I r 3 Mati 1 aulkentleraart Id the Nulled 51rilitir•Comething very much to, their . Wi:Ortrturnmail (fine et ()lenge.) by adress. Ipiriemigruid, -Those' harlsikafeere Afittxtg kirg•a Will oblige by not notiettig thilbarte • 'All please addresa their obedient servant, ' 111 . 108.•E - COAPIATI, , , BflyoiLdwo4, )1", Y. ". ;•19 GAN.% WAG N 0 LI.A . BALM.,-Thin is, the most delightful and extraordintirpartt:. r die - mpired— -It changelt.e sun-burnt Moe betide toWeitiP,aaild' tex ture ty, imparting the - Marbler purity of tsoth r inti ' itollaped appearance so inviting in the city belle olden. It, removes tan, freckles pimples and bness from the skin, leaving the ,comploOn• transparent and smdethi :It contains no ,ma.. 1 injurious to the Alit': Ibitranisede* Actteimis Opera Siugers. It is what every lady should Sold everywhere. Renall sT ricei be eta. Prepared by W. N. BAG& 1i; r„ dare's all orders to , • DEMAS BARNES & Nei York. Pt. 28 ,' 65-1 /... , , E• RIM - EYE 41414 Art • - 37- 0V..1. ISAACS; 11: - .1Le Ocenlise'ind, formerly of Leyden:Holland, le located at No. PINE Stwset,PHlL A 4g LPHIA, wberepersone 4,ed with;dlsenies, tlke NYE er *AR, will be Ellie ink. dented and cured, ir . enrstle.'' B —ARTIFICIAL 'NSW inserted. Without . No charges made for examination. The ical faculty is invited, as he has no secret in ode of treatment. • 1.145 nti-a.au.z*.ry. ,On the 14th inst., by Rev. John 11, Sykes, Mi• Georgo Garis, of South Easton, to Mies Elmira. Yohe, of Utica Now York. • • . • On the 10th of April, by the Rev. Wm. Ruth, Mr. James E. l'atterson, of Catastioqua, to Miss Sabin• Starlet, of Siegfried's Bridge, Northampton county. On the llst of lifarch,.by Rev. W. ' Menig, Mr. Wm. 11. Ilillyard, of Allentown, to Miss Emma J. .metzer, of Salisburg. On the 7t of April, by Rev. J. Yeager, Mr Pam nel Yohl to Miss Rebecca 1i.109R, both of North White hall. On the 14th of April, by Rev. A. 3. G. Dubs, Mr Charles Hunt to .bliss Flora Ann German, both of elatington. On the lot of A pril, by the Rev. N. S. Strrussbur .er, Mr. Edward Ibach t.) Miss Ebach Stout, both of Allentown. At Betleehem, on tho 17th of tpri', by Rev. Ha nd de Schweinitz. Mr. Julius A. Ben er to 5' is, en Elizabeth, daughter of c unmet Yost, all of Roth em • t the residence of the bride's father, on Wednes y morning. April 4th by the Rev .f. Cochran, 4. Hewlett. , of Philadelphia to IlliP3 Annie M okhant oldest'daughter of Rufus Peckham, Esq , bneitta Cast e, N. Y. On the 29th of Mardi, by the Rev W. I. Milton D. Liehtenwaliner, of Millerstown, to E!- C. Smith, of Upper Maenngie. On the list of March, by the came, Levi Oreene • Id, of Lynn, to Matilda Snyder, of Heidelburg. On the 10th lost ,by M. II A.bright, Esq , Mr Enyder, of Weisenburg, to Miss Henrietta eimbach, of Lower Mi ford. D E . On the 15th of April, in Allentown, Sallie, <laugh rof Tilghman S. P. and Rebecca Reiss, aged 1 far and a months. ;On the lot of April, in Lower Simeon, Elizabeth' yer, wife of 'sane Buyer, aged 71 years, 9 months nd 21 days. On the 13th of April, in Upper Milford, John Schu yler ilgtd 60 years, 4 months and 20 days. On the 7th of April, in Upper Saucon. Marin. Ann. •ife of David Creasman. n ed 39 years, 1i mouths ml 11 days. On the 9th of April, in Upper Macungie, widow of e late Jae M Se :merle, aged 58 years. On Vie 111th of April, in a hospital in Philadelphia, harks Bauer, formerly of Salisburg aud lute a o ember of the 97th ltegt., P. V. V. • On the 13th of April, near llokendauqua, by Red ; ent on the railroad, John P. Keys, aged 21 years. On the 10th of April, in Allentown, Nathan George, ged 42 years. On the 18th of April, in Allentown, David Weilce', god about G 6 years. On the Bth of March, in Ileidelburg, Abraham Rei y, aged 53 years. On the 10th of March, Lydia Briier, wife of John olceder ' of Ileidelburg. Ou the 11th of March, Aaron, eon of Nathan and Anna German, aged 14 years. THE CHEAP ALLENTOWN BOOR STORE i : I e--,--: 4 . r . .... -.....-..: T. V. RHOADS, Agent No. 31 West Hamilton Sta eet, AT the Store of the subacriber will be kola con etautly on hand, at .the very lowest price', in the most elegant and a'ao in common binding. ALL KIN 11S OF SCHOOL .SOOKS, Such as complete seas of Sander's Reading and Spelling Books, Wils .n's •McGuffiat.' Greenleaf's Atithmetios, Algebras. Monteith's Geography, Colton's MiteholVit Geigraphy and Atlas. Brown's Grammars, Weld's Grammar and Geometry, Brook's Normal Arithmetic, " Mental • Specimen Copy Ba , lks, . Potter & Hammond's Books. ALL KINDS OF EXERCISE BOOKS. All kinds of Inks, Inkstands, S ind II )v.)9. Writing Land, Steel Pena. Qoills, Lead Pet c 8 ate» and P•mui's. 84'4 It al,- bers. Pen Holders, Gold Pens. rod Pencils, Drawing POPeill , , Gum- It utters. Arts. Fealing . ox. Water Out ri, Tape Measures,lndidad ) Ink,Poukst Eniver, CuiLir Pinsitrochet Nandi is,Tuuthyieks,ete, Also n onl ndid 14 of Pocket Books, ir eluding livery kind &emit—all of the very hostlptsL , y nun istAtio lowest prices. Alen a large enaction of ENGLISH AND , GERMAN BIBLES, Testaments, Reformed and Lutheran Liturgies, IM well as all kieds of Hymn and Prayer Books Also nit kinds of Music lin'oks; snoh as the Go'il en Chain. ii und iv Se noel 8011, Ni. 1 and ?, 1.1,y B3hool llboral Harp ; alto Smauk's Weber', Gorintn Church Music Books. All kinds of Fcreign Books Such a. Latin Rea lug Boolce Latin liennamare Ones firaraulara. Authon'a ete.ars, ace suanwsr 5a2300r4 30023. A fail asJortinsnt of :iittl Soh ,o 1 Books, in •olu ling all tho publio.tions of tho Anterinon Tue. Society. tho Ainori,mo Rund,y Sooool nod tho "Pannsylvani% Bihis Sosioty." PArticularly does he to soy (hit ho hts sp!ondid Lin racier and Howard Tinkuta on ikon sun t at have oases bean kept un gals in this town Mo.'s. BLANK BOOKS. • Ela bee a eplondid lot, and or t la vary h3a! q ul ivy. They ;au of all 04 )4, and cin ba obtalued fu pan is NEMOBANDIISI 8301E 4 . N, oie will deny that be bis the ca oat splendid assortment otblomorandom Book, of every de•wrip . - lion on bend, that can be rmal at any plea,' except New York and Ph,lad tiphia. ALBUMS ! ALBUM ! The largiat stock of Peat Jgr tph Mimes that hap ever been seen In Allentown, can be found at Mead.' cheip B fllt Sure. To do•oribe loom le itripos •Ihle —they moat be Sean. un 1 if 8.. Ovary an t will at once sty th it they ate t`ti Nies 4V not CV: truer .%.irt Si l l over a W. A; the H tins plun3 thwe'aro also over .. ,..b , 0 ph o t o gr.apip, a A also (nine+ anal A d 1110.1.1.1 ,') • ''partinant of lero 'Nevares for sale. .• t ' . t .. ViP A W.I I A PAPER • ~- • - Over 20J d:fl rent platter Is of VI di P 'per and :orders aso.a.'s a AL alt..; i it) Ba a c itor 1. e • ROI :4 as hundreds of other artio'es too nu Loral+ to woo l lion. .. very I Iry variety of WINDOW' CURTAIN S. , Ober 20U different patellae. t ' 1 ,, ''' lIIIVSIIE i! BRUSHES!.! A 'Argo variety of Hair Brushes. Tooth Brushes, ,' and Combs of every d•Feription. .11! By strict fetention to his bush:mei, low price' end good gohdp, he hopes to merit his Aare of palate . ~ I, patron ap, w*Liola ho tell alerty+ keep in gin Mu' '' o romomboratioo. . • .T. V. BiloAD I, A g q. , April 21, 1866 . . to .! tit " .. * '''` 3." " 'Wanted "IV , .1)3• N a wholesale and retail Dry Goods Stara, an ao- L tive young man who bap a knowledge of the bualneaa and eon influence trade. Apply to eillW01) Bt4dart - 44 pro., Nos.. 44 ' 02 and 454 North • ea. oud stretie 'tanr24..aw 'ltft ARItI a CIE .A . ND DELI') aet Jan .Essay . of J3Ji. Warning sii4 inetrription . ter Young Meld Al 'WY:Diseases and,4lwisec.wkdoli prostrate _ powers, with sure. means of relief. t ont free of nharge in sealed-letter. envelopes.. Address DN. J. SICILIAN HOUGHTON, froward P esociation, Phil aclelphisii Pa.. - - April 24, BARKI•BARVI • TIT!: ...Cersigned deidre to purobase at Their Ten nary, near the Little Lehigh, four hundred Pfirds good chestnut and silentsh oak price, Ten Doll tre per cord. MOSSER do GRIM. WANTED. • 200 DOLIAII9-for a few yeare fir which the host mortgage security w;11 be given. Inquire at anr24-4t.) : . • THIS OFFICE. WANTED l•Agents. Alslirtnd F.m •le at $75 to 16150'por month to sell the Celabraiad - • Common Scnso Family Sewing Machine. • Pitiot $lB.OO. This Machine will do sit kinds of wnrk cqnal to the high priced Machines, and le the only tinted° .1 and reliable Cheap r evring Machina in the world:— tend for descriptive cirvulars. Ad treas oECOMB &CO., Chintz°, , or• April 24 ' '—lra TBE SALEM LEG UTINDER the patronage of the United States Om mama. Ander,' of this superior leg , may la sten at the Agency ofike Salem Leg Company, No. 33 South Sevonth Street, I%N. Call and see them, or set d f.,r a circular contain ing full information. (apr24.lm REALEM.I3 ER That now is the Timc TO IM lIIRE YOUR HOUSES, WITII LITTLE MONEY YOU CAN ALL DO en. do to the "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK t , TORE d purchazo somo of that splendid Wall Paper, shish has Just been received. {sc always have on a nil one of the Largest, Finest, Cheapast an I selected 1-21rAt ALM . la In this 'motion Buying your paper at a place where. there is a large aissurtment is worth three times the pees you pay at other places where there are only a dozen patterns offered for sale. Ad we ask is for the people to some and see for themselves. We charge nothiog for showing goods. Keep it befjre ycur neighbors, your friends and all people, that the Waco and the only place in this section to hey the finest and cheapest assortment of WALL PAPER is at the "FRIEDENSBOTE" BOOK STORE ON '". D. L.F. ISENRINC & CO. Diriff STORZ IN ALLEN'fOWN! JUST OPENED ! Laufer & Steckel. At LlOl HALL, No, 40 East llamiltm Ureet openedn ew DRY IIOODS and (MO LL CIMY atore. All of their atoch is uew and fresh, and has been purchased for cash at the pros cne reduced prices, which will enable them to sell et greatly reduced tutee. Among their Dress Goods will ha found rotno of the latest and most teoblonn b le r tyke., cumin itung Leno, 4eno Voyage, Grenadine, Leno Melange, Ail Woal !Main?, AMUITP, Melange, Plain and Figured Poplins Bradley's Improved Duplex Uoup Skirt, • Also ft full line of IV~E3N 7 AI wii ALEIL, Consisting in port of Caeeimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jeans, Cottensdes, Sce Domestic Goods, Such as Tickings, Flannels, Sheeting% Prints, (neck, &c. Terms are CASH! • %ft-COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange fur gt»d+. m. R. LAUFCR, Apra 17, 11184 To Milliners. D. Leisenring & Co NO. 19 EAST RANI ruroN STREET, I-T .4 ' ALLENTOWN, PA , are prepared io farnieh all 51i'Hours with Bonnet Boxes, AT VIII LOWEST CITY PEIOE3. Orders Moll or Express promptly attended to. IIsIVE TORS' OFFICES, D'EPIN BUIL & EVANS CIVIL ENCINEEPH K, PATENT SOLICITORS No. 435 Walnut street, Ihilad'a. Patents salicited —Consultati.tna on Engineering 0 raughting and Sketches, Mcdcts end Machiner, f all kind. MADR and skilfully attended to Spa niel at (tin rn given to REJSC'rED CASES and INTERFERENCES. Authentic Copies of all Doc uments from Patent Office procured. N. 11.—Save yourselves useless trouble and trav elling expenses, as there is no actual need or per- Annul interview with Ili. All he-iness with these offices can be transacted in wri lug. Fur lumber information Illrest as shave, with stamp enclosed, fur circular a 4th references. January It, 16811. —ly- Auditors" Notice. • 'ld Vie Orphonm' antrt of Lehigh County . IN the matter o the ocaosint (.1 (eorgo S. elitist i. and (Image 11. °err, Adin , nistratorn so.. of inmuol Christ. late of Upper ,Nl.l:ord township, Le high county, deceased. Anil now April 8, 1811, on in, , tion of A. D. Achwartz, ILrq , the court appointed Char'es Foster q.. to ottilit, examine and resettle the said eeeoun and make distribution necor ling to law. From the Recorda. BiCAL Teate—Dan W. HAPIMP.L, Clerk \ s vls The auditor above nomad will inert the pavieelrtereated,on the 19.11 day of May, 11 , 115, at Id o'clock A. M , at the hottee of JUNG Derh, to Itoonur. [np.23 at. ERRORS OF YOUTH ENTILEM AN who suffered for years from Nerv ous Debility, Premature Decay, and nil the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suf fering humanity, send free to all who need it, the re. oipe and directions fur making the simple remedy by whteh he was cured. Sufferers wishing to prolit by :he udvertimer's experience, can do 90 by addressing • .1011 N D. OGDEN, No. 13 Chamber street, N. Y. aV-]y] Allentown Post Office. I ELTICHS remaining unelftinied In tho Poet of lice at Allentown, State of Ponnsy&snla 23rd deg of April. 18116: Hugh 0 Dollen. Peter W. Putnam' ' , Hee. D. Z. KewLel, Mies. Ellen Sheridan. lldeono.Franeis unsetter, LI. %Via. H. Steckel, Co obtain any of tjteao letters, the applicant w tat call for advertised fetters, give tho dote of tlib list, and pay one cent for advertising. tig,. It not called for within one *amok, they will bevont to the Dead Letter Office. • 'l' (100 D, P. M. $9O AiPt.V.T. 1 .,". — .13.E.1. T . 5 t, ow.t.an'ttn.°; - : GABBY, City Building, Beddeford, Ms. (den,/g4y DOI tibLD AMMO LT FROM,- 5. Cotton Itedaccd • FROM . 113. 80 • to Ots. per POUND. Goods Gteativ Reduced IN PRICES . CHEAP CASH STORE OF .1 Rardge 8z Jones. GOODS that sold one year ago at 85 ciente per yard, are now telling at 2b conto per yard. Prints that sold for 62 cents,for 18 cents per yard, Co La'nesatr.rices ' °faro the War. at,.241 ,Cents per 'Ward • Cao .1. C:0 CUE: 3EL I 3-We AT PRIA3I.B THAT AzIONISH TUP.I PEOPLE. Dreis- Goods ! . . All shades of Wool Do Lathes, Figu:od Silke, of all sbadee, Fronoh Peion:e.,,boautiful ety.es, Chal des, Common be Lobes, Ao. ' and Boys' Wear ! • Lorge stook of Cloths; Cassimeres,•Tweedo. Jeans, Cottunados, ho., suitalile for /1111111' and Boys' wear SPRING BALMORALS SPRING SHAWLS ! HOOP SKIRTS Carpets : Carpels PARLOR CARPETS, DEO ROOM. CARPE VS, HEMP CARPETS, STAIR CARPETS, HOME MADE CARPETS, • • all boasht nt the recent Auc:ion sales at greatly re. daccd prices. DOMESTIC GOODS ! FLANNELS. AILIsLINS 1401(1INGS. CHECKS. SIIEETINGS, PRINTS, &c., &c , Rc Doing n Cada Pusincws nnly, they nre thereby enabled to sell goods at much lower prices then their neighbors that sell goods on Credit and have heavy looks by bud boon accounts They are de• tertuined to soil goods at low prices nntwithstand ir g•the high priced the other.t,turue aro nuking fur their goads. =MEMBER TEEM PLetC£l, TUE Cheap Cash Store BURDGE & JONES, NJ. 9 East IlantiltGa .Sired, 3 do ore below the Allen mouse. April 17, 1864. $25 M. ion Business Col ege, EMI HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, MIRTH and .SPRING GARDEN STS. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M., Precidant and Consulltlng Accountant EXTRAORDINIaY INDUCEMENTS ! NOVEL AND PERMANENT ARRANG MENTS OF BUSINESS COIALEGE TERMS, From April Ist to October Ist. 1866. Lt_a elmlarThin, including Bookkeeeping, Bust 013FB Corraspondenoe, For us and Customs, Commcr oiul Arith maim, business Penmanship. 'Meeting Counterfeit Money, attdCoinnmercial Law. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. Scholarships, including the mime Stl"jact3 88 above. Tim limited to turee months. TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship, Three months $7 Penmanship and Arithmatio,,Three Menthe ... $lO Tha savingof oral and gas in the summer moth. is an advantage of such importance as enables the managetnott thie College to make a considerable reductioa in the summer rates Fr.m October 1, 1866, to April 1, 1807 Lifo Scholarship ' ' $35 Scholarships, a MOH th B, $25 Penmanship, 3 months, SIC Noma shipacd Arithmetic, 3 months, sl2 Speoicri,Terms for Cluht, S n ldi•re, and for the Son■ of Ninisters wilt Teachers. DAY AND EVRNING INSTRUCTION FOR BOTH SEXES AND ALI. AGES, WU R. STECKILL. -ly In Banking, Storekeeping. Bookkeeping, Penman ship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arithinetio Men suraann, A igobra. Geomotrv. Analytical Geometry, The Calculus, Navigation, Surveying. Engineering, Hanging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Commer- Oat Law, Herman, Telegraphing, anti the Eng iiah Branclier, et mode ate prices. Endorsed by the pubic as the ince succocsful Business College of the country, as is evidenced by the fact, that FJUR ILLINDRED AND TWO STUDEN73 have entered in the FIRST Fix Moicros OF ITS Ex STCNCII. PRINCIPALS or DEPARTMENTS. THOMA , . MAY PEIRCE, A. M , GEORGE B. SNYDER, It. S. BARNES, C. N. FAR tt. JR, .1. T REYINIOLMS, HENRY REIM, A. B. ROLIERSON, A. M., O. E. Supported by an able Corps If Assistants. Cali or bend for a Catnlog ' ne, College Currency, and Pierce 's Practical Educator. OFFICE: 531 .NORTII EIGITTIf R 7. aprli TIIOIIII 4 M. PEIRCE. . DISABLED MEN, ATTENTION! lu ANTED, one or two men, in Allentown and vi- V ci aty: who have lost either an arm or leg. to sell Warlatoorth'e Wafer pent., Arnica Healing Planter, the Leo anti 'dienp , st Court Plaster in the ma ltet, From $5 to $lO per day eau he made. Address, with 25 era's for sample and 101 l itifmituttion A. F. BEL CHER, Box 45, Philadelphia, Pa. N. 11.—All agents and Peddlers would find it to their interest to 'answer the above. —3tuo. GREAT AMERICAN PUZZLE,. PATE ST ED by PHILIP BILL, Importer or ran cy Clouds, VA Market s 6 , Philad'a, Pa., is one or the mod ingenious and amusing articles of the kind we have ever seen. It is calculated to afford diver sion to old and y,ung, Prim :SU cents for set of six nmnbers. Sent by mail to nil parts of the country. PHILIP MILL. 259 Market st., Philada. Ladies' Needle Book, euntaining 100 of the hest needles, cent by mail on receipt or 5U cents. • Limo. AGENTS wanted fur the only authentic, reliable nod offleial Ilintory of the Lieutenant-Oeneral. Vol., 800 , 520 pipe, with 8 Steel Portrait', de. rubil,hed under Gen. Grant's Sanction, Ana theroug'ay revised by 0E.% ERA L Ii,IIVM,VS, General Grant's Chief of Staff. Tins work will be in every particular trustworthy and nocuratu—writtrn by the I. leutnnont-Genoral's lac-long friend, from nal dal ducumontd pat into hid lannde, at cannot full to meet every rtquiremont of the public expectation: Also SIIERMAN and his CAMPAIGNS, By Col. S. M. Bowman, and Lieut. Col. IL B. Irwin, 1 vol five.. 512 pages, with 8 Steel Portraits, &c. Thorvivhly revised by GEN. SHEIIMAN Aimee% .. . . These books are havlnq an immense sale every where, as they are the only authonthustrol Historics of those grout tleorralo as a ,whale, for no*Other writers have access to the private and effloiel papers of the several oommaadors. Bond for Wrestlers to k.: 0 0 1131 14) . 00 .. SOO Oltestait ghost, Erbil tdeliihts. eprl7-2ml .Ks ;you •wsot •to.buiyi olzeopp , .call a . WolosllhotiptSt4 yo, No 51 NINA' lismiltoo ikeek Re0:a*,i,9.1)1, 9 Iii. 1 . 1 01 01 , 11 , 1 ;1 10 4. - ' " AT THE THE AND SUCCEEDING YEARS And succeeding years, as b.f.'s° 0-2 4 -111 Ids 1019 Grant and Campaigns, BY PROF. HENRY COPPER. and pubtiehed tinder hi• sanction 1 8 • • .1 • ; 4- : - ; T POI'ULAR PRICES! TR 111111.1111 TRADE 'AT TIIII POPULAR STORE E Iti AIL TIM NE MIL, . ALLENTO WN, PA. Immense Attractions ! Goods Purchased For CASH AND BOLD For Cash and Approved Credit 1 GREAT DECLINE IN PRICES! Big Drop in Gold, Whnther temporary or permanont der:orient Paiih. not. With gold from $2 90 outer' to $1.27, and cotton 32 cents a pound. STANDARD GOODS are now eolltng at a heavy Irma to the oloutdaetnrere, bat this is neither hero nor there, for FRAMER, la bound to keep time to the made, and continue as horetufuro, To Liead the Trade 2ED @PIFER 1151MEEPETEM THAT DEFY COMPETITION ! From April 3J, I shall GIZ,r a complete lino of Ladios Seasonable Dress Goods, being pm Coolly ALIVE with everything in this doe that in FRE:ill, CHOICE and ATTRACTIVE, in abort av ueuni fur Style, Variety and Lowness of Price. sha Lund can not be surpassed. STAPLE GOODS? A full line of all the choice brandS of hlneched and unbleached rnuslias, sheetings, Ac., and every thing thatbeloags to housekeepers in this line at EXTREMELY LOW FIGURES , I give no quotation prices, but will toll you for LESS MONEY than you can got 1110 BMW goods eltewhere. Shawls, Closhs, Sacques. Wantillas. kc , m great variety Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, &o. This department has received npicial attention this spring and comprising the newent and tnost de sirable spring styles,adapted to the taste of the aged, middle aged, -Young America," and children, and will be sold at present Gold Standard Prices Alen rho CHOICEST LINE of GROCi.RIES and at prices that w 11 co , .viaca ono and all that li:rarner's 13 THE , Great Place of Interest for persons wishing to s elect from tho trick Itten alvo and reliable stock of goods and at • TUE LOWEST MARKET PRICES. An examination le all I ask, knoveng that I can of fer inducements that cannot be eurpassed by any reliable house in town. M. J. It ItAMEK, Oprosite the EAGLE HOTEL. Geo. K. Reecler, NICHE HRH! No 15 East Hamilton Strost, Ntxt Boot' to John 11. Moscr's Drug Eton {f, THERE ho heaps constantly on hand a fall as- V sortuient of roady-made clothing, such as. COATS, VESTS, PANTS &o ulio GENTLEAMN'S FURNISIIING GOODS o all kinds, widen f..r Workmanship, Quality and Prices, are nut eurpas‘ii din t .wn. A large and well aeleett ed stook nt alainfLa - ia2,E.-1?WlE12 1- 22iit always 00 lit.•t. Clothing ma to to order on short notice, and a GOOD FIT GUARANTEED. Catl.and osomiog our stuck. April 10, Na—l) . l GEO. IC ItEEDER. New York Price Current. For A •r:1 21. Corrected weedy by J. R. HELFIIICH, PRoDucio COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 92 Barclay Street, NEW YORK. istrrrgit. • N. Y Sta c, choice., new 51 to 55 N. Y. State, lair tog od, new, per t 0 to 53 N. Y. State, Tuba, nen, " 50 to St tt'e•tern Reacrua, " 47 t..) 52 North'n. Penns , wart to choice, " 52 to 54 Penna Ohio and IYeatern. common " 20 to 30 CIII4ESE. Factory choice and fancy new, " 20 to 22 good new, " 10 to 18 N. Y. State, diary, new, " 1.1 to 20 Skim mi.k, " 10 to 13 Jersey h Penna. pocked in chaff, per doz. 24 to 25 tee...ey tr. Nana. ricked in wits, t' 21 to 25 N. Y. State, picked, in good 'order, " 24 to 21.1 Ohio, packed—by express, to ,count, " 23 to 24 ,BEANS. Marrow,choice,full sized, por hush 621bn 2.00 to 2.20 Kidney, elioice,full fazed, " 2.20 to 2.50 51odiutne, 1 20 to 1.90 511:oil lute raid finnan:al, 50 to 1.00 DtlIN:1) FRUIT tpples—N. V. State, choke. per. lb. Lille In Apples—Jenny and Pennsylvania, .. lllito 144 Raspberries, black, " IS to 52 Blackberries. " :- 3 to 35 Whortleherrien, " 16 to 18 Cherries. pitied, Cherries, pits iu, Peached, peeled, Plums, BEEiWAX reS Flaxeml, Clover, TALLOW In good Barrels, POULTRY Ducks alive, Alive GCOGO, Chichects and Tutkays alive. F It UITS. Apples, good to ohniee,, per LW. 7.00 to 7.50 MAPLE SUO A ft. Mocks, per lb. IS to 20 In email mists or bare, 20 to 22 NOCIS.—The receipts have been unusually large during the past week, and the demand o. mparative ly light. Prices have declined rapidly every day. Should the receipts continue hoary, prices will gu still lawer during the coming • week. 111fTTEN.--iteceipte of new continue to increase. The presen.. fire weather wid cause a large inerenso in the receipts, and prices must nark dawn grain ally. November 28, 1865 Trees ! Trees!! Trees !! ! tit IA Fruit and Ornamental Trees SHRUBS. IIINESoIIeC.. .lERSCIICS wishing to plant. trees this Spring would do well to call a: the Nursery at CAT- S AUQUA, and exaTtin e.the stock of. t PETER LAUX. Faun , irns49.—Extra alum Apple, extra also ,Standard !Jar Trees, (twice transolanted,) Cherry, Plum and Peach, the finest in market. Also, Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries, Rocas bores?, Strawberrlei aid Act small fruits.' Among this , varieties of Strawberries are the' . 4aounda, Ag,riesitturist, Golden Seeded, Russell's Airolijle lie., ao.; . • An examination of steak solicited before purchas ing elsewhere. ' PETER LAUX. Catsaingus, AOll 8, 1888 —fin o#finn eftig4T;ty Raz • • •;. fay) N - , 4) TB • ITV' V NEN-17,1M Of a highly reapeetable aitisen, Moil knOwn.to,tile Mercantile of:lmmunity; by TUE GREAT LUNG-,DOTTOR OFTiIF,AO'A °mos N. Y. b. GAA ANA LOAD CO I No- 28 Nnsruu , .Now Jono.l, 1805- Dr. J- 11. Schenck- ,Dear Sir: For over fifteon years I have boon troubled with a very sever° cough, and usually two or three, those a yehrwith ' more or less hemorrhage, which t..gother, for, the last few years, has keptine thin in flesh BOA too weak to do business of any bind without suffering 'ln August last t had a very. sorore hemorrhage, and, according to thejudgment of a good New York physician, I was classed as, bi yuud the. roach, of medicine, and was advised to be prepared, isb lir us property matters were CULICSDISIL to leave this world at short notice. The physician (and my good friends) said that the first cold I took must prove fatal- Early in January / took a severe cold, and fortunately wee occupying rooms at Igo. 32 litiND tTitNE r, directly over your tfilCU , 1 tbiuk about the • 16th of January &procured a, bottle of your Pulmunia Syrup and commenced taking it frooly- My lest and limbs wore very touch tivoihm, and all rho gym) toms of .a speedy death stitmed to accom pany nay cull; I sent for toy tuna .physician, und stated to Lim that I was taking your wodietnes, and alter showing them to him, ate having tasted of them, ,te;, ito replied : •• You tan take them if you like, they will do :yuu • u tisrm." lie said : You know what 1 told you last =winer, clod &say the 14117/0 now, if you nave any ourluora to closet:iv, d t not put it off." tie said to other f.ietods that tio could see h i linyo for um," and my friends anti relations oaccludad toy time had come; At this time I was taking treaty of your medicine, but had not seen you. 'leo doctor caned a tow times, and found me (much to Lis surprise, Ito said,) improv ing, and tio could not understand why. My . faith was increasing in your medicines, and I had a wish t t have) uu examine my ease, and see whatyou had to say. IV has you first came to my room ai.tl made the examinat•ott, you gave ms but little encatuage mem, but on the contrary, expressed tad doubts of 1 my ever being helped out of toy thou seeming dif ilifiLtics. The second time that yutPcallod, finding in. still gaining, you gase me encouragement ' say ing, my symptoms were improving; the Pulimon it: /syrup, boa-weed Tonic and inandruke Pills had acted like u charm." My circulation, toy _cough, my appetite, al hog nn to improve, and I could walk about in ruout a litho. You visited me near ly every Tuesday, and found the improving, and told ma not to gu out of my room until the first day of May. I tuck no cold while under your treat ment, my uppcam b,cauto first-rate, and you told ins to eat everything I wished of a nutritious na ture, and to exercise about the room as much ns possible. I followed your advice, and to the sur prise of my old physician and mends, I seem much bettor than I have been for several young, unit breathe batter than I ever expected a parson could with one lung, the loft being completely dried up. 1 feel very grattimi to you, and caufdder your ads vice and tuadiCillOS invaltaablo limas, truly, 1:001 " 43 to 52 " B to 8 " 24 to 30 " 28 to 30 per lb. 85 to 39 SEEDS per bush. 51S lbo. 7.10 to 2.;,0 per, lb. Hato 1U per lb. Init.° I ptr pair 150 to 175 par pnir 3.00 to 3,50 .par lb. 24 to 57 MI DR. J.: '6'o 8".,13 NC K Dn. EcnENCK —Dear Sir :—Abotit.' two years ago I was taken with a very troubles me cough and a paiu in my breast; coven or eight mouths paean away without my doing anything for myself. !I bon L applied to a physician, who attended me ter about three months without recilaring mu any our. wire. I also obtained the advice nod treatment ot ai physician in one of our hospitals, and also had the advice and treatment of two other physicians, but all to no purpose. During this long space of time I was nearty dead; several times my friends came to see sue and witness toy exit into the spirit world. I was confined to my bed two months at one tima. My breathing was exceedingly t hort.-- 1 /Cm up several Limo ell hopes of getting Lotter; and RS regarding Eetting hell, that was entirely out of the question. And to thick this day lam w II attd hearty : l I was advised by EOM ot my friends to try Da. SCIIENCIed i.iedieitafl". I accordingly bought bottle afar bottle, mail I leached the ninth ; thou 1 f mud a decilud change in any cough for the bettor. I suffered severely from palpitation of the heart, and two weeks after I 1.0/111110DCPd taking your medicine this difficulty ceased. When I first went to Dr. Schenck's officio it was With difficulty that I could get up into hi, reception room, I was so weak and co melted . ; my skin was ass sallow as though I had the jaundice ; I felt dull, heavy and sleepless. Dr. Schenck, atterexamitaing me, said both my lungs were affected, and gave mu but little hope ; but his medicines, in about two weeks, took tight hold of met it scented to.go right through my whole system. Tho Pulnionic Syrup, Sea-Wood Tonic and Mandrake Pills, all took right hold in the right place. The Pills brought away groat quantities of bile and slime ; the ;:iy imp loos ened the matter in any lungs, which came off very free; too Sea-Weed Tonic pave ma iinappotite,and everything seemed to taste good. To show what great power the medicines have in purifying my system, and to show how bad I was diseased, besides all the bile that passed my bow els, tend tho great quantities of phlegm end matter I expectorated, I broke out nil over an largo buts, that would c• ntinue to gather dud run for shout six weeks, and I had ut one time over twenty-five boils. have nothing of the kind now, aud foul like an other person altogether. I can steely say that I have nut enjoyed such health for five years as I dt now, and cannot praise you and your medicines enough. May (hod abundantly bless unit preserve you! is the sincere desire of one who has been so wmderfully relieved through your agency ; and it oily one desires to know with regard to the truth - fulness of this report, if they will call upon any of my friends, or upon mo, N.). 4 Dryden Place, near Thompson street, below Cadwalador, Philadelphia, they will be perfectly satirfied with the validity of . the cash. Yours, with mach respect, MARY tiLIINAIDT. The above ease, as described, is perfectly correot. I know it to bo true. Yours, T. 11. MILLER, Pastor of Hancock M. E. Church. DR. SCITENOK will be professionally at his principal (Mee, No. 15 Nor'h Sixth Street, corner of Commerce, Philo dilphin, every Saturday, from U A. 51. until 4 P. ht.; No. 32 Bond Street, New York. every Trued iy, ;roil 0 to :t ; So. 00 Summer Street, Boston Witte., ovary Wednesday. from 9" to 3, rind every oilier Friday at luo Baltimore tree', Baltimore, bld. All trd,ice tree, but ter a thorough examination of the Juno. with hie Respirornerer, the charge is three dallars. Price of the Pulmtnic Syrun and Sea-Weed Ton ic, each $1,50 per bottle, or $7,50 per b tlf dozen Mandrake Pills, 25 route per box. FOR S- LE 1..17 ALL DRUGOISI'S it DEALERS January 30, I£oo-Iy—No. 3. NOTICE. N pursuanoo of tho soveral acts of Assembly of this Commonwealth, relating to tho rateq rnd levies, the undersigned. Commissioners of Lehigh oounty, give notice to the taxable inhabitants, the owners ant sgentiof real estate and personal prop erty, that V - . 9 appal from the asso,entent for the ensuing year, for the county of Lehigh, will be held on the following days, at the Commissioners' cflile, in the borough et Allentown, where all persons considering themselves aggrieved fluty attend, if they lee proper. For the borough' of Allentown, Millerstown. .I.ltuans and Hanover township, on the 15th day of May next, at 10 A. M. Lynn, lloiddhurg. Lowhill, Woioontcrg, Salie burtl and Upper Baueon, the Nth day of May. Upper and Lower Macungie, Upper and Lower Milford, the I 7th day of May. North and tiouth Whitehall, Washington. Slating- ton and Cutasauqux, on the 18th day of 31ey. On the rime day and place the Connuiesionsrs of the said .county of Lehigh will receive sealed written proposals for tho collection of the county and State taxes for the present year. The 'stuetios must bo name tin the proposrils. The Commission ere will, however, not invuriably confine tbainaulvta to tho lowest bidder, but to the one who they be lieve to be to the beet interest of tho cowry and distri:t for which he col•eots. JOSEPH NEWHARD. RI ÜBEN DANNER, JONAS 11OLLENRACII, Coromistioners. Apr. 24 -4L LE MG Ll VALLEY Fire Insurance Co., TIIE undersigned committee appointed by the corporators named in the Aot,.chartering the Lehigh Valley Fire Insurance Company to open books for the subseripiion of the stock, Hereby give nude(' as required by law, that th,p said becks will t o o f eneil and the Stock oTfered for sub er:ntisiii by the under signed at the Second Nirieniii Bunk, on the 23d dny of May nest, e .iimieneing at 9 o'clock A. M. No one will be per mined to subscribe for more than twenty shares. At the time of subscription 25 on each share taken is required to b.i paid. Committee:—George Pro' st, Joshua Stab ler, F. E. Samuels, Martin Kemmerer, Wm. 11. Ainey. Lapl24 Notice. TRH annual .meeting of the elonkholdors of the LEHIOLI ZINO COMPANY will be held at the Company's Oleo, 331 WALNUT street, Phila , on Wedneedley, May 2nd, 1106, at 12 u'oloek M., fur the election of seven directors to serve during the ensuing year, and for the transaction of other busi ness. [aplo-4w] CORDON MONGER, Bee. ...2, NEW:lran Shiinet Bros. -- .(LAlt RENIHGER & SHINER.) No. 5 West Hamilton Street A L LENTO N, PA. Next Door to th Eagle Hotel Shimer's Mammoth Store A LIVE IN STITUTIGN I Money Saved .11Y BUYING AT Ski it S 9 5170 E, Filled Stacks High with Goods at ' 1 3 ' Zies IC) 3E' CLE.; Our entire 'tuck has been MARKED DOWN t. the loweet notch, we defy competition. ovoty ono, old an.l young, doh and poor, wo on daavor to ltoop a wol solocted stock of DItY GOODS, G LUCE LUGS, QUEENS iT/ ARE, CARPETINGS, to give bargains to all those who may favor us with thtir custom, not only for sixty days ^r a given time, but wilt always continuo to sell our goods at tho very lowest pussiblo prices. We do not pretend to say that our et stem is strictly Cash, out gunran• too our prices to bo as low as any others who are boasting of selling the cheapest, in conerquenco of doing business entirely upon earth principto. Strangers follow the standerd customers of the well known old stand, and you will all in turn be with courtesy waited oil and supplied with th. cheap est Goods. Bo sure you are right, mingle in the crowd, then come ahead to SHILUEMS TOPULtila. STORE. whore you can be best suited with the most goods for the least money, with ILleh durable and Lmion eble goods. LADIES ., Dress Goods Department . Unmnally completo with 'rich and elegant goads as well as the thzaper styloe, it comprising Black and Colored billls, Piaui nod Figured Wuel De Lanes Itlerinoes, Plain, and canted Molnar, American Do Laines; Coburgs, Alpaceas, Itepps, Poplins, Scotch and Union Plaids T. P. SII.ELDON ®UL NINC+ GOODS, Wool Delaines, Merinces. Repps, Poplin, Mo hair Goods, 13onnbazines, Alpao ens, Canton Olo,h, Delaines, Col.urg Prints,-&c. Crape and Love Veils, Crape Collars, Square and Ling Thibet and Blanke Shavvis, handkerchiefs, lloqiery and Gloves, &o. inghalud, . Flannels, Pickings, • Di•iporg, elacchs, CLOAKS AND MAULED CLIITH Of every diserip .13n, stylus, (racily, coley 3 an priaes. SHAWLS: SHAWLS' ! :qua a and long Broeba, Bionlcuta, L 'llibet an Plaid Ehowla. This skirt is moro durable, m , re elastic, wars. graceful. and will !soap its shape and retain its place hotter than any other Skirt. Tho Steel Springs bo ing covered with a fine plated wire ' in place of a cotton covering, will not wear off or become soiled. and the wisolo skirt may be washed without injury or fear of rusting and will be as good as now. GAIIPLTS AND OIL GLOTHI YIN DOW SIIADES AND CURTAINS Groceries, Fish and Provisions At tIV ItogeSt, pr oar, comprising e full line of all articles usual y kept inn first class Grocery Depart • moot. SALT—Ground Liverpool, Ashton and dairy salt by tha nick sod bushel. Country Produce. All kinds of Country Produce taken in (=hence, and the highest prices paid for. GREENBACKS NEVER REFUSED An early call will newts advantages that will be cat tqinly lost in delay. We are thanh fat to our old customers for past fa vors, and solicit n conVoutinca .f the setae, and to many now once. who will favor us with their patron . rise, we will endeavor our utmost to treat them with courtesy and punctuality. Remember the well known old etand late BEN INOER.A SIIIIIER, No. 5 West siumilton Street, Allentown, Pa. StaMER BROS. VIANTV ---- ED, AGENTS-$75 to $2OO par Month for gentleman, and 135 to $75 fur Ladiss, everywhere, to introduce the Common Sense Fault ly Sowing Mac:lino. improved and yerfvomd. I: will hem, full, stitch, quilt, Lind. braid and embroi der Leautifolty. Pilo/ only $2O, runiCng the alas. tie 1 eh stitah, and fttLy wart anted for three hoar.We pay the above wages, or a commission, from which tries that amount can he made. Address on colt on C. HQ CO. Ma, No. 255 S. bit street Philadetphia. All letters answered prompt ly, with etrcul: rs and terms [apt:l:lw WE STUDY TO PLEASE OIL CLOTH, SALT, FISH, &c. &c., etc., cte., etc., etc Linone, liocoms and Whit° Hoods, Ac BALMORAL AND 1100 P SKIRTS At vary rocluocd pricos, nod all sizes The Silver Skirt: A very full stuck, new and rich designs QUEENSWARE A full assortment, cheap Of ovary discript . o 1 AGENTS'WANTED—S I 7 4 PER 610NflIT , -.. Something entirely new. The Pho:ograpli Case and Family Record. This is a greet opportunity far enterprising per. sons of energy to mike money. It is an article of which the Intone have fait the need. It retails at a low pries, and its beauty and utility is nuivergelly acknowledged The success which has attonded it, soles warrants the assurance that one can be Bald to almost every faintly. We are prepared to show that we h.tve'ngants who are enuring $ll5 every month. Address for Circulars and terms. RAYMOND ,t CO., Manor'. 614 Chestnut street, Phila. .r 3-1 EDWIN SZOGER, Agent, tco. 71 East Hamilton aired, in the basemen under the office of Dr. William J. Romig, . ALLENTOWN, PA. A lot of splendid Portfolios, at surprisingly low prices. • A lot of stationery. A lot of books suitable for HOLIDAY PRES ENTS. A lot of Cameo, Chessmen, Checkerboards, Ao. A lot of Novels and Other Books. This is the time to subsoribo for dailies, weeklies, end monthlies, from Janury, 1, 1866. All orders will be attended to by lightning rail road speed. lie hoe also on hand a lot of Needles, Knitting 'goodies, ,Croteheta. etc. Call ant examine our Stook before purchasing alsewhere. sugB'6s-tf C.Somers Sr, Son. Fine Spring MG thing, 626 CHESTNUT STREET and 618 JAYNE STREET, PLIILA-DELPHIA. APULL ASSORTMENT cf place goods of every variety always on hand for cuotom trade Orders promptly attended to, jlatr - Prlese greatly Mere& 4'I..WV . OANCER Ir ._._ ~ . ae „,;. otrtTAiN 01:14.13 kit s 'lx tt *Awn' a.' . Titter . At Jll. a s• • IA . a ' LI till ittAl : 1 aaii - 4a ' P ' - . '. l ' G 9 254 N. 'ti , '-d(roll 'olow - Vinil Phil/0- 1 P • .. .. .. delpbia,vrbdre eau lie•clit , ..,e , esy. dinerthe [in ter Oiettnent. which! ' ' kit pured. letter of fifteen or twenty years e:. ..it lft: :§tit;VV: for Riese ,: MIMI]; 41114,1.1 unit., itity4ieelq, Vei.i.te, .144,1: el.'s c ., for.purifying 40 biu.d. . • . . I was.ntatoted with the tilocrer on my tight thigh for fourteau:yo Ire and being reoriminraded by a la dy 'who had been cured by. the) Menus Hindu. I . placed myself under their tro t•mont, and tt is now mix months eines a perfect corn has boon made.-- itnny of: tny Mende hid given mu up no using in curable, thorrforo I return 1111a1 ha ilt4 to the *biros Hinkle for onving my lire It m now in the eojiimootvf good hoolt h. HANNAN. 1101.14 F. epriugtl.l 1, Delairaro county, Po., Jari.;"l2, Misses Hinkle.—As a ecl,se of gratitujg to you for ihn more/ of wy smear, I duem it prudent to-have it UCR now edged in the papors, thatit may the nouns of bsiocritting ut era. was attacked unihis hfi breast with a su-pteious tumor, anJ Applied to'n physician to oxlultno It ; it Proved to he a vrell-des . lined mincer, and it was treated as auob, but became gradually w ,, res, until it beeatus evident that I. had cs obtain mild or 1048,0 my Ills And hearing t,f he ninny cures that you had performed, I paced nyeelf under y. ur ears, dud that the disease has ill bees 'eradisatud l have net the slightest &tau.— Over three years have intervened, and the diseased point is as Found as any part of my body. MAttY A THOKNTON. 1.505 'allowhill street, Phila. To the Atlliote I. Ido aerobe cortify that I was. for more than twenty years till'eted with a cancer ous tumor. I applied to three or four different neu ters. MI agreed in pronouncing it a very danger ous cancer, bur neither gave me much encourage ment that it could bo cured. Fortunately I beard of the !Fuses Hinkle. I placed myself und..r their hands iminedintoly for treatment, and in a short time was entirely cured ; it being immediately un der.the corner of the • ye, but by . their superior skill and earoful attention it was entirely removed, with out the hoist ii jury to ho eye, or scarcely leaving a sear. I do most confidently recommend a.i who may urfartunately ho Altered with cancer, to make immediate application to the Misses M. and /Linn kith 254 N. Ti,irteenth street, Philadelphia. JUDA II it: A lt, 005 Brown Street. Philadelphia, Jar., 3, 1365. PROVISIONS, This is to certify that I was effliettiff with the Cancer back of my loft nor for ten years. I tried several skiitful.physicians of the city, but all afford ed me no relief. I heard of the Misses Hinkle, and resolved to motto ono mare effort, and that, I am pleased .o infinite the public, has been suceesstul.— This wonderful t ure w.te made in two month'', and deserves to be placed on record, that others I.ffilotedl with the Immo way know where to obtain a certain cure. DA.NIEL 110 'YARD, 1422 Viae St. Cringer can be Cured.-1 know that such statement is truo. for having snared twiny 3 ears with the (lancer on my r.houlder and also on the No., endur ing excruciating pin at times, I was recount': rated to try the Misto.ir Muhl°, residing at 204 N. Thir teenth street, I applied to ter, and it is now fourteen years since the cure was made, and I have never auy symptoms of n return. ELIZIBETII HOFFMAN, AUotdown, Lehigh county, oa. Ootoher 10,1565. To the ntll cod with Cancer.—lt is my desire, in publishing them brief 'lnes, to 3o good to the'sfllict ed. I was troubled pith a cancerous tumor my leg, below the know, and my suffering.' wore in'ense. Medical t •eattnent woo pmcured, bnt, fading no re iief, the spreading, it was thought am putation would be nemsary. I wat advised, be. ;ore going on any further, to try the Misses Rink e. I did so, unil do now rejoice that through her treat inent my life has been spared. It is now two years since a cure ban bean wade. 'EDWARD Silirii. 2009 Bodine street, above Norris. Or can be teen at the Fifth and sixth street De pot. being drivar of car Nu 20. I deem it tut justice to you to state the benefits deriv‘d from your treatment of cancer. I had the cancer five years on my lower lip, which extended Meng the inside of the lip nud on the gums. I ro ouivi d medical advice, and a day wile set fur the op eration to be pert rtn . vd, but heariug in the mean time of the many cure performed by the Misses itiuklc, I determined to Try their ttettiment before using the lodic, and in five mouths toy lip wee as suond as ever. lum very tliutodultloit 1 was Dev er r peratvd upon. Any Aft eted with this dreadful d:seinua should ctll on too M Woes II•nkle Fin I see for tnemselves numerous cancers that have lamb taken eat, with city 'references. EDWARD GRAHAM. 2 31 Henrietta stree , Philadelphia. April 1.0,1863 —lm • Fibflc Notice. To the Tax Payer's of IVeisenburg township. NOTICE is hereby given that the Docility Tax will be assessed on the 2 let inst., by the board of School Directors, who 'will meet at the pnblio itoustiof Jcshim Seiberling, and that the tax collect: ore wilt meet the eitiama of too township on the Mk, at the public house et' Peter S. ip ; on the 27th, at the public house of Jonas A. Ettinger ; on the 28th, at the public house of Jaahua Seiherling ; on the at the retitle house of Elias Wetly, fi.r the purpose of receiving the taxes. Prompt payment to requested, as the law will immediately bo enforced. By order of rho Board. aprlo•iw.] J. A. ETTINGER, Seet'y. EXECUTOR'' NOTICE —Notice is hereby given that lotto e testamentary having been granted to the under: ig led in UM estate of Robert Oharly. deceased, late of Hanover township, Lehigh county, therefore all persons who know themselves to be in debted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks from the date hereof, and such who have any legal claims against raid estate will present them, well authenticated fat , eettlement within the above specited time. JACOB .T. OBERLY, JOHN W. OBERLY, Esecutms. EDWARD sTEuBEs, J March 27, 181;6.-6t g J. k,,teward-Depuy, S. SECOND STIIEET,eI3e ,SPItUJE 400 PJllLA.,tvuuldrespectfullyinj r MIS customers and others, that be is now 7 ; from' one of the largest and best assortments °f i t CARPET?, OIL CLOTHS, Window Shades Bc., that he bad on hand far i r o .Iniany years, ut reduced prices. Disarl3-ani GO 7.) • , \TED—AGENTS—To canvass for the Athol.: W (Bees Individual Alemorial" °Nato^ intlUtst.. Incas offered than by any other publisherci , Agents have en entire monopoly in the territory M'' •igned them, as there has been nothing of the ,klud yet introduced. Meets with universal approval,lB ornamental, also a record of value to those who have , served in our country's defense, Mid to friends of ceased soldiers. For circulars, dm, address, encloa ing stamp, 13. C. BAKER, Columbus, o,'lmok Box 978. . —lmo. Trusses. ?v,i4 " SEELEY'S Bard Rubber Truly, cures nu (cue,; . .. frees the cord frma all pressure ; wlll serer ' ","! break, Ifinber, chafe or become filthy, (the iinbk 41: 1, !.: spring being orated with bard rubber;) spring rnsdiv i K:.• any power required; used in bathing, fitted to fent t• I- • •,--). I, requires no strapping ; cleanest, lightest, cosiest and - i , 4% 0 , best Truss known. Send for pamphlet. - - ~- '--; %' Pr , '"''t I. B. SEELIX,a:•Ie proprietor,` t : ,, , .! ;LI,. -i,,., 1347 Chestriu,t street, l'hilndelphin: ',..'', ;.•:,:' . Apia 10,1806-1 m CIANVABSEII 3 WANTED, at $2OO per We want reliable agents (none other,) tnale ! sed female, to take the exclusive agency in every corm. ty end township in the United Statile, to-sell the •,l Photograph Family Record, a work which every family will buy. It it bound like an album but has • a printed blank page opposite cacti photograph, for - a complete record of the husband; wife and child of a family, also contairing marriage 'certificate, and pages fur military history if any member of the family. Nothing like it ever published end no work that agents can sell so readily.. Old canvassers and others should send fur "circulars and terms. It fo- . necessary to have cot.i..s tattle work to canvass with; price by express $2.50, $3 50 and $7.00 (3 styles;) money may tot sant by mail. Name the townebipe. canted. Address 11ANTLNzON ' apt 3.2m] 611 Chestnut Sire — et Pktla. draVEIN . TONUN INUMIETS. ME!EM=IM VTIIVTN R izavrt Wheat Flour, 111 bbl. 11.00. aye Chop, 1$ 100 lbe. 2.26 Corn Meal, lift bbl. 6.26 Whaet,%l bushel, 2.00 Rye, " 1.00 Oars, ,80 Oats, '„ 821 b .50 Clovereeed, " 6.00 Timothiseed," . 600 Flaxseed, " ' 9.00 Dried Apples," 5.60 " . 8,60 Pushes, ispra-9a IR Cggu, slogan, . 4 ,10 . Butter, Vit tb. bQ Lard. 4. 20 UOO3O, 22 Bacon " • ; • 111 .c 4l Beeswax, I. 40 Potatoes, VI bnithr . 1 . 80 Beans, " COO • Balt, ••,!*; I.l,tga Salt,ln sacks, , CON Bay, pet toil; ' Strait., .'t r .1 - RWIR 1. , 4 4 Mr ISE MEI 110 ■ EBB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers