- Tumults Human Ana IN INDIANA.—The 'Terre Haute (Ind.) Express says that on the evening of the 16th inst., a very destructive 'tornado abated that.oity t and was frightful in Its devastation the following is the list of pro. :perty injured and destroyed:— The large engine house of the Evansville :and Crawfordsville Railroad was entirely de- Lstroyed and is now a mass of ruins. A German named Michael Kuhart was instantly killed, !being terribly mangled about the head and • face. There were live engines and a car in the house, the damage to which has not been • ascertained. The dwelling of John Kirkman, • engineer on the Evansville and Crawfordsville Railroad, was unroofed, and the side torn out. A part of Henry Stokeman's house was blown down. Considerable damage was done to A. P. Voorheea' dwelling by pieces of timber and brick blown from the engine house, a distance •of three hundred yards. , A train consisting of two passenger cars and one baggage car of the E. and C. Railroad, were turned over on their aide. A target at a switch on the same road was crushed by the flying titabers from the engine house, a dis tance of a thousand yards. Hager 's ice house was nitrated ; Haggerty & Maloney's candle factory was demolished; Simpson &Co.'s book bindery was unroofed and the belfry of the Catholic church was blown over, and lies a mass of ruins across Fifth street. We have hoard, also, that several persons had limbs broken in the southeast part of the city : W. S. Cooper's house, was more or less injured, and we fear more damage has been done, of which we are not yet apprised. A most mira culous escape from death, or more frightful in jury, was that of an employee on the E. and C. Railroad, named Billy who; seeing that be could not escape from th —, e fallen building, turned a large box over himself, and escaped unscathed. We have been over the ruins in the region of Hager's ice house. In addition to the fore going, we found Peter Philips' house blown to Tomes ; J. M. Davis' house shattered, and fur niture demolished; Leander Warren's house Iblown over, his arm broken and head injured; .his child was taken from its crib, covered with rubbish, fast asleep and uninjured. Wm. Woollen's house a sightless mass of ruins, piled up two rode from the foundation ; his wife and two children slightly injured. Widow Murry's house blown from its foundation eighteen inches; Alex. Thomas' house moved; James MeCruskey's shop utterly demolished ; West's now house a mass of ruins ; Joseph Parson's stable entirely destroyed ; Walter S. Cooper's now house utterly destroyed; sonic pieces of timber blown ono hundred yards, and stuck endwise in Hager's ice house ; Ned O'Brian's house moved from the foundation; James o'- Connol's new house uttArlf demolished. Loss much greater than first estimated—will fall little short of $.30,0 co ANOTHER SIMLA ' S CASE—ALMOST A MUR DER.—A case:of seduction in Groton, Tompkins . county, which has just come to light is the sub ject of a great deal of anxiety among the friends of the parties and indignation among the com munity. The facts of the case are as near as we can gather them as follows : • Something more than a year ago a merchant of that town whose previous intrigues with the fair sex bad . rendered him obnoxious to a large portion of the community . made a public profession of religion and joined the Methodist church and succeded in making the people believe that he really meant to lead a bettor life. His victim the wife of a respectable and industrious ma chinist belonged to the same church and report says they were thrown much together at pray er meetings and became very intimate so much so that it became the subject of general remark and final . came to the ears of her husband. His suspicions were excited but ho did not believe his wife unfaithful to him until last Wednesday evening on coining home ho found the house deserted and instituting search found the merchant and his wife together at or near a barn standing in a field some distance from • the house. The outraged hnsband knocked the merchant down and jumped upon his thee with both feet breaking the 'bridge of his nose and cutting his face in a shocking manner. The merchant begged for his life but the hus band continued to stamp him until he supposed • life was extinct when ho took his faithless wife . home and informed the neighbors of the cir cumstances and that he aupposed ho had killed . the merchant and he had bettor see to it. The next morning some of the neighbors went to the spot indicated and found that the man had not been killed but had come to and crawl ed home as they easily found by the blood along its route. The machieilers wife says that she and 'the merchant have, met clandes tinely for the last six or eight months. She has boon sent to her friends. The affair has made the husband insane and he has since made ono or two attempts to go to the house of the merchant with avowed intention of tak ing his life but has boon restrained by Ms friends. The merchant has been taken away from Groton and secreted in Homer or Cort land to keep him from the vengonco of the man whose domestic happiness he has ruined. kr Mrs. Heenan wife of the psizo fighter is now playing at the Bowery theatre, New York. She was attracred to Heenan, a few months ago, by his character for courage and married him. She seems to be a woman with as many fast qualities as her husband. Heenan is her fonrth husband, she having been divorced from three "predecessors." " Sho.has been a dan cer, a hunter, a singer, an editor, and an act ress." "She speaks Spanish, French, and Eng liiih"—Writes poetry, &e. In appearance she is a showey, handsome woman, being tall and graceful, with a face not easily forgotten. Her eyes aro very (lark, her hair is gloszy and extraordinarily luxuriant, and she dresses in a style peculiar to herself, and which adds still more to her striking appearance. SUDDEN DEATif OF FATHER AND SoN.---The Boston Journal of April 17th says: At a town meeting in Medway yesterday, Mr. Isaac S. Foster, apparently in a fainting fit fell upon the floor of the town house and soon died. The deceased was fifty-five years old and prop ably died from affection of the heart. In view of the solemn event the Meeting was immedi ately adjourned. In the afternoon, Mr. Warren Foster, of 'Hopkinton, son of the above named person having heard of the death of hie father was preparing to go to Medway, when he was suddenly seized with aprurontly a fainting lit and although medical assistance was, at hand he was not restored to conciousness but expir ed in a very few moments. • DISTRESSING dASUALITY.—During the heavy rain of Thursday last a house on Deep run, Belmont county; Ohio, was carried away, and the owner, Mr. Ephraim Henry, his wife, and a grown-up daughter, were drowned. One little boy was swept away, bet found after wards alive, in a drift pile. This was one mile beck from the Ohio river. About the same time, on the little fork of Short creek, near Warren, two school houses, ono of them lately erected and completed, wore swept en tirely away by descending waters. ft Ono day last week a woman in Atlantis Georgia feeling herself aggrieved by the con duct of a furniture dealer in that place me him in the street and undertook to administe a flogging. The man was however more L.. a match for her and she was in danger of suffer ing defeat when General E. IL. Mills, the editoi of the Southern Statesman went to her assist once, finished the punishment, drove the ,as vaulted man front the field and gallantly escor ted the assailant to her-home. 116..1n Dr. Magoon's Church, Albany, Sun day, the first person baptised was a young girl sixteen years old, in the last stage of consump-. tion. She was literally arrayed in her grave cloths, it being understood that the white robe in which she was baptized was to be worn by her in her coffin. The scene was very affec ting. SkrProf. Price, the celebrated wire Walker from Columbia county in this State, is now at Lewistown, Pa., where he *ill walk the wire on B.turday. It will be stretched from the National - Reuse to the Court House, a distanee of a hundre - a.su t id sixty feet, and at. an el evation of about *4 14 6U feet. . WONDERS OP TM WESTERN MARTINA NY SLOPE.----PA kanavvha, Va., Republi can says t "'Mt subterranean wonders of the Wtstern 'Alleghanian-slope continue, from time to time be developed, to the aston ishment of the intelligent dwellers upon the surface. Near Maiden, on the Kanawha river, in the spring of 1844 in boring a salt well, at the depth of 1000 feet the augur struck the reservoir of gas. The stream of gas that rose to the upper surface was so powerful as to shoot the whole boring appa ratus, consisting of one thousand feet of poles and a sinker weighing tole litihdred pounds, into the air, like an arrow. The stream of gas is'three inches in diameter, and has been blowing up with unabated force, day and night, for sixteen years. When our railroad is completed, this gas may be turned to some account. Pipes may be laid along the• road, so as to light up by night the whole road east to Rich mond, and west to Cincinnati, and then enough to spare to light up three cities. In the same region there is an extensive subterranean manufactory of oil. The oil makes its appearance on the waters of our river, and in places comes up to the surface of the earth. Barrels of it have been gath ered. —An interesting incident occurred a few days ago at Louisville, Ky. It wa-; the meeting of the only two persons now living who were present at the marriage of Henry Clay. The parties were Mark Hardin of Shelbyville, a noble relic of the old time generation of Kentuckians, and the venera ble Mrs. Price, the mother-in-law of Judge Thos. A. Marshall, of the Court of Appeals of the State. At the time of the marriage, Mr. Hardin was a clerk for Col. Hart of Lexington, whose daughter Mr. Clay mar ried, and Mrs. Price was one of the most admired belles of the State. —A man named Joseph Shubart, said to be in comfortable circumstances, resides near Springfield, Ohio. Ho has three or four brothers living. A few days ago he turned his mother, aged 80 years, out of doom, and sea her to Sprinfield, to die in the street or to be supported by the county. She wandered about till the keeper of the Poor-House found her, when she was taken care of by the authorities. Some of her clothing had not been washed for four months. —A 'physician in Middleboro', Mass.' who has some fowls which he values . very highly, one morning last week; on . going into his yard,' discovered that some one had been making a predatory 'visit there and stolen some of his best hens. On looking around, a little, he found a purse on the ground containing $OO, undoubtedly drop ped, by the careless thief. The doctor is quite willing to have some more .hens stolen at that rate. —A rather lar ; story is told by an ex change, to the effect that a woman in the County of Santa Barbara, California, has one grape-vine which, in a single year, bore 5,000 bunches of grapes, yielding 64,000. When a girl, on leaving Monterey for her present home, she picked up a vine-cutting to drive her mule. This cutting she plan ted on her arrival, and after a lapse of seven years the foregoing is the result. • —Several years since, Bev,drly Edwards of Hempstead county, Arkansas, supposing he had killed a man in a fight, fled and has not been seen since. The injured man re covered, and now the family of Edwards are exceedingly anxious to hear some news of their long-lost relative. GOING INTO BLAST.—Several of the Iron Furnace's of Berks county, in which operations had been discontinued owing to the financial crisis of 1857, wo are happy to learn, are pre paring to go into blast, under the expectation of a higher duty on iron under the revised taifl:Aoposed in the present Congress. • AAA child was lately born in Washington township, Jefferson county, whieh weighed at its birth, 17 pounds. A big baby; or a big story.. ' Dyspepsia and'Oonsamption.—W WO of these dis-• cases occasions the victim the most suffering? The Dyspeptic will say the former. It is, therefore, a consoling fact, that Oxygenated Bitters cure this most distressing complaint. A FAMILY NECESSITY The following statement speaks for itself:—(E.r pact) " In lifting the kettle from the fire it caught and scalded my hands and person very' se verely—ono hand almest to a crisp. The torture was unbearable. It was an awful sight. a * * The Mustang Liniment appeared to extract the pain al most immediately. It' healed rapidly and left no scar of account. Cliental; Fosvan, 420 Broad St., Philadelphia." It is truly a wonderful article. It will cure any case of swelling, Burns, Stiff Joints Eruptions or Rheumatism. For Horses, it should never be 'dispensed with'. Ono Dollars worth of Mustang has frequently saved a valuable horse. It cures Oak's, Sprains, Ringbone, Spavin, and Foun ders. Beware of Imitations. Sold in all parts of, the habitable Globe. BARNES & PARK, Proprietors, Now York Allentown March 28, lin Humphrey's Specific Homeopathic Remedies Nave now baba before the public fur five years and have everywhere won golden opinions from the many thousandrwho have used them. Simple, free fromintriertcy, techniCality or danger they have bcounut the ready resource and aid of the parent, traveller, nurse, or Invalid, and have be come the family physician and medical advisor of thousands of families. No whore have they been tried without having been approved, and their high est appreciation is among those who have known them longest, and most intimately. N. B.—A full set of HUMPHREY'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, with book of Directions, and twenty different lientedies,• in largo vitae, morrocco ease $5; ditto, in plain case, $4; case of fifteen boxes, and Book, $2. Single boxes, 25 cents, and fifty cents. These Remedies, by a single box or ease are sent by mail or express, free of charge, to any address on. receipt of the price. Address Dn. P. HUMPHREYS do CO., • No., 562 Broadway, New York Sold by E. D. Lawnll, Allentown ; Jacob S Lowell, Catasauqua. , • Allentown March 28, lto ALLEINTOVITZir 1141EILItSETS [CORRECTED WEEKLY BY PRETE, GUTU it co. TuEsonr, April 24, 1960. $6.50 1.90 4.00 1.40 Wheat Flour, per bbl.; Rye Chop, per 10011 in. Corn Alen, per bbl. • Wheat, per bushel, Rye, 14 . • Corn, Oats, Potatoes, " Deans, Dried Apples, " ". Peaches, " • ; MEM Salt, Cloverseod, " Timothy seed, " Eggs, per dozen, Butter, per pound, Lard, Hams, Bacon Beeeivnx, • • Salt, Liverpool, in gneks, llny,.per con, Eittniv, • { JO DEATH OP EPAMOtte TROTTER.—The elebrat ed six year old trotting horse, ' B Higdon,' died at St. Louis of lung fever, n Monday evening. He had trotted a mile in 2,27; the fastest time ever made by a six year old. Three weeks ago his owners Messri..Dunbam & Hig don had retbsed $4OOO for him. MARRIEb On the 23d inst., by the Rev. J. Henry Dubs, Mr, EDWIN A. STECKLI` to Migs LETI- TtA WEIKLE both or Allentown 4 . On the 3d inst., by the itey. J. a Dubs, Mr. .TOicAtitA34 SCIIWEYER to Miss ELEYINA WALDERT, both of Maxatawny. On the 15th inst., by the same, Mr. JOHN FREDERICK to Miss SUSANNAA FENSTERMAOKER, both of North Whitehall. 1:1 I 11 D On the 24th of March, of Scarlet Faye' , Elm+, Peter and Susannah Neff, aged 4 years month and 20 days, On the 25th of March of Scarlet Fever ELa vititt 81113 ANNA, daughter of Gideon and Justi na Fray, aged 6 years, 9 months and 4 . days. On the the 30th of Alarch of Consumption, ADAM SOHREIRER aged 69 years, 5 months and 23 days. • On the 30th of March of Scarlet Fever CATHARINE daughter of Charles and Gertrude Miller, aged 60 years, 7 months and 1 day. On the 10th of April, JAMES OLIVHR son of Solomon and Lucy Ann Boyer, aged 1 year, 4 months, and 6 dap, On the 10th inst., MENETTA, wife of James Hammel, aged 27 years, 9 months and 6 days. On the 10th inst., of Scarlet Fever, JAMES PETER, infant son of Alfred and Flora Ann Keiper, aged 8 months. and 10 days. On the 15th inst., in Upper Saucon, ALFRED WILLIAM, son of 'Solomon and &ilium'. Boehm aged 3 months. On the 18th inst., in Allentown, HENRY OLI VER, son of Jacob Clottridie,- aged 11 months and 5 days. Oh the 15th inst., in South Whitehall, Mrs. HANN:tit RIIOADS, wife of Daniel Rhoads, Esq., aced 58 years, 2 months and 2 days. On the 10th of April, JAMES OLtvea, eon o' Solomon and Lucy Ann Boyer, aged 1 year 4 months and 4 days. AN election for officers -of-t-ht - Allentown Water Company will bo held on Monday, May 14th, 1860, at tho public house of Moses Schnook, com mencing at 1 o'clock, P. M. By order of the Board. JOSBPII WEAVER, President. Allentown, April 4, 1860. —43 t ADJOURNED COURT AN ADJOURNED COURT' of Common Pleas of the county of Lehigh, will be held at the Court llouso in Allentown, on Monday the 21st of May, MO, mil on and where all parties interested can attend. JAMES LACKRY, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's Office, Allentown April, 25. —3t ADJOURNED COURT. AN ADJOURNED COURT of Quarter Session and Orphan's Court of the county of Lehigh, will ho hold at the Court House in Allentown, on Mon day the 21st of May, 1860, when and whore all par ties interested can attend. BOAS HAUSMAN, Clerk Clerk's Mee, Allentown, April 25: DR. TIIEODORE C. YEAGER FORMERLY a private office student of Dr. C. L. Martin and graduate of the University of Penn sylvania, announces to the citizens of Allentown and vicinity that he has opened an office No. 62 East Hamilton street, directly opposite Lewis Schmidt Drug Store, where ho is ready by day or by night to render his professional set vices to all afflicted. April 25, 1860. —tf Executive Meeting A MEETING of the Executive Committee of the Lehigh County Agricultural Society will be held on the 12th day of May next, at 1 o'clock P. M., at the Amerioon House in the Borough of Allentown, for the purpose of receiving and adopting the re port of the Cominittee which was appointed by a former meeting to make a Schedule of Premiums, and to transact other business. By order of 0. L. SCIIRIEBEB, President. JOSHUA STABLER, Secretory. ' April 25, ls6o. —St DAILY LINE . OF STAGES, BETWEEN Bethlehem and Allen town. The undersigned on and after Monday, April 23d, 1860, will run a daily line of Stages between Bethlehem and Allentown. A coach fur the accommodation cf passengers will leave the Allen House at Allentown at 4 o'clock and forty-five miliutes P. M. of every day, and will re turn to Allentown on the same day, leaving the De pot of the North Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Bethlehem upon the arrival of the evening train from•Philndelphin. . NM. P. YEAGER, Proprietor. April 25. lra Administrator's Notice. LETTERS os Administration having boon granted to the undersigned, in the estate of Abraham Hunsberger, late of Salisbury township, Lehigh County, deceased; all persons indebted to said es tate are requested to make payment within six weeks from this date; and all persons having claims against said estate, will present them, duly, authen ticated for settlement within the above mentioned time, JESSE lIUNSZERGER, Adm , rs, CD' PETER MOLL, Saliobury township, Lehigh County. . April 18, 1860. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER ! ! BURTON & LANING, MANUFACTURES AND IMPORTERS, • WO. 602 ARCH STNEET, Where may be found tile largest and handsomest asssortment in the city. Off-Purchasers from the country will ilud it tt their advantage to call at our store, whore they wi' be suited with a superior arta° . at the lower prices. BURTON A LANING. Allentown April 25, 1850. Sin IS Boot and Shoe Store, E.FINIC•would respectfully inform.the citizens of Allentown and vicinity that ho still carries on the Boot and.Slm.s store, at No. 12 East Hamilton streert, sign of the Big Boot, the public may confi dently rely upon it, that ho will at all times keep on band, a better, larger, and gt the same time cheaper stock, than was over kept in the building before. He will always hay con hand n G n t S I l ° i m p p o 800 t9 i ,Shoe i , Ladovanl Misses Gaiters, Shoes and Slippers, Children's Boots and Shoes. Also, Coarse Bouts and Shoes for Mon and Boys,Gums, &a. All kinds of Gentleman's and Lad ies' work made to order in the most approved styles, at short notice, and of the best of materials, and as ho employs none but the best of workmen ho hopes by strict attention to business and law prices, to receive a good sharo of public patronage. EPHRAIM FINK. Allentown, April 25, 1800. —tf C. R. MILK'S PATENT 111 AND WATER . PllllOl ROW THE subscriber in coming before the public with this roofiafg feels confident not only that he can give satisfaction to those who may employ him either to put on new roofs or repair old ones, but ho is satisfied that ho can convince any practical man that his roof is not only Firo and Water Proof, but that it is a roof that will stand the changes of heat and cold, and be durable for a great number of years. .It can bo used upon, either flat or steep roofs, or upon old and worn out shingle roofs with out the trouble of removing the shingles. It is Mali one of the best nrticles that can be applied upon Tin, or Iron roofs, cooling almost as cheap as paint, and will preservo.the tin twelve times all long. Those having tin roofs that they wish to preserve or leaky ones that they want made tight and have t hem stay so, will be putting money in their pockets by using this material. PRICES. For now Roof, 5 cts per square foot. - " Tiu or Iron do. ono coat, 2 cis per square foot. " do. two coots, 3 cts per square foot. Two coats on Iron or Tin guarunteed to muko it perfectly water tight. Samples of this roof may be soon ut 'the Allen 110t1F0, Allentown Pa. 3.50 2.00 All ordure utlilresieul to Jri2eph Cool, ut House, Allentown, wilt be promptly Attended to. CONRAD ROEDER. 30 1.50 3.00 8,00 April 25, NEW BOOT AED SHOE MINUFACTORTI Sing, oh 1 sing, ye Heavenly mum And we will mend your Beata and Sheens • SOHLINCER 414 r,•,,MatitEß 1:111. 0 . 01311PROTPIILLY annonnee to the lA+ citizens of Allentown and violn ktyt that they have removed their Boot and Shoo Manufaetory to No. 16. Bast nanillion nearly opposite Moser.i . Drtig :lore, Where they will keep on hind an assortment of Beady Made work, and Manufacture at very email profit, every article in their lino of tinni ness, and no man or WOMAN Should fail to atop In and see their stook before pur chasing elsewhere, as nothing can be LOW By examining such en elegant assortment of Boots and Shoes, end they defy Rumor, with, • aniat Thousand tongties, to sing the praise of any other manufactory above theirs for cheap and good Boots and Shoes. Only call and Coo tbo continual BITIVELZI I And carrying away of BOOTS d• SHOES, and you will be convinced that 808 LINGER MEISTER'S is the place to get a comfortablo anderstanding for the "lords of creation," the "gentler sex,". and the " Wendt° army." Orders for custom work prompt ly executed, AllehtoWn, April 25, fiat,. Great Victory in the Field of Battle. VII — DER-i-Slaughter t and groat victory. Satan M is chained by one log for a thousand years ; and the Sheriff last nightie jail : seventeen lawyers look ed up; Judge and Jury madams during the night; some of the doctors out on a spree , ; but, it is astonish ing to say that the excitement at Stopp's cheap Cash Store, about his nice cheap goodsjust got at Sheriff's sale was so great, that thefate of the honorabies above named were entirely forgotten even by their own wifes and daughters, for they were all bound for the first cut of new goods. Anil, no wonder, near 13,- 000 yds. Black Silks far 81 eta and 60 ate a yard, do. 18,000 yde, Riney mike, new style for 50 ctua yd; 10,000 yards black alpacca, cheap; Muslin and Cal icoes very cheap for cash; 3,000 now atyle Mantling and dosters from 69 eta to 15 dolls. a piece; French lace Mantillas for $B.OO worth $1b.00; 18.00 Shawls of all styles, dirt cheep ; 1000 parasols and sun um bcrellas from 12} upwards; 1,000 fi oop Skirts; black berege and merino just broad enough ibr mourning ahawles black veils and Cohan cheap; gingham handkerehelfs near Iyd. square for eta a piece; needle worked halrfs for 06 ate ; white stockings 66 cts : needle worked collate 3 eta; ladies gloves, 4 eta; Oil ahadea and window cur tains, very pretty. And for man and boys wear: Cloths, Cassimera, `Postings, Satins and common panting the cheapest over offered in Allentown.— And don't forgot that Stopp has got a large lot of Spring and Summer Bonnte, Ribbons, Plovtors, Ac., just received from New York and Philadelphia, which ho is determined to sell Wholsale and Retail very cheap for cash. And now for Groceries, Stepp sells splendid Sugar for al ate a 1b; best white 10 eta; good syrup molasses for 06 eta a quart; splen did baking ' lOcts ; 900 half and 6 barrels of the fin est mackerel ever sold in Allentown, from 1.00 to 2.00 dolls cheaper than the cheapest. New, don't you think that I am blowing and gassing for Stopp, for I don't like him Myself for he won't trust a fellow to a sixpence, therefore I don't like to tell you that Stopp's Cheap Cash Store is No. 35, West Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. Allentown April 25, 1860. Ot [IATTALION mum NO. I.] THE FIRST PARADE OF THE FIRST INFANTRY- BATTALION. • OF LEHIGH COUNTY, I Composed of the following Companies.: Jordan Artillerists, Capt. W. 11. Gamier, . Allen Infantry, 6 6 Thomas Yeager, Allen Rifles, • " John llillinger, Lehigh Rifles, " Oliver Ritter, Catanauqua Rifles, " H. S. liarte, will take place at Allentown, Thursday, May 10th, 1960. ~. The lino will be formed at 9 o'clock, A. M., pro cisely. By order. ARNoLD C. LEwis, Adjutant Invitationsa have been extended to the Brigade Inspector, and the Field and Staff Officers of the Di vlsiod to inspect and review the line during the day in the following older At 11 o'clock, inspection by Maj. T. H. Good. Brigadier Gen. George Fry and Staff, will review the lino at 12 o'clock. Col. W. 11. Mogen at 3 o'clock. During the day Mnj. Gen. Robert S. Brown and Staff, will review, after which the Battalion and all the Staff Officers pass in review on Hamilton street, be fore E. C. Wilson, Adjutant General of Pennsylva nia. The Jordan, Allentown, and Foglesville Banda will be in attendance. April 25, 1880 Joshua Schnurman, WROLESALE DEALER IN NOTIONS, FANCY .GOODS PERFUMERY JEWELRY, &C. No. 28 Wen Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. THE subscriber begs leave to inform the Mercan tile community.of Lehigh and adjacent coun ties, as well as the public in general, that ho has re moved to the above named locality, where ho has much more room, and consequently enabled to great ly enlarge his former stock. He flatters himself that he now has as largo and as good an assort ment in hie line as any house in the State—ntoorn towns not excepted ; ono of the same size challenged. His stook consists In part of JEWELRY, PERFUMERY, HOSIERY, DRESS TRIMMINGS, BUTTONS, COMBS, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, diISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, &C., &C. a full variety of the latest 'styles of everything be longing to each branch enumerated, to which the attention and inspection of Town and Country Mer chants and Pedlars is invited Catalogues of Goods forwarded to any address on application. 4.t-Grateful for the encouragement thus far re ceived, 1 hope to merit,a continuance of the same. taii..Don't forget the place—No. 28 West Hamil ton street, a fox doors above the Odd Fellows' Hall. JOSHUA SCHNUHMAN. Allentown, April 25, 1880. —3m NOW IS YOUR TIME LADIES. 4111„-F you want Fashionable Bonnets. Mrs. .1 Stepp, .t Co., hove just returned from . Now York with a most elegant assortment of spring and summer bonnets all of which have been selected from the most fashionable openings. They have also Bonnets, received directly from Paris; mourning bonnets for $2 00, and shakers for 25 Ms ; Children's bats aad fiats very cheap; Dress caps and head-dresses; hair note and pins; mohair mitts; kid and gauntlet gloves ; Lace embroided and GISMO, rel undersleeves; mourning and lace veils; black and fancy-dress silks; Silk and and sloth mantillas and dosters ; French and Chantilla Ince shawles; a groat variety of black and atolls shawls; Parasols and sun umberellae. Dress trimmings of all the • • latest styles, elegant and beroge and lawn robes for dresses; also, all other new style dress goods. Very best Merrimac, Calicoes fur 11 cents a yard; black and white lace Bertha Capon. Mantillas and Cloaks made to order. Don't forget to call as they aro well kown as having the most fashionable goods; and as selling them at the lowest prices. They have also cornets and hoop skirts. Extraordinary inducements offered to country milliners. MRS. STOP?, & CO. No. 13 West Hamilton St. (Directly opposite Odd Fellows! Hall.) ALLENTOWN, PA. Allentown, April 25, 1860. 6t Allentown Academy, THE Summer Term of this Institution will com mence on Thursday the 26th of April. Pupils are received into tho School at any time and charged only from the date of entrance. Primary, per quarter, $4,011 Common English branches, ' 4,5005,00 Higher ' " '• with Latin and Greek, 6,00 " " French, 7,50 8,00 2,00 Music, . , • Pao of Piano for practice, • Drawing, 2;00 A few pupils are received into the family of the Principal at the rate of $4O per quarter for board, washing and tuition In all branches except Music and Drawing, April 18, 1860 STOCKHOLDERS TAKE NOTICE , THE Stockholders of the Hanover and South Whitehall Bridge Company will take notice that a meeting of said company will he held at the Mari can Hotel, In•Allontown on Saturday the Lth day o next at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when and bueMess of the utmost importance to their in ' • Ala ho transacted. By order of slunagers. JOHN ROMIG, President Pro tem. April 25, HBO. —2t IEIOO.. 113430 Align e 4111-11 surgran, Md. ABOUT •HEAD COVERt. Hats for walking, riding, driving;.• Hats dull faces look alive in •, • Hata for youths, light, airy, dashing; Hats for men of taste and fashion; Hats for features bright and Jolly; Hats Air tacos tuelaneholy Hata for dgutes broad and burly; Hats for straight hair or for curly ; Hats for traveling, shooting, Nailing; Hata taro-proof in storms unfailing; lists for spring, Orebro styles together; Hats for every kind of *anther; Hats of ,silk, felt, straw, and bonier; Hata that almost wear forever ; Hata for spa's and watering places; Hata of styles to wear at races; Hats with which•a room to enter; Hats for scones of wild adventure; Hats of many shapes uncommon • Hats admired by every,woman ; lists to stand all kinds of mauling; Hats distinct fot eve* calling; Hata light, pliable, elastic) Hats less flexible and plafflo Hata of quiet styles for pastora l lists round-orovlted--yotir kfiouting castors; Hata to suit each race and nation; Hats unmatched for ventilation; Hata for young mon and for children ; lists of beauty quite bewildering; Hata that boys and Misses sigh for; Hata, in fact, that babies cry for I il . ttta for soldiers, lists Pp. gallops as tut eta. th *otk of talitits ; Hata at Timex; court, and FIVE dollars; Fit for gentlemen and scholars, At Hess' Great Hat Emporium, No. 33 East Ham ilton street, nearly opposite the German Reformed Church. Straw Goode iq all their variety, Ladies' Shakers, Ladies' Bloomers, Children's Flats, Chit dren'a Plain and Fancy Hats, Boys' Caps and Hata, Traveling and Sporting Caps and soft Hata. The as sortments embrace a greater variety of styles than has ever yet bees attempted in this branch of the business in Allentown. • SYLVESTER WEILER, Agent. Allentown, April 18. —tf -Am RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and Elio public, in general, that they have just re ceived a splendid assortment of NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, which will be made up to order on short notice in the latest styles, and in a superior manner; consist ing partly of Black French Clothe of all grades, Blue, Brown,Olive and Green Cloths, French Habits, Bl'k Doeski Cassimeres of all grades, Black Zambonn Cassimere—new style, French Silk mixed Coatings, Black and white mixed Tricot Coatings, Brown and white mixed Tricot Coatings, Drap Coatings, Eng fish Repellant Caseimere Coatings—Brown and Gray. A lunge assortment of French and English Fancy Caseimeres —elegant styles, Domestic Caasi metes of all qualities, a large assortment of Mat/damn Vestings, Plain and figured Grenadines, Fancy Silks and Marseilles of all qualities, &c., &c. All orders thankfully received and promptly exe cuted at reasonable terms. flger`Cash buyers will find it to their particular advantage to obtain their clothing at this establish ment, as they will be sure to receive the best ob tainable value for their money. FURNISHING GOODS, such as Shirt-Wares, Cravats, Neckties, Silk and Linen IPdkls, Hosery, Gloves, Suspenders, &e. Shire made to order. We have made arrange ments with Winchester & Co., of Philedelphia .to take measure for shirts and get up in the Bear MAN NKR. Undershirts and Linen and Cotton Drawers. SAMUEL lIOATS, . - WM. F. MILLER, Sup't. April 19,1860. --tf I. N. OREOORY, Principal. —ly THE ALLENTOWN M".A.SEMCICMTAL33II-all TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT AND• CENTS' runts:tam 811 M E, 53 East Hamilton Street, 2 doors below the .American Hotel, • ALIANTOWN, PA., THE GREAT AND WONDERFUL GUTIISVILLE BATTALION! Battalion, renowned in all the world, is to J. bo held this year at the house of Josiah F. Guth, in iluthsville, South Whitehall township, Lehigh county, and about half a mile from Walbert's Station on the Catasauiput and Fogelsvillo Railroad, on Whit-Monday, the 28th of May next at 10 o'clock in the morning. The military, far and ncar,-on horso and on fool, will be present; among the rest, the whole Battalion of Cavalry and many splendid companies and brass bonds of Lehigh, Northampton, Berke and Carbon counties ; many Officers of high rank, as Major Gen. Robert S. Brown and Staff, Brig. Gen. Fry , and Staff, Brig. (ion. Best and `toff, Col. Seigfricil, Mnj. T. 11. Good, Maj. Seipel and others are expected. Come therefore, one and all, girls and boys, man and wife, old and young, and do not neglect this remark able gala day in Outhsville. In every corner there will be glorious music, refreshments in abundance, good stabling, and as to all other things there shall ho no lack. MANY SOLDIERS AND CITIZENS. April 18, 1860. 7--tf The Continental Restaurant. THE Continental Restaurant has been removed to the South West corner of Hamilton and Fifth Streets, directly opposite the Court House, where the undersigned at considerate expense has fitted up rooms for the entertainment of . his friends. A hand somely furnished LADIES'. PARLOR Ilas been provided, with a private entrance on Fifth Street. Thatikful for past patronage, the Proprietor would solicit a continuance of the same, assuring nII, that no pains shall be spared to minister to the wants and comforts of visitors. W. W. lIAMEItSLY. Or Private families supplied with the beat oys ters the markets afford. Allentown, April 4, 1860. ' —tf Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, in Hanover township, Lehigh county, and in White Haven, Lucerne county, in the mercantile business, the milling business, the lumber an coal trade un der the firm of Kcck, Saeger A Company, has lately been dissolved by mutual consent. Alt 'such as are indebted to said firm, aro requested to call and make payment, as soon as possible, at the old busi ness stand, and all such as have claims against the same, are requested to present them for settlement. ANDREW S. KECK, CHARLE S. KECK, THOMAS KECK, WILLIAM SAEGER, ALFRED G. SAEGER. . • April 4. St The Business. TIIE Coal and lumber business will herea ft er be carried on at the old business stand in Hanover township, Lehigh county, by Charles L. Kock, and Andrew S. Keck, under the firm of C. L. and A. S. Kook, and the Store and Milling business will be cuntinued on at the' above place, by Simon P. Kern, Aaron Jacobs, and William Saeger, under the firm of Kern, Jacobs A Company, and it will afford the now firms much pleasure to welcome old customers, and now, and to servo all to the best of their ab— ity. April 4 NOTICE. AB it is a custom with many persons, to trespass upon the property of the undersigned, situated hrouna Allentown, by which all kinds of injury is done to it, both maliciously and otherwise; they therefore give notice hereby, that whoever will be found upon thoir promises hereaterOrill bo punish ed according to -low. Besides parents may be watchful of their children, so that they will no' transgress any' more. Joseph IVaevor, Ephraim Grimy J. M. Better, Carl Ooranflo, William Grim, Allentown, April 1 1 th. Notice to Subscribers ALL persons indebted to the late Orin of Mines & Huber, dissolved June 10, 1859, for subscrip tion, &e., to LEIIII3II REGISTER, moot settle their ac counts before Mily let, 1860, no us to enable on to meet the demands upon ourselves. • After mid date the Books will be placed into the hoods of a Justice of the Penco for final settlement. It is hoped that all in arrearage will see the necessity and justice of paying up promptly. lIAINES & C. FRANK HAINNS.] LPC:TER C. HUBRIV Allentown, April 4, 1860. --3 t NOTICE. TILL annual' mooting of the stockholders of tho Pennsylvania and Lehigh Zinc Company will be held nt tho Company's Office No. 121 Walnut str., in the city of Philapelphin, on Monday May 7th, at 11 o'clock A. M. for the election of eleven Directors to servo for the entitling year, and for tho transaction of other businena• SAMUEL P. FISIIFR, Problem April 18, 1800, 1860. SPRING 1860. AND SIMMER • GOODS. Rts.ritozia A SHINER, No: 5 West Bawl!. ton Street, have Moly returned from, New York and Philadelphia akd received the largest and most desirable stook of Goods efer %fore Shown in Allentown, and aro now ready to accommodate the public in all prices and qualities of Goods. We do not like to overate ortr stook like some of oar neigh-, bora do, but the old saying is an empty barrel makes the most noise; we aro-ready to sustain what we say. Our stock consists of LADIES DRESS GOODS, A splendid assortutent of Spring and Summer Ladies Dress. Goods, such as plain, black, and fi gure alike for dresses, colored, striped, cline, and buquadero dress silks, from 50 cents to $2,00.-- Pryard, Harem Poising, Dwells Balearines, Potti cloves' Challis, Valanels, Lavelle -Cloth, Modena Cloth, Gingham, Prints, Chinses, plain and figured Brilliants, Lawns, Boregee, Extension Skirts, Man tillas' Dusters, together with a full variety of goods, they feel satisfied to please every body, if they give them a trial before purchasing elsewhere, by RIMINI:4BR A SHINER. WIN'S WISAIL—;..A full assortment of Men's woar suoh as Black, and colored Clothe, Panay and Plain thisslitiefei tweeds, Merino Cassimere, Union Cassimeres, Boonton, Cottenade, and all kinds of other goods too =Mattid to mention whioh they offer for sale by RENINGER k CHIMER. SHAWLS.—A splendid assortment of Shawls, such as Black and Colored Stella Shawls, Black and Mode Colored Shawls, Square and Long Drachm Shawls, White and Colored Crape Shawls, Bidet Silk Shawls, and Moue Dolan Shawls, for safe by BENING= & KHMER. UMBERELLAS AND PAIIASOLS ,— A lull as sortment of umberellas, and all peens and qualities of Bilk and Cotton Sun Umberellas, a full line of Parasols which they offer very low for sale. RENINGER A BIIIMER. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTH. —A full assortment of ingrain, threeply and tapestry carpets, and cotton and wool stair Carpets. Floor, Stair and Ta ble Oil Cloth of all qualities and width, vary law for sale by • RENNINGER :HUME& LIROCERIES.— A full assortment of Groceries such as--Itlo and Java •Coffoe, all kinds of Now Orleans, Porto Rico, Cardittus, Muscovado, and all kind of Syrup Molasses, all kinds of Sugar, Teas, Honey, Raisins, 0111, Chocolate, Cheese, Rice, Sal. Soda, Soda Ash, iup. Car., of Soda, all kinds of Spices whielt.they offer very low by BERINGER SHIMER. kinds of Fish, such as No. I and 2.- 1. Quarter, halves, and whole barrel Mackerel, Scale Fish, Herrings and Cod Fish, for sale by RENINGER k SHINER. SALT.—(}round Liverpool Salt in sacks and per bushel. Ashton fine Salt, and Dairy Sacks fur sale by RENINGER .It, SULKER. Allentown, April 14, 1860. tf sass POE TUE PEOPLE I ^HATTERS, No. 25 West Hamilton St., Allentown, Manufacturers a n Wholesale and Retail dealers in HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, Ac. are now prepared for the SPRING and SUMMER trade with all the ilfieront styles of Hats, among them the celebrated Bonner and Genning's styles, of the beet guerillas and at such prices as to defy competition. We have on band the largest variety of ever offered in this borough, which we will sell at the lowest cash prices. STRAW GOODS: —.of straw goods we have a very fine and choice stock, not surpassed by any in town. It consists of dens', Boys' and Youths' Pan ama, Palm Leaf, Leghorn, Canada, Maricaibo, Mich igan, Ac. A fine stook of Misses' Bloomers. Our assortment of CAPS is one of the most exten sive in the place, and we are adding to it almost dai ly. Customers may rest assured that they can be suited, as the stock has been selected from the larg est assortments in the cities. As all EATS are manufactured under the imme diate supervision of the firm, they feel warrsntecd in saying that for durability and finish they cannot be, surpassed by any establishment In tows. ..Country Merchants supplied at the lowos city prices. Allentown, April 11 TN the Orphans' Court of Lehigh county. In the matter of the account of An- M I drew Wint, administrator of the estate of Elisabeth Wint, late of Upper Beacon tbwnsbip, Le high county, deceased. And now April 6, 1860, tho Court appoint Elisba Forrest, Esq., as auditor to audit and resottle the said account and report distribution according to law. Notice is hereby given, that the auditor above named will attend to the duties of his appointment on Wednesday the 2,1 of May, inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his office, No. 58, East Hamilton St., In the borOugh of Allentown, when and where all parties interested can attend if they think proper. E• FORREST, Auditor. February 8, 1860. —3t OF Hamman's Gift Enterprise are hereby inform ed that family affairs have presented him from leav ing home, in order to dispose of the balance of his tickets. Ho returns his sincere thanks for the leni ency shown hlm thus far by those who have pur chased tickets of his enterprise. He trusts how ever, to be able to dispose of the balance by about May nest, when the drawing will take place.— Should he be unable to dispose of the same by that time, be will return tho money to such who have purchased tickets of bim, which to him would be a very serious loss, having incurred a very serious expense. Ho hopes his friends will assist him in making this last effort of disposing of the balance of tickets on hand. He wishes to retain the name of an honest man, and will act accordingly. JOHN HAMMAN. —tf To the School Directors of Lehigh county. GENTLEMEN:—In pursuance of the 43d section of the Act of Bth May, NH, you are hereby notified to meet in convention at the Court House, in Allentown, on the first Monday in May, A D. 1860, being, the 7th day of the month at 1 o'clock In the afternoon and select viva voce by a majority of the whole number of Direetors present, one person of literary and scientific acquirements and of skill and experience In the art of teaching, as County Super intendent, for the three succeeding years; determine the amount of compensation Tor tho Estee; and cer tify the result to the State Superintendent, nt Har risburg, as required by the 39th and 40th sections of the said act. 11. H. SCHWARTZ, C.' L. A, A. S. KECK, KERN, JACOBS A. CO. 3m William Grimmer, Solomon Griminor, Edwin Butz, Charles L. Martin Simon Schweitzer, COMMIWON bICIELRONAN2III, NO. 120 WARREN STREET, Between Wathiugton and West Sts:,, " NEW YORK 311 April 11, 1860. BERGER Bc. KECK Seasonable! Goods, Auditor's Notice. From the Records. Teste:—BOAS HAUSMAN, Clerk Ticket • Holders April 4 NOTICE County Superintendent of Lehigh county. Allentown, April 11, 1860. —3 S. MAUPAY & CO., lIORTICII3 %IV KIST S NIIRSERIES AND GARDEN at Rising Sun VC lage,Thiln. Store, NO. MI Market Street, be tween Seventh and Eighth, South Side. A very large and extensive Stock of Shade. Orna mental and Fruit Trees, Evergreens, Roses, Plants, Vines, Seeds, &0., cuLivnted and for male, Whole sale and Retail, at Reduced Pricer. All Orders promptly attended to. Catalogues had on applica tion. Dealers and others would do well to give us a call. Plants, Trees, Ac., packed to carry any dis tance. The Rising Sun Fourth and Fighth Ste. Pasoan ger Cara pass tho Nureory ovary few minutes April, 11 TO CON SUMPTIVES AND NERVOUS surrzrzmuus THE subscriber, for several year. a resident of Aria discovered while there a simple vegetable remedy— a sure cure for Consumptieni •Aalhnm, Bronehi'is, Couylas, Colds am/ Ncrrour Debility. For the bene fit of Consumptives and Nervous Sufferers, ho Is wil. ling to mak the same public. • To those who desire it, ho will send the Frescrip- Bon, with full directions (free of charge); also a sample of the medicine, which they will find a.beau tiful combination of Nature's simple herbs. Those desiring the Remedy can obtain it by return mail, by Addressing J. E, CIITIIBERT, Botanic Physician. No. 429 Broadway, Now York. April 11. —3m W.,11. VAN KI.FIECK W. 11. VAN KLEECIE & LEWIS, Wholesale Grocers, -A N D - . SPRING-- GOODS: . Jailt returned .from ,the City, has now opened a full and new Wiest. • ment of all kind of Spring and Bummer Drees Goods, at •hls Store Room in thi•four story bald ing, a few doors east of Yam A Newhard'. Hotel; comprising in part of Chaill'4 Valencia's; awl Poll • ' de Obeyers of splendid styles and at Priest never' before offered. Continental Plaids; and PoMair De: talus of entire now styles. SHAWLS.—SteIIa Shawbf of all colors, kinds' and price, so that none need go away Without being suited ' and purchasing one of the handsome new • Shawls. SlLKS.—SilksCat'priow never before offered in this market. oolorked Bilks at almoet any pawls. And Black Silks of all kinds and qualities. CLOTH.—CIoth Dusters, made of Cloth and Z.- bra Cloth. Also a tine assortment of Dikter Clod" of various colors and shades. A aplhndid assert moot of Blaok Cloth at prices to snit the clewed, rich and poor. Also a fine assortment of fancy Cal simeres. MiJElLlNS.—Muslins, bleached and unbleaobed . at the lowwit Market prices. CARPETS AND OIL °LOTUS.— Carpet* fis Woollen and Cotton. At prioes never before offered in this town, and Oil Clothe of all widths of the beet quality. COAL OIL LAMPS.—A line assortment of the above Lamps, which we will sell at prices that will be an accommodation to the public. Also Coal Oil of the best quality. GROCERIES AND QUIIENBWARE.—A fine as sortment of Groceries, sash as Sugar, Coffee, Tee, Ao. `Also a large assortment of Queensware. Telt and Dinner Setts all of which we will sell as low ska possible. • MACKEREL.—MaokeroI in No I and 3, in whole, half, and quarter barrels. Salt in sacks and by the bushel. • Or The highest Market prim, paid rot all Wadi of Produce. All that are in need of any of the R b ort , .code, will find it to their advantage to ca ll a t the s;ore of the undersigned, before pinning ing elsewhere. Allentown, April t4', 1860. U 1 EAT EN61.1911 JIBItIEDI. SLR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Frarnale Pills, nunEcTiro g: 11'71 lir zar ROYAL YAISOIL Erapired from a prescriplion of Sir J. Clarke, N .D., Physician Extraordinary to the @son. Tb Prraluable medicine la unfailing In the core of al those painful and danpraus diseases to which the bin*? osneltution Is subject. It tonderatea all *seem and is. moves all obstructions, and a ep.edy cure may be relied . e► TO MAIMED LADIKO It le peculiarly suited. It will, Ina abort time, bring ea the monthly period with regularity. Hach bottle, price One Dollar, foam the Government Btamp of Great Britain, to prevent couotertbita. These P Bl. sloeglef mot be taken by female. bring FIRST THREE MONTHS of Pregnanry, as Ney w s enre to bring is Miscarriage, Lel el any other Om Ilia, are sup. lu all earee of NerrouA and Spinal Affections, rein la the llack had Lind*, Fatigue on plight eaertine, NA!: Una of the Heart, llyatyrice, end N Kitts, thew l'Aa wrl effect a cure when all other means bays rIL4, rid although • powerful remedy, do not contain ken. eetwynei antimony, or any thing hurtful to the eonatitutkm E Fall directiovi eooompany each package. Bole Agent for the United Slates and Canal% • J()b aIOSF.S, (Late 1. C. Baldwin • °IPA__ Ireelierter, N. Y. And 6 pear stamps enelored in my tborlsxd agent, R 2l 'allure a bola? tlt tL. PRI. by ratuni 00. Yor . 0 0 ler E. D. Lavrall and Lewis &hunt& & r CoCo q AP B. Mossor, A ll ontovri?, and Druggists averrsEe. =IS3EIMTIVITILIZWIS TAO AND WOOD NM PHU Is TIM BIM MEDICINE in Tai WORLN For the - Core of Cgtwhe and Colds, Croup, Betnehttiss Asthma, Difficulty in Breathing, Palpiteditat of the Heart, and figs tho relief of patients in the advanced stages of Consump ilo7l, together with all Di of the Throat and Cheat, and which predisposed to Consumption. It atteeks the root of disease, and mita the fell destroyer au.. cumb to its influence. It also produces free *Apt*• toratiou, and induces healthy aotidn in the disEssed Mucous Membranes and Tissues. It is pdoitliasfy adapted to the radical cure of Asthma. One does if this invaluable Syrup often gives ease, and imam quently sleep. which the pe.cullar nature of this dis ease denies him. It Is very pheasant to Ike tittle wed prdmpt in its effects. Try it, and be convince, that it is invaluable in the cure of firovadsial affections. 'tat-PRICE 50 CENTS PER. BOTTLE. Prepared only by A. ESENWEIN, Draggiwt. N. W. Cdr. NINTH A POPLAR Sts.Pati.ADizann.. S. B.—For Sale by Lewitt Bahmidt Cle.,iaad John B. Meier, Allentown ; Reirl A Son, HOW town ; C. E. Heald, Easton; A. W. Weber, Eats town; Geo. H. Smith A Co., PhilidelPtili, sad by Druggists and Storekeepers generall e. y.l - September 19.—May 25, 1859.' MI B RY A N•.'l3 V. i.PIILIIONI43. r I N uj r- ri7 I '?:'4://1 IR\ - w AFERD • TAO awed terrain and greedy rested far iieeenereat Ply • a: . Oisessee of the aura Mut Lange, amseie, Colds, Ilona, Conesnpirealsch(lito • • lONsolsa. Humiliate, Difunit Breathing, Sere Throe*, ike• rivitr.Sr, WAFERS give the most , Unseal adel 1 perfect relief, and when penes with aeotordiwg • to directions, nee fall to effect • and solgq• floots.fola have been restored to et health o who WOO tried ther means in TaToabuses a oeaCihs• lions they ere equally a b lessin g and a cundrs—w ell oe notell despair, so matter how long the disease troy have existed; or however sever* It may be, provided the orgarde t II 6 I I I P tore of the vital orgasm Is net 'hopeleasly decayed. Beery ono afflicted should givothern en impartial Wirt JOB MOSES,. Sole ProPliotorf Roollial• • • Trite 2f. cents per Doi. For male by . E. D. Lawall Lewis Schmidt & Co., sn a g NIA B. Moeller, Allentown, and Druggists overywherd.• MOUNT AIRY HOTEL. ffillE undersigned bogs leave to inform hie &iambi 1. and the public In general, that he has rented and now °maples the new MOUNT AIRY HOTEL. Win East Allentown on the road.leed leg from Behimpra Rotel to the At lentown Iron Works. Thtlilouse' is beautifully situated, large and room"; with first ruts stabling And water close at hint Being somewhat experienced in ketping.,a publie house, he flatters himself to be able, to give full sqt isfection to those who may think proper to fay* him with their custom. Ile will furnish his bar with the best of liquors, and his table with the choicest the market affbrds:z- - ilia bedding are all new, and cleanliness will•be ob served throughout his establishment. Be invites ouch of his friends who psi had re pass his house, to give him a call Allentown, April 11. 1860. H. H. B. LICHTCAP & CO., 1 01COMMISSIN Emu =I No. 106 Warren Street. Corner of Washington, NEW YORK. CONBIGNMENTB of Flour, Grain, Seeds, and all kinds of Produce generally solicited. The Partnership heretofore existing between 11. 11. B. Lighten!) and tieing° Wenner anger' the name of H. 11. B. Lightcap do Co.. is this day dlbaolved by mutual consent. The - business will Le carried on by U.H. B. Lighteap, under the same name. Mr. Ecorse Wen ner will hereafter-act as agent for the House, Now York. February 15, 1860 , AsSignee 'Notice. Wininvis;ll4lljam Roth and Mary Ann hie wi re; orthe tirernahip of South Wh I WWI, by vol untary deed of Aisignitient dated March 7, 1880, con veyed to the subacriber all their lodate, real, meow.. of and mixed, for the benefit of their creditors, n Lice In hereby given to all persons indebted to gni. portico to make payment to the subscriber within six week, and those having claims to present the same duly authenticated within the came time, to CHARLES COLVICIt o Assignee. Allentown, ,March 14;.1880. EZRA P. LEWIS CATAWBA.BRANDY • ED. LAWALL, sole agent for' tbe county.— . Price per battle $1:25, by the came ;10. Alleritewn,lan. 11. J. T. BIIRDON. Cffil JOAN WARD. PURE OHIO ME IZ/1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers