141 , 004 14' El !I 0 1 . 91 1 9,"' .1 . 44f:V1&, A t. =I MMis=ukiigd VOLUME- tetigt Atgista LI published every Tuesday Morning. Ofirce:—No.2o East Hamilton Street, (Lion' Hall.) N'O2.llllllT. Editor. TERNS by SUBSCRIPTION: 4t , Pep A.nnuna . : jfilir•Bio deviation made •from our published or and no paper discontinued' until all *near nisi are paid,Sxcept at the option of the publishers. Rana OPADVIIRTILONG: 3 tinsel, 3 mthe. 6 mthi. 1 yr. Oqu itquare . : $1.50 $3.00 $5.00 j $B.OO *'we " 8.00 - 6.Q0 8.10 ' 12.00 Rime l( • 4.50 7.80 10.00 4,41 , • 1111-TwelVe lines (Minion) constitute a square. ifitingtir advertisemenis in proportion, with a reuon mble deduction to those advertising by the year. -- iPiVifessiosmi Card; 7ier year . - $3.00 Adntinlatratore and Auditors nodal - 3.00 i •Alp•Displayed advertisements will be charged for the apace they occupy. • lam,..ltOsolutlons, Tributes of Respect, and Obit uary notices will be charged 75 cents per square. '2l3g-Business notice, in tho Local Department oents.per line. ' i • PLUME} Stt , 11111511@TT OP ALL KINDS, executed in the BEST STYLE, at the ehottest no- title, and at the pOWEST MOBS. BUSINESS CARDS. It. CLAY HAMERSLY, Attorney at Law, CATASAUQUA, LEHIGH COUNTY, PENNA. March 6, 1868. —ly JACOB S. DILLINGER, • Attorney at Law, Corner of Baal Hamilton St. and Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. April 16, 1866 P. 'WYCKOFF, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE on. the south side of Hamilton street, two doors wost of Milton J. Kramer's More, and op posite the Eagle Hotel. [an19.154] EDWIN. ALBRIGHT, 'Attorney at Law, Bidur Dcons. Anovi ran Count Hoven, ALLENT oOr N, LEHIGH CO., PA Bob. 13, 1866 —ly , . ELISHA FORREST, Attorney and thanesllor at Law, •ALLENTOWN., PA. Neb. 20. 1866. . WILLIAM H. 15 OWDEN. ~Attorney and Connsallar at Law. ,01floo Rapt Hamilton Street, 2 doors abbre Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. Bob. 20, 1806.-ly • EDWARD HARVEY, ' Attorney at Law, - , ALLENTOWN, PA. • • Orrin with Hon Samuel A. Bridges— [mayl-1)., • JOHN "CUPP, . ATTORNEY AT 'LAW, ' ALLENTOWN, PA. Germs with A. IWoolover, Esq., oppoisite the Court Hone.. Can he consulted in Gorman. [mayl-ly ADAM WOOLEVER, • ATTORkEX AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. • Orrpa,oppoeita the Court House. [moyl-ly THOMAS B. METZG-ER, ATtORNEY AT LAW, AILENTOWN, PA. OFF/as: No. 62 East Hamilton Street. May 29, 1866. JOHN. D. STILES, •ATTORN;EY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN. PA. • 01/,eAcE: Sehond door above the Court Rouse. Mal* 1885.' ' —dm G EOWGEB. SQUALL. ATIORNEY AT LA W. • • •• A LLENTOWN, PA. Orricn: First door above Law Alloy May 20, 1866. PAUL BALLIET. UNDERTAKER & FURNISHER, SeventhSireet,bepw Walnut, West Side, ALLENTOWN, PA. April 11,1865 Gross' Palace ofArt Photographs Iff OH, Waior Colors, India 'Mk or Plain, from Minlainres up to Life Size. Cards 82 par dozen. Over Frank Knauss' store, Corner of 6th and Ham ilton streets. Allentown. Mar. 20, 1866. GULDIN & GREASEMER, IDMlneagega Moe r NO. 48 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. One doOr below H. Guth A Oa's. store. Au g 8. 1865. ly .BEAUTIFUL . LIFE LIKE PICTURES. Cartes !le Visites, $2 per Dozen ALL NEGATIVES Raman:RED. S. WAITROAW, No. 7 East Hamilton St. ''? ALLENTOWN, • _ • 41101tOwn, Sept.,l3. ilfop 5). - gicbieglmolsieh, Xi., .......1101110E0PATIIIC PHYSICIAN, • ` L IIIECERI'OWN, PA., MARES this mode of informing the people • of the . J. eurroundrogiolgliborhood, that he has located himself •• ' ' • • , Naar T. Keenly' . Hotsi r ifitisritoute, ; where is ready to sense the people either day or Eight. • I.4rri 0.1 0.1.1. RUNK. RUNI & BALDWIN, Attorneys at Law. HAVIN G aseccieted themselves. together in the H, practice of law, at the•otlioe formerly in tho oc cupancy or. Wu. S. Manx, deemed, will attend to the . until:tithed .business of thelate. Arm bf Marx A ' - Bunk, and of Win. t 3, Mars, doted ,:Any inquiries oo,calve, to said businekteodrege4l,4kect,.olt,ber in l ... it6aloil by tether, wlll swerve prompt attentlo 0 face, 54 E. Hamilton fit.; ,Allentown [sop .aiiii;j ;.,'TUBE LIBERTY :WHIT a AD will do, more and better work at a . awn Coat, than any other! Try it!' 'lllanufteird only by Witor.ieaLe itituhN i tzit G r d Owe 4S JE L L. tThrtb Tlatrd Street, Plithube OEB, EVEN Ad LOW 48 , . r:Otirtti-d4.4; .- i- 1- r , :i :!:.;"::,:.':•, ,!::. r* , ,i:•.(l , ...... • ..,;.: :: , i :it ',T., , r ~; ,4' 7 n . I :IT : V'Pl' - , C f11i.171;! . •f 7. ' , ' :, 1 ) . J. ... : !•^ l7. *. • '.') 7•t• ' '. . P. 17,.. ;, .. 7' i .-. 1 ~ ia - ._ 0 , . ... . , :;4. , .'31.!i .- 4: c ..., . : 3 ,, •.":13 - 2", ,. '..• .!. • • ....•;,•'....' ' ..T. • ..,... . . • •L1J.....,;• ,- ""*........-••••' '...,:-T , ~,..4.••• ' . :,, •; ....,•,; . •• • , .-....! .• • , . •• : . .. , ,- 7 , . :: i i . • . • . .. . . . . ...- , ~ • -•-• . • . 'f'!..!i.• •,:v'•-•. . . 1--.4:1•0,..* • i .b : ,- .1. .. i , r ...' N. '•-• •,-. i : -:' .. '.! '= . .-*•1•1 Oif ; !• ••• ••4, ~ • i , , .. • . •.. , ---• . - !Ll', . • ;;;:: it., i• „, • . • ~. • .., . . • . • . ... . . . - /.7r.t .. -•-• . '••%. • tibi" ~- • . • 1 /1 . • • :••;,,• -- ...0 N . . ......- - . .... , ' k r' . ' 4,, ) . ,11,,: . '..:',••• • , . 4.0. . 7 1 . .-, . .. . . . :44 . . .. „ • . . . . . .. .1•i ; . . 7' . . . • . . . . . . . d Weekly by E. Forrest. . ..~ , yir+:t•~~~~~ We exceed in quantity and vanety of the latest styles. 'New and beautiful styles of Ladlea'full seta Pins, Eardrops and 'Bracelets, - Ladles' and Gents' rum GOLD =AIN& Gents' &leer &darns. Genie' Scarf Pins, • Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and a very large variety of Silver Thimbles, Neck laces„ Bolt Buckles, Charms, Rings of rare and beautiful designs, and also the Plain Ring suitable for engagements, and a large variety of other things too LIUMOrOIIII to mention. GOLD PENS We have a very large assortment. Also Gold and Silver Holders of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. --pm -6m EMI P. A. R. BAIDWIN ema u~:, ~~~al a; WiItHESI • KELLER it, DRO. JEWELRY STORE, A SPLENDID STOOK OF GOODS SUITABLE - Bridal or Birthday Presents. ' Now is the time to make your purchases. The stook is entirety new. LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD WATOBEB. We have the finest assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches over brought in this city. OF SILVERWATCHES . , .rearlifttgreiritailiiiiiiiiabetiii -- "b' taught .to.ll.llento:Tert.,,, We %sue:also the celebrated A marl .Witetr; `styles . 1 rEnilielb and Swiss Wateheelinitable fui ladles and boys. JEWELRY. ELEGANT SILVER WARE. In this line our Stook exceeds in quantity and variety of styles, anything ever offered for sale in this oily, and cannot fail to please the must fastidions. FULL SETS OF TEA SETS, • CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKETS, • CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, SILVER PITCUEtiS, CREAM CUPS, SYRUP CANS, SALT CELLARS, GOLD AND RUBY . LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, TEA. DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Eto. MED AND SILVER SPECTACLES, we have a very large assortment; persona cannot fail to 6uit themselves, and all of the most fashion able styles.• CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest assortment of (Nooks that has ever been offered hero for sale. Persons desir ing a good Clock, cannot help but suit themselves. All new an,d'all 'of the latest styles. We have also a 'Large assortment of FANCY GOODS too numerous to mention. • REPAIRING. All kinds of Waitaki:la, Cloaca sod Jewelry care. fully repaired and warranted. KELLER & BRO. Remember tho Place, Newhard'e Old Stand, No. 87 West Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. E. KELLER. . 8..8. KELLER. -dela-1y VaVVlO Ff ilkb WiTCHESI WATCHES! Clocks! Clocks! JEWELRY 1 JEWELRY H $15,000 WORTH QP Clocks, Watches . St Jewelry, • To BE SOLD at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. The largest and best selected assortment of Watches, Olooks and Jewelry, in Lehigh county, is to be found at CHAS'. S. MASSEY'S, N 0.23 EAST HAMILTON ,STREET, Allentown Pa. We have nu desire to boast, and we speak ad visedly when we say that our stock is larger - and more complete than all. the Jewelry establishments in the county put together. Just received a very choice and elegant assortment f WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER WARE. Comprising Lodi,' Gold HUNTING WATCHES• GENTS' GOLD & SILVER lIUN.TING engii.eb GOLD, SILVER & PLATED MAINS, SILVER AND PLATED SPOONS, FORKS, NAPKIN RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES, eta., With an endless variety of thelatebt style of Tawdry. Also, a large and emnpleta assortment of _ saisserractim, • . in Gold; Silver. Steet•and Plated cases. We desire to call attention tiroar stook of MELODEONS. We bare constantly on bond a full'assortment of G.A. PRINCE'S. Celebrated Melodeons, of allies suitable for churches or parlors.- . • N. B.—Pirticular attention paid to Car Repairing of Witches. Clock, and Jewelry. All work war ranted. We desire to inform parties living in the country, that any ,Olook repairing they wish done at their homes will be promptly attended to. filed. 81 MASSEY, No. 28 East Hamilton street, , Attairrowit, Pa. J E: CALDWELL it CO., • . • • - —-- • _ dell'Bs-ly Jewelers:and Siliersmiths, 82/ CHESTNUT . EtTREET; •Ari.OPening a 'full list of the productions of FOR EIGN INDUSTRY and ART, of their own eelection In Eur . opean Capitals, ineinding a great variety of o urtioles of USE and ORNAMENT, . BRONZE, BRONZE AND GILT, GILT AND CRYSTAL, CUT GLASS, DECORATED LEATHER AND PORCELAIN. tridal Opera and Party Fans, Of every variety and price FRENCH MANTEL CLOCKS; VASES, FIGURES . and CANDELABRAS. WATCHES, In great variety, and all warranted. DIAM • 'WAND JEWELRY. r : and very choice selection. t.:BILVER"WARE. An 'increased line of Rioh Articles for BRIDAL GIFU and Table one. PLATED WARES, from the BEST ENGLISH and AMERICAN MAN- - I.IFACTURERS, comprising altogether's. collection attractive in beauty, complete in detail, and moder ate in price. • ' Inert llt2m CLOSING OUT PRIM ALLENTOWN, PA., TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2 7,1566. BOOTS AND SHOES.! Bil . 4) 1 . Shoe Store: and New Goolis,J • ' ODENREIMER & SEW H&VINO just taken the extensive store room in Rau'e Building, next door to the Allen House, would respectfully invite the attention of tho people of Al lentown: and surrounding • country, , to their large, varied, and well made up stock Of BOOTS AND SHOES. They will sell you a better article in me way or BOOTS AND SHOES, for lees money than you can buy them for elsewhere. The most aceptical can be satisfied by an exami nation of the atockthey offer for solo. Their Manufactuking Department being under theauperriadirbf one of the firm, who has bad much experience in the business, they are confident that PERFECT SATISFACTION can be given in every Instance where work of any description is ordered. There is nothing in the line of wear for the feet that cannot be found at this BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! AT PRICES RANGING AB FOLLOWS: Infant Shoes, all Styles, from 10 ote. to $2 per pair. Children's Shoes, all Styles, from 25 ate. to $2 per pair, Misses' Shoes, all styles, from 75 eta to $2.50 per pair. Youths' Shoes, all styles, from 00 ate. to $3 per pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, from 75 eta. to $4 per pair. ladles` Shoes, all styles, from $1 to $5 per pair. Gents' Shoes, all styles, from $1.50 to $l 50 per pair. Youths' Boots, all styles, from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles, from $2 to $5 per pair. Mena' Boots, all styles, from $3.50 to $l5 par pair. Country Merchants and Dealers Sup plied at City Sobbing Rates. te,.The public are invited to give a call before purchases aro,tnade elsewhere. J. G. ODEITUMIII6I4 April 17, 1886 Wm. 11:Seip HAB OPENED 1118 13002 -1 , SHOE, HAT AND CAP STORE, AT NO. 85 EAST HAMILTON ST., ADJOINING KERNAHEN'S 0111-0 6.0 na Store, where be offers to all who will give him a call, the vary best and most fashionable goods ever offered to the citi zens of Allentown, at the following low cash prices: Men's calf boots,.fine, $5 00 to $9 00 " kip, double sole, 375 " 575 Boys ehilds' boots, 175 " 475 Men's glove Kid, Congress, Ao. 250 " 575 " •go Bal. shoes • 100 " 300 Men's. women's, boy's and misses glove kid, lasting gaiters, 175 " 575 Women's glove kid, very floe, 326 " 575 " fine goat morocco bale., 250 " 400 " men's motoo:o calf shoes, " common shoes, Misses' and child's shoes, Men's, women's, misses', boy's and child's slippers, • 25 " 100 No auction goods in my store, but from the best manufactories. I also have all kinds of HATS, OAPS and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at the lowest cash prices. Call and see for yourselves. WILLIAM H. SHIP. April 17. —l7 Biery & Mertz HAVE JUST OPENED A Boot & Shoe Store , At No. 85 West Hamilton St., TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, WHERE they will keep constantly on hand a well , assorted stock of all kinds of ileac j- Goofs qfpo &pm, of Eastern, City and home-manufacture, which they will sell CHEAPER than the same can be bought elsewhere, because they sell Exclusively for CASH. • They invite all to call'and examine their stook be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they feel confident' that customers can suit themselves, both as to price and quality. Alt kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING receive prompt attention. They employ none but the beet workmen and are therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Mos unsurpassed by any other establishment. Particular attention is given to the manufacture of French Calf and Patent Leather Boots. .12MT"Shoomakers can be supplied with stock and An - dings, at reasonable prices. J. S. BOAT', S. E. Manrz. May 8, 1866 —ly M 0 ATA.E Jo IF. Bohlinger'S . BOOT and SHOE STORE .gires been removed to Eaat'Hamil- DA 'ton street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa„ where he keeps &instantly on hand, of his own manufacture, and Idea of Philadelphia; New York and Eastern manufacture, a large stook of Boots and Shoes, which he is dlsposod to offer to the public at a email advance above cost. Ile also will make to Order all kinds of Hoe work for Ladies and Childien, Baying competent workmen especially in that branch. Feeling determined to make it an object for persons in minter A GOOD ARTICLE to call and examine for themselves and learn his prices, which will be as low as any other house in town or country. Measured work and repairing promptly attended to faprio-tf.) J. F. BOEILINGER. BUY .MUSLINS, ALL CHEAP, Some Even at Low as 10 Cts Fair Bleached at 121 BLANKETS, Sold at a liberal discount before the cold weather commences. Fail not to tom them. They are really A CHEAP LOT. ` Lawler & Steckel, `moo. 20. E. Hamilton., (Late Lion Hall) 41,LE'NTOWN, Nov. t3th. 4, 0 1,119 11 !""T NLW~ WALT= H. BEIP. -ly 175 " 260 160 " 260 25 " 160 A GOOD TIME , A -21.0-1 A Large Lot -OF GREY, and BROWN, Extra Cheap: GALL AND EXAMINE FURNITURE. EYES THIS WAY. TO THE GRlum CABINET WARE ROom OP John Malburg, IN ALLENTOWN, LEUICIII COUNTY. TORN ki&LBURG takes this method to inform t/ hie fri nude, customers, and the public in general, tha# he is cow carrying on the business on hie own account, his building, NO 52 WEST HAMILTON STREET, opposite Hagentuch'e Hotel, where be is now pre p' el to s..cafy cli who may give him a call. His present stock is ILA to be surpassed, and consists in ,Bart of tao following artiolos: ureaus, bide Boards, Pier, Centre, Card, Dining, and Breakfast Tables, Book Cases, Cupboards, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Par lor Tables, Sofas, Piano Stools, Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads of every variety, and in general every article which is kept in a well regulated establishment. He manufactures also every ;arlety of Furniture to order, after the latest style, and every article sold by him must bo as represented, and must be sans fat tory. House-keepers and especially young persons in tending to engage in keeping house, should not neg lect to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as he feels satisfied that he can offer bargains that can not be surpassed anywhere outside of Philadelphia. For the liberal patronage already received he • is very thankful, and will still endeavor through lib eralprices and fair dealings to increase the same. `Don't forgot the place, No. 52 West Hamil ton Street, where you can call and satisfy yourself of the truth which is herein stated. JOHN MALBURG. Allentown. July 2, 1885. ly IMPORTANT NEWS HEIMBLICH, HELFRICH & CO., • 111111ETEMS 9il EMT :IS No. 28 - West liaintiton Street. ALLE.N.7OWN, - PA. THE undersigned take this method of informing Their friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on hand a full supply of lEURISITURE RIM SUCH AS Bureaus, Sideboards, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Book Cases, Sofas, Bedsteads, • Washstands, &0., and in general every article which is kept ixt.their line of business. , House-keepers and persons intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every kind of farnii,nrito order at the shortest notice. lINDERTAXEING will be promptly attended to. The y will &milli Mahogany and Walnut Coffins • also Coffins covered with cloth. B. F. HEIMBACH, SOL. HELFRICH. GEO. HEIMBACIL Jan. 3, 1F165 ly. . :••• ei • " , 6`• Dry G oods Cheap PRINTS, (Calicoes) Again at 1.2 i cents. Suitable for comforts. WE Tel MV. W . 4CO CHEAP. A LOT OFFERED No ono who sees Limn can help buying. All choice and fresh colors. A FRESH LOT OF Dress doods , Offered at a Bargain At Lawler & Steckel's, 20 East Hamilton. St., (Late Lion Hall) 1101" 64E1 ALLENTOWN, PA. T4 4:50K THIS WAY! AN ENTIRE NEW CARPET • STORE! Guth SD Troxell. THE subscribers would hereby respectfully inform their friends, and tho public in general, that they have opened a now coAarivr STORZI• South-west corner or gth and Hamilton streets, di rectly opposite Hagonench's Hotel, in the borough of, Allentown, where they now have, and will keep constantly on hand, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT of all kinds of Carpets comprising the finest as well the plainest styles and patterns that may be called for; also, a splendid SELECTION OP OIL CLOTHS , Mate, &e., in fact, whatever may bo looked for at a similar establishment. As a Jbatter °femurs°, all their goods are quite new and cannot be surpassed for beauty and quality in this county ; and, moreover, their prices are consid crabli mo , c reasonable then anywhere else. Give us, therefore, a call, and see for yourselves, before purchasing elsewhere, and you will find it to your interest to buy from us. Thankful for past favors, wo solicit a continuance of the same. URIAH GUTH. DANIEL TROXELL. Oct. 9tb, 1866. —tf nit iPot temm, Lion Hall Clothing Store. Great Inducements OFFERED In Ready-made CLOTHING. 500 Overcoats, 500 Dress & Business Co ae,' 1000 Pants, 1000 Vests, WILL BE BOLD AT A BARGAIN AT Breinig & eh's Lion H all CLOTHING STORE. FOR YOURSELVES BEFORE ==t NOW IS YOUR TIME TIN WARE! TIN WARE! ! WILLIAM! 14. HITTER, Dealern Stoves ; and Manufactu rer of Tin and . Copper Ware, RETURNS thanks for the •z ! , ronago heretofore extended tot liber al n t ntm, v„ a same timo would announce to the citizens of county and the public in general, that he has remov ed his Store to a few doors east of Snyder's Black Bear Hotel, where ho has greatly increased his stock and enlarged his manufacturing abilities, and now has on hand, fur tho fall and winter season, STOVES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ' including the Excelsior Cookiug Stove, which is in every respect superior to any Stove now in market; Fire Board Heaters for warming from two or three rooms; Hot Air Furnaces for heating entire houses, and Ranges—in short, all kinds of Cooking, Parlor, Sac-Room and Of- Mao HOLLOW WARE, all kinds and sizes, lined and enamelled ; Brass Ket tles, and all kinds of castings for repairing Stoves, Cylinders, Fire bricks, Coal Kettles, Shovels, TIN AND COPPER WARE of all kinds and descriptions, made of the beet ma terials, Boilers with copper, Japanned ware ' ke. Iu short everything in the and Copper Wareline that may be needed in a family, all of his own manufac ture, and at prices lower than nny other town estab lishment can afford to soil. Come and inspect priz ces before you purchase elsewhere. Having for many years been the foreman in the establishment of the late Maj. Ettinger, deed., may bo taken as an evidence that ho is thoroughly con versant with the business, and that his work can be excelled by no ono TIN ROOFING AND SPOUTING promptly executed and in the best and most work manlike manner, and at the lowest possible prices. 'ts..Old Stoves, Casting,Powter, Copper and Tin taken in exchange at the highest paioes. Allentown, Aug. 21 IMPORTANT. THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST Ever offered for sale in this section, can be found at the “Friedensbote” Book Store. That if you want any kind of a Book, the .plaeo to buy it is at the "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORE. ' BLANK BOOKS Of every description euitablo for all kinds of bust ness. Should bear in mind that if they want anything n the line of THE undersigned respectfully invite the attentior of the public to'their It affords them great pleasure to sta'to that if you favor them with a call you will at once perceive that they have one of the and thnt they are not afraid to give you the benefit of the light, consequently, by buying front them, you can SEE what you get, and will not be crayoned to buy in the dark, not knowing what you have until you got home, which is too frequently the case. Our stook you will find complete in every depart ment. We are constantly adding the newest and choicest styles. It consists of =MEl===illiMiMit Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! N 0.77 WEST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., fice Stoves. AND MOST • Complete Assortment -OF SCHOOL COOKS REMEMBER DIARIES FOR 1867 Of all styles and prices ALL PEOPLE Books, Stationery, &c., To purchase thorn at E. D. Leisenring & Co's,, No. 19 E. Hamilton St., ALLENTOWN, PA. Oct. 30, 1060. READ and REFLECT ! NEW STORE, NO. 12 EAST HAMILTON STREET. Best. Lighted Rooms in Town, DRESS GOODS, plain and fancy, SHAWLS, the liirgoot assortment in town. . PRINTS and MUSLIMS, FLANNELS and WOOLEN GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, WHITE QOODS ZwEMBROIDERIES, HOU- E FURNISHING GOODS, GENTS " 11 LADIES' CLOAKING, ZEPHYR WOOLEN YARN, HOSIERY, Carpets, Oil Cloth and Window Shades: All of which they guarantee to soil at the very lowest prices for CASH. GUTH & KERN. lIIRAM GUTII Clothing: Clothing : WEISS' • Cheap Clothing Store, Iremoved to No. 36 Nest Hamilton street, near Ilagenbuelee Hotel, whero ho will eell at the fol lowing low prices:— Overcoats, All-wool Beaver, from , s2o:to 25 " Double twisted from 18 to 2 " ' " Union Cloth, from 12 to 1 Sack Coats, All-wool Beaver, from 14 to 1 " " Fine Cloth, from • 15 to 1 " " •All-wool Cassimere, from 10 to 1 " " Union Cloth. 6to Pants, 'All-wool Caeeimore, fine, 6 to " Union Bto Vests, Fine Cassimere, " 4 to " Union " • - 2to BOYS' CLOTHING OF ALL NINDS, Shirts and Drawers, good, fur 1.00 rr " lino " 1.25 " " very best, from 2.00 to 3.00 And all kinds of gontlemen,s furnishing goods, at the lowest prices. Call andjudgo for yourselves, be fore you buy elsewhere, tasio.l. B.—Custom work.? to order end good tits given. • Mr. Minkerisinit o man that WANTED i —E..Fenstermacto the corner. of 10th and Mandl to purchase 1000 bushels of eloverseei the highest market price will be Pd. They also wish to inform the public tl for sale several superior varieties of I as Michigan White Eprouts, Buckeye, other good kinds. PURCHASING NM Eli BLAZE AWAY ! Ahead of Compe 0111611 MB THE EVERY EX TERMINATION AGAINST ALL HIGH PRICES AND UNDUE PROFITS. MIAMEW,S: Popular Store ! FALL AND WINTER STOCK, Which was almost entirely purchased previous to the late advance in prices, consequently I can and will 'sell them UNDER THE MARKET PRICE. DRESS Gvol)S, the largest and moat elegant assortment oaten., New York, and will be sold at a small advance a New York prices, consisting of FRENCH MERINOES, in every calor and price. FRENCH REPPS, do. do. IRISH and FRENCH. POPLINS, WOOL DE LAINES, plain and figured. MOIIAIRS, EMPIRE CLOTHS, CHECKS, black and white, SILKS, black and fancy, PLAID POPLIN, STRIPED POPLINS, PLAID WOOL DE LAINES, PLAID and STRIPED ALPACAS, PLAID CLOTH, etc , etc , etc., etc. which for extent, variety and general adaptation to the wants, taste and pockets of the people, are un surpassed. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN THE Shawl Department. Brocha, in every style and price, at least 40 per cent lower than last season's prices, lung and equaic Blanket Shawls, in every style and at ASTONISHING LOW PRICES. ,BEST BALMOBAILS at $2.50 full size. WOOLEN BLANKETS. in every color, and will be sold lower then the , LOWEST. MIISLINS, SHEETINGS DIAPERINGS and everything belonging to housekeepers, Bold at REDUCED PRICES. -3m !VIEWS AND BOYS' WEATI. This department I make aFp cc iftlty. Having the moat complete assortment of Clothe, Cassimeres, Sat tincts, Jeans, Vestings, hc, adapted to the wants and taste of old and young, and at a saving of at oast 30 per cent. Not unmindful of the BUSH OF BUSINESS which has hitherto attended the efforts to please the fancy of all, and having again entered into the field for the Fall and Winter campaign of the trade, I am determined to repulse, if not entirely vanquish, the great system of monstrous prices and murderous profits, adhering in the future as in the past, to my motto of large sales and entail profits. The ben goons for the least money. All I ask is a call, if not to purchase, then to, correct ideas of the prevailing fashion a•;d give our priers a fair comparison with our neighbors. You will find thorn beyond compe tition. M. J. KRAMER, EMBALMING THE DEAD ! EMBALMING THE DEAD, Which was used during tho.past two years, with such extraordinary success in Washington City and in the Army of the Is now offered to the public by the- undersigned, who has purchased the patent for Lehigh and North ampton counties. This patent was granted by the U. S. Patent Of fice A. D., 1803, as the greatest novelty and discov ery of the ago. Arrangements have now been made to patent tile same in England end France. The same results have never been accomplished by any other process. The fluid crystalizes in the arteries and hardens the body, and does not discolor the skin. It produces a white marble color, free from blotches, whilst the countenance of the corpse assumes a calm and natural appearance, as if asleep. A body can be embalmed in • FIFTEEN MINUTES ISO Mutilation or Extraction, At a trifling expense, and may be preserved for many years. PAUL BALLIET, Undertaker, Seventh St, between Walnut and Union., Nov. 6th The Allentown Shovel Factory REMOVED TO CATASAUQUA ! THE undersigned would respectfully inform the public that he has purchased the Allentown Shovel Factory from B. F. Buyer, and has removed it to Catasauqua, where he intends to keep on hand all kinds of SHOVELS HOES &C. An those in want of anything in this line would do well to call at this factory. where they can iiways find a good assortment on hand, at the very lowest prices. All orders promptly attended too. ocitlll.3m) G. W. BOUGH. IN.T Y 2 "Vli7 COAL YARD IHE undersigned have opened a New Coal Yard in the FIRST WARD, on North side of Handl ,ton Street, between Third and Jordan Bridge. They will keep constantly on hand a full assort ment of All kinds of Coal for family use and manufacturing purposes. The coal will bo kept DRY under a Shed, and thorough ly CLEANED for family use, and delivered to any part of the town Our coal is of the BEST QUAL ITY, and will be sold as cheap as can bo bought anywhere else in town. Give us a call. s , .....Orders can be left at,llagenbuch's Hotel. 00t23-3m] S. & L BUTZ. THOS. S. KERN REMOVAL. HENRY HOEVEL, BOOK BINDER , Has removed to • KLOTZ'S BUILDING, • Hamilton Street, Al' Worn, Pa. November 13, 1866. —9m BOOKS, STATIONERY &a., ENOS WEISS ; '7, Iff - ri iI M. OPENING IMMENSE Opposite the Eagle Betel This discovery io a price'ose store— Sacred to the living and the dead. DR. F. A. HUTTON'S c. e' PROCESS FOR Potomac, WITHOUT ANY ELSEW HERB. Pt /`' ~-,. .k ,-. ..,;,' ; ; I: , ' .i!• ‘,.c.'.',.! (NUMBER X,‘,.4 ~oexxv (For the Register.) Romance and Reality. I= Come, love, I said, and let us walk And breathe the fragrant air— The dewy liftense stealing up From bud and If ossom fair ; She softly whispered, "Don't you smell That pig-sty over there?" Come love and watch the starlight shine On yonder silent trees, And see how placidly the moon Sails through the upper seas ; "For sailing,' quoth this lovely maid, "There's rather a low breeze!" 0, listen love, unto the song That comes from yonder hill ; How sweet and mournful is the cry Of that lone whip-poor-will. ! "Ah ! you mistake, that'sound is made By frogs down by the mill!" Here on this bunk we'll linger while Tho soft hours glide away, And many a plan of happiness For future hours we'll my ; "Excuse me love, but I must go,— To-morrow's washing day ! viudianeeas. TEE TOWN AND COUNI-x... In all ages of the world mankind have shown too strong an inclination to flock together from the country into the towns. There is that in his nature that prompts hitn'to seek the largest society, even at thmexpense of his temporary comfort and permanent happiness. In this way grew up the vast cities of antiquity, and tmday are growing up the populous cities of modern times. London and Liverpool are growing, in size and population, nut of all pro portion to the rest of the United Kingdom, Par is to that of France, and New York and New Orleans, and other cities of the American con tinent, to that of the region of country in which they are situated. This is especially true, and has been for too long a time. Immediately af ter the close of the war, our young men in the d l.l i &returned, for the mos! part, to flick sever a homes, and showed a disposition to settle wn on the old plantation and engage in the healthi,:st and most profitable of all employ ments. A great many were faithful to their first promptings, and have done well, and are doing well. They have made but —all crops, it is true, but high prices have enabled them to realize as much, perhaps, as they did informer lesstroublous times. Ihegreater number, how ever, soon became discontented with the hum ble lot of the planter, and front that time forth to the preses:t havti been huddling together in the large cities. New Orleans has received a very large portion of them, and its population is now for greater than before the war—so great, indeed, that it is difficult to find 'house room for them. The same is true of Galveston, Mobile, Savannah, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mem phis, Richmond, and all the large cities on the border. The same, in fact, has beets the case in the Northern country ; our cities are grow ing wide, and long, and populous, out of all pro portion to the country in which they are situa ted. There would appear to have been some thing in our late war that has caused this. Per haps it was the waking up of the people( toss, livelier life, a greater love of society and an it*..,, dividual ambition to gamble for fame and rich es. however that may be, it is a well-known fact, the country has been mostunhappily Main donedin too many instances for the already over-grown towns.. There...iMan example in history not unlike our owls. When the chosen people returned froni.the Babylonish captivity, they dispersed over the pleasant hills and valleys of Judea ; and, happy in a pastoral and agricultural life, we all know how sweetly they sung their own song in their own land. Soon, however, they were unfortunately 'induced to abandon the country, and go up to the great walled towns to reside and engage in trade in commerce; and now, when they are scattered over the face of the whole earth, with no country they can call their own, their own beautiful land of Pas tille, and that in which they were bound in cap tivity, from the Arabian Desert to the Euphra tes, is desolate and n barren waste: The true wealth and greatness of a people is to be found in the culture of the soil, and there alone, , i It is the fountain source of all our com forts tMd happiness, and the basis of trade and commerce. Without it they could not exist for a moment. And in dignity, and honor,and cer tainty, it is far above them. To an industrious planter, indeed, there is no such word as ha— lts our fertile soil and climate, the annual prof its are as sure no the seed-time and the harvest. This all know, and yet young and stalwart men in particular continue to flock into the cit ies from the country, to run their chance for uncertain gains, in a field where ninety-nine ont. of a hundred fail. We make no account now of the vast number of young men who never find any business nt all, and stand on the cor ners of the streets near the great saloons the whole winter through, idle, hopeless and dissolute. In the meantime agriculture lan guishes, we complain of the want of labor, it advances to fabulous prices, and still we cannot find it. -6En It is a well known fact that, in consequence of the smell bulk of products seeking 'a market as compared with former years, there is need of a fur less number ofemployees to movethem. There is, indeed, a far smaller field for clerks than in former years, and yet we have double the number seeising employment. It stands to reason that they cannot find it, orni we advise all en h, for that and the other reasons we have mentioned, to abandon the town, and seek a more certain, healthful and dignified life in the country. A GEORGIA PLAN PER'S VIEWS. While sitting in the office of the Crutesfield House, in this city,(says n special correspondent of the Philada. Pro ss, writing from Chuttnnoce gn, Tenn.,) I encountered a Georgia planter, who resides about five • miles from Griffin, in that State. He was a most violent rebel—one whom our "beloved President" would regard as a model of the reconstructed order, and very soon he said in a swaggering voice : 'ltather bad news; everything is nigger equality up North ; they must like the niggers up there." "Whether they like negroes or not," said 1, "they hate rebels, and they will fight them • all the time, whether with ballots or bullets." . "Then you're a Northerner?" he hotly asked. "Yes, me I wish them that likes the niggers so well, had nigger wives." He evidently intend ed it as nn insult, but I only laughed at him and replied : "Judging from the number of mu latto children down in the South, I should sup pose there are none who are marriageable, but now have white husbands." "Well," said be. "the Radicals will, play out by 1868, anyhow." • "Yes," I responded, "just as the Northern soldiers 'played oat' in 1861-2-34,and "If they think," added he, "that • will ratify the constitutional aro back into Congress, they are mt.— "That won't spite the North "You will be compelled to pay your propo of the taxes, and if you don't care about tep , sentation, I'm sme the North will not grieve: "I had expected better things," said he:."Tha Democrats promised to carry the Northhrn States, but 1 come to the conclusion that Baron Munchausen was nowhere as a ljarwh compared to a Northern Democrat." "There, friend," I respondoA, "and on that t we will not disagree; your, vi. Mil 66 , *th mine," and I kit tang 'RH, woe, lioi- Imo and wuk -1 boa iert- CM
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