IR lii MIME El llprr Schreiber it Coi l 7-AT TIIE- NEW YORK STORE, N 0.3 rail Zast Hamilton ,Stfoot, . 4 4L1,N7,01VN; /PA.. Are ninr Tecoiving ~ quAr NEW STOCK of SPRIWG AIHIIIIIII,I 6001131 whiiirtregei.finve hought itt 25 t 0,50 '11M: cent. lase than triey oniiid - b'e bought tor, and are now prepar., ad to givo their customers the advantages of our jI LOW PURCHASES. Wetetfll lit ads ahoy itirthno - tin§ PO in Alice:. town, sell better Goods and.moronf them. We don't WWI to boast of what , Ore .to, only Como anti see for yourrives . Dear before was , presented to the publianktcli 6 diali6ictive an (depot assorimont of IVIR I ESNW ' GI OOD • 472 ,E; part:or Y FINE- FRENCH NIERINOES ,assorted and light colors , MIYSI I IN, DE LAINES; UNION PLAIDSi in Ch 0064 grist:eh Plaids All Wool De Laines AND ISE "dlYo:ur in Goads• Afireit'viailaty of La Miseae and Cbildten's WOOLEN,tSIIAWLS. . Ream Mitten to the above will ba :Genii the larg esysioek . of Bqiyiiir ' Blenithed ' Tidings, • - Denims, Striped and Checked - • • Shirting, • • ' Canton • . Flannels, . . Prints, Clinghams, Woolen Flannels, Cassimores, and BE r i !fj;►::! =II Cloth Ever Aorta in Aillentown Our Cloths, Cassimoros and Flumele are cheaper and superior to anything offered at at y other establishment in town. Come 'skarn ypu can get Goods at prices that ensure ayeedy and satiefacto•y solo. Our stock is ambito and offers groat inducements. When you are ready to buy, tall in with the crowd an 1 bring uziOhe Store No. 35 East 111 milton Street. MILLER, SCHREIBER k CO. ,Samary 2, 1866. —tt IMPORTED AND DOME Srlti CARPETINGS. MIST CLASS GOODS tine A AND variable Cash Price. _,A.INAN3g,NSE STOCK — libfaang 'all Kinds and Styles —OF— American and European MANUFACTURE, At' Reduced Pritees, -ACCpUNT ! (F, TILE DECIAN .IN 141" '"10 . TJ D E.. R.. ,ORNE . 9 • •Philadelphia, IVow cjii• their 9411,ZAT ,tslittlG STOCK, inlll46lVED'\? bord2sMrn OARPETINGr, French and English Axminster, English Royal Wilton, 6-4 and 9 4 Velvets, Fine English Brussels, Tdpestries, .lanporial Threolly Cdrpet, Fine Ingrain Carpe ENGLISH BICIISt.LS oTAL WILTON CARPETS FOR FITAIRB AND HALLS, RR' BORDERS. •4.4, WHITE, RED•CIIECKED AND FANCY MATTING, _MATTING, Krigiusu. OIL CLOTLIS, '&,C March 27-3 m EIT EMU ALLENTOWN! gliti .JUST OPENED; Limier & Steckel. 11.1101. RM. N 3, 9J His! trect lakyle. opened a tew DRY GOODS and GIRO .O.ERY storm All of their stock is new and freab, - and has been purohased for cash at the pres ent reduced pricer, which will enable them to sell at greatly reduced rates. Among their Dies Goods will be found soma of tho Blest and most fashions Vle.etyles, comprising Mohair Leno, Voyngo, 1;OfiO - 111elange, All IVool 1),) n' u la r iTan.l Fignr2l lvi Pt ' ) l p n l g in ft. s. '''l4itaidley's Improved Duplex Dom Sidi' Also n full ling of Vr.32111V9.0 . Con3isting in port of Llassitneres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans. .Cottomulos, &c. 'DoMestic 'Goods, Snoh ne.'hokings, ,Flonnros, Shootings, T 7 . 1 ,fit; Prlnts. Check, &c.; &c. p4.<..' ` 'Terms are CASH 1 ~;. ,Nas. PUNTRY PktODUCE taken in exchange; Jo" wren,. MYtt fir lgqi E,,Af t EMBER That now is the Time 1111111.011 E YOURIIIIIISES it t, liqu LITTLE MON hY YOU CAN ALL DO r • 6, Go to tho g °II,, SURIEDENSBOTE" . BOOK STORE az dik,thapo some of that aploutlid aW&I Papei:%.. 'letiltt beall•TCColVod. \Vu always have" (.1. 'and 0114,4 tho • Itrs Tinost, Chqapest • e r ti e e : th o'l (I •' W.4k 1 71 .410PIELEit. 46 3 04. i 550ti0 4. _ pappogyour vapor at u place vaiore i6thiiir - lea hrgir uranotttnent in liorth three times the prioey9 pey, at other places where there am only a Ablin Intterni offered for sale. • • All we alik4 for the popplo,toporno and see for themselves.. e 'charge nottitOg for showilnir good*. os\r pa:gob:4AV It bef lea,nolghbors,,roplriencle and • ' i ell people, that e placeraett .the only,plimein,th le 4411110111m1 0 .b. ,2 ,y. tb nneet,andnlivemet assortment of atfirAMllMlgilb abitbi 44. ••, •:• , 11 ••••• •• :, :•-• Wi IiE FILIEDEN VOTE" BOOK STORE , I .if i OF 14 • IN3ING & CO. ‘lt FALL ARRANGRMENTS. Commencing on Monday, Sept. 19 2 1864. On and after Monday; Septet:the:a' 19, 1864, Pas • sengor Trains of thr Lehigh Vtlley Railroad Com pany will run as follows : ' , WO O W!OR EASTWARD TRAIN,S. PTATIONS. ‘,. No. 1. No. 5. No.'. No. 3. Leave ' A. M. P: 31. P. M. A. M. .Whita Haven 9.40 3.00 Tannery .- 947 Hickory Run • ~, 9.57 3.17 n. Und Run ~ , . , 10.04 ..3,.24 , i Rockport 110.15 .3.34 p 4 Dec ke's Creek 10.22 3.41 s ,- 10.27 . : , 2 • Stony Creek Joanesvillo - 2.15 4. Beaver Meadow , 2.35 A''' Tarle Creek Bridge 830 3.05 4 Weatherly 8.25 3.20 . Penn Haven ' 850 '.9 Penn Haven Junction . '10.40 8.56 - 1 3''': Wench Chunk 4.30 11.10 4.25 '. 4; Li,bighton 4.40.. 11.20 - 4.35, P'; Perryville 4.46 ' . 4.41. : c Lehigh Gap 5.01 ' 4.56 ilatington 5.07. ~11.93 5,02 t ': Rockdale 5.17 ' 5.13 ' ' Usury's 527 ' ' • 5.23 Whitehall 5.34 .• .. .. ' 5.30' Corday 5.88 ": 12.05 , • 5.34- - • liokendauque .. 5.42 ', 7 • 5.38 Catasauqua 546 ' 12.10 5.42 ' Allen Furnace ' 5.54 5.50 Allentown 6.00 12.20 5.55 Dist Penn. Junet. 6.02 ' • 5.55 11.12 North Penn June,. 6.15 6. 1 5 Bethlehem 0.15 12.40 6.15 11.23 Freemansburg 6.23 12.49 624 Lime Ridge 6.29 12.57 6.30 6.29 errive at Easton 6.44 1:15 6.45 11.53 UP OR WESTWARD TRAINS. , STATIONS. * N0.,8. No. 6. No. 9. No. 2. N o. 4. issave 'A: M. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Easton 9.39 3.25 7.40 11.47 10.03 Lime Ridge 3.42 7.58 Froemansburg 9.50 3.49 8.06 Bothlehom 10.00 4.00 8.15 12.18 10.33 North Penn. Juno. 10.00 . 8.15 East Penn.june. 4.15 Allentown 10.12 4.15 8.30 Allentown Furnace 4.20 ' 8.34 . 14 .., En, Catasanqua 10.25 4,28 8.42 R 1 4 1 Hokendauqua 10.30 4.33 8.47 6' .5 Copley 10.34 9.33 8.51"• - • Whitehall . 10.39 4.43 8.56 T., . f i t• Laury'a , ' ' 10 . 48 4.50 9.04 '3, :.;.; Rockdale 10.56 5.00 9.14 .H to ilatington 11.07 5.12 9.25 . 0 , T: Lehigh Gap . 11.13 5.18 9.31 r. ^" Perryville ' 11.28 5.33 '9:45 % . : 3 .4. • Lehighton 11.34 5.39 9.50 ...1 fr 4 Mauch Chunk 11.50 6.00 10.00 6.30 Penn Haven Juno. 12.12 6.24 Penn Haven 12.20 12.40 flazle Bridge 12.50 Beaver Meadow 1.10 Jeansville 1.30 Stony Creek 6.37 Drake's Crook 12.30 ' 6.44 Rockport 12.37 6.51 Mud Run '12.47 7.01 Hickory Rut 12.54 7.08 Tannery 7.20 At White Haven 1.10 7.26 CONNECTIONS'', BALIVIORALS, Sce WM. it. STECKEL.' 'IRA.VEDLERV GUIDE , • Lehigh Malley H ~ ..Y.'ntEtu sat o wego aismosontoo. Central Railroad of New Jersey—All up anddown rains connect with tho traine of the Central Rail- road of New Jersey to and from New York. Eforth Pennsylvania Itnilroad.—All down trains and up trains Nos. 7 and 8 will connect with the tmins of the North Pennsylvania Railroad for Eita- Lions above Bethlehem. Down trains No. & and up trains Nos. 2 and 6 for Stations below Bethle hem. Bast Pennsylvania Railrond.—All trains connect milli the trains of the East Pennsylvania Railroad, except down train No. I and up train No. 8. Belvidere Delaware Railroad.—Down trains Nos. I end 3 and up trains Nos. Band 7 connect with he trains of tho Belvidere Delaware Railroad. Catawinsa and Quakake Railroad.—Down trains Nita 1 and 5 and up trains 8 and 8 connect with the rains of tho Catawissa and Quakako ailroad. Hazleton Railroad—Down trains Nos. 3 and 5 and up train No. 8 will connect with the trains of the Ilazleton Railroad. IVilltes-Earr6—Down trains "es. 3 and 6 and up trains Nos. 6 and s will oonne:t with the trains to and from Wilkosbaire. R. 11. SAYRE, Supt. do Eng nugB26s East Pennsylvania Railroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Commencing , Ifimday, December 26th, 1864. loXve Allentown daily (6undnys excepted) for all points on the line: Reading, Tamaqua, Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven, Auburn, Pine Grove, Poit Clinton, Pottstown, Phcenixville, Philadelphia, Norristown, and'alf paints on the Philadelphia and Reading. It. It. and connections t.t 7 a. In. and 4.15 P. 11. For Lebanon, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Colum bia, York, Baltimore, Carlisle, Chambersburg,W ash ington, Muncy, Milton,Williamsport, Sunbury,Lock Haven, Elmira, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Cleveland, tillicago; St: Louis, and all other points in the South and North West at 12.35 noon, and at 11.44 P. M. These trains: Ara ho Groat Western Exprosi. and cennectatt,Garriaburg with the Fast, Line nod En nre..fe TAN to'i Pittsburg, - without change' of 'ears.— TIII3 most elegant and delightful Sleeping Care are attached to these trains; these trains also make di rect connections at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington. The 11.44 P. M. train will leave Al lentown every Sunday for Reading, Harrisburg and Pittsburg Passengers are requested to purchase their tick. •ets before entering the ears, as higher fare will be charged on the cars. Ate -Through tickets for sale at the Allentown et ice for Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, St. Louis E. M CLYMER, President. nugB-'65, NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. igEMig I MMMNN WINTER ARRANGESIENTS. OASSENGELLS for Philadelphia take L. L trains passing Allentown at 6.00 a. wt., and 5.55 p. m., make close connection with the trains of V. P.R. it. at Bethlehem, and arrive in Philadel phia at 9.20 a. m., and 8.45 p. m., respectively. Pamengere for Doylestown take 6.30 a'. in. train from Bethlehem and make connection at Lansdale and can return to Allentown the same evening. All Passenger Trains (except Sunday Trains,) con neat at Berke street, Philadelphia, with bth and 6th Street City Passenger Railway. RET URNING. Leaie the'new Depot, Third street, above Thomp son, Philadelphia at 7.30 a. m., and 5.15 p. m., arriv ing in Allentown at 10.12 a. m., and 8.30 p. m., re. spectively.: LOCAL SCHEDULE. Throe Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.] Passenger trains leave the new Depot, Third street, Philadelphia. For Bethlehem, at 7.30 a. m., '3.30 p. in., and 15 P. M. For Doylestown nt 9.55 a. m., and 2.30,4.15 p. rn For Lansdale at 6.15 p. in. For Fort Washington at II p m. TRAINS FOR PIIILADI:LPIIIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 a. in. 10.02 a. in., and .1.15 p. in. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 a. in., 3.15, and 5 90 u. in. Leave Lansdale nt 6.10 a. m. , Fort Washington, at 2.15 p. m , 10.50 a. m. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, 81 86 ELLIB CLARK, Agent. iugB-'65 READING RAIL ROAD SUMMER ARRAN() EME NTS, Apra 23d, 18GG. GREAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE NORTH and North-Weat for Philath:looa, Now Y rk,, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashlam!, Lebanon, Allentown, Eastor, Ac., Trains loavo Harrisburg for Now York, ns follows: At 3.00, 7.40 and 9115 A. Id.. and 2 00 and 9.20 P. M. connecting with ..bailar Trains ou the Pennsyl vania Rail Ituad, and arriving at New York at 5 40 and to 00 on , and 3.40 and 10 35p. on. lUcep ing Cars accotupanying the 3.00 a. m , and 0 20 p. in., trains, without change. Idnive Harrbburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qke, Mineravillo, Ashland. Pine Grove, Ailentown aud Philadelphia, at 7 40 a. to , and 2:00 'end 9.20 p. w., stopping at Lebanon /11/a principal %Vt y Sta tions; the 0 20 p. ni., train milking to uli so connec tions for Pottsville tor Philadelphia. For Potts. villo Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Surquehanna Railroad, leave Harrishurgat 4 15 . Returning,: Lenve New York at 9.80 n. tu., 12.00 Upon 'and 8.39 p to ; MN& Iphia at S 00 a. m , anti 330 p. to ; Potteville at 8:0 a to. and 245 p. Abillanl 0 00 and 11 15 a. to. nr (1.1,95 p. m.; Tama. qua at 0,45 a. in. and 1,00 and 8,55 p. tn. Leave Pottsville for Ilarrishurg, via Schuylkill and Rufquebetana Railroad, at 7,00 a.. m. Rending Accommodation Train; Leaves Reading at ft 00 a in., returning from Philadelphia at 5 00 p tn. Ooluni , sla Railroad trains Wive Reading at 8 10 a in and 0 15 p m for lipbrata, Lids, Lanenater,Col umblairAfe.; • On Sundays: leave New York at 8 30 p tn, Phil adelphii 8 00 a. 16 ind 3 15 p m, the 8 00 a m train running only to Rending:" Pottavi,lo 8 00 a Im. Ta maqua 7 30. a in. Ilarriaburg 9,os_a_m iutd Reading at 130 a m foe Ilarri. s hurg, an 1q 62 a m for New York, and 4 2 . 5" P m Air Philadelplihi. Crmmulatiori.. Mileage, Season, lichee! . and Bx. caraion Tie:Oa-to - and •irom•all potato. at • reduced ebbbkaA thrddglOADT potiads . iillowa4 each Passenger. 0. A. fiICOLLB, Oeueral Eluporiatendukt. Pai, April 184 Het WWI Mil yoltßEltik let > , OR LIFEREJMENAThiI prenaration is unequaled as a Rejuvenator and Restorer of wasted or inert functions, The aged should be certain to make the Blokrene a household 'god, inasmuch' ae it will render them youthful in feeling and in strength, and enable them to live over again the day of their pris : ins .ay. It not only exhilarates but strengthens, and is roe* an invaluable blessing, espeolally to those who, have been reduced to a condition of servility, self-abuse, misfortune, or ordinary eickness. No matter what the cause of the Impoterrtrof:any hunian organ, this supertr preparation will I remove the effect at once and forever. DZOIC3LIINE . , cures Impotency, General. Debility, Nervous Inca peeitY, spepsiti, Depression, Loss of Appetite, LoW'Scirits, Weakness of tho Organs of Generation, IrnbeeilitY,liental Indolence, liniticiation. It bag a most delightful, desirable and novel offset upon the' nervous system : and all who ere in any way psoritrated by nervous disabilities, are earnestly mi me to seek. a cure in this most excellent and nue. quelled preparation. Persons Who, by imprudence, have lost their nat. urarvigoriWill find a speedy and permanent cure in the The Feeble, the Languid, the Dlspairing, the Old should give this valuable', discovery a trial; it will be found totally different from all other articles for the Same purposes. TO Females.—This preparation is invaluable in nervous weakness of all kinds, as it will restore toe wasted strength with wonderful permanence. It is also a grand tonic, and will give relief in Dyspepsia with the first dose. A brief persistence in its use will renovate the stomach to a degree o perfect health and banish Dyspepsia forever. One Dollar per bottle, or six bottles for $5. .„11:41r Sold in Allentown by Lewis Schmidt and Druggists generally. Sent anywhere, by addressing HUTCHINGS HILLYER, Proprietors, 21 Day Street, New York. November 1,1865-1 y 12.28 10.94 THE GP.EAT PURGATIVE. Dr. Itadway's Pills. 25cts. PER BOX. R. RELDWAT'S PILLS FOR THE CURE OF ALL DISORDERS OF THE 7.45 8.00 Stomach, LiVer, Bowels, Kidneys, Blad der, Nervous Diseases, Headaohe, Constipation, Costiveness, Madl. gestion, Dyspepsia, Billionsness , Billions Fevers, Inflammation of the Bowels, Plies, and all De rangements of the Internal Viscera ONE TO SIX BOXES ARE WARRANTED TO EFFECT A POITIVE CURE PURELY VEGETABLE. OONTAIRING NO AIRRCITRY, lITNZRALO, OR DELE'ItRI- DOSE.—As a brisk purgo, four to six pills; as a laxative, one or two pills—to be taken at night on retiring. pfrObserve the following..symp toms, resulting from r isorders of the Digestive organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of the Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Momach, Nausea, Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or I loitering at the Pit of tho' Stomach, Swimming of tho Head, Hur ried and difficult breathing Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a Lying Pos ture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever and Dull Pain in the l'ead, Deficiency of Perspira . Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, , • PAIN IN THE SIDE, CHEST, LIMB, & SUD DEN FLUSHEs OF HEAT, BURNI NG} IN THE FLESH. Dr. nadwity's rills Are composed, of extracts of Roots, Herbs, Plants Gems and Balsams, prepared in vacuo. Nothing but the active and positive curative properties of medloinal plants cuter into their compositii n. Be frig high y concentrated, two to four of Radway's Pills produce a more thorough evacuation from the bowals, and exercise a more healthful influence on ho:Livar, klploon, Kidneys, ho , than eight to ten of any other purgative or alterative pills in general use. They have in hundreds of cases scoured the desired discharge from the bowels after Croton Oil, Harlem Oil, Elate:Hum, Podephillim, and other powerful Cathartics have boon used unsuccessfully. They can be taken on all occasions with the positive as surance of success. Many of the disorders of the Stomach, Bowels, Kidneys, and other glands of tho-system, are caused by derangement in the action of the Liver.. Head aches. Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Hysterics, frequent ly owe their presence to a disordered liver. What a, then, to suffering humanity, are Red way's Regulating Pills, (called Regulators ) These Pills are the moat safe,, effectual, and spee dy Correetor and Reg latora of the Liver in use, and are the only Medicine known to tho world 'hat possesses the wonderful power . of imparting nutri ment to the diseased system while it is undergoing medication. In all oases of Liver Difficulties, Dys pepsia, Costiveness, lfilliousness, Headache, Neural gia, Hysterics, the patient taking these pilindorlyes a nourishing trinciple from their use that 081=0. be obtained from ordinary food. In all oases of In digestion, where the torpid state of the Liver inter rupts the progress of Digestion, adway's Regulat ”g Pills quickly restore each and every organ to its natural Anne, vigor, health, and duty. ARE SOLD BY DRUOGISTS AT 250. PER BOX Ladies or Gentlemen who are troubled with this dis,tuating infirmity may req upon a quick and rad ical cure by the use of RADWAY P B Itco LATINO PILLS. In many instances, foul breath is induced by a dig. ordered stomach; in the latter the continued use of the Pills will impart such vigor of health to tho stomach as to render the aroma from the teeth im perceptible. Let those who are conscious of this in firmity make e trial—few however, who are thus troubled are aware of it. Dn. Jour RADIVAY R CO, r+l co nt real, C. E.—For four years I have suffered with Dyspepsia, Lose of Appetite, Sinking Paine at the Pit of the Stomach, Nervousness, Bad Dreams, and very little Sleep; my appetite entirely gone and my stomach so week as to be unable to digest the most a mple food. Dur ing this timo I lost forty-five pounds of flash (or weight as you may cal it.) I leas induced to take your Regulating Pills as prescribed in your Alma nac. I used only ono box, and before I completed the box my appetite was restored to me, my stom ach perfectly healthy, my dyspepsia, bad dreams, and other disagreeable symptoms oured and was m etered to my original weight; so that ono box of your Pills cured me of a disease that for four years had made me miserable, and gave mo forty five pounds additional weight. I have taken many kinds of pills, but I believe Dr. Radway's Pills tbo best in JN 0 . DESCUAYS, Ville Joliette, C. E. ' Suppression of the Menses, lleadaciie, Hyster tics—Nervousness Cured. NKwanK, N. J., Oct., 10, 1863. Dn. RADWAY—Your Pills and Ready Relief have saved my daughter's life. n June last abo wan eighteen yearb of ago, and for three months her men ses was suppressed. the would frequently vomit blood, suffer terribly from headache and pains in the small of her back and thighs, and had frequently fits of hysteriaa. Wo commenced by giving her nix of your Pills every night and ruhhed the Ready Re lief on her spine, back,mnd hips. We continued this treatment one weak, when to our Joy, ebo was relieved from her difficulty. She is now well and regular, and has been so over since. • Yours, very truly, ' • J. G. GODGRON. Your Pills cured me of Pilea that, I feel Nimrod, was caused by over-dosing with drastic pills. Da. RADWAVEI PILLS are elegantly coated with sweet medicinal gums. which render them very con venient, and well adapted for children and persona who dislike to take medicine, cam:daily pills. Price Twenty-Ave cents per box; Fold by drogg;ste and Country :dmr q bants, Principal office. SI Malden Lane, NeW . bg. MIDWAY A CO. Aug. 8, 1885. —l7 UNnER afteiiitiettagenf die United !totes Gee. .ernment.t ,Mode 4 of Ole superior leg Inky :lee eioletrbt the.tageneret the salsa. Leg Company; We. 83 South Seventh Street, Phila. Cal eta ees them, or iord fora *troller oontatg• log fill hihnikfileiu (401,111. RIMM 33ZOHRENE. ==2 0118 DROOB THE LIVER. DR. RADWAY'S PILLS DR. RADWAY'S OFFICE, er MAIDEN VANE, Now York Foul Bi eath Cure of Dyspepsia. J. LIETT6,o.E , Oct:, 12, 18114 IMPORTANT TO LADIES. THE' SALEM LEG CONSUMPTIVES,; READ WHAT DRi SCHENCK , LIDOING4 H&J:H.BOI4MM: * •r• .• DEAR !Naga ditty ,i,owe to youi.and to all who are ai:faring tinder the diseases knoWn at Consumption and Lim to let them; know what great benefita I have root fitted from your Pal monk Syrup and,Saiweard Tonto in so short a time. By the blessing of tiod it ha cured Me thus far. Dr. Schenck; I will now make iny bum:moot to you as follows :—About eighteen mon ha ago I was' attaoked With a severe sough, and it settled ,cla my lungs; I could not retain anything t ate, and ant lered with evening fevers and might sweats: 411 very much educed. The whims ,of sytettet. itety yellow; likewise my skin; Ivy . eppetite go e, and unable to digest what uld eat 1, bowels swollen, irregular , and codtltei twee: very low spirited, and -had-such violent spells of coughing when I laid down at-flight-acid ithdn I twat in the morning that they would last one or Mahler& , I then would, be nearly.,-exhausted, and, atui,.efl7 tirely unable to lip on my l'eft sitio..;/eaititot de. ; scribe my wretched suffering as X Wonldmish to do. Bratty organ in nay body wee diseased or deranged, -Such was my eitnation at ibis time, and con , fined to my bed from the last, of February,lB62,to Jlfatts 1862, not able to situp. I bad the best at medical attendance the whole of the time. .31y cough was so Very bad that it racked me very much. I at this time raided a large quantity of thiek,.yril low, offensive matter, sometimes with blood, and its was generally accompanied by nausea Mad a"furred and thick:66l6dd tonglie: , itiis ifian6dlithic so badly I we uld hate sharp,:ahooting x pains in my left side and heart, night Sweats, and soreness all. thrrugh my whole cheat ; bad much inward pain in my- back and under my shoulder bladed and in the small of my bank, and at times ito severe that' it' would throw me into spasms. NOW my physician gave me 'up to die. Others I barl, and the; best of them, but they could do nothing for me, and at that time I was nothing but skin and bones. I then was In the western part of Mistionil. In Dine last We left there for the East, and in August last we came to New York, and I was so reduced that I could on ly walk a little with my husband's help. 'After . I bad been here a short time the salt water breeze made me feel much better for a time, and then I had again to rail a physician for aid. !Yrubad tour of the best physicians of Now York on the diseases of the lungs, the doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They said I was past cure, and that ray lungs were too far gone for any one to cure me. But at this time I was on my feet about the house, not able to do much of anythingi In November last I grew Worse, and the consumption diarrhea sot to and last. ed about eight weeks. We had tried all and every thing that I could grasp at - like a dying person for my diseases---bonsumption. and liver complaint— but of no avail. . . In January,.lB63. I was brought down again on my bed, and woe not expected to live the night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all gave me up to die.. At this time every one who saw me did not think I would ever leave my bed a living woman..: Whe.first night I was at tacked with spasms, and was deranged most of:the time. A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to see me'the last of the week, and brought the Sunday 4ferearyi In it was an account of a great cure performed. by Dr. Schenck. She road it to me, and it was so much like my disease that I asked my husband to go ; and see him. for me. At this time I had. given up all hopes of over getting well sgain„ and made my peace with God, to be ready whenever he called for me. ' On the 27th of January, 1863, my husband called on Dr. Rehenek; 32 Boild street, New York, rind stat ed to him my ease, with a request for him to pall and sea me, which he did. and,: examined_ me with the respirometer. When he eras about to go I asked him if he could • cure me ? His reply wee: "I eon not tell, both lunge are dleetilted, and,the bronehial: tubes aro affected on both sides." And yet'be seem- • ed to think there w ro lungs enough left to effect a mire if the diarrhea could be stopped. Ile*said In order to do this, he would have to give me Mandrake Pills in small doses at first, to carry off the morbid Tatter, aod then, with toiringents, he hoped to /hook it which ho did,lut'the constant coughing, night sweats, and diarrhe'a bad prostrated me so that he was afraid my vital powers were too rough prostrated ever to rally, and yet he seemed to think if I could live to got -enough Puldionic Syrup through ray system to, cause espenteration, theta' wore lunge enough left to, recover. lie, wished me to try the Pulmorlio Syrup and Feriwe'ed Tonto it once, saying It would do me np harm, if it did me no good. The first week It seemed to give me etrengtb, so that on Sunday after I eat up in bed and ate hearty for a slok woman; but -the next week I lost all hopes and wished iny'husband not to give me any more medicine. But the doctor bad warned him of this, and when the medicine wii4 ' clearing out the system-it made them fool somewhat reatless,,and to persevere; and he insisted:,Ton my taking it ; anti now I feel the benefit of it. For af ter eight days I began to gain any strength, anti, with the exception of a cold that took me 1).144 some, I have been gaining strength of body, my cough is going away, and all my pains are gone; no sore. 13088 of the body, my bowel, are regular, and my liven) is sweet, and I thank G &that I AM DOW go ing about, and sew and read as wall as over I could. I have taken sixteen bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a good apgatlte,and rest we 1 at night ; my cough dose not ridable Me in getting up or lying down. I would now•aay to the afflicted with consumption or liver complaint, that Dr. Schnook is no humbug,: You ...timely on whet he says. Daisy not ; it is dangerous to trill with these diseases. If you would be cured. go at once; and any one wishing to know the facts as herein stated can call at my residence, 117 West 11 onston Buret, New York city. MRS. MARY F, FARLOW.• • Wo the undersignid, residents of New York, are acquainted with Mrs. Farlow, and know her suite. ment,to bo true We also know that she used De e d Schenck's Pulmonio Syrup and Softwood Tonic, and have raison to believe that to this medicine she owes her preservation from a prema tura grave. B. FARLOW..II7 Weet Houston at. EUGENE UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich at. • MRS. EUGENE UNDERHILL..'/6 Greenwich st. AUGUSTA UNDERHILL, 676 Greenwich at, A. F. HARRIS, 117 West Houston at. EMILY GLOVER, 117 Wust. Houston at. J. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl. M. A. LEIGHTON, 483 Broadway. Mae. BENJ4LAPP, 11.1 Amity pl. I arn well acpainted'with Mrs. Mary F. Perim' , and with her husband, Mr B. Farlow, they having, for a few months past, attended at my church, and I am convinced that any statement which they might make may beveled on as true. JOHN DOW LING D., D., Pastor of Bedford St. Baptist Church, N Y. Dr. Schenck will be professionally at hie principal office No 15 North Sixth street. cormcr of eom merce, Philadelphia, every Saturday, from it A. M. until 4 P. M., No. 32 Bond street Now York, ovary Tuesday,from 9 to 3 ; No. 30 Summer street, Boston, Mass., every Wednesday, from 9 to 3, and ovary other t ridgy at 108 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. All advice free, but for a thorough examination of he 'lungs with hie Respirometer, the charge is three tdollar. Price of the Pulmonio Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, e ch St 50 per bottle, or S 7 50 per balidozeo. Zdan. drako Pills, 25 cents per box. Fur sale by ail Druggists and Dealers, January, 2, 1666.-1 Great. Bargains. pnE U. B. GOVERNMENT a^e selling their 1 useless and supernumerary stock. of 'Rinses and NI ULICE4 at low rates. Don't be afraid to Nay because so many are swconied, sprained, and other wise crippled. Buy the Horse, and then buy one or two bottles of SMITIPS LINIMENT, and nee as directed, and you con double your Blan ey. One bottle will effect a cure, unless of very long standing. lose is the best cure for Sweeny over known.— No Rowel or Seaton needed. Smith's Linimmt has been proven to be one of the brat things to cure and give relief to person. of Rioted with Rheumatism or Neuralgia pains, or pains occasioned by over-exertion or exposure. It can always he had wholesale and retail at the Drug Stores I f Dr. W. E. Barnes, Allentown ; W. IV. Selfridge, Bethlehem ; J. S. Larval Catasauqua, or of the Proprietor, . . July 11 '65-1 y 1866. PHIL IDELPIIIA. 1866 Wall Papers 1 Wal Papers 11 HOWELL &.BOURKE, MANUFACTURER' OF PAPER HANGING AND WINDOW ELIDES! Corner of FOURTH and MARKET Sired', , PHILADELPHIA. N. 11.—,Alwnys in Storo a large Stook of LINEN and OIL SHADES. [mar2o 310 LI W. CLARK & , • •• • • E BANKERS, No. 35 SOUTH 3D STREET, PHILA., WE orircE TOE E. 47... r . Morrie k ßarer Railrnai I . poi rent. Banda., F Central Pacific R. R. 7 . 1 s intoreat payuli!o in 4tFtin New York. t .' ff. S. 1 , 10 year O's Interest In earroncy lamed to the ' Paoli° Railroad Company. These bonds are all for aide very low. r toots boußht and sold on Commission.. U. d. Securities of all kinds b ught and sold. [mar2o Rm INVENTORS' OFFICES, D'EPIN.EUIL & EVANS, CIVIL ENOINEEP s & PATENT SOLICITORS No. 435 Walnut street, Philad's. Patents 'allotted --Consultattuns on Engineering D rangtaincand Plfstebes, Models and Meobiner, of all Itlndis4ani and illilftill*Titisitidoa to. Spa= clal attentlon. given ta...RIP.I4ATED OASICB and. INTNBPSRENOES. Anthen.lo Copies of all Doo-i aromas from Patewt Offleikerooured. , F • N. B.—fiava yourselves. useless tr:Onble add ailing rxpeases, as *bet! . Imo artnalVd,lo; Pqr -114°10`110449P PIO 4/ 11 e4 4 11 .1 0 .1.4 •It I tiA Aline °Moos con .110-tranimote n wr ting:; , incttwor; Information (Meet as above, with stomp enclosed; for circular with reforoncort ;Gauzy VI 18066 THE LIGHT OF. THE WORLD. T , um" nt PIS: 01 1 4 ' .: 11Cgt Al 0, 1 .• MAI 4 I MISI;44 41 .!•/ . • • ,Offt!T,,,vzir 111) ;Ll , These Life•givft TolPudieS now, or th e prat time, given tinbltalylii rat , °vie itinar ter of a century of private practice the ingredients In theca Pi 118: flavo'beeii deed with the • greatest •en roam • 2he tniseldn le 'riot only to prevent illsearo,'brit to cvr They search out the various which the patient le suffering, and re-invigorates the &Wog spawn To the aged and infirm' a few doses of there valuable PILLS will prove , to be I VERY MITAI YOffil, For in every oasattle" add new life end v and restore the waning energies to their pristine state. To :the .y.ung and .tniddle.aged, they will prove most invaluable, as a medi c epeolpo, and sterling medicine. Here is a dr am realized, that Ponce-do-Leon 'Aught for three hundred 'ears ago, and never found. tie looked for,a fountain that would restore the old to vigor pad.maks "Ruth ever , Eterna ring. It was left fig ortos hour to reallie the dream' fu r shorr,, in oue,ud dyafact, the rape° that Mau it THESE :FAMOUS, agmEms Cannot stelY the .filglitiof yeas% but they can force back, and hold alobq.disease that might triumph o%er the aged and the ydung. Lot none hesitate then, hut sews the favorable opportunity that offers. When taken as prescribed— • !OR BILIOUS DISORBERS Nothing can be more productive of cure than these . Pills. Their almost magic ioiluepce is felt at ; once ; and the usual concomitants of this Most 'distressing disease are removed. These remedira are made from the purest • VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS. They will not harm the most delicate female, and can be given with good effeet in prescribed doses to the youngest babe. tor Zutaittons Elisorbers And al leruptions of the skim the SALVE is most Invaluable. It does not heal paternally alone, but penetrates with the most searching effects to the very, soot of the evil OR. MIGGIR'S PILLS Invariably cure the following Diseases' Asthma, Bowel Complaints, • Coughs, • , , Colds, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, ; Headache, . , Indigestion,' ' InfluenzO, Ipflam motion, Inward Weakness, Lowness of Spirits, Liver Complaint, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Sealds, Skin Diseases. Alsiff-Nortot.—None genuine witlmot the engrav ed trademark around each pot or box, signed by DR. MAIIGIBL, 43 Fulton at., New York, to coun terfeit wilich is felony. reJr•Soldby all respectable Dealers in Medicines throughout the United States and Conran—O. 25 cents per box or pot. December 12, 1865. Important Notice M. G. BROWN, No. 410 Arch Sreet, Phila 1.11051 a life of study, obsorration. and iMpexperience, and years of practical appli cation of try ' Metaphysical Discovery" on thousands of diseased men. women and children, I have justly come to the conclusion that every Lim' ly in the land, who wish to get rid of disease and keep it ['Limy, must have my Metaphysical Discov ery always on band. It is a certain preventative against disease. It also treats and destroys the cause of disease, consequently the eff.•cts die, be ginning with Deafness, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, with every disease man, woman or child is heir to. ...It ie the only safeguard against Cholera. It cleanses every sewer of the human body, !madam' the flesh, and purifies the blood. In consequence of the above facts, I have this day reduced the price, so as to leave no barrier in the way of the db•eased. . . • The package consist of three bottles, one used for the Eyes. one for the Ears, nod one for tbo Scalp.— These three work. in conjunction, passing into the systesit by absorptio thus killing the very root t f the :d.sease,:ivhich is in a specific, locality in the head._ ..... My Metaphysical Discovery is packed in a neat wooden ca,,o, and will he despatched 'to any part t t the world on receipt of the price, which will be, tram. this 2Oth day otNovember, sold at.•s4 per package, or throe - pxteltages W..- • t.• •• f • r,-- -•'• Celebrated 'Poor' Richard's Eye Water. Atirge. size, $ Tper brittle, or sixbOttles for $5. email size 50 are., scalp Renovator $l, or six bottles fur ss. The medicines can be obtained through your urug. gists, or at the Depot, No. 410 Arch street. Tha, following letter Is one.ot the many which 1 receive daily at my different aloes:— REMARKABLE CURE. —Catarrh, bahtain, &c. Mna. CLIEBVER, residing at No. 62 Allen strict, Boston, says : •• I have been troubled for four 3 ears with sore throat. Fur two years I suffered wth Ofl. tarrk and &treat dizziness in my head, almost caus ing the to fall. I suffered greatly with asthma, it being hereditary in the family. I wee dis• aced all over. I could not go where there was any dust. I had cleat pains in my head and neck. I have suf fered much with cold feet. the bones in my neck were drawn out of place with the asthma, and my throat lc raw beef 'After applying to va dons physicians and - obteining no relief; i finally applied to Mrs. M. U. Brown, by whore txtetheines I have been so munh benefited that I am now like ICaollherlronsan , Formerly, the least exposure gave toe enldilcbuld not ko to the door with: my' bead uncovered without an attack of the asthma. My Who* is now entirely gone. My catsrrh has wholly disippeared. 1 fat weak and lari - guiß for many years, so that I was a burden to myself. Ti e coldness of '4' foot has disappeared, and I feel a general circulat'on through illy entire system, cane log me to be, as formerly, full of strength and viva- . city, and can attend to household duties as well as Ever I did in my life." It is the only a feguard against disease, incluling CHOLERA. It cleanses every sower of the h .man body, hardens the flesh, and purifies the blood. The Celebrated POOR RICHARD'S EYE WA TER is the key which opens the door to the health of both mind and body. Lot all use it morning and night. I. Schmidt & Co , Allentown, Pa., Solo Agents far Lehigh county. Dwember 12, 1865. —ly MI AMERICAN STATESMAN. A,Nalional Weekly Family Jinfrnat, AT $1.50 PER ANNIIIi. G. W. Catasauqua Pa TRH FOLLOWING SPLENDID PRIZES ARE sICNT . TO CLUBS, {[L: For Every Club Q 1 Forty Subscribers, A WHEELER d WILSON BEST $55 SEWING with two extra °ogles to the getter up of the olub. FOR EVERY CLUB OF TWENTY, and i 4.11 than Forty Subscribers, we will allow $125 for each eutacriber on' the price of said nanoldue. FOR EVERY CLUB OF. SIX, o splendid rSteet engraving of President Lincoln, (full length,) An drew Johnson • Lieut.-General Gract ur ,Sbermau on horseback, worth $5,0 each, With , au extra copy to the getter up of the Oiehi FOIL EVERY . CLUB , OF THREE, one of those !splendid. steel engravinge of Gm Uniform Eerie! of • NATIONAL PORTRAITS comprising Presidents Lincoln and Schnson, Lieut. Gen'i drant - MO- Gen i i Sherman, Sheridan, Thom , as', - Neel. Ilan: • Fremont, A dminds 'Farina and Porter, and George and Martha Washington, each 10x24 inches. worth $2 00. Thaaa pplendidportral a ihould adorn every Parlor 'The Statesman is the largeat, oheapeet and beat family paper pnbllrbed, Butted for,every, family.-- Try it once and you will never be Without it Send for copies end got up your clubs. Address, AMERICA:\ STATESMAN, 67 Nassau Street, New York. . 6m Deobmber 5 C.-Somers & Son. 626 CURTIN:I I . B.TRAIIT and 618 JAYNB STREBT, i• ;•1011.:AIDELRUIA. - • f• • .64110 always on hand tor custom tradi. • Orders promptly attended to. • isr Prim greatly nditeedi Lapril.Bm Mg Chest DIBOIIPOR, Costiveness; Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropey, Debility, FROM GRAND PRIZES FOR FEBCRIBEES TO TUE POlta r t ~... rit#0000100.4e,m1::)- ore ft; • sit ~ N 11; NO. '79 WEST ILA-MILTON STREVi I . NEXT DOOR TO THF, BLACK BEAD. HOTEtA. An Entire New EsiAlishment for . the People! DISHESDISHES:I 111SHESIt' • , Thero is nothing like Dishes—that is, when thers,i9 something good in them. .IT CHINA, GLASS WARE & CROCKERY. -- CARD.--IW . o . bld resPeOtfully i tinnounce, to the .oitiseaa of Allentown, Lehigh, 'sad adjoining counties. that I have just openCd a npic stare in tbe, above line of business. : stock embraces a - lull and complete assortment of the newest and best patterns in China; Glass and CrookoryWares. , . Housekeepers Remember! I keep the best imported White Granite Ware, figured and plain ; also, a full assortment of common White, Edged. Yellow and Rockingham wares. CHINA' AWD:CiLASS WARE.' 1 ~ .~ 1 WHITE CHINA SETTS, EDGED CHINA SETTS, BAND CHINA SETTS, , BELGIAN GLASSWARE, BOHEMIAN GLASSWARE, AMERICAN GLASSWARE ? ORNAMENTAL TOILET SETTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, ' CHIMNEYS AND WICKS, Fruit Jars r! Fruit Jars ! CHEAP AND GOOD Housekeepers, and those ftbout commencing, who, desire . to purchase, good and cheap • were, I respectfully to call eiamino my assortment,—no trouble to show it—and in all cases necessary my wore wili•be carefully packed. AllentowO, July 18, 1865-Iyl Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual Alterative that can be anode. It is a •concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so 'combined with other • substances of still greater !alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a wanted by those who suffer from Strumoue complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must piove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely•this'coMpound will do it has been proven by experiment op many of the worst•cases to be found of the following complaints : SCItOPULA AND• Belton:mug Coamsarrs, EII.ePTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, `fusions, SALT RHEUM, SCALD IIiEAD, SiPHILIS AND SYPIIIL v ITFO R FIICTIO:18, MECURIATTDISEASE, Dit - OPSY'j NEU RALGIA on TicDOULOURF.trX DEHILITY, DYS PEPSIA AND. DIDIOESTION, 11;;Ab OR ST.tiNiIIONVE EIRE, and indeed the whole class o fcomplaints arising..from IMPURITY . or. THE BLOOD. ; , '; A j This . Compound: fonnd n gibilt pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester :in the blood at thnt season of the year. Bythe time. ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in 'the bud. 'Multitudes can, by the aid of this 'remedy; spare themselves from . the endurance' of foul eruptions and nlcerous sores, through which the system will strive to • rid itself of corruptions, if not. - nssisted to do . this through the natural ch9ritas of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is• ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. _Even where no particutar disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer ' for-cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. OM Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has• been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, piCtending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else.. During late years the public have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give amtart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if miy, Sarsapal rifle, but often no curative properties' whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood .the market, until the name itself .is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still %it cedilla compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to 'supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. .And we 'think we have ground for believing it has virtues which . are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED D I Y Dli. 3. C. AYER & CO. LOWELL, MASS. • Prior, $1 per Bottle; Six Bottleg for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOR TUE CURE 07 Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Ileadache,• Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Camp Taint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumors and .Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, , as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 oonts per Box; Five boxes for $l.OO. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. Tho Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMEItICAN ALMANAC in which they are given; with also full descriptions of time above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AYEleii, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by all the: Druggists in Allentow a and by Druggists and dealers ever% where. At Wholesale by J. M MARLS Ir. CO., Phi.adylpbia October 24. For . Sale. • ONE of tho beet Plate quarries in Li high county containing EIGHT-AND-A-HALF ACRES already open, and the quality of tbe elate tooted by use. Title good. Enquire of E. FORREST. 4ttorney at Law. A Ilenthwn, Pa. VANVASSEItI WANTED, at $7OO per month.— Ll We want reliable agents (none other,) m ill and f male, to take the exclusive agency in every coun ty anti township iu tho United States, to soil the Photograph; Family Record, a work which every family will buy. It is bound like an album b'ut hits a 'printed bleu.' page opposite each photograph, for a comphle record of the husband, wife and child of a remits, also oontairing maritime certificate, and. pages for 'military history of any member of the family. Nothing like it ever published and no work that silents can sell so readily. Qld eanvasiers and .others should send for circular; and terms. It is necessary to hays' copies of the work to canvass with; price by express $t50,.53 40 nod $7 00. (3 styles i) money may, h. ewntby Name the •tuwnships wanted: Address '11A101.48:-ON, 0.. 4 0p,,3 7 2in] • 111110.4 ut . t y b GRANT and • OBERMAN I "tea two heroes lieftnistWelr tent plOnloing abattle granktosbitiog; ,Impiutitul steel engraving by Agenti -*anted everjyrbore. Sca pa sent by mail for 60 oente. Agents Mike t 0 per cent. Address . tEtTLESON stCO mallintj ell Cllestait Otieet,frbiladelphla. *[; L .I.NTELI ON' '1" CONTI?' Ywr - CM . 1 .. •IPC‘B • a P .44 5.• • BIOUARD wiLLEEn, „.-. No. 70 Wear Hamilton Street. :Pi•ices'freduced. PICTURESFORALL Q W. BURCAW would respectfully announce to .the citizens of Allentown.and the publle,in, general, that on account of all kinds'of goods and ' Photographic stook having come down, he ' pared to mere 'all kinds of Photographic Pictured' ' as cheap and cheaper than any body else in MS place. Owing to my superior Light and excellent instruments, I am prepared to take OPPetlcS:Pbettn• rgrappio Piotures, of ell styles .and, Illy? f, such 4111,, : Plain and Culorod Photographd,, Cartes Ambrotypes, MelainotYpep and FtHefymis. • ' Card PhotogriMbr, foll:figurtior Vignette at $206 per. doz., or 0 lAW +OOL. No :extra charge' for stamps or postage, , dr R. W. Mercer's Photograph. :, gallery . Pieturesenlarged to any aim Particular attention , is given to copying old Daguerreotypes and,dtthro, typos into Photographs. All work executed in the , best style and on the most reasonable term!. Splendid pictures for the Album are medo-5t.131 per cozen only ; no extra charge for stamps. We have oleo on hat d a splendid assortment of Gilt and Rosewood Frames, which will be sold at the lowest price. Remember Oleos are cheaper thin sit Pay othek plane. : All work warrantedidurable. . • I S. W. BURCAW. Or Remember the place. No?, 7 Bait Hamilton , street, 3 doors below the Alleu Hamm, Allentown, p. t . jul3-tf Dr. P. R PALM, ATE SURGEONIN TIM UNITED: . ga STATES ARMY, would announce to the alit sons of 'Allentown and viainitY; - that hels contin; nine the practice of Medicine in ALLittcrowa, ea I Eighth Street, attars Hanaidton, Bret hone &bow' Lichtenwellner h CO'S store. liaving.had the hon 6 or to belong to. the 9yanarpie CORPS at the. bet tics of Frederieltiburg, Chanocllottville, rranirlin'e crossing, &et: and having had charge of SRVERAL floartrois,liiihea bed much' experience the details of SURGERY' and the treatment of disease.: generally. The Doctor is a regular graduate of the JEF:76RBOff MEDICAL Com.soa of Philadelphie,:and has been practicing medicine daring the pasterglit ien years. Having had much experience in the treat' meat of disease" of the BYE, he would espeelally solicit the patronage of those who may be afflicted with diseases of that important organ. ilaviog re stored the sight of tunny !bo have been .11141rn ,oa YEARS. He would also solicit the attention of those suffering from chronic diseases, snob as DnoPar,(for, which he has an almost infallable remedy,) DtbeRSIIS of the MOREY% RIIEUMATISII, NEURALGIA, CDROM. to Options, DIATIREIGIA and DYSENTARY, (whieb he , professes to cure in less than half the time required , by ordinary remedies:, f3n4irlto GOIMP9 I enlarge -1 wont of the nook,-Smart, frioneeues or Consumption - in children, SICK lisaneons, Tire WORM, Metals- Sonorimo, or King's mill, Emitter, or' falling vickness,;Purran Sons THROAT, TIIITTIR, DlB. RASES PECULIAR TO FEMALES; also diseases of the Liver, Lungs and 'lleart, RaVipg now practiced medicine here for over two years, the Doctor is able and willing to refer to per sons in this place who have been cured by him of. most of the diseases specified. All calls . from town or county will receive prompt attention by day or night. Medicines furnished to all patients, pre-: pales himself, ea be will use none but the very. best References:Hisfortner patient'. kilentown; May 2h. 18115. if PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD' will do more and better work at a given Cost, than any other! Try it! !Manufactured only by • ZIEGLER & SMITII, • WHOLESALE DRUG, PAINT and Glass DEALERS. • an3o-ly No. 137'North Third Street, Philndl PACIFIC HOTEL • 170, 172, 174 & 176 I NAVICII ST., (ONIM PQUARIC WM' Or BROADWAY.) Between Coiattandt and Dey Sta., A'ew JOHN rATTEN, Jr.. proprietor. TEE PAOIPIC . HOTEL, to well and widely knoin to the traveling public). •The icroatiorsis saps& Jelly suitable namterchants end business men; it Is in close prox mity to the Wiriness part•of•thq• city, —ls on the highway of Soothers and Weaterp trov e , of—and adj4cont to all the principal Railioad arid, Steamboat depots. The Pacific boo 'thereat accommodation for diriF 800 guests; It is well tarnished, and possesses every ( modern haprevetriont for tho.aomfort and entertain. moot of its inmates. The rooms are apneions and well ventilated; provided with gas and•water;!the attendance is prompt nnd respectful; and the Ware is generously provided wish every .delicarry,gf,oo season. The subscriber, who for the past few years, has boon the lessee, is now sole proprietor, anti' intanda to Identity himself thoroughly with 'that irstereatti'a his house. With long experience ass hotel-keeper) tie trues, by moderate charges and a liberaLpoliejr, to maintain the favorable reputation of the PrielAc Horel., . JOEN PATTEN, Yr. New York, Sept. I'2. -17 EDWIN, S.EGEE, AgeOt, No. 71 East Ilamillon aired, in the basement under the office 4f Dr* William J • • • ALLENTOWN, PA. A lot of splendid Neff°'los, at surprblngly lots' prime. - :A•lot of stationery. lot of books luitable for, Sig Tit. • . • Ale kof dames; Obeietnen 'lot et:Novels iiqd Mho' ' This te thelluib to "tube; 'vitt inbuthlies, from Janie All orders will be at ioed aSpak • •.; _ -tesliftt°sll%;tr.P OsII alai essmlne o elsewhere. smill'6ll4t Ti El 1113 ME IMMO 1 E /. OaDAY Pau. eakbrboarla for dalllu; weeldlely 1186(k.. " to by lightning nil ,',FiT*o44l*-tp, jtti toot Viably iiiroitilai4 191,111111,1141111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers