ARMER AND HOU,BEIKESPER; . , VP HIM °LAMM WITHOUT DUIACIIIINO, e out of oxalic aoid to one pint of wa one cup of the above to one pailful of we- Put in the clothes, and stir while in the 'Rinse twice. e Leeds (England) Times says that ni of silver rubbed iuto the wound made by eeth of a mad dug will certainly cure by bale, or prevent all injurious conluen• .1 the wound. It should be appl efl kl ne after the accident as may be: DA CRACKER PUDDING One quart, of milk add three pulverized crackers. . eggs, ralt•spoonful of halt, (or tour era and two eggs; ) spice to your taste; thirty minutes ; served with sugar and er. . • ANGE• TART.—Squeezo two oranges and the rind tender; add ha.f a teacupful of r, and the juice and pulp of the fruit ; an •e of butter, heat to a paste. Line a shill dish with light puff crust, and lay the e of ♦range on. Passzays CIDER —One of the lady read sf the Maine Farmer tells how to prescrvd r sweet and clear. To cue barrel of Ode' one pound of mustard seed, two pound• isine and one fourth of a pound of cinna• in the stick; This will preserve the pi- ILINBPLANTING.—When transplanting tn es, egg plants, Sze., set the roots inn pan uddy water. Perform the wcrk just before down, nod few wilt fail. If the following is a very clear, hot and sunny onc, then it otter to shade them during the heat. Shin :, stuck on the south and west side; answer • Els Erin, Irmr:--Ifotisowives can have hard butter in summer, without the use .ce, by following this plan : Put a trevet. :ny open, flat thing with legs, in a saucer ; t on this trevet the plate of utter, and fili • baucer with water ; turn a common flow ot upside down over the butter, so that its l e shall be within the saucer and under the ter. Plug the hole of the flowerpot with a k, then drench the flower-pot with water, in a cool place until morning, or if d .no at :aklast, the butter will be very hard at sup time. The season for transplanting strawberries now at hand. Almost any time after the it is fr the vines will answer for planting ' em. The Foil should be dug up to the depth six or eight inches, and thoroughly pulver 'd, and the plants set out in rows two feet art each way. By planting them now they 11 get sufficient start this fall to enable them wand the winter, and a crop may he gsth oal from them next summer. Some very uct crops of strawberries were produced this .aeon from plants that wore set out last fall. RHUBARB FOR VD/MAR.—It may not goner ly he known that an excellent article of vine :t may be made by taking the late stalks of übarb, and chopping them as one would for ies or sauce; then pour scalding water over o whole, and let it stand on the stove until ell cooked, then strain off into a suitable easel, add one gill of molasses to each quart the juice ' • set it in a sunny place ; stir lima and in a few weeks one may have a tou&iirticle of vinegar. CURB FOR POISON hY —Apply soft sosp to e part affected; wet it and rote it till it be °mos a lather, and lot it dry on. It seldom ails to produce a cure on the first application. t is also a preventative whenever aPperson is :nosed to poison. If he washes thoroughly -ith soft soap, (it must be soap made f ley . nd grease.) the part washed will not be easily .oisoned It will also prevent and cure the 'ittison of poison-sumac and of parsnip. CHEAT' OMER VINECIAR.—Take the water in which dr en apples are wai•hed and soaked. nd after carefully straining , put in a vessel; add a pound of sugar or Its equivalent in mo la scs. Put in a piece of brown paper and set where yam In a few weeks you will have good cider vinegar, more sugar will im ;prove it. The vinegar will alto he better the more concentratA the cider is. The strong est vinegar is made from boiled cider. SWEET noir,Es.—Ripe cucumbers are very nice pickled in this way : Take off the skin. out in slices after removing the seeds ;- let them stand in salt over night. Take - two quarts good vinegar and two pounds brown su gar, scald well. and then pour over your cu cumbers ; repeat this every morning for a week and you will have a plate that oven poor teeth can masticate• MELON Bros . —A capital method of protect ing melons frombugs is the following : Let the farmer secure refuse tobacco stems from cigar manufactories in quantity according to th•• number.of vines he has to protect. Soak them in water, adding a quantity of soft soap, say ten pounds to ti7barrel of the liquid. Apply the dilution to the vines thoroughly with a sv. rings every few days. and no harm will be done by the bugs. This preventive is wel! at. tested by thorough going farmers and garden. ers who hay,e tried it and can testify to its effi oaoy. Sow Bueßwttee • r —lt is estimated that there wore 160,665.823 bushels of wheat on hand lust harvest. for the consumption of the country, and that the quantity that will he on • hand at the arming harvest will not each higher than. 83 49 1.434 bushels. The pies tion arises, whence will the deficiency be sup plied? We have heretofore suggested that the extra crop of potatoes which we are now 'almost certain of, us well as a good crop of corn, will go far to supply the lack of wheat. We now urge all farmers to sow large bre'adths of buckwheat. This would contiib. site largely during about six months of the year to supply the want of wheat flour. Tak trig our resources from potatoes, corn and buckwheat into account, we do not perceive why our laboring population may not go thrcugh the next year es easily as the past, as far ne breadstuffs aro concerned. PROTECTIRG TREES AGAINST WORMS.- The bandage system, which we were the first to suggest some fiiteen years ago, and often re ferred to since, is the only effectual protection we have yet seen against the operations of the worm in fruit trees. We repeat again tha. in not a single instance have we ever had a worm in our dwarf pear trees where this sys tem was properly followed. It is simply to bandage the bottom of the tree with any kind of muslin or .loth and tie it, letting the band age be about six inches above ground and twi Inches below. It should be applied in Febru ary or us soon as the ground is in a fit condi tion to go upon. These bandages should be removed at the end of October. As long as this is continued we defy the Wt. 113. Th, bug lays its eggs an inch or two above thi ground early in the sr.ring, that is as soon a the warm days in March will admit of in. coming forth from its winter • quarters; tin eggs are soon hatched by'the sun, being lam on the sun side of the trunk and the youne grub fluids-its way down ti the soft hark be neath the sor where it gradually works its way in. The bandage prevents both the lay ing of the eggs and the de=cent of the grul Let doubters try it One man will heroin. two hundred trees in a d iy. We have ni doubt it will ols protect , the peach tree it the same way —O--matitoten Ted Allentown Post Office. ETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Post Office I at Allentown, State of Pennsylvania, up to the 9th dayof July. 1:46t1: Geo. Brieghain, A. B. DeKuhn, I'. K. Apgar, Bennington Gill, Dr. Quigg, Kate Howard, Sallie Johnsen, Rosy Mellor, Kate IVilliams. ?,3TTo obtain any of these lettere, the applicant must ca I for ,deerf ..e,l hum, give the date of the list, and pay one cent for advertising. T,et,".11 not called for within ii e month, they will be sent to the Lead Letter Office 41.Zs.4t.iNTOWN nlaftit 411N:6 Corrected Weekly by Weineheimer, Newhard & Co Wheal Flour, bb1.14.1 1 0 Rye A:hop, 19. 100114. 2 25 Oorn Meal, 331 bbl. 6.23 Wheat, bushel, Rye, " 1. 25 Corn 100 Oats. " .821 b .7o Cliodliroood, " 5.00 Timothysootl L " 300 asses I, . 200 Driod.Npoloo," 1.50 " •- A.OQ as atiOd ftt - EYE a N D Ellat DROP. J. ISAAOB, M. D. °oculist and "Aurist • iL formerly. of Leyden, H olland, is located at No 519 PINE Street: P HILADE L PHIA. where persons aided with diseases of the EYE or EAR, will be solentilloally.treated and cured, if curable. N. B— a RPIFICIAL EYES inserted without 'pain. No charges made for examination Tho medical fanny is invited, as he has no. secret it i • in do i trentweni. (j. 12 On the 10th of June, by Rev. D. Zellers. Mr. Ilene, B. Yingling to Miss Eliza J. Kleckner, both of Allentown. - - - On the 16th of June, by Rev. A. J. S. Dubs, Mr. Milton Laudenslager to Mies Sarah Ann Reek, both of Lower Macungie. On the 11th of June, by the same, Mr. henry T. Lynn, of Frecmanaburg, to Miss Maria E. Fogel, of Bethlehem. • . - On the 24th of Juno, by tho same, Mr. James Scigfried, of Lower Simeon, to Miss Matilda (Items, of Upper Saucon. On the 80th of June, by the MU, Mr. Josiah Sehaffor, of Washington, to Miss Mary Ann Peter, of Iloidelburg. On the st of July, by Rev...114.44 4 ,Menntg, Mr. John Trexler to Miss Mary Meld, both of Allentown. On the 17th of June, by the same, Mr. Tilghman Reinert!, of Allentown, to Miss Susan Romig of Ma cungie. On the 24th of June, by the same, Mr. Alfred J. Deily, of Salisbury; to :Miss Sarah C. R. Romig, of Lower Macungie. On the sth of July, by the Rev. G. T. Barr, at tho residence of the bride's mother, Mr Charles P. Young, of N-rth Attleborougn. Mass , to Miss Re uecca A, Sieger, of Allentown, Pa On this (Tuesday) morning, in the M. E. Church, by Rev. W. C. Best, assisted by RC , . 0 T. Barr, Mr. Walter L. Jones to .Liss Mary, daughter of Mr. Charles Kline, both of Allentown. On the evenit:g of the 3rd inst. ' by the Rev. J. 11, itpleton, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Wm. S. Hans to .Miss Lizzie 11. bleeder, both of Al lentown. Our young friends amid the joy and festivity in cident to such an occasion, did not forget the print ers. The merits of the cake sent in, were fully dis cussed by all hands in the office, while the looks of the boys indicated a wish that some more such liber al soul, would soon get married. The happy pair will please accept our thanks and best wishes for their future happiness awl prosperity. Blessed be Willie to his latest day, No envious cloud o'er. ast his evening ray ; No wrinkle furrowed by the hand of care, Nor ever sorrow add one silvery hair; • 0 may no son the father's honor stain, Nor ever daughter give the mother pain. On tho evening of tho 3rd of July, by tho Rev. J• II Appleton, at the resideneo of the brido'tt fitber, Mr. tieorgo \V Reeder to Miss. Clara M. Hunter, both of Allentown. We congratulate our young friends upon taking this important step in life's journey. The bride we claim as a member of the typo craft, but she has abandoned the printer's "stick and "rule" in order to take up another, which we hope she will use with duo prudence. Being a printer, of course she knows that the /muds of "short articles" should be "set" in SMALL. CAPS. All hands join in thanks for the cake and expressions of joy to the happy couple. We have plighted our truth, my Clara, In immortal affection to join, And cursed be the cause that shall part us; The hour and the moment of time. On the 31st of May, in liellertown, Mary, win" of Joseph nothrock, aged 40 years, 10 mouths and 8 days. On the oth of Juno, in Salisbury, Maria Susanna Weber. aged 8 , 1 years. On the Ist of July, in Allentown, of typhoid fever, Willie, son of Peter and Sarah Iluohnian, in the 10th year ot• his age. On the 3d oi July, in Allentown, Joseph Stopp, aged 51 years. •On Jul oth, in Salisbury, Maria, wife of John Yost, aged GO years. ' Special Notices. Portly his form is, strong his wing, Ills movements brisk, and keen hie sting, ' But bad w uld seem his taste, For always this Old-tashioned . fellow Is in a doublet of bright ye low Seen showily encased. But his is no such choice of hue . And style of garb as waits on gnu, While e• - 'ry novel mode you view • lu Bennett's stock entbraeed! Linen Dusters Light Casvanere acid Cloth. Alpacca, Drap d'Ete Duck and Linen Sack Coati Light Cassintere. IVhite and colored Duck Skele ton Vests Light Cassimere, White and Colored Duck and all kinds of Linen Panto. A.l kinds IN' Season abie.Clothing for Ne a r s. Youths' and Boys' wear, in large empty, at the purest prices possible PER YEAR! We want agents every t.l.soo where to sell our IMPROVED $2O Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above salary or large com missions paid. - The oNt.v machines sold in the Uni ted States for less than $lO, which are jelly licensed by Howe, Wheeler & Nsteen. 'Grover it. Baker, Si,, er & . one Bachelder. All other chenp machines eve infringements and the seller or user arc Habits in arrest fine and imprisonment. Circulars free. Ad tress, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago, 111. December 19. —ly TOLD 1 To attempt to enumerate the ANODYNE: I manifold results of the Anodyne in 011A08 of Neuralgia, Gout, Rheas madam, Nervous Headache, Thoth and Ear Ache, Covoplaints, St. Vitae Dance. Hysteria, Nervous Debility, Loss of Sleep, Pas/18 in llienarti ation, and the most coliabie testimonials in my possession,to whioh all are invited to Inspect, would exhaust time and patience, and which a' donfldence to test will perfectly justify. S 'l l 11. AMA. Row declared purely a nervous complaint, is per fectly relieved in most violent attacks with doses of 35 to 45 drops cash half hour. Relief and sleep will follow the second, or third dose. Sold by all wholesale and retail dealers in medicine. JOIIN L. lIUNNEWELL, Proprietor, Practical Chemist, Commercial Wharf, Boston, Masa. Physicians, or Dealers supplied in Bulk. For mula and full Testimonials to this Great Aloine De velopment sent on demand. Sold by all dealers in Allentown, Pa May 15 DRAM'S PLaNTATION BITTERS They purify, strengthen and invigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They overcome effects of dissipation and late. hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmetie and intermittent fevers. They purify the breath and acidity of the stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and constipation. They cure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera ' orbits. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhausted nature's great re-: starer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum ' the celebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without re gard to age or time of day. Particularly recommend • ad to delicate persons requiring a. gentle sthnularib— Sold by all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels and Saloons. Only genuine when Cork is covered by our private U. S. stump. Beware of counterfeits and refilled bottles. P. 11. DRAKE CO., 21 Park Row, New York. September 2(1, Iy— Dr. MARSHALL s Catarrh ~i nuff. HIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be tht I best artialo known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the Head nod Headache. It has been found am xvolirni moody in many ea-es of Sore Eyes - oeaft.effle hoe been removed by it, and Hearing hat .tion bona mead improved by Its use. It is fragrant at.d 4grecatile, and Gives Immediate Relief to the dull heavy paths caused by diseases of the head The sensations atter using it are delightfu. and invigorating. It opens and purges out al' of struetione, strengthens the glands, and gives healthy action to the parts affected of sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Gatarrh and Bean. ache Sloe, has proved its groat value for all ito common diseases of tho head, and ut this momen atnuda higher than over before. It is recommended by many of the host physioians, And is used with great sue° as and satisfaction everywhere. RECD THE CERTIFICATES OF WHOLESALE DRUGGIsTe Is 1854. T. GOOD. P. M The undersigned, having for many years beei acquainted with Dr Marshall's Catarrah and Head. ache Snuff, and gold itin our wholesale trade, cheer fully i-t-te, that we believe It to bo equal, in every respect, to the recommend Alerts ,given of it for the cure of Catarrhal Affections, and that it is decided ly tho best article we have over known for all com mon diseases of the Bead. Burr & Perry, Boston, Hoed. Austen & Co., g. Brown, Lawmen di C 0.," limed, Butler & Co., " Seth' W. Fowl., Wileop,Valrbantc & 0o." HOOthow, Nom& 6 On" G. U Uq, Portlatok. Me arbor Me by all tor April.) aggs,ll dozen, 26 Buttor. V lb. 24 Lard, ." 25 Barns, " 24 Bacon " 16 Beeswax," 4n Potatoes Ifb bash 160 Bonne, ", Salt, " 1.76 Salt,in sacks, S.T. Hay, per still. 16.110 +tram A • ° ors' to oars a dollar IVI aA. co 11). DIET D. The "Yell w Jacket." TOWER BALL, Niy. MS 'Market Street, BENNETT & CO S -T-1860-1. More then Thirty wears' Burnes & Park, N. York A. D. tD. Sonde, " -tonhon Pane ik Co., " liirael Minor .16 • 0., " M.Kosson & Robbins " A. L. Bei:mill b Co,, " %Ward Olosi A Co.' , Unit A * IL , isle% - • 111 - 11 1 7711EALT11-ITIIIIO.I. 11T1--1111311-'7BVIE.ITII, 1112--lELTII-SitlNfil, Hundreds and thousands annually die premature ly, who:, it thoy would givo the Great Brunch Agra ody DR. JUAN DRIAMARDE'S GELESAATED SPECIFIC PILLS' Prepared by Farancioro dr. Dupont, No. 214 Ruc Lombard, Paris from the prescription of Dr. Juan Do amerce, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord ou Lariboisiere a fair trial, they would find immedi. me relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored I. Health and Strength. It is used in th... practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform +access, and highly recommended as the only-posi tive and Specific Remedy for all persona suffering from General or Sexual Mobility, all derangement of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, Spormatorrhms or Seminal Emissitns, all Weaknesses arising frou. 'sexual Excesses. or youthful indiscretions. Loss o tiuscular Energy, Physical Proilt—ation. Nervou+. toss, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits. Dimness of Vision, hysterics, Pains in the Duck and Limbs Impotenoy, &c. No language can convey an adequate idea of th. Immo bate and almost miraculous change it oco alone to the debilitated and shattered system. In fact, it stands unrivalled as en unfailing mire of the maladies above mentioned. : Suffer no more, but use The Groat French Remo -I.r ; it will effect a cure wt.ore all others fall, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt Id to too moot delicate constitution. . . Pamphlets. containing full particulars and diva 'ions for using, in English, French, Spanish and Gorman, accompany mum box, and also sant freo to any address when requested. Price ono dollar per box; six boxes for Ova dol lars. Sold by ull Druggists thr , ughout the world; or nlll bo sent by mail, securely sealed from all o ser vation. by enolosing specified price, to any auth,r .sed agents. Beware of Uounferfeito and Imitations Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OS OAR G. 610. ES A CO. 27 Courtlnndt St., N. Y. Au.horized Ag nts for Allentown, BARNES & 'SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. mhysits. [apr2-ly rhe Great English Remedy. SIR J AMES CLARKE'S CELEBRATED FEMALE PILLS, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clarke, B. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen This invaluable uaodioino is unfaill .g in .he our. ,f all those painful and dangerous disease. to which the conliitution is subject. It moderates nil exam , and re n ores all obstructions, and a apoedy cure •nay o. roliod on. TO MARRIED LADIES it is t articularly suited. It will, in a short time Urtr g on tho monthly period with regularity. teach bottle, price One Dollar, bears tho Govern ent Stamp of Groat Britain, to prevent counter. cite. In all cam! of Nervous and Spinal Affections sins in the Buck and Limbs, Fatigue on alight ex rtion, Palpitation of the Heart, Hysterics, am Vhitee, these Pills will effect a cure when all othet noans hay. failed ; and although a powerful come ty, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or any• thing hurtful to tho constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet tiround each pack . wkiok should be carefully prosorvod. Sold by all Druggists. Ale Agent for the United States A Canada, JOB IVIOR 27 Cortland! Street, New York. N. 13.—51.00 and 6 posing° stomps enclosed to ity authorized Agont, will ensure a bottle, contain isg 50 Pills. by return moil. [April3-ly TO C:ONSIIMPTIVES rhe advertier, having been metered to health it 1 a few weeks by a simple remedy, afrer havinx uttered for several yours with u a yore tune atlec on, and that dread disease, Cyneum .ue to matte known to his fellow•snffero-e the mein f cure. To • all who &sire it, he will send a copy of the .ireaoription used (free of ch Irv.). with the dim •iona for preparing and using the seine, which they sill find a it RE Cone for Consismpion, Asthma erorichitic Coughe. Cold 4, and all Throat and Lung ffeetions. Thu .mly object of the ruivertiser in 'ending the prescription is to benefit,the afflicted, and spread information which he conceives to he in -nluable, and ho hopes every soffero. will try ti .einedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a loosing. Pariioa wishing the prescription, limns, by re am mail, will please address I ltev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 11 7 illiameburg, Kings Co., N. Y. n2-Iy] RAGATS MAGNOLIA BALM.—This " • 111 the most delightful and extraordinary arti ola ever discovered. It changes the sun-burnt face ,ud hands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and • he dietingue appearance so inviting in the city belle f fashi It removes tan, freckles pimples and .oughness from the shin, leaving the complexion fresh transparent and smooth. It contains no ma t rial injurious to the skin. Patronized by Actresses And Opera Siugers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 50 cts. Prepared by W. E. lIAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DEMAS BARNES & CO., New York. Sept. 16,'65-Iy. THE MASON & HAMLIN CABINET • ORGANS, forty different styles, adapted to sacred and secular music, or $6O to $6OO each: . - - FIFTY-ONE 001.1) or • ILVER MEDALS, or Aker first premiums awarded thorn. Illustrated latalogue free. ~Address, MASONS HAMLIN. Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. Sept.'l2. —ly BTRA.NGEI, BUT TRUB. 'VERY young lady and gentleman in the United Sjates can hear something very much , o their ajyrufge by return mail (free of charge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. ti GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nerv ous Debility, Premature Decay, and all tho ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the re cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by irhich ho was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by Le advertiser's experience, car. ilo so by ruldressing .101 IN D. OLDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. -1m an2-1y) CAMPAIGNS OP THE Army of the Potomac BY. 'WILLIAM SWINTON. The Standard History of the Grand Army The Greatest \Vorh on the War Universally endorsed by army officers and the press. The author says : "I design in this volume to record what that Army did and suffered in ten campaigns and two score battles." shall have to celebrate the unswerving loyalty of this army that ofttimes when the bond of milita ry cohesion failed, held it, unshaken of fortune, to a duty self•imposed." "I shall have to follow it through a checkered ex perience, in a tale commingled of great misfortunes, great follies and great glories; but from first to last it will appear that, amid many buffets of fortune, through "winter and rough weather," the Army of the Potomac never gave up, but made a good fight, and finally reached the goal." The Army ono : taw J ur. al says : "This is the only American critical work on the late war, and t is thoroughly critical and entirely divested of all political bite or tone." This is the only History of the "Grand Army," and no one who has barite a part in its conflicts or is interested in its grand achievements, should without it. This work sells itself. The people are tired of po litical and partisan histories, and want something front official sources. We have Agents clearing over $2OO per month. Send for circular's, and see our terms and proof of the above assertion. Address, NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., july 3 2w] 507 Minor St., Philadelphia, Pa. NJEWRAK MANIfFACTURERS DEPOT, Itio. 83 Centre Street, NEW YORK. !VrALLE/BLE and firey Iron Castings, Maohine hl and Hardware, Trunkmakers' Tools, and supplies Shoemakers and Saddlers tools, Carriage Castings ' White s, Spokes, links, Arles de., Twist Drills and Patent Chucks. Uttn2l3-3m BARNETT'S Ma tleattle and) Qvey Evian Foundry and Machine shop, IIAMILTON, 180111ORTER and BRUEN STS„ NEWARK, N. J. Vaggal l i j i"h t hr..!:ol' trld'34 Woo, IT li mroirs valiTlipip i Ttg 10110.1iad I Y WANTS. 2 Teaefiers Wanted. PPLICATIONS for tho adv need and primary eoh•+ole for Slatington district will be received by the undersigned. Applicants will be examined by the County Superintendent, at Slatington, on th' 12th of July next. M. KUNTZ, co'y. Slatington, Juno 26,'66. —3t 2 Teachers Wanted. ITLICATIONS for the advanced and prima y schools for llokendauqua district will be receiv ed by the undersigned. Applicants will be examin ed by the County Superintendent, at ilokendauqua, on the 16th day of July next. E. MICKLEY, Sec y. llokend uqua, June 26, 1800. —3t 12 Teachers Wanted. IPIE examination of teachers: Weisenburg School District, will take place at Ilynemans ville,.at the public house of J. A. Ettinger, on Sat urday, July 2-th, 186 Twelve teachers aro want ed, term five months, salary according to the grade of certificate of applicants, from 827.00 to 835.00 per month. By order of the Board, Jun26-3.w) J. A. ETTINGER, Sect'y. . Teachers Wanted. HE County Superintendent will . hold an examin ation, on the 14th day of July, for the purpose of examining teachers fertile Millerstown School Dis trict. One male teacher is wanted ; term six months, salary fifty dollars per month. By Order of Board, Wm. B. Erdman, Pres't. junl2.-3t J. F.M. Shitrert, Seo'y Did.aBLED MLN, ATTENTION! A N TED, one or two men, in Allentown and vi v of ity, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell Wudewor.h's IVafrr pro°, Arnica Healing Plasie,, the beet and cheaplu Court Plaster in the ma het. From $5 to $lO per day can. be made. Address, wit 25 e. .n s for sample and full information A. F. BEL CHER, Box Philadelphia, Pa. N. B.—All agents and peddlers would Iliad it to their interest to answer the above. Apr. 17-3 mo AGENTS WANTED to canvas for "The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln." "The Great One Volume War History," and "Life and Leath in Rebel Prisons," Any one can sell these works, they aro so interesting every body wants to read them, so valuable every one needs them, and so cheap all can buy them. The services of disabled soldiers are especially solicited. Send fur our terms, decidedly the best offered, and boxes and packing free. P. GARRETT it CO. junl2-Ind 702 Chestnut St., Phila. SAMUEL M. RITTER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER OF LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S Shoes and Uppers, SUITABLE FOR COUNTRY RETAIL TRADE. gEa'ALI. WORK GILAILANTEED. 127 KoRTH THIRD STREET, Juno 1:1, 1866 New Vuf k Price Current, For July 7. Corrected weekly by J. R. Ht.LFRICH, PttoDucE COMMIstsION MUMMA NT, No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YoRK. BUT Fhit. Stato, Tubs, fair to gi od,„ per lb. 32 to 30 N. Y btu•e tube, chdioe, " 37 to 40 vraugo and Sussex. pulls, " 40 to 45 \. Y. .tats, Tube, no t, " 30 to 40 4 °stern Reserve, ohotco. " 28 to a torth'n Penua., goo to choice, " 35 to 38 .Y. male Welsh tubs " 21 to 3., N.Y. State FirkinsPrane for shipping, " 3 to 4u t'ounu Ohio and Western, common " 27 to 6f . Western Reserve, t 1 httu and Mixed, " 22 to 2 CHEIisE. Factory chotco and fancy now, " good • . Y. Mute, diary, lout mt,k, EGGS Jersey do Penna.packod in chaff, per doz. 26 to 28 ..r opt, eeona punted in u.te, 26 to 21 N. Y. State, packed, in good ardor, " 25 ,to—by usprebo, to 00001, " 24 to 25 ItHANb iirrow,ehoioo,full sized, pet bunh 62 lbs 2.50 to 2.75 Kiduey, ehome,tuli mud, •' " 2.50 to t. 7.• %tediums, choice, 2.00 to 2.t0 nixed lots and common, " D IttEL) FRUIT PPlee—N. Y. State, choice, per. lb. 18 to 10 kpplos —.Toney and Ponncylvania, " 163 to 17a ltuspborries, black, " 45 to 4e 13Iaokborrlos, " 86 to :8 Whottleberrioa, " 16 to 16 harries, pitted, " 48 to 60 dherrice, pits in, " 6to 8 Peaches, peeled, • " 20 to 30 Plume, " 25 to 30 BEESWAX. Pura SEEDS. per bush. 66 lbs. 3.00 to 3.20 per lb. 10 to 11 _ Plaxsend, !lover, TALLOW n good Barrels, per lb. 11i to 12 POULTRY. lucks olive, llive Geese, R Chickens, per pair Fowls, rurKeys BUTTER.—The receipts of choice are light, and with good hom demand, prices have advanced ml are firm at prices (looted. Common grades are more plenty and not quite as firm: F oos.—The receipts have been light during the last week, and prices have advanced 2 or 3 ets. per dozen For Fresh Eggs, all western or eggs in bad or der, have to be sold to count out. Ninth Quarterly Statement OF THE Second National Bank, of Allentown MONDAY, JULY 2, 1888. ASSETS. Niles and Bills discounted • $ 59,172 J. S. Bonds deposited to secure eireul '- Lion U. S. Bonds'deposited to secure depos its U. 8. tioeurittes on hand Duo from other Banks—. Preo Dun and Furnittue.. xponses and Taxes Cash on hand LIABILITIES '7apital Stook Caeulation Depw,it , Due to Banks Surplui and tntorust Unpaid Dividends... $405,0 S 1 08 F. E. SAMUELS, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before tun, a Notary Public, this 2d day of July, 1866. uly2-2w) T. 0. aIIIKIRI3IIII, N. P. SILVER AND PLATED GOODS MOST SUPERIOR WORKMANSHIP \-41, NEW STORE, :3 t JIL • Alp. 704 arch Street, ..7-114r PHILADELPWA The undersigned. (late of the famous Roger• Bros. Manufacturing Company,) respectfully announce that they have opened a new and beautitu store for the sale of SILVER and PLATED WAItE, at 7u4 Arch Street. Our long experience is manufacturers will enable us to Weep nothing but first-class O ods and those who may patronize our store will find. our plated geode far surerior to any imported, and our customers may rely on the goods being precisely what they aro represented to be. july.3-1311-Iy] BOWMAN & LEONARD. QVAID Rogoived oco aopstat FOR WHICH CERTIFICATES WILL BE ISSUED BEARING INTEREST IN GOLD •E. W. CLARK & CO., Bankers. • No. 35 SOUTH THIRD.STREE; PHILADELPHIA June 26, 1800.-1 in] A. W. KINsEY, ANALYTICAL CHEMIST, Slatington Pa. UNDERTAKES the Analysis of Ores, Clays, Coals, Limestone, Soils, or any kind of minerals Whatever, at reasonable charges. Persons wishing previously to ascertain the charge, May send a small sample by mail, or describe as nearly as they can, and will reoilive a prompt reply; Ljuly3.3m a 0;7 are you Neuralgia or Rbouteatieto, Dore% go grosulog.mul kfferlog through life rho yore can be aered by Ileitibie Liniment, GOLD REDUC.tD 91.80 to 98 et& per POUND. Goods Greatly Reduced GOODS that sold ono yoar ago at 85 eonis per yard, aro now selling at 25 cents per yard. Prints that sold for 62 cents,for 18 cents per yard. De Laines at ericos Before the War at 25 Cents per Yard. FLO CI El ELI El el AT PRICES THAT ASTONIsIi TUE PEOPL -Om " 187 to 19 " , tli to 18 tc " 6 to 50 to I.OU per lb. 40 to 4 per pair 1.25 to 1 75 per pair 2.00 to 3.00 50 to 1.10 per lb. 24 to 25 - '' 23 to 25 205,000 0 50,000 00 08,404 50 51,485. 09 2,814 7. 584 01 58,479 71 $405,981 08 ... 200 000 00 ... 180 000 00 ... 81 094 70 .. 27,902 26 .. 5.767 93 .. 1,226 19 MEM MEM FROM $2.80 Tr Co Sletik4iii Cotton. Reduced FR '5l • IN PRICES AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE B-ardge & Jones. Dress U oods ! All shades of Wool Do Lefties, Figu od Silks, of 11 shades, French l'ercams, boantifut etyma, Cha— ce, Common Do Laines, /fro Mens' awl Boys' Wear! Largo stook of Clothe, 08138i1110r011, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottonades, dro., auita•'le for Mona' and Boys' wear SPRING• BALMORALS I SPRING• SHAWLS I HOOP SKIRTS Carpets : Carpels PARLOR CARPETS, DED ROOM CARPETS, lIEM P CA lIPETS, STAIR CARPETS, 110 ME MADE CARPETS all bought at the recent Auction oak's at groatly ro (laced pricoc. DO ESTIC GOODS ! FLANNELS, MUsLINS, eIIEuKS, SIIEETINGS, Pith I' S, &c., &c., Doing a Ca3h Business. only, they are thereby enabled to soil goode at motel; lower prices than ;noir neighbors that ta.ll goods on Credit and have heavy lodeOs by bad bran ticoliunta, They are do• tern:deed to soil goods at low prices notwith,tund is g the high prices the other stores are asking ler their goode. REIMEIVIDER TELEI PL&C2, T El E Cheap Cash Store OF BURD3E & JONES, No. 9 Last Burntlton ,Street 3 doors below the Allen lions° April IT, MSC B OW EN'S • FIRST CLA SS OROUERY ANll VEAriS7Og STORE NO. 11 E AST 11AMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN ; PA CONSTANTLY on hand and daily arriving a argo and choice assortment of Staple and Fancy ROCERLES, to which the attention of the public e respectfully requested. PORK, DRIED Aoorxs, SUGARS ' DABS, " PEACHES, OREEN COFFEE SI:MULDER, " CIIIIRRIES, 'ROASTED .‘ DRIED BEEP, COOKING PRUNES, MOLASSES, SMO'D TONG . E ZANTE CURRANTS, SYRUPS, MACKEREL, PLENIS, COD FISH, FRESII FRUITS, SALMON, COACOIL, CANDLES, COARSE SALT, PINE SALT. d 4911 . fRa A large assortment of choice flavored Green and Black Tea?, superior to anything in the market. 11E 41i -M Ginger, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace GROCERIES, an elegant variety always on hand, Jomposed in iart of SALAD OIL, SARDINES, SAUCES, CHOCOLATE, MACARONI, PEARL BARLEY CANNED FRUIT, CATSUPS, VEIMILLION, TOBACCO! CIGARS!! Constantly iu receipt of a largo variety of FRESH CRACKERS. WHEAT FLOUR! RYE FLOUR!! Como and buy! Come and buy 1 BROOMS, BRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And every thing usually found in a first-class GROCERY HOUSE. PRODUCE BOUGHT ?fie All goods warranted ns represented. W. S. BOWEN, Sn. Allentown, May 15,1865.-1 y IMPORTANTro FEMALES ,SEE S- Eke -- , 44 ((( PILLS r , 'TO THE LADIES. BOTH. MARRIED AND SINGLE, Tho Oldest Regulator for Females Dr. Cheesemaa's FeMale Pills Will immediately relieve, without pain, all disturb ances of the periodic discharge, whether arising i'rom relaxation or suppression. They net like a charm iu removing the pains that accompany dif ficult or immoderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, dick Head ache, Patna in the Loins, Back and sides,Palpita- Hon of the ' Heart, Nervous Tremors, lystories spasms, Broken Sloop, and other unpleasant and and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst euoes of Fluor Albus, or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills Have been used over n Quarter of a Century. They ire offered as tbo only safe moans of renewing inter rupted menstruation, but Ladies must bear in mind that, there is ono condition of the female system in which the Pills cannot be talc-n without produc ing a peculiar •osult. 'rho condition referred to is Pregnancy They cannot do harm in any other way. Dr Cheeseman's 'Female -rills Aro the only Mediaiue that Married and Slop e Ladies have relied upon for many years, or ran re ly upon now. Beware of Imitations I These Pills form the Finest Preparation over put forward, with iinuiediato and persistent success. Don't he doeciv -d Fake this advertisement to your Druggist, au oil him that you want the host and most raliabh Comet') Medicine in the World, which is comprised Dr. Oheeseman's Female Pills' They have received, and are now receiving the sanction of tho most eminent Physicians In America Explicit directions with each box—the price One Dolllar per box, containing from 60 to 80 pills. Pills sent by snail, promptly, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorised agent, In current funds. Sold in Allentown by Lewis Schmidt & Co , John 11. Moser, Laisall & Martin, and by Druggists gen erally. lIITTCIIINOS & lITLLYER, Proprietors, octll'Bs-Iy] 28 Doy Street, Now York, A PICTURE FOR EVERY ONE nILENIIi STEEL ENGRAVINGS AND FIRST CLASS LITHOGRAPHS forwarded by Mail or Express to all parts of the United States: Being among the largest IVltolosale Dealers in Engravings in the country—our Mollifies are superior in giving the public a greater variety of subjects to select front than can he obtain ed from other houses. JV , J ID 111 the time to Emir/fiat your House. No Homo complete without suitable pictures adorn ing tho walls. Send /or our Pamphlet Catalogue-37 Pages— which contains a descriptive list of oaoh Picture, with Prince attaohod.—Ala: ed Free. Agents wanted. The trade supplied. atoldrelub WOMEN E. PERIEE 3 banivor Pabliohar, 11.1. Nassau St, Now York. Kew Yorl4 Juba I.othi 'eat IHE CHEAP ALLENTOWN BM Mk. --` T. V, RHO A DS, Agent, No. 31 West Hamilton' St eet, AT the Store of the subscriber will be kept con stantly on band, at the very lowest rirea, in the most elegant and a so In oorniniin binding. ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, Such as complete series of Sander's Reading and Spelling Books, " McOuffies' Greenleaf's Arßhmetice, Algebras, Monteith's Geography, Colton's Mitchell's Ge igraphy and Atlas, Brown's Grammars, Weld's Grammar and Geometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, " Mental " Specimen Copy Books, Potter & Ilammond's Books. ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, Inketands,S ,nd Boxes, Wrltink. Band, steel Pens. Qiiills, Lead Pet oils, Bates and Ponotia,Slat.. Rub. bars. Pen Holders, Gold Pens. and Pencils, Drawing Pencils, Gum- Rubbers, -ealing Wax, Water Colors, Tape Al easures,lndelible Ink,Pooket Knives, Collar Pins,trochet Needles,Tootapieks,ete. Also a splendid lot of Pocket Books, including every kind des red—all of tho very best quality ann at the lowest prices. Ala-. a large selection of ENGLISH AND GERMAN BIBLES, Testaments, Unformed and Lutheran Liturgies, a. well as H.l kinds of tlymn and Prayer nooks A leo al kinds of Illtudo Beaks; such R 8 the Gold on Chain. -untlav School Bell, No I and 2, L).3 Sobool 8011. "h..ral Harp ; also Swank 8 Weber', Ueraian t Lurch Music 13.,0k5. All kinds of Foreign Books Such as Latin Ilea trig BoCoke. Latin Grammars Greek . Grammars, Bullion's Anthon's mars, Jtc. SUNDAY SCIECOOL 13001L8. A full assortment of Sunday School llookt, in cluding all the public.,ticns of the American Tree mety, the American •unday cool —Union" one the "Pennsylvania tliblo ociety ." Particularly does he with to Bay that ho has splendid Liorarie. and Howard Tickets on band, soon as have never neon kept on sale in 'his town bef.,ro. BLANK B)OKS. He ban a ..pleudid lot. and of the very beet qw4 y. Thoy are of all siaes,•ai.d ean be üb.ained ful r half bound. ' IdEf&ORANDILiI BOOKS. No ono wi.l duuy that ho has the most splontii• assortment of Mamorandom Lithlit° ut ovary dmerii .ion on hand. that amo be found at any place excet. Now York and . ALBUMS I ALBUMS .I The largest stook of Photograph Albums that has over been aeon to Allontoivo can bu found at Rhoads' Cheap Book Store. To overibe mom ie impos,ibk. —!hey must be aeon, and if so, every one will at °nee say that they art the NICKeT HO.l CHEAPrST they ever a.m. At the Emem place there aro also over 600 Photographs, a .d also iratnes and a splendid assortment of largo Pictures for solo. 't ALL PAPER Over 200 different patteros of Wall Paper an, fterders aro also al this Oheap Beek , to.o aii •a huudreaa of other enteral too nun emus to m n Very largo variety of WINDOW CURTAIN Cher 20U different patternt, ir uk• HE ti ! B US ES ! ! A largo vartety 01 gutty Bru,hos: Tooth Bruebe and Comb of every d seription By strict a•tot.tion to hi. business low prices an good goods, be hopes to m'rit hi. share of pu , di patronage, wnich be will always keep in gratoto on.emhoronno: T. V. B.LittADS, Ag't. April 24, 1868 CIII.ES Soars, POPULAR PRICES! POfl TRE POPHAR TRADE AT IHE POPULAR STORE MR& NEIL A_ 11111 - JULIA ALLENTO WN, PA. • Immense Attractions! Goods Purchased For CA SH For Cash and. Approved Credi GREAT DEW INE IN PRICES! Big Drop in Gold, Whether temporary or permanent deponent sattli. not. With gold from $2.90 aown to $1.27, al.l cotton 39 cents a pound. . STANDARD GOODS are now Belling at a heavy lose to the mantifac4nrers hut this is neither hero nor there, tar FRAMER, I. bound to euep time to the Inueto, nod euntinu as heretofore, To /...ead the Trade ARE) OVEMIE grallEantill2M3 THAT DEFY COMPETI MON From April 3d, I shall offer a complete line of Ladies Seasonable Dress Goods Doing pe featly ALIVP with everything in thie in. that in EnE-El, CHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, i aloft to upnoi for Style. Variety and Lowness of Price Awl and can not be surpassed. A tall lino of all the choioo brands of bleach and unbleaehed mu dos, esheettuge, &0., and Over thing that bolonge to housekeepers in thin lino at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES! I give no quotation if prices, but will soil you for LESS MONEY than you can get . the same goods olrowhera. shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, AR antillas, Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds. &c This department has receivi.d special attentkn this spring and comprising the newestand most mottos spring stoles, adapted to the taste of the ages, middle aged, "Young America," and children, so will be sold at present Also rho • CHOIt ET LINE )f :lOC AI& and at prices that will owivinou ono and all that Great Place of lateres , or persona nishing to select from the moat eite sive and reliable atock of goods and at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES An examination is all I ask, knowing that I can of fer inducements that cannot be surpassed by any reliable house in town. M. J. RRAMER, Oprosite the EAGLE HOTEL. THE CELEBRATED RAPy'S GOLD PEN; 3 The Beat Ett the Wertd. FOR SALE AT MASSEY'S JEWELRY STORE No. 23 East Hamilton St. SIIIMB Pens have acquired sa *ide a reputation tar their superiority as to render them the moat m aim b p d ; made, Where ones used no other pen WM benonlll.Bmoe, J ~ LY, 1860. AND SOLD STAPLE GOODS ? leo , in groat variety Gold Standard Prices. Kramer's 18 kiln ITHPREIR ESTABLIEUTI NEW FIR3/1. Shini.or Bros. (LATE RENINGER & CHIMER No 5 West Hamiton Strout A LLENTOA N, PA. Next Door to the Eagle Hotel ,;himcr's ffiamincth Store LIVE Ib4STITOT.ION Money Saved IsY BUYING- AT ' Sli 'MEWS ttk TOR E, Filled Stacks Nigh with Goods at E 3 ' cs IQ IC7 PR=OS!! nor entire stook ban been MAIttLED DOWN be lowest notab, we dety competition. WE STUDY TO PLEASE very one, old and young, rich and poor, we en deavor to keep a wed solo , •tod stock of DRY GOODS, GR MERLES, QUEENS WARE, CARPETINGB, OIL CLOT 11, PROVISIONS SALT. FISH, !to o give bargains to all those who may favor us with 'heir custom, not only for sixty days or a gives time, but wilt always continue to sell our godde at Um very lowest possible prices. Wo do not pretend to say that our sw stem is strictly Cash, out guaran tee our prices to be as low as any others who are boasting of selling the o:leanest, in consequence of doing business entirely upon cash prinaiple. Strangers follow the standard customers of the well known old stand, and you will all in turn be with courtesy waited on and supplied with th. cheap est Goods. Be sure von are right, mingle in this ~woad, then come ahead to SUIMERS POPULAR. STORE. where you can bo best suited with the most goods r the least money, with bock durable and fashion- ble goods. LADIES' Dress Goads Drp trtment Unusually complete with riob and elegant goods MEI well as the cheaper styles, it comprising Blank and Colored Hulks, . Pia d and Figured Wool Do Laines, liderinoes, Plain, Figured and carded %lohair, American De Leine', Cohurgs, Alpacas., Rents, Poplins, Scotch and „ Union Plaids, oto., etc., etc., oto lola 't IN xGOODS , Vol., DolamsQ, slerinoes. Ropps, Poplin, Mo. hair Goods, Bombazines, Alpae eas, Cont.', Cloth, • Delaines, Coburg Pants, Sce. Crape and Love Veils, Crape Collars, Square and Long Thibet and Blanket Shawls, llandkerehfefs, Llosiery and Gloves, &e. Gingham', Flannels, Muslin, 'Eleatic us, Diapers, Cherhs, Linens, Bosoms and White Goods, ISN. £0 CLOAKS 4,ND CLERK' O CLOTH ‘f every diseription, styles, quality, erdera of rice& SHAWLS! SHAWLS' ! qua o and long Drooba, thankUts,lbet and 'laid Snowle. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prices, and all sizes The Silver Skirt: This skirt is more durable, more elastic, min graceinl, and will keep its shape and retain its place •'otter than any other Skirt. The Steel Springs bo ng covered with a tine pinta wire, in place of e cotton covering. wilt not wear off or become soiled, ,nd the whole sk.rt may be washed without injury r fear of rusting and will ho as good as new. CARPETS AND 01 CLOTH, A very full stuck, new and rioh designs. itILTEIENsWittIIE A full assortment, cheat). WINDOW SHADES AND DlNty TAIRS Of every diaoription. Groceries, Fish and prooisicns At the ,lowest prices, comprising a fill' line of all articiaa uaual , yi kept in a first Mass G 00 , 1 Aepirt• went. SALT—Ground Liverpool, Ashton and dairy salt by the soak and bushel. • • Country Produce. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange; and the highest prices paid for. GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED • An early call will secure advantages that ertalnly lost in delay. We are thankful to our old for far coo., and solicit a continuance f the sami,anill many new ones, who will favor us wlth their patron ,e, we will endeavor our utmost to treat them with courtesy and punctuality Remember the well known old stand•late BBL MOHR & 81:11111.61t, No. b West a amil.on Streat e i i I tilentown, Pa. , BitIMER BROS. ;- 1 • Consult Your Interest In Buying roods! Metzger & Osman novo just °paned et their TA LL ()RIND ESTABLISHMENT, EABT HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA. THEIR SPRING STOCK OF • CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, V ESTINGS, &0., &0., whioh will be ' Made up to Order, 1 tP TUB LATIST.STYLIES, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN. at the shortest notioe. . glfE.ADV..rffli\ (BITVEIIND in SIMMS !MISR 6111111 SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER. Cali and Examine. WE RAVE THE Cheapest Coats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest PalltB, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, Cl3ollpest Collars, Ch as st Bus ms, Cheapea - theisties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerobieb,t . Cheapest H..eiery, Ch (meet Gloves Cheapest Umbrellas; etc., etc., eta., etc. Our Hoek le mush heavier and better assorted than EVER BEFOKEt Don't forget the place, No. 33 East Hamilton 'try next door to the "Independent Republikanor." METZGER & 081 1 / 1 11i s _ llama Mamma, late of the firm of 'Dina & game. TILGHMAN OSMAN, lately bead cutter at the estab.. Raiment of Trozell & Metzger. Allantrm. Aug. 8. 1855 , PURE LIBERTY W BITE LEAD ' preferred by all practical Paintere ! Try it! • and ;' you will have do other Manufactured mil"! • by 7.1E01.11:11 & brdITII;' WKOIXIALII Dill7o, PAIIt GLAND Doisiii - "4 0110-1,1 No. . 1 0. ISt North P 1111.1414 , .-I =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers