4elo,igllster. PC111.10,11E13 ST . . ROBERT 1.11 - E.DELL, JR. TERMS, $9.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE No paper discontinued until all ztrcaragcs arc ; aid, except at the option of the publishers. tier subscribers who do 'not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by sending word to this office. Subscribers about removing will please send us their old address as well as the new. THE CITY Removal. The publication office of Tim LEincot REG limit has been removed to the Register Stationery Store, first floor, Hamilton street two doors above Sixth, In the building formerly occupied by Young Lentz. Left Us. T. B. Leisenriog, Esq., editor of tlio Daily News, has dissolved Ids connection with that paper. Mr. Leisenring leaves the editorial fra ternity of this city without an expression of regret, and we hope his labors may hereafter be In a less Irksome and more profitable line. City and Bounty Taxes. The Mi r th Conat able gives notice that all City and Bounty for 1869, must be paid within thirty days from the 10th. Ile can he found at the Mayor's Mee every evening, *between the hours of 6 and 9. We suppose lie refers to Taxes. Re!ctied from Drowning Last Saturday afternoon, while a woman from the Sixth Ward, accompanied by her little girl, aged about 12 years, was walking on the planks which are used to orws the Jordon at Gor don street, the little girl lost her footing and fell Into the creek. The mother's cries for help were heard. by Mr. George Stocker, who resides near the spot, and he rescued the little girl , from the water. Another Bic Bali Mateh On Wednesday lost, n match gaMe of bane ball was played between the Star Club of Allen town and the Neptune of Easton, on the grounds of the former. Owing to the absence of three or four of the star players of the Star Club, victory perched herself upon the banners or bats of the Neptunes, the game resulting thus :—Neptunes, 08; Stars, 26. The defeat is ascribed to bad bat ting, and If the word were spelled bad b(e)ating, we should say it was. FVrenion 00 a Visit To-day the Laurel Steam Fire Engine Co., of York, will arrive In tide city at noon. They will be received by the Good Will Fire Company, who have made ample preparations to give them a good reception. The line of parade will form on Centre Square nt 11 o'clock, and will proceed to the depot to receive the visitors, after which they will go over the following route:—Up Ham ilton to Sixth, up Sixth to Turner, up Turner to Seventh, down Seventh to Union . , up Union to Eighth, up Eighth to Minim], up Linden to Ninth, -down Ninth to Walnut, down Walnut to Sixth, up Stith to Hamilton, up Hamilton to Tenth, countermarch to Seteuth and then dismiss. Proceedings of Ununcils At their meeting last Thursday evening, Common Council passed a resolution to appoint a committee of three from each branch to select sniMble site for the erection of a hose house for Liberty Fire Company, but action on the resolu tion was postponed by Select Council. Select Council postponed resolution of Common Council pledging the city to appropriate one-half the cost of a steamer for the America Hose Co., whenever the other half shall have been raised by private subscription. The following resolutions were adopted by both branches : Resolved, That Thomas Jacoby be hereby ap pointed to canvass all the streets of our city in which water pipes arc laid, and correctly take down the names of all persons using the water and for all the different purposes used, and ascer tain the names of all persons using and having used water for building purposes dvring this past Beams. Resolves!, That us regards the matter of paying the Columbia Fire Company for services rendered to the Allentown Iron Company after the misfor tune occurred by. the late the, be optional with said Iron Company, ooa if aoy poyntout 0.14 services are appropriated, that they he direct to said Columbia Fire Company. Resolved, That the Committee on City Property be hereby authorized to bare_the bridge across the Jordan creek, lately taken away by the freshet, replaced immediately. CITY TICKET F. V,' e.' 5 5.' 5. 4 r. 5 5 s:. - ~ , ~. P.• 5- 5.• 1171=12 pri a h omo able. Wiz, 11. Klecktior, 20 0 212 ..212 14 1274 •Eh ... M I{ o l4,mi; 10 6 :1 7 144 27.1 344 .2 , 1 1275 1;0tt504.' , . majority, 1. u City Aditor. 11, , ulam S. Leisrarithg, :551 2 , 0 225 311 22 , i. 4 12 , 51 •fl.ttilel 11. Mlller, 104 210 147 2 , 77 344 . .1)1 1279 Miller , . ajority, 13. 11rmocrals to,trltell tr itlh n (*). • WARD TICKETS FIRST.WARD Jute of i.lections, 190 I John Egge, Inspectors. 200 J. Trotter, Select Council. Herman School), 203 I Tilghman Ochs, Common Council. B. C. Roth, 200 Win. Soberer, Ilarribou Bute, 191 L. Young, Charles ScIWII, • 108 Tilgh. Schmidt, School Directors. - John Lawnlt, 200 I Joseph Thelon, Dr. I'. L. Reichard ill Win. Osumi), Conant.le. 21'2 J. Dimming, J. B. Colt, J. C. Moore, lllntin Zenner, SECOND WARD. JonNs of Elections. Samuel liiellose, 213 I islllllin Bauman, inspector. John Jarrett, 209 1 Joiepll Uhl, . Select Conn,it. r. B. Young, 212 I It. Engelman, Common G'utilicit. 'Henry enry E. Dulie, 21:: J. P. Barnes,, George B. Roth, 909 Peter Heller ' Charles Kichline, 203 J. Nunitemitker, School Directors. 211 I E. J. Knauss, 222 Ell J. Saeger, Constable. 252 I 4. Christman, Jacob 'l'. Culver, 11. 11. Fisher, George F. Henry, THIRD WARD. Judge of Eketiono, 8. S. Thompood, 1211 Je:ise Sunday, Iseelor. . .' A J. Ettinger, 206 I John Saner, Select Council. Joseph Wearer, 201 I Win. R. Lae re Common Council. 2001 Ileilry Koenig, 158 0.00 Daniel Ritter, 152 203 Edwin G. Martin, 163 School Directors. Thoinag Mohr, 202 E. 11. Erdman, 156 Charier , 11, Rolle, 212 IJ. M. Saeger, 155 Ephraim Grlm, Charlee cluter, -Merman. A. K. Wittman, 170 I Tilghman (Moil, 191 Constable. 201 I Joecph Moyer, 160 A. Worman, Fotivrit wARD ,ma ti e,f Elect low. 031 George P. \Veil, 2hl Iry pector Jonathan Reber, 331 IW. lielelleilbateli, 273 Select Council. Ella Mertz, J. L. Huffman, 819 Common Egge, 304 Andrew Herman, 11. V. Seagreaves, 305 I Charles &Ilona, Yohn, 317 W. R. Trexler, School Directors. Alder H. Whit, 335 A. J. G. Dubs, L. F l enstermacher, . 330 ilenry Colt, Condable. S. Weldemeyer, 319 I Jonas Smith, FIFTH WARD. Judge of Elections. . T. 0.. GI:II:Inger, . 209 IR. F.:Wright, jr., 311 Inspector. Win. F. Wolle, 233 IC. J.,Er:lniatt, 347 ;tetra Council. John Romig, 262 I Alex'. McKee, 311 COIIIIIIOII Council. Charles Kline, 273 I Nelson 'Weiser, 341 .U. F. \Fowlerly, 251 F. Z. Heebner, 311 George Kline, 226 A. Steckel, 321 School Directors. 240 IW. J. lloxwortb, 845 231 R. E. Wright, sr., 346 Cumhib Thom us Miller, 241 I Charles Reinert, 310 Beanlln, T. C. Yeitger, • SIXTH WARD. indite of Elections. Thos. 13. Harris, 74 I Patrick Boyle, Insixctor. Josiah Beitel, • 6.3 `Peter Brown, Select Connell. Bain. Lewis, sr., 103 Common Louis Bensinger, 190 11. Gallagher, 179 Wm. Bolts, 173 M. Ferry, (man.) 175 &law! .I.hreclurs. Bnm. Lewis, Jr., • 85John U. Hull, 189 I John Brien, 70 J. O'Donnell, 102 Co;Wage. Peter Buff, 69 I John Breslin. 379 P. Dougherty, !it °sea Leitch, J. Thomas, Temperance Meeting. - A Public Temperance Meeting will be held In the Gi:rman Lutheran Church, Eighth street between Hamilton and Walnut, to-morrow (Thurs day) evening, at 8 o'clock. Rev..l. G. Sands, of this city, will address the meeting In English, and Rev. Thomas Bowman, of Phiendelplila, lu Ger intim The public Is cordially Invited to attend. On Thursday morning while Francis Busse was boiling linseed oil In the shop of Henry F. Seagreaves, on Lumber alley nearLindos street, It accidentally boiled over and set tire to the build ing. It Willi, however, extinguished without any serious damage. Mr. Busse In endeavoring to ec thiguish the flames was severely burned about the right arm and hand. At a meeting of the Lehigh Loan' and Building Association held last Wednesday evening In Relater's hall ten Maus were sold at the follow ing premiums, to wit :—one at EGO ; three at $5l and six at $59, At the last meeting of the Coplay Building AR soclatlon five loans were sold at $lOl each, and two at $lOO. At a meeting of the Penn Loan and Building Association held on Monday evening, thirteen shares were sold at the following prices :—five at $513; four at $5B ; two at $53.50, and two at $O7. The Shlcm Evangelical Church, on Linden above 9th, Is to be rededicated, on Sunday, Octo ber 31. Rev. Solomon Neltz and others will be Mr. 22 THE COUNTY The Lutheran Conference of Lehigh, North anuiton, Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne cello tieß, will meet In Rev. Mr. HenkePa 'new church in Strombilmrg, Monday evening next. ATTENTION, BOOK AGENTS We ask attention to the advertisement for agents to canvass for a valuable work entitled " Synehronology of Ancient and Modern History from the Creation of man . to January, 1869." This book has received the highest recommenda tion from the best New England authorities, and agents for it are meeting with great filleVeBB. AGENT FOR "MARX TWAIN." Win. 'l'. Morris has the agency for Murk Twain's spicy new work, " The Innocents Abroad, or The New Pilgrim's Progress." It contains it deserfption of over twenty thousand miles of travel, from New York through the principal countries of Europe, to the Itoly Land, .k e. The Irishmen who 'ems drowned et Lao beeh's mill in Allen township, Northampton Co. on Sunday evening of week before last, Willi name, Murk Cannon, about 22 years of age, and former ly, a brakeman ou a gravel train on the Lehigl and Susquehanna Railroad. The body was put it a coffin and sent to the poor house for ItEMI'MPTION Or NAVIGATION' The damage to the Schuylkill Canal by the late freshet was not quite so serious as nt first supposed. Ever since the subsiding of the water the company have been very actively engaged In putting the line into working order again, and it is stated that navigation ,will be resumed about the middle of the present week. The Lehigh canal cannot be got in operation this year. READINO 1t00316 IN I,RIIIDENEVILLE The Farmers, Mechanics and ➢liners Ins e Is the name of a new Society organized Fricdensville last Thursday night. They opened their reading room, which Is situated In a conve nient part of the village, on the saute evening. The officers arc : Daniel M. Young, President; Jacob Diehl, Secretary; Mr. Flieger, Correspond Secretary;my Win. Jackson, Treasurer; Re Thomas Harrison, Capt. R. A. Pascoe, Daniel 5 Young, Patrick Dewire, F. Flieger, Directors. VARNISH FOR SHOES. 11 is a bad plan, says Hall's Journal :f NOM, to grease the upper leather of shoes for the Purpose of keeping them soft. It rote the leather and admits dampness morn t.. to make a varnish thus: Put half a pound of gum shellac broken up Into to small pieces in a quart bottle or jug, cover it with alcohol, cork it tight, and put it on a shelf In a warm place ; shake it well several times a day, then add a piece of camphor as large as a hen's egg ; shake It again and add one ounce of lampblack. If the •alcohol is good, ft will be all dissolved In three days; then shake and use. If it gets too thick, .add alcohol ; pour out two or three teaspoonfuls In a saucer, and apply It with a small paint-brush. If theme: terlals are all good, it will dry in about five min utes, and will be removed only by wearing It off giving a gloss almost equal to patent leather. The advantage of this preparatton over others is, it does not strike Into the leather and make it hard, but remains on the surface, and yet excludes the water almost perfectly. This same prepara Lion Is admirable for harness, and does not sot whentouched, as lampblack preparations do. REPAIRING THE PARADES-COMMENDABLI: IN On Monday the 4th instant, a 'mighty tor rent of water was raging down this valley, carry ing with it thousands of logs, broken bridges, and debris of every kind. Prominent citizens torn thought with good reason, that it would he long before travel and coal transportation could be re sumed, as It wan known that both roads and the canal bad been badly washed In many places. But squads of workmen were sent out immedi ately, and on the L. V. It. R. Passenger trains, by switching from one track to tiw other, were able to run through on Tuesday. The L..@ ft. IL It. was known to have suffered much worse, and some predicted that it would be weeks before it could he In order again. The Superintendent, Mr. Cohen, and Mr. John Leiscnring, one" of the di rectors, telegraphed on Wednesday to the Presi dent of the Company, Mr. E. W. Clark, that pal, senger trains could be running by Thusday and coal trains the day following. But so energetically was the work pushed forward that both coal and pat.senger trains were running on Thursday of the same week. A large force of laborers is engaged in repairing the canal, and the work is being urged on with all possible dispatch. That portion from Allen town to Easton will be put In running order at once, so that Iron from the furnaces can be trans ported by boats. • The greatest credit is duo the officers of the Company hero, from the highest to the lowest, for the energy and skill which they have displayed in this emergency. r, 159 An Allentonian in Philadelphia writes us na follows :---The Introductory lecture to the Medical Department University of Pennsylvania, ways , - livered by R. E. Rogers, M.D., Professor of Chem istry, at 12:10 p. m., on Monday, to a class of about 200 students. I visited the State House and was very much Interested In a very largo family I met there or rather the pictures of a large family. Their names were all "llauds Off.',' Now, sir, can you tell me where in English History I CALI find their acts or deeds of valor recorded. Must confess they are strange to me but they aro mighty numerous. On Tuesday night of last week the signal tower of the Mine 11111 Railroad, at Sehuylell Haven took lire, burning to death the watchman, Owen Fccuey, and Ills fatally, consisting of n wifeand two children. A sister-in-law of Feeney was also in the tower at the time, but escaped by leaping from a window. The Ore originated In the lower part of the tower. henry T. Darlington, of Doylestown, accompa nied by his with, started last week on a trip to Wisconsin, !Owe and Kansas—and perhaps still further West. They will be absent from home about a month. I'. B.—The publication of the Burks Comity Intilligencer will go on an usual. Those farmers who would like to sub,cribe for the American Agriculturitt, in connection with t this paper, for 1870, can have both sent for. the whole year for $8.00; The effects of having a good Republican paper 11l Lehigh county is very perceptible in the election returns which we publish to-day. We hope our friends will now take a more active Interest In this planet than ever before, and will leave no atone unturned to increase our list to 2000. The Lehigh de. Susquehanna Railroad Company , estimate their loss by the late freshet at p 75,000. Thursday, the 18th day of November, has been net amid for Thanksgiving Day. W. I.lclitenwitluer, :203 Council. John McNulty, 157 Conrad!. ' THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEIAIESI)/Y, OCTOBER 20, 1869. Almoet a Fire Joan, Sold Chureh Dedication =I =I EDE= =! OFFICIAL RETURNS OF LEHIGH COUNTY, OCTOBER 12, 1869. DI sw RI4QTS .11:onee of Candidate =Ma Ada Par W. ker Geary 31 , 1010. 001110 SVPIIOIIO COU11T: 11000 y W. William. Vyrne L. Perehie ,1 w 1101.1 : .111101, 0. Illery hylv our 1,. 0 1,01101 Daniel 11. Greitx Ada. Won /ever I'10$11100(1100 r : Patti 11411 let Jocoh S. Sillinger CLERK OF TIM 0111 , 11ANI1' e01:11T Wlllllllll 11. Deehler itguettis L. Ruhr CLERK ov l / 1 !AlttEll Wllll.llO Shoitrt Joeeph Ranter 1(11,1 ril'K 11 OK M i n i t ' i . ll ( 3 "l A7 r .Vetehartl TM10.0001 1 .: Folumuu Mina Unlllerl 100001 Bilthrr Cot NOT C031111,1.11 0 N 0 a , Joitepli liltrnter Stephen Kern • 1200.01 , William 11. Rama Jlllll,l IL Bush DI 11111'11 , 11 UY TII K bl,OO : Male, W. \Vitmin! . Reuben Ben Mager Auurroui LoviWerly Franklin J. Aewhil . rgi Col'l4TV hrIt1.1:11,1‘ . .1. I'. I'. K.lstlor George /thtrsk ..TRUiTY.KA A 4,1,101, Wllllulu J. llonoy (I,orge K. Roeder. Franck E. tiro r' 11"i'limn B. Erdriiiitt Ittrowr OF COAT trathiported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad for the week ending Oct. U, 1860, compared with 6:1111e time 111,4 year . W ' eek. 'For Tear. 2 423 60 341,123 OS ' l5O 13 338;230 14 223 03 'b lot Mttlioney B e ater Meadow " Monett Chunk... " Upper Lehigh... Hazleton •" Wyonting 8,501 11 350 o', 685,516 07 4,585 10 347,049 08 53 400 15 1,840,007 12 10,529 0:3 1,711,01 3 11 rand total MEI 44,050 15 178,087 18 Dee] ea c LEIIIOII VALLEY IRON TRADE.. Pig iron transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad CO. for,the week onling October U,1:i50 From Tons. 1117 Carbon Iron Co Lehigh Valley Iron Co Tit Thomas Iron Co 7:2 Lehigh Crony Iron Co 79 15( Allentown Iron Co Roberts Iron Co Glendon Iron Co . . .. 'ila 5t Lehigh Iron Company Bethlehem Iron C 0.•.•.• Other Shlppe,,.i Hall ,IST PRENLIDIS The following is a continuation of the Lis 'Premiums awarded at tlw lust linnual Ex bition of the Lehigh County Agricultura Society 14-1107 , 16 DEPAUTNIENT. Class 6. Best raspberries, Charles (Inch', $2 ; best raspber ries, Tilghtiian Snyder, 2 ; second best, Jacob Sherer, 1; raspberries, C. 11. Erdman, worthy of notice ; raspberries, J. B. Meyers, worthy of no tice; raspberries, J. Damug, worthy of notice; raspberries, Levi Miller, worthy of itotiee ; best blackberries, Tilghman Snyder, 2 ; tite011(1 best, Levi Miller, 1 ; blackberries, C. 11. Erdman, wor thy of notice; blackberries, Reuben Harlacher, worthy of notice; blackberries, Jacob Sherer, worthy of notice ; dried apples sour, Isaac l'.My era, 2 ; second best, It. Weaver, 1 ; dried apples sour, various exhibitors, worthy of notice ; dried sweet apples, Jacob Sherer, 2 ; second best, Mary Reinhard, 1; dried sweet apples, various exhibi tors, worthy of notice ; best dried pears, Susan Wleand, 2; second best, Isaac P. Myers, 1 ; dried pears, various exhibitors, worthy of notice ; best whole pears dried, A. It. Miller, 1 ; second best, Mrs. C. It. Erdman, worthy of notice; dried peaches, R. Steckel, 2 ; second best, J. I'. Myers, 1; dried peaches, various exhibitors, worthy of notice ; dried peaches with stones, C. IL Erdman, 50ets best dried plums. C. 11. Erdman. 2: second best, Mrs. E. Weiss, 1 ; best apricots, Mrs. C. 11. Erdmam, 1; best crab apples, Michael Ritter, 2 ; second best, C. Klein, 1 ; wild cherries, J. S. Mink, worthy of notice ; best red stoned cherries, 11. Ritter, 2 ; second best, Jaeob Sherer, 1 ; best stoned cherries, Henry Ritter, :Wets; . best black cherries, Isaac I'. Myers, 2 ; second best, Mrs. D. Hersh, 1 ; best red cherries, Jacob Stirrer, 2 ; sec ond best, Michael Ritter, 1 ; third best, J. DeLong, Wets ; whortleberries, Isaac I'. Myers, 2; elder• berries, Jacob De Long, 1 ; second best, Mrs. I). Iler,h, Mats ; hest currants, Jacob Sherer, 9 l see. ond best, Mrs. It. Weiss, 1 ; beet gooseberries. Mrs. C. Kline, 1; second last, worthy of notice grapes, Jacob DeLong. 1 ; best seed-beans, Mrs ' rsh, ; Let field beans, leane P. Myere, second best, Michael Bitter, 1 ; best Liam beans, Mrs. V Ilerbst, 1 ; best kidney beans, Miss. C. H. Er:Wm:l,l; best small seed beans, Mrs. C. Kline, I; white beans, Mrs. 1). Hersh, 1 ; Fogel beans, F. M. Faust, .'Acts ; best dried beans, J. Klehnly, 1 ; second best, J. S. Mini:, Wets ; dried beans, Tilgh man Snyder,.l: best white dried corn, C. Kline, 3; second best, John Kuntz, o 1 ; third best, Sylvester Blcher, :Wets; dried corn, various exhibitors, Wor thy of notice; best yellow earn dried, J. DeLong, 9; second best, Mrs. C. 11. Erdman, 1 third best, Wm Madder,,, Nets; best dried peas, Mary Rein hard, 1; second best Jacid: Sherer, Wets ; Great est variety of dried fruit, MrS. C. 11. Erdman, 3. Mrs. Wm. Ilarlacher, Mrs. Sylvester Beiber, Mrs. Charles Deily, Committee. 12102 Canned Siberian crab apples, Mrs. b. F. Ttex ler, 2 ; caroled gooseberries, Mrs. C. it. Erdman, 2 ; second best, Mrs. D. liersh, 1; preserved crab, Mr,. C. Kline, 1 ; best.canned cherries, Mrs. Wm. J. lloxworth, ; second bent, C. 11. Shantz, I ; blackberries, Mrs. C. Menselt, 2 . ; second best, Mrs. C. 11. Erdman;T; canned peaches, Nancy Rein bold, 2 ; preserved peaches, Mrs. D. Hersh, 1; canned plums, Sarah Shantz, 9; second best Mrs. J. Reichard, 1; canned brandy pears, Hannah NVasser, 2 ; canned stewed pears, T. & J. Bodine, 1; canted pine apples, Mrs. I). Hersh, 2; calmed corn, Mrs. Win. J. lloxworth, ; preserved tomes toes, Mrs. C. Kline, 2; preserved tomatoes, Mrs. D. Hersh, 1 ; preserved strawberries, Mrs. C. Kline, 2; best Siberian crab Jelly, Mrs. 11. F. Trexier, 2; quince jelly, Mrs. C. Meech, 2 ; crap apple jelly, C. Kline, 2; peach, A. Hersh, 2;. grape, C. Kline, 2 ; pepper sauce, Jesse I'. Meyers, 2 ; canned apri cots, Mrs. C. 11. Erdman, 2; jar of fancy piekels, D. Hersh, 2 ; Pickles, C. Kline, 1 ; quinces, Miss Warner, 2; second best, Nancy Reinhold, 1; eurxiinte, Rebecca Reinhard, 2 ; second best, Mrs. D.. Hersh, 1 ; Trexlertown peanuts, Mrs. W. Brobst, 2; roasted pop corn, 11. Ritter, 2; largest display of preserved fruits, Mrs. D. liersh, 2; largest display of jellies, Mrs. C. Kline, 2. The variety of,preeceved fruit was the largest ever exhibited in this house. It was Impossible to do justice to all, the exhibitors. A great many articles besides those above mentioned are worthy of notice, but could not all be enumerated. Collimate, Reuben Stabler, Mrs. F. Z. Heebner, I Mrs. Eckert, Mrs. I'. Wickert. 110W1 DEPARTNIENT 14—C/ass O. Whirs. Rhubarb, Walter Mohr, 82; eec ben, J. A. Sbnifer, 2; bekt elderberry, J. Myers, 2; second test, Mrs. C. Kline, 1; besreur rent, D. Hersh, 2 ; second best, W. 11. Mintier, 1; best dark wine, E. 11. Erdman, 2; second betd, Tilghman Henninger, 1; best white wine, Jacob Bogert, 2 ; second best, Mrs. C. Kline, 1; Lest strawberry, N. Weller, 9; second best, Wm. 11. Blumer, 1; best quince, Jesse Roth, 2 ; second best, C. 11. Erdman, 1 ; best gooseberry, Mrs. W. 'Mink, 9 ; second best, C. 11. Erdman, 1 ; best raspberry, Baltic Baines ; 9 ; second best, no num ber, 1 ; best blackberry, J. A. Shaffer, 9 ; second best, Nancy Reinhold, I ; wild cherry, J. Won.. Miller, 2 , second best, Mrs. Reinhold, 1; best clover wine, Thomas Yottndt, 2 ; second be,;, J, G. Blank, 1 ; best peach, C. IL Erdman, 1 ; grape N4IIIC, Jacob. Bogert, 9; second best, J. De- Long, 1 ; black cherry, C. IL Erdnian,l; Clinton, 1 L. Kininp, 1 ; Catawba, C. 11. Erdman, 9 ; apple, J. DeLong, 2 ; steam vinegar, C. Kline, 1. The committee found thu display h, this department to be very excellent and very mmicrous. . Committee —John G. Behimpf, R. A. Thayer, Wm. 11. Blunter. 15-MISCELTANEOUB AIITICLER Two oil paintings, F. Ilelnibaelt, $l, best dis- play ; three oil paintings, second best good ef fort. by a scholar, Miss Sarah Gould, 9; picture of St. Peter, (very old copy and very excellent), 2 ; Alspday of nceordeons, eight places of various g -ri f" 2 in g G g' - 2 ' " " . ;7 .1 3 si I =4 E 41 or. E 55.9 .9 g .1 • ;IT, • • " • *** : : ** H 1 . 21 1:1 333 2.1t1 73-1266 311 50 157 3.9 43 138 110 . 2.1 199 lrtl 165 2.. M no hio ZO 311 114 Pi VA 23 , 4315 Ha 211 160 :ICJ 352 195-1317 117 al 80 87 58 All 441 202 3A) 427 4 , 15 405 a 37 Zl3 3a) 213 253 , 1 . .%) 117 (77 6133 07 213 311 242 71-1266 313 01 VA 36 45 119 116 ?V 21J 111 Ith TN up 118 xi ;Ku 140 88 224 To 4f,84 110 230 160 2`,2 347 197-1312 114 5 , 1 75 et - / 03 213 441 . 5',4 227 421 4913 401 ma,. IS4 357 TA 2 , R1 181 95 la 6077 2 23 '.lll 215 319 250 70-1271 315 NJ 157 57 45 143 121 223 2)2 511 1(11 =1 113 118 291 197 110 01 2. 7 .5 240 4510 212 141 Y 32 20 01-1216 314 50 157 37 111 113 121 I^lB 228 191 101 2.21 114 118 272 194 139 76 255 240 4561 107 211 155 211 :419 211-125.5 115 57 72 85 53 120 419 213 312 1 , 15 440 440 328 214 214 151:1 257 117 06 ig 7936 109 ' o '7 2.72 278 348 LIII-13 . ..S 114 57 73 (43 47 2211 419 234 313 423 417 405 011 322 V 6 213 L.ll 96 47 0712 191 1%1 513 :126 70-1211 317 49 156 37 41 143 121 226 202 221 196 227 . 111 110 Sal 201 141 67 2.15 249 4602 116 22.4 134 275 354 W 3 -1:J.30 115 .Crj 74 65 56 272 4I'J 251 305 397 410 405 32) 211 374 268 240 112 90 67 N.J4O 207 231 IRi 332 2.12 70-1273 316 30 157 37 47 142 121 227 231 191 100 IS3 105 270 312 323-1243 116 27 74 63 36 2731' 408 213 322 424 4370 211 219 235 310 217 70-1273 272 10 37 41 142 121 211 12 113 1 , 13 105 1,a5 155 26. S 311 2/2-12413 151 67 17 6 85 56 278 ' 411 2E4 3 2 22 431 413 • • 200 '.5 195 'A-12 , 33 315 50 157 341 l2l 3ll 192 110 •2 I 10 253 :115 ..11:1-13:14 119 Pi 74 t 43 2W 417 24. :in on 4W AN ? :1 1 N VI! if% 977--12(2%'1V.; '7l g 11.1 'll.l 12 77,.1 79 iti jagi 111 Z 1 7 7J Eb t 3 262 iii 7 1 7 Et 410 .1114 22) 117 1 ,7 Gl7 .A 6 TN 2 , n 229 211 7,rr272 314 MIMM 41 142 121 pT . rO 1 P 2 3 7 U 3 118 140 3d 2 U 0 M 233 248 4M3 161 332 IN 273 MI au-1272 116 m72NI 78 282 412 223 3.5) 41) 428 403 MI 230 343 287 .2.19 117 88 0 28) Trn ;g:1.17,2, 113 11 11 gi 111 It' lis 7 al 117 .1:11 .TZ =1! 2 ,!!‘ ) . 58114 30:1 210 201 311 241 70-42.54 31.1 51.) 156 36 45 142 121 325 303 193 140 327 113 114 311 391 131 243 340 497. 103 '216 157 231 342 313-153) 116 38 73 83 57 '164 49) 3,11 321 430 460 4 , 15 32) 24) 363 3.6 319 1111 3$ 07 6,141 283 211 331 214 70-12 , 24 313 NJ 156 36 43 142 121 226 "JY2 154 166 27 113 415 294 WO 139 55 252 2 42 4578 168 216 157 293 344 211-1310 117 08 73 111 37 2211 419 216 322, 431 460 440 7.13 511 3710 281 260 117 448 415 0.818 199 211 211 332 241 01-1217 313 50 156 36 41 142 12 1 1 7 . 27: 27 , 194 1:/3 727 113 119 R 8.2 :203 140 90 Fy , 240 45 , 9 r. . 44 1 1 r. ' l l 4 : g1 , 3 7 1:1:1 1 0, 113 VS 1 1 1 1 11.1 142 1 4i.1 l ' t! !VT) 11.1 !1.14 1184 lil 4 ll ^S.l._. ' 211 4 A ) 118 Is 2 ti 6 . 01t1 118 11 . rs 1 . 511 291 344 123-IJI2 117 07 44 SS 08 284 4 211 32.2 4.10 401 411 321 230 363 296 WO 119 15 07 603 . . shapes, size and tone, in which Is the best =a dmit, Charles Rcichel, 2 ; best display and largest collection of many different instruments, T. M. Foust, 4 ; wooden " puzzle," Susan Thomson, worthy of notice ; collection of snakes, C. Bottle, 1 ; peach stone baskets, 11. Hersh, worthy of no tice ; collection of locusts, Ephraim Ritter, wor thy of notice; collection of birds, (12pr), a very tine article, also moss work with two birds,•very handsome, John Donkey, Jr., 4 ; ostrich egg and carved cocoanut, NiCholas Slarley, worthy of no tice; collection of butterflies and bugs, James Diehl, 2 ; second best, Daniel Siegfrcid, 1 ; collec tion of badges, rings and old relies, P. Broes, 3 ; large collection of rustic work made In Allentown, W. and J. Pretz, 4; valuable collection of stuffed birds and eggs, Wm. 11. Werner, 8; collection of Cotaluenta money and currency of 1862, also U. S. paper issues, J. A. Shaffer, 3 ; collection of In dian arrows and axes, J. A. Shafer, 2 ; best col lection of crayon drawings, nine pair very well es cent.l, 11. G. Wilson, 5; figure head and land scape and oil painting on glass, very good, Mrs. It. K cumin, 2 ; lithographs, colored in oil land scape, 11. Dreifnss, worthy of notice ; crayon head, Benjamin Kocher, Artily of notice ; collec tion of foreign, coin C. G. Ulmer, 5 ; photographs Largest and best display, F. S. Btuber, 5; best specimens of small photographs, J. Jeaues, 5. Committee—George I'. Frederick' Wulff, Frank Rehab:telt. SON-HNUMP.RATHD Potter's work, Wm. Fisher, Allentown, 4 pre miums and diploma ; display job printing, Haines Worman, Allentown; 5 premium and diploma; best toy doll, Mrs. Wm. It. Ilolford, Allentown, 1 premium ; Improved school desks, exhibited by George Roth, Allentown, liploma; display planing mill work, Butz, Frederick at Co., Allentown, 5 and diploma ; Hattie Breinlg's bed guilt, Hattie Is only 5 years old, Allentown, 50 els. and diploma.; Broe's shoe blacking, Allentown, worthy of no tice; straw flowers, Susan Thompson, worthy of notice ; ladies' box, Lamisky at Albert, Allentown, 1 and diploma ; mosaic work, Wm. Bridle, Allen town, 5 and diploma ; artificial egg plant, Daniel Fink, Allentown, diploma; display seeds, Andrew Ilerinan, Allentown, diplomat and 5 ; line books, Alice I'. I'lleager, Allentown, I premium; fancy smoke pipe, George Kohler, Allentown, 50 cis. premium ; book, lit! years old, Susan Wicand, Al lentown, worthy of notice ; old book, ♦. Diefen derfer, worthy of notice; fancy boxes, J. Y. Smith, Quakertown, Worthy of notice ; tortoise shell combs, George \Vela, Allentown, worthy of notice ; do., T. 0. Ginkinger, worthy of notice ; wine bottle, Mary Horn, worthy of notice ; toy beach, Ellen Bute, worthy of notice; bureau, Aaron Frederick, worthy of motive; fancy sewing loz, George Weiss, Allentown, I and diploma; est miniature bed, Sally Ilaintz, Allentown,l and ; second best, Emma 11. Frederick, 50 ts. ; Lehr A'. Emery's theodolite and display of ophographical drawings, Allentown, 3 and amo na ; silver castor, C. E. Uhler, worthy of notice ; ilirner's Lehigh County Cattle Powder, diploma; door malts, J. Stolllet & Cof, 1 and diploma ; cartwhips, Moses Fry, 1 and diploma ; east iron chimneys, C. G. Antrina, Bucks county. A very valuable article and recommended to general use, diploma ; Mad. baskets, Joseph Fink, premium $2; model church, Win. Kauffman, diploma ; relined coal oil, Boas Hausman A: Co., diploma ; toy stoves, John J. Kreider, worthy of notice; pic tures, Martin Selple, worthy of notice ; tailed chair covers, Mm. S. A. Larne, 2 premium ; model steam engine, J. P. Kessler, 5 and diploma; second beet, MaIIIINSCS Haat!, 2; brushes, A. Weidner Co., It and diploma ; La Roche'a display mechan ical dentiStry, diploma ; famous American boot tree, A. Gdoil h Co., 5 and diploma ; plain nisi ornamental penmanship, Whituey h Blackman's 13miliess College, very fine, diploma ; broom corn, Reuben Klase, 9 premium ; broom whisks, Daniel !LTA, 2-and diploma ; dutch" chocolate and pop corn, Susan Thompson, 2 and diploma ; • ed brick, George Fry, 3 and diploma ; woo forks, Abraham Sterner. 2 and diploma ; best spokes, Roth and Klotz, 2 and diploma ; ficcond best, Irwin Burkhalter, Coopersburg, 1 ; axe handles and hammer, Elias Moos, 1 and dip. ; stationary steam engine and power pump, Moseer Camp, 10 and diploma; Burchall S Rudolph, forcing and lifting pumps, worthy of notice; die day of ornamental casting, 11. 11. Fisher, 10 and diploma ; display or lace work made by exhibitor, widow Packwood, 76 win; old, operation of man ufiteture In preHence of committee, very ingeniott: tuna making moat perfect work,lo premium; por traita ofthe ()liken of the hoclety, Mr. Troxel, 5 Alfred C. Pretz, Jonathan Reichard, W. J. Ilox worth, committee. I= Robert Steckel, boil. ploughman, 3 ; Dante Wieser, second best 3 ; Daniel Wieser, best plougl horses, 5 ; Robert Steckel, second best, 4. Solo mon Kline, (miller), Reuben Harineher, Charle. Henninger, Committee. . . 19-Mtß9, NIETALS, SC Best and only display of iron ore, George Neu toyer, diploma ; specimens. of lend ore by same exhibitor, very rich in appearance ; best and only display of rooting slate, R. It. Drake, diploma ; bent and only display of pig iron, (A. 1), Lehigh Iron Co., diploma. The specimens of iron ore (Hematite) are very beautiful, rich In metal and good In quality. The rooting slates displayed are of various shade's of color and are no doubt supe rior in quality. The pig Iron exhibited could not well he surpassed In appearance. Samuel Lewis, acting member of the committee. OUR NEIGHBORS —The bone Join and forge belonging to Daniel Helton & Son, at Exeter Station, about seven tnlles below Rending, was destroyed by lire on Thursday week, resulting in a loss of 020,000. The building wan insured for $3,000. The firm was eKtemaelr engaged 'ln the manufacture of hammered bar iron, cur books sledges, bar levers, etc., andfflory recently were tilling large °niers for parties In taltimore. They also curried on the business , of manufacturiug superphosphate and bone (lust, a large stock of which was In store at the time of the tire. —A correspondent informs the Norristown Republican that a fatal disease Is Infecting. the many handsome flocks of Christmas • turkeys In MontgoMery county something similar to the chicken cholera of two . years ago. Boma have lost, fifty full . grown turkeys, some forty and thirty and many all the flock. Cannot some of our many readers propose through our columns some remedy for this Infection. —The Democratic candidates for, State, Ju diciary and County officers, have the following majorities In Montgomery county, as summed up by the Return Judges on Friday. The vote of Limerick for Treasurer was not counted for the reason that no return was made by the Judge of that district : Asa Packer, Governor 1064 Cyrus L. Pershing, S. Judge 1048 Ilenry P. Ross, A. Judge 1177 Thomas P. Knox, Senate 990 James Esebbach, Assembly 1071 J. C.. 1. Ilarvey, do , 88. John W. Yerkes, Prothonotary- 00 John J. Norton, Register 70.' 11. B. Nace, Recorder 105 S. B. lielffenstein, Clerk 7' N. Wagenhorst, Treasurer 82; John Y. Fritz, Commissioner.. ll2 Joseph Kolb, Director 94; ; mr, Shriver, Auditor BERKS COUNTY MONTOOMERY COUNTY 231 111 113 2941 .542 140 Sr. 253 210 4. 3 35 456 322 231 003 221 239 113 95 37 0141 /27 113 113 211 202 110 80 271 210 4.137 403 201 231 3a3 2.3 229 115 10 37 2,04 327 113 118 211 199 4i17 403 330 ZJO 393 295 939 lIS 97 71 tA7I 227 116 111 291 212 140 Si Al 289 4 , 314 493 78 231 343 215 244 117 -95 a ans —The Ringgold Hose Company of liendiug, accompanied by the Mechanics Band, vi,ited Nor ristown on Friday last. The whole tire depart ment turned out to receive theta. The Montgom ery Nose had In line two engines and two hose carriages, the whole drawn by ten horses and ninety-five men. The Ringgold boys were the guests of the liumane. OUR EASTO% GOSSIP EAsToN, l'A., Oct. IS, 1855 Dear Itegieler:—The election in over and we are settling down to re nits. The Demoarnts. admit that they made a mistake in trying to tote ty millions" into the Gubernatorial eh Idr but they declare'another F ch victory for the Republicans will about finish them. The day passed very plearttntly with us—not so tunny drunken men to be seen in the ht reels ; the gutters were it little too damp ;Mil they Went home to sleep oil' the effects of their benzine atheran church in this place have planned an excurdlou by the Belvidere Del. railroad to Philadelphia, beginuing to-day and mating Octo ber 30. Tickets, including admissioa tickets to the great Fair in Philadelphia, arc t 11.50, good fur any day. We have no doubt but that It will be a great success. • We see In one of the paps', a description acme dine greenback s , altered to two's by cutting the 2" from the two's and parting them on 'ln the one dollar note. We would like somc , one to cipher up how long the counterfeiter , can stand that bminess as they must loose one dollar on every operation, for, what becomes oft he "(woo" from which they have takcn.the figures tiger the ' Concerts are the chief amusement here j lief now. Ross' Continentals did splendidly on Saturday eve ning, But soon we expect a circus and menagerie. Anxious fathers are already hunting up their un known or unrecognized sons to get them ready to take to the circus. As a matter personal knOwl edge, we know of one family, consisting of a drunken father, a elatteruly mother and three raged children, who some time since were seized with a desire to go and see the hordes: The father kept sober one day and earned enough money to go, the mother and eldest daughter took in a day's washing to enable them to go and the younger children spent the day hr , begzing the money for themselves and it he needless to add that they all went to the circus and loud no breakfast the next morning. October 25th, 27th and, 2801, are the daps se lected for the annual mess. $3600 are offered in premiums to winning horses. If you have tiny Ito stock in Lehigh that you can bring out, why trot them out and we'll be glad to RC& theta and bhare the $5600 . with you. The police fight has ended in some reslgnatious half that was reported Is true a clean swecl =I should h dlnee rabic; Jr., tole Demi raliroad stocks, many speculators have found that the " road to ruin" Is the Erie railroad." It is said that this road kills more people on Wall street titan even It Port Jervis nod they have no " eor one, jury." ' r' A curious thing about the order of the Bons of Temperance is, that contrary to the old saying " united we stand, divided we fall," the moi.e 'Tkionn" they hare, the greater is the strength and progress of the Sims. CITY NOTICES Gaitarei at. Ire&ll's Book and St:uiom•ry Store Large stock of sheet music, instruelor,, Man hooks, music paper and cards at C. F. Herrmann Musk Store, Allentown. The rueh ut Potter's for reel goods, as well for all kinds of Dry gouds, is perfectly treble Lading' Bret-ela,s selsnorx at the I.yWer St rttery Store. _ Frem a 1.'.3. Aemator.—Q. Ilow have ylm so perfectly restored your white and faded loch,' to their soft and original color 1 A. I use Tebbett's Physiological hair Regenerator. To be had at Mrs. M. A. G. Guldln's,:l4 E. Ilaluilton St. It is to much the custom of Insurance agents to attempt to advance the interests of their own coin 'pany by slandering and falsifying other similar Institutions. This is always a confession of weak ness. A company of real merit can rely upon the intelligence of the public to appreciate the advan tages it offers, and will never feel the necessity of others down In order to raise itself. Such n company is the AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. It only list:, to be heard and Is ethilldent of the approval and putronaitts . of !ill Nrho will candidly consider Its elalms. • Dr. Wm. J. Romig, No. GU East Hamilton St., the authorized agent of THE AM ERIC,Q; LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY for this county. Pod:et : Books at all prl,:es at Irealcll'n Book mat Stationery Store Messrs. P. H. Drako ,f• Co., proprietors of the PLANTATION BITTIIIIS, are said to be the largest importers of St. Croix Ruin and Calysaya Bark in America. The Ruin imported by this Firm Ic all used in the preparation of their Bitters, and le manufactured under the immediate supervision of one of the agents, upon leased . plantations on the Wand of St. Thomas. Over nine thousand punch cone, about one million gallons, Is used annually for their Bitters alone. 'I he Callsaya Bark is all mported from Brazil, and le also gathered and ee exted by the natives, under the aupervlslon of an gent heat mit for that 'purpose. The cured pro- Ipeed by thou: Bitters are wondorful. I S a I , o . l . l l;n t r h to e p ll r i l e , l: . eet Impoited Th. beet of Italian violin strings, , or any other article belonging to musical In- atruments, eau be bought oheaper than anywhere olae, at C. F. Herrman:l'a Music Store, Allentown. Cheap Parlor Orgatal.—A single reed 5 octave organ at 190. A double reed organ with 5 .sops, at 1130. A powerful organ with 7 otop,, at .1180, at C. F. Ilemnann'a, corner 7th and Walnut, Al lentown. Fine pen-knives and razors at lredell's Book and Stationery Store. The bad Tee* produced by drinking adulterated liquors are known to all. Perbone will run no risk by drinking only W 1512% ale, porter, miucrni water or sarsaprilla, as It le acknowledged by all to be superior In manufacture to all other Mclver?' concoctions. _ _ Outair for Counting Houses, rapers of every kind, drafting materials, stationery for ladies, Penknivus, scissors, razors and pocket books can be found in variety at Iredell's Stationery Store, in building formerly occupied by Young Lentz.: 4 Splendid ri4mo.—Linderman Lt.: Son's Gohl Medal Cycloid and Square Pianos rank among the finest Instruments in the country. Their brilliancy and fullness of tone is not surpassed by a concert grand piano at double the price. More instru ments of this celebrated make have been sold in Allentown, Lehigh 'and adjoining counties than of any other manufactire. They can be used many years and not become airy, as most other pianos do, In only a few years. Comeaud examine them at C. F. lierrtnann's Store, 7th and Walnut streets. • Cheap payers at the Register Book and Station ery store: elUentown has an extensive china and glassware establishment where as great a variety and as low "priceiOlin be found as in the larger cities. Wo refer 40 tha new store of Richard Walker,'No. 40 West "Hamilton street. To stop au itching head use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Stair Renewer, a Flare cure. —. AM—It Is not giallo cold enough for an over coat, nod yet one (eels chilly without one. To meet that difficulty you should buy yourself ono of Wanumaker & BrOWEelt Fail overceatsjust the thimt for this season of the year. They am heautiftil and beautifully cheap. They have them as low as five dollars. NcbJ atibrrNruttntz J ,.nEN S. EtULE ah`NoliN. ` mPokruns AND MANUFACTURERS LOOKING GLA.EiSEii, The boat mud cheapeol. PORTRAIT AND PICTURE FRAMES, 31u.t olvarkitt .tylc. C lIRO MO - LITHoGRAPII6, 8111,1,02111111 d Americnn—e■ lumen. arioortmeut • FINE ENGRAVINGS, Tho Ltow4At peak:attune ROGERS' GROUPES. we arc tlm only Itutlturiaol whylesnle and retail dralum In the (iroopes in Ilti• ylnln, and Nell all of them nt manatfatetorer'h rater. Circular. rent on sapplientlon. EARLES' GA I ,LERIES cIIESTNUT STREET, PIIILADBLI'IIIA. TIIE ONLY RELIABLE CURE HYBPEPSIA IN THE EMOWIII WirRIO FOR WIMITART .4 ORDAT 4lideantoan DIAPEPXII PINE T hin s TAR CORDIAL t o a poriltive and infallible eon , fordybpopsin In De moat aggravated form, and no twat, of how long standing. Thor pouetrito tlio secret nbodo of this terrible Harman, and ex termlnato It, root nod branch, fere Ver. '('hey alleviate more agony and silent suffering than long.. catell. . . Tito . area noted for curing the moat ili+nerale and ho 1,..s eases, every kitown.roonns foil to niford relief • Ni form of llyupepsto or indigestion C3ll NAHA their pon• orating power. WISH-IA - 111"S PINE TREE TAR CORDIAL. It Is the eau) prlociplo of the Illno Tree, obtained by peculiar pence, In thetllstillatlou of the tar, by 10111,11 Ile highest medical properties ere retolottd. It invigorate. Ito: tligehtlyettramot tool r‘,4IO,PN 0,1 , 11111,141 K It otreneth• Oil 4 illi• h tent. It purlflee and eorlchtot tho bltool, and (rout th• crttetn the corroVtiou wide). rot 01.1 breed.. on the tunas. It dirodlerm the meet,. o r phloott stole , the lite pa:too/0:s of the luny.. Itc Iprlncl ph , act+ upon the irritated aurfare of the lung. nod throat, peuetruttna to such dhoeoted Vert, re• lice tug pain and auhdnhig Inflammation. It e rtet the ult of years of :•tutly end ',pertinent, tool it is OfrPre th d to iinin,d with iiITO 114,11,111, of Its 110 W rr to core the following dive.t.,, if the patient huh not too long del' , / , ' ro.ort to the mean. of curo:— • ( o ngumplf.na pf hriwpi,(.ol•oll, Sort, Throat owl lireall Primo/WM, ),(rer I.o,llphiftsf, Blind fln,).i lV/..m p to g Dip/aerie,. ,Ce. A lard ical expert,holdlua honorable collegiate diplomat, devoto* Iris I.lltire time to the CY,. 1114111 t 1011 of patieulit at the °lnce parlor, anvtirlitted 11 111111 are three commit, lug 01.1.1diAli.. 41f arkuoxylmlard 0111111 mm., wli,..**erame. 0 given 01 the public yarn or vita 'fill , °pm/m.oly In offered by nu other ittiltitutlon lu tit* mury. Leib, froln ally part Of Ilia enuutry, 14.1•101, 3•1 • 1 proMptly grittollmisly respond •d to. Whorl, sea. ottlent, remitianceo risky the *hum, of ])RAFT OR I'OST.OFFICZ ORDERS. , Pried II lIVIo hurt' , . Aumrlean 1)7bl/opals I.l*i/ult. out by mail on n•copt of prise. rl.. W 1 l*harl's Pin free e e Tar Cordial, $1.:03 a bottle. All r per tioloa. Sent by exprena. cummutimotluMi should!. addrontlett L. Q. C. WISSI.AIt.T, M. D., NO. N. Second St., Philadelphia. mom FLOOR OIL clic-nit, 4.4, A. 4 and 8-4 In N.' .d ElPlont Perlin - in OW barer n l'rire. KRAMER'S "OLD CORNER." AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Cl lAMBERLIN'S • -•e • k * -4.' 'Qf / 1 , 1 . 11 , 0 . % S ty l 5 :.:;----.- "...:-.. .11' • ; 4 61 .. .....1.4 MK, 4 kr" 24 I__^: .....,, ... ....... . FOR ITIS,I N ESS MEN. 13,(1.1:•111.I 1 ri, Erery rinser, Every .IFrehorat. Kr. rt/ .10elotinic. Every Nerrofetetorer, Er. et, /ittett“ le .Ifaia, and Ersry Young Yon. Worth tOll Ono., ite prim Agent...o having great ... very. For eirculurs Mid full Inforroution, :ultimo 1 ort .31.31 O. D. C 1,4.1 S. CO., Publishers, Hartford, Ct 1100 K AGENTS WANTED. A rare opportnnily I, now offured to Iftillem or gen %lon, ' to for a reel veluablu and interesting w".n. " STNORRONOLOGY OF ANCURNT AND MODRRN TORT FROM TOR CORATION OF )AAN TO JANFARY,iB6O." Thin hook As+ revolved tho highrxl roroloolendstloon from tho bent :Sew Lost:sod uothorltlon, and our agoras are ' o rating with groat nurcus. It I+ arranitoil linou all en tirely original and convenient referp to all Slu.nes I sock's , . and an a hook or nce for Pronloslonal moo, stuilsran, It In I\ S as an unabridged dictionary. One Vol. %Porta v o pages. with Chanel cob tr. , . V:. to; specnittin ropy %cot troo by mail, iio roelvt prick , bold excluhtv .•lp liy togonts, nod highest C.11111iil• slim+ paid., For portionlor+ toldron• STEN' HAWES. Publisher, 891loort Ilonton, Mnsn, ort1.1)•81 TOII4I,i!ONTRACTOItn AND BUILD— Th. uod....ilined I.l,r,Tnired coulrsrl for furnishing 131,INDS, WINDOW FRAMES, D 001? FRAMES: SHUTTERS. And allAl{unfnr Mliffi= mr Whole-Mr :mil rotail dealer in cELEBEATED cucumßEli PUMP. Ori ll'ott t inn prompt nitre aildri..s, Wm. 11. BHUTAN, Qm.tkeriown. Bmtics Co., I'4. 4.p 22•17 rplIE FERS'F., Tut , : BEST AND THE EXcritsiox To THE OUP/LISS' HOME PAM, TY TIll'10•WAY AND FRIDAY, oCTOBER . 21r, 'I2D. 197... TltoFtr-t in point of conception Thl. .. MOWVn routtril to !loot, rotiartl to Faro. Far. b.r lb tl oml Trip. InAa , lluß Tlrket W llns FRI! only Frl,l:ty by ant For Allvt lt. o , s ill vittit. , l , lnsto t r i ls , l i, l 4 I r 51. grml"' ic fletblehrm. r‘ *(' ( 1 / 4 ' t: v. t SEAS( iN AP LE SPECI A LTI ES BLUE AND COLORED DRESS SILKS PLAIDS, POPLINS RE PS, PAISLEY AND BROCIIA SHAWLS BLANKET 11AN1'LS WATER PROOF, WE SUITS, INIIITE AND COLORED IMAM:TITS &C., &C., &( Embiseing, the most complete stock of Dry Goods at 1 'OPI rLA.R LOW PRICES. It will be to your interest to examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere Respectfully, M. J. KRAMER, ".4LD CORNER." CIE ldetu Ablicrtiounnito UPi. PIARSIIAL'S OFFICE, E. D. • op PENNSYLVANIA, Philadelphia, Oct. Ll, 16910. Thin to to give notice, that on tho Bit day of October, A. D. 1069. a warrant in Bankruptcy was I.llPti Inwood. the Estate of Jacob F. Stu Met, a member of tin, Om of titoMet & Frederick. romposed of himself and henry W. Frederick. of Bonding, In the County of Berke, nod State of Pennsylvania. who has been adjudged a Bankrupt, on his own petition; that the payment of any Debts and de livery of any property belonging to much Bankrupt, to him, or for his one, and the transfor of anypropertY by him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said Bankrupt. to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees of his Estate. will bo held at a Can't f liankroptcy, to be holden at No. 46 North Sixth Street. Reading, Ps.. beforo Malt:bargee, Esti.. Register, on the Foorth day of November. A. I). IBM at 2 o'clock P. a, E. 91. 011E0011Y, U. B.9larshal, an 3101.01/11111% MEM AGENTS WAN E IP. AGENTS W *75 to IWO Per mouth, male and female, to sell the celebrated and original Common Benno Family Searing Machine, Improved and peen red; It will hem, fell. miltch, tuck, bind, braid , embroider In a must impeder manlier. ?flee. oil SM. Far e.yrnpllcity and dorablllty, It has no liven, not buy from auy parties eliinQ machinea padre the name name RR Etre anima batingCortlfteata of Agoury eigned by no. an t hey aro iorthloioi Civil Iron Machine... For Clreulare mad Tern., apply or adaralal 11. CRAW Fon%) sr. co., 413 Cht,tuut St.. P hilud•a, Pa. ME= /...I.ERIRANTORN TELEGRAPH, N_Jtl 'fhh Ix acknowledued to be the brat FAMILY AND AO MCP uruum, NEWSPAPER puldlolied. Ito Agri cultural, Horticultural stud General Newx of the duty. Ix Dot excelled. While Ito totem okelchoo, vootrY. oat that of the beta nnutatineo of the duty, footled W BUN ES DAY. PrlcEt tig a year. 11. circulation rendora It an unourpn4,oll tolvertloiug median). Addrtoot i• German lawn TekgraPh." Philadelphia. ort A.DMINIISTRATOR'N NOTICE.' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has taken out lottery of administration lu tho redato of Pctor Henninger. deceased, late of Lower Macungie, Lehigh euuuty; therefore all porno. who lodebted to said Estate, aro requested to make payment wain° six weeks from the date hereof, and such who have any legal Oath. against said Estate will prvment them well atithentimited for settlement within the above epianiled time. - CATIIAIIINE lIEWSINCER. Adniinistratrix. MEM cat NOtiff.s NOTICE. -THE M,ICUN.I:IE trigs Ilauk will utako turplication at the next 4100 of Ilio laigislature I,f Pounsylvonla for the repeal of no touch of the I,t.rtieu of 11.0 art incorrtwatillif bunk nn provider •• "I l lutt tiothitig in tilt. net shall hii 4e caw,trued ar to rola, oil Ow sa..i eiwltoraii t tu hnoklnti privllogos, el. .no as to ex.iitipt 1110 opitratlou of the law...if Cur Colonionuoalth prolutotioi the bore of hank 11.1tes , tr ol.rrPthtinthe Po t.° thereof;" and wlll 01.1' 1 1' `r rut ' , Auk Prior" tegOn 11111101 . OW pr.—out idyl.. awl t • — rho Maeuitylo StlllllVl Bank," it .11 the Ittlt•tt'llt ettplt.ll of with prlv deli° to lorrea ,, tho -owe to tAri,lnlit i In Ittl . .tti•tt the (..ity of Alleuto'wtt. DA WM. C. I.liiicri,t C MEM 11,XOTICIE.—THE A 11.I.N'IretiV Into litution vt ill indke applie.ttion at the next tie•ttion or the I.oo , l:mire et l'enw•ylvania for the repeal or nth or th.• 1.1 ,rll trt .r 1 Ili.• art it1e..r1 , ..• rating the Paid institution to , mov "That nothing in this let coatained ahall 1 . ..100med a • to rind, upon the aald corporation lattikiagh uu 'a ent l d (Ito aaine front tint operation of the lawaiif4pii. tbonnion- Wealth prohibiting the :sating of hank mien. err other ell guffoluvuoi of credit In the Minar the n•, and will acuity rer general banking prlallegoo under 01. pre-00l olyleand title — the • • "S.o,llg+ litatitotion -- witli Ike it;ll4:lT.l , ,.%lllL h ife Signed: le Wii.t.i•st 11. Auntie. CHAKI.V.A 11. J•4IS. 11. Set unit. 1 . 411,1 4 V1AS F. E. Sasiesha. Ilan.). J. I I A•ii tits Ming I r N..IINT $O3lO I. SI:1.1.. ja SO-6111 .0141T11•?, NOTICE .... NOTICE IN lIEItEBT GIVEN that applicatioo will I, made by the undo, signed to the floyeritor of l'enii•yivillll3 (or lettero patent creating a corporation with the 0.11110 . awl 'odd of the • Milleretnwo Loan and Saving Awl/relation,' vi be 1... tatted ill the Borough of Miller.town, Lehigh eouitty. Tho object of said A04,1:10111 Wiii he to receive money rah •le ptadt ut regular rates of intert , t, to lo4u the n. 1161, nil:, C01111111 , 11a., bllln. Sr., and to ogereow general haukuig privilogos nod, tho book tog law• .1f rho Commonwealth. The •atli book to hon. , a capital .lock of with au thority to inert,. tilf. lo 1., into shares of fifty dollars each. James ',Vetter J. F. M. Chiffert, George Ludwig, riiniar, Benjamin J. Schnloyer, F Esnor, Vranklin Sinnott., John Wino% Horatio T. liertrog, Salolay. Junco Singina , tor, Anthony lachlui, Alesantlar ITU fflizrcllanrottr , PREPARE FOR WINTER. THE PLACE TO OCT THE IMPROVED BALTIMORE FIRE-PLACE HEATER JAMES 11. BUSH'S, NO. 26 EAST HAMILTON ST., ALLESTO WN, PA L 4. hent., 14% 11.I.I'311SATING D , D , Ds WIN. Dows.ptul MAllAZl::li••C , lllicicut capacity f.r fit••l t•t in., TWENTy.F4,I'n 11.11:,. at 3 ELEVEN CHNTS 1.1:I1 '114.• pc , ct ut I cliccrttil Ilcatcr In um, A 0 0, wilt for lb IMPROVED oIITENTAI BASE BUBNI NG COAL STOVM Ana PARI,OII. {lif ave rereiviA Fanr (14.- rreiniiiin , tlin York Cr;.S unit Fair. A 1.... [lin i 1.V1 . 1: Eli•l..•t ill.. fin 4. flin A la, ;n,, 111 , 0 , 100 11.•:.1 Ili• only irisln•ing rinired to lie ma 'filn•y aro Venitilmorn of tin. Apariniont 1. in I. lin v., ol flui• (ruin thi•in. van ink i'la.V.nr alvr, to 011. •trart. The fire will r. tin fif • The 11111111111Rti , .1111 11 “.1 l'ovrerfal I,j, yel 1••Ilvrily a.I weather. T:inv ntinialeal .i•••• and niters ever mot , . Tlni, iiii nrh..r a nd in or It. , Nv /flight aiin. of iliv 11114 TIIJ t.e > i of On l'itrlnr Furuaren. largetit , kt ordinary vtoyii., tor parlors, chanibora, stores and olllees, nt Ptlres• All the best intttortoi or hand. and for note at priers Ilk 'MI the ei,11111P.13111 ,, of every Agout for Ibn "Tine , " Cook F11,0:1,11:11111 pis. it. PLUMBING AND GAS FirriNo .u.naed tg rnnvrri.ti. nut ALL WORK DONE IN TIIE BEST MANNER I=ll GAS FIXTURES •f• •artrty of pattern• e nd priers. Pont forget the pine, JAMES: 11. BUSH, Manufactnrer Anil 64A10r In STOVES; TINWARE AND GAS FIXTURES, No. 26 East Hamilton Street, ESTABLISHED IN 1510. MEAD & ROBBINS iincce•morn to .Tollti 0.11..1 & Bo►. MANUFACTURERS, OF TEE FINEST SRLDE 01 SHIVER PLATED WARES. W.1 11 .11°0, own good.; &Toni' the Silver oerlirotely, by weiFhl, and 'Altar:lnt each ankle by onr 'frnile Mark on the bare. sod by Written gunratite•xlJ'prefrr , d• They are,quial I,i the orl, or English and French Wars., tad mile!. deolon end elegontly ornonienied. CUTLERY end Pearl, Iv nled, ory In an q d ltuldier C n ntl requireery g & reet •erlety, plate inuiln N. E. C4.r. NINTH and CHESTNUT STS ---- - NEV ! NEW GOODS! FRIEDENSVILLE AHEAD! S . II,ELLY .aND 11711.1TNE1 baying purchased lho Pried...lllle Awe, hare opened nn ntire new mock of Wilifil will he sold ns low as lb. lONvert. NO USE NOW TO 00 TO THE CITY FOR ANY for you can got Mlle.. it Iliad 000D9, PRINTS DELAIRESLMUSI.INS, SURE:TINOS of Stades nod all priern4 . The guest etsett of Grocorlei rho country. Ilardwareln Its Vainly. China, Ular. and Cr,eberywar a large assortment. We bone employed the services of a Y11197434AkES CITY TAILOR, and as we hove no extenntvo stock of Cloth., Camdrner we Veltings all bought at the loweht wholenale price ara prepavd to Inattufacture TO 0 lIDEIt. ia good atyle and at on low prices as they eau be bought r In Philadelphia. 44-SION GOODS RECLIV . I:I) 11AI LY.-‘ll CM= C III:YTSUT :I\D 12TH STREETS, BAILEY CO. GRAND OPENING MAGNIFICENT • STOCK; BhAILEY havt• the Itotekent , l otero In the world anti ‘ri:l ttt tat lino— Ito pl.,,ed 10 rccrl coand mhow 5.1.11 thr tugh e.t:LItII-Ittoont. NEW MARBLE STORE QM] GE I=l CIE PHILADELPHIA MELLY ,t IVIIITN ER, PIIIIIMMIVILLH. VII, 'Ellatrbcs anti sctiniru PHILADELPHIA ,T EWELERS, FOIL THE ALL CFIRISTMAS TRADE ITEM fVELTIES 11 WLLItY, SILVER-WI.IIL, r:\\CY GOollg, &C . BRIDAL GIFTS A c,PLGIALTY BAILEY SD CO., CHESTNUT & 12TH STS., PIIILADDLPIIIA =EI . _ SPECi A ANNOUNCEMENT o F CALDWELL & CO. EWELERS, 902 CIIESTN UT STREErE llOvr rebuilt, mid remodeled thelr moot• lestrove.l by Jaiiihtry Ixxt, and 'oy° eltem the ioime for WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCKi .ILINUIA ETI7I / ; • n d: IMPORTED apon Supe he any they have heretufore to fla• Public. 6,7,, h . t . :y olt c0r.1”6 , 3 - invite oil to wit nod 1.1.'6 lb 121 S, E. CALDWELL & CO., SO CHESTNUT sTHEET,: is Axi' K. sTA if From. IV AT(' Il ES AN I) :I ENV EII,ItY, No. 143 N , OVI'll ,El , Ci 11 ,T.. ~,K, ov grmtitr, PIIIL ii d! ) Ati c.—rialeto of Watcher, Jewelry, Sllrcr a Flood . 011 0 11 11 I,taaNVtly .1111111. a, ) . 1;,,1,,, CIVS:111 Jelvelry r ,,u r,l ,i on , tteado , lt ~ ~. G itAND orENING , OF A __ __ N ENV .1 h:\V EL - 12 Y STORE. J. I;.\\' J•avoi ,, inform tho citizens of All. JEWEL STOI:E NO. :o; REST 11A STREET, 10 , 1. conAltutly ,n• hand au asicortnida Cid.CK,,, :ma JEWELRY 3t pricos.h. snit . • . . , w. 11 1 .11••• anti rvw. lry I: W••I•,, 31111 ca , • 1111 tt•rhitnic p.Ltrotittge..t Publ l r• WEIII". pity . _ • ES'I'.1.111.1S111,.1) IN . 1851. ID itE3iovAL. .1 AC. 0 B II A 12.1..1i I' , , .1 ENV EI.EII, 5,,',','.."'...T....r,'gT.:i ''Pl."sluliiii.iigs.:.'6i'i.j.;iirl',l.`„' tia, w,ll ...1 a it,44• Alla ,Vi•li rWit•Vlit ,tocl, of I mtiNl, , ,, W AT , 'Il 1..-, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SIL 1.1.11'1..11'E1. W API: at M..,1..r.i1 , Price., N II —W.\ XIII. ,1,1.11:WELII1' t,treftilll' n•imir. JLW E.I,ItY and ,I LVEIt %YAM.: of all oly 11 , kint j 14 mat w v.rouir.s,:sEivEmitv , SILVER AND PLATED 'WM' 11.1 R E s S. m SSE 3"' 11.1111,.ti strort,'ovio.ite 11le Grriomi 1 C forwtll.ll h. lor , orell (tom Nr‘r York Itud ht) GO Li) wATuitEs. • le has Ow laral•A and 1.e.( a o:ortimmt of (10141 \Vat. I ;t1 prtre, Walt 1,11 I/01.111111d 1./,12N0/I`re. SILVER \\'A'l'('llEB alii . lAtor :i,ortinonl of Silver 111 Clllll imrclio-o , htio , ‘ !lore oh, _ ( ; ( )1.1) .1 1)1 W 11.11.1 , she kage , t mid Isse.t nrat of all kl Gold .1..0 ANI.) PLATE!) JEWELItY lii 11.1 , I.dger as..l.leoser wedsgtoseut of A 11411.11 mud l'lded jk welry,than eau be found eke whore. SU, \ ER AND PLATED WARE. th• ha. a A—ortnent of Plated Any pe, ,, n tli , tring rowas iu thk Blot MU I/Vi flat CIMCK.S. A bag, than Kt anY r+t ,,, a 151. M ELODEONS; • A ,pl,ll,lltitt , koltm , it of Prltico's 3lelmloona, tho Wilrl.l. ACCORDEONS. A lipletillid it.i.ortili , lit of all kinilii of Aceerdtionit. Ills ti.talin-liniont I,- lately been titled up, and I omit. , none in Nl,' York not Philadelphia, MO f Anything ottNnle the large rale , Ile liana little. f faiiillionitido good. in his line than oil them It I inlay con.ined. To convince yottrnelvtei of th• nil unt1i.,..,. KEELER BuomEn. NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST ALLEN'foWN, (i 1, 0 C S , . —4, r, . A hag, Arraul. , . All .11.• dud Price 2 uortitevt. 4 .....rtio , ut of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHE thEmetto be Como) In any other nlorairt tbocit JEW ELIIY OF ALL KI N SILVER WARE, 1104riiPtio.• Cl Wntrhrr rrpnln•d .m tibort Notlce Pattits, oilo, etc. KREIINIrri s . WI lIT E LEAD, ZINC; AND COLOR WORKS, We mu:m(llcm.. it ChoulicAlly 'biro 'CADDO:: LIIA U. Also, Manufacturer-, I,l , ' , rier 4 awl Dealer , . aradAm LEAD ZINC PAINT Munufacturer.nrilie•olAl rat Ad Pormanniit (311IIEN. AV lib 11. autifu/ nhailo Body uud Durability libui Any “ilter Green lu nut i S. lecu.., Co..i col Vunu ln"u ADAN DRY yory light In color, (too meta, awl very •tr DoAlor, Li's , in nll., Tun - wife.. Var.:ll%lAm, \ OW, r law, a Int II good. A, a rratiled ne repro* 31ci().TrGIIT & co., Mantillo.lorom, Inftortcr 4 ,:tod Wholesale TIVENTY , I;CoNI ) AND IT&•nd f r I.lgT. Putt.aa)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers