, i; r, A 3llLttiOtkitritentio.c mamma. • I ID , EXTRAVri , l3tallt, oositive and Specido Bawdy for dlectuc4 of tto"I Ilitdosjoki Gromeli And Jimmie/II Ant , W3l:. This If °Meaty Matson the: powers of dtgostbin, sod,. excites tho sbalorbetits into' best tby =lion, by 'which. tbo Mutter of Welk :Dos , deposing:ma, and , all taireaturol sru • largemonts are refixed, &swell aspen setinflemoiftibe sad Is goodiOr teat women and children. .11 t•, • k HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU, For wealosatiaridag from Exceiees, Habit, ot flan. Italy Indiscretion, attended with the tbnonving Ilymptems: Bullspoeltion to Exertion,' Loss of Power, Lou of Memory, DlMenity of Breathing, Weak Nerves. Trembling, • Rower et Blame. Waketnhicae. Dimness of Vision,. Pain In the Back. Not Hands, Flashing of the Body. Dryness of the Skin. • Eruption of the Pear, Vniversal Lassitude, Pallid Countenance, Muscular System. These symptoms, If allowed to go on - (which this Medi. dna Invariably removes), soon follow— FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, &c., In one of which the patient may expire. Who eaurtsy they are not frequently followed by those direful dlr. sues," DISANITY AND CONSUMPTION? Many aro aware of the cause of their suffering,bnt none will confess. Tho records of the insane asylum:, ar..l the melancholy deaths by consumption boar ample with 3 LID to the truth of the assertion. The Constitution, once affected by organic wealuaossi, requires the aid of medicine to stronnthen and invigorate the system, which lIELIIIIOLD'S EXTRACT OF BUCTIII *amiably does. A trial will convince the most sceptioal. lemony Motions peculiar to Fetnales,the raplAor Boma Is unequaled by any other remedy, an for eamplatnts Incident to the sox, or In the DECLINE On MANGE OF LIFE. gir Bzß Elineprome A!OTE. r. n. No Family should be without it. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or unpleasant medicine fat sapleuant and dangerous diseases. HELHBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHH AND lIIMPROWED GIOCE WAtEI Cures Secret Diseases In all their stages littlo expense, little or no change of dist, no Inconvenlance,,and NO EXPOSURE. USE HELM]3OLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU For all 'hollows and Weems of these organs, wbethor EXISTING IN MALE OR 171 d arm, Yrom whatever cause originating, and no matter bow long standing. Diseases of these organs require the aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is the Great Diuretic. ♦nd ft la certain to have the desired effect la ell Mame. ICI Which It Is recommended. Rikl4Ol:YE - 4 CLnillror 11:101rLY CONCENTIUTED COIEPOITIM FLUIE, EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, rtir purifying the flood, removing all chronic ctmetita• Urinal diseases arising from an Inver° state of the mood, and the only rellablo and effectual 1. - nown remedy for the sue of Ccrofaln, Ecald mead, Salt Menai, Paths and aiwelitngs of tho Bones, Licerationa of the Throat and Ley, Blotchea,llmplea on the Face, Totter, Eryalpeias. and all scaly Eruptions of the Skin, .LXD lIHAIITIPTING TUE COMPLEXIONt. NOT A FEW of the worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from the corruption that accumulate° In the Mood. Of all the dis coveries that have been made to purge it out, none can equal to effect Entainolm's COMPOCKD EXTILACT or SAS., ILIPAZILLA. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, Instills the vigor of health Into the system, and purges out the limners which make dismiss. It stimulates the healthy -tanctiona of the body, and expels the disorders that crow and rankle In the blood. Such a• remedy that could Zo tailed on has long been sought for, and now. for the first time the public have one on which they .an depend. Our apace were does not admit of certificates to show Its effects, ut the trial of a single bottle will show to tho sick that It mi Its virtues surpassing anything they have over taken. Two tablespoonsful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla added a pint of water Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and ate bottle Is Italy equal to a gallon ottho Syrup of Sumo padlla, or the decoction as many made. 'SEMIBOLD'S ROSE WASS, An excellent Lotion for diseases arising from habits of cliaelpstion, used In connection with the Extracts Lucius and Sarsaparilla, ouch diseases as recommended. Eti dews of tho most responsible and reliable character will accompany the medicines. Also explicit directions for tee, with hundreds of thousands living witnesses, and up. wards of 90,t00 unsolicited ccrtidcatte and recommends tery kittens, many of which aro from tho highest sources, Including eminent Physicians, Clergymen, Statesmen, &c. The Proprietor has never resorted to their publication in the newspapers; be doep not do this from the fact that his articles rank as Standard Preparations, and do not need N, be propped up by certificates. The Science of Medicine, like tho Loris Column, should stand simple, pure, majestic, having Fact for Vs basis, Ildstotlon for Its pillar, and Truth alono for its Capital. 'L Dry Extract Sarsaparilla la a 'Stood Pander t my Extract !luau la a Pl:troth% and will act co such la all cases. Both are prepared on cclantlno principles—ft wwwo—and era tho most active measure., et either that OM be mad°. A ready and conelusivo test will boa corn. liaison of their proportiea with Wpm: cot forth in tho fol ' lowing works: See Dlgensatory of the Unitiid States. See Prolbasor bnwEns' valuable works on the Practice of Physic. Qpe remarks made by the celebrated Dr. rIIT MO Phllm, Be , remarks made by Dr. Dorn:im hlcDoterm., u Prated l'hy - s1 elan and Member of tbe royal College of 'Burgeons, Ireland. and pubEshed In the Traneactlerus of the King and Queen's Jonmal. Soo Iledlco•Chlrurg!tal llovlow, published by 8EN.7 . 2V Taxntio, Tallow of tho Toy al CoDego of Surgeons. Soo moot of tho tato standard 'mart on !tont DT ALL nnuaorszs T.. ok.t.lL - Address letters for bitormatlon.lo confidence, to 8. T. lIELDIDOLD, Chemist. Depots— . Chemical Warehouse, AS, N. Y., Pristipt Helmbold's Drug and' '144. 694 BROa. OB TO Helmbold's Medical Depoi 10. 104 SOUTH TENTS ST., PIMA: Beware of Counterfeits Ala FOR iIIELMEOLVS ,TAU ro N o cr.rzun it, 1 .„11110 11 nots ) CLoiktuto 'Melo' Cheap Stitt H Past kana9t9tl i Lehi Cr 7.: r^ ONIL~ '."'"Coi , SenetriA , lßcrcrlYaekif:AW l .Fo 4 ,3 'tater Monday, Bept3mber 1 8, 1864; i!ge 4eiVidi 3:lt(ibitrkbilcipyf3llesrpgrolit Son: '64l‘iiiil tun as ttiltowa : OR RAft:Wetithitlaaita rivrAmani.. %No. 5 4 Noi. , ‘ N . p. 3. Geltlre lk;,,111`. VS \A:M: Whlta,Heven Tannery. • Hickory Run • Mud Run • Rockport Drrkee Creek Stony Creek Seaneeville 2.15 '••• Beaver Mocidow 2.35 last° Creek Bridge 8.10 3.05 4 - Weatherly 8.25 3.20 c . Penn Raven 3 60 41 Penn Haven •Junetlon 10.40 8.58 14 _, Nortek Chunk 4.30 11.10 4.26 2 Lehighton 4.40 11.20 4.35 PArryvilla 4.46 4.41 Lehigh Gap 5.01 t' 4.56 Slatington 5.07 11.43 5,02 Rockdale banry'e 5 27 6.23 Whitehall 5.84 5.30 Copley 5.88 12.05 5.34 Hokendanqua 5.42 5.38 Catastmqua 5 46 12.10 6.4.: Allen Furnace 6.54 • 5.50 Allentown 8.00 12.20 5.55 East Penn. Juncti 6.02 5.55 11.12 North Penn Janet. • 6.15 6.15 Bethlehem 0.15 12.40 6.15 11.23 Freemanslcurg 6.23 12.49 6 24 Lime Ridge 6.29 12.57 6.30 6.29 Arrive at Easton 8.44 1.15 8.45 11.53 UP OR WESTWARD TRAINS. ITATIONO. No. 3. N 6. 6. No. 9. No. 2. No. 4. foseve A. 18. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. Easton 9.30 3.26 7.40 11.47 10.03 Limo Ridge 3.42 7.53 Preemanslurg 9.50 3.49 8.06 Bethlehem 10.00 4.00 8.15 12.18 10.33 North Pemi. June. 10.00 8.15 East Penn. Juno. 4.15 Allentown 10.12 4.15 8.30 Allentown Furnace 4.20 8.34 eL Catasanqua 10.25 428 8.42 la . .13; ,Flokendauque 10.30 4.33 8.47 c, Coplay 10.34 4.33 8.51 • Whitehall 10.39 4.43 8.58 Laury'e 10.46 4.50 9.04 , Rockdale 10.56 5.00 9.14 •3latington 11.07 5.12 9.25 . 1 3 'a Lehigh Gap 11.13 5.18 9.31 Parryvile 11.28 5.33 9.45 ,b m Lehighton 11.34 .5.39 9.50 .4 r . l Manch Chunk 11.50 6.00 10.00 8.30 Penn Haven Jun 0.12.12 6.24 Penn Haven 12.20 • Weathilly 12.40 Hazlet Bridge 12.50 Beaver Meadow 1.10 Jeansville ' 1.30 Stony Creek 6.37 Drake's Creek 12.30 6.44 Rockport 12.37 6.51 Mud Run 12.47 7.01 Hickory Run 12.51 7.08 Tannery 7.20 At White Haven 1.10 7.28 CONNECTIONS Central Railroad of New Jersey—All up and down trains connect with tha trains of the Central Rail pond of Now Jersey to and from Now York. !forth Pennsylvania Railroad.—All down trains snd up trains Nos. 7 and 8 will connect with the gains of the North Pennsylvania Railroad for Sta tions above Bethlehem. Down trains No. 6 and up trains Nos. 2 and 8 for Stations below Bello. hem. . East Pennsylvania Railroad.—All trains connect with the trains of the East Pennsylvania Railroad, except down train No. I end up train No. 8. Tlelvidero Dolawine Railrond.—Down trains Nos. I and 8 and up trains Nos. 6 and 7 connect with be trains of the Belvidero Delaware Railroad. Catowissa and Quakalto Railroad.—Down trains Nos I and 5 and up trains 8 and 8 connect with the rains of the Catawissa nod Quakako ailroad. IlaTinton Railroad—Down trains Nos. 3 and 5 and up train No. 8 will connect with the trains of ha Uncloton Railroad. Wllkes-Barre.—Down trains Nun. 3 and 5 and up rrains Nos. 6 and S will oonne t with the trains to ind from Wilkesbarro. ang42Bs NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. . agaggiNgWZ.REMP WINTER ARRAI GESIENTE. DASSENGERE for Philadelphia take L. V. R. R Ll trains passing Allentown at 6.00 a. in, and 5.55 p. m., make close connection with the traius bI N. P. R. R. at Bethlehem, and arrive in Philadel phia at 9.20 a. m., and 8.45 p. m., respectively. Passengers for Doylestown take 6.30 a. nt. train from Bethlehem and make connection at Lansdale and can return to Allentown the came evening. All Passenger Trains (except Sundt y Trains,) con neat at Barks street, Philadelphia, with sth and 6tb street City Passenger Railway. RETURNING. Leave the new Depot, Third street, above Thomp-. son, Philadelphia at 7.30 a. in., and 5.15 p. m., arriv ing in Allentown at 10.12 a. m., and 8.30 p. m., ca. spcotively.: LOCAL SCHEDULE. Three Through Trains Daily, Sundays Excepted.) Passenger trains leave the now Depot, Third street, Philadelphia. Jgaor Bethlehem, at 7.30 a. m., 3.30 p. m., and Pr 15 P. M. For Doylestown at 8.25 a. m., and 2.30,4.15 p. m For Lansdale at 6.15. p. m. For Fort Washington at 11 p m. TRAINS FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave Bethlehem at 6.25 a. m. 10.02 a. in., and 6.15 p. m. Leave Doylestown at 6.30 a. m., 3.15, and 5 30 p. m. Leave Lansdale at 6.10 a. m. Fort Washington, at 2.15 p. m., 10.50 a. m. Fare—Allentown to Philadelphia, $1 85 ELLIS CLARK, Agent. augB 2 / 1 5 East Pennsylvania Railroad. riiEJMN_EN;MMMN WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. Commencing Monday, December 26th, 1864. TRAINS leave Allentown daily (Sundays excepted) for all points on tho lino: Reading, Tamaqua. Pottsville, Schuylkill Haven, Auburn, Pine Grove, Port Clinton, Pottstown, Pheenizville, Philadelphia, Norristown, and all points on the Philadelphia and Reading It. R. and connections lat 7 n. m. and 4.15 P. AL For Lebanon, Harrisburg, Lancaster, Colum bia, York, Baltimore, Carlisle, Chambereburg,Warh• ington, Money, Milton,Willinmsport, Sunbury,Lock Haven, Elmira, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Cleveland. Chicago, St. Louis, and all other points in the South and North West at 12.35 noon, and nt 11.44 I'. 51. rinse trains are ,he Grant Western Express and connect at Harrisburg with the Fast Line and Ex press train for Pittsburg, without change of cars.—, The most elegant and delightful Sleeping Cars are attached to these trains ; these trains also make di rect connections at Harrisburg for Baltimore and Washington. The 11.44 P. M. train will leave Al lentown every Sunday lei. Reading, Harrisburg and Pittsburg Passengers are requested to purchase their tick ets beim) entering the oars, as higher fare will be charged on the cars. •Through tickets f.r sale at the Allentown et- See for Baltimore, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Chicago, St. •slnorl augB24s, Banks, Dinmore & Co descriptions of D.rnmabt and Portable PLATFOIM SCALES .AND PATENT BEAMS N. W. CORNER OF 15th St. & Penna. AyeLn7, Philad'a. Sept. 26, 1265. PURE LIEERTY WHITE LEAD, will do more and better work at a given Coed, than any other! Try itt Manufactured only by . ' ZIEGLER & WilinnehLn DIII10 ) PAINT and GLASS nti30.13 , 750. 187 Mirth Third Street, rhildd' tr7"l")aa't liait gaud liorap to ante a iintar o! :Smith s Liaiktioatb kiiiroadd Titit; 3.00 9.40 947 9.67 8.17 :3 .7 10.04 .8.24 42 ,z 10.15 3.34 , . ir, 10.22 8.41 10.27 5.1 T 12.28 10.44 R. 11. SAYRE, Supt. A Eng E. M.CLYMER, President. 1v Suereitsors la A. B. D & CO , Manufacturareof Paley Shoclartl g.,@G.111.2 0 F UITADIA FOR WHIG lI LOCKS, R. R. TRACKS, tt DEPOTS.' COAL. HAY, AND LIVE STOCK. • Also, all tho caritas . $ ; II 11 er, Sc t011)ar ~ ' • 1,;,!. rre EN --.:NEW YORK :STORE 50,30 0 , 0D ;) J. ALLEN4ifiWI47: PA4 6 : " Are new ~ n t 'F*ll z ily4C:tl7o.. 'l4 iv . V.loqi; SIMMER.IOOIIS, whtcn they kicky° bought at .25 to 60 per cent. lers than they could ho bought for, and, are now preptir ed to give their customers the advantages of our LOW PURCHASES. We sell Goods cheaper than any house in Allen town, sell better Goode and more of them. We don't wish to boast of what we do, only come and see for youselves. Never before was presented to the public such an attractive ant elegant assortment of DRESS GOODS.. FINE FRENCH IVIERINOE3, : asserted and liglAt colon MUSLIN DE LAINES, UNION PLAIDS, in Checked and Scotch Plaid's All Wool De Laines AND • Mourning . Goods, A great variety of L Mines' and Childrente WOOLEN SHAWLS, IJALMORALS, &e. In addition to the above will bo sound the 101 l est stork of Brown and Bleached Mullins, Tickings, • Denims, Striped and Checked Shirting, Canton Flannels, • Prints, Oingliams, Woolen • Flannels, Cassimeres, and • Cloth Ever shown in Allentown Our Cloths, Cassimeree and Flannels are cheeper and euperior to anything offered at ary other cstabliehmenr in town. Come where you can get Garth at prices that ensure a ready and eatiefacto , y enla. Our stock le complete and offers great inducements. When you am ready to buy, fall in with the crowd and bring up at the Store No. 35 Eon Hamilton Street. MILLER, SCHREIBER A CO. January 2, 1866. —tf 7.45 8.00 EYES THIS WAY CABINET WARE ROO OF John illaiburg, IN ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY. - roam ALBITRO takes this method to inform t/ his fri mds, customers, and the public in general, that he is .:3r7 carrying on the business on his own account .. Luilding, NO .52. WI ST HAMILTON STREET, opposite 11 agent uclea Hotel, where he is now pre pa o to .1I wba may give him a call. His proweat stook is net to i;f: surpassed, and consists in part of.mo foil :wing artlcles: Bureaus, bide Boards, Pier, Centre, Card Dining, and Break fast Tables, Book Cases Cupboards, Whatnot and Sofa Tables, Par for Tables, &fas, Piano Stools, Spring Sea Rocking Chairs, Bedsteads of every variety and in general every article which is kep in a well regulated establishment. Be manufactures also every variety of Furniture to order, after the latest style, and every article sold by him must be as roprocentOd, and must bo satis factory. House-keepers and enpecialt , young persona In tending to engage imkeeping huuseyshould not nog loot to call on him before purchasing elsewhere, as he facto satisfied that he can offer bargains that can not be surpassed anywhere outside of Philadelphia. For the liberal patronage already received he is vary thankful, and will still endeavor through lib eral prices and fair dealings to increase the name. _rift-Don't forget the place, No. f. 2 West Hamil ton Street, where you can osU and satisfy yourself of the truth which is heroin stated. JOHN MALBURO. Allentown. July 2. MA 1; IMPORTED AND DOMESno CARPETINGS. FIRST CLASS GOODS AND One Invariable Cash Price. AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all .Einds and Styles -017- American and European MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Praces, I= • GOLD. J . , & E. B. - ORNE, • 904 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, .Now O'er their GREAT SPRING STOCK UDIP6III4LED it 36 iintbir ERB O.A.HP French and Englibli Axminster, EngLeh Rosal Wilton 6-4 and 9 Velvets, Fine English Brussels ermeley's Tapestries, Impel ial Tiiree•Ply Carpet, Fine Ingrain Carpe ENGLISH lIIIUSSEL3 AND ROYAL WILTON CARPETS FOR NTAIRS AND DA1.1.8, VITII B 0 It E S a-a, 4-4, a -I. 6-4 WHITE, RED-CIIECKED AND FANCY MATTING, COCOA MATTING, • ENGLISH-OIL CLOTHS, &C. Maich 27-3 m E - W. CLARK & CO , BANKERS, No. 3_5_1911T11 3D STREET, HULA., CM Norris d npei Rnllrnal 7 per cent. Bond & Central Pacific it. it. 7's Interest payable in JoUhl New York. L. S. :it) year 6 i e Inttlitost In currency issued to the - - . •Poo tlo Railroad Company. Tlo3l4.botide Os fdT lain Very toe.. , bitinkti naditni end mold nil Cptraphieltd. ti. Uto Ihtnitl of all Meth Might shd side.o.l4 Consbang in part of TO THE GREAT WE OFFER FOR SALE I / ...: ,'. ; .) c \., i iiC o . ` - ' litifttl'- , :t",f 7 ''. "r.:- - -4-14-`,-e7 _ 1,E"..: - ' & $30,0001000 LUil% rifrj; gi . iiTug Tiff? ir '777 'iitikitiab 1 1 . . kiod" 0• • • 21112 Twentylea?' Coupon-Bondi in Bumf& $lO, $lOO 000, and SLOOO. . . Interest Seven Per 'Cont. Payable in the City, of New York. Principal an 1 Interest Payable in GOLD 810,000,000 to be Sold at MN CENTS on the . DOLLAR,. in U. S. Currenoy, thus yielding on interest of TWELVE PER CENT, IN SOLD, or SEVENTEEN PER CENT IN CURRENCY, at the present rate of premium on gold, • THE FIRST YEAR'S INTEREST ALREADY PROVIDED The Most Desirable Investment ever OFFERED. Immense tracts of MINING and AGRICULTU RAL lands ; Sixty per eclat, of PORT DUES, IM POSTS and TAXES, in the State of Tamaulipas and San Luis Posted; and the plighted faith of the said States and the general Government are all pledged for the redemption of these Bonds and pay ment of intermit TILE SECURITY IS AMPLE $BO In U. B. Currency will buy a 7 per et. Gold Bond of $5O. $BO in U. Currency will buy a 7 per cent Gold Bond of $lOO. $3OO In U.S. Currency will buy n 7 per cant. Gild bond of $6OO. $BOO in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per cent. Gold Bond of sl,ooo'. Lot every lotor of Republican Institutions buy at least ONE BOND. Circulars forwarded and subscriptions received by JOHN W. CORLIE di CO., and J. N. YOST, Finaneial Agent of the Republic of Mexico, b 7 Broadway, N. Y. tig..Subscriptions also received by Banks and Bankers generally throughoitt the United States. November 7, 1565, —ly Allentown Collegiate Institute, 1111[IIMIIME7 MEI)II2igEG • Chartered by the State with all the powers and privileges of' a COLLEGE. WILT, open Us neat union on TUEEDAY April 3, 18138. The course of instruction embraces all the branch est an English and Mathematical eduestilte,— with the German, French, Latin and Greek lan guages. Pupils will be received in every depart ;wont of study, from five years of ago and upwaid, and prepared for College, Business, or Teaching, or gaduated with the degree of A. B. The Military Department is furnished with . a complete supply of utueketa and accoutrements fur Infantry Drill, nod a Battery of six brass Geld pieces is expected for artilley practice. Pupils will enjoy to best advantages tin every department of instruction, under teachers ful'y competent for their position. THE YOUNG LADIES' DEPARTMENT will present now attractione and superior ndvanta gee A hall for clothing and n suit of throe corn mtenienting rooms, strictly private, newly raper'sd well warmed and ventilated, and supplied with piano, drao ing tables, and now cherry desks of the most approved patterns, chord the most plea tint accommodation= for tudy. A Lady Teacher, fully capable of giving instruction in all the common and higher English branches, Algebra, Geometry, Chem istry, Geology, Botany, Rhetoric, English Litera tu and Nature Philosophy, has been secured and will enter upon her duties with the highest rec-m -mondationa. Superior et portunities are &rod for instruction in Vocal and Instrumental Music, Latin, Oreek, German and French lang nges, Ornamental Learner Work, Wax. Fruit and Flowers, .Israwing, Hair Work, &0., tic Young Ladies, upon the comple tion of a prescribed course of study, will receive a Llipl. las la the Primary Department for little girls sniff clout relaxation from study will be afforded by pleasant variation and iystematio exercise. For Circular address Rev. M .L. 11OFFORD, President. AlTentown, .Ttily 25. —lf tilE--11EALTIP-STRESTI LIFE-1111311--STREIGTII, IIFE--111113U-STBEIGII, Hundreds and thousands annually die premature ly, when, if they would give the Great French Rem edy, DR. JUAN DELAMARRE'S CELEStIATED SPECIFIC PILLS Prepared by Faraneicro & Dupont, No. 214 Rue, Lombard, Paris, from the prescription, of Dr. Juan De'etnarre, Chief Physician of the Hospital du Nord au Leriboisiere a fair trial, they would find immedi ate relief, and, in a short tithe, bo fully restored to Health nod Strength It is seed in th• practice of many eminent French physicians, with uniform EUeCe9B, and highly recommended as the only posi tive and Specific Remedy for all persona 'suffering from General or Sexual Debility, all derangements of the Nervou Forces, Melancholy, St ermatorrbeme or Seminal Emissions, all Wenknessew arising trout Sexual Excoeeeo, or youthful indiscretions. LOOP of Muscular Energy, Physical Prostration. Nervous neap, Weak Spine,l,ownces of Spirits, Ditciners of Vision, hysterics, Pains in the Buck and Limbs, Impotency, No language ran convey an Adequate idea of the imam Bate and almost miraculous change it coca_ clone to the debilitated and shalt. rid system.' In fact, it stand. unrivalled as an unfailing cure of the maladies above mentioned. Suffer no more, but use The Great French Reme dy; it will effect a cure where all others fail, and although a powerful setneay, contains nothing hurt ful to the most delicate constitution. Pamphlets. containing full particulars and direc tions for using, in English, French, Spanish and German, accompany each Ittox, and also sent has to any address when requested. Price one dollar per box ; six boxes• for five dol lars. Sold by ull Druggists throughout the world; or will be oont by mail, seouroly peeled from aU obaer ootinio. by enclosing spocis3d }ripe, to any author ized ragouts. Betozre of Counterfcifa and Imetatitrni Proprietor,' EXCillBi9o Agents for America, OS CAR G. MOrE3 h CO. 7 l'ourtlandt St., N. Y. Auilior;z 14 Ag•nte for Allentown. DAIINN4 SON; &thiamin, EUW. T. At LYSItS. Uitir2-13 , 12111 P 0 it TAN'I NEWS: H IMBACH, HELFRICH & CO., CADEMAKEIS AID-DIDERTAKERS, No. 23 West Namilien street. • A LLEN7 OWN, PA. Tim undersigned Mite this method of informing 1 Their friends, and the public generally, that they have constantly on band a full supply of rIIRNITURII SUCH AS Bureaus, • Sideboards, Dining and Breakfast Tables, • Whatnot and Sofa Tables, • ' Book CUBCFI, Sofas, Bedsteads,' Washstands, &e., &0., &s , &e. andin general every article which is hopt in their line of business. !louse-keepers and persons intending to engage in keeping house, should give us a call before pur chasing elsewhere. They manufacture also every kind of tarni.ure to order at the shortest notice. lINDERTAIICENG will be promptly attended to. They will furnish Mahogany and Walnut Coffins ; also Coffins covered with cloth. D. F. lIEIMBACII, , SOL. HELFRICH:- GEO. lILIMBACIL .Tnn. R, 1/0115 I y. PURE LIBERTY WHITE LEAD,- The Whitest. the most durable and the moat econom ical. Try it! Manufactured only by Zittler & Smith, Wholesale Drug, Paint & Glass Dealers jan3o-10 No. 137 N. Third St., Philads Pollak & Son, MEERSCHAUM MARUFAOtURERS, 002 broadrray, near Fourth otioet, Drew York, Whaled&lo and retail at reduoed ram, Pipes odd lioldato out to °Mei ropaittl All, gocido wor. ruited gorn lin noted Itiettin 113talrooloh Plop *6 tollo tooth AOlO4ll 11 HE Limp!. r A)B.JIO . IGAIEL9 4-LS ( 'A Pi V'''STL V rL„..—rr!-rr-n , ; , • These Life-giving remedial are now, for the first Cum given publicly to the world. :For over • quar ter of a century of private practice the ingredients in these . Life-gilring Pills Have been used with tbe greatest mecum The mission is not only . to prevent disease, but to evr They search out the various maladies by which the patient Is suffering, and re-invigorates the falling system. To the aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable PILLS will prove to be A VERY 10111111 For in every caso . they add new life and v tallty, and restore the Wining energies to their pristine state. To the young and middle.nged, they will prove most invaluable, as a ready, specdfle, and sterling medicine. Here is a dr am realized, that Ponce-do-Leon sought fur three hundred4esrs ago, and never found. He looked for a fountain that would restore the old to vigor and make youth ever An Eternal Spring. It wail left for thignl °ride hoar to umber° the meam and allow, iu ouo ud dyafaet, the magi e chat made it fair. THESZ FAMOUS TIEMEDIS Cannot stay the flight of years, but they can force back, and hold aloof, disease that might triumph o‘or. the agdd and the young. Lot none hesitate then, but seise the favorable opportunity that offers. When taken air proscribed— FOR BILIOUS DISORDERS Nothing can be more productive of cure than these Pills. Their almost magic influence is felt at once; and the usual concomitants of this most distressing 'linage are removed. These remedies are made from the purest VEGETABLE COMPOUNDS They will not Lama the most delicate Coltish', end can be given with good el:Net in proscribed doses to the youngest babe. or tittuteous Misorbers Aid all eruptions of the skinObe SALVE Is most invaluable. It does not heat externally alone. but petetrates with the most seafchitig aorta to the very rout of the tvil DR. MIGGIErS PILLS In variably cure the following Diseases: As.these, Bowel Complaints, • Coughs. Colds, Chest DiBMV CB, Costivenees, Dyspepsia, Dierrhoen, l.•rop•v.. Fever and Ague, • Female Complaints,, headache, Indigestion. 11481.10714.1. Ir.tlammntion, Inward WeakIIPPB, Lownese of Spirits, LieeremnpMint, . Ringworm, Rheumatism, Salt Rheum, Scalds. Skin Diseases. Xilr'NOTlC.C.—lsTono genuine without the engrsv rd trademark around ouch pot or hex. signed by DR. MANGLED. 4:1 Fulton at., Now York, to coun terfeit which is felony. pfrSold by all respectable Deniers in Medicines tAroughnut the United Etates and Caundaa—s.t 25 smuts per box or pot. December 12. 1855. —ly IMPORTANTTo FEMALES .------ --- is i . - EES.E.Ii 4 : — - --- -re, . . i, _,..„......„4,,, 0 .. . . %., -). ((( l I ILLS V TO THE LADIES. BOTH MARRIED AND SINGLE, The Oldest Regulator for Females. Dr. Cheeseman's Female Tills Will iinuiediatety relieve, without pain, all disturb ances of the periodic discharge, whetlicr arising from relaxation or suppression. They act like a , charm in removing the paint' that accompany dit ficult or immoderate menstruation, and are the only safe and reliable remedy for Flushes, Sick Head :idle, Paine in the Loins, Book and eidre,Pulpits. lion of the Mart, Nervous Tremors, ysterics. Spasms, Broken Sleep, and other unpleasant and and dangerous effects of an unnitural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst mien of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. • Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills Crave been used over a Quarter ore Century. They are offered R 5 the 6nly sate means of renewing inter rupted menstruation, but Ladies must beer in'mind that, there is one condition of the female system in which the Pills cannot be talt.n without produe. ing a peculiar result. The condition referred to is Pregnancy. They cannot do harm in any other way. Dr Cheoseman's Are the only Medicine that Married and hint t Ladies have relied upon fur many yenta. or ran 41e ly upon now. Beware of Imitations ! These Pills form the Finest Preparation ever put forward, with immediate and persistent stmeees. Don't Lb decely. ed. Take this advertisement to your Druggist, and tell him that you want the beet and most reliable Female Medicine in the World, which is comprised in Dr. Cheeseman's Female Pills They have received, and ore now receiving the sanction of the most eminent Physicians in America Expticit directions with each box—the price One DPilifir t er box, containing from 50 to 60 pills. Pills sent by mail, promptly, by remitting the price to the Proprietors, or any authorised agent, in current funds. Sold in Allentown by Lewlr Schmidt Co., John B. Moser, Lawall d Martin, and by Druggists gen erally. HUTCHINGS a lIILLYER. Proprietors; e18 . 86-ty 28 Hey Street, New York GRAND PRIZES FUR FLISCRIBERS TU TUE AMERICAN STATESMAN.. A Notional Weelay Famihj Journal, AT $1,50 PER ANNUM. THE FOLLOWING SPLENDID PRIZES ARM. PENT. CLUII4, : For Every Club of Forty Subscribers, A AVIIEELER it WILSON BEST $55 SISWISMIE BICACECIATBI, with two extra copies to the getter up of the club. FOR EVERY CLUB OF TWENTY, and lees flan Forty Sult.crille•s, we will allow $1 25 for each • sub.ctibor on Gm price of said utschine. FOR EVERY CLUB OF SIX, a splendid Sleet engraving of Preeidtmt Lincoln, (full length,) An dre), Johnson, Lieut.-General Grant or Sherman on horseback, worth $3 00 each, with an extra copy to the getter up of the club. FOR EVERY CLUB OF THREE, one of those spiondld stool engravings of the Uniform Scrips of NATIONAL PORTRAITS nomprising Presidents Lincoln and Johnson, Taint. Goe'l Grant, Msj -Gen% Sherman, Rheridan, Thom as, McMinn. Fremont, Admirals Farragut and Porter, and. George and Martha Washington, each 10124 inches. worth $2 00. . .. . . ). Theca splendid pii teal s should atbrn overy.parlor The Statesman is he largest, cheapest and beet family paper publi, ed, suited for every family.— Try it once and you will never be without it Send for copies cud get up your slabs. Address, ANSI:RICA:4 STATESMAN, 87 Nassau Street, New York. December 5. ‘44 Om • For Sale, • (OH of the but elate quarries In Leittb,antinty) V enntaining MOBT,AND.R.IIAL AOltriisl qlreedy opeo, mod the tidillity aletti p Viet Title pod, toplte of 11,1 1 0111045 T., light' , " at Al*, Allthk•*si fig ides tia.,.....m5...ke.,_8. 13e MI ,VO , 3Pt ffiror. 4) •;.:.1 •:,,,.., 1,, . -. • . lilt 1.. ez:jy...r....., ~ ! . . . .. • . , I re,- ,:: '7 • • -•••••••• • R l ,e i ►ill , • • ... 114 • , a lt• 1. " sr,. .. ~ . . a.a' • •24 a i - ... . . NO. NEXT DOOR TO THE BLACK BEAR HOTEL. An Entire New Establishment for the People! There is nothing like Dishes—that is, when tberti is something good in them. CHINA, GLASS WARE & CROCKERY, A CARD.— I would respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown,Lehigh and 'adjoining counties. that I have just opened, a new store in the above line of b usiness. My stock embraces a full and complete assortment of the newest and hest patterns in China, Glass and Crockery Wares. I keep the best imported White Granite Ware, figured and plain ; also, a full assortment of common White, Edged, Yellow and Rockingham wares. t • CHINAS. AND GLASS WARE. WHITE CHINA SETTS, EDGED CHINA SETTS, BAND CHINA SETTS, BELGIAN GLASSWARE, BOILMIAN GLASSWARE, AMERICAN GLASSWARE Housekeepers, and those about commencing, who desire to purchase good and cheap ware, i respectfully invite to call and examine my assortment,—no trouble to 'show it,-and in rillLe<z3 I:::ce,ary my wore will be carefully packed. RICHARD WALKER. No. 79 West Hamilton Street. Allentown, July 18, 1865-Iyl Ayer's Sarsaparilla A compound remedy, designtsl to be the most effectual Alteratire that can be made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following complaints : SCROFULA. AND SCROPULOUS COMPLAINTS, EMIPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RHEUM, SCALD READ, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AF FECTIONS, MERCURIAL DiscAsi:, Moray, Nue- MALGIA On TIC DOULOUREUX, DEDILITY, DYS PEPSIA AND INDIGESTION, ERYSIPELAS, ROSE on Sr. ANTHONY'S Funs, and indeed the whole class of complaints arising from IMPURITY OP Tan; 131.000. This compound will be found a great pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at that season of the year. Bythetime ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ;, cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood: Keep -the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. Bit the world has been egregiously deceivedby preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more became many preparations, pretending to be e,oneentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. • During late years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of these hays been frauds Upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla; but often no curativeproperties whatev er. Hence, bitter and paintul disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for believing it virtues ivhich arc irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. DR. J. C. AYER dr. CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, $1 per Bottle i Six Bottles for ei. Ayer ' s Cherry Pectoral has won for itself each a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is 'entirely unnecessary for 113 to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has lung been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, Iron THE CURE OW qosticeness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Paul Stomach, Erysipelas, Ikadache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptions and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, 'fetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worm', Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they nro the best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. • Prloo 25 onto por Box; Five bozos for $l.OO Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remeijies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our AMERMAN ALMANAC in which they are given; with also WI descriptions of the. above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be pnt off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AYElefi. and take tin others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, anti they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by all the Druggist.' in Allentow n and by Druggls's and dealers everywhere. At Wholesale by J. M. MARTS S CO., rbitadelpbia. October 21.—1 y Dissolution of Partner:44. NOTICE, in hereby given that the grocery and provision business heretofore carried on under tb, firm of Stotler k, Unger, in the borough of Allen town, was dissolved by mutual consent on the 21st of Marcli, 166 U. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to call at the old stand and settle their ac counts, and all persons that hare claims against said firm are requested to present their bills. BENJAMIN STETILER, Tho undersigned' will continuo tho business at.lhe old stand of Stuffier & Unger, whore ha Will keep an assortment of all kinds of groceries and provi sions, which he will sell a- the very lowaSt each prig ces, Thankful for ifitit -furore lie hopes by keeping the Very bell s nt! *Mention in huslntioi Iv mark and isesiVe the pettonege o tilt itublln ' ItOrth I?m41 • 1105T23 . 11E,, MIL. M33-11E11.•Mil sm . A.x.x..mwri.c)-iim3wr. 79 WEST EC &MILTON STREET DIMS, DISKS! DISKS! Housekeepers Rextlember! ORNAMENTAL TOILET SETTS, KEROSENE LAMPS, Fruit Jars ! Fruit Jars ! CHEAP AND GOOD =I AMO3 UNPER. 7 R x &.! CHIMNEYS AND WICKS 111 BONE Ma w PURE GROUND BONE ! MANUFACTURED AT TliE Allentown Bone Mill, ALLEN? OWN, P.A. IN consequence et the inoreasod damond for this' the in Ist to:tumble of all manures or fertilisers, wa'advise tanners to scours a supply before spring. We protn.° Ground Bor.° or Bono Dust strictly puffs, and will guarantee that not a particle of adul teration enter' into its ccmporition. As this can not he rod' of moat cf the prepared Prtilisers, we caution farmers to use on article prepared' of home" end known to be pure. We have esomined "Phos phates," and can readily pronounro them largely adulterated, with Jersey Marl. Cool Ashes, Plaster, Lime Stun., or acme other substanoes, which have PO for'ilizing , propertio., or muck Ices than pure lot or. For the infortoulon o' those not acquainted with the properties of LiJno Dust, wo append the follow- Effects of Bone Dust. A Westbury, Vt., subscriber of the .hem 'England Farmer thus writes about the effeat of bone dust : I see a great deal in your paper about the me of bone dust or flour. I have thought u good many times I would give NO7 ajittle of toy experience in that matter. In 18V: li ved in a house of an inde pendent farmer„and„ lanted about three fourths of nu acre of corn on a pine plain. That farmer bad been for many years gathering all the old bones he could find. That spring be carried thorn to a plas ter millet:id got them ground. lie gave rue a peek of the flour, which I put on one-half of my piece of corn. It had as woodmen' effect: The stalks grew o foot tal or than on the other ball, and were dark er ()elem.+, end the ears wore from two to four Inch ea longer. The difference though, the mutton was such that the passers by often Galled upon me to know what m sde the difference, I could only tell them that dry bone, did it. The farmer experimented with It by potting bone on two rows, planter of Paris on the adj doing two, house ashes on the next two, then two with netting but the manure, which wee applied alike to the whole field. Thus sontrasted the allot was wonderful.— I em not able to give the exact difference in the ',laid in corn when 'snivel led, as it hex been so long ago that I have forgotten ; but I do remember very plainly how the corn looked when growing, and that there was a very great difference in the appearance of the rows experimented with. If you think this somewhat vague recollection will he of any benefit to the public, you may publish it. Our Groun 1 Bane is prepared expressly fine, foe use in spring for top dressing on corn and pasturage, and for potatoes, dots, &e. As our supply Is ltmitol, scour° your stock at EOM Allentown BGne Mill. ALLENTOWN• PA. (Irst Cffice Th 120.) Prices Reduced. PIC rURES FOR ALL. CI W. BURCAW would respectfully announce to O. the citizens of Allentown and the publie in general, that on account of all kinds of geode and Photographic stack having come down, he is pre pared to mate 811 kinds of Photographic) Pictures as cheap and cheaper than any body else in this place. Owing to toy superior Light and excellent instruments, I am prepared to take superior Photo graphic Pictures, of ell styles and sizes, such as Plain and Colored Photographs, Cartes de Vlsltea, Amhrotypea, Alelninotypes ono Fe•rntypes. and Photographs, full figure or Vignette at 8200 per dos ,or 8 for El 00. No extra charge for stamps or postage, at S. W. Bureaw's Photograph gallery Pictures enlarged to any else. Particular attention Is given to copying old Daguerreotypes and Ambro types int Ertoto.;rap`is. All w irk exlautysl in•the beet style, and on the most reasonable terms Splendid pictures for the Album are wade et.Bl per dozen only ; no extra charge for Maws. We have also on ha ti a splendid assortment of Gilt and Rosewood Frames, which will be sold at the lowest price. Remember ['Gese are cheaper than at any (dm place. All work warranted durable. i lfir Remember the place, No. 7 Eaat Hamilton greet, 3 doors baluw the Allen House, Allentown, Pa. jullt-tf Notice to the Suffering! DERSONS who suffer from that pninful disease known as the PUB i will be heard y glad to learn that a remedy fur their sufferings hos been discovered. The remedy is the well known Pile Rout, and the undersigned can prove that he haa cured hundreds of re.sons with his discovery— This medicine has but recently been Intr.:Mt:cod In this neighborhood, and already many Inquiries for It are made daily; ' The remedy can be procured at the• Lehigh Pa 'trine book store, at the hotels of. Minoan and liegouhuoh, and at the resident). of the under. elated, In th Street . Allontotro, and of fluorite Itoinhita i TrUmbsuOrkeloi iollft d toitooklp moth Pa • . • LiVt Swat M. a l weld Dan23-3m R. W. BURCAW.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers