Meatero. 1311EPARE FOR WIN THE PLACE TO aVT THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE FIRE-PLACE HEATER, =EI JAMES IL lIITSirs, NO. 26 EAST }TAMIL` UN ST., 4 LLENTO 11',V, PA Thin heater bur' and WIN DOWN EVTI ! - A lg CENTS PER DAV Th.• ino.i t 1/. Ileator la taw. lUoo, •gem r.r the IMPROVED )111 EN T I BASE 131'I NI N( Cm Al, STOVES and l'A121.01: k ES, =SM MIEZtI=I9III2 MEDAL at the Fair of IL , •:• • al!y . of New l'ork, T• euqquleed ttllut i t t ai ' vf .••r•• • •• ••.:ye • I flux from I hens. The, • .:.• I . ••.. • • -lA, h. oh altrtlCl, The fire will remain •• r dor • u ••• :mutton. The Illuminati.. i• eoo tl • •r• 1. I - 1'1 , ..y Powerful Boatels cud Yet pot f••• :••1.•1•• t•• Tu e r ' e t tt " : r v . er I M ) ;Ttre on• l' both au upper 1•1, utul it lower 11. • u Ir.••••; i om I fuel. Right sired or the Store-, ,•• TI • .• • • • •••• Ito. Parlor Wuruuce, The Inrgintt anniirtinnnt ehttagibors, Lett rind °nice... it All the Inint patterns or ill •••• nod i.e ...Onto tinit clam 4. Agent tiit nt PLUMBING AND GAS ITFI'ING •tteuded and ALL WORIC DONE ITt-T MANNER =I GAS ['INTL it ES of • ••rl•ly 111 plot, tp , 41,41”:“. =I I.\MES 11. 1 IMMEIMI STOVES, Tniw.kKE .1 NI) XTURES No. 2(S Fuel I= ESTABLISUEO 1851 J. REYNOI,I); SON THIRTEENTH & Fl I.HERT I,Tit Errs, I= tole Unuufacturerg ..t ti.. INROUGHT-11: ( )N, GAS-CONSIT 11 [NG II EATER, WITH PATENT 111,1' CItEEN I=l WROUGHT-I RGN It.k DT ATM? nose Hoare/mare n 11440111 Ill'llvY , V.-Itglq- I rea• livotodL together, the sore see., the e, says of One or Suet. Tint :no,a !dealt any dampers. The Patent Itio,11:1;or ..v. , 1,1- the 11, and anouyaleen of drone., and I. pernton , nil) 101111'11141 111 the /I date,.Thin In Ole tno.t durable, ,onleal Mid popular leafing styparaler otl rer oerctl n solo. They Moon knoranteed COOKING lIANOES.I, PORTABLE L.A.TRonE law DOWN ORATES, =II NEW FLAT-TOP 111:AT!': SirSOW' for oar 111 ty,tro tr I 1.,: 0 BOESEKEEPERN 1)0 YOU WA N'l COOK S'l't►l E Sat. That la beanlifnl and e:r.dy litlfll. DIM 24. !hot hue the larval On•u I'lll.l'l3lES U. That In In the Wont Erountuirml. I;,Ly 4th. That Is the LIMIT lost In t h . 111,1,1, TIIE TIMES•' M. Tl.l le Perfeet add only 11, JAMES Carpets anti (DII (Clod) CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS N. woeld Invite the at,otioh clot nod the' titbit., to our large utork I', boon sohrotod with vont re re, nod to m hid. It .• hoc. nZhlod ell the now end choke 'PAIT , ITY. THREE rLT sud of ILA IN CARPETS: AI,. oil the'to, nod vs• eteel style. of entry sod stair rano, ()IL CLOTSI from ••Ift. to 18 ft. vrid..---rot I. fit 1,1011140 f .1 1411 DOW lIIIAREi to groat enri,y, Ir .•ted nod Oulu Ueda. cp.o. cud Ihmfor. ,Mattiago. .Iratg, Stair at . the owe-t 131.... roll mot CX,IIIIIIII. eu THOMAS I', 1.11 1 1 1 1N1'111"1', Hun0n.,...1 . to 1 1 111 N LAS 11.11'ii 11, Jn. j(l5 N. 2.15 i., nt.v. IMIT3 RICII AND E LEG AN T CARPETS, 011. CLOTHS, &c Fori,K I= CARPET I t N EsS AT 19 8. SECOND BT., PIIII.ADELpiIIA, (Illetw,ean Market and Ch•••)))ot ) WI • I•llansurtmeot of VELVET. THREE 11110 en IAIN d VENE'T'IANE CAPETs, tttl Clth, lad•w eit, ire., •t reduced TIRE CARPET 'AND OIL CLOTH IgyPORIU3I OP E. S. KHMER .& CO NOS. i AND 7 WEST ItAMII.TON ST, El= REPLENISHED la •1111.13te.t •arktipm, stylem nn ,1 P3tten.e. PRICES 'REDUCED! Ws lump br We el 5T BEUREELE, I FRANK ENGLISH, PRANK GIGELGE, • 4 FRA•IC HARTFORD, ENGLISH TAPESTRY, CRGIALEY'S TAPESTRY. t•TODIIAIIT TAPEWTIIT Ulan TL! TRY, NALTIOI:Vi 8 LOW ELL, ex Us, • pll. trriniaL. ply, MEDlnat ficrEitrigi, 6/.11.11 T41.125T6Y de, TriILADELTIIIA 71:11:1N,.1111N, Comg,, N PrILAMPISIA WINDOW CURTAINS .07 BvIRT UNOBIPTION. fi:PYLM AND rims gar thr Eataro; FALL AND AVINTER FASHIONS. Its. 31. A. 111 N DET: tt..t nrrlve.l from •nd LClllfloll rIIh t lie 1:11e•t polooool from 110. gmilent no% olio, t Moo', the 110.1 elegant. TrIMMILOP to lot. norttro.l in Parl,.. LACES RIBBONS. VELN - It BRIDAL VEILS, PT.OW EIRS. FINE and TRIMMED PAPER PATTERNS. PRES., and CI.". SAKINCI. Exclusive attolit rev Mn.Warit's celebrated system for halt, sea, ba.olans, etc. N. W. Cor. ELEVENTH :lad CHEST:II:T ills., Phila. sep Y!-lien T " ' . .• i,c , .13 - '-, - y . VI . SEWING , , 1 ri 46 .... li a(,11111€1. L'l.;-•'l' IN NV()Itl.1)! The ,h 1) 117.1. thlli thi;!‘ ,. . ghilll •111.. b. 1;1.; . 1 . ; , r .a ‘y , t v 1 , 24 vv. ore 31. vn...ip of oor 111.4,11/pi and 110 , 1VE SEM AVG MACIIIIVE =9 11•11'.\ It I) I) 11:-, II I. I. =MEE ll , nty 1,11, .1. I .1.•1•11 S•atton & . 1 / 4 1' • . 1 1 IIIt••sitl \VI, 11. A•n• I't•-1•I•••• •ss: ;mom.: Bank. Pr. It. .1. s. A; 11,, 11. Al.a,att. 1 1 1.. N Ilat.••••-•; 1 tl P New .11.‘"Elt I to th, rr u tt ,. ,`‘ 11) , „ I! .1)S r R \\*. .1. SO N 4 II ..1:\"1•>:'; II STIZFET, • W :I.NON'S rA)111.1' I 41 SEIV I,\ A ( N ES ==il 1.. eliltv fp ileett 1011.Pil,ever .i.t, pll.l•llecie... ef )1 NV e %, .11 el ve .13 31.8elitee ir•3l—tiee el ,liot,•--,“/.1 ktakt. t 0 Ault. 31 u• tl:et'A-li .1; koeitlily telytitottl. cif 311 f •-.!1.... 11 tit3l. , llel kept end `-t., it • • I. r .t 11, -1 0 C C't %NI% 9.- • 1 V.SIA t:1111.4..\ =II I' . 'a .:, I AI . 1; • ir; p. .1., NI ‘•r., I lla lon 11.. N !: ' !I r 111 t.,.111it,e• )t N"r L.% 1,,1t5. =EI ''. l o o .. 15 10.1.1 6.31 ~, , 11 , 1‘ 1 I.l' - ' 1010 0.15 2 lk , ~ .1i ,I'l I'l.l.- 10.16 11.11 2 11 7“, •.1.11: O.ON 1:1: , 1u:1' 10.00 ti. I Iti ~1' 1 ll' ') 0.02 2 2 , • 7 1. 1 NV 1 1.!11..1:1 ', . 0.511 .1.5 S 211 7 1, 1'11.01 . 0 lN',. . 9.40 5.50 2 1 , 7.2 , '1 1;1.0 1.1.11T.111'0 . 9.t.4 .5..19 , :1 10 111:1:1N11011.1.1:. ~111 =EI . . . .. :1.17 V.111311N111 , 1.. , :Ur( 1..11 7:11 •,1 1 1(1 II 1:111'.1:1i. . T. 21 3.311 4.111 7. Id .11-111 . 1111, N.. 211 5.21 1= Ilt tliltlint till .\ 1..1 I. 1 I,rillll. t . t• \ 1-1;11,11 , ,t .11 it t1.1111..11 ',lll. I: 1: f..l . lt.•:‘,lltig. trout 1,.\11. Itt,t I.IIL/ 121MIIII= 111 , .1 . 11111g tram 1:3-11 . :ma,- .tl.l :lolls with train .ai I:. I:. I 1,11 :itia at I'at:v.:m -.oa tho la•hlgit v for 11 Selallt at. I : lffladolulda ;Llt,l New 11 11.1 Iv 1111111... .\; 50 . I. IL fir 11..110,11,m, I: Net,' Yarlr. 1 . 111 . 23. , 1 . . )1. 11 . 1;11 WI,III, 111 AI-1111111N II 11/11i1.1i1{111• It:ilk...Ll Poitnville, Ihirr,..l , Arg 01,11'1111.1,110.i. Tlin Evening train ti• on the arrival dotrain frain Ind ..1 a train archingconnec tions:ll Heading with Iran, 1r..111 hum, l'oti•v N:r. and rollinaa. n nit haatl lats,inft, train on tint 1,. V. 11. 11. :it rata•ataitia far 11, ii4.1111 , 11.111:111.1 1:1.4•.11. I= Pet , tvi,ltttig to -ea alltatto 11 tril 1, lake the noiru lug train We-t A1.11111'11.. all 1%.• S lOU to nil return by 3111111 01 , • LI, IS 1/11 , r 1,1111 i./ It. 11. leuvtog .k Peet , . ti at P I; rrli 1411.1.” N1.19.1:(E . ti. , Ar , PIN., An Engli,ll. Scientific :Ina Arti-tic 'F o n mt.s ME= thi Aoltual•-bnwill `.1111t•.( 1.,11.116 tLilt.. y • rirt :.i• lIEV. NI11.1.1:11, M TIEN' ,clr..•llrt, liinztt 31 1'.1,,1tr,z. S rr o.v t, r, that,. g•;, }\'y!,. St,.e ote. 111,ter r. .•'.. Jati.• • I'l3glwrn s. T, ,•. II Luvr , it. Theggn, .rt I. hr.— v, o. Ito lit u lug IN 11.;10 MEAD MANI' rAi"lr ItEr'i or '1'111: 1 , 1:A Pr , : or • SILITP PLATED WARES. We make nor own goodn; depo‘lt rhn :tile, Accurately, by Jrot, and Wurrout each article by our 'reade Murk on 1110 Mod% am) by NV ontrantetot If prororrtttl. They are tot nal 1.. Ilo• t 1110.4 gook. of Engll , ll and Frenolt Warn, and ntti•tin In doer gn and elegantly orndineutod. Pd. Ivory and ridlery In great varkty, plated tad ile unplatad, is dottioltle. a. rego6rt..l. N. E. Cur. NINTH and CHESTNUT 5Th., SIEVES WIRE CLOTH, SELLERS BROTHERS,. SW MARKET STREET,. PHILADELPHIA lap 99 TR ",,' I= AGENT, s =a =III sir it & Pn ..- t 4.4.\• SO tillialll NNZIt;. l'A L1:i:I;G1l' EZ= 1111= , 4 \';'l 1 , 11.1 =I .. , ~.. IMINIMEI HEM MEI =I C. W. CHAPMAN, Supt. and Eugitiver Cintrational MIME I= CUTLERY =I lIANUFACTURED BY .LEll44l' REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 CLOTHING ALL GRADES AND PRICES, READY-MADE OM MADE to ORDER Wo offer an unparalleled variety of Clothing (4 the Autumn :nil Winter Tradc, including many Nov,hies WINTER OVERCOATS, from $l5 to $5O. 1 BUSINESS SUITS, from $2O to $45 FALL OVERCOATS, from $l2 to $35. I PEA JACKETS, from $l2 to $3O Our entire Stuck is manufactured expressly for best Retail Trade 'ln our Custom Department we have all the latest fabrics of the Domestic and Foreign markets, and employ De but the, most most artistic Cutters. ..,. t.t..y.__. FURNISHING GOODS iu great vari ' e celebrated AMERICAN YOKE SHIRT a .perbilty. ANEWALT S 13110TIIEWS NEW IIAT AN I) 1) `TORE (Nearly opposite Ilagenbucli'f , SOUTH EAST CORNER EIGHTH AND DAMMON sTREETs AU ,ENTOWN, PEN NA. ne r , ii. 1 ,4 1 , lel , We would hereby announce to nor numerous friends and ;introits. Will :to tile I , llllin e lust removed to our new building, kontheust rum , of Eighth Mitt 111111111, .11 ',eel, g oriole.' to no, wants or our largo and Increasing trade, where we have now greatly rehloni•lool ate •tor k l that rot taio• tie Fall and Winter Trude, to an 111.WCtion of which everybody Is lIIN lt , ll. Thektylo• i• SILK HAY'S, C ASSIMERE HATS, SOFT HATS, CH I LDR ENS F.l X('1" HATS LADIES AND CHILDREN '5 FANG )' F'CUS AND PO 1...1 R 0 HES, In endless Vnrlrl7. which cannot fall to isi s.ll all, at Prier Potter thsn of doy lints Within t'o, last nicht .•111- "...Prop... to atlitaln repnlatlon we li•se heretoPire...loops' or 0 1 , 1111 1 1 11.1• 11 11 1 11 001 1, III", or and nt lower prices, than an; otherlu Allentown. . I.oellog ill Ant ler the witrolinco hetotoPo,osto us, we will endeavor In the future, as in the past, to please all—furni,hittx r h ots ,• the our 101011001110 department, to which Wn InVits nil country merchants, is roll and eoutplote, and 1..).131t0t sly I 'Ole to all sections, and the Inducements stirred 10111110 01111111 11/ any oxylindve ioldang Iron- , in the eat. Pirate as itand eznmhm our dark below purchasing, as W. elotrur waning lot shoal iug g•sel••• ANEW ALT DR. W. E. BARNES SON, Z 7 R TT G- G-. S, NO. 14 EAST' 1 lA'AILLTON The uttentlon of the tinge. of Allontt,n willlgh county IN reqtrolfnlty 10% Ito,' to Ih thing usunlly kept In st 11rnt•etatte Drug Storelto found lor •itlo hot, tho well welertod, connlnting of • - PURE DRUGS rtn , l MEDICINES, CUE MIcA LS. DYESTI , ITN, A PCCE 11'INES,1,1 LIQCoRS FOR MEDICINAL USE. PEIIITNERY, SC.IPS, BE USIIEN, FA NCI .opl TrII LI:T .1 I: TI,IES. PATENT MEDICINES, HAIR RES7'OR A 77 1. ES LINT E XTS., of ail kitok. Conainutly on band a large Ntock of roala 2 , 11, Pota•h and C01we11...0,i Lyr Soda, Ilnklug Soda. Tartar, Puro Poptior, Cinnamon. ('hour , anti Spice , „l all k0..1-. and Lubricating Ulla for machinery. anti a and otlior artirhot rrhlrh 1.11.11, I.IIIN e •1.11 v• y tit prirry it I••\c est TEA Si —W.• - . . rin Phy...irlatt. and Country Nfetchuld Ovular attention to tho Whol.,ale 1.1• feel confident me wtil he able I . love t 1 t ./..ntttte• fort) ttpt..›.ll 11=110111:tAPAI .MbinrileSZP.lllol LIFE INST HANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1851 BENJ. 'CHICKEICING, Secrelnry Dividends Paid Annually, on the Contributinn Plan, friini 29 1.. ,70 An Annual Payment Life Policy is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Preto:tn witco due, but in continued in force under the Mnvpachueeth Law of April, 1/iffl One Annual Payment will continue the Policy in force '2 year 4 and :1 day. Two " Payment!: " " • " 4 " " Throe " " " " 7 ‘• " The BERKSHIRE Wlll4 the FIRST COMPANY in the United Stitteti to make ALL of its imlicieg NON-FORFEITABLE. Assers ANNUAL INCOME All endowthent mid Limned Payment Life Policia are entitled to a PAID-CP NON-FOIWEIT ABLE POLICY," alter One Annual Premium has been paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, CEO W. H. YODER. .Agent for Lehigh and Northampton Countleo, Allentown es ;kir,► GRmiD MEN AN.. Et.r.,. 8 aci jtilW R ENg , s iCe .01 +O4ARe 459 AND 46 , :q MI New I3uilding, Cor. Eighth And Nest door to .11. S. Yortn.4 IGrvLnn•r St, we WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I= =MIMM=E9 DIEMINZIKIMSEM PlrrSll ELI), AI ASK T. P. PLUNKETT, President Per cent • EXANIPLE A'r'AGE 35 329 WALNUT STREET nEis oral Agent and Attorney for Penpu • t l', • - , ,T.: , llli • ' f ---:: :: 46 , . ) tf • • . ),.,..C.: BROTIIER, .11LENTMVN, I'.\ F.VOry olir 1. Log.. ntvl AI, Wan Ling LI Ohl. , porm. I.lrti 121111111231 ('Barter l'erpet tut JACOB L: GREENE, Asst-Svc) I.VI:IY surd he Wij4 '40111.1:t A. 1). 1,61, N( Xi' I;1'lil'1'.11lI.1 111111 r.1 . irer.,411 111 lilt MEI .1,!2i)(1,0111) .)00,01111 H: GRAVES, A)IEVLJN & C'ø. 'S I I' Vl' it " . „, . „.1 I=ISEMiI S SS .AN DICATION oe 1,1!. Itll I.•-..111ti 1.11 •rtil .i. 1114•11,1 • .1.•• ,, g • • Jo , 1 ., .‘1,11111,1111111•1 j,. lIE 1)11.E1 ! 1'11.1 1 1! rrm,.l 1111.'111.11 1.1141 11N1 , •1 . 11.11, 111 11.1. 11: '• .111.1 /111.1111.7. ly. :rri' y ILII.I iwrttl.tlp , •ti!ly ‘,1111..L1t 11,111111.11' =I E=3 I 1 . 1111:itl. 11,. Su h..i il~il A lit..• 1 )11L. 1 - I . 4I'II:NNON'S V.EG ET:\ 111,E DE‘sTizi,\ l• )1.•!.. n, sing =9 ill'OrcfNl! 70 u IrrA" .11.71.7? SUE SEE tt.. y-tt Itr Ifutr!:lu.. , u•. Po•t ),•1 st ; ,1 3., Lm v. rot 1 , itt t... tt, -6,14 t As. t. a-1; turn t n I tt JOHNS N. lIOLLO WA COWDEN, ft E'S EAT 11C7' ,, T4Vit IL Ft 11 1 'I"1' 1 , , () I; t) i 1, $1,1,11.• D0..1J•• r.:• cute all, :oil thicri •.:111tury :t,l I. i...t1: .•- I..r.,•.ntiv, t. , I:, 1, 11:-- -.111,1'1 It 1:,:t M=lM= . and will ,olitoa. olf SoLE 11". Ow. Fiph •Y Phitatle , 1'10,17 lIV rr AI 6 1 : 1, 1 1 , 1, „ 1: 1 1: 5 11 , ::ST DISCOVERY IN m '... ' ck• - • ,:ii.,. ,;,,, --.‘„.,..... ,--,. ~..- _ii. : 2_,,,,,• - ~...1 ~, . The .Itich be ,, L 10. r /IVPI . C.IIII, :II 1.11:4111 hot, 'PI, 1110,1 hy 11611,:t1 ei:l , •, 11,1 :14 agr, ‘VIN , Ia , VS 1.1 Ia , ZE.NOE Ilia hilharthat 11.41`i IY 11.11 rit uh. mistry has .It c,auln• tls Iwust)i- LCal .•,,111, 111'111.111V )11.111/0•• 111 lii ,. /11•ViVi•• • VAX tAtt. ..1y111,: the rt•inothal itropert to , a wereury...l kh•4• 01, •tit t•r•otlt• mot from It. , '11 ' 1 , 11•,..\ ' EX . 1.1:1:1101', '' : - 1 ' ...t ' t. ' intt:It• ;toot 1, , rottiotly Itoltpro'it Itt.totgla to It• , •I , It , Al! t i l , a,•ll• y I, ‘ . /1111,111,1i, 1,.. ! ". I I ' '' h j ii/11t../) 111, , .•tket t13“1 . 1 . 01 4 the 1 , 1!I. pound, I y :pllllll,lyr. ' • • ' Elt -MI N..1.0tV . r, AN 11 .N1. , 31.,'11 /rill r • ,•,..111.1.-111 , ,;:.0„.19..„•,1,,„,• ,•i• =Z=E=ll!=ll=i 41, I'/: \'./ 111 . - .11.1.1111. IN .%111.1:NT.WN ••=2.•,) END FOR CIRCULARS SV2'77 0 P°?tZ -I ` ii E R T S 4 0 . \!4 N Ve?ORK . f:.7:7C:\ 597 DDONOWA; EARTH -Cll 513i4DELPVIr • EA AR s E roM,"k o eo 9As ID DOANE ST. 11E11 IV . 1 1 1. .111.1.11u:1ml tl:.. I.lLlphe Ilint they 113vejit•t MiirNTAIN lit with A. A. Ilui r. Si..gor tho Eaglo 11. p.. Mill, the iti taanner. 1 11 Orden, ba Coal by the ear alkd at eburrnutire and at the 10we•11,11..t.a. L. W. BOONS & CO., I= =EI L. W. NOON 4. oct27 au2s-ly EXTENS' VE I,TOCk. ELEGANT LIFE INSCRANCE COMPANY, CLOTITINc; Me =MCI UNITED STATES iticoict• MIMI I 111 11 1.1ri•10,1.1:1.- 1.- rI • - 111.• 11,1101, INI cENTs _\ 11()X kl I \ Pi S I I I.: 1..."1' S =MEM I==l 1111= DEEM ('II \L 13VSINES4 M=! B. E. DOXACOTIBT 3:mtrancc. liiii Al I ERIC AN or PHILADELPHIA LKX. 111 1.1.1)1N, l',4ltlont =9 =MEM th.• t V ISRIr \ polirie. n all de•lnthle = =1!!!!!1 I=ll INZEI KI=MME=I il 1 1:1 ;' ilt.lllllT , . 1;';11r111 Natt;;lml Ilank l'llll.ll' I. 3113 •;;;;,1 31 1,1;'• Lt. 1111131:1,1:;•‘ MI=3MMEI %AC II 1ZI.V.11 , 1!-IIII, .tti .1111 v•at•l..t‘r, fea WHlmit .11""I LP' X. N1 , 1,1 , 11/ . 1 Front . . • ‘V Ir 1.. 1 . 1 . 0..1.11.11t il ll.ak. AV, I 1..%.1111 , 1;\', C.anal.•relal Nat. Bank. ..ak lloa,u S. E. rah 31.1:o and HIS& ai Chuatant AVM. J. 11()Mtt-I, )1. D., Agent, lEll== OEM TIM MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE' INSURANCE COMPANY I=l NATioNAI FE I NSl' RANCE CO., ME UNI'I'EI► STATES OF AMERICA c II AltTEI:r.ll , 1 1 1 111'1.11. ArroF rosnitEss. CASII CAPITA] BB:1N C II OFFICE PHILADELPHIA OFFICEBS I: ENfl: 11. r l'ro•!bt. .1 A conK E. 1 . 1,i111.1. I pl,!, rhuiruinn Finance and Ex DEN EV D. \\*a-hi:loon. Vico•Prv.ldent. I:3IEIDiDS \V. PEEP, l'ltiladelphia. secretary and Actu Thi• the At, TEN MoNTIN of it. >,395 POI, I CJES, INSURING 515,142,800. - Cotnr,t,y ~ g ore to ILA I'ollry.lloldere F ECT ti E 11 I rUY b y ..1 a 1111.10 [tr. ‘t) tln. 111,1trv41, b' lii /) W I? (f ? I 1' reMi if M LARGE DIVIDES DS IN ADVANCE Or 1try,•,14.ru07 Div klena ..f 1 ,, per cent. by itn lITI'IIN PllEllll'll PLAN ENERAL AGENTS : \ It :C l C... MI No • :Li South Third Strutt Philaddi I , la, Gelirral .tcol•t, fur Pent,.ylvittila au Svw .I , :t.ry,. B. S. Mimakger. C i , nrlr. W. Cooper Allentown National .B ank,Nehon loilphroitri Book ',tore. Agouti. Lehigh gild ihopling Couolli, Jacob A. Blum, nn•riul agent. rrtn: 1:111.11tE.111:TUAL LIFE INSIMA.NC'E AND TRUST CO MEI= CAPITAL, Vt• .1 Colt. FIFTH Asti HAMILDIN Ippo.lto Court Allentowu. A A (:. 111:NI N(I EP, 1'1.4 , 1.1,11 AN 11-'.1,1.A1:. Morgan F. :Sfoalur Epliratut l'lnni 13== iM=lllill .\ ro now np, andpnitretl to do nil Im.lno.otpertaltilnit to haul:dig. noley large or htnall nnionnl. reretved on 111141411, 4.01113 , i1111 lot daily balance/. and a per votil p.r NIX 111.11 1 / 1 , 411111 1..11:0•1. 1•2•111,1 tiov.wonvoll Mold, and other O t. e r p rt;lt n l , es lootdlit and THE NVIDOWS" AND ORPHANS' MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY OF PENNA MEM 31.11\ ANEWALT. PtirAimSr. Wm. 11. PE , II I. tali. Si.eitcrArtv. RTIN TILEA4I . ItI:II. r • Dirretrlro—.Julio Alorwnit, Wm.- /I. Dee.ll . . . Eplimun .1. K. 114.10, I . 11. )1. :4.11, Lemon C. Hub,, NVI, lI.S. Gr.POl filer .1 II 11.91111 i.. ThisS nrinty virtually n Ititoraner onipany on trill a llot•ntf or Ow •titall , q menn• eau procur I. pr.•irctluu lti 111 , family fff Ili. heath. It finn• inft annutunlato milli m , of dull., of tho ment Innnoy, a• fin nth, Life 11.1111111.` Colllllllllle.. Iftt each 11101116 T ran rotain hi, inntiffy until called for lii tit all in the ;and, 'at . the alva . lbvra iheinhelve, aad the ; ;:1 v ;.1.;;;Av mutual. Aletabola La, a right v;;tv Will' BECOME A MEMBER It I. no ni .re the moral ditty of II III:III to provhie the daily brottil for it, fauhly while ho liv, than it I. to pro volo tlghttith tla holm: nontillatta the evont his litthit'h TIIIS nth:lt:TV is the CHEAPEST had -.A EST nook of uoil, iu g n certain ' , fay islou for much valanoty IM' Nit lIEN iron.t littlito to take Ittuye of lifd n. the i..• 11111. tt.k therefore, to eon •otot t 1.N1.-0 anti ttt.11:1'1" in.uring in thin. Coati, . att.! ha a •..nrtl that melt, tit death yott t 111 iv, • L.' •..1 ~,11:•.!.:•'•Ii114 toa IVItIoNt t'd milt, or do• 0,l tit, o 11, toloot•t thanght, notol to the Socrotary for attr r.thhilar t coa,tior it. oltoal tt pile. , awl TOO re mitre )on will ototo tat, h: i!►otcls ): ) SIF3I II En RESORT' I'll l: ExcitANGE noTEL, = WILLI.% NI ETon • • 1 . .11;1.1' the wait 1188. lut,ll,llitV utol 1, •,0G 111 al, • ek:okra :4 the loed elm:De r lii 1 e 1.1,E 11l NI: Al'. I . )IENTri ere vellum:III:tog aull II s 011111... d. /Mt] ltre lur 111 r tu r..l.lluudallutt night. or lake heard. a, la w !Ili par 11.,. Fur lirlll. 1111.111",..:ladr,la \V 11. Ll.lll til'N'l7.. ..I,tlii,gl.ll 11., •••••••• I)EN IS M 1.1.1 E 1,1011:111.r till LEATHER. HARNESS, *HOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, ETC., ETC., MAIN EITIIEET a 1..1T I N TON,I'A t?-The best amt.:vials at t6t• lowest ptivra. i. sTliw.tirr DEPITV, :JCTII SEMSD S ['BEET. ABOVE SPRUCE, =I N'w it/ 1 . 114 auu , i• I LI, public. C A It D E. 0. THOMPSON, 3tERCHANT TAILOR, No. 908 Walnut Street, EArerl.l attention I. lerltrd lu litlnnaniodioun uud beautiful o•toldlobinont. ilw eo eitennfre egnekormonno•nble Ana demiruble goodt. :klwayo on bond. the rnputntion ob. taltn.ll n !rod. r Cu nod the, great po-se...ed for tho felbriantion and prompt Ilexpulch of all Although eminent in Ole prwctolo• or every branch of the trade. for tile particular bandit of the great l umber dhoolth.fled. PANTALOON CUTTING. •ti • YPECIALTY, la announced which Is an art not c , btalued taaltailon, but through cite stud y, experience and Practica. Throe &wiring envy nod mynah Pantaloons. are Invited to give title method • trial. oct 139 m 1869. T HE VERA' iftEia 'l'll M(IST 1; .‘ TIFI7 1, ( 1 , 1,,( ) r' if I N , J. li. WILSON, Svcretary li EY N ~'► II Ana. In orr 1. 41.• r rrl lii 1i:11,1,1Fr N A 0 1, E II v , •tl. Low,. .L.rl; of CLOTHING ev, got uilfti tiny cay. 1.1.1 rrll Cloud. iu Owir liar, xttal as CUTS . 0 4 1 a ..‘ 1,, 6,, I• t.. tis WE .1 1 EIRE EtMEZIE (1.1 1 11 i m.\1)1.-. Wi• rot 1,111.1 .1 “" f, r , • 1,111.1 11 11•1•1110, C.lll 111.1 k, iheit =I tn.n, i kr , In tin. inil.,n4 .••• owl ,vho a ill n1.n1.,11 (1'1 . .1% , til , • NM% 111. 4 - a-.111 u,rcl ss.‘ti rrAtt , tl sery rallIEM!! Call and :11%1 ,11:1Sli roi‘c.l nt Iho K S'l'tNi: , \ No. 91. Wc , t I kooillon Kirin 11 , xt do-r On Gotllion To‘vN. A full N....01tu1.• - al %v.) 4... Laud. 1;.%i.1.1 ci 1'2,1 G ItEAT SEW Pll ?.11 NNW (mops! CIA)IiIIN(;: MEE Id , :1)1V1 , 10N IN T. 1i NI N ('.u.,_ li . .\lluA IN'; GIII 7 ,AT EMPORIV:kI $1,000,01.0 NO. .63 IS:\sl' S'LIu:IST 1111111.1, C. , 113113 y ,‘ FALL AND WINTER WEAR, them to the public atT„ th„, who I. their th , y :41.• 011,11 A 11(4,11N,,. Wllol.r. -311'g MAN: To 1 , El; • COATS. l'.‘ NTS AND VESTS. OE= CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND UASSI EI:ES, I• litr•-ter i• t•ng , •eott 1.• •%•••••• -.t! 1, • it 7•••• ' to •••Il vry Al. 11.1.1•1• •t I rs. mot girt. ••ttr rit •t•ooto •• the le•ito At e of e our I••tt porelot NECKTIEs..CIMFS, COLLARS, I:EN7'S oooosl MEN'S. ItilYS', and CIIII.M:EN'S READY-gADE CLuTIIING Don' , for,t plare. N 4 7 East IlautittotL.roet. aura dt.r:Lbove Sixth mre..t. T. o+mrs. muc.n.lf $lOO,OOO A. 0. Rentnger, 111.11111ger, P.ttklin P. hlicklvy r ' ,; 4 4 r 1 ;%;).- i rkNekt-VIIMP4 I II4. I OM= Car. ,qrth and Ilamiltaa Sta., Aile,4i,ion, I'a IILiVE'.II . STIREA'EIVEIR AT Ml' (At.n.,,rowx. Is CLOTHING NTOIIE. , lart,.. 1.1 vory ty luo nod.• clothirit; (tom Ow talk AUCTIO\S, whirl, I will nrn• rota, ntl the diollz, rhr:ipor than any othur v•tvre m , sn Lime, A monia and Potash fiatinot Coat+, tit C0 , ..01t0r0 r.ot ~ All \Vol .1 1.54 'Black Cloth Coot, " ! Tbi• 31auon• routaiu. all tbo elements to produce, tar " 1 , - 1,", • ..- 01 al: .01.1.. and 1•• highly rocomna.ndoul by all wh• " by ogoiloul ..11.10014 4th, 1111,, by an ! .1 • • 't ••-t.ul ttualitlf, Parked In Bona of 13JU Pout., • at 2. .2.5 `", C,sllllert• Pala, 111 ra••,.looro [Lock Nut -,at ' 0.1 Whole sultu trout 411. to 115110 J 1'Io.1..•-olalvita. Iran giv.• y.oui to roll owl exatolne toy 4t0e1 , . 11 , l'or.• boo boy 01...whetr. Tito a•Ly 1 ton ....II toy c•lolltiug till y reit, au thl donor choollor t .11:111y 11l All , lll b..• Call., I 'MVP 0.1,11 e.t.a.. , nun 1 um aot,tautly l'lttlatlolphlu with ready MEM buy them ut AUCTI tYN. FRAN IiLIN IiNAF BEM J. 152 \"w•th nartl Sfreel, A, 1 n. parinaw.thily ,sitthll.llml In the Natio.° :ma hu• , ;It 1.72 No) ill:tnl.1 Plillaolelphm Itt ,11.• .allll atti•nti , al al vaunt LT chant.. ta I,ly latga an I extvuNivt• ..r Plirrhtvally eloowliere. 1 el , g 3ln C0NSI . 10110(ILEN . BOILER NI) ( 41, JOHN WOO 1)„j E=M = 437 , STEAM rIGGI:LATING Ii GI,ERS All kind. of Wrottglit Iran Toyer. for 111, Fur bare. Oa•ool000e. elookoat.ickb, Pilo, leo! Wheel rowe, aol I, vrythlslg I/1 the 80i1er...1 alo,t fool lino. Moo, all kind. of Iron nod Stool F..rolag• um! Illach.talth work, 3litiare"ro,,i. of all L!!!!!!!..och ••• Wheat Docket.. ?Wk.!. Drlll4. !Igoe, hr. Having a him liatooter mud act,of look •f all k hide. and ekllled work to u, I flutter inynolf that I cau turn oat work orlth pro:Tiptoese nod dlapitch, all of which will be P warranted to be gret•elitne.- atching Boilers, and repairing generally, ttrictly at. landed to. ape 7.1 Clothing rilEciiEA.PEsl \N E) MOST DURABLE P P1)11 LESS MONEY (:E , itEE iii,.t7.1)1:1?, n~~i;ra s.u.~.e I=ll = !=i3 •trt • 1/1 , 1.111. tilll ii:4l,o' = I= And riveryiliing in Ow line of I= I= IMI= ==iliti= fErthaniro 13rofr5ional Carbz •'.• , . • TA111:S S. 111.ERIr. AT'IIIRNEV AT eal No. 'AI Hamilton .trort, •••nand floor a la , Hall, Alloomm l'a. (Sponial attention glmot , a•Ton-• 7LI C . .. ArrOltVEY J AT 1.11i1.1111V. S• loom, opromto Amomoun Allonlown, Penna. llornoto ..pohon. Lolaigh and adiamoo rolinta.• vromptl) anotololl ho, IEH 114:1: 11. I{lll.ll'. ATTIIItNEIf X .11' 0111,, n ith Jnlm 11. Stiles, Alien tom 11, y4r D. 1.11 . 11 EN 11 ACII. ATTOR • N V Al LAW o...rtncrl prnutic4nl In t lxiet nonn.Yulll N. -I Ilomill.n/ -trent, to•al)• tn.. “nrt !M1.... A111,110W11.1 . .1. Niey von•nlied in Iln• rui. A. ItIFTZ. ATTOItNET AT P. W 3 a.,11*, oppt,ite the Euil• i.. 1, T VALLEY FIRE INNER. I_4 ANCE(' ~ 11I. A AY, ALLENTOWN. I . A.' Mlles over Bask. i.r..verty uquiu.t t o ., by Lb-o,lllw sints.ll plan. S. Buxu, Prom't J. S. I , ll.llssEn. sect y. nr..tuTtruL EIFE LIKE P IC -15 MIES. ITS ll= MI I,gativo.. S. \V. ALLEN 'DM'S. V.I. ItevEn..urrovtsEr I,AW. 1 11. Slittington. Lehigh rminty, 1..1. 1,11101, 'Northampton aud pv..loptly ulity - 1 , TOM.% TORRENT. tTTORXEY AN I•OI'NSELLt.I{ AT LAW, N. Wa+t II MINtiM=M T 0. 40.1 VIAC. vrroott YEY AT • LAW. Otlice, N.lrtli Flllll ni!..t.t. Mite, No :pit, II tkitilton .tert El2= MENEM EJ. MORE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, • A I.I.ENTO WN, PA. Olney, Nci. Enta Hamilton • it- lit livriwin. jun 14.'1,1•1r 1 - ) CLAY 11.1.11 1 . EMMY, All"reolni EY • AT LAW. CATASAUQUA, PA. jun 14-•138-lf n1' 4 21(111 AS 8. M ETZGEIt ATTOIII. 1 AT LAW. AI.I,I:INToWN, PA. Office, Zio. 1110' . 20- 'tLS .ri' liS It'll'Z. .11.11)Elt311A1, Sl'ltVEVott AND cIoNVEVANCEIt t Al:1;NT Full Till: SALE 01 , REAL LbTATE, l'a. 14::11) % lt . Lit it 1 „ A:ITI)111 , tN 'I \'l'r~\l'\, " " • 1 .. fel l t l l3 ‘ !;%-ty h 1.,11,411 r.,ltiti), I • .1. WILLIAM 11. SIDIVICLN, AVl'Olt corN S F.I.L ,11 ST LAW, ror her..lll.m.ltet. (0011..,, Alley,, ALLEN TtoWN. 1 - 1 4 D WARD IC .1 Hs E' AI"rOUNEY AT LAW, I,lllr e, Samuel A. Ilridaan, way 1 imN P ATTORS El' AT I. Aw , ; P.; Mlle,. N. E. Cern, tttl; sod 11.ttsiltou Streets ALLEN , ToWN. luny 1-1 y - Y LL e ENToWN, tunyl-ly lEORGE 13. f.:41 IL U.I, curroircuv Al' LAW. urtire, FL, t above Law Alley, AL LENT,IWN, TT C. 111UNSIIERGER AVIOR.NEY AT LAW. NVILII John IL II llYfr. Fthh SI., , '“ort IL.u.v, ALLENTOWN. *pr. 'll-ly TEVI SM4ls*Ett, AT'l'o R %EY AT -I LAW. ALLEN N. PA. it Moo, N. W. Corner Oil. :toil Occouil ns, P iiarticular alien tioo 111.• netil.•lll , 3l Decetkut emt..ter. Callen load Sr N A , r ^ titore, No. 34 I..tst Hamilton ttreet, ALLEN ! Too \V:. VA. C '4ol.'l'4DN ! -1 ) A 1 \ SSOC 'PI()N the ttlia,-11..•t,.• tlitrAtts oxide It, 1-t, it in the vit.—l manner. do no th ,s , hot EXTRACI"I'EcTiI. they certainly.Y/ 1 50 thm •. , I:l,o , ,,ltlnot%tr.tify. S't 7.7 "Aitti; 'Agricultural. T M PORTANT TO FARMERS I. SEED \VI lEA T AGENCY, cALIFoI:NIA AND ,itItEGON R'• furul , ll Farmers wills tls• BEST FEED wHEAT IN THE WORLD I=l nr,,‘ n .11'nTlIA1.1 A N and Seed, Yleldlet. •• I YTS 1.11 - SLIELS To TUB •CII6, TO Till: )1E.15r RED 'roe Eart , of Wheat, when :nature, are usually olives •r welt, long. 4g- rot lip noeurely tied and senled in linen Lege lid -rut ii) tire to nil parts of the country, on re I cella of pin, SAM PLEB CTS. LAC II L BAGS M. mud $1 EACII Or in iiirwir rja•onAble rates I® .1NI) ))1:IXON SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, MIMI BOW E R • CONE 11,ETE MANURE, lIENHY WAVER, Chemist, CE=l WA 1:1;NTLI , FIZEE DITLTERATI.iN nixoN, S CO., 139 South Water :01,1 10 South DOnscure .Ay., =I • bl' resole y %VILMA 71 South Sired. 11411,150, l't.r 43.f01.314,1, dare,k Her flow, 111,1:1411.110.1.. fel,lo,ty,ly F S. It 11 nRS .AN I) FEEDERS rt. d d g EXIT I. AN I) BAKERS' FLOUR, .tt l'••• 112111. 'r lITEENTII %V I 1.1.4 tW Pb 110,1011.1,1. t.r.b•r• It wail lrow l ,llY V. 1869 . 1.1011..1 DEl.l'lll.l. 1869. WA LL PA_PERS. 1 !MN' ELL & BOURKE, PA PEW HANGINGS NVIN DOW SITADES, 'AT.E i:,,,,ms.r,rc yoll'l:Tii and MARKET Slo., VIII 1.A1 , 1 , .1.1 . 111 A. Factory, n4r. T, 411111 tint Sa...ut St.., N \V ,T1'1.1, , A\", (Alt MAKF, •,1,;•:1111 • • • • • I .1. sTEEN.. P II ()lASI' F:it \PISIO\I' SIIADL do - BEDDING STORE, No. 111 Y.orth PHI LA IA WINDOW Sll A 1) E 5, Wttl, fix , an, complete, (rota VA a pair. uD to warn: HOLLAND 511.1 DES AT ALL PIZICES. OF ANY STYLE AND CoLmt mADE To Mt STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED = ALL KINDS 01 , WINDOW DRAPERY PATENT MOSQUITO CANOPIES. (:I LT. 1:0SLWo , AND WA LNITT CORNICNS. cuirrAlN uANDs. TAss . ELs, coup, &c. FURNITURE S'IMIPS CUl' Alin MADE STAIR AND. \ ESTIBULE RODS. FURNITI'It ItEXPIIOLSTEILEII AND VAILNISIIED. C,,rveg. and 3futtiugm..o4l /cud new. made, altered .01t1 put down. UPHOLSTERERS' MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT WHOLESALE A NEW THING. BILK FINISHED WINDOW SHADES WM Enem I= GOMM I= I=l MEM I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers