Finsi,64"o4lllolA•allaiss....erx, ,, .l , „ Rxt . ”,..eiksimi,u, MAY f4Ath. 10416146itemi4i04 iipyesentik 6 ,.the military - divisions - of Penniyiranin, appointed to make arrangements for the presentation of the battle-flags to the Governor, on tho 4th of July, in Independonce.Scpmre, assembled oin the Select Council chamber at nooit'on Sittur- day. Gea. Hem, White, oheirman o the committee, toftthe ' ; 4 A connaitititEitrae ittacitnted initrait n Oiur 7 armor CCUtin, and Shyer 11itiNlieltie j i, to in vite them to tveiet Li the erreerpir-, Oo't oral White wee, on nvrion, eh wen permanent presidAgt. m Speectietweln nuidpi by..the,Oov ernoreM4B4. General. White;:ahei The following programme woe adopted,; First. Oa the second ChTitly . , that the flags which will have hoe° depoeited milairisburg should be hreingttltki lihilidelphitl•ht a guard. of honor, °unposed of the surviving color-bear ere and color guards of •all, the ,regiments .of. the State. Second. The flags, whim bidpglif to Phil: adelphia, shall be deposited in some appro priate hall'until the time of the presentanun. Third. A military escort, with appropri ate music, will be provided to primed with the flags and their *dards .of honor to Independ. ones Square. Fottithi•-.lliroper ps titan to be selected to' preeitift formally- the digs to the Governor oti their-atrival at Independence Square. Fifth. Suitable music, vunil and instru. mental, after the ceremonies of the reception of the flags. - , •, , Sixth. Thaiike to Almighty God for victo ry and:return of peace. Seventh. Proper music. Eight. After the arrival of the flagii in In dependence Square 14Ovtirtior's salute, and, after the ending of the cereinonies of reception a national salu,to shall th, tired, to which end a battery , shall:be ttattoptd in Washington Sqbare. Ninth. At the ololOttiott of the ceremony the flags shall be conducted to the hall from whence they were brought, where they will be kept until returned to liarrisburg and de : posited in the arehlyes•atbe t Commodwea'th. It was unanimously resolved that Major General Meade bo requested to piesent the flags. Ati'nthtts:ltstia tneatirrcof the Geary Le gion;eoniposed of Soldiers awl sailors, wne held Saturday evening at iho county court house. A New PeNSION Bit:L.—The Senate of the United- States on the 18th inst., passed an amendment to the onsionlaT.whichproVides that all persons who shall'have lost the sight of both eyes, both handscii,been r permanently, and.thtally'disibldd as to reqUire the constant personal aid and attendance of another person who in the lino of duty shall be entitled to $25 per month—and any person who shall have lost, one foot and one hand, or both feet or oth erwise so disabled as to be incurable shall ro• oeive $2O. All persons who shall have lost one foot or one hand, or otherwise been totally and' permanently injured so as to materially interfere with the performance of manual la. bor, shall be entitled to 80 per month. It is sincerely to be hoped that the House will immediately pass thialeill and tho Presi dent aprrove it so that justice will be dune to the men who periled their lives for their oou n try and received such injuries as forever pre• vents them from engaging in the active pur suits of life, TERRIBLE DISASTER AT SCA 7 --A vessel ex plodes and sinks—nitro-glycerine supposed Me be the cause. The Liverpool Mercury of the let says : "Intelligence has been received here of the supposed loss of a screw-steamer and all hands It seems that, on Thursday night, about eight o'olook, a large screw-steamer passed the Now arp lightship, off Winterton, and in about half an hour a tremendous explosion was heard, followed by a body of flame. The steam er then disappeared, and it is believed that all on board perished. A smack at: no great dl's- tonneobserved the disaster, but could not bear down in consequence of the absence of suffi Mont wind. The report was distinctly heard at :Yarmouth, from seven to eight miles dis tant' and caused a sensible vibration in many houses along the beach. Two steam-tugs put off, and at daylight to day the Minuet returned with fifteen deck-planks, connected by a piece of iron'bearn. Symms nr STARVATION —Sterling King a noted rebel spy was convicted by a Court Mar tial at Cincinnati in 1863 and sentenced to be shot, wbile awaiting the approval of the sen tence by the President, he managed to make his escape, and was re-arrested in the swing of 1865 on the charge of horse stealing, it was then he mads the declaration that he was the assassin of President Lincoln and that Booth was yet alive &0., on Monday cf last week he was taken to Cincinnati, for trial on the °bergs of horse stealing. Ho was in an emaciated condition and stated that ho had only eaten five meals in forty days and gave as a reason that he prefered death to imprisonment ; he died in less than an hour after the boat arriv ed at Cinoinnati. A coroner's inquest was held and returuel a vordiat of Suicide by Star vation. OOPPERUEAD SYMPATUY EJR SOLDIERS —The Copperheadi true to their profassi /Ili, in Ke waunee county, Wis., elected a man named Ferdinand Heavers, who had served as a vol unteer in the rebel army, to the offices of town clerk and Justice of the Peace. The case web laid before the Attorney-General of tho State, who held that he was ineligible to the offioe, and could not be commissioned. That he was an alien enemy, and could not exercise the privileges not accorded to aliens not enemies. This beats little Lehigh: Here the sympathi• tors only are solootel for want o! rebel sol diers. Tux SOUTII.—Rev. J. P. Bardwell, of Ober lin. Ohio, agent fir the American Missionary „A.ssoointion in Mississippi, was lately enticed into a law office in Grenada, !Bias., and set Upon by a crowd and savagely beaten. The bureau agent. Lieut. Blending, mine to his assistance and advised a complaint nt once to the Mayor. Oa reaching the Mayor's office Mr.Bardwell found that the man who bad led the crowd had already been before the Mayor, made complaint against himself, and paid the fine of ten dollars, and waq ready for more work•at the same price. Three days after Lieut. Blan ling himself was attacked on the street 'and shot three times, and died in twen• ty-four.hours. n A :Hamar at 1 . 3 01 T.) EUVWX.—uapc. • ur v. Fox assistant secretary of the Navy has been selected to convey the resolution congratula ting the Emperor and the people'iof Russia tin the escape of that Sovereign from essassinstion and present them to the czar He will cross the Atlantic in the monitor Miantonomeh.— The Miantonomah is now nt Halifax await big for Capt. Fox, and will;soon start on her trip, after performing his errand he will take the monitor to most of the principal European sea ports. The sight of such a vessel will do Much to create an appreciation of the power of the American Navy and the genius of our people. • WILLIAMIP HIT (PA.) 4ECTlON—Success of the Itepuh'ivine.— Williamsport, May 1(1 Major Jame{ M. Wood, Repul limn, was elect ed by 129 majority, being a Republican gain of 200—the Democrats having elected the city officials for several years past. The Union mon celebrated their victory to night with c A fireworks, muss ,&a The Democrats had a majority of 176 in the East and Centre wards , but the Republic na obtained a majority of 383 in the West and Lycoming wards. ADJ ' T-GEN'el. OFFICE, HARRISBURG.—The Act relating to the payment of local bounty, which provides $3OO for veteran volunteers, was approved by,the Governor, May let, 1866. It provides only fLr the payment amid boun ties to veteran volunteers, who enlisted under General Orders 191. War Department, dated Julie :45th,'1863. and extended April Ist, 1864, to May Ist, 180. A. L RUSSELL, Adjutant-General of Penna. Tax LATE CoNseitucv— Arrest at .Nashville Nay 17.—John Porterfield, for• merly a banker, and an old resident of this city, has been arrested and lodged in the pen itentiary. It is rumored that his arrest is in oonergaence of implication with conspirators in Canada some time.previoae to the death of President Lincoln. ,pont,to MOs/tn.—The Secretory of War di icons that all dept its of publio moneys per tain)n4 to the qu . rtermaeter's department, for which officers o that depaitnient are re- PPottliblet eittsli-he m le only with the treasu rer and aseistant armor of the United Mato: 1 , •: - . i • • - _jibe tut Norm le p , yjng bacon evlth COPII , . t iffi Is 'Clleee ' evenly, Teens &Mt.' Molds i. ' "been demereils • tr .. 4 V: , :. • - 10 sk , -; -; - - ' A v fiIENTLEMAN who sokered foeyearfromNery-, ens Debilitt PrematOo Peaty, ariOl [41140 AC feetferyonthfal Itidiscretioib will, IhrAcelifilliceshW tering humanity, send free to all who need it; the re cipe and directions for making the simple remedy by whith he was oured. Sufferers wishing •to profit by the adeerUserl experience,. can. by addressing .aourr B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. rrnr, mAsco.B6.ll.milLizr Cita/INTO' ORGANS, fdrtjr• different styles. adapted in snored and secular made. for $D to $llOO each.— vrPric-Ose. (lOW or. SILVER MEDALS, ur other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogue, free. ,- Address t MASON .311A.I!dltitii . Baton. .MAS'ON BROTEIERS, Now York. Sept. 12. ant-Iy] 8 1500 e PER /GEAR! We want agents every where ,tpeell our iIIknOVISD $2 O Sewing Machined. Thito n owl kfnds. Undoi and upphi feed. Warranted live years. Abovo salary or largo com missions paid. Tho,oxix machines sold in tho Uni ted Stated for loss than 140, which are/ally licensed by. Nome, Wheeler & 'Name, Grover .k Baker, Sing er sf:'Co., Ond Baehelder. .Atiothor cheap machines aro infringements and the seller or user aro liable to arrest, fine and intprieemmernt. Circulars free. Ad lross, or call upon Shaw .4 Clark, Biddoford, Maino, or Chicago, 111. . December 19, ' —1 y STRANGE, BUT TRUE, LIVERY . young lady and gentleman in the United LA States can hear something very mach 'to their advantage by returnmail (free of chsrge.) by address ing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others will please address their obedient servant, THOS. F. CHAPMAN, 831 Broadway, N. Y. Dr. MARSHALL'S Catarrh S-nuff. IqIIS Snuff has thoroughly proved itself to be the host artiole known for curing the Catarrh, Cold in the lead and Headache. It has been found an excellent remedy In many cases of Sore Ey et.= Deafness hes been removed by It. , and Hearing has often been greats , Improved by its use. It is fragrant at.d agreeable, and Gives Immediate Relief to tins' dull.benvy '•pains :caused by diseases of the head. This liedsatlons after using it are delightfo. and invigorating. It opens and purges out all üb. itrnotions, strengthens the - glands, and gives P healthy action to the parts effected. More then Thirty Tears' of sale and use of Dr. Marshall's Catarrh and Rend. ache Snuff, has proved its groat value for all au common diseases of the head, and at this moment stands higher than ever before. It is recommended by many of the best physicians, and is need with groat once es and. satisfaction everywhere. • • RetDTIIE CERTIFICATES OF W IOLE9ALE DRUGGISTS IN 1854. The undersigned, having for. many years been acquainted with Dr. Harahan's Comma and Head ache Snuff, and sold itin oar wholevale trade, cheer fully * tete, that we believe it, to be equal,' in ever) respect, to the recommendatiotts given of it for the oure of Catarrhal Affections, anti that it is decided ly the best article wo have over known for all com mon diseases of the Head. Burr A Perry, Bostonlßarnes & Pres, N. York Reedokuston A Co. " A. B. AD. Bands, " Brown, Lamson A Co., " itepheri Paul & Co., " Reed, Butler A Co., " Israel Minor A Co., " Bed; W. Fowle, " SPlKesson &Robbins " Wilson,Fairbank & Co." A. L. Boovill A Co., " Henshaw,Rdmand aCo " M.Ward,Olose A Co." 11. 11. Hay. Portland, Me. Bush A Gale, `For all Druggists. Try it. April 3, 1866 .1111--111,ETIF-SiIIENTI 1,111-HEALTH7-STREIGTII, 11}17-111ALTil--S.THEIGTII, Hundreds and thousands annually die premature ly, when, if they would give the Great itrtuoh Rem edy, DR. JUAN DEL AMARRE'.3 CELEBRATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Paranafere 4t Dupont, No. 214 Rue Lombard, Paris, from the prescription of Dr. Juan Do'amarre, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord au Lariboisiere a fair trial, they would find immedi ate relief, and, in a short time, be fully restored to Health and Strength. It is used in th 4 practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform success, and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Spoil:, Remedy for all persons suffering from General or Sexual Debility, all derangements of tho Nervou Forces, Melancholy, Spermatorrbcea or Seminal Eralasilon, all Weaknesses arising from Sexual Excesses, or youthful indiscretions. Loas of Muscular Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous. ness, Weak Spine, Lowness of Spirits, Ditllntall of Vision, Hysterics, Pains in the Back and Limbs, Impotency, dm. No language can convoy an adequate idea of the imme fiat° and almost miraculous change it occa sions to the debilitated and shattered system. In flat, it stands unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned. Suffer no moro, but use The G reat French Reme dy ; it will effect a cure where all others fail, and although a powerful remedy, contains nothing hurt ful to the most delicate constitution. Pamphlets. containing full particulars and direc tions for tting, in English, French, Spanish and Garman, accompany each box, and also sent free to any addresa when requested. Price one dollar par box ; six boxes for tive„dol lare. Bold by till Druggista througbout the world; or will bo sent by mail, securely sealed from all obser vation, by enclosing specified price, to any author ised agents. Beware of G'ounterfoint and Imitation, Proprietors' exclusive Agents for America, OS CAR G. MOSES & CO.. 27 Courtlandt St., N. Y. Authorised Agents for Allentown, BARNET SON; Bethlehem, EDW. T. MEYERS. [apr2-1y TO CONSUMPTIVES The advertiser, having bee restored to health in a few weeks by a simple remedy, after having buffered for several years with a ssvere lung offer tion, and that dread disease, Consuarttion—is an: ions to make known to his fellow-suffere-e the mean of cure. To all who d-eire it, he will send a copy of the prescription used (free of chlrge,) with the direc tions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a sone CORR fur Consuispien, .dstAnia, Bronch;tis, Coughs, Colds, and nil Throat and Lung Affections. The only object of the advertiser in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted, and spread information, which be cen”eives to be in ,valuable, and ho hopes every sufferer will try his -emedy, as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a .leasing. a Paroles wishing the prescription, razz, by re turn mail, will plosse address Rev. EDW AR D A. WILSON, Williamsburg, Kings Co, N. 17. an2-1y) H AGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM.—Thie is the meet delightful and extraordinary arti cle ever discovered. It ehmages the Bun-burnt face and bands to a pearly satin texture of ravishing I eiuty, imparting the marble purity of youth. and: the distia9ne appearance BO inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimpled and roughness from the skin, leaving the complexion frokh. transparent and smooth. It 'contains no ma t. riul to the skin. Patronised by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what every lady should have. Sold everywhere. Retail price, 50 eta. Prepared by W. R. HAGAN, Troy, N. Y. Address all orders to DIMAS BARNES & CO., Now York t3opt 26,'65-Iy. SPECIAL NOTICE. "Great Oaks rrorn Lillie Acorns Grow." The worst aISOOSOI3 known to the unman race spring from causes so small as to almost defy detection. The solumes of scientific lore that fill tho tables and shelves of the medical fraternity only go to prove and elabo rate these facts. Then guard yOurselves while you may: The small -0.74 nimple on the skin is a toll-tale and indicator of diseSPe. It may fade and die away from the surface oi . .ine body, but it will mob the vitals, perhaps, at last, and death be the result and final close. !BAG- Ilmmous, DYSPEPTIC and DIARIITIMA PILLS cure where all others fail. While for Burns, Scalds, Chilblains, Cuts, and all abrasions of the skin, MAO aires SALVE is infallible.. Sold by J. Itt.tOGIEL, 43 Fulton stact, New York, and alt Druggists, at 23 cents per box idecl2-ly 8-T-1160-z. DRAKE'S PLANTATION HITTERS They petrify, strengthen and inrigorate. They create a healthy appetite. They are an antidote to change of water and diet. They oremme effects of dissipation and late hours. They strengthen the system and enliven the mind. They prevent miasmatic and intermittent foyers. They purify the breath and acidity of tho stomach. They cure Dyspepsia and constipation. They oure Diarrhea, Cholera and Cholera 'awhile. They cure Liver Complaint and Nervous Headache. They are the best Bitters in the world. They make the weak strong, and are exhauSted nature's great-re storer. They are made of pure St. Croix Rum, the eelebrated Calisaya Bark, roots and herbs, and are taken with the pleasure of a beverage, without re gard to age or time of day. Particularly recommend ed to delieate_persons requiring a gentle stimulant. Sold by ell Groeers, Druggists, Hotel& and &Coons. Only genuine *ben Cork 1e covered by ofirprlvate U. S. al wortkg of oorlnteiTelte end rtlocOctiloo. 13BAX .) II Pitt MN edit . . yrszi ~ Atpltx+H~~Oai Grand -Fair-and-Featival Jiro*: tOLUMBIA STEAM 01},:,eerlfre, iaritrday. Jame coutinutucnatil Ilaturday..Blpie days inaltisive. ' 1 " -r Is proposed Fair will be gotten up on a scale fa 1 superior in quantity, stylu and Variety o ng boa to any herotoforoiattempted in Allentown, the' stock hhving boon for months in course of preparation ova bracingcverythirig usually offered at Fairs, together with many entire new, noveltios—the whole eulculn ted to present satisfaction not only,to those who may invest in • purchases, but also to those Also come to see and be soon. . ; , • MI . . . It is hoped,bythe Company for an , extentiio and liberal patranatften tho 'part of thejilliaens of Alich town, and ,tbe ppoimrty boldert. 1n particular,lnas much as the proceeds of the Fair aro to be applied to the payment of a new Steam' Fire Engine Judi or. dared by thorn at a cost of s6,ooo—an apparatus in additioti,to such as we now have, that all will admit is indispensable in a large and growing town as aura is. • The following are among the most prominent ar ticles that will ho pat up as Prizes to be drawn dur ing the holding of the Falr—the chances in the draw ings to be sold at the winos tables:— ONE FANCY-BUGGY:I 'Two Setts . of Silver ware —ono to be given to the preacher receiving the larg est number of votes, the other to be sold in chances for drawing. Gold and Silver Watches. Beautiful Silk Dress Pattern. Fine Melodeon—valued ~at $2OO. Cottage Sett' of Firnititie.;.l 'parlor Sett Of, Furniture; Beautiful not Rack.' 'Sett 'of Parlor Chairs. Sett of China Ware. Handsome Teto-A- Tato—to be sold by chances. •' A 16t of tho newest style Parasols; different colors. Elegant Case of Wax Fruit — va lued at $2OO. Two Beautiful Parlor Lamps. A large and splendid assortment of Ladies embroidered Work. Lot of Picture Frames, Albums, Choice Perfninaries, Toilet Soaps, &o. A - Fite Lot of Coverlote: Splendid Affghan. A Fine Suit of Ciothes—to bo made to order. Pair of Fine Patent Leather Boots. Stacks of Dry Goods, Mountains of Toys, Stationery, Notions, Books, Medicines, Ac., donated by Merchants in Philadelphia. ggEr•REFRESHMENT TABLESawiII be supplied with the very best of Strawberries, Nice Flavored Creams,Vater Iced, Cakes, Candies, Act Excursion tickets will be sold on the Lehigh' Valley and East Penn. Railroads during the contin• uanco of the Fair. The Fair will certainly prove attractive—hand some feces, well furniahtd;tables, Grab Bags, For tune Tellers, Post Offices, Ono and all, rich and poor, aro invited to COME, SEE, be DELIGHTED, and leave us a lot of "STAMPS." ADMISSION 10 CTS. SEASON TICKETS 25 CTS. mayls-3w] By order of the COMMITTEE. - Statement of TOIIN H. FOGEL, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the 'Lehigh County Mutual Fire Insurance Co.,' for 186 5. To cash recd of former Treas'y, 'Reuben lleninger, $251 63 Cash recd on account of Assessment No 2 5,534 65 Cash received as premium on 183 polides of insurance, • CR. Cash paid to Josiah Strauss' loan, " " It. Heninger's " " " Elias llcningcr's " " " Tilgh..lleningcr's " " "J. IVonnor, Sec., " it '' CI It ME William Bernd firo damage, Elizabeth Eberhard " John Abner, Elia , Cawley, Expenses for laying and collecting taxes, 434 63 C. Frank Haines for printing, 10 00 Internal Revenue Tax 72 22 Signing policies Salary for directors' services, for attending fires, Paid election officers, Treasurers' compensation, EXpensee for directors at their stated and special meetings, Total, BaLince in hands of tho Trosurer, Audited, January 7th, 1866, by STEPHEN RETCHED, EPIIRAIM SIEGER, mayls-tf] PETER WENNER. The officers of the company aro as follows: Managers.--Jonas Hartzol, Hiram J. Schantz, S. Koch, Stephen Medic), Edmund Hellman, Peter Wenner, Ephraim Sieger, Evan Guth, Reuben Don ner, Reuben Honinger, John H. Fogel, Anthony Mecbling, Owen W. Faust. President.—Jonas Hartzel, Wescoesville. Secretary.—john 11. Fogel, Fogelsville. Treasurer.—Evan Guth, Schneeksvillc. Agents.—Anthony Machling, Gosonsack ; Evan Guth, Schneckevillo; Ilinun, Schantz, Wescoacvillo BOWEN'S FIRST CLASS ORNERY AND PROVISION STORE. NO. 14 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOVIN, PA CONSTANTLY on hand and daily arriving a largo and choioo assortment of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, to which the attention of the public is respectfully requested. PORK, DRIED APPLES, SUGARS, HAMS, " PEACHES, GREEN COFFEE, SHOULDER, " CHERRIES, ROASTED " DRIED BEEF, COOKING PRUNES, MOLASSES, SMO'D TONG'E ZANTE CURRANTS, STROPS, MACKEREL, PLUMS, CHEESE, COD FISH, FRESH FRUITS, SOAPS, SALMON, COAL OIL, CANDLES, COARSE SALT, FINIS SALT. 3114 111 L. SA A large assortment of choice flavored Green and Black Teas, superior to anything In the market. .11E" 3IC MEI MN 4, Ginger, Allspice, Cinnamon, Cloves, Nutmegs, Mace. Car 11. CA 40 3EI 1111 ES 1 An elegant variety always on hand, composed In part of CANNED FRUIT, SALAD OIL; SARDINES, CATAUPS, SAUCES, CHOCOLATE, VERXILLION, MACARONI, PEARL BARLEY OBACCO! CIGARS!! ComitantlyA receipt of a largo variety of FRESH ,CRAOCERS. 'AY-HEAT FLOUR! RYE FLOUR!! Como and buy! Come and buy! BROOMS, BRUSHES, ROPES, STONE WARE! WOODEN WARE!! And ovary thing usually found in a first-olaso GROCERY HOUSE. 'Zs,. PRODUCE BOUGHT 7:ir All goods warranted as represented. W. S. BOWEN, Sn. Allentown, May 15, 1805.-1 y on,- TUE GREAT Igo 111.1 Of Human Misery. Just Pubii.hod in a Stated Envelope. Price 6 Chi A lecture on the Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure of Spermatorrhce t or Seminal Weakness, In duced by COIF-Abuse ; Involuntary Emissions, Im potency, Nervous Debility, and Impedimenta to Marriage generally] Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Phy steal Ineapeolty, o. By ROBERT J. OULVERWELL, M. D., Author of the " Green Book," do. The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves, from his own experience that the awful consequence. of hell-Abuse may be effeetue, ly removed without medicine, and without dangerous surgical operations, bungles, instruments. rings or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every etafferor, no matter what his condition may be, may cure him calf cheaply, privately and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to Maimed. and thousand.. Sent under real, to any address, Ma plain, sealed envelope,, on the receipt of six cents, or two postage stamps, by addressing 011 AS. J. 0. KLINE i 004 127 Bowery, New York Post Office Box 4686: Fab, 13. '66.-1y EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has tak en out letters Testamentary on the estate of Ja cob Bitz, deo'd, Allentown, Lehigh County ; there fore, all persons who aro indebted to said estate, are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof; and such who have any legal claims against said estate will present them well authenti cated for settlement within the above specified time. mayLs- - 61v1: ", EDW. SCIMKE4, }leer. 111.vidend'Nlitiee.. 4141191111, OAPII /d gA I, TAS 1. ay Id TUB Dirtotnti bististit 44, dedtimd s outwits. esalkdivtaved et to pp jell t ithaF of 101 tees ti ft#lll/ OS MINAS tit !t Rump Coomirt DR 340 62 $0,170 90 $824 54 .121 00 'lO3 00 203 23 1,489 60 315 00 $3,:359 37 2 00 1,800 00 45 00 1,050 00 $2,035 00 10 08 92 50 27 19 $l3O 67 3 U) 75 Oil 82 00 100 70 $8,142 69 .34 31 $6,176 0 MEM stts; I' 1 11TANTED, AGENTS.: j I I%he olittisirhle bowl roingistl in " ;• i TIIRILLING STORIES OF THA REBELLION. Rainiscuaely Jilnstrated tn oil eolois, by Col. Groono, C. S:' 'ithe 'inbst 'fil s tohsely Interesting and !steal tic: hook of the thnek - ' No othei book covers the same' groutid; bone° n'ttints have . compotion, and are. having good saleS et-errethrorrO.: The Voopid are osier for this bOok. Ginid• hgentti'gnat-ante!d large' 'rotdrns.' Books nod ready •to doliveri'sci that f.grdits do not have to wait for books. 'Address CIIAS. S.'GREENE 8. CO may 22-4 t.) 'No. 413 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. 6nn Agents wanted, to sell SIX Nis tv •I rtvEN . - 90t.Ply - vows, of groat value to families ; all pay groat'prolits. Send 15 cents and get 80 pages; or 25 cents and get 80 pages Und a sample gratis. may22-Im] EPHRAIM BROWN, Lowell, Mass. DISABLED MEN, ATTENTION ! 'INT ANTED, ono or two men, in Allentown and V "dotty, who have lost either an arm or leg, to sell WadswortlOVW6ter proof Arnica Heating Plaster, the best and cheajnst Cohrt Meter in the market. From $h to $lO per day can be made. Address, with 2b cents' fur sample and full information. A. F. BEL- Min; Box 45; Philadelphia, Fa. N.B.—All agents and peddlers would find it to their interest to answer the above. Apr. 17r3ino WANTED !, Agents. Aisle and ' , Amish' at $75 to slbo per month to sell the Celebrated Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. PRICE $18.09. Tlle Machine will do all kinds of work egnal to the high priced Machines, and is the only praotimd end reliable Cheap Sewing Machine in the world.— Send for descriptive circulars. Ad iress SECOMB 3 CO.; Chicago, 111, or Cleveland Ohio. April 24 —lm AGENTS V% ANTED, FOR OUR INEW AND BEAUTIFUL WORK, TLIE PICTORIAL BOOR. OF ANECDOTES AND INCIDENTS OF THE REBELLION Heroic, Patriotic, Political, Romantic, Humorous eon Tragical. 6plcn3ldly. Ifinetrated with over 300 fine Portrait: and beautiful Engravings THIS work for genial hum,r, tender pathos, startling intend, and attractive beauty, stands peer less and alone among all its competitors: The Val lent and Brave Hearted, the Picturesque and Dra matics, the Witty and filarvelloto, the Tender and Pathetic. The Boil of Fame and Story, Camp, Picket, Spy, , Seout, HIVOI3IIO. and Siege ; Startling Surprises; Wonderful Escapes, Famous Words and Doede of Woman, and the whole Panorama of .he War le here thrittlegly and startlingly portrayed in a masterly manner; atones histories! and romantic, rendering it the moat ample, brilliant and readable book that the war has called forth. Disabkd officers and soldiers, teachcre energetic young men, and all in want of profitstdo employ ment will find this' the beet Silence to make money ever yet offered. Srnd for circulars and see our terms. Addres, NATIONAL FLOM-MING tlo. mayl4l] No. 607 Minor Street; ithiladelpbia. UM°, MEXICO! $30,000,000 LO AN OF TOE REPUBLIC OF MEXICO. Twentr-year Coupon Bonds in Sums of $5O, $lOO $5OO, and $l.OOO. Interest Seven Per Cent. Payable in the City of New York. Principal and Interest Payable in GOLD. $10,000,000 to be Sold at SIXTY CATS on the DOLLAR, in U. S. Currency, thus yielding an interest of TWELVE PER CENT, IN GOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT IN CURRENCY, at tho present rate of premium on gold, THE FIR6T YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED. The Most Desirable Investment ever OFFERED. Immense tracts of MINING and AGRICULTU RAL lands ; Sixty per oent, of PORT DUES, IM POSTS and TAXES, irt the Stet- ot Tamaulipas and Ban Luis Postosi; and the plighted faith of the said States and tho general Government are all pledged for the redemption of these Bonds and pay ment of interest TILE SECURITY IS AMPLE. $3O in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per ot. Gold Bond of $5O. $6O in U. -. Currency wil, buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of $lOO. ' $3OO in U.S. Currency will bay a 7 per cent. Git id Bond of $5OO. 1600 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of $l,OOO. , Let every lover of Republican Institutions buy at least ONE BOND. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by' JOHN W. OORLIES & CO., and J. N. TIFFT, Financial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, 67 Broadway, N. Y. - 424,.Subsoriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally throughout the United States. Navember 7, 1865, —ly N EW SPRING GOODS. The subscribers are now receiving their Spring Importation of HOUSE FURNISHING DRY GOODS, Comprising all the best varietiel of LINE i AND COTTON SHEETING% PILLOW AND BOLSTER CASINGS, TABLE DAMASK and DIAPERS, TAMS OLOTIMNAPKIN DOYLIES, CHAMBER and BATE TOWELS, TOW ELINGS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. MARQEILLES QUILTS, COUN TERPANES, BLAHS E fS, TABLE and PIANO oovaits, And every other article of Furnishing Dry Goods required to commence housekeeping or supply tho wants of a family. SPRISG HOSIER Y, and dKERJNO GOODS. The subscribora, with increased faollities for the transaction of the 110SIERY DEPARTMENT of their business, invite attention to their ample and well selected Steck of Ladies', Gentlemen and Children's Hosiery Merino and Silk Vests, Drawers, etc. NEW Stock and at the it educed Prices SNEPPA.RD, VAN HARLINGIIN k AILRISON ineyls.lml 1008 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ItEDUCED . - The subscribers here just received a fresh invoice of EMBROIDERED CLOTII TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, also from Auction, ; LINEN SHEETING, TABLE DRAPER.% Ac. - AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN A ARRISON, Importers and Dealers IN HOUSE-PURNISIIING DRY GOODS, mayls-Im] No. 1008:0IIE3TNUT Street, Phila. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By VIRTUE and in pursuance of an order issued out of the ORPHANS' COURT of the County of Lehigh, there will be exposcap public sale, on SAT URDAY, the 9111 day of June, at 1 o'clock in tho af ternoon, upon the premises, a certain 1 / 1 088M:we, ten ement and tract of land with the appurtenances, sit uated in Washington township, in the county of Le high aforesaid, bounded by lands of Stephen Peter, George Rex, Jacob Rex and the estate ot Daniel Itm der, deceased, containing 27 acres snore or less. The improvements thereon consist of a ONE STO RI LOU DIV ELLIN° HOUSE, Log Barn 361 and other necessary out-buildings ; about two acres is meadow, about one acre woodland and the balance farm land, in high state of cultivation and under good fences. Being the Real Estate of Andrew Muth, deceased, late of the township and county aforesaid. Terms on the day at the place of sale, and duo at tondanee given by JOEL P. GEIGER, Adm'r. mayls-4t] By the Court,-13 so. W. HARTZEIL, Clerk. Public Sale. WILL be sold at public sale on FRIDAY, the 25th day of MAY, next, at 12 o clock, noon, at the late residence of JACOB BITZ, deo'd, in 9th street, borough of Allentown, a large quantity of valuable personal property, such at beds and bed steads, tables, chairs, sink, looking glasses, (dock, carpets, blinds and shades; bureaus, desk, corner cupboard, ladders, grubbing-hoc, spades and shovels, spinning wheel, sausage cutter, smoked meat, oil cloth, stoves with pipe, settee, bed clothing, cloth, aoantlings, and many other articles too numerous to mention. The conditions will be made known on Lilo day of sale and attendance given by mayls-2w] EDWARD RIBBER, Ex'ar. DIVIDEND NOTICE. . _ Ableatrown rtATIONaL BALM I Ap 1190 ) 1866. .DIViDENt) of 3 pet dent. out of the meta of n the IMO for the last ell niontho,ttes this day dotitted, end' to peyebte of after the 10th lbot 10 t • IttillOttlidot,',Ot r altl4/11 fejEftWelthtbst Rot et ell to* evotitil c•slith New Yorkllice Zurrat For hfity 10, , cCorreoted . rittekly by • Are - Ref' HE LT RI Cliv PRODUCE CciEmoisifom- miicActibarT, No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. N. Y. State:fair to giliknow, pe° , 1111:...,18 to '4O. N. Y. Sui,o, Cholue, new - '; 4l; to. 45' orange, nod Sa.nox pate, " 42 to Y. mute, Tuba, nor, „ ", 38 to .vVestorn Renerve, ; • 40 to 42 North'n. Potion., goo Ito choice, .„,40 to 42 Pima Ohio axtd Winton!: cogitnon " .25 to 35 . CUBES& • Factory choico and Caney now, ", 19 to 20 .! • good now, . • q • /7,t0 18 IC Y. State, diary, now, " 1 to 18 Skim milk, • •. " 10 to, /0, EGGS.. Jersey fr. Poana.pnOked plAffi; por dos. 22 to . 23 Pouna. padkod in. oats, 4. 22 , to N. Y. State, peeked, in good order, 1 ' 21. to 22 Ohio, paoked—by.exprome, to osint, I '2o to 22 . „ BEANS. Marrow,choice,full sized, per bush 62 lbs 2,00 to 2.20 Kidooy,iiihoice,fun sized, " ‘, 2.20 to 2.50 Mediums, choice, • 'f 1.50 to 60 Mixod lots and common, " . 60 . .0,1.00 DRIED PEWIT. Apples- 7 N. Y. State, choice, per. lb. 13 to 19 Apples—J(3lEoy and I'ennaylvania, " 18 to 19 Raspberries, biaok, " 48 to 62 Blackberries, Whortleberrios, Cherries, pitted, Cherries, pits in, Peaches, pooled, Plume, BEE 3WAX per lb. 88.t° 40 SEEDS. per bush. 56 lbs. 2.80 to 3.00 TALLOW. per lb. Situ 'l9 Puro Flamed, Clover, In good' Barrels, POULTRY. Ducks alive, Alive Geese, Chickens and Turkeys alive FRUITS Apploo, good to ohotoo, MAPLE SUQA:ft Blooka, In small cokegor bora, EOOS.—The reeeints hat;eick.t been as limey du ring tie past wco.+,and die dentaad good, .p.dots ad +•ancel tt.o to thrae cents, within the last few days. Shippers should be very careful in selecting none but Chao and Dry Chaff or cut straw for paaltin . ;, Clo ver and Oat Chaff, or dirty and musty Chaff will not do for packine; Eggs this seas n of the year. receipts a.e free, and prices cont 'n uc to tt ork down November 28, 1865 GOLD REDUCED FROM ,9B .80 to E41.Q5. Cotton Reduced FROM 51.80 to 38 Ots. por WOUND. Goods Greatly Reduced IN PRICES AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE Burdge 8z Jones. GOODS that sold one year ago at 85 cents per yard, are now selling at 25 cents per yard. Prints that sold for 62 cents, for 18 cents per yard. Be Baines at Prices Before the War at 25 eats per 'Ward. 4:31- 31EUELI.11E161 AT PRICES TEIAT ASTONISH THE PEOPL Dress Goods ! All shades of Wool De Laines, Figured Silks, of all shades, French Vernales, beautiful styles, (Mol lies, Common Do Laines, Jte. Mens' and Boys' Wear ! Largo stook of . Clotbs, Cassimeree, Tweeds, Jeans, Cottonades, ,to., suitable for *one' and Boys' wear SPRING BALPdORALS SPRING SHAWLS ! HOOP SHIRTS Carpets : Carpet s PARLOR CARPETS. • BED ROOM CARPETS, • HEMP CARPETS. STAIR CARPETS, HOME MADE CARPETS, all bought at the recent Auction ealee at greatly re duced prices. DONIESTIC GOODS ! FLANNELS, MUSLINS, TIMINGS, CHECKS, MEETINGS, PRINTS, &a., Lo., &o Doing a Cash Business only, they are thereby enabled to sell goods at much lower prices than their neighbors that tall goods on Credit and have heavy losses by bad book accounts. They are de termined to soil goods at low prices notwithstand irg the high prices the other stores are askingfor their goods. XII NIEWIDICIEL THE PL /lOC, TIIE Cheap Cash Store OF BURDGE & JONES, No. 9 East liantiltort 'Street, 3 doors below the Allen House. April 17, 1866 Allentown Collegiate Institute 111111%1ITGMAI7 MME,_I(B2G Chartered b 1 the State with all the powers and privileges of a COLLEGE, WILL open De next session on TUESDAY, April 3,180 R. The course of instruction embraces all the Vent:l eaf an English and Mathematical education,— with the German, French, Latin and Greek lan guages. Pupils will be received in every depart ment of study, from five years of age and upward, and prepared for College, Business, or Teaching, or gaduated with the degree of A. D. The Military Department is furainhed with a complete supply of muskets and accoutrements for Infantry Drill. and a Battery of six braes field pieces in expected for artilley practice. Pupils will enjoy to best advantages :in every department of instruction, under teachers fully competent for their position. THE YOUNG LADIES' DEPARTMENT wil l present now attractions and superior advanta goa A ball for clothing and a suit of three oom mu•nicating rooms, strictly private neatly papered well warmed and ventilated, and supplied with pinuo, drawing tables; and new cherry desks of the most approved patterns, afford the most pleaaint acooutmodations for tutly. A Lady Teacher, fully capable of giving instruction in all the common and higher English branches, Atgebra, Geometry, Chem istry, Goo'ogy, Botany, Rhetoric, English Litera te e and Vatural Philosophy, has been secured and will enter upon her duties with the highest recvm irendations. Superior orportunities are -Rend for inertial° in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Latin,Greek, German and Frenob tang •ages, Ornamenta l Work, Wax-Fruit and Flowers. Drawing, Hair Work, Ao., AO. Young Ladles, upon the comple tion of a prescribed course of study, will receive a Dipl ma. Ia the Primary Department for little girls start. dent relaxation from study will be affordbd by pleasant variation and systematic ex.treise. For Circular address Rev. M .L. UOFFORD, President. Allentown, Jul.s 21 REMOVAL. H. C. STEINMAN, DEALER IN Leather Findings, Trunks and Traveling Bags, has • removed from his old stand, 53 fdaln street, to 10 Broad street, Bethlehem, Pa. March 30, 113t0.-3m - BARK I BARK I ! . „ r RE undersigned desire to purchase at their tan nory, • row Zendred.Cords tied Militant mid Spaniel elk Wk. PikVolt Ellin int DitylB.ll3 plOllll3ll CI t ALLENTOWN BOON STK T. V. RHOADS, Agent, ' No. 31 West Hamilton Stt eet, AT the Stero of the subscriber will be kept coa stantly on hand, at the very lowest prices, in the most elegant and n'eo in common binding. ALL KINDS OF SCHOOL BOOKS, Such as complete series of Sander's Reading and Spoiling Books, ti~ils..n's" Menoffies' " /I It Greenleaf's Arithmetios, Algebras, Monteith's Geography, . Colton's " Mitchell's Geography and Atlas. Brown's Grammars, Weld's Grammar and Geometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, " Mental Specimen Copy Books, Potter &Hammond's Books, ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, Inkstands, S tnd Boxes, Writing sand, Steel Pens, Quills, Lead Pencils, , • B.ates and Penoila,Slate Rub . hers. Pen Holders, Gold Pens. and Pencils, Drawing Pencils, Guth- Rubbers. Sealing Wax. Water Colors Tape Measuros,lndeliblo Ink,Poeket Knives, Collar Pins,Lroehet Needies,Tootbrieks,ote. liB to 90 " 16 to 42, " 48 to , 52' " • 6' to 8 rr 24 to 30 " 25 to 30 per lb. Ili to 12 par pair 1 00. to 1 25 por pair 1.50 to 2,00 per lb. 26 to 27 Also a Pig ndld lot of Pocket Books, including every kind des'rsd—all of the very best qualify and at the lowest prices. Also a large selection of per bbl. 7.00 to 7.50 per lb. 15 to 17 • " . 19 to 2u ENGLISII AND GERMAN I3IBLES, Testaments, Reformed and Lutheran Liturgies, as troll as all kinds of Hymn and Prayer Books Also all kinds of Musk Books; such as the Gold en Chain. Sunday School 8011, No. I and 2, Hoy School Bell, Choral Harp ; also Smnuk'e Wchsr's German Church Music Books. Such as Latin Rea.!ing Books, Latin Grammars, Grook Grammars, Bullion's, Anthon'a Cromrs, ko. SUNBELT •1301100 L BOONS. CM A full assortment of Sunday School Books, int eluding ell the publications. of the American Tut) Society, the American Sunday Sbb °col "Union" and the "Pennsylvania Bible •zoolety." Particulaids duos ho wish to say that ho has splendid Libraries and Itoward Tickets nn hand, sacs as have never been kept on sale In this town before, Ile has a splendid lot, and of the very best qnal ity. They are of all sixes, and can bo obtained ful or half-bound. Na ono will. deny that he has the moat splendid assortment of Memorandum Books or every descrip tion on hand, that can bo found at any-place except NOW York and Philadelphia. Tho largest stock of Plantagraph Albums that has ever boon soon in Allentown, can bo found at Rhoads' Cheap Book Score. To dogeriba them is impossible —they must be seen, and if ea, every one will at Once say that they are the NICWiT and CHRAMIT they ever s ow. At the same plaoe thorn are also over 600 Photographs, and also frames and a splendid assortment of large Pictures for sale. %VALI. PAPER • • Over 200 different patterns of Wall Paper and Borders aro also al, this Cheap Book Store, as mil as hundreds of other artio'es too nuaerons to MEDI tiCD. A very largo variety of WINDOW CURTAIN S Oaor 200 different patterns. BRUSHES! BRUSHES! I A large variety of Flair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, and Combs of every description. • By strict attention to his business, low prices and good goods, he hopes to merit his hbnro of public patronage, whioh ho will always keep In gratefu romemberance. T. V. 11,110 ADS, Ag't April 24, 1868 IM ion Business Colege HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN STS. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M., Preoidant and Consulting Accountant. EXTRAORDINAdY INDUCEMENTS NOVEL AND PERMANENT ARRANOMENTS OF BUSINESS COLLEGE PERMS, From April lst to October let, 1866 MB IBM THE CHEAP L~~ All kinds of FGroign Books. BLANK 'BOOKS. MEMORANDUM BOOKS. ALBUMS ! ALBUMS THE AND SUCCEEDING YEARS Life Scholarship, including Bookkeeeping, Busi ness Correspondence, Poems and Customs, Csmor r oial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship. Detecting Counterfeit Money, and Commercial Law. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS Scholarships, including the same subjects as above. Time limited to three months. TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship, Three months, Er Penmanship and Arithmetic, Three Months ... $lO The saving of coal and gas in the summer months is no advantage of such importance as enables the management of thie College to make a considerable reduction in the summer rates From October 1, 1866, to April 1, 18137 And sucoeeding years, as before Life Soholarebip, Scholarships, 3 months Penmanship, 3 menthe, $lO Penmen ebipand Arithmetic, 3 monibe, $l2 ,Speoial Terms for Clubs, Soldiers, and for thr Sons of Ministers and Teachers. DAY AND EVENING INSTRUCTION FOR BOTH SEXES . AND ALL AGES, In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, Penman ship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arithmetic Men suration, Algebra. Geometry, Analytical Geometry, The Calmlus, Navigation, Surveying, Engineering, Gauging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commer- Mal Law, German, Telegraphing, and the English Brandies; at modmate prices. Endorsed by the public as the most successful Business College of the country, as is evidenced by the fact, that FOUR . DUNDEE!: AND TWO STUDENTS have entered in the • FIRST SIX MOISTUS OF ITS EXISTENCE. PRINCIPALS OP DEPARTMENTS. THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, A. M ' GEORGE B. SNYDER, R. 8. BARNES, C. N. FARR. Jo, J. T. REYNOLDS, HENRY ICEIM, A. E. ROGERSON, A. M., C. E. Supported by an able Corps of Assistants. Call or send for a Catalogue, College Currency, and Piorco's Practical Educator. OFFICE: 531 NORTH EIGHTH St. aprl7-2m] THOMAS M. PEIRCE. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. THE next annual exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society will be held at EAS TON, Northampton county, on Tueeday, Wedeln,- d. y, Thursday and Friday, September 25th, 26th, 27th and 28th, 1866. Premium lief* will be ready for delivery early in June. A. BOYD HASIII,TON, Fret. A. B. LONG AKER, Seo'y. Harrisburg, Hay 8, 1868. —Bw MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS. W:CALVER A CO., have opened and ip ti. are receiving weekly a line assortment of straw Hats, Bonnets, Bilks, Ribbons, Flow ers, Frames, &0., Ac., wbolesale and retail. J. W. CALVER £ CO., No. l l North Second street, Phila. Wm.- Fancy and straw millinery. Pattern bonnets on hand. [Mar 27-2 m Bank Dividend. THE Second National Bank at Allentown, has this day declared aaemi-annual dividend of live per oont clear of taxes, payab.o on demand 1 1 ' E SAMUELS, Cashier WHO? WHO ? WHO ? Our next Governor. We have a oorreot and atriking photograph of as sect Governor of Pennsylvania, whirl, we will send by, mail for 25 mints. If we mistake she man, the money will be refunded immediately miter election next Ootober. Is it Geary or Clymer ? Write end see. Addrem, CAUL/180N k OC., ma I-2ml Olt Chestnut Street, Phila. GEARY I CLYAUM I We have Photograph, large end small, of Gael ond Clymer. Apes wanted to sell them. Bond ?I erata ror spsalienf copies lir tsMI, postage paid.-. MM. N0T11111141 , 1 lb CO I ell Mimi Ib . OEM lITERPRISIN BRUM , NEW FIRM.. Shimer Bros. (LATE RENINGER & No. 5 West Hamilton Street . A LLENTo W N, PA. Next Door to the Eagle Hotel Shimer's Mammoth Stote , r LIVE INSTITUTION ! " • „Mon©y Saved BY BUYING AT 811 / E STOR E,: Filled Stacks High with Gooda as . I"' ALM ICI Es EL Ioln 45 nor entire `stock has been MARKED DOWN to the lowest notch, we defy competition. ' • WE STUDY TO PLEASE every one, old and young, rleh and poor, we on- Lksvor to keep awe . l selooted stock of • - ` , ItY GOODS, GR iCEDIES, QUEENS CARPETINGS, • OIL CLOTH; PROVASIONS, SALT, FISH, &a. 10., to give bargains to all those who may favor us with their custom, not only for sixty days or a given time, but wilt always continue to sell otir goods at the very lowest possible price.. We do not pretend to say that our a , stem is strictly Cash, out guaran tee our prices to bo as low as any others who ere boasting of selling the oheapost, in consequence of doing business entirely upon cash principle. Strangers follow the standard customers Of OW well known old stand, and you will all in turn be with courtesy waited on and supplied with the cat Goods. De aura you are right, mingle in Os • crowd, then come ahead to SHINEEREI POPULAR. STORE. where you can he beat suited with the moat goods for the least money, with bech durable and fashion rblo goods. L'ADIES' . Dress Goods Department Unusually complete with rich and elegant goods as well as the ,•heaper styles, it comprising Black and Colored Silks, Pla d and Figured Wool Da Lathes Marinoes, • Plain, and eluded Mohair, American De Laing's, ' • Cobargs, Alpacas,. ; Rapp', : Heotota and ,, Woe" e Platddi etc., etc., etc., etc AMOUR DUNG GOODS, Wool DeMines, Morinoeß. Repps, Poplin, Mo hair Goods, Bombazines, Alpao cos, Canton Cloth, Delaines, Coburg Priots, Sco. Crape and Love Veils, Crape Collars, Square and Long Thibet and Blanket Shawls, Handkerchiefs, hosiery and Glovcs, Gingham, ,Flannels, • Tiokings, Diapers, Cheat, Linens, Bosoms and Whit. Goods, dc., l• CLOAKS- AND. CLOAKING CLOTH Of every diecription, styles, quatity, colors as prices. SHAWLS! SHAWLS' ! Spur o and long Broohn, Blankets, Thlbet and Plaid Shawls. BALMORAL AND HOOP SKIRTS At very reduced prices, and all alsca. The Silver Skirt: En EMI This skirt io more durable, more elastic, mare gracetul, and will keep its shape and retain its plan, better than any other Skirt. The Steel Spring. be ing covered with a fine plated wire, in place of.a cotton covering, will not wear off or become salad. and the whole skirt may I , e washed without injury or fear of rusting and will be as good as new. CA RPM'S AND OIL. GLOTH, ♦ very full stook, new and slob (Insigne. QUELNSWA RE A full assortment, cheap.- WINDOW SHADES AND CURTAINS Of every diaoriptlon. Groceries, Fish and Provisions At the lowest prices, comprising a fall line of aH articles usually kept in a first class Grocery Depart. meet. SALT—Ground Liverpool, Ashton az& deity salt by the sack and bushel. Country Produce. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exehanp, and the highest prices paid for. GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call wilt secure advantages that...WM.lse certainly lost in delay. We are thankful to our old customers foi. 'pike ft yore, and solicit a continuance Atha same, mil se many new ones, who will favor us with their pai.on ago, we will endeavor our utmost to treat thirst :with courtesy and punctuality. . . Remember the well known old stand late BEN INGBItt A SUCKER, No. 5 West liamlltoteStrlet, Allentown, Pa. BIiIMER 8809e.r. ' A GENTS wanted for the only authentic; reliable" /1 and official History of the Lientenanudeneral. Grant and his Campaigns, BY PROF. HENRY COPPED. t V01.,8v0 , 520 mos, with 8 Steel Portrait*, 143. Publirbed under Geu. Grant'. Sanction, And thoroug'ay renined by GENERAL RAWLINS. Genera( Gratis Mitt' of Staff. Tars work will be in every particular trustworthy and accurate—written by the Lieutenant-GenamM lifelong friend, from official document. pot Bat* bis hands, it cannot fail to meet every requircrowit of the public expectation. Also SHERMAN and his CAMPAIGNS, By Cu). 6. M. Bowman, and Wilt. Col. ft. I vol , Bvo., 512 pages, with 8 Steel Portral Thoroughly revised by GEN. SHERMAN and published under his sanction. These books are having an immense sal where, as they are the only authenticated I of these great tienerala as a whole, for writers have access to the private and °Molt of the several commanders. Send for eireul . . P. UARRBT2 & aprl7-2m] 600 Chestnut Street, Philad E 8 . 7 B .L 1 S DYEING ESTABLISHM, JW. JONES, No. 432 North Front St . Callowbill. Philad3lphia, dyes Silks, and Fancy Goode of every description. TI parlor style of dyeing Ladies and Gentfems meets is widely known. Crape and Merin( donned to look like new, also Oentlemi parel, Cortina, ac., cleaned or re-dyed. Hi cleaned or dyed to look like new. Call and look at our work before Doing ell J. 81 - W. Jr March 27, 1865 —2at 8 J. Stew; ocmo B. SIMON' a ken) PIIILA., ° customer' and of ,sfrom one of the lai OARPIC a Window Shades , `many years, at re, BARLOW'S WILTBBROPM,' No. 223 Noi MIL Will color tore *al qintltlty tlf °unsay ' It Is 10011tatite al as nme 1110 %I* ED IN 1 El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers