ADVERTISING RATES St. 1 mo. 3 mop. 0 no.. 1• r. 1.60 1.75 3.50 13.50 12,00 lOU 3.50 0.30 9.00 25.00 4.69 5.25 9.00 17.00 25.03 11.50 17.110 25.00 41 CO 13.50 22.00 40.01 00.00 20.00 411.00 60.00 110.0) 30.01 00.05 3att Square two Squares Three Square. Six Squares, . anert.n. Column ulf Cain= . One Column Professional Cards $l.OO per line per year. Adminietratorie and Auditor's Notices, S.3:CO. Clip Notices, 5) cents per line let insertion, 15 cents per lino each subsequent Insertion. Ten Hues agate constitute a square. ROBERT IREDELL, Jn., Punmenun, ALLENTOWN, PA Qtlothing. EVERY SUBSCRIBER TO"THIS PAPER la hereby congratulated On the fact that he ham Spread freely before him The ADVERTISEMENT of ROCKHI LL k W ILSON, The Ue4t ' sad OhlestEstablished Clothing Iloga• ROCKHILL & WILSON Would nay to all the tobseribers, and all of their male neleilmrs and relations. that they have made this must ample preparations for an immenks Mixings. for the Prenoui Fall. ROCKHILL & WILSON Have laid lu an immeuse stock of the meet desirable goods. both of American Manufacture and of Foreign Im portation, from winch they °Mir the moot dolightfully fittingsults, either ready-made or to order the shorinot possiblo notice. ROCKII ILL & WILSON Invite gentlemen faint the orrroundlug Country Tnwne Cltiem eel Villagel, In call at their OHKAT BROWN STONE HALL, lit end cntrc It ESTNIIT Street, whore they will And opportnnit• to wallet from the abun dance of elcznut put altnacel, al lower D=icer then .n - where else til town. =I 1100KIIILL & WILSON, GREAT BROWN STONE HALL, 603 AND 605 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA. MIECI Coat anb Lumber tOOW, JACOBS tt CO., I= ROUGH & WORKED LUMBER, SASH DOORS AND BLINDS, =EI Sr Orders from the irado hot Um! • PILBRIST. E.OTTO. 11. L. OTTO. O. U. MILLII• F ILBERT, OTTO d MILLER, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LE R , WILLIAMS PO RT, PA MILL ON CANAL WEST OF MAYNARD STREET. OFFICE AT TIIE:.11LI. W. V. CRANE, Autoil. E LLIS MOORE LUMBER MERCHANTS, NO. 620 BEACH ST., I= I= oArt BUILDERS', CABINET STARERS' Q UNDERTAKERS' L t_TAIBEH =I WALNUT ASH. POVI,AIt, CHERRY, CIIESTNI'T. and GooD PINE •Iway.. L•uJ Particular Kite:loou raid to altlipplug. REMOVAL! Sillrl l ll & OSMUN'S COAL. AND WOOD YARD ! The above Coal and Wood Yard hxn been removed to the cant end of thn Jordan Urbino, SOUTH SIDE, where will be coniaantly kept a lino and ,upply of Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, selected from - the heal tnlunw lu the country. OUR COAL In Under CoVer—ttlltt It In to Ito lutornet of ItTory oue to purchnne • DRY AND SCREENED COAL baud, stork of all kinds of ood Wood constantly on and dulivered Cu all otrts R the city at tho lowest market pries, Halley Depot, known us tho t:rrd it kept s a f i tslg h at Hecker. 4/04 — T111.5 IS TIIE PEOPLE'S COAL YARD.ligk Our Coal is selected from the hoot wines in the Lehigh region, nod knowing this to be the fact nod that it will give perfect satisfaction, there In no 111.0 In offering to refund the money. All we nsk to a trial. Ordors taken nt Desh• lees hat store. FRANKLIN 8311T11. jolly 10th COAL CONSUMERS, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST! P. 11. sTELTz Hereby tutor,. the eltlrenm of Allentown. and the pub Ile In general. that he le prepared to furnlah all Lludx of C. L , from hie well stocked Yard, torment 11. Oath & at the Lehigh Mein, In the City of Allentown, where he will constantly keep on hand a full suPPIY or oi kind. ni c e oxl, at the very lowest market prices. Ills real In n and clean, from the rev y bent mines, and In unality superior to any offered in Allentown. Ile will mli Coal by the CAR LOAR, at very small pro -1111, MI he intend• to do Imeines• upon the principle of "Quick Haire and Small Profits. ",.(11•• him a call, and pon com wri ng price, you can judge for youreelves. Ile will delier Coal upon l:411 to any , part of the City sport order. being left at the Yard, or NS elusheirner's store POWDER AGENCY Mao, Agent for Lehigh county for the • • I.aflin Powder Company." , Prepared at all dim. to deliver aupnrior Mining awl I:limning Powder, Sporting Powde r C Powder In keg. and eanistern, Sc.. at any point and n any quantity. The ammo at retail nt the (Inn and Cut• r)• attire of .1. Welfertz. to. :id Pact Hamilton street. rdera by mall promptly Ailed mar 31ttf , REMOVAL, TREXT,EIt & BROTHERS, L U ETi firmly I.llollpre 10 hilt frl.uld% mud n•trunn that they have just removed from it 1, uld rtund to their NEW YARD, near the corner of Toothhod [land wroem, formerly occupied by limo. 3111Ier, or a Immber Yard, where they will conotuntly keep ou hand a largo and ammoned at , ck of L U lIEII, such oar aII kin]. of I'INE, HEMLOCK, CHESTNUT, POPLAR, RIIINIII.ES PICKETS, LATHS, fie. lu fact everything usually kept by Ilia trade. atoll kluill of lumber out to order at short notice Thankful for part favors, we Mott our L'iriuds. es well the public in genural, will give a tall at our New Yard, where we will toie our beat endeavors toreador nab afactlou both its regards quality sad prices. Colt 24'6841 K AMINSKY S ALBERT, BOOKBINDERS,. ODD FELLOWS' HALL, ALLF:NToWN, PA We take pitmen. , to announcing to the public that. hay. lug eatabliebed a new Bookbindery, we are now fully preparedr to promptly execute •Il orders for binding book• al sorts. magsalura, papers, pa,ophiet. e t c. W. gintraritee oar cu•lomcra aubsiautial work sod 'bandeau. of every doelgo. MIR 11•Gtu TTOUNEKEEPERS I .9-A-A DO YOU WANT A COOK STOVE. lot. That fa beentlful end really controlled by one dem per, ill. That has Mit largeal Oven and hax navel. failed. /luy " THE TIMMS." I=ZR 411. TL►t I►lll► II•avIvm1 In the m►rkel, Duy "TUN TIVRIi.' Aib. That Buhl only by JAMES H. nusg, Afloat... Ps VOL. XXIII SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES!! EYE GLASSES. Ac. s l . nr t ot of .11 kl o CIIAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Having devoted a great deal of care and attention to thf Spectacle badness for these last few years, I find that my buninesa to that line has Increased so much that I have de• (ermined to make it a SPECIALITY. There is no article manufactured in which there It No much deceptinu panne tired an there le lu Spectacle (11 . Knowing that the public have been frequently humbugged by parties pre. tending to havv a superior article of Mimes, and charging exorbitant priess for 010111. therebtralacing upou,the i n censitles and infirealtlea of age, I bar. taken Pains to ',e lect • lare e and complete assortment of the guest rid 10.4 t Mane. ever manufactured, than affording all penman needing Spectacles an opportunity of Purehaaing at rea souable pricer. Persona having •ny difficult 7 in being suited elsewhere will do well to give me a call, ea I fent confident that no one will fall lobe suited. Remember the old stand, No. 23 East Hamilton street, opposite the Ger man Itsforwd Church Allentown Pa. jun T.l.'6(qf READ TIIIN I LAZARUS & MORRIS' PERFECTED SP ECTA CI, ES ONE OF THE FIRM WILT OE AT THE STORE OF Ifussne. KELLER BROS., Jewylers, 11112= AUGUST 00 AND 31, 186 S, No attends for the pnrpnee of assisting Messrs. Keller Time. In FITTING THE LYE IN iniricuur UN CNC SUAL CASES. Those suffering from impaired .1r diseased vision are recommended to avail themselves of this op portunity. Our Spectacles and Eye-Gl:teaes are acknewbulged to be the most ported Itailisinnee to idea aver manufactured, and can always he relied upon as affording perfect ease and comfort while strengthening and preserving the Eyes most thoroughlV. 111,..We Pike umiak - lulu notify the Public that we Pnl• piOy no peillere, and In caution them agailist thaw Pre tending to have our good., for Nate. an.25-If Groceriro, prabisions, TOE RIGHT PLACE TO REV E. FENST ERM AMER, CORNILIt 017 TENTH AND HAMILTON STRUTS ALLBNTOWN. PA.. Ix M., piacu to buy all kind , . of MEEI PROVISIONS I= Also, all kind. of IMPORTED DRIED FRUIT, EIMMEEI PEARS, rituitEs. RAISINS, CHERRIES, he., Alsraye on hand a good sesortment of the beetquality of GROCERIES of all descriptions. Do not mine tom place, corner of Tenth and Hamilton, to buy good things at reasonable prices. non 'Mt( FOWLING PA EC ES. At reduced prices, Revolvers, Nivea, linen. S hot l'ercnspion Cep., etc., be C. V. NVolfierte. so. 90 En%t Hamilton Street. xep 10-1 y rIPORTANT TO SHIPPERS DENNISON'S AND LOCKWOOD'S TAGS AND SHIPPING CARDS, AT MANIJPACTURERIP PRICES, 'REGISTER OFPrr+F ll= rrAITLE KNIVES, FORKS. SPOONS _A_ COFFEE It ILLS. he., at C. T. WOLFERTZ'S Store, No. 343 Enot Ilnmlltun Street. Rep 15.1 y TO SLATE QILTAMMY MEN To teat., for a 11,111 of yearn • Orrt.rate Quarry of the parrot quality of School •nd Roofing Slate, already opened, and Machinery, Tools, Se., ready to start work. No wash rock to blast, and all the beds of good Nikko°. ■nd length. Illackboarda can be made of littoral any required size. This it a raro chance for a fow good work men with a email capital. For particulars apply to S. Cor. IClth and Arch Sts.. Phila., or nep 0.11 J. 13. KIMES. 3120 CllfhltllUt PIANOS AND ORGANS. Priem greatly reduced for cart,. New 7 Octave Pianos of fired-clan. ntice, for af.775 and upward. New C:thinot Organ.. for :4.5 and upward. Necond-hand I natrllitiente $ll , to 176. Monthly Inatallwenta nurelyed, mud 11/- •Irtlllielits for rout. Wareroona, Na. 411 Broadway. nap 2 lIOIIABE WATBliti. VODTV TH DUSAN D CASES OF trood ,, were bbiltr,tl from or Dune ;0 One Year, to fatulllen, equity, tut,' uterettante, In every part of the cool, try, from MILIIIO to California, amounting lu value to over ONE MILLION I)OLLAI(S. • Our facilities far transacting this Immense business are better than ever before. We have agent+ in all the prin cipal cilia, ti Curet as. goods froth the Mautintettirere, Importer, and °there, for CASH, and often at an immense c.trOtice (non the original coat al/reduction. our stork consists, n. p.tet, of Om following gondol:— Shawl*, Blankets. Quills, Cottons, Oitaghanis, Dress floods, Table Linea, Towels, Hosiery, Worts, Shirts (forret*, be.. kc.• Sitrer•Platut Ware, Spor. 'Reardon Niekel 'tumor, D , surt Forks, Fee-bottle plated Castors, Brits unit Mere, Maur Ware, Tattle. anal Pocket Cutting, in grip( retrial,. Ltrgant Frutrh Denson Fancy Cootie, Beauti ful Photograph :Mama, the unwest and choicest Ingle,. In Morocco and N'elvel Illndlug•• I= Morocco Trfiveling Baps, Bantikerchie and Gloat , . Gobi "at Marti err n.rnsr nowird .11/ 10, b We have also mile arrangements with come of tho load ing Publishing !louses, that will nuablo as to sell the standard sad latest works of popular authors at about one-half the regularas 13Tiros, Moon. BraNO, MILTON. Stud Tatisigsoisi• Wouga, sod Cloth liluilinips,—and hundraslg of others, Throe •ud everything •I.• for ONE DOLLAR FOR EACH ARTICLE We do not offer a .In[ le article of merchaudise, that can be mild by regular dealers at our price. We du not ask you to buy irOULIX (1.0111 11. unless we can eel! them cheaper thou you can obtain them in any other wan—while the greater part of our gouda are sold at shunt ONE-HALF THE REGULAR RATES We want good reliable agents in every part of the Coun try. tly employing your .Doer time to form clubs and eroding U 4 owlets, you can obtain the most liberal corn mieslous, either in CASII or MERCHANDISE, and all goods mint by as will be no represented, and we guarantee aatlsfactlon to every ono dealing with oar house. Agents should collect ten cents from each customer mid forward to to In advauco. for Deacriptive Check, of the goods we sell. The holders of the thereon describedyir liege of either porchaolug the article for •ny article mentioned on our Catalogue. numbering over itki different articleo, —net one of which con Lx pur chased in the usual way for the Caine money. The ail vat/totem f lint sending fur Checks are these: We ore constantly buying smell loin of very valuable goods, Killecken are till all not o re n our cataloguides es, and fur which we lonito chs a sold; bes In every iargo club we will put (Mocks for ILTO, liLagg lan, I PATTER:Ig, nolio. other officio of value. girinft Con, member. of the club an oliportunity ii.fplireltiwitorr artirle for about one witari, RIM, rattle. in every order amounting to. uvtorf,so. accompanied by th e £ll.ll, the Agent way retain 4a. 00. and in every Ord, over WC may be retalued to IMEEEME PAY TILE EXPRESS CHARGES Thk offer Is morn erneelally lc/assist Agents to the WO. t ern mud Southern State+. butts open to all customer.. Ate nil% will be paid len per rent. In Cash or Merchandise, when they nit. VP yenta 10111111.11 CLUE, fur which below we Vet a partial List of Counninslonic For an order if Ku, from a club of Thirty, we will pay the Agent,l. coos:M.l., 25 yard. Brows or Bleached Sheeting, (hood Dress Pattern,_ Wool Square Shawl, French Clumtmere Pants and Vest Pattern, Flue Large %%Into Counterpane, etc., etc., or 53.110 In cash. For en order of O, from a club of Filly, wo will pay the Agent, ancommies'., 05 voids Shernag. Osp« pair heavy Wool Blanket. ILiplin Mean palters, Ilandwinu wool •tiquare Shawl, * Silver Case Watch. etc:, MC, or VA) I it eaah. For au order of MOO, from a Club of Oar IllttuLlied. will pay the Agent, am Ititi yard., good yard. wide elieetiog. Colo-Silver Hindle', Coe. Bich Long Wool Shawl, Suit of all Wool French Cr.wwiarro, etc., etc., or 510 We do not einplay any T raveling Agent., and citetopwrii should not pay money a purporting to Inn our agents, unites persona/dm nevattinted, Send Money _liberty* by Registered Later* For further particulara aeutt fur Catalogue. MEE WATSON'S CELEBRATED FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF •14, SAFES. • ASTARLLSEED IN 1841. I= Huy "TIM " SIIY OLDNST 8411 1101131 IN PHIL4DILPIIII. Tho ostly littfae with iNIIIOII Donal. Guaranteed Pres recap...lrue.. Ale° viva ham 18 I. 21 DV coal. lever Inas othltr makers. Plasm. wad (or GUI; Ise alid,Pelei Lltt. N Late 0i1y... • liVies•at r ia ) atteoru b‘ rare, eel 2•lhe Si. Oa 'Meant Pill•delpara. Buy "TIISTIMIH." Spertatlos ALLENTOWN. PA CELEBRATED AND EYE-GLASSES TIIBIIt ME= &c., &c., At °hemp Price., mud , " ORANGES AND LEMONS POTATOES, SLIT. MIMI E=ll I= I= COMMISSION S PARKER tt CO., YP & 1008‘autuer M., Ilimton. Mapo 'frbigh Vroi,6tef. Dru Goobs. CHEAP PHILADELPHIA STORE. 4 ..T . N- c e , :rat e rzatßt , in= u t: r .11• el Mil. RIBBONS, CORSETS, 11001 , SEIRTS, KID GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, REAL AND IMITATION Y 4 LACES, LACE COLLARS, FRINGES, BU GLE l SATIN TRIMMINGS, FANCY ARTICLES, Av., GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS At ig) per tent. Icon than any other Store to Allentown. GOODS DAILY RECEIVED . Front New York nod Philadelphia Auetloon. THE CENTRAL PARK SHIRT, ,vhlt,, colored, nailed, ntriped and other idyl., OM and examine before purchasing elsewhere. LEOPOLD SALINGER, nu3.3m Hamilton St., bet. Socund and Third, Find Ward Paper aub stationeru 'TORE BEST GOODS I•'OIt TILE 1; LEAST MOSEY. FIRST CLASS PAPERS at cheap prices. . WRITING INKS—Arnold's, Thaddeus Davids it Co's., Maynard & Noyes, etc. TILE PRETTIEST atoiorttnent of fancy ink Ptands In the city. FANCY STATIONERY for private carer. or libraries. BLANK HOOKS of every kind on hand and made to order. DEED BOXES, a large ar.sortinenl. PAPIER MACIIE and rosewood tv riting desks nrd work boxes at less than Philadelphia prices. THE LATEST works out a n d all others furnish ed promptly at the lowest noes. BEAUTIFUL KNIVES for ladles and gentle men at living prices, and “anmon goods at lower rates. SCISSORS that will lan a lifetime, in great va riety. POCKET BOOKS that will Wild it fortune, and pocket books not so large, a pretty no , sortinent at every price. EVERYTHING Mille stationary line at IREDELL'S Stationery Store, Corner of Sixth :mil Hamilton Streets SCHOLARS, ATTENTION! PUPILS, PARENTS AND ALL OTHERS WHO NEED BOOKS OR STATIONERY Ar , (Hefted to cap at No. 35 Wert IlanDltonVieet, (Walk .l, r , old (nand; I 11. u, beloW Elghtlf Street, where you tell( find a lore (old cootelete nark klutle of School Books need In Wm county. nt the lowest rash prices. A full line of LATIN, Ii REEK, °ERMAN and FRENCH book,. for Colton,. Achilemies and Schools , always on hand. at the lowes t rates. A full assorimout of SEMlmmo', ItMob Books, Pocket Books, Combs, Albums, Picturos, SW, NVlndoss Psper, Sr., sold al rrty . . English and lterinatt porket and family !Mato, Prayer BOOk.• Mid Hymn Books. A largo 111/d•spientll.l stork of Ilsetillanenus Books In Prone and Poetry, and Santini School Book, All the re• uulidtes for Sunday Selo,"ln always on hand at Philadel phia Prices. We are closing out our ntork of WALL PAPER at cont. Agent for the salon( BRADBURI"S CELEBRATED PIANOS Plexac glvu me a call wilt, ypu w 1.41 I purchatic.l au 16.6 m) Ilan,Mott St., IFelmyElttialt, Allt`tttotytt. Boot Alaturz. R E v A YOUNG & LENTZ'S WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL BOOT A N 11 8 HOE STORE = Corner qf HAMILTON and SIXTH ST'S., NOS. 3S AND 40, whoa they are now propared to receive their patrons. WHOLESALE D EPA RT MEM' EIE=I • gn , at'unAutlty of the N,•ork of their owe inaku and thu lAhture front the mama:ldol - ern In the country THE RETAIL DEPARTMENT conducted heretofore , . jut, 3d•'G VINE CUSTOM D.IDE BOOTS AND stioeti FOR GENTLEMEN. All the lending ~d ylim on hind or tondo t.. mo.yuro 611=121 12=1 I= =1 plumbing ant) Qas irixturrs. ( - .l l r Ati FIXTURES. ADDIS & ROBERTS, • 4 -, PLUMBERS • A ND (his FITTERS, is NO. 136 WEST HAMILTON STREET, =MEM COE(IROU HAAS' NEW BUILDINO), ALLENTOWN All kind% of Cu. Fixture. of Chu brat Hydratilio Hydraulic Kam., Lift and Force l'urnpit, DEEP WELL PUMPS, Beth Tub, NVlttcr Clicirtit Circulating Boller, Ate.. &i.l hpi•rial attention given toinitting up l'ortablu Gas Wort:l4lu town iir country. All work wittrinnicil. al.r 7.1 Y • G AS FlXTUREilki isu I' EROSENE LAMPS JfER /DIA N BUR N R , Sere,' and Ora Is the market. It given the lergtett , • of nay burner made. COULTER, JONES & MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS. 702 ARCII ST., PIITLADA MEI QTRATTONN rquTABLE Alit GAM L.) MACIIINP... El= = THE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE Stratton's Gas Alachine for illuminating Private Residences, nudes, Mills, etc, in simple in construction, conimintin all tho material tined , in the manufacture of gag. 111111 IN no rheup am to bring it within the reach of all. It Is free from explosions, can be managed by any person, and produces it superior light to all others at one-half the cost of ordinary burning grts. NO FIRE Ii APPLIED TO Till , . APPARATUS. It can be attached tti ir dluaryl gas pipets and fixtures, the only variation belGtAti the of the burnerjets. All part, of the upparutus are niude the most thorough and workmanlike 111111111 Pr. SuPeriorlty over all inachines clal in the following partieitirrrs : Cost of Conktruetiou. Soeuud, illumitnititig Capac ity. Third, Compactness and'Slinplicity, and consequent Impossibility of its getting out or order. Fourth, Economy lit use of material. A marlin., capablo of sultn.lYlng ton burners costs IP. Any further lufurnintion will be given and !ha workloga of the machine explained by calling tipon the agent for Lehigh rounty. C. W. STURM WALNUT STREET. CORNER OF PENN. (•nov¢ mriu.sulurau cou.eroo ALLENTOWN PA W . J. EVERETT'di NEW EVVEENT SCAPULAR SHOULDER BRACE AND STRAP SUPPORTER. No straps •ndar the argie. Par!drolly •onforlablo, ►. s•a llowleally wade, aml highly Leavacial. ad Nonla .. Mlow Arab, l'lslladolphla. Tresses, guyyprtara, Wattle eahinga, Crutch.. ac., lowoht wife. la Lao •Ity. Lady. a ltandaal., say A ALLENTOWN, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 20, 180 WET MU SUNS, WET FLANNELS, WETTABLE LINEN Them, goods ore now open t.t FOSTER'S NEW TORE STORE un Ilumllton Street, oppollte thu Church, ALLEN TOWN, I'A. They Am but IRtle vet, only •lightly Nulled and warranted to be in no tray damaged except in ap = The There MUSLINS•ra nearly as good foi "WAMsIiTTA," and will lie sold at 12 , i cent., They are worth 20 rent, Ti.e FLANNEL, tern bo Kohl id 22 ceutk and A worth at Tho PRINTS are worth M I cora+ por yard, tot mill be I=l Tim TABLE LINEN Ix 1.5 cts.. but IP richly tcurth We eSpeCt II grext for them goods, and as we de air' anthill our rualomers ahalt hnre soniaof (hem and oleo to prererit other merchants front hoping them ff VI. on reserve the right in refuse to sell veer 12 ports to arIV one customer. PLHAAN HEIIN)1111:16 THIA SEAMAN & TRA EG EU, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BLACK aro. Crain SILKS, BLACK DRAB D'Flt ASCE. BILKS. BLACK TAFFETA BILKS. The largext aml cheapest rtmeurttnent of SILKS we have ever bud the plexu arc of Purling the Public. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. ! CHOICE YEW STYLES FANCY SILKS. SEAMAN A: TRAEGER PRENCII SILK POPLIN, MARBLE POP LINE, PLAIN POPLINS. SEAMAN TRAEGER. BLACK ALi'AC.4B. In an gt.tee, rtott , the hiweni number. to the fluela Mohair.. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. • COL6RED .ILPAC.4B, all yerirex, very chow. SEAMAN at TRAEGER PRESS GOODS ill every varlely and Funry Styles BLEACHED ndld ENBLEACHEY) SHEETINGS and SIHRTINGS In very large anvortment. CHECKS. TICKINDS and DENIMS. SHAWLS. Large and extenalve asnorlinent of BLACK TIIIBET, BROCHE and PAISLEY, BLANKET, CHE NILLE, BUSSES', lu grunt variety of size and colors. SEAMAN ez TRAEGER. E. MOSS, SPECIAL ATTENTION Is rquextrd to our elegant' and complete Ilea of LADIES DRESS TRIM MINGS. counlstl , sxlam,yf i llll.l4,lo,M3 , 44,..TAS,q§bk : I: ',; ( O}S E IVS FLurcz, iii ,ft...c'T'ruzis In neural hundred dlffvrent SEAMAN & TRAEGER. HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDER CLOTH ING for LADIES', CHILDREN and GEN TLEMEN. WOOLEN YARNS, &c. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. FLANNELS. all wlLltlix, Red, White, Bin e, Mired nu Main. Real Genuine Hume -made FlllllllO. • SEAMAN & TRAEGER. ZEPHYR 11 ORS TED, G ERMA NTO WN WOOL, CASHMERE YARNS, EMBROIDER ED WORSTED WORK, and a full assortment In that line. BY MAIL we tend samples of nay goods curable of bo ing sent by sample through the mail WWI pricesattached to ouch Wee. We Putt 01111 to be a groat conveulenco to parties tumble to personally Visit IS. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. FAMILY' GROCERIES, Staple and Pettey. nicely kept tetnPtiettly gotten up and of the Beet Qualake. SEAMAN & TRAEGER. CROCKERY, neorything required In that Ilun for hlm. keoplug purposed. SEAMA:s.; S TRAEGER • Buckew, and all sorts of Woodeu Ware used luiloueekevplag. • SEAMAN & THAEGER. =2 All klntleof Country Produce taken In exchange for good* at the Llgheot price, BEAMAN & TRAEGER. 6MEMEZ! We are endeavoring to keep a roll line of every article in the way of Dry Goads, Small Wore Nallqng, Gro• eerie., Crockery, Wooden Wore. and In (act everything (except Carpet.) to be found In a retail alum SEA MAN & !IRA EGER, nrP 22 coorEß d CONARD,' S. E. COR. 9TH & MARKET STS )ELPIII A, Having rebuilt their More, will open about October let with nut Okntli mock, to which they Invite an examine Pon. . Upwardn of neventeen are of active lutelne•s at the' present 1.111100, enables them to judge of the wante o their imtrone, to boy at the loweat Inlet, and Id 001 l at tli rmalleat margin of profit. Full hang of . 210. "I'm IN BIRD'S. 210. ago 6 Ti;(l,foorn%lnfaa-,7a.t'...aui:igsfAstow.PV.Zia lard'Arrlptlot32. ilao. GERMANTOWN, EUREKA AND GERMAN ZEPIIYRS, ralhm,chtaimnA l i: - YAIINt hi : fill: CI ALTY. R3-Largo asaortniont of HOSIERY, 8111R,T5 AND DRAWERS, bolt " regular made ' eery 4 "Trlll3lAti, 11111 D aep 8.3 m 210 Poplar St., atio•o , JEANES, JPHOTOGRAPHER. • (Lat• of Philadelphia,) has token the Oilier/. No. 11 EAST HAMILTON STREET, VITI i P i l t a Tit kalirariti tbere IP6.I)ZI :1415 • toll a r E alleat itee4leelto male, evtri p e e . Vn g;r4l l :=lltro' epee. Meloalotypea, Perroiipeo. ate. utri z rz i rj a a! to B. P. Lament= E3=l Drp . Goobo. WET PRINTS, BETHLEHEM =al SEAMAN Sz TRAEGER SEAMAN & TRAEGER MAIN STREET, BETHLEIIENI Black 'Bike Drees Stull), Silk Velvets, Cloaks, Shawls, Hosiery, Ties. liandkerchietio, Collura+, Cuff's', etc., White.Goodm Blankets', Quilts, Musline, Linens, Cassimeres, Clothe. Cloakinge. Velveteens, 'Etc., lte. COOPER & CONARD. S. E. COM 9Tn S:.MARKET STS., El= LIST OF PREMIVAIS The following is a continuation of the List of Premiums awarded at the last annual Ex hibition of the Lehigh' County Agricultural Society : No. O.—Fruit Best fallenwalter apple, Bei'ben Smith, $2 ; second best, Henry Gabriel, 1 ; third best, John Rudolph, worthytf notice ; best Shaffer apple L Klump, 2 ; second best, J W Mlle, 1 ; best white doctor apple, Stephen Dornblazer, 2 ; beet white shill apple, Thomas Fogle, 1 ; best pound, Mrs C Trexler, 2 ; best codling, .1 Losh, 2 ; best white Rambo D II Bastian, 2 ; beet Rhode Island greening, John Rudolph, 2 : second best, F W under, 1 ; best Rambo (card loitefTro'name, 2; second best, Joseph Witt -54'10 ; best phinati, John Bortz, 1 ; best love apple, John Ilottenstcin, 1 ; best scent apple, best wax apple, D Siegfried, 2; best porter apple, P P Kistler, 2 ; second best, Tilghman II Snyder, I ; best pound apple, .1 Pritz, 1 ; best green pippin apple, Augustus Reinhard, 1 ; best sweet:dower apple, W 11 Diefender fer, 2 ; blue mount apple, Joseph Wittman, 1 ; best vandervere, Augustus Reinhat•th 2 ; sec ond best, Sarah Bachman, 1 ; fall orange, .T Wittman, 1 ; fall queen, Joseph Wittman, 1 ; pepperel, Joseph Wittman, 1 ; best Baldwin, Tilghman Snyder, 2 ; second best, Samuel Kohler,l ;family favorite, Joseph Wittnum, 2•; seedling, J Stein, 1 ; spring apple, J DeLong, 1 ; Hubbard's none, such, T 11 Sny der, 2 ; best smokehouse, L plump, 1 ; child's favorite, T II Snyder, 1 ; father apple, .1 G Blank, 1 ; sap apple, J G Blank, 1 ; smith apple, T 11 Snyder, 1 ; Satteon Valley seed ling, T II Snyder, 1 ; cider apple, John Lush, 1 ; Paradise apple, John Losh, 1 ; northern spy, Charles Jacoby, 1 ; black, Charles Jacoby, 1 ; sweet Margaret, II Gabriel, 1 ; best Bald win, - J .1 Stein, 2; second best, Joseph Witt man, 1 ; best seem, Charles Jacoby, 2 ; white apple, Sarah Bachman, 1 ; dwarf belle dower. II J Schantz, 1 ; best belle !lower, 11 Wein sheimer, 2 ; second best, II Gabriel, 1 ; good pound apple, 1 ; best gentleman apple, Anna Stuber, 2 ; second best, Joseph Wittman, 1 ; beet north spy, J .1 Stein, 2 ; second best. Jos Wittman, 1 ; king sweet, .1 .1 Stein, ; best sell apple, J Stein, 9, ; second best. A Dil lobry, 1 ; long apple, J Stein, 1 ; seem apple, J J Stein, 1 ; Ilubbard's ninbush, Holten stein, I ; best summer green, .1 Itunifeld, 2 ; second best, C .Jacoby, 1 ; Paradise, J Rum feld, 2; much apple, Michael Ritter, I ; spice apple, A It Heller, 1 ; !20 oz apple, II .1 Schantz 2 ; best maiden blush, \V It Erdman, t ; sec ond best, Tilghman II Snyder, 1 ; best Blue Mountain, A It llellcr, 2 ; Pennsylvania red streak, Charles Roeder, 1 ; winter fallenwal ter, W B Erdman, 2 ; Schantz apple, W B Erdman, 1 . ; Ladies' sweeting, Benjamin Kist ler, 1 ; krauser sweeting, .1 Stein, I ; gilli (lower, Benjamin Kistler, 1 ; steddeen, Levis Klump, 1 ; wine sap, .1 Rube, 1 ; decker apple, John Rudolph, 1 ; • Frick's apple, N Weiler, 1 ; red cheek, Morgan Mohry, 1 ; fall pippin, Samuel Koehler, 1 ; 11:v1:teller, M slohry, 1 ; wine sap, M Mohry, I ; Bachman, Sarah Buchman, 1 ; bender, Sarah Buchman, 1 : bakeoven, George Schant zaback, I ; not known, M Mohry, 1; Jersey apple, F Hen ninger, 1 ; vanderver, 11 Wicand, 1 ; water, M Mohry, 1 ; red cheek, (I \V Ileimbaeb, 2 ; M Mohry, 1 ; eating apple, 'l' Henning er, 1 ; Mary apple, T Henninger, 1 ; white pippin, 11 Wicand, 1 : King of Nimpkins Co, H Wieaud, 2: golden pip, John Baer, 1: Lawrence apple, 11 Ritter, 1 : cart house, • Mollie Algert, 1 : Birmingham,J P P Kistler, cArnot airman T 1,1,20 VOL,. 1 • Tor., ewe/A . ing, J FP Kistler, 1 : Sell's sweeting, F:11 Snyder, 1 : Smith's cider, E . II Snyder, 1 : summer dumpling, F II Snyder, 1: 20 oz apple, llenuinger, 1 : summer queen, C Jacoby, 1: fall pippin, Ellsworth, Fogle & Co., 1 : golden russet, Ellsworth, Fogle & Co., 1 : pearman, Ellsworth, Fogle & Co, 1.: white Spanish russet, Ellsworth, Fogle & Co., 2 . : culbert, Ellsworth, Fogle & Co., I strawberry, Ells worth, Fogle & ('o., 1 : Spitzenberg, Elk worth, Fogle & Co., I: rich pipin, 11.1 Schantz, 1 : Irwin apple, \V It (Ivies, 2 Rhode Island greening, II .1 Schantz, I : Roxbury russet, .1 J Stein, 2: kerehner, Charles lloeder, : spy, Charles Roeder, 1 : cider, F I) Schantz, 1 : cart house, P P Kistler, hest friedenship, D Siegfried, 1 : kerchner, I) 11 Bastian, wor thy of notice : kerchner, W II Erdman, 1 : golden russet, Samuel Colver, 1 : primate, J P P Kistler, I. • Winter Nellies, Ellsworth, ' , ogle & C0.,1 : Buerre D'Ango, Ellsworth. Po*. .1: Co., 1 : St. Midmel, Ellsworth Fogle A: Co., 1: Buerre Easter, Ellsworth, Fogle l Co., I': grey Dryeune, Ellsworth, Fogle & Co., 1 : hart lett, D \V Scholl, 1 ; winter pear, 31 .1 floats, 1; ' orange maple, C Ileninger, 1 ; Flemish brantx, S Colver, ; sheldon, S Color, 2 : glout moreean, S Colver, 1: Louis bonne de Jersey, S Colver, 1: Duchess D'Ang., .1 .1 Stein, 1 :' Vicar of Wakefield, A McKee 2 : Flemish beauty, J J Weida, 1: syckel, Jacob Pretz, 1 Bartlett, (1 Weiss, sy ckcl, Eliza Herman, 1: white 'doueniue, .1 1' Barnes, 1 : buerre (Alnico, Itieger, ^ ; Duchess D'Ang., 11ioses Tlexer, 2: Napoleon. 'l' 11 Snyder, 1: belle luatiative, 'l' II Snyder,l': Guerra (Veil; 11 Gabriel, 1 : buerre (Toulon. Wilson, 1: Louis bonne d'.lersey, Sarah Bachman, : sugar pear, Sarah Bachman. I': Itern! Weil, 1 DeLong, 1. Smack free, Ellswmith, Pogle & Co., tl : Crawford late, Ellsworth, POgle L to. 1 : old mixcm free, Ellsworth, Futile & Cc.. I : Sus. (Inch:num J Q Cole, 1 early fro-tin, Q Ode, II: early Craw ford,.) ('ote, I : peach, (no mune) Mrs 1) Hersh, I : ladies sweet, Jos Kreidler, 2 : Delaware white, PII Cooper,. 2: yellow peach, Abraham Sterner, 1 : seed ling peach, A McKee, 2 : If peaches, W E German, 2: freestone, N Metzgar, 1 : peaches, E It Newhard, 1 : peach, II Schnitz, 1 : yellow peach, Thomas Fogel, 1:: Morris: white, S II Newhard, 1: peaches, Mrs J Gratlin, 1 ;-white peach, Ii Mohry, 1 : white peach, Mrs B Craig, 1 : yellow peach, S D Lehr, 1 : yellow peach, \V Clewell, 1 : yellow peach, P 1 : yellow peach, Mrs C' 11 Erdman, 1, Two baskets of peaches from Drake, Gardner & Co., N. J., highly recom mended. Frost gage, T - Stottler, German prune, Mrs J Y Bechtel, '2 . Creveling, Ellsworth, Fogel &. Co., II : Re becca, Ellsworth, Fogel & Co., 1: sweet wa ter, Ellsworth, Engle & Cn., 1: ions, Ells worth & Co., 1: Rodgers, Ellsworth, Engle ,S; Co., 1 : Anna, Ellsworth, Fog & Co., 1: Conenrd,..TS Troxell, 2 : Dianna, Isaac Wolle, 1: white rusling, Isnne Wolle, 2: Madeira, S II Newhard, 1 : raiding, Mrs P Seibert, 1 : deacon superb, Mrs P Seibert, 1 : black Ham burg, Mrs 1' Seibert, 2 : Syrian, Mrs P Seibert, 2: Catawba, J S Troxell, 2: catawba, S Troxell, 1 : catawba, Ii Kline, 1 : Diann, A \V McKee, 1: Madeira, .1 S Troxell, 2 : Alex ander, C W Dannenhauer, 1: Delaware, L Klmnp, 2 :.creveling, W S Esser, 2 : Frank lin, \V S Esser, 2 : Taylor, W S Esser, 1: Isabella, A D Mohry, Delaware, D Weida, 1: miles, C 0 Jacoby, 1: Camden, C Jaco by, 1 ; Muscat Hamburg, C G Jacoby, 2 ; Is abella, A D Mohry, 2: Clinton, C 0 Jacoby, 2: clinton, F Ileinatch, 1: Isabella, J A Blunter, 1: best wine grape, F Wunder, 1. MEE] Best quinces, 0 Keiper, S 2 : second best, Mrs E Newhard. 1 : 42 varieties apples, 'l' II Snyder, 4: best display and most numerous variety of fruits, C G Jacoby, 5 : most numer ous varitey of peaches, J Q Cole, 2: most numerous variety of pears, Ellsworth, Fogle & Co., 2: most numerous variety of grapes, C Q .Jacoby, 2. William Herbst, S. Sweitzer, C. B. Haines, Committee. N. lI.—C G Jacoby's fruit was overlooked by the committee, because he failed to put the proper cards to them, was afterward . rectifaid by the committee and lumped $3. Best bushel white wheat, McHose & Ritter, It3'; second best, H. J. Schantz, 2 ; best bush el red wheat, J.•fumfeld, 3 ; Second best, E.. F. Knecht, 2 ; best Mediterranean wheat, E. Situler, 3; second best, C. B. Kemmerer, 2; best bushel rye, E. F. Knecht, 2 ; second best, Jacob DeLong, 1; best bushel white flint corn, Mcllose & Ritter, 2; second best yellow flint corn, Win. 11. Blunter, 1 ; best yellow ground corn, R. Steckel, 2 ; second best, John Kuntz, 1 ; best bushel oats, Adam Shinier, 2; second best, Stephen Rex, I ; best barley (no comp.), R. Glick, 2 ; best bushel flax-seed (no comp.), It. Glick, 2 ; best bushel clover-seed, R. J. Bachman, 2 ; second best clover-seed, 0. Bartz, 1 ; best timothy-seed, T„ DeLong, 2; second best, David Schitz,l ; ,best peck orchard grass, C. Glick, 2 ; best peck millet seed, E. Riegel, 2 ; second best, It. Glick, 2 ; best sam ple white Virginia corn, Aug Reinhard, 2 ; second best, John Kuntz, 1. • The committee on grain and seed report a rich display of the very best articles that ever came tinder their notice anywhere. The quality of the wheat on exhibition leas especially fine and many lots which do not ap pear with the name of the exhibitor on our re port are scarcely to be excelled F. J. Schreiber, John Bowen, Aaron Jacobs, Commill cc. Best pound white wheat flour, P. J. Schrei ber $6 ; best pound red wheat flour, Joseph Mar Atelier, b ; second best, P..T. Schreiber,'; best cwt. Wiur, Schreiber, 4 ; second best P. J. Schreiber, 2 ; hest pound rye flour J. Ilur,:teller, 2. The co.miti,e on flour report a medium display. The quality \VHS uniformly good. J. B. Mauser, Aaron P. Jaeob.y, .1. Berger, Committee. Pink eye potatoes, Eli Henninger, .2 ; peach blow potatoes, Sam Kohler, worthy of notice ; peach white potatoes, 11. Gabriel, worthy of notice ; white mercer, C. 11. Erd man, 2 ; Harrison, Sarah Wieand, ; Negro, 11. Gabriel, 2 ; Goodrich, .1. S. Troxell ; Early Ruse, 11. Gabriel, I ; 6 weeks early, 11. Gabriel, less than at bushel ; early Sea Brook, W. J. Grim. 1 ; pink eye russet, W. J. Grim, less than 1 bushel ; Prince. Albert, P Wicket, jr., 2; Geonert Chili, Mcilose & Ritter, 2; old blue, Sarah Wieand, 1 ; Monitor, It. Glick, ; Michigan white sprout, P. Wicket 2 yhite Chid, John Hottenstein, 1 ; Jackson white, John llottenstein 2 ; silver skinned, Augustus Reinhard. 1 ; early Cusco, lumbers, jumpers, cup, yankee, Scurry blue, buck eye, O. L. Schreiber, imported from Ireland 1869, a premium of ; early Mohawk, O. L. Schrei ber, 1 ; Scotch blue, rock, Victoria, economist, Napoleon, blue, imported bY*O. L. Schreiber front Scotland in 1868, less than a bushel, wor- ! thy of notice ; Excelsior (less than a bushel), \V. J. Grim, worthy of notice ; peach blow, 11. Gabriel, 2 ; white sprout, L. Klump, b ; monitor, It. Steckel, 1 ; early rose, (I bushel front one potato) 11. Lett, 1 ; christie, Morgan Person, 1 ; sweet potatoes, Jacob K. Morton, Shaffer, 1 ; Rhubarb, E. It. Newhard, 2 ; red onions, Charles Glick, 2; Yellow onions, Mary Reinhard, 1 ; Red and white onions front seed, George Garrett, 1 ; seed onions, 31. Ritter, worthy of notice red onions, J. I'. Meyers, worthy of notice ; white unions, Eli Henning er, 1 ; Cucumbers (24), Jacob K. Morton, 2;; 12 peppers, George Garrett 1 ; 12 peppers, John Sharer, worthy of notice ; 6 heads let tuce, George Garrett, 1 ; 6 field pumkins, E. K older, 2 ; 6 lield pumpkins, Jacob I)eLong, 1 ; sweet Puunl ins, Sum Brinker, 2 ; 1 bushel mangoes, Irwin Walter, ; 1 bushel cayenne epper, S. 11. Newhard, worthy of notice; sweet pumpkin,Manasses Gutla,l ; 12 seed cit• cunsbers, Ellsworth, Fogel & "Co., 1 ; variety of tomatoes, Ellsworth, Fogel & Co., 1 ; tur nips. Ellsworth, Fogel & Co., worthy of no tice; turnips, Tilghman Snyder, 1 : orange carrots, 11. Bieber 1 : seed beets, A minutes Mertz, 1 : sugar beets, 11. Gabriel, 1 : yellow beets, Nathan Dotterer, worthy of notice : long onions, Nathan Dot terer, worthy of no tice: 6 heads Cabbage, Conrail Weinert, 2: 16 heads cabbage, George Garrett, 1 : 6 heads endive, 1,. K lump, 1: 6 heads cabbage, Rosi na Ileer, 1 : -yellow tomatoes, S. IL Iloxworth, 1 : red tomatoes, Ellsworth, Fogel & Co., 1 : 31aupay tomatoes, George Garrett, 1 ; Ifineek, George Garrett, 1 : egg plants, George Gar rett, 1 : xweel squashes, J. K. Morton 1: early squashes, 11. K. Smith, 1 : pole beans, John Sherer,.l : field beans, J. K. Smith, 1 : lire beans, J. K. Smith, worthy of -notice: 2 guards. J. K. Smith, worthy of notice: yellow pepper plant, lies. Mink, 1 : box of Imps, G. A. Frey, Worthy of notice : 3 stalks cayenne pepper, I'. Seibert worthy of notice : 4 stalks pup earn, L. [(lump, worthy of notice : purph tomatoes, 11.. Bieber, 1 : red tomatoes, 'E. Reichenbach, wort) . of notice : red and yellow tomatoes, C. 11. Erdman, worthy of notice put of yellow pepper, L. Klump, worthy of notice: English leek, G. Garrett, worthy of notice : turnip rooted cabbage, L. KlumP i w.a•thy ii notice ; clarry tomato, Enos Weber, worthy t .1• notice : best display tomatoes, G. Garrett, worth of notice : cucumbers, John Sharer, %really of notice. NM =I REM Quinces ORA IN, SEED AND FLOWER No. 7—ClasB 1. EMI NO. 7-C 1:11ET All LES IS. K. Switzer, 11. 11. Fisher, I). 0. Sayh,r, Committi Nil. 10-I`AILIIINO INIPLENIENTtz Best 2 horse plow .past, N. Peter, Diploma and $2 : ' second best'2ltorse plow, iron, N.t Peter, 1 : best iron plow, 13. Yeakel, 1 : his 2 horse lift harrow plow, Levi Hafer, 1 :* best 1 horse cultivator, P. .1. 11. Romig 1 : second best 1 horse cultivator, N. Peter, 1 : corn plow and cultivator, 11. Yeakel 2 ; best wooden harrow, G. Heffner, 2 : second best harrow 13. Yeakel, 1 : best iron harrow, 13. Yeakel, : best grain drill, Bans S Simpson, 4 : second best It. Yeakel, 2 : best mowing and reaping machine, Powell & . Son, 3: second best, B. Yeakel 2 : hest grass mower, B. Yeakel, 3 : best horse power corn sheller, Powell & Son, 5: best hand sheller, B. Yenkci, 23: best grain sep. and cleaner, Seip & Schmoyer, 5 : best threshing machine, 11. Yeakel, 5: second best, Powell & Son, 2 1 : best corn stalk cut ter, 11. Yeakel, 2 i double horse power, B. Y eakel, : beSt horse power, Seip & Schmoy er, 3: best horse rake, 13. Yeakel, 3: second best, Powell & Son, 1 : third best, B. Yeakel, t Diploma: best hay and straw cutter, 13. Yea kel, 1 : Second best; Powell & Sou Diploma: , best fanning mill, Batts A: Simpson, DiplOma and 1 : cornsheller and fan, Hoagfand & Mo ser, 1: grain cradle, Elias Moos, 1 : best hay fork, no name, Diploma : half. bushel dry measure, A... 1. Horner, fillets: Clover huller, Powell A: Son, :1 : littg holder, no number, 50ets best cider mill and press, B. Yeakel, 1: second best, Powell & Son 50cts slating ma chine, Irvin Mitschlitz, 1 : water wheel, A. N. Wolf, 4 : farm gate, C. 31, Jones, BOcts : sash fastener and lock, W. Gorenilo, 50cts : best washing nu:chine, J. DeLong, 1: second hest, Stephen Rex, lincts : milk cooler, J. De- Long, Diploma. D. Weida, Daniel Kline, Joel Kock, Cour tnlttee. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES No. 11—Clam 1. Best one horse carriage, T. Stattler, $lO ; best two horse trotting buggy, Engelman & Bell, 10 ; best sleigh, T. Stattler, 5 ; second best sleigh, B. W. Levan, 2.50 ; best display of harness, robes, etc., F. B. Wieand, diplo ma and 5 ; best display of finished leather, W. S. Grim, diploma and 5 ; best display of boots and shoes, E. Merle & Son, (lip. and 5 ; second best display of boots and shoes, J. L. Farr, 3 ; best display of lints, caps, furs, trunks, etc., 11. Bitting, 3 ; best display of clothing, Schnurman, Newhard & 4 C0., (lip. and 5. Alfred C. Frets, Jonathan Reichard, W. .1. Bosworth, Coimnittce. FEE Iron Castings, 11. 11. Fisher, diploma and 5 ; best display of sloveS, J. 11. Bush, ; sec ond best, W. G. Bitter, 2 ; cedar ware, 11. W. Cole, dip. and 2 ; best washing machine, 11. W. Cole, 2 ; best churn, 11. W. Cole, 2 ; best cabinet ware, Malburg & Weil, dip. and 10 ; best display of chairs, R. Sieger, dip. and 5 ; second best, 11. Landenschlager, 2 ; manufac tured tobacco, W. F. Hartman, (lip. and 5 ; best display of edge tools, C. F. Wolfertz, dip. and 5 ; best display of iin ware, .1. 11. Bush, 2. I'. W. Kramer, 11. Keck, G. Ileft. Committee. • • DOIILSTICNIANUr.tcrUItEII ARTICI.EI4 MEE Best home made flannel, 11. Reinhard, $3; second best, A. It. Hiller, 13 ; best plaid flan nel, 11. Reinhard, 3 ; second best, (no name); best piece of linsey, J. DeLong, 3 ; second best, H. Reinhard, 11 ; best woolen shirt, F. 0. Donne', 1 ; best lot of mils, Mm. C. H. Erdman. 2 ; second best, Jesse I'. Myers, 1 ; best lot of children's wits, S Mink, 1; best knitted children's mils, II Reinhard, 1 ; sec ond best, Jeremiah Wonsidler, 50 ets. ; best linen stockings, Mr,. E. Weiss, 2 ; second best, Sarah Wit-and, 1 ; best woolen stockings, J. I'. Myers, 3 ; second hest, .Mrs. C. 11. En !- mat, 11 ; hest knitted stockings, Sarah Wie and, 2; second best, Catharine Jarrett, 1; best lot of woolen socks, C. O. Donnell, 1 ; best lot of cotton stockings, Mrs..). Schnurman, 1; best lot children's stockings, .T S Mink, I; best piece of wool, - Clinton S. Mink, 5 ; second best, (no card) ; best 511 is. wool, Clinton S. Mink, 4 1 best roll of wool, Mrs. C. 11. Erd man, 2; best woolen yarn, Mrs. C. H. Erd man, J; second best, Elizabeth Stein, 13; best piece rag carpet, Tobias Rudolph, 1 : sec ond. best, Mrs. 11. Sehnurnuni, 11 ; best wool en carpet, (no comp.), Jesse I'. Myers, 4. ; best stair carpet, (no comp.), A. It. Hiller, 2. Edw, Riegel, Mrs. Solomon Klein, Mrs. Syl. vester Bieber, Mrs. David Danner, Committee. EMT Best piece cassimere, Shinier• & Bro., diplo ma and 7 ; best piece tweed, Shinier & Bro., 4 ; best piece flannel, Shimer & Bro., 4 ; best pair blankets, Henry Gabriel, 5 ; second best, Shinier & Bro., dip. ; linsey, Sldmer & Bro., dip. ; best coverlets, C. 11. Foster, 2 ; second best, Henry Gabriel, dip. ; pair stockings, Newhard & Steckel, ; best gloves, Newhard & Steckel, 1 ; 5 pounds woolen yarn, 11. Gabriel, 2 ; best stocking yarn, .1. Bogert, 2 second best, C. 11. Foster, dip. ; carded wool, C. 11. Foster, 2. Daniel Stabler, .1. H. Saall. Joseph K. Hiegel, Committee. MANUFACTURED ARTICLES No. lI—C/aNAS. Best silk bed quilt, 311.9. S. C. Frederick, :i; second best, Manasses .Guth, 3 ; best cotton bed quilt, Rebecca Kemerer, .1; second best S. C. Frederick,', : best woolen coverlet, W. Barlacher, 3 ; second best, Solomon Munich, 1; best pair or blankets 11. Ritter, 9 ; best :2. H. Schantz, 2 ; third best, Leann Baer, dip. The committee on manullictured articles. No. 11, class 2; say that the display of quilts and coverlets was very good and are sorry to say that n ofmore premiums co u ld he RN% :mks!. The display of blankets was not lio numerous ns should be'expected. We hope another year this deficiency may - be supplied by a larger representation of this comfortable article. Conunittee—Junte's Weller, W. Fogel, Lcvi Lichtenwalner, Solumen• Ludwig. MAN crAcTURED ARTICLI:s. No. 11— CM. n. Best five yards flax linen, 11. Wicket, i 3 ; second best, E. B. 'Koehler, 2 ; various otio exhibitor's good,4,wortliy of notice ;• best yard linen toweling, Mrs. Jesse Both, 3; best live yards linen titbit. cloth, N. Sterner, .1 ; second best, Edward 11'. Riegel, 2 ; best tow table cloth, E. W. Riegel, 1 ; belt linen :Ind cotton table cloth, C. Denhard, 13 ; second best, (no name) 2 ; beet telly cloth. Mrs. JuSse 1:4,111, 2; best linen thread, Elias Henninger. 2 ; second best, Mrs. A. E. Henninger, I ; best live dozen linen yarn, Mrs. it. Dillinger, ; see mad best, .1. DeLong, best live pounds tow flax, D. L. Kline, 2; best live pounds hatch. cled flax, D. L. :; ; second best hatch (led Mix, .1. DeLong, 2 ; best linen bed sheets, Sarah Hass, 2 ;. second best, Mary Ann Brauss 1 ; various exhibitors worthy of notice; best feathered bed case, Mary Ann Krauss, 2 ; sec ond best, Mrs. C. 11. Erdman., I ; various ex hibitor's goods worthy or notice. Best linen pillow cases, 11. Hitter; 2 ; second best Cath• twine Jarrett, 1 ; best linen table cloth. Mrs. C. 11. Erdman, 2; second beet„ Catharine Jarrett, I ; various articles r this kind worthy of notice, Best linen towel, Mrs. Joe. :Minor man, 1 ; second best, J. F. Mink, ;in ets. Numerous articles of this kind by other ex hibitors, worthy ~of notice. Knitted cradle quilt, .1. G. Blank, 1 ; best five yards linen check, 31. Sterner, 2 ; second best, D. Weida, 1 ; best linen napkins, 31rs. Joseph Schnur• man, 1 ; best pocket handkerchief, Mrs. Jos. Schnurman, 1. Your committee would say that while the dis. play of these useful articles of family use, such as linens, checks, bedding, .lc., was very ex cellent, they would suggest that the display of articles that have been in use for a long time are only desirable as articles of curiosity Ina are not calculated to foster the spirit or im provement. C. Pretz, Mrs..l. R. Scholl, Mrs. Milton Cooper.. Mrs. linos Erdman, Commit te et lEEE Best wheitt bread, Mrs. fesse Both, CI; sec and best, Mrs. C. B. Schantz, 2 ; third hest Mrs. B. Weiss, 1.; best rye bread, Susan Wieand, 9 ; second best, Mrs. C. 11. Eramaki 1. C. \V. Dannenlinuer, Mrs. Isaac Myers Mrs. William Di!linger, Mrs. S. Iler Committee.. MEE Best loaf of wheat bread, F. O'Dounel, second best, Ellett Schantz, 2 ; best sponge cake, F. O'Donnell, 2. Levi Line, 'Mary Fogel, Celia S. Grim, Committee. LAMES WORK. 12—Close 1 and 2 Best display of embroidery, Mrs. •L. F. Schmidt, $3 ; second best, Sarali Kieffer, 8 ; best needle work, 5; second best 111Lis Sarah Madder'', 3 ; worthy of notice, Sallie Limilen 7 schlager, Mrs. Daniel Troxcll ;.best worsted work, 'Carrie Jacoby ; 5 ; afghan, Mrs. W. liarlimber, 5.; second best, Edwin Riegel, 11; worthy of notice Miss A. Strauss. Committee —E. Weiss, Mrs. Tilghman Stuffier,' Mrs. B. D. Kramer. Best knitted work, Mrs. C. O'Donnell, $5 ; best bead work, IL Wickert, 5 ; second best, Mrs. Jacob Ernst, 1 ; worthy of notice, D. !Milliner, J. DeLong, Mrs. D. Llersch, Alice I). Shinier ; best hair work, Hannah Goma°, 5 ; best crotchet work, Mary Laudenschlager, 5 ; second best, Lorena Troxell, 3 ; best knitted hood, L. 1.1. Kessler, 4 ; second best, Mrs. C. inch, J : best fiat, Latina Wunibold, 1 : 'worthy of notice, Tillie Sell, F. M. Faust: ROBERT 'REBELL, JR., Vain alio JFancu Sob Vrintcr, No. 45 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ELEGANT PRINTING LATEST STYLES • Stamped Cltcku. Cards, Cirrularm. Pap, Cuttstl. [lawns and 11111 IL•adu Euvelupeu, Lotter heads Iglla 61 Ladlug. Way 11111 s, Tag, and Sturplug c u rd.. , my size, etc., etc.. Printed at Slturt Auden. NO. 40. best worked slipper, :Miss M. Wright, 2: sec- Lind best Ellen 11. Both, I : Mexican work, Susan Wieand, 2 second best, Mrs. C. Mick ley, 1 : best chair cover, Sandi Wipand, second best, Alice D. Shinier, 1 : worthy of notice, Carrie Jacoby : finest Ottomans, Mró. P. Seibert, 2 : best 0 nested elude tidy, A. D. Shinier, 2 : second best, _Emma Bickley, 1 : worthy of notice, Miss Koch, Tillie Sell, David Wieand : best thread tidy, Emma Mertz, : second best, Tilghman 11. Snyder, 1 : worthy of notice, Mrs. C. Mensch: best cotton tidy, Carrie Jacoby, 2 : second best, Mrs. Wonder ly, I : worthy or notice, Mrs. William ,Vard, Anna Stuber, David Weida, W. Gorantlo best lamp mat. Mrs. C Mensch, 1: toilet work, Mrs Wm S Marx, 1 : worthy oluotiee, Emma Mertz, Ellen Schantz: best pin cushion, Mrs C Menseb, 1 : second best, Alice D Shinier, 50 etc.: worthy of notice, Mrs Jos Kline : best knitted coverlet, Mrs Wm S Marx, : best knitting needle work, .1 S Mink, 1 : worthy of notice, Mrs. C Kline, Sarah W tested : best plain sew Mrs \V Ilarlacher, 1 : skirt by needle, Eliztd ellt liulder, 2 : second best, El len Schantz, t : worthy or notice, Mrs \V Har i:Leber : host night wrapper, Ilannah E Ibis, 2: embroidered LoWeis, Miss !Amnia Troxell, worthy or notice. Oanial:tee—C .1 Erdman, Mrs Losina `chill; Hannah Moser, Rebecca Dickenshied. NO: 1;i -NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLDWEI::, Beet display of natural flowers and plants, Ellsworth, Fogel & Co, 5 best display of cut flowers, Ellsworth, & Co, 2: collection or roses in pots, Ellswoith, rogel ..k7 Co, 1: second beA display of natural flowers and plants, Mr C Kline, 2', : heel hydrangias, Mr C Kline, 2 : best heliotrope, Mr C Kline, 2 : best geraniums. 1..1 Krauss, 5: best Verbenas, Mrs \VII llutlOrd, 2: Lust petunias, 'Mrs Seibert, 2 : best oleander, J S Troxell, 2 : best Lilly, Mrs C Kline, 5 : second best Lilly. Mrs I) Moyer, 2 : hest MO:plant, Mrs C Kline, 2: best hanging basket, Mrs C Kline, 2: best coxcomb, L .1 Krauss, 3 : best wax fruit, Anna SI Schmidt, 2 : best wax flower. Mks S Troxell, 2 : beet leaves, Mrs .1 Benson, 2. B J More, Mrs C Whittman, Miss Melvina Schreiber, Miss Lavinia Seottland, Committee. Best Lintel . , Jesse Ittunt'eld, $2 : second best, Edward Riegel, 2: Third best, J De- Long, 1: fourth best, elillicult to decide : best pot cheese, E lioLler, 13: second hest, Mrs AV llerbst, : third best, (very tine) M Ritter, worthy of »mice : ball cheese, E bolder, good: Loney. hest. riles \V Ilarlrielter, : second hest John Moll. 2: third nest, Reuben Ilarlacher, worthy or notice: best apple butter (22 years old), .1 B 2: second hest, Jacob De. Long : tomato hinter, .1 .S Alitik, 1: lard best can, Tilghman Snyder: second hest, Mr 3 D Hersh, 2: third hest, Nv4thy of notice : fourth Lest, .1 Sterner, worthy of notice best bees-wax. I \Vicuna, 1 : second Lest l'harles 2 : best cider vinegar. Isaac II Myers, 2: second hest C 11 Erdman, 1 : best soa, Mrs I) lb•rsch, 2 : second he.A. I'. Kohler, 1': third best, Isaac. IS Nlyers, worthy of node(': best cured Mum Nathan Mink, :1: second best C \Vetter, '2 : third best, Mrs I) Hersh, 1: fourth be,t John Moll, worthy of notice: dried beef, Nathan seeotollbest,.lere tuLdi Itoth, 2 : third best C 11 Erdman, worthy or ootic, : stnoloA sausage, Mis 1) I lersh, : second best C Ii I;:rtlttium 1 : beef tongue, C 11 Erdman. worthy or notice. NV II Law fer, Mr: , . Tilghman Snyder, 311%; lleorge Blank, Mrs 11 .1 •• , cliantz, Committee. lkst sponge cal,v, Mra \V lUvinclwr, 1:? , 2 ~,,., . I --- Miss C : second best, 1V Bar• lecher 1 hest cruller, .11rs S Bogert, '2 : second be,t, C B. Schantz, 1 : best honey cake, Mrs C 11 Erdman, 2 : second best, . McKee. 1 : best plate of small cakes not less than three kinds. S .1 Bogert, 2 : s.ocond best, .1 DeLong, 1 : uaterinelon cakes, Susan Wicand, 1 ; Yankee cake, John Diehl. 1 : marble cake, Jacob Rciehart. 1 : poach leather cake, W Ilafficr-ly,: hickory nut cake, C II Sehanti, .: ' lady cake. Mrs W Herbst, Y. Jelly' cake. Mr , .1 Scluturwan. : second best, Mary Fink. I :• Mrs Schlott . - wan, 2 : u taunt best, 11 tn. Blunter, 1 : 1;e11. , a eakc , , Mrs .1 SCi.lllllll , lll. 1: Muck MN .1 i'1111111[111:111, 1 : ticcan cal,'. Mrs .1 SCh1111111:111, I : 11,A: .1.1.C.1 11 ):', 1 : Inak, Ivorgc. I : SU\ cake, )Ir , I) : rice .le--e : corn ,arch rake. : be.t, Mrs \V Ilarlatiter, 1 : spec , . )Irs .1 ut.w. l : st \ ariuty or cake-, U.% (not . nten.l Gn cumpclition), emnplins.ntary, row' committee on cakes h. ;g have In st.le that tls it department %vas %yell leu:.,r nica, the display being, Is y9utp , superior t lily heretofore nnttle, and that in some dillieult to determine file suisTiolily bv,r It's .1 AV NVilson, Irs II 11eninger, ilcdUWceti Kern, 1)r A .1 31Artin. r'onneittu2. The New York Trilot no gives a description of a magnificent hotel just opened at the cor ner of 2lst street and Ilroadway in that city. It is a while marble palace, eight stories-high' with Mansard roof, and is known ti , " The Grand 1. hie year ago la.t March, the tirst stone was laid for the owner, Mr. I:. : 4 . Iliggins, and was opened . two weeks ago to the public a , a model hotel, unexcelled in the world. Exclusive of the land Olt \Odell it stands, it wa, built at the expense of s , lft),- 0. Two hundred thousand dollars, expetolt , l tor furniture. makes the total cost $1.000.000. The general appenrunce or the building front the street i, grand, tool the edifice is said In. the or any similar one in the United State , . phi' wood-work is of heavy IdaLk %valuta (wit:talented tv ith French vane , ring. There are Illinois reachimr from floor to ceil ing and heavy walnut monblings. ,el against: the pure whirr walls. Thera ar.• no danby pieces or patches of dirty gilt to idioei, the sett. S I'VVry(l 111.'1e are magnificence, Inxuriousm ss., and good taste. l' over the marble floors of the first s tory, the visitor fliC1•1111,4 a Mid(' black )Vllllllll ,I,lirea,t` to the s( cond story, where it small acre of velvet carpeting covers the floors of the halls, par lor..,';ind reception rooms. 'fl• 13 , 1it'S (lilting saloon on this lloor is lined up in magnificent style. The parlor and reception room are furnished withmirrors, eltandelieN, and furni ture that a king might c o vet. Here are Stew tires lined .k xotinstee elastic as to "lye rise, in the mind °row. nuneeost inlet, to such luxuries, to the that he Wthi walking upon strings. 'lle sofas and chairs covered with lilac, green.and crinison Milts of the iii u . s t qualily. The delicately chiseled Italian marble mantle , . are \York , or art. The woodwork on the upper floors is of white pine. The carpets 111 the fourth, fifth and sixth sto rks are Brussels, of the seventh door tapestry, and of the eklith ingrain. The corridors are draped with rich mat iTial throughout. Th i . t , jr,l rllOlll 4 and Ito parlors. The suites of rooms are model' , with baths and grates'. 'llia refrigerator, t% here vegetables, fruits, and meats are kept. is the only one, of the kind in the country. Large galvanized iron pipes filled tt ith salt and t aminted_ice line nu-Hitler. of the room, nooditg the air cola enough to li•veze It gritity•hear. The elevator will take It person to the top floor in one•lialf the time usually occupied by similar intentions, i s a theap rest:on:tilt ill the ba , entent, where a Sprul,uty. tubes ('it iuto to with every riite and a ,eore of attendants ore Within ton by night std by day. 'l'ha terms fur the brut npartutcnts in the hotel arc $2OO n weed:; bat he (''llll is nntvilltng or umahle to pay ills mind may take his choice from a largo number of rubes quite as cmmfnrhuble , it nut nx luugnlii cent. Hr. J. V. Robbins and 11r. Fred. Lochmyer, lease the establlshinent w ot 40:5,0110 per annum. =I =I ❑UPI E DEP. \ t:NT 14—Clags 1 DOME. DEPARTMENT 14—(7tOot 4. ('t.N FIN 121.1) toN TIllitl) A GIIAND noTEL
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