Rtratm ......... „ iiAnLisnED ism J. REYNOLDS & SON THIRTEENTH & FILBERT sTIZEWN. Ea= Solo Markancturern or tin erlebratod WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMING II EATER, WITH PATENT DUST SCIU I= WHOUGHT4RON DIATOII TileNCI Ur , ITINA. or UN, y Wr.111..:141• Ira., well riveted t..gether: ,udyrt• .1:1:011:1“.d11.1 OW um. tape of (lax or ha., They aro-.ly a1ii.4.1:4.41, 111111111 any dampers. 'rho l'al..al ayol.l- 4 1L,.. annoyaile, of drums, alai L. 4 11,11.:.a. 4..t.1.4.41 h. 1 114. Hester. Tills I+ theno.+ldursld... • Idple :n0..11 sod popular Muting .Irrtirrolttu .•,• -alt.. They are all gitarnalet•4l COOKING RANGES, 1.. r Hotel, . PORTABLE BEATERS] LATROBE II IL\ TER , . LOW' lit (MATES, MANTELS, EEO ANI. VENT LAT(' as. 121!II NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING I; A NGF I=l RAND•d AMERICAN .lIEA TING AND COOKI NG RANGE. We Invite exsislentlwi end y I:lLgv uLlrh We set to Ella . entire AI., el cmluellining dealers to LOW GRATES, ItEGISTEIN =1 :IfAGEE 1 ) ..1 TENT II E.\ TEIIS R.A.NuEs AND sTw.-I,s RA N 1), (Tit .1 N I ) NO. 121 NOJITII SIXTH STHEET. I'lll LAM:I.I'IIIA . 1 '.l Haul for domrriptive Circuldr. Sap.leowlv. o.l7arpcts anti i 1 .1. STE W.tl:l' E; eo , r1:1 , is Now alfer+ an ana.a.ll ~ltl. r(VI:\ I,tiNV -11,1 , 1 &c.. S:r., I,lllloli 1 0.0 rn I. I) I. u.~ CARPETS AND 011/. t'HS We %veldt!lte the ;.ttenti., •, . - 1,.1 te enr ~r C.% I.: 1 1.1,, v. eeleeted tt lilt ..az .• n, • or the Bete nod TA IT , 11;1' 111. 1 I'LY anti iNli 1' , riot! ittyles •t • entry stair 1, OIL CLO HI 1 ' 1 , 1.21'1.1.. In pp. It I "kl l lnt 'ltiAV I/1 Londe. Rods, Drttu L pix, .I . l`. All will our stork. 5111,,,/1,0 Pill N i.\. 1 ll.Jit., =EI RICH AND LEGA cAUPETs, 011. CLoTIN , . S. C. FO t IJK I=l CARPET RUSIN Ess ♦T 19 S. SECOND ST., 11111.ADELPIDA, (Between Market end (.1/1,11111l With • 101 l asmurinirnt or VELVET, THREE PLl' t .LI VENETIANE (..\ Itl'T, 101 l Window i.e.. al retltic,cl T HE CARPET AND DI L CLOTH CAPURIPDI ~r E. S. 81-lINIEU NOS. If ♦ND 7 \VEST lIA \III.TDN ST, lIIIIIIIIIM 1.:1) I 1 It lat,t varlotir., ..1y; - r.. 1 , PRICEB REM' ! w. Veep for cu to All Ow 1 , papT BRUBRELS, PRANK PRANK 11101 , :l.11:. 11.111T1', , ;11. EN(U.I,II \ r V, :rf 1 . .‘1 , 1:••••11; • SMITH TAPESTRY, HARTFORD Sr LOWELL, ea ,D., IMPERIAL, rxtml ply, st•Pr.uris 3 ro, • SMITH TAPI:•11; IN. I;AIN, • • PHILA. sI'PEEI'I, PHILADELPHIA FINE INtINAIN, PHILADELPHIA f'o3lMooN IN, ; i :A N, PHILADELPHIA WOOL WINDOW SIIAI)I.,'S culrrA INS OP DESCHIPTIoN, STYLI: AN U 1.1:11:1, 31?01c15 T H E POITLAR MUMMER IC EMIR.' THE SLATE EXCHANGE HOTEL, I= WILLIAM KUNTZ, IT,OPHIETOII The beautiful and hailed ground.. of. 'hi- 1,1.1 have been AIWA up especially for the nuenr •ViriT.viiLE of the hotel iv nuns lied with Ihn rhotreet luzuriee and ,thd inomt tempting lamp, MO Vet:et:llllm, Everything ill .e.mon Mira), cooked in tho 14...1 manner and aerved In the Ino•I Inviting .tile. SLEEPINt/ APARTMENT,: ore rommodlott, :tad Well ventileted, Mot :Ire ample for the neeonmeolatien of Kama, whom:l3. word, le romant over night. er iage board. 113 yr by the wedk ft , r aperial arrangement. outdo with emetrAidtt larder. For farther information add 1111 W KUNTZ, J 7103 Sidtlunton 0., Pit MAIiON .1: CAIII'IIELI.. • AT'I'OI NIiYN AN 401, IToUS, GENLIIAI. CLAIM nNU 2 , 1111'111:1:N NO AGENTS iti .111 I Stlitiltertt MS MINERAL AND TIMBEIt L.kNDS, Wrgo. It la •Ull.ililo for v.lO al,' 11001/1 17, relemi Curthor cf awl I' r•ltvulii GEOROR 111.fitiog..4 OtAll W. INAMPIiCI.L. Ur :itWrOlki FALL AND WINTER EASE lONS MRS. M. A. MINDER has j from Paris and London with the latest ilesizio., rerronsilly selected fro li. greatest nOlOlllO4l also, the most elegant Trimmlmm to lie secured in Paris. LACER, P.IBIHINS. VELA' ETs. BM NA I. VEILS, VLOW• ERN. FINN JEWELRY, rug TIW1311:1 , PAPER PATVERNS. IME , S 31111 CLOAK' MARINO. Excluxivo gurnt for Mr Wurk'N relobrated prstriu fur cuffing Intlio4' blooturt. etc. N. W. Cur. ELEVENTH null PIMA gyp EEL TnE BEST IN THE WORLD ! Th.• that wilt., 111..rti than tin, titcl, , IIIIIISPAYPI 111.. I.• 11.11.11' WRY. ltdck and Fortvartlit. without inviting vtitir gtioth... lint, all kin& of tvivrk. Light and 11.. av y. Th..y arc -.1141 ait I.lld.tr tot other in:J.IOIIPN nod tt a', d 1:t. gaunt. Call O and at T. W. I:t.,i art ntori• :11 illt ta.r!. Store, Nut. Ilantillon tdretit. t.t.•.11.1 tht.tt bolots. dint•rit.att 401. 1.1 W3I. F. %VOLTA.% Agent. Ip)Itz: :11.1.C111N1 .V.%% oy, :1/1.1 for ',le by E IV Alt DESIIL E R, AGENT E= .1t , 111:1.1r. WI/I. II Dr. . al' S..' ..INati , ll4ll Ilst B. , 1.13 II:. l'ota,totz 31:ty•2•113'. CIE T I LW 1J 11.1 v ,tylo, ox.ly rorrivcd at 1.11.1i., " 1 . 1 . 1U,J11111g SlOl,. The fi1 , 1110114 are pretty. call ;Lod , c..11c.m. II eop ~ h lrl, ere cheaper LIMB In cheap tlllll,-311.[,11114, $1 On; epriege at id 7,5. tear 21,1 rpm: clE.tpusT AND MOST RE -I.l.thLE Ow city. 1 . :111 , r1"1', 5;) Nawrii sEvENTII STREET, 1111i...1011/Ilia, Oak! 3lrg. 3fcCienorltte.) 111 n t ace+ .aurae I elt., Stock - 1,.11. Voir:t tilj•110 14. j111 L 11n12 l y lyt- WINIEEk.:.: WILSON'S • I M NOISF:LLSS ; AtA ( 'l4l N I:N T 1 vroits .vr ALL 'nil , : EN I'O , III)NSTpY FIRST r AI. ~•1•• I,lllglt 111...•1 11 , • •••1.1. p..11.11:1111y u.t.l socceng of tI Machil,.•. \1".• ‘l.lll giv. 31arliine 011 a jP:il mem. in knit. 31,hi11. • 1.1 paytnnotx I l,d• ,nll N1ar11 . .114. 31131.•1 . 1“1 Icrpt AImI.I . IIANZI(i. Agent, 71It 11;..111's II - . . 4 • I'o- forlllidelphla take Lehigh Valley It. H. 1.• .% 11.0110 p It at 15 a. in.. 11 4:la. an. and et., and on Ivo In Philadelphia at D o. pi., 2 10 in. 004 0. 111, 111.0 mid Saialueliaulta Itullrutid ti.. 0; p. :mil arrive at 4 bp. fur Doylentowli take train.; leavingll.oll- 1..1000 20 a. pi. and 12 115 p. nu. I , I ll\ kid I.IICAI. SCIIEDULE. 1' on. Thran 1/ ally, Sundays Eat,'ted. P.,....naw. train. bare Ike de ot,Northnc.l tsars, 13.010. 01.1 .1 awrlcan nti ant+, Plaladelplda, 1%0 . .311,11.0 at 7 4.3 and 11 4.3 a. III„ and 143 and sp. n. " 1 / 3 ylealswn at 543 a. In., 243 and 413 p. an. " I \Va•lliagton a 143, In 4.1 a. In., and 11 131•. 11'11 ea at 1 13, 3 1.3, ./ 211 and p. • La •dal. , at thl p. in. 1.• .• -0... I:1 .12 rr - r, 2 2irtri l l I; 111 p. yr. I ' r.!. 11. I. ire p I :Mr a. In. r Ir o I—tat 2 Pro p. • pr. Agrort. 7‘, I:. „ tk „,tvp. TA. MEE MEM .11:11.%N, DI ENT. .1 AN 1..\1 I..l•••••egerlmik, ml lke I. 1 1. dd❑ rend ,vlll Fee . COllll<C -11011 N,ll)a k4..111,11•del :Led e••• • METE 2.00 i 14,4,',- -- (•A'l'.l,-.119(r.% . .10.15 ./.50 2.03 *511('11,1'.1 . 5 10.10 6.15 2.10 6.55 5 E11'1.69. . 91.05 0.11 2.1.1 1%. - .11.1(1..5N 111(10.r. to 001 (1.96 2.20 .05 111"I'll'0. ‘V.SI.III.:I(T'S. ' 9.5.5 (1.02 '''l ,15 1'i1.U.5155'5. 9.50, 5.58 9.40 5.5() 2.4.4 .25 TICENI.EI(ToWN, . 9.2$ 5.40 3 00 , :1.17 ' 1 1 11EINWSVII.I.E. 9.113: 1,511511N(1TON. . ' 9.04, 4.01 1.21, .01 . 111N11( , 171(61 .\I.-111'1('1'15,.\1.-111'1('1'15,' I 9.2.5 1 5.30 4.01 7.4. , ---- - : 0.121 5,25 •I'Lig Si:olon.. '..(. 'nu , morning t 1 1,1111 041 PONNI , " Ie PIONS CM:1,111111M Oil the urrirxl lI gnu. 1.. V. It. It. loical Pas•rtigor train (ruin Eaqkln, lothhilioni, nod Ilroton II and eonnorts at AI-Borth: Nvith /I 11,111 lin the Ed, Pron•v1,111111 It. It. for Illirri•latin and l'hiladelphia, and aka with a pal. for .111.01t..‘,11. Easton nod Nrw York. Th. , inorolog isolorrti. at Al-Iluitin with Mill MI K. I'. It. fisitil .111volowil and at Jln knl n . ; 1 1 7 1 I; Intl rn;rd fur Vxurh Volk, and oh the 1,111,E1i A. 'Susquehanna It. It. for Eastdit, Ploladolphio :old Noir York. Irdin W..st rietiourt. at Al-Ilurtlo ivlth trotl oo the Ea hood fur Heading, l'ottevlllo, Ilarrlbborg awl Philadelphia. 'Plie oh, Last Irarr. AI-Blinn' 011 the arrival of u train of n trait, nu c• Plop. al Evailitig %rift trains Irmo Philadelphia, Harris lowg, Pottsville. h,.. :tool color., local nrugcr Irvin on do% 1,. I'. E. It. at ri , r hiPoiton Iloildollion owl Easton. . Poinniut g. , .11Ieut..‘vu ran take the' 1110(11 lug train NVe..t aim, Allonto,vti 8:40 ain and return by a train 011 I::.st 1 .1. 1111•)Ivanla It. It. leav fug Alleut to Ii at P. M. MEM tTItSINI'S I'ID 5.1.E1: E. FUEI:LAND. 'llit• • >1()N1).‘ )("I'0111.:1: 21r i rrig u i , ;; Ar a i iii .f., !,.1, , ,::; 1, 'T E.1:11 An I S lgli 3h , Classical, Mathematical, . Scientific and .Irti,tic Institution AT I'oTT,TowN, MONTGoIIERI" cOI7:iTY, PENNA Th.. Ph .1 TVI . III tho Awitttll Sewston will thann,..ht, It'EItNESDAV, the nth day of SEVI'ESIBEIt 114.Nt. ht time. For Circulars ltd. HEN. MA). F. MI LLEII, A. Ms REV - 1/11 ,, .—M01c.4, Schnetter, Kruuth, Sine, 3lttislettloug, Onewer Butler, Stork, Courud, Boutker. err. %Vylc, Stelret, Murphy,. Crulkhlntuk, etc. ItilNS.—.FtCrge Ludlow, Leonard klyers, M. Itunvell Thayer, Benj. M. Boyer, Jacob S.yust, Mentor Clymer, dotal Eilliuger, etc. raiS. —.To ito, I:. Coll wvrlt. 3:1111.4 1,. Clagttorn C. S. Orove . , , T. C. NV,.,..1, Ilavvey Ilatirroft, Rogge. C. r all Fr b r :loo ll Zl r e a o ‘ . D . o ea r : sting lb./7 1 , 4. the 1.:t0t..1 for hEl)•ltUltti,the Powder or INSECTS to il. Cer 41, r 2 40 kin,. Athirers Cos Alt I.\ ICAN V, Ne. IlowArd Street. N. E. Oh My! Oh MY!. ." Tho.. corm. w ill kill Inn." "CONTA WY" CORN SOL VENT Xur Cut, Burud, liniluvd Old gored, rte. iioLo s i fic,.. • TARN DUCK "1":11011N tfAL CE •1.1.. TOL DIIVOLIISTS IN ALLENTOiiiii. WAS II IN4ITON, D. .DS.2ca phiIIDEMDIIIMININIDAGIVORIIIIMINDIktIEaIakiI got . the SEW I NG Machine! I=l MRS. \l..\. G. GULDIN'S ww\ V'' % EI VV , II 6'o lY..ailruata ARIZANOEHENT. ISIBEE MEE I'. n•. 1'11.% l'3l.tN, `uPT. Eng 1111.1•1. Ql - 'llticational I'.'l' . 1.111011,1, • Fo!: Vot'NO MEN AND I' l• I= CLOTHING ALL GRADES AND PRICES, READY-MADE AND MADE to ORDER S'o offer, an unparalleled variety of Clothing for the Autumn and Winter Trade, Ind WINTER OVERCOATS, from . sls' to $5O. I BUSINESS SUITS, from $2O to $45 FALL OVERCOATS, from $l2 to $35. I PEA JACKETS, from $l2 to $3O 'Our entire Stock is manufactured expressly for best Retail Trade lb our Custom Department we have all the latest fabrics of the Domestic and Foreign markets, and employ tame but the most artistic Cutters. FURNISHING GOODS in great variety. The celebrated A3IERICAN YOKE SHIRT a specialt) ANEWALT 6z PpRiOTHER'S NEW HAT AND CAP ST 0111 i (Nearly opposite Ilabtenbuch's Hotel,) SOUTH EAST CORNER EIGHTH' AND HAMILTON STREETS ALLENTOWN, PENNA. Wo would hereby announce to nur numerous friends and p•trons, a well on the public In ge,ral, that WC have lust removed to our uew building, southeast corner of Eighth and Hamilton Street., specially erected to 1114,1 the wants of our largo and Increasing trade. where we have now greatly replenished our stock in all that pertains to Mu Fall and Wlatiar Trade, to au Insportiou of which everybody I. In•ited. The latest and timid (mild... Ado styles of SILK HATS, CASSIMERE HATS, SOFT HATS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS AND POLAR ROBES, In andlesa variety, which cannot fail to plena all, it prices lower than at any limo wlrhlu thu urn eight yeers. We propose to austeln the 'reputation ant have heretofore enjoyed of selling a littler <lane i.r goods, more of them, and at lower prices, than an; other house in Allentown. Feeling thankful for the patronage heretofore vatra,l, 4 l o. Irilwo will endeavor in the future, as In the pest, to plots° all,fureishlog choice goods et the 'very loan eat prices. ur wholesale department, to which we Invite all country merchants, Is full and complete, end conteinb otyleto Able to all sections, and the Inducements offered will be ennui to any ekelusivejobbing how°, in the city. 4ti" Please call and °kaoline our block before purchasing, an we charge nothing for showing ANEWALT & BROTHER., DR. W. E. BARNES & SON, ID TR, - CT Q- Q- S 14 EAST' HAMILTON ST FE The attention of the ell's.. of Allonion ond v ,, ,,,,tyi.invited to thin thing am‘atily kept Inn finit.da. tiring Si, ',lll hi' (Omni for nal.• hro, at 1118.1.•tve,t I,rlevs. larg.• well selected, conalatiur of P 1) It UPS and MEDICINES. CD EMI c.l L.S. DYE S C PUS, .4 I,COIO, h. Penn ir f/CDES FOX MEDICINAL USE, PER PUMA'S SOAPS, BR USD FA l' n 7'((/L 1:7'.11: VIC LES. PATENT MEDICINES, II:1IR NENTOIMTIT'ES LINTM EX TS, tt., of all idada. Constantly on hand a large stock of Soda ash, Putasli and Concentrated Lye for soap ni iking. Soda, Baking Soda, Cream Tartar. Pure Pepper. Cinnamon, Clove. and ,0* 311 kinds. Coal oil, Sperm. Lard and Lubricating Oils for machinery, and a thor,and and one other article s u h minim! 1.. oulitmawd here. We have the largest Ilne of Trusses, linoMitters mid Shoulder Dm.s in the city. Those con. are stiplidd by an esPOni. nr,d physician. t•onuequently perfect tit Is guaranteed. Paints, tills, Varlii•hr, tilavn owl Putty. l'unit , rs and Duildem are Invited to our glare before :oakum their purChltAP, We keep full line of loin's:. ie.. of the lint quality at Prices . burr the lowes. TEAS TEA S I—We h•v• tho •itenr for al/. Great United SIM, Tr. . r.•• L. ..a Inn er grades nf Temt at about half the price charged II) of deie tor an Inferior got:tiny. Try it mill r.kn- Inerd. rhyslcia. and Country Merchants siltiplied at the lowest market prices. We 1111,1111 /11 . 1 . 41:1, to Day Dar• mil. attention tu thu Wholesale Branch of the loudness. Deals. will find It to their intero, to give us a Wm' lee feel coulldent 'Will be able to'gice ,atlsinetlon both In quality and price. °rile, lo prdroptly Quotations for sticeilled quatiDtles furnished 1.11 application.ti Pr W. E. BARNES soN. 13 I=2• S LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, HCCORPORATED 1851 AII r.Y. BENJ. CHICIU.:IIINit, Secretary Dividends Paid Annually, on the Contribution Plan. from 29 to -1.0. An Annual Payment Life Policy is NOT FORFEITED by failure to pay Premium u hen due', but is continued In force under the 'Massachusetts Law of April, Hill One Annual Payment will continue the Policy In force 2 yearn aml 3 day; Two " Payments " "• • , " " " 4 " "12 " Three " II If if 0 « « 7 ‘: . 27 b: TLr BERKSHIRE NVII4 the FIRST COMPANY in the United Stoles to makc ALI, of its policies NoN•FI)HFEIT_IBLI• ASSETS ANNUAL INCOME • I I_ y.I .1 • ••. • • . II ." NO' FOIIFFI'T ABLE POLICY," after One Annual l'emluni has been paid PHILADELPHIA BRANCH OFFICE, W. H. YODER. Agent for Lehigh and Northampton Counties, Allentown New Building, Cor. Eighth and Hamilton Stn., _Vert door to M. S. Young & Co's IlOrdtraee Stare WHOLE ALE AND RETAIL =I I , lrusvl ELI), MA SS I'. P. PLUNKETT, President Per cent EXAMPLE AT AGE J 5 ~~ 329 WALNUT STREET ALI,ENTOWN, I Charter Perpet it al JACOB L. GREENE, As,t•See'v EVEIIN" POLICY is shod, by this company since April I). Ir1;1. NON-PLAT EITA rye, MEI $1.250.0110 .)00,000 W. H. GRAVES General Agent and Attorney for Pelona TFIE MOST rrllt EXTENS.VE STOCK A : OF AINIERICAN ELEGANT CLOTHING A Lux..wIfILLDIN, .1. S. WILSON, MEN AND BOYSBOYSPo , 041,11. Secretary cling many Novelties DEVLIN Az - , Co. fticbitinal T RELIEF r . ;lit !i t . 1 4 rti S nr . 1.; • Inrantlon, Dysviltary Sold N 1 holt:salt:l,y JOHN:S- 'l'ON. HOLLOWAY & CoWIW.N. 1 . 101.1, I. 15-y E3IY OF NEItICINE nI'I'.\CW, othl ette, I.:tiretteatt Mea t.' tint! t•riehtitle 1114 . )111it.. y llospituln Flanro mul i;.•1111.111 ; i•tninent phyoicimi , or Etiro , p, and Aillt•rwa :tj.j.l% till) . the 'mit lie the tvelid TARRANT CO., NEW YORK, 121= MMUMWMWM We regard the rlPi.l grgtvili of llrsti•tat'.• ANII.I/ysiinr. TIC STOMA( II 11111 . 1:1, ill OW Wild,' ~ 1 4•;.1ii Ilr Ml.' of the Evetrtv, Cl' ideuce. of it, %An.'. I, fr. ittiont trial tilla au ne jury, the hea ye-tilled In the 111111111111.11 In Yon( that our 11111 flag looit Ind IT1111114:41l111 , 8(1,1111.'11k' in line. and iu ninny portion• of the country, the oil ly re 'fold , moat, of l'ren..rringib. health, nail rendering ny-teni Proof ..X. Intl:king, from the tvutor inn! toil, b., iif that illibilltating oiair .41/" , . A. a I , tinolY for 1111 r disorder 1/ettr i 11mi,, in,potion. preven tit iinil ntandn a lane fig lit-erne-IA, aud nll other Jlnlrnhlen iiri-Ina figni alltor• tiered of' ^I clot it i• .in xprei s lie. 31untlfactlt,t1 by nep1,1:)1UTII pil LES ! ! 111:31MtlIffil).11, Ti•MoltS. Itib•rual and Esteruid, 1111101, 111.. ding at.ol hltlng, o.lb•vtly pormalt , tilly xvithutit cauntly, by = 12si 6.%1:D EN ran ref, you to ...., ono a cit.. ot !Mu , hi'vti )1111Vi1... , 1 IS >cars iu dint tt la Ont.. tt nrcont- tii.• to guaratit...• a rots. In all rut..., • s int 11"4/111)Eilt A- innllycun..Cnncnrranti Scrofulottri b".:1.0.4 ..1 the. Skin. SCI• 111.1/11rII0 1.. I. Modo.al borloty, tot ~ t atotilout, to I'll r•it.lita , 111 circipar,stott trot. ..it itpyJit.otio” to ('ll.% ' '. A. 1/I'llOlS. General .Ig.•nt Jnl 1' 0. 13. A 16:0. 1 , 2 Pout 1 5tr....1, :••‘,. Volk y• NO IUItE, NO 1.)11. B. 1). LaiN(; A IN.' Eli, Graduate of rho Univcrnity ot l'ommylvapitt. nut Ithiltndol. tn MLit, 1 :.loam in o success rtat tu rn atint,; rtiro for a t ill prompt!) . at omMor year, v1,.'11.12, f tho a tmol to all loran rho, of hi,ia profl„ali.11:1i nu Er, N I 6 .iftr itl Sixth street, bet. iltuttitt..” nail Irottutat ME ALLEyrowN, I'A. N. 314,114211,,tre tn, , ,l. , rrecottiftwnilva; 0.110. adininktprell ,v111.•11 1011 to.t tilt• 0.10.0 t tam., but renovat.• tilt. sy,frus (nun all 111J11110,1 11 •1t, , t,ri..11 from 11111101 . 1111111,111 . 111,.., 111.1 It in :t 11. 1 111111 V ;111.1 wrlvetl) cured eolith( 1.. n. 131:11Nci11TL:, it I.:pi:NIA, 8, alai all dmvasc. of tlw Throah I , th:di ), ally carry thou.atal. tiatitaly gra% tm or, tionbto.ily li, eurvtl. 311:1,ANC11()I,Y A 13E1? It.‘'l . l()N, that stale %%rot: 1 , •••• Ih.• litlll.l incapable forilitng 1111 ii, 111.0, 1111E1::itAl'IS)1 PAIZALYSIS,, in any nt or r.inilltion, ithronle :wolf°, wntd•denr -oolc. I:inlep-y. fitlllng ;t arra n.I chronw ..t . b,n ,a.r.% or I EMMA, I , ISEASE , radically n.tnv.•.l; Salt 1:1t , ,,n, I , n•vanro. (of year,' .tntinig) ev,-y t di.- ‘arr:inil ..r poly. Ara - l'artlynlar att.:lll.m bo I Vilti• diSra., ur pvvry tionrrlptt... of both /.1,4.4. Lath.' nll. , rw t from:lay C. 1., their st.x. 1 . 1111 the r..1...f. furrl. atul Ttino.rm ..f all A'N'D E.\ It, ••I.llly and effect tnilly, , mad, 1111.11, 1.11. al l ) ,1 0 . ran by Iv. r iv... 'will ;di p..per .111ection. 1.. ;Lily 111111 or iln•r4itinly. D H. HUTCHINSON'S V EC ETA 131, E \V( ).MI 1)1.:'1'11( )1' El: I. am Itt , t Alt•tlivi, rotit.'tvitic ..at wttrittn , ttit ittakitit; the 1.1111.1 SICk, tritto, Iv f t. r rtn 41. , 1t r. iil a 1..; thO• title it trill :Intl I= NO AI ED If' /SF, TO ItE f f 11: X AFT IT. PRICE 25 CENTS A B()X =II niiro Foo you tf,t Vo,fotrlble Worm 1 , ...1r0rr. Soo t:1,1 svrappod ,vr. k pror. If your il..uggi.l not his, II a.k him to got it lOt you. JOHNSoN. HOLLOWAY ..(7 COWDEN, NATURE'S GREAT ESTOR ER SIIEETZ'S BITTE 11 C 011 1) 1 A L This inealral t.r..parathat I. now 0ff0r...1 1.. the p 0611.. for the ntao y rotapoonan v . lta . lll.ow mark..l. It ol herb... gather...l front III.• groat plort•Inovo• of nature and ..t . lucted x - i(h the tit wu.t car,•. It i. oot r ommend...l a• rote all, but by Ito and .aliuuir. In. doe°o upon the Ryan, liner, Mani . ) rtontaxli null t arts 6.11. tonproventlr.• 110,1 cure for taatly of the tlbt.•:‘,/, to tt hlch thy,. org.tan aro ...11.f (q . t. It lo reliable family 11l , 11101111. and.l b.' I:11,11 by 111 , 1'111'311( or I.lllli With too .1110 bt . ovllcial r. 511114. It Ina 1 , 1,11111. anti 11 , 3 111.‘,..1 Complaint, 11y•pap•Ia. Fr.nit. jog., Stet, Ilvadael..., 6.1 . . rot. t:itt:I.110,1 all k Ind. it i.. far 1...tt, and •af., that. quialitott Ithaut any of 1, pf . rnicion•olf..el•. 11er0a1..., parr,. NI dig. -ter of food and ur ill !.lf titittottiii a it'W toltatter. l'repared .I.\ Colt SeIIEETZ. St 11.1: AI.I. I,1:1.1;1;IST`. !pill: LATEST DI S VER V IN _1 MEDICATION. 11 - . • - The kr,.t difficulty a blob PitYsiriitits li .• lug for comma,. to overcome, has at lomfith limin "'belated. A Vemitelile Cathartic amid alterative inii.e 4.llllLient Ilmu any mineral preparation of the name dr... awl as agre eable to the tit.o a. ordinary candy, is now the mirk In the form of a Lozenge. lin. ERASNWS WINSLOW'S 'LIVER AND STWIACII Loy,E:gc E I. the most importnat medicinal ipieelt) thatmodern chemistry ham produced. It contains two botani cal extract. ' perfectly hin armless in the.elvem. but "in body log all the runiedfill properties of mercury. and deft tined In this Pleasant farm tic.uper.eilii and banish from giiiimral use, the tiamitiongpills and potion..of t I,leh that ,Ise ONE xcitant Is the min ingredient. More than ONE TM/CPA:ID EXPERIMENTS were vide by the In ventor of this peerlemm reuteilF laihire it seas brought to It. present state of n,. Phi. Lorenge !iambi. In its ppm-allot, and although the medicinal taste et it. cura• tire components has been extutgui.lted by chemical art, theirairtime rewain Its nett,. Wu! 13.Act4t or,. Ilux prpsid. Cooliniljnle fon, Sid: iir..Vertiq m ,ug fled fee old bler clie, lex D are s rolwe übject y . the L , and th ze e I nges gal :will Ibelex fo tound wininch Oo finitely 111. , re ellective Mau au y of tho horrible and dis• guiding compontids usually administered In much c As au antibliiiiita specific and general aPerieni. they ase, pequal hithertinning ad ocrtwoß li"Pilro"..3 the reparation.t of the iegular phurrnnropmmi IT 1:n 0r A ItANTLI,II that no one nrha has Mice tried An. EiiAnMeo WIN ,, LOW . II LI VI:It ANl.,romArit 1.112 1,1 I. will erre ',gob, (iik. a Iwtrwdlir , pounler,ardrotifild. or jail. Wholo.a Id Agent, .101 IN No. 5, College Place, New York. • CARD. E. 0. THOMPSON, MERCHANT "I'lll.oll, No. 009 Walnut • StreOt, Ennerial atiintion In Invited to thin CIIIIIII,IIIIiOIIB anti Ocaulgul therrtenr:re Alorlrorseasonablo sun ileetrable good, hand. the reputation ob tained An a heath rfn (1 01101., tho ',meat Auer/Mira po .... ed fur Ow fia,r rallim n.d prompt de.putelt of all orders. . . . Althabgh eminent In the prosecution of met, brunch of the trade, for the corticulor benefit of the great nutelter dissatisfied, PANTALOON CUTTING, •it • SPECIALT, is •13001113 Ced WSICS as au art not obtained hy imitation, bnt through close study,xperience and practice. Tubs* desiring easy anal stylish Pautnloons, are Invited to giro Halo =Mod a triad. ort tl-3m an2s4y DNESDAY, OCTOBER 20 FOIL mien ISO,O, Der. NA. Dor. 31 UNITED STATES..IS , ; 7, Dor. 31. 1,4, Dor. 31 a I I I, ran. =Mtn \ GI • lq, =I = Life Ensurancr LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA altoll'l7lol , TIM A lint:lei N: DRIP. Amt. luntired Th.. A M ERICA N 1,1114 , polleloa on all demlrable at low roto4, nod tor +ornrlty and prompAsa In mooting ood, ll unAurio,d,l by any Coroa la the Uultod =9 M. N. JAMES pol.f3WK, Mov. of Penile, Director I S. Mint. J. 11 1/11 It TIioI3ISON. Pres:Penna. It. It., T.IS S. 3,1 St. 11141111111 Nl'll ENT, Gentleman, residence. (lerinantown. A 1.11E5T C. ROBERTS. President Fourth Nathninl Bunk. l'llll,lP 11. 3113,111,5, Seed Merchnnt, 51nrket St. .51,1". X. 11. CA'1"1111,1,. I. S. Senator, Merchant, 113 North Water St. ISAAC 1157.1.511C115T, Attorneydd• l.nw, 508 Walnut St. 1.. 31. 55'111E1,1/IN, Nlerelnint, lid and 2.lSuuth Front St. HENRY N. BENNETT, Alerchant, 715 South Fourth St. CD , IIIIII IV 111 1.1,, President Seventh National Bank. J A NI ES.I.. C 1.51111 t/1131. Trent. Coturnerclul Nut. Bank. JIM N W. 5 N.531.15E11, (Ink. Clothing lions o. S. E. Cor. nth & Market Ste., nod gni& 520 Chestnut Street. WM..I. ItOMIG, M. D., Agent, I= T III•: MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE CONWAY), M=il NATIONAL , LIFE INSURANCE CO DIEM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CIIAIZTERLD CV :, ,, PECIAL ACT OF CONUUESS. CASH CAPITAL, BHANC 11 OFFICE PHILADELPHIA OFFIC ERS CLA HENCE 11. CL A UK, PrinAdaut. 11Y nlnK E, Phihniolphia. Chairman Finance and Br ,rouve Com. 111,NItT D, COOKE, WuNhlngton, Vler•Prenitent. EMEIZSoN W. PEEP, Philattelphin, St,retnry and Actu ruAN( isc.sMITII, M. 1)., 1 ) 1111ade11)1L111. Me‘ll , o 1)1 TI.I , Coml.: tt II flrit 'f'ES MONTHS of It. 5,395 POLICIES, INSURING, t.j5,112,800. ThlA Compauy offeri.to itx Polley-1101(1cl, I . s E c LT RITY by It- (7,1 k paid op Capital of Ono Million Dollars, and guarautees to the in.uredl. by Its 1, otr I? rites (1/ PrreolirilU =8 Ot. a I:ev , r.loaary Dirk!Nal of 1. per ram. by!, RE.I`I.7IIN PR 111111111 PLAN. GENERAL AGENTS: E. W. CLANK l Co., Iluukrrr , No. IS South Third Street, Adentr for Ponohylvonia and Charles SV. f'oopor Allentown Sat'dual Bank, Book , J;lore, Agonts for Lehigh and adjoining Bonn lip Jacob A. Blunter special agent. told 15-Iy, T HE EMPIRE MUTUAL L11F'1•: INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., I=l CA I - $lOO,OOO Cott. FIFTH •.vii If :15111,70:i Srti toilp.o.lte Court llowto, .\ !loot°, ic,,s G. nr.sINGElt. Presithoit MoI:GAN F. 3IEIILAII, Cu,hier. M..rann F. 31.411. tr, A. (1. Roning.r. I:pliraini Grim, William Iluntrinanr, Paul fialliot, Franklin P. Mickloy W ll' Sowden Aaron llulliot, .loheith .Note Lard. Are new epee and prepared to do all butlittens pertululog to Lank leg. 3loney in large or small nutottuts received ou depot I. and 4 per cent. paid on dully balance., and 0 per cent. tor 4ta mom!a and longer. All i,llll, Cho:eminent Bomb. and other mecdrllled and sad. her. 7..3m T H E , MOWS' AND ORPHANS' UTUA L BENEFIT SOCIETY OF PENNA I'ritripalolllre, Allentown, Pa. OFFICERS : ANEWALT, PRCHIMINT. Wm. 11. DESHLER, Fren,Alt MARTIN SEIPLE. TREASURER. brorrril o Diroctor,r—JohnC. Anewitlt. Wm. 11. De.li ler. 3tortiit Seiple, 1)r. Z.. F. I.ltliorhe. Dr. A. lirewooner Rims , Selple, Ephraim .I. Enanne, (Snide', K. Hetet, U. 11. Al. Nell, Lowk Wm. lI.S. flroelt, Peter J. II Remit:. This Society Is virtually n Lit' lumurauce Company on I whirl, a Porson of the moitiluid means coo Procure its protection to hts family in case of his death. It ,loos not accumulate million. of dollars of the :num ber.' ;matey, as do other Life Insurance Companies, but each member can retain his money until culled for In tho inso of the ilea of any member: There m no possibility of this Society falling as the feuds am all in the halal. of the m:hers themselves, and the nioneiy is purely mutual. Members have a right to vote at all elections ior "Morro. WHY BECOME A MEMBER It lr no more lii , morel tiny Or a man to provide the daily bread for hit funnily while he liver, than It id to pro vido thoir l o in left protillert In the event of his death. A POLICY IN 'f II Is SOCIETY I. the CHEAPEST tnl SAFEAT tootle of unth lug a certain pruvialon for latch rilialLit, YtICN , I MEN :tre liable to tak• leave of life •e the m, it 1111.',111111. We ark eon, therefore, to con• r CHEAPNESS and SAFETY of bearing In thi• Compolo, and ho r- meet th at in rase of death you Will leo ve 1 , 0!oull you a Interring to a widowed mother or de• too.dom Give the twitter! r - 0,1 . 10a. 'tend to the seeeet. e y f or ctreolar, yea ii• P11V.4 :tad we tiro lure you will :it ..ne.t take elit o policy. \ *X.PtR BANKERS, V N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. C,OYERNIaff:SiCURITIS, STOCK, GOLD AND NOTE BROKERS = E=! MS= = 'GENERAL Ag.ENTB, FOR c oo PENNSYLVANIA 4:, k, r47 ZRAI N / OF THE , L.) 0t L I FE k ti sußm. . OF •TNE -.114 4 11 0 . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Tllo NATIONAL LIPP. /NNIIIIANCE COMPANY PI corporatlon charterctl by siwelul Act of Congre., alr prtvt.4l July L . .", tail • with a CAST CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID Liberal terms offered to Agenta and Solicitor., who are invited to apply 111 our onice. Foilparticulars to he lout oil application at our °Mee, located In lila seeond Mary or our Banking !louse, Where r•trettlar4 and Pamphlets. fully denerlhlng the advaitt tines offered by the Colniaoly. may lie had. E. W. It% A IRK dr CO.. No. :15 Muth Third.% 13. S. RUSSELL, Manager, Charlea W. Cooper nd Nola. Weiser, Allentown Na tlona I Batik. Agentti for Lehlab & Carbon Counties. Pa. D ENIS MILLER, YOUIOIIII.I YlLLfl & WWI)! & • Dealer In LEATHER, HARNESS, SHOE FINDINGS, TRUNKS, ETC., ETC., MAIN STRAIN GLATINOTOX. PA. Atirrhe best materials at the lowed prime. Jyttatm 1869. THEEsT THE 1 S \ ITT I FUL AND 31uST DURABLE (1 I. 0 T II I N (; , K E Y A I; L. SLR% 450 00 01.3181.15110 *lB 112. 78 WI I" 1,7u9.1 , 01 '1 BA 1,1,,1 ET N (; LE Ilnrc the h...! 'l,i IN(' ever u.kt lip In Ili, vliy.anil • .1- iii 110.1 r COATS, =II than y.iii rail buy (;00(11 C1,1)TI I I NI4 11A 'I'() ( /TIT ER. We keep enit.itantly halal a large awl chic:tat iphiarti twilit of 600115. train which cwitianeri. can mak° their retortin.. and havi. them math. up on ehatu Their Cutting Diipartineut la antler the ',ion of . Gy.01t61.: IC. lIEEDEII, who lins 11.1111:11, year. exparlence 10 the tallorina . 1.1 fors.. 11,5, 111111 pair to r..relvo ..f hlx .... =1 ME= MEM I tan ) iitoo titrrrl 111 . X. t 110.0' 10a1 . 111 ti,11.111 t:tl.l. Ch, ALLEN TONVN. ".• A fun :14-Frilph.lit of ,1.•„t 1 , 1,111•1.Int:I , ...1- : , 1‘ , .ty ,,, 11 Land. AAIWN BALLIET, JIISLI'II NACILF: niay 12.1 f ir llt EA'l' ACIII'ItAst"CION I . • • 1,31' CLOTIII 7 . (! CLOT N ! fiItAND si . 1:1N(1 AND SVMMEI: oPENINti. GREAT FIEI/UUTION IN l'lt I CIES T. ()S\l UN .t• 0.11111 . 11AltGAINs GREAT CLOTHING EMPORIUM $1,000,000 NO. 13 EAST HAMILTON STREET We would inform the citizen. of Allentown and the Anr rounding country that WO aro prelmred with a inrYe stock of good, for FALL AND WINTER WEAR, ■nd offer them to the poblie at remtonoble pricer. To those who bay their Clothing read ynmde, they are prepared to offer 11A ItUAINS. WHOLE sriTs MADE TO ORDER ! COATS, PANTS - AND VESTS Cut arid rondo la the Int,c style, and by the best. workmen CIiOTHEs:G, CLOTHS AND CASSBIERES, le larger than M. luw boon before. and Wl' !Hood toe 111 ' very SM ALL. PROFITS, and give our customer,' tho bone fit of our low P111.1.1....A. I= NECKTIES, C'OI'FS, COLLARS, GENT'S PUIZN/SIIING 80 0 DS MEN'S, YOVTIIS'. Boys', and CnILDH.BS'S READY-MADE CLOTHING, Don't forget thotOoo. door alto,' Styli, Kum I'. ORsirs, 3.4,111 11. SCIII , I, mar .2-1-lf • - $••,, <•-• -6 `11:1- , '",314 , -. • •••'-.. ••••• 4 'r • "-: C7.11iC,..451' ••,1 1 1. A. Cot. b'ixtli and Hamilton S. Allentown, Pa I um JusT RECEIVED ,t , r • (eia.rzN EVEN, Ps 0 cLoTit ISt; Srtt RE a large ret of very line and good ty perfect litting ready tunde nothing from l'hthtdel ;thin AUCTIONS, whirls I tvlll eell Arty ess:st• on Ilse I lollar ch,Kper thAtissny other sirens iu Alletowe. GUM/ IWALITV Sallnel Coat, of *2.0(1 C2l3*llni.re Coal', All Wo.ll ut 4.60 ituk,k 01.1 h com, •• .t • • CaNxlmere Veils, `` " Camnlniere Vont.. " 2.(11 Pauli, nl LAO ` • " PAW., ' CanNimero l'AutN al 3.01 MU, Black Pa ut,, at 3. fat Whole ,tnlnt from S. On to 1,12.01 The best advice I can give You l to cantina examine tiny ,Inch before you bay elrewhere. • nu reason why 1 can sell my clothing fifty cents on the dollar cheaper than any other store In Allentown ause I Inter, two stores anti I Mil conatantly myself Philadelphia with ready In boy them ut AUCTION. FRANKLIN KNAUS As I Itm towntottently er.tabllehed In the Whol4alo Notion nod Clotlong Itw•loto, 13 . 2 North 3rd ntreet, Philadelphia. I would roll the attootton of country nu, charts to my large and oxteustvo block of good. hoforo purchasing els.vhere. • farrbanics. oNslionocKEN B()I LERA ND Co I \ I'o It I‘'S. . JOIEN IV 00 D , , • )I•NUFACI eltl. or TUBE, FLUE AND CYLINDER BOILERS, BAY!, ANI) 8 TEA If CIRCCLATIN(I BOILERS. All kind. of Wrought Iron Coll., Toyer% for Blast For tiori...Gasometers, Smoke Stacks Blast Pipes, I ron Wheel. ?arrows, and everything In the Boller and Sheol Iron Ilne.• Alert, •Il kind. of o f .an Steel Forging. Wh o a:ackt work, glinere Tools all klude. ouch aa lluekotx, rickii, Lrlll., Slallqa, /*dodgem, dc. flaying Steam Ilannuer and bet of touts of all klade, and skillsd•workui., I latter toyself that I can tura oat work with prompt.. and &Depot., all of which will ha wgrraultid lobo rot-clas.. Patching Boilers, anal repairing generally, at leaile4 to, err 7-1 Cinthing THECHEAPEST, I'.\ \'l ', VESTS FoR T.ESS M' )N Ey, =I I=l =I I= =I =EI =1 I=l CASH FRANKLIN KNAUSS f3rofm'zional Carbz . . , . . ..... .. . . .. TAMES N. lUERY, ATTORNEY AT ./ LAW. Ofnee, NO. 20 Hunt Ilanltonl.rent, meeund noor Lmn Allentsorn, Pe (Special attantion given to coll.:alt.-N.) marlLLy IP Li . NCIIIVARTZ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, litinnts' buntline Stxthand Hamilton t . Street., oppo.ito the American nowt, Allentown, un Enttli.li ;Ind norman .poken. Collortlou. in Lcbtaba mltcrooa auntie„ promptly attended to. may /1 EOM: E IL RU PP, ATTORNEY %.1 AT .I.AW. Oilier, 111 ll.m. Job. D. Slllen. Alino town. Pa. I/. I.IITICENBACII, ATTOR. V • NET AT LAW, (formerly practiced Pt Carbon M11e.., N... —Lod Hamilton 'wept, Inerond floor, nearly oppomito tin` Court 110.1,..., Allentown,PlL Slay hr ron.a 11l the (lona. lat.Stwifc. A MIMI. A. RITZ, ATTORNEY AT Li LAW. mike ith 1 , . Wycknir, 0rn , ..1t0 the , Engl. II owl, A L .NTPWN, PA. I%SUJt .EIIIIGII VALI.EY TIRE 1.1 ANCE CWIPAN V, ALLEND tWN, l'A, UNeo 0 1 1,r Sot , illti Natio/I/al Itsult. Insures prottortv aroma I. by fire 011 tilr stock tontucl plnn. C. S. /Jct., Itros't J. S. D114401E11. St'Cl y. TlEArrirti. LIFE LIKE P CARTES PE VNITES. C 2 PER POZEN. Alluogative, r , ,tiAterod. S. W. tWRCAW, ALLEN ToWN, PA. itopliit, AI"IOItNEY AT LAW. • milt.. with ti. hoot:, Ls 1., Shnington, Lehigh amom y, Pa. Collectimm Lehigh; Northampton and Carbon onsollev promptly ;Mended to. may 33-1 y t'LISIIA FORREST. ATTORNEY l AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Yo. West Hamll tn street: Allentown, PA. Jan 1441" T H. OLIVER. ATTORNEY AT •" LAW, Allentown, Pa. Duke, North Fifth Wert, below li e . Coors Rouse. jan 14.'6841 PUNK At BALDWIN, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Allentown, Pa. Office, N., 51 E. Hamilton street. C. M. Re, n. fjnn 14 , 61141') F. A. R. Baum or. EJ. MORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, • ALLENTOWN,TA. Mike, No. 50 Emit Ilatniltou titreut. .tB-linu Le runsiilteil in German. jun 14,69,1 f 1 - jo CLAY HA MERSEY, ATTORNEY 11.• Al LAW. cATAsArQuA. lA. A.14..68.11. rpm° mA S 8. METZGER ATTOR. NEV AT LAW, ALLENToWN, PA. Otllce, No. 02 . East Ilnruiuvn atradt. my IP-'6B ELIAS MERTZ. ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AI)N CONVEYANCEIL AGENT FOR THE `ALE OF REAL ESTATE,' , Ri WOM l A ] DR' N , A LBRIGIET, ATTORNEY ("rk,',W;al",,L. ATI. tr. 'To Cor r of lEoullom .iir...•tto.‘ll,aw Alley, south vide, ALLE4 . - 1"1,, DIVARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY J_l.l AT LAW. 4.111ce, nRh ll , u. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN, l'A. way 1-ly TOll% RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, oni,‘, N. E. C.,ruer WI and llamiltuuStreele ALLEN TOWN, muy l•ly A DAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY IV AT LAW. 0111,, ~ p p..sita the Court llou.e, AL LENTOWN, PA. Mal MY a" I EORGE B. SCRAM, ATTORNEY A.. X AT LAW. MU,. dour Abel,' Law Alley. AL LEND/ITN, l'A. Iney ..)LI rear or thu rood llouw, ALLENTOWN, PA. •pr. 21-ly TSMOYER, ATTORNEY AT —4 LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office, N. W. Corner 6th and Ilamilton Street?, Second dour. Particular atten tion paid to the settlement of Decedeut estates. Collec tion. made Ste 13.1, D". C. GULDIN, SURGEON DENTIsT. 0111 ca, over Mrs. M. A. O. Ouldin's Trimming Store, No. 34 East Hamilton atrect, ALLEN• TOWN PA. COLTON DENT:\ .L A ASSOCIATION Originated the antei.thetic use of nitrous oxide gas, ad minister It In the mondproved manner, do no thing T thing but EXTRACEE ap TH, and theycertainly do that WITHOUT PAIN, I.l3,o(lipallents lustily. See their signatures at the OFFICE, No. 737 WALNUT STREET below Eighth, Philadelphia. juno al•ly Agricultural 13AUGIVN RAW HONE SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME I jpDE MARK ' O rs s , t v . 1. STANDARD 'WARRANTED We hirtuorc thn present tnli .411011, 13A1.701195 uww [IVA r. l'llospii ATr, "r LIM]; In being highly Improved. BA COII . O RAW BONE SOPEN B110011•TIN IN, WI It. name indiratem, prepared by diesolving Raw Bone. In 011 of Vitriol—that le, Bon, that have not been deprived of their organic matter—the growl° and glue—by burning or baking. It, tigreforo, pre9enti to the u.e of (hr farmer all tho valuable progertiee of Raw Your. in a highly concert ,lrati•il form—rendering it onee quirk In action and very permanent. .6 . -Fetrinere ern recommended to purringne of the dealer located In their neighborhood. lu neellona where no dealer 13 yet cAtabliNhod, the l'hu•phele may he procured directly from the undor•lgned. BAUGH & SONS, I= OFFICE, NO. 20 SOUTH DELAWARE AV =I IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! I=l SEED "WHEAT AGENCY I=l BEST SEED WHEAT IN Tim WORLD Perfectly tree frolic Ineectlrot m or other Imlitiritleet grown froIn . AVSTRA LI AN .d CHILI 1.1.1 t 71.1dIng, qixTv To •rtlß =1 Po poi's p$ To TIIE MEASPIIED BUSHEL Tho of Wheat. when wnnva, utog nnnnlll olnyeit or Wvive Inrh.ot long. /lir ut up and rawly !Pal and card in linen Imp, eta by nutil frei• Fie to all part* of tlia country. on in. ccipt of Kir, QM= SA 10 CIF , . EAC II I BAGS .10c. ■uo(♦l HACIi =I MOE CALIFOUNIA AND OREUON SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, MEE BO E R'S cv)Ml'.i.E'ri; af A NUR E, ENItY 11( , WER, Chemist, =EI IM=II b'u/ of Limn, A non its and Pufeah WARRANTED FREE FRVI ADr LTERATIO;t Thk Th,pnre rollt•inn All the oknktilkt to produta !art rkip+ of all Find., nud k highly recultitneikled by all lah• It, distinglikb,lol , llll , 4 , tt ho Inlkeo by t. kkk•Ei Ito. rucked In e of Ma. co.ll. • DIXON, SIWIPLESS S; CO., OEM 30 South Water and 40 South Delaware Av., 19=1 For gale by WILLI AM REYNOLDS, 79 South Etrent For I hfortnutluu. addrelp. Henry Mower Philadelphia. teb 10-'ID-IT • FARMERS •Nils FEEDERS WM (hid runkunut mmor or fr , ..h ground qdidallug ktod atul hortx, wlxa Curu •nd Cnta, sudii EXTRA FAMILY AND BAKERS' FLOUR, At tho mill'of the ondontlinp& corunr THIRTEENTH and WILLOW sirti, Ord*. by mall prpruptly hop 15.9 m WIL It. THOUS A CO., 1869. IrIiIIiADELPILIA. 1800. WALL PAPERS. HOWELL & BOURKE, • •A•UVACTVIIIIRII OF ,PAPER HANGINGIi •YD WINDOW' SHADES, SALES ItoOMS, Cot. 'COMM sad MARKET Sta.. , MAILADELPI.II.I. Factor/. Coo. Twastr•Wird 16..1 Eassom BIM STYLES EVERY DAY, OF OUR ,OWN MAKE. oct o.ata nily 21-9 m lIBLECE!
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