0 le ROUT. IREDELL, Jn MORGAN IL WILLS Editors and Proprietors. ALLENTOWN, PA., APRIL 14, 1869 DECORATING. SOLDIERS' GRAVEN. The beautiful ,artd.patriotie„cerernony. of decorating soldiers' graves will be performed this year on the 80th of May. :Last year the day was observed in every part of our country and crowds of citizens flocked to the „grave yards and cemeteries where reposed-the mor tal remains of our dead heroes, and comrades of soldiers never to be forgotten sprinkled flowers on their graves and honored the mem ory of Columbia's noblest sons. What prepar ations have thus far been made in Allentown for the next celebration we are not informed, but presume the occasion will be made one for paying tribute to those men from Lehigh who gave their lives that the country might live. This practice was first inaugurated in this country in the South, where the people from the teachings of their surroundings arc more given to such things than we of the North. But thier introduction of the old custom into this country is no reason why the loyal North should not enter into it with a will and a heart. It aside; for a moment- this continual thought of money, this selfish rush for wealth, and allows us to think of the debt, the ever lasting debt, which rests upon thi4 country and which no time can repay. We don't meal the debt of so ninny millions of dollars, but the' debt of deep gratitude we ow e to those brave marl and youths who left the happy firesides of quiet, peaceful homes, the embrace of a cher ished wife, or a loving mother's caresses, and threw themselves in the front ranks of their country. We can each of us remember some one incident where the parting cost a broken heart, and the feigned smile which lias lit tip the face of a brave man, feigned to cheer 'the sad hearts of those lie left behind. We can remember the bitter tears shed after ,he was gone and the gloom . whichpvershadoWed the household. Oh, these partings which Mlle(' our armies have cost much, much more than the drain on the purse which filled our National coffers, and when the god of battles has claimed these braves for his victims their dying . thoughts have flown homeward and bitter and unceasing have been the weeplngs in those de serted homes which have poured Out their • most cherished blood on the altar of our coun try. Then when the people are 'sustaining their honor by paying in gold the debt that was so contracted, let them endeavor to pay at least the interest on this debt of blood and suf. feting by dropping upon the graves of the de pvted tears which are more precious than gold fmcdflowers pure as the patriotism that inspired our heroes. POLITICLIAN. When. our tiew President vent into chair it was , thought by some wishy-washy Republicans and hoped by jealous Democrats that he would altogether discard the politi cians—a class more sinned against than sin ning. But time which developea all , things tins proven that the own who did the most work' to secure the triumph of the Republican party are the ones who are to be rewarded with fat and lean offices, according to their p dit ical weight: And it is right. We know the word politi chin is applied, often, to .political tricksters, but in the true sense of the word no man is fit to vote to whom the term cannot be fittingly applied. Every voter who labors for the suc cess of the party is a politician, front the man w:lo travels day and night, and makes speeches • in all kinds of weather, down to the man who stands by the window on the day of election and marks down the 'voters as they deposit their ballots, and it is not only an old custom but it is no more than just that when any of these men aspire to °nice, If their qualifica tions and honesty warrant, they Amid receive the appointment. Suppose the discarding of this ChM had commenced before the election, the administration at 'Washington to-day would be in the hands of other men and the whole country would be insulted by rebel dic tation and rebel rule. And then, again, it would be utterly impos sible to find any considerable number of per sons to fill the offices, outside the pale of either party, who lave the right to vote and yet take no part in elections.. And if they could be found we doubt the ability of the administra tion to make itself successful with such mate rial to carry out its designs, for such men must be very weak in brain or have little strength of character. The setting aside of Republican politicians Would have afforded immense satisfaction to our opponents. nit. appointment to office of men who never labored or spent a cent in the cause would not only have disheartened the office-seekers but would have shoved from active duty that very large class Who work hard and contribute liberally for the success of the party and whose position renders seeking of favors unnecessary to their support. With these men merely going to the polls along with other voters to cast their ballots, no men at the windows to prevent illegal voting, no ono to run after dirciict voters andhring them to their duty, the triumph of the Democracy would he easy and the administration which, with a loyal CongresS to back it, promises such bepelicial results to the country, would in a few years find itself opposed in the reffirtus it is instituting, by a hostile told unscrupulous Congress enacting laws which would bring the Executive Department into disrepute, and would ultimately again put the country under rebel rule. MINISTERIAL APPOINTMENTS. Ex-Governor Andrew G. Curtin has been appointed minister to Russia. No Governor ever occupied a inure prominent place in the affections of the people _of his State and the announcement of this newly conferred honor will tio hailed with universal delight. The other nominations sent in on Monday arc as follows:—Minister to England—J. Lu throp Motley ; Ministerto Austria—John Jay, of N. Y. ; Minister Resident fir, Bollida— Leopold Markbreit ; Minister to Nicaragua— James R. Partridge, of Md. ; Mlnisterto Ven ezuela—W. A. Pile, ,of Mo. ; Minister to Bel gium—J. R. Jones, of Ohio ; Minister to Sweden—John S. Carlisle, West Virginia ; Minister Resident and Consul General to.Li beria—J. R. Clay, of La. ; Minister Resident to the Argentine, Republic—R. C. Kirk, o Ohio ; Minister Resident to Bogdta—S. A. Hurlbut ; Minister Resident to Gautamaln— S. A. Hudson, of lowa ; Minister Resident and Consul General to Hayti—Ebenezer D. Bassett, (colored), of Pa, —The Democratic members of the Indleen llouse of Representatives were sworn lu on _Monday, and the Hour adopted a resolution postponing action on the Suffrage amendment until 1514 11. As soon as the passage of this resolution was krUiwn In the Senate the Deinocratle members of that body appeared and qualified, ranking alum-tan for bacncit3.' • The steamer G. A. Thornpann was annk by a snag, near Pine Bluff, Arkansan On Fr 14.7 and seventeen lives were lost: LITERARY NOTICES. 3 ,•,y The American Stock I.Tournal for April contains articles on Spring Mau 111301111 t (4. Farm Stock; Cruelty to Horses ; DucksOntaionla; In Stables ; ,Beat Food for Pork Makingt "Phi Best Breeds 'Or Cows; Teams for the Farm; Raising Hogs :tad ;Making Pork ; Cowarative Emhart nail. Prices oi . Farm Stock ; 'Recess* foi Pare Water for ;Mitch Cowl; ; Which ,ls the Best Stock; 110 w to Detect Imperfect Vision or Blindness In Horses; Cooked Food for Swine; A new design of a Dairy Henn ; liaising Colts Profitable ; Early Chickens; Sheep and Lambs—Spring Management ; Texas Climate=Boll e:' Ellittigpop—Ctiring Ba con ; Short-Hem Cattle; Swine and their Sties; Diseases of the Hog ; and a nnmberof others that should bo read by every Farmer. Specimen Copies sent free. ; Address N. P. Bono. et. Co., Publishers, Parkeshurg; Chester Co.,.Pa. • Peter's Jliateal Review for April is to band, and,:' In addition to fifteen pages of select reading mutter, contains the following new and beautiful music : Ain't I Sweet 1 A lady's comic song, by T. Brigham Bishop; Rest, Darling, Rest. A beautiful lullaby, by E. C. Daley; I'm still a Friend to you. Song and chorus, by Will S. Rays . Ile Wipes the Tear from Every Eye. Sacred song, by 11. P. Dania; ; Forest Glade March, by Charles Rink ; Damask Rose Waltz, by E. Mack ; Golden Sunset 11t'azurka, by Ilarristoun. Music is gen erally considered expensive, but when such a quan tity Is furnished for the,small sum of thirty cents, It ceases to be'a luxury, and even the poorest may sing, play, and be happy. Our musical friends will do well to examine this work, and we feel confident that thirty cents, sent to the publishers for a sample copy,'Will yield them a larger return for their investment than any similar outlay they can make. Send for a copy, or get your neves- dealer to get bne for you, and we will guarantee you will thank 118 for calling your attention to It. It Is Issued by J. L. Peters, music publisher, Box 5429, New• York, at the low price of 43 a year, or 30 cents for single copies. NEWS ITEMS . , -Ex-President Johnson addressed a meeting at Nashville, Tenn., on Saturday, in his usual style. —Titeromas a snow storm In Washington on Sunda) —Ex-Goveruor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, to to be appolutetlNlinister to Russia. —Thu annual commencement of Franklin and Marshall College takes'place July let. —Jeff. Davis announces his Intention to return to America next May. —A Boston milkman has been tined $lOO for tarnishing a family with milk-and-water. —A new Academy baa been eatablished at Centreville. —Lon Friday was the fourth anniversary of the surrender of General Leo and his army. —The Boston Post says that Brigham Young's harem is a Sorosis on a strictly private family basis. —When a public clerkds removed from Ma posi tion in Washlngteu, be is now said to be " re trenched." —There are bogus conductors In the West who go through the trains In advance of the real con ductors, and collect the fares. —The great Buckeye Base-Ball Club of Cluc mill Is deed. Coroner's verdict-111,000 debt and on empty Treasury. —A movement In favor of opening museums and reading rooms on Sunday has been started In Eng land. —Alexander Miller recovered $3,000 damages from the Great Western Railroad Company, for being put off a railway train. —Thus far 49 of tho male and female employes of the Post-oillee Department at Washlngtoh, have been discharged. —The five missing men who' put off In a boat from the steamer Thames, recently burned near Cape Hatteras, have been picked up by a schooner. —ln the U. S. District Court. at St. Louis, on Saturday, a verdict for $13,000 was rendered against Wm. B. Mann, of Hannibal, Mo., for vio lating the revenue laws. —A dispatch from Augusta, Georgia, states that Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Into a clkol ttttt Lae eutlin cd a a cluvec t and Intl life is now despaired of. —Three murderers, a father and two eons; were sentenced in Vermont ou Tuesday, the former to capital punishment , and the others to long terms of imprisonment. —Another dreadful colliery explosion occurred laSt Thursday at the Arley Colliery, in Lancashire, Englund. Twenty-eight persons were killed out right, and many others badly injured. —Alexander Peterson died in Philadelphia Met week aged 74 years. He was well known allover the country as one of the oldest and most success ful manufacturers of quereltron bark. —A bronze statue of General Grunt, after a de sign by J. A. Badly, of Philadelphia, is proposed to be erected by voluntary subscription, and to be placed in position opposite the south trout of the Treasury Building. —Mr. Hamilton Fish is the fourth New Yorker who has acted as Secretary of State. The first was Van Buren, the second, William L. Marcy, during the'Pleree'administmtion, and the third, William 11. Seward. —At a meeting of tha Republicans at Indiana, Pa., It was determined by restintion to present the name of General Harry White to the next con vention us a candidate for Governor. —Colonel William A. Nichols, the third ranking officer in the Adjutant' General's Department, is ,reported as suddenly deceased. This leaves' vacant one of the best positions in the army—a staff eolonelcy. —A Ilre broke out In the Yellow Jacket Mine, Gold lllll,,Nevada and "raged fearfully. Thirty six liVes were lost. It is impossible to estimate the damages to property. —Mrs. John Jacob Astor celebrated the coming of age. of her son, recently, by furnishing Mr Bruce, of the Children's Aid Society, with the amount required to provide one hundred orphan. boys with homes in tho West. —President Grant, through Secretary Fish, has Informed the lion. Reverdy Johnson, minister at the Court of Itit. James, that his resignation will be accepted by the Admintttration as soon an ten- dered —Warren Blanchard was found murdered In his dwelling at Binghamton, N. Y., on Monday moraing. Ilia, hepd, which bore pint marks, was cut oil, and It was discovered In a NW kettle. Ills wife and two girls, Inmates of the house, had disappeared. —Miss 'Grant, of Richmond, was married In that city on Thursday of last' week to a Mr. Ford, of Goochland county, Vu. It will be remembered they were the snbjects of the article In the aS'outhern Opinion which resulted In the killing of Its editor, Rives Pollard. —Two ladies In Lanenster, Mass., lately started' old with petitions, one for signatures asking the legislature to give women the privilege of voting, the other praying the legislature to allot* women to remain in their present sphere. The latter ran ahead twenty-six to one. —One thousand persons are engaged in the manufacture of cigars In Ban Francisco—fifty fac tories being owned by Americans and one hundred by Chinese. Their aggregate product last year was about fifty million cigars. Tobacco is raised in large quantities In the southern part of Cali fornia. S—Among the bills signed by tho President, on Saturday, was the act authorizing elections in Virginia, Stississijipl and Texas, the Joint resolu tion to protect the interests of the United States In the Union and Central Pacific Railroads, and the Whisky and Tobacio bills. —The'question of the genuineness of n will in a casotried a few days since at Laconia, New Hemp 'shire, turned on the consistency of its date with the paper It was written on. It bore the die of the New Hampshire Paper Company of Holyoke, and 3. W. Bouthworth, of that company, testifying that It did not exist at the alleged date of the will, proved that document a forgery. -Sir Edward Cunard, eon of the gentleman who started the line of steamers of that name, died at his residence in New York 'city on Tuesday night week. This father of Mr. Canard died Ili 1805 and Edward inherited both the title and the business. VA lint) was started with four vessels and •now they,have twent;-five on the /dediterranean Bea, on the Atlantic and elsewhere.. —Coagrash adjourned on Saturalf'ati. AOIW Before Adjonmlng, both branches idoptcd,a..Uon !crone° report upon tho Whisky and Tobacco' act. lirthe tionao,lttr. IrlcOitmluttoti'di 133 , 410 . 4. 11 1' COI tho'Ciuban Ineurthintit : waiimseed by a i , otekitr 98 to 24. ... •, —Thayer's papers, which shy they haVe retie hle InfOnpatkon to.theelTectihnt fri:ldent(Johiw, 'soewill be In 'France In die spring, publish blo-, graphical sketches of him. The Palre relntes in Its sketch of A. J., the interesting fart that A. J. was for many years " military Governor of the rebel States. ; • 7 011 - 7cdticsday morning tut undusluu uf ultro:.. glycerine occurred Inn blacksmith shop on Grand Avenue, Trude* City,, N. J: The !building 'wes destroyed. Nathaniel Gunn' was killed outright, being torn to shreds by the explosion. John Coad was hurled twenty-five feet, hut Is not seriously hurt. The accident was caused by littar'i plung ing a red-hot poker Into a &in of gl}.CetitiO. —The Post.otlices of Akron and Mill Way, in Lancaster county, along the line of the Rending and columbla Railroad, were robbed on Tuesday night week. At Akron about thirty-five dollars worth of postage stamps, besides some other arti cles were stolen. At Miliway a number of postage stamps, two silver watches, were taken. A rewattl Is offered for the arrest of the person who committed the robbery at Mlllway. —The vanity of human expectations (says a face tious New England editor) was illustrated during the late cold weather by the experience of a Northampton man who went to Shelburne Falls, Mass., to attend an auction. He bought a cow, a sheep, a hire of bees, and a broad axe, and started for home. When he arrived the cow wee lame, the sheep sick, the bees frozen. stiff ad tenpenny nails, and only the broad axe was unaffected either by the weather or the journey. —The membership of the Temple of Honor nmnbers 300,000 in the United States. The Good Templarsnumberover:loo,ooolntheUnited States. The Sons of Temperance nunflfr 500,000 in the United States. The membership of the Father Mathew Total Abstinence Benefit Socitles in the United States is over 500,000. In all 1,300,000, and are constantly increasing. Yet, notwithstanding this, It Is sold that the ranks of the drinkers of poisonous compounds, yclepet liquor, are also ou the increase. XITH CONGRESS-2ND SESMION. WEDNESDAY, April 7tl.—Senafe.—Prayer was offered by the chaplain that Cuba • might be strengthened and delivered from Its oppressors. A bill to prevent the counterfeiting of foreign trade marks was reported from the Committee on For eign Relations. A bill to carry Into effect the treaty bet Ween the United States and Russia was introduced; A bill to amend the judicial system was amended, and it now goes back to the House. The deficiency hill was considered and passed. A message from the President relative to Virginia and Mississippi was had before the Senate. Ad journed. Horisr.—A hill was mtssed without n division repealing the first section of the act of March 2.6; 1868, amendatory of the judiciary act of 1708. A resolution was adopted authoriling a sub-com mittee to take testimony In Louisiana during the recess in reference to the elections. A bill was reported from the Election Committee that John B. Rogers is entitled ton seat from Tennessee as soon as Congress enacts a law for that purpose. The Union Pacific Railroad bill was again tinder consideration, as was also a bill to restore Georgia to a republican government. The Foreign Affairs Committee was authorized to sit during Congres sional sessions and during the vacation on the Paraguayan matter. 'A bill establishing :in uni form system of naturalization was ordered to be printed and manumitted to the Judiciary Com mittee. A message was read front the President urging action relative to Virginia and Mississippi. THURSDAY, April B.—Senate.—The Judiciary Committee mode a report recommending the post ponement of the -consideration of the President's message until the first Monday in December. The tobacco and distilled spirits Idll was considered. The river and harbor appropriation 1,111 was re ported from coinmlttee without amendment. A joint resolution for the protection of soldiers and their heirs was passed. The bill to punish the holding of (dike In violation of the fourteenth amendment was dlsertssed. The conference com mittee reported the Indian appropriation bill us agreed upon by the committee. The bill was con curred In. The House amendment to amend the judicial system of the United States was concurred In by the Senate. Adjourned. Ilouse.—The President's message was referred to the Reconstruction Committee.. After the adop tion of the resolution of the Reconstruction Count- .ontoo 41oularlu1 C. L. Ilodgo vutitled to a seat 1124 Representative from South Carolina, he was sworn In. A hill authorizing the submission of the con stitutions of Virginia, Mississippi' and Texas to the vole of the people was passed. The majority report In the Louisiana contested-election case was adopted, and L. A. Sheldon was then sworn in. The report of the conference committee on the In dian 6111 was concurred in. The bill to amend the judicial system of the United States was considered and agreed to. The Pennsylvania contested-elec tion case went over until to-day'. A MB to pro vide for the establislunent of an international met ,l Heal system of coinage watt referred. Adjourned. tr EXECUTION IN PHILADELPHIA Last Thursday was a day of horrors in Phila delphia. Two convicts were to have been led to execution •, but the kreater critalual forestalled the operation of the law, became his own execu tioner, and died in hie cell the death of it suicide front the effects of a dose of airy Indus. Within the last 21 hours Twitchell had evinced an over whelming terror at his impending fate; and It is not surprising, therefore, that he sought relief in suicide. His spiritual ndviser, the Rev. Cleiwge Brinpurst, parted from the prisoner at 11 o'cliiek on V. ednemlay night, With It 111 . 01111 Se II) retort, to elm early tea Thursday morning. At a very late hour in the night, three Catholic priests, who had been attending on Hernia Eaton, confined in an adjoining cell, visited Twltchell. The prisoner received his visitors nod nuinifested snl islitetion ut their ;Mont on. The priests saw that tile prisoner was greatly. agitated , nel that he was suffering intense mental agony, but they had not the remotest hien that lie meditated nueli vies° to a career of crime which the morning hours revealed. When the keeper, Mr. Cassidny, looked into Twitchell's cell, about 2 o . cluek Thursday morning, Twitchell appeared to lie usleep,• he had the blanket over his head. There was a light burning in his roma, and there were no indications that he was suffering from the ef fects of poison or sickness. Mr. Cam iday 'again looked into the eell at 51. f o'clock, and noticed that Twitehel Vs face looked pale and deathly. Ile then 'opened the door, and in eompany with watchman Peterson, entered. The blanket. with which TwitelielPs face had been cover'ed was thrown down On the bed about to Ills middle. The sheet was tightly wound around his body. y Cassiday examined the body and found the neck 8 111 Warm, but the face and limbs Were rigid and cold. The di ath of the prisoner was made I: unwu to the Superintendent of the Prison, Mr. 11. 'Perkins, who gave orders Una no one should lie admitted totheeell until thearrival of the Sheriff. Soon after 10 o'clock the Sheriff, accompattlai by his Jury and the coroner, visited the cell, and made arrtnigements for a postonortion , exa in inn t 'The preliminary ' investigatiens made by tile physicians nt the County Prison led to the belief that the prisoner lit committed suicide by taking strychnine. A. stiek of licorice, with the end bitten Mr, was fputiain the cell, and it is thought that the fatal drug had been c ...Idea in I his. There was,, story , in circulatiomt butt linton was madeaware in the int,ntlims of Tivitrhell by. Illeltlitt of signs and motions witty!) aver, visible through the iron doors of the °mist tt• cells., The furniture of the room was in perfect order, and there wits no evidenee of n struggle. The appear ance of the body luilleal.l that M.11111'111.1 eel , minty ensued front strychnine or some other prayerful mmerailmison. The face presented a livid appearance, eyes and mouth wide 018.11. The limbs were perfectly steitight, and the hands were slug illy contracted, showing that there hail been slight spasms. OKItALD EATett. On the night of the kith of Julie, leas, Gerald Eaton, with a party of idisocitites, were In a saloon on the corner of r lfth and Spruce streets, where they drank freely. While under the intliddici• of liquor, he met Timothy Heenan and attempted to ‘ Shoot him, but was restrained by his cotillion ontt. The party visited other 10110011 n, and, id a liner hour, encountered Heenan un the street, when Eaton made it second unsuceessfel attempt to discharge his pistol at him. Subsequently, however, while Heenan was e Aleavori tug to help a friend, who was drunk, tint of the street, he came close to Eaton and iliti party, and Wile Mini, and died next morning. ' Eaton had mule reeelved a respite from Gov. Geary, nod it wait firmly believed by many table frienes that he Would neter be brought to the scaffold. .Throughout there was 110 Ilypierney with him'. 'lle admitted that he' discharged Olio shot on the night of Um fatal occurrence, but de clared Ike belf (lint it did 'not take eliect. Uu the day of execution ho asserted that the man who killed Heenan was walking the streets .t.l Philadelphia. The structure urn which .Probst, Williams, Armstrong and W miemore were executed, was erected at the end' of. the .northern corridor, the same spot upon which Wlnnemore was executed. tt fifteen minutes of one o'clock Eaton was led (ro t ., his colt between Fathers Riley and Barry, with robed, and both chanting the ti rge for flit .dying, as they marched froin the cell. Eaton, Tressed neatly In a suit of darkelothing, carried In his hand n dark crucifix, which lie frequently placed, to his lips as lie passed along the went leading to the gallows. ' • , ' At twelve minutes of olio o'clock everybody had left the scaffold, Eaton stood alone, upright. and in no motion Indicating theillghtcat fear of death. Shut out front the world .by ti n e rap over hid Mee, he could not tell what was occurring around hlm, and there watt nothing of this world except the rattle of the timber as It wax being re moved from beneath the.scatfold, preparatory to the pulling of the rope attached to the centre up right which supported' the'platform. 'All these .preparations he could. hear; Imeould hear the inutterlngs of the small crowd gathered toWit ness his execution, but int Um anti at party it is doubtful If Eaton was not the most composed. At ten minutes' of ono the rope was Gerald Eaton dropped. There was 1 191ififeePtilde struggle until the body hail hub g about nvi van dies, wheat there Was the usual muscular canine tlen iti the lower limbs. b'pit, Spit; Il'inck,Einok.—Wby don't you use, AAEllptp•TOS — pint bp;t4B 41—,Intl get rid of Calughf 'TI. soul by all drugstore. ' ' 4, -t • 13USLNESIINOTTCE4 ,„ ~. . • The matter of I.4fOnkranen wee** moreettentlon in 'llie Inige e stl In ointl, !4 ones and countryplaces.,Distil h bee4 stmt . * Working Its way Info all part) of thecount#, ap4 as fast as Its prltlelplet!•;unilbenetlis aye' undOr I,stood, It is being dall i es Into ut;pr' i by all Provldept. people. A small antinmt,hf 'IMO; laid aside each year, ensures the prompt paymentit a large sum at the time of your death, whether that be not for 1.1913! yearr,mr Mt the 'veyy ,upiyhytitfter yew. re 'made the 'first payment. The only thlag Is lolii! gitiE:i•dil 'pet Intb a 'iminul CMUtiatiP"There' Is not, in the whole country, a better one than " Tim American," of Philadelphia. ,its Agent for this County Is Dr. Win. J. Romig. R ix a common thing nom-a-flay* to heat: /Jo:Jean:v. et.ll , llllllnlootit their bliitiefl Which bring no much discomfort to both 1011 , 1311 d 110 y, that they and no gratification In anything around them. One has no satis fying rest at night. another 14 silways peevish and dispan , dent, still another take+ an light in bocloti, and others again dud 00 coinpennallug pleasures In labor, exercise, or even life. No noun• is given in pallu l gy for their ail- 111601,4,' nevertltel,T, the effuses nee always prr.rnt. They simply lack vital power, mid Prof. Baker Tuya that the hest remedy for the class la IIIISIILER'S )II 1113 ItellaT . "usett for Terrell' years. and with uniform aneceTs," as It tonne the Htoloach and liver —the Teat of the roittplLlat—autl reconwrorts the shuttered eoliTtitatlon. Title Vl'llllEllll2 10111 , aprrdily romor ,, the patter of languor end t.lncoatent. IniparlT a mettle e;'01.1. the and loleTTr4 the sufferer with perfect and la•liati health. " While the earth reualiletll, nerd time and liarvmd and old and heal, and sot tamer and winter, and day and nigh! nol eon.," Otn‘ of tin clutnitt, Incident upon this change of ne:"ons that of our clothing front the thick heavy. garment. of vintor to the light and airy clothes of summer, and them is uo ono thing thnt contribute. more to MIT COllleort, our health and to economy than rokr thus regulating nor cloth ing by these changes of the season. You can he " cool.as a encumber' ' tide bummer. if only you WPM' clothing from Wsinannikor S 11r01T11.,. Do not Trifle with Danyer.—A single spark may kindle a Minty Clint trill nOinitlllin It Oily, and nntall ailments negleeted, luny loinl in fatal disorders. Ili arlug this fart in mind, let tllo find symptoms of debility or iturvous pro' , tuition be met promptly with invigorating treatmen • Foremost among the vegetable tonics of the age stands IlionTErrEll'A tiros Av. diets Itlieloitver Intl vital X 14.111 Ira 1:1111Z113S11, tor ther ny reOlo-tot to attsPv that the aninal tier essential al the nustentation til purification of tlie body are luiptvfeetlY Perforilled, o tnyttinttloitt Inylgorant and autiseptie should Kt once ho re- Is sorted tn. Indigestion alwayY proiloy, weakness of the bodily powere. Sometimes it happens that the aPPetito dninnlolot Dimon food than the ntolnltell eau 41igo,t; though not noir, ladled, than In requited to hoop rip the full sit Ninth the irate, The object, under sorb eircianedan- Ci, IN tan {111 . 11.110 IIII•i1110.1{11,1 4 etipatelly of tr oy.. . . ao•otitnilatitott organ, ooto as to make It equal I, the limy ot . it loy,thn nppelite. Knd (1/1/3.1.111. of supplying the braiding 11/81 , it 4 fast 05 It Is te. aired, This ob. feet I , folly accomplished by the use of the Bitters. They toile and goody stimulate the cellular 111,1111MM' lileh secretes the I.:iodide juice, and the result is that the solvent is mingled with de. food in oolitneitout tionontity ronyert nl Its onottribillitin nittlitolett Into pure and Wltiolnlootrito Ole litent. if, oil the oilier hand, there Is a deficiency of appe tite, without any i•orrtgninding deneieney iliKentloo potter, lite tolfeet of the tonic is to stimulate n desire for load. In nineteen copies out of hvenly, lu , ndnehr, nitn.ea, fehe sltii•tio., and, ;1111,11 ; 1110.4 or the casual Robe* and pubis to tvitlyli humnultyAn subject, proceed primarily front litoligeo-tionnotionnentill north 01,11,1.; HMI for thee° complaints 11 ioerger rut's STO3I- Aril ItirrEllo s o tote rev...01d...1 as a 'portly Mot cent:tut renintly. Afore Economical, Remarkable C'erlainty of prompt tietlo.u, In Atet, every glisl quality Is giittrunt I for Mr , . S ... ............. Imp...vett (new xl Or) II:tIr lie. sterer or It i , ' lac. lilt elle bottle.) Every It rturgett sells It. Price L/ollar. IjatICES ItE1)1 . CIA) TO vl5OO . WINTER .TOcK oI• YOI•TD+' cLOTIIINO. srrt,r. S IG, :IND IVOR K vuo 1.,l MI! I P r ock I? y ip h t , zrx i t , :aler ne 1111 y d ock ! (, ICES .11. IVA IN U. 4 RA 11' TE.E lower Man the I rr , xlrho ehoro , trill is) . .. I yo mitred e.r. ry vorelots; r, or the edit eto (I moo , y rofor wird Tr, I+ ALL WE A.K. 01:0NETT Fifth and • ToWrit Sixth, 515 MARKET WT., 1 r II II.A DEl.ril I A; AND LIDO BROADWAY, I:10 YoRK. "Tali oaks Irma littlr acorn. grow, Large .trout,. front Illtlo fountain: , bow Seven years ago the PLANTATION BITTERS Were Nit little known. To-day there is . not a nook or ', corner of our land where they tire not found and - 17 1 2i , 13 .... 0 .„ 1 1 1 1: 5 0r 0F , . r fr L o 7 , ll :i .—A gentleman who suf.. . orvous Ilebl.lly...retnature tired. The Sulk, has reached the enormous num- t u..c.,y Bud ~11 dle etferts a youthful Indiscretion, will , fur her of Five Millions of Bottles :atonally and it is 1 t i lo'rko It n .gsr , l i n i r e l:Lnt , m,! o l r ti , .+ 4 • l :t i d . :7 l , ...t;: i :t . l l ,l ,, i r t , n ?: : ' , 74 3 ! constantly inerenSiog. It only shows what eau be i 1 4.`,4,(,;`, i 1,; ‘ ,. : ,.,,,.„ r ,.`,1 . cur „ l oth, ,„ „tit b y done with a really Rood Illedletile, :111,t a systemat- us...decal...Cs experhVire run do on by ttddresltltig, In he course of making it known. Perhaps named!- ! ne : r u ce , c ... t .... fav1....... JOHN IL ORDEN. :4 , t. 42 Cedar tit., New York. eine in the world was ever FO (reservedly popular I • ''• • • us the PLANTATION BITTERS. (,o where yon will, TOR BLACK WORMS AND PIMPLES ON among the rich or poor, and you will always find JL the fare, use Penny's CosilliniNu AND PlbleLE item these Bitters in use. Their merit has become nit err, prvparvd only by Do. It. v. Pknitv, 49 Bond sure(,. established fact, and wo cordially recommend : .zi : , , , , - . o . 'ork. .'old everywhere. The tr a d e m s . t r ir i n . i . :z . l . , y ‘ i -ate 31t.dirine. Dealers. them In. cases of dyspepsia, loss of appetite, chills, and fexer, headache, &e., &c. m M an A I IN I O o I .. A e NV e A nd T Is:lo,—d SoI v n e e r f o t r he o 'tohe, Inert IntPorl.ltin, .1 GOOD EXPERIENCED SALEtIAN •.•. . - . • . .......... • _ ...... _ 11 . 1Ulit ' al i Ttl ' r ' n 'i t i . ai .6 1 1 ) ..4O ' u t , l , ' • ' ;a: " V; I : . . " !› .- "..'"d ' " "" Al. LEN'COW :1 M. RE ETS. ..11.1111. 13. Carr:ado, 0 , 171 week la/ Welnshetiner & Newhard. ! nOr7-ir E. !.,. 9IIIMEIL Si CO. 1l On, molting. • . 1 00. paling. ; lATANTED.---.1. LOA.% OF $lO,OOO, I ro, • TV. by the AlbolbovoSchool District. For Dttrticolor; i!.1,:: apply W the utitierAthed. 11. M. ItrNK,Prent. Board Co. o J. ti. DILLIZiIiEIt, becretttry. irinanrial anti Commercial. Wheat Flotir, Per bbl Wheat, per 1,1,1”.1,.. , Flancrwell, ' ' TlunOhy S'rell, per bushel Clover * Seed. Wheat 111.111% P^r rwi Rye, ' Caro Meal. Butter, l'ert"aaa , l Lard. Rum, Effgg, , per' 110/011 Pulatee, per 1111,11..1 Dried Apple, per lin,hel Dried Penchi., PIIII.ADELIMMA MARKETS. FARIIERs' ILAT ASI, STRAW MARarr. —The follow bog ern the receipt. for the week ending Apr. 10, 1Fol), Load. of hay, r,sZI,• wow. III: prime Timothy Per Intl B, aof,e 1 00i mixed, SI 1001 IA; superfine, elf/SI 115; steers, AI 60 Gel Inoue AND. Quits—Monday, Morel, I.—There was .- moderate demand or Flour to-day for the supply of the home trade, hot there was no Inquiry for mentalshi Sole. of 1,,t0 barrel,. including mtperfluo 0 ..5 ; roa hilt. Rood Ponletyleattla and chain , Ohio extra at Slag; 1,10 1 ibis, low's, Wiseonalo, and Minnesota extra Mindy at d .9007 21, the latter rate for fancy; A 0 1,1 , 1,. Penna. do. do. at 7600 73 for Coltman, and Rood ; 311.1 bids. Ohio do, do. at Se4/7:. nal boles at eh, Rye Flour in scarce, mot command +707 29. Corn Meal In neglected; We quote Brandywine la 41 r2'...6 The Wheat market in quiet, there boUlg no drama! eienpt for prim. lute, which are la .moll supply; sales of :1,011 I,lo.ltelaoxf red 01 AI el Ql Isi;•ls4Al busitols :unbar at SI 11.10 ; Tn, of No. I sprian at Cl 70; and .au Inlnl,rlawhits st 5 . 2 14. Bye la Wady, with bale. of Western at Cl' AW.I fgt. Cork In In smut; surlily, and the demand Is good; 51111,4,40.0 100.11- ebeyellow at Ikga.' o '2o; and 1,00 bushel,. ~ o, w white at 87c. Oats are in} aud request; bales of 7,01 u /011,4111 S ofWestern at 7.0,17..., %nal burial twO-rowed Now York Barley sold ut Daley malt Is uuchatUted. I ILA T 'MPH to CATTLU MAnitrr—monitsy, Mar. 119,- 110nen.. — Ileof cattle was dull this Week Bud prices were rather low ; I.•UP head arrived and nald 'at le olo ' o cent. :r choice; cent , . for primo ; sgs), couta tar - fair to g" o " , a" WP 7 c'ut,t for common. Cows AN!, $1 AIN Ea.—Thu market was lauderately uctlrn and sales of Hammers were effected at SAXIO3O. Cows and Calvew at e 10074. Sim:P.—Sheerwere to fair demand at fall prices ; 10, at) head nalli at t(74 , ... 11l •R . •• • ' 110,,..-11.0. sere : lower ; .I,olol,ead .1,1 at Ills different yards at SlfeDl ol , li/001b , net.. , NEW TORN. PRICE CURRENT • For A nil Corrected weekly by 3, Molt, Produco ounalsolon Merchant, Is o. Burelay St., ! New York. BUTTEIL—Orange mud flussox County Pall', choice IA lb, .• Del. and Committal. Co',. pail', cli‘tice; It lb, .:Ara..lB. Do. fair to' good, 41( 49. Smarm blom Co. Pad . , claim, 500.•,:i. Do.. lair to g.oal, -Motto. N. Y. Stole Drone, cholco end fancy, 4.14807. Do., lair to go o d, *Gil. common, at 411. N. Y. State fir. • kin-, choice yellow. 45458 ' Dn., fair to good, 40a , 44. Y. Mate DIN, choice and yellow. Ctr,lts. Dar lair to good, 41014. Da., COllllllOll, fartell. h. Y. State Welsh W 116,010113% 3.541). D.'. , CUT/11110U to West • ere, good to chotre, :MILL Cooking miter. 2.(.8:Il. North I Psalm. tubs, chem.. S.'sq.Pl. Do., fair togoß44l. New good to choir.), ."16!...hi, Do., poor to good, Tali. New Butter, poor to Cl/ell:0,4281:A Receint slim . ' mg the pp' .t iota.): Tool up nearly 11,,NC pack- NW, (mostly tong) W1110.1N111.11.1.111 illetll.l. la about OM over lost week. Choice ''lti State lion Leen in fair 11C11111/111 at little reduced Price'. We t old otiv ice till shippers to fanned their new 1,1 fll,l a , possible, no the marker's 011 Om weals rather weak and prices tending downward. .N CIIHESE.—.w factory [Bolen. and fancy, 210'4 110 fair to good, 1.6 . 31. N. Y. State Dairy good to choice 21)(&21. Un.. pour to good Eooo.—leres y and I'l.llllo , well parboil In chaff, 'P dor. ....V42k Jersey and Poona, well packed In 01114, %att. N. Y. State, well packed, good order. 2705• Ohio and Western, good order. •27(i_nt.83. Receipt, bay. hem, henv y for this season of the year, and Prices havt• unhand abou Meaty since our last. Yen., day the toorkei W. very heaand strung disposition to sell at cents. Today receipts am not walla as hoary gad a MD, stranger feeling prevail'. Donut think they will go nny lover for the present'. • HEANS.—Msrrow choice new, B bush. IC Re, 3.1543A1 Kidney, choler, Kew, 3.8:43.410. Illeditima, choice, new, 1"478g.50. • Pto, choice, :..5102.80. Do., fair to good, iltltlV.4l). Mired lots nod eOllllllOll. 1.50(&2.0. DitIED FRU.T—Apples Prim , State, si bush. 1015 Do., Jersey, : , 1101. and Peunaylvanta, g Apples Southern, DM! Di orkiternes, .2..Vt•t21. liorpbertler,_4l (7 )lo. Cherries, mttad. topt i l. Do., pit Salf). notches a1iF;.:1124. SEEDS.—YIag seed, bush. ti 7 lbs, 2.7 W Z 2.50. Clover, urtir, • TALLOW—La good barrels. lb, 10Itallt.t. POULTRY. —Dock a olive, pair, 1..q62..fri. Deese alive. 'it pair, ltuEnti.(o. Chic em. Jersey 11.1111 Buck. co. choice tra•M; Slate and Va. choice, .Z.lCaY2.s;fair to good og ; v.., to good,' ISigeit Turkeys, end Ducks co. choke ..2.1011; State and Pa. choice 2.14:M, full. ea good. Western fair to choke 24.21; 'lucks, fair toellulee..lSiCi.:s; Reese. Inia. PLH SUGAR—Cholco'mooll and fano • cakes, new, 1 1pArt€41. to good, 21621. *urge ' Cakes, good, DRESSED eaLVES—Cholce, '0 lb. 0417. Poor to good A new law Thiel' passed a few days ago, makes It ilia duty of,the Buttery Pollee not only to solzo all veal nodes . four wards eat offered furmile, but 11111 U 10 arrtnit tho iparties utforlt; It for sale. Of conrse under these Mecum.. alauces, 1 101 . jivers will I\l. 0000 cease furwardlug Witt c ass t ot snick, ni t a c r l ;• l lVi e ce l o a t o f t e A I 8 1 '1 y o s s reiVg , taTi l v k ell t i t t n Pee four tetlni k n " g 9l l?l 9 o ff riVe. f"" t 'le tit b' e ' ll= ' ITTV V•11=: autumn", our tdiypere trill at onto cows forwarding:Ude class of Mock A lte woollier is getting rathorpo warm for Cabral, we woundadvise ooldiug all by express, note's sent as quick as possible tidy will got sour by the Brno they reach um and unsalable. Shippers of Calves wlll not Iwo tho common paper cards, they Sr.' luvertably torn tiff by the limo ow, roach W; and then attars unable% to tell to Whorl thur balOoll they altould use none but leather or the regular calf tags, which Will bo freely furnished to all reguinrattippers. Remember aud mark your Initials or full uatno on the side of eaorlinackage, that too s i deoW who It Is from, aud also mark the contents on Diu of every package; that WO May know what , each c a n t otna withont oPenhag seen' Package to find tho kind the cOstumur wants, and send full involco by mall.. • • • •••• • • t 6. • The undersigned would respectfully inform hie frlend• and shippers throughout the country, that he is Mill at the old stand, Barclay heel, and Is not in any way eat, nected With the entcalled fired of •Ifelfrich,rlßlbrrt &Ca., and Is Quorum nut roaponsible foranZgaml_alotte!good to aid taw. ResPettfolly,' J. MINNICII. . - '.l 5.; `. eci is 7 1 l ',l . .„. .. ....,..., —.— F t :FRE( K E ' O il lf.)10 VE WRIT ili•ci ! Es,. TIT: rs ,„ a .1 .T.Tiarirli i rra44!).;.v„ - i'3'. C . I'l,llll' ,• hate by all {wiiiiisto. , fl. . noir . l7-iiiii... --. 1...... -,-.1. 8 ' SCITENIKIS PU1.711 NI .RUP, SEAWEED , °NIG ima Mnitrkltd,rt Nvlll cure Consumption, I, itr T erritplelhl, o Dyspep if taken ecoording to (Metion, They are I three to 1.1,,ken pith. , .... ti..".. TI r 7 gleam. , the etionsich, releNthe liver. ;mil pint it to work i then the entwine becomes good: the teed ililli..ite n an tonkes good blood; the patient begins to grow In liesh i the diseneed matter ripens in the 10 line, avid the !indent ..... - g ro ws the disease awl get; D rell. Tide In the linty Orgy to cure consemption. T" Ito. three noilliclife4 3 11. *lien k, of Plilladel ,phia,,tiwechleindrikulled edged,. In the treatment of pot conemaption. Pre Polinottic Syrup ripens the morbid matter Ur tbalunga, aaturothroarn Unftli,yannaiir expectoration, for when the phlegm or matter it ripe. a slight cough will throw It Or, and the patient ham rent end ti,' longs lit beg . . ! To de this, Lhii Seftwevil 'Tonle Mel iltittelritl, Pills litlist he freely Used to cliiiiiisti the n 1.111.101 Mel liver, s, that the Culoolide Syrup and the feed Will Snake good blood. Selieek • s Mandrake Pills to mein th” liver, ,inoving all obetroctione, relax the ducts id the g o il.hiodo e r. ti e r lido titans freely, unit the liver Is. remit relieved: the Motels will sown' what tie' Pill t cult Ile; mooing hos ever 1 .... m invonted encelit petunia (a deadly nolsoe whirl! In veil iiiingerolts tense nod's; with great care), that will unlock the gall-bledilor and 'hint the ;secretions of the liver Ilk' Schenk 's Mandrake Pills. Liver Complalut is tole of the meet prominent getters of Coneuiption. Soliettk i Seaweed Tonle le ti gentle etlinuletit end alter. alive, m o u emi he elkall in the Seaweed, whch Ohs prepara tion in ode of, neetste the etiiineh to (hr.,, out the geetrlc Juice to dissolve the Pied with ti,, Pultuonie Syrup, and. it Is made Into geed blood without fermentation iir tootling In line stomach. , 'rite vont reason why physicians do not rare teinennip dim Is, they try to do too much; they swe ats, dicine tot t,,ft the cwigli, to eter glillie, to stoP night s hectic roymir an d bp se doing they derange tho whole digestive powers, locking up the i‘ecretlims, and eventually the patient sinke 1111 1111.1. Ur. Schenk . , In Ids treatment, doer not t ryt,..tlip n ronglt • night sweato, chills, or fever. • •Itentove the cause. and they will all stop of their own accord. No One can he cured of Conoutaption. Liver Complaint, Dympopmin, Catarrh, Con ker. Ulce hea ra ltted Throat, unless the liver end stomach am tootle hy. If a person has Conoltutplion. of course the lungs In some way tiro tlietmed, either Wherries, abscesses; bronchial Irritation. plettro or the I mes area 11111.0 , of M ammal. and fwd. decaying. In such eases what mast be done'? It in not only the !imam that are wanting, but it In the whole body. The otomach and liver have lent thsir power to make blood 0,11 of food. Now the only cloture is Co lobo Schenk's three medicines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach, the patient will begin to want food, it will digest coolly and make good blood: then the patient begins to main alt flesh, and no soon as the body begins to grow, the 11114 M 00111111011.• to heal tip, and the patient gets fleshy and well. This It, the only way to cure Consundl- Pon. IWO there Is m e in m disease, and only Liver Complaint and Dyspepslo, Sk•s Seaweed 'Panic and Mandrake Alin two satlivient without the Palmoule Syron. 'taken., Minaret, Pills freely in all billions complaints, am they ern perfectly insoles. Dr.:WM.ldr, who lam miloyed nitintertiipted health for many yeats past, and 11000 weighs 2:41 moulds, WU, witsted away ton mere okeirton. In the very last sta ge or Pulmo nary Consumption, his physicians having pronounced him casehopeless and abandoned hint to his fuze. Ile west:tired by the aforesaid medicines, and since recovery may thoastltulm similarly Maimed have area Dr. Schenk m pre', orations with (Inc same retuarkablo succeos. lull directions accompany each, make it not absolutely necessary to por sonally sou IM.Seltenk, utiles; they:We:us %Omitting!: lungs valoilmil. and for this ',lmpose he is proll , sittually at him l 011se, Philadelphia, every sintarday, where all letters tor advice !mud be addres,l. Ile Is abut profes• elonally at No. at Bend Street; New York, every other Tneodq, and at No. 3.1 Hanover Street, Boston, every other N% odaystlay. 110 gives ndvlco ins , , but for a titer. 11101 oxuol ivallllll with Ills iteopirometer the price in Office hours at each city from a A. M. to 3P. M. lbc. J. 11. SOHENK, mar 10-Iy* * * 15 N. 6th A, Platada., Pa. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS AND CATARRH treated with the lIIMOSt SUCCeSII, by .1. Lc.sArA, M. It. mid PrOfet4sor Dixa.avars of the Eye. moil Roof.; flofoo spe• eloolllll in floe .th (Ural College f Prootosulrrooo fro, 1.2. yen, e..epo Home, fitormerly tot Leyden, No.tgh Arch Atrect. Testitnanials can to ) sent, at lib...nice. The medical faculty lay invited to :tccompany their patients, a, he bus no serretaa practica. Artill dad rye. inserted without Plllll.. No charge for vsangna flow jun 27-13's* pROF. HAMILTON'S 111:101CATED rr "P) C 0171411 CANDY! " X llll T irt i 4i7grr d i• 1 1 1 ° 1 e l t;;T; COUGH!I itra r trrtrk7;d t;t"fu r nnni n tlon. Thu.. who try—ultynys idcun n"t7nsilt-11.'n't"netttitrI ( e'n u h i rt n rr"ll l, ;'er only 12 rents. Ono million hold .kuttnully, and told ivory w and by .11 druggists 11t Allentown. (fe1,17-81n.... CONSUMPTIVES.—The advertiser, having Lrrn re4torea tii health Inn tea weeks, by n very slunk coned - , utter hay Ina Imilived several years with n severe hing tibial.. :mil tint dreadful disease, c„..„.. r . lino. 1,,111X1011,1 11111k0 w fellu sufferers t means of care. To nu who desire It, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of clocrgo), with the dlrec• [lons for preparing [ld using the same, which they will and a sure care fia tlimsuniptlou, Asthma, lininchithe, The only object of the ailviiolser sending tlw Preci tion Is to benefit the afllirtrd, laid spread haormialon which lid ...involves to be honluabid; owl he hopes every ',Maur will try his remedy, as It will cost them nothing and may proven blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will learn adders., ism2ly.. llnv. EDWAR L 165 South rt., Williamsburg, K ing. Co., N. Ellantrb W.Mc'EF.I), IEII ••• 3 On. • • : • "m ' T HE FALBMER'S BOOK. 5 " no beautiful and neeful Illuntrationn; 750 clay. 46, paling • : paCr,,hlotwing• just what. over' (armor vents to know ROW TO MAKE TUE FARM PAT. • 21, • • Send for circular giving full description. 1 w •• FARMERS! FARMERS' SONS! Experienced hook agents and others wanted to take thi hook 1 .4 very hallow fa every community; basinesx per inanent ; pays from 1150 I 0 AC. )0 per mouth, according t, experience and ability Addrern ZEIGLER, /4 Co. Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati 0., ChieltitO, ill.. or St. Louis, 310. tang Sm gor wall. FOR SALE. A VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY A lot oil Lawrence ntrent, In the city of Allentown,,lLlS by UK/ foet. which el'ected a dwelling' bonne, 16 by IS feet. Mso, n twOo.tory frame factory, containing ... p. turning When, boring tnarliinen, circular nod upright .aws. one engine house, 11l by ID feet• a good " horn power engine; ristern, 111 by 12 (not; nwe novor-fitiling wtwer; ',tabling, and a variety of choice frill (rem Will be sold ul n reanunablo price and on rehnouabl tem, by FOlt SALE, A Valuable Lease en the I,olvalt Menntalu. for IRO OltE, for the period of n peach; royalty ouly 'JO cents per ton. A good, thauco to a tuna smell capital. Addreltx, BOX lliO. 1:17, Catasauqua, Pe. MIZE CO3IMISSION.4: SHIPPING MERCHANT No. '213 South Water Si Chicago, .IU-Parti'entai' attention given to Eastern .pilipmettio. REFEILENCES: 0: \V. Hutt. l pro., Chlea;;.; s.ovra , Ben. Allruhnru 1 hn ri od, W;;At.st., New york; 11110toug & aro., 11 . antorn, i lpatl Inc, Pit.; U. G. rnstugliklietlllellem, Rant Imier Ilarrishtirg, At.; Juluffir tihnsiock, coooty, I a. ; Joseph Ilelitley, Swevtilltitl Centre, lowa. Aug 21.1 Y REASONAItLjr. LEASE will be given cu the linoitort Slate Quarry; attested It Plainfield tewiphlp. Northampton county. t'u, nen Htsckertowo. II conalsta of number. paw Ilat•veht. Mite. never-fading .late. fully equal to the well.knewu CIIIIII 111:111811110, with a gaml water power and a full riagins pumping tent hoihting 1111101i111rr. Perseus itenirour of or opportunity of thtn kind will plena,. examine for than srlyrn, and apply to Rothe,. Koch, Stackertawn P. it. tntir ' ' ' 0. fiellitBlllllll, President CONSIIOII.OOKEN BOILER AND COIL 'WORKS JOHN WOOD, JR.', TUBE, FLUE AND VYLINDER BOILERS, BATH :VD S TE. 4 if CIRCULATING BOILERS. All kinds of Wrought iron Coils, Tuyers for Mast Fur thu.otnetero, Stook. , Starks, Mast Pipes, Iron Wheel harrows, and everything in the Itollrr And Sheet rote line Also, all kinds of Iron and Steel Forsings and Illarkaniiti work, Miners' Tools 01.11 kinds. such a , . Whom Bucket. Picks, Drills, Mallets, Sledges, Se. Having a tittstut Illtmtner and sat of tools of all It Inds anti skilled Wllllllll4l. I flatter myself that I ran torn ou work with prointnnss and dispatch, ail of which will 1, warranted to he tlrst•clabs. Patching Hollers, and repairing aederallyt ytrietly at tended to. ape 7.1 y. RE7°ttL."':°"T HAS ~:i MU51C.,0.4„ NO. 35. WEST lIAMILTON STREET, • '(4 Poor. below Ilalteultuelt's Hotel.) Whore he Invitee dIl hi. fl lends to tall, and he will sun. thetaply i.t..i.,,A,,tlost,;,,,,yiltt:evugge7igt,o.:gigetioeiff,l rate.. t: tlheoeT. 3t.gl!o:s'r, No. 4.5 West Hamilton etreet. 'apt 7-3 i • J. STEW ART • ' ' s 2.ISoUTII BECOND , STlttalT, A! , OV.V. 8111.11 FE, •i..PIIILAAELPIIIA.;. i,_ N 4 offers an unna6al iimaariment of CIAIIPAiS, (1; 'liilµ " , c l , 1 1 4 YN g O Y 414 1 5 '1 $ ep dr:lreee; i,l.Ta TN TILE U. S. : Dierrnier. COVET LVolt THE ~.A , EASTERF DISTRICT. OP •FENNA.—IN DANKIYT AIJI.ERTOWN. • .• • • • ALLENTOWN. Btarch 1. 1510. The underilyoed hereby give notice that they haire been nlute4 A... Unc o il of William M. IthEloT.,wEo hwr ann nro bred n bentru t on ht e own volition. ' To the Emu. on , Proto B , PkruP • • 0.. Iv. LVCR)lfflintlntrr uric MLR' a • AnaideitelOVVllll(lll7km.r. . • .... AWL% UAW 0 - TIV,It'PHOE4PiIiATE,. OF LIME. • , STAI4I)4p WARRANTED. • We Ain liarmers amilh;lera manurea the present sea., our Daw.lione Super ritnaphato of Lime ha being bight), admired. It la not necessary at this day, to argue the claims of thla manare, an a ageful mai economical application for CORN, OATS, mid all spring crop, Tim article ha% a reputation f over fifteen yearn standing; and atlll manufacturedby the original ProPrieldra. Farman , willpleas. scud their order, to the Dealer early a* }la Li 90.,W111. Wawa a aupply, WE HAVE NW TRAVELING AGENTS • Funnert, and Dettlent who genii their owlets direr, to or ran avail thetoneivrtrtiT this • And Pr re llor ComlnGurion. Early ortlera will Ito adv. (age.; to buyer, • IMPROVED SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, PERUVIAN GUANO 1=1:1 =9 Met:3l-3m kt""urat gtltt 13AUGII & SUNS, SOLE MA /, CTURERS, Mire, No 20 Sonth Delaienro Ave Ei=l LOWEST PRICES ALLEN NEEDLES, AMMONIATED FERTILIZER We .ell only No. I—received direct from the (hiverhletd PISU GUANO, A splendid 3lnnuro parked In barrel. We xi+n offer for .ale Pero: LAND I'LASTISR, HYDRAULIC CEMENT and a NDaloortment oils and Candles. A DISCI/um' Ti) DEALERS. • ALLEN & NEEDLES, 42 8017TH " DELAWARE AVENUE, PIIjLAII6LI'IIIA RATABLIIIIIIFID !N IRK (fob Z 3-1 IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY We furnish Farmers with tho BEST SEED WHEAT IN THE WORLD Perfectly free from Innectlform or other Impurlllest grown from ArSTRALIAN nod Clllhl Seed, yielding, en good eon, . SIXTY BUSHELS TO TILE ACRE IMMIEIIia 61 I'OrNDS TO TIIE MEASURED BUSHEL The Faint Or Wheat, when mature, are tonally cloven or wulvo Inches lung. ire-Put np .d i.ecurely tied and sealed In linen bans d sent by mall free to all parts'of the country, on ro elpt price. GEN= t3ATIPLES 10 CTS. EACH I BAGS 50c. and SI EACH Or lu larger 4uantltle. at raastmable rates EMBIZZ CALIFORNIA AND OREGON SEED WHEAT AGENCY, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA B on Elt• COMPLETE MANURE, eb 10 011-tf =I HENRY BOWER, Chemist, I=l EMMEI Sayler-Phoaphate of Lime, AMOIII7O and PoNah WARRANTED FREE FROM A DDLTERATION. Thln Manure containn all die elements to produce larg rolls of k , and In highly recommended by all who mot it, igloo by dbillugninhed cheMlnis who have, by an .lynin, tented ite qmilitlex. Packed In Bari of WO Mo. • DIXON, SHARPLESS fi CO.; IMEII 89 South "Water and 40 South Delaware Ay., E= • For kale by WILLIAM REYNOLDS, 70 South Street, Baltimore, Md. Fur Information, address Drury Bower PhlladelPhia• lab 10-'0? -1y filisrellancono. 1866. SPRING 1869. Orriiso or NEW SILKS. • Orrspo or NEW SHAWLS. ONININit or NEW CHINTZES. Orrsoto or NEW POPLINS. Full Moricof STAPLE and FANCY SPRING GOODS.. EYRE & LANDELL, • FOURTH AND ARCH STREETS, •• PHILADELPHIA. (mar 104 t BAUR; BARK II • The undersigned ilostro to purchase, this spring IXD (ORDB. GOOD MDR TNUT OAK AND SPANISH OAK BARK, M their Tunnory, near the Little' Lehigh, Allentown, Pa. Prim 012 pet cora rah saga* FINE ELSTON! MADE BOOTS AND SHOES FOIL GENTLEMEN. All the leading stylr. 1m hood or made to moulturo Prim. fixed LOW FIGURE'S on Ilinstrated Prim List wit Inxtructionx for self-ine.nroment sent on receipt of P. I= I= 39 South Sixth atreet, above Chestnut =EMI COAL CONSUMERS, . LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST • P. 11. STELTZ Ile Vor go'gi:rtttlro CO AL fmm ht. well 'docked Yard, formerly 11. Oath & Co. 'a, at the telihrb Basin, to the City of Allentown, whero tin will Loonatently keep on hand a full enmity of all kind. of Cont, at th e very lowest market price, Mx Coal In alert nod ' oboe, from Ihe'very boat mines, and In vitality superior to any offered In Allentown. Ito will soli Coal by the CAN LOAD, at eery email Emo• Cl ltiinllate n rgg 4141 ' r b r"oge`. l " , ' "440 TS:Vgif: and f oir,7ll7Pdaerl i grPl4,2,lg." ° .t u tf e a f .;; p lu aA r' Sl y tf s. t City upon orders being left at the Yard, or W , elindielmer's piton, POWDER AGENCY. Abia, Agent for Lehigh county for tine "Login Powder Conspany." Prepared at all times to deliver euperlor Mining and Meeting Powder, Footling Powder, Sporting Powder In kern and canister., rase, Ike., at any point and la an Tile same at retail ut the (tun and Cut lery Moro of 11. P. Welforts, No. 30 Bast Hamilton street. Orders by mail promptly tilled. • mar 31.11 P. 11. BTELTZ. E . m ()Jim , W. HOLESALE -AND T A IL , •,, DEALER IN • . . BOOKS' STATIONERY, BLANK BOOKS, &C.. CIRCTI LATINO LIBRARY, coatatulag the Weal cud L4411.0:111 callous. . Agent for the celebrated BRADBURY PIANOS. - . Websve the bent I to Oa lite, Ici Labliii,att s , o 'huPe"• l "ii of ,"" . No. 81, 1 1reitlliin,o7tO Blreet,below Eighth, NOrtll aside: ' • ' Jen 6.tf • • TUE NATIONAL ES= LITE INSURANCI . CO., UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Chartered by Special Act of Congress, approved CASH CAPITAL, BR ANC II OFFICE PHILADELPHIA First Atonal Bank Building, Whore tho groom% business Is transacted, and to which all gonoral corri.spioldonce should be addreaned. • CLARANCE H. CLARK, President. JAY' COOKE, Chairman Malmo and Executive Conl. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. EMERSON W. I'EET, See) . and Actuary. This Company utters the following udvautegee : It tee Nanette' Compatty, cherte.sd by epode' ect E==ll:2 it ham u patd•ap capital $1,(100, oat It °trent Itow ratett of ,prmilloin It Mullane. larger Inauranee than other ratripanle. fur =9 It ht definite and eltrtaln In It• tern. It Ina home company In every Its policies aro exempt from attachment. There are no unneocomary reptrlctlouN In the policies Every Policy iv non-forfeitable. Policies may be taken whiclunty to the levered their full amount, and return all time tirendurns, so that the loaur• nnee cost. only the Intere.t on tho sunual payment.. Punch,. unity he taken thnt . will pay to the Inoured, after a corialn number of years, during life, an annual Income of one•teuth the alumna named In the pulley. Nu extra rate Is charged for rides upon (ho lives of fp It Insures, not to pay divideuds to policy holders, lag at so low it cast that dividends will ha impossible. • Circulars, Pamphlets audlull particulars given ail ap• pllcillioU to the Broach O ff ice of tha Company at Philadel• phla or to tic general Ageut, GENERAL AGENTS E. W. CLARK & Co., Philadelphia For Ventisyl rants sod I:Souther's New Jersey Charlea W. Cooper Allentown National Bank, Nebo. Welaer, Rena 'leaner Book Store, Agents for Lehigh and adjoining Countlee. Jacob A. 'Butner, aperial agent. wept 15.17 GREAT ATTRACTION I NEW FIRM! NEW GOODS! CLOTHING! CLOTHING! GRAND SPITING AND SUMMER OPENING. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES T. o sm UN & CO., Setr,sitors In 31restitt et Onntin. BARGAINS AT THY GREAT CLOTHING' EMPORIUM NO. 43 EAST HAMILTON STREET, We would Inform the cltlaen“ of Allentown an . d r tl o te . n o u c r i i oundlng country flint %Sumo prepared with n 1 g t )f goods for SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, and' offer them to the public at reaanuable prices. To limo, who buy their Clothing ready-made, they aro prepared to offer BARU AIM. WHOLE SUITS MADE TO ORDER! COATS, PANTS AND VESTS Cut Kull made la the latest style, and by the best workmen VOUR STOCK OF CLOTHING, CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES, Is larger thou It has been before, and we Intend to moll at very SMALL PROFITS, and giro our cnatonters the bene• th of our low nurrhases. • • Great quantities and varieties of NECKTIES, CUFFS, COLLARS, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS MEN'S, YOUTHS', DOES', and CHILDREN'S READY-MADP , CLOTRING, CONSTANTLY ON lIAND. • Uaa' t forget the place, No. 43 East Hamilton street, third dour above Sixth street. T. 0 Mr.. mar 24-t( ESTABLISHED IN 1810. FANCY DYEING ESTABLISHMENT. • J r N. W JONES, I ; '• • So. CH North Frolat Bred. abort Callowhill Dye Silks, Woolen and Fikacy floods of every demerit.. lion. Their ouperholty or D veldt LAW. and Oeutlernen'a flartnento is widely known. Craps arid Merino Shawls dyed Um most brllllaut and plain color*. Crape and Me. Hun Shawls demoted to look like new. Also, Gleatlednetes Apparel, Cortalno, eleanoed ur re.tled. Kid (Doves cleansed or dyed to look like Low. Sir COI Bud look st our work before going elsewhere. nottl7.2to I= ALLEN TOW N W.tTER COMPANY , At a meeting of tho Board of Managers of the Allen• town Water Company, held February 3 n,1130d, it was on 7l tro . !red; That the Treasnmr of, Wu Allentown Water Company. TIIOIIAK JACOIIY, 'Fourth 'street, neer Wal soltd Compan y . f h etly i r 4 " .! i rtir . f . o t re e r t; e Cut nay Apru • " nu n tnat lie shall ado ten per e n eof. on "" I wMerper e r l i' l ot' n r Vori a ‘adhil'nfirtgidgirdlit;rtiPs.e.f,Y, and rent r 2o n n all route no old on the Orel day of July. 'the above resolution hi yet n fore,, and will ho strictly carried out. By order of fit nit JOit6PIItEAVER, President. At'ent: WILLIAM 11. Ilbersit, lieeretary. mar ALLENTOWN, March 79. Philadelphia ANEW PLANING MILL. bare erected a The unde NErsignedW hPLANINGereby In MILI. on form the public that they NINTH ET. BE T WEBS LINDEN AND ItIiNER, Where they are prepared la make ‘all kinds of wood work forboasea, each iteittiori.lihuttent klasb.,Wlndow nod Door Flames. Mouldings of all siren, us well as ee Fling Floor Board. of all detteriptleste t also, Taming of all kinds will be done according to order. We are receiving a stock of well•seasoned lumber which will enable us to turn out the best kind of work. We hate all new machinery of the latest style and Pattern. Wears also Joins 411 kind. of Scroll tiatriul• By strlet attention to Mahone Ina moderate marg.. we Lo y = I" ah a" of th" 11/ Mi n er, LI NB. (AN FIXTVIIES. ADDIS & ROBERTS , , , . „r! .4( PLUMBERS AND GAS FIXTBRS, .-_po,-160 WEST HAMILTON STREET, (GEORGE lIAAD' NEW BUILDING), ALLENTOWN All kind. of Ga. Vinture._ oo ruth of the beat p r . kora, Hydrants Y ilydraullejlatne. Lift and Palk ,Tuba, ,Water Cloaeta , Cltrulating Boilers. kr. • kr. _ppecial attent given to putting op Portable aks Work. In town oreountry. All work warranted. apr 7-1 y - . PER CENT.' LOAN ---A LOAN OF :. T N THOUSAND DOLLARS le wanted by the Allen town School Dintrict for which bond. bearing 7 per cent. interest, payable half yearl f . free from local taxation. will be limed. Apply to either of the vidersigned or to C. W. Cooper, enabler of the Allentown Book. RUNK. Pren't Board of Controller'. apr7-lm) J. B. DILLI7O3III{, Scc'y Board of Controllers MGM MEM July 25, 1868 $1,000,000 PAID IN FULL. OFFICERS Clothing IN REIMER'S DVILDINO 81111117323 And everything in the line of JACO! 11. SCHOLL, MAIMS LYNN =1 , •TIOVE NINTH, DEEP WELL PUMPB,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers