-Pci=fsa s.rad 7", •; 13ri . , MMIII 11l e- It • "? " I ._• II t . • . i •, . g! gtg ~ lttiv. I. pubbilie r i ivii7Valieio3r '. Of iiMinr: L ' ' ' as:—lgo. int gait FralnilarOttiot4 1.P.0.) - a. moss & •lo. , ,rossamor. Editora l qi;d Proprietori. TIM Olr !SUBSCRIPTION: EBQ Pox* 'A_rinum, As`No deriMlßA..roodo trout , our : publirbe. nag, and no papet disoontinued, until ail .arreer es are paid,except at the option of the publisher" 115.743tir iDVERTIBINO t r .• 11 times. $ mth.. 6 'nabs. 1 p • Stoats • $1.50 $3.00 $5. 0 0 $13.0 , wo '" 1.00 5.00 3.011 120 ree tt ^ 4.50 1.00 " • 10:00 , 15.0' Twelie MUIR fldinion) constitutor a tumor.. onger adveltisernensts ID proportion, with a tenant hie deduction to those advertising by the year. otessional attar per year' . 7• . • $3.0 Administrators' and Auditors notices . 5.0' Stir•Dirptayedsidvertisements will be charged to. RN space 'bey inotrikpy. R eptol triton a. Tributes of Respect, and Obl• eery notice; Will he eharged 76 °esti per 'quire. noticea in thit 1040 "Departmer 20 cents per lift.. (PLAgral Vs FAINT MOVEN!) ' O?"ALL FINDS; • executed in the BEST STYLE, at the itherteit •Yr. 41,4 at the. T,OVivaT PRTCER jthS. It ( u .Ai ticOlhatNLY. Itorney gut 1 aliV, CATASAUQUA, LEUICIII COUNTY, PENNA Mara' 8 1866. J 4 'Os DILLINUER, Attornpy at Law, erner of I gast flamaton St- •and Law AM. ALLENTvWN, PA. A .•ii t5.-tfibB .1 P. WYOKO Attorns y_Alt, Law, ..ALI:ENTOWI4, PA )PFI(P et :this south side of littudltou etre° t doors west of Mllt. , u J. biramere store, and 01 p site the Ideals Huta*. [sun BL EDW N ALDER; P, Attorney at Law, I jour HCORK nti"Vl TEM OCIVRT H 'UNII. L E s AT 70W N, LEHIGH CO., P 'AO " 1 / "' I V kiftitrihr.) Attorney and Counsellor at ism, A LLENIOWN, PA. FA ?O ipso WILLIAM H..HIN DEN. Attorney end counsellor at I am. ufrioe Rain Itamiltpu Street, 2 doors Alla , A LTANITO QN, PA. Feb. 12 leek -is EDWARD HARVEY. Attorney at avv, ' A LLENTOW N, P. 0,11 , * with lion 4 nnwell %. Teridstim rmny' j 0 El 'N. It P , ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIANToWN, PA. f`rrion with A. 7/oolev..r, 13. q . opposite 'be Cnn• bun.. Can he efinielt..d in Chrome [amyl 13. DAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LIANTOWN, PA. rTeP nrensite the o .lort Howe. rinnyl-1 EIUMASB MEIZGER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A LLILNT. Wv. PA. OFFICE : No. 62 East Hamilton Street. ay 29, 1866. UN. V. 61tL 8, A.:4TORNtY AT LAW, ,ALIANT w4z PA . Oirrea! Seoond door above tho 6ourt Trouse any 29, 1865. , 5' 0 'WU H. 80 IJ ALL ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLIENTtowN rA. •Orrien: First door above Law Alley May 20, 1.!,(111.. GULDIN tilik.,ASEAlk,h, • Lq I.r 11 4 ica.e: No. 46 Hatt Hamilton Fitment, Allentown, Pt. One door below H. Ontb store. q itte6 N Is %, TNDI RTA HER & FURNISHER Seventh se ea, bet, w West Side, Lldui POW N, PA. April 11 1886 —1 BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE. PICTURES Cartes de Visite% $2 per Dozen NEntrives Rraisreßrn 8 W. BUBO AW, No 7 East Hamilton fit ,41,I,RNTOWA. 14. Allentown. Rept. 13. —t EAGLE HOTEL 227 North Third Street, Between Rare and - Vine. PHILADELPHIA Tn"fl et eines :ntel I..etted in the canter of huelneen, With Wronlo 6.4 elteolirmt nerom mielett•tee. S. S. It IEII If .. Propriel or January 21 INS& N. P. Airwhard, Seipl€3 & Shimer, ilO,LMke - E GkOCER:i Teas. B.nd Filioes. AL•,'O ALL 0. 4 invonatt the (ALLEN apt 3 3 1 A I.LENTIMN. PA Dl. H. A GRIM. sinlaccoriN-otmcv • Fl9o*- -1, 4 1 0...Ehi5r 'Diy ,-.Forni A. C. .1 tetuthe t R i e II n rea yfo mourns the emetic* 011 hie Rowlett at No 76 We.t ttamtlton !street. ectary oniusite the Blurt , Bear flare .1, Gross* PalaceCaTtithotograPir -',Y4 (ni; wear' entlrs. To 11._ lob PLR ‘"l4 -11•04arei sm• 10, L ' s oilsi O r - -- 11 6 gram Cardift. - pi e sell r — d ;-.."°""°"ri r''Tes sigtanfik s*h ' " PO etticirs Merieleir .3 '4: li' d• ;haw , titi, -- ',- `• r ' ilip•siiLuti. ,15 ,li t d ;.,'" ,1: . • , ..: -. 1:.1, ; ..." -- .. 1 °:. .',. '' 7 ..r41::. ' . . tr•••• *..-- . I ` 4 "-!..'.-"hr. ..-' 4 " 4 ..iwagat.:3., • . v , f t....,.. /1 ft . ..4 4 17 147 4 . 7 , ^ o ,:•,t -, ,f , , ; ' • 1,.. v)t,:,--: ? ) .'l ^ :'6 ,1 0 , - .1 :. 1Pr.:1)1. ,'. - new. I \ ..,:t . r ~; Z.:. • N.. •.. il l'. C:CI * "i% IDi Tat - • JITET TV'•!LT 77.'.' 7, - '7: 1 p. _ e - !. 4. • qt . . .- 1 r.rq ' 'T , .. ,r^ • -.. i'f 1.1 '' IT F.: --...:-" :'^:e,r........ .Ir-rriy.-,? I .—...,-.,-; . ... t r •r•r.,r r. -..•:..f ' • - .. r1 :.,,=. r. :i: .-,-,.. .-, • - ... -...—: .. ' ' - ' . 4 ' :.: 1 1; •' re; - f': . ) )i . '!' 1 1 . 1 ' .• : ' .. --7".. '' , -!- '-'l' .? I t k4. i ,I.— - - - .lt - ,:, • .-: -..•- • r /7, -- % 1 .2,-:E . j I 13 ' 9 .::' : ". -.;,:i ' - '; '. 7 •,; 1 :il r d. .'' ' T'i '.: ! .7. N. ' ( f 1 • .cl' ; --' ..--Irr..• - : •r• io..t. r. - ,:. : i .. r„ ." : 1 , -- . . .• :..5. , 1 .5,! , 0 9 . 1 '. ..-. ‘. .: ,‘. 1:;!. . • I al, 1 . r Iff- a •,....Z , - ,7 ;;' : 1 P;. • -:b 1 .i; - •' :rr - r. ,•,-.. i r , i r r , -, o 'l'..i+ I ~, r,....r0 f , . .., • :.t.:... 1 1:, fl . 1 . .. .4.1• • .. 1 ' ... . 1 t:, o , : '. • , \.\.....„.... 1 .'... 'f, r ) ,6 rr - ,r, c---(4., . . -,, • r, - - , • I . e r -7 7 . -- •••• % , , •, ." . • . , •.• . . , ME 154.1. ; . . iffiltoo h. ICCQ 4.• 11a I` . ' 3 f r AIL i !Ect tS Y9 W *• - VAKI§el t bleaupde informing sem peop l e of the 11 rurreutid!pe neighborhood, thott bq hirlorititeo. himself Near 7'. reeei r ee gotet 401ertt he ie ready to nerve the people . iiithfi night. E. Gerhard 4. Ce.,, JOBBERS OF . Cassimeres. VESTINGS. ITALIANS. &C,. NO. 333 ORNIITNII STRUT, Up Stairs, PHI JADELPHIAO' Timu-r7 AQ. IRA 6 6-411 p SPI.ENDID tiTOcK OF GOODS SUITABLE 1 for Bridal or Birthday Presents' Now is the time to wake your purchases. Thi rock is entirely uew. LAD.IIB' & GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. We tore the flosAi exportro-nt of Lediee en It•nht . go.d Watohet over brught in this city. F kiV 443 Ve have the !erg wt stook that has ever been brougi • Allentown. We have also tb. velobrated 4 intl. .an Watch. and * I etv;ea f 14141ish and Swi• v tabus suitable fwr ndiss aid .`1 , 4 s We exceed in winnitry and earroy of the la e• Oro.. New ar , d heautifu. erylee of Lanier' full ea, Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets. Ladies' and irente wart. GOLD CIMINO. ,ent' tStrocr e•• dens. Gereds' Scarf in. , . Ladies' Ga , d Thimbles. nd a very large variety of Kllver Thimble., rem , aeon, Belt Buckles, ehatmn, Bingo or rerir en , aentifol designs, and :Attu the Plain Fling .nitahl engagement., end a luffpevariety of other thing , 11:1 UUtatsuos to mention •• GOLD PETS W e have a very large asserturnA, Lleo Gold and Silver adders ,f all styles suitable for i sidles and (lents. EL EGtAIT SILVER WARE. -au: CM O ITU DraLERII Itt =EDEN WA' rcti • S & JP: Vt: h:- .R Y. WI COSI WIIERSI KELI.ER & 11110. JEWELRY STORE. JEWELEY. In .6u tine our ,St. toll in quantity molt allele of styles. anyl in t ev.q. offered for ea e end cannot fat , a. pletoe the meat feeddioub. 'ULL SETS OF TEA sus, CAKE B ‘SKETS, FRUIT BASK. TS, CAST ORS, . SILVER ("ART) STANDS, SILVER PI ronE.,s, tatmAm II UPS. SYRUP CANS, 4ALT CELLARS. GOLD AND BURY LINED OYKI ER LADLES, l'h.K I E FoRKS, BU I I ER KNIVES. 'IEA DE-SERP AND TABLE SI DONS. Etc 031 D OD SILVER SPLDFALES, hove a very large Impertinent; patrons Canto , 'Ai tit .ult themselves, and allot the must fashion .ale styles. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest a.eortment f Cloaks the •a, ever been offered hare f.r Aldo Perfume decir .ig a g ..d Clock cannot help but suit themae.ve• ill new and all of the I , teet style,. Wo have ale° a terve asetortment of BANC'S' it,01)12. too nunierone to mention. at Pri...7a1140. All bin& of w at. boa, Cloths a d Jewelry care tepaired and w riautt•cl KELI ER d 13119. ftemorotor the Place, Nerrli3rd'e 0 d ritaud,No 7 VI to , t Hamilton atrtet Allentown, On KELLER. • • b. KRLLER. t00.5.iy vtdvizatu WATCHES! VIATAIS Cocks! locks! .11:LRY J WiTtlYis ! daELBY siO ,(1100 Vt Ottril UF ticks, tVgitehcs & Jemtlo ORE nt)b tun LOW EST CAAH PUCE the lurgen and boot *Women swortmant taint, Oluake and Jewelry, in Ltilt , sh county, be bawd at I HAS. S. NIASSEY'. 4 ;. 1.0 23 T BA if IL TO:V We hove uo.dosire to boric and we !Tea nd Bed b WWI we soy that out litt.ukt it, lar g er nip complete slum ell the Jewel r'. establlshmet s rs he (moot,' put togs ther. Just received a ver; 'MO'.. end slew sot assortment, f WATCHES, - JEWELRY, SILVER WARE ompriring louliefe HUNTING WAT CHES. ORNT:•° (LULU L :=ILVIKR, HUNTING. & (Ellall51) irumi GOLD, SiLVEtS & PLATED CHAIN-t . riP..(trs S, FOl K. AN" PLA N Pli IN hi: to i. FI UIT K' etc., With en ember], variety. .ftha la oat etyte of iaw a lry Attu, a large and complete ase-rituent of BP 0L.133. it. Gold, "Myer ' , tea. and P ate4l oases. We &aim to call attention to nor stock of 311.1.41111.4171;54. We late nonetantly 111 hand a full luiportment o ii. A. Ptt Ils (T.'S i e 'blot. d Melodeons, of els. a tab.r f r rburelie+ or j•arlors. N B Perleular ottont4on paid tot .40 Bepalrla of Watebte el..rkr and J. wady All rollt eat' rAnt.d We dintra to It forna.somita.pong in tl. SI . un94y. t b .t any Block r. palliate th . lab dun. it chair Boman "ill. b%pri Oip ti ti a retnidrd M 413 ET. No. SA at amilt.ll streei Alt, at. ion. PA ,1,44115 ly A PICTURE FOR EVERY ONE, STE,IL! ENGRAVINGS AND Finer CLAIIP LITHOORAPOR forwarded by Moll or Hipress to all parts of the United States. .11.1eing among the largest Wholesale Deab ra in Engravings initial houhtri—oor. taellitiee 'are sup. rior in giving the public a greater varb ty or woblects to select (rota than elan be obtain. tad from other houses. ' N. to is the time 4) ENO,' poitmit: Nollome complete wlthunt suitable pictures adorn.. log thy walla. f Aiwa tar our Porphloih,Coleillgst-EN.P_agcl" 4 „, which contain' descriptive list oriiiaillricitiiri4lwin 4 Prices pttached.-41... . d [Ageatirtiriuteil Tint] odoinvenn•a• • Ai4reor, GEowcig 11: PERDI Bogravor PubliFbet, )11 114,355 w To k. Now 1110.,JARtr 0114 t. 'ON r'roft • ' "."" t ' •• - • r ! :':::;;'..:,.;riiliti4..-'4:.,.:',:.)t00k1y.r..,...br,,::.i1,1:#.11.;'.11.•:,4:.p0..r:i!e,t.::..i,:',.T.,,tp1-i.::',7•.50-.0!1)..i ptlF: .411,n)1(in! TI)W•NU 1),t1 ..,„ .Tg.S TUX* yiTA.Y. .%ABINET. , WARE , ..RJO:i.: John itiniburg, N AI 4 LENTOWN, LEHIGH IJOUNTY roll.. taker this method to infore , JJ his fri ..di 3 Oastomers, and the public in genera be. he is .)w Osirrying on the business on his owe , mount . .1. . NO )2 1 11A MILTON STREET, ..I , poslts alien; uch's Hotel, where he ita'now pre• e in . ll et:" may give him a call. Ili arms. it stock • 'at La', surpassed, and consists an of me f.ll w 44 aItANN: tureaus, side Plat le, " Pier, Centre, Card. Dining. and Brett fast 'rabies, Book Cases Cupboards, W humid and `Sofa Tables;'Par . for *Nolen. 8. tar's, Hallo Stools. Spring-Sea. Rocking Chaim, Bedsteads of every variety, tad . in general every article which is kis'. .n d well regulated establishment. it manufactures also every variety of Furnitur rder, after the latest ..tylo. and every article on . bite must ne us represen ed, anti must be sail afar, louse-Keepers and especially young persons tr ...1 nit to ongage in keeping 0011110. $OOOl , l not n. :el .0 cell on him befidr purchasing eisewhare, • teals satisfied that he can offer bargains that tits k ..t be •lurpadead anywhere outside at Pttilinietphi• ear the liberal patronage already received ' ..10 • ,ry thankful, and will still endeavor threuri it ml pries' mod fair dealings U increase the sumo Or- Erou't forget the place, No. h 2 West H a m, • .0 Street s where you can as 1 and satisfy yours's • the truth wttiosb is herein JO stated. HN IHAT.DURti. dsataern. duly 2. las& 1 '4 11{1' ANT iVW : KIVIB kill, HELFRICH & iiioulTEE!l.2o iIIDEUAKF:!S. ALLEN? ()WE. PA IlliE:underaiiined take thir method, of intormini. limit trienda, and the public genera" - . rhu. t iffy have ounatuntly on band a full, et pp'7 .1 ems SUCH AS Surviius, Sideboards, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Suta Tablet', Book Cases, Sofas, Bodeteedia, Waehstanas, &0., &0., &O ‘tt nd in general every article whit% is kept to that ne of bushiest goose-keepers and persor.6 Inter ding to angst/. keipiug house, should give us a call -before put tllltliDg elsewhere. They nianufaentre alto every kind of tarttlArew .rder at the shortest notice. ITNDEILIP sic , fill be promptly attended to. They will fungal •ishogany and Walnut Coffins; also Coffins covers• with cloth. B. P. fiEIIVIC4Cg. BIIL. lIELPRICH tiEO 11.14.‘1135C11. fan n. Itkis \V Boot and hoe Store. New Firm. Nvw loVe and .a• w bonds. 1a VING just token the extol sive wore iocin in Rue s Buildit.d. next.door to the Allen Hou•e, d respectfully invite the atten•i•.o , f th,, le.I e.t p au. , .eutoorn and num undine ei . untry, to their hap. varied, ud well Mt 1.11 3, up st tk t• 1 BOOTS AND SHOES. They mil twit vue e hover ',nick in t e nay o BOOTS AND SHOES. . or 'cis room'', than y. n un buy,. 'bon tar el..ewhert The than ecapki a. c..n be -ati 13mt by an txditnt ••ation 01 the baarlt they . fret r nolo. 6 / heir Ala) uFacturing Dip Aliment •eiig mum tho ollyarl/1,..11t1 of •ne Inv t in. wh. ties had much experience in the budineop, they ex ui•adtnt that he itts..n ID every inetuuue whe a wink of an , te•nriptieo is 0 tiered That ti is nothing in the line of wear for the f.e -not 1N.D.111/t be 1 no.l at tbie 130(11' AN!) 8110 E STOIII. AT 4NGINNI F OLLOWS : ofant Bb. ea, all Rt,yles trotu 10 cte. to $2 y e olr. ('hilaren'e S wee, all s yler, fro. 25 rte. to $ er p.tr. !Otto& Shoes, all styles,• fn to 75 eta to Sit 0 )0? pair. Youths' Shoes, all etyles, f out 60 ote. to 616 pe, air 13.41, • Shoes, ell stylo. , , t um 75 eta to $4 pot air. Ladles' Shoes, all styles. from $1 to $5 psi rolr giants' Shoes, all st) las, from $ .50 to $: 50 pc' Nir You Boots all tt3ler, tniu $1 60 to $5.50 per prir Biqa' Boole 011 Pt3l , s fn m $ 111 $5 per Pair Mona' 130. ta, 01l rules from $3 50 to $l5 pet omit. gotuatry Ed et chanty and Dealets ay- Vied at tip L.bbing sates. 'mai) putl a x a lot i.e4 bt gne a cull tmfont oun•boant 1113 to rheviheio, J(lnrrintirtin, Ap I 7 If .1. V.linger's 8001 1 and SHOE KfORE 11 AS horn venom a in Enpi 11 mil ton otter,. oppoolto the ti•rrroin Reformed Church, Al.:wool:I po„ ,Acre he Year c , nctantly on haru. . f manufacture. Anti I.t.t of Phili , hl,.hia. New 'fort . o d I attain toot ulacture. a I .rite tm.ott ,f I 'e a, d co. which he IP (1 , 14 , 1 , 11 d to offer to the 1,11 1.0 ',mail advance shove cart. He elan will troika to .4.. r jilt kinds of floe ',mit for L d ec and Milton .41i/ingrown- Owen especl.l y loth., btanat , Rmtlinit rmi• rd to make it an &jars for To tool, in *angel A GOOD C Iti VLF in eoll Nod ex. mint for thrm•elvea and learn his rrlivr, which will ht o p to l e gm any other ton-e to tow?. Or conn , ry. Itietutered troth and repairing gotonntly attended f.nrin-tf d. P..BOIII.INORH. VARLOW'S.IIIOI6OSLUf. Wlllvoteir ico» wititn; t ft6ir df sS Ilbritilott iitispitty ofoidlnsi7 Indian ft iiarratet.vd to eV , iinglifaatiall: and 1.1001144 of the ga . riot tk. Ep. ItittstlNlS 6010,101 IT. O•Ot ' • MI p~~~ .{ I'.i'r ~d i!!1 i7O r itll,ll. ~.V•Rtl TO THE GREAT 11001. S A ;%1) St-ilq•S ODENIII4.INILR & sEll' I'ii.tiFl4leT HAI ISF AM lON OVAL PUT ye AT WILTBERGEWO DRUG STORE, Igo. 223 NI VITH SLCA.ND STIIIOII4 pIiILAPEI.PHId 1 .; ; SOP ' BED tai • - BOOT SROE , 11 A-l' ANO C‘P 8170_1(.1?„ AT ATO: 35 /1 St lIAMIL Mt . SI .A.p.ciPTlNii tea: N HEN'S . 111- VI no htorip,.where he offers trial giveihn avail. the very bolo 014 , d-nrie. favhioneb'Acrods ever off .041 'tolu anis or the following lowi cash Vl•it otlf boot $5 no to SW Ili " kip. douhe vole, • 3 75' ta b 1 mono. ' 1 7b '• 4 7 44en'e glove Kid °Jeanie, an,: 2 150 57. LW. eh ma 1 20 " 3 u worn bn)fa and m:ikev. ir ore kid. letting goiters 1 75 5 7 dilenteu'e glove kW, very A .0. 3 24 5 7 - "- one eon moron. halo , 260 4 " meted orbit o o anti calf shirts; • " . cowman sham Wipes' end otn.d% ,b.,et. lien's,- w.nen's, missed, boy'. mad onikev slipper' ) 2) " lit • Nit auction good. , in 17) , '. hut front the to diannfootorree I also have all kin& of HATS, CAPS and 3 rhA t 4101/Dd -fever, kind, at the• lowest (min pricer. AV sae tor yours 0r... 11r ILL/ Sh.IP, April 17 Bier y . 1,4-1. 1.1 V 143 .11!:. , 1' ol)11,NED A oot & Shoe Store, At No. 85 West Hamilton St, • r•• 0 DO .11,3 BE OW NIN ill, IiERE they will keep constantly on hand a we' assorted .touls..di all kinds of ileOthlYfß'e Boots 40) &Nes, of e. mum, City un i boom- anufoeture. which the. will sell 011 E t than the rune can bu bung , elsewhere, bee ,use they rell Exclsoively /or GA SH. They invite all to cad and examine their stock be sore 1 urchasing elsewhere, as they feel coutiden that costumers can suit themselves, both as to pric quality. Al kinds of COSTO NI WORK and REP *HMI, ,eceive prompt attention. They employ none but the best workmen and art lierebsre prepared to uninummure Bouts mud oboe. iinsurparsed by any other ertablishmeut. Particular attention is given to the manufacture e !trench Ca r mail Patent Lea her flouts. AgirShoemakera can be supplied' with stook anu findings, at reasonable prices. J. N. Litany. • S. E. Msniz May 8. Dela • IZENIOVA.I, IP t...tt 111 . 1 1 , CAN & NorioN 14:61'A3L111 .1 I.; N'l• H4B tren ttiot..vud T 0 .110.411E1 PETER' , building. oin Curt flout tun sue, t. • Opposite the ( ourt House. -"here cm, iv.* be t”ultd lbli !siert, Writ elegan fitebtottuble stylen of HATS AND CAPE. Also bite been &Acted a 14 4 'unikhing DEPARTMENT itb • fn 1 lino of \JEW 1100 D.,, such as U Ali DI( ERCIIIEFS, bU:. PEN DER'''. UNDERs'IIIIITS, LiVERSII I RTS, UMI3IIELIA S. 110tIERY DRAWERS. EOLLAVIS, NECK TVEq. riLOVES, Pte., Pte., etc. COM It; ONE:1 CuME ALL!! .nd fee f. r your elves. the tieent.ful nment 0 :cods. beture purchasing eletwoere. I will talc ; rimr plexeure in .howttig my g nle , tutu can /Mlle y all that 1 can and will re I gouda '6.KM. CENT CliklAPElt THAN ANY °TIRE! , HO USE OUT• IDE OF T ti CITIES. ew goooe received daily .n m the mat.n r•emret and tor sale at the lowest ratan.. I a, 20 • SPAN) FROM UNDER ! GO LD 144! • And Propels or dill 'Foal Decline! .ENiuta.,.Nr 1 C 2 1 2 ' 49. IV X CI RULE. 7LIE Hats Lap: & ztraw Goads SIYLi..:B. • Christ & Sauer's, . . No 15 %Vett 1 t hilt in +treat ri,) in.ir. the Odd krill. vr.'Ha , have on hand it. woe. aesortanent ot .ta .. an I ..au • e l trig mod -nuituer Foyle , 0 er mean I tllentoeu. doharts.ng ov •rF style 0....1 q tatoy mon live dollar,. dowa e. ft ty ueute. and au... th . pill beeowe old and y ming. Tt.eir crock of Cepa to the laritet in it Ilertowt . .nd at extremely ow take.. to cia/hue the le 01 what it. said. it way be well to mate chat the nave 11 aiTY-ottit different etyles. dare y enough i. 4tve a per.on a chaste° of outing me ts le. OfT Mtwara Chruet d, Retire direct ate lion I. be tact that stay cup the only ManutrAcruneue u .late to A letdown • , Tit•W ti. olnB.—k beautiful emolument of err. v Oat... for men .nil b..ye. wi.l b k•pt ounrtantly ot, mind during the iwteon to whiun we iuvit publi. attention. libeler a call. aryl. tr u antry Viorelattra would do well to giv. or, a colt, es we will wiuieelle them 'lota and Cup -keeper tarn they rti.l get them iu the sit). Alient wn. Auguet.B.—tf REMOVAL: MILL INUIT ESTABLISHN ENT MRS. MARY O. ROGERS, .11' , P. 4 28 Eclat liumilitna Stied, Allen! , trn. ESeigt TM 111 LY iaterean her f end, at d the 1' puhtin i. gebetnl diet nhe I .tely rim sod 28 EWA HM1114111) PIMA, deer.. Coll , the Mineetot prietit.g is et, awl •here of eti.d ne et 11.1.ery entail. tweet Irian tt. renew been. en. Bh. hoopla! Fe untied re.•m New Y re and Ph ! ad.ll.ltv tr.tb he 1 t• Di Ft3i e . SPRING AND zUMNIER BONNETS! WALUR H. R VIP and is o. w irepared to mete them tip w th po rholTert tr u int. go mid 11,..0t0, in the mat fa,himabl manner It, I stork of T one and fttlifil 19 wet , oval., b•• eon ',wad by any ou or tuatab tooment in Allem town for irootlty, IN to and oheopue.o. Pipp o !, @tmid Aye h., a o II before pun:boon gal clams Teumo win I. each ' as the temweqn.ted a genera linnet 'Age • f ttn huoluoto and en pl. r none hut the beat in Ilmete awls prepared t•.•vohroatit 11 her work He rep,a rented. the is, L, atanotto to oatiory al who oily Nem her with tan patronage. • I,llNa:tote bleam od and rota lead. By true at en•lon-to I wines, abe , Tit to to merit • • there of publio pairun.ge fur which the all eta, e thanktni. . , May I, 1-bil-1 ITER .I.II3ERTY WflEll LEAP.— The tidiest, the most durable Ind the moot etionotn. buil. Try it! Manutamnred only by Smith Wboleesle .044 Palut, m . Was/ Venievi 0.1011 4 -1 1 Nov lk i N 91 iv. St Ili's& tt:ll4 it 1 Agents wanted, to sell SIX saw ntvan. .iu g ovyur =toss, of great value to families; all Pa l yttilltprollte,Gents „Sand 16 Gen and get SO pages, Or ft Sesta f_ROPRVI And savoplep stir, 11140111-Itoi OrIIPARI DflOW2 4 l lore 4!, ?4pot, ' 4 • c;i: i 1.1 is. LNG. J-111,1" a;-tifto. (For the rttli. , t.o., • LITTLE BIRDI c' t 8 NO YORE. 1 75 ". 2 ; 41'1 I " 2 h 2.5 ' ..1 6. Q 73 C✓~;.". , . . . • -.. • • , t • • 0111%111J.: , Ice t..!'-w! , , , a 9114 Vintrn. BY MN. L. A. sax n Darling how we tni.ts thee, 0 we miss thy gen to smile; how. we long to h t►ly kiss the-, Thy sweet brow so free fr.vo g tile. Could thy betray so soon vanish? Can our bliseu joys be over'? Yes tbr time, hope we'tnust banish,— Little Binlie .0 nom we. In themidet of joy and pleasure stng,ls beckoned thee away ; • O in thee wo miss a treasure Fairer than the orb of day. Like a my.mry didst.leaye Us, A..d wo er weeping evernin e, the mystery doth grin e us,— . Lit - le Birdie is no more. In the beauty or thy miming Thou wort sautobed fr .m oar embrace, Thou h tet been our home's aloruiug, 0 behold the vacant ay We. All is dee date a id draary, • , r u.t and gtntl swings tie d .or Tears har.• made our ey lids weary,— Littl • i3irdio is no In the silent to nb thou'rt sleeping, With theai , buried tattay a oy ; W tndur not when we arc weeptng, %Viten we look tteraw and coy. W ten we pon t r o'er thy svree nem 0 we miss twee daily wore; N&er 03 , 1 we forget t 'meekness ' -7- Lit. e Birdie is lie wine. {l'e'er deprived of many a picasuro, Tam. tay 10% ely presence elluved; Thou had been our choicest treasure, More Lain ti moan i w do en :ca ed Thee we nourish il, t at ily cherisued, Thy blue eyee did we adore: But, was, ou joy bas p fished,— Little Birdie is n,, wore. But the Lord el llosts has olahnol Vine, Slugabed thee irinn i w Hit ot °aces; ith the angel choir be nuao.l thee, Freed :ruin all :hat here enioriaree. Ilara, I hair e 'Net magic, rill Up on yoade idlest' 1 shore : • 0, uiethin..s I hear hoe singing,— Litt.e 111: die is no inure. Sp ti ee robes of brilliant ,pl. Cr .w..s 0. g i•tcring gold inosugrand ; Thou art olothvil di gdor.ous,grandear, al lea harp within thy Res thee, rest thee, child of Heaven, Rest thee wi h the cam sof yore ; To toy Find sweet peace he g yen,— Little !Brill.• is no more. Soon, ab, soon the Lord will call U 5 From this world ui grief and pain; An I thou, Birdie ;bar, wilt hail us, Never to depart again. 0 th n till our solo. with &dines!, And wi h prafses evermor. ; Take away tilt pain.ul Little Birdie is no more,. Munch Chu .k duno 15, 1. Lll . . Illiscctiancuus. A Moral Tab!. BY J. RIA3sEI. TOIING RECENT events in Wa hington and esewhere suggest to UPt the propriety of again, urging upon the people of America the necessity 0 establishing a Moral Test in the. xercise of the elective tranchise. A tacit understanding seem .o haVe grown up in the minds of p.thlic Inen that, whatever they may be perstmaily or mot , Ally, they mere not to be considered unfit fo, office. We are told that nothing is required fur public station but ability. If a man cat, maim a good speech, send him to Cougress.7- His eloquence is his only necessary recom mendatium He may be a diunkard,or a gamb ler, or one whose habits are p.:rsonally —he may indulge in profanity and disdpation —but the mere fact of his having it voice o diver, atones for every other defect. People are thus led to imagine that no moral fitnes.- is necessary to the performance of public trusts. Because a man is drunk, or corrupt, or impure we are told he i 3 not supposed to b, incapable ut commanding an army or sitting in the senate We are reminded that Marlborough was .1111 pure and corrupt; that Alexander wasa drunk ard ; that NapJlean was personally depraved. We are reminded that Jackson's profanity proverbial. Nay, more, there is a dark tradi• dition that even the great Washington himself occasionally sinned in this way. Why, then should we he wiser than our fathers ? If we must have Napulerms,, we must. 'lam cum mandment-breakers. Is it so? Must we take great men as tl.e come to us, and have no moral test of advanc went? Are we to believe that me can oar be great by being sinful ? Must ido.fesmen bi great in vice bet it.° they ate great in nationd estimation? Must our children see, ns they grow in the world, that there can be no success. no national repata,ion, no fame, unless they drink and swear and disgrace their manhood? Phis is, certainly the moral of tle preS,ent in struction; and this, we regret ti• sat - , is the les.: sin that daily events are teaching. In Eng land, we find the first officer of the crown com pelled to resign the woolsack under grave sus picion of dishonest (leafing,. We see the fame of the great Lord Palmerston spotted by storie, of personal impurity tlia are too direct to be disbelieved. Ii we go . to France, we see at,, Emperor notoriously impure, and around him horse jockeys like Fleurr, gamblers, an i An 'English Duke was recently before a riminal court cheumstances.of infamy. Nor do we. find in America, where the national sense is co . ..rer and more exacting than in any European country, a proper appreciation of virtue and temperance in selecting oar rulers. contemporary recently said that the spirit o Paris was creeping over New York. Bather we regret to say, a spirit which is not Parisian nor even French, but of sin and license, is tak ing possession of the Units ti State.. The reader anticipates the illus• ati n weary about to make—an illustration now to me mind of all men. The President's tin:thirdly speed, on the radicals in Congress has ken attributed to influences which are too apparent in the tone and substance of his remarks. Al vs, that i. should be so I We had an evidence of 'his sal timilency . in the hour of his inauguration to the vice-presidency. It is doing the President the greatest dimity to say that an influence which is degrading to every gentleman controlled hint. when, in his mad, told was', ho compared statesman and philanthropists like Sumner, and Stevens. and Phillips, to rebels rind assassins like Davis, and Slidell, nna Booth. 11 h.it will the American think as lie reads this fittifitron adv with burning, blushing. cheek in London or Paris? imagine the Queen of England, or more properly perhaps Earl Russell, opening Parliament by gnashing his teeth, and tearing his hair, and foaming at the month, and calling Mr. Bright, and-Mr.- Hughes, and Mr. Mill as snssine,because, perhaps, they iasisted upon justice to Jamaica or belandl What will the pure hearted, ambitious boy think, as he pldds vii.h satchel to school, and hears from all men that the first Americiin of hisday is a drunkard and a blackge..rd. • These words are harsh:l - agony of writing, them is terrille. 011 -,hat we could walk backward, and, not lookittp upon the shame.of Andrew Johnson, cover 1, frum the world. But the truth -requires us to speak as we have spoken in these keen, blister ing, W well known Sawa words. W, hat is the remedy? .• might run'down our list of statesmen and Ting twenty 'who' de serve to be censured as severely as the Prei• dent. Lot us oil, the root.' of. the 'evil. Le every gentleman, and eqietially every Cluistia• gentleman, resolve that he svprort to man SIANDVIEUF.-11111Cif`l eis are like flier—the fbr office who is not persOnally tempera e leap over all _a man's good parts to . light upon chaste. and honest. Let us 'have no more his sore.; - prudishness about telling the truth when speak: . • mg of any public man. If a Congyesiman • 111S.6hve the sun of rash on has dried rp makes a speech when under the . inOuenoe of the wetenfallst the ladies are wearing water !kw!, the repoou addi ildrr-- (who wag •whegig r •••' • - , . extremely drank) made an •ineoherent, ti nt lie 3pel3vll.' If it ii kaowo that'any li eel" g,iven tr licente or reekleti• 11C33, lei it be plated to al the World. W. m lit erect a Nl4ral Tett. Chriitiyo Amerieti demands that her public men shall be pre Wo - malce . this rule to private life, why nol it p Mlle life? If a grocer/mt.:l, or a clo , hier, a butcher, or a licinker is imm>rtlordietipa'ed ve in ;tautly withdraw our custom. It' a: ph)* ticia•t, or, a law:er, or a clergymen sin t, Mit Toe lily cease our confidence. How Mad ip )re imp.ootnf 14 it that we sho•tld withdrn i vreat:r confidence f orn oar p servan .vheo they disgrace their manhthall—The Lab . . Smith/toe the Qauker. Dr. Robert Smith settled at Pcqueo, Pl.'llll 'VIM' ill.. ill 1731; where he continued to prear! ud Iso to teach" i.l his 111 A crulem Anal hit tiOrt•li, which-occurred about the veer I i 73. A near neighbor. of Dr. Smith Wlls limiter, or Friend, whose name, although o .en mentioned to tm, n ttv 'escapes thy recut tection. 1 will assume it to be William Jones Jr. Smi a titalr.loise were very go .d friends tad often visited each other. One day Dr otnith . . . 'Wriond Jones, 1 liptise that although wv ire good ft- endt and netilthers, yet I have nev er see.; Yon-itt My eh rch, or meeting houst as you caul it.' 'That is very trae, frie„id Robert, but thee knows the reason, We Quakers, a 3 'we alt called, are not in favor an hireling minister %rho a.-e educated e.pecially for that parposu We favor those who preach only by the Sp&t. • %Volt.' says. tue doctor. .wi.bout e term .1p th the lirst point ut your objection at pres• e.it, I think 1 can say that we Pre.sbyterout .0110 a the teachings of the Spirit in our se; at m 4 to the people. '4,11. no friend Roberti thee knows' ver veil that thee TreptreS thy diicourie befog; thee-enters the pulpit. 'That it q the true to some extenT, hut new erthele is, 1 can preach without such previou. preparation.' We I, then,' said the Quaker. 'I will tr tl.ee ; 1 Will go to hear thee preach, on thi condition, namely, that I will give thee a texl ,which thee must not see until thee goes int, the pulpit. 'I accept the offer,' said Dr. Smith. 'Very well, then. I will go to thy meeting house' next First-day, and 1 will send up th ;extort after thee has made the long praye .which I earn thee makes.' 'That is not spite what I expected whet, you mule the p:oposition; said Dr. Smith, 'be 1 accept it, and wi 1 expect to see you at tht t'equea church twit Sunday morning. Dr. Smith entered his pulpit the next Salt bath with sothe anxiety. A glange over th thngrethition -bowed him that his Quake thighbor was there, and at the apOinted tim tie expected the text. He commenced in th usual manner, and afar the - 'long prayer' h commenced n very long psalm. 1 believe i was not the 119th Psalm throughout, but • was quite n long psalm. As the precenter— t line singer—rose. the sexton came op tht aisle, find handed thereacher the text. I vas frotu the book of Ezra, first chapter, an he latter clause of the ninth verse : 'Nine an!' twenty knives.' A sharp as well as hard text.' ht-.ught the doctor. Tut nir;ing of the Inn ; psa m gave him a few minute s fur reflection when that ended, he arose and announced hi !ext. and noticed many a smile upon the face at' his congregation. liven some venerabh elders could not preserve the solemnit of their countenances. But the preacher prt ceeded whh his discourie. Be spoke linen t the captivity of the Jews in Bab 16w;to heir condition there ; the proclamation Cyrus, of the wonderful preservation of tit' utensils of the temple which had been take from Jerusalem by the conquerors of Judea none of the knives which were used for slaviu and preparing the sacrifices were lest, mishit or destroyed. They were; sad Dr. Smithoe. ler the special care! and protection ofklod, an. • were in due ti .e restored to the Temple. then enlarged upon the special providence I tiod. 'Not a sparrow falls without His notice trid•The !veils. hairs of our head ere numbered 'The Lord knows them that are His an• none of them shall perish. The Quaker was not only pleased, but le was amused and delighted. The next day lo sent for Mr. Smith ovine with him. tifte' limier he invited Dr. Smith to take, a wall. tiround his farm, and coming to a pasture fiel.l in which were his cattle, he stopped abrupt!), and said : • ' 'I was winch pleased with thy discourse, friend Robert, last First-day. Now thee know we follow our ; leader, George Fox. who brat his testimony against a hireling Ministry ; never pay ottr publicTriends, but we sometime:; rive them presents. I have many good mite! cows. I wish thee to select one fur thyself.' Dr. Smith wished to &mine the gift, but tht Quaker insists', and said. I will be offended at thee if thee refuses: The Doctor having.tioticed a very small and ill-looking cow, said : ' 'Well, if I must, take one .of the cows, Iwi take that small red cow.' pointing to the 'on. he had noticed, and . which 'he supposed tilt least valuable. 'Well, I do confess,' said Friend &tries, the( • can • h.. sa h that little red cow i he best one I have ; my wife would not sell i 'tbr a hundred dcllars, but thee shall have it. And accordingly, the same evening the littlt cow was driven .to 'be 'Man e,' nd proved ti • be a valuable acquitii!inp to the domitne's dairy •'Answer a rool." &e. The Cincinnati rearimei clot flippantly pro pounds the following : QUERY FOR RA IV CAL CONGRESSM How long, according to St. Luke, did it tak. to reconstruct :be prodigal son ? • To which the Nashville ve.v. turning commentary for the occasion, gives th: following pert. ANSWER Ver , e IT. And when he came to himself, In aid * * I perish with hu.iger ! N. I will . arise and go to my father, ani viii say tint , him, Father, /hove. imaged again" p 7 and before thee. 10* , no , . r is, ram I lop eared 000 Maim me as one of thy hired servant 20. A nd he arose and came unto his fat r, 1.. And the eon said. unto him, Father have . sinned against . Heaven and in thy sight. and am no more'worthy to be called thy sop: PRACT ICA L RIMAILIK/L—The parable of the prodigal was spoken to illustrate penitence for stn as well as for forgiveness. The difference between the prodigal of St. Luke and Gen. Lee is, that the first confessed that he had sinned against Heaven, r e had done a great moral wrong ; while Gen. Lee says that he is nst sorry a particle, and that the rebellion was "a just cause." Cotimustox.—Until those who engaged in the rebellion are peniten • the less they quote the parable of the prodigal the better. if •the prodigal had told his kind papa that he had gt lolly old time, thatriria.harlots.mere. all peo.fect angels, and that he would not have come back ,had not his greenbacks played out, we don't he'ievo that he would have made his meal on fat veal for some time. Judging from the conduct of many of the rebel leaders, the pare ble of the devils w ho got into the swine. owe •e'ertain occasion, would he more appropriate. --. ./Auttipot in: out, TILE character of an upright man is like a pair of boots. The more you black it the more it shines. U 1 llteit:-The,' Mobile (Ala.) ;Vifirp . ,( l,../ gives 60 . ollotying eAs•yie of the coutpositicin' of the ' 'is party of the country . • "The pets mal of the Republican party is re n rkable.' In the. North it comprises ly;thin t 4 ranks nineteen4wenthiths of he members f il protestant thurehes, tixcerine the' - • ialtans—and a large matoritv of the members •• - )f that denoinintiCon ; rilmUst the 6116 u mem- . . hip of all moral or I;enevolent. associations ; bur-fifths, oldie literati, professional men teach :r -t, Rc., three-fluttolis of the,rettirned sbl liens; t large proportion of the prominent lintinetts • non —e +peciall v miners;•martufae'urers,.bank- • • . r.,and cer lily a •levidcrl mAlori v ()fill!) farm ing pap dation. Er r aim a its formation, this p tow hat been growing with amazing inpidltv. Intl its accessions have been 'principally from • 111.1 Above classes, ehich do not change easily. intil now it controls every Notthern State, in- • uluding Missouri." And this is the party that Pemociatic news- papers sneer MRS radic I,fanatical, incendiary. If there ever *as, in the history of the, world. a . p trty 'that combined in a larger degree all tittL - beat .lements of a nation, no record of its exia; tense has ccime•duwn to these times. A RE3tARKAIME Cuttn..—A young . man'wantA ' dto marry a girl out in Wisemism, but her . • ieh parents forbade the match. The young. nun became sick—very sick—,and had terrible hinting fits. T' a doctors were railed, and said le would soon die,and he said he wanted tb. The • other of thl girl visited the patient, and agreed • • with both him and the doctors. The poor fel ow said if he could marry . his Mary Ann, lie could die happily. His d request certain- ' 'y could nit be refused, and 'Mary Ann, baring. - io objections, the minister was sent for, and the .!; ,oletnn ordinance of marriage was .performo to ore the most solemn messenger of deAth hould step iit to snatch away the gaaping bride- ' ' :room from time to the regions of itiar 'he k :ot being - Securely tied, the' patient arose . rum the bed a well man. It was a great cure, tstonishing bo.h the cruel parent and the don ors, but the bride acted as though like had sit mated it all the time, THE EDITORIAL TREADMILL.-Tba U nit . • I Ilr , n ;hug deieribes the editor's burdens; one of the many hardsh , ps of our prefesaititi' hat its working wheels--Lbrains ;end heart— ice not dlowed to lag for sickness, or to stRIP ; • , Jr calardity or sorrow. The judge ,may.a4-. 4 ourn his court, the sthool and the workshy* • nay close shutters, ihe mourner may tell hi-s eattn%s, and turn ffiend and stranger.from'the , ' loor ; but the journalists must forget before norrow the sorrows of to-day, must write gm ly cud freshly as a newsmonger, on the 'trifles o>+ - he hour, whatever harden hns been laid limn hat same hour•by Providence or his brains • ` man. It sometimes tries and mocks.as. the . norld that reads what is thus written would ,ever dream of. The . publie looks u...0n the mt."' liar's labors as the Indian did I pun the hat was cutting bay. Ile finally gave inina 4 •pinion that it uas "easy to see the white mau,..;,, ;now." IN Idemonlitm.The Rochester Prmrrrnt proposes to 'erect a monument in honor of ..1. lefunet Democracy ; and oilers the fe110w42g.0t4::,: ui inseript ion:— RcerrEs.÷We preienitthe forldwirig recipes - , t r the use of fannlies and others:m . llom loam tneern..'they ::aye been eolleeted itpu shst 4 , °.;t reliab'e source and oxieriemied whims To make a mess—Poui:n quart'bf utqaValJs . ''W to your wife's bonnet: • ! TO keep fith from smelling• - ••••Ctit off their nprt;,,. CA. • To make. blaelth , Try jaw—llut tweM.y•four duekberlies into n goose gal. -J:11 To make a cord of wood 'O4 great ..ea‘e it out of doorti. It htts been ., ktiowatoplit. ,o two mile:. TLIE Aui 31AN.-7A writer in the ..4e4are' cl y proves by statistics that-rnen'ii , iled , 'l' zevity 'OXIICt proportion to hiivevlticwieual an-tinny nts, proviied his .b( al.l] tijured by ovi:r mental clertion. It teteliS•tli al :vicrea,ing intelligence and dedieasing prolenged the average length of Wale Europe,:x: rom Y 5 yitirs in the iveventeenth century, t0 , 35w4 .n the eighteenth, aud:to 45 in the tlinctß9 l / 4 , L'he best educated communities are tie longgest :iced, and the best educated soldierslive'imigE ugly longer than the more ignorant,ititid'ale :o wear a charmed life, not so much Itgaitts ballet and bayonet, as,against:the Ilic!,,,of.di?- dase, privation, and e' en.seyere %Muds,il the 1111/1 dOllBl/LUtitihd :„. ,-Yon remind me oflittleßol4.! ed bard, tbe, other dnyoaextbopel..VlP' f irtS2 lining us, to be tillowe'dioiome in, anal, it at the table during desert, 011ilt u t told 'ti t he might do, provided he neither talkeenioafitaU 'loved peopds.by. asking for fruit.. Be. , verym etitlily.aspienied to this condition i abich hum, .stly fulfilled to the letter. "Ai lastl heard the'. iourlittle fellow crying and sobbitig'MOstiiiii ,r ally. - • • • Elf; Oki "What is the matter, Bob,': I said; vihatu i aret on crying about ?" • d "Why' pa," be replied, "here I atti, i or nothing, and getting t " Anna Dickinson, is a, Wo , trtan'ajijetta, neetiug, in Boston, lately, gaye some . reuttniS• mice cm her earl lire. Elie hdd",dotialairit flannel labor, had sewed, taught, etirtiediettei.ac mood in tv store, wot ked' in the Mint, befoteaho the platform as a profession.. Jliss,Litl . tf iason brought down the Louse in . entkusinstte tpplatife. by the statement that tke'fir6t' Mon'. .1v she O'er earned was by sertibbitig 7 44.:ks in Philadelphia, and that she was ttetuated!toltud lertuke the labor by a determinntiom to Jaktmin means to buy a ticket to hear Wendell kliiThisa •••. lecture. , • •. ‘e beard' otas yeAftg mi.is, who had been an ny,atteptling 149: 11 i4PEY of t pin - . Vairtiont,7 cen.preleydipa funnding her parento cell ni the entire ebffi pany, by getting tirlbe lullowing . -high-toutd talk to her big brother, who •was s;4ljpg at ; the t pper end of the table: "Ilijart 304 coffs:e. seend to extend to 'our ob i.qtaoLs avehie ter \ aut thee ignipi.ani - Pair 01 digests, so that I may extenuate the exeeresentes: from tille!lim pie li.minary, so that it may be ,perruLteCto ,hed its rays upon our ocular a tples, ntetp.Rd .eutly." The "gal" tt anted tLe tut.fleie. snid a lady,' one eveningp4e must here some sewage for tea ith•s owning, I expect compan.." "l es, ma'amX , lea &Wv ed, and with it the company ; the toile was pread. the ten was shimmeringi but no ptypqg. ea nppeared. "N% here are the yttistiges,, ,lyr the lady inquired: "And time tithe in he titv-pot, ma'am I Lidn'tyen tell ltiti - Iwe must have 'him for tn , .?" l) • .-11.1 ouou) . ,uk dos lirakfast ta bl e ; 92113 morning broke out ma new con: don't %vont mother to mafrr again," he raid:— "11 by not 7 9 was milted with some surptl, c. , t'belittae," said be, !.I've lost one tacker, and 141E4,1, wont .I , o;*ouble of getting acquainted with, gnoiler ono :, .1. • . say-The alderman who was lately jajtm) hg t . the a ecideatal dietlatge of bia duty,is to htejn fair star oi . recoNery. Ffe • never be oaii . Ofiftific — a/914114 .1 44 1 V In to 1 imucfoo44o4.ok 60008 - •- • `-1,) • •'‘mra . , . 0.11 .L: I.l)2ttlet-7 _'cr 1..:i1 31.:;111[ •i•i # , Lt fiIEM MEE= 4 !1 ... ! • • ' • l" " .' ft: J•iret, TILE EM OCR A TIC PARTY, a ki d bubband of SLAVERY, an indulgent father of and a firm friend of • R . EISEL LI OIC ' Tl e tender plant that north winds . obilled, Jian d oohed and withered in ;le ptinio; '• But what , he snowy . • Nay ilnurish in a Mot y.c‘ . • ♦ L v\ur ..t j.i 6 ,I J•. =I dITA OT ~~! fl• 1 • Er E .. et 1131111 *1 it: =I MEI MEM ' t ISM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers