.FOR SPICING AND' SU.V.,IfER. NELIGH 81, BREINIG'S ONE PRICE CLOINgiNG 11-IAUAL, , (Sign of tho Big Lion.,) No. 20 East .flamilton Street, (Opposite Moser's Drug Store.) ALLENTOWN, PA. NELIGH BREINIG, feeling It an impera:ive duty to accommodate the public, found it necessary to procure a more commodious place of bu siness, and accordingly erected a PALATIAL CLOTHING HOUSE, on the corner of Hamilton street, and Church Alley (Sign of the Big Lion,) of which they have just taken Posssession, being the largest, must continue:oils,' and best arranged building for the business in A Ben t iwn. The proprietors of this Now and Magnificent Cloth ing Establishment, take pleasure in further announc ing that they harp also increased their tremendous Spring end Summer 'READY MADE CLOTHING, and are daily adding thereto all kinds of articles ap pertaining to Mon and Boy's wear which will be sold at extraordinary low rates, as they go upon the principle that a "nimble sixpence is better thud n Slow shilling!! Their stock of goods is the hugest in the place, selected with a special view to meet the wants of the community, made up in the latest styles and most durable manner. Of all the Clothing Houses in Allentuwu, they offer the Cheapest Costs, Cheapest Vests. Cheapest Pants, Cheapest Ovocalls, Ch'enpest Cloths, Cheapest Cassimeres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars, Cheapest Bosoms, Cheapesi Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest Handkerchiefs, Cheapest Hosiery, Cheapest Gloves, Cheapest Umbrellas, he., Remember that at this store the lowest priou is marked in plain figures on each garment. Plain dealing is a jewel at the Sign of the Big Lion., CUSTOU Wotw.—A largo assortment of piece pods on hand. Custom work made with tests and haste, at prices cheap as the cheapest. Give us a call be rme you purchase elsewhere. Having adopted the CASH SYSTEM, they are net compelled to provide against losses by lucre aced prices. Buyers 'who pay cash are not required to make up the losses, of such as will not pay. They are also Agents for G. C. Scott's and Thomas P. Williams', Report of Fashion March 7, 18.110 HANDSOME LADIES ATTENTION! GOOD LOOKING MEN READ !I Children Don't Cry! FOR JAMES HESS has paid attention to all' your wants. Fur ladies ho has the, nicest furs ever seen in this county, such us Mink, Fitch, Sable, Opossum,Ac., of every description and grades— lull capes, haf capes and victorines—and selling them for alinost nothing. Only $6 for a whole set, Cape, Cuffs and Muff. I defy competition—if any dealer in this county will or ran sell Fare cheaper than I ° do I will give them sway—now is your time and chance, just call and satisfy yourselves. HATS AND UZLP. UR has on hand an elegant assortment 11 of Fasnionablo Styles for 1800, among which ore a good supply from the best establishments in New York and Philadelphia mails expressly to order, which fur elegance and durability are not exeolled. Meg, all iambi of Fur and Wool Hats, Infant; and Youths Silk and Beaver lints. Also, a largo assort ment of Silk Plush and Cloth Caps, of all prices and qualip—all of which will he sold at the lowest re toe. Wolf, Cat and Buffalo Robes. and selling cheaper than the cheapest. For children, fancy Caps and Furs of every do seriptlon and color, from $1.50 to $0 a set. N. B. Cash, and the very highest market !wire, paid for Furs and Skins of all kinds. Remember the place, No. 33 East Hamilton S , ly oppo,ite tho German Reformed Church. SYLVESTER WEILEI , Agent. Allentown, Jan.lB. • -----ti . . TEMPUIf FASHION! HEAD-QUARTERS FOR :HATS & CAPS Christ & Bitting 9 NO 15 WEST HAMILTON STREET, 'H AVE on hand the best and neatest stock of goods ever before opened to the public. CA LI. AND SEE. ODE TO STRANGERS, Those ouihbinob of bricks, oh any, if thou knows O'er which the gay standardof nOllllOOl enrol. Where the welcome is warm, and the prices ore low And the nuts alit' Cops are the beet aml the clic eet in the world ? If not, tly at once to CHRIST BITTING, anti he. take yoti ; • They hest ran assist you to boor out your plan They either have got or will speedily make you The best HAT or CAP ever teen upon man Allentown, March 14, 1800 Attention Company! HodUs Eroct, and Eyes Right Cu wants' TRlO—there you van have your beards removed with case, mind your hair cut. ra pointed, curled, frizzed or shampooned in a style that cannot he surpassed. And keeps for sole his Lavare Iteditum, for preserving end bettutifying, the hair.— Alio beards colored to suit tho complexion, id the FO UNTA IN HEAD, • • No. 52 East •Hamitton Strout, south side, TEMPLE OF TeI,BTE, No. 22 East Hamilton St., north side, and UNITY CABIN, '• • North west wrier of Seventh and Linden Sts The subseriher renders many thault. to his old mu Irons and invites timse to call. who hove not twee, the chit:limey of hid tonne MI operations. Iho carp, in under the supervision of PROF. C. 11. HARRIS, Allentown, Pn. —ly Docomboi 7.—July 13 $5O to pl5O ror Month. • TIONORAIILE BUSINESS. —Agonts local or tray oiling wanted in every town and county in the Unitin to engage in the sale of a new article, patent, of utility, beauty and novelty demanded in . every family, office, store and manufactory, affording large profits and quick sales. No humbug or medicine, and no bonus for patent right. Circalur of descrip ion, terms,- kc. , mailed am application with three cent stamp, to EMAN CELL t CO., Box 74, Allentown, Pa. —tf February 8,1800 .. --.-, „ . • • , . , . ; * 4 .. ' ~. ..... . ~ , . .. . . . , . . , . .. + • . . II ' • , .. •,. • . , . . " • . ~ d ; :,,,.:.: ~.'.- i -.- : ~ .... , . . .. , . .. • 0 i' , -.. ..,:'',.. . . '; .. ' . •' CO ' .. ''. . r • . "4 t. s '''' -' ' ...,..\ ~..,, ~. . . . , . . . ' 2. : ..'• . . . . . • ' • ... . , _ ',.'„,': ''''',....',., ~' ~ ~ • • . i.... ,'.. ' . ::, 'i• 1.5.:-: 1...•.`.',, : .• ' • , -1. , . . . '. I'l .. , • . 1...,1., ' ',..: ~,, e ,• ::7:% - ,:. ' •',;.... .•.: '• ..,r.,.. .., , •• . . t 1 ''.::;• , . ... • . • . , IV ?.., • f c . . . ' • ' • , .......,!1. • ',..,1•.. ...1L1... .., . . . ~.....7 . ..., .. . ...;... • • . . " ~. • ~.... ~ A ,••• ... • t) • '— '1•11 - ii . • . . .. . ' . . ' PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY HUBER & OLIVER AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER ANNUL WAR ill THE SOUTH, G URU instructionis as necessary ns food, nod was the instruction. Benjamin Franklin, gave when he aaid rion curly, live soberly, and apply thy. still with ii.dustry, and with practising roles of econ omy you will he cure to succeed in your widertai:• inv. for economy is of Itself a great revenue and by depositing such revenue in the store of • which they have just opened at the corner of Eight! Joel Sts., opposite the well known Hagen buck's Hotel, said store rooms formerly Occupied 11., Schlauch Danneheuer, here just received iron Philadelphia end New York, with n large and spice did variety of Merchandise, which cannot be lies outside of the cities for I.ca . Aty and cheapness. Their stock consists of every variety of Groceries, Qucensuare. Earthenware, Cln:=.x• Into . , Carpets, Oil Cloth, Oil Shades. d., which they are selling for cash, at a vary small ad- VIIIICO on wholo,alo city pricLs. Their Dress Goods nro all of the most fashionable selections, comprising Rich Fancy Silks, now styles, Boiled Black Silk!, imported, Plain Pail de Sois, in every shade rind color. llandsome Ilayadere • Foulard; Marceline and' Florence Silks, Shawls, Mantillas, Dusters, Satin Challies, Glossy Valeneias, Clime Itoistonas, Berages, Granadines, India Silks, Chintzes, be. Bost Fronting and Family Linens. Cloths and Cassimeros. Muslim, Flannels, Tickings, Piano and Tables Covers, , . Table Cloth, Marseilles Quilts, ,Allendale Quilts, &c., Together with a full rissortmonr of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods. Give us a call, examine the goods and learn the prices, and you will be convinced that our goods aro what they should be, and n s pen- should have them—good and cheap. The highest marke.t prices paid for all kind, of iroduce. . SAMUNT. SnICSIIIIIII. JOSIAH GERMAN.] [NATHAN GERMAN, J Allentown. March 28, 1860. =IY MI 181 and a strugglo at tho well-known Gerintan & Son, SPRING AND SUIIIMER GOODS, E. D. LAWALL, Apothecary and Druggist WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 21 West Hamilton St., Allentown, .Pa VONSTANTLY ON HAND Drugs, Chemicals, Dyestuffs, Acids, Perfumery, Patent Catnpbenn, Medicines, Alcohol, Torpentind; Soda Ash, Cattle Powder, Potash, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, Castile Soap, bard Oil, &c., .tic. Just received n fresh, supply of Congress Watt r from Saratoga Springs. For medicinal purposes, several fino brands of Brandy, Old Port \Vine and Gin. Physicians can have confidence in the purity of all Medicines furnished by one. ;xl. - T.Country Deniers purchasing articles of ma will find prices agreeable, allowing them ns fair profits as by buying goods either in Philadelphia or New York. . E. D. LAWALL. Allentown, July 20. —tf Singer's Sewing Machines • - (.4:i 9 1 .11 E late reduction . in ~4 — ,,„ . _4( t'i_A... I price of these ma: `k . ,...• - t--p:.. i •: , ..,...f,c , ', 4 chines brings them. io ,e.. 5 .,,, c 4. if ,' reach of everybody.-- , _ . 1... -,!",.. 1.,;" . "These machines have an (~ = ^ l / 4, -73, 7 , established reputation all . : 1 . ,..- -. : '(( , over the civilized world , for its durability and tho ~, ,1 r 1 t , work it performs. Ther a /; i , . --. 'IA , \ J. 1.4 ,, is no g e tting i., ou t of order. . '''.. 1 5.;i4 , • ,r ‘ .1 It . mu..it , ! a lock . stdc.l >' - ..,-.z . .1 .. !,4a 0 .4 which will neither rip ravel nor pull out. Per sous having these machines in use would not par with theip.•ns St 000 a year can be made with ono 0 theme For sale at the Boot and Stoic Store of GEORGE LUCAS A: SON, (Agents for B. ltandall,) No. i East Hamilton St., Allentown Pa P. 5.—A1l °Mere promptly attended Allentown, January 17, 1860. —t TO THE. PUBLIC. j. ~,..._ . T 3 E n o T ,, i i n ic a ce n s il ,f. C u mpe c r a r ti i t h o i l i m i g ,, i r tie t s b :: : , 2 _ lost twenty-ono year nt No. IS and .fu. Wet-I.llamilion street, in the Borough of Allentown by Amos Ettinger, will fromend after the first ofAu-, girt he condueted under the firm of Ettibger ut. Fon. The [Mention of the public is called to the fact, that the business hereafter will heconduct d en the Cash System. By so dealing we expect to reduce our prices, sell cheaper than' ever, and thereby benefit the public /IS Well as ourselves. Thankful for past furors, the new fin, solicit es continuance of the palming°, with which the old business stand has Mum favored. A indite invitatinmis extended to all Fueh, as fire indebted. Ott the oil boolo. to muko settlement in ensh or neceptahlu miners. Those who may not know, when an aecount i.s due, way ho reminded soon by legal process. AMOS ETTINGER. WM. .1. 'ETTINGER. July 27,1 . 9. —tf Mosser& No. 30 East Ilaniiito'n S ALL EN7' 0 IV , WHOLESALE old Retail dealers in Red end oak Sole, llarnese; Upper and Collor Leath er: Kinps, Cab Skins, :%loroceo. hid, Linings, Hilo` ngs, threads and Shoo Fin - dings at low pric , or rash. Also host TIIIIIIVTS Oil. . The highest price pail for Bides. BAI?K! BARB!! B.1IIK! r! .'They wish to'buy three Inuwlrril conix of good Cls,Rnut Oak /lurk, at their nunnery pear the Little Lehigh. They pay Seven Dollars and Fifty cents per Those Who will cut Bowe wood thin .print will do well to peal it,AIS the Hark elone ie worth as nrieli, us Bark uhd wood to ether... MOSSOR ,t GRIM. 0 -4 to Ilentovn, Jan. IS GRADUATE of Jefferson 'Metlista College, it anti resident of Heidelberg township. Le high county, imtnediatoty in the vicinity of the pnldie 11 , 111S11 of :llr. I)aniel Delbert, eGre his pry. tessionol cervices to the citizens of that vicinity. Ito gladly answer to calk at nil 1111111'N or the dny or night. [Norm' er 111. Sfa—tl Removed. CM. RUNK has removed his Lnw Mee to No, 46 s Haat Hamilton street, opposite ikehtel's Amer ican Hotel. The Office of Resit Smtann, and of the ALLEN INSURANCE CORPANY have been removed to the eatue place. Dec. 17 1859, New Jersey 1 and 6 ° Pe and ._,". -"'-' l o l tß , AlEt t. at l.- " A agA' g ' WAt3 11 E n_rii'r:l, •*- - - ';• - t5'74 ----- __A .-- -,.,_-_-!.4:" ...- t t f - 7:2 - n , - - _ "•_-_•.-.-- -- .:-.;'-::* . FREIGRT LINE. -FRO3I NEW YORK TO EASTON. vtirrE HAVEN. WILKES BARRE, AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS, via the MORRIS & LEHIGH CANALS NOTICH ii hereby given that n roguler fine of covered Boats will be run from PIER 1.1 , , NI)II II It WEB, (between Dey and Courtin:3d Streets,) New York, the present season, through the Morris and Lehigh Canals. The above line was started in 1859. as an experi ment, and net with such ene.aliagement from mer• ' chants and shippers as to induce its continual - tee on a more extensive settle, and with a better organiza tion; and they feel satisfied that with the facilities now posoesnod, and the exh nme Inn , ', Ore offered, they can give perfect sntiefnclit a to all who may pat retain them. Their connections with other transportation lines ar no follows, viz: At WASUINUToN, N. 3., with the Del. Lnek, .h Wes tern It. lload.• " Lehigh Transporta . tion Co.. to & from l'hiln. "•EaSt Penn It. 11. for Reading Pa.. " " Lehigh & It. R. for Wilkes . t acre, Pa. nail farther notice their Boats will leave New York as follows: For Wilkesbarre, via White Haven, every Saturday. •' Ea,tan every Tuesday, Thursday, and S:durday. Waehington, Daily, Sundays excepted. JOHN OP DYCKE, Agent For Eaton, Freemansberg, Bethlehem II nd Allen- ASTON, Pa., A i.i.i:NrowN, Pit., WIIIT7.III . VC,N, Pa., °Mee, Pier 19, North River. New Von{ March 28, 1860. • The Red. Lion. \That's tho matter? what's the fuss ?. what's loose? what's up ? W hut.'s the cause of this mighty commotion ! Is the Jordan on Ate? is the Lehigh dried up? Have the mountains been set all in motion ? • Vhat does Jnek yell about? what is got into Brown? Why is all the world racing and ruuning?— t is the Red Lion, he lays himself down With an air full of comfort and cunning; Ito Plmiths his thielc mane as if in great anger 'But not With intent to devour, For ho merely roars out: where is friend Gange- were? And asks him the very sumo hour Who says that you had been chased out of the Square, 'Cause fifty more 'reeks had been kicking? It cannot be true, for it would nut be fair, Unless through some partisan tricking. This pleases old Gangwere, and puts him in nicer And he sings out: we'll make it all right, sir. Had I but continued to take some 0111341 beer, I could 'stay whero I was, without doubt, sir. Thoy think that the square is a magnet of might, Surpassing tho North Polo's attraction, And draws to its focus, by day and by night The frionds of n pure Malt-Decoction. My "Pretzels" have always been splendid, they say And cc was my " Swictzcr"--by Jingo ! And Segars that I'v: fregnently given away, Aru selling at 3 cents in Mingo. And had I not served up no "bully." indeed, 'lt would be 'by golly" 00 Wunder, Thnt no ono would follow me over the street, When others du servo over yonder. Now, finally, friends and nemmintlinees, clone And meet at the Red Lion nightly. Your old daddy ilimgewer has plenty of room You'll lind none eo clever and sprightly. And should his new cellar take fire, the flame Could be quenched with delicious lager And the tire in the smmach his lunches will tame, Then mind and look out for AB. GANG WERE. Allentown, March 28, MO. Exton'sCelebrated Crackers. For the Sick as well a: those in Hoalth Wt• t 71 (--jr A ' no Cracker in the market that can N urp sr , ton's •cnton Wine Crackers, MT ER CRACKERS, deh bu re'ceived the First 'Premiums at the e Fairs of New Jersey, held at Trenton. Sept. 1838, and at Elizabeth City, Sept. 1559. 1-I^'ING introduced them into nearly nll the prin cipal stores in Allentown and Bethlehem, he merely asks those who have not tried them to do so and judge for themselves. Rend the. Certificate of Dr: JRnies 13. (101 l man, of Trenton, N. J..wl .re the Crackers are annulltetured. mt. JAMES B. COLEMAN ' S CEIITIFICAiIL The Wine crackers manufactured by A. Exton of Trenton. N. J. nre composed of wheat flour, soy, r, butter. lard, lemon end common salt. The delioa of taste. lightness and crispness depend altogether upon the purity of material, mixing and baking.— They are easy of digestion, nutritive, and palatable, are excellent food for the sick as well ns those in per. feet health. The Water Crackers are equally pure, Their superior quality is owing to the skill with which they aro manufactured JAMES B. COLEMAN. Allentown, March 1.1, ISO°. —Ant • Carriage Manufactory, „ T HE undersigned hereby informs • . • 1. the public that ho keeps con stantly on hand ut his Carriage Man ufactory of Schnecksville, Lehigh County, Carria ges of all dzscriptiuns, which he is umpired to furn ish of the lowest rates. This carriage manufactory has been long established and is well known in this entire section of the county. None but the best !na turists aro used, and the best workmen employed.— Persons culling can at till dines have a largo variety, from which to select. Orders fur now carriages promptly tilled. Repairs !Mule tit the shortest no tice. By prompt attention to business the sub. ecriber. expects to increase that liberal patronage, with which he has already boon favored by the pub lic., JONATHAN HESS, Schneektiville, February 29, 1890 StorO Goods, At the old Stand, Ni). 0 East Hamilton Street, 3 doors below riVic d Newhard's.Hotel,. Al- lenlown. TUE underFigned would respectfully announce that he has knit returned fr nn Philadelphia with a lot of new Goods in addition to his already large stock of all kinds of Dry Goode . , Groceries, he. . lla will be glad to see, all his friknds and former en, timers of the old firm at the Store, hopine by strict attention to business and fair dealing to merit a continuance of patronage. People from the country are invited to give him a call. All kind of country produce taken in ex change for goods and the highest market price paid. J. T. IIUIRDGE. --tf March 7, 1860 Adorn 'Woolever. &TTORNEY AT LAW, SHERIFF'S , OFFICE, ALLENTOWN, PA. WILL attend to the collection of chime in Le. high and adjoining countice Allenton•n, July 27, 1859 IZOB Stand from Under. 4-- T mli earth is bonding, and Joseph Stopp's Cheap 1. Cash Store is against the world and all the rest of manhind. Groat slaughter in the field of battle. fur, the Sheriff ims.taken his course in New York, Boston, and Philudelphilt, and near 400 car loads of new style Spring and Summer Silks; and all other kinds of new and• fnehionable dress goods, hosiery, and embroideries:have just been sold under the hummer; also, near 1000 half and quarter bar ! rels of the very best umekercl that ever were brought into Allentown; also, it largo lot of Sugar, Coffee. Molasses. Mee, Ton, Chocolate, liaisons, JA. And just two days before the lot of Aril, Joseph Stapp bought nearly all the above mentioned goods • for some of his old rusty California Gold. And, I therefore, Stopp can, and will sell for Cash, cheaper ! than any other cheap man in this orally other cheap world. Now boys, fair play and no gauging.— StoNt's Cheap Cash Store is at No. 35 West Handl t n $4., Allentown, Pa. Don't miss the place, No. 35, Na. 35, No. 35, ind . l opt heard sotne talk of another largo Sheriff's Salo of Shawls. Cloaks, Man. tillss, and Parasols. Don't tell anybody that Stopp has something less than IS or 20,000 of the hard 'John Davi:3' ready far the sale next weak. t"?.. N.Notice hereby given that I have ~..sparchased this day the interest of Ire. Stapp, It Co', Milhnery et , ro at No. 35 W. lhunil ou Allentown, Pa., and that 'I hare now but large n, ,, orlinent ~ I':7, t raw and Fancy bonnets. Shalt- Itibbons, flowers, 4c., which I will sell very cheap fur Cos Meurnini bonnets always on hand. Country Milliners supplied at Wholesale City A lielltA.NV 11, April 4, I SGO. ,—tit Transportation Line. 2 4 - 4 - , 1 1 11 11 LEHIGH TRANSPORTATION COMPANY give notico that they ore now prepared to re ci...ve end forward merchanelize of all kinds to and from Philadelphia, Reston. Ilethlediem, Allentown, :Nlattele Chunk and Penn Haven and all int it mediate points via Delewaro Cnd. The , goods will be reeieved at their old Stand, first wharf above Vine St. on the Delaware. This old established lice line been in operatien for upwards of twenty yea rs and with striet attention to linsinesl4, ,the ' Company hope to deliver safely end with despnteli all good. entrusted to their charge. Th. y re-peed folly solicit the patronage of shippers. C. IL. LANI NO, Coneral Agent C. PRETZ. Allentown, .lonN DRAKE, EnFton, T. B. Wit. SUN, " DERRICK H C " WM. MrtnniEn, N. Y. 3. T. li.stanr, P. S. M ERStOR, I WM. 11. POMP, Fonons, " JOHN DRICITKC, railing under the firm of DRAKE, WILSON, k CO MID MB En LEHIGH PROPRIETOR, AGENTS. .S. A. CLEW ELL Philadelphia. JOHN OPDYCK E, Ealton. I.IOIIIIE KNAUSS, Bethlehem E. MOSS, Allentown. it •Ith, ISGO. C~oocls. KISS H. C. KICHLINE, 1 1. . Ph ESPE C . :f I , II LL Y informs f t-kr. .the . Ladies of Allentown and, • 40, its vicinity that sho eon still be! 4 ,3,.., 1 !'•?5, found at the old stand in " Wilson's Ai ,71 , /,t) Row," No. 6 East Hamilton Street,l 11;' .•V 't , :p Allentown, near the Gorman Reform- i ed Church, where she has received a ' , ••: • huge assortment of new and fashion ,:i'li' , able MILLINERY GOODS. Her variety consists in part of French Lace Blonde, Mona, Lace, Fluted Lnee, Embroidered Hair Tri poli,colored embroidered Ilelgrades ' English Dun-! tables. All kinds of Casio Bonnetr,Moorning Den net, French and all kinds of Artificials, Cape, Fom ent's, and all kinds of Ribbons, ,tic. Repairing, fhaping, whitening and pressing after the latest fashion, and equal to any city establish ment. is always done at the shortest possible notice.. Miss Kiehline makes it evident that her stack of Tlonnets is of the most t,shionnble selection, and nrice; correspondingly reasounble. She trusts' that a generous public will extend to her n liberal patron age, for which she will always Mel grateful. ,f.',4 - Country Milliners will find it to their advan tage by diving her a call, ns she will soli to them at n very low advance. Allentown, March 21,1860, MILLINERY And Mantua Making Establishmpt. MESS MARY A. STETTLER respectfiilljt in forms the public that . she carries on4he Mil linery and Dress Making business at No. 9 West Ilamiliton street, above Roeder do Lerch Store, where she would be happy to neeommodate all in need of anything in her lino of business. She l e ts just returned Nom New York and Philadelphia with a large and elegant stock of Spring and Summer miLLINERT GOODS , Among which will be found all kinds of Bonnet Vel vets or all colors and variety of prices.' Colored Vel vets of all colors and prices. Figured, water'd and clot Bonnet Goods. Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, a l.trgo assort:non!. French and American Mowers. Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowne t Buekrams. Se., &c., together with, splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Fe.% t hers. The above good,t were selected with much care, and will ho sold at the very ("west market prices. Duti't forget the place, No. 9, Win(i Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa. MARY A. STETTLEII.. . Allentown, Feb., 28, 18110. if WA LL PAPERS. 20,000 Rolls of Wall Papers of every possible variety and description. , i'nE undersigned has just received direct from the I manufactories, the larg, - st, the hest and the cheapest assortment or %VALI. PAPERS, ever offer ed to the public in Allentown. ' Persons desiring to purchase, would do well to Ball and examine my stock of new Patterns and heatttiful designs at low prices before purchasing elsewhere. Alo all kinds of Gilt aptl Plain Window Shades, and Fixtures. . EDWIN SAEGER, Nu. tit East Ilatuißon St., Allentown, Pa., Dealtlr in School BooltS, Wall P.spers, Perfumery, ! Su., ,te. Also nn News Agency. Marsh 11. • --If Pennock's Iron Harvester.. . 71111 E attention of Farmers pnrticulnrly I invited to this superior combined Mow cr and 11,111)er. Its lightness of draft, sim plicity,, durability, ens% of manogement, tiro slow speed at which it cut in the heavie. t grass, its free dom from choking and clogging, the diminished lia bility to get otit of.fopisir, the good quality and com pleteness of its construction, and its perfect adapta tion to both Mowing and Reaping, render it the most desirable Machine in use. • GRARAM, EMLEN I'ASSMOItE, Solo Agents, 627 Market Street, Philadelphia: March 11, 11+60 Allentown Seminary. Rrx. IV. 11. 1101TORD, A. M. Principal. REV: J. S. KESSLER, D. ll... Assistant Principal, THE 24th Semi-Allllll,ll SCW18(111 of this Institution JLwill connueneo on Tuesday, the Ist of:May.- 110 coursu or instruction embraces all the branches of a thorough English education, the elements of Latin, Greek, Freheh and Gorman. Partietalar attention will ho given to those who design to prepare theinsulves for teaching. • Students of a propur ago are accommodated with private rooms. For Catalogues, or particulars apply to the Principal. March 14,1660 Executors Notice. LBITERS testamentary having been granted to o the undersigned, Executor of the last will and testament of Staphen.Barber, late of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, deceased, all persons in &Veil to said estate are requoiitod to make payment within six weeks from title date; and all parables having claims against said estate, will present thorn, duly authenticated, for settlement within the abeFe mentioned time to • . JOSEPH YOUNG, Executoi. Alluntuivn, Alta•oli 2108 U. .111 OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. .Ti )-- 5.7 - 2.1 1 . I nUR MUSICAL FRIEND, a Rare Companion for "the Winter Months. livery Pianist, I Should procure this weekly Every Singer, Publication of Vocal and Every Teacher, nine Forte Music, cost- Every Pupil, ing but TEN CENTS a Every Amateur, number, and pronounced By the entire Press of tho country, to be "Thu Best and Cheapest Work of the kind in the World." Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for TEN, CENTS. Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, $2.30; Quarterly, 51.25. Subscribe to "Our Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest News dealer. and you will have Music enough for your entire family and at insignifi cant cosi ; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin. Cornet, Clrtrionet, Accordion, etc., etc., sub scribe to the SOLO MELODIST, Containing 12 pages; costing, only TEN CENTS n Number; Yearly, $!!.50; Ilalf-yearly, $1.25. All the back Numbers at 10 cents. and Bound Vol umes;containing 17 Numbers, at $2.30 each, eon atantly on band C. 11. SEYMOUR A; 107 Nassau Street, New Vol - lc. Innuary 25, IS6O. NOW IS YOUR penari. Stattlei R E,PECT I? 11 LIX informs his . friends, costumer(-, and the a public in neneral, that ho still continues the COACIIMAKING r • • 11US1NES S, in its various branches, at bin alit plitntl on the corner of Sixth and Linden strento, in the borough of Allentown, whore hp will always keep on band or manufacture to or der at the shortest notice, nil kinds ofearringes, such ne BEI ill I ES, CA RRYA LIJS, SULK EA'S, tice. Ilis.materials Loin; of the best Ilia can be pro (-tired, and the workmen being Fecund to none in the Union, be feela confident that, he can in:nue:e ntre Carriages, in paint of workmanship. in botuty and in style, equal to ally other in the State. Ilia work is done under his own eye, and Call be warranted if requested. All kinds of repniring done in the noatest, cheap est and most expeditious milliner. Poroons can call and examine for themselves, as no charges will be made. 'nankin' for past farm+, he hopeo by strict at tention to hit buoinc. , s, to merit a still larger churn of mild in patronage. :larch 7. MO. • -if Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore exi,ting between the undersigned in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, in the Hardware business, under the firm of Barber, Young .4, Co., was dissolved . February 23d, 1860, by mutual consent. Alt such no are indebted to said firm, arc requested. to make immediate p.ty went at the old Business Stand, and such, as have claims against the same, lire requested to present theta for payment. STEPHEN BARBER, JOSEPH YOUNG, MARK S. YOUNG. The business will be conducted at the old stand by th'e undersigned, under the firm of Murk S. Young Si Co., and it will afford the members of the firm pleasure to see their ald friends, as well ne to show all purchasers their wares, knowing that the prices will give satisfaction. MARK S. YOUNG. • EDWARD B. YOUNG, REUBEN P. sTEcEEL, JOSEPH YOUNG,. Allentown, March 14. EAGLE HOTEL. CORNER of Hamilton and Seventh St.eikis, (Mar tact Square) Allentown, Pa. TILE ' Eagle' is well situated for the as onualatiel of travelers. It is furnished in the hest manner. The Tableis practical with the beet fare them tr het affords, and the bar supplied with the purest am. best liquors. Farmers and persens from the country, will tine the stabling and yard, as well as the Hotel, cameo nient. _W-Otnnibusos run regularly from this houso the Enil-raid depots. MOSES SCHNEER., Proprietor., Allentown, January 4, 1860. Iy -3m JOHN F. HALBACH appointedJUSlloE OE TWE PEACE. Oth ee on the we=t lido of 9d. atreot il tou and Linden Streets, has been I Agent of Holler's European Express and Expe• tlition, Commission, and Forwarding Home, No. :I Chamber Street, New York. He writes or draws nil Powers 0 torncys in flu German anti English Langarages mitt orwards to. WI Germany and England. AI:0 Pass ••13 cortificatet can he had at itis office to Bremen, litti.kburg,Havre, Antwerp, Rotterdam and London. / % Allentown, August 31, 18511. --tf Allen Insurance. Co., ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY, PA. rug IS Company is organized under the general In suranee' Laws of this State, and insures upon the mutual principle exclusively, against loss by fire, on 13uildings, Merchandise and other property. Ap plication for insurance may be made nt the efli,e of the company, or to the Surveyors whose names have heretofore been announced. C. W. COOPER, President. C. M. RUNIC, Secretary. Allentown, Oec, 17 1859. —ly Executors' Notice. LETTERS testamentary haying been grail od to the undersigned, Executors' of the last will and testament ol• Peter Newhard, lata.,f the Verough of Allenawn, Lehigh county, deceased, all persons in. dehted to said estate are requested to make payment within six weeks from thin date; and all persons haying claims ugaint•t•said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, for settletnent within the aboYe tnentioned time to SARAH NEWHARD,} • • R. R. NEWIIARD , Execiltort: AMANDA A. SMITH . , Allentown, March It, MO. 8. 3E° l=" 3EI , WITH Lathrop, Ludington & .Co. iMPOIV . ITHS and Jobbers Foroign and Do mostte DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, • Nos. 2 and 25 Park Phtee, Now York. Also•alway.; ou hand an extensive stock 0! Yooke6 N.tions. New Yuri,'. November 80, 1855, A. B. Nchwartz, ATTORNEY IT LAW, OFFICE, East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. tire doors east of the Sherilre Office. pirCan Ma consulted in the English and (Jarman languages."llZ. No ember 23, lestl • Ground IPhister•. A LAitial quantity of ground pinster is yet on IL hand, mid will lie kept un hand, at the mill of the undersigned in Hanover township, Lehigh coun ty, near Allentown, which will bu'seld (bridge free) ut the lowest prices, -:lui April 4 NATIONAL HOTEL, RACE STREET, ABOVE Turazi PIIILADELPIIIA. CYRUS CAIt.)IANY, Prupriotor. November 2, 1859. FIVE DOLLARS PER DAY cap oertainly be made--No rink to run. No capital required.— Agents %vented everywhere. - Adams Box 77 Allentown, 'Penn's. THE GOOD BYE. " George I—George I" " Woll, what's wanting now?" F The young husband turned back the ) sluar. knob, and there was impatience in: tone, and annoyance on his brow, as he answered his wife's call. " Nothing. papa, only baby and I just want to kiss you good-bye." And she came towards hie?, the little, graceful, sweet-voiced woman with her baby in her arms, and held up the small, soft face to his cheeks, and the little ono crowed, and thrust up its little, dimpled hands, and °latched the short, thick looks triumphant• "0 baby, you rogue. you'd like to pull out handful of papa's hair, wouldn't you," now laughed the merchant, in a tone so unlike hie former one, that you would not have recogniz ed it, and he leaned down, and kissed the small fragrant lips over and over. ' " Now it's my turn, papa," and Mrs. Rey colds smoothed the rumpled hair, and kissec her husband's forehead; and has he wont out or the house that morning, a new softness and peace had erased the troubled look from the man's thee. And that day it was appointed to George Reynolds to pass through a sharp and fearful trn.tation. to was in the midst of a commercial crisis, I several of his heaviest debtors had failed t wock, and now a payment of ten thousand tars way due and there was no wny to raise a BUM unless Ile held the pen irresolutely in his shaking hand, the veins were swollen into great, blue cents on his forehead, and the breath came thick and fast betwixt his hot lips; a few scrawls of that pen, a solitary name at the bot tom, and the young merchant could secure the ten thousand dollars, and his business credit would be safe. There was no sort of doubt, too, but he could , raise the money in a few dap, and thus secure himself from all discov ery, and the pressing circumstances of the case certainly allowed some limits in financiering. So whispered the•tempter as he AvAlkeil up and down the soul of George Reynolds, always softening down the word forgery into some false name, which totally changed to his per ceptions the mural complexion of the deed he Was about td commit. Theyoung merchant's eyes glared all around his aloe, but there, was none to see him then ; he dipped his pen 1.4 a kind of desperate eagerness into the tall porcelain ink-stand, and he drew it along the paper, when suddenly his hand paused. struck by a thought—the mom-' cry of his Wife's kiss that morning. Ile saw her as he saw her last, standing in the door, the baby in her arms, her sweet face full of motherly tenderneSs and wifely trust, as she lifted it to him at parting; the voice of the tempter passed away betbre that rush of holier emotion which blurred the man's eyesi . he dash ed down the pen. " Mary ! you have saved your husband from this great din." George Reyn'olds did not sink. It was a hard struggle, but the ,storm passed by with out falling on him as it did on many others, and Mary, his wife, haver knew that she had Saved her husband . from a sin which in her eyes wont(' have been worse than death. The good which we have done, '%170 shall know " not here but hereafter," and the best and truest lives are those which strew all the years with the sweet aromas of loving and self sacrificing deeds. As the water lilies take root and grow silent -1 • amid the slime and mud in tow waters until in the mid summer they open their great cream vases to the soft persuasions of the sunshine, streams, the glory and idealization of all flowers so amid the lowlands of life, among its shadows and mists have also to sOwtlay by day our small seeds of gentle and generous deeds, not knowing when they take root or expecting to ,behold their unfolding into blossoms on the river of 0 ye Who sigh to set, your lives with the ara , hesquze of great and nobler deeds, who pant for broader horizons And higher opportuni ties. God has appointed you a work where you are, Every day lifts up its white chance outof the night and is held down to you through all its solemn, silent-fo)ted hours for those small la hors of love whose true significance and rela tions we shall only anderStand in eternity. And in this small daily labor lies much of woman's work, and her sweet home-influence falls like the sunshine and the evening dew up on the characters around her. ME KERN, JACOBS & CO. 3m Shy may little eionprehond what a silent Three of healing, restraining, strengthening in fluence she is exerting and periods. of unrest and despondency may fill many hours with shadows which would ho illuminated with joy and thanksgiving if she could only know aS she is known. But the pieturesior all fh4s lire locked up in the eternal galleries, nl the angels hold the keys, and when God's Toiee speaks the word, the <loors shall he opened, and when we go in we shall '" behfild• rind understand." Don't keep a gentleman waittng'Half an hour, when he calls, While you put tin lace and rib bon's, and arrange curls; ho isn't a fool, what ever you may think on the ilubject, and will probably form his own itlemi upon your original appearance.. Don't run MO hide like an affrighted '1 1 41)11, when a gentleman puts hieheaditito where yoit are swooping or ditstiig. ilitite's anything to be ashamed of in thelmilh'ess,4l:4 do . you'a4 it? • • • Don't proclaim to the world, that you Can't exist without six Paris bonnets in the year, and that life would be a burden without an iipera , box and diamonds, and then Wonder thatlithe young MO "sheer off." Ihr A family, consisting of husband; wife, And above all, wheri some one doe's propose sister-in-law, and daughter, were arrested in don't, say no when yen mean yes Ho may take Louisville, Ky., who had been making a good " you at pair Mord, , . •,„ , , thing out Of the insurante`cOmpanies. Their If you. follow altthese precepts you May one `plan was to rent a house, 'stock it with . hired ' day succeed in getting imtrrind;,apa..that, you furniture, bn which they would get insurance, know; is the'suinatit enrithlifitubition: and then burn down the house; having preysM ra. *oi ngio ;, ffr y - 1 6 i , • - ously , run off the furniture. Thin game they , ' ' l• have played . in 'several chick but were bnught people know themselves, soMitt 'folks at it in Louisville. would make very bad acquaintances. Mir" Good mornin,t, Ponirry," said a law yor• " "Vapid morning, Massa. C---." "What makes you carry your head down so Pompey? Why - don't you walk with hetul up; like me?" " Massa C- , you ever bin trough a field of wheat-when he ripe?" . . " Yes, Pompey." "Well, you take notice, some of de head stern up; and some hang down ; deny titan up got no grain in ein." • :•(;.• ;') • su .4i (P. iil.ll The Mart that Kissed Three . A young man who boarded at a house in the• country, whore several coy damsels; who seem. ed to imagine that men are terrible creatures, whoin it was an unpardonable sin to look at, was one afternoon accosted by an acquaintance, and asked what ho thought of the young halm with whom he boarded ? Ile replied that they wore very shy and reserved. • " So they are," returned the • other, 'a:td so much so that no gentleman could •get .near enough to tell the color of their eyes. ' That they may be, said the boarder, yet I will stake a million that I can kiss all three without any trouble.' 'That you cannot no,' cried his friend ; ' it is an'achievement which neither you'nor any other man can accomplish.' • The other s was positive, and invited his friend to the house to witness his triumph. They en tered the house together: and the three girls were all at home sitting beiide their mother, and they looked as prim and demure, as John Ro7ers at the stake., Our hero assumed a very grave aspect, even . to deje.:tion, and having looked wiet fully et the clock, breathed a sigh as deep as algebrrs, and as long as a female dialogue at a sired door. llis singular deportment DOW • attracted . the attention of the girls, who oast their open.: ing eyes up to his countenance. Perceiving the imprensien he had made, he turned to his companion and said : • It wants three minutes of the time !' • , • Do you speak of the dinner ?' said the old lady, laying down her sewing work. • Dinner?' said he, with a bewildered as pect, and pointing as if Ineonseionsly, with curled fore-finger at the clock. A silence ensued, during which the female part of the household glared at the young man with irrepressible curiosity. ' You will see me decently interred, saidhe, again turning to his friend. ' ' His friend was as much puzzled as any body present, and his embarmsment added to the intended effect; but the old lady being un able. to contain herself, cried- Mr. C-, pray, What do you speak of?' ' Nothing,' answered he in 'a lugubrious tone, ' lint last night a spirit . appeared unto me. Here the three girls rose to their feet and drew near. ' And the spirit gave me warn ing that I should die exactly at twelve o'clock to-day, and you see it lacks but half a minute to that time.' The girls turned pale, and their hidden sym pathies were at once awakened for the doona ed youth. They stood chained to the spOt, looking alter nately at the clock and the young man. ire then walked up'to the eldest of the girls, and raking her by - thssehand,' bade her a solemn farewell. He alskidpriiited a kiss upon her trembling lips,--which she did not attempt to resin . He then bade the second and third farewell in the same tender and affectionate mauner. Ills 0140'4 'Was - achieved, and 'that moment the clock struck twelve: ,Heroupon, lie look surprised, and ejaculated, "Who would have believed that .an apparition would tell such a lie ?. It was some time before the . sober .maidens understood the joke, and when' they. did, they evinced no resentment. Hints to Young'Ladies Dont make a confidente of the fireVirOtereatink Young WY you meet. A woman can't keep' a secret any more than a sievo ean , heldwtiter ; and ten to one she'll tell the *hole story to the sister of a nice ,outig 'man of her4cquaina tance. Then you canimaglne the' cbtitequen. cos ! Don't sit doWn to your crotchet work or embroidery unless you have first mended that hole in your stocking. No use •Orowding it under the heel of yinir shoe. Rags like Min.- der, will out; and they speak withterribletlead • voices anti 'at inconvenient seasone'osometimes. Don't undertake •to write skim milk poetry when you feel a little dispose toWardenthnsiasni. Go and do kind aotimi; or speak nn encourage=' , ing wort' to somebody, ill the feeling hiust have 1 vont. Depend upon it you'll bnhett'ir eiatielled afteiwa rd. Don't pretend to be angry because gentle• men have the audacity to look at you when you proinenade the street in yotir best, , , bonnet. What do ydu ge there for if not to be seen? The more you affect indignation the More the' of- , fowling wretches won't believe it. Don't pay thirty or forty dollars for the aforesaid' bonne , and then 'complain that "pa" is in etch nar row circumstances that you can't afford to give twenty-live ents in charity. Don't eat blue'and yellow candies the whole time, like a mouse nibbling atlii‘ pine•apple cheese, and then lament because' you' havem't auy appotite for dinner: • • • t . • Don't ask a beardless .bny what Scheel he ' tendS;•and whether he prefers kite's or Marbles,' unless yourtre certain he is tidither' " rising young lawyer" nor n member 'of the"Legieln! two.' • • FM II EOM .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers