L Magi t u attitlttrLi DAV, • -11+, . tetri - 45001 1 11 63 0 t " 01 1,1 1 • i 'gp Ulyls, 186 did Posecnigiir 44 . 05,4, ;q L It. R,l4lll'nill zialblldwe _rietsTriv.,2lltAnttt, It. 1 , I Leave Man. txP6 3 61 11 , Mauch 0,00 .12,30 P.M. 3,00 P. M. Slittnion `` l,OB " 3,25 " W tAtahAll; 1, 1 %f h „ ' ` 1,33 " 4,52 ' 4, Cataantique, ' " 1,46 " 5,22 " Allontowp, 7,40 " 1,56 " 5,45 " BCo4l46'hem . ; 7,58 " 1,11 " 6,10 " Volietairkburg., 8,07 " 2,20 " 6,22 " Easton (arrive) 9,30 1 " 2,43 • " 7,15 " , UP TRAINS. Accom. MAIL. Batton; r ' 6,90 A. M, ' 11,45" " 3,15 " Froeinonobtirg, 6,40 " 12,09 " 8,57 " Bethktom, • 7,00. " 12,19 " 4,08 " Allontown, 7,40 "• 12,14 " 4,20 " CA6073014004, ; " 12,46 " 4,15 Whitohnll, 8,26 " 1,00 ." 452 Siatinglon t .9,ol " 1,29 " — 5,26 " A.r. M. Phnidc,,lo,oo " 2,05 0,10 " with thcir anineeltoto; • . . Tho 6,00 a. in. Mail train will run in canneetten. wish 'the Catawkea, Williamsport and r —train from :Elmira,. Williamspert, Danville ary Rupert, apth will connect at :Allentown with the East Penn sylvania train fOr Itoniling, Earrlehurg Arid Potts ville4, at .Bothleltem with..the North Pennsylvania tiala for Philadelphia: at Easton with the Centre R. of New Jersey for New York, and at Phillipsburg with the Bel. Del. train fur , Belvidere This train will also enable passengois - to'•go to the Water (lap, Scranton anti Groat Bend, either by the Del,poLor tho Central R. R. of Now jeteny'traln. 'Th0.12,30 p. m. Express train will run in connec• tion with the Beaver Meadow train from Wilkeeharre, White 'Haven,...llnzioton and ;Weatherly, and with the: Etat-Pennsylvania train from.fiarrisburg, Potts villa and Reading, and will ponnectwith the North Penn. train for Philadelphia, with the Central all Now Jersey train for Now York, end with the Eel Del.' train for Lambertville, Trenton arid Philadel phis, Up Trains, with their Conne'ctiOiur Tho.d,oo a. in. Accommodation train will connect with tho East Pennsylvania train for Reading, Potts ville, and Harrisburg. The , •11,45 Mail train will run in connection with the Bd. Dol. train from Philadelphia, Trenton and 'llatubertvillo, , with thd Central of Now Jersey train ~from Now York. with the North Penn. train, from Philndelphi y and . will connect with the' Beat , er Meadow triad' for Weatherly, Hazleton, White Haven:and Wilkosbarro. Tho 3,35 p, m. Express train -will run in connec tion with the Central of Now Jersey train foe- New York and will connect with the East Ponn. train for Reading, Pottsville and Harrisburg, nod with the Catawiesa, Williamsport and Elmira train for Ru pert, Danville, Williamsport and Elmira. . The morning train down and tho 3,35 train bp, will not stop at South Easton. R. IL SAYRE, Supt. 4 Eng. —tf jannary 28 IMPORTANT TO FEMALES. DR. ORZIESZIREAN'S PILLS, Prepared by . Cornelius L. Cheeseman, M. D. NEW YORK CITY. The combination of ingredients in those Pills are the result of a long and extensive practice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregularities, Painful Monstruations, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpation of tho heart, whited, all nervous affections, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs,.&c., disturbed sloop, which arise. from interruption of nature. TO HARRIED LADIE,V. Dr. Cheoseman's Pills aro invaluable, as lb oy wil bring on the monthly period with regularity. La dies who have been disappointed in the use of other Pills ban place tho utmost confidence in Dr. Choose man's Pills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE. . There is one condition of the female system in which the Pills caning he taken without producing's, PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referred to h is ,PREGNANCY. . Such ie theirriiiiitalik tendency .of the tifeiliciti'e to restore the sexual functions to a condition, the reproductive pourer of nature cannot resist it. • Warranted purely vegetable, and free from any thing injnrionei. Explicit directions, which should ho rend accompany each box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Dn. Conmemus L. CIIEESII - Box 4351, Post Office, New York City. Sold by one Druggist in every Town in the U. S R. B. lIUTCRINGS, . GENERAL AGENT FOlt TILE UNITED STATES. • 14 Broadway St., New York. • To whom all Wholesale orders should be addressed Sold in Allontown by John B. !dosser, and E. D Liman. December 7, 1550 We have carefully ;OW the sample of lIESNUT DROVE lIISK HY which you le none eflho poise ism •• OIL; which is tho characteristic and injuylouli Ingredionti.of the Wl4!3kqa 112:g° 13 1 0 r gT11, GARRETT. & 'CANAC Apnlytioal Chemist{;. ,clietitupwilAßTON Jst.,. SOLE A GEN • ' • CERTIFICATE OF ( DR. iiin9 . .ll. OIDLTON. NEW Yong, Sept. 3d, 1858. I have analysed a sample of CIIESNUT DROVE WIITSRHY received from Mr. Charles Whnrtnn, Jr., of Philadelphia; and having carefully lusted it, I am pleased to state that it is entirely FREE FROM POI SONOUS OR DELETERIOUS substances. His an unusually pure and fine Savored quality of whiskey. JrAmEs R. CIIILTON, M. D., Analytical Chemist. Allentown, September 28, 1959. —ly "THE UNION, 11 • ARCH STREET ABOVE TUIRD 9.1,11 E undersigned having purchased the interest of his, Evans, former partner, Evan in the above Hindw , ould call attention of the public to 'its con •vonionce for those visiting tho City, either fur busi ness or pleasure. , . • ' situation being' but a fa* steps from the prin eipinavennOs of trade, oilers inducements to those on business; while to them in search of pleasure, passenger rail roads which now pass in close prox imitralford a cheap and pleasant. ride to all places of interest in or about the city. " Tho'Proprietor gives assurance that "The Union" shall bo kept with such charawer as willmerit pub lic, approbation and would respectfully solicit patron. age from Lehigh and adjoining counties. UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Philadelphia, August 3, 1853. • —ly POUDRETTE. _a.. 121.JEIYISISC:61V,SI CELEBRATED GENUINE POUDRETTE. 150,000r y S i l ia l a E n L u S ic R Ted fe E r T jl E w:n e t " C c o i r " n i- , Grassi Cabbage, Flowers, planting - of Trees, and every kind of crop. . Pries $l2 and $l5 par Ton or 30 and 40 cents by the bushel. A liberal discount to Dealers. FAnurris, if you wont a good manure, go and see the •Poudretto Factory of A. PEYSSON'S, Gray's Ferry Road, below the Arsenal, or to Pereon's Farm, Gioucester,Moodbury. Road, N. J., and satisfy your eely,os of the superior quality of die material. Ap ply to A. PKYSSON, Office No. 12 Goldsmith's Ilall, Library Stroot, or FRENCH, RICHARDS & CO., York Avenue and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia, February 8, 1860. \ OLD DR. DEATH'S BOOK OF ex_ \.\„L" Travols and groat discoveries of theJapan-Wr eau and last Indio Medicines, with full directions for 'the certain cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Cqughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers, Heart Din ease, Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspepsia Liver, ,Complaint, (1 ravel and Urinary Deposits, Female Complaints. Am Illustrated with hundreds of certiiicatea• of cures arid engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as many sulfuring fellow-beings no possible 'from premature death, it will be seat to any port of the aoutineut, by sending 25 cents ro DRS. DEATH, 617 Broadway, Now York City. Sold by B. D.' Dawall, Allontorio; Dr. Sadao% Sundt, Easton ; J. A. Polk, ..IBauch Chunk ; .John Bondman, liatnitr , g; Dr. S. S:Storobs, Reading. October 26, 13511. —l., AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trust Company. Capital Stock, $OOO,OOO. fIOMPANF'S Buildings, Walnut Street, S. E. Cot , vv ries of Fourth, Philadelphia. LIFE INSURANCE at tho usual mutual rates.— Joint stook rates at 0 per cent. less total Abstinonce rates tho lowest in the warld. Full information, Book and Application finny be had by calling on • DR, WM. J. ROMIG. Allentown, May b, 1869, • • 11. • W I Tr, - HOSTETTER'S • !stomas t., Tlto proprietors and, manufacturers of HOS , TETTEMS 'CELEBRATED STGMACII BIT + TERS 'Can' appeal with perfect :confidence:to! physicians and' altizein3 generally of•the United States,liecause the : article has attained arepu- , . tittlini . lteratofere unknown.' , A few facts•upon this • point' will' - speak more powerfully than volumes of bare assertion or blasoning'putfery. The consimintion'of HOstetter's Stentabli Bit ters for the last year amounted to over a half , million bottles, and from its manifest steady increase in times Past, it is evident that 'during the Coming year 'the consumption will reach near ono million bottles. This immense amount, could never:have been gold but. for the rime 'medicinal prePerties contained hi the peepers:- ion, and • the sanction of. tho Most prominent p tysiciens in those sections of the country where the article is best known, who not only recommend the 'Bitters toltheir patients, but I are ready at all times to give, testimonials to its et:nosey in all crises of stomachic derangements • and the diseases resulting therefrom. 'sTliis Is not a temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in' the way of -trnin peting the qualities of this Bitters, but a solid estimation ofatt 'invaluable' medicine, which is destined to be as cuduring'as time itself. Hostetter's stomach: Bitters have proved a Godsend to regicins whore "fever • and ague and ritrioim other• bilious complaints have counted their victims by - hundreds. To be able to state confidently that the "Bitters" are a certain . cure for the Dyspepsia and like diseases, is to the proprietors n source of un alloyed plctisnre. It removes all morbid =Her from the Stomach, purifies . "the blood, and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable 'for the restoration of health.' It operates upon the stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soon restores them to condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature: Elderly persons cony use the Bitters daily as per direotions on the bottle, mid they will. find in it a stimulant peculiarly adapted to comfort, declining years, as it. is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels, excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generallyt We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while stiffijrit . ig from stomach "de rangements and general debility; acting tinder Elie advice of physicians, they have abandoned all. deleterious drugs and' fairly tested the, merits of this article. A few words to the gentler sex. There aro certain periods when their cares era so harassing that ninny of them sink tinder the trial, 'fhe relatioti of mother OEM and child is so •absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her.owil health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should theperiod of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system; and enable the mother to boar up under her exhaust ing'trials and responsibilities. Dinning mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors flint receive the endorsement of physi- Chill% because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give' a permanent increase of bodily strength. ' All those persons, to whom we have particu larly reforred'abovet, 46. wit: sufferers-from fever and ague, caused'liy Malaria, diarrhoea, dySentery, indigestion, loss of appetite, and . all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids; persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult their own physical welfare by giving to lios teller's Celebrated'Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—Wo caution the public againit using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED &mune!' BITTERS, and see that. each bottle has the words "Dr. J. Ilostetter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on tho label. 4% 4:5- Prepared and sold by nOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsbtli'gh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout the United States, South Ame rica, arid Germany. AGENTS.—Lewis Schmidt Co.,&ll. D. Thmull, John B. Moser ' Allentown : .Ineob S. Lawall, Cola Banque; D. 0. Saylor, Shoenersville. November 28, 1859. --ly EMI Whiskey. FOR SALE BY C. WHARTON,Jr., Flo Agent, No. 116 ALNUT Street. For evidences of ite director, sco CL'lt- IFICATES. PIIILA., Sept. 9th; 358. Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Acidity, Liver Complaint, Acidity, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, and the numberless other diseases arising from lb digestion and functional disyiders of the stomach, find, when the disease is not beyond the power of med icine, ready relief in that established and sterling remedy, THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, THE OXYGENATED, BITTERS, CONTAINING NO ALCOHOL. Are call the attentson of the rem/er to the fullou•iuy leUer from President Smith,of Wesleyan University: SETH W. FOWLE & Co.—Gentlemen:—f Co. first made use of the Oxygenated Bitters some seven or eight years since. Having suffered for twenty years from a form of dyspepsia, which was.attended with a nervous headache, on nn average of net less than ono (lay in a week, I wits induced, by the uninotencllng rec ommendation of Dr. Green, ` 4 to try one bottle, and if no benefit Was received nidiscontintio the use." The use of one bottle warranted a further trillion the extent of some three or four, with a careful observance of the accompanying directionb The result ryas, .an almost entire relief froth the usual dysnetitic symptoms and their depressing, painful consequences. I believe these Diners produced an entire change in the habits of . my system, and upon the active energies of the digestive organs. I now deem myself as exempt from' Dyspepsia as most pershns. These 'litters have also been of ser vice to other members of my family. Very'respectfully yours, AUGUdTUS W. SMITH. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. THE OXYGENATED BITTERS. STODDARD, N. 11., Sept. 80, 159 Moms. SETA W. FOWLE & Cq., Gents : Ise, for many years, a great sufferer from Dyspepsia or 't , terbrattli, and tried almost everything within my roach, but to no benefit, until I was induced by the recomniondation of my'physician, Dr. Itakeiton, to make use of the Oxygenated linters. The first bottle produced but a slight alteration in the disease, and had it not been for the urgent request of my physician, I abortathen have discontinued their use, thinking them to be of no avail . ; but his confidence inspired me to per severe, and after using to the : extent at half a dozen bot tles, I had •entirely regained my health. I hope all Dyspeptic persons will bo'induced to give them a.fair trial, being confident that the remedy is the meet potent, for the various forms of Dyspepsia, that bas been pro• duced. Yours, _ _ Oxvcirr;rATED firrytnit. To !null of one .renders are troubled with the debility incident to tho approach of warm weather, wo cordially recommend the use of the Oxygenated Milers as an invigorating tonic, con taining no alcohol In. Its composition, and lawsessing Moro real. merit than any nreparation of the kind %%0 have over known. Ogdensburg. Republican. -4 in THE OXYGENATED BITTERS, TIIE OXYGENATED Rai -rims, I'REPARED 1W 8. W. COWLE & CO., 18 Troniont pireot, Ilpston. &)1(i by Dr gtgiars, Dealers, and .Verchnnis in (Wry town and city in New Envland, and aseichqe. AGENTS.-11 Lawall and John 11. 111osser Allentown ; Jacob Lawall, entastunput; W. Tool Jr, Sun, liinnus • James Weiler, Macungie; Simon Ran and M. 11i. S ' olfritio;Buthlahew. • Allentown, Feb. 29. •. -Bark! •Barkl. Bark ! 500 Cords Chesnut Oak 'and Spanish Oak Bark wanted by tho undersigned at their now Tannery, situated at the Lehigh river, opposite this place. Price Seven dollars and fifty cents cash per cord. Perseus , hauling bark across' the Toll Bridge to their Tannery will have a free pass. . MOSSER, KECK & CO. Allentorin t January, 461 Reliable Teetiiriony MIDDLETOWN, Conn., Fob. 28, 18.59 STEINS FOSTER . . . . („4 Giva Redwi liPe" ll oe444 A- • •'• o- - . • 4ID 2ILi - MIN . OMP LlC:f IEI IRO • , • AT THE UNlOlit WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ABIIT • • Q . SEII.II, A: SON, IFTRNITITHE TWA LERS, No. 22 East 'Hamilton U. Now is the time to buy your furniinr.. Having adopted the Cash aystlnt, we can assaro the public generally, : that We can sell' twenty 'per cent cheaper than goods it. our lino of like quality can be ion.- Annual at, any . other CaldnetMare Rooms in Allentown: trone one and all, both great and small, old and politic, rich and poor, and see our large sleek or cA BINET P,, cunt :Wing of SenTiarice, 11011 - Canes, Side-boards, Bureaus and Dressers, Sofas, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, and in fuel, every article needed by ar fluidly, that ha v(!itist, effinllMllVed house keeping, • Pli•fr - Our Windsor and Oane-seat Chairs,'and Looking Glasses surpass everything of \ • their kind to be foetid town ht price and beauty, and excel them of New York .m.l I Philadelphia in point of endurance and cheapness. Como and judge for yourselves.— Every article is warranted to be as represented or no sale. None but the best workmen fire 'employed in nor establishment. ..7tirTticker's, Putnam's. (tress' and Howo's 'Patent Spring Beds, for sale cheap for ea:sh.. ;Mattresses of every description at a very low price for cash. The largest stock of Gilt and Carved Moulding in town, and can he bought eheaper for cash of S. Sell & Son, than at any other Cabinet. Ware Rooms in town .* •N. 11.—All those under the end want of an Undertaker will be promptly accommodated either by day or night, by S. Sell .k Sun, who also att.:mist° the making lif TIMSC Undertakers who reside in the country, we will at all times soppily with the bare (minus and all kinds of the latest styles of trimmings at very low prices for cash. P. S.—Now all wo want is a call trout ono and all bef o re purchases ore made elsewhere. • gr...1-All goods peeked free or charge and sent any distance either by railroN.l or by public road. Q SELL & SON, have now added to their largest stock of Cabinet Ware, the largest and finest nisort- U, went of Window Shades and Fixtures tflat ever was ofkred to the public in Al entown, which they will soil 20 per cent cheaper for each 'than nnyother house in Town. t7g..A1l kinds of Wood and Lumber taken in exchange for Pm Mune by S. SELL & SON. Thankful for past and present customers, and we hope by strict :thention to business to welcome many new MICF, at the low prices we now sell at for cash. Don't forget the place, No. :12 East liamillon Street, Allentown, a few'doors below the German Reformed Church. 111. v '3E4, kaf SAMUEL SELL] Allentown, January • 11, ISno The Cheapest awl Rest . . C :.;,. . t Il_ 1 t., *:.: • 4 . . . . . .. ' . IN ALLENTOWN CAN WE EnilelCAt .-t?t ' COILYER'S `PaIIEIR CLOTHING .EMPORIUM.". • No. 11 Ead Hamilton Stroet, a few do9rs below the , Allen House: , Those in want or Clothing COrne and take a Look! RE3IIDIBEII T 111.: FRANCIS 11. 1111EIN1G.:1 '....l;icj..Agents foricor and Crover's Sewing Moe Moe:, P R. Ei DT X U IST : ;el I' 41 i . . . .....,.._.' . 1' , • vir 7 -* jig, , .. .... . . r„ . ...,:4,_ , ..• • . . ,••••• ,T i •-''' i Ili x - .. . ,;•,- , Ti -••-• 40 47.--‘ • . . .. • •-•,.p•- • :••,...i.••••,i, , .. - .,,,„.... :. •,-•.:, ~!•••'i,, , •:,:,':•.- . .:A - - .;, - -,..., '...(1011,•:j; ;) . • )..' llt .. . - ---:;. ----- 040,,. :.'%-• .!.,..,-_-• 4, 4 4. 4 : ',‘ . ' • ..1'41') .. .-''''' ' ''..,'• . . . . ~:., J Ar -Y-• • - , ~ ,- . ..:r • T__:.: -. ..., 1 0; • ' ..: . 1 . .: : 'i_,',..._..' . " __‘. - 7,. .J... 5.- . Cabinet Ware Rooms No. 20 ,S's. 1, .forincrlp the " Sete I,Jrk More." 13RICE ti WEAVElL.having lately formed a co partnership in the above business, respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentowmoll that they have on hand a first-rate assortuittnt of , .0 .11:11X N WARE of all descriptions, consisting 6(1 - lure:ins, Side-boards Pier, Centre, Card, Dining and Breakfast Tables, also What-Not and Sera Tables, Patter Chairs, Spring sea t Rocking ,Chairs,',Sofas; Plane-stools, Bedsteads of every desuription, together with a general assort ment of KITCHEN FURNITURE, all of which they will sell at prices .which defy competition in either town or country. They also manufacture to order every description of Furniture, and every article sold by theist is warranted to give entire satisfaction, onto sale. So please give theta a call and see fOryOnr solves, at No. 29 West it unilton street,—sign of the Venetian Blind. Also, always on hand, Tucker's Patent and Putnatn's Patent Spring Beds. Also, all kinds of Looking (Bastes. N. B.—A complete assortment o Venetian Blinds always on hand, and made to order at shert notice. SIMON 11. PRICE. EENRY S. WEAVER Feb. 2.5.—t I.] GREAT EXCITEMENT ! IMPORTANT NEWS. ersi glind hoe opened his NEW CABINET t i lilt, 00M,, al N. West'llotoillon St., neat lingenbuell'e Bold, in the Borough of Allen town, where ho hoe in :lure, of his own manufacture, it good assortment of ("1? -V I 'l' I" 1L E, • Consisting of Dressing and Plain. Bureaus, Wnrd robes, Secretaries, Book Cases, Sans, Pottension and other Tnbles, Stands of every description, bigit,iow, and Cottage Bedsteads, Cane Sent, Windsor; and Rocking Chairs, Settees, Looking Masses, sizes, nod nit other artieleS in Itis line of bIISITICB4. Persons who are about le engage in housekeeping can procure a frill outfit at priers as low, if not n Ht. tle lower, than can ho purchased elsewhere. All the' Furniture is well made, and can he 'warranted to be good. Repelling promptly attended tn. Allentown, .innuory 4, 1559 DR. S. P. BLISS, -I•TaNIiW '3IIP r - JEILTho OFFICE 0 ER PR ETZ, GITTU t CO'S STORE ALLENTOVI' N PA ~~~~i~~ B 0 U'G ffl T II lIELOIV THE ALLEN 110ITSE Shoe and Hat ,Store, • mraas M T ERZ de. SON. T subscribers this ilay en k THE subscribers lured in co-partnership under theabovo and have taken the stand lately oettupidd ty Juuns licor;;;e ' nest tboir•tc the third ware Shire of llagenbuch,Bersh A:, Co., where they are now opening It very large stock of Boots, Shone. 'H a t s , C a p s &r. And, having adopted the Cash System, they would invite one and all to give them early rill It s cash buyers will find it greatly to their advantego In e,vaitAne our rtoelt before purchas ing cl.cwitcre. We have a Shoe and Boot num factory, by which we are constantly adding to our already beery vinyl:, gond and substantial work which will give ample satisfaction to the went er and Which we ore selling Wholesale and Ilptait at the very lowest N. 13. .Tust: received n !urge supply of (lain Shoos ovcry ileseriptinn. A Igo Trunks, enrpot Bags AT Z-47P-Atensured work svill be done Alt tho shortest notlee. . ELIAS MEnTz. LEwls iI. MERTZ. Allentown, Nov. ?, ISSII Kl71108141Nli; & 00AL OTL LAMPS ! Bead Quarters and Manufactory, •No. 111 South SECOND Strout, 4olow Clicentit A No. I CAlLTELLtitreet. Phihidelphia. vsr" oTT9O. .I , lxechi,or .Kcrimene. and Olal. ATERHILL: .TONER' Xinin g .:Efirtwr, and all Di other good buroei , , for Goal Oil , It gether with thelargest and handsomest variety ef.LAMPS, of every description. , CUANDELIERS,Trin two to fifty burners—Wasses, I V I and all other articles pertaining to the business, together with the best KEROSENE OIL in the Country—lChot . esok (C.• Retaii—nt the Manufacturers' lowest prices. lerlPMerellants and others will Save money, hy examinining cur Stock and Prices. M. 11. DYOTT'S LAMP and GAS FIXTURE STORE and FAC TORY, No. II I South Second and No• I Carter 'Street, I dim Chesnut, Philad'a. February 29, 151i0. —3 mos. COUNTRY PRODUCE 7 ,, a „ r o di ce,l cl l% ie le e t :e l ' tsyo u u r l try. Cncno, I:ggv, Butter, limit), Fruit, An.. • ALSO/VF. STOCK,. 181 and 186 :West WaShington Market, (First Row North of Fulton Stich, New York.) slaughtered at ehor) notice. - Orders for droceries, Fi-il, Fruits, fie., promptly filled. All letters of inquiry will receive immediate attention. ;:it - Busini cc sti icily ColllllliFtthill. Sales strictly attended tie at the Boats and Railroad bepots, uod returns promptly made. .10,41'.1.11111Zi(WS1 [JIINATITAN R. If EL Men. New York, August.2l, Establishea in 1810. Penny Dyeing Mstablishment. TE W. JONES, No' 132 N. Front St. above Cal c) • dyes Silks. Woolen and Fancy tl tied.; utevmy do, , criptitai. Their ; superior style nt• Dyeing Ladies and lientiemen's (laments is widely known; Crape and :Iferino Shawls dyed Ike most brilliant - or plain colors. Crape and Merino Shawls cleaned to look like new—also, Gen tlemen's; apparel. Curtains, &C. cleaned or re-dyed. and look at our work before going else where. February 20,1560..—a mos.• • • ' SISOO 'Wanted, • T N HUMS not-less $lOO, on good security.— 1 Further infernintien given by the undersigned in Allentown. JONATHAN REICHARD Allentown, November 113. 18;9 JOILN MALBURG. FIVE DOI.T 4 MIS PER DAY can certainly ho mado—No risk to run. No capital required.— Agents wanted everywhere. Address Box 77 Allentown ) Penn's. ROIES S. SELL & SON.' Le. B. B. SELL AT [S.\ MU EL COLV En. Pinrili 1.1, 18611. ly CI-lEAP CASA Briggs & Helfrich =COME Setofttia; or _ding's evil; is a•eohf{tittitional difsease,-a Corruption of the .blobtl, by.;whieb..this slil4 .I)ecoutes ,vitiated, vie k, and ;poof;;',...Being in the ciroulation, it pervades the w 0 .114 body,,and may burst out . orkclisetutqmkJulyauFt of. it. No organ is free from its uttackernoryi thereon which it may not destroy: Therisercituhius taint is variously bauset.l,lly..mereurial disepse, low living; die . Ordered unhealthy food, ,impure air, filth. and: filthy the depressing vices, and, aboy,e all,.by the venereal infection. What. ever'be its origin, it is hereditary in the con -stittition, descending ‘. from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it.seerns. to be the rod of Him who, says, ‘, I will visit the iniquities of the faters upon their children." ' =II Its effects commence by deposition. from the blood-of 'corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This fouleor ruption, which.genders in the blood, depresses, the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only 'suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in thiS scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise front or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of till our people are scrofido IF; their persons are invaded by this fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply hi AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for .this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is.cerri bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder froiwthe blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure' of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as lirturvvil and SKIN DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S FIIII3, ROSE, or ERYSIPELAS, P Dtrixs, PUSTULES, BLOTCHES, BLAINS and Volts, TUMORS, TETTER and SALT Runtr7,t, ScALD HEAD, RINGWORBI, RHEUMATISM, SYPHIBITIC and Mimeo MM. DIS EASES, DROPSY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING PROM VITIA TED OR IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief in impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blond. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its , diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with paint or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy et once so simple and inviting.' Not only tin they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directians for their use in the followhig complaints: if C -71CSS, Heartburn, Headache arisi»yfrom disordered Stomach, NaltSell.lndiyest ion, Pain in and .Ikwhid Inaction cf the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss qf Appe tite; ,!autdiec, and ether kindred 'complaints, arising from a low state of the body ur obstruction of.its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roil Tin: RAPID cum; OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Proarseitess, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for tho relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous arc the casts of its cures,. that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even' desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous allimtioas of the While organs that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits • on the afflicted they can never forget, and prp dueed cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. I= DR. .11 - . C. AY!R et CO. LOWELL, MASS. 14111 VIN B. Mo,x, Allentr•wn, and by All nruggi,i= And 1) flora crerywhvro. • Dyspe medy ps ,u \ia DR DARIUS AM 'S AIZONIA'rIC INV N(1 SPI [HT. 77,b, hrf.v h , 1•11 log di, ph hi 1 . 1 . .fi.1 • 4.1! .11111,4, With 1,11,31411:, .10 . 404,.. Itix O'O,OlOllW Mkt/ 111 L ' 411 . 0 1)01 , 1111Mbi, N 1 ,1 , 00011,V, 11,111.1- /her'', OW, i'dfrix, Whirl i 44 5ti,114444.14, r,i• Po irov Ihwohit.lll•, g itotA, Low • noli,'irtra , /Jib tope:JIM. o'. IT.SrimuLATES, 1 xi LAILITES. lwir.oitsns. LPT 11 . 11.1. N'OT INTOXICATE olt DTI: PI: V ASAM ICI NE,it io yuirlc null ellectual, cur -1 ing the most nj. , .'gravnted eases of I.t . r,i, e psi n , kidney Complaints., and 1111 other derangements of the Stomach and II webs, iu n rpce ly It will itn:tneily revive the nest 'fflehineliely drooping spirit,i, and rek,re the won h, 111:1111IS and •iehly In health, Ntroigill and vigir. l'er.4ety 111111, Frets 010 111j111lit:IMIS 11S13 of liquors, have haeonut .dOjected, and 'their net vote+ Fystems shattered, eenditutien, brelten ninl.rtihject to that horrible nitric to humanity, the Dittint nu 'fur -111:, will nline,t immediately, feel the' ham.y shod healthy.invigen:ting etheney of 13r. Ilam's invigo rating Spirit. • 117/.17' 17' 11 - 11,1, 110. • Dos r.—One wino glass full as often ns necessary. Ono dose will refill/VII sill 81111 One 11OSO swill cure lleart.litirti. Three doses will cure Lulige limn: Unu duce will gills you a Omni Appetite. Ono doss, will , stop Elie distressing pains of Dys pepsia, One dose will remove the distressing and disagree able etteets or Wind or Flatulence, :mil lii soon as the gtom eh receives the fingerling Spirit, the dis tressing loud and all painfub feelings will ho re moved. Ono dose will remove the most distressing pains of Colic, either in the et. mach or bowel•. A low doses will remove oh:drift:Li:am in the Kid ney, Bladder or l'rionry Orgone. situ ore seriously afflicted with any Kid ney Complitints are m-surtl moody relief' by a dose or two, tonl'At.rmlieni cure by the use or one or two bottles. • , ' - WILY ISS I'ATtON. l'ersons who, front dissipating too 'moth over night, and feel the eyilmitlfeetS of poisonous liquors, in Violent hetoltothett, 'sickness at stounoth, weak ness, giritlinestt, &e., will find ono dose will remove all had i'eelin• s. . liatiics %veal; Owl sieltly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times it day: It . will maim them stritiw, healthy una hippy, remove all obstructions and irrotritlarities from pie menstrunl orgnits, um! restore the Itluttm ut health and 'lie,flity to the careworn face. • During pregturwy it will he (mina nu invaluable tnealoino to remove tlisu•;r•rahle sensations la thu atenmt•h. All tho propriotor stshF, is n hint, rind to 'mink.° this. ho has put up Iho INvinon yrniu St•kutT in pint bottles, nt tlt ets.,(puirts Si. General I)epot, IS NVltter Street N. Y. Sold by I. D. .1. 11. Moser and Lewis Schmidt .4. Co., Allentown, V.,. February I, 1860.1 —ly for Slr iValtar 1)e C ltf Al' BOOK.--Erury: married n o d single woman should have, this valuable and iunlrueticu wi.rit. It will guru them many ticeple. , n nights ono dvyn ot sorrow. Every p. 11114 man and w.dium emitentprot jut; Italy wedlock. should li fru this highly instruc tive book. It will nova to those whowoall it. thous ands of dollars, and molly utter ell!lgo int! nod re. grt,t, Mothers, Millers, Hit•ltit, brol hero aonil fur It toil rend its,instritclivo pages. You will never. regret •it. Solt Itou to toly addre..s. I.y enclosing four stamp:: to DeltllSE, M. P., ISH Box 84 Philadelphia, Pa. Poet Office. February 2; 1800, __7y , attitillijrreil4i • ,Eiteitipt o S.'.:' ,4 ••_— : —,..,,,. 1 , t4l! ..-, , i ,. . c•.• 'I, , Tr - + Wi t t( 7 j e : „ ;;of ~,.---- r ,• -, -• . j „..r.„.. , • WAR Vim THE PEOPLE SAY. The undersigned tatting . used Profes.ittr Irum. PllitrlYH' SPECIFIO.IIO3IOIOIhITIIIO 111101 DIES In our families with the ntost satisfactory results, find haring full confidence lit their genttinen,s,' purity; and efficacy, cheerfully reetantnetftl.ilietit till per , MOM) 010 to bare safe,'rellsitle, :not ellitoielons remedies fit hand for twit/tail or domestic use. ' , The tier. \Vin. IfusisterhetlitOk. of'" Tito Northern Independent," Auburn, N. V; the Rert;P. it. Cres sey, li P., Reettie of St..Peter i n c . orch; A tater:), N. ; the Rev. 11. I. lives,%Ciutptftlif of the Althorn Moto Prison; the'Ree. Sumba, IlT t like, 'Re c tor, Novtlte.l- fortl,3llafts. f' Allen Steele, Neva-Vorl; Coto fereneeillte tint, the etel Nilotht, Essic fene.tee forenee T:; Mot lire. P. P. Pratt, Dorset, ; itst . • Rev. Jahn E. 11 , .1,1e, Ittanto ; P. I Met, Esti., rties, V. ; the lion. Neal ltgv, Portland, die.; the lie. Sahnister Cuts, ; the lion. lltmvphroys, N. Y.; Item: C.eft, lime of the "Ohio State Jourtntkl,“ l'atilibtig, Ohl° t• the /1.11. IL 11. ti thee, hotttle, III.; the lieu. Thmtuts .1. Chnse; Pht.; the Ihne. .1 , ,,P1 , 1t Vet:edict, I.ltien, N. Y.; Itrhtol, , l:tie3, ; A. tt. Ctieti, N. ; .I.fott•s lattotta t, Est., Ntta, title, Tom]. El= No. I.—For Coo,estion, moi ItMoooootioo, No. t.—Vol' Vevey, IVoriolit, IVottio,: tLr Be 1. N. :I.—Vor Colle,'Cryio!!, az).l 114,4 40. No. 4..--For I)l:irrlitz.:l, Cholera lor.uoltooon , l , S.oo. N. 5. , For Co 1/y,milery, No. r..—For Choler:l. (Moto', Mor Votoitio,. No. 7.--For (%.I.IS, /11.111,1A3, 4.1 0.1-1".... 1 , .11 . ...•n011e, no I Noo-II:tio. No. Vorlig.,, 11,1. and Fuller, c't 1 , ,,,T.A--For Welk nub Strooncli, (.1.41 , 111,1110n, tout Id ru a Colidnint. No. 11.—Fm: to I ir-4,Senuly, Soppresee , l Porl.olB. No. U —For, Lotworrlo‘.l. Proftwo Melosq, noel lienrhio nr0,61 nt Pe:lotto,. No. 11, 0 , 111.1 I I.— Plolpfro . ..o No. Fool,. No. I:.—ltrit . rit• 1..0nen0,, (W T(11141, , A.—Fur Veer an l Agoo, l'oror, Dpllll, 01.1 Mliononagoil Ago,. Blind .r fli eJinn, lidurtittl or F., ternal. . • N1*4.31;, or Trillanreil Eyes and ; IVerrk, or 1111Irrerl C itarrli, of him; or stun I, richer air!, I.Lgrurllnn nr profivic r'rinien. W. C.—Vorrugh, ethriing violi•re:e awl shostiiiiiie; In all acute diseases, sneli as Fevers, Tunsiornallcirs, Diarrlarcit,l/yserdeey, Croup, Ithemindism, and .such eruptive diseases Ila ..t.,,11 . 142t. Fever, :11vaslt.s, and Ery sipelas, the advantage of giving the Kiri-air remedies prorindly Is obvious, and In' all much CAPPS the spe cifies act Ilke is charm, The satire rib-ease is linen arrested At once, and In all rases the violence of the attack Is moderated, the disease r•larrtenerl, and I Err dered less dangerous. Coughs 11.1111 are or snch 11,11111•IIL oc currence, and which sasionon lay ilie Lau nlalieu ..r diseased lungs, bronchitis, and Vemmc priori, may rill be at once eared by the Fever trial Cough Pills. In all chronle diseases, such us Dyspepsia, {Verdi Stomach Constipation, Liver f'omplahrts, I . IIIT, Fe ntnle and Irregularities, old Ileadaches, Sere or Weak Eyes, Catarrh, Sall Itherun, ar,rl other old eruptions, the ease has specifies in tole proper ap plication trill afford is cure in almost, ricer Instance. Often the cute of a single chronic illfilerrlty, as Ityspepsia, Piles or Catarrh, Ileaduche or Ferrode Weakness, has more hum paid for the ease ten (ilia, MIMI Cost, of 20 complete, Ili morocco, and !look, Case of 211 viols, mol hook, plain, 4 Case of 15 numbered boxes, and Book, ...... Case of 0 boxes, numbered and Book, F•ingle nntubrrod Loses, with dircrlinns, 25 in. Slimly lettered boxe,4, nith dircelioo, . ' 50 rts. Large-case with 9 oz vials. Pa' nhiniers anti phy sicians, *l5 !3=l Pun A 141111% un I'llllllSW. Oppn,Seil, 111.1,1111111:', Ottelldei: 1%191 Cough and Expo, tor:Ohm. l'riee, fat reels per box. Fon i.ul Inson.tooti ANI, DI: wo , .es.- from the F.nr, the ',Fob of Sonrlet Firer. 3lettslem, or 111orenriols. I , or Kokes ip the 11:11,1111,A of 11,11'111g, :111.1 11114'111:Z Ear,, and Ear-aril,. p r h,t, to yenta per box. SCLOVI:L.I.-1.:111111.:,1`.1 I;la111144,1:11111ITC11:nol in .hn•ntr:l'l'oucils,So elfin, Old I'leers,Serolnlotot Caehexy of Children. Priee, hit cents per box. non . GPSCIt.II. DE1:11.111% - Ph y Meld or Nervous tVca ness. Either the result of Sickness, nkceralee Mc.licat ion, or Exhau.,ring Discharge,. Price, tal cent , per 19ni.1 A ccumulationa, thvell• hips, Prlcc,:.ocllll3 per hox. El:,-51C1:N1,,.--I ,l rntlily Sickness, VerDga, rut. .en, Vomiting. 4ieltnera from riding or motion. Drive, LO cods per bnx, I , oit rRINARI . (Iravel, Renal ninth, 1%1111111 Urination, ltie,ures of the l'rtee, LU cents per FOR SEMINAI. 1 , .,11811t1NA.-111Voltialary Inlebarges 111111 C.,ewe lit ProMrolluf. Mid r or Evil Holt11:4. TLr most etiereNtitil nod elll cleat realelly known; and may he relied upon tut it. care. l'rlre, with full ilireetiong, $1 per box. l'ersem alto with lu place thettowlvett tinder lito profe.qalonal rare, or to Neel: ndrlre of Prof. lion.' miners, ran do so, at. hi. °nice, tli RruallWay, dolly from S to S P. 111 .1 M . by letter. I= 1..,.! over tine 11,1; u:ala• up a ease of ,vimt kind yotichoose, and h.q.. , t h e 1111101111 i in n current nolo or st.•unpr by moil to inn• toldresg, al nii2 Broadly:ly, Icetv-Cork,llllll the medicine will he duly re urned by moll or exirt.A.4, free of elonTe. AQl'.Nl': , 11' 1:s:11: desire tm active, el cid, .leent for tbekttle of am• Remedios in every town or community In the roiled 141:tles. Mare,: Dr. II rat eintr.vs A: Co., No. Ilie ow iv, NFW-Vane.. U. s. 1.1 I ,C,ataL'atigito raper 1 ngings . Depot, Nt ). I CI )1 a N I ) . 1 . ST.. X(: YO It lc, di ll • pp , : it,' Mr' iremirru • THE CROTON MANUFACTURING CO., (Organi^al in IS hi, ender the (ionoral Manufaetoring Law of the t•itate of New York), wholesqle, in ryttantitios.to Fait purehaPers, ' nt Mantilar.turer's Lowest Prices, for cash or appr vc tl crept P , /0 1• of every variety or style and price, laud,/, Toromprrcott Wier inieSlift(h.:, (h 1 Puho.ll 117rotioir Shmhx, 117,1 c Iriorhitr ll'imlorn Shod,. Fixtriicr, Slf,re Shur/I'? ;wide to neder, mut Lettered, or the latest styles and. superior finish, all of their own manufacture and importation. , As their stock is large and entirely new they lnvito Merchants, tool:sellers, and Dealers in these articles, to call nod examine their styles and prices, whenever they visit the city. , February. I Snit. t • , .1060. SVION STOOIi NOW OPEN. Fall Stuck of SMICS, lsull Sloelt . - Full Stoelc of DRESS GOODS,. • • Full Stoelc of 14 (NENnoon's, • • • . Full Stook of COTTON- GooDs, . • • Full Stock of lIIA mcriooDs; • : Poll 'Stook of WHITE GOODS, Pull.Sloelc of .LACE GOODS, • New Materials for DUSTERS, • • Novelties hi rusNon GOODS, &V.*: '1•1171+1•3 Fourth onttAreli Streets. Phil'n i. N. IL—StUrelmepore .may ut nll lima: find Roil Bargains, Daily from Now Yurk nnd. Philadelphia Auetium4. P. S.—Black Silltaot Net Prlees, decidedly rbenu February 20, 1800. . —limp, TRUSSES! BRACES! 'SUPPORTERS C. H. NEEDLES 9 S..W; Cornor Twolfth and Ran . Streets, PIIILADELPHIA. PIIACIICAL • ADJITSTEIt of Rupture Trusses and Mechanical Remedios. llns constantly on hand a largo Stock of ticimine French trusses, also a complete ims,iritilent or tlju hest American, inelud ing the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truss, be lieved by the Ludt authorities to lie superior to any yet invented. English and American Supporters, and Pelts, Shoulder BraeeB, Suspensory I.l,ntinges, Self injoetine: Syringe=, nanyted to both sexes, iit :teat portable cam:6 French Pcssurie4, Urinal Bags • Orders and letters of enquiry, will meet prompt attention. Atagunt 21, 1e24. G T. T 1 N N' ONE PRICE 11 AT AN!) (Al' STORE, (VIINCIt ur• ~ T our tIMCIC.) N. West corner of Eighth and Race &treats, I'll I NA 14:1,1911,1 'rho aro inviht:l t:: hear in min•l that :it this: Mora may Inc round on its,ortintlit ut Fa:thionable and Ifuwlm:in iltob n,•,xr i10„4, Soil 1 nigh, 11 , 0y,' and Medium I)epth Crulvn, Cloth . , and Glazed Co wt. and Pludi Tritintied Cap, 11.y8 Fancy liat , and Cars A.r at lair Prices ,;;;1. -No TWO Fult ILEGULAIt 1:001)5. .Jailuary 18, 1555. --Iy • Paper liangings of New Designs, • IN (1110,Velvet,Striiiinl nod Figore.l tllezed, Mat- Mu and Oak. Unld , Vel‘ mei Pl:tin Tier:fors. Dv...oration,. Fire-litter' Prints end Witt.line Shales Ake, ere..ti/ kat./,,,en• P.! Six rents per pieen nod tipaertb.--Whole:elo tied Retail. .1•A I\l ES BUR IC. Jr. (S.W.,' I, • importer A: Manufacturer. Nn. G2B Chu:A:not Street ; Philadelphia • Arairch 14 16(101 ~; r __.; ; • . • r .-.-; --,,.--;.; t II .7,,,-;•y77 --77... HI •,' and n /Amen ni:00 ii791,1-44*n I= l copies Store. CT Of) in , burl ion is .ns necessary nR rood, and Ruch wa , 'instenelien Benjamin Franklin, gnvo when lie sai I ri>e enrly,. live soberly, and apply thy self with it. , lll,try, nut with practising rules of econ omy you will 6c em r• In succoell is your undertak ings. For coomony is of asolf n great rovenue and. by tlepesil log such revenue in Mu atoro of ( 1111. ;a re S on tvlll,ol they have jtn , t opened at the corner of Bighth „fflilf,uniiteti oninoin, the well known flagon tetioh•g Hotel, said ;Mire rooms formerly °collided by ehlnclt I).Miteltanor, have just •reveivod from Philadelphia :111.1 Now York, with a large and:splen aid variOty of Merchandise, which cannot ho bent ontsi•lo of thu cities fur beauty and cheapness. Their sto,l; consists of every variety of SPRING AND SUNNIER GOODS, Grneerien, Queenware. Earthenware, mann ;r t, Gupta, Oil chtih, Oil 6 7 / a des,(l'w.,• which they nro soiling for cash ^t ti very small ad_ vanes: 011 11111010S11113 city priccs. Dress do , ods aro nil of the rust fashionable soloclions, comprising Pitney Silks, new styles, Black Silk,, imported, Plain Poll do Sois, in every shade and color. ilandsome Dayadere Silks ' Foulard. Marceline and Florence Silks, Shirts, Mantillns, Dusters, Satin Cliallies, Glossy Valeneins, Clone Itoistonns, Berages, . • Gratnolities, India Silks, Chintzes,,to. 11e ,t. Fronting and Family Linette. Cloths and Cassimorcs. Nil:dins, Flannels, Tieltings, • Piano and Tables Covers, Too, clef h, Marseilles Allendale Quilts, T ,, getlier with a full aFsortmonr of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Give us a call, examine the ods and kern the prices, and you will be convinced flint our goods are what they should be, and ns ce them — g ood cheap. The highest market prices paid for all kinds of produce. Bblll7llr, Nltt.t.it, Salesman. JOSIAH t; ERMAN. I LNATIIAN GERMAN, Jn Allentown, Mardi ISUO. --ly EICITEMEIITI 11,)11 the b-th•r tweotnittmlation of our customers, I' and Ilse pull] if. 14tmeraliy. We will about the first 1i1:11,11, I Oil. move to NO. ^r Batt liamilton St., urxl Wow to the Post elliee. 'Where the hirgest t..ch of (2.1 . 1, ever offered in Lehigh county,‘, ill b. , oto.ned for wale at the, lowe:d .possible and- retail, in sets or by the piece. . Stores 'akin: an aN-ortinent will he supplied at Philadel phia prict.e. All in want of any thing, in our - line arc cordially ill% IN , ' 111 mill and examine our, •goods and prim, awl satisfy themselves or the truth of the Our stock consists in part of yr.'," 1.(!t.11, :!yle, quality and color of China, and I;tlcei,war.., i touc, llockingham, Yellow tul \Vary., Lamps of sill hinds j. , :tl"latitipg alteredand repaired to burn Coal Oil. QUEtI NS‘N'A GLASSIVAIiIi. • All hinds, and by For lintel the piece, Anti Family use. . . • Lager Mtge, Disheit, Bird Founts, Cake Stands. • Jars. Pitoliers, • P.ottles, Flasks, Itevaiiter.4, • Lamps and Globes, Shades,. Stielting Ilottles, Breast Cups. • LAMPS. OEM Tot S , •ls, Dinitur S.•ts Chu inliut. Cups, Bow Dishes, Pikin re, Plates, •.e., it;t . sToNEIVA Put lig. Pot-, Potr, .1 tir , , .1 Sph [only, J% !SUIT I'.INNIA. Ail kinds, Fluid Lamps, (' Coal 1111 Lamp, I'ailor humpy, \ Tula, Lump., 1,, r spoon, , , Night Lamps, to4.+, Cups,Suspension Lumps, Lodlrs. llnud Lump., luiinp.•, Chttrult Lumps, Noll Lamps, Doo't !urge! the plave, nt•xt. door to' the Post KEItNAIIEN. ---ly All.l)t.t‘ .I:lmm' 25, 1360 MANHOOD • 9 1101 V LOST, 1101 V RESTORER:3 d r itsi Publi.vhed, in a Sealed Ehrelope. ON '1111: NATURE. THEA'hiIiNT IiADI ICAL CURE 01' .SPEIMATOIIIIIIOEA, or S !mina' Weakness, SeBual Dohilily, .Nervourneos and Involuntary Ihntss'inco, ;mincing Impoteney and Mental 1111 , 1 Physical liscapnellY. • • , • ' Dv .1. CULVEItIVELL,; M. D., A taboo of tt 7'ho Grecn dle:! Thu worl4l-renowned author; in lb i 8 admirable Leeluz.o, clearly proves from his own ixperienee that u eonsequences of self-alutoo may he effec tually removell without Itlcilicine and without dan gerous Surgical operathmo, bongicO, instrumento,' rings or .cordials ; pointing out a• mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by. which , evory. sufferer, no mailer what !do condition may be, may cure hint °elf elk:nig/1, prirolrhl anhi eorlicgllg. Thiy Lecture will provo boon• to thousands and titcutottnde.t Font under seal to any addresO, pose pirid , on tho reecipt •of two postage shimpo by tiddreosing Dr. Cir. .1. C. li LINZ lit. D., 480 Brat Avenue, New Vet*, fort 110 x 43811. 4.l;miiiry 7. — . - Dec• 1.1 MIIMOMM • .' • ' . ALLENTOWN, PENNA. 'MTV well•kunwe Rouse will borenfterim con duetod under the .personal stiperviSion o Newhard, who will spore no pains to inniorniO live high reputation, the Ifot4o line heretofore horns. It is the largest atitt most cen tral ifewte in the pities, being situated at the corner Al' the Public Square and 'Hamilton street. Tts cen tral location renders it the morn convenient for ;Intitinesis for those, travelling for plumtre."'.':'The Rouse is provided with linths, Airy Chanilprs,•Ytlrlors, Reading Room, Ac., •T'ho. liill iif.:fare tuid table nevoinmodetions ore the hoot: tlio'inatktit: uttorili. Every attention in given to in: uro the comfort of guests. Agrecablo'veciety inay always ha 'Nina at this establishment. An omnibus is always , in readine,s to convey passen gers to and from the depot at the arrival : owl depar ture of every train. JOSE I'll P, NEWITARD, EPHRAIM YOlll.l, Proprietors • : Allootown, October ?nth, 185 P. IrlIE PUBLIC. r . ti-a, 11, Copper S m ith ous,ne • ss, iki4so soceessfully carried on for the 1:15t fwelity.one ,yeni'nt No. 38 and 42 Xest Ihmilton Street, in•the Borough of Allentown by Moon Ettinger, will from:lntl utter the first of tu.,• Irtiq be eondueted under the lientof Ettinger on. The attention of the public is called to thu Met, that the business hereafter will beeonduet d on, the Curl , System. By so .dealing we expect to reduce our ',clew., Fen elle:lime than ever, and thereby bonefit the nubile as well as ourselves. Thankful for past favors, the new lino * solicit as oontinunixo of the potrimage, with which the old business stand hos. been favored. = A polite invitation is extended to all Fitch, 'ns nro indebted. on the ,11 books. to make settlement in e 71,11 tor ae,eptablo pipers.. Those who rint'y not know, when no . necollnt is die, may lie reminded soon . t.;, legal it/et:SS. . Amos orrrNoElt. IVM. J ETTINUE.R. —tf July 27, 151) CRAIN, FLOUR AND COAL, pit uitot rei g ned regvect fully Fog leave to inform L the eiIIZPIO , of Allentown mid vieitray, ihat they :tre rrei:nreil to do all Foil!: of grist-work and to fur nieh l'eeil nod Wahl of all kiwis. Ilutz'a Mill un the Jordan creel< 0110 111110 frQui tholborough. Wheat, Wye, n and 0:118, bought at Op hi g h e st itiarhet prie.:either at the mill or Alt their store-houso al the eorner of Ninth and Linden 6treets,(eolgintrily hoilo uns t •Free 11:111.1 Orders fed Irloh r, Feed earl I 1..11 !herr 7401 . 1.11411108 /.1 . 111 I ite.flf ifilloo 3111 , 1, %Vara. (T: fikr pi! r)litd.) . 1110 itiolersigotoLo ill early oti 1, rhenauinra mite ounLnnilge„in their old llositon-a het et.o/er carried .on exelt blVely un the cash priny t e'e• 'IrICKLEr4co. Allentown, N-••/ 2 ) / 569 . "tf CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers