RI a~; f ialLq; c i aiINLu - LI - A El WINTERARRANGIDIENTS- 1866 . On and after Monday,l7ov.l 9th, 1866, Passenger Trains of the LihrgliNalley Railroad Company will run. In. oonneetion with the several roads running to Wilkesbarre, New York and Phil 00111141 u, as fol lows: , aqw.N OR EASTWARD TRAMi , ....... ernions. No. 1. No. 5. No. '. No. 0 Leave ' `" A. M. A M. I. M. A. hl. Wilkes Barre, • A III) . 1.3.1 MOTlMlrgartaol ' t 7.30 Centralia: . 7bn Shenandoah, 8.20 Yut-ev.ile,, . 8.25 Mahanoy City, 8.50 2.15 Deland 920 2.45 Quakake Junction 9.30 3.11 W att., Haven 9.30 3OO 2 knnery ' . 9.37 3.06 Hickory Run 9.48 3.17 Mud Run . 9.54 3.20 Rockport 10.04 3.43 tineeton 7.00 2.30 Eokley .1 42 Audeuried, . • •2 00 Jeanesville . 2.16 Beaver. Meadow 2.35 Weatnerly _, _ . 8.25 3.20 Penifilaven • 10.29 358 MallOhlltdink' . " - 4.30 10.57 4.26 Lehighton 4.40 11.07 4.35 Perryville ~ . 4.46 4.41 Lehigh Cap 5.01 4.56 Slatington 5.07 11.30 5.02 Rockdale 5.17 5 13 Lanry's . 5 27 6.23 Whitehall 6.34 5.30 Copley, ' 5.38 11.52 6.34 liokendauqua 5.42 5.33 Catasauqua 546 11.57 5.42 Allen Furnace 5.54 5.60 Allentown 6.00 12.07 5.55 Bethlehem` - 6.15 12 20 6.15 Freemansburg , 6.23 12.29 624 Easton,,,,"': ~ : . 6.44 12.55 6.45 Phil tdlolkiii, - 9.20 • 2.35 8.46 New York,- • 10.10 440 10 45 500 A. kr. P. M. P. M. A. M. No. $.-,-Leaves Allentown at 12.35; Bethlehem 12.45; Easton 1.15 ; New York 4.40. 41P OR WESTWARD TRAINS. tivArzons. No. 8. NO. 6. No.lo. No. 2. No. 4. flenve ~ ~ A. lit. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Nate WA. 6.30 12.00 4.00 9,00 8.00 PliiludelPhia, 7.30 6.15 Easton 9.47 3.25 7.40 11.52 11.05 . Preemanshurg 10 07 3.49 8.04 Bethlehem 10.20 4.00 8.15 12.24 11 40 Allentown 10.37 4.15 8.30 12.32 11.50 Alletitown , Fairnace 4.20 8.34 ~ Cattuotnquo 10.47 4.28 8.42. 7, Bokeadauqua . 10.53 4.0 .La - til 1:1 4 : 10 P1a9 , • '1- 1 . 1 , 4 1.41 ' 41:0 .. 8.56 .Pi. % 17. Whitehall ~... 10 . " 4.50 9.04 .. Lau" ' ~ - 11.19 5.00 9.14 E.4 ;4 4 ~._ ton 11.29 6.12 9.25 En ra ...fgkap , , 11.86 5.18 9.31 .0 lai P Perryville Y -- , ' ' 1 11.48 5.33 9.45 . ti • Lehighton. 11.55 5.39 9.60 lil Mauch Chunk 12.05 6.50 10.00 r; Peon Haven '12.36 6.15 Weathgly,3 • , . ' _ 12.54 Beavo'hiektiOw ' .1.24 ' Jeannine 1.39 Andenried, , 1.44 Eoltjey 1.45 Ilaetork 2.30 Rockport r. ' • 12.67 6.41 Mad Run 1.1.7 661 Hickory ,Rur. 1.12 6.67 Tannery 1.24 7.03 Win.O.Haven . 130 7.15 Q adult° June'n 1.30 710 1, lauo, 1.45 720 111thannv City, . 2.00 745 Yutesville ' 815 - • Eilanan.loah, ' ' 820 .. Contrali9 , ' ' 840 M on:t s eartael 9 00 Wilkes Barre, _ 3.02 8.48_ P.M. P.M No 12. P. M.-4,mm New Yolk at 5.1'0; Enaton 8.50; Viettie . tuitoburz 94; Bethlehem 0.25 ; Allen tow ' Moining acconnuniatien from Manch Chunk. Leave Mnuoh 'Obuolt'at 8.30. A. M. Penn thong Junction Weatherly 7.30 A. M. Bok -141;8.39 4. M. li.aleson 9.00 A. M CON.NECTIONB: Central Railroad of New Jersey All up and down trains connect at Easton' with the trains of the Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey to and from New York. North Pennsylvania Railroad —D .wn trains No. I, b, and 7. and up trains Nos. 2 and 8, connect nt Ileth'ohein with trains for Philadelphia. Train. from Philadelphia connect at Bethlehem with down train No. 7 and with up trains Noe. g and 10. Bast Pennsylvania Railroad —Do'gn trains Nos. 1 and 5, and up trains Nos. 2,4,6 and 12, connect at Allentown with trains fur Beading and Harrisburg Trains from Harrisburg and Roading ccnnoct at Al lentown with . all down tralos. Bach - Nee 'Delavraro Railroad.—Down trains Nos. I, 3 and 5 connect at Phillipsearg with trains for ... Philadelphia. Trains from Philadelphia connect at Phillipsburg with up trains Now. 2, 10, and 12, and trains frompeividere connect with up trains 14,.5. • and 8. Catawiaan Railroad.—Down train No. 7 and up train No. 8 connect at Quakake Junction, with trains of the Catawisan Railroad. Ilasleton trains Nos. 5 and 7 and up train N 5.8 connect with trains of the Basle ) ton Railroad. Lehigh and Susquehanna Rallroad•—Dowu trains Nos. f, and 7, and up trains Nos. 6 and 8, connect at While, Raven, with trains of the Lehigh and Sus quehanna Railroad to and from Wilkesbarro. No .change of curs between Wilkesbarre and Now York. No ,change between Wilkesbarre and Philadelphia on up train No. 8 and down train No. 5. R. U. BAYRE,Ropt. A Eng nov2o-'66 READING RAIL ROAD. SUM?aEIt ARRANGEMENTS, June.llth, 1866. 2)REAT TRUNK , LINR PROM THE NORTH and North-West for Philadelphia, New Y .rh, tdarig, Pottsville. Tamaqua, Ashland, lobanon, Allentown, Easton, Ephrata, Lair., Lancaster, Col umbia: de., &c. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York, as follows : At 3.00. 8.10 and 9 05 A. 51., and 2 10 and 9.15 P. M.. connecting with -linilar Trains on the Pennsyl vania Rail Road, and arriving at Now York at 6.00 and 10.10 a. m., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.40 p. m.— Sleeping C,rs accompanying the 3.00 a. m , and 9.- 15 p trains, without change. Leave Ilarri-burg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, 15116ereville e 'Ashlaniii Plue Grove, Allentown and' , Viiiiiiitillphiarat 8.10 a.m., and 2.10 end 4.10 11•1 11 •049PPin.: at Lebanon and principal Wry Sta• Hans; the 4.10 p. m., train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Potts rrple Suhuyikill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Su•quill'inum Railroad,loare Harrisburg at 3.20 p. tit 3 - Returning : Leave Now York at 7 00 and 9.00 a.m., 12 u 0 noon and 8.00 p. in.; Philadtlphin at. 8.15 a. m., _and 3.30 p a nd Way passenger Train leavus Philu delnhbt at 7.30 a. in.. returning from Reading at 8.30 p m.; stopping at ult ctarions Portevihr at 845 a an. and 2 4o p. m. ; Madan i 6 00 and 11.50 a m. and 1 .05 p. in.; Tamaqua at 9 4511. in. and 1.. 00 and 8 55 p. m. Leave. Pottsville for llarrisburv, via Schuylkill and Anil:3oBlnm Railroad, at 7,00 a. in. lOadinitAosomtnodati a Train; loaves Reading at tl.OO a in., returning hum Philadelphia at 5 00 • Pm. Railreat trains leave Rending at 8 45 m., 12.05 noon nod 6.1,5 p m., for Ephrata, Lids, Lancaster. Columbia, he. Ot. S. n lap: Move New York at 8 DO p m, Phil adelpLi 8110 blu and 315 p in, the 800 a m train running only, p, lie ding, Portsvide 800 a in. Ta: Dalian 7 • Po m, ll' rrigburg 9.05 a in and Reading at 1 31 t 4 an . and 7'30 a in., tor Harrisburg, and 10 52 r. in. for Now Yar. and 4 25 p. in. fur Phila divphis. ti..nuutation, Mileage. Son on, School and Es. enriion Tickets to and from all points, at reduced EE2 lingvgn rhaoked through • SO puttn.la allowed each. radaangir. . 13. A. NICOLI S o cionera. Suptrtutandant. Reading, Pa., June 45th. 1866. Easi Pennsylvania Railroad. iiialgammgßFMN SUM Al Eli ARRANGEMENTS. commenci, g Mot day. May 21st. D/RECT , NEW YORK .tarn PITTSBURG wrrnour 4:1.4..V05, OF CARS. . . • r i It.AlN$ !VIVO .Alloutown daily (Sundays except s od) 7.01. and ,10.30 A. N., and at 1'2.35, CI ft 111411, , 44,k- N, The 10.30 A. Id., make direct con nections at Harrisburg, ' for Chamborsburg, !Zagora town :and. points on tlte Cumberland Valley Rail road, Norther . Central - Railroad, North and South, and the 'oil region. The 111.30 A. M., 12.35 and 11., 44 P. M., are the Western Express trains, dirogC the nigh ,to Pittsburg without change of cars. The 7.011 A. M. train stops al, all stations of this rend, and in Ito connections at. Reading for Pottsville, ' Pot t l•ntan Tamnqua and all points in the Schuyl kU .apaLrodons ; for Philadelphia and all points on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, also for Harrisburg, Chambersburg, Ilagorstown, York, Get ' tysburg, the oil region, Williamsport, and the West. The 4.15 I'. M., train stops at . all stations, connects at }landing, With trains. for Pottsville, Columbia. ;•.; 111ga,, I ids, Lancaster, llarrieburg, ho. The , 1142.P.'iff.', train leaves daily (Sundays inaluded‘ :Vteading; Harrisburg, and the West. ''• • Pass n ;ern are requested o ps ratan their tickets before entering the cars, as higher lure will be charged un thu curs. TIOROS for sale, at the Allentown office for all pointikn'this,road,and the principal Statione on the Philo phia and Rending, Lebanon Valley, and Pennsilyanin -railrende West,. North-west and fjunb-4 Il i n. 5T01.7.. ktmer. A Stip't. 151113111 k 11E084 DMERMINED e-...Fcstrrnor,..amo-,,r-tlt4l:iwfr-tlartzamrprr.r._ 10 , ===r , I . three paity Trctina 211iiii;ton to rhiladelph DABBBBIGEBB for Philadelphia take L. V. R. It L trains passing Allsratnytu at t 3.00 a. m„13.02 noon, and 6.56 p. m. make close connection with the trshiPTIPWOI4 ' l{. at; Bethlehem, and arrive in Philadelphia at 0.20 a. tn., 2.30 and 8.40 p. respectively. Passengers for Doylestown take 6.25 a. in. :rain from Bethlehem an I make concoction at Lansdale and can return to Allentown the same evening. All Passenger Trains (exceptS unit: y Train..,)oon .oet at Berkaaturoot, Philaaelphia, with sth and 6th itreet Oity Pavenger Railway. ILRT II RNLI; 0 . Leave the new Depot, Third street, above Thomp -3014 Philadelphia at 7.80 a. m., and 5.15 p. m.,arriv 'ng in Allentown at 10.81 a. m., and 8.80 p.m., re spectively. LOCAL SCHEDULE. Three Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Passenger trains leave the new Depot, Third street, Philadelphia. For Bethlehem, at 7.30 a. In., 3.30 p. in., and s 15 P. M. For Doylestown at 8.95 a. m., and 2.30,4.15 p. In For Lansdale at 6.15 p. tn. For Fort Washington at 11 p m. . TRAINS FOR PIIILADELPIIIA. • • • Leaver 'Bethlehem ' '6,25 a. in. 12.25 noon and i.lsp.m. Leave Doylestown at 6.40 'a. m., 8.16, and 5 80 Leave Lansdale at 6.00 a. m. Fort Washington i at 2.15 p. in., 10.50 m. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, $l. 85 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. tuaB26s. REMOVAL! DEsli.LEws HAT, CAP & NOTION ESTABLISH M ENT HAS been removed to No. Si East Hamilton Street, first door below the AMERICAN ROTEL Whore can. now be found the latest, most elegant and fashionable styles of HATS AND CATS. Also hoe beeit added a Gents' I+°~rl~ialllDb Goods DEPARTMENT 12.45 12.55 1.30 With a fall line of NEW' G00D.% such as lANDKERCIIIEPS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, - - - UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, • NEOII TIES, GLOVES, • • etc., etc., etc. COMM ONE! COME ALL!I and eee for yourselves. the benut:fal assortment of roods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take treat pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that I can and will tied goods 9b PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTDER HOUSE OUTSIDE OF TUE CITIES. ' , row goods' received daily :rom the mantoacturere and for sale at the lowest rates. ffeb2o.t. STAND FROM UNDER! GOLD 140 I And Pnsprets of still Further Decline ! 3P AL 3r. CI X"' AL. TV I CI . RULES 711 E lIOUR. Hats, Caps and Furs, SPRING- STYLES. Christ &, Sauer's, No. 15 Wo4t Hamilton stroot opposite the Odd Fellows' Hall, have on hand the ..'''; l9 " . 4"ts largest ossortment of Hats and Cap. • spring and summer styles, ever seep it, Allentown, ootnpriaing every style and quality from five dollars down to fifty conta,mnd men that gill become old and young. Their stock of Caps is the.largest in Allentown, ml at extremely low prices, To convince the pnb .in of what is said, it may 110 well to state that they bays FORTY-ONE different styles. Surely enough to ;iv(' a person a chance of suiting his taste. Messrs. Christ &Senora direct attention.to the fact that they are the only MANUFACTURERS Of halt in Allentown. t.T€4... Country Merchants would do well to give us n call, ns we will wholesale them flats and Caps cheaper thou they can get them in the city. Allentown, August B—tf EMBALMING THE DEAD ! EIVIDALMItC THE DEAD * , 'Which IT 11.!4 used during the past two years, with ch extraordinary success in Washington City and in the Army of the Is now cacred to the public by 'the undersigned, who has purcha4cd the patent for Lehigh and North ampton counties. This patent was granted by the U. S. Patent Of fice A. D., ISG3, as the greatest novelty and discov ery of the ago. Arrangements have now been made to patent the sairMin:England t tad Prance. The same results have never been- accomplished by any other process. The fluid crystalizes in the arteries and hardens the body, and does nut discolor the skin It produces a white marble color, free from blotches. whilst the countenance of the corpse assumes a calm and natural nppeavance, us if asleep. A body can bit CH11)101110. ill Mutilation or Extraction, At a trifling expense, and may be preserved for Lenny years. Nov. fob Reduction ! Reduction !! AT SIII:VIER'S liAairmoirat NTOIIIE, T IIEY offer for Fte.e their entire new stock of DRESS GOODS at greatly reduced prices. such as, • ' Dregs Goads in great variety. Shawls, Mocha. Thihets end Blanket Shawls Belmontls and Hoop Skirts. Prints, Slwetings, Check and Ticking. Flannels or every quality, color and style, vary low. . Men's and Boys' wear. Sinai ns Cloth, Cassitucrc. K.,Jettn, Dotter's Brown Linsey, Sc. Drawers; Undershirts and Knit Jackets. Carpets and Oil Cloth. A full assortment of Oroceries. Country produce taken in exchange. Oreenbauld never refused. Remember the place, follow tho crowd, do'ny not and Gall early, we gualantoo it to your advantage. ALL AND SEE VARIETY STORE , oppositotbo Cesium Reformed Church, aindnost door to Leheuring i Cos Book Store. ' Constant v on band a largo stock of (ho hest York State App cc, Orangcs Lemons, Fige, aO., Nuts of a kinds A 'Argo varl ty of Brencii, common and Christ mas can lies. A argo assortment of Patent Chinn, Waited com mon do s , 4 , A so, a rp'ondid variety of Christinw.ancr's tiF, toys irons ono cent to Five do lam '1 sr • ~!.V ~' A 1 kinds of Tabaclaram.(l . 94;Booo 80. :Ai' owcm en. , 11 prices. ,Cu I • an•l 546-gt,1i0., : 21: East: html ton stmet t ,,„"•• • ' • , •.• ~,-„.,,, ;' tiorlB4 This discovery is a ' , viceless store— Sacred to tho living and the dead. DR. F. A. HUTTON'S PROCESS FOR Polone' FIFTEEN MINUTES WITHOUT ANY rz. Ui. 334LLIET, Undertaker, Seventh St between Walnut and Union. SPECIAL Nu'l ICE ! Two doors nb•,ve the Engle Hotel 35. 63 SCSI I, IYPS CDEAP WDOLESALt AND RETAIL VER UNIJEJAEOLD ==== r• I ; • . • • tc-4 10 • . ir; . p k . • WA% . 11. 44 'llatittorrSt., ° Me NEXT DOOR TO BLASI( DEAR HOTEL di! Allentown, P a ~ HAVE OPENED A NEW [ A , H. • .•.?"!.. Dt •-4.1-7:1-7.-..e,Li.......t.firOgi.; 0. w a R E • H N A PIN 'AL"` lUD MIL AMI • ND now offer to all in want of anything in their lino, a good and well' selected stock, and of the beet manufactories. They have a largo, new and superior stock of everything usually kept in a Hard ware Store, critical they are determined to sall'as cheap as can be bought anywhere else. f rcgttg , ig even? ftwaription, For Mechanics of all Kinds. STEEL, OILS, GLASS, NAILS, IRON, PAINTS, Saddlery, Coach Trimmings, SCREWS, ROTS 0 HINGES, LOCKS, SCOOP SHOVELS, SHOVELS, • Farming Impliments, They would call tho attention of Farmers to their now and well selected stock of everything pertain; ing to their line. Cutlery of all Klndss Knives, Forks , A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Pocket Knives, Give them a call and see if they have what you want. If they have not they will get it for you without delay. They charge nothing for shoaling goods, and hope by attention to the wants of those needing goods in their lino of business, to secure fair share of public patronage. FRANKLIN HERSH, AARON MOSSER. Leto of the firm ofillersch, Seigfried t Co.] —Sept. 4. ly Good News ior ALL. GREAT RUSH CHEAP DRY GOODS EVERYTHING DOWN ttto LAWEST.A4toit Car Loads of Dry Goods Miller, Schreiber Bc. Co's GREAT EMPURIUI4, As Cheap as Before tha War GREAT BARGAINS IN ATITSLIN - S! BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED. Calicoes and Ginghams LOTS OF FULL susil4 ss., ) f.,34 As CHEAP as Mora the WAR: FANCY SILKS DELAINES, ALPACCAS, EMDRES CLOTH, BLACK SILKS, AIBILINOES, BELTS; WOOL DE LAINES, MOUS. DE LAINES, Ac Warm GOODS I HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS swim t SHAWLS V CLOTHS. CASSIVICIIES, &C., FOR. KEN'S and BOYS' WEAR, At the Lowest Figures. Having no timo to enumerate, but simply say that a great many goods aro sold now for a good deal less than they can be produced. All the above goods we aro able to sell from 10 to 15 per cent. less than our neighbors, as we sell for cash and buy for cash. All we ask is to give us a call and you will leave satisfied. • NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS MILLER SCHREIBER & CO., No. 10 East Hamilton Street, One Door Below the First National Bank, A L.LENTOWN, PA. Sept.; 11, 1866 A NEW OPENING! GRIM & RENINGER. HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE! At No. 9 W. Iffanßilton St., . FOLIE, DOORS ABOVE TEE EAGLE HOTEL, ALLENTOWN; PA. they willoffiir for saleaL tho very low. est prices, titan line of merchandise. Fall and Winter Goods, Such no Ladies' and Men's Wear. Fain nud ISE Figured Deleins, Merinos. All Wuol Dokilns. &brioherds naide, Prints. Balmorals, Cheek Tiekings, White Cca d 4, SilkN. C: 0 11 1 g, ClNtiMeteß, Satinetts, Fisit.nels, and Shirtings, Gloves, Shirts and Drawers MuJlins, Bosoms, Collars, &i CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS. An alsortinent of Carpets, Ingrain and Stair Car pet, Floor and 'rabic) Oil Cloths and Window Shades. • GIIOCIERBES. Such us Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Rice, Tcn, Bunch • und Keg Raisins, Cheese, Salt, course uud fine, etc., etc , etc. All the above goods we will sell at the very lowest prices for CASII or. COUNTRY PRODUCE. AU we ask is from our old friends and the aublie in gen eral, to give us a call nud examine our stock before inAing their purohaSes elsewhere Remember the old firm. [uot2-tf] GRIM RENINO ER. Geo. E. Reeder, MOW HUB! No 15 East Hamilton Street, N. xt p o ol to John H. filinef i a ')rug Store %LJUE tE he I.t...ctui cur.stantly on band a full at- VY of rondo-made clothing, such sa .. COATS, VESTS. PANTS &o. also OrIiTLEMEN'S FURNI:IIING GOODS of all kinds,ribioh fr.r WOrlananship, Quality and Prices, nipslist.d la i two. A large and wail select' are d s i' t kat ' . '' ' (ggi 0 TtAa§l TAD aa@vitarna always on band. "rOlothing outdo to order on short notice, and a ' 0008 FIT GUARANTEED., Call and cunning our stook. ' April 10..1.- ,010 ' IC : It. I FP F A t :.- . ~ NOW OFFER THUM ILNIIIM.I3TOCK =M=MMEM= SPADES, SUCII AS Spoons, dze. TOR =EI PILES OF i BARNES:iIk:. ON, I Con, of Hamilton /IL 61,11, ALLENTOWN, `PA.: -. DEALERS:IS Drugs, Chemicals & Paints, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. DARNE4 dr. SON'S DRUG STORE Is known in Allontown. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE I''-'::: '. - Is known throughciut Lohigh county. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE Is theplaoe to'get pure Drugs BARNES A, SON'S BRIM STORE " . Is the place to get tine' and !re*, Drugs BARNES & SON'S DRbO STORE ~. • , . • - Is the place to get cheap Drugs. BARNES A SON'S DIWO STORE' • , ' Is the place,to got good aUd BARNES & SOWS DRUD STORE . Is the plais to get proscriptions compounded BARNES '.!t - BON'S DRUGSTORE Is the place to get - Perfunuiii,and yezCy' Articles BARNES & SON'S DRAT(' STORE IN the place to get any ganuineDatent BARNES & SO 'S DRUG STORE Is the, playa to get Dye Rae. BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE. Is the place to get:Trusscs, Stipporters Shoulder Braces BARNES. A. SON'S DRUG STORE Is the plasm to got pure Wines end quors f Lior Medical Purposes.. BARNES *.t, SON'S DRUG STORE Is the place to get Paints and Oils., BARNES .1, SGW. 3 DRUG STORE • • tbc'place to get Window Glass 'o3a Putty. BARNES &SON% DRUG STOBE... Is the place to•get the best Varniehes. BARNES & SOWS DRUG STORE. Is tho place for country merchants to °idol supplies. BARNES. & SON'S DRUG STORE :litho pima for Physicians to obtain supplies BARNES fp, SOWS DR-LTG-STORE. Is the place for Storekeepers and Country Merchants to obtain their supplies of Kerosene Oil, Sal Soda, Concentrated Lye, Pure Ground Spices, Matches, Stroh, Shoo Blacking, Dicarb. Soda, Salaratus, Alcohol, Lard and Whale Oil,Neat's Foot Oil,Castile Soap, Indigo, Bath Bricks, Stove Lustre, White Chalk, Cream Tartar, ilef'd Saltpetre, Epsom Salts, Castor Oil, nerd Borax, • Camphor, Sweet Oil, Black Ink, Essences, ie., le., au., 0 0 T RS • At Barnes &' &We Drug Son—You can buy your Cattle Powders. At &rues & Sou's Drug Store—You can buy Lu• bricating Oile, for Machinery. At Barnes ec Son'e Drug, t YtoreYou can buy Potash and S'oda Alb, • At BM WS , a; Son'. Drug Store—You can buy relia ble Family Medloines. At Bartlett& SOWS Drug Store—Will be found a full supply of all articles used in the PAINTING BUSINESS e 9 At BARNES & SON'S DRUG STORE is the place to find all the popular Patent Medicines and llair Restoratives of the day. Wisharts Pine Tree Tar Cord ial,Huntor's Worm Cakes, Hembold's Extract , Buohu,Dr. Rose's Family Medicines, Ay. ore Cherry Peotorial,Sarsapa rilla and Pills, Dr. Jayne's Medicines, lloolland's Guinan Bitters, Woods Hair Reatora•, tire, Sterling's Azobrosia,Mer ohant's Gargljiig,Oil, ate: p 10 o ...• i ca 01 Wo would call• attention to the fact th constantly receiving fresh goods from Ph and other triark , ,ts. and wo aro able to , COMPOTE WITII ANY OPPOSIT Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon this house, wo hope, through the favor of a discrim inating public, to merit a continuum of the same. Our endeavors shall always bo to PLEASE ALL, and to furnish Rum Acttide.,a at Liret PPEM july244.] BARNES & SON. 011 G- 111Eit. 1110 _AIL ATTRA.CrrIOI,I'S. NEW FALL. GOODS ! CIALICA t .13.1C320 !SEIM ! 33 LT DER MS 0 EL. , (LATE HUBER & DILLIEGER,) No. 7 TVES7' HAMILTON STREE2, ALLENTOWN,• PA. Would respeettuilv inform the old en of Lehigh county that they have just formed a eu•parnership as above, and that they 'have pat unpacked a fresh stock of WINTER GOODS, FROM NEW: YORK AND PHILA.DELPHIA And are now offering, them at the . LOWEST MARKET PRICES. CO DRY GOODS! C01411 4 15T1N0 OF TEE LATEST STYLES OT Figured and Plain Alpacas. Fig.nred and Plata all Wool De Lulu& SHEPHERD- PLAIDS, . BLACK SILKS,• SUMMER -SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpanes, Linen and Cotton Sheetings, • Cheeks, as hams, • Bedticks, • Flannels, Shepherd Plaid Balmoral'', Black Cloth, Cassimeres. Velveline, Corduroy, - Cottonades, • Keniucko Jeans, Drills, LADIES CLOAKING, Plain CulorB, Jli leaex Reppellants, aitti. PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. `.5 'al 4ditf RIP" 6 % , 72 fli• A full Ike of Clutha, Cassimerea ' Sultineks and Vestinga, all kinds and prices ; wbich will bo sold cheap. We have coneon'ls . on band a 'arge and well se . . looted 'sleek of all &lode of CROCKERY, • GROCERIES, MACKEREL, BALT, &o Which wa will dispose of at the very lowest cash pnres. All kinds of Country Produce taken In exchange fur gouda, and the highest market prices allowed: Friends, Awake to your Interest t • • • for we feel 6 atlolua t h at wo can suit swirl% a, well as your cusses. Dent forgot the place, No. 7 Weet street. second door abc4 a the Eagle Hotel. Returning thanksfur toe potrouttperocelvod In the past, cud hope that by a continuous err rt to *brow °ditto their frieode qrvl auetoesere, end in come. glance of the Inegenisse and variety of their stock, to merit end meaty* a otindouance of , the support and gaud wilt of the people, A. A. Hun, R. Allentown, July Is. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD..., The Whitest, the most, durable and the most econom- Wel. Try it Manufactured only by • • . • Ziegler 411. Wholesale brag, Pilot bt Glass janllo-IVI No. 187 N. "'tied At . OF DILEBS I O ObS WAWLB, BUM IN ALLENTOWN, Pik. THE FAMOUS HORSE CHEAP CASH STORE LET LOOSE TIM oji% at last are convinced that there le nothing like'buying at ,a a*casu STUMM" AU whom motto is "ECONOMY," have unani. mously Weed to call upon , H BUADOE & JONZEI, . rho haeoPlehopenell their immenso etook of Fall and Winter Goods, DIEEINOES, ALPACCAS DELAINES, .wp(4,Dg-i f Ai,NEI3 ) dic itc .r ail of.whieh were indented with the greatest care; and aro therefore all the moat_ beautiful shadet. and at such ectonieltia4 e low prices that -nobody can help buy. -- omit but bnyil examine alum • EtOtteSTAO: :06saalt MUSLIMS, TICEINGS, , etc, ac. • from 10 to-20T)er cent. cheaper than their neighbors. Some are boasting of 10 cent Calicoes, ac., but Call and sea 001144, which are STILL citEerr,n—and prettier st y les were never brought to this town, FLANNELS FLANNELS ! OF EVERY COLOR AND QUALITY. Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings. cheaper than can be bought anywhere else in this part of the State. Clothing made to Order, IN2O..NyARRANTED TO FIT OR NO SALE. -are Thq.liaiiri also always on hand a fresh supply of GrQeerie's atid Ptovisions. Everybody eeems particularly well pleased with their IBA, which they cell 5 to 30 cents per pound cheaper than any eturo iu the county. CASH PAID FOR BUTIVL CALL EARLY • And Exarniatz the* Stack. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW 10OBSV REMEMBER THE PLACE, 1. , THE Cheap Cash Store or BURDGE & JONES, •• Ico. 9 East Bumi/ton Street, 3 doors below the Allen Zionse. N. B.—Wo wore under a great inconvenience lasi Spring, owing to the enlarging and improving ul the store rouni„wo know that a great many left in disgast un account of the crowding, duet and and nut receiving tho proper attention. But the room is now larger and beautifully axed, and hay ing a number of new clerks, wo are now able to re. oeivo and please all. [Sept. EE AN OLD STAND! at we are NEW REIQP-AtETQfta AND 50,0 0 0 New Customers WiiNTED. T HE undersigned e ish to intorm the public that • / they have purchased the well known Grocery de.. Provision Store, formerly kept by Senior & Co., on SEVENTH ST., a few doors above the ALLENTOWN BANK, whore they i,tend to keep constantly on hand a fresh stock of OROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Their stook consists of RAISINS, CURRANTS, STARCH, BEANS, MOLASSES, DRIED CHERRIES, &c. SUGARS. COFFEE DRIED APPLES, DRIED PEACHES, Dried. Beef, Shoulders & Hams. TEAS AND .SPICES, OF THE VARIOUS RINDS AND VIE lIEST QUALITIES. LIVE POULTRY ALWAYS ON HAND. The dp,,not take time to enumerate, but invite all to giveltlem a trial, for they feel satisfied that they can sell their stock at a price that will ho eatiefacto ry to all. se/al-It] RESTORE YOTYIt SIGHT! DR. J. STEPHENS & CO.'S PATENT CORNEA RESTORERS, Or, RESTORERS OP TILE EYESIGHT. They will MRlore '.6npairerl Stgll, arid Presort it to as Lalea Period Life. SPECTACLES RENDERED USELESS. ' ' Tho moat eminent Physic. r 4 1 :„.V.? • , tans, otdititS. Divines. and +'' . ' ~,, k the most promluent mon of , our country, at-commend the. • . ,i, , .., use of the CORNEA RESTOR .'; - oefe ," F, ... t.; :', ERS for Presbyopla, or Far Or •.'il , •• ' • loug-Sightetluess, or every ...' person who wears spectacles from old ago ; Dimness of Vie. ton. or Blurring : Overworked Eyes ; Asthentmia, or Weak Eyes . Epiphora, . or Watery Eyes ; Pain in the Eyeball ; Ainsurosis, or Obscurity of Vision ; Photoplaubia. or In toloranee of Light; Weakness of the lie Li nu end Optic Nerve; Myudesolda, or Specks or Moving bodies before the Eyes ; Ophthalmia, or Inflam mation of the Eyo and Eye. lids ; Cataract Eyes : Mantle. pia. or Partial Blindness ; Sinking of the Eyeball, and Imperfect Vision from the egeets of Inflammation. d:c. They can be used by any one with a certainty of success, and without the least fear of injury to the eye. More titan 51)00 certificates of cores are exhibited at our Mika. cure guaranteed in agcy rase wheal applied according to We directions liege...Nl in each box, or the money will be re. funded. Write for a Varular—seal gratis. Address, De J. STEPH O,ENS & 926 J CO.. °cable. IP. 1304 air rn. J. Irrtrrirms tt Co. bare Inrenira mitt Intentol a MYOPIA or COItNEA FLAT TF.NER, for Eta ear° of NE.R•SLOIITEDNESB, which twa . prol,l4 a great buer,..aa, Write .4. a I.lruulo. Vriuoiyal OfGco Augletl4,lBC6 uorzEtis w agaWre ZviAnal" ;ray Fall Style, I RE in every respect first class, and embrace a ri complete assortment fur Ladies, Slims, and Children, of the netvcst„ styles, every length and NiZ. es of o met. Our eikirt., wherever known, are more universally popular than any° , heis beforo the Rublie. They re tain their shape better. ore lighter, more elastic, more durable, and really cheaper, than any other Hoop Skirt In thus mark6t. The springs and fasten; logs aro warranted perfect. Every lady should try them They era now being extensively sold by Merchants t throughout the country, and at WHOLE ti4E and RETAIL, a Nitililid*Ory and Sake ROOM NO.,A2Sx4rCh St.,below 71h, Philadelphia. • . AskloillOPlN'S "OWN SIAICE,"—b ,, y no other. C. L. usin. —if xunrio:4.—Novo genuine unless stri2 pod on each Pot--"llopkin's goop Skirtllanuloctoq No' 628 Arch St., Ptaindalphla." Al4o, constantly on howl. a lull lino of New York macro Skirts, at very low prioce. ISRXII NET CAUL . ONE MOB ONLY.. 12=2!M FLANNELS, 81111gTINCiiii0A-L1C.0113-; AT TUB .~~ REPPS ,MOHAIRS, CASHMERES, OUCH ♦A CALICOES, CAECKS, BUT Wire us a Call. TROXELL & BUTZ WEI Igo. 840 Broadway, New York HOOP SKIBIS CONSUMPTIVE 6,z. 7 .:..:' ,- . C. READ WHAT DR. OCEBNOK /fl DOING. DR. J.H. SCHENCK. - ... .. Dian Ste :—I feel it a duty I owe to you, and tb all who are suffering under the.diseases.known as Consumption and Liveillomplalat, to letthem know what great benefits I have rialived from your Pul monk: Syrup and Seaweed Tonic in soshort a time. Sy the blessing of God at ha. cured me thus. far. Dr. Schenck, I will now make my statement to you. as follows :—About eighteen months ago I was attacked with a .....e cough, and it lettled on my lungs; I could not retain anything I ate, and suf fered with evening fevers and night sweats. I was very much reduced. The whites of a. yr eyes were very yellow ; likewise my skin ; fay appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did eat; bowels swollen, Irregular - and. costive. I was very % low Spirited,, and had such violent 'spells of toughing when I laid down at night and when I aroma. in the meriting that they.would_leatona or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, mud was en tirely unable to lie on my left ilde. I cannot de scribe any wretched suffering as I would wish' to do, lOvery Organ in any body was dl dor deranged: Bach was my situation at this time, and-rwas eon. fined to my bed froto the.last of_Fetinery, 1362, to June. 1862, not: able to I had the best of medical attendance the whole of the time. My cough was eo very bad that itrecked me very much. I at this-time raised a large quantity of think, yel low, offensive matter, sometimes with bloodirand it was genrrally aeoompanied by nausea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of Coughing so badly I Rollid have. sharp, shooting pains in rev left side and heart, night sweats, and soreness al through my whole chest; had much inward lever] pain in my back and under my shoulder blades and in the email of my back, and at times so severe that it would throw me into spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die. Others I had, and the bestof them; but.they could do nothing for me, andet that time I was nothing but skin,end bones. I then was in the western pert of Missouri. In Jane last we left there for the East, and in August last we came to New York, and I was so reduced that I could on ly walk a little with in; husband's help. After I' bad been here a short time the salt water breeze made :no feel mull better for a time, and then I had again to calla physician for aid. We 'Mad four of the beet physicians of New York on the disease. of the lungs, the doctors of all kind[, but of no avail. They said I was past cure, and - that my lungs were too far gone for any one t o cure me. But at this time I,was on my feet about the house, not able to do much of anything. Ifi November list I grew worse, and the consumption diarrhea act in and last ed about eight weeks. We had tried all and every thing that I could grasp Wilke a dying person for my diseree—consumption and liver complaint— but Of n 3 avail. In January, ISO. I was brought Atoms again on my hod, and was not expected to live tho night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all gave mu up to die. At this time every one who saw me did not think I would ever leave my hod a living woman. - The first night I was at-, tacked c )with spasms, and was deranged most of tbe; time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to tee me the' last of the week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In it was an account of a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. She read it to me, and it was so witch like my disease that I asked my .husband to go and see him for me. At this time' I had given up all hopes of ever getting wellagain s ant made pay peace with God, to be ready whenever he called for WO., On the 27th of January, 1803, my husband called on Dr. ezhenek, 32 Bond street, New York, and stat ed to him may case, with a request fur him to call and see me, which he did, and examined me with the respirou.eter. When ho was about to go I asked him if ha could ouro me ? Ills reply was : "I can not tell, both lungs are diseased, and the bronebial tubes are affected on both sides." And yet he seeu.- od to think there were lungs enough left re effect a cure if the diarrhea could be stopped. Be said in trder to do this, be would have to give me Mandrake Pills in small dotes at first, to carry off the morbid matter, and then, with nstringents, be hoped to. cheek it which he did, but the constant coughing, night /meaty, and diarrhea had prostrated me at, that ho was afraid my vital powers were too much prostrated ever to rally, and yet he seemed to third. ‘f I could live to get enough Palmonle Syrup through my system to cease expectoration, there were lungs enough left to recover. Me wished me to try the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonto at . once. saying ta would do me no harm, if it did me no goad. 'the first week it seemed to give me -trength, so that on runday afrer I sa t up in b e d and ate hearty for a sick woman; but the next week I lost all hopes and wished my husband no , . to give me any more medicine. But the doctor hael warned hen of this, and when the medicine war clearing cut the system it made them feel somewhat restless, and to persevere; and he insisted on my taking it ; and now I feel the benefit of it. Fur at tar eight days I began to gain my strength, and, , situ the exception at a cold that took me back some. 1 have been Enduing strength of body, my cough is ping away, and all my pains are gone; no sore. oesa of the hotly, my bowels are reg"lar. and my wreath is sweet, and l thank G d that I am now go ing nhr ut. and sew and road as well as over I could. I have taken sixteen bottles of the medicine, sigh f each. I now have a good appetite and rest. well at night ; my cough does not trouble me in getting up or lying down. I would now soy to the afflicted 41th consumption or liver complaint, that Dr. :Amok is no humbug. You :an rely on what he says. Delay not; it is dangerods to trills with :hese diseases. If you would be cured, go at once ; and any one wishing to know the facts as herein stated can call at my residence, 117 West Bowdon street, Now York city. MRS. MARY P. FARLOW. We the undersigned, residents of New York, are acquainted with Mrs. Farlore, and know her state cient to be true. Wo also know that she need Dr. Schenck's Pulmonio Sirup and Seaweed Tonto, and have reason to believe that to this medicine she awes her presoryation.from a preoaature grave. B. FARLOW, 117 West Bowdon st. • EUGENE 'UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich et. Mos. EUGENE UNDER H1LT...676 Greenwich et. AUGUSTA UNDERHILL, 076 Greenwich at. A. F. HARRIS, 117 West Houston at. EMILY GLOVER, 117 West Houston at. T. L. COt.E, 33 Cottage pl. M. A. LEIGH roN, 483 Broadway. • bins. BENJ. CLAPP, 10 Amity pl. I am well acquainted with Mra.Mnry P. Ferlow, and with her husband, Mr. B. Fallow, they having, for a few menthe past, attended et my . elturch, and I am convinced that say statement which they might make mny be relied on as irtio. 1 JOHN DOWLING D., D., Pallor oaf Bedford St. Baptist Church, N. Y. Dr. Schenck will be profeasionally at hie principal Aloe No. lb North Sixth street, cormer of Com merce, Philadelphia:ovary Saturday, from 9 A. M. until 4 P. M., No. 33 Bond street. New York, every Tuesday,from 9 to 8 ; No. 39 Snmruer atroet, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, and every other r richly at 103 Baltimore knot; Baltimore, Md. All advice free, tut for a thorough examination of the lunge with his Respiroweler, the charge is'tbree dollars. Price of the . Palmenic syrup and Seaweed o oh $ 1 50 parbottle, or $7_,50 por e kablfdosen. Man drake Pills, 24 cont. per b.x. •••• •r, For vakijoy 4 1 1 lituggisfe.W:o Dealerfr ' , Jana iry.4, CHEROKEE *PILLS; reseals Regulator,: • ..enwo.ppreilist. Illeettsisis'and Painful .Jffenstessation, G reets Bkkosas. Nervous and Bpilisai faction& Pat to Me Be a, Sick- Oiddinssa, and all di.. eases tbat.epring froth Irregularity, by reurovark o t ie be cause and all the effects that ea from it. They are pedbetly Bah In all' awe "s -eep: when for/adios by glom*. and are easy to administer,. as they aro aleely sugar ooatsd They should be In the bands of every Malden, Wife, and Mother In the land. • Ladles can address us In perfect confidence, sad state their cam ; We treat all Female. Complaints, ; proper. .edlclnea suitable for all diseases le wide . ); they are rubJecb—Thirtpitwo page pamphlet, In a sealed enwilope, free. The Cherokee Pills are wild by all druggists at 111 per box, or six boxes for $5; or they are sent by mall. free of poistspl. In en ordinary letter, free kom observation. by *damming the bole propriety; Dr. W. B. KERWIN, 87 Walker 81., 21. T. N. it—Cherok oe I'M. Na. 2 are prepared far special canes, when milder medlelnes fall; these are sent by malt, free of postage, on receipt pf Ma price of each boo. Dn. WRIGEMS REJUVENATING ELIXIR; Or, Essence of Life, N •••" 11 /Pie Cara General D. 5 enman ilUy ‘ W•alt. ics P, 1) - Aileiteition elks Heart and . aH Nertnas Di.eaaes. It reP • ••••:- stores new life and vigor to the Is aired, causing the but blood of NanaPhenix*" you th to course the veins, res. ont Ms talus of pa, animated with f ining the Organs qf mug d, a tion.reinoring Impoteneseand . this Wiser refuses Aebility, restoring Manliness ate the system and and fall rigor, thus proving overcame &mass perfect "Mir* of Lome," re loving Sfeefiik and llatrennese.in both sexes. To the young, middle•aged, and aged, there lino greater boon than this "Elixir of Life." It gives a now tense of life, causing the weak and debilitated to bare renewed strength and vigor, end the entire ivstem to thrill with Joy and pleasure. Trice, one bottle ti; three bottles $5 sent or express to any address. Our medicines are sold and recommended by all respectable droplets In every part of the civilized globe; some unprincipled deeters, however, try to deceive their customern by selling cheep and worth. lees compounds In order to wake mtiney. Be not deceived—ask for there medicines and take no others. If the drupletdoes not keep them, write to us and we will eend them by exprees. carettalt puked, tree from observation. We will be pleased to receive letters with Nil statements in . regad to any disease with which ladles or gentleutrutaro Mated Addreskill lettere foie:lnes. fiatriep.: lets, otativke,,to the sole pro re W. B. 1111$11W117, 87 W IMO . . Aff ARRI GE AND CBLID ter, tin Essay ''o , Waning and Instruction fer Young Mon! A'. so, , Diseasce and .Al/19011 which prostrato themital powers,with sure in •ans of relief. Sent free of charaniin sealed totter envelopes. •ddreis Ditol• OKL4IN 110IIGIITONcIloward Association, PAM' adelphla, Pa April 24;15401-1, CLOTHE AND — C - ABBIIIIIHEBi as-0:1 THE aftwAlr,, 1 7" "-- CLOTHINSPHOUSE: illEil ritiLAPELPOOL BARGAINS FINE CLOTHING ROCKHILL & WILSON, BROWN STONE CLOTHING HA 603 and 605 ClOataat PRILADELPH ReadyXa The choicest stock of I{EADY•MADgiCLOTHING, -- ran FALL &Ha wt. to WEAR, Ever offered to purchase" comprising oaths NAWBEIT AND 1108T.A,rPROYID STYLI'S. Custom Department. Our newly fitted np Cusp= Department for Gen tlemen, Youths and Boys, now contains a carefull selected stook of Foreign and Domesic , Goode. which we are prepared to matte to order, M the beet manner, and at reasonable prices. We have on hand 'he largest and beet etoek of Ready.Mado Boys' Clothing in the City. - Particu lar attention paid to the making of Boys Clothing to order. MO. L GENTLEMEN, YOUTHS, IND BOYS,. • Wishing clothing made to order, by Bending, their measure, as per diagram, will have their order*" promptly attended to. BATPIPACTION AND A GOOD PIT GIIANANTUD. Samples sent to ally part of Um United States. ROCKIIILL & WILSON, • Brown Etone Cloihibg Bali, 603 and 605 ' Chestnut Sired, PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 2rd. PRESERVE YOAR WWI.; lIREINIG'S IMPROVED LINSEED OIL. LEHIGH METALLIC PAINT! IP YOU WANT • PAINT WHICH POSERILB torn • Beauty. Durability, and a Preurrer of Weald: Pure Premium White, Le a4l Pure, Challenge White Lead,' Pare Anchor White Lead Dn; D. E. DREINDI, well known in this comOtt-K nit.) , as a practical manufacturer of PAINT, *II: , guarantee all articles, in this lino to bepute,arkk what they are recommended. Isak.ll4) awniew & geLmxs; 202 Fulton St, New York, BItEINIG'S Ompriread IL/Raced QM • LEHIGH METALLIC PAINT, rairrs AfETAL, MUTE LEAD?, FRENCH and AMERICAN ZINC! COLORS O' ALL DESCRIPTIONS Soptember 11, 180, • • . ,M oCINLEY. POWDER. :117 .4 4 ( • t Corea 'Ulcers of the Throat • aid: . Elongated Palate, Shaelline - o - ~, A. Tontile,Gought. Coldo;Soro -•i Throat, Quincy, Hoariness, r..., : , , . irpthoria, c/orQynatneo ~ .• Bora Throat, Catarrh of the Rome and bran. „ '- ' - chits/. Ist: It is speefjle,. operating upon the Muoutitar„ membranes of the nese anti throat, and fano ow Ami bean klioson to Ail. • 2tl. ,It acts locally, may' be easily applied to' this palate and tonsils In such quantity este give it this' - ' to act, and being very light, penetrates, by lishals;;;Cl tion, those - portions of tho nasal and bronchial 0P...a gans, which other remedies cannot reach. 8(1. It does' not act on ttie pores of the skin, sea will it affect digestion or. the stomach in the least„o while syrups, losenges and expectorants often manse! ate and frequently derange , the stomach. 4'h. Out-door business may be attended to out risk or apprehension, its' beneficial effects being'' greatli . promoted 1)3-exercise and (ro•b air. sth. In 01 few minutes it will arrest the most an.. noying cough or troublesome dewing from the nose.. 6th. Itrnili p t sore throat or hoarseness, if„ ; taken after exposure or public speaking. Bea circa- _ ars, Oct 9th LADIES' FANCY FURS IF . JOIN F.:S T EM:VS . 1 14 31,1 Saablimbed F UR '. P. : .?4,,._ . ( ! ) if • anullictory. No. 718 Aroh Street, i i ,,.... ,,,., t't , ....-'' . Above Seventh, ; i ''- • PIIILADIMPUIA,. . I 4 i•'• '' •'' • ' ' ' ' Have now in rtore Of ' • ''', If:' .7 .';''.: my own Importation & ; 1 1:,1::"--- ;Manorfuture one of the ' .V . : largest and mug bean... , ) , .y;) , Wu! selections Of . ' FANCY FUSS, • ...! En for Ladies' 'sad ChM: retht Wear to the ett,f. Alio, a tine sworn:not of Glont'ellar Gloves add Collars. n enabled .o dispoeo of my ELUL at very rea sonanle.price., nod, would therefore su hit a call from nay [Hoods of Lehigh county and vicinity,- Remembet . the name, number and eAreet , , 41044 N FAREIRA. • .11(1). 718VIrch Street, above Ith. • . . • , .• a9J`T 11.1,vii no Partner, nor connection with cin7 Other StorOln Philadelphia .4Kir Nov. Bib s +WNW '& LEOM9,II, • WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALERS - 31(11E - 4 - INCT JIM Mt. SILVER PLATED GOODS, 704 Arab Street, PIfILADELPHIA. THOSE 'in want of SIL- • _. • , i ' - t. '-..a... , -.. f I,'En'or SILVER PLATED t ; k•':;....- .4114 ' ; svAltE will find it touckto - ! •=-"- their advantage by visiting %, ( ;111/1 ' ;our stesobefororoking their purchases. Our long rape- .4'. • iiiinoe in the manufacture of bo above kind of goods imitating to defy ilini. • ,„, tion. JILI f:, -.. . .. '!,' . . ''', •-, , We keep no goods but tboseishich are of the ill doss, all of our own make, andlrlil be sold at rodeo., a edgloos. . 73 ' Uulya-I,t. AT G1i11414 thing Dipartoseit. Doye► Department. rm. IL rob %We - " %po s t - g,la t Kg rifts IF YOU WANT TO USE AND 'tlIE EEM MASUFACTUREREI OP A 1.90, Dept,' a9t Ilrbarheer., N P. ,•... J. iIIOMPSON GILL, Agent, 311 Walnut Bt., Philo , Pa. I —am MANUFACTURERS, REDUCE 1 E -Iv. -41 a '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers