D P4eaterfsi'.4 , ..j 19 RAND4II AMERICAN AIR-I:1611T HEArth4t tOO9ITING RANGE. Wo Invlto examination and warrant at.ery Itond wblcii wo eot to s ave antito satl.factlon. Alnd. manufneturlng dealer. In LOW GRATES, REGISTERS, And Agents for the Celebrated MAGEE PATENT HEATERS, RANGES AND STOVES RAND, PERKINS AND CO. NO. 124 NORTH SIXTH STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA, PA. Send for doxeriptive Circular. 011:112 Carpeto anb ®it (Moth ;7'Iii7eARPET -- iNn - 4 ' ljifC - CLOTI I EMPORIUM OP E. S. SHINED, & CO., NOS. 5 AND 7 WEST HAMILTON ST, =MEI REPLEN (SHED in all Its latest varietiee, styles and patterns. PRICES REDUCED! We keep fur silo all Wu following PaPular make. BODY BRUSSELS, S FRANK. ENGLISH, 5 FRANK BIGELOR, 5 FRANK HARTPORp, ENGLISH TAPESTRY, • CROSSLEY'S TAPINTRY, STODDART TAI'S TRT, • SMITH TAPESTRY, HARTFORD & LeIW ELL, extra 3 ply, IMPERIAL, extra 3 ply, MEDIUM SUPERFINE, 3 ply, SMITH TAPESTRY INGRAIN, PHILK. SUPERFINE do PHILADELPHIA FINE INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA COMMON INGRAIN, PHILADELPHIA WOOL INGRAIN, do. WINDOW SHADES! cuirrAiNs = Lift . Ensttrantc. A kR4„,. cr BAN KE RS, '•(:? No. 35 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CLOYERNMEVES2CURITIES, STOCK, COLD AND NOTE. BROKERS. Accounts of Hanks, rms., sod ludic idusis scusiled, subject to check at sight. = qE,l\l ERAL P k g. ENTB, FOR s o ,_PENNSYLVANIA 471 4714 N N D VN V° 1' .9 . 7 e...) OF THE (.5\4 thiEtNsuß ki pla t' Of THE ed. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The NATIONAL. Lire. INAVIIANCE CouirsSTY Is a corporation charisml by special Act or Congross, ap prayed July 25, ISO, with a CASH CAPITAL, 51,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents and Sanctions, who are Invited to apply at our Olney. Full tartleulars to he had oh application at our onlce, located In the second story of our Ilunkink House, where Circulars and Pamphlets, fully describing the suivantag. ulferett by the Company, luny be laud. B. 8. RUSSELL, Manager, ?Charles W. Cooper oil Neleoo Wollner, &Ile:1011 , ga Ns Muhl hook. Ageutx for Lehigh & emboli Counties, Pa, AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. 13=1! B. E. COR. FOURTH AND WALNUT Organized, MO. An Old Company—Nearly . 1) yelFa ! A Sound Company—Aaaets, fe..500,0(0 ! A Sato Compauy—Never lest n dollar uI Investmente ! An'Entorprlalmt Company oaluesa largely Increased an uually ! ♦ Paying Company. holder. A HOME COMPANY j'HILA DELPHIA NS & PENNS 17; VA NLI I= "AMERICAN LIFE," ==! I= MEMO WM..I. ROMIG, M. D., Agent, fob 11417 • CAIRPETIIF9S. Na aro now receiving a large.stock for SPRING 'BALER • LOW FOR CASH. • • LEEDOM & SHAW, NO. 910 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA FIUSTMILORTGAGE 7 PER INDORSED BONDS BT. LOUIS, VANDALIA AND TERRA AT 90 AND ACCRUED INTEREST Thene.HONDH aro for WOO rich, secured hyit lint twill env, of ONLY *12,01 - 0 for toll° ou tho property and frill chinoa of the Company. redeemable on the Int day of Janu -1F97.. Coupon• ottathed, payable on the Int day el January and July in oath Yenr. The payment of principal null Internal In FURTHER AWL:HI:II by the Indorsement of thus Bun& by • TUE TERRA HAUTE AND IND, A NA-POLLS ' RAILROAD 00. THE CIMILIMeS, WirCA GO AND INDIANA VEN • '.TRAI, RA/I:WA r TILE CLV('INA 71 AND NT. LOUIS 11.11b11 - A (w. Ng. The bolme. orsetose 1 by t t•rtliv two lost wooed Coeipsnles be gn0..4 THE PENNS'YLVANIA It. it. 1 C? • The road on which these Bonds constitute of I HST N In WIWIes long, extending. from the Terra lima(' and In dianapolin Railroad, near Terra Haute, to St. Louis and forms the Innt and only uncompleted link In the snow- EST LINE FROM ST. LOUIS TO PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK. lie I inmedinte construction and equlpmout are provided for a n contract between the PENNS] LV A NIA RAILROAD COMPANY, and the Com pa nies abv named, which contract insures that It shall always he o ope rated in the joint Interests of the direct lino between St. Loots gnd the East. SEVENTY MILES of the road are now completed and it con fi dently expected that th o ENTIRE LINE will he OPENED FOR TRAFFIC EARLY In 1570. The iron rails for the entire length or rond have been Purchased an sufficient for MI miles delivered. The Dona, t ut u be had on application to • VENTILATORS And Dealers'ln Government Securities, Gold, de., I can fully recommend the above Honda an a dedlrable security MIMI CATANAIMIA AND fuTTFTZ fOO ELM ELE R. R. •Fing Sin'lota. CONNECTIONS. The morning train wont leaves Cataaatovan on the arrival ttf the L. V. R. R.' Local Paasenger train front Easton. Bethlehem, nod Allentown and connects at Al. H u rtle with n train on the Etat Pennxylvania It. R. for Rending, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia, and also with a train fur Allentown Bethlehem, Easton and New Work. The morning train Rantnnects at Abßurtis with train on E. P. R. It. from n A llentown and at Catanau• qua with trains on the Lehigh Walley Railroad for Mauch Chunk, Wilkes-Barre Scranton, Philadelphia and New York, and with the Lehigh At Suhquehauna It. R. for Bethlele Easton. Philadelphia and New York. The 2.00 P. Al. train West connectst Abliurtis with a train ou the East Penn. Railroad for Reading, Pottsville, Harrisburg and Philadelphia. The Evening train East latter Al-Burtis on the arrival of a train fr o m Allentown .001 of a train making rounec• lima at Reading with trains from Philadelphia, Harris burg, Pottsville, Sze., and connean with local passenger train an theL,V. It. R. at Catasauqua fur Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton. Persons wishing to go to Allentown can take the morn. hag train West to Ablturtis. arrive at Allentown SAO a In, and return by a train on the East Pennsylvania R. It., leaving Allentown at 4.'20 P. M. C. W. CHAPMAN. Supt. and Engineer. TRY YOUR LUCK GOOD WILL GIFT ENT FA RPRISE. I= Ile sure to inveKt your mouey ht ou Enterprise where you urn certain to he &nit with. honOstly. Iteft . 4 to our lust drawl. and you will find that ull Interested were satis fied, 1111ki luau.elt us this one is mt n larger Neale thnu the (OMIT oue, they may feel usaured that It will be curried out lu an Nuttily (air and honorable moaner, similar to last year's.Euterprise, THIS" Ile the Mammoth Gift Enterprifte, (no othe company having the right to lay elating to that name), and the only one likely to take place at the time npecified. Call nod examine our xtork, whirl. In large and inried, among which may he enumerated the following: E. It. CLAIM & .:yO. 115 .Sbuth ..77uirci =9 I=l =Ell =1 Allantown, l'a MIMI PENNSYLVANIA INOTEIL, COIL 7thiti m itD LINDEN ins., itl.issToWl. PA. The waders has taken tilt• weli•lisown stand. The Ear, Table an Beds have all bags ilawly furnished. H. la also wall supplied with stable room. 'Nary &Bastion will be be stowed upon law mole b make theist Doi at • mar home Law D'OBlif NOM OUTS. aataftiliSi: 4 !(f. CENT. CND HAUTE RAILROAD CO py,HAYEN & BRO., BANKERS 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, El= J EDOAR THOMPSON WINTER ARRANGEMENT after JANUARY IS. ISAP, ,raamenger tral at. Fegelxvle Railroad rUll In. th m e Lehigh Valley ll Railroad and Rant Pm,. ollows: MEI= CATASAIIQUA •MICKLEYS. SEIPLER. •JORDAN BRIDGE WALREET'S. TREXLERTOWN, DREINIKIHVILLIN. VARMINOTON: •SPRINU CREEK. AL-BURTIE. OEM Gift Entrrprisrz The largest olfair of the kind ever before the public out 520,000 WORTH OF PRIZES DRAWING IN COURT HOUSE M5(O IN GOLD. S ONE HUNDRED DOLLAR GREENBACK PRIZES. 3 PIANOS. • 2) SEWING MACHINES. 3 COTTAGE ORGANS. 2 MUSICAL BOXES. 12 GOLD WATCHES. • 5 SILVER " SPAN MATCH 11(IIISES, TWO-SEATED CARRIAGE. ONE PAIR FAT HOGS. SLEIGH, BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER GRASS MOWER. 2 KNITTING MACHINES. 2 COTTAGE SETTS 2 SILVER TEA SETTS. S STOVES, (different kind.). FURNITURE OP ALL KINDS. MUSLINS AND CALIdOES BY TILE PIECE. In &Li everything appertaining to Ferule& and Me clianies' Implements, and many other articles to sul every one, and too numerous to mflution In this particular Call and nee tor yourselves. Buy your tickets now, an w expect to ho able to draw to a (ow weeks. Bo sure and Qt to the Good Will Office, basement floor Second Nations Bank building Jan M-tf COLUMBIA'S GIFT DRAWING WILL POSITIVELY TAKE PLACE MONDAY, MAY 24 $12,000 IN USEFUL & .VALUABLE GIFTS! • A SPLENDID. RESIDENCE, VALUED AT $1,500 IN TWS. PRIZES FOR: ALL ! SECURE YOUR TICKETS IN THIS ONLY The Columbia Steam Vire Company of Allentown tot d Irousof Augmeullug the Treasury, h•re Inaugural • Gift Enterprieo on n'nutintnutli scale, and this being TIIEIR FIRST appeal of this character. they earnestly Lupo for liberal encouragement.promising th at the outorprls• shall bo honestly uud Wyly conducted throughout. • • TILE PRIZE LIST la exceedingly liberal, and made op altogether or mein and valuable gifts, among which will he found SLOW IN GREILNDACKS, A SPLENDID PIANO, 3 FINE CARRIAGES, A SPENDID SLEIGH, 5 SEWING MACHINES, (DIFFERENT KINDS . FARMING IMPLEMENTS, A SPLENDID REAPER AND MOWER, TIIIIEEHINO MACHINE, TREADLE POWER,. STOVES, 4 d I &rent kinder, ' FURNITURE, GREENBACKS, CROCKERY, Ac., This enterprise 1a gotten up on • "Mammoth" settle. The articles to be drawn are all useful and valuable. ho or - M been portioned of merchants and bodes.. Men of thin city,, and arojust what they are represented lobe and none of the bogus or flashy kind that were given away hereto fore, The drawing In the Coon i Muse In this city will be conducted In a fair and impartial manter,by dislnterratod person., rbnsen by the ticket-holders themselves. 10...A0ENT13 WANTED in every locality In Lehigh and adjacent counties who will be allowed a liberal per rest age qn all sides. Application for Alltt ne'. to be made to R. P. LEIBENRINO, Agent, P. 0. Box 444, Allentown, Pa. t Mal.. OMee In Haines . New Building, three doors east of the Post Odin.. A. P. STECKEL. President. WE. 11. Darras, Treasurer. mar S, 'OS atditts, 21eb3eirp, 84c. HENRY imAltpru . , ) , ¢2O iIiOEO3TREE'I% ,• Ma a lam stook, al low prices, of Zoo IVATCHES, JEWELRY, HOLID BILVERWIIIP PLATED SPOONS, CASTORS, TEA SETS, Ac apr 7-3 m TN CONSEQUENCE OF THE DlMAS trous Am, which In Jnuanry IRA destroyed their store mud Its couteuts. 4 • • J. E. CALDWELL & CO., to their tinier hi Europe wul In NEW STOOK OF CHOICE GOODIE Which ore uuw utivueil nut' really for exittulnittlim. tERY PINE PARIS MALI - 7'LE CLOCKS, (Every 31:01,11Ielit \\lib th,• nra' ImPrurrmeutJ NEW SIDE 01INJOIENTS TO MATCH BRONZES, GROUPS AND FIGURES, OOMIAM 31ANUFG CO.'S FINE ELECTRO WARES BES7' S TER 1,1. NW 811,1*Ell 11".4111. WATCSIES, JEWELRY, &c., MODERATE PRICES Slii CHESTNUT STREET, KELLER at BROTHER, NO. 27 WEST HAMILTON ST TIME KEEPERS, A LARGE LOT FOR SPRING TRADF C L 0 C . K 8 ; fn well reanlnted nud wurranted. All slrer and prlce+, t 2 upward, A larger n4eorment or o. • GOLD .I.ND SILVER WATCHES, him can be tonna In nay other store In the ally. LADIES' AND GENTS' W ATCI I ES. JEWELRY OF ALL 'KINDS, 6.3.) 6.15 6.11 (2. O.' I 5.4 U MEESE SILVER WA E, of every 11,cri1,tiou. such an TEA SETS WATER PITCHERS. WAITERS. • EMIT DISHES OYSTER DOMES, CAKE BASKETSia'Lur, null xmul I CASTORS, SILVER SPOONS, SILVER FORKS, told every thing in the SILVER WARE LINE. "LADIES' AND GENTS' GOLD PENS. ai-Call and oxtonine our murk, All of which will lo nohl for (i roe:duck s. .py-Wntrhen repaired or Short Entire. cony 19-tf KELLER & WATCHES, JEWELRY, . • SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AT o CHARLES S.IMASSEY'S, No. 23 East Hamilton street, opposite the Herman lie formed Church. Jun received from Now York and Phil adrlplalu, all the latest nt3l. t' - _ Ile lin. the largest and best assortment of Gold Wutebes d ut lower prices than sun lie hnuttl elsewhere. e has a larger and bettor tpuourttneut of Silver Wueches u cau be purchased anywhere else. GOLD JEWELRY Ito Lan tho largext and boot asaurtuirot of all kinds of Gold Jewelry. GILT AND PLATED JEWELRY a has a larger and better a.sortutsat hill bluds ”rGlIt SILVER AND PLATED WARE. suited. CLOCKS. • • A larger atolortment nom al uny other eatabllnlnnent. MELODEONS. A aplotalld woorlinent of Prince's Alelothtus, the WA In ho world. ACCORI)EONS. A splendid assortinent of all kinds of Accordeons. Ills establishment bits lately been fitted and is 111110 second to 1111110 NOW York and Plillailelphin s , and ahead of .ything ItotSilit• the turns epics. Itzt. A larger stoek of fashionable goods in Into line atoll all others In Lehigh county combined. To convince yourselves of the above call and see. • - - - SPECTACLES! SPECTACLES:I EVE GLASSES, &r. A largo and complete usmortinent of nll k Inds . of Spectacles, Eyo Glasses, &c„ at CHAS. S. MASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Having devoted n great deal of care and attention to the Spectacle business for the crease few years, dintnd that my business iu that lino has id so 11111c11 I have de termined to make Its SPECIALITY. There Is no article manufactured In which there Is so murk accept log pit raw tired as there Is In Spectacle Masses. Roowing that the public have been frequently humbugged by parties pre tending to have a superior article .if Glasse+, and charging exorbitant prices for them, thereby tratliellla ‘ll , Oll MU ne cessities and infirmities of age, I 1111, taken pains to se lect a large and complete ussortineut of the finest and best Manses ever Inatiniactured, thus affording all Per.. twedlug Spectacles an opportunity.of purchasing at rea sonable prison. Persons having auy beitig suited elsewhere will de troll to give mo a call, as I feel confident that no One toll) fall to he soiled. Remember the old stem!, to. fflEast Hamilton street, opposite the Ger man Reformed Church, AIIVIIIOWII. Pi, jun :11-'nstf SPECIAL NOTICE! • • • LAZARUS & MORRIS' CELEBRATED PERFECTED SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. • • ONE OF THE FlRAff i l t L io n r ./ , tT THE STORE OF • MESSRS. KELLER BROS., Jewellers, • Allentown, Ps., • TWO (2) DAYS ONLY,•FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 9th AND 10th, 1869. He attends for the purp of assisting News. Keller Bros. In FITTING THE E YE e IN DIFFICULT Olt UNUS UAL CASES. Those suffering f impaired or diseased vision aro recommended to avail themselves of this oppor tunity. Our Spectacles and Eye-Olarges are acknowledged to be the most perfect assistance to sight ever manufactured, and ran always Le rolled upon us affording perfect ease and comfort while strenathenlnganal preserving the Eyes most thoroughly. sir We take occasion to notify the public that we em ploy no pedlars, and .t, e , caution there against those pre tending to have oar go • for sale. mar U 4 • . . • - 1115 1100 P SKIRTS. 1115 W.M. F. WOLLE, Chairman Has Removed his Manufutory and . Salenrommito NO, 1115 CHESTNUT STREET; sPHILADELPHIA, Where his "Own Make" of Champion Hoop Skirt., es pecially adapted to First-class Whofeen le and Retail will be found In embrace the moot ex lewd re xnsurttuent in the Ireton, and all the latest and moot desirable Styleo, Shapes; Lengthn and Siren, 2, 2 , f, 2 , 4 yard,. rotted of Plain and Gored Polders, throlking Skirts. Reception Trails, Ye., together with over ninety different varieties of Misses ande, all of which for mmetry f ntyle, bildren'e Skirt. elasticity, durnbilltys n y od real Cheapness, are unequaled by any other gond. Intl. mar ket, and are warranted In every respect. Shirts made to order, Altered and Repoired, Wholesale nod Retail. Frill line of Low Priced Eastern Made Skirts. 13 Spring., 15 Cent. ,• Springs. 43 Center 21 Springs, 71 Coots; 30 Springs. ill Ceram; end 40 Springs, 75 Cents. CORSETS ! CORSETS ! CORSETS I ! ! 37 different ogilen nod price., from 73 cent, to 47.C0, embracing It. uritey "Becket." "Glove Fitting," lindsmo Foy's erect lAtirt. Supporters. Mrs. Moody 's Patent "Self-Ad justing Abdominal" Cornets, French. English and Domes tic Iland•made Content, and superior French Patterns of Cotell Corset., "Our Own Make," to which vo invite *epeeist atteution. Complete assortment of Ladle.' Under Garment., at very low_ prt es. GENE ' llAll AGENT for the BARTRAM & FANTON FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, superior to soy other be fore the public. Fifty-two of these No. 1 Machines, Price 03 each, are being given away to our customers, order to galloon Introduced. Every person In Want of articles In our line, should examine our goods before purchasing eh/where. Call or send for circulars, at our Manufactory and Salesrooms, No. 1113 Chestnut St. Philadelphia. .• Mar 31-3 Mos WM. T. HOPKINS. JEWELERS, Entirely now Ed= full asnurtnteut at veri PHILADELPHIA.. march ALLENTOWN, PA EME! OEM BREAST PINS, and FINGER RINGS. GOLD WATCHES. SILVER 'WATCHES Spertatics I= WM. T. lIOPKINS bidnal. MEDICAL. E, NO PAY • LONGAKER, y of l'onney/TIMIII, at Plilladol practico for tt numb, of yearn. Hitt' Stole.; will promptly at profession at his room., [bel. nonillion and Walnut, Tows, I'A. NO cL 1 DR. IL D amdunte of tho Linlvor I plan, has been In Nuree vnrlous ptx the tend to till brn arof nehe4 of I rod able of Sixth sir ALL troll iir recommended; the rent ., which will not break down llttl the Ityxteut from all lalurlnt ral medlrlnee, and tenon, t In it .1 rondltlon: °St:1111'1S, DYSPEPSIA. " i nut, Throat, Simonet]. and LlNt [ timonl. to untllnly graven, can No Patent Meillein,li miles administered are t • the constitution, lint ten It has anstolned from ini healthy antiperfectly ci coNDIP YION, I and nil dis ciNses of tioi I er, which yearly carry I moloo Weedy lie cured. )1 ELANCITO thatstole of alienation it rend/int person. lotion/Oil tonithig the duties of DP. ItIIEUMATIS3 AND PARALYSIS, in tiny fer a n or COntiltbal (ironic or acute, warrnntell enr oll!, Lpilepity. or tvilii sirklll.4+, and chronic or stub born en•ies of Pt:MALE I 'IIASEn speedily and ratilettily 1 . 1 . 1114iV1 • 11; Salt MIVIIIII.I/i 4, 141 ,4 (or years' standittn) every deseripilo of lire thins. Plies and Iternfitions dis ease., witrra Med eared / no pity. 4LI - i' arlleti I it r Mogul 1 given to private diseases of overy description iir botl axes. Lailie, nuiferlott from / complaint Inelibintal he their test, eau rotmolt thimble whit nssurattre or relief. Cancer rortal, null 'flit ro of all kinds removed withont the keit- or drawing trio . DINV:12.1 • 1111( t h e EYE ND EAR, nuceo,Jolly 111111,i5 , 1 removed or 1111 rilimte ' inad , 4I) -Dr. liontrulter wit /inky. visits any distance If des red; eon be oil/tressed letter Imitifidentially)intel mrd lelite tent whit prounp,tinettele. to oily part of the (Poultry °VFW/. Last tilde of Shit otreet, between ilitmllton tool Walnut, Alleotown, l'a.: r-spr .2.,.. D". TATCLOI \BEBBATION, liat; t 5..,. ..1 m,• mind which li..okyltliT the plettsures of DR.INCII OLIN R S ! I A Inlbl and agreeable TOMC , I'IMUT, ANT, STOMACH aml CARMINATIVE PLR S, IBE and Itm,ts. Highly bell listnued eutirely from tkim DYSPEPSIA )El3l T Y, OSS . OF APPETITE GENERA! ❑:ItrCTIVE FU It PHINONS DI, til:M:11S or TuE ITII.E.NrE. &v. AND AN I.:X(1:1,1.1:NT syrvEittNu yin) ii,)wF.L., YWI!J , ;()1 1) 1. INIMIKET ST DEPOT, N O. 1: PIIILA ELPIII 1 OR & CO J. IC TA nep AT RESTORER NATURE'S GR 'j'/ ti lIZATFD ,II E CET B 1 T 'l' E R 'ORDIAL This medical propel - Mimi now offered to the politic as n reliable •übstlutte for lb many worthless compounds which now 110011 the market It is purely vegetable, cont. osed ,d ,,,0.,,,q herbs, gall r e d from the great storehouse p of nature and selected with le 111.:111..t care. It Is not re cotontimiled as a cure all, b' by Its direct and salutary In iflueuceupon the heart, Ii r, kidneys, lungs, stonily+ 'unit bowels ;arts both an a event lye and ciure for many of the diseases to whirl, till • organs air subject. It is a reliable fondly meillelne lilt can ler taken by either Infant or adult wilt lit' slims 1.40.1111 results. , It is a certain, \, prompt and speedy roue , for Diarrliont, Itysentery, llopel Complsint, Ityspeps . Lotvliess of Spirits, Faint ing+, dirk Ile:niacin', hr. 'or Chills and Fevers of all kinds It is far better 111111 ..:1 r than quinine without any tif Its 1/01111e1.111. 01,10. II I 'AI. , /111 ... , ....lilt'. PrO ,, . powerful diseshir or (.1111111114will counteract the effects of liquor lu a few minutes. l'irt red by JAW'S SCIIIXI7., Au.' Piton] E'ron, .I.Y. 11'. Cor. l'ifth an' Baer, l'hiladeli)hia. etnivl7 SOLD 11l A LLPIII'UOISTS. M'Gliii RE'S NrrANISII ItAllt lIIIIISSIIII, for protioithg the growth, beantlfying the hair andrendorins it sorttind glossy. No other cool , ...... ol p.0..n..,..1. Illi• prelli'll,propurti...a Whirll NO eXlietly snit the various comiltiontof the !utmost bale. The use or this oil ns a hair dresser lis been universal Int every NCII, th.o. or the I,llllll'y in hit..' iMIII , II Main for centuries. N , preparation ids,' could c.v.. thut elegant lusurinolie and Ill. 1111.1,111.• of hair whirl. li vs so often lissn the admiration of travelers ill Spain ls 01l Is highly nod delicately perfumed, forming an :Irish , unrivaled in 1•7:0•11011,VIIIIII MOM WlllOllll.. 51,11111.11 pooh. for muny years have net the seal of .1.111ri114 .11.1,V,11, MUM MEXWAS 1V11,111.7,1111;11 SHAMPOO LOTION toor reintivlng dandruff art ncurf fro Allie head, fritittining d nerfiuning the skin. Thin tune in entirely different froni anything ..1 hiniever "If,. 111 Olt country and Is warranted free (rein dl p 01.11141. nullittastren. Thin lotion units liNi•tliq the Emperor and f harlottit of and unifiers:illy Unlit! by Mexico.. for three litindini yearn. As a Wash fur the Lend it k I . lllllllln. 3l id refl . ...Mug. When than tined It at Duro relieve, heilache. MeG HE'S 1111.1) FOR THE TEETH. • All those who are In favd of white teeth null a pleasant and Perfumed breath :damn at oneen.o Melinire's Wild }lovers for the Teeth. Al Claw preparation ,, ard pot tip in the moist elegant and ornmeutal Manner. We make nu exception in saying u n it lily aro an ornament to a lady'M toilet table. and none eau b comPleto without tbein• Wurrantedsatlafartory or money refunded. Dealers will bear thin in mind. SO b all re.pectablo drliggibla In the tinned Slates mid y Addreas °lidera to RICHARD MeOUll2l3. DEP., ANIIMANCPACTORT. No. 26 North Seconl St., Philadelphia, Pa o sort. 8 • jar tlx Labirs HO AlWarts on laud stud fur tabu by EDWARD DISRLER, AGENT NO. 51 EASTtIIAMILTON STREET, MID= Henry Leh, Jr., Boot and Shoe Manufacturer. John Farr, Sentou & tinier, Schreiber & Co. Merchant Tailor', hondx & Kelm; m. 11. Aluey, Prowidlot Second National hank. Dr. It. F. Jacoby, Ih.nti.t. 5.Ul AttertnY-.ll•Lnw• rho, B. Aletrger, R. Clay Ilutueroly, " Cutrotaug 31ny..73 ly. MRS. M. A.G. GULDIN'S Lamp.' Trimmiog store. Tho r 44111.4 are pretty. Lattice, call anti see xprings, moll I 111.1 , SOMA $1 ill; are. c till Willi. or gi ho. Per 0 1 , 14 , • mar 44f RENIOVAL OF TILE t " TEMPLE FASIIION." GRAND OPENING SPRING FASILIONS, NON DAY, AI A Rell Ist tetl. For tho better follvenience her patron, Mr,.M. A. A. 111n.lar has removed lwr DRANS TIIIMMINPS (Nit DADEII 1'A'1"1 . 111IN S'EollE to the N. W. Cornarof Eles..tith nnelrlo , tinit streeta.FltiladelPhlA 1/ IVs.. and (1 lon ',Maki tut 'Del..' 1.1.1111. ha fit w 0000 Cld el,gnurr, Th. finest assortment of Ladies' Dress and loak Trifittnings la the eity.at the lowest 1 1 r1 1 ' , .• OM , " xecuted nt short notice. Entbrolaerle, 1111' fo, I,ooos , , ibbons, Bridal A 1.11 ., and Wreathe., Fine Jewolry and Fancy 11.10.1, pin, t i n g no (tottering. Cutting null Flt- Ong. A ill'rrl't l rl•teut of Dress Cutting taught. Psis° CIA°. with Omit. Palter,. sent by Mail or Egitreat to tilt er t of the Union. Do oat forget our new location, N. P h Y,s iladelphia. Corner of ELLVENTII STREETS, mar 11, 'lll--In FOUR HUNDRED F R N FOR PALE, ranstinc in prim from ,t,9 n, t7i Per ncro, accurd tu 10r1111011 &r. (illoti climate, and nano mark, ts. These (anus nro situated in Virginia and Maryland, nun,- in the immediate vicinity of Imamn unit ethers 'nun 3 , Mlles distant (ruin the Cap ital. Add roan or toll on J. It. 0 ASO WERK4fet Marinachu• netts Avenue, nene Sixth street, Wutillingtuu, D. C. O"IPETti, OIL CLOTHS AND - WINDOW SILADES. HOPOII, /It,experial attention of lionsakeen• era and Merrhazt. to him Mock of CARPETS. Thisanrialt the etylea of beauty nod rieltneas of design oxreed any former 00 1 :00 1 , matte a. 11, I al,. apentioa , to tnl j fk r iiron a t o t I n i3 ¢l { iiitniy• gra, mbr Ca e rxiets u , c rir l ie m el:a o p. Call and examine, PIIINEAS TIOUGII, JR.,, NO. US NORTII SECOND STREET. 4 doors above Noble, mar 3, 'l3l-111a Philadelphia. • NOTICE.--TIIE , DRAWING OF -La the Columbia'. MU Enterprise has been postponed on account of some of the *gents not making their reports. All such who have tickets in their possession are request ed to report Immediately. The time for the drawls`` can• not bo stated, but is not far distant. Those wishing tickets are requested to apply at once, as only a few remain. By order of the Committee. feb REM BEUOLD TUE ISNiEO • • ' ' , l 1,4 r+ $ ir* THE OLD ESTABLISHED POPULAR OLD CORNER RELIABLE FACTS THE BUYING COMMUNITY Believing the neeret of Increasing businePi , to Bo In LO tr PR ICES AND NO R EPR ESENTATIQNS ye spared no polnv to eportment of tho Inftmo ne life and onerlitY every df POPULAR OLD CORNER, cling with greet care nhd at the g 110% oeaxon among the manntnettirerr, un FALL AN I D WINTER GOODS, NSFECTION OF THE TRADE! Work and Fancy Silks, Froliclt Alerinoes, Dorado Poplins, Silk and Wool Popllnn, French and Gorman Plaid Poplins, Empress CI Wool Del,alnos, Cobtlrgx &C.. hr., d many uew tI NOVELTIM. which at abut°. will c ce buyer. of ie PAISLEY AND RROCIIA SHAWLS BLANKET SHAWLS FOR ""`Fs• iNaV NW. ""r" 1" PRINTS AND DELAINES, BLEACHED AND: UN BLEACHED SHEETING AND SHIRTING, TICKS, STRIPES, CHECKS FLANNELS, drc., • Will cpuirautee the prices n shade LOWER than th LOW ES r. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES MEN'S'AND BOYS' WEAR. Vim will ilud•thl+ the Mont complete Mock lit every style al variety, and at prices that entitle( fall to attract the at. utlou of close buyep , I make thin a SPECIALTY the taller invite you to do ma the favor and yourselves the taller of au examlnatlou. • BLANKETS AND FLANNELS! SHAP-E AN D PRICE ItOr Can I begin to enumerate all the articles, but thin much say, that you cau "Rely on getting the Bottom Price" a evhery artound icle, and be sccounnodsted with goods tit a e f FIRST-CLASS DRY GOODS STORE TO MY PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC OENERALLY Allow me to return my sincere thanks for your very lih• erai patronage be,novrod n me during the time I have been to buslutlit, hoping by strict attention to my calling and t the advancement of your Interest, hereto well.,as my own), o by keeping pace with the tims ans heretofore In Selling Gooda on the Small Profit Principle o g, Terlt a contin i r= f f u rxr kind regards. Id Petro M. J. KRAMER "OLD CORNER, OPPOSITE THE EAGLE HOTEL, ALLIIIITOWN, October M. iIUMPSI PUMPS! - For pure water me, neither bad Outing ood, rusty Iron, nor poison lead,*but tho 'Celebrated Cucumber pump, made of wild encumber wood, entirely tasteless, durable and reliable. Not woodenle, but the good old-funhloned Pump, outdo by machinery, and, therefore, perfect and accurate In alt Its parts, ruining an equal amount of water, and costing lion titan half the money. Knotty arranged so .an to be non-freezing, and In roost Mellon so ximplothat any MO' sax put It up n rid keep it in repair. After thorough trial It In acknowledged to he the 1-11:01 . AN 0 CHEAPEST. Twelve feet of tub ing with earls pump, free of..chorge. Deal . 4 , 114 supplied at !Mont Insillliselarorn miss. Fur circulars, price Mtn, Arc., rail or lid dream, CIIA.S. G. BLATCHLEY,. - - - - No. IVA FILBERT ST. between 6th and 7th and Market RIM Arch Philadelphia, Pa. Kir AGENTS WANTED. GEORGE A. FREY, WHOLEM•LE STEAM CONFECTIONER, • AND MANCFACTUREF. OF ALL mans FANCY AND COMMON CANDIES, Warranted puro—Dellelotta In Flavor. ALPO, DEALER IN ALL RINDS OF FIRE-WORKS AND FRUITS, Suet as Oranges, Lemons Dates, Peanuts, Filberts, Cream or llutternuts, Katsina, Prunes, Figs, Walnuts, Almonds, and MANUFACTURER OF ALL KINDS OF SYRUPS, he. COUNTRY STOREKEEPERS, and Dealers generally, and It to their advantage to call and examine ttla prices. Ills extensive manufactur ing facilities enables him to supply them at the LOWEST WIIOLESALE PRICES. • NO. 21 NORTH SEVENTH ST., • (Five doors above Kiitralton,) ALLENTOWN, PA. feblll-Em • IVIACUNGIE SAVINGS BANK. The Macungie Savings Dant (nearly opposltnthe Allen town National Bank] receives money on Deposit la any sums, on Interest °TOTEM cent. per annum. Deposit. may be withdrawn partly or wholly at say Ilmn dnring the year for whleh interest will be allowed according to the Lime the same may re remained. Government Bonds are taken. forty which the highest pre mium. and accrued interest will be allowed. Money loaned out at desirable rates at all times. • Bel 'Vogel. Geo. B. Dell, 'John R. Goiml, Day 'd Wm. Herbed, IL D. Jolm . B. Dna el Clader ' Wm. B. Vogel, Boob. Bastian, Wtd. O. LIIDBIRWW/JAID., Ceablee. 142(JAMIBPOGISL. Preeldent. MONEit-4.. GOOD. INVESTMENT. MOO In coupon bonds for sale. Thesebonds are of the denomination of 11500. Interest payable semi-annually at the rate of 7 per cent. per an num. The Investment perfectly safe and reliable Inquire at the office of the Daily News. tf toobo. r=l LOWEST PRICES IMMENSE STOCK Con. , ktlug lu Purl of ~%nl.' El= BARGAINS LONG AND SQUARE DO3IESTI,CS ASTONISHING LOW PRIOES =I lIEADQVARTERB IN EVERY IBIAGINARY I M•kE NO QUOTATIONS ilitiortliancous. i=rl CID NO MEMMI CLOTHING H 611. S ES, BEM BROADWAY, COR. GRAND STREET, BROADWAY, COB. WARREN iSTREEY, DEEM COMPRISING ALL BRANCHES OF THE BUSINESS AS REPRESENTED IN THE CUSTOM AND HEAD Y. MADE DE DEPARTMENTS OF =I CLOTHING! SHIRTS OF TILE CELEBRATED AMERICAN YOKE PATTERN MD GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, =I Our SPECIALTIES for Fall in NEW MOM Cassimere Snits, entire, Winter Over Coats, Pea Jackets, FHILADELPHIA. rer Samples sent by mail when written for. O IES! 0 YES!! 0 YES!!! Will Li , mold, n large stork of . READY-MADE CLOTHING, Jug' i'ecolved from tho SHERIFF SALES, 101=1 SIXTH .1: HAMILTON STS., ALLEY OWE', PA Bolen commencing every :naming at 8 o'clock nod to In !Ahmed until the entire clock In fold at regular SMABII-DOWN PRICES! Casslntern Pants at $1 50. Nannette Pants at 4C 00. Casslnter° ]'ants (lined) at $1 00. CAHOOT° Vests at $1 25, 1 50, 1 CO and 2 50. Cassßasra Coats at $3 W. 3 00, 1 50, 5 50 and 0 50. Black Cloth Cdats at $5 00 and upwards. Overioats stt $1 50 and upwards. All•Woul Cassltnero salts at $l2 00 to $l5 W. The reason why I can sell tho above C LOT 111 NO so cheap Ix because I have two stores, one at Allentown, Pa., and the other at No. 172 North 3,1 street, formerly 247 Market street, Philadelphia, and biding myself constantly In Philadelphia with a CASH Capital of Three hundred and Seventy-11re Thonoind Dollaro, and I um now enabled to buy for cash any stock of Heady-Made Clothing that the Sheriff of •Philadelphia will offer for kale, which io daily the coon In these hard time.. Como Quick If you wont Cheap Clothing. FRANKLIN KNAUSS THE VERY BEST TILE CHEAPEST, THE MOST BEAUTIVUL AND 310 ST DURABLE CLOTHING, mallli BALLIET & NAGLE Ham , the larirr.t. 11,4 rtud chrapritt ~lock of CLOTIIIIN ever gut up lu thl. rlty, hint sell hoods In their Ilue, tiu•iit • COATS, 1:911X1 PANTS, and all other noodit pertaining to M E N ' & W E A FOR LESS MONEY, than you can Loy elsewhere ita Eastern Pennsylvania. NO Slop Shop made Goods. sold.' CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER. We keep constantly on ham) a largo and elegant aPISCIT meat of 001)00, from which customers can make the selections and have them made up on churl notice. Their Cutting Department is nailer the supervision of FRANKLIN RHOADS, and .lAll work veumuted to be (Atha very best. Cull Roil nee our new SPRING STOCK, received - KEYSTONE No. 24 West Hamilton Street text door to the German Reformed Church, : ALLEN TOWN, PA. Alall ansortmeut of Ocilla' Turatablas Good. alwaY , baud. AARON DALLIET. 12..1f maim Probizsiono, scr THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY E. FENBTEAMACHER, CORNER OF TENTH' AND HAMILTON STREETS •LLENTOWN, PA. la the place to boy all klede of PROVISIONS, At cbeap price., mut , a. APPLES, PRACIIES ORANGES AND LEMONS POTATOES, BALT, Ado. .11 kind. of ' IMPORTED DRIED FRUIT PEAUE, PRUNER, RAISINS, DRIBBLER, etc.., Aiwa an hand a good assortment of the but qualltr 0 GROCERIES of all deecrtpilone. Do not miss the place corner of Tenth and Ilamllton, to boy good WU'S reasonable priced.' seal tf PENSTERMACIIIR. WATERMAN, I•Proprietor of WATERMAN'S COCKTAIL AND TON IC Wholesale and Retail, No. Ilia Market Elk. Philadelphia, The tonic properties of these Bitters have beer certtfled to by some of oar most eminent prsettsinklrsielausi the bast tools now In use, and gbh Cocktail litersis the int areal favorite among judges of a good gin or - WhishT socktalL AMES S.ABIERT, ATTORNEY AT • LAW. Cake, with E. Albright, Eno., No. 61) East mlltnnetrmt, Allentown, l'a. ( elpecial attention en to collection' ) marl7-ly ELI G. SCHWARTZ. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Knauss' building, Math. and Hamilton titreets, opposite the American Hotel, Allentown, ann.. English nod (term. spoken. Collection. In Lehlahar adjacent counties promptly attended to. may fIEoRGE H. RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice, with Hon. John D. Mee, Allen town, Pe. D. LECKENBACII. ATTOR. • NEY AT LAW, (formerly practiced In Carbon could) , L OM ce, No. —ll.wet Hamilton tweet, second door, nearly opposite the Court House, Allentown,Ps. May be consulted In the (Jarman language. QAM UEL A. BUTZ, ATTORNEY AT kJ LAW. Offleo with P. Wyckoff, oppoelte lho Eagle Hotel, ALLENTOWN, PA. .VALLEY FIRE INSUR ANCE COMPANY, ALLENTOWN, PA. ()Mee over tiecouti Notlouttl Book. Io•uru• property !plaid lon by tire oil the stuck mutual Out, C. H. liven. Pree't. J. H. Plummiest. Sort y. TIEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE P IC -1-1 TITRES. CARTES DE VISITE.% PElt DOZEN. All urgatlves reglidered. S. W. 111111 CAW, ALLEN TOWN, It. ROPER ATTORNEY' AT LAW. • ()M I en with I. ICuutx, 81allugton, Lehigh county, Pa. Collertionx in Lehigh, NorthnmPion nod Carina, counties promptly attended to. May 33.1 y EA FORREST, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. West linmit tun Amt. Alleratuvo3, I's. jt011.1.4 OLIVER, ATI'ORNET AT to • LAW. Allentown. Ps. (Mee, North Finn Btreet, below the Court Rouge. • , }nu 14-'no-tf BUNK Q BALDWIN. ATTORNEYS AND COIJNSELLORti ,AT LAW. AllentoWo. Pa. Odloe, Eito llnlOcirt mft rt. C. M. HUNK. Una 14-'6 t(] Y. A. B. BALDWIN. $22.00 $15.00 $12.00 . DEVLIN & Co. EJ. RIORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. Once, No. p o East Hamilton stmet. irirUan coasulked Oermao. Jan 14'69-U RCLAY HA MERSLY, ATTORNEI . AT LANX, CATABAUQUA, PA. Jaull-'68.1f rpHOM AS H. ETZGEIt durron x NEI"AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. Mace, No. BY =!== ELIAS !lERTZ, ALDERMAN, SURVEYOR AND CON VEYANCER A AGENT FOR THE SALE OF REAL L' TiIDWIN ALBRIGHT, ATTORNEY 1.2.4 AT LAW, eight doom above the Cuurt Douro, AL• LENTOWN, Lehigh county, WILLIAM! 11. SOWDEN, ATTOR NEy AND COUNDELLOR AT LAW. OfDm Cor Der of Rnml lulu 011,4 and Low Alley, mouth elite, ALLEN TUWN, 2./.1( rRIVARD HARVEY, ATTORNEY —I AT LAW. Office, with Ilua. Samuel A. Bridges, ALLENTOWN. PA. may hly OIIN HUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, efi T Offlee N. E. turner 6th and Hamilton Streets ALUM TOW N, i'A. may I.ly ADAM WOOLEVEIL ATTORNEY ,AT LAW. Oftler, opp"slte tho Clittrt 'louse, AL LENTOWN, PA. may 1-ly GEORGE 13. SCRAM. ATTORNEY AT LAW. (Mee. Find door above Law Alle y, AL• LENTOWN, PA. may -am T_T C. lIUNSBERGER ATTORNEY 11• AT LAW. ODIN., with John 01Pier, Fifth St., rear of the Court House, ALLENTOWN, PA. apr. SMOVER, ATTORNEY AT L LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Office. N. W. Corner oth and Hamilton Street... Second Ooor. Pl...limbo atten tion mold to the Fettle...nut of Decedent eclairs. Collec tion., mode, &c. Jan ti-lI DR. C. C. U. GULDIN. SURGEON I—, DENTIST. Ofilee,pver Mrs. M. A. 0, Onld Trimming Store, No. St East •Namilton .treet, ALLEN TOWN, PA. 'COAL I COAL The mid...aped Wren fur male at hla yard, on Front street, to the kind Ward, In the City of Allentown. for merly kept by C. Peels & Co., all variellre of Coal at re duced price, COAL FOIL FURNACES AND RANGES DESCRIPTION. CLEAN AND DRY. SALT, SAND, CEMENT AND KINDLING WOOD, RE, OVAL! SMITH &OSMUN'S Th. above Coal and Wood Yard has been removed to the east end of the Jordan Bridge, soul% BIDE, where will be constantly kept a ape and full supply of le under corer—and It Is to the Interest of every one IA porch.° DRY AND SCREEtZINC) 'OAL • 211 1 g r eA' l lo k lil d gt.olte l e r g d atien t gl i ton baud, end t matzrAri.A.D.-A branch hard Is kept at the Lehigh Valley Depot, known as the former yard of Lents and Hecker. anrgial IS TILE PEOPLE'S COAL YARD. Our Coal Iliseladed from the host mines in the Lehigh region, and knowing this to bathe feet and that It will airs perfect eatisfaction, thers no use In offering to refund tho money. All wa ask In a trial. Orders taken at Desh ler's hat store. FRANKLIN SMITH, WILLIAM Off MON. July 10th VESTS El= &c., &e., C 121121 ~ praftooionall Carbo. MIM=IIM=6I7! Qtaal anb Lumber AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES COAL FOR PARLOR AND KITCHEN COAL FOR BURNING LIME COAL FOIL OFFICE USE, COAL OP ALL IDLES AND EVENT ALWAYS ON RAND AND FOR BALE AT REASONABLE PRICES. sir Orden. left at Welnehelmer, Newhard a Co.'s atom 111 receive prompt attention. P. H. STELTZ COAL AND WOOD YARD 1 Egg, Stove Nut and Chestnut Coal, elected from the beat mlues lu the country OUR COAL REMOVAL. TREXLER & BROTHERS, DEALERS ill ALL [Mg Or LUMBER, Hereby announce to their friends. and patrons that they have just removed from their old stand to their NEW YARD , • near the corner of Tenth and Hamilton strode, formerly occupied by Brunei. & Miller, as a Lumber Yard, where they will constantly keep on hand a large and seasoned stuck of LUMBER, such an all kinds of PINE, 11E3ILOCK, CHE*TNUT, POPLAR, BIIINOL/LI, PICKET , . LATHS, &a. In fact everything usually kept by the trade. &PAO kinds of lumber cut to order at short notice Thankful for poet favor* we trust our friends, as well as the public in general, will give us a call at our New Yard, where we will lien our be.t endeavomto render set• tsisation, both en regards quality and prices. Lost 23'081f laU Vaper. • GREAT ATTRACTION AT E. D. LEISENRING & CO'S. We ore now ready to exhibit to the public at cow NEW STORE an I inmenaeassortalent of WALL PAPERS at suelt.ttlY4e,doned.,price..., lud sloe. lasin'eason, that It le cunddrm that we nu suit overt' one In i. 4 Mto style suit Flroe.istri:.`g::::trfira t otltlVAtol,l;lhoarul l or RARITY OF STYLE AND PRICE cannot be excelled by any netabilshment In the Ukiah Valley. TRY. US AND BE CONVINCED. akidEuniln • we have a special department for carrying oa THIS BUSINESS. . and w amine oar w rtm e n t a r igatitg t e o l:e d WVe r a : d " OUR ASSORTMENT Is ea large that we clongtar i r c lease the most fastidious TRY US AND. BE CONVINCED. it c . e pra l .ll A o tf, h An t :ll h o o ti; d arer Ig s in a j' w eitr w d hrsiti favor es with a call. RECOLLECT , OUR NEW STORE, Noarawasy Cot. 11/LIIILTON ST, MID CUOICIII MART. apr2l-lf] I. D. LEIBENRINO CO._ CLOSING OCT OUR STOCK OF WALL PAPERS AT, COST, At the Book and NatiMT/ Inere. NM Irshl nnsinksl Street. below Hlghth. low la the time to wM Soar MOM_ _Mired s men awl IL MOLL Ues =Ma
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers