IMPORTED AND Dosffsriu CARPETING& . , FIRST CLASS GOODS 'One Invariabiq Oa* krice. AN IMMi.Dc.E STOOK Ihnbraoing all and fityles merican and rtfropean mtauFmityßA-c.3 At Reduced Prices, ON ACCOUNT CF TUR , da,CLINE IN G 0 Lay j . J. F. & OHNE. 9 A- Chestnut St., PhiudElphia, • Now offir their CREPT SPBt STOCit IMPLIVED I:),PA2' , SrE2 R P-ETING, French 11.1611 Engl6ll Axminster, Engl,sh R.1%10 %min. 6-4 and 9'4 V.-Irets, Cronlefe TapNimes, Imperial Three Ply *Carpet, . Fine Ingrain Carpet EN(LISR BRUSSELS AND ROYAL Wilt:CON CARPETS =1 WITH fV).8.,11E R S 8.14 44. • kr.. IL 6-4 WHITE, RED OLIVICED AND FANCY MAT MO. COOO4. MATTIN3„ ENGLISEI bit. CLOVIS, &O. March 27-3 m Miller, Schreiber & Co -AT THE--- NEW YORK STORE, No. 10 East Hamilton Street .ALLENfo,WN, PA., Are now rooelving lhoir NEW STOCK of SPER Sall ME, which toey have bought at 25 to 50 per cont. lee than they could be.bougbtfor, and are now prepar ed to give their customers the advantages of our LOW PURCHASES. We sell Goods cheaper than any ho , ao in Allen Sown, sell cotter Goods and more of them W don'. wise to boast of what we do, only come and or. fur yourselves. Never before was presented to th. publio such on attractive on 1 oleg t r assortment o DR ILS. GOODS. Cone Wing In part of FINE FOUR rit ERINOES manned and light colors MUSLIN DE LAINES, UNION PLAIDS in Oheoed and Scotch Plaids All Wool De Laines AND Mourning Goods. Agroat variety of 6 die?, Mis/43' and Children' WOOLEN SIIA.WLS, `*- BALMORALS, In addition to the above will bo foiled tuc lors en eto.k of • Brown and Bleached ') • Tlokings, Denims, Striped and Checked Shirting, Cacltol I=ll3 , Prin a, ... Gingham, Woolen Flannels, Gaesimeree, and . • Cloth t .• Ever shown In 4.llentown Our Cloths, Casein:tem and Plan sells aro cho Tor and er.poriar to auytlini• offered at aty tt othor ostablistitnen in town. Conn whoM yeu oon gat tiood4 at prices the ensure a roaAvtn , l dilti+Cloto y solo. Our stook eamplote iwkd oQ. re greet inda °wants. Wean ye IVO ready to buy. tall'in wa the crowd and brie up at the Store No. '45 East Ilumitton Street. MILLER, SCHREIBER k CO. January 2. 18tia. —t .117. STORE IN A LLEATOWN ! • JUST OPENED Lawler & fo. 20 East Hamilton tree) ut. E openeda tow DRY '4oousi cud 'UR° OlittY ewe. All al their stook is new 811 . fresh, and hie ba'n purchase I for cash at the p a. ant reduced prides, which wilt ehahle thew to ea St greatly reduced rates. Among their Dress Goods will be found eomo of the latest and most • laehiont. ble styles, opmprleing Silks, Mohnir Leno, Leno Voyage, . Grenadine, Lerm'MeTange, All Wool Dahlia, Amuree, Melange, ~:Plain and Figured Poplins. • radlers Improved Duplex (loop Skirt. Also a full line of la in was 7100- MEL 3EIL g Consisting in part of fassiiseres. • Tweeds, licntueky Jeans. Cottonndes, &,e Domestic Goods, nob as Tiekings, Cheek, &0., &e Terms are CASH! NEILMOUNTRY PKODUCE taken in orobanr for gold'. Wit K. L•Wrlllt, April 11,1 MS REMEMBER 'F at now is the Time TO IMPROF v l lllll ROHE' muTTT til" 7 l r 'V. so. Go to the oFRIEDMSaBOTE" BOOK STORE end purchase some 11 that splendid Wa'l Paper, ' l ' 4 :which has ptet been received. Wu always have t. band one of the Largest. Finest. Cheapest 41103 Iiiii V .1 selected steaks 4 at, Luta PAL3P3IIII.ICI. la this sOelion Buy•ng your viper at a Ttnoo whe• alreles_hr4 s l arga asssortment is worth three the. the rice you Day at other pieces where there a oily a finest' Ph.ternP offeror for sale. -lama ask is f " the people to comp and see f umpimplyea r L We chnrse with g for Arming gone Keep . *before y. %re DoighhorF, your friends p• .11 Sample: tlitit the phn , e and the only place in th Pectin' to the mid cheapest astiortmenV WALL PAPRI} !e a! the "OgatokNSBOT E" 11 00 K STORE . . oirtqlnt ••• •°/? • •gr D . LrIrENPINC & PUBIC VIE t. :TY WHITE Lt Al will do, more and better work at a Bien Cost, the say °tut! Try tit vannfatturod only ZIEI R reotilitta Din% PAW? sad °LAPP Dliptim 1.111", NC In Malt Mid Fine English Brussels Shootings, .hints, Wu. IL STECHI3I. .---i . 2 OU CAN ALL D • AN EIiffNOTUAL WPRBI MEDICINE. Vtlowst's Va10111:1GE COMFITS, •' fir Worm Losefigir. • • Iv nob sickness, undoubtedly, with children and adu ts, attributed to other causes Is occasioned by. worms. The " Versatile Cbisilte " although effeotual in destroying worms, can do no possible injury to the most delicate ohi d. This val uable combination has been successfully used by phy sicians, and ibund to be safe and sure in eradicating worms, so hurtful to children. Children having Worms require immediate at ten 'fon, as neglect of the trouble often causes prolonged sickness. sym,toms of Worms 'n Children are often over looked. Worms in the stomach and bowels cause ir ritation, which can be removed only by the use of a ~.ure remedy. 'The combination of ingredients used in making Brown's .'Vermifuge Comfits" is such as to giro the best possible bill:let with safety. CURTIS & BROWN, Proprietors , New York.— Jo'd by all dealers in medicim.s, at 25 ots. a box. May 22 186.1. —1 veer. '1 Ra V ELLELto' UU,WF. Lehigh Valley Railroad. 10413 fteaa r '''' 54 ' - ' T•T • " - 1q56111140 " 4 ' • ' uci• tUMMER, ARRANGEMENTS,-1864 On and after Monday. tiny Vat, 18110, Passenirel "rains of the Lehigh Wlliy lisilnad Company UM In conneolion with the severs] roads running W.Ete:barre, tow Stork and Yhilldelphia, as foi -1 ,598 DOWN OR EASTWARD TRAIN) No. 1. No. 5. No.'. No. 9 A. Al. A. M. P. M. A. hi 8 00 1.15 •i 0 R 00 9.80 8.08 LI 9.46 9.46 951 5.22 • 10.00 8.51 p 4 2.10 2.16 P. 2 00 2.16 Lt' TATIONO. •thliO Oli'kea Barre, Varna Tannery ,ekury Run dud Run Lock port ;henarnioah. 4ahanoy City, wienrwa, Jenneavillo .. . .. [leaver Meadow 2.36 4. 2 $ Weatherly 8.25 8.20 a Poen Haven 10.24 853 .5 vlauch Chunk 4.30 10.47 4.25 ° 4 ,eblghton 4.40 10.57 4.35 % Parryville 4.46 9.41 1 1 . .ebigh Gap 5.01 4.56 •latington 5.07 11.20 5,02 Oakdale 6.17 613 i,aury's 5 27 5.23 vhitehall 5.34' 5.110 'nifty 5.38 11.42 6.34 lokendaagna 5.42 6.38 atasouque 546 11.47 5.91 tllen Furnace 5.54 5.50 Xllentown 0.00 11.57 5.55 1 10 llethlehein 0.15 12.13 0.15 1.20 Freemeneburg 0.23 6 24 !Casio' . 6.44 12.43 6.45 2.00 Phil violoh in t 0.20 2.35 8.46 New York, 10.10 4.10 10.95 6.00 'No. 5.-I,erven Bethlehem at 12.40; Free:nano burg 12.48 ; Eaton 1.15 ; Now York 5.20. VP 01? WESTWARD TRAPS& No. 8. No. 6. No.lo. No. 2. No. 4. A. !V . 61. P. 111. A. M. P. 61 700 12.00 400 9.00 8.00 7.?.0 0.15 9.47 3.25 7.40 11.51 11.24 'reemanebnrg 10 07 3.49 8.08 iothlehom 10 94 4.110 8.15 12.24 11. F: tllentown 10.37 4.15 8.30 12.35 12.114 kllontown Furnace 4.20 8.34 tcauquit 10 47 428 8.42 lokendaugua 10.53 4.33 847 .!oplity 10.57 4.38 8.51 Vbitohall 11 112 4.43 8.56 Laury'a 31.10 4.50 9.04 -tockiiale 11 IV 500 9.14 latington 11.21 5.12 9.25 ohigh Gap 11.;16 6 18 9.31 Ourryvi'le 11 48 6.33 8.45 . uebighton 11.55 6.39 8.50 Handh Chunk 12 05 550 10.00 Penn Haven 12 33 0.13 Venth,Ay 12.51 Beaver Meadow 1.24 reanaville 1.39 ludonried, 1.44 ANhanoy City, 1 45 . S ienandoah, 1.50 Lockport 12.53 6.a7 vlll3 Run 1.1.2 646 STATION!. Now Yo k, Philadelphia, !:ufstori • I iekary Rut 1.07 f. 52 Tannery 1.17 7.01 NW , . Haven 1.Y3 7.‘ 7 %) 1 1 11Ikea Barre, .2 50 CONN e:CTIONS Central Raßroad of New Jersey—All up and 'low , rains comma at Easton with the trains of the Cen ral Railroad of New Jersey Wand from Now Yorb N ,rth Pennsylvania Railroad —D. , wn (mica N.. I, b, 'tad 7. nod up trains Nos. 2 and 8, connect ai liethieheiti with trains, for Philadelphia. Train,. *iolll Philadtlphia aonnoot at Bethlehoin 'with duw. 'rain No. 7 and with up trains Nos. 8 and East Peuwylvaniti Rallraad —Down trains Nor I and 6. and up mina Nos. 2,4, 6 and 8 oonnect a illentown with trains for Raiding and llarrienuri fruit'. train liarrishurg and Reading ocnnout, at Al 'entown with all down traias. B lii•lere Delaware ita.lroad.—Down trains No. 8 :it'd 5 connect it Phillipsourst with trains f. !hiladeiphia. Trains from nil I sdo ipn la eon nee PhillipThurg with up trains N 0... 2 and .0. au. mine from Be,videre c.nnect with up trine .ind S. Catawissa Railroad.—Down train No 7 and a, rain No. 8 connect a. Qualtalto J unction, with train of the Cat), w iBets II aileoad. Hazleton It ti road town trains Nos 5 and 7 ,nd op train S connect, with trains of the buz)o on Railroad. Lehigh and Suegoahantia Railroad•—Down trait , lON 6 and 7, aid up trains Nos. 6 and 8, (manic it White Baron, with tr.ios of het uhigb UOl.l nut quohanna Railroad to and frees Willtesharro N. hang° of oars between Will:opim° and New Yoe, an up train No 8 and down train No 7. No change mita can Wilkesbarre and Philadelphia on up train No. 8 and dawn trait) Ni. 5. R. H. SAYRE, Supt. Jr, Ent! ro,Ft-'65 DI NG RAIL 1(0 A D 6UNI2tEit ARIIAN4I EMENTS, June 11th, 1806. 1 111.E4T THU • K LING FROM THE NORTH 1 and North Warn for Philadelphia, New Y .111 Teal ng, t ottsvilla. Tamaqua. Ashlar d, L bon• it, Itentown. Enaton, Ephriau, Luiz, Lancaster, Co. Trains leave flarriatturg for New York, as Idiots , t 3.00 8 ID and 9.05 A. M.. and 2 10 and 9 5 . connecting with •itnilar Trains on di. Penn•. I ania Rail Road, and arrivine at Now York at 0 0 , d 10 10 a tn., and 4.10, 5.21 and 10 -15 p m Loping Coro accompanying the 3.00 a. m , and U 5 p m., trains, without, change. I save Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tam jot, Mineraville, Ashland, Piue Grove, A ilentowi nd Philad• , phia. at 8.10 a. tn., and 2.10 and 4.10 m., storming at Lebanon and prinoipal Wt y Stn lone; the 4.10 p. ru train making connections for -thilioislphiti and. Columbia only. For Potts tulle. tiohr*lltill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill -4 Su q tohanna Railroad, laavo Harrisburg at 3.20 P. M. noturning : Leave New 'Foetal 7 00 qcd 0.00 1110 noon and 8.00 p ca.; Philadelphia at 8.15 a. m id P.OO p. m. Way passenger Train leaysoi l'hila tl labia at 7.00 a. m., returning from Reading it • 30 p. m ., stopping at all Stations; Pottsville a 45 a In. and 2.45 p. in.; Ashlan 1 6 00 and II LI . in. urd 1.05 p. in.; Tamaqua at 9.45 a. M. and 1 • 4andBssp.m. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Sobuylkil .u.quobanna 'Railroad, ut 7,00 a. in. R. riding Aocommodati. n Train; Leaves Bonilla:- . 00 u m., returning from Philadelphia at 5 00 PM* oltinst-ia Railroad trains loave Reading nt d 45 in., 12 05 noon and 6.15 p. m., fur Ephrata, Lille answer. Columbia, .6e. On Sundays: loave New York at 8 on p m, Phil lelphia 8 00 a m and 8 15 pm. the 8 00a in trail inning only to Re.•ding. Poitsvi to 800 am. To aqua 7 0, a m llnrri•burg 005 a ni and Roadie 133 a in . and 7 '0 a m., tor Harrisburg. an. in. fur Now Y...rk and 4.25 p. in. for Phila delphia. mmutation, Mileage, Soason, &boo! and Es anion Tickets to and from all points, at reduftt. ituF. Ihiggngo obeokod through • 80 pnonAa allowed tth I.:wronger. 0. A. NICOL' S, annum Superintendent. Ftnadincr, Pn., Juno 25 h, 1866. cast Pennsylvania Railroad, irci RPM MMEEML3 SUMMER .11.1111.ANOEMENTS. Commencing lily, day. 314 21st, 1866. )IIIECT TO NEW YORK ANT) PITTSBURG I%ITIIOGI CHANGE OP CABS. CRAMS leave Allentown daily (Sundays except -1 ed) at 7.00 and 10.:i0 A'. M., mad at 12.3.1', 4.1 tad 11.4.1 P. M. The 10.30 A. M., slake direct con lections at Harrisburg, for Chtunbersburg, Hagers Own and points on the Cumberland Valley Rail oud, Norther. Central Railroad, North and South, nd the oil region. The 10.30 A. 11.,12.:+5 and 11. •• P. 31., are the Western Express trains, direr ..rough to Pittsburg without change of cars. Th 011 A. II; train stops at all stations of this row,' td make connections at Reading for Pottsville 'ort Clinton, 'Tamaqua and all points in the &buy]- . .11 coal regions ; for Philadelphia and all points oi 01 'Philadelphia and - Reading Railroad, also lb iarriehurg, Chantbersburg, Hagerstown, York, Oct shun, the oil region, Williatneport, and the-West. ao 4.15 P. M., train stops at all stal inns, connects t Reading, with trains for Pottsville, Columbia. .'phntta, Litic, Lancaster, Harrisburg, .he. Th. 1.41 P. M.;train. leaves daily (Sundays included) 1r Reading,•llarrisburg, atd . the West. Passengers arc requested o p. rehaso their tiokete , fore entering the oars, as higher fare will be mrged on the, oars. 'Motets for sale at the Allentown office for all &its on this road,and the principal stations on th. hula elphia and Reading, Lebanon Valley, and 'ennsylvania railroads, west, Northwest anti 3 ou th. vro d, Van 6.663 Ci STOLZ, Sus% a Supt. NORTH PENNS!' VANIA RAILROAD. • iiraißigaiMlANlN Three Daily Trains AlWilma to Philadelphia JABSENGERS for Philadolphia 'take L. V. R. it L trains passing Allentown at 6.00 a. m., 12.02 noon, and 6.55 p. tn., make close connection with the trains of N. P. It. R. at Bethlehem, and arrive in Philadelphia at 9.20 a. in., 2.30 and 8.40 v. respectively. Passengers for Doylestown lake 6 25 a. ta. train from Bethlehem and make connection at Lansdale and can return to Allentown the same evening. All Passenger Trains ( except SundLy Trains,) con mot at Berko Street, Philadelphia, with sth end 6th Arcot City Pa.ssonger Railway. RETURNING. Loave the new Depot, Third street, above Thomp son, Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m g and 5.15 p. m., arriv 'ng in Allentown at 10.31 a. m., and 8,30 p. m., re apectively. LOCAL SCHEDULE. Three Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Passenger trains leave do now Depot, Third street, Philadelphia. For Bethlehem, at 7.30 o. in., 3.30 p. m., and CISP.M.' For Doylestown at 8.35 a. m., and 2.30,4.16 p. m. For Lansdalo at 6.16 p. m. For Fort Washington at 11 p. m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 a. m. 12.25 noon and 4.15 p. m. Leave Doylestown at 6.40 o. m., 3.16, and 6.80 o. to. Leave Lansdale at 6.00 a. m. Fort Washington ' at 2.16 p. m., 10.60 a. in. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia,. $1 86 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. q.llO-'65. THE Gr_EAT PURGATIVE. _.0.._._ Dr. Badway's Pills. 26cts. PEE BOX. DR. IULDWAT'S SILLS. FOR TUB CURE OF ALL DISORDERS OF TAE Stomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidnzys, Blad der, Nervous Diseases, Headache, Constipation, Costiveness, indl.6 gelation, Dyspepsia, Billiousness:, Billions Fevers Inflammation of the Boweis, Plies, and ail De rangements ,of the Internal Viscera. ONE TO SIX BOXES ARE WARRANT , D TO EFFECT a POSITIVE CURE• PURELY VEGETABLE. 0021TAINING NO lIIERCUItY, lIINZRALR, OR DELETERI MTEME! DUES.—As a brisk plug.) four to six pills; as a !Isamu, 0120 or two bo token at night on rotiring. _pill-Observe the following symptoms, resulting row i isorduru of rho Itigestivo orgats: Constipation, Inward Fi,ee, FuHusks of the Blood to the Head, Acidity of tho tomach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust fur Food. FUI.1:1088 or Weight in the trtourach, Sour Eructations, oinking or 1 loitering at the Pit of the Stomach, Soiteming of the Hood, Hur ried and (Ellie:lst brearhiog Fluttering at the dean Choking o- Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Pos ture, Ditoncia, of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever and Dull Pais it, tho r earl, Defforenoy of • Perspira tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Byos, PAIN IN VIE BIDE, OLIEbT, LUMP BUD DEN FLUELIE- Oh' HEAL', BURNING IN TIIPLESII. Dr. IN d %vat y's Pi! f s Ire composed of extracta of [toots, Herbs, Plant, Gome and Ea sums, prepared in vacuu. Nothing tut the active and positive curative properties ot u, dioinal plants enter into their eotupostti , n. Be ing high y concentrated, two to lour of Radway', Pike produce a more thorough evacuation from tbt ootvels, and exorcise it wore healthful influenee on he Liver, Spleen, Kidneys, do , thin eight to ton o. iny other purgative or alterative pills in gene:al 11F0 They hai•e,io hundrids of caws secured the dealreu discharge from the bowels after Croton (if. ilarlun Elaterimu, Poduphillon, and ether pan erlu; -tathartica hove been used unsuccessfully. Thoy inn bu taken on all OCCILJIOIIII with the positive us durance of sucooss. THE LIVER. Many of the disorders of the Stomach, Bowele Kidneys. and other gmuds of the system, aro cadre. ; , ey O. raogewont in the action of the Liver. Head o I%ervoueni se, Dyspepsia Hysterics, frequent y owe their pr °settee to ii disordered liver. Who then, to guttering humani.y, are Rad 01+101 Regulating Pills, (cubed Regulators.) There Pills are the MOP sore, ellectual, and spec. iy Corrector and Reg tutors of the Liver in use .nit are the truly Medittine known to the world •leSEMLItIeS the wondisiful power et imparting natri• dicta to toe diseased sv rum] wuile it is undergoing meitiCotion. In all CbtiOJ of Liver Diffi. woes, Des. ocpsia. lostivsnties, ilimustiess, Headache, I\ em at-, the patient taking those pills derive, a now ish mg 1 ribuiplo from their use that cane. oe obtained trout ordinary loud In all cases of It, ligestion, where the torpid state of the Liver inter. mos the progtess of Dig,tion. Hadway'N ltegutat g vins quickly restore each and every organ to its natural time, vigor, health, and duty. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS ARE SOLD 1,1 DR ISIS AT 2f,e. PLR BOX DR. RADWAY'S OFFILE, 87 A., LANE, Now Yurh POLL/ o ath Ladies or nentlemen w h art. troubled with tbi tie netting Mu. utity may re y upon a quick and rad. cal cure by tilt, use of it/tower's ltrout.Artm; Ph to In umuy instances, f q.ti breath to jounced by a die , rderod stomach ; in the le,t,r the contirdrett use ni he ride will impel t rut b vigcr of hea tb !t, tie stomach ac to render the aroma from the teeth im erceptiblo. Let those who are c neriona el this in. trait?) , make a trial—kw however, who are thus roubled are uwaro it Cure cf Dyspepsia. .1 . E Oot.. 12, 1864. Dn. Jews R,DW tY S CO., Montreal, C. 11.—F0. our years I have suff-red with Dyspepsia, Loss , it petite, oiuku g P.,ins at the Pit 01 the Stomach Nervousness, Bad Dream.. and very littlo Sloop; toy appetite entirely gono and my stomach so week ar io be unable to digest the moot scruple food. Dur ing this time I lost forty-tiro pounds of Ilssh (or weight as you may ca' I it.) I was induced to take your Regulating Pills as prescribed in your Alma nac. I used only one box, and before I completeo he Loa my appetite was restored to me, my st , .oh purfeotly healthy, my dyspepsia, bad dream , mid other disagreeable sy int tows cured and was re iorod to my original woigut ; so that ono box of our Pills cured ma of a disease that for tour.yeare lad made inc miserable, nod gave me forty-Ilvt ounds additional weight. I hove taken twiny kinds f pills, but I be love Dr. Railway's Pills the best In use. JIS 0. DESCIIA .576, Ville Juliette, C. E. IMPORTANT TO LADIES Suppression of the Idea es, lleuitaclie,Hyster ics-I\e7 via isi:ess Cm ed. Ne.w.nx, N. J.. Out., 10, 1803. Dn. RADWAY—Your Pilie and Ready Belief have aved my daughter's life. n Juno lest ebo was ig,htoen years °rage, ana for three months her men 41C1 wau Fuppromd. bho would frequently you it .land, sutler terribly from headache and pains in the mall of tier back and,thighs, and bad frequent)) its of hysturica. Wu cianmenced by giving her ail ot your Pills every night and ruh.ed the Heady Be lief on her spine, back, and ) b We continued this treatment tote week, when to our joy, she wee relieved front her difficulty. She is now well and regular, and has been so over since. Yours, very truly. J. G. ❑ODGSON. Your Pills cured mo of Piles that, I tool i.taiurcd, one caused by over-dosing with dr.,Ntio pills, DR. RADWAY'S PILLS nro elegantly coated with , west medicinal gums, which render them very con venient, and well adapted tor children and per,tddi Om dislike to tuko medicine, especially pills. Price l'otunty.five cents pu: box; sod by drucu.sts Etna Country Meta:lnto. Principal (Ace, 87 Maiden Lane, Now York. tumst 1, 1865 'anti CAUSII ..tik,-re: r Of Human Misery. Poldiehod in a Senled Envelope. Price 6 'Cie A lecture nn the Nature, Treatment anti Radical "urn of :Tercuatorrt.cmt or Semitnt) Wankncsa, in. 'aced by Self-Aim e ; Involuntary Fmte lane. Im atency. Nervoutt lability , And Imp - d•menta to larringo generally; Consumption ; Rpi , uptiy and :site; vl.ntal and Pbo t•ical Incaparnty. e. By POBEkT J. CITIXHi.WELL, M. D., Author at he "Green Rank.' tie. The worlibrenowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own expetience that the awful eitategnencea ' of self-Abut.° may he -ffectan ly removed without medicine. and minivan Innumous sui weal operations hoagies, instruments rings or eordiale, pointing out a u ode of cure at Ince certain and eff,otunl, by which every sufferer to matter what hie condition mny Its , may cure him• s e lf chat ly privately and radically'. 7'his lecture .sill proven boon to thoheantleattil thousands, Seat under seal to atiy aiidrees. in a plain. pealed , ev.lope. on the rereipt of six cents, or two postaga damp. by adderssittic CHAR MANE cc' 12? Bowery, Nbir York Plat 00109 B & ox 4686. HV e lll, 4104, CONSUMPTIVES, READ WHAT DR. SCHENCK /8 DOING. DR. J. U. 8 OBEN 0 11. Dean Stao —I feel it a duty I owe to you, and to all wbb are suffering Under the diseasee known as Consumption and Liver Complaint - to let them know what great benefits I have met iced from your Pul motile Syrup and Seaweed Tonic in en short a time. 3y the blesalug of Owl it ha . cured me than her. Dr. Schenck, I will now make my statement to. you. as follows:—About eighteen men he ego 1 was, attacked with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs; I Gould not retain anything I ate, and gut tered with evening revert and night sweats. I was very much seduced. The whites of ivy oyes were very yellow ; likewise my akin ; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did eat; bowels swollen, irregular and costive. I was very low spirited, and had such violent spells of coughing when I laid down at night and when I aros. in the morning that they would last ono or two hours. I then would be nearly exhausted, anti was en tirely unable to lie on my loft side. I cannot de @Glib° my wretched suffsring as I would wish to do. Seery organ in my body wee diseased or deranged. Sueh was my situation at this time, and I was con lined to my bed from tho lust of February, IxB2, to June. 1802, not able to sit up. I had the beet of medical attendance the whole of ihe time. My cough was so very bad that it racked me very mut b. I at tbi, time rained a large quantity of thlak, yel low, offensive matter, sometime with Iflood, end it wan gen. rally accompanied by non ea tied a ferret' and thiok coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly I wt old have sharp, shooting paine iu my left aide and heart, night swats, and aeronaut all thr. ugh my whole chest; had much inward lever, pain in my back and under my ehoulder blades and inithe small of my back, and at times so severe that It would throw me into spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die. Others I had; and the best of them, but they could do nothing for me, ai d at ttlit-t time I was nothing but akin and bones. I than was in, the western part of Missouri. In Tune last W.. Left there for the East and in August last we cum. to New York, and I was so reduced that I could on ly walk a little with my husband's help. After 1 had been hero a short time the salt water breeze made me fool much better for a time, and then I tied again to call a physician for aid Wt. had four of the beet physicians of New York on the diseases d the lungs, the doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. fbey said I was past cure, and that toy unge weir too far gone for any one to cure me. But at alit .itue I was on toy feet about the house, not able t do much of anything. In Nov. mbar last I gree wont), and the consumption diarrhea sot in and lasu ad about right weeks. We had tried all and every. thing that I could grasp at like a dying person fur diseases—ounautuption and liver emplaint— but of no avail. In January 1803 I was brought down swain on my bed, and was not expected to live the night out. aly husband attived at my side, and other friends, and they ell gave ate up to die. At this time ever, one who saw me did nut think I would ever leavt my bed a living woman. The first night Imo at tacked with spasms, and ens deranged most of tbt time. A friend. Mrs. Harris. came to see me tit. last of the week, ant brought' tho Sunday .31;Toiry. In it eau on account of a great cure performed by Dr. Schenck. She tend it to Lilo, and it *as so muci like my dinette° that I asked my husband to go and see him for me. At this time I had given up all hopes of ever getting well again, an made my peace with God, to to ready whenever ho called fur n.e. On the 27th of January, lEa43, nay husband called on Dr. *Amick, 32 Bond street, Now Yorlc, and stat ed t I him my case, with a reryuent fur him to call and see me, which he did.' and examined me with ho respiroinater. When ho was about to go I settee him if ho could cure use ? Ilia reply was : "I can not tell, both tungn aro disensed, and the bronchial runes are affected on both sides." And yet he seem• ed to think there w - ro lungs enough lett to effect a .ere if the diarrhea con:d bo stopped. He paid in order to do this. lie would have to give ire Imiondrekt Pilla in Small doses nt first, to carry off the moroid matter, and then, with astringents, in hoped to check it which Lo did, but the constant coughing, night sweats, and diarrhea Lad prostrated WO e , , but be woo afraid my vital powers were too much prostrated ever to rally, and yet he at caw.] to thief. it I could live to get enough Puluionie Sy rut through my system to cause expectoration, then were lungs enough left to recover. Be wished not to ry the Pulmonio Syrup and 1 oawced Tonic Hi race. saying it would do too no harm, if it did me no good. The first week it seemed to give en trungth, so,that on cunday lifter I sat up in he. and ate hearty for a sick women; hot the next week I lost all hopes and wished toy husband no. to give me any more medicine. But the doctor hem warned h m of this, and when the medicine tars leering tut the system it made them feel somewhat restless, and to persevere; nod be immolated on my raking it ; and now feet the benefit of it. For at.. ter eight days I began to gain my strength, and with the exception eta cold that took me baolc some, I have been gaining strength of body, my cough 'is going away, and all my pules are gone; no sore: 7,0550 f the bony, my bowels are reg.. lar. and u reuth is sweet, and f thank 0 d that I am now go ing eh, at. and FM and read as well us ever I cow. I have taken .ixteco bottles of the medicine, ch.} , of each. I now have a good appetite and rest av, I. it night ; my cough does not trouble me in gettio op or lying down. I would now any to he affliette vial consumption or liver complaint, that Dr. cbnea is no humbug. You :au rely on what I. ove. Delay not; it is d..ngeroue to trill wit nese (Borneo. If you would be cured go at eta ; od any one wishing to ltnow the 'foes as bete. -toted can call at my residence, 117 West llouston, uriet, hew Turk city. AIRS. MARY F. FAPLOW. We' the undereigned, ree'donts at Now ar. ,rieuintet; Mrs. Enrico ard fint,w her stet,. wont to ha true We also know that she used D.. -chew k's Puturnie Syrup and :•eriweed Toni', .are reason to believe that to this medicine vie .wee her preservation from a prelim ture grave. 13. FAIILOW. 117 West Houston At. EUGENE UN DE It 1 ILL 6713 Or , nwieb et. • Mae EUGENE UNDE.R1111.1.,n79 Greenwich st. A L'OI I ,TA UNDER HILL, 87d Greenwich et. A. F. HARRIS, 117 M est Houston st EMILY 0 • OVER, 117 West Houston et. J. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl. Al. A. LEIGII lON. 453 Itroarlway. Mits. BENJ. CLA PP P r J Malt . ) pl. I Hui well acquainted with Mrs. • ary F. Fallon. ,ad with her husband. Mr Li Parlow. they having r a few moithe pest, attended at my aura. au um cot.vtneed tl at any statement which ilk. ; 'eight may be re it d on its true. JUAN DOW LING D., D., Pastor of Bedlorti , ,t hutch, N Y. Dr belictick will bet referaionaii at his pr t nejp : .l No IL North Slob street et,im, r of I e m. teerco. Philadelphia. every Saturday, tree, 9 A .eti 4 P. M., No 32 send street New York , ever fuer day,frau. 9 to 3; N 0.38 Summer street. I , ostot. class., every Wedno.rday, 'al in 9 to 3, and ever; .ther tidily at 1(18 Ba Croon) street, Baltmt• re, Mn ill advice tree but for a thorough efetuntottion o •he untie with his Respirometer, the charge is' three refers. Price of the Pulmonie syrup and Seaweed Tonic o eb ,$ 150 per bottle. or $7 50 por balfdozen. Man. mike Ma, 25 cents per box. Fur sale by ad Druggists and Dealers, .1 .ou.ry 2. I Cf; Man, MEXICO! $30,000,000 LOAN OF THE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO Twenty-year Coupon Bonds in Sums of $5O, $lOO $5OO, and $1 000. interest Seven Por Cont. Payable in the City of New York. ineipal am.! lalerest Payable in GOLD. $10,000,000 lo be sold at SIXTY VENTS oil the • n U. S. Curroney, ti'. 3 idling an intorekt of rivim.vr; PEtt CENT, IN SOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT IN CURItIII7,Y, at am proven! rate of premium on gold, CUE FIRM! YEAIVA INTEREST ALREADY _ PROVIDED. The Most Desirtible Investment ever Tuialcnso tracts of AILNINti and A GRICULTU. RAI, lands ; 6ixty per e:nt, of PORT OURS, POSTS and TAXES, in tho Stat of Tumuulipla .tui Sun Lois Pustusl; and the plighted faith of the -aid States and the general Government are al, pledged fur the redamption of these Bonds and pay. ;neat of Interest 830 in U n Currency will buy a 7 per at. Go'd Bond of 550. Elio in U. Curranoy will buy a 7 por cent Gold pond of $lOO. .$3OO iu U.S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. G Id Bond of s.sno. SOOO in U. S il'urrepey will buy a 7 por . cont. Gold ItALIWAY CO. -Iyr Bond of $l,OOO. bet overy luvor of Republican Institutions buy a Circular% forwarded nod euhanriptione receive.. by JOON W. CON LIBS 3 CO., and J. N. TONT, Financial Agent of the Republic of :Mexico, b 7 Brinianny. N. Y. ts..Stabserlptione oleo ruceived by Bar Its and "a hers generally throughuut thu United States. N.)venther 7 1,45,' BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUE. PUT' UP AT . WILTBERGER'S DRUG STORE, No. 223 Nonni SEC.iND :STREET, PIIILADELPIIIA. Will color more water than four times the same quantity of ordinary Indica • It is warranted to give satisfaction. and Is retailed at the same price as the Imitations and inferior ar k, eISI4 fmavß4ltn • , AltRI •OE AND CELIBACY: an. Evay , of; 1.11 Warning and Disituerien forYonng Meni Al.. - ea, Diseas , a and Abuses which prostrate the vital power. with sure means of relief. ent free of obarttoin sealed letter envelopes. (hirers DN. J. SKILLIN DOUG/110N, lloward emaciation. Phil. adolphliti Pa. April 1146 1118116/1 OFFERED leant ONE BOND 31E2 mr MD Mil THIt 17,1011 KEW NMI GOODS LOOK IN Al' s: NEW FIRM ! MET.I.II3IELIK 3311.00., (LATE HUBER & DILLINGER,) No. 7 REST HAMILTON STR,EE2, ALLENTOWN, PA. Would respectfully inform the end en of Lehigh county that thoy have just formed a co-parnership as above, and that they bavo just unpacked a frosh atnek of SUMMER 000DS, FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are now offering them at the LO WEST MARKET PRICES. DRY GOODS! CONSISTING C`F THE LATEST 6TYLEEI OP Figured and Plain Alpnene, Figured and Plain all Wool De Lulus SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpane?, Linen and Cotton Sheelings, Checks, Gingham, Bedticks, Flannels, &c„ Shepherd Plaid Balmorals, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Velvetine, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Drills,' LADIES CLOAKING, Rath Colors, Middles= Cloths, Reppellants, ana PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. 3 fill '7 ITs 7 [ll & 4 1 J2GLIIO A full lino of Cloths, Cassimores, Rattmotts one Vesting.% all kinds and prices, which will bo solo s.beap. We have constantly on hand a large nod well cc. "lasted stock of all kinds of CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, aster, &c which uv will di peso of at the very lowest east prices. All kinds of Country Produce tokon In o velum& for goods, and the highest markei priec. a ;lowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest ! 'Or wo feel satkiled that we can suityour 'veil as your Ounces. Don't forget the place, No. T West Hamilton 'treet, second door abcce the Eagle Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage received in the east, and hope that by a continuous effort to accom .dato their friends ant customers, and in (some pienco of the largcness owl variety of tbcir Stack, to , nerit and recoivo a continuance of tho support and rood will of the people. A. A. li VFW C. L. Iftmurt. July IS. Important Notice FROM M. G. BROWN, No. 410 Arch Sreet, Phila -••••"""""...,, BROM a life of study, s observation. and xperienco, and years of practical appli cation cf wy • Metaphysical Dittonvery" it thou:quid:, of diseased anon. women and children L have justly come to the ortnclusion that every fault -, in the land, who wish to get rid of dieted.° anti seep It at buy, mast have my 31etapttysie..1 D4cov v., always on hand. It is a certain proven (atm, gainst disease. It also treats and destroys the t .uso of diEeaso, consequently the etTect3 die, bo . 4inning with Deafness, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neu ...tilt, with every disease man, woman or child is •eir to. It is the only safeguard against Cholera. I lesnses every' srwet of tho human body. harden. no flesh, nod purifies the blood. In consetju.nce Ito above facts, I have this day reduced the price. 0 as to leave no harrier in the way of tho diseased The package consist of three bottles, one used to. he Eyes. ono for the •Ears, and one for tho Scalp.— diet° three cork in conjunction, passing into th. 3stsm by absorp , in , thus killing the very root I su a souse, which is in a specific locality in th o ad. my Metaphysical Discovery is packed in a nen voodoo ea o, and will he despatched to any part I he world oe receipt of the mire. which wilt be, fron lute 25th day of Nov( tuber, sold at $4 per package , Oro , packages $.O. Celebrated Poor Richard's Fyo Water ',erg. cc. $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5. `mall sin r.c, , lp Renovator $l, or six bottles her $5 he medial, es emu be obtained through your drug or at the Depot, Ix o 410 Arch street. The following letter is ono of the many which I 13COIVO daily at my &abr.:W. offices:— REMARKABLE CUBE. —Catarrh, Asthma, dc. Moo Ctionvan. residing at N0.,62 Allen street toston, says: I have been troubled for four year. with sore throat. For two, years I sufferel wth ea arrh and . seat dizziness in my head, almost onus ttg mo to fall. I suffered groa ly with asthma, it tumg hereditary in the family. I was dist need al aver. I could not go where there was any dust. I gad vreat pains in my head and neck. I have "W- I tared much with cold feet. Oho bones in my neck yore drawn out of. place with the asthma, and my throat If oked like raw beef After applying to va rious physicians and obtaieing no relief, I finally applied to Mrs. M. 12 Brown, by whose medicines kayo been so much benefited that I sin now like -Soother woman Formerly the least exposure gave rue cold; I could not go to the door with my laid uncovered without an attack of tho asthma. My istlima is now entirely gone. My catarrh has wholly disappeared. I felt naafi and languid for many years, so that I was aburden to myself. The eoulnees of my feet has disappeared, and I feel a Atoneral eirculut'on through my entire system. caw ibg me to be, as formerly, flit' of strength and viva city, and can attend to household (Mica us well as aver I did in my life." It is the only stfoguard against disease. Including CHOLERA. It cleanses every sewer of the baton body, hardens the flesh, and purifies the blood. The Celebrated POOR RICHARD'S EYE WA IT& is the key which opens the door to the health of both mind and body. Let all use it morning and night. a.. Schmidt .t Co., Allentown, Pa., Solo Agents for Lehigh county. Deieinher 12. Min A I'4lW WORDS ABOUT Great Western Remedy ! ',HIS remedy is now perporming the most won derful cures. It cures Einem:dim, Chills and Foyers, General Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, Glow Keadanhe, to., deo. In all cases a sensible relief is gu ranteed in from flee to ton wiuutes, and a l'ElIFEra CURE in from -ix to twelve de) s. 'Never bar it yet failed in 001 .olitary instance to accomplish far more than wt have promised or the afflicted applicant anticipated The Curative Pr. pertic of the Great Western Remedy are truly wonderful. Whole pages of tee tituontats f:ttm it.fluential oltlaenm might be given, to the publ,e, tut we deem it to be supet tlypus, LIM you may readily find persons of your own acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease, dispelling and kettith prumotiun qualities ul the Gloat Western Remedy AARON DAVIS, Discoverer and manufacturer, a 25 Broad St.,,ll,,N J. The West Western Ruined) may be .tbmlned of 'tit established Druggists ihrt walnut tine mote ry. W. E 13 . 11 . 01.113 6 Sou, Druggists A Ileutt.vt hobo •ale Agents. [ %twit 3. INVENTORS' OFFICES, D'EPINEUI & EVANS, CIvIL ENOINEEPB & PATENT SOLICITOBB, Fo. 435 Walnut street, Ihilad'a. Patents poached—Consultations on Engineering Draughtmg and Sketcher, Mt dela and hlachiner, oil kinds ganit and skilfully attended to. Bpi & at.ontion giseti to REJECTED CASPS and INTERFERENCES.' AuMontle Copies of all Doc utients froth Patent Of ice procured. N. El -.tiava yourselves 'uselers.tronh , e and trav elling Pzpetiree, as there is no m tual need .or per 'Ronal Interview with ult. All ho.ineer with thew. ..ffices con t.e freneeoted in writing. For further Information direct se nhove, with stamp ehillosed, for oircular ithreferenhisi Jemmy lib MIL Dishes .! Dishes ! Dishes ! 11k7117 AIL 3E. MK. IEI Mt ff.* n: Sd 211' at a 9 WEST iIA.IVJEILTON STREET, NO. 79 NEXT DOOlt TO THE BLACK BEAR ROTEL. An Entire New Establishment for the People! DISKS, DISHES! Thew is nothing like Disheethat is, when thorn is somothing good in them. CHINA, GLASS WARE & CROCKERY. A CARD.—I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown, Lehigh and adjoining cuunties, that I have just opened a now store in the above line of business. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of the newest and best patterns in China, Glass and Czockory Wares. Housekeepers Remember! I keep the best imported White Granite Ware, figured and plain ; oleo, a full roceartinent of common White, Edged, Yellow and Rockingham wares. CHINA AND GLASS WARE. WHITE CHINA SETTS, EDGED CHINA SETTS, AND CHINA SETTS, BELGIAN GLASSWARE, BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, AMERICAN GLASSWARE, ORNAMENTAL TOILET SETTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, Fruit Jars Fruit Jars ! . - CHEAP AND GOOD Housekeepers, and those about commencing, who desire 'to purchase good and dump ware, I respectfully invite to call and examine my assortment,—no trouble to allow it—and is all cases necessary my ware will be carefully packed. Allentown, July 18, 1865-Iy] Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : - SCHOFULA AND SCROFULOUS COMPLAINTS. EDUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE. DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RIIF.USI, SCALD lICAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AF FECTIONS, MERCUItIAL DISEASE, DROPSY, NEU. HALM& Olt Tic DOULOUHEUX, DEBILITY, DVS. PEPSIA AND INDIOBSTIOH, ERYSIPELAS, Rost on Sr. ANTHONY'S FIDE, and indeed the whole class of complaints :Irian fium IMPURITY or THE BLOOD. . This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. By the time ly expulsion of then many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through whieh the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its Impurities bursting thropgh the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people' enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this lasting of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. Duringlate years the public) have been mis. led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. ost of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa title, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. Ain we think we have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the discuses it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. I'REPARED DB. J. C. AVER it CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, OIL per Bottle Six Bottles for 85. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it Is entirely unneceFsary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, wo need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR VIE CURE OP Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentco, iiut Stomach, Erysipelas, headache, Piles, Rheunzatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases. Liver Complaint, Dropsy, 'Meer, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they arc the best aperient in the world for al the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Box; Five boxes for $l.OO. Greet numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit Alto insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratisourAMetucAa in which they are gtven ; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment. that should be fol lowed for ieir cure. Do not be put MY by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AYER'S, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. CM All our =wiles arc for Bab by 111 L:10 L t,. rind by D ttmlets ind dealers over whore At %Vilelento by JM. %I/title; & CO., Plit sdulphia. October 24 —ly Geo. K. Reeder, No 15 East HAmiltou Street, Door to Jiliii B. Boer's Drug Store %Al ILENE hu huovs corstuncly on hand fun an sortment of ready-muds chdhing, such ae COATS, VESTS PANTS &o. also GENTLEMEN'S FUNNISILINtiI GOODS of all kinds, which f r Workmanship, Quality and Prices, are not surpatsid iu c .ivo. A largo and well scleoti ud stock of glft' VI !A ED Ti.2&?_ 231 U a s .t&l always on hand. Clothing made to order on short notice, and a BIM FIT GUARANTEED. Call and °violin our steak. April 10. 'llo—lyl GEO It RERTIER. Pi ; g Mit y kD. Tho Whitest. tho most durable and tho most econom ical. Try it! Manufactured only by . Zieglei & Smith, • liolesal“ 'Do the, Paint & G Nen Deall:;94 jat,Botle3 No. 187 N. Thlid BE.; Phildde CO IN 49..1-,1-&.L.C:NUCC:IIPV DISHES! CHIMNEYS AND WICKS. RICIZARD WALICEBt, No. 79 West Hamilton Street Music ! Music !! Music!! SHEET MUSIC DEPOT!! A large oupply on hand—it wo have not got the piece you want, we can get it for you in n ittitl ,, ye. if you wilt leave the name of the piece with INsTnnerioN Booro for all Mode of Instruments constantly on hand at Foust's Variety Store. VIOLINS .1 VIOLINS 1 VIOLINS 1 1 -V all prices. Violin (String:, Tail Piecee, Pege, Boas, Ruein, 'Moak Music paper, at Fousr's Varie ty Stun... • STAMPING ! STAMPING !! Done at short hot;ee--reeeiving new patterns con stantly. Call and see the patterns at Psuet's Varie ty More. NOTIONS! NOTIONS! 1 NOTIOYSI 11 Ilandlter.lief-, 'Hosiery, illtivrs, Threads. Sewing Silk, Pine, :Needles, Combs Braids, and hoop Skirte. Call in—it page to go round thecorner to roueCs Va rlet.% Store. BASKETS: BASKETSIBASKETSI.I Market Baekets, Dinner Baekete, Traveling Mo. Cake 13:teketN, Card I.3askete, Fruit Daukete, Fancy BaPhete, at Fouet'e Variety Store. WHERE Ira POINT'S VARIETY STORE Siitli Street. L-Wect, HictL .ct, Sixth Street, Eokue door m from pgroilton, in one of the roomg un der NO. 600ti'9 (Arnerienn) [mo,y22.oin Dr. P. R. PALM, LATE SURGEON IN THE UNITED STATES ARMY, would announce to the citi zens of Allentown and vicinity, that ho is contin uing the practice of Medicine in ALLENrows, OD Eighth Street, above Bawdlton, Urn home Lichtenwallaer A co'c atom. Having had the hon or to belong to the OPERATING CORPS at the bat tles of Fredericksburg, Chanceßenville, Franklin's crossing, Ace. and having had charge of sEvEnAt, FlospurALH, 1:e has had much experience in all the details of SuncEny and the treatment of (linnet, generally. The Doctor is a regular graduate of the JEFFORSON MEDIcAL COLLEGE of Philadelphia. and hue neon practicing medicine during the past eight een years Having had much experience in the treat ment of dlaeases of the EYE, he would e,pecially solicit the patronage of those who may be afflicted with diseases of that important organ. !laving m itered the eight :f many who have been BLIND FOB YEARS. He would Bin solicit the attention of those =offering from chronic diseases, such as DROPSY, (for which ho has an almost infallable remedy,) Diseases of the KIDNEYS. ELRECIIIATISM, NEURALGIA, DIMON. IC COUGHS. DIARRUCEA and DYSENTARY, (which he professes to care in less than half the time required by rdinary remedies, ) GRAVEL. Germs, or enlarge ment of too neck, PILES. MAIIASSIUS or Consumption in children, SICK HEADACLIE. TAPE WORN, I,OIELAN cooLiA, SCROFULA, or King's evil, EPILEPSY, or falling Fianna...P[lTM SORE TEIROAT TETTER,DII9. EASED PECULIAR TO PCII•LES j also diseases of the Liver, Lungs and Heart, Having now practiced medicine hero for over two years, the Doctor is able- and willing to refer to -per eons in thin place who have boon cured by him of mostof the diseases specified. All calla from town or county will receive prompt attention by day or night. Medicines furnished to all patients, which hetpre-, pa:es himself, us he will use none but the very best. References : Hie foroier patient*, sillontown. Mn, 20 18,9 PACIFIC HOTBL I 170, 172, 174 & 176 GREENWICH ST., , (ONE 13QU tRE WEST OF BROADWAY,) Be!theca Court Jana and Dey Sid., Aar) York. JOHN PATTFN, Jr., Proprietor TUE PACIFIC ROTEL, is well and widely known 1. to the traveling public. Tho location is espec ially suitable to merchants and business men; it to in close prim mity to thq business part of the city, —is on the highway of Souther t and Western trav el—and adjacent to all the principal Railroad and Steammat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished, and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and ant• Oslo inert of its inmates. The rooms aro spacious and well ventilated; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and re , peatful ; and the table generously provided with every delicacy of the 603F1011. Tho subscriber, who for the past few years, bas boon the loeseo, is now sole proprietor, and intends to identity himself thoroughly with' the interests of his honsm With long oxperienco 91Ia hotel-keeper, he trusts, by moderato °barges and n liboral policy, to maintain the favorable reputation of the PaCiIIO Lintel JOHN FATTEN, Jr. Now ;York, Sept. 12. —ly Great Bargains. THE U. S. GOVININNIONT aro coring their ticelood and supernumerary clock of Rename Ina vr,as at low r itea. Don't be afraid to buy hccaitso so twiny are awroniod, sprained, and other- WiFO crippled. Day the florae, and theft buy one or two bottlos of sMITIPS LINIMENT, and use as directel, end you eau double your mon ey. I , no hottlo will effect a cure, unless of very long standing. Tots Is the host euro for Sweeny ever known.— No Rowel or season needed. Smith's' t has been proven to be one of the beat things to cure and give relief to persons of• dieted with • heumstitin or Neuralgia poins, or pains occasioned by overexertion or exposure. Ie can always be hnd wholteato and retail at the Drug red t f Dr. W. E. Barnes. Allentown ;W. W. Selfridge, Bethlehem; J. S. Lawnli, Catasauqua, or of the Proprietor, July 11 '66-1v PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD.- ' preferred by all practical Painters ! Try 111 and you Irill have no other Manufactured • by ZIE(LER k 83:11T11. : • cosol.sitALs Dune, Pilot and &Liss bettissie; 5n80,173 No. 181 North Third attest Philaislphis: ME G. W. SMITII, pa
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers