Nt l 2 l lo ROB?. IREDELL, J HeNor and ALLENTOWN, PA., or' igil our read'. movie REscur ~rs have all heard of the glorious ,1 the re-election ,of Governor Geary. or several days the Democratic Arithmetici ans tried hard to cipher out majorities for Pack er but they have thrown down the slate in dis gust and Geary's majority stands about 5000. No one expected his former majority because it was known that Gm. Geary had euetnies in his own party but not one of the men who voted against him en personal grounds but what would have felt 'notified to hear that , Democracy was to rule our State. We have sustained the 15th amendment, we are \consis tent, we have endorsed Gen. Grant and Gen. Geary and carried joy to_ other States who were watching us with anxiety. Pendleton is doomed. Packer is forever silenced, money cannot override principle. Never before have we had so much to content against and never before have we fought so well. Do ' our opponents accept the logic of events or will they still claim that the Legislature acted unconstitutionally in the passage of the amend ment Y The people have endorsed their her vents and with the Democracy the voice of the people ought to prevail. Now that the danger is passed we would counsel continued exertion in the good cause. If there are rings let us break them. If there has been corrup tion let us endeavor to it ferrit out. No party is perfMt but we can try to make the Republi can party what it was intended to be, the champion of justice and right'. This has been a campaign for principle and looking at it in that way it is a glorious victory of which we may well feel proud. WE feel jubilant. We feel encouraged. The day is dawning. The rank and file of tit° Dtinaocratic party of Lehigh county have be- Where for years prejudice leas gun to think held its sway and the sun could not penetrate the political darkness, reason has made an in. road and the light of day peeps through tho We have 'nude an aavanot. iu tl“ MB right direction—let us keep up the lire.. James S. Biery, one of our candidates for As sembly, stands highest 1111 our ticket, and Dan Creitz, his opponent, is the lowestMmthe Demo- Crlllie 197 \ fuel It might Lc said that a plan wiio could ,tam Creitz ilutst redemption, but we conniuk; tienee. The work mn,t mi sh,wly;itiu will lwmotse sure. Sudden 41‘ . ..lutiohs widow umouut to much. We huco broliorthe ranks of the Democracy—the nextdtargy upon their lines will he AVith littlll: . fesbdaney. The result of Tuesday's elreth:us, , -dot% s that the people, have begun to tidy*, to • weight in the balance the welfare of therlval . t• on one slat., the welfare of themselves on the other. The ambition to hold office has kept tie party together for years; hot n heavy majority to back them has led their officers to care more for self-aggrandizement than fur the people's welfare. Money has been expended so un necessarily, and the county 11., had heaped upon it such an onerous debt that the a.pirant for office may well consider whether it would not pay him better to give his influence to electing another party to I Ldininist vr our aunt ty affairs, than to wait lilt een or t o•enty year; for his turn, and in the ale:intimr have all tlw Profits of the office eaten up by excessive taxes upon his farm. The subject is all the more worthy of consideration, too, from the fact that as life is very uncertain, that at the end of those fifteen or twenty years, just as his hope of dwelling in the Court I louse was about being realized, the grim messenger of Death might call him to his final account. The vote for County Treasurer is in itself a subject for study. Here a positive saving of about $l2OO a year was promised to the tax- payers of the county in _the event ni !ht. um. mirCunCITCHICIt, yet we 11n.1 028 voters in favor of paying our Treasurer about $2OOO a yitar, to 4608 in favor of paying only $BOO. We judge from this evidence of generosity that Mr. Bittner must indeed be a very noble and a very deserving man--perhaps a soldier's or phan. We don't complain of the result. It is enough to cheer the drooping spirits 01' a humanitarian. The World is not all cold and herirtless. We have not beard what Mr. liitt-, ner has done to deserve such charity, lint We know that such a feeling or benevolence on the part of taxpayers would relieve a great deal of suffering if it were applied to the erection of asylums for the poor and indigent, for the sol diers' orphans, or educational institutions for the free instruction and support of poor stu dents. But there is encouragement politically, too, Mr. Dinner's majority is only 1320, being 288 less than Mr. Pucker's. The highest majority on the County Ticket is 1.171, given or Mr. Woolever, a very popular man. The majori ties for the other officers range between that and 1320. The reduction 11210 been very great and is cause for congratttlation.• Now is the time to inquire into the cause i Melt produced It, and to strengthen that cause. We have great confidence in the' influence of the press. We don't think it immodest to chain sinne of the credit for Tue Leitinit limmorint. Two• facts are plain and undeniable. The 4rs. .s Lmtuut REtiumai Into within the past year been much improved as a political and local newspaper. This tact has been proven by the Innumerable " puffs" that it has re ceived from a disinterested press, Many of the papers pronouncing ours the hest journal in the Lehigh Valley. Another proof is our un expectedly large Increase of subscribers. And that our editorials had 011111 e r set is further proven by their being extensilely copied into the first-class republican lea Tapers through out the tire State, very frequently, though, we regret to say, being credited to other papers which had stolen them from Mi. The other fact is—the Democratic majority on the county ticket in Lehigh has been greatly .• dueed. 2 Now we do not wish to be consiffi as indulging in self-laudation. The judgin passed upon ME lammit Items2ren is 2 judgment of others. We pre:2•22nt the filets together because we know they have a bear ing upon each other. We have worked hard for a place in the ,esteem of the Republicans of this county and we hope we have gitined it. All we ask is that we shall have your hearty support. We want 11113'4.er patronage, except what is given to the German 'Republican of fice. It' you advertise in an English paper, select TOE rEtosTmt—yon will pay no More than in any other newspaper and the benefit derived win be.greuter, because our subscri bers can read. If 'you have job work to be done, we can supply you in nny style and at PhilfidelPhis. prices. Thus far you get your money's worth. Then use your efforts to in ' crease our subscription list. We ought to have two thousand subscribers, and they can be obtained. Republicans, if you go heart and soul into the contest'with us, we promise you that the time is not far distant when the 72 , 2,atlitirs of our county shall' be in Republican hands and our count Y-and city shall realize that prosperity, that increase of wealth 111121 population which the natural advantages of our mineral resources entitle us to, and winch WO will never see us long as tile corrupt De mocracy holds power in this county. Tim Republicans of each of the cities of Lancaster and Scranton have elected their Mayor. Both these cities have been governed by the.oopperheada for a number of years. zEntrE county gave a Democratic nuijorl ' ty of 1000, a Republican gain of 2422 over 1808, and what is more important, the Republicans elected two assemblymen from that county. Iteffisttr. 11 :t OCTOBER ELECTIO: Prt prief or ..I'ol3Ell 20, 1800 A Glorious Victory. TOTAL ROUT OF THE ENEMY. President Grant Sustained The National Debt must PENNSLYVANIA 01110, lOWA, T lir. results of last wc(l:'s elections may be IiUM fli NI as particularly gratifying to our par ty.. In Ohio, our forces were divided' soil distracted by local issues and by the old pre judice against the " nigger." There the elec tion of a Republican Legislature was a direct vote oC the people In favor of the adoption of the NN'th amendment. When the Legislature Pltsses upmi.it next winter the Democracy of that State will therefore be spared the pain of having their Constitutional feelings hurt. The issue in favor of Pendleton fur President and repudiation of the National debt also received its death-blow. Notwithstanding the " work ingmen's" think movement In Cincinnati and the incessant'appeals of Democratic orators to prejudice, Governor Hayes is reelected by over 0000 majority, an increase of more than 1)0)10, over 1807, and the Republicans have re gained control of the Legislature, having one majority in the Senate and in the Douse. In lowa the victory is overwhelming. Our majority is our In Indiana no election fur State officers took place this year, but the Republicans have Met with success in their local elections. The majority for Governor Geary will not vary much from 4800, while that of Judge Williams will run a couple of thousand above those figures. As nearly as can be ascertained our Legislature trill be composed in the Senate tel 10 Republicans to 14 Democrats, and in the House 08 Republicans to 87 Democrats. Re publican majority on joint ballot, 31. We append the majorities by counties for Governor in 1069 compared with 1866.: --I S 6II- 7` '7;i7/ 86. `"•,7.:7,71` Cuentks. Geary. Clymer. Geary. Packer. Ada tn. : ...... 216 357 Allegheny 7716 Armstrong 680 Beaver . 925 Bedford Berke Blair • 752 Bradford.. 1043 Bucks... Butler . ..... Cambria. Cameron.... Carbon Cent ........ Chester .. Clarion . Clearfield ..... Clinton Columbia ('raw ford .... Cumberland Dauphin...... Delaware Elk Erie Fayette Forest Franklin..... Fulton.. Greene ..... Huntingdon .... 1009 Indiana .2319 Jelierwou.. 103 Junlatit .•• Laneaster Leterence Lebanon..._..... Lehigh . Imzerne Eycomitat M Lican Mifflin Mon roe Montgomery ... Montour Northampton.. Nortionnherni Perry.. PhilittOphia Pike Potter Schuylkill ....t.. Snyder ..... Sullir to ..... Susquehanna... 1415 Tinge .. 3163 Union 704 Yenango.... ..... . 917 Warren.... ....... 1115 Wat , hiugton.... 265 Weflinoreland Wyoming. York ered nent tin Total 54,544 37,324 41,573 37,145 Gettry's In:kJ 17,220 Geary'4 IMO-1,425. be held Inviolate PACKER REPUDIATED. IMIII IN DIAN.I 244 131.67 1037 11:6 553 1616 na7 1194 13:1•2 1237 700 imo 24 05 103 2SO 1521 6000 -240 140,, 110 1904 10.,11 803 3011 EMI 1007 01 2,0,1 WITHIN a few days the telegraph annonneed the death of two men who had greatness forced upon them. Franklin Pierce, ex-President of the United States, died at his residence in Con cord, New Hampshire, on the toth of October, aged 115 years. Ile woos nominated by the Democratic National Convention as their can didate for President in . 1852, 'Amply because they were notable to choose from the promi nent names before them.. . Ile load many warm friends and died beloved by all who knew him. Joseph Ritner, ,x.Uovernor of Penusylva nia, died at the residence of his son, in Car lisle; on Saturday lust, at the age of 00. 11, was Governor from 1835 to 1838, during the auti-masonie excitement. Though not a bril liant.man he w 144 possessed of determination and honesty which gained him admirers. 110 118 3 plain, unassuming man, and for many years has been living in retirement, without having his name mentioned, except by his , own immediate circle of friends. GEN. M. 31. BELENAr, of lowa, has been appointed Secrctdry of Wur and has 'signified his acceptance of the position. lie is a law yer from Keokuk, Iowa; and served in the South-West during the' rebellion. At ono time he commanded a division and is ono of those men whose force of character as a sol dier recommended hint to his commander us a proper adviser in times of peace. The cabi net makers have again been at fault in their selections. Whets they want to tell us who is to be appointed to office by President Grant they must not name more politicians. Their day has gone. _ THE LEHIGH REGISTER, ALLENTOWN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1869. A :3r4wonyrir of the Judges of the Common Pleas of, Philadelphia have pronounced their decision in the contested election cases of 1868. The opinion'tletalled that many frauds were committed, and throws out two divisions of the Fourth Ward, with portions of the vote thrown out in other divisions, and calls upon the District Attorney to prosecute the authors of the frauds, especially those; committed by election officers. The result of the decision shows Mayor Fox to have received 68 majori ty of the legal votes, while all the other Re publican city officers are declared elected, throwing out the Democratic incumbents. Judge Ludlow dissented from the decision, and read his opinion at great length. Fraud, cheating and villainy placed the >resent incumbents there. Law and right kicks them out. All honor to the Judges who have the nerve to carry out the law. What a rebuke this is to the party thus caught in the I act. If the purity of the ballot-box is to be preserved we must look to it now. We know ! how the cheating has been carried on for years but now that it is exposed and the party brand ed with the act, we trust all good men will unite in condemnation. The Registry law will to a certain extent render a repitition of these acts impossible, if the election officers do their duty, but there lies the mischief. What do the eletion officers of the 'Fourth and kin dred wards of Philadelphia care for law ? Their duty •is only to foot up big majorities. This decision will clean out the " Row" in Philadelphia, and with the exception of Mayor Fox the administration will be Republican. We have no doubt that Judge Sharswood was elected in the same way and the large majority given for Judge Williams this year establishes the fact conclusively. THE RESULT IN THE COUNTS'. • Below we give the votes and majorities, for State, Judiciary and County Officers as summed up at the meeting . of Return Judges. on Friday last : 4101 4335 —1378 nud. JO7llll nY 24VP6111111 COCHT. \P 11111414 —4 1313 Dm I. Alt 3 4610 —1320 muj. 1501 61140 —1471 muj. —1338 mu). CLERK n4ll xrilAse Cor HT Ruh. 7041 , Denhler 4.: 11 —134 , 1 mai. C 1 ER% 10 , 1 / 1 •lETIII S10000:111, HIl er titeart 4.537 —lll7 11181. 01 WILL., Newhard. H. x.2..1441 1517 —1534 runj. 7020 .1071 —113) wed. .17117 4.587 —1430 to.l. In4cron Vt . 7.114 nillpr r 1101 . 45 7 7 —1427 ruej. :o;k2 4593 —1357 .nuj. 11:104011 .Velrlaard, J 17/40 Woril 4574 —lOl ud. HruVnT 011, Blank okns 4578 —14133 MO 'cur..... 01 , 118 •eluallT, Samorie....llllo —l4ll toui Rrrima ....nro 7744044 43..3 —1453 loxj. Uovnnxon, n t W.Cfrary AVAIIIIIILT,(Wer), ilt. Bi 11'n Ir er 61 rlug. PlZOitio.l'i.l,lll , , Dger Lin 111.11.... NTT COUNTY COMIII.IIONI.M. Coltomin, Itvutig Front the above it will be seen that Packer's majority is 1578, a gain for the Democracy of six over the vote of October, 1868, but as :Mlle unpopular local questions affected the vote for Governor Geary, the vote for Supreme Judge may more properly be taken ns a test of party strength, Pershing's majority being only 1511, a Republican gain of 30 over Ocum ber, 1868. Tim Soldier movement in Heading, which was made for the purpose of administering a lasting lesson to President Grant and Governor Geary. increased Packer's majority forty-tiro in that county. No doubt Geary feels very sad, but they say Packer feels worse. An extra at:anion et the Louisiana Legislature —Ex-Gov. Rimer tiled at Carlisle, l'a., on Sat urday, In the 00th'year of this age. 44 4 S 349 705 Lqute L. Cook was accidentally allot and Oiled the office of The Sepia (Ale.) Timee on Bator- —lt is estimated that the losses of the New York gold ring in recent operations will amount in the aggregate to $13,500,000. —The . Mayor of Wilmington, N. C., wax fined and imprisoned for contempt . of cour t , but was sulfi.cquently released on Iwibrox corpve. —The late ex-President Pierce leaves a fortune estimated at from 1150,000 to 1400,000, which wlit nearly all go to a nephew, the eon of Henry' Pierce. Andrew Jubneun's friends are etlll confide:l nis ;Acetic'', although the belief is entertained it he is losing strength during the last few days. The comtruction of the Callforuht and Orego ECM Railroad has been commenced near Marysville Matelial for a hundred miles of road are ou hand and the work will be vigorously pushed. —The National Convention of Local Preachers or the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States met at Cincinnati on Sunday and organized. John Gotchrll of Noe-York wan elected chair :14os 172,5 1:,,t1 By the breaking of the trestle work of the new due over the Ohio, at Louisville, Saturday, two workmen Were killed, two mortally wounded an three nlightly wounded. Soon afterward •a ma walking over the bridge fell and waeinbtantl killed. 104 48U 3420 501 —Mrp. Abraham Lincoln Is still at Frnnkfort, Germany, living in great retirement and in very unprkendlng quarter. She ores but few persons, and these arc generally American ladles whom she knew during Mr. Lincoln's adtninietration. at 4400 —There no truth in the report that the Messrs. Rothschild have sent An agent to 'offer Odd Gov ernment a loan at six per cent. pr on any other terms. The lost publicly known opinions of the Messrs. Rothschild were that, If this Government should propose a consolidated loan to Europe at four per cent., bonds would ho sent back In large 1111101111tS. 1 Oar, 2SOO —Chalice Olhbone, by virtue of the Phillidelphit rote tell election CItPCP, has entered upon the du eti of the °thee of District-Atorney pro tempore 1.56 440 1341 320 2700 until the decision of Supreme Court on the writ of certiorari. This writ Is reported to have been issued by Judge Sharswood , prevlous to his departure for Pittsburgh on Saturday mottling, many hours before the decißlou in the case was pronounced in the Court of-Common Pleas, and it will therefore be disregarded by the majority of the Supreme Court Judges. —Mrs. Henry B. Stanton will upend the mouth f November and December in the West, where he will read her three new lectures, entitled Kate and Petruchlo," "Open the Door," and I Our Young Girls." —The llon. Alexander 11. Stephens, In writing to Dr. Culver of Wanhington, under date of Oct. 15, speaking of the Georgia State Fair, 'says: "It will be entirely out of my power to he there. I have not been out of the house since February hint but a few times, and then I. was helped out °and In. I have very little hope of ever leaving Monte again." —Father Hyacinthe Is In New-York, and already he prays for peace. The Evangelists, who, with Roston-like audacity, have proposed to give him a public reception, will at once take notice. In ono of the few conversations which the eloquent Monk has had with the Americans, he informed our rep resentatives courteously and frankly on such mein questions us the great body of the public will MI curious to have answered. lie, still esteems him self a Roman Catholic ; ha does not dispair of his Church, and still hopes that the Council of Rome will give such a verdict; In accord with progress and the Gospel, us will leave none of her children outcast. Of American Institutions, the reverend stranger speaks with cordial curiosity and admi ration. The man who has grows up In a cloister, whose pulpit has been in a Preach-Cathedral, who once said that he had found only germs of Intelli gence and atoms of understanding, and who met but abortive saints In the cloister, may find some thing to study licro.N. T. Tribune. NEWS , ITEMS PERSONAL —lt Is gratifyingp be assured by the The N. NEW ' STYLZ/3 rALL AND WINTIIi CLOTIII4O. Now Y. rimy that iiiter the great gold . Conspiracy: In stocra fine areortusent of. NIM:I3YOETE 3' AND HOYE.' READT-M A DI: GARMENTS, burst, Jgy Gould was for three days a rion-eet man. to Oath large daily additions toy being made • —Tho latest scandal about the PrinCO of Wallet; NEIPERIOR, IN STYLI:, PIT, ANT, WORKMAN, A I I Is, that after visiting the scene of the Paoli') trier- i any other stock of licasly-.lfasle Goods its der near Paris, he asked for an Interview with the a it . .u m, , hofre murderer. in Jail. Ills request Ivas not crania. scw PALL AND WINTER (.00IRi n TILE PIECE, whiCh will be made up to order in the BEST ANTI . FIN EAT MANNER fur Omar who prefer. LITERARY •------• s EST ELSEWHERE, AND FULL. SATISPARTIOR (WAR- Hari/Ilea Magazin!, for November, is out. The A %TEED EVERY VERCIIASER IN ALL 0A01:0, mt 'rftr. , ~ A LI: CANCELLED AND MONEY REFUNDED. Following are the contents : Beast, Bird, and Fish—Burt G. Wibler,—with •44"-• • '""'l' le ' b . t• • "'" b•" " 1 o ' s " ? b y ""ii oboe do" eight illustrations; Oecident,tnd Orient—Susan J. ' ired ' i • '''' Y'" • "" t ' (Wb " . n '" a Y" .l"l4 " ''''b?'' In Adams; Mountaineering on the Pacific—Edward n eed' . , 1 nes ,rr r & co., F. Coleman,—with twenty illustrations; A Health 1 1l m,...z". ~.-,-, '"WA'.=,,,,... Trip to the Tropics—Thomas C. Evans,—with Piot .111,111 A nine Illustrations ; Change—Mary N. Prescott ; A Asa an IIItaAPWAY Xfa r..e. Brave Lady—By the Author of ",John Halifax, Dentleman"—with two illustrations; Elizabeth's Narvialsro. • Helfer—Alice Cory; The. New Timothy . (conefa- _ . _. . _ ded)—William M. Baler; The Janissarier•—llea- LEWIS—REICHARDT.—On :Similar evening. ry 0. Dwight ; Frances Palmer ilsrot. FaCe—An- the Vith imt., by the Rev. J. F. Fails. MI. ChaeleS nie Thomas ; My Enemy's Daughter—Justin • I ' . " i '' " r E ''''''''' ill 110 ' Elul " It ' th ' ha hit. of A oentown. M'Carthy ; John Clare, the Peasant Poet—Maria - J. Mclntosh ; Border Reminiscences—Randolph - - B. Marcy; Chi Digestion and Food—Alfred 1.. ' 0 k . . 1 t lg. - , . Carroll; The New Alchemist—C. P. Cranell ; IV ‘ 1: ICI ILI N E.—l n this city, on the 1 tlth inst., Early Inventions of the Chinese—W. H. P. Mar -I.,ll‘ris: Elizabeth Kiehline, formerly of Philadcl tin; The Internal Bont-Race—M. D. Conway: Editor's Easy Chair ; Editor'. Book Table ; Edi- 1 tor's Scientilic Sutnmary,—With seven ililltArn• !Ions; Monthly Record of Current Events; FAI tor'. Drawer,—with four Illustrations BUSINESS Nt /T 1( 'ES Oftr old frlcudd Rochn 11.1,5 t: 11.!..t1N are a hard nt With nn .err, rtni•liat• every . dt.-critaidu of Ettractionn 111 the Iva, or 4.1,a,aa Andl.~ • masculine apparel. Their splendid 111.de n ;lull ' It. P. HALL A: rin. Su-ha, N. Il better furnished tlatu Cr, W ith every ilvit Mall or tor tau want, for warmth, health, and ronindl. All that - our friend , need to do, In jut to r ill In and • Irainill.l for thetnaelvex and compare the Vele..• of thi. eldenald rk.th• lag with that of any other i• Phil•d..llthl• ede.wher• • If le a pleasure to tell the 9111110 Flory over anti t over again, if It is n good story. ttor is, satisfaction are enjoy in wearing the cl ditt , o which they , make at the groat Brown Hail, I.ll.lndelph‘a. 'rho fact is, Ilene are to other clothes. ninth , . elsowlicre. it loot; half' an well. or wear half as long as the ttoonott l Wlt aas clothes. The Immense and tatted ossorino at of tine clothen for Fall which 1104 . ‘1111.1. 3: %Cu.": now dispia) fa worthy the attention of all who go t.• do city. Sec P.P.R1111.1. lalyerla.Prnenl ulaall, c.,llllnu. For n long tline we have notleeil it gradual M ethane in the number of good-looking nieu neigh borhood. among our The Lan been ro marked an w he sullen ror general ronvethil tiou. People usk •'Why la thin the. ?•' We Mid the general allnliet to be, that al most all our :olio.. -ritith. are nriiithung the' celebrated '' H. - W[llll.l. & Wll,-4-N" eIOOIOR. It In well known that the coo l.:• who wear the clothes of thin make command the onteetu their (Mon • creatures. All our readern‘k non why,. Wit.mos's In. The mammoth Brown rthine Clothing al and Ling Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Rock 111 & Iritron'm advertisement, iii atmtlier COIIIIIIO of IMMO, speak. for Itself. ThP 6,1 harks of our best citizens also speak solutin , lit Prater of Rocantbbd WiLlilneri good habit.. Ilt.th for tuva and for the dons of testa. }foram!, S Wiles r0` , 1111.1 111,0 tVrrillliOg the heart can desire, or Ow fancy con lug after. Most of the happy holuut. to thi, ri riniq tare made happlerby the fact that the awn und buys er the househohl get their cloths,. at the great Woven Hull and or Y 911 1 ,0 1 ,66. 111,11l1141111.11• " One natty exhaust the domain of medical 'lr tuna and 131, , tli<ILI proinblen, without 1111.1'ng any 110 gimply compounded and at the mann• time auch Ing•limblo ',r0pe...4 as the • Pink. T.'l! Tar Cordial' of Dr. WISH ART. It 1.1 a common—en , . medicine, and will cure, not becanee of puffery, hilt buratt , it I+ ZI slut. pie and healthful natural agent. Th.. it will cure are thew which appertain to dl•order. , l ~ttditaelt% :10.1 an unhealthy condition of ...blood. 'Chair nano , 1 , • legion.' The eurdial M no experiniunt; it is a long...midi.ed and widely tirculuted rolurdy, supported by lie. le , t Male of both patient awl phy•lcian. It•atin powur• fully aided and expedited by a co...urn...in-0 of WI-Mait's " America Dymperde Pine,. where the nature of the YOqUir4 . 4 U. At No. 2.12 North :..cool SLue.•l, may be had free of charge with eminent idly-dr.., I'dr 'more ...aria' Midim of the Dina Tree Tar l'uotedy, we in vite Ritaullon to our advorti•ing column, mai couite.i the alllirted to mill or addreee, a• dicuenol " " - 14 , 41411, Peer., Oct. 9th Ser , tfu lit, Non Rh earn. Skin el//c/ Iriv•ibees , Warranter/ currel.,Seetestimoniel TOWNHIII . I., Lehigh c•••• art. 31. lia , • It Is with 116 grataful feeling that 11,1 alibi to make the following atatement for the of those who or mutter ing from Set °rola and other Chronic fli.e.i+em. Si telta had been' muttering for 1141,..1 year, from minor. or swellings on her neck which after a time would gather and discharge matte;. leaving a Intiltiog sore. She had been treated for more than a year by most eminent phyib clans without reeelving airy permanent I, mint. her disease hamming worse, until aho hail Ore of the, rennin,— • • ' • •••,,,,,1 1... tr. banctiker, molar whose treatment she commenced to Improve very foot, the sores on her neck to heal, mid all liar unpleasant and dim agreeable symptom% gradually to disappear, until lier health was Natured. which w•ft in Moroi four months. I feel perfectly justified, after having tried the treatment of other playaiclatts recommending ell those who urn suffer ing from Scrofula or Chronic Inesarres to Dr. Lon:taker for medical treatment, with a firm byllef that they will be mat- Isle& benefited sad cured thereby, us my wan Its been. tsign,d,) .1 A3l ES IIAIIS ills. Dr. 11. lb bongaker'm flee le en the lia.t mole of Sixth street, between Hamilton am! .Welnub Ally on: wn. its l'rutect ,trit,ttire the atroegeet lire ulnli beleg Is viii eerrym itnr bottle, are endowed I, nat.* wlth a rertato power, wrbleli protects them. to loot, ext,tt, trout Ott itillararee; but Oil% Arl - •!1••tIT, 1. imPr'len, end cultiot be .intety relit d tdi in aid, under rirautnetatt cett of .irdittary 1:1r, do, it In windom; it in prudonce it ie rotauptu iiett. , .1.. po.nidt. •geitott ouch ciiatiugenvien, Ity Liking all ANTI!, 10 Ay. T•st'll; In other with, by fortitytiiir the tu• litifi'rETTElVS ST031.1(711 ItlTTLitz , — , h. , prtittieti•• •got net all thin tividetitic nod euii , wit. ttial.td.t. • that 11•1 e•er been itiltuittititi•rcil.ll any r•ointry. ri,ty,e i ty for liripeprio. u"tat•dtt,a• !tint ir ill t yxrn with It. NVltoiiver id• —..ywhere on the ra Co of the ohrth n lo to 11 , ,r.."1 111'111:1I4 eau be oroenreti,;l;;;- ; • tlont.o ily; for, tot surely us truth exists, thin in esitt To , o• ood •LTIMATIVii would reeler.; It i• dosoltiored shoosolt to s Istusllby condition. :To tho hereo.. it.,lso c.o. loconwnended, stud in cam. of coullriood rou,o wt.st it slso ord. speedy And pertutwoltt reitof. • In An C.O. or finer and awle the patent than any Amount of qulninut serous eaten of hllluuu fever yield to it* willtikrinl TI:1021 , who buys tried the. nwdiciiiii will 11i,, another, fOr any Of the trltirli tho itosrLTTLit HITTERS profonnen to tittbdoo. To thomi who lio toads thn e.porittinat we cordially rordninitaid an early nwilltottlion to the nirrElis thoy tiro dal.on by dletnien of the ilitgentlen organ.. financial anti. Contincrrtal WN MAItIaTS. JeToltEl: Corrected rem week Iq, Wejnqhejtorr Wh..t vor 1,1,1 11.: " Wlanat, per l,u.Lrl ' lire, Corn lood•.1, ..• ...... Cl over lySee , 11. per bunloq CI,PPI Whe•at Fluar, per oWl•••• " Corn •• Meal. " •• Butter, perxentid Lard. " li stn. •• Eggs, per &ern Pointers, pi, busln.l ..... Pried Appe., per 1n.h..1 Dried Paelter NEW . YORK PRICE .. . For October 16111, ISD. Corrected weekly by J Ir. del. (rich Produce Comm...lt. Merchant, No. 1,3 lit role) sr., i N•isr , York. IlUTTEIL—Oraugo 3t Basso. Co. rails, g I t., t Ip.ire. IP Tb. 45(V 13. Chonitugo, Del. nod Cotter.... t .•:• 'mil,. eholoo. P lb 48,w9 Ito. font' t„ spool, 4001.; I "mem. bottoms while, ;WM. Sitstittelmot. Co. liail, t lune, NOW& Do.. (air to_good, 40.1)48 Do— Ciiiiiki.'s lii Dim... Wlnte, Wei& N. Y. Slate Tabs choice ). ll .es Del, 41 Do. fair tNVd't4it;'ntu'nt':!!'" :''''' N. V. StaleiilainS t t s tie;.•,:l , ll I".S State Flrkins choice, yrolow fur ellipptug 4 i 4) t I. boa, fair to good, 11f4ailet. Wester•, Fick op., tie.. co, yellow 0 D,,, gal, In good, 6k . 1/.. , calutih , ll null , white, § , Cook lug Dotter, Ihd2il \ , o them I' i. nil , choice, 4 11l Do. do., potato good, :W Wl.. Cistern Palk tubs and rklue, lioilits. Do. do . Imo , to gi....1. liliotili. Welitern Reservo choice 30.33 . 2; Do .fn fair to good .L114 0 1:1; I do do store packed C 011114014 to good Iniqi22. Receipta fa: the lan week (not tip 111,241 burliie•, or a decreinte of ,Lout 3,000 over lost weer.. 'I lie ai wk. t ha.. i been extremely dull the part week, and prtei.• o ri diiiial edly ru flavor of rho buyer. Our City trade is tok.ni: r el v I little evrept extra Ilia gilt edged, for sot+ Sol are toil. • ling to Day our entitle M 1.,, hut they ale so particular • that very few packages are good omotalt ti, bring tim-o ' figurer. Low grades ern be.) y and hard to move CHEESE. —New factory chide...ma Lone), 17 . , OP. Do. fair to goad, 1,617. N. Y. State Dour . .... if to chor, leksq,•l7.. Do., poor to good lUaitt. S. 1. Stk. sktio• 0n 2(1 1 2. 12. .1ereey and Penna. well Pocky , ' it , atoll'. - 0 d.. AWL Jersey end Penna. well pocked Iti p.p., :Coy.t.t. N. Y. State well peeked, good order, ltikOli:C lint,, ~n , i Weeteru lose elf lidta32. Receipts and denuitur aro about our mil—price , elimitilim about the tame—Most lotelhi• weak had to he hold los. ell • sod In bola° Callan the loan was (ear fall) llt•AVy. DEA NEL—Marrow Cliulef.„ 110 W, IA baah. , Slly, :t.Witis'i.rn Molloy, choice, new, '2 7tron3 00. Mediums, Choi,. ~,,,,. 5.40(44170 Pea, choler, 2. 4Orgil SO Do., fair ti good, 2.042.3 J Mixed lots stud common, 7:041.0i. Drilith viturr —APO. Crime Slit., 'p litt...k. 11(7.12 Do., OQ) Jerry, Ohio and PonnsyDratilit, Sti34. Apples Southern. Southern. 10. 1114Chborrle , h 12413 If ~, 1 ,1,,, r 1-1,, 30(531. Cherries, sinned, 2:k539 Peachier unlimited, 10414. Peachtio pooled, 13( - 025. li ILUITS.—Applee mixed lotts , 'M , lMl., i, I . Z./O=Pl Dr Do. do lllIBM I C ) : 2 k*,1 . i.T,`,fivil . HEEDS.—FIax soma, M ugh. 53 lbe, 2. triu22.i , l. clos iii, 1 . 2(.1Ill. TALLOW—Ia good barrel., '4l th, II 6112 POULTRY.—Docke alive, ~, pall', 7:41.':..(1u ,, a , alive it nutr 2.11 , 0 . 1 al. Ally. , Tiltlauf a, 11 I!, iNi,o2l Du.,Fowl., 11,016. Doodlers, likl;pl2. .i.riiis,i Ice I eit. b lF ' d LI Li iTi- DRESBRD—Turkeys, M lb, 22.3.'2.; Pith..., OW., 3141. a. Calvet; Dresmoil, '4l lb, IScOlii. Do, pour t i g Pd, It d/11l Chestuuta, '4l buttliel, Ikt taw 10. Mlckory elute. M limiltol, I ~a 2 '25 110NRY—Clever Da small Ulm. box., '6 iii, .1:4 , ,,,ki Buck whunt In small °lase boy., .14 lb. ..:r.rq,' 1 Buckwheat Flour, M cwt. 4 Warr '2l. Allot poultry has been heavy tin. pa-t weak, and du. stand comparatively ligat—Pritea am dsuldedly lower sad heavy—We look for a little boner deuteuil the coming week, and no doubt a ailed ud•sace to prices. ltensember and inert your Minato or hill InlYed MA tint : 1 111 " 1t. 1111.1111 . 1.1711= 7: tr:litYligihr; It r! " ;: that, we may know what each Coutallas IV illau lit veal, i :::y i tage to Sod the kind tbe custom. want., aud full 'sac* by mall. Tlmundeteigned would respectfully Inform his friends I sad liaPpiall throUghoul the country, that lit Is still at the I*ld gland, VS Barclay etnsot, and I. nut 11, any nor t'on• in sged with the so•oalled Ilern of Ilulfrlcb, Billion Si Co., god Is threforp not eattpouelble fur any good. couslgued to said Ina. lienntraully, J. It. IIELFX IC H. === ,Sprrial noticr,s DISEASE:3 DE 1:11E SCALP i;I:AY 11.111: .%:,; =I • HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN lIAIR RENEWER c,r)m) wATellEs THE ONLY GENUINI. 011011)1. GOLD IVATCHES y.,IANI•rA('Ti•RED Nv.vrcii ~ ail Mai; d Ilivikma ,;4.11.1) \VAPD:a 111.. k.. n fin:•11; Ili , la., 11 l'oilt k I,r, 14 1)aulao. Extra 1n...1.i rL La.. 11..14. A N..,. I. EM r, by i:x nnyl, h..ro. r ni;ml 1,.N1.',1* tlrr IN ..n1) order I. m,md mlth. Any Intel:. m, may 1...r.r , ‘“1.11• pAy Ibe rharg. , ..rtz . nm with mling mon ,y ot V. ivaave. In a 1. qt, . am a , in AI,LN•i• sENDIN,; Flo; si w.\ 1,11 ti I Li, ia.r•Eivi; ExTnA I I N10:6; , I;Lv. N \VAT.:III. , VES \VAT( is ALS. ELI:G.INT olttI11)1.: (lill,ll f fr.., in. 11.- , lad a, iI. m • IV:111:1 . . \V.tiel.....tr.• ;01 tIL, . ,d 1 1..•ri , c1) I.) /, rr.rer tarn ',Pt th. 111.INI)NESS ANI) TAEINI %%ah M. ,llll'nrcds.,4, er Ppe . . ~1 1: :r : t‘jv itlity) in .11..11,11 pr. 11, /. ~t nn. ,ylretnin,l - 2 ogra rxprrient, I,llli 'II> . I 1..> rir.rt. Arch -1,... , 1, rati 1. , %evil at Th.. l,..14.1,111).11) . patir Ir.• 1.. i% hr. , . V) LH1C.1.•41 N „ +A j•in ..7-1)••• I'ON UM l'T I V vvrtker, L- • Lae lug liven rii-tareil in a ta,v by a Via y an. , 114% log dreadC ihatal liar, vim .rvq•re lung ail,tian, and 11.,tt Arraan. iiiixion.l to nuke 1,11.111 too lilt lull slilloref. tlai core. To all ‘‘1ia.1..•11.• it. Le ,rill .end m :, rap) , of tire r.r.,eription al,irgai. Odin,. - li:r proparing dray ilvd a mire rue.' tor l'ho only iibiart ar ti•or l int., lie Ilan t. , the .Feral 1111,11141011 Whit'll he e•elee,Ve 10 be illeele31)10, end Ile 1101 e, ovary m0,1,11'111 try Iris a It ill inay 1.11•• M K. will' 1 I Ire inllle the 10'....er , PH •. e liliW I:1i .1 ‘V iN, I: M.: , I . • IV()IlDS OF NV 01 Volt Y(11' Nil tho g \ , IIIIII Lai) . itni..rtnuAto 1....n1 in,:klnd onv.•lnn.•., I n n• 111,NVAIID I', I)•. F.111201.1S (11' ventliowon who b.r )..:tr. lt. , at N. tv. , tt• Proana taro Decay ala c. e i all tla• at- of yoatlit walk fur th , milt° of Nult..riaa ham:laity, ...tat I F , to :at who nil It. Ow reclpo trill iliv telloaly by iv II 101 ht. %V .1, rtic.. , l. At . i.hing pratlt lip •a by ad lapalet.t tai DEN. r r .•.la at. Not,' Palk. ffl=l -- SCIIENK'S I'I.7I.NIONIC STROP, SEA- L wr.F.L, Tt.N IC awl Iluulrake Pill., 11 . 111 cure lien• ....nu11... Liver Cauipl.iini, and 11y•beti•la, if taheit ei.• C..1 . .11114( to diri.etion..., T 01. in.y ard , all ~ 1.. 1...1.0)..11 111 111.• stint. tom, '1 . 1i..3 . clean,. 11... Ft..t.....1., 1..1.0,' t 1..• liver. iiial lint it to work: then lino appetll.• beraines g.,,,,i t the food dig•ets and milk." g..... 1 1ii.....1t the lament begin, to igrow in Iles'.: the i1ib.......1 matt, I - 1b.,. in the lung, and the patient onigroba 111 , . di........• mid get , . 11011. 'l'lll+ In lilt. o. 111 ). Wiiy to cur , : conaninption. ~ „1Ta1, ' ,..;..... 5 tii'.i1f7 . i;... 117 •;i - • 1 :Z . r . .. „ in l ' Irl: . ;7:. 1 %.." " ? 11ade l' „ ~iii•nloptieu. Fro liiilinonie h) rap flitatia - ilte in a Oki waiter in tha lung, 1.31.1.... tine.,,, It ..il . by 3111•Itny ~,ocioriot1)111, For ‘,11 , 1i 1110 illolegi, 01. ...all, 1. , rip , . 3 .light rotigh fill tliniii it all% and the patio. Isa, rat..t and the lung, bog.. 1" Leal. . '1,.,t. , thi, live Seat' ...I l'enlit and M indratte I'M. ninst i.e tritely used 0. clean., It,, ...mach end liver, so that tioe libi t oeate hyriiii and the loot' It ill Mali, goad bload. Schenk's Mundt:lke l'illa net 1.1.011 Lilo) liver, removing' all ..1,41 . 111,1011, relit% tile duct , of the gall-bladder, I, 1.....t0rti. Ireely, and Ow liver li, Foolt r0i1...v..4; the soal• ii .11 alt .sv iv hilt the rills can A..; nothing In , ever bean 11, 1 '1.1 11 11 except calainel la deadly pep... ~'.tint 1.. i y ant:. loit • In lib• mile , . wiili veal rat, : that ii ill iiiile el ck tla g.•11-1.1adder and -tail the ....ere..., ill the 1t,.,, lik.. I•clieule• 51tindrahe Pill. Liver Complaint is one of the iii..-1 I rola:tient C.. 11.). ., 4.1 1'..lo.olillolotto.to• 50.1...i1k .) he.iivead Tani.. 1.. a itentlo ,tll.l.ti.i. a ha ~1,,.• .t, ‘,..1,1L.• :..,,111;,11 , iu d ream,.. ~,,.. ,o ~..1, :!L,q. pr. ~ : , r ue to.o i• ii..ide oi, a••i•t• tlo—tellieell t.. ti 11.., ...it i1...);....11 . ... . ) ......1...11).-.lse ille rood AV al. 11.). 1 . 111,....1.1). Fy....0.. and It 1 j.. iaatle iht.. good blend is 111101, 0........i.1.‘11..„ ..) . ......1.1),111 thy .)t..111).) . 1. 'Clio,o oot 1 . ..) , 111 Silty physic..., do 12... t cur). . ....it tap t .I. i.)lli. y IL) . to. do. t 0.... t 00...) 0.0 ...."..tile.d.cliao t,..1..1) , ~„. ) .,.„0., 1., K t. 1,11111-, to, •I•.1.111,,I.I -I) .•..t). 1...“...1..,.... Had lii -a ilea. i1i...1' deii•iiiie lie . ~ , . .1.. 01t0)..)). , ..1•..)1 ,, , . 1..i0k...1F.: tilo th......eit.t...10.„ :aid ).) eutually lite 1...1....1 i i 'lll.O .11.,. lir. r,.1...1111. In 1.1,1 . ..111.1.1,.1 .- net try to tapy cough, ntglit•ii eat., chill., or 1,1,0. lie-lie , ,. lia.V. 11...),11.... and they b ill all st•.), of their ..M 1..... rd. N., olio,. i,,. curt,' of 1 . ..),,,ipti..11, laver Copilot:lila, Dy•liet•sili, C.it...1 . 11, Call• Ir, U1t . ..r..t...1 'l'llrollt, 11111,... llEol hi, and ....eh are ne ,1 ~ healthy II a pet ....1. 1.0... l'ansutaitti.., of i.....••• 11... Iting• , 1 , .,...• IV.)J 111.) 111..........)1...11. r tub. e 1..... al.. •-• ... 1.1....1.t.il I it., het., I hair.. edit....it, al . ,lie 1..., .ii, .1 ...A.)) al iii• Ileinett n mid i.i, .i.a.,,iii;. 1.. -....1. i...- • iv lait iiiii•l be doo. t It ~....t ow Iy 1 1..• Oil., 11,1 .0.0. 1i.1.1.1,,, bill it I. tli.o M 10.1.. hedy. 'Viae hi tin.. anti Its, have lost then . pabia to in..ka 1,10.1 o bit of Levi,. Net, the .o.. 1) . 1..1,..• I, 1,.1..1:.• Sorli,lll-.' , . into: i1it.14 . 111....„ ts 11.1.1. 0 11l 111111 g UP .. . 0., ‘i i ,....1..„.. ) ,,, 11,. 1..01,1.1 )I.li 1.....•.11 1.. , .41. l 1.....1, it ,5 1 11.1.,.,.,1.......1) Anol 1.1..1,,•....1 1.1.....1 11.0.0 tit.. p.ii.0.111 1)..)t.L. to gain lii 11....., anti • ti• •...ti .1, the laaly 4., to k ihb , the lib,. (...111111‘.111, to itoo.ol up. .1.1 11... p..1....11,)..t.• 11.))41y ))1..1 I) ..11. 'I it,. i• the Lail) ii ay to ciliac l'onsuitip. lien. , 1.11 1 1;. , 1 i ... I h . . i 7 . ... i, i , ... 1 , 1 . . , ) , 1 , 1 , 1 „ 11 , Lt )1 . ..;.,...; , . , ,i . 11 . 1 1 .1 , ;! . 11 . 1 . 1 ,,q 1.) , ) , .....i 1 3 ' i. , 11 , 1 . ! i ! , .) ,, . , ..t . . Pi11.'...1 -.1111v.111 IV:al)! ito. l'llll.l .1,..• ',0i1., 1„ . „..,1„. ! 31.i...11..1).• I'M- freely 111 all 1,11.,, colliploollit-, ii, ti...) Alt. i . 13.1 , 1.i,,.N1 l ik i i . —„. Ur. „„t). 1 i) .., ~..j..),1 niiiiitertabited health 11, , 401 . 1 , 1 ., , r , ii.. t, .0 noiv ivelitlisT.i.i paiiiiii., .• ....hl 1 iiieli) te ii hoer.. 'Lahti., in the iary Iti.t -tai;. al l' ilia.- i in, y 1 , ....t0h1t, Iltoo oolly.tritill). inti.1111:1.1.. , ..........1 It.- CA- , 10.i...0• .........1.0.,1/.1..11...1 loin. I.) 10, tat... Ile ba•...11 - ..,1 1 loy tio..lLloort.4l 11, .1 Leine, aud •Ine.. lii, ter.. vary nyini I than-and. ...Willi eillieleil liev, ii•eil 1/1....1ii iik • hr. , - ratiani• b all Il...,ititio It alit •iter.-.). F all .1....),..,i, ace...twiny ....11, nail , tt not al.,..lntely itere•-ary I• 1..1 .......11) . no .• 11...r.1.1...1.1,, ital.-, the patient, ti t•li ill., liings , examined. and tar 11115 purl...-. he i• 1 , 1 ab...,...111i. at In. I i'rineili.il Mlle, Philadelphia, evory zataid,), I, hole All letter. 1..1 all tolv 1.111.4 1... addr.....i.d. Ile is aka bra... atonally at N.t. :i•2 itotal Street. Neb . VarL, ever)' ail., j 'L'aiaeltio, 0.1 at N... Ili Maio, er Street, 80..., every atlier 55'..111...a1ay. Ile give.. adv ice lie, 1.01 for aSi • . ongl.. walla...a. ‘i lilt 11.• lle•hili ...ler tie . Yriee L , 5 . ..., i o11)ailI. o 11) train .. A. :11. 1...1 I'. .11 1)1i, .1..11. Sl'ilENl,. 15 .V, fir ,ct., Phiboa., t'u. . • • A ^ "1 1 1).'•si•1 11, IIL :SINU S tt'oll. I.EI: E. 11 5 111 •• . ' 1 1.,11. i'reel . .ll.l ,clitillary„. • II g ; • r 10-Iy%. F111:1:1,AND, MONT.;11311:1:1" =EI a Ow t MONDAY, OCTOBER 2:STH 11114 e 0,11111.• Cllllll,to • .I.lr. Ow 1'611,1,0, . 11. I I:I:4 'LI' FrIIE HILL" SELECT CAM ILT 111 Aituizait4cimoi. An 1:11,0i:41, Ult icnl. Matlit•nttleal, :Lnil Artktic institution Fo 1 - 411'\O MEN 'AND rtlys AT I'OTTSToWN, 514INTIIOMEItV PENNA .pf Nineoa•uth Annual S••••1.al .aaut.rwr t lu•v I. .lac ,E1 . 11:1111:1 t. oaaa,ra at. auy tlaa, rot' C,ccular. ad lin% OEM, F. .111LI,E1I, .\. M. REV,!tell:wirer, Mann. I(couth. Muhßubutt:, Rutver. Iltittcl. Stork. Vanrn.l. 11.ouh, i:.•r. motrot. Murphy, Cruikglutuk, 11 ,1 S• — . 1 .1.:o Ludlw, I.ootnril Myorc, M. 11u—ol Thayot, Bout. M. lloyor. Jacob 6, Vont, Ille+tcr CI) tut, etc. 1.11 ,1 8..—Jut.11.14 B. .Cnblivell. Juno.. 1.. elughoru, 'E. V. Wood, Ilarcoy Bancroft. Then. ti Bugg, C . N0rt.,,,. L 11,,,tut, a. flax , Fry, Nllll, l 1/., Wanatnacher, ! law., Bent, ',tut.,too auttl, l COAL CONSUMERS, 1001 C TO YOUR INTEREST! P. 11. STUTZ ~:',.,.`l„,".r.':`:i;'=ttiirr.,`,`A`V;. . '„'.., ‘ g, f ll . l .. !::.l•J;•..lllil, l: r.i:, 7' ('• () A L , • rreni'ltb. irrll ..A..ekell lard, formerly 11. Guth t re.'M, sit the Lehigh 11,1, In tho City of Allentown, n hero he n 111 row..lnntly keopoiLlllllll a full 401 kind, ..feenl, at tho very - Intret market prim e. I lia cool 1. nice u Aran, from the very heel wiure, tool w euvelay enberlor In any eihoe.l In All , ntexvn. 11, will hell by the l'Al: DUI), ntAlrrY ....llllwo' Int.oolh t, 1.11,114 , r ap. the proenplo of "Quid: Bolen uud emelt l'reilte,” (Ilya him It coil, atitti gpon retoparlng yon ran jinbge for Yeor..elye.i. Ile will Bolivar I'..luponcAll to Rey plat of _the laity 'won older. being left nt the Yard , tme \Venn:lmbue,' blur., POWDER AG ENCY.'" Also. Agrut for Lehigh county for the '• Laatu Potyder Colnyauy. • l'rupartul at all time". to &liver luperlor kliulus wad Bleating Porder, Spurting l'ourdcr..4Vdrtitui PoWdel lu Ireg4 and cdulators, Fuse, ht ■ uuy quunttly. The num° at retail at the V.. hut Cut yromptly Lt i f ;d Eo. Y 3 B!L.,t .litmEtort etr,t, nmr3I4IBTELTZ. • • gor.Zalt anb lixt. A IEIII IsTnAToirs MALE OF 11 REAL I:,TATE AND PERSONA I. PROPERTY. Will In. ...I.' at linlille sato, ante prninlileiA, In Hail Allen Nor,lntinploit county, on TUESI).‘I", OCTOBER 20T11, 1869, 'rh,. following dr , rniltrti REA.I. ESTATE, late the prop orty p;,.1..1 duet. ell, squat. , I'S miles mot or Won.vert, Ole, containing TWEL,Vit AllliEB of Arstqaal lly land,alvlll.4l into six field, all outlet' good roue , 'Cho Inthnovottion , aro it ONE %Nil A-I I.F sTo DWEI . ,LING. IA „„„ Barn nod all noettssary " woo,' I tt onot. xvorkino,o, me. Possesmlon ran In- g von itontedmlnly lifter sale. Al-, al the •anle and plltre the following a1ve.;014,1. of grain in rho grotinil, corn iho car. too. of timothy litiy„TWO iil .2 1... it flog, V0i1a..., corning... row 4oilo WHITE PINE r Err Iv lIITE PINE BHA ron•kiiiiit C.irpoting. and innii)', tiler tinoii too nunteroi, to mention. Condition , will Lo ie XVII 011 Ilii) of by W3I. 1 , . NAGLE. Adm . r. ,of NaKl4., tleCtl, with 111.. Nvi11,1,t,.11,7;.!?;1 I ~)e !FILL fk I. I.o'rti FlCit SA The 1111t11.1 , 11.1.11 offer for .nlo. 121 , now Corne• Layadjolning the Cometnry. The lots 0111 he NL•Itl by Nnl.criptlou, and Iminodlalely {INV ,r11.,1., unni hrrnredl.inoed nr 1 1 111 ) * ,vllll,ollwllfll - Icy lot In 11.r.ntr, moon, n. 4 in the orolllll7ntionf o thn Fro., .I.—oolot . Pla, plnn• of 11, promlnno , ran bo at ono office. nlt 12 & I[llllli. rp() Itt'..itifECAlll.LE LEASE 1 gill IW given .ai En•ton Slate quarry, ~ i tontod In tnwn.ltip. iiortlotnvon t. tient' Stavliertawn. It voit , i , t. of lamb, oito tlat-veln, Nut., f a ding ...law, .11181 to the well-ktiatvn Chat. titnn SIM., 1111 It loonma'r and a 1011 rigging or pumping :Lutl hoistlngPOl,Ons tlrgirous or an orr•k111111ily eaataltio for th." 11.• an miply to Itrisla, ,Inclivrtawn 11. I). nt;ILIIEIIIEIZ, Premlllent 314)1'111 . 1111:NDItEl) I' A It MS GO it $E rangta In itrire from +Sto4s - I.p, acre, areOrd location En. Good sod. ohinato, .A .te olatitots. (arms aro situated In V irsinia and Maryhtit, .on• In !he ttlinte.liato vicintly of N% ash. ioatott and ot hors init. I.! , to 30 miles gllstant.froin ths Cap. Ital. dthlross or call on J. 11. GANG WEItE Elassztaltu- Botts neat Sixth street Washington, D. C. A DilllrltANED ASSI4II;,:IiEE'S SALE. Will 111,0111 al Pliblic Sale on SATURDAY. tHrrour.r at lo O . Clofli A. NI, oil Ulla V Al,l' 11111. PROPERTY, 1 \v., M. you f..11111Y, of \Vol, four pairs a machinery of which Is en 11 , , andron-moh , the heat and racont Imroa \V AT ER Mt is to failltnt. Alsp v o, a ,ippk ‘‘- Ill:.tipr ios.‘ver. l'lto ill Is 01. pi re iso than ps.ip • M ‘‘ . :11..i .n pow , 1. , sail! A tact a:C. ael..•• or or r oil 1111.1 1 1 ..1111ty. Iby applying P. , PP. S.tipilsi .1. Xistler, I.i~~•i: ~•~i l~nrl~. i . ...... 1 .'ii~l`li ~i~. ~1 - ill L~• ii~:i~l.. I;.~i•"1'.\ \I I' I:I. .i ~ l h I+'l'f,Gli, COMM= . T.,„ornch. 9.,f 1.00.1 N Or 810,000 IV by the Allcutunn s,houl Cur Particular "14 t^ tlm "nd'"'gu l i M. ItC:CK. Pri-it. Board Con, J. S. lil Secretary. 130011 i AGENTS IVANTED l'"It THE A rennpleto Iti,tery of 1,1., life. Ilk Impurlwunn -Irllr,rl , • agalk-t Illtekiperanre, ,vlth vivid Pen 0rt0n..., w hal he maw ia ho whoe ellliued With alfer niculetil- ot I ulere T ,t awl pal l lle4. vr The work wl Ileulinfully Ilenua nud illu•trated There enn he •It. .10111. are taking fro erder,‘ d:ty. Tho lewe.t report yet rrmire.l in 01 111reo duy Addre ,, ‘lo. orl I-Ile 11. 3,IIINSON, I:12 Arch St. =1 At .10 o'clock A. M., PERS( )NAI, PROPERTY 110t7sE1101.11 FURNITURE, sToN E U REST NELL, llantra =I A U ToRIOGRAPII Y AND PERSONA RECOLLECTIONS, BY JOHN 11.1;017G11, if ttr EMlMilli .. JOHN loAltElltA, ~... 718 ARCH sT., ..),'' .4141411, "f Ow Mori:, bet. , .7th and nth St i Smith tildo. : I'll I IiADELPIII A. Importer, .itiall kaintfacturer , - nittl Dealer In kind/ ant 1 t.'lilt qua F lity of Y ANCY FUItS l'oll I.AIJII:4' & 4 • 1111.01,USI ' -. Ilavingenlargittl, rotten! - - - Bled and improved my tilt i favorably k i 1 ,,, rt'l - ENIPOIIIIIht, and Navin 1 inivortetf a very large ant, repti .:., '1 Noieudid soolortriwill of al .., .. 1 the different hind. of Fur. - -- !;7.•.ri.',;;!o'w,iii - t1;•..;;; - ii;,'W nit by dot too-t -hilliol workmen. I would respectful! Int it , toy fratool• of holitnit and adtarent ltountitta; to ea and en:tonna my very largo and beauttful it—tortinent o Fancy Fart, for 1.11110 , and Children. lam determined t nett at a., I.lM' prlto, a. any other rettPoCtable litiono in thl city. All Fur, NVamstitto.l. No nomrepre.entationa to of feet rale, JOHN FAILEIRA, on 1.1•4 w ' , nit St., Plillatlolpitnt [COMMI"NICATION.] FURS! FIRS! CHEAP AND GOOD. \ h.•re ar , loony Far Soirer as there are In tlo rill of lilit'ddolpo itt it thilieult for the nuiultinnnl 10 de 1.•1111'11 , 1,1). it, er,od to do• till' fertait of 1...., huow whin, to iro i atit r thht papitr, who are not adtattaintoil will thidroia. grad.., of Far. we troulil theso to to to an ,-t1.1:-Ittlitatt Ito-. 1 , 0.0 reputatio,, ilt•IV they e toil did- , Ilan lb, tiritdt , it etotildtknot, anti he •tititith di o that they are loitio-dly ilditlt with. We know of no belle tellable thoo ,hat of Miiiiihrs. IIoriIINBAUNT& tilt_ No. fin) Arch Stroh!, Philo. lihdig their now location, where Are an• einalillint from their I. , uc hsperiiithie in the For husinehs, that persons eon get good Fur, inol the sviiiith of their money. triV storo In tie soon., of attraction on account of th. giiii.l light i, which thhy show onion thtilr goods. Sitforibi.no ir Tht• iu , n, 1,111011.11,1 e rill , tlu. sra.ou will he Mink :hail, shit kit , k the twist ...el For, and they bus° them lu ',irk...style , and tottilitie, awl for twine. to .oit ..lice it lady does dot Wipti to tiny a good net of Files osiers sec-ion. it i , very ossi:ntial to know triton, to v.. good For , . To hoe the .kilks Hoene, innd dark neiht and elegant, of llnish of Lill tholr Fors %sill well repay it skit to !Mit nnil all thew For , are warranted gent/ins Itsi n pro A ..IC , (1.0111 4fl I, 46, and nob ear rat.• • .1.1; —A• briug It Itltl "ighor from Et , 4: ,v1:1 buy au .lark •01, Ow. , 1:114 I/ •••i:ht Ow, Y. 111.• 11..1. tl. Sibrrian Fit rrl. lirrman Edell and .aiwr ana law•prie...l Furs in . . ila. nann..st CO., ill Arch Stit.4l, between tdh and nth, ...nth 'id, ~ . -I'ar.l, • pan., l ;lad alt.•rnd inh, the pronna rntsh• • 001. 0-41n] _ _ 1 BINDING BY. WA'llElt POWER nud tirixxor. eau round nt r. W•diortt'., No. 3 Ea , lllamihou Meyer. N. Ilniebor Mures and Srinhorn ground by trot r n. good it.. umv. .ep 15.1 y SIEVIt:S WIRECLOT 1-1 M..NUFACITRED BY SELLERS -Mt( rfLIER,S, 023 NI ARK ET STREET, PAILADEI,I'III, . -3.11 --- - - Tltlaii.Rl(:ll'l'tih OP ion SALE 11 Th.. -111.-c1.11., syl.l.lng to rellt.q.ll.l. the buAlutto. -.ell out dor carrtage malting tool, lumber, me., all tclll I , ltl or , e'.l proporty x may be dr , lretllly th. L. F. ISLEPPINGLIL 29111 lo.litttlitota. emboli Co.. Pa —•— A CONCERTINAS for Pure Water, this celebrated Put entirely Instates', durable and rella• ble: equal to the good wooden Pinup, at cont less than hal money EiniilY un no am to be mini!' and in construct io that any ono can keep It in repair. THE BEST AND CHE IL A. SI . rPITOLSTF,IIING WINDOW SIIADE S BEDDING STOVE, • No. VI North Ninth Street, PHILADELPHIA. INDOW Sll ADES, With lizturcei euuty;kte, tram up I, *MAO.. WHITE HOLLAND MARES AT ALL PRICES. rill ADES OF ANY STYLE AND COLOR MADE TO OR DER. STORE SHADES MADE AND LETTERED lIEIMI= ALL KINDS OF WINDOW DRAPERY PATENT MOSQUITO CANOPIES. GILT. ItuSLIWoOD AND WALNUT COIINIULS. itTAIN BA;!iDS, TAS:iELS, CURD, d 6:. FURNITURE STRIPS CUT AND MADE. STAIR AND VESTIBULE RODS. VtlilNlTllltE RE-UPIIOLSTEDED AND VARNIHIIRD. Carpel. and Matting, nld and now, made, altered ••wl put down. UPHOLSTERERS' MATERIALS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT WHOLESALE A NEW THING. SILK FINISHED WINDOW SHADES 0ct13.17 lJru Cao1)0 T HE .6 BEE• 11110.:" vol'CL I{ DRY GOODS STORE, I. W. PIiOUTOR & tJO NO. 920 ( '1 I ESTNUT STREET, ll= N Ell' G()OUS CONSTANTLY RECEIVING. • PRICES FAIR, . IN PLAIN FIGUIU WI r1:11( ) tTri' I)EVIATION. L 11'.111.1i.AVEN ASON IC lIA LL, NO. .;19 uIIEsTmIT STREET, OM' IveciViloV ilk Full I.prlt.cou.l4lltts. IZT AI N ILITEIIIA 1,8, SI it,. 1‘01.:111.. and Colton, ombtstcing y Lace Curtains , t. Ana NottiUr.h.“ Mak". CORNICES AND DECORATIONS origitml WINDOW SHADES, ly thou.:m.l or Ningle"....• st inaimfartnreve rricom NEI TSQU au CANOPIES Clue nit unit at reduced prices TO T F7ll ROSS, Hove lust added to their stock a new lot of HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTINGS, In cholee patterns nod at cheap rates. ALSO, a denlrablo NEEDI.F: WoRE in Swinn and (7autbrlc, at half Its vain°. Loots Jacouet Eitatotto. It yds. for 12, IS and IS canto. Their line of WHITE GOODS Is cotoplete sad good 971'nfl A LAWNS at 21, 2S, 31, 33,'Jte. PII:111ES, 1100:1 styles, aud very low. C [MILS, Holt and hard 81111,11.1. SHIRRED MUSLINS, wide French GOolia. ItENC II ORGANDIES, no much used for over•sklrto and from 31 eenlY , nr. Splendid 'lnt: ot PLAID AN 11 STRIPPFID NAINSOOKS. Real and It:illation GUIPURE, a now lot. IMITATION CROCII Er EDGINGS, earwig aud elwar. Item a„,l Donation WAS H ia and THREAD. IioIIINETS, BLONDS, ILLUSIONS. DoT NET foe vell4, !Ave cuitTA lNri and MiAXI • el CURTAINA LCE, Ladlo', . and Boy Col rt tars. Cuffs, Bilk IS, GENTS' SHIRT FRONTS, AC. 212 NORTH =lan STREET, PIIILADA ESTABLISHED IN ISIO. FANCY DVEINO ESTABLISHMENT J. & W. JONES, No. 4 North Front eirret, IthONG Callotchill NIILADELPITIA DYe Sllke, Woolen and Fancy Goode of everydeerrlp• Oen. Their eoperlority of dyeing Ladies nod Gentlemen's Oat melds le widely known. Crape and Merino Shawls dyed the utoet telalo colors. Crape nod Me• rind Shawls cleaio•ed to look like now. AI.o. Gentlemeem Apparel, Cortelus, ke., cleaneed or re•tlyed. Kid (neves cleau•ed or dyed to look like urw. nod look at our work before going elsewhere. aeplup2 elotbing The Real Excellence and Cheapness of our Cloth ing is the only secret of our greet enemata. Ell MI FALL AND WINTER OF 1869: Wo have made the GREATEST PREPARATIONS 'YET Numberless Garments, Endless Variety, Choicest Selections, Goods to Weer Well, Standard Styles, Latest Fashions, New Furnishing Goods .I?-All our goods non roarlco,l at LOWMa Puitoss thou were the Ma o articles last year. 01 CUSTOM DEPARTMENT I=l OF,PIETERT FOR BOYS' lAD YOUTHS' WEAR ire especially wall prepared to give satisfaction. New and Better Cutters, Improved System, Greater Dispatch, A Finer Line of Goode than ever, School Clothes, Sunday Clothes, Many New Styles, Wearing Qualities Unequaled. • OAK HAIL BUILDINGS • TM Ltner IN rn irriaL S. E. COL 6111 & MARIE? ST3.. .Irdt b k m :.lll.../2 PHILADELPHIA. &Wiwi t. Ulna. 4 WANAMAKrB & BROWN, ► ACUNGIESAVINGN BANK, M Hamilton, between 711. and 801 Street,. ALLENTOWN, PA. and i n any num• SIN PER CENT. INTF:IiEST will he paid.. Deposits may ha withdrawn at any time. Pencedo .itlic of sending looney to any part of the United State. or Ilanallaa, will hays limit matters promptly attended to, and p ithoot any risk ou their part. 00111, SIN sr, l'onpona, i) lAp i t s rl A taker mecuritle. II LI , Prodident. bonglit. W. I'. LIVIITP.NWALI.IIIt, enabler. ..p 1.9•1( - - - - BANKING HOUSE. OF GOOD & RUHL, FIRST DOOR. WEST OF 'DIE FIRST NATIO\AI. %MC, Hall order to effort' nll Torreon, no opportunity (however entail their minus) to deposit motley In entailer atnonute then whet , teeo, received by the yellow.; Depueltorlos of lid• clty hove concluded to ItErEIVE DEPOSITS IN SVNIS 1:1IO1I ONE DOLLAR. and allow interest for stir mane at the rate of six per cent. per ttnrium. Interest to he calculated from the Oral acid 1111,001 Illt y...1' each month. riutniequont to each deposit. Interest will he nude up on all Deposits remahaltres.with Is, half yearly. to wit : (In the first days olvAprli and (hlober, and will be paid to depositors °a tliose days ; if not drawn they will go to their credit and be Compounded. No Inetrest will be calculated on fractional parts of a dol lar. No lens than 1•0 ollars be rawn unto. it be to closeamount a an ccol, D unt. Every can Depositworithd will La furnished with a Deposit Bookcontaining the conditions upon witch the Deposits are received. and tio money ‘,lll be received unless the book he presented and au .11,7 made at the time of mak lag the deposlt. Small ...over the liable expense , . ot individualn and families that are liable to be wanted or needlessly expended, may, If deposited, produce In time 318181181 M that will surprise any one who had given uo heed to the subject. A deposit 4.141.1)(1 per week, contlunCil ono year will amount to 4.12 !Si a two years 4108 ill ; three years MOO 01: four yearn $22(3 l'a ; five yearn ktna). and ten years On6P IN. It commend , ' Wort!. a safe, convenient and profitable depoitltory to Executors, Adtaluistrators, As signee+, Collector+, Agent, and all Public Officers. whether for thrintoilyerr or their artist (nude. to voluntary liocletirei or A. 1111.011008, arid indeed to all classes of uur I rill an. K 'at that 8 perfect sense of security to Depordtorg Ix necessary to the IlillollBlollt of success in this enterprise. iwe have In addition to our own Individual responsibility. "(which in not the fact in Incorporated Savings Banks) ex ecuted and delivered to Charles W. Cooper. Cashier of Al. lentow a National 'hulk, and Tllghinan 11. Moyer. Cashier of tat National Bank, a Bond of Indemnity (with approv ed seearity) in that sum of Twenty Five Thousand Niters, to be held by them In Milt for the special becurity of our i Depoiiitors. Thts fact will 'place lit fully equal (all re• r ust" to safety of depiedlorr) I'' tiny Depository in lido it We buy, sell nude Vcitatige all issues of (lovernineut Ponds, execute orders for the patch:tic aud sale of all first class securities, and negotiate loam( on Real Estate °a slant' commissious AII Villiri,lllB‘lo to our dealers tit all flint.s ou approved coT.llaterL. llal, at market rate, of lutereot. . Doom. Ent7Aitit keno. A ogll•nnal KETZTOAVN SAVINGS BANK, Mt iN EV RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT, and a per rent. la• ten , will be allowed. For oborter periods •Doctol rates will be paid. Also, Toone/ loaned ont on FAVORABLE TERMS, Bald Bank I. !twitted lu the lie yi.tinte liou'i., to the borough ot JollN 11. FOCIEL, President. Ens auu Iliirre.lieritts, M. D. Cashier. Turarrza: F.. 1. Slough M. IL, 11, 11. Wanner, Hsi., I, 11. Schwartz, thiq l,val Pinter. W. It. F..ys, Rwhar.l i. I 0.1.4 Clader, al,' J. 1110.4 Miller, layl . 2.tt John 111. Fogel. Esq. LLENTOWN SAVINGS INSTITU- A Money rovol yeti on Dep..it, and 6 per rent. Inter... el• lowed for 'ono your. yi.,11011, periods special rate* will !MAO, MONNY LOANUO OVT ON FAVOK•III2 TRIM. . . flanking lioune—liAMlLTON STREET, tnid•wai bo tureen tho Court Houle uud Atneflcnn Hotel, oepoulto nide ITIIMEZIE Charles 3 Buell, • John D Vl,ll C 81C11U6111, Christian Prtur, Samuel Sall, Oruro Prob.u, • Nathan Pater, Beni J Ilagenbach, William II Maar TIII•: GIL EAT PACIFIC RAILROAD MEM UNION & CENTRAL PACIFIC RA VEERS AND DEALERS IN GorRRNNKYrsi 1 LOTI-11 N May • jTirc Proof Safe% . . HERRING9s 'a min none but "all wool" good., every plece ~f %Inch le well sponged, und cat - dully examined. ur content of Ready meth, Clothing ere ouch me could work in other retebilahments on Cue , tom Work; their work combine. comfort with style. FIRE AND BURGLAR. PROOF, or hands are .upplled with th• bent trimming., and we see that they use them, and every article I. th.m.ughly tested bo los, being put Into stock. very garment cold I. ac companied with a legal go at mane, holding us r.. sp.uudble for the metro.a of all the rep. resentatlomi made. .fwerdrd thn I'rla» NcAnlx ~t World • Ydr Loudon, World'x Ynir, \.w I'urtc, H: ~onitlun Uulrcrwlye, Y~rlx. t le conceded that our . largo buslueas and many other advantages, enable us to sell lower than any other 110111.•. 1V• Inelt• a fair coruparlmon of prices. FA 1111E1A .F 1 E RRING &CO MATIMWd. W. 629 citEsTxuT STREET, VAIMEL & SIIERIIAN, NUW TORN HERRIN°, FARREL & CO., NEW ORIALAE9. nArlI ACtS110011) ; DOW LOST, DOW IL Just publialted. a new edition of Dr. Culverwell's Cele• brated d:,aa)• oil the radical/ curt (without modiclue) of Hrto(nlt or lieminal Weakoem, InvoluntarY Bent Mai Lows, INPOSEXUT, Mental and Mystical Inca pacity. Itupedimeuln to Marriage, etc.; alto,. C al meg. EPILEPSY...U.ITh, luducod by ae errantenuarnaalf•ladulflancu o r Ort-l'rice, In a melded envelope, only 01 eot.• VW celebrated author, itt this admirable malty, clearly damonstratea (nun a thirty yearn' aucconeful Mello. that the alarrniug colmequencea of self.abuse may he radically. (lured without the dangoreux (me of luterani mettle. or the application of 111. , kulfo; pointing out • mode uf cure at once airople, certain, and effectual, by tarsal uf which curet anfferer, a,, matter what Ida condition may he, may cure bln.elf cheaply, prigately. and ragfenliti• le(cinre Ahould be in Um hen of every feral and every mua in tho laud. _snot-under real, ill a plain envel o pe, to lany itddrame .voggzethf, on receipt of elk ccum, ()ai de ,' poet stantlm. Alto. Dr. Cuiverwell'a "Marriage price 25 CO. Addrem the Pobliallerr, CHAS. J. C. &LINE & Jyrl.l7 127 Bowery, Now York, p. I. Dull, MC AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP- or iT2d . genentl clerk, with s thorough bust.. education, would likr to olaaltt u po•Itloa 'lu this.clly. Contrala • few thousand dollarA, has a good waren:Alio acquaint- zone, and If found mutually desirable after doe probation would olthor lean capital or lake • partner'• latereat Addreas,COAL. this atm - - - Sinanrial A1.1.R1 TOW N, l'A VP TO FIVE TIIOE`3AND (Oranniml nuat, State i'llnrior In IS (Organized under St.ite Chart, In WIT. LI AM 11, AINEY, Prosideut JACOB S. I , ll.l,ltillElt. Caohler. Is VINIi111:1) FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS RAILROADS iccarr AND SOLD DFAIANT EN & BRO., 10 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA PATENT CHAMPION SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) PHILADELPHIA lIERRINO kCO CHICAGO i=E3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers