ton mud WWI CLO IraMtitec4 You then want It as cheap ag • This Is %MUM - Shia right enough: The euestiogli s ; where to 1 ny T t*Ato your VEII - kntb rpi ' ones itr 'tilL"folloW ing fads: There is or4isre*()lik Pitul. &dolphin, nif hm!nbhito es tahVehFeeint teppike tteer CLOTIIING„aed ail,irilin ~ t r 5 .' .q A ~~~ d to "Kira se l , " - 7. 7 1 1 4r 4ti11il REIN crotntkil . 1 11_ . ja scan iihatEdio avgi 1 1 ufacturers t an thus , com. :adorable is. saved. Full priCift -art : Valet to Iviorki men, so as la ensure sub-. sts.Wial r . y.14 4/Oldsmar, g%tfliiii ; era saleismin , and clerks are such that customers can fully rely upon them, and every ef fort is made to please st.d suit patrons, so as to REEp as well as make custom. Thii result of combined iu dustry, system and close application of all the tut ployemlibmi , secured • a model establishment, a SUPERIOR styleot cloth ing, and VERY MODER ATE prices. Tills Muse hi located at the CORNER-of • ... SiETR bT , and ex . ,tonde.., from , MAIMIrr. TO Sisson STREETS, and is now the most sixteptita concern of the• d 'n Phinultil phi ,t ..., 5 73 asked to V 4 inandon 7 : "-cburagis this ou r , : Mirprile. We 'Mac, . ' . hitt Gttli'lllendy•pit* 1 ::, -- "f10111iN0.. id—tieciaLUtparimout for Youths' and A lloys'.Clothlug. lid—COltous Department to itpko to Order, 4th— lient'l Furnishing 14 . _41.Arg0,„ "c"-- arielyg WANAMAKIDI & ROI% f 4,, OAK HALL, , • . S. 4:-C6r:Cth" . 3fOrka, P.11.44141L1'111A. Orill•It will bo well worth a visit, witetitoeyou want to buy or not. ..,go3"Samples sent by --mail or exprestivilico , [0023-3m FARMER AND HOUSEKEEPER TO MAKS. BOOTS LAST.—Next• to oiling them thoroughly once a month, and hanging theto c sarolully away in a dry place, the fol. lowing'kcCeipt, Wbicht is'goieg thes rounds,of the press, is perhaps the best known: A coat of gum copal varnish applied to the soles of baillit Atid'Allioes; arid_ repeated ' until. the pores are filled and the surface, shWge like . 1/Oinked txuthogany, will make the sobSi waterproof, and also cause them to latt much longer than ordinary soles. atireaß;n: T ea ' eniok.--,"Heie'e re• 04E - thatwe kOow io be good and now is a very good time to make use of it :"—Take a flrfu treat% cabbage, remove the whole of the outer leaves, keeping the ball entire. Ctit it into four quarters, and, subsequently, into striptfitinil foltide them 'en-a hair sieve or-a clean, dry cloth, and sprinkle with salt. Let them! remain fur three days to allow the briitt;l6 &tin- oft. After they are thorough ly drained, put them in a clean jar. Take as much v,ipogay .tts cover . the et, and lot it simmer over a sloW fire, with allspice, Whore black -pepper, coarse brown ginger, and a little' pimento. When the vinegar is se& (neatly flavored let it cool,and pour it over the oahbage in the jar, which must be stopped dowAter.nse,,and,kept for throe months. W-telltrthin A Cony-House -The evils attending thn corn-house as u.seakconstraot ed, are—tlio amount of rain 'ea snow; which drive in between the vertical siding necessa- rily open to admit air, and what is far worse, the mouldingof the corn next the floor for want of air. Ilaving occasion. a few years ti corn•house,4 ' adopted the following method for avoiding those evils . Fire —tut frame was thickly Mudded to re cekvi 54007:Omni' :Neitb, the siding was olap-boards or common house siding, six inches wide, and lapped obMinch and a half. Ta admit air,.put n thin board under the lap on anal stud.. It may be from one quarter to one-half an inch thick, and two inches square. Or perhaps a bettor form is six inohes, , or the width of a siding in length and-two inches wide, eli tin > ftha' tipper With a' drawknife or. shave. Strike a line on each siding for the ~:tuillaek the blocks on to the line ; and the stud above. A little light oc casionally drive through , these amitt*;but will i3oon disappear without sensible leaping the corn. To preient moulding in the bottom nutke a floor of boards three inches wide, with spaces ohm ineh between. • 'lhe flooring ehonld be °Vitt tin inch thick: This kind of flooring of emcee, is only for the bins. The joists or sleepers should be near together to support it. On such afleur you can •make the "bins as wide as you please.—tor. Wattlern Rural. •To Posy um FENCE POSTS RCITTiNG.— I wish to eall the attentiutt of farmers to coal tar as a paint. It is probably generally known that the tar produced in coal gas works is eaten• surely used iu painting fences,. &o.,and is bding introduced in this country aso. One or two good Coats will last for many years, as it never it ters by exposure to the weather, add it is the cheapest and best black paint that can be used if its advantages were fully known, I believe it s would be generdlly used throughout the [Jutted States. Not long since, I road that the brioks used in building. the tort at Throg's Neck were soaked in this tar, which rendurcd them impervious to wa- ter. . Posts pa' : nted with this tar are protected from rot, when in the ground, as eflectually as if they had been charred. The only ob jeetion-to it as a point above ground is, its of fensive smell from the heat of the sun. No per.on should allow themselves to set a single roil with( ut its oppfioation. It is doubly important to railroad companies from the fact that these roads run thrcugh the most level portions of oouotry, (and conse quently the most swampy and wet, therefore, fence posts are the most liable to rot. The mode' of application which is given by a gentleman well posted, is as follows : Alive a largo iron kettle', eo arranged ,that you can mike and keep the 'tar hot; then af ter busing removed ,the bark, if any, set the end of the post int, the tar, and if the tar is not sufficiently deep to take the post into it as far as you Wish to tar it, .have a swab ololoth, tied upon a broom handle, or other stick, and swab it up at Must six to seven inches above the ground line when the post is init.; then' lift up tho post, letting it drip a moment, and lay it away' upon rails or poles placed for 0,14 .purpose. not allowing them to' touch each other.until dry." Tsvcr inert will tar about five hundred posts in oneday, and ono barrel of tar "will be eat floient for that number... The question now is, who then, will hesitate to adopt its use ? F. T. O. , te/oie. 18t16.- • - "DEAFNESS ; BLANDNESS & CATARRH, . Treated with the utmost auccese, by J. Isaacs, . D., p_oo}lllo.p r rkd MAO, (Carmody of Loydan, Ml land,Y NO. 510 1 Street, PhiladelPhia, Teetimo. Male, from the utnet ratable sources in . the city and country one be Lion at lei's °Oka. ' The Medical [ami ty are invited to accompany their patients, as he hse no operate in-his practice. ARTIFICIA L ETEs Insert . - ithon% pain. No charge for examinattost. • .cp. 18, 1860: . - . , '' —ly . "LTBERTY:WIIITE LB AD wilunop,vre lad better work at a given Cort i ibew say other) -Try it! RI anutbotored only by • ZIEGLER & .1 14! rdta doavo Detre; PAINT and Gi411,11 Piasanin. N ., 137.11t0rt1i Tbrirditroot, • • • I '7 '","fiifiXf, k:~ ~::~;'~` i T 0 1 3 Wo have good style Cassimere cults to match, as low an '&l5 00 !hint French Casstmereluits to match • up .to And all the intervening grades. Welave , good' all-wool Black Suits, as low as Finest Blum French Cloth and Casri mere suits up to Arid all intervening grades • Wv have the largest, best assorted, and most coin pieto stook of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing in Philadelphia—oqtia. to any in the city in sty e, make and fit—comprising ail kinds, styles, sizes and qua.ities, adapted to the wants of ell and no' d at low• or than the lowest o nowhere, or the money refunded. } Half way between _ BENNETT & CO., FIFTH and Towner Mut, . • SIXTH Ste. 518 Market Street, 3 1% 3 ERIE BM sti , 3 iMill= GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nen nC:--aue -Debility, Premature Decay, and all the et asotaof7outbl4l indiscretion, will, for the sake of std. ,7 4° Carlanityi send freo to all who need it, the re 41"3410tilifeesttaltitig the simple remedy by which he was oared. Sufferers -wishing to profit by the advortiseee. esperienclea ean, do iarbw: addressing Join; a 043:404 No. 18 Obamber street, zo. OHNE ti .?\l* '-I $ A ant-Iy] LIVERY young lady and gentleman in'the United L States can hear something vory.much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, 881 Broadway, N. Y. E pecaLotic®e ERRORS Or POUTS STRANGE,. BUT TRUE. TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser, having been restored to health in A a few weeks by a simple remedy, after having suffered fur several years with a severe lung affec tion, and that 4read.dideaßO. COMM:11 iiioll-111 ions to make known to his fellOw-eufferers the mean of cure, To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the prescription need (free of chum) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a VIED cons fol. Coneump'ion, Asthma, Bronchitis, Cough', Cold., and all Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser is sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and be hopes every sufferer will try hie -emedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a leasing. Parties wishing the prescription, trace, by re turn moil, will please address •Ray. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburg , Kings Co., N. Y. ant-Iy] The Great English Remedy. PROTECTED BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT SIR JAMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS.- Preparelfin a prescription of Sir!. Clarke, M. I) PAysician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable medicine Is unfailing in he cure of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the counitution is subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, from whatever cause, and a speedy oure may be rolled on. TO MARRIED LADIES 411 l artleularly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the mcnthly period with regularity. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Paine in the Back and Limbs, Fatigue on slight ex ertion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed ; and although a powerful reme dy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any. thing hurtful to the constitution. Pulldireotions in the pamphlet around each paok age, which should be carefully preserved. SOLD DT ALL DRUGGISTS. PRIOR $ 1 PER BOTTLD SPECIAL NOTICE. It is the fate of leery vateptide Medicine to he Cot:NM:FM:ITM Be caution', therefore, and bee time the letters "T. E dl" are blown in the Bottle ' and that each wrapper bears the Fao Similes of the natures of I. O. BALD IVLV & 00 , and JOB MO SES. U.... Without which, none are Genuine. N. 13.—One dollar, with Eighteen centa for Poet. age, oncloted to any authorised Agent,er to the Sole Agent [or the United States and British Do minions, JOB MOSES, , 27 Oortlandt Street, New York, will insure a bottle containing 60 pile, by return mail, securely sealed from all observation. npril3-yr] • Dr. MARSHALL'S Catarrh Snuff. TIT 18 Snuff bas thoroughly proved itself lobo the beet article known for curing the Catarrh, Cold is the Head and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy in many 08F158 of Sore Eyes.— Deofneee has been removed by it, and Hearing has often bean greatl. improved by its use. It is fragrant and agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief Co the dull heavy pains caused by diseasee of the head. The sonsatione after using it are &Afghan. and invigorating. It opens and purges out all ob. siruatione, strengthene the glands, and gives a healthy action to the parts affected. more then Thirty Tears' of sale and nee of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Head ache Snuff, hex proved its great value for all the common diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best pihysiolans, and is need with great &mac es and satisfaction everywhere. READ THE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, having for many years been aequainted with Dr. Marihan Catarrah and Head ache Snuff, and sold it in our wholesale trade, cheer fully *fate; that we believe it to be equal, in every respect, to the recommendations given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided. ly the best article we have ever known for all com mon diseases of the Head. Burr & Perry, Boston Barnes & Park, N. York Road, Austen .4 Co., " A. 8.. k D. Sands, " Brown, Lamson & C 0.," Stephen Paul A Co., " Reed, Butler & Co., " Israel Minor A Beth W. Bowie, M'Keseon A Rabbit's " Wilson,Fairbank & Co." A. L. &evil' A Co., , " ilenshaw,Hdmand a Co" M.Ward, Close & Co. " 11. H. Hay, Portland, Me. Bush A Dale, `Fee sale by all Druggists. Try it. April 3. 18t6. Llll--IIiALTESTRENTII, 1/11TliTHEllfao lUFRALII--STRESTit • S. Hundreds and thousands annually die pFentatura ly, when, Utley woold.giss the Great FfettahMm , DR. JUAN DEL ABIARRE'R • , , GELEBAATED:SPECIFIC:Ptt.LS Prepared by Martinafere & Impont„:/4..114 Rue Lombard, Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Juan De'amarre, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord on Lariboisiere a fair trial,,they would And immedi ate relief, and, in a short .time, be. fully tailored ,to Health and Strength. It is teed in the preatice of many 'eminent French physicians, with uniform decease, and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Spechle Remedy for all persons suffering from General or Sexual uebillry, all derangements of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, SperMatorrbtea or Seminal Emissions, all Weaknesses arising from :lexual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions, LOllll 01 Si uroulgr Energy, Physical Prostration, Nervous ness, Weak Spine, Lowneas of Spirits, Dimpcss of Vision,. hysterics, Plana in the Duck and Limbs, Impotency, Jte'. ' ' ' ' ,,: , . , . .. No language can ennyty_stt adeleate mei of the hams hate and aluinsl. utiractilous change it occa sions to the debilitated and shatterid system. In fact, It stnrals nnriralled as antlefedilltellr, of fhe maladies Albin . itinntiorielf. duffer-no More, but woe The' reiSt-French Reme dy ; it: will effect , e, Cure .where all others fill, and although a powerfdl remedy, eontalus nothing hurt :hi to the.moit'dolloate Constitution.. ' Pamphlets, containing full partioulare and dirge dons for using, in , English, French, Spanish , end German, accompany anon boxy and also seller* to any address when requested. ' Prise one dollar per box ; six bezel for Ave 4* late. • Bold by till Druggists throughout the world; or will he putt by mall. seetirely sealed from all °bier vatiorl; by ,eueloslug apecitipd price, to soy author ised agents. , • Beware of Counterfeits. and /nojiationt. . . ProPtietoze - rithillivb - Agents for Amnion, OS CAR Q. sios,Es A C 04.7 uourtlendt .St., N. Y. Author!sod Agente' for' Allentown ' BARNES . A SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. MEYERS. (apr2-ly AMiINISTIt ATORS' NOTlCE.—Notice ' in heieby , : liven' that the Unders , gned having talien out lefteas of ;Adtulaistration. with the Will annowl, upon; tile •cetele of. Leon Ora ';‘Volf, lato of the borough of Allentown, &mooted, .therefore all persons who aro indebted to said 'estate, oro request od to make payment . . In 31x Vali from .tho date hereof. and Boob vo hay leg4obsimi rigaiitet raid estate, will, i.i e t `thom,.. well' authenticated,• efo klement within the above specified time. FRADEBICK WOLF, t ukt WILLIAM. WOLF, Admirer*. Nov. 13. 190 A ti l: . l . (l y N . T ... H!;;;:kGll4iTl3 t :w ut a f ti : d aid for e zl i x i. 7 . Aftmir. pity Bullaing. Itatideford. Ms. sts :t! to • , . , r • 111* - 1 3 - 0 - pot Tovr :Taw nitntti, , BTATios ApAy : ,"ol,anirune., Hip- rid sees of Allllantoitit and!ilelatty, that ha Is eetitin- Idris „the practice of Ji :Medicine In tysireavra, on ritgAlA Siner,iliaboes.ffainiffoli, Ant bruise aleelve Co 111: inns' Men% Had tit. 14:1= 4 or to belong to the Oealignau Contra at the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chancellorayslle, Frenkliq's erasing; dia., and haying had charge of itavertka HOPPITALP, he has find much experience in nil tie deinih, of eunnettir end the treatment of lia : ot gLriel..ii The Doctor is reguh.r ar:ltilla:47 01 1. • .h.11C1110.• , :l MODIOAL OoLtecie el has boon Practicing medicine during the pols eight een yeare. Having hod much experience in the treat ment of diseases of the EYE, he would especially solicit the patronageof those who may be afflicted with diseases of that important organ. Having re stored the eight of many who have been Duni eon YEARS. He would also aolleit the attentionof those suffering from chronic dimmest, emelt as DROPSY, (for which hellos an fitment infallableremedy,) Diseases of the KIDNEYS, REZIOIATISII, NEURALOIA, 011E0E /0 COUGHS, DIAURPOLL .and DYSENTARY, (which he professes to cure In less than half the time required by ordinary remedies ' ', Heaves., torte, or enlarge ment of the neck, Pima; Misuse us or Consumption In children, Sink His.tricuii, The Woes, filitiax °BOLT*, Soitortftoti Or King's evil, EPILEPSY, or falling sloknesa,Turain Hoax Tunes?, Tramist, Dlll - PEOOLLILE TO BBEALIS; also diseases of the Liver, Lungs and Heart. : Having now practiced-medioins here for oVer two rotaiwester the din nis !bettor liblearidteilikg to rotor 'to 46- .....r.eit.n a ti vt been cared by him of attention A llaPli b f y : P ira a e y : o vb s w . nh7fit:rhb" receive prompt Medicines furnished to all patients. wideinhem.B. pa:es himself, as he will use none butttisi 'eery treat. References : Hfsformerpatisnls. klientown. May 29 1886. 17— 50 00 22 00 55 00 somnicaps szewzaro TONIC. This medicine, invented by Dr. J. H. Beeswax. of Philadelphia, is intended to dissolve the food and makelt Into chyme, the first process of digestion. By cleansing the stomach with Schemalee Mandrake 4 , Pills, the Tonto soon restores t h e appetite, and toed that could riot be estau boar° =leg it will be easily digested. Consumption cannot be cured by Soliene.k's Pal motile Syrup unto% the stomach and liver is made healthy and the appetite restored, 'dome the Tonle and Pills are required in nearly every case of con. gumption. A half dozen bottles of the SEAWEED TONIC and throe or four boxes of the MANDRAKE PILLS will cure any ordinary case of dyspepsia. • Dr. Sons:fon makes profcislonal visits in New York, Boston, and at his principal Office in Philadsl. phis every week. Soo daily papers of each place, or his pamphlet on consumption for his days for visits,. Uon. A COEGH, A COLD. OR A o V 4','p oz,k MK/VIDES IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, ',.?On\C AND SHOULD DE CHECKED. IP ALLOWED TO CONTINUE, FOR Irritation of the Lunge, A COUGHS Permanent Throat Die- AND ease, or Consmnp• 0 6 2' OLO tion For Broachttts,.7at hma, Catarrh. Consump TDOCDP.R AIM USED WITH ALWAYS GOOD SUCCEI3B SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trochee useful in clearing the voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent men throughput_the country. BeMg an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, cuch year finds them in new locali ties in various parts of the world, and the Trochee are universally pronounced better than other articles. Obtain' only "Brown's Bronchial Troches," and do not take any of the worthless imitations that may be offered. sold everywhere. Lnov2o-6m VIOLINS] VIOLINS I VIOLINS I . ! At all -prices. Violin S „ Strings, Tail Pieces, Pegs, Bowe, Rosin, Blank Musio paper, at ousr's Varie ty Store. STAMPING I STAMPING I! Done at short notice—receiving new patterns con stoutly. Call and see the patterns at Youst's•Varie ty Store. NOTIONS! .NOTIONS! I NOTIO NS !!! Handkerchiefs ' Hosiery, Gloves, Threads, Sewing Silk, Pine, N.edles, Combs Braids, and Hoop Skirts. Call in—it pays to go round the comer to Foust's Va riety Store. BASKETS! BASKETS I BASKETS"! Market Baskets, Dinner Baskets, Traveling Bas kets, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets Fruit Baskets, Fancy Baskets, at Foust's Variety titoie. WHERE 18 FOIII3T'S VARIETY STORE? • Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, Sixth Street, 11 Four doors'from Hamilton, in ono of the rooms un der Col. Good's (American) Hotel. Lmay22-8m A UDITOR'S NOTICE. EEO MI SECNIOT Plows observe, when purchming, that the two like. mesas of the Doctor, one when In the last stage of Consumption, and the other as he now is, in packet health, are on the Government stamp. Sold by nll Druggists and Dealers, price $1.60 per bottle, or $7.10) the half-dozen. All letters for advice should be addressed to Dr. Bouzu - ou'a Principal OlEice, No. 16 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, Pa. General Wholesale Agents: Dome. Barnes Sr Co" N. Y.; S. S. Hance, Baltimore, Md.; John D. Parke, Cincinnati, Ohio; Walker at Taylor, Chi cago, Ill.; Celan. Bros., St Lott* Mo. w. ea. too. lyr. SORE THROAT, IS OFTEN THE RESULT IfttOWN•S BRONCHIAL TROCHES, HAVING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO THE PARTS I GIVES IMMEDIATE RELIEF int and Throat Disease*, Music ! Music ! ! Music! 1 SHEET MUSIC DEPOT!! Alarge supply on band—it we have not got tho piece you want, we can get it for you in a few days if you will leave the name.of the piece•. with RS• Illsraucriott Borate for all kinds of Instruments constantly on hand at Foust's Variety Store. In the Orphans' Court of Lehigh Count. -in the waiter of the account of Augustus W. Reber, 1 Administrator of the estate of Bonneville Reber, Irate of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, de ceased. And- now, November 9th, 1866, on motion of Messrs. Oliver and Runk, the Court appointed E.J. More, Esq:, as auditor, to audit and, if necessary, to resettle the said account, and report distribution. . From the Accords, Teste.—GEO. W. HARTZELL, Clerk. The auditor above named will attend to the da ties of his appointment, on Tuesday, the 11th day of December, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, at his office in the borough of Allentown, where all parties interested are required to attend. nov2U-hw] 'E. J. MORE, Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. In the Orphans' Court of Lehigh County. the matter of the account of Joshua Stabler, Ad milastratur, with the will annexed ofJohn Stad ler, late of Lehigh county, deceased. And now, November 9th, 1885, the Court, on mo tion ofJdr. Runk, appoint E. J. More, Esq., to audit and resettlo the said account, and make distribution according to law. Prom the Recorde, Teele.—GEo. W. Ilantz.em., Clerk. The auditor above named will attend to the d . . ties of his appointment on Tuesday, tho 7th of Do camber, at 1 o'clock, in the afternoon, nt his office in tho borough of Allentown, where all parties in torested arc required to sttend. nov2o 3w J. MORE, Auditor. WOOLENS! WOOLENS H WE have on hand, and are constantly reciliing, all the desirablo styles of men's vicar and boy? wear, which we are selling at prices that defy competition, • GUTH .Ik, KERN, No. 12 E. Hamilton tit. —nov2o-tf FRENCH LANGU,.GE. • Al! persons desirous of learning Erencli in six months can address Poor. R LESPINASSV, South Bethleheni, or, in Allentown, American lintel, every Tuesday and Saturday mornings of each week.. November 20. bw— A Pr3h: 6014,et 4-1 I Corrected Weekly by Weinsheimer, Newhard 6 Co Wheat Vlour,lB bb1.14.011 Bye Chop, 1001bo. 4.46 Corn Meal, bbl. 6.25 Wheat, lit bushel) 3.60 Ryo, . " 1.50 Cori, , ll/ • .90 Cab,"' 1121b.65 re 'Olosrored, 8.00 Timotlymood, " 450 .111ftrooetl, • " • 2.75 D:loolApploo,'' 3 : 50 • " toosoboo." ' ' 360 CAN ALWYS piny(l;434Y - OF VAitrAßL'E'llEAl 7 4l3 l illl ll . ;- 1017,311filusiOla actublie !Own tiliter4ay, the Bth 'TN -'dr.Da , thbeiliit Atokolook- lath* forenoon, ea. the premises, the following deserihed,, Real Estate, towit, L ea , .1-i No. that certga,lot and Tannery Stand; s i tuate in Wasiiington township, Lehigh co., bounded by leather Wi:liam Rex, Nathan Rex, and Joel DIM., cebtaining 21 ewes and 84 perlbee,more pv I,i; 11 , 101 It S acres bee meadow, Ii acres apple Lti. and the is of the beet farming Ph, improvements thereon consist of • . a tw... story STONE I/WE/A.IS:U ,' house, 20 by teet, with a Dag-anti-a. • aalf story kitchen attached, 20 by 20 . feet. A tr.,me barn 40 by 46 feet, a frame tanner shop, 24 by 41 feet, bark oiled, 28 by 35 feet, a shoe maker shop, 13 by 17 feet, and a log stable, 15 ,by 30 feet, and other out-buildings. ' No. 2.—A tract of clear land, situate in same town . sbip, • bounded by lands of Joel Blom, Nathan Res, Ellu Snyder, and Joseph Rex, mintaining 3 acres and 101 perches more or less. • . ItTo.3.—A.tract of .clear land, adjoining,. at one corner, to traot No. 2, bounded by land's of Jo seph Rex, Jonas Blabs; and Riles t nyder; contain ing 0 acres and 24 perches, more or'less • - • No. '4.—A tract of clear land, situate in same township & bounded by lands of Joel Bless, Willim Rex, David Peter and Paul Rex, containing 7 acres and 30 R erohee, more or less. No: tracr of Woodland, situate in same township, adjoining lands of Paul Rox, George flex, Solomon Beat and Joel Bless, containing 2 acres and 43 parches. more or less. Tho above being the property, of 0 larks Bach man under a writ of Domestic Attacholent. 1 i.Tov 20, V ALIJ A:BLE.IIEAL ESTATE AT PItIVAT3a t y mx. RE undersigned offers at,prlvate, the f 1 jug valuable Real Estate, to wit:. ow. No. I.—All that certain lot or tioland, situ ate in South Whitehall , township, Lehigh oo the borough of Allentown bounded by lands or w;. Grim, Samuel Solder and Daniel Mohr, containing five norm, more or less. The land is of the very beet in the neighborhood, enclosed In good new fen ces. One half is in gran, and the other half is sow ed in grain. No. 2.—A valuable meadow, situate in Sal• iebury township, said county, near the Water Com pany's Mill, at Allentown, containing 2} acres. This Is one of the beet meadows to be found in the coun- ty. No. 3.—The undivided half of slot of ground, situate in the borough of Allentown, on Linden St., between oth and 10th ate., bounded by lots of Jesse Brim, Abraham Worm', a publics alley, and said Linden street. Containing in depth 23 feet, ou which is erected a good barn. All of the above property is very valuable, and worthy the attention of those desirous of purchasing. The prism and terms will be made reasonable Should the same not be sold lty the 26th of Deem. her, (2cl Christmas) It offered at public sato at ono o'clock in the afternoon, at the hotel ut'll J. Ilagentich, in Allentown. Terms and condition's made known by —nov2o tf WI LLIASI Ultl3l. PRIVATE SALE OF VALUABLE RFAL ESTAI E. THE subscriber will sell at private sale the follow ing valuable real estate, to wit:— No. I,—All that cartnin lot of ground situated on the east side of Seventh street, between Gorden and Liberty. in the borough of Allentown, bounded on the North by a lot of Edward Soip, on the East by a publie al ey, and the Louth by lot No. 2, containing in front 20 feet, and in depth 230 feet, on which is erected a NEW TWO STOitY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with brick kitchen attached, also a brick stable. 111 II No. 2 - "—A lot of ground eituated in the same place, bounded on the North by lot No. 1, on the East lby an alloy, on the South by a lot of Levi Kuhns, c4n tnining in front, on Seventh street, 20 feet, and in depth 230 feet, on which is Greeted a NEW TWO BCORY BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, with 1191.; summer kitchen Both.lote are in good fenCes and planted with fruit trees and shrubbery, and the houses well finished. For torma apply at Schtunan's Store, corner of 7th and Borden streets. It. k J. SCHUMAN. November 20;1866 Clothing:' Clothing . WEISS' - . Cheap Clothing Store, IS removed to No. 36 West Hamilton street, near Ilagenbuoh's Hotel, whore he will eell at the fol. lowing low prices:— .. Overcoats, All—wool Beaver, from S2O to 26 .. " Double twisted from 18 to 20 di " Union Cloth, from 12 to 18 Soak Coats, All-wool Deaver, from 11 to 16 " " Fine Cloth, from 15 to 18 " " .All-wool Cascimere ' from 10 to 16 " " Union Cloth. 44 ' 6to 9 Pants, All-wool Cassimere, fine, " 6to 0 Union .- " . . Bto 5 Vests, Fine Cassimere, " 4to 6 " Union " /1 2to 4 BOYS' CLOTHING OF ALL KINDS, Shirts and Drawers, good, for " tine " " very best, from 2.00 to 3.00 And all kinds of gentlemen,s furnishing goods, at be lowest prices. Coll and judge for youreelvee, be ore you buy elsewhere, ..N. B.—Custom work made up to order and good tits given. Mr. Kik:titer is Just the man that can do it.. 40 [novo-3w A GRAND DISCOVERY IN SPORTING AND MINING POWDER. irBE subscribers, after a number of years of prae -11. tics in Manufacturing and Experimenting with all the different kinds of powderin the. UnitedStatee do hereby eertifytbarthey have not found anything equal tfi — theowder manufactured by the Smith ,t Rand Powder Co., New York. 'We will warrant it to,ba the stamps., cleanest and best ofany in tho mar Vet, either English or American. In the recent trials of arms before the Examining Board, at Washington, this Powder gave fur greeter penetration, range, and uniformity than any other.— And at the Wimbleton Rifle Meeting, in England, with this Powderan Enfield Rille,altered to breech loader, won the first prize of two hundred and fifty dollars. Experienced eportrmen are requested to test this owder, of which we keep a large supply on hand, ioth of sporting and mining: EMANUEL /t SON, Catasauquit, Pa. nov2o-6t] } Milton Roeder In the Court of Com. Pleas, vs. • of Lehigh Co , of Sept. Term Henry Williams. No. Domestic Attachment. MOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned I. have been appointed Trustees by the Court un der the above writ of Domestic) attachment. All persons, therefore, who aro indebted to, or have in their possession any property belonging to said de fendant, aro notified to make payment, and deliver the said property to the undersigned, and all credi tors of said defendant will present their respective accounts or demands to the sauce. Nov. fith O 1" 11671 11E1 111:110 -AT- Lawler & Steckei's, No. 20.. East Hamilton., . A cheap lot of Flannels. Red Monnele at 25 ote. Shirting ' - Flannels a full line, such aa Plaids, Rob Roy, Blue, Scarlet, Trenton Plaids, &a., Wool Is low, therefore Cloths and Cassimeres are low. Call and See the Piles. • VALUABLE HOTEL PROPERTY One of the best business stands in the city of Read ing—with a largo country and traveling custom.— ..IA The Hotel is a 3.1 story BRICK HOUSE, Mill fronting on Peon street 60 feet, on a lot 270 feet deep, and 90 feet wide on an alley in the rear.— Includes two STORE STANDS, with a heavy busi ness. Aiwa, closed yard, good stabling and shed ding, Ac. Thli property is offered at a low figure, and will pliy a large percentage on the capital invested. For further particulars, inquire of JACOB SCBMUCKER, Real Estate Agent, No. 30, N. Sixth St.. Reading, Pa. nov27-tri Egga,V. dozen, 3 Butter,V lb. 40 : Lard, " 18 Hams, 'I 16 Bacon ". .114 Beasirax,“ 40 Potataea.V•buelial 45 Beane, " 2.00 Balt, s' 131 fialt,la samba, 8.20 .liaj,per ton, 15 80 Rtraw: - !' _18:00 COW ' RAYED. A brown cow, bekinging to the-undersign ed,- residing near the Allentown Furnace, , " strayed away on Friday last, the 23d fast er al reward will be paid to any person who_yrill return her or give notice where she can be found% The tope of her borne were black, and hind legs emoted nov27-3w) • PATRICK LEWD C.- • MITII, ALEXANDER PETER, Trustees. DANIEL GERMAN, Jn ENOS WEISS Public Notice. HENRY B. PERSON, CHARLES B. WEBER, }Trustees HENRY YEAOER, AND STORE STAND FOR SALE B PUROTWED ivrYotk Pito Cleat; Nor Dooomber lit. Corroded . riookly by (J.-R. HELFRICH. il IPROMUCE CO NOON MERCHANT, No. 92 arolay Street, ; ' . • ' alt . l'on.k.' • . . BUT ['Mi. ,r , c, per lb. v 4, to r.; " ::s , c , 411 •1 i/ _.:.4 •]..t..003 .N.tattru. ,400 • to Obilieo, . Y. btaie IV elbh - - N.Y. State FirkinsPrimo for Shipping, " 36 to 87 Penn*, State Western common, 16 to 19 Western fair to good, ' 20 to 24 N. Y.7l3tide dairies good to ohotoe, 81 to 86 Penns Rolls good to choice In cloth 98 to 80 Penna. fair to good 24 to 27 CHEESE. gaiiory choice and fancy now, " 16 to 16i " good " lb to 151} N. Y.State, diary, " 13 to lb Skim milk, or poor, " ' 7to 11 EGGS. Jersey £ Penna.peolted in chaff, por dos. 40 to 91 Jersey 4 Penna. packed to ohts, 31/ to. 91 N. Y. State, peeked, in good order, 30 to 40 Ohio, paoked—by express, to count, 38 to 38 Sggs Limed 30 to 32 Starrow,choico,full sized, per bush 62111 s 3 00 to 3.26 Kidney,lohome,full aised, " " 3.00 to 3.50 Stadiums, choice, It 2 00 to 3 25 Mixed lota and common, " 1.00 to 2.00 DRIED FRUIT Apples —Jettey and Pennsylvania, " 10 to 111 Apples—Sliced " 14 to 15 Apples—New Southern . " 10 to 111 Blaokberrles New, " 28 to 28 tta.pborrles do " 42 to 45 Cho:Tice pitted New, " 50 to 65 do pits In do " 7to 9 Peaches uopeoled old " 17 to 20 do peeled, do " 31. to 39 Alnitell—Primo State, 121 to 11 lined piwne. 95 to 40 Pure BEESWAX. EMI Flaxreed Clover, In gnod Barrele, porlb.lo4 to 11 POULTRY. Docks alive, . per pair 1.00 to 1.50 Alivo Geese, per pair 2.50 to 3 '25 Fowls, • per lb. 14 to 10 Turboye " 15 to 16 Spring Waren, 14 to 16 POULTRY DitES9ED—Chielcone .*, fowls 17 to 18 " corn. 15 to 16 per lb. 20 to 22 II 16 to 10 Duoke • 17 to 25 _ . ... Turkeva, " common Gems 13 to Di QAMB—RaI tilts per pair 45 to 60 QUA per pair 40 to 46 ' Partrldgea per pair. 1.00 to 1.26 Pigeora alive, " 45 to SO Pigoous dead, " 25 to 110 CtIESTNUTS , per Lush. 5.00 to 550 HICKORY NUTS per bash. ?.76 to 3.00 BULL or HOG NUTS 1.00 to 1.50 W ALNUrs, dull, 40 to 50 HONEY CLOVER to alarm brxee choice 40 to 45 do BLOKWIIEAT per bosh. HO to 36 CALVES, droseed choice, per lb. 10 t, 15 do fiir to good, " 14 to 15 Buckwheat flour, cwt. Lou to 3.60 BUTTER.—The market is still in it very unset tled condition. Receipts have averaged over 2,000 paolrages per day-luring the past week, and the de [nand, very light. There is no forcing sales at pres ent; buyers cannot be Induced to take more than for immediate use.. The bottom does not seem to be reached yet, and many dealers confidently expect to see tine dairies sold at 30 cents before long. 'What little demand there is, is for strictly fine lots. WIEESE.—The stock on hand is exceeding hea vy, and prices gradually giving way. The only de mand now is for something very fine. Poor cheese are not selling at all Might about as well under take to sell paving 'strums as poor cheese. EGGS —The receipts are light, and prices firm. POULTRY.—Much of the poultry designed for Thanksgiving day, (as usual) came ono day after the fair,. Good stock sold we I before Thanksgiving. Since then, the weather has been soft, and pouqry starting In good condition arrived bail, and had to he sold ad what it would fetch'. 11E1 KEYSTONE STATE Normal School, 'Kutztown, Berko Co., Pa. THIS Institu ion having boon officially recognised / by the authorities of the State of Pennsylvania, as the "Normal School for the couhties of Berke, echuylkill and Lehigh,' is now open for the recep tion of Students. The Normal School building is beautifully located upon high ground, in Maxatawny township, Becks county, Pa, surrounded with land to the extent of 10 acres, but a quarter of a mild from the thriving of Kutztown, and distant midway between Allentown and Reading, about two miles from Lyons Station, on the East Penn. It. It. There are three principal courses of instruction : The Normal Elementary, the Normal Scientific, and the Normal Classical. A Preparatory course has also been instituted, which is desieed for the ben efit of those who wish to pursue the study of the or dinary English branches, while in the model school, teachers are afforded every opportunity foracquiring apractical knowledge of the art of Teaching Spo eial attention is given to the study of Vocal and In strumental Music, Drawing and Painting. btudents from a distance must stop at Lyons Sta- tion, E P. It. It., at which point throe trains arrive from Now Yors, throo'from Philadelphia, and three from Pittsburg. From this Station students will be conveyed to the school in omnibus° t 'which connect with the principal trains. The Winter Session will begin on MONDAY, OCTOBER, 22d, 1866. Students are received at any time. For tuition, boarding, fuel, light and washing, the expenses vritl-not exdeed $5O per quarter. For further particulars address "KEYSTONE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL," Kutztown, Berke county, Pa., LOUIS K. lIOTTENSTEIN, Pres% of the Board of Trustees. DAVID De HOTTENSTEIN, Sec. (00t23-3m AN EFFECTUAL WORM MEDICINE Bnown's Vartarruon COMFITS, Or -Worm Lozenges. Much sickness, undoubted.y with children and adiuts, attributed to other 01111808 Is occasioned by worms. The •' Vcrmiluge Comfits," although effootual in destroying worms, can do no possible injury to the most delicate child. ' This val uable combination has been successfully used by phy sicians, and found to be safe and sure in eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Children having Worms require immediate atten tion, as neglect of ate trouble often causes prolonged sickness. Symptoms of Worms In Children aro often over looked. Worms in the stomach and bowels cause ir ritation, which can bo removed only by the use of a sure remedy. The combination of ingredients need in making Brown's "Vonnithgo Comfits" is such as to give tho best possible effect with safety. CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors, New York.— Soil by all dealers in medial-um at 25 ate. a box. May 22 1866. —1 year F OR SS .A. 1-11 30 . CHEAP AND DESIRABLE FARMS, In Delaware anti Maryland, from $5 to $5O per Acre. These farms lay between the Delaware and Chesa peake Bay; convenient to mills, stores, sehoo's, ohurehes, &c. They are easy to cu tivato, and with tees labor than farms in the Northern States, and are adapted to grain, grass, fruit, &c. Fish and oysters abound in the rivers; game of all binds in abund ance. During the past three years, hundreds of the Northern farmers have eolt!ed in these States on ac count of the low price of land and tho'easy cultiva tion and low taxes. Persona desiring to visit farms in these States can do so by app'ying to or address ing the undersigned. Cata ogees sent gratis to any address. -6w A'so Farms in Bucks and Montgomery counties and Coal, Timber and Oro Land for sa'e. ' GEO..R. RRESSLER, novl3-3m] 144 South Fourth Street, Phila. INVENTOR S.:O FFICES, D'EPINEUIL_& EVANS CIVIL ENGINEEB 8 & PATENT SOLICITORS No. 435 Walnut street, Philad'a. Patents solicited—Connßations on Engineering Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machines, of all kinds YLDII and skilfully attended to. Spe cial attention given to REJECTED CASES and INTERFERENCES. Authentic Copies of all Doc uments from Patent Office procured.. - N. 13.—Save yourselves useless trouble and tiav oiling expenses, as there is no actual need .or per sonal interview with us. All badness with these Oleos can be transacted in writing. For further Information direct as above, with stamp enclosed, for circular with references. January Q. 1866. • —ly i4foq)Lie4legtoglßei., HOMOEOPATHIC PIIYBICIAN MILLERSTOWN, PA., 7, "'AXES this mode of Informing the people of the .surroundlagnelghborhood, that he has located himself Near T. Seemly's Hotel, Hi/knows, where he Is ready to serve the people either day or nigh. UsprtO.i7 XT TIIE "PItIEDENBBOTW' /0 to 15 2/ to 20 34 to 4I 30 to' 35 DEANS per lb. 89 to 40 B itirOla per bath. be ie.. 2.75 to 8.10 por lb xis% tt , i 5; TALLOW. CELMATIO TIM PERFECTION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. Lt3ollf•/ • Electric Hair Renewer.. It is a positive cure for Baldness' It ,emt tr. lire Y Hair to its Original Color. It is Tonic, of a liy-, and acts upon the secre tions. Lt itulnediately arrests fulling oat of the Hair. It Ittlert ites Neuralgia. and Headache. It radically rums Dandruff and Humors? It keeps the scalp healthy, clean and cool. It is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair Dcess- in. It restores, Cultivates and Beautifies the Hair. It makes harsh Hair flexible and Lustrous. Hr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer has en joyed a high local reputation fur many years. Its wonderful restorative and invigorating properties are well known to the Medical Faculty of Philadel phia. Being fully. satisfied of tho merits of Dr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer, we have procured exclusive ownership and are determined that every household in our land shall have opportunity to reap its bene fits. Dr. Leon's Infant Remedy. A most delightful and efficacious curs for the var ious ills to which infants and young children are subject. INVALUABLE FOR TEETHING CHILDREN! It softens the gums, abates inflamation, invigorates the stomach and bowels, corrects acidity, and is a sure and speedy cure for Colic, Cramps, and Windy Pains A most excellent preparation for children of a rest less and fretful habit and in a:I oases of hoo,e..ess Gripits I, Vomiting, or •othor inward. grief, it gives immediate ease. Used for more than half a century in the private practice of ono of the moat eminent physicians of Phi ade'phia. In now placing this article within the reach of all our countrymen, we would remark that we know it to be a Remedy of unriva •tul oxen hence and that it has proved in thousands of cases, as we are reso.vod it shalt in millions, a priceless boon Po: so eby druggists everywhere. Address all orders to ZIEGLER dr SMITH, (Soo Proprietors,) 137 -No rth Third St , Philadelphia. SILVER'S WASn PawDER Saves Time,Labor anti Money. Makes a pastime an Monday a festival. :Mid everywheil Try it. [n0v13 2 66 ly !'") f. n 1: i'ateuteU /May ;GU, ltldtf This is an article for washing 1% ithout rubbing, ex cept ill very dirty places, tvhich will require a, very slight rub, and unlace other preparations olfcred fur a like purpose, wilt not rut the ULU MILS; but will leave thorn WHITER than ordinary methods, without the usual wear and tear. It removes grease spats us if by magic. and soft ens the dirt by soaking, so that the rinsing will in in Ordinary eases entirely remove it. This powder is prepared in accordance with chem ical science, and upon a process pectiliar to itself, which is secured by Letters Patent., It has been in• use for more than a year, and has proved itself a uni versal favorite wherever it has been used. Among the , advantages claimed are the following, viz: It saves all the expense of soap usually used on cotton and linen goods. It saves most of the labor of rubbing, and wear and tear. Also, for• cleaning windows it is unsurpassed.— With one quarter the time and labor usually requir ed it imparts a beautiful gloss and lustre, much su perior to any other mode. No water required except to moisten the powder. Directions with each package. And can be readily appreciated by a single trial. The cost of washing for a family of five or six per sons will not exceed THREE CENTS. The manufacturers of this powder are aware that many useless compounds have boon introduced to the public which have rotted the cloth, or failed in removing the dirt, but knowing the intrinsic excell ence of this article, they confidently proclaim it as being adapted to meet a..detnand which has long ex isted, and which has heretofore remained unsupplied. blanulactured by _ HOWE & STEVENS, 260 Broadway, Boston. Also, manufacturers of Family Dye Colors. For sale by Grocers and Dealers. [octl6-3m PHILADEL;PHIA. CANCER HOSPITAL. —Professor It. 11. KLINE, Principal Physi cian and Surgeon to the Philadelphia Cancer Hos pital, 011ie° No. 981 Arch Street, is dai'y making as- tonishing and almost miraculous cures of Cancer by the most scientific and lately approved remedies known to the civilized world, among which are his great Cancer Antidotes, wonderful treatments that operate specifically upon the Cancer and all cancer ous affections, antidoling kiting and destroying the Cancer, every particle root and fibre belongino. ' to it or to them, without pain or the use of the knife, without caustic, eating and burning medicines, with out the loss of bloA, or in the least affecting the sound flesh. No other treatment should ever be used. No other persons have those antidotes. To investigate . these treatments,to see patients under treatment, and to examine the terrible specimens thus removed, call and see or address It. 11. KLINE, M. D., Office, No. 931 ARCH St., I'hi a P. 0. Box, 1474. For particulars send for a circular Lnovl3-ly • BEER y HARPER, ` • . NO. 520 'ARCH STREET, I.IIILADELPUIA. Has a large Stock of fine WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, -AND SILVER PLATED WARE, Suitable for Holiday and Bridal PRESENTS! Nov. 6th. FrEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN 1 . at No. 737 WALNUT ST. PIIILAUHLPIIIA, by the Colton Dental Association, the originators of trous aride Gas for that purpose. • More than thiriy-se vett hundred persons hove sign ed our certificate scroll to that effect duringthe pact year. The list can be seen at our office. Come to head quarters. It is cur speciality, as we do no other dental work, and we never fail. At our off:dein Cooper Institute, New York, we have extracted teeth for over 11,000 persons, during the past year. We are the only parties who snake a speciality of the use of the Gins, and Ivo atbuiniste , it to the most delicate and feeble and never hare had an accident with it. Office : 737 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. [novl3-3m BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. PUT UP AT WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 223 NoRTD SECOND STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Will eolor more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indigo. It is warranted to give satiehohon, and is retailed at same price as the Imitations and inferior ar ida). foov2o-lim want $1.500 P W E h R o r Y e E t o A s CI o u l r V i a n g g t ) S e o v w e Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large com missions paid. The ONLY machines sold in the Uni ted States for less than'slo, which arejelly licensed by Howe, Wheeler Witson, Grover cf.: Bilker, Bitty er d: Co., and liachelder. All other cheap machines aro infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine and imprisonment. Circulars !rte. Ad. bass, or gall upon Shaw Clark, Biddeford, Mainr or Chicago, 111. December l TREES I TREES!! TREES!!! uy your troes of P. Lanz at Catasauqua, where you can get every variety of choice fruit and orna mental tree's. 2000 No. 1 ono year old Clinton Grape vines, grown in the open air, cheap. Also, Garnet Chili, Cuzco, Jackson Whites, and Buckeye Potatoes. Remember that the place to buy is at thoCatasau. qua Nurseries.P. LAUX. , Oct. 9th.-21 F REE TO EVERYBODY I A large 6 pp. Catalogue, teaching how to remove Tan, Freckles, Pimplee, Blothes, Moth Patches, Sal lowness, Eruptions and all impurities of tho skin. How to force Whiskers, restore, curl, andbeautify the hair • renew the age, cure Drunkenness, Ner vous Debility, and other useful and valuable informa tion. Everybody should send for it. Address BERGER, MUTTS £ CO., Chemists. nov27 4t] 285 River Street, Troy, N. Y PURE LIBERTY WRITE LEAD,— The Whitest, the most durable and the most econom 4ead. Try it ! Manufactured only by Ziegler Wholesale Drwßaietl Glass Dealers, jaaBo-Ivi -„Nb. 187 N. Thi Ht., Philada 1100 K STORE OF Great #i finery -Establ No 004 Waluid MADAMOISELLE KEOGH, •• • ./lILLINER 011PA1011; . . , Having rebuilt and greatly enlarged hei plied of business, has now on hand an entire new used. rant of the very best styles of FRENCH MILLINERY. Through her numerous agents in Paris, she is ea. aided to present in advance of other establishment the very latest European styles In 130NNETS, HEAD DRESSES, FEATHERS, CAPS, RIBBONS, FRAMES, etc., etc. 21111 SA LES ROOMS Aro constantly stocked with tho choicest goods, and those sending orders can be accommodated at the shortest notice. THE MOURNING DEPARTMENT Is ihcroughly organized, and has been made a speciality in the Establishment. THE WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT Offers great induenments to Milt imae, oho can at any time be furnished with pathru huuttets 01 Le very latest styles, prior to their b'cit exposed at. retail. N. 11 —French, English and ()ennui spoken, November G.. 1866 CI£ITT EN DEN 'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 637 Chestnut Street, Corner of Seventh, PHILADELPHIA. EDUCJITIO.I• FOR BUSIXESS LIFE. Practical Instruction in Book-keeping, in all its. branches, Pec.manship, plain and ornamental, Mer cantile calculations, Business Papers and Customs, Commercial law Telegraphing, 716 STUDENTS IN ATTENDANCE LAST YEAR. Catalogues mailed gratis on application. Addru s S. IL CRILIENDEN & CO. Sept. 26. —3zii 446. WHITE HALL 4 DRY GOODS STORE, No. 446 North SECtID Street, PIIILAD'A Just opened, with a splendid New Stock of FuREIGN and DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. Consisting of LADIES' WEAR,—Silks. Shawls, Dress Goode, White Goods, Notions, Velvets, etc., etc. UENTLEMENS' WEAR,-- Cloths, Cassinacriet, Sattinette, Vestings, Musline,, Flannels, Blanket., etc., etc. N. B.—Just opened a fine lot of European CURTAIN MUSLINS AND LACES. J. MILTON BMOC & BRO., (Successors to Joseph nagy,) 440 N. 2nd , Novo-e,,,, 1111Eal t ..,„ e. B 804 Arch Street, "ar,...„, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL DEALERS 1' Berlin Zephyr, Embroideries, Fine Enit Goods, etc., personally *s leeted in Europe. Dourest is Zephyrs, llerniantown WOOLS, Cassimere YARNS, eat. Latest Styles in Ladies' Dre and Cloak TRIMMINGS. Ettittens,FDrop Fnages, Laces, Shawl Borders etc. 11 lido Etn - bruaderett BANDS, etc The goods being all carefully selected, oar Whole sale Department offers great inducemen s to the TRADE. [sepll-En PHILADELPHIA WALL PAPERS I I NEW FALL STYLES! HOWELL & BOURKE, MANUFACTURERS OF FtOPER Etttt4GON(lB, WINDOW SHADES, Consnn of FOURTH and MARKET Streets PHILADELPHIA. N. B.—Always on hand a Largo Stook of LINEN and OIL SIIADFS, August 28, 1868. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS Just received at low prices, and will continue to maim during the Fall, from Europe, a full assort. mod of the Sow style 6 of English Tapestry, Dm sets, nice-ply, Ingrain, Entry and Stair Carpets,— ,Also, all widths of oil cloths, Wtßaom MMES. In new colors. Coco and Caution IMAITVITI3 RAG CARPETS, ac., N. B.—A discount made in FUR.NISHINO CHURCHES. PIIINEAS HOUGH Jr., & CO. No. 508 N. Sec. Ht., below Buttonwood, Philadelphia. --am Sep. 25th NOVELTIES IN Wedding and Visiting Cards THE LATEST LONDON ADM PARIS SIMMS. NITIALS F tamped on paper and envolopeala colors FREE OF CHARGE. FINE STATIONERY -AT ULe EIVAKENS , & 0411 , . 6 Importing Stationers and Card Engravers. 913 Arch St., Philadelphia. AelOrders by mail will receive piomptattention. Sept 25th. —3m SAMUEL M. RITTER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OP LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers, SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. se`ALL WORK GUARANTEED: Via 121 NORTH THIRD STREET,PRIVA. Juuo 12, 1866. EVENS' PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS, FON OBLUPLNG AND WAVING LADIES No Heat Required in Using Them. A. " your storekeeper for them—if he does not keep them, write to the Manufacturer E. kink Sixth street and Columbia Avenue, Philadelphia. • September 25th. . N EW uooDst AT LOW FIGURES. We would call the attention of the public to oar etock of Dry ()clods, which ii complete in every De partment, AND ENBRELY NEW. Consequently persons buying from ne need not be afraid of getting old goods. We have NO OLD TRASEIN GOODS, to advertise at greatly reduced prices, but have adopted the quick oak and small profit principle, and aro fully determined not to be undersold. CUTE • KERN, N 0.12 East Hamilton etreet. nov2o•tf.] C SOMERS & SON, FINE CLOTHING, 825 CHESTNUT and Opi JAYNE STS.; EMI Have now on hand elegant NEW STYLES of FALL and WINTER CLOTHING. Also a very large stags of FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN pleas GOODS to select from for measure work. AU gar ments warranted well made and superb Ms. oet23.3m] G. A. lIAINES, Superintendent. EPSTEWART DEPUY, • 243 B. 21) STREET, ABOVE SPRUOR, PHILADELPHIA, WOULD respectfullly inform his customers:and others ho is now selling from one of the largest and best assortment of CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, , WINDOW SHADES, . AO., AC., AH T,, ' . • that ho has had on hand for many years, and at 4i"lducod prices. , Leept2s-3044 'L; PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,-; preferred by all practical Painters ! Try it! and —yon - Wl have no other. Manufactured only by zikoLEn & WIOLUALI Mara, PAINT and GLANS Dwants, 'No. IS7 North Thlid Street Philoletphie. It D. ,EIiSENRIND l CO. , , 1161 -6m !O. g iitf, 1866 MEI CM -Om HAIR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers