el gegister le pubiahed every Tuesday Morning. pffioe —NO. 20 East Hamilton Street, (Lion Han.) EL !KOSS dt E. POILREST, Editor's and Proprietor's. TERMS OT IMISSORIPTION : 41 . ri 4 1 11 , Per Annum, i fiffr•No deviation made from our published terms, and no paper discontinued until all moor ages aro paid, exoopt at the option of the publighere. RATES OF ADVERTISING : 3 times. 8 mths. 6 mtbe. 1 yr. One Square $1 $3.00 $6,00 $B.OO Two ". 8. . 5 0 0 0 6.00 8.00 12.00 Throe " 4.50 1.60 10.00 15.00 pa-Twelve lines (Minion) constitute a square. Longer advertisements In proportion, with a reason able deduction to those advertising by the year. Professional Cards pqr year - $B.OO Administrators' and Auditoro 'notices - 11.00 par-Displayed advertisements will be ohuged for the space they occupy. tigt-Resolutione, Tribites of Respect, and Obit nary notions will be charged 75 cents per square. .Business notices in the Local' Department 20 cents per liner [mane invnav PROIRIVIIM OP ALL KINDS, executed in the BEST STYLE, at the shortest no doe, and at the LOWEST PRICES. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN H. OLIVER.. Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN', PA. its.OFFICE removed to North Plfth Street, op. voile the Presbyterian Oburob, end next door to the Court House. flebtir3m R. CLAY HAMERSLY, Attorney at Law, OATASAUQUA, LEDIGH COUNTY, PENNA. March 6, 1886. —ly JACOB B. DILLINGER, Attorney at Law, Corner of East Hamilton St. and Law Alley ALLENTOWN, PA. April 15, 18r.6 P. WYCKOFF, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. . OFFICE on the south side of Hamilton • street two &Mrs west of Smith & Kramer's store, and op pato tho Eagle Hotel. [aulB.64] EDWIN ALBRIGHT, Attorney at Law, Elam. Ikons ABOVE TEC COWIT HOUSE, ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH CO., PA •• Fob. 18, 1888 • ELIS El A FORREST, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. Feb. 20, 1966 WILLIAM .H.. SOW DEN, ,attorney and Counsellor at Law. Mee East Ilaibilton Street, 2 dooro above Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. • Feb. 211, 1.860.-ly " EDWARD HARVEY, • Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. Ornowyrith lion Samuel Bridgoo. fmayl-ly JOHN RUPP, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. °MOB with A. Woolever, Esq , oppoeito the Court Can be consulted to German. [mayl-ly A DAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW,. ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICH opposite the Court House. [amyl-1y GULDIN & GREASEMER, D la let V a 0 il as Moe: No. 40 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa One door below'''. Guth A Co's. etors. Aug 8, 1885. 1 PAUL ISALLIET. UNDERTAKER & FURNISHER Seventh Street, beim Walnut, IVeet Side, ALLENTOWN, PA April 11 ,1865 , BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIFE PICTURES. Cartes de Visites, $2 per Dozen ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED. S. We BUBO AW, No. 7 East Hamilton 13 ALLENTOWN, PA. Allentown, Sept. 18. EAGLE , HOTEL 227 North Third Street, Between Race and Vine, PHILADELPHIA TII IA is n first ohms h otel, loci ted in the center of business, with nmple and excellent accom modatiuns. It. S. MEHL, PrOprietor. January 23,18 M. E. G:Gerhard & Co., JOBBERS OF .Cloths;-:Cassinieres VESTINIIS, ITALIANS, & 1- - NO. 333 ORESTNIIC STREET, • Up Stairs, • - PLMADELPHIA. • . ionuory 30. 18118 S. P. Newhard, WITH Seip & Shinier, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Teas and spices. ALSO ALL KINDS OF OIL. ,Opp9ehe the (ALLEN HOUBE,) apr3 43ro] ALLENTOWN, PA ililfoti . Aieilierlb)4liiet•, V. 3:)., .1104 1 109PATIN 11 0 PUYISIcIkAN,.. , • ::::: ~ MILLERSTOWN, PA., m ' , , fie . 4, t‘cfrAlCll. l 3.this tag of Infesettta the people of the ~. A 1111rNaMpir 11111449 . 7hb0C1, tiptt kob has Nomad s k if I P , .., *f" Mr facedia t l4oo • ai l- al. 4* . 8 A where he to isaitt to *trio the yeeple isy et h4the Ile.lp , . • , • . ~ t + ~ • - rrt <, ~, .1 1.,. ‘,...:....::,.„....:.... . ... „,„..,, t hi ~ ht . D • r" 1 . .. . . • •' . - . 4 -- : , (111 ' h J‘• ': . ' .... . . ' . , Y I - .„...;..... sy:!z..., ~.,... , ... DR- H. A. GRIA 1 LATE SURGEON IN-CHIEF Tirtsr BRIG., FIRST FIFTH A. C. El AVM returned to Allentown, is now ready to resume the practice of his profession at No , 76 West Hamilton Street, nearly opposite the Black Bear Hotel. ' (aprlo-3m • Gross' Palace of Art Photographs IN Oil, Water Colors, India Ink or Plain, from Miniatures up to Life Sire. Cards $2 per dozen. Over Frank Knauss' store, corner of eth and Ham ilton streets, Allonton n• Mar. 20, 1860. WA.TCELLS &JEWELRY JEWELRY STORE. A SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS SUITABLE Di. for Bridal or Birthday Presents. Now is the time to make your purchases. The stock is entirely new. LADIES' &GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. We have tho finest assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches ever brought in this city. We have the largest stook thalsbas ever bean brought to Allentown. We have also the celebrated Ameri can Watch, and all styles • f English and Swiss Watches suitable" for ladies and boys. We exceed in quantity and variety of the latest etylos. New and beautiful stylee of Ladies' full slate Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets, • Ladies' and Gents' I' GOLD OZIAINS. Gents' Saver Gflarns. Gents' Scarf Pins, Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and a very large variety of Silver Thimbles, Neck laces, Belt Buckler, Charms, Rings of rare and beautiful designs, and also the Plain Ring suitable for engagements, end a large variety of other things too numerous to mention. GOLD PENS We have a very largo assortment. Also Gold and Silver Bolder., of all styles suitable for Ladies and Gents. ELEGAPIT SILVER WARE. In this line our Stock exo, oda in quantity and variety of styles, anything over offered for sale in this city, and cannut fail to please the meet fastidious. FULL SETS OF TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKLTS, CASTORS. SILVER CARD STANDS, bILVER PI CC U.E.AS, CREAM' CUPS. bYRUP CANS, __~ DEALERS IN RICHES! WITCHES! KELLER & BItO OF SILVER WATCHES JEWELRY. SALT CELLARS., GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS, BUTTER. KNIVES, TEA, DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Etc. SOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, we havo a very large assortment; persona cannot Intl to suit themaolves, and all of the moat fashion able Myles. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest aooortment f Cloaks that has ever boon offered here for sale. Persons' &sir. lag a gJod Clock, cannot help but spit themselves. All new and all of the lotost styles. We have also a largo assortment of FANCY GOODS too numerous to mention. . ILEPALEING. All kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry care fully repaired and warranted. KELLER k BRO. Remember the Place, Newhurd's Old Stand, No 37 West Hamilton street, Allentown, Pa. E. KELLER. S. S. KELLER. decs-ly wawcusati, WATCHES! EMS Clocks! Clocks! WHIT .111lifYi OM! $15,000 WORTH OF Clocks , W a tches & Jewelry, • TO BE SOLD at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. The largest and beet selected assortment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, in Lehigh county, is to be found at CHAS. S. IVIASSEY'S, NO. 23 EAST HAMILTON STREET, Allen town Pa. We have no desire to boast, and we speak ad visedly when we say that our stock is larger and more complete than all the Jewelry establishment. , in the county put together. Just received a very choice and elegant assortment Jf WATCHES, JEWELRY, Comprising Ladies' Goß t"En W A R E HUNTING WATCHES GENTS' GOLD & SILVER HUNT! 6 . %maim , Sr etigli.4 It fro, GOLD, SILVER & PLATED CHAINS, SILVER AND PLATED SPOONS, FORKS,' NAPKIN RINGS, FRUIT KNIVES, etc., With an endless variety of the latest stylo of Tewelry Also, a large and complete assortment of SPECTA CLIMB, n Gold, Silver. Steel and Plated oases. We desire to evil attention to our stock of *lll ELODEONSatt, We kayo constantly on hand a fall assortment of G. A. PRINCE'S Celebrat.d Melodeons, of sizes duitablo for oburebos or parlors. N. B.—Particular attention paid to tl.B Repairing of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work war ranted. We desire to inform parties living in the country, th4t any Cluck repairing they wish ,done at their homes will be promptly atte S nded to. SEY C S . . 31AS, No. 23 East'llasillton street, ALLKOToWN, PA. . defi'6s-ly ESTEios COTTAGE OiGANS - kitEwelronly unexcelled, but they ate absolutely uluigtkiled, by any °dot.: Reed Instrument in the country: Designed expres.ly for Churches and Schools, they are found to be . equalAy well adapted the parlor and drawing fooin. For sale only by • E. M. BRUCE, SettliritottliVlVEN 4 lll3street,Pzueenstieitla. litTAVllPlant l / 4 10. t 'OW aeselteislii et tlis PO IPINT 1111111i9D110R; opium/1W" _ . Published. Weekly by buss & Forrest. Terms : $2 00 per Annum. FURNIFURE. EYES THIS WAY. TO THE GREAT CABINET WARE ROOM OP John Malburg, IN ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. JOHN M .LBURO takes this method to inform bia fri 'ads, customers, and the public in general, tha. he is aow carrying on the business on his own account.:'a niu building, NO 52 Wk 'I HAMILTON STREET, opposite Hagentuch's Hotel, where ho is now pro pa to A...J0 .11 Th^ may give him a call. His prem-it stook riot to ue surpassed, and consists in part of one following articles: Bureaus, Side Boards, Pier, Centre, Card, Dining, and Breakfast Tables, Book Cases, Cupboards, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Par. for Tables, &fas, Piano Stools, Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads of every variety, and in general every article which is kept 'in a well regulated establishment. Ho manufactures also every variety of Furniture to order, after the latest style, and every article sold by him must be ne represented, and must be satis factory. House-keepers and especially young persons in tending to engage in keeping house, should not neg lect to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, a , . he fools satisfied that he can offer bargains that can not be surpassed anywhere outside of Philadelphia. For the liberal patronage already received he is very thankful, and swill still endeavor through prices and fair dealings to increase the same. /Don't forget the place, No. 52 West Hamil. ton Street, where you can owl and satisfy yoursoh of the truth which is herein stated. JOHN MALBURG. Allentown, July 2. 1855. ly Furniture. COULD & CO.'S celebrated Furniture Es tablishment Is removed from Second and Raw strcota io the al landid NEW DEPOT, " 7 Nos. 37 and 39 North Second street, (opposite Christ Church, Philadelphia, where they purpose selling for ono year. at about cost, elegant Furni ture, at fabulously tow price'. Also, at their Ninth and Market streets branch, where they aro selling equally low, being about to enlarge the premises. GOULD & CO.'S Furniture Depots. Nos. 37 and 39 N. Second street, nod clatter Ninth and NI tu ket streets, Philadelphia. March 27, 18(18-3in IMPOIRTANVNIE% HELFRICH CO., AMETMAKERS BIND MERTAKERS. No. 28 West Hamilton Street: A LLE.N .7 OWN, PA. THE undersigned take this method of informing' Their friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on hand a full supply of rIIRIVITIII:071 *,1f 3 , ?!. SUCH AS 4'; Bureaus, Sideboards, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, . Book Cases, Sofas, Bedsteads, Washstands, ite., &e., and in general every article which is kept in their line of business. House-keepers and persons intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every hind of turnip:lre to order at the shortest notice. 1311IDEILT.A.KILIfe will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Coffins; also Coffins covered with elatb. B. F. HEIMBACII, SOL. lISLFRICIL GEO.I.IBIMBACH. Jan. 3, 1565 I y. 800 L'S AND SHOES Boot and Shoe Store. New Firm, New Store and Aew Goods. ODENIIEDIER & SHIP la Alma just taken the extensive 11 store room in Rau's Building, next door to the Allen Bowe, would respectfully invite the attention of the ponple of Ai-, lentown and surroundln6 country, to their large, varied, end well made up stock of • BOOTS AND SHOES./ They will sell you a bettor article in tl.o way o BOOTS AND SHOES, for less money thnn you can buy them for °lumber° The most scoptical can bo satitfted by an exami nation of the stock they O'er fur sale. Their ra annfaeturing Department being under the supervision of one of the firm, who has bad much experience in tho business, they aro confident that PERFECT SATISFACTION can bo given in every inetance whoro work of any description le o dored. • There is nothing in tho line of wear fur the feet that cannot bo found at this BOOT AND SHOE STORE ! AT PRICES RANGING AS FOLLOWS : Infant Shoes, all Styles, from 10 eta. to $2 per pair. Children's Shoes, all Styles, froaa 25 els. to $2 pdr'pair.• Misses' Shoos, all styles, from 15 cts to $2.50 per pair. Youths' Shoos, all styles, Um 60 els. to $3 per pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, from 75 els. to $4 per pair. Ladies' Shoes, all styles, from $1 to $3 per pair. Gouts' Shoes, all styles, from $1.50 to $1 50 per pair. Youths' Boots, all styles; from $1.50 to $2.50 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles from $2 to $5 per pair. Mena' Boots, all styles. from $3.50 to $l5 par pair... • Country Merchants and 'Dealers Sup piled at City Sobbing Rates. tm...The public ore invited to give a cull before purehusus ore mule elsewhere. J. tl. ODIMUHIII6III April 17, 1880 REMOVAL ! J. F. Bohlinger's 800 r and :SHOE STORE 'OAS been romovcd to Rod tlemil- R.L . ton street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., .where he keeps etnstantly on hand, of bie own .minufaotare, and also of Philadelphia, New York and Vaster') manufacture, a large stock of Poole and Show, which ho is dispoeed to offer to the publio at aemell , advauco above cost. Re also will make to •cirder,all kinds of One al:irk for Ladiasand . Chilthen, having competent If orkmop especially is itnq branch'. Feeling deterniioed to make it an object for persons in of A GOOD ARTICLE - to nag and examine 'fat ttlaiieelres'and,lnetn ble,ptioars . which Willbb 4,1011 t, r 414 \r ip t 14011atts virtkrikd ft" ji OMAN ri II RBI Wm• H. Seim HAS OPENED HIS BOOT, SHOE, HAT AND CAP STORE, AT NO. 35 EAST HAMILTON ST, A D JOINING KEBNABSN'd 0111. L".• na Store, whore he offers to all who will give him a call, the very best and most fashionablo goods over offered to the citi zens of Allentown, at the following low cash prices : Mon's calf boot., fine, $5 00 to $9 00 It kip, double sole, 376 " 575 Boys childs' boots, • •175 " 475 Men's glovo Kid, Congas's, As, 260 " 575 " " Bal. shoes 190 " 300 Men's women's, boy's and misses glovo kid, lasting gaiters, 175 " 675 Women's glove kid, very floe, 3 211 " 575 " fine goat morocco bale., 250 " 400 /,shoes, men's motoo:o and calf 1 75 " 250 " common shoes, 1 60 " 250 Misses' and child's shoes, 25 " 100 Men's, women's, misses', boy's and child's slippers, 25 " 100 No auction goods in my store, but from the best manufactories. I also have all kinds of EATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at the lowest cash prices. Call and see for yourselves. WILLIAM 11. SEIP. April 17. —I y Biery & Mertz . HAVE JUST OPENED A Boot & Shoe Store, At No. 85 West Hamilton St., TWO DOORS BELOW NINTH, WHERE they will keep constantly on band a well assort° 1 stock of all kinds of NtOe Boots and Shoes, of Ilistern, City and home-manufacture, which they will sell CHEAPER than the same can be bought elsewhere, because they sell Exclusively for CASH. They invite all to call and examine their stook be fore purchasing elsewhete, as they feel confident that customers can suit themselves, both as to price and quality. Al kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REPAIRING receive. prompt attention. They employ none but the best workmen and are therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by any other e!tablishment. Particular attention is given to the manufacture of French Calf and Patent Loather Boots. 2 ^,i Shoemakers can be supplied with stook and findings, at reasonable prices. J. S. BMW, S. E. MERTZ. May 8, 1848 --ly REMOVAL! DE HL HAT, CAP & NOTION ESTABLISHMENT HAS bean removed to GODFREY PETER'S building, on East Hamilton Street, Opposite the Court House, Whore can now be found the latest, most elegant and fashionable styles of HATS AND CAPS. Also has been added a 133 Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! R ith a full ino of NEW GOODS, ouch as HANDKERCHIEFS, SUSPEN DERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY, DRAWERS, COLLARS, NECK TIES, GLOVES, eto., etc., etc. COM It; ONE I COME ALL ! ! and see fur yourtelros, the beautiful assortment of goods, before purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that 1 can and will sell goods 25 PER CENT CHEAPER TEIAN ANY OTHER HOUSE OUTSIDE OF THE CITIES. New goods received daily :rom the manufacturers and for sale at the lowest rates. ffeb2o-t. STAND FROM, UNDER! Go LD I;_4. 7 ! And Preemie of Alin Further Beeline ! N' AL MO" I GI I • X" AL N X CI 1 . RULES IRE ROUT?. Hats Caps & Straw Goods. SPRING STYLES. Christ & Sauer's, jell No . 15 West Ilimilton street opposite the Odd Follows' Gall, have on band the largest assortment of Ha's and Can" apring and summer styles, ever seen in Allentown, comprising ovary style and quality from five dollars down to tit ty cents, and mica that will become old and young. Their stook of Capa is the largest in Allentown, and at extremely low piker. To convince the pub lic of what is said, it may be well to state that they have wart-orte different styles. Surely enough to give a person a chance of baiting hia taste. .011r5lessrs. Christ it `'avers direct attention to rho fact that they are the only Blesurscronstis of lints In Allentown. ISTRAW Goons.—A. beautiful assortment of giro w hate, for A 12911 and boys, will be kept constantly on hand during the season, to which vvo invit e public attention. Give us a call. Wit. Country Merohnnta would do well to give us a call, no wo will wholesale them Hats and Caps cheaper thou they can get them is the city. . Alientfmn, August B—tf . CARPETS and 'OIL CLOTHS! PHOUGH, Jo., & 00., would invite the ratan • don of buyers to the large stook of NEW SPRING STYLES OF CARPETS! Consisting of Tapestry,, Brussels, Thrae.ply, In grain, Entry, Stair and Rug Carpets. Also 011 Clothr, trom Ito 6 yards wide. Window Shades in great variety, Calton and Conn Matting. Rags, Mutts, &c., &a. P. HOUGH, In., & CO., • 508 NORTH,SECOND Street ebv. NOBLE. Branch Store, S. W., Car.. S and Spring Gordan Streets, Phila. [mar2o.3m .:„ gamy Harper, 520 Ana ST., PLIIL'A. WATCHES, fine gold JEWELRY, solicl FILYEE WARE, and superior ULVER PLATED WARE, at reduced prices I - March 10.-8 m WALTER H. SEIP. -ly PURE LIBERTY. WHITE LEAD,— 'rho Whitest, the most durable and the meat econom ical. Try it I Manufactured only by Ziegler di Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers jan3o-11] No. 137 N. Third St., Plxilada HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DISEASES ' OF THE NERVOUS, SEMINAL LI URINARY AND SEXUAL SYSTEMS—new and reliable treatment—in Fermis at the HOWARD ASSOCIATION--abnt by shall In Redact that* relapse, free of &ergo. AddriewDr.J.BIIILLIN itooeutorc, 'AseashAlchs, rve,l lota suptsi Ms, tlTApoopoth - • • 7E7 - 35 - 311 E THIS VAT I KR SIM GOODS LOOK IN AT us: NEW FIRM ! 321C1723 lEFFL X 3 FL CP a., (LATE HUBRR & DILLINGER,) No. 7 WEST lIAMILTON STREE2, ALLENTOWN, PA. k Would rospecttully inform the citi on of Lehigh cynnty that they have just formed a co-parnorship as above, end that,thoy have just unpacked a frosh stock of Sprit] g Goods! FROM NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are now offering them at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES. DRY . GOODS! CONSISTING OF TUE LATEST BTYLE9 07 ,Figured and Plain Alpacas, Figured and Plain all Wool Be taints SHEPHERD PLAIDS, BLACK SILKS, SUMMER SILKS, • IRISH POPLINS, WHITE GOODS, White Counterpanes, 'Linen and Cotton Shectings, Checks, Ginghams, Bedlicks; Flannels, &c„ Shepherd Plaid Balmoral s, Black Cloth, Cassimeres, Yelvetine, Corduroy, Cottonades, Kentucky Jeans, Drills, LADIES GI.OAKIDG, Plain Colors, Middlesex Cloths, • Reppellanls, and PLAIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS: 31EHT1,2 1 8LE 9 6 IE2E. A full lino of Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinotts and Vcatings, all kinds and pricos, which will be sold cheap. Wo have constantly on hand a large and wall se lected stock of all winds of • CROCKERY, GROCERIES, MACKEREL, SALT, &o Which we will dispose of at the very lowest cash prices. All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, and the highest market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest! for we foul Entiellea that wo can suit your TASTES EIS well as your PURSES. Don't forgot the place, No. 7 West Hamilton street, second door abc v o the Eagle Hotel. Returning thanks for the patronage roceived in the past, and hope that by a continuous off .rt to accom odate their friends and customers, and in conse quence of tho largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support And good will of the people. A. A. Hunan, Allentown, July 18, A PEW WORDS ABOUT 311:11111111:11inir.Mile Great Western Remedy Tnis remedy is now perporming the most won (torrid curse. It ouros 'Rheumatism, Chills and revere, General Debility, Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, 'Sick headache, La., La. In all cases a sensible relief is gut ranteod in from five to ten minutes, and a DERPEOT CURE in from six to twelve days. Never has. it yet failed in one , solitary instance to accomplish far more than we have promised or the afflicted applicant anticipated. Tho Curative Pmporties of the Great Western Remedy are truly wonderful. Whole pages of tes• timonials fzum influential citizens might be given to the public, but we deem it to ho superfluous, as you may readily find persona of your own acquaint ance in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease dispellimr and health promotion qualities of the Great Western Reme. AARON dy DAVI% Discoverer and manufacturer, 825 Broad St., Newark, N. J. The Glint Western Remedy may bo obtained of all establitind Druggists throughout the country. W. E B tames .1c Son, Druggists,Allon, whole sale Agents. [April 8 town, Nin Om 628 11001' SKIRTS. 628 ECOVICIN. - s - "OWN 11Q6.8.11." Manufactured and sold wholeealo and retail. NO. 628 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The most complete assortment of Ladies', Alias es' and Chi dren's Hoop Skirts, in the city ; go ton up expressly to meet tho wants of first-clads trade ; embracing the utmost and most desirable styles cud sizes of "Gore nails, of ovary length —from 22 to 4 yards round-20 to 56 springs, at 2to $5 elain skirts, all lentrths, front 2} to 3 yards round the bottom, at St. 40 to $3 15. Our lino of 111,1AB' and Chlldrea's skirts, are proverbially beyond all competition, for variety of styles and sires—as well 09 for finish and durabili ty; varying from 8 to 33 inches in length 6 to 45 springs at 35 cents to $2 25. All skirts of OWN -Alit." are warranted to give •ratisfacti .n; but buy none as such unless they. hAvo Hopkins' Hoop Skirt Manufeotory, No. 628 Arch street," ) stamped on each tab ! Also, constantly on hand good skirts. manufac tured in New York and the Eastern States. which we sell at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts —'s springs, 35 cents; 20 springs, $1 00; 2b +prlng, $1 15; 30 springs, $1 25 and 40 springs, $l per* Skirts made to order and repaired. pm- Terms Cash. One Price Only. REMOVAL: MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT Dills. MARY C. ROGERS, No. 28 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, 10111ESPEOTFULLY informs her friends and the pubtio in general that she has lately removed to No. 29 Eati Hamilton street, two doors east of the Democrat printing aloe, and there opened a nee millinery establbhment in all its various branch es. She has Just returned from New York and Phil adelphia with the latest styles of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS and is nuw prepared to metro them up w:th the choicest trimmings and !beers, In the most fashionable manner. Ber stock of ribbons and artificial flowers cannot be curt eased by any other establishment in Allen town for beauty, tade and cheapness. Persona ebould ciao her a call before purchasing elserhere. Terms strictly cash. As ehe has acquired a general knowledge of the business and employs none but the best milliners, she is prepared to warrant all her work ea repro. Bente& Ehe is also anxious to satisfy all who may favor her with their patronage. . Old honneie bleed, ed and repaired. • „„ By strict attention to bush:tees she tniati to merit a share of public, patronage formbleh'she will ever -be thankful. 890 Airrin rriting 211131 Ant titbgel t a4wikoi ick4yl,4 • Consult Your Interests In 13uyinrP Goode! Metzger & Osman Have just opened at their TAILORING' ESTABLISHMENT, NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ALLENTOWN, PA., THEIR SPRING STOOK OF CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINCS, &c., &c., which will be Made up to Order, I IN TIIE LATEST STYLES, BY TIP-TOP WORKMEN, DU D (1,(E17 1 ?JD ND 6ENTLEMEE' FQfII[SOIN6 GUMS SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVER Call and Examine. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Coats, • Cheapest Vests, • Cheapest ROILS, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest C!,,ths, Cheapest Cassitneres, Cheapest ,Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest 131)81).74.in Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest Hosiery, Ch apest G hives Cheapest Umbrella etc., eto., etc., etc Our stock is much heavier mad better nasc.rted that EVER Et IE IND 111 Don't forgot the place, No. 33 East Hamilton etr., next door to tho "Independent Republikanor." METZGER. & OS MAN. NATHAN DIGTZGER ) late of the firm of Troxell tletzger. TILGHMAN OSMAN, lately head cutter at tho i.staY lishmont of Troxoll A Metzger. Allentown. Aug. 8. 1885 POPULAR ?WU! HI THE TME AT THE POPULAR STONE 11141FLIEFFL AIL_ ISM M 1.9 ALLENTOWN, PA. Immense Attractions! Goods Purchased For CASH For Cash and Approved Credit GREAT DECLINE 1N PRICES! Big Drop in Gold. Whether temporary or permanent deponPnt said) not. With gold from $2.90 down to $1.27, and cotton 39 cents a pound. STANDARD GOODS are now selling at a hoavy loss to the manufacturers but this is neither hero nor there, for 0. L. Sham KRAMER, Is bound to keep time to the music, and continue as heretofore, To bead the Trade OIFTII2. DEFY COMPETITION ! From April 33, I shall offer a oomplets lino of Ladies Seasonable Dress Goods, being pm featly ALIVE with everything in 'hid let that is FRESH, CHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, in short as usual for Style, Variety and Lowness of Price. ehall and can not bo eurpuesed STAPLE GOODS? A fall line of alLthe choice brands of bleached and unbleached mutant., diming, &c., and every thing that belongs to-botmeheepers in this line.at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES I I give no quotation A prioeA, but will soil you foi LESS MONEY than you oan got the tame gouda olpewhere. Shawls, Cloaks, Sacqnes, Mantillas, Cloths, Csushneros, Twoads, &c. This department hue receivtA pi:motel attentio , ibis spring nud comprising the newest and moat as *arable spring sto , so, adopted to the mete of the aged, middle aged, "Young America," and children, use will ho sold ut present ' Also tbo CHOICEST LIN E of GROC itRIE and at prices that will conrlace ono and all that i'anaer''s Id THE Great Place of Interest for persons wishing to select from the most exton aloe and reliable stook of goods and at THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. An examination is all I ask, knowing that I can of far inducements that cannot be surpassed by any roliable house in town. . bl. J. EltANIEit, Opoosito tho EAGIA.I.IOTEL. Geo. K. Reeder, MERCHIE TAILOR! No 15 East Hamilton Street, Nat Door to John D. Moser's Drug Eton WEIERFI be heaps eonatantiy on hand a fall a:- sortment of ready-made olothlng,:au,h as COATS, VESTS,.PANTS &o. also GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS a.; all klotb, which Workmanship, Quality and Prices, aro not ourpaastdia torn. _A largo and wall ocloctf ad eta: of cl,lls.,,T@3azuctazwiasmaz always on band. . . Clothing made to ordor on abort notice, and a 8008 FIT DiIikIIANTEED. Call and °nuking our stook. April 10, 'O6-1y) GEO. R. REEDER. PURE. LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,— preferred by.all practical Painters I Try it! and you will have no other. Al anufactured only . • by , ZIEGLER & SMITO, VirmouteAsi Dana, PAINT and GLASS DEALTAS, anBOsyl 24.0.187 North Third Street. Philadelphia ger Boys' clothing fr om 13 to $2O .0, au% at Vtldlllolllo4l%, Np. 51 Raw ft :01t 1 1011. , • at tho shortest notice MAY, 1860.° AND SOLD Ema , in great variety Gold Standard 'Prices. Voctrg. Flowers of tesEine. IVtitcen on eccing z be.,uttfill h , onet of flowers front Ho'y Lam!. Fair stranger Flowers ! I love 'your bloom and groev, For yo a.o chiltlren of that sacred sod, Whereon in time long past the feet have been Of the incarnate God. And ages after Ho bad. (Irani: the cup Of earthly woe, and joined Ills cherubim, Your beauteous form+ to ice and lixht, sprang up As shbold our faith in Mtn. Ye are my teachers. Flowers may not stand Upon the shoes where your fair sistors blow, But that rare level ness is in that land, By your sweet selves, I know., And, Flowers, ye give me cannot stand Upon the shores of centuries azis But that our Christ was then within tho land, By Christian love, I know. 1 4,11i5cchancatts. Wanted-An EloreAr. laduitrious Boy. We ,lately saw nn advertieminent headed as above. It conveys to every buy an impressive moral lesson. hone it, industrious boy," is always want• '4. He will be sought thr ; his service%will be in demand; he will ba re ;pe eted and loved ; be will be spoken of in high commenantion ; he, till always have a home ; he will grow up to be a man of known worth and established char acter. lie will be ivaPtleel. The merchant will want hiM for a salesman or a clerk; the master me chanic will want him for an apprentice or a journeyman ; those with a job to let will want him for a contractor ; clients will want him for 1! a lawyer ; patients will want him for a physi-: elan ; religions congregations for n pastor • par ems for a teacher of their children ; and the people tin lie will be w 'idol. Townsmen will want'' him for a citizen ; acquaintances as a neighbor; ' neighbors as a friend; families as a visitor; the world as an acquaintance, nay, the girls fbr a beau, and finally for a husband. An honest, intbist rions boy ! Just think Ofit, boys, will you answer• this description? Can you apply ibr this situation ? Are you sure that you will he lert,te,ll You maybe smart and: active, but that does not fill the requsition—are you hoticst You maybe capable—are you in rinstri,q3 You may be well dressed and cte• • nte a favorable impression at first sight -- arts: you both honest and industrious?'map• apply for' a good "sitnation"—are you ,sure that your friends, teachers, and nequaintanees can recommend you for these qualities? 0 hovi' would you feel, vour character not being thus established, on hearing the words, "I can't em• ploy you I" Nothing else will make up fprflio. lack of these qualities. No readiness or aptness for business will do it. You must be honetit and industrious—mnst work and labor! then• will your calling and election for places of prOr• fit and trust be sure.' • • a• , Ca- A Dutchman in Pennsylvania leasedbli lands to an oil company in Pennsylvania, last Spring, on condition of receiving one-eightkof the oil procured. The well proved to be a. wet t y good one, and the Dutch farmer began to think that the oil men should give him a beaer chance, and ventured to tell them asked him what he wanted. He said theyttight to give hint one-twelfth. The .agreernentivas finally made, with the understandiug,o4 the Dutchman was not to tell any one. • All went smooth until the next came, when our friend was early on hind US en how much better he would be off under.the . neW bargain. Eleven barrels were rolled to one side for the oil men, and oLe for him. This did note suit hint. "How's dish," says he, "I tink I Was to get more as before ; by links you make •mistakeb!' The matter was explained to him, that ko for merly got ono barrel of every eight, but it was his own proposition to only take one of avail twelve. This revelation took him aback. He serdta ed his head, looked cross, and relieved.his feel ings of self-reproach by indignantly remarkiug, "Veil, dish is great; disc ish de first time as ever I knowed eight vash more ash tWelve." Atarlt is never too late to do right; autorin stance, a gentleman begun to study grammotaf ter he had written for the press ten yours. -it is never too Into to get married ; Ntiorei,tte (laughter of Enoch, took her first hu9lui4d'at five hundred and eighty. • It is never•too"hitBto drop any habit ; James, the novelistorrnte4c tymine volumes before he could shake qgrOxis "solitary horseman." It is never too laterPihe w "wide awake" character ; .an old A6lltletiiWn who has ceased to read the Daily Evemne ii'- le has entirely recovered from ilictideepi ness that Used to inflict him. It. is 89Agimes too late to "pop the question ;" . .a man mice did 10 to a "charming vidder," just as she I'6:Lobed her house after the burying her first IntsbaWd; "You are too late," was the reply, "the deuctua (ptdev to nip at the gra A MAN FOR THE TlMES.—There Is a pitimsr. ive chap around Philadelphia, who lives - on his wits, and from their quality, we guess 104zont starve soon. On a rainy day .he geea:.:irito a oar-room, or a barber-shop, mid seizing the first umbrella handy, he very angrily says; ":4h, tbund it, darn pretty note to steal a rninatini 'wenn in that way anti away he.goes. The other day ho marched up.to a gentleman on Chestnut street, and, grabbing the umbrella in his hand, says he: "That's mine, sir) areTe did you get it ?" beg pardon, sir; it was loaned tO"ine"by an acquaintance. If it is yours, take it; ilia "Mine? Of course it is, 'aays he took it. He'll do. • A Wortn TO Tot St x.— • 'l have fotiiitf,rfisitys Addison, "that the men who' are really'thfietiost fond of women, and who cherish fOr.:theliLthe highest respect, aro seldom populur l ty.4!_t f the I n sex. Men of great assurance, whoSe T. gues are lightly hung, who make worddiap ly the places of ideas, and }glace cOinplitalthit in the room of sentiment, arnlways thettfytorites•— A due respect for women leads to•Fesppegase tion towards them, and respect is.teli,ett i by eta for neglect or want of love." . ' !s. ". ' JA noted spiritualist, Dr. ilandoWksaYs now after an experience of frFe, years aq. a, me• flin diem, it is his candid opinion t Spiritualism is one-third imposture, one-thifd• insanity,' and one-third diabolism, and thiit;,idsanityiss tote usual fate of trance medfums...::. ner"l say, landlord, that'd a dirty toWel for a man to wipe!" Landlord,. rrith d 'lca of amazement, replies: "Sixty of• :'eoventy .of my boarders have wiped on thatiowet 44:gunning and you are the first to find faidt.7 , e!' A. B. Wilson, inventor of ttte soWinerfttlithine which made him a millionaire, le ft Nara Ad. ams, Mass., some fiftedn years. ago r fartont and shabby, with' his pack and. dinner ,on his back. and with scarcely a dime in his pocket."' WOMEN require more sleep, it is PAirlf than men. , Blifkins disputes this, as:,lus pays, the last sound ho hears ' of nights is the voi& of Mrs. B. in her nocturnal lecture, and the' 11i in the morning is her matutinal admonititi.':l°r na—lf yolt aro looking at-a,piettayou try to give jt the advantage of a good ligh Be as courteous to' your fellow ' 6reiiiies" yfou are to a' picture, ' , that b.. obseriel ... .. o• • • ,+." • ~ 1. .i, (Fur . tho Rogistor.) ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers