Vet, .P.1.141111318411.4114:',011/10,:: NM ME IND iii,: ,orr ot 1 .f [ ';V:: : 9,14..V.N,..F.. ..X X. Efie , l4igt.',A..oo.ta Ie pubistied ovary Tuesday Morning. ott—tprq. 2,q Apt Hamilton Street, (Lion HOW . • ra: MOBS &• Mai ronazism, Editot's and PtopHetors. Primo or .81:03SORiPTION: $2 Per 'Annum, Pc"Pp deviation. mode from our publieheo terns, spd no . paper dismantled, pail ,all arnic a/Mare psid,except at the'optien Of the Publishera. • ; , RATEB OF Asx,valloyazio , 8 times. •g cabs. 6 mtbs. 1 yr. Ons i llquire $3,00.„ $5.00 sB.oe Two " 3.00 6.00 8.00 12.00 Three " 4.60 1.80 10.00 15.011 ;1111"Twelve'lineig (Minton)'constitutei Lorigeiadveitfiements in properticM,With a reason ablii.d4ttiitifiti to thisee'lid s vertialng by the year. ProTeSiginil bards per Year - - $3.00 Administrators' and Auditors 'notices - 3.00 11brilayed advertifiemente will be charged for the ogee they occupy. tfili„.lto na , Tributes, of Respect, and Obit uary notices will be charged 7'5 cents per square. 11616.13gteiness •;notices in Om Local Department 20 cents per line. PlEalp *. [Palmy PIRDIRIVIIIP , 07ALL KINDS, exeentedin the BEST STYLE, at tho shortest no deo, and at the LOWEST PRICES. ' 'BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN H. OLIVER Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE removedlo North Fifth Ftreet, op pokite..the Presbyterian Church, and next door t the Court House. Ifeb6r3m B. CLAY 11AMERSLY, Attorney at Law, SATASAUQUA, LEHIGH COUNTY, PENNA March 6,.1888. —1 JACOB S. DILLINGER, Attorney at Law, Corner of East Hamilton, St. and Law Alley ALLENTOWN, PA. April 15, 1 aft. P. WYCKOFF, Attorney at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA. OFFICE on the south side of Ewa'lton atrea two doers west of Smith di Kramer's store, and o posits the Eagle Hotel. [aul9.ol EDWIN ALBRIU HT, Attorney at Law, * Mawr Dcors ABOVE TUB COURT lIC,USE, ALL ENTO WN, LEHIGH CO., PA TA. 13, 18613.—1 y ELISEIA FORREST, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, ALLENTOWN, PA Feb. 20. 1866. WILLIAM 11. SOW DEN, Attorney . and Counsellor at Law. Offloe Rest Hamilton Street, 2 doors above Law Alley, ALLENTOWN, PA. Feb. 20, 1866.—1 y EDWARD HARVEY, Attorney at Law, A LLENTOWN, PA. Orros with lion Samuel A. Bridges. [mayl.l3 3o.UN RU PP, ,; - A7TTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. ' OFFICE with A. Woolover, EA., opposite the Court Nouse. Can be consulted In German. [may 1-ly ADAM WOOLEVER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALLENTOWN, PA. Orme opposite the Court House. [mnyl-ly GULDIN & GREASEMER, lEt UV LI 9 Moe s No. 46 East Hamilton StAiet, Allentown, 'Pa One door below H. Guth & Ccis. store Aug 8, 1885. PAUL BAI LILT. UNDERTAKER & FURFiISHER, 4eventh Street, below Walnut, West Side, ALLENTOWN, PA. • • April 11 ,1865 • —b BEAUTIFUL LIFE LIKE , PICTURES. Cirtes de Visites, $2 per Dozen ALL NEGATIVES REGISTERED. S. W. BUR CAW, So. 7 East Hamilton S ALLENTOWN, PA. Allentown, Sept. 13. EAGLE HOTEL 227 North Third Street, Rd wan Race and Vine, • • PHILADELPHIA Tn"is a Brat ohne 4otol, loot te4 in the cutter of businose, wlth ample end excellent ace= Imitation& R. S. itlE111„ Proprietor. January 23, MIR. E. G. Gerhard & JOBBERS OF ,Cloths, Cassimeres, VESTINUS, ITALIANS, &C.. NO. 333 OTIESTNTri STREET, Up Stairs, PHILADELPHIA. Jantinty 30, 1868 S. P. Newhard, wITII Seiple & Shinier, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Teas and Spices. ALSO ALL KINDS OF OIL. OpposLe the (ALLEN HOUSE.) Lite] ALLENTOWN. PA Viiton giciitimbnirph 116111t1CHIPAI . IIII 1 PHYSICIAN, ' d ' AIILLERSTOWN, PA., 11411111113015. mode of Informiog the people of the I ArsaParenadles polghborliood„ Ihel bte bee berated 411121e1f r ••• ,„- AI Near T. freselie NoteioNifferakagot i When he Is reedy to serve the pool 13 either day a tl 14110.17 t' • . ~ . 1 , I 1 • ' s. j , ' . , . , '• " /..`"4"........./. '.+.. , ~..0 :1-,':' : ! r ..,• • . . ••!. t• ' ' ' • .I '/ I ' A ' , : ... ' • i• 11 . ,•.N. • , 1 e. /..."...\ . , - , i);* 1 / 4 ... • ' • ( . 1 • . i .; ''''' i " • I' .. TM , 1 1..1 : ,fi I- 1 . ' I , ". .. l 'i'' I •• ' I .' ' . 1 11 t . 4 40. ' ) 1.. eI .. e _A ~'‘' • -I. -' . -,.. ... dr; . rc ••:e . ~ . I ....mi..... . ~ I ;iP . , . . . , . . ' • ' . _ :DR. H..A, GRIA, LATo 81:THON0N FIRST Flitter ~ M E TH A.• C. HAVlNN : resterned to Allentown, is, now ready to• resume the praotioe of his, profession at No 76 west Hamilton street, nearly opposite the Black Behr Hotel. [aPrlo-3m . , Gross ' Palace OfArtPhotOgraphs IN .011, Water • Hears, India Talc or Plait, from itinieturee OP - to Life Site. Haids $2 per dozen. Over Frank Kotula store, corner of 6th and Ham ilton streets. Allentown . Mar. 20, leen. WATCHES & JEWELRY JEWELRY i.STORE.' A SPLEtibb STOCK OF OISODSSOITABI. .101. for . . Bridal or Birthday Presents. Now is the time to make your purehaseti. , The stook is entirely new., . • LADIES' & GENT'S GOLD WATCHES. We hove the finest assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches over brought in this city. We have the largsst stook that has ever boon brought to Allentown. We have also the celebrated A marl can Watch, and etl styles t f English and BlitißP . %Vetches sultuble fur Indies and boys. We exceed to quantity and variety of the latekt styles. Now and beautiful styles of Ladies' full sets Pins, Eardrops and Bracelets, Ladies' and Gents' PINE GOLD ONAINO. Genes' Silver (,hatns. • Gents' Scarf Pin.a, Ladies' Gold Thimbles, and a very largo variety of Silver Thimbles, Neck - inns, Belt Buckler, Charms, Rings of rare and +eautiful designs, and oleo the Plain Bing suitable for engagements, end a large variety of other things too numerous to mention. GOLD PENS 'We have a very large assortment. Also • Gold and Silver holders of all styles suitable for 1 , 11(1117R and Gents. ELEG v.ATT SILVER WARE. • In hie lino our Stock exc• ods in quantity lino eariety of Ftyl os , anything ever offered for sato iu his city, and cannot fail to please tne rat% fastidious. PULL SETS OF TEA SETS, CAKE BASKETS, FRUIT BASKLTS, CASTORS, SILVER CARD STANDS, SILVER PITCUE,tS, CREAM CUPS, SYRUP CANS, DEALERS IN WhiCiIciIERI V Ec HESI OF SILVER WATCHES JEWELRY. SALT CELLARS, GOLD AND RUBY LINED OYSTER LADLES, PICKLE FORKS, BUTTER KNIVES, TEA, DESSERT AND TABLE SPOONS, Eto BULB AND SILVER SPECTACLES, we have a very largo assortment; parsons cantle .ail to Plitt themselves, and all of the most fashion able styles. CLOCKS! CLOCKS! We have the largest assortment ef Clocks that has ever boon offered hero for sale. Persons desir ing a good Clock, cannot help but suit themselves. All new and all of the latest styles. We have also a large assortment of FANCY 1300DS too numerous to mention. • 8.131 0 8111,1NG. All kinds of Watches, Clooks and Jewelry care fully repaired and warranted KELLER & BRO. Rentembfr tho Pluca, Newhard's Old Stand, No. 37 West Hamilton street. Allentown, E. KELLER. E. S. KELLER. decs-ly wavBaizo,. EMS! WATCHES Clocks! Clocks!, MIRY 1,111,i1 H HUY $15,000 WORTII OF leeks, Watches &. Jewelry, pp BE SOLTh at the LOW EST CASE! PRICE . I no largest and beet selected assortniont of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, in Lehigh county, is to be found at CHAS. S. MASSEY'S 1V0.23 EAST lIAMILTON STREET, Allentown Pa. We hnvo no desire to boast, and we speak ad visedly when we r ay that our stock is larger and more complete than all the Jewelry establishment, in the county put together. Just received a very choice and elegant assortment f WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER 'WARE. romprielng Ladles' Gold HUNTING WATCHES. GENTS' GOLD &SILVER HUNTING Intrican Sr en g lid ) Inin ()OLD, SILVER. tr. PLATED CHAINS, SILVER AND PLATED SPOONS, FOItKS NAPKIN RINUS, FRUIT KNIVES, etc., With an endless variety of the Inlest style of Jewelry Also, a large and complete assortment of sr El cirxicvms, u Gold. Silcor. Steel and P.ated cases. We dt sire to call attention to our stock a MELODEONS. We beve tolovtontly on hand a full aesortrnent of G. A. PRINCE'S. Celebrated Melodcone, of Bizet euitah is for churches or parlors. N. B...—Particular attention paid to tae Repairing of Watches. Clocks and Jewelry. All work war ranted We derire to Morin partite living in the country, that any Clock repairing they wish done at their homes will be promptly attended to. • CH AS. S. MASSEY, No. 23 East Hamilton street, Amaivrown, PA. ,bOS'6l5 1y ESTEk'S COTTAGE ORGAN A RR not only unexcelled, but they are absolutely wnevialed, by any other Reed Instrument in the country. Designed expreegly foe Churoherand Biboole; they are tound to he Equally well adapted to the parlor and drawing room. For taitrooly by E. bI. intubm Street, ,Pfl i tpliiitst,fiti. •1111-AIan;BRADRAIRF I B PIANOS J I iiroLa aov plate assortment of the PaRrsoTMELODIIO' loptembsr 110141 i Published Weekly by Noss & Forrest. Terms : $2 00 per Annum. ALLENTOWN., PA., TUESDAY DIUitNING, _ MAY 22,18c16. EMI kiES Tlll.B W.A.Y. CABINET WARE ROOM Olr John Maiburg, IN ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. JOHN 5111,13U1tG 'takes this method t inform bit fri ,nds, customers, and the public in o general, the.. Lurie Low carrying on the businoss on hie own account, :a aie l wilding, NO 52 Wf,;44 HAMILTON STREET, opposite ilagentuoh's Hotel, where he is now pre pa ot to s....sfy oil who may give him a call. Ilia preset stook i• not to bu surpassed, and consists in part 61 tee foil - ming articles: Bureaus, bide Boards, Pier, Centre, Caid, ,Dining, and Breakfast Tables, Book Cases, Cupboards, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Par• • lor Tables, Si fas, Piano Stools, Spring Seat Soaking Chairs, Bedsteads of every variety, and in general every' article which is kept in a well regulated establishment. lie manufactures also ovary variety of Furniture .o order, after the latest style, and every article sold oy him must bo as represented, and mast be mils actory. House -keepers and especially young persons in. tending to engage in keeping buuse, should not neg lect to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, lI OP fools satisfied that ho can offer bargains that car not he surpassed anywhere outside of Philadelphia. For the liberal patronage already received he it eery thankful, and will still endeavor through lib oral prices and fair dealings to increase the same. Or Don't forgot the place, No. A 2 West Hamil ton Street, whore you on ca.l and satisfy yoursul if the truth which is herein JOHN stated. MALBURQ. kllentown, July 2, 1855. ciOULD .4 CO.'S celebrated Furniture Fe tab:ishment is remoip.d from Second and 'taco streets .0 the 911411idi.i W DF.POr, .111.1. 37 awl 39 North Second strait . , (of:posit , - 'twist Church, Phtlii , eiphia, whore they purpose oiling for ono hoar. at about cost, elegant Furni 'ure, nclubilloustu Imo price . Also, at their Ninth and Market streets branch, where they are selling equally low, being about to enlarge the premises. GOULD A CO.'S Furniture Depots. Nos. 37 and 39 N Second street. and e..rner Ninth and tlm hot streets, Philadelphia. March 27,18611-3 m IMPORTANT NEWS: ADIRTMAKEIS AID lIIDERTAKEIS, No. 28 West Hamilton Street• • ..•. ALLEN 2 OWN, PA. THE undersigned tali° this method of Informing Their friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on hand a full supply of FURNITURE NM SUCH AS Bureaus, Sideboards, ' Dining and Breakfast Tables, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Book Cases, Sofas, Bedsteads, Washstands, &0., &e., &o , &o. and in general every article which is kept in their line of business. House-keepers and persons intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every kind of ternLare to order at the shortest notice. 17NDEIRTAILINO will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Collins; also Coffins covered with clott . B. F. HEIMBACH, SOL. HELFRICH. OEO. HEIMBACII. Jon 5. IRAS Iv - w Boot and Shoe Store. New Firm, New Store and itew Goods. ODENHEDIER & SHIP AVING just taken the extensive LI store. room in Rau's Building. next door to the Allen House, would respectfully invite the attention of the people of - lentown and surrounding country, to their }urge, varied, • nd well triode up stuck of They will soil you n better article in t. o way o Boors AND SLIDES, for lees money than you sun buy them for elsewhere The most sceptical can he tiati-aoti by an exami nation of the stock they i,lfor for sale. Their iga anufacturing Department being under the supervision of one of the Linn, who has had mach experience in the•businoss, they arc confident that can bo given in every iIIOILILICO where work of an; description is o tiered. There is nothing in the lino of wear for the fie that cannot be found at ttie BOOT AND SHOE STORE! Infant Shoes, all Styles, from 10 eta. to $2 per pair. Children's Saone, all S:yles, fro:a 25 ale. to $2 per, 51iK-ee' Shore, all styles.v fr(m 75 chi to $1 50 per I,lllr. Youths' Shoes, all styles, f orn 60 cts. to $3 per pair. Boys' Shoes, all styles, fvom 75 ctn. to $4 per pair. Ladies' Shoes, all styles, from $1 to $5 per pair. ' (felts' Shoes, .1111 styles, from $1.50 to $4 60 per pair. Youths' Boots, all styles, from $1.60 to $2.50 per pair. Boys' Boots, all styles, from $2 to ES per pair. Moos' Doerr, ull styles.' from $3.50 to $l5 per pair. Country Merchants and Dealers Sup plied at City Jobbing Dates. ESE4...The publio era invited to give a call before purchases ate male elsewhere, J. 0. ODFINII6IIIIKII, April 17,1860 FURNITURE. TO THE GREAT Furniture. EIMBA.OLI, BELFRICII & CO., 800 I'S AND SHOES BOOTS AND SHOES. PERFECT SATISFACTION AT PRICES RANGING Ab FOLLOWS REM I • J. F. Bohlinger's 800 r and SRO STORE iii c!Lhmo aAS been reamer d to Rest Ransil- A& ton street, opposite the German Reformed Church, Allentown Pa., where he keeps onnstantly on bane, of bit own manufacture, and also of Philadelphia, New York and Eastein macuracture, a Urge stook of Poets and ahees, which be is . dispoeed to offer to the public at i Man adviree shove cost. lie also will make to order all kinds of fine Work for Guiles and Children, baying competent workmen ispeolally in that branch. 'reeling determined trimake it au, oneet,for'pirsopo .in wept of A GOOD A uTtpts tit pni); ppd examine for thimeelves ,ead * Joar4 pi. Pt 0 06 7 11 06.'4 11 t , i , as low as any (Aber totttll,lltlkr 5A.00 11 97.. ~. ,_ WITItUtIIa work and repairing promptly attention te ptlo•trl 111 /. DOMILIMeIIis Wrn. H.' Sefp HAS OPRHILD HIS BOOT,SHOE, ILIT ' AND. CAP STORE, AT NO. 35 EAST lIAMILTON ST, • A' D I OINING KHRNAITEN'S CUT .Lt na Store, where ho offirif to all tf who will give him 'a call, the dory Vast and most fishioneble goods ever offered to the citi sees - of• Allentown, at the following low cash prices t Men's calf boot., fine, $5 00 to $9 00 " " kip, double sole, 376 •5 35 Boys Childs' boots, 175 " 475 Men's glove Kid,.Congrcss, Jo. 250 ' 1 575 " • " Bal. shoes 190 " 300 Men's womtn's, boy's and 11118405 ' glove kid, lasting gaiters, 175 " 575 Womon's itova kid, very fine, 325 " 575 U. • fine goat morocco bale., 250 " 4 tiO • " tnen'e. mom° .o and calf ; . 1 75 " 250 shoes, ."• common shoes, 160 " 250 Misses' and child's shoes, 25 " 100 Men's, women's, misses', boy's and child's slippers, .... 25 " 100 No suction goods in my store, tint from the best manufactories. I also have all kinds of HATS, CAPS and STRAW GOODS of every kind, at the lowest cash prices. Call and goo for yours:dyes. . WILLIAM 11. SEIP. April 17. . • iery & Mertz JUST OPENED' A Boot •Sz• Shoe Store, At No.. 85 West - Hamilton St., • TWO 1)0011,4 BELOW NEN LB, WHERE they will keep constantly on hand a well assorted stock of all kinds of ileqJtj-Nqh Booto Shoes, of E.ottern, City and home-manufacture, which they will sell CHEAPER than the same can be bought elsewhere, because they sell Exclusively for CA SH. They invite all to call and examine their stock be fore purchasing elsewhere, as they fool confident that customers can suit themselves, both as to price and quality. Al kinds of CUSTOM WORK and REP receive prompt attention. They employ none but the best workmen and are therefore prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes unsurpassed by any other establishment. Particular attention is given to the manufacture of Vreuelt Ca.f and Patent Leather Bouts. :713-Shoemakers can he supplied with stock and findings, at reasonable prices. J. S. BIERY, S. E. MERTZ. May 8, 1808 —ly REMOVAL DLstiii,Ews HAT, CAP & NOTION E STABLISH NI ENT HAS been removed to GODFREY PETER'S building, on East Hamilton Street. Opposite the Court House, Whore can now be found the latest, most slogan and fashionable styles of HATS AND CAPS. Also bee been added a • Gents' Furnishing Goods DEPARTMENT ! With a fal line of NEW GOODS, such as lANDKERCIIIEFS, SU-.PENDERS, UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, UMBRELLAS, HOSIERY DRAWERS, • COLLARS, NECK TIES, ()LOVES, o etc., etc., etc. COME ONE! COME ALL!! and eon for yourselves, the beautiful assortment of goods, bef ire purchasing elsewhere. I will take great pleasure in showing my goods, and can satis fy all that 1 can and will soil goods 25 PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ANY OTIIER • 110 USE OUTSIDE OF TUE CITIES. Vow goods received daily :rom the mantraeturerr and for aa'o at the towost ratta. f fut)2o t. STAND FROM UNDER ! GOLD 1‘29 And Prospe ts of still Further Decline! 1 2 ' 3P N=GI • RULES .711 E lIOUR,. Hats Caps & Straw Goods Christ & Sauer's, , t No 15 Welt II tintlton street opposite y:4'..:the Odd Fellows' lfail, have on hand the' ..e" ; \ largest assortment .of Hats and Cap,. spring and summer style, ever nests i t . Allentown, comprising ovary style and quality from five dollars down to fit ty cents, and sucu that will become old and young. Their stock of Caps is the largest in Allentown, and at extremely low price:r. To convince the pub. lie of what is said, it may be well to state that they have FORTY-omit different styles., Surely enough to give a person a chance of suiting his ,tar to. 11:3r Messrs. Christ A. •ttuers direct attention to the fact that they are the only MANUFACTURSRS 0. Lists in Alentown. STRAW GOOl/9.—A beautiful assortment of str w hate, fur mon and boys. will be kipt constantly on hand during the season. to which we invit publii attention. (live us a call. , hsta...C.iuntry Merchants would do well to give us a call, as WO Wlll WIOIUS tie them Uinta and Cal' , cheaper thin they can get them in the oh). Allent.l.en, August 8 —tf CARPETS and OIL CLOTHS! PBOUGH, Ja , CO., would invite the atte don of buyers to the large gook of NEW SPRING STYLES OF CARPETS! Conflating of Tapestry, Brussels, 'Three•ply, In Frain. Entry, Stair and Rag Carpeta. Alan O❑ Olotbs, from Ito R yards wide. Window Shade in great variety, Cacton and Cono Matting, Rage; Mato, Ac., ho. P. DOUG ti, JR., h 00., MIS NORTH SECOND Street ebv. :sonar. Branch. Store, B. W., Cor.. S and Spring Garden Streets, Phila. [Ener2o-31n Henry Harper, 520 Ana ST., PIIIL'A. WATCHES, fine gold W gLitY, solid SILVER WARE, and superior t ILVEH. PLATED WARE, at reduced prices t March tO.-3nc WALTER D. BLIP. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD, *the Whitest, the most durable and the most coonom teal. Try it I Manufactured only by • • Ziegler di, Smith, Wholesale- Drug, Paint & Glaris Dealers jan3o-14) . No. 137 N. Third St., Philade HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADHLPHIA. PA. ISEABEB. OF THE re.FRVOUB. SEMINAL D URINARY , AND SEXUAL BYSTEMEL—new end reliable trestxaent—ln reportn nt the HOWARD AssooiterioN.--sont by mall in sealed letter en votive, vireo olkrge. .A d drove, Dr. J.B h:ILLIN HOUGHTOV,.. How d , !legooleij9l ll i , No: I Booth Meth Stree rbhia•lol3l., ro:r Jere lithe 06$1. • , lealer.".PlTA WAN r•-•,•••••,,,,71%2111:4161rf,if.,"••••,,,inr,..Z111,,,Vt1i.,••,4•1,4 .41•IZte1tr.P.7e 4 7“ , "'Pt, IPIIING STYLES. THY NT I KEW SPillhilOODS LOOK 131 AT US: NEW FIRM ! larla 313303 EL 1313 C3O ~ (LATE HUBER & DILLINGER,) No. 7 'VEST II A MIL TON S ALLENTOWN, PA. Would reepectiullt inform tho citi en of Lehigh county that:they have just formed a co-Flatland:big as above, and that they havo just unpacked a fresh stock of Spring Goods! FROM NEW \ORK AND PHILADELPHIA And are 11010 qll'ering them at tie CM LOW EST MARKET PRICES• DRY GOODS! CoNeIhTING c£ TUE LATEaT STYLE , Or Figured and Plain Alpacas. Figured and Plain all Wool De Lnines SLIEPIIERD PLAIDS, BLACK sILKS, SWIM ER SILKS, IRISII POPLINS, NV urn GOODS, White Counterpanes. Linen and Cotton Sheetings, Checks, Gin9hanis, Bedt.cks, _Flannels, &c„ Shepherd Plaid. Balnwra's, Blqck Clnlh, CasSimeres, Velvetine, LADIE3 GLOAKItiG, Plain Colors Middlesex Cloths, Reppellaids, and PI AIDS OF VARIOUS COLORS. TAEVa ZlARigc.' '2l LtiAgl. A full line et kdoths, CaFslinercs, Sattinetts and Vestings,all kinds and prices, which will be sold cheap. We have constantly on hand a large and well se. looted stuck of ull Rinds of CROCKERY Wh'oh we w prices. All kinds of Country• Produce tnken in exchange for goods, and the higheet market prices allowed. Friends, Awake to your Interest for 17e fool satisfied that WO can suit your TASTKS as wane your PURSPIS. Don't forget the place, No. 7 West Hamilton street, second door abc vo the Eagle Hotel. Returning thabks for the patronage received in the past, and hope that by a continuous effort to accom , odato their friends an t customers, and in conse quence of the largeness and variety of their stock, to merit and receive a continuance of the support and good wilt of the people, A. A. Bunco, Allentown, July 18, A FEW WORDS ABOUT 'ADD Ailk..-11iETISCM13 Great Western Remedy! T ms remedy 12 now perporming the most wen t derful cures. It cures Rheumatism, Chills and Fevers, Oeneral Debility, kidney Complaints, Dyspepsis, Neuralgia, • .ick Flewlash°, ic., &o. , - - • In all cases a sensible relief is gusranteed in from five to ten minutes, and n PERFEIT CURE in from six to twelve days. Weyer has it yet failed in one solitary instance to acontnplish far more than we have promised or the afflicted applicant +inticipated Tho Curative Pmpersies of the Great Westernn tiwoniuls from influential citizens ',night be given to the public, tut we deem It to be supetfitmus, as you may readily find persons of your own acquaint• anco in every part of the country, who will testify to the disease diepellina• and health promotion qualities of thu Grout Western Remedy. AARON DA'VI9. Discoverer and manufacturer, 325 Broad St., Newark, N. J. The Groat Western Remedy may be obtained of all established Druggists throughout the country. W. E B irnes ttr. Sou, Druggists.AlJentoin, whole sale Agents. [April 3. 'efl fin 638 0001' SKIRTS. 628. NOrILINs , " OWN IN &NM." roanutiwtared and sold wholesale and retail. NO. 62S ARCH. STREET, PHILADELPHIA. The most ocmplote assortment of Ladies', Alms es' and Chi dren's Hoop Slcirtki, in the city ; gn•tor up expressly to west the wants of first-oloss trade atubracing the IItIWOAt and Mist dutiroble styles add size. of " Gore Tuttle, of every length —from to 4 yards round-2a to 54 springs, at 2to $5 Plain skirts, all lengths. from 2} to 3 yards round the bottom, at $1 40 to $3 15. Our lino of Alia,.es' and Chilama's skirts, are proverbially beyond all ( menet ition, for variety of styles and SiZo3—ns won a. fur finish and durabili ty ; varying from Bto 33 i•ckb.t.. length 6to 45 springs at 35 cents to $1 25. 'it is of." OWN. AK 8" are warranted to give -atisfacti n ; hu, buy 'nono as such unless they hove " llopkin.' loop Skirt 111antractory, No: 028 Arch street," stamped ur each tab ! A lei,, constantly 'on hard good skirts. manufac tured io N. , vt York and the Eastern States. whieb we sell at very low prices. A lot of cheap skirts 5 springs, '5 cents; 20 springs, $l. 00; 25 $1 15; 30 springs, $1 25 and 40 springs. sl' t . 0. it — Skirts made to order and repaired. ' Terms Cash. Ono Price Only. • OF A MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT MRS. MARY G., ROGERS, ;Co. 28 Best Hamilton Street, Allentown, ESPECTPULLY informs her friends and the -V public in general that she has Welly removed to No. 28 Had. Hamilton street, two doors east of the Democrat priniing ofilse, and there opened a :ma millinery establishment in all its various branch es. She has just returned from Now York and Phil adelphia with the latest atylni of • SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS 1 and is now prepared to make them up w:th tha ebuiceet tr =mires and no ere, in the most fashionable Manner. Herstock of ribbons and artifici .1 thwart' 'sonnet ba curt tined by any other estabiiehment in Allen town for beauty, tage and cheapness. Percent eh mid give her a 0311 before purchasing elmwhere. Terms strlotle cash. Al she has acquired a general knowledge of the business and ompl-•ye none but the beet milliners. shale prepared to warrant all her work as repro gelded.- Elm is also anxious to satisfy all who may favor her with their patronage., CU bonnets blgeot ed end repaired. By strict attention to business she trusts to merit a share of publio patronage for whieh'ebe will ever be thankfut; • May 1,•1866—tf !D(1 A MONTH !---AGENTS wanted Mt' elx V de el, netihrtiete4jinit out rAddrees 0. T. ABBY/ City fielldingl Beddiford, Mu Ettenl9-1), LEI Corduroy, Kentuck Y Jeans, Drills, REM - SALT, &c he very lowest cash C L. IIUBER Sli10:==1 Consult YOur Interests In Buying cl-oods! Metzger, St 'Osman ilkvo just opened at their 1 1 tit 0 RING EOABLIIIIVIENT, NO. 33 EAST HAMILTON STREET, ' '.ALLENTOWN, PA TIIEIR SPRING STOCK OP CLOTHS, CASSIIVIERES, VESTINCS, &a., &a., a k which will be J 1 fade up to Order, IN TILE LATEWSTYLES, BY TIR-TOP WOFIKME•v, at the shortest notice 1.1?..MY31-111kTE W.Vb7PLIIp f ; ',,, AID GENTLE! EIK 101111121 N. NE SOLD CHEAPER THAN EVEIt Ca/1 and Examine. WE HAVE THE Cheapest Boats, Cheapest Vests, Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Overalls, Cheapest Cluths, Cheapest Cassitneres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheiipest Cheapest Beses.rn Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Sear's, R.. Ceettpest Ilundkerehi f, Llientitist II rAlery, Ch upset Glows — Chrripost. Umbrel Our stoelt Is much heavier and better nssi:rtod th EVE it Hg EII+ 11 l : Don't forget the plaeo, No. 33 East Hamilton ,tr Boat door to the "Indepanden; Republikanen" 61ETZDER. 55 OSMAN. NATHAN Murzonn, late of the firm of Troxell Metzger. TUCUMAN OSMAN, lately head cutter at the (litho lishment of Truxoll Az. Metzger. Allentown. Aug. 8. 1805 MAY, 1860. POPULAR PRIC - i,S! FUR THE PiIPHAR TRADE AT TUB OPULitin STORE OF ARC. 211 IL MIRE 111. ALLENTO WN, PA. Immense .Attractions! Goods Purchased For CASH AND SOLD For Cash and Approved Credit GREAT DEC' HE IN PRICES! Big Drop in Gold tVhethor temporary or permonont deponent said not. With gold from $290 gown to $1.27, an cotton 39 cents a pound. STANDARD GOODS are now selling at a heavy lose to the manufacturers but this is netiher hero nor there, for KRAMER, la bound to hoop time to the musio, nod continue as hereteforo, 'To bead the Trade 'Lao ‘,r3V•Lt.k,2 1121DanntillEfillIf DEFY COMPETIFION From April 31, I shall cffur a complete line of Ladies Seasonable Dress Goods, being pre fectly ALIVE with everything in this int that is Fttliztll, 011010 E .and ATTRACTIVE, in short as must for • Style, Variety and Lowness of Price shall and can not bo surpassed. STAPLE GOODS? A fall line of all tho choice brands of 'douche , and unbleached musline, abeetings, d u o., and over,' thing that belongs to housekeepers in this line at EXTREitIELY LOW FIGURES! I givo no quotation f piloos", but will sell you f ' LESS MONEY than you oan get the sino goods oleowhere. shawls, Cloaks. Sacgnes. Mantillas Ate , in great variety Cloths, Crusinieres, Tunas. &c. This alop.trtmeot has resolved E pooial attend° , •his spring . and comprising tho newestand most at Arable opting aty!os, adapted to the tasto of the aged auiddlo agod, ••Young America," ansl children, an. will bo sold at pre,ont • , Gold Standard Prices. Also tbo CHOICEST LINE of GROC . .Rh. and at prices that will cottrinco no and all tout rirarnei . IS TIM Great Pace of Interest r persons wishing. to select fr,•tn tl,o tut st rite vu and roliablo stock ufz,als and at 'l' HE LO W AR K. EIT PRICES. .n examination is all I ask, knowing that I can of for inducements that cannot bo surpassed by any reliable houso in town. M. J. , Opeosito tho BAC:LE lIIfRAMER .)TEL. Geo. K. Reeder, M Bow Imou No 15 East ifiamilton Street, Nat Door to John B. Drug Ftorc wituniC ho heops constantly on hand a full as: snrtment of roatly-runde clothing, such as COATS, VESTS, PANTS &o. • also GENTLEMEN'S FURNISIIING GOODS o tilt kinds, whiuh for Workmanship, Quality and Prices, aro not surpassid in t , wn. A large and well nalactf cri stook of always on hand. Clothing math* to order on short notice, and a GOOD FIT GI-ARANTEED. Call and exautiog our Moak. 'a April 10, Vl ly] EO. K. REEDER. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,- • liroforred by all praqical Painters ! Try it! and you will have no other. Manufactured only . •by. ZIEGLER & SMITH. , WEIOLNIIALN Drilla, PAINT and GLais DIALTAIN, ati3o-tyl Ttorth*Third street. Philadelphia .11o; ploqqpk, Av . ) a 411 P, The following extpdsito little poem is a viw rful sermon 011 ten or tit: onsoling of christian f the dead IV au event for which thn sticrea- , 'titers alllomwd and, mid fir wliieh they vere willing to make e..ery sacrifice. It. VILA he patriarch Job's only hope. "If at man halt ha live again? AII the day:: 01My appiiinG vl oi,„, will I wait till my change COUR!. 11.1011:" !; ,halt call, and I will answer: If I watib i thw, , f r.we shalt) , no n'/se. A nal hough, after my ;kin, worms destroy this ho lv, vet ~ n o / ft .4 ;hail 1 see, ll 4/2' It is an error built in punetti ition and tinnslation, by which i-s 0 say to the thief on the cross, that they should!.,,; to hi Paradise on the \ ery snipe ;4y y uftUteir . loath. Christ \\l.s only, mialcr.the dominion of• leath three days, but the thief is still'alend: thiers prayer sva4, "Oh Lord ronViiil , fir me when thou comest into thy lingslonal•= ,, :ehrist has not • yet received his kingdom, Thu •kitigloms this world have nutlet, become the kftigalonni of our Lord. Ile has not yet returnel. l Ic still'' sitteth at. the right hand of the Fat!Mr, waiting until the fullness-of the times of Gentiles. "Whither I go," said ha., after his resurrection,- "yo cannot collie." every one who belies e klt on him, He said, "I will mist. him up at the last; day!" It is at the resurrection . that be swallowed up in victory. It i+ ill the re tiv rection, that they who are'ildlen asleep in Christ, will lie rewarded with everlasting life. Its at the resurrection, that this eorruptible malt Atkt, 0n ineorruption, and this mortal mtot putyn's intntortu!ity. Now to the touching and eletpient'' etc , etc., etc., pt BEE :ME t'o „ 3 14- • •.> %.0•!'• • I J T • :.Jr:ri r;1 ( Tit B IccUaiic (Bur the hegitter., , The Resurrection• 1111=B6=1 TJTE 1!1:ti1'121tE('TION seed found in the 11111 . 0 of a inunnny'two . thott:" yeorp old, when planted, bloomed into Mil Two thonentia years ngo, n flowvr Bloomed brightly in•n rar.on • two : Ttyn thowand yCSIV,IIgO. itA SCOli i" ll'as placed iyilhin n dead ionn's Before the Say corm• to earth. Thin man had lived and loved mid died And even in that l'ar-off time The flower had . sprend its perfume wide Suns ros:, and set, years ennte and went. The dent Land kept its treasure well ; Nntions were horn ant Nitwit to (last, • While life was hidden in•thut shell. The shrivelled hand is' robbed at last, The seed is buried in the milli; When 10, the life long hidden there:' Into it glorious Bower bonds forth:: Just such a plant ns that which grew From each a seed when buried l o w Just such a flower in Egypt owed Awl died two thousand yeses n!to: And will not Ile wilt; Ii•:ttelu•l the And kept the life 4ithin the , shelh• When those he loves are laid to rest, Watch o'er their, buried dust as well ? And will he not,from 'neath the pml Cause something ,gloriom to ani.4e ? Ayer though it sleep two thous:till yetire, Yet all that louri . e , l duet Ant , • Just such a Mee sir greet. 4 you 111+11', .• • Just such a form .1.4 here we wear, Only more glorious far will ri,m To meet the Savior in the air. . Then will I lay C cne down in pem e, When callml to leave this vale or tears, For "in my flesh i hall see E'en though I Weep two theusaml —America n ..Ifruptuer.,!, - - - LEr TILE CII Sr.'EP.—We earnestly advise that nil who think a great, deal, who havoi •43 , work hard, to take all the_sleep they taut.gek without medical ,mean.t. We ilatition partut,t7 n:A. to a their children to he n•alt«1 rap of iiittrain'gs-Islet , nature wake them up, she will ma do it prema. - ) turely; but have a cart: that, they go to.,,hydiat tan early hour; let it be it,ho b,ptal that they wake tip theinsele4';'in,ftill 'time 'tai' dress flit. breakfast. • " • ' • .to_: Being waked tip early, and allowed enirake in difficult or any studies lafeandjust boCorp,ro t , tiring, has given many p promising und.beanti-, child the brain fever, or detertni,,a i antiwt,t, to the production of water on flat parents make every possible effOrt to litt•M .their children go to sleep in a pleasant hiunOr. NeNce scold or give lectures, or iii any ..tvit f y, • wound a child's feelings as it goes to bed. Let 'all banish business and evert , worldly . at'bedtime, bed-time, and let sleep come 'to andadtat - pettetv with God and all the world. .!tt' • 1211A...fhe trustees of st 41190 near, IroutoAl, Missouri, furnished the teacher With the fiillot ing regulations to be posted' up'm •The' - ' !school' room:— nn.,a:' 'No gwearin quart:lin • nicknamin goin into the wanter' reslin and jumpin •!;; goin Mtn any persons vine patchosAnAmAi rds without conceut of the owner • No pliable Stickin pins into each other •.• pulin of hair durin . books • Courtin in shoot I,,ntk writin of love letters in skool • No more than one pupil inttSVg,o cut hue unless for wood or water . .. Wl4B No crackin of nuts unlesS arid. whisperin . , :n7O those rools must, be observekfor,a )f those rools will be punished with laShneeoftr,- ing to the vertljet of the trustees. WV —Business brought Dr. Wohster at e ,yv time to London, and-one day when passing the House of Lords, his enrhisitytinthAd him to make an effort to stup._and see them. None were admitted without an order except noble men's servants. Webster, being igneraidnf'll„te rule : requested admittance. "What Lerd'.6 von belong to ?" aped the doo'rleeper.',: w ro the J.ord .Tehovab," replied Webstee.,2l6 r Lcird Jehovah ?" queried the doorkeettee. 'hrie kept here seven years, but have not heard orsiielt a Lord." "Jaelc," said he to his felloiv lieepr on the front step, "here is a fellow who savti belongs' to the Lord Jehovah ; do von bnow such a Lord?" "Never heard of hiss," repligd Tack. "But," said the Doctor, "there is peVa Lord." "Pass 'int in," said Jack; Ltl sitPpole it's 80111 C poor Scotch Lord." Goon REsommo.vs.—A little girl Of sik'yetits old was a little while ago called bonni'lll About a year before her death, she hadit'icnilill writing desk giVen her. After heed - 66111 1 ,11'6r mother unlocked it and foniut looked like her first writing, • The minute I wake up in tke:M r oc.nitit-liiidll • thank God. , 71 rql , I will mind my flither and motheitdUlitys. I will try to have my lessons perfeet. I will try to be kind and not get, oroo., I want to behave like God's child. Fiye very precious rules,flir a Mile, ajit 'to make his or her own. '4" ItEsX.A wco bit of a boy having been, sli,g,hily chastised by his mother, sat, very i chair for some thee, no doubt tlitnline'very profoundlY. At lost ' be spolid'ont thitS:laltlitz zer, I wish pa'd get rmuzzor housekeeport4;ve got tired o' seein' • yThe editor of an Fmstern Taper, Tien a k B° We have adopted the eight bony tividrin t nj this office. We commence wtirkat.T4gl4 - o'elair in the morning, and end worifitt2iglifilitffe-t4en - - , Ite—What is.titere hi h - 4.;lit . Si None. The harm' is *lien' ilte' , WirSi is i n you.; . • -• • 1- PIO hi evirollhig and blowitid GooclwOrreciit iiotllngllett‘t ==i El . + ~•.11 tt ,N • • 3ff ;(i MEI MEM =il r sv.'t i 1.! 11311 3-1 r-.i .. :1:»C 9 HIM SIM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers