Eoc YttiO, 'Wit, and I'vorrletnr, HOW. !ABDUL Ja ALLENTOWN, PA., NOVEMBER 10, 1800 THE LEGINLA'rEItE. The wires are already being pulled for the coming session of the Legislature. The can didates for Speaker of the House are lion. B. B. Strang, of Tioga, and Ilon. H. C. Johnson of Crawford, with the chances favoring the former, the papers state, because he has the Philadelphia delegation pledged for him. If that is true, then there can Is no doubt that somebody or something else is pledged for the Philadelphia delegation. They never leave themselves out in the cold and too often draw the wool over the eyes of the country mem bers by their support of strlMe position which Is only to be used to help themselves. We hens that the same delegation are pledged to the present Incumbent of the Treasurer's office—in fact, anybody can pledge • them if they ask them properly. The Philadelphia Republican papers fought hard against the return of some of the members of that same delegation, and it remains to be seen whether their objections were not good. Cell. Sel fridge will probably he re-elected Clerk of the House. Ile has made a good officer and is capable and obliging. ObUying means a great deal when you have business at Harrisburg. The General was a good 4oldier. and we hop no clique will be formed against Idle, as there was against Irwin last year. In the Senate, Mr. Stinson,'of Montgomery, gill be elected Speaker and Geo. W. liamersly Clerk. The latter is indispensible. No one but those who have occupied seats in that body can have any idea of the knowledge and tact rewilred for the position, Besides, Hamersly's services as Secretary of the State Connnittue deserve re ward. With Mr. Covokle he 'attended to all the Ini-dnio. of the late campaign ELElrriiims L.tsT WEEK 1 he Democracy of Nest' Yuth carried that State by about 15,000 majority and Tammany has a majority in the Legislature. The result WIN attained by polling 20.11011 fraudulent. votes. Still, this could huge I 1 Jeen is eremite if the Ilistalection in the Republican ranks had not been •*0 great. The result. as it is. is a good thing 11,1 . the Republican party. Lot tt very sad affair for the taxpayers ~f New York. The effects of Democratic rule trill be visible next 'Winter. The result will be a rc•action Inoue favor and an Increase of the Republican delegation to Cottgres4 to be elected next Fall; but the people will sutler for turning the State over Into the hands of tha unprincipled men they have chosen to make their lute s. Notwithstanding the side issue of lite Labor 'Reform movement in Massachusetts the Re publican candidate for Governor hoc a plural ity of 12,000. The Legislature stands 171 Re publicans, 58 Democrats. 20 1., her Reform. The Republic:ma havecarried Minnesota by a majority of about 1000. The election in NewJcrsey was for mein bers of the lioue, ane•third of Abe Senate and for County Officers. The Legislature now stands—Senate, 13 Democrats, 8 Republicans; House, 33 Democrats, 27 Republicans. The Republlcane of Illinois carried the dele gates to their Constitutional Convention by a large majority. In Wisconsin, Fairchild. the Republican candidate for Governor, bus it majority of 8,000. 'flue Republican majority in the Leg . 'shame, on joiitt ballot, is fort y.one. The Rebels carried every county in Mary haul The Leg:shanty is st ronely rebel. The vote polled was The election in West Virginia for members of the f,egislatnre resulted in a handsome vie. tory for the Republicans. In the llonse ti n y lartve three majority, and the senate will stand lH Republicans, intltitiintr I.ibcral.:, 0. 1 Inbt i.erat-.: Wti wipe that the Legislature which meets hi:January, will do something towards the passage of a law eonipelling the publication or ' notices of special or local legislation. II can do no harm and will certainly do good in cx• posing the many tirivate bills which are never heard of until we see them in the published acts. There is nothing partisan in this idea. ht Democratic districts, as a general thing. only members of that party are favored with the records or other documents. and ries teen' iu liepublicun districts. Now, when a hill is to be passed affecting a certain county, every body living there, ought to have notice of It if he is willing to read the papers. In that way members cannot say that they did not know the wishes of their constituents, for they would undoubtedly soon hear what public opinion has to say about it. It will also aosik iu breaking up rings mid cliques and secure us better laws. A Legislator who is so minded can now rush through any private bill to suit himself. By a tacit agreement local bills are passed at the request of the member and there Is no one to object.. If notice were given, however, to hie constituents,.he might find more trouble than now. Again, but few per sons get the acts of Assembly as now publish ed and of course there are many local laws in existence of which the people :ire ignorant. If they were first published,- however; they Would be read by all who take the papers. As a general thing the people know their wants better than the Legislatnre does, but now they are not consulted, have no opportunity or sog gentling Improvements nod in fact everything is left to the committee or the getter up oaths bill. Publish the act first and the newspapers will soon tell you what the people think of it and whether It cannot be improved or amend ed. The answer to all this will be, we sup pose, that it will benefit the printer. That Is a very selfish thought end if no one but the printer is to be helped, we do not want the law changed, We think, however, that it will pay the people at large to attend to this matter now. Instead of the Legislature meet ing to legislate for the community at large, it is a fact that nine-tenths of their arts are of 3 private or local nature, and that no one but the law tnakera themselves know anything about it until the mischief Is completed. A 'change would he beneficial and many a "snake" would be killed. TIIE• ROAM) OF CHARITIES thwernor Geary has appointed Gen. gloms 1„ Kane, of McKean enmity, dn'o. Welsh, Esq., of Philadelphia, Wm. Wilmer Worth ington. of Went Chester, F. It. Penniman, Esq.. •of Pittsburgh. dud lion. G. Damao' Colontml, of Lebanon cannty, COmmissioners on the Board of State eltarities authorlzrd by net of the last Legislature. Their duties arp to visit and inspect all the charitable apt! cor rectional Inatitutimis the State, an d ever else a general supervision. The object of this commission is a good mie awl their duties very important. At each session of our Leg islature large sums of money are appropriated towards the support of different inultntions snd it Is due to the taxpayers that there should bwpersons authorized to see whether this money i properly expended. We hope thin . the first report or these gentlemen may show . that the State hat not been imposed upon and that the money appropriated goes to the place for which it is intended, inl!end i f 11 4° the imcletti of certain persons who appear to. thrive by their philanthrophy. The mUninis , s i on jug( selented is composed of well known ( citizens. They receive no iialary, but ore tycli rewarded in the honor of having in im• ;mann % 2 uust committed to their bands. A. (+ENTI,EMAN of the Democratic persua sion, who keeps a sateen, called at our office, last •week, and told its to stop the RatoisrEn! This we positively refused to do. We httve been at great expense to stock our establish ment. Our paper tins a mission to perform. There are five tholisand voters in this county who look to thpEutsTkit as the yrenofthe . party and as long as the paper priispeis as it has the past year, It shall never be stopped. But wo dually compromised the matter with the Democrat by consenting to discontinue Ma espy of the Ita:olwrmt, and casually naked him the reason of ties dissatisfaction with the paper, when he pointed to the following edi torial which appeared last week : • The elections in New York were held yehtertlity. Owing to the unfavorable arrangements of our Lehigh County Malls we are unable to wait for the returns. If there was it fair election we feel confident that the Republican party bus wuu a handsome victory, but If the audacious leaders of the Democracy were successful In dodging the Registry Law in New York City llte triumph will be for the Democrats. The nun - 11,er of votes re quired has been; heretofore, known on the day be fore election. The &Hell has been arning,ed for In Gotham and Democratic eut-throats, thieves and other villains have fraudulently annulled the limiest voles of the people. dutch are Democratic vim ories ! '•'Then'," said he, '• if Democrats are thine (Nuys, I don't tvant your paper.'• We did not say.,norll, that iill;Democrats were flaw things, but, unfortunately, thone are Democrats and, instead of being in the Penitentiary, where they belong, they exer rise the rights of American citizens, and by repeating their votes defraud lamest, law abiding, tax-paying citizens out their• right to govern. How true our editorial or Wed: uesday last ! Through the acts of these bell, urged on and paid by the leaders of the Detu oeratic party of New York, a Republican form of government in that State is a 'farce. And yet they are the very men to plate about the Constitution. Set cr, before, was such a deliberate,. outrageous system of fraud perm.- tinted. By the aid of thosr fbihut •• the Vitt j and V I ith Wails of Nest York City gave i Democratic majoritiei eonshlerably exceeding their entire legal tide ; but the N . Nlst lt•laul i stripped a ll rivalry. piffling about •1000 frandu i lent vote,.•' Tht,e are a ECM iu,tuuur. of hour the DellMeraile party carried New York. The "thieves. cut-throats and other villains" VI ere at work in other districts, and how they did it is shown by the following letter front I a private citizen, but this is only Otte of the ways. Can the respectable men of the party defend it ? Fun: When I went to the pulls to-slay I found that sous tWOIIIIIII,I had been there and voted out my name. and, isun.equetutly, the Inspectors would not allow nue to Vast a ballot. A straight vote War , It im the Repnbhr:nv he this raseally trick, e high Illustrates one of the villainous methods by which the Democrats of the Seventh Ward piled up their large majority. If there Is any redress to lw hail for this outrage. I should he glint to know how to obtain it. DANIEL A. SNENNELI., Nrit Nov. •h. No. 65 b:ast Broadway. IT 111111 i lilt that Johnson has One more eltancc. and he Is doing his level best to bring victory out ,Pr defeat. They have round some thing in the Tennessee or some voteditution w !dell rnrbids members of he I.l.gisititnre front bi•ing elert,ll to Unitgre,4 daring their term or ollico. 31 r. Cooper Wll^ a 111(.11111er Itf the Leg islature (rout 1./uvidson county at the time or his election in lite United States Sonitte, anti It is now claimed that there must be another election. John Bell NVltt. elected in the stone way, and no one ever to the sent. lint .3. J. \tits not lilatin then. Ile it :Omni now. and has already giVi•it the mem bers of the Logislittore--Johnson and nnti. SIIIiIII.I* )11 the Statet•y 111111,W, in Nashville. where everything passed off h.ar innitionAy. Or course it did. Ile has got them nw. Around the festive hoard His Aecidency 1.5)1 allot: them 11111111 and seeort , their vitti•s.. 1{1 , 11.1( A , Ivili(11,1 . \N:I 4 (1111 Vielell ill Philadelphia 111 , 4 11 nult .elling I'orge,l autogruple- of (;111. una other:. Smut:6lllV rillltt . the IMlThatii'd a letter at li:IS 10411 ry r since di...pill:VP(' ill lillbilt \it'll' ill " lilt' 1 ;101 ,1 T, where many ilistingnklitAl taco looked at it 1\ itli ioliniration. II turn, out luny, that too, Is a forgery and by the very 11(110 who wat , oil trial. 11 . 1. Nvoinla 10110 it wu , thnt f.ent the tt le Ornphic tlispui through out the Stale, t‘‘. days after the election, l'acher's mine' to them, eliiiining the State for him l'orgery ..r that kiva ina double etime.for t . oti lends (I ,it tl , ;OW t George \V:I, not entirely tusexpecled. Ile has been failing ft)r some lime and aka al a ripe age. Ili- loss is fel: by I:ngland adol America. 111 tin• lea) illtont a par allel ana hi. mon, trill live lore \er us .• the friend of wan. -• lle I:new the \ ante nail ,uu Lt 10 111:110e r- happy by 111- NV..:111.11. \\ * hilt a Irson In 11111S1 . 11'110 ate day after any to hoard up x.. 111111 gOlll C.lllll 111 . carried If, till glace' .\ toisi ieust, Esti., au eX.p::a:yber of the Legislature ha , catered snit again,l the publishers of Patht r Abraham at I.anca,ter, for libel. That paper• say:: the iiite g ea Ind It the exp,,sttion made uun•e than a year ago of )Ir. Armwtrong',. mileage as a uu•nther of the Legislature, he tieing entitled 14. RllOlll $1) for :10 mile (thy (iktr,th.... o f I‘l, residonee to Harrisburg) he 1i i a :Mk 11\1:r itOo for 300 "ringin4 ITElex -110,11 .1,-NF,111;.•t• 1. reimtled •erinu•ly 111 mt W11.11111,t011 —.\ Ilre on Friday night, :IL stroy,l lire dwellhis lom,t, and their uoilttini -1.,,-4. *10,040. —ii.'llV-A111114:11 ill:11'h , St( Wa 11. of t h e 1: itit t 4l Statt, navy. 41111 of Ir•orm%drx latne,tlied at Bartlett town, on Saturday afternoon, nt the tt4e of o'2 riots. --The Like National Rauh at 11 olfhoro, N. U., slob elltell.ll 011 Friday night and rnLhcd ur it% en tire contents, consisting; and private The Ins, is Leary. —The nap , In I.ond:tit Were en Saturday placed at half mast, and many Minding,. In the city drapoil in mourning, ue u mark car re,,peet to the Memory of ho late George Peabalp. tin , lvr direction of the I)taini..ll pr fl,_. Qrlloo.r,, ,hinted boar Phihioptilik. w,p.ppoii,d uu Mp:on,;.. hold nor the Inoet :toy Snit e. —Governor (liner Ln. t•h C ueil the dem), warrant. , of .lope Fields and Zachary Taylor, both con %doted of dltterent intwders In the State, owl they flee It) be eTeelltett tott nieqthiy. the .itil due or December. • -Th.• Itahtehettteen Niet:oole att.l Ilea tat [ming to the imbroglio. .%11..a tie ellitt+ to !kilt \v1111.• the ,takes are held he a St. I.ltais man. Mtl'oole , 1%111 tight Olt 110 other 'l.Oll - 11101101 ,e‘eral I n tu t . 1,(9, for t•takeltohler. --lite Hoeln-der Theatre, in that city, AVaS i.lttlily dr.stritysii by lire tin Saturday morning, to gether u•itlt several adjacent building,. Lani, 150,000. . The fire was discovered in the grew rump, at 5 A. 11., told spread with great rapidity. Ntr. E. D. Dovciftort linit a large portion of his wardrobe, L. L. !hale, the original discoverer of pe troleum. incil laet wee' to a Connecticut poor hullo, About a tulle below 'lltneville the drel oil well derei,l: that wan ever bull', hi tulle Or any Other coOnlry, le still to be seen. It le sad to re. fleet that the man Tvito fleet bored for 011, and by Ills Owl, awl perseverance, MA tally flOOdell it eommi,,, , ,!s with sudden riches. but Increased the weititi, oldie !nod as a common pauper. A proposlllou line been rill"on mpiunnenl to hie memory, but a contet4Grary thinks the most suitable-monument would be a hcitneiitcad for 1114 bereaved family. :14.Ei14 141-1. liEGI TI-1 • - —T A& Wu ip inches of'Anow itt Hudson, OLIO. On Molittly inotithig. —Tite LakeVOnse Noyei Mad:, nt. Burling.; ton, Vt., 'Were destroyed by tire on Monday. The loss Is iiii:,oo; mindly eovered Insurance. One num, J. D. Fisk, nuts fatally, and idne others wore or less Injured by tlw falling of a null. THE HEVENEE The following intere;ting letter from Commis sioner Delano will he interesting to all revenue officers and distillers : TREASURY DEPARTMENT, OPPICE or INTERNAL. REVENTAL Nov. 8, : I have • received your letter of the lffith ult., stating that many and often large lots of spirits arrive at Baltimore from various Western distilleries presenting one uni form degree of strength which, When being rein spected, vary considerably from the original proof marks, which variations, you state, "almost with out exception, show that the full amount of tax due the GoVbrilinent has been paid." You further state that you have reason to be lieve that at many Western distilleries the practice. prevails among gaugers of Merely testing the proof of the spirits In cisterns, before or at the time of drawing oil', and of marking all the pack ages :it one drawing of a uniform degree of strength. instead of testing the strength of the spirits In each particular cask." The prevalent.° of the pravtice Is sufficient to ac count fur the fart of Incorrect tranghig of which you Ilrst mentioned, and the practice may betaken as explaining and establishing the b a th of Ills fact. My attention has been recently called to an other stud similar practice whlctrto stated to pre vail to some extent in different parts . of the coun try. This Is that of drawiug, of original or rein spections a sample (leach ot tiny particular num, her of cask', found together, which several 'sam ples are entered into it vessel In common and gauged, and the average strength of various sam ples so ascertained Is pinked upon curb of the several casks drawn from, and a uniform strengt h thus marked upon the whole. Both of these practices are manifestly wrong, and must he tit once. diseoutinned. You will promptly report to,the olllxe any future occur retire of this kind that may came to your WARE', W W 1 all theta relating to it, including names of distfllcrlre and the numher of distillery, together with the State and district to ,which they belong, ' o if eveti fled spirits, the 1111111 e and place of busi ness of the rectifier, giving in either case the name of the gauger, to the end that a proper 111Veatigits )1011 may he had atilt the facts. The attention of revenue officers generally, (1 . -peel:illy of storekeepers and gaugers, and also that 'of distillers, rectifier. and wholesale liquor dealers, is again particularly called to seething 93 and 25 of the act of July ii), 18011. and to supple ment I, sales 5, No. 7, of regulations and instruc tions, Issued August 90, Mgt. The requirements of the law are plain. and the language of the 3rd division 0r supplement, relating to murkiug and , branding of racks or packages of distilled spirits is Ft) fall and explicit 116 to leave 110 eXruSe for omission or inaccuracy, and public notice will at once lie given to all parties concerned that"no ex ell,' for either will hereafter he received. Very respectfully, C. Dru.A NO, Commissioner. 'to AleNaluier Itniton. Esq.. Supervisor, Rulti wore. Mil. LARGE 111.1 L OF ('OI;NTEII FEITERS. MEE= DE , TEP, AND Timm tiTOCI: SF:17.1.:11 SliiinetWo months ago counterfeit tobacco stamps appeared In the market, and investigation showed Ono a large number had been put in circulation. Chief of the 'freasnry Department at once set his forces at work. unit the result Is the largest seizure of counterfeit stamps known' In the annals of this count rJ• " job of detection" is said to lie the keenest ever pui (ii foot, and the men ar rested are fiei.sons Who have ranked among the first engravers la the United States. Link by link the chain has been followed until there are now in Jail men who are believed to have defrauded the Government of millions, and in the possession of the detectives the best " set" or plates, types, and presses In tire country outside of the Treasury De partment. The tobacco stamp in question was the sixty-pound one, aml its price from the lion. minima was fill ;:u. The counterfeit stamp was furnished to tobaueo merchants at $5. The coun terfeit stamp Is of superior workmanship and most have iieen—as linked Ties the case—the work of one of the best engravers In the country. :1t the outset the detectives were almost buliled— the counterfeit stomps came Into the market in Final; reaching 130,000 : and yet where to find who Issued them and who sold than 'masted the Chief and his force. At last 0 ray or 'iglu fell wires,. their path and Ti,, the . 25th or oetoher, cot. whitely pin hi, halal lin the •lioillder of Hart IL Pearce or No. :hi Nassau street, and said, " I meta you." Pear., I, said to be, by experts. the hest en graver in the linked States. 11,, hail worked in the first Ilims in the country, had borne an fin- Idemislied repulat ion, and nothing but the pres enue or ell the paraphernaliu of the, counterfeiter and bogus stamps in profusion con, hived the uG n.ur or Ids emit • ['Carve bad liven tOliployed by CO. of Now:York in their finest work, and for the Allierivall Bank Note Conipally, and only a short time before hail opened the oiler at No. :13 steel. fearer at first stoutly denied the charges. lint when there was discovered, still warm In his pocket, n comae:lea I'll revenue stamp plate, he made a full confession 10 his eajaor. Ili Ifot inliCe were platss. a transfer press, rollers, and stamps In abundance. Believing that there were others interested, a Ti Melt was posted Oil Pearee's place, and Col. Robert 11. Clark, who commanded a reeiniellt ditrlng the rear, was ar ro.teil 01l suspicion. Upon in% estigation it wad discovered that t'llirli•s residence, No. 317 East Set, uteenth street, was well stored with the results of the work Of the counterfeiters. Every hurtau drawer. box, trunk, and valise contain, il et lilenees iit the I idonel's Iltindrtal , of sheets or to- Iwo, eland*, thousands of revenue stamps, from one cent to hJU, dies for making stamps, and over WON Worth of eleanyd genuine stamps that had been nicely arranged in boxes for sale. Counterfeit money enough to make the possessor a millionaire if it could be sold dollar for dollar, was al•O obtained, and the . 011 leers had fairly opened up a mine of enormous counterfeit curren ey. All the property was taken to the Chief's headquarters, and Clark wall harried away to laid low street Jail, Where he v01116,.1 his guilt to l'hief Whitely. Evidence now came in like the sea. Niel' were sent hither and thither to arrest guilty' parties, and the net wits drawn slowly, and none eseaped. In Clark's rooms was found the sixty-pound . counterfeit stoup, which rivals llie genuine One In eXeClition. Clark was fully VOlll - oil Nlonilay last, in default of t 25,000 bail. On Stiliday C'ol. whitely again started on the trail, :ma proceeded to a secluded spot on. Staten near Princess Bay, and arrested one John Itiption, an old engravt.r and pribter. Motion hail bioncrly been employed by Tightly al Co., I and.la , t Spring moved to Staten Island, and since that time has been engaged in printing' the coun terfeit stamps. In the house was found n print mg press, dies, inks, and rollers. The house was away in the woods lint of the way of the road, and the inmates were taken by surprise, and stoutly protested against invasion on the Sabbath.. The ouenpants were John Wigton. steel and copper plate printer, oath; of England, and Win. L. Keuiplon a native of Maine, a retired sea-captain. Minion's wife, t liref• childi en and a colored girl formed with himself and Kempton the household. 'Elie engraver and the printer were now seeured, yet the Chief was out satistled the plat), must be solilendiere Mann the house, and after faithful search the plates still were safe. Four .hours' coaxing, urging. and threatening compelled Rip • pen at last to matte it•elean breast of the matter, and lie eolifef!ied that the plates were buried in the aardeli, and pointed out the spot. .Ifter a Awl. and a hall Of earth hail been removed, the officers discovered to large tin liov, which, upon being . Opened, Teat , . folitid la eolltatil 10,500 coun terfeit Revenue stumps, In large Sheets, th e plates for printing. (Iles, rollers, and every denomination of smolt',:, Irmo one cent to eighty ()ottani. In the box sae also in die for tnalting three cent sn eer pieces, Steel files for slat:1011g cobs,., dice for arithmetieul figures, and in the lower room of the house was found a perforating ress for punch ing the holes betwcen the stamps un the printed sheets. Scattered here and there in the lower riwin was a 'urge supply of inks, oils and Jugs Illicit Mtn gum, The latter was Item] for the backs of URI stamps. The prisoners and material were taken to the United States Marshal's °Rice where they were held In eustody, and Rippon and Keniptou were taken to the Brooklyn Jail to await their trial. Ilut on the scent, the chief left this city on Monday night for Boston In company with Pearce, to arrest one Reuben Carpenter, an engra- Ver oil Broonitield-st., and who was said to lie ill the plot. Upon arriving inn lloston, Col. Whitely called on Chief Kurtz of the Boston Pollee ' who detailed! we of Ills best detectives, Benjamin Heath and Mr. Jones. with rendered efficient aid In el'. curing the arrest of Carpenter. .The latter Was al [lrk Indignant lit the charges made against him, Lin lit last surrendered, and 1161.108e1l the whole trilithileOoll, and tame with Col. Whitely to this city. Among the plates found in Ids .posse6sion was one of the 5.:20 bonds, in an nullulshed state. Carpenter is said to lie one or the best vignette en graf.:...rs in the United States, and the picture on the !date I. rib cxeerilingly Uric s OrkinaliShip. The Ileoll6Pl is connected With respectable fam ilies In Boston, and hits stood high in social envies fir many years: To fully establish the fact that these men were the best workmen In the mit:rav ing lisle, It Is said that they have done this work by hand that Ih done in the Treasury Department by imiebluery, and an agent of one of the Bunk Note Companies said yesterday that Pearce was the finest letterer in the world. The work hum been so well done that the Continental Bank Note Company, by whom the 60-pound tobacco stamp .Is printed for the Govcriunent, could hardly tell the counterfeit from the original when placed side by side. It Is believed . that Col. B. Itobert Clark ciao the originator of the counterfeiting scheme, that lie brought in Pearee, who tempted Carpenter, and the combination thus formed Gillraged RIITOII to ilf) the tainting. During yesterday, prcunitient detectives of the 3letropolitau Pollee, called at OKI 'Jlaudyunrters of Col. Vt hitely of the Secret Stir " Job was the cicouc~l tblpg they ,der met with," and also that it was the largest " haul" of ec,uuterfeii I ['envy ever token, Col. Whitely and bin assistants I have worked night and day to arrest the guilty' partlec. •Over sixty "Ileals," . oe parties acting as agents, have boon eMployed to negotiate "tor ins) peeled counterfeits t and by the activity, energy, and ge,Alls..of theyhief of the corps, olle of the greatest t r i , ru j i ,gs to counterfeiters Is given, and I ynllllo3s saved the ih.p43ltry of the country.—New 1 - ork Telboo , , of Friday, . TAR; ALLENTO Th. ittnuenno . pthount of tile. porter, mineftal water mid suriaparilla nld by Wise Is m 111446131 eviclettFo that drinker For sale at motif every bar In the county. r all for It when ever you desire anything of the Mull. The following it‘ all extract from a private let .ter written by the proprietors Plantntion lilt tors: • "We had uo eoucuptiou utthu yailu-bpkval nut (cling Nelllell exists, or of the almost infallible cures produced by the PLANTATION BITTEIOL when we first commenced offering them for stile. We non• 11111 that every house has a weak ehlld, an ailing parent, or debilitated fined member, who needs this tonic. Our laboratory IlitS growl from a single room to an immense building, and our sales from a few bottles to many 11111'1140d IloZellel per day, and we are gilid Cl, knom 111:11 they have done you so much good." MA11,101.1• WATllR.—Slip , rllor 1. , 0.1 , , Irelp..rl,l lire Cologn.. 1. t 1 ni Hell ii , , lime lloartler'x Rillrrs e,, re hyqopsia.—Thr whalr lifaiy id .1 SO iihe/i.—Tlit. ..111 r. i,l lli- .1.1i.11111 i. Iti Coll verl 111.. load lido .. . t 0... noliha ..n..i.thinl - rolltal I.'ln 110. Thl. In rtfoonol partly by t1...a. Coat al a -..11 , 1i1. palled Ilta ga.ll i 01010... „hl 1..,11.1.-4111.111 Om i'vaillig "1 the .banool, and Toady 1., a . hattldat t000.'111.01 of that organ, w Idol. ohnotto, , j, , , ~,, 0, ,11,,,,i v I, all. 01.9,1 Tin; t . to NII: p10t.... iron; th—ondarl. Int.. I 11e..1..a. denim.. ar antron.... to I/10 h , ,,,.1.. ,lioro It I. ortbjeat...l In Ow action of do• hilt, and 0.0 111111 11•n1. portion of It consorted tntn a !lon' rallad Choi,. 101t...1. mannnall) 1.... C 01114,4 bIIMII. . N4.W, 111. el illrill Ll,a, it tia•ro;.;t -.1, ont, tho .0..t.i. intro, I. not intuit...ad in . 01111 , 101.1 quanta,. or it Ow. I, altanical action of Oho otaularl. 1, bat •nalciotitt 1, 1.1., tha /irdl ,tr 0 ,... o t j fI i ~s 1 ;co, 3, '.II 1., Int! Pao. rtoctly pot - . farnond It i• alon akar th.ll It' tb. P.,.. ,1.,11 lO.ya ninth an Important poll In altannlna Ilia tontr.•blao It d dna of Ow thyme. int. , Ilia tuntarlal at 11... 1.1 1. i.. 0'....- it...t.,1, ;toll; any ttnnalnr;tl randitiato. !la. et. email v.,. An II ill lotllt tie.duttnltiy arcompll.laal. 'flo• re•till oI the f ton fiiii!.. e . n. dgoind,oitt.e.ll , ll....'d ~ irl. bi 1 i. , .0 , 1 ,, , I Th, ,le .0 n ,obtoll IIIISl'iiiI'l.:It :II ITITIIs apotato In tad; ram. I. tit s ., filo) . ina ioarat.• 111.• noltolar 1,111. broup ...I th inarli, 11111,11 i , , ,, 11 , . Ili, V.,,ii• A Lilt:, thoroby in, fit.n a a n n wl , -.III; ionay of tlio ;l m aid ta ra plololy di... doe the ~.,,,t. tal. T 1.,. ..!. ti . ~.1 111,11 OW ..f the otatnarh, rau.l an arvol. raat; ot the Ittr ell.ifical no, ontrut sar nora•, to rode.. 11.. toad p.. hottonfanototo man.. They alkil ar t , re 01...11 1i , ..111.'1..1 , .. , 1a11.. ening it. and .4o end/hug it 1.. pr... 11...• ......101.1...t...1 tag'll. lot . ottpply of Ink, lor tha purp0....... ...,pv,rlitig OW 111, Ititi,ote. inrticle, , I . tha I i.1., ,.t • d :. 0 " , p1... and I/1.111,11. na poo.affo through to 1...,Tab...; P... 1, ...1-.. dol.. .. In 1111. not:, 111 01-.1 a"I'Ll.'S 111 I'ILIN tn..; dy.p. ;ado and lit...r complaint. 'ii,...ltintattit , I. 1.1....... ..i1..1.11., 1.1.11 T.1.1.-.11, 015.1 /,•••• NEAT STII.T.S F. 11.1. AND \VIVI 1 . /, 01,01 . k a .11W 1,4$01 . 1III , 10( 1:) ' MEN ' S VOHUTIIS • A Nl' Mil ,. III! tl,l' -NI k 1.11011:N1S, /urge daiiy b/;/;4,,,, ./.• . sil.rutoit IN STI'IT", I'IT. .‘NI , It 11111:M IN' 111. 1. , mg, blh,. hto , •A' (14phio. 41 ehott , NEW FALL AND WINTER IN THE PIECE. which Will 69 Made lip ho oedre in Nn itr,T A \II I'INE,T MANNER firr Mu. 1,•110 pe.fre. ALL 1 , 1,1c1:s GU.titANTI:I:I , Lots 1:11,111AN Tltt: Lot, rAT EL,ENVIII:I<I:, AND Vl' .VTI 1:.1N t:l".tlt ANTEED 1.1rItelIA , 1:It IN ALI. c1!..1 , , 'NU SALT: cANCELI 1:11 AND (1 ., N1'.1 ItcruNDl.D. j-k!• - .ti`iralptex r;t10,,• riottir nt'do•. llalf way .tn.l • , r.. .. .. „.. retrial nOtiCC,S - HALL'S VEGETABLE SBII.I . I I F. \V P.l: 1:1:•T 11 111 11Allt 7(1 IT, (11(1 , 1),11, I III9IC Piti.NIOTINI, 17% (.1L1,,V • rhenill.,l I "11.1,1 1.. (I.- Illl.lle. a.. I , IIP 11.Itilt il..t .Ikl r• • :11:.ii•h 01.111 thr...• 'al., of :my orlior proparmi., our tio; a la). ti 111 • ~•• t“ II 1v111k....1/111.• 1111,/ /14 , 01 1.AL.11 . ,; . // ,• "104 , , the OM/ /MIL 1/.- /.1'.97'8(. / ' ,i tun; Nil, Ti.•:ttl•o• 1.11 111, 113ir tr.... 1.3 :01 •13•11,g1,1... DM'S: , A NI) CA,. Iroale•I with il••• litt••••.1-nt••• , ..., by J. fhb +.1w , i ,, 11y) in V., .11 , ~.1, - 7 , - .11'0..1. l'i••••••1••11 , •.• e. '1••••,.••••••••11. cnn • • , ••••ii RI hi: Th , h• r•lny t. 41 .I••,•••irtilany 01, trl , ••6•••• , -• ••• In ,- •••• ••••••• • inhb. prat•tice. I I •-. It Intl 1,1 •••• g•• foe 1.1.••1•• n. , ••••••.. • • ' TO (I.).NSIMII'TIVES.—"I I• :Llll . s.i I r, yin:: lwett r.,t..r. , a .1.. IA •iit .1.. rem... 1,. m't.•r 11.1,ing t. -.•%. 7..1 .I. •1111/pli.lo. 1.. "I Ow pr.•serip:i., ;16,1 ••( rip f 1... lot ',repo, it, ut.,l tI .111 •lire C ,, t,11..pt , 1.. 1. S, Tit,. y “Idrrt tho advvrt t-or thr L. 111.• ;. ••1 11,..1.••••Ii..11 Kittlorer 111 try hi. I'llll4y. , I i.• Ili 11.01111 g 111111 IWO I°.ll, • SCA! Itvv, 1;1/W St:i/ .5. W 11. SON. II C.F., N. V. • NVOItI)S ll 1•(, v()I N i ; MEN..on V.,11111 ,01.1 hEI,F 111, 1 11111.1.1 . 1 . Sl l lll 111 ~4,1011 lett, ; 111111'11:11.15:. 1 ! • 1.\'11 ,1 \• II I• 1 bl.ty 1,•11•.. F . -1211014i , v()t - Tii.-A gentlvnithn %vho -nla.tral a.m., fr....“ N. l'lolll.l aual all tl.a. ..1 ‘II. for tip, 1,41r.ti aar lug I .a not LIU) it Wk. , r. and .I,t• Ikl N.1'111.00114 lII^ ,1/1- Rh.ra•lnraly by ,ybirb profit lay th.. ..apyria.t.a.a. a All NO fly It; I,LN, • TIIE ()SLY RELIABLE (TUE FM: -• 'rm. .1 , 1/ It. PIN,. TR, TA:. 1 . 4 , 1[1.1A I. ;ir :t , 1,1111.1 a 111 Il• 1••:. , , wa num, a 11. i..11•' aziknrata. and :•.I. ) alleslato la, - a [anion:can tah 11.,y i.at..tl lot ele • ,1"1.1• NOIOIIII4 1i),P1.11,.. i11111,,,' raa 01. •ir •t. li. ICI"S PI NE TREE TAR tukl)l • It It the v dal principle of an. Piet. ; •;I t. liar pr 0.... thetli-tplat of It ..tr. I;y tttejtetd pettilertie , t t• ta,t ;I .I.tte, the dtgot,tive ergat, and rettl• te. the ttitp..ttt; . It - . 1.1,01. ettn the delttlitatett •tyttletti. Il IItII;h;•• ;tit nod exile!, front tht; ; tle I.t.th ;terttittl.L breetl. nu the 1111,, It til , ..lvet; tee F.; tette r ithlegm Itlttl,teret the mt . Ittt.ettgtott iir Ili.. hi..., t Ite;.ling I. rinrinhe .tel. Upton the lit et the 11111 gt, Itttilettratilll( to ..grit .1:4••tt-tttl t, lit, Wiz tuttu and ;;;Ithtittlng in 11nll.wntiett. It I- t ,if )'tear, NI Ltd) !Ind tt,,p.trittittitt. It I. t.llt • d It. 1110 .minted tell ittetalve tt,titettete ..r totg If the P•tltet , • re ~ .11 1.. Ihw 111,1,1 t I t tort 11,oxt, Ifrortrhit Wertlin'y i, I{' , ”•••pi./ I , ,tfah, DiyCitrB,l, A medieulexuvrt,llol.llny Istsentit . ..lllll.• t.l the 00.1111111:ii: •1/ ••1 Lb ilte AN...elatv.ll,ltli 1.11, ou.• three ..•n It, ing neti,ow lodged , 0111.1:c rArr. 01. 1 . 110 Title Oppiql3IIII) . I.oRerod by It., I country. Lotter, I tont All)" nirtur 1;;;;Ittrt Alt ii; tt . rotnittl) and vdtnitntl-11 ro..n nnlod to. Win, oon. •••nieut.tonittnnees Adnolld O: : DRAFT Olt I , 4)sT.orrich: uiti)Eits. Prinn of Wklttstr Atonricatt Dy.lt•it.'o t•ill- tyl t.. y ' , tent by mitt] ton rurelM 'trine. NVl.ll.trt • Pow I'n•, , ; t I. ..r till por doin, lent by I, . All ttliottlalto atlittotoo , l L. Q. C. 1'."1: 4 11.11IT. L. IN.. ,tti• t.r.3 . 2. 1: not •ont , 1.11 \IONIC sYI'UP \vF:ED TUNIC and Mail:lrak: . P.M, 0 core( to, cording te •Ins Won Thot are slit oo te I: • ntS, tl, same oe. They elaleo: I, col ' ~ I .•• 1 . 1. t . , nod mil to woe.: then the ittoom loasme s no. ..... 1.1..k. , 1 111 , pa I t.. grow 111 ; Itok ili•eosed molt , miam• 1 1 1.. ‘.1. , • .• onigrouo the 31soose 0m11.1 ,• .= I. 14.1 only vv) : rura To these three tne•liellld, Dr. .1. 11. pla O. en hi. ntalvalloti ,ot•ce•s lu 1:: ..: 10c.., !nowy moavniiiption, Tre aup . 1110 Ibid Matter In the long., inn., 1111.:0 • it ..1r 1.. expectoratien, for 0 lieu the phlegm .ol .. ,1,1,,..) 114ilt C1 , 111:1: 51111111r,0w 11 elf. and tbs not : o, in.• •• 6 4. To do 11., the T•glir a :...t/P:f .... be freely used to cluan-t• the wonmen and r. • Palawan : tlytttpllllti 1114'16,41 11111 utak, geod 01 , Sellouts open 11..• 111.1. ohatritelions, relax the am ol the gall he bile Marta tr,ty. anti the Ilya, ..!, Wilt 1,11,11 111 0 Pill. deaf do • Indliont Ito. a, I 1 C , •11 Invented 1 . '0,0 1 . 11101111 . 1 (II i) 114.1 , ..11 loch Is v• datmeroon to 11,. ills g. , at “ts't • ). 11 ..1 at 111 till: the gull - bladder at, start the •ecretion• 11..• : ene ticlienk ' n Liver Complulut Is ono of the pr4,1“141 , 1111,41,, Cou.snaption. Schenk ' .O , .ll.stTiasse is a t entlo 1,n.1 e. ttlve, and the ulkoll iu the isms w ..... N\ .115.Orel:mo ion made awls, the •nsillat It tuleeslisols ' etli e food iv wit the Ptilmonie 1111, i, tn luta Ith..ist fermentation or 1.0 /1:51514 he stomach. The grent retts,n 01. y physt• lens au 51..1 ollr• 4,1i.11.0• 111414 ia, they Y Ist 41.1 wurh, tle:y gise oiedirme test,. 'lire ~,„.1,; , „ stor ocAls, 11.1• p night sit eat, lenole s. and by se doing they dertinge tlo : 0 hole tlIge•llso nottel locking tip the •emytions, and eventimil) 11, man m and dies. 11r. Schenk. his treatment. •les not iry to • totm c•oteli, rhills...r vr. 11. 100t . ..in. nod tie.y w[ll oil stop 5Pf their "Iva accord. No ono can lo• ante,' ::f I.lonsuruption. lover Consplislist. Sur, Vlcerated 'throat, nos the er tiail stelnaall 0.14. ussle lomlthy ff r•iot•ollo I.lu soap, Irr itation nye diseased. either mks:tele, nMeeases, Ilranc6ml Irritation, plearo adhosien, the longs ay. 3 inn•s at la tiatnation nud tort doraylnu. lu Ytteh ray.. 0 but ontst to e it u, not otsly Mr lima, that ar.• 11.1 - tial'. last it Is on: whole body. ' Elie stotriarh and lir, Isa‘el...t itowor to make blood out of food. New the only chance in Ito tuba Schoult ' n three tinnllcincs. 111111, 031 li, hi: lip tone to tke atoutneh, the potlent hogio 'wool lel, It will digest ealtily and make moot Iduml • {l,ll isa eat hnklut to gain lu fleal,. 01111 tp• OW 1.'.11y twain. t.l row.the lank, roturnottre to leo: I on. mud the tott:ent gods Aridly and well. iv the •toly nv Y. cure Cou-onull. \vhrn there Is no ;nog 111. rave, 1..1 I.lver f '-ooplaltd and lt yipcool.l. y:11.14 P.1•.4/11, Palls. are stillloirat Pr ...yosp. c the 31andralte 'llls ee 4114 ly In oil hill.C"1111 , 1% 4 ,10,11` they ore Mndrotly hared , .. Llr. belle:tat, it : 110 ' 1w. ealoy. unlniminto..l healtL for many all. 1141,11 . VI. 4 W 1 ,11.41 sway ‘s nicer skein.. lit Om very Iset ris;flio . oaf) . ( ouniniption. his t•llyslchtus having looll o ane e: : 1 ::• I rum . hoyelms and abandoned him IMP. .r.ll by tlio nforvnitla owl /Ohre ilkl , II 111440) rho xiintilarly Maimed ilflV.• usr:l rattoun with the Ramo eaccess. youstn",:nons a nekomilatty sorb. make It not ahvoluiel y nort oo oty peg see pr,tychook. aulem .ht: 1..15 511.1e1t.g. tokatalitr . d, and fur !lOW sumpolge lot uroro•sionsllo 141 'iii Ptlaklrml Unite. Indict . ..lPM, ever) kolurdaY, uen , 1411 letters ter advice mord be addressed. lle 0110 pr - • atonally at 3.4 Ilona i treel, New lock; oreey other ¢lsllStreet llosten 4. •• t y ; I :lllll .. c d tt r i:ii 4 ' • °slits . xyitslniitsua tV 11-...it ' e...;31r0ta..50r (In.• pa I,l ' . to rs tit nt4oh ( Witt a 4; 111• (0 3 I ' : 1)11. J. H. SCIIENK, ! 16 N. Otti St., .Platalla., Po. J J S V"N 11 7 ',Fl) - N I F; , 1) No NTFAII3EII ~..._ ~. r . .. . .„ , . • 111. atchr ! aitb 3chnirp. .. •. i `.. jar .- - .',.alc anb To s.Let. •,. eimsv*l...l%, it. 3211,1 .svilw. ETA."' 4 , 4)41 it rot i.t i. LwrAWi 't .HAL I. i?..-- • \> , --Jr. , .. - 11_, Theteler•igoell ill', for settle 120 :let, 1 erne. y • tarp lot- loineoliotely adjoining the 1 ttlt!!.l '7llnet.iry. on 'l'lle et. 1,111 lo• —llll by •illo•crlidion. and 11 , 1tnediatglY after the NV bill l. ll.llb, aZelii•P.l• , .l. ,,, beY will 11,1,,,,,,- . Vli by lot In the ',11,' 111:111114,, lo the erianiratien of the . I'llien Am•mehitioi. l'lnt.er Idol, el the prutuintg• eon be . tools at ogr only, tny 12 tamp 11: 11.1'11E, MI I'IIII,.\DELPIII.I B-A 11;11' E:1, I ZS GRAND OPENING SEEM FA lA, CH ISTM AS TR .\ 1/1.: ri Ihrinrry. : irr.orr vlrlrr Ir• liirt/hr,s r. irr Irrrilt4llurrig 42 land. rirrw ,If I; .01,11/ h. lint Clirr-t -: Irv., arid miler.. '4l,..rrirur.vr•turrlrt.tlirrorrrir r rri.irrt rrcri 1.01; 11;11H4l: r'ro, NIIII.IIIN. )1.11 N I 11( ' 1•: N 'l' )( I‘. ~„., „ )VELTIES WITCH ES EW EI,ItY SILVER-WA HI FANCY GOODS. fiC 111111).11; (a 11" I'S \ BAILEY 3: Cab hat' 11... ‘l,lll hull A 1 111 ut all " ,0 110,141, BAILEY & CO.. I; .1 It I, I , : STI CI I 11' t\ NTH PIITI,.II)ELPIII.\ i ; ,;.PEI*9 ilk Nre'411 , 4,1 - 1:1 1 ! EVE ! r 6 - 1 t. I ;??\. \\ * El.l'llli* .(43 two V1,10.111 , 11'0\ by bto JAI 1..12 Y Orell..li WITII AN ENTIlir NEW Ir. I .VrP.I e'rt7,'!:7) Norpfre . .l,• t•P 0111/ hr „Hired JOHN 1 , .% It1:112A. :,.r. 71P4 .1111'11 ST., DI 1.1,11.• ..1 ihi• 10 wk, 1.. t. i, • 7th quot S:h , t . 14..ttth S.d, 4 1 ik VIII LAP/MP/HA Itato..rtcr. • MAilitlrattltrer. ' ' t`,'' -II .141 11..,i1e, ill a; I I, lilii,ttt.l , i' EA' w . Triliv ,f .• . • ikt, r.A NC Y 1' L'ltS '..1 : , ie''il't A'.l- I. LAM.. it. C 1111. 1 ,111:,.. ‘.. ... !!''lt ~. 11 . - . ., i m' lt . 'II' A 7 liavilg 4l, g v ; , , , . , /en " •,I ;. Y.l . nail Invirab p y , kuo t lt m y ll id Id':t.,. ~;v2,--, EII'Ut:IUM, 31111 has Itui .. , n, {llll,olte.laL very. Inm° And e,you: • -11... ~, 1.1 , , iln,nl a ~n ',.'. ch.. Llnlerimi li Ind, di l'iin ..:.,--'• iroin 3. - id Imilili• in Lornyd, . .. i ~1. hy tho hi.pit .I.llllitil work 111.,h„ I %,..,n id ..,,,, ,v,,11,. \. h ii. 114 1 ,“( fo•111,11A ...I 1110:t1 , 1it 1•Aall11 ~ml. 1., r•lii I kl .•,...E.• my vury 1.“,.. m a ill heuttitil tt.lo 1 . itt .. F. 'IC) I'l,, tor I.3dies and CIL lilf , ll. / immintermlui.Ll d. •iii I :it .1 , I .3t prd.3.4 3 , :in 3 ill./ ri.•l33.tadli. !du, in Mi., Ali I':.i , \V.:: I ..1,..1 Si.• u,1•1iT,... , ..1,1ati0n. t., .1. JOHN 1'.11:}:1 11.1, .:rt li•ta . HI gt,, P:itlattylphie N 1..:, \\' .I E \\- v,1,11, y :T( )Iz. 1:. 1 , tl. Pr!,li 5 .... ~. JAS. E. (...11.1) WE I. 819 ciIEsTNI:T sTHEET, IN► NTAUEFER \V A 'ITIIES AN I) .IEW El.lt V. Nola!! SI;Col:: or Q,enr.x. PIII LA 11),,11 4 4,;,1, It . I 'l 444 1 :111:11 ' i) .t 41: 11•11... N 3*A 4: W1 1 .111:111.ng .1. cvt. Inf..rin c und vicinity 11.1 nitnu..l it tarty J i.t NO. 36 IVEr...'l' 11.11.111.T0N STREET. IVII,•• • he 1% ill 11:1,1 a•-orlln.•lit NVAT , III: , n,.a .11.:lVF:1.1:1* Prlet , 1.. 11111 ot —nook trit,lio , Rll.ll , Weh y 1,14 n•s.aii,l. .1 It. %V01...1 1 , ..1ng :iti otl,l 1.1•4•1,111 t, 3111 r ENTA El) • HAULEY. , .11.: \ ER. patt.,),ll,altv N.. ITNIC T 11E , N1"1',1%, lA. ,v., Jn. ci 11 1111.1 larguDl 1- M \ll5, IVATCIIEs, JEW ELM', :111,1 PLATE! , WA IZE, ut M..4lcv II.• PI S ll.—\l' IIWI:1.1: V and SI 1:1: ..1 mad.. It. 14..1111 W.t . i . Cif ES. .IEIVEi.itY. SILVER ANI) PLAIEI) 11'.11;E II .11: I. S .11 ..1 S S S N... ell. .I it. all the lut..-1,43 (;01.1) WATcIIES 11. 1., {hi` lArg,llllllll 14,1 avu.rllnaut NV...at altd 31 I. 1.1 . 1,,111.1111,111. , lottmi 4.1•••1v1 ••r.•. SILVER wATctiEs • , h., n lorrer 11.1 \\'„rr I. II tlr,s Llt) el., (;(>LI) .lEwEt.in IL; ti. -I.mt!tt-t ;1111 L.— , rtstit•ltt !mid , •.f .1 trtl ttlry. ANI) .IEIN'EI.It . 1.,• Itmg, att.ll.ttil.tr Itt— t rtimtiti t !rttll t , ,'.. lit tt• !I P1amt1.1.,, , 1t t thou tit 1..• L. tltt.! .\ NI) 19..V1T1) ( I 0( li:•• 1/k• Ilt it, .111) •• • 1.. 1. • •1•1:411. I)/ Ei,()t)1.:0N',..• ACcolt1)1.:(INs .‘ •l• 11.1i.1 .1- •..1111. , 111 of all:in11.1 or hody I. • a L. , 1,11 , in N..iv V,orl. ot 411} t 11111.1 ...id , larg , 00 0 .. 1,1• • g•,t1.14 1.1 , 11 n.• than II ill 1. M=;l4liaill L. wEsT FiAmILTO.\ S't I= ( I I, 0 ( 1 K tn.' ,firrant...l. All klief , and ;wit, r, fnnu .1r l 1 I, g.t . :1 , •01 - 1.6 , 11t 601.1) N 1) SILVER WA:F(IIES, lEWELRY OF ALL KINDS surxr.B. wAlw. \V:.1..11•• 1,1.161,.1 Mantrb T v l II.) W ,N y ;1 1.1 .1 : 1 1 1!:117 : !S4:1 1 1.1rntl?ts ir F„ 4 „ 1 41?1 1 1 ) 1! ) ,: 111,1,1 y to Ow .m. Imlmc luat t. l . 11R(111. Sorr.aY T1l)(111i AUTOIIIOGRAPIII RECOI.LIXT lONS, BY .1011!4 r;occii, A hi•tory of hi. 111 , . A. .upialianwo •trogrio lutpintiorance. with vivid reit Tileturok or ts lint hectic In Europe. Th.. what° catty rood with affect lug intailetila fall of intort-a and pallito. Tito work will hr henutlinlly humid ilhoWroted .Thero ran he uu livery our want- It. .Airrni,ore takitig from "rd ..t, many. Thoriport vet rooolveil 14 21, older. in three day.. Adil publiiilior, 11. C. JOHNSON. itrit Arch St.. %GENT Pi WANT"; DI. • .I,CiENTS WANTED, irto ICA.V ..not, tonlo and femnle.. tot Inn 1,100......1 nod otlgnint Contnon V a ,ow yltoltlun. Itnprot n 1 tont Dcrinctol, It 1..0 t 0 Nil, mite., 10011, bind, Itrald nnd tonitral.lnrAlla• tuyi , t into o r motto,. Drlre only 4 , 15. nitollolly ton .1t0n1.111 , , II lon no fly .t 1 not lolly from army ll:often point, itlarlounn under Ow' 0111140 Weill. P, 41111ri, 111111,15 haVill4 cortlfiente of -Agonny ttlitontl by t t,.. A ., they ore worthlt.ni Ctot Iron Mullin., For Circulars and Terror, ILPPIT or tnlttrons. 11. CRAWFORD A: CO.. 0r1.10.3in . 413Chestnnt St.. I . llll3‘l'n, Pa. • ItEASONAIII.E LEASE rho., :CI R I7III1 o N 11 $ 11 1 11 nW D 1. 1 1 ,7,1 r 17: . 1 e•1• 1 a 11. 111' . !' • 1111114,1 1 11L.t1,1. 1 1,, 11.itt of uttnll,,, ono lltil•velti. blue, 11,•r -fading •lat, , , fully equal to tILL , welliknown wow, polVer ,11111 a fail rIiLKILLg o f hokum; maclilinoo. Vers.°, 1111 1 1 11111i1r(1111ii) . 14 Oils kika will exnuilne ...I v.... mill apply L. , S.ackeLtoivti I. IL. ILL:, 3, 1 1.. SCII111:1111-ill, • 17101'11 3i I' Alt3lSl' 0 IT tr•. SALE. rangitnl in 1 , 6, 1,. t.. nor:lnto. arrnril nnln.Psrtn, locno int ri,,...1 svoial all , l 111,11' .na tart. are ..nnnted in Virgil. nd llorylmnl, ~,iii in Ow vichnly nl W 3.11. ihzion.n.l othor. Inon n , :SO 11111 V, 41,1a111 from Illy Cup. nr .11 on ./. 11. lIAN,; WEItIL-IrgOlubbucht , .trent NV, Itlngton, 11. C. 17 , XECUTOIES SALE 011 , REAL Es- T TE NV 111 lw •01.19, 4111.• 'i't IPAV. 1)El:10111E1i li. '4;:f At•l P 31 0,1 th , MAN ATANV NY 'l'43\l'l , lll I', 01:N rr, PA., the 1011. , ,t tt. 10.1 A NIESSUAI;F: AND TRAUF OF Tr A LEAHY E HEAL ESTATE IN MI LLER,roWN AT PUBLIC SALE. . . executor .ii' the itt•tate .tt* WI llixw ite tt ce,t , tl, tv;ll.ttler at public ,tle. at the Into res. itlt•ltro 11,....31.1 t, 1111 Thttr-dtt), N.tvetittlet 14. Lott, r.,t1P , 1.111... to Wit-. (NI F.\IIM OF THIRTY ACRES 111,0 .11 I 1•— • 111:1, 4 01 1111 1 ii 0,11,11 a 11.11.,1..wt, ..,.., ) Ij, l 1.. i 1,11.1,11 lay 11.1.14 of .I.lm Singnia*ter. .1.,.1. ~ i n,, , ,,, , 11,1 Awl , . r lll l l lkting of t le lint gitail• ity I I 1,,1, Iv TI.I .pf ~ loch 1 . .. at ,rr••• at. , 1111.,amp1...1 iii ,,,i,, r , ),,I. Tile napravitainals ther..na are a g .k .,, 12 iv..--o,ly ..•,,1. , d , .,. III•tv. /1011., a two•etog Y ItPli 1.. a., ,t u , ..k.1 , x, 1., I.:kr,i, ,‘,...11 tp•a.. , ...I ..1118, ''' 0a,1.,11i.1111., A 1 ,, , a 1. go.ol now. 1,11,..111 I 1. 1 1,0,1 di, Affile!e lnt v...Lter-pmver for Milk n,• aro in very both ...1. 1 (snit tree.. thr prem. .1 I .toti thorofore , 4110 . It, 41i 1 . .11 , 1‘31,, I ..1 , 1:11 •• ..I1 50,11 in the ;.futeq34l ;o,llllful ..t 'll , lll. •11- \VIII 1. , ill. 1. 11• I/ 011 1111 Y .•1 II K. MEMIEMMMEI i.) ri Pa., oil S.\ DE('ENII3E.B I.'(;:), VALUABLE MILL PrztwEirry e • in M 1•)". , i , iiit -:' j 1.. 1 / 1 ..... WM.. "r 1111111 • /11/1, ‘1111 , 4 u• 11 ••• %%. ' , NV El! I. 11,, 11111111 g.. Thi, 31111 i- loon. ihru to!l. • I rola Ow Moo oiol Ilo• ro‘i or to 4pl 111 ,111.11. A trait , t I , (IA por , oo•• . 0 0 ,l •x - col N'I:111.i A Ow:111 0 i%c tol of ‘VIIOIII,AN coilloitillof tciri mid tai 1/1.11 • 1, , , •.1111%1 0 Oil OW ("11l t 001,011,111. it/ aiJ tov ,5hiv11,,.111,,, —l,l IN LOTS OF 21 ACRES. MOLE OR LEES itifornit tittit In. hurl I.y Applying to W. 111, 1.11 , 1.. , kl . /WWI .1 Kit dor. tit L •no .110. olt tilt county, I'u. Torio• and o ti.i y W. ENIIAt • 11, tit , 111,41i0C. f MMES' FAN CV FUR'S LOA NICATIoN. j Ft VURS: CHEAP .I.ND (4001) ny Fur ;Li there:At. the .•ity 100 ,t C, the utiltiltialiul 11,1.• tt it. :t t,. bay, air. tlii. dif • U1 , 1,t s La ow g , ,:ttul Ili .... • r0.,11 , 1 , • t ti.t- wh ate , q. ' qvi,ttitilisil trait Fa, .. ,ri• advi.r. theta t t I :1:1• I : t . 1•111,1: „f il:.• it.it.•ut, thi•.) eau put clui••• th , . giuratikrt vonfult•nro. Lind hr ratbh li.tt tl, , ) rr. .. 4,11; it.. li , •tt, ,or .1..1. ..I::tt 1111111 Owl ,f3li,,r• Jtt•f:l•lt &WO , Stu., Phil, bring their mw where NI urn conGili•lit from th ir 1. 4, in the that putir..n. • ~ 1 rtir• tit,: v.., rill I their uluney. Tiwir Now ~l oro i. Cho altrartiolit 011 liCillllllll t.f .11/ill ill 11 lillh their il/ lifo Ile .... trill thy Mink nu., they hal tL ;;;;u Atylom nud for prte, to Cult all ; a In.ly nut wishbuy a Rood nid y is. 1..0uw ulu•r.• to and purrld,,. g0...1 tor,. tile -114 hil . g:11.0 I. Of ti 'ln • C.. 11 CI. I; tors n 111 urn relay A ol.t. t.. airsr•• t;1111.11111 . 11i. 1.141 all the, 1 1 ;tr. aro it arrented genttitee rl„cetzt.;l. A Sable -et r ,,, t• fleet $1.11.111, ;4,1 —nee very tat tt dark 1...;t4 A I;ttle Ittglier ; but fr nu 4.t. to tt`ill buy Au Anc:ll,lt tI; -et, and lady foott eight tA f.ft,el; ear.. Then there 11 the Hod,. hay ;table, thr Siterlah Squir rel, 11 , 1:0 Ltuttae, tterteett ttod hiueLflli auti and miler high mid 1 , 31V-price4 Flll,llll/1/11 . /1,1 V/ir:////11/.. Italu.• Jth..1:1'11101SENIIM*)1 c (t. 111.110,,Atch 1,t11 . 41 , 11 !pill 1,41 • , 111, •ido, LIN prowoht • Oct. 01--1• u 4 LE("rnicr. T 4) TOUNG \IIE%. J vet in it Sraleil Privciope. Price 6 tte. •.%iii NAll'ltU, TRI,TIII,T AND Ii•DICAL Ctir Svlallial V.•akue•+, Involun tary EL..... •11..1 Dobllay and I captallalea, 1.E1r.0 Mar. .a,no.s, 1.-tmptlon. at. , F.' , ..1 "'situlrnM I ,:‘,111,: 1 :T .1. CL LVERWELI„ 1. 11., . . • t . . 1, wt....lama,. In flit+ admirably tartan., el. i•• ii••• 1.• I•i•• • n anyeriliney that the a‘rriil •t fluty be .1r , ..1‘.11y :1,1 %vitt:out dltiig.,oo, li..ti•. 1.. :, lutontr. flow, notdtal., (wading dut It 111 , .1 • • e. d• lute rectum and effectual. by trluelt revel . ttlitbuttr. nd nduter ‘vhnl los rundttutu may dureltdit•dll chedid). pi lyncely and futile:illy. 'l'lll3l.}:t,• Tl' Wll.l. VII • '/ . llOl'tiAlfill3 AND Itt- • 1.141, •Li .1 10 any it.. 11. 1 y, Nvv.. Y,O:, P. 0. Box 4,:56. I ItINIXINti R ' itATEic N. X ~1,.11a.:11(arn,...d 1 1, ck•l Knlya+ rrwl S l rl.oor , . run 6 , 1,1.1 at 1 . , \V ........OXO. 3 E:1 , 1 1101111 ton .tart. 4 1,11 1 1.: , /.. , n u llAi v S1 . 1.11.11, 0.1 by sl'll/.1.1y iv.ursoNr's CELEBRATED FIRE ,•_,-, AND BURGLAR PROOF ilt.Atr --' S 1 F i . L 11- ES A ~..... 12.%T.IBLISIIED TY 1843. T4l4' C.J.1.14S 7'. 1/16 110 I'SE IS PIIILADELP.III.I: y ,fos l'rot from 11, 0 ,,p u 0 5 , pro., from 1.11. tont. te,ol per CL.,1,1,81 mid wvrsos soN. of Eva, .l. Mat,taucittrm •.0\; t w . Fourth 61., PhilmlolpLlA. A CCOR D EONS. CONCE R T t N ilarpi, Violin Strings, or tho btst 1,1..0 at C. F. Wolfiirtr's :16 E. Itnniiiton St. JAMES S. EARLE NOBS, AND IIANCPACTI3III2IIIS PERSONA SIEM PORTRAIT AND PICTFRE FRAMES, = .11.,11,11.1,{ 1 ,111111“.10114 . : 'ODGERS . GROUPES, I ./ ‘VP',ll'.. the , ttily atillteril..,NTltolet.loo And retell &More In the liners (tro,,,lee 111 thee titote, atl,llo`ll all at ilium manittartlirer , trntes. ( ttt itl:t t• +rttl uu ttpitlletstltra. E.‘llf,ES . ALT.ERI ES. sAa ;.711.KET, %Mr MILL I= \\ 1I 1.1 'NIS I,OONINO CiI,ASSE.S, The bt,t and chetwest, =I LAPIIs, PINE =! 0,, 1869. MA Oru 0001)5 • THE ”UUIE.iIIVE• I'OPU LAII DRY GOODS STORE, .1. W. PRO("FOR & O. 920 lESTN l" I' STRE ET, =I NEW H)1)8 CON RECEIVING WES TA IN PLAIN FII;I:liES WrcriAc`,r 1) •VP QN ~. I: . E. IV 1 1 tLN 11.\1.1 uIIt;STNI'T sTuEET Is 11,1‘,. r.. hi:: 1,11 E.II c..to•iolox part of C L 111. 1 .1.1 N. At:.v.rEBIALs. I= Lace Curtains =II C()IINIVES DfI(OI{AT!ON :111.1 at Alga \V N 1)()11. S II A I)ES by th.• "t, ors' pi I -'(l' II ) (:.\ N( )i'l i:- I= MEM • L EM .11 STRE 4A: ROSS. IT II F. GR EAT PACIFIC A I.ROA Itavoiumt udtb;tl to thoir ;thick a new ha of ; HAM NG EDGINGS IAN!) NSERT I NGS, In elloien ynto , rn. and nt cheap rate, _A LSO, a ttealnkltla NEEDLE 11'1l lII.' in ',v... nnil (lamb, le, at ball ilk value. 1, Loom Jaconet Edging,.lt yd.. for 12, 15 and In neut.. Thole ht.u •tt WIIITE, 'GOON and good— • n VI(21"?1 " Ifl A LAWNS at '2 , 1, 2.1, 2o 31, 15, A e PIOVES, good ,tyles, nod very low C.lll pl . ••il rod hori Onlened. • . • •.* .11 , lt KED SLINS, French (Look. ' I'ItENC II ItIIt,ANDIErt...• a.nrh U•ed o.ot nod p ire,. 31 Cern up. • Splotlt•I .•I PLAID AND ,TitippEi. N.ll NVOI •KS. 1.11. M 1 TA TII C/111(:11C EDOINOS, strong and cheap, front 2,- a yo•I I'Ll'Nl' LACE. e1...1ee lutt•ern. Coal and '11r1:1.1p,•11 141{NCIA . ard AD. 11•111 IN WAsII . I3I,ONIOL SINUS. • for vv. , . LACE Ito.' I'IITAIN ' LACE, Ladle, and II.•} a' Cull., . GENTS' sntwr f. rlcosTs, • 212 NpicTil STREET, 1'1111..11)A. I. juni II:o thing the public have long needed. It I. a Auld coniol ux Abe hull Particle of onion, and bon yrov.ol by tautly,. to contain. addition to gi t ron, eltqqr, cord I 1 fitymfin, certain ingre it 'elltd Of VUETAIII.E (YO TRACE, 1' NitttOnA )to which It en en It. bet:Mich:l and poworful cllcci. an a tonic: null:cot and toolle:1,-. TARLNT.e COI, NEW YORK, : • f.,, Are runt a SlAtor. ete. MEM Clothing . • The Real Erri! • .. Cheapness ...our Cloth in, is the on.. secret of our groat sueeees. FALL AND WINTVI or 1669. We hey., made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS YET Numtlerlass Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, GOOdi! to Wear Well, Standard Styles, Lattet Fashions, NCW I . ll7lthlriq Goods. 4 - All tar writ+. n,.trlce.t ar Lownti PRICES Milli %VI i'l• 01 1, 11111..latich, lust yr:kr, DEPAENENT ItOYS' AND YOUTHS' WEAR ially ‘,ll prapartal r Ivo autlafartion. • New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatoh, A Finer Line of Goods than ever, School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many Now Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. TUC 2123.187 OrOTL S. E. COT. 6ltt & NI.P.KET STS..it,°,:,!','",, l ,bg' r h r ,,,°, l : PHILADELPHIA. ' tsl...mt • s• minor. , 4 WhiAM . ').* Eß:::4ls: .B'ROiN . N ; Iti . , MIS MACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK, Willey taken il.posit at all Owe, sal iii any SIMI% "Ile (1 , •IINr nprtur,l, for which w 1.1 i.•• pdtl. • ligwpitok /tiny Wl,' itildrAW •L 11141- 111Yl.. l'or•onol dtl• COIIN ,en•li. motley 1•I wi.y part of Met or C.l lia‘•• II•••Ir wonii ,, lY .1len.1". 1 1.., xvllll..itt ri%k ou their Ii i.ll, 14,1.1.4 at ;11 ohnt aertiritie• DAVID Sell ALI, Prettidlrul. ,IV. I. eatishlr. vep'.s,tt BANKINIi 1101:SE.OF • • 000. D & RUHK FIHNT Ono IVE,T 0 . 1 . THE VIMIT NATIONAL BANK. 11. of der to allord all to nom- nu I.ppoitnniy ~No c ‘, .h smith! thPlr I.• 11 , 1,0,11 t mue} In moiler c 'actuary thn w o hat are now received by the voridtatt D.Povitrdltt of 0110 oily. we Int•tt I,IIVII/di'd Ito ME= peralt..' game.. for the 311101 at the rate of six her veal. per :amain I tavreia to he calculated from the first •tol tilteenti, days of each month,subvequent to such depolgt. luten i st g mode up on all Demivits remainiuk with no. half )early. to .sit On :he lira dep. of AMU and Clotolier, and will lie paid to 411,1•11lOrIl on those dim • if ot g4l go l•• t . 1 , •1111:91ki coinpuitr.d.i. n inetr,,t will lei colvolatmi trartional part."( dol. lar. IV., amount than Fite 1 , ..11.11, • 1111 W 11011,4 it l.c to ch.., MI MCCUtilli.invert' Depositur will he with a itepoi,it llook containing the couditivins 1111,1 a Inch the Depo.lin are remilvt.l. and nn monay will heeived utiles- the book be In e. - clad r nu catty Wade ILe time et making the depova, ania ...nib over the ..... 0; 1110IVW11:114 toil families that Are liable t ne Wu. ted Or Iteediwisly eXpeutied, may, if dep.e.ited, produce in time atimutts that will eurpris•any, one it 110 his. given no bred to the suluovt, A deposit of 41.0 i tier week, contatued one year trill amount to k.V2 ; two yearn .106 14 three year. kVA , pl ; heir years ; live your , irdr2 tA). and Ir. Year. JOS 00. It commend. i tself 550,04 onto, couveni•iit and profitable depositary to Executor., Admirtistratora. rellectors, Agents. and all Public (Mee., g i loither for thmnsi i isev or their trust fund., to voluntary ' , mien. , ..r A.1,16:11101, nml Indeed to all ala•sva of our viticen•. Knott dig °tat a perfect ...Ili, OL.,(11111) lu Dt'Poilltot la ttecraaa to the attatonieut of atireetta this enterrrltie. ti lid,. l ii tit uur tottli responailitlity, (0111111 I. not the ract in IneolilOraled SUN mgt. llntiltit) ex rated told titans-lived to l'hitrltta W. Iloopet, of Al lentown National 'tank, null Tilghman It. Cushier of lat National itAnk, Itond of Indemnity tippros aurtirlty) i t n the .4ml oil'tyonty tilltiittaAttil to lie held y hem In trust 1..1 the •pertalertalty of our Tltta fort will &nee u. lolly moat td. it - gar& to •tiftdy of depositor. I to utoi Itopdttltury its Oda buy..ell and rsothatige all Goo , llllo.nt Bond, uxec , t, 1.00.. rs 6 , t thc pn,clia, and kale ol all IlrFt t• 1 3 ,4 .11 lien! EStalle a'a +mall .011,11 i,...• Ad% a ill/1111 • ttAalar , at All time, apprayetl l, at taarltat i• 1.1 t./I• 111 KUTZTOWN SAVINGS BANK u..r1.1.1:t-NE.N In .11 , 11. , : j 1;: , !;•: I i 'l: .:r ta , l l l 4 1.. pxid Also, money Iminell on Std I/311k OwL. ott . q " ' ll l rE . . I' . ,T.• 51,,,, ,I, !kl, I).. . J. D. Mintv , r,'Erly.: Ilitsl.l l'i,t,.. /I 11. .....t...tlva.rti, L,.., W. 11. F7g..1, Putliel ClAdef 1:/c11...1 J. i% 111.17, J• 11,. Sll. n 0 .12.11 ../o/ 11. 1", , ....1. E. 1.1.1: VICO IV NA VI WOO iNsTuru Too:i 1,1'...V.•11 oil Detissit. nlid 0 IR.I rem, itilereoll. aI =I sTnEET, ml4l-Nrny tho Court 1L.,... and Aln•rlean Hotel. opp..it. All. MEI INION & CENTRAL PACIFIC 11.4NKRES AND DILILEns GOYEA'S-ItUNT,I OEM ,ffirr Proof -Safcs EUIRING•!hi IVnon eneu but "en evnry rice. . I, i 111111v1wIlre41. OZII,III/1.11/ ot,. of Reedy. ere +nett Itt other .onnet.te on tans. FIRE IND IirRGLAR PROOF their work 11.1,-. comfort with ll.r 1 , 1a.1a are ottptillad tea 1..•N1 11111.11,Y, a' • ...•. that limy use I e‘. ry arlleta I. .i.llly It etol 1.. mg put !Mu stock. r!•rmenl gold I. nlilt • legal r•, .$ •holding ug re gr. for lh• cur -1•,11-41 of all lh• rep• made, Awn I tl , l Moitlnk LI World'. Fair, Lnudo• World' r. Parlo rooru.ll tloi.t our DC., mot ninny • •, , IvutiNgro.unablre .•it th.n Roy 1.0.... IV. , I nvit,, prfuer. FA RR EL. HERRING CO 6.29 STIIEET FAIII:1:1. A !OIt:HM.IS. NM' YIUKK I!NlllllS I. FARREL & CO., NEW 01/LISANS 14414' AN EXPERIENCED 11001iliEEP. ud spoor, I rielk, wills • thorough Lu.tueu CAW'S wv,tltl llito nl,t:.lq • po.illon in thi, city. Conlral• v tor thouonud tlolhrs, has •' gond) 'mercantile acqualut atm..) nu 4 if rund plutually deslraDle after Sae probatlou would LoiU capital or take s partner's Interest A,1.1r..50 COAL, 161. omen MO CONTIIACTOIIIS AND BUILD ERS:,' ' Th.. Undt•ryittliil i prop:n.4l to contrott for furnkblng SASH; RLINDS, WINDOW FRAMES, DOOR FR.4317: 4 8: SHUTTERS. And oil Lind.. of Agont I LOPE SLATE COMPANY'S LEHIGH SL' ATE rotatil CELEPPATED CUCUMTIER PUMP. IneUnt p ernlnft nt tk R A ill sthi •AE HOTEL 1011 torrlve promptprompt tlntl. PO.l brt4n, _ let "O. 'tt! gitianrial =II = I= A 1.1,LN TOW N, PA =I IMMII131!111 =1 iorgani,,tlllll,l4 z Stat•• 1,60, ) WILLIAM 11. AINKY, Pre,ldrut JACOB S. OIL LINO E1t..C4.411.1er. Cheri, h Bono. J.. 1,11 /.I Stlle*, Chrlothin Prrlr • ' , nine , . C ,1.mu.1. • t,eon , • Probst, , nntnel hell, 11,u, .1 11ar,•uhnrh, Nnil.hu Pole!. WIIII•hi II AIIIVY. mac 11 I=l Fl MORTGA(4E BONDS , 11.111.110ApS loU(illT AND sou) DEII V EN& 8110 40 1:017111 TUIRD`,TREET, I=l rerrar ,11.1N11.1.N SAFES (wunt DR - Y Fl LUNG. ) HARVEY lir, W. NITER, PIIIL.1.1)E1,1111A II 'atm (lIIf. t.ito \Vu. 11. BERLIN, QuikertowiL Buck. Co., Pa. sip 22-b.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers