gcgisttr. PCIII.IOIIIIO AVAtT WALIMAtaAIr Dr WILLS TERMS, r ;2.00 A YEAR IN ADVANCE So papa:discontinued mall all areardges are pati4:l49o4the pppinl ; of the publishers. Our subscriberti who do not receive their papers regularly will confer a great favor upon us by : , !lICUPiFe r q!? ;H R . °P ic !' • Subscribers about removing wilt please scud as their old address as well as the new. TuE CITY =MEM Resigned.—H. E. MN, professor of German InMnhlenbergCollege has resigned his position and will return to Germany. Accident—Franklin Poe, while working at the rollers In the Allentown rolling mlll on Wed neAday, was considerably Mimed by a piece of iron breaking from the rail he was working. Tired of Life.-IVilliam Kromer, a convict confined In the Allentown jail, lies become dissat isfied with big mede of living and has made several attempts to close his mortal career. Ile cats ground glass and partakes of quicksilver from the back of mirrors but without. arlY effect. Allentown Passenger Railway.—Cars will leave the depot corner of Ninth and Munition etrecte at 7 and 8.18 a. m., to ran to the Lehigh and Bnequehatina Depot to meet the new trains which commenced running on that road on Mon day. great Reduction.—Our enterprising manu facturer of woolen goods, 'Mr. Henry Gabriel, In consequence of the overAtocklug of the market, will retail eassimeres, flaline'lB, carpets, etc., at wiMiesrde prices. We refer to his advertisement In another column. Deeoratidg Soldiers' Grares.—..Gen. H. Me- AlllEter, Col. W. W. Raftersly, Col. T. W. Good, Capt. B. C. Rotteand 11. C. Hunsberger, have been appointed a committee by Pest No. 13, Grand Army of the Republic, to make arrangenteuta for decorating soldiers' graves, on Sunday, May 30th. Reported Recapture.—The reported recap ture of Azer, the forger, who escaped from our county jail some weeks since, Is untrue. The re port probably originated from tlie fact that the Commissioners received a dispatch from Mount Bethel asking what; reward was offered for A zer. The reward advertised is $lOO. Clean Up.—Mayth; Good has glvem public notice of his intention to enforce the several ordi nances of the city relating to the cleaning of streets, alleys, lanes and cellars, and to remove from the cellars, streets, alleys, lanes, gutters and lots, all garbage,ebbish, coal ashes, cinders, and other nuisances inlukons to the public health. Minairay.—The practice of leaving horses stand unhitched In the streets is reprehensible. Yesterday a horse standing at the northwest corner of Sixth and Hamilton streets lett very sud denly and ran into ail awning pOst on the oppo site corner fortunately doing no other datuage than breaking, the shafts of the wagon. Notice to Sobecrib . era.—Our subscribers are requested to remember that we have purchased the subscription books of TILE REGISTER office and set tlement of all back as well as advance subscriptions must be made at this office. We have authorized no one to collect for us. We give this notice, not as a dun, although money Is always acceptable, but for the purpose of having our subscribers pay their ltidebtedtiess Into the right hands when they are ready to settle up. The Reduction Still Goes On.—As the time approaches for the drawing of the Good -4111 Gift Enterprise the numherof tickets In the hands of the managers decreases rapidly, and will not now• amount to two hundred. These can all be dls- posed of In a, few days and those Intending to em bark In this enterprise, unless they take Time by the forelock, *ill be deprived of the opportunity to secure a Mize. Therefore make no delay but buy tickets at once. Afire old Coin.—On Thursday night ,thF house of Peter Weikel, on Seventh street, adjoin ing the Allentown National Bank, was entered by a burglar, who It is supposed was In search of about two thousand dollars worth of old coin which was kept In the dining room, but which was lately deposited In bank. Nothing was known of the entrance until morning, when the servant entering the dining room discovered it In rather a disorder ly condition, but the only thing missinika small box containing thirty cents, not a very reward for the avaricious gentleman's labors. GoM Neuis for Coluototera of Gaa.—There Id no longer any neeepelty for people being subJect to gas-making monopolies. Every housekeeper should call at C. W. Stutter's, Walnut street, corner of Penn, and witness the workings of Stratton's Portable Air Gus Machine. Go, whether you want to purchase or not. No charge for showing the apparatus as it works itself and requires little or no attention. It Is the cheapest thing out, and lu many cases will more than pay its cost the first year from the saving in the cost of gas. Persons residing beyond the precincts of gas companies should not for a moment think of beinrwithout it. . A Beerleas Sunday —Long were the faces and deep were the imprecations of the lager-loving Alleutonlaps last Sunday because tkair favorite beverage was denied them. During last week, at the request of some of the citizens of Lehigh, we are informed, Judge Longaker instructed the con stables of the county to prevent the sale of spirit one and malt liquors on Simdays, and promptly at twelve &clock on Saturday night the deyotees of the exlllerating Said were informed that lager would not be sold until Monday morning. Slowly and sorrowfully the little groups who had been enjoying a social glass wended their way home ward, there to ponder on the calamity that had overtaken them, and to submit, with their charac teristic grace, to the inexorable decree of Fate—or. the Court. Burglary. During Tuesday night week sonic person or persons entered the dwelling of Mr. Joins Klein, South Seventh street below Wal nut, and stole therefrom all the. meat of three large hogs, which the owner had prepared for the summer season, and a gold watch. It appears that on Tuesday the family missed one of the keys to the back door, and supposing that one of the boarders had the key in his possession paid no particular attention to the loss, but the fact of the house being robbed creates an opinion that sonic evil disposed person stole it with the intention of simplifyiug his burglahous operations. The meat was kept in barrels on the third floor of the house and the watch in a bureau drawer on a second floor room. How the scoundrels managed to carry off these articles without alarming the inmates of the•house is rather mysterious. The value of the articles stolen Is about one hundred and fifty dol. Mrs.—News. Many Things.—The Bethlehem mica says the Allentown post-office is worth $4,000. The Blue Book says 52400. Job Work done at the REGISTER office will rival New York work both In Style and PRICE. The Foster Brothers, the new dry goods men, arc eitenolve advertisers. They will make money. George N. Corson, Esq., held a Court of Bank ruptcy at the American - Hotel, lust Wednesday. We arc indebted to Gen. James L. Selfridge for a copy of the Pennsylvania Legislative Hand Book, a very useful and valuable publication. Tags and shipping cards, plain or printed, are furnished at this office a manufacturers' prices. Those fond of flowers and gardening have now an opportunity to display their taste and skill. Lehigh county will be represented through dele gates from the various lodges of Junior American Mechanics in the State Council at Harrisburg, next Friday. The Allentown Rolling Mill suspended opera tions on Saturday morning last, for the purpose of maklug.repairs. • The . Free Methodist Society of Allentown have removed their 'place 'Of worship from Bohlea's Hall, to ther,thltd story of Daniel Reichenbach's ne*bultdink cid Hamilton street, We take pride b;t,dolug our Job Work in the handsomest manlier,. and 'make no extra charge fop 1L Saudi cordon receive as mach care as largo • Welt Patronized.—During the year com mencing April 1, 1868, and ending April 1, 1869, one thousand nine hundred and sixty persons were furnished with lodging In the elation house. Court Procretings.—The following easel's were heard since our last issue : Commonwealth vs. John Miller, Jacob Rhoads, Andrew Ressler, Joseph Rimier, John Rudolph. Charge of gambling* oath of William Fishth. The defendants In this ease were charged with meeting at the house of one of their number and playing cards for money. The only witnesses to the fact were the proseentor and his wife, and they could only swear to tho defendants meeting once and playing for money. Some doubts were raised as to the character of the prosecutor for the truth. The Jury acquitted the defendants and divided the costs between the prosecutor and the defendants. Metzger and Oliver for Commonwealth ; Bowden and Stiles for Defendants. Commonwealth es. Charles Clausen Larceny on oath of C. Wilson Benninger. .Volle prompt!' entered. Commouwenith vs. James Warne. Charge of Frond. None prosequi entered. Commonwealth vs. Frances Brown. Indecent exposure on oath of George Burkhard. Bill ignored. County to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Wm. 11. Gromer. Forpry on oath of David &handl. Defendant was found guilty. Mettgar for Coinmonwealth ; Bowden for Defendant. Commonwealth vs. Charles Waster. Larceny on oath of Charles Wieder. The Defendant was indicted for stealing oats In the straw, the proper ty of the prosecutor. The oath alleged to have been worth a mere trifle, only five or six cents, the evidonee was very weak and unsatisfactory. The jury acquitted the defendant. 31eteger and Oliver for Commonwealth ; Btlles for defendant. Medi» g of the Board of Coatrol.—The Board of Control met in their Hall on Wednesday even ing, April 7, 1869. Present—Messrs. Cooper, Dillinger, Erdman, Hull, Mohr, and Runic, President. The following business was transacted: Rey:turd. That a Committee 'of three be appointed to confer with the Committee of the Board of Trustees of the Allentown Academy with the view of the rental of their building for the use of public schools with authority to contract for the same, and that the President be one of the Committee and Chairman of the same. Mears. Cooper and Dlilinger were appointed the committee. On motion, Mr. Whitney was relieved from fines for non-attendance at Institute since March lst last past. • On motion, the Secretary to directed to again notify the teachers of the District of the resolu tion in reference to corporal punishment passed Juno 0,1868. On motion, Messrs. Hull and Erdman were ap pointed a committee to view the property of Dr. William J. Romig, in Sixth Ward, and report on the same at the next meeting. On motion, the President and Secretary were directed to effect an insurance in Mutual Fire In surance Companies, att insurance amounting to Thirty Thousand (SilQ.000) Dollars on the Fifth Ward School iloo.c. On motion, the Building Committee were di rected to contract with Mr. Yoddcr for the Twisted Copper Lightning Rod for the Fifth Ward School if ouse. On motion, the Secretary was directed to gather all title papers and insuntnee policies belonging to the District. • ReNtolred.. That this Building Committee be Instructed to erect water closets over the sinks In the Fifth Ward School building big. v c Rego! rrrl, That the Building Committee be directen to have the . stair wings and water closets In the Fifth Ward building rough Plaelered. On motion,lfestirs. Erdman and Hull were au thorized and directed to erect a fence enclosing School lot of 'First Ward School Iluilding, and to make a cinder walk froM the said school house to Second street. The report of Mr. Buchrle, City Superintendent, Was rend, and on motion received and directed to be tiled. lb Rol rrd. That a Certificate of flraduation he awarded to all scholars in the High Schools who Lure completed the full course of studies prescribed, and balm sustained a satisfactory examination In Slip sans. On motion adjourned. THE COUNTY FATAL AccIDENT.—John Fensternmeher, aged scceuty-nine, residing with Charles Wunder ly at Catasamma, fell down stairs last Thursday evening and died from the effects• of Injuries thus received. Coroner Bush was notified and held an inquest. A RARE CHANCE.—Messrs. LeMaistre & Ross, No. !ht . ! N. Bth Street, Philadelphia, adver tise great bargains. Their fair dealing has won for them an enviable reputation and their store Is always crowded. They make. it their leading point to keep every customer they get by sellingso cheaply that'll° one can afford to go elsewhere. Two ECLIPPES.—Two more eclipses of the sun will take place this year, as follows: Partial eclipse of the sun, June 23, at 8.201 u the morning. Total eclipe of the sun, August sth, at 4.06 in the evening. This will be the greatest eclipse of the sun that will happen in this country until the last year of the century. I OFF THE TRACK.—The train on the Lehigh Valley railroad due at Easton at 8.55 a. tn., was thrown off the track near Chain Dam last Wed nesday, caused by a rock falling on the rails. One passenger car containing about thirty persons was upset and one of the lady passengers was slightly Injured. APPOINTED ANKEssoß.—Capt. Luckenbath, of Bethlehem has been appointed Asseasor of In ternal Revenue for the NM Congressional Die triet;composed of the counties of Northampton, Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne. Capt. Luck enbach Is a brave soldier, lost a leg ante war, and will make an efficient °Meer. ADDITIONAL TRAINS.—Thp Lehigh at SUB. quehanna Railroad, have put on two more pas senger trains on their road, one leaving Munch Chunk at 7 o'clock a. in. and passing Allentown at 8.38, the otherleacing•Eastoo at 7 o'clock a.m. and passing Allentown nt 7.59. The need of such nn arrangement lens I i eu felt for some time, and Will he great accomumdation to the traveling pub- LEFT von TIIE WEHT. The, following mimed persons left Reading this week to make their homes In the West :—George Houffinau and family, of Bern township, and Benjamin Spatz, of Leesport, go to Missouri; Cyrus Komig and two brothers Stout, of Centre, go to Ohio; and Daniel Zacharias, of Muhlenberg, and Dr. T. Yardley Brown's family, go to West Virginia.— Rodin() Journal. CIUEF BUILUESSEri.—The following gentle men baVe been elected Chief Ilurgessea In North ampton county : Ea/dim—W.ll. Hildebrand ; Bethre- hem—C. F. Beekel ; Bath—Samuel Staub ; Nazareth Daniel Relgel ; l'reemansburg Henry Bless ; South Bethlehem—E. P. Wilbur ; Glendon—Joseph Morrison ;Beath Easton—Aaron Palmer. Ofthese Messrs. Hildebrand, Staub and Blots are Republi cans and the remainder Democrats. HOKENDAUQUA.— A. locomotive passing liokendauqua last Thursday afternoon, threw sparks of lire Into a haystack, setting It on nro, 'which connected with a house and barn, both of which were saved from complete destruction by the timely arrival of the firemen. The gag apparatus In the cellar of Mr. Thomas' house exploded on Saturday evening, badly burn ing a man front Philadelphia, and also injuring a little boy.— Calasanqua Journal. L. V. R. B.—Work is progressing on the Lehigh Valley Railroad, and the road will be built to Waverly, the connecting point with the Erie, early in August. A third ratl will be Immediately laid to Elmira, and eventually to Buffalo which will make a coal route to the lakes further west than the I). L. &W. route. In thisconnection we understand that the Lehigh Valley road will come into direct competition with the D. L. & W. road, and there seems to be good cause for congratula tion on this project, as while It Is a narrow gague route to the west from this Immediate vicinity, It will also make a route not controlled entirely by one corporation, and will therefore give our Ind!- ' vidual operators a chance to throw their coal Into the Western market, and by making a lively com petition in that section Increase the demand here. And a demand being made, there would be good prices, and certainly no occasion for these rumors In retard to strikes.—Scranton A./publican. Railroad Company has received eight "palace cars," the finest passenger cars on any road In this sectlo. Oro:wintry. They are said to have cost $25,000` each. • SnlCualt.—William ll , a son ofJacob H. 11111, auctioneer, of Oley township, committed sui cide on Eltinday morning by hanging himself In his father's stable. The boy was weak-minded, and seems to have been Infected with the suicidal mania pervading that section of the county—this act of self-destruction ^making the third case of suicide In that neighborhood within the last few months. Young 11111 was about 10 years of age. A coroner's jury was summoned, and a verdict rendered In accordance with the facts stated.— Rcatibm Journal. FATAL ACCIDENT.—A fatal and deplorable accident occurred at the Little Gap, Northampton .county, on Friday last, at the house of Patrick McGrath. Mr. McGrath keeps a boarding house, and ou the morning of the above mentioned day, one of his boarders left a revolver lay on the win dow of his bed-chamber, and the children of the house went up stairs to play, while the mother went out to milk the cow, when a boy of about ten years of age took the revolver to play with It, and it accidently discharged, shooting his little brother through the head. The ball entered the temple of the right side of his head, and the unfortunate child survived only about five hours.—fflatingtora. Near. • MIBCELLANEOUB.—The act authorizing the County Commissioners to use the new prison has been signed by Gov. Geary. The second term of Mublenberg College closed last Thursday. The bill authorizing the Quakertown anti Sel lersville Turnpike Road Company toabandon that portion of its road lying between the North Penn sylvania Railroad and•the Perklomen Bridge; In the village of Sellersville, has passed both Houses of the Legislature. Henry S. Evans, Esq., editor of the West Ches ter Village Record, contemplates going to Europe in a few weeks. ' Trout fishing is the great port of the season. Tnr. locomotive "E. A. Packer," which has been entirely re-built at the Lehigh Valley Shops at SoutlyEaston, made a 'riot trip recently and worked admirably. The engine Is the hand somest in every respect in this section of country, and attracted considerable attention as it passed over the road with a heavy train attached. Per sona who knew the "E. A. Packer" some years ago would not now think It the same engine, so greatly bas It been improved In both appearance and power under the superintendence and after the plans of J. I. Kinsey, Esq., the Master Mechanic of the road. It is,intended to put the engine on through passenger train, and hereafter run it between Easton and Wilkes-Barre, it having been re-built for the special purpose of climbing the heavy grades above Mauch Chunk. ROPORT OF Com. transported over the Lehigh Valley Railroad, for the week ending Apr. 3, 1869, compared with same time hulk year : For Week. For Year. Total Mabanoy 5,725 18 65,193 12 " Beaver Meadow-10,540 14 108,490 07 " Mauch Chunk 32 03 Upper Lehigh • 206 18 6,231 16 " Hazleton '2,915 13 373,589 08 " Wyoming • 4(757 03 139,455 07 Gmnd total 44,196 06 601,083 13 Same time 1868 50,280 11 037,470 06 7,551 02 29,221 04 I= - . • LEHIGH VALLEY IRON TRADE.—Pig iron tranoported by the Lehigh Valley Railroad Co. for the week ending April 3, 18133 : From Carbon Iron Co Lehigh Valley Iron Co Thomas Iron Co Lehigh Crane Iron Co.. Allentown Iron Co Roberts Iron Co Glendon'lron Co Bethlehem Iron Co Other Shippers Total REAL. ESTATE SALER.—Messrs. Good & Rube, real estate agents, sold No. 67 of the Clader sub-division of East Allentown, to Allen J. WM- • son, for $OO. Also, lot 103 of the Grubb addition to the City of Allentown; to Wicaud for *lOO lot No. 160 of the same tract to Elmina Fried, for $160; lot No. 100, also of the same tract, to Josiah MOB - for VlOO. M. Mumma, Esq.; sold a vacant lot of ground situate oti. Penn street betwein Hamilton and Walnut, to Messrs. Good & Rube, for e 2200. Mrs. Elisabeth A. Bartlett lute sold a lot 25 by 100 fail \on Buttonwood street, South Bethlehem, to Thomas Downey, for $3OO. Jacob Rentzlichner has sold 10 acres of land ad joining Ifellertown to Jeremiah Hess, Tilghman Eisenhart and Jacob Leith, for $3,500. It Is the Intention of the purchasers to cut the tract up Into building lots. Martin Garman has sold a lot 40 by 180 feet on Fifth street, South Bethlehem, to John Cunning ham for $7OO. B. W. Burcaw has sold an unimproved lot of ground, corner of Ninth and Jackson streets, to Prof. F. Wolff, for E 2,000. WElonnro CATTLE sty MEAsunE.--An ex cbaugdglves the following rules for approximat ing the weight of live stock b,y measurement. Perhaps some of our readers will be disposed to try them and give us the result. If the dressed weight of a live animal can be nearly approxima ted by them, they will prove of real value to the buyers and sellers of stock. The girth is the cir cumference of the animal Just behind the shoulder blades. The length is the distance from the shoul der blades; The superficial feet are obtained by multiplying the girth by the length. If less than one foot in girth, multiply superficial feet by eight. If less than three, and more than one, multiply superficial feet by eleven. If less than five, and more than three, multiply superficial feet by six teen. If less than seven, and tnorethan five, mul tiply superficial feet by twenty-five. If less than nine, and more than seven, multiply superficial feet by thirty-three. If less than eleven, and more than nine, multiply superficial feet by forty-two. .:Example : Suppose the girth of a bullock to be six feet three inches, length five feet six inches ; the superficial area will then be thirty-four; and, in aceordance with the preceding rules, the weight will be seven hundred and eighty-two pounds. Example : Suppose a pig to measure to girth two feet, and in length one foot and nine inches. There would then be three and n half feet, which multiplied by eleven, gives thirty-eight and a half pounds as the weight of the animal. BOGUS ADVERTISING MEDIUMB.—Thero are thousands upon thousands of merchants in this ' enterprising country today who do not advertise, but have tried the experiment at some time. Al though It has proved an advantage to every one and a fortune to many who have tried It, there arc men without number who would as soon throw money into the street as pay for an advertlsethent. They have tried advertising, they say, and they reaped no benefit from it. It doesn't pay. And why not? Because they have overlooktd the legitimate channel of commuulcation with the public, the columns of first-class newspapers, and gone into some' novelty, something gotten up to " take in" just such people as avoid newspapers. This class of men subscribe for a thousand envel opes with ten cards printed ou the buck, and they say "That is a good advertisement," and expect an immediate rush of customers after the first envelope Is sent by mall. They forget that nearly all the correspondence of merchants is with other merchants at a distance, and that the envelope is thrown %to the waste basket as soon as the letter is opened. Besides, It takes probably a year be fore the ten thousand envelopes are used and the advertisement sent into ten thousand hands, while any weekly newspaper will send the same card into fifty to a hundred thousand households during the your for the same price. Then some one conceives the Idea of a frame with painted cards arranged very attractively. It. Is pat up in a depot, and strangers returning home read what business men say therein, and say,'" If I had known It I should have gone there," but forget all about it when they again visit the town. To dry goods merchants .particularly these me diums are worse than useless, while the columns of almost any newspaper, however small its circu lation, are Worth many lithos their cost; at the class of purchasers to be galnod are the ladles, nine out of every ten of whom read all the adver tisements that appear la tho family paper. THE douslow Scrwo Esq., County Superintende , advertising columns that Schad Directors of Lehigh the Allentown Court House, to sleet a County Superint next succeeding years and to salary he shall receive durin APPOINTMENTS FORTH On Monday President Gran the following nominations Collector of Internal love BreManch, Norristown k A 'Allentown ; Postmaster at Diefenderfer; at Norristow Pottstown, Wm. M. Mintz, Out of these five appointi nts three are soldiers of the late war. Col. Breit bach is a lawyer and went out as captain in Col.. . rehead's 106th Regi ment, and no braver offlc was in the service. Through hard service thelinent was depleted in numbers, and Col. Breit inch soon rose to the position of Major and for a ng time commanded Breit the Regiment and frequent) the Brigade to which he was tittached. No mad sacrificed more than he did financially in going itto the army. If he had stayed at home he won' now be a rich man and would not have been amppllcant for the po sition. The appointment Ist just reward for the services of a bravo and sacrlcing patriot, and will give general satisfaction. ' E dward Ruhe, Esq., Is on of oar most promi ne*nt and active Repubilens, and has labored hard In the cause. Ills extitent busineis !man cations aid high standing i, the community will make him'an efficient cacti, and his labors will always be prosecuted In tbduterests of the Gov : eminent. The only other appoint' nowhich affects the people of tide section is 'at of Postmaster at Allentown. Mr. Diefendc er served in it (Mate position in the :atePar. and at an election for Postmaster held InMach he was declared the choice of the Republictns S Allentown. Our op ponents have bald at hh dor the charge of incom petency, but he has slows sufficient ability to manage his own "iffairssuressfully, and the same ability will characterke Um In the management of the affairs of thr once. He will select efficient clerks and ve ore confident the du ties of the office will be peformed with credit to himself and satisfactica tothe public. OUR NE[MBORS 2111111:13 Ot:HTT. —A new bridge over the Schuylkill at the foot of 7th street, Readlol4lB talked of. 1 :, —Joseph T. Valentin the new Assessor, has appointed Captain MI act Walter, his princi pal competitor, to the firs eputyship, and Capt. George W. Grant to the Cirkship of the office. —On the 31st tilt.; (Jorge Seaman of the northern part of the cormi, had his pocket picked at the lower depot at Hefting, losing itlooo, with which he was , going to pa; a mortgage. —The colored Odd Flllows will parade in Reading on the 10th of Jae. A number of Lodg es from abroad will be preent. —À Sunday excursia train will commence running on the East Pennylvania Railroad on the 18th of April. It will lean Reading at 8 A. M., arriving at Allentown at D. Returning will leave Allentown at 4.25 P. M., relying at Reading at 6. —The School Dlreetut of Byte will meet In the Court House, at.Rading, on the first Tues day In May, to elect a entity Superintendent, and to determine what composation the new Incum bent shall have for his Perim. Toth. .....710 090 ...200 —.975 —A special term of lout will convene at Reading on June 14th. —A bill has been intoduced into the legis lature to Incorporate tit Reading Academy of ?dude. NOIITIIAMPON COMA. Elm); PA., April 12th, 1869 —Everybody Is setting down now after the moving, and in a forttait we shall be accommo dated for the rest of o(year—until " April comes again." Business Is relying, new stores are be ing opened and everybdy Is buying and selling as fast us possible. lierciants meet you with smil ing faces and the newpapers rejoice that they hare some new advertlehg to do—and so we shall wag on Tor eleven month more. EEO —Lanyette College closes the winter see sionto-morrow (Tuesday, after which the young gentlemen will take a thre weeks' vacation to re• cuperate for the summer *ork. Dr. Cattell, Pres ident of the College, leave on the !..l)th for Europe, to be absent a year. —A great many rafteare coining clown the Delaware, but tuber sham uo elgu 'of coming down a single penny. —We have been havitg a Theatrical Enter tainmeuL—and we are Bing to have a- circus! —Father Hunt, thi veteran Temperance lecturer of Wilkesharre, ms been addressing large audiences over !in Phillbsburgh. Much good is expected to result. Eaton is hopelessly given over to intemperance am the control of whisky. Only two of the large wittier of clergymen resi dent here are outspoken .n the subject, the pastors of the M. E. and Beton:led (Dutch) Churches. All the rest either are iMilferent to the matter or Ignorant that there is an ouch thing as drunken ness in the town. —lt was rather hardon a friend of ours who wrote a "Ilea for Andres• Johnson" to find that the type-sticker made a mall error and gave In large "caps" the article reading as a "Flea for Andrew Johnson." Periaps It in us welltis it Is ! —There is a lively 'atingle among the-aspi rants of the County Supetutendeney. —Petitions are being circulated in Easton praying for the repeal 011ie supplement to the Landlord and Tenant Act. rks —One of the Centraillailroad ferry boats, which meets the 7 a. In. train for Easton, smashed Into the dock with such Arce as to knock passen gers everyway and tear u f the planks on the dick. —On Sunday mornini week afire broke out In a building on Deleware street, used by Mr. A. Keyser as a hide dressing tstablishment. Nearly all the stock In It, was destioyed. CARBON COUNTY —:.new Jail N to be built at Mauch Chunk. The bide for Its conitmclma were opened last week and found to range fromsoo,ooo to $120,000. Mr, Chris. Curren, of East 1 4 ,:auch Chunk, being the lowest bidder, wu atwareed the Job. -The Carbon notrat. calla Grant a 1 im becile and untutored dulcet. —F. A. Dony, Es. ho mine to Allen town a short time ago wi the privet:Won of reaping a fortune from tie praetTEe of the law, Is now. residing at Munch Chunk. We believe he scribbles blood and thunder for the honocrai. BUCKS rotary. —Sorel' L. Prizer, widow of the late Enos Wiser, editor of the Burks Cgunty Intelligenser, has been appointed postmlstres. for Doylestown. —Edwin T. Chase lan ben' aßpointed As sessor of the Fifth District, composed of Bucks county and part of Philadelphia. CITY NOTICES Reed Potatoes, a ldrge variety conslstingorEarly Rose, White Sprouts, Early Henry, Early (iIO od rich, Buck Eye, Ilarrisons, &c., for sale by E. FIOBTEIIIIACIIER, Corner of 10th and Hamilton streets, April 7-3w] Allentown. Ow thousand Pianos of Halms dt Brother, New York, were sold In one year. rot only arc they the cheapest piano In the market, ranging from $375 to $5OO, but have given universal satisfictlon throughout the country. Only for sale at C. F. Herrman's Music store, 7th ant Walnut. Linderman tb Sons' Gold. Medal Cycloyd and Square Pianos are considered by the most promi nent musicians In the country a feat-class Instru ment In regard to durability, fullness' nod bril liancy of tone. They sell One Hundred Dollars lower than.eltber Chlckeelug's or Steinway's ; are in every respect as good, If not superior to those, and ore warranted for 5 years. Number of refer ences In affirmation of the above can be given from citizens of Allentown, Lehigh or adjoining Counties. Como and examine them at C. F. Herr mann's Music store, 7th and Walnut. /harp Gabe,*lselta bestqualltyotwooleacarpea. yarn, all colors, at 90 cents a pound. ' —E. J. Young, 1 , announces In our ' convention of the I. oty will be held In Tuesday, May 4tb, dent for the three etermine the annual that time. Allentown has an extensive china and glasswar establishment where as great a variety and as low prices can be found as In the larger cities.' We refer to the new store of Richard Walker, No. 40 West Ilamllton street. . - - 0 nnT1411.111111:d pntallanno of the forty-third ermtlon of l i tl e d t .:A ° tr. 'o7. tra TaNe to meet being to 41% .0n of e tho n' asor " itn ' . at 1 o - elocrein the nee , ' noon. and select, day viva race by a moJorlty of the e wholg number of directors prese4t, nue person of literary and aCientint Reetutreonentn, and o f chill and experience In the art of teaching, an Cooly SePcrintendent for the throe .mcceeding yearns 'determine the amount of compensation fort . he name; and certify the renult to the State S !varlet., dent, at Ilarrinburg, an required by the thirty-ninth and fortieth Sections of nald Act. E. J. YOUNG, apriClit County Superintendent. Scrofula, Salt Rhuni, Skits and Female Distates t 'or cured.—fice tegitlMOillal THE TIME COMING 1 DIBTRICT.— cot Into the Senate or this District:— c, Coltel John R. ssor, dward Rube, Ilentown, David K. Robert Iredell ; at The store and business place of Ilenry Gabriel Is at his house or factory, south of Market Square, below Wetherholtre hotel, near the Little Lehigh. It is with a guileful feeling that I feel able to make the following statement 'for the benefit of those who are suffering from Scrofula and other • Chronic Diseases. My wife had been suffering for several years from tumors or swellings on her neck which after a time would gather and discharge matter, leaving a running sore. She had berm treated for more than a year by most eminent physicians without receiving any permanent ben efit, her disease becoming worse, until she bad live of these running sores on her neck, when I em ployed Dr. H. D. Longaker, under whose treat ment she commenced to Improve very fast, the sores nn her neck to heal, and all her unpleasant and disagreeable symptoms gradually to distil , ' pear, until her health was restored, which was in about four months. I feel perfectly Justified, after having tried the treatment of other physi cians, In recommending nil those who are suffer ing frosts Scrofula or Chronic Diseases to Dr. Longaker for medical treatment, with a. Lire be lief that they will be satisfied, benctitted and cured thereby, as my wife has been. [Signed.] JAMES BARNER. Dr. 11. D. Longaker's office is on the East side of Stith street between Hamilton and Walnut, Allentown. J. W. Clewll, corner of Seventh and Lin denetreete, Allentown; manufacturer of Flour, and Dealer in Grain, Feed, Coal, Wood, de., sells coal at Lehigh prices. All articles delivered free of cost. FlO-3m Foste• bad a big rush ands opening on Monday. The whole population seemed to be there, to se cure the greatest bargains evef before offered. Enterprise Is stamped everywhere and he is sure to succeed, though he sells goods at smaller profits than they do anywhere this side of New York. The rush still continued yesterday, ?•ontinues to day, and will ever continue so long as people have a chance to get so mach for their money. Every thought Is of Foster, and no man In Allentown is more talked of by the fair sex. Goods sold for greenbackS at gold prices. ' Sheet Music, Books, Music Port Folios, Btkings or anything belonging to a regular Music Store can be had cheaper than anywhere else, at C. F Herrmann's Music store, cot. 7th and Walnu , streets, Allentown. Look at the advertisement of Henry Gabriel In another coital-in. Henry/ Gabriel sells Carpels at 50 cents a yard, adds manufactory, and all wool Ingrain below one dollar a yard. LENTZ—AVOLF.—On the 10th inst., by Rev. Stmussburger, Mr. Albert Lentz to Miss Sarah Wolf, both of this city. APGAR—HINIAN.—On the 27th of February, at the Phillipsburgh Presbyterian parsounge, by Rev. H. B. Townsend, Mr. Jacob M. Apgar, of Little. 1 orb, to Miss Amanda Eliza Hinton, of Harmony, N. J. eta bertior ntrnt - Siiiiiil ; 6lll3l . OF FLOIFEBS. To Ilse Friends of Dereaßeet Soldiers : The 0. A. R., Pont No. 13, of thin city, have appointed the undersigned Committee of Arrangement. for this city, to procure a complete uud true list of Soldier., Sallost and Mariners buried luewmeterins Wand near :Allentown. The name and record of each will be engrossed on a 1101.1. OF HONOR, and kept for future reference in the ceremonies of Strewing of Flowers on their graves. For the above purpose we call on their heirs anti friends to send the Name. Rank, Company, Regiment, and Date, Place, and Cause of Death of all such Soldiers, Ac., to either of the Committee without delay. The Decoration will take place May :kith. Comnifffre—W. W. llameraly. T. 11. (10”.1, It. MoAlll,k -ter, 11. C. Roth, 11. C. Iltiumberger. apr 14-td ESTATE OF WILLIA3I WESCO, late of Lower Macungie townahip, Lehigh coutit y . deceteed.—Notice hereby given that lettere tortatnentary upon said evtate have been granted to the undersigned. All pervone indebted to said emote are 11.111104 Ni to mkt, payment within six week.. front the date hereof. and timer having cidmstaunt Pregelll 01.1 authenticated for settletnent within the above epeel fled me. sprit 11-01, BENJAMIN K. KECK, Es,culor. STRATTON'S PORTABLE AIR GAS MACHINE. SAYE MONEr BY MAKING ro °II'S (Lis. THE CHEAPEST LIGHT IN USE • Htratton's O. Machin for Illumluutio¢ Hotels, Private Residences, Stores, Mills, etc., It simple In construction, consumes all the material used In the 1111.11Ifurture of gas, and it KU cheap as to bring It managedhe reach of all. I t free from explusious, bu by any person, and produc. a superior light to all others. at one.hulf the cost of ordinary burning gas. NO FIRE IS APPIA ED TO THE PPARATUS. It ran be attuclool to ordinary gas pipes nd fixtures, the only variation being lu the enlargement of the burnerjets. All parts of the apparatus ure made lu the most thorough and workmanlike manner. Superiority over all 11110111111. Is claimed in the following ttrticulit. : First, Cost of Construction. Second, Illuminating canoe- Ky. Third, Compactor. and Sitoplicity N and consequent Impossibility of its getting out of order. Fourth, Eciug teotioloy in uso of moierlid. A machine ennoble of supplyn bunters costsB7s. Any further information will be given tool the workings of tho machine explained by coiling upuo the agent fo Lehigh county. MEM DELAR AIM ASTONISHING INVESTMENT. $l5OO IN GOLD. FOR $l. WHEN WILL WONDERS CEASE? OF TUE GOOD WILL STEAM FIRE COMPANY, Which will PO4ITI Vlil.Y anu Or. . MONDAY, MAY 3, 1869. For ONE 1/O,LLAR you can draw either a SPAN OP HORSES a age SE% F.:N OCTAVE PIANO, 13POOli, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, and numerou4 other article, Call and emonino our moult, whirl, In large and varied. Otli B . ce, Second National Bank Building (limo..nth Allen• town, Pa. Illy order of Me Committee. mpg. 14 'S. W. F. WOI4E, Chairman. - ESTABLISHED 15S1 J. REYNOLDS & SON., • Those I ssssssss re mean, of Heavy Wrought-Iron, well riveted toaether, the only sure prevention against the es cape of On t ur Dust. They am easily managed, without any dampers. The Patent Radiator avoids the non and annoyances of drums, and is permanently attaches,' to the It This to tbe most durable, simple, economical and appall Herding Appamt le. over offered for sale. They guaranteed. COOKING RANGES, (or Hold. and Paulin.. PORTABLE HEATERS, . LATROBE HEATERS, LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS, REGISTERS Axo VENTILATORS SAusnunr TOWNSHIP, Lcldgh Co., Oct. 31st, 1808. Pitarriagrs PATENTED MAUCH 3IST, C. W. STUBEIt, wALNuT STREET. CORNER OF PENN (..110VIE vrluexurun COLLINIE.) ALLENTOWN, PA Net:until the drattelutc of the 2D GRAND GIFT ENTERPRISE I=l PHILADELPHIA, PA Sole Ms oufneiOreee of the eolelorate.l WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS-CONSUMIN'G HEATER, WITH PATENT DVST SCREEN, ORATE BAR •RE$T$ Feu WROUGHT -IRON RADIATOR We are she maanfartartaa a NEW FLAT-TOP HEATING RANGE arflend far oar Illustrated Pamphlet abbertioemento. OMPION SCHOOLS. OVrICE 011COONTT 817PflgtillIXD1111 ALLIIIITOWN, PA. , Aprn.lll, 1800. To the School Dire/tor/eV Lehigh Comity; • DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE! NO FURTHER POSTPONEMENT! THE MANAGERS of the Columbia', (lift Enterprise are pleased to announce that the drawing will pooltively take place nu MONDAY the 24th day of MAY, MD. All per man who have not purehaned ticket. ehonid do no immedi ately, there being hut a limited number to be had—THIS IS YOUR. LAST CHANCE. All agento are requested to make their return, of room•y, duplicates and ticket. un mold a few day; before the drawing. Mercier to make prep aration. for the name. Sig-Purtien having claim,. againnt the Enterprise are re (vented to hand them In at the hankies. office Immediately. , Hy order of the COMMITEE. • aprl4 REMOVAL. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER !! JOHN W. OOHS n MV ec trully In[onne ii (,lends and thr puhlk knurr• l) llmt ho huo reu nrrd hl. Book and Btutluuery tttore to NO. 25 WEST HAMILTON STREET, I= (PI ILMENI.T ANEW ALT k NUOd. HAT AND CAP ATONE, ) Anti have just received a large variety of new etYlee of Wail Paper, Borden.. Decorations, Window Shades. tr., et greatly reduced prices. Also ull kinds nf Sehoni,,ilneks, Blank Hooks. Pane Books, School Sletes. Ink lad Ink Steeds, Writing Paper, Lead Pencils, (told and Steel Pens. Envelopes, Paper hugs. Wrapping Maier, Ale., which will all be cold ut the lowest price. Rentrinber the place. No. `2.1 Wont Hamilton Street, be tween Seventh and Eighth. April 14-llt JOIN W. OCHS. 6}REAT REDUCTION OF PRICES WOOLEN GOODS LARGE STOCK OF FANCY SPRING CASSIMERES, FLANNELS, JEANS, CARPETS, &C In consequence of the abundance and over stock of the above (lood• in the City Markets, they cannot at present b 0 disposed of except at a loss to the manufacturer and many Woolen Mills are either closed or workflig on his Vim, limier these circumstances. wishing to keep his mill running. HENRY CA BRIEL, MEM ALLENTOWN WOOLEN MILL IISD OW SOtTI! .1111,101T11 ATIIMET %/1 'laving a large and floe stock of the beet styles of Fancy Casslmeren formen's and boy's wear, as also a variety of other Woolen Mods and Carpets suitable for tho season and desired In very houeohohl, has concluded tu RETAIL • AT TILE PRESENT LOW WHOLESALE PRICES whicOstire 'dock of Woolenece and f taller Goods, among h are neveral hundred pi. o • ALT. WOOL DOUBLE AND TWIST CARSLVERES, FLANNELS, Of all gradea. andat prlcom ttrnatlY redurad. AI aplandld samort went id INGRAIN, LIST It acs, AND OTHER CARPETS, A. low us .10 crate s ynrd BALMORAL SKIRTS, WOOLEN CARPET YARN, all color, Host tittztlity reduced to txt (4.1101 11 ED I:OVERLETS All kind. , White or FILET, at greatly reduced Priem CASH B rEltli, or those having Wool to exchange, will cart:Only And it to their interest. to exarnihing the flood• at Ilia boa. or factory, whew, Creep as ed up aeveral room. for showing tho rime, and e caully Writes the Public Co call and Jul.. (or lilol.Bi 111 It (4A BRIM, ALLENTOWN WOOLEN MILL, Small Eutl or Soveuth Stmft, Allentowu April 14-2zn -10 _._ _ _ _ cc sirtmeni CHANGE:9. WILL LOW PRICES INFL UENCE YOU? OLD T 1 NIY,S AGA IN-, RIIDUCTION IN PRICES ! THE OLD CORNER Jut opened Au mum. , STOCK OF SPRING GOODS. =9 VARIETY, '.4 ND tolyNEss OP PRICE shill such cattuot Lu murplumnd Lir C (notation kited with any other Establishment , outside of the larger cities. _in RPM% WILL NOT PERMIT OP NAMINO much au law rneum , Mork of g00d,., but lot It giallo , to am that we haire the moot COMPLETh ••' ortment of Ladlel' Drum flood.. Drama Silk Poplllo4, Shairbi,klaltnurals, Mune Furnlott• lOR ))))) I.ndlea'.t.louk lug Cloth, Men'. Wear lu Cloth. C.altnereA, Aga skud everythlut that kept In •PI HST- C LASS DRl' ■ WORK STORE lu endloan garlety. Ido out "QUOTE PRICES" am some ho WWI, do, but will guarantee ASTONISIIING FIGURES. The Iltf•rcurotu prlcroof to•dar. •10l • mo.th•■■. to really painful for thoao who hare beau eaurat with barge mocha on 11111111 at high pricer, but as that la not the <sae with toe, I shall torrhoretoforo make the OLD COR NER TIIE GREAT PLACE OP INTEREST AND HEADQUARTERS for thr Ittasmot to gel t Itolr goods of tto LOWEST MARK ET PRICES I fully realise that no permanent success can be achieved unless the promises held out by advertisements are found to be fully sustained on a visit to the store. Nor eau It be a large success without scrupulously reliable and fair dealing at all times and uniform courtesy to every custo mer, and the ende simp l yatte army buyer a cimetant dealer. All I ask Is to deride by . artists/ OW whether or not It to to your advantage to become a rusto• Ramectfully Your .1%1. J. KRAMER, ‘ , 91,4•• cohrtEivi . . OPPOSITE THE EAGLE HOTEL Aprlll4 , aprl4.l) lieb3 cabbutissements. ILLIAM T. SNODGRASS dc CO., EXTSNSIVE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL NO. 34 SOUTH SECOND STREET, (BETWIIIII MAXIM AND Nt.S. PHILADELPHIA. Coustantly on hand a large and well assorted stork of CLOTIIB, , CASHILIBILF.I3, VESTINOS, &c., ADAPTED TO MEN AND BOYS' WEAR, IT' Storekeepers and Tailors aro especlally luvliod to xamine our extemdve Mock of Cloth., Coat Minn and e llore Trhumluns..-. Apr 14, JAN. H. ORNE, SON .1 CO.. CHESTNUT ST. BELOW SEVENTH, N E W We Anil open on the let of April, our entire Spring IM portstion of FRENCH & ENGLISH AxmINsTER CROSSLEI"S VELVETS AND TAPESTRIES, ENGLISH BRUSSELS Of the Weld atylox and 1111fereut notkns ME= English and Srotth Thrre:Plies and Ingrains With a Otte oxmortinvut of CIAJTHS 'AND DRUGGETS CANTON. MAT "PINGS, WHITE AND NED CHECK AND FANCY MATTING~ OF NEW VARIETIES JAS. H. OHNE, SON & CO., CHESTNUT ST. BELOW 7TH. PHILADELPHIA Dr 14.2 m 212 NOWWII STII STREET, PHILADELPHIA, A NEW LSD ELEGANT LOT OP HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INBERTINGB, Together with a full soppty of goods In their line just re ceived at LeMAISTRE & ROSS. Plain,Mid and Striped ORGANDIES. .. •• NAINSOOKS. • • SWUM MULL. Tarlatans, Tucked Nalosooks, and French Muslin.. Soft and hard floished Cambric. and Jsconets, Botanets, Wash 4101.10. Illusions for Bridal Veils. Lace and Embroidered Curtains, and Curtain lace from auction, and VERY CHEAP. A very select and full assortment of Linen Handkerchiefs for Ladies, Gents. Misses and Boys' wear, and at un usually low figures. Lane+ of all kinds, as Crochet, Valencia, English and German Thread and Guipure. in real and Imitation. Cluny, Black and White Silk laces. &c. Fine Linen and Lace Collars and Cuffs In all styles, Pique Braid, Daisy. Dimity, Magic and Coventry Ruf fling., Empress and Metternich Frillings, &c. A large and moat select stock of Linen and Nottingham Tidies, Toilet Mats, In nets. at: 1 cents. Loon Jaconot Edgings 3 yards at 20, El and 30 cents. Puffing. and Shined ?aniline. Plain Linen. and Linen Shirt Front.. Handsome and cheap Embroidered Infant Waists. ape li-ly JEANS, REMOVAL. • ANEWALT & BROTHER'S NEW HAT AND CAP STORE 8. E. COR. EIGHTH AND HAMILTON STB., We would hereby anuounre to our outlier°ua friends and patrits, as well ar the public In general, that wo have jolt removed to our new bu ildinß outheas4 corner of Eighth and Hamilton Streets specially erected to inert the wants of our largo and increasing trade, where we have now greatly replenished our stock In all that per• talus to the Spring and Sommer Trade, to an Inspection of whic v h eerybody in Invited. The latest and most hish• hatable styles of SILK HATS, CASSIMERS HATS, SOFT HATS, STRAW HATS, CHILDREN'S FANCY HATS,SHAKER HOODS, LADIES' HUN DOWNS, In endless variety, which cannot fall to please all, at prices lower thau at any tune within the last eight yours. 111 h. propose to sustain the reputation we have heretofore enjoyed of selling a better class of goods, more of them, and at lower prices, than any other' house in Allentown. Feeling thankful for the patronage heretofore extended to us, we will endeavor in the future, an In the pant, to plane all—furnishing choice g Is at Ale . very lowest p rices . Our wholesale department, to which we invite all cowl try merchants, to full and complete, and styles sultable.to all sections, and the Inducements offered will be equal to any exclusive jobbing tumor in the city. PI- Please call and examine our stock before purchas ing.... charge nothing fur showing good. New Building, COruer of Elglicla stud Iluulltuu eltreens (NEZT 0002 TO M. 0. TOUNO t CO.'s 1111110WA2N 00020.) ALLENTOWN, Ilarch 27th, Bal. HERBING"S FIRE AND BURGLAR PI O6F • • Awarded tha Prise Medal. at World'a Fair, Loodou Worid'a Pair, New York, Expoditlon Par!. FARE: EL, HERRING & CO lIARVNT ti11.L.4/1. CPA/. Mwritawag. °V.°. W. MYER.. 61,9 (11EsTNI"I` sTREM yARREI. & fiIIERMAN, NEW YORE HERRING, FARREL k CO,, NEW ORLEANS ay. 14 RICH AND ELEGANT CARPE'! ; !, OIL CLOTH, &C - CARPET BUSINESS At No; 19 HOPI% SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA • (1.1.10 w Market,) . With • splendid assortment of CARPETS, which will b• gold at • very small advanee. Also. new style Carpets. llnsassis patterns, at 60 and ovi CCM. nil best goods for be prim sr d. apr Ham CLOTH HOUSE, AT LOW PRIORS PHILADELPHIA C A R PETINCTS NEW CARPETINOS, (Nearly oppoalte Hagen'melt'. 110101,) I= ANEWALT d: BROTHER, PATENT CII AM PION SAFES (WITH DRY FILLING.) PHILADELPHIA & CO.. S. O. FOULK I=l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers