r li•il . 47 ,l 4 j .1 ifi,,,,....,• i m y i ti neloretne ini - - Nlil'ollit I sunottysenooi Couventi.lll, • •Idc ot•••rery r.•••k7..Ce, it,.., .0 •4• " ke 'r ew l ,t l lN ' it•e:tro ' i n other limo, lli 1 expert in visit It pod it I o:a tt Hoch ! h e ld 1„ sew„,.h tat the •oittiert •• qt . t• • It' • ."'• 11 • 1• • •• •••••• i • • •••• •'•••,••••I' nu the." , or el •••• k . , a !.. ,1111 onili,.. ~ • , ~•.•, ~,, . 4,, ,•_ ~ , •_, .., _ , , , ~ ~ , r) AC , tti, inrOrlll,llloll no I thlul; will Interest lite re:Oen; of 1 C•onventlona": ' z • ' W . ‘; ' , Y l';;;TOts;... " soniii • e ' [ • ;:';',1 ilia "!‘ i." E the RroisTin. Ify, , tic hirer tlowa ult.ll the tide I, "F:Ii• wilyr,.Ullh down upon ':ay dying bed, %yid sell! n , lrt ; t oe ,. 1/' iiliol. ' '"'''''' W ' n '' Ind iut .. ore ~,,.. Fort . Iv,,,rcii! cm o,t,ret , ,, 1,111 ,. 1.1t i ., 014 i i r ., , , ., , ,, ,,, , 10 ,-., i , , , ! , 1 00 5 t too 10 ter t 0 ki1,,,,.. how :noel: looney ~,,,i ~'1N,,t ; • , ,.• ., !:•ti.• , -',,‘Sil,',,• , l e tit . V..t , „• •' ,4 t y l T l •t i t V,„\° V ,:t t P,i , ,:ill r , 1 ,!,,V . eolohrts I Intre, , :.; !:ntud i, :rl,n., ,, r , ;; ;ki ssticiish . ittyl i s Tst In pnv W.1..0.! the ttpper anit 'foyer postou lighthouses Fan . Ire gathered i ‘ tro u tti t ol c ln i e r : i i.un T "? pl a i n ly ... tn . Ay We ~r,... standtnir gating! upon worldly atlldr..;•( el:. not e ) 'Il •- :s: L rIv 3 1 1 11,1 1 : ' s i t"I ' ll r il l ' n e :;.'l 4 .l';;,!:,''''''' ' ' ''' ''' ` ' ,. 1 ;;',...;:: . 17,1 . !r:i1 " ..... , : i1 a,. 1 ?!. ' i1ifv:1i 0 i :, .. . . _ .. in I 'ongre‘s usaauldcl Ntav IC". ago wc nod vo •• :not. :-:1.111 4,11 „,„o„..~.i~lnK:)lt.idint, eum ha<o,.rtht "". "" 1 " " ,nod ;old 1011 If Inured In the 1.1,11.11 , 11. I 111.i.t coo -1 (rnn th..y Thi:ii -111 i ling iu ii v.,unly ha% tII tilt' CAI-16v( it! Ns hick I 11,., n^itl 1= • N'OY 0,1, 1 A4Ri 1 I , , • L (ITV )T1( •Es. 1;1 \ 'ES rc t•ail ,took v.. L.. nod If " • •.. _ u t' ;Ols I.J 0.af:.1111,,,, vi I •..!LI• 11111 , I 1. =EI =II II- 0, %Oh -111. lilt v( I\o ; '0611,1 .1,1/ "AI, 1;. ../ •titch.sl,. ,(1., r... p. r an!l,ltl- vemt 1.11,1 ,,, •mt Th. oveulipz, ..in. ellinate ~J ; r. I 0...1 • ilUilal' 'li .`,lll i~Q!unl ffl-.11 r„,% N I.li I. N. N. , ITMIILI: r. ITEM Wt tsc I I =MIME i,l; t, - . 1.,7:!:,. ,r• ~,.,,,,.., ...,- 5t:4.04:41.r. N.,, 444 , 2 1 '1U,.V6 .2 1 . t . , 1 S I • • . 4,4% 3-,4u, 1:1 ri.: -4 4,,,,,,• .4, - , ~,, 1.. 14,,A. ..,,i ,„ ~1,,,i,‘ t 14)0 PrAt ACON tit 10, t.,. I -.., t o , ~,t . 1:,•1..,1014'.441H15.47::14•4'.. • 14..,1 '• ' • 4444.514-411744 4 44 u t.. .1.•, N 1 ••t.,1.• FAA 44. . 1,..,,•.•, ',el ..x, . N • ( i )ii. 11 ' 1 ' 11 k\: I,\lj I\ ET i" .,' l ' S p 41:: tail to .11 to t !. .tt.t• , , t.,...n0t ot..t tv.N V . ,1.,.... . '. . , .. , ~,: , ~ EMI RIMS! • I , 1 , 1,•:/ . : 01.1111.11 I El3llll I: ... 1,...1,100 11, ~,, kt e•l. 1 , . , •1 'LI , . t, tl) 1 . ..:01par - • ,1in..t..1 1.4 1. , .... 111:11,1, 0 11 1....13.3t13 11... 1111.1 µr" .• .•:. • 3 ...I Fro.. ~ 1., .3. 1 .1... r r..... 11.3 'l. , ' ;:o 3'.1 ~n.ll . arodus. Tiro . I.r4t 1111101 \ 11,, -u d .1) o , 4 ,r. ••.• •4 i(1 , r• 11, p0d.... I.ot rvon 11,- • 1...,.• 1,-..1.11. • In tlir• lorttorroarl,“ 1: µI ......r, il.r .1... 4 1.. log 1.. i,- ir n.I . the 3....,.µ..,,.. ~,r,441.111%. oh 11010 too 1.1,1 lour.- :or loddititi or:, . ..... q,..1....,,,i,i, - ~,,,i..3 o 1...:11./.1. ,IFI.I i our oui , ple II v.l.t i,..1113 1.... , ,.:1,•,•.11 3 I.N r 1.,.11.:.117..... 'l l._ ‘ qllS•llNr Irt liµ ... a lodur ....Id Itory. I , i 1 , ..• 1.11 . to µmot 1t. , ..e;17 , 30,r' t le V. -•.••.• 1 , 0:1 . ) 4: , ..1 i. , ii.... , ..f. in, Ir . :Jur In i"orl 110 I.: .. N. 1 . 0;01 , r4looso .1, I'.llll,s.—Jurro-7 and 1 4 ;•µµµ. sr .•11 14.0,3 In .1,11, ill 1 , 441. leorey ;rod l'eorin.- ‘,11). , 1LW...t ifl 1 , :.:.. ' i', PA 11 , I 1 N V. Stator .well packed, ;...1 ;oar, : . ...3 1. I rl.i., ;rod NVetorro. to-n oft' r'•34,1 hr. • 1 turd, 3A. , 11. . . Iterrlpt. have Iwo. vony 310. and thy .I.rtILL till 11 , 1., . good. irrito • hove odvauced .. od .... fir or ' - ''' '" ' A 11EANO.-31artoty olrolre. r . o . 'l-• .....I. Illl.lony, tdiulee, 3.31Ne..3.01. ?1..11......, l'en, oboice,'2.NOlNl.l.o3-falr ' ~ • •.I. 3..•• "Viti'PVllliff4i,,a,...q.,.... P '1 il t , , 1 . 1 , 11 •h. MO, 1.. i inv, Ohlo nod ' Pcnolsbra ~... ,4 I, A pplr, , "...311.1.01 Irw,- 14411. Illknkl.nrtle 1 . .•; , ,.13. 1::.•1.1....... r. .40..',',2. • 13...".•• L ~ ! rt Orn , ..4..14.11 Ho- 1,1, c, • 1r.,. to . or.. ' 1 v01..5. row. 1001114. Pr itl t• • ..... i , .1. :1 , 0. 1........ • 1 1:1 . 1 i • —Appl.., 1ii,..11 , ,, -, 1 ,1 .1 . ~ ~•,.. 1 - • r0..1. i . ....".41.•• .11. I roar.. 3.. 1 .'..,.: ~ I 11.1.• NV AN. -.l'.nr ir R., ~.„,.1, 11 il 'AS A . Ail,. Ili , 11' . y 1,1,1!•,1' -11.1 j 004 1... r.. I-, y , Ito 1.10 . .,µ411' 1..01,1 µI - - 1r.,.... all% 0, Hpow, 77m I.:::.. , •• • ••'..l t P , . , . -.n , '• ~ Ali,r-'1.1:4 , 1, , 1.1.. V 3. `l. r ..''A, t . !,-'.'.':''' , '.' ~,,,,,,,,, . . I ',• -1, • .11 , 1121..11 • ,tt 1;1 .• I •••i •I ' l , ••• •• 011. pit .1., 1869. , Smitila, Solt law. ni. Skin (Hid Pere°le Dlseasese Worrailtril rtired.—See testlinuilllll: HALIRIICHT Townsigre, Lehigh Co., Oct. El, ISa. It la with a graterui feeling that I feel able to make the following khaeiitent for the benefit of those who are suffer ing from Scrofula and other Chronic Diseases. My wife hail been suffering for several yeare front tumors or swellings on her neck which after a time would gather anti discharge !natter, leaving a running sore. Elm hull been treated for more than 11. year by most eminent phynl• eta. wilhont receiving nor perm:menthe:wilt, bar Masa, becoming worse, mall Ow had Are of these running sore, on her neck, when I employed Dr. 11. It. Lt•ngnker, under ho.e treatment she rommeneeti to Improve very Nat. the sore. on her neck .to heal, and all her mmple:t•ant and di.• agreeable symptoms gradually lit ellsapprat, until her health was restored, a Melt wan in about four months. I feel perfectly iu•tifrd, after having tried the int:alumna of other plush...lasts itt rem ttttt neuding all those wlmu re matter ing from lerolula or Chronic Disease. 50 lir. ',awake, far medical treatment, with tr fruit belief that they will basal• I , llthl, benefited atttl rtirett thereby, as toy u Ire has Wan. !Shined, 1 JAMES liAliNene Dr. 11 It. Lougatter'n only., on the limit le of tiLyth streot, between nonillion and Walnut. Allentown. LIGIITCAP—YOIIE.—On Sunday the 7th Met., by the Rev. ltlehard Walker, Mr. Samuel Light cap to Mil. Mary Mire Yohe, both of thh. ally. lIANICE.—In this cite, on the 7th inst., Peter Hanky, aged 22 years, 10 mouths and 13 days. RITTER.—In this city, MI the inst., Oliver A. Ritter, aged 35 years and 1 month. MARKS.—In Whitehall township. Ock.3lsl. Peter Marks, aged 70 years. FECLEY.—in Mauch Chunk on the inst. George Fegley, aged 76 years. Alli.UM.—ln Richland, on the 4th of October, Annie. aged 5 weeks and 9 days and 1111 , October 20th, Tilghman, aged 1 year, It months and 12 days, the only children of IVilloughby F. and Lydian . . mETERLy.•—in moron!, Oct. It. Autot, wife or Auron Dieterly, ugrd ttJ yearo, 5 months and S duce. lIELLEIL—On thy 23,1 of October. ill niehlantl, Centre, iloward 11., son of lienry anti Mary Heller. aged 11 months. FINEMOIt E.—On ltd of October. in itlehland, Hannah A., daughter of Charles F. and llamas Fluemore, aged 4 years anti 11 months. MICKLEY.— On the fifth of October. in Bed minster, Mary Mickley, widow of Peter Mickley, aged 73 years, 4 months and 19 days. HELLEIL—On the 2Mit of October. In Milford, Bernard, son of Bophlit and the late Elias Ileller, aged It yeara, 4 111011015 and 13 days. N.rtu 2.tibertiocincittz. , . volt ENT..-.SEVEIt.II V ENI. to rooiii, P.llllaled ill a. iii'vorml.l.. location. so., 01111010 •01101 i 10r 10,1 Srri onir 0. or 100411001.00coratioli Apply +.t thv nI 1.1:111 , :11 Eq isTEit, lien tow, 4Ii'F'I,ICATION FOR P.tRI)ON. Notice hereby given that tivitlientlon will he ittml.• to the Ifni rt nor for Ittr Pardon of lu Se•itttoolotr Stothlontt of 1,1111411 County ofto,ottili nil h%tt..tv. rontoactol to nine month.' itnittkolitmott in L ("tomIT AD,FINISTRA'IrOIItS• Noti, la hor . oltv ea that Ow asoletAxnad hat • takoll out lotto, of wfutitsktration In the F'....htle or Dmitri decoasi•ll; therafoto till minions mho aro . itlobted to sail riiipteateil to make payment wltlitti alg week , front the ditto herouf, and .urli Who have any legal elalitie against intld P• 111 pre-ent them well authi•ntiroteil sr It fat Netilani•ol hlo mtmv mpl , ifirfl tilde AMANDA K IthUltriN 11. M.:ME:MEP, . •ll.nn Adtitlatstratio•. A COUGH. COLD OR SORE requir. Immediate ntiontlun, 11.. g I vet uflrn tesult • lit Ineurublo Lung Di•olt.o ,SkS 3W kjl 1111011'N S Itirey( . lll.ll, PS BRONO HI A I .* ( 41 ; C‘k SING tilt, aml BLIG fiI'EAKERS Thom I war and etrenothen the voice. I)Wing to lite gond relnanlinn pel.ll/1111tY or the ies. molly irmith/exe eheop boo ilatlo,ol,tre N t: It Ot'Eltil Novision Store! ()Uit murri). Tu PLEASE ()\ 1 41 I I . F,,. •"''' '.' ". P.' m red! ,1•.• 4,1 • " %VII. , 'N •\iii lik.:! A1 , 1"1., .10 , 111,44 , a mterJ, .11(N• It, l'1,1:11 i I\llll.s. Tn ) .vt T , . rt.:. A ..y• 1111'1'r =OE lu . W0•1 , P1) 10.110. P, •ts 0.1 1 ti.. 2.10.11 •, .4. OM illarrtagcs Dratlys " 41 T . '' , 111,111-1- 111 r ,nntrilikt eur 1111'1, ii,ll4lA. (1,1,1.11 CO4ll. II t . , vi: 11111 111 MOM 1)1B1,70 , - 114ve a 1.0011141 1,111,a. BBOWN • ti BRONCHIAL THOCHES IMMI 1.: 1f )1"1; It ~ ;;, MEIN iiii N,ltto it t• .1 I ... I I' 111 , I , li I I. ol , • _%l ~ r i.., = .t1 . 1 .. 110VC.1; . 1 , 111111: "I'. \.11.I:. A 1.1, or WII N 1.%)" 1;1: 1 \11.1,1 , 11 I.V i? 1, rp,IN 1111: I I•C \TUN . Pit( '1)1 . 11 1N C.V•II Cloakings. I.ll4lles* (ion IL S., MAIM Is. Ili raps. Fine Sint Poplins.. 'Wool PopDas. 3000 Yard?, 11111(.1t SIM s VIM llourning Kid Gloves, Piano Covers, Linea Table Da ttttt Large Wankel SI . ('asslu►rrrs. ('loth.. Vine Clothing'. )1%1•1U ).\• ct Ili. NI It KET STS Vilt . f.‘tit.l.l . lll& NO HE. , 1)11.II. I). lA)Nr,\R.V.I.', 1 . 11., I - I. '.~~~l i~. ull lei i:. ... .~f.,=~~. ~ ‘1.1,r , ti..• !.a;•u ir. ,uillittri owl I. .‘.. PI Ilp roil, .1 I.V•1•111 . ,1A. the 1•141.., I MEI,AN('ii()Is .tISI`ItH.\'I•It)N, "wt.. „„k„..• 1 1A. „ A , A ;' • "" •!,•• 1:111:1:31..\TIS31. ANI) 1i.....) 1...:1. or C..litiiiii, rhooni. or a;4, t5;....01i0d ror. I Ad, 1i.1.11e1...y. or raliluz •R1 . ...:• , ......0 chronic or . ..lull loon 1 . .,..• 0, ELM ALE 1•1,1.A•IS• si Illy 1010 rAdtralLV 11111 V, Ili ;, "III( /011,,,1. "hi. ILI , 10• 0, ..i . 5•.... r... •1ati..;....r1 ..,.ds . dr•toioAtu. or I.lrotitiot., 1.11.......1•..r0011,"., a,„ ..,•,... „ la] kitilvd r0r...1 or oo pus. air Parttrular alat. g. v... , ~: r6.ott. i11ea.,.... of , ' ‘ 11:1 n 11 . 11 1 .1.1110.•1;111 " i l tu 'l I n i1y .' A . ... ' " . •d :1 .•"" '"' id•sni 'l " ti " lr ' AN, - .-.,-r. 1:111:1—tlE/7,--.1.:::eilat,:ii:'111.\i't.t:1.1 •r I Nix 1. i 'I: i••• 1 111 1 : : . '. 1 cc :; ..." T: . ... : 1 "' ;11' 1 .1 11 \ ' i l l . 1 ‘' 1 1 gt1 ' . 141' . % :. : . 'r 1 i. ... ‘ '.i' l l. 2 l . r .. l .: 4." . ' ; ''r A l . : !f c; :i. ' : ' . '‘;'" • "'.l•ll"‘%. 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PA 1' .1N I, \\N I WATER c m; si.rrr ,ANI) c:0.()ItEl) BLA NK T.; WIII I I &C.. ,Vr.. &I Embent,log Ihe 111 3$ complete Fine!: of Dry l: .1 tl- M I.()N\' It \t ill to your itltrit to r\pIf1111t• 711 14.11: !i) 41 1.4 4 11 . -11 C. I,IN ENS I ll= )I'IZ ",\ N i `.;l' (tit' Art.l' t •I'll:.•II T W.., I IJ. I. I s t, I , III.1:t 1.,11u,1i Nio 10. , Y1.11- 1.1%! •li 4 1.11 •.•-• NI 11..1.1k = i ..\ • lIIM MiiM MIZI \II (;(11)1)S, ,; .f Nlr :e.hrth, • ll' 10 I .1.4111 k (;1':1 11; r. , * NIPt Inn! I!'_'l CI 11.'iN 6:IIIEET, ‘N. 1 . 1111..% 1,L1.1.11TA .1. Y. M. ' , Mire. (litleon N. E P PS, IL \ Ilancott ,, ME =lll Di NI I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers