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' 1 ...,1 ,: I:: ~,;,,, •,.,. ~. j;.,,,!, ' , . . . .. . . . . . . . . . , • , :.. - .''''.."'''' . 7.7.7 . 7':.:' 1 7,r08C18111t0;.:'`-IrgEKI4Y:'''..IIY:IOIIIEALk..!'OIAVE.ICAT:..ONE ..11191L1 4 14 . :AND . , ..F.lpiry • LENTS - ...P.:ER ..atill, KRA 'VOLUME XIV.) . 1 4'011 SPRING ANP SUNNE,Th IVELI4,tt BigitTiGriS CLOTHING HALL, (Sigh of the Big, Lion,) - No. 20 East Hamilton Street , (opposite Moser's Drug Store.) A 1, .Ar 11' 1' -N m,ron BREINIG, fooling nn imperative duty to net:omit - slate the public, found it necessary to procure a more commodious place of bu siness, and accordingly erected a PALATIAL cLonuNo imusE, on the corner of Hamilton street, and Church Alley (Sign of the Big Lion,) of which they Wive just token ilosesession, being the largeq, most commodious, "Ind best arranged building ior the business in Allen town. The proprietors of this New and Magnificent Cloth ing Establishment, latch pleagure in further announc ing that they have also increased their tremendous Spring and Smuttier • READY MADE CLOTHING, rind are daily adding thereto all kinds of tOtieles op -pertaining to Men and Boy's wear which will be • sold at extraordinary low rates, as they go upon the principle that it "nimble sixnenee is better Hind a -slow shilling." Their stock of goods is the largest in the place, selected with a speeiat•View to meet the trouts of the e amonnity, made up in the latest styles nod' most durable manner. Of all the Clothing Houses in Allenteirn, they offer the Chenpaq Contri, • Chenpest Vests, .. . Cheapest Pants, heapest °recoils, Cheapest Cloths, Cheapest Cassitneres, Cheapest Shirts, Cheapest Collars; Cheapest Rooms, Cheapest Neckties, Cheapest Scarfs, Cheapest—Handkerchiefs, • Cheapest Hosiery, Cheapest Gloves, • Cheapest Umbrellos, ‘te., 'Remember Hint •ift thiS . store - the lowest price is marked in plain figures on each garment. Plain .denting is a jewel at the Sign of the Big Lion. Cr omit Wouts.—A large assortment of piece goods roe haul. Custom work made with taste and lon , te, at prices cheap as the cheapest. Give us mu call be. ore yon purchnse elsewhere. Haring adopted , tho.c.a.-;11 sirs TB NLthey.are.nnt compelled to pferille agninst• los'ses by increased prices. Buyers who pay •alBll are not require-I to make up (ho losses, of such as Will not pity. They are also . Agents for C.C. Scott's and Thomas P. Williams', Repot t of Fashion Mareb 7, Min LIVERY STABLE, WILLIAM F. YEAGER, RPECTFIII.LY informs his friends and the public generally, that he still continues to curry on the Livery business in Law Alley, (in the' Aar of Lk Itomig's residence,) where he is prepared to accommodate all who wish horses anal vehicles, at the shortest notice and on reason:Ode terms. II is r took of Horses hos been selected with great rare, And trained with nn especial view to safety, which • places him in a position of keeping the vary model of n 'lll. XAVERIE STABLE. He does not approve Dr hiring nut broken-clown, balk 3, ring -boned, spavined, or dis eased horses, hut Of keeping the right kind of stock, such as can travel well and do credit to Iris stable. Ilia carriages and vehichlos of every description will always ho kept dean and in good urger. He trusts that by strict Intention to business and Iteeping'the boot of stock, Ins will he favored with n liberal shore of pa trolls go. f, All orders left at the Allen House will be promptly attended tar , WILLIAM I', YEAGEIt Allentown,Angnet 10, 1860, TIMPIi Of FASHION! REA D-QUAR I PEUS FOR HATS. & CA I'S Christ & Bitting, NO 15 WEST HAMILTON STREET, .LAVE en liana the, hoot and neatest stta;l: or goods 11 eviir. before opened to Elio public. CALL. AND SIM. Those mamium, brielm, (.11 say, it' tLun knowest. O'er whitM the guy standard (~rPAsiuoN'sl un W 'here the welcome is warm, and the prices are IMvest And the Iluts r nd °ups are the beA and the cheap eat in the world? If not, tly at onee to CHRIST ,t; BITTING, and be take fop; They. best eon nsrist you to beer out your plan, They either have got or will tretedily make you Tho bold lIAT or.CA P ever :wen upon man Allentown, Itlareb I I, 18110, Attention, Company! Heads lirect, and *Myna night, Cn AltltlS"flt 10 —there you c.ail have your be Ards 1111 removed with ease, and your hair cut, roin peened, curled, frizzed or shit inpooned in a style that cannot be surpassed. And keeps for sale his Lavare Iledittim, for preserving :Intl la:until:Ong the hair. Also tu tad, eolored to snit the complexion, at the PO r A"P. I / IIE.II). No. :,2 Nast Hamilton Street, south side, TE.I//?/./ . : (11.' T.I STE, • • No. 29 host limeiltee St., north side, and nviry North We t •rner of Seventh and Linden Sts. Thu subscriber remit!' s many thanks to his obl pa trons and invites those to callt w.io live not te,ted the ollieieney of hit: tUaa , .lial operations, 'J be caps is under the supervision 01 .PROP. C. 11. 11.111111 R, Allentown, Pa. I y Devoniber 7.—July 13 r I LI A (1 11 () 14 poitmin or itumiiton antlSeventh Sire (Mar -4..) het Square) Allentown, Ps. • Tit E Eagle' is well.: limited fur the accoutodation of traveler,4. It is furnished in cot manner. The Table is provided with the hest fare tic tear kat affords, and the bar supplied sit), the purest and Lust liquors. Farmers and , persons from the country, will lin.l the stalling and yard, well as• the •Ilotel, conve nient.' • '7i:l - Omnibuses inn regularly (rota this (loam to the Itail-ro tti depots. AitglZE:j Propriutor.• Allentown, .Tatinary .1, I ly QPlat !site r. AEA /1 14 4.1 ( 1 11,illiiiy of ground phodet is yet on hand, and:yill be kept on hand, at tlto will of the untlendgned in Iluuoretßowuei.ip, ladti,Lll coun ty, near Allentown, uhielt will Lu bald (bridge tree) at the leivest priceti. 4 ximrt, JACOBS Ss CO. Elm Avril A, PNEI PRICE} ODE TO STRZLNGIMS, 1860. New Jersey and Pennsylvania -,-- : :- -- - 4 .4. - - „, 3 ,:„ . _:_--r. FA. . iEIGHT LINE • •• NtYll .• YORK TO EASTON. WHITE : HAVEN. WILKES BARRE, .AND • . nitERAIEDIAtE pOINTS. via the MORR IS & LEHIGH CANALS. N . .orte.E .hereby giyon Rim a regular lino' of % covered . I.louta will )..n3 run from PIER NORTH RIVER, (batman Lay and .Courtland • Strects,) Now York, tho . presout 80118011, through the • The abovO lino was Started in as an rxperi- meet, and not with such encouragement from mar chants and shippers as to induce its contin an • o on a more extensive scale, and with a butter driMni7.ll - and they Joel satisfied that with the, faeilitie: now possessed, and the extreme bon metes offered, icy can give perfect satisfaction to ell who may pntronizu them. Their connections with other transportation ar no follows,•vis : At WASHINGTON, N. J., with the Del. Lack, A Wes tern it. Road, . " " Lehigh Trnnsporta lion Co., to A EMITON, P.., from Phila. " ALT.TNTONN, Pa., " " East Penn It, It. foi Renilin'g Pa., " MUTE HAvr.ll,.Pn., " Lehigh Susry.. It. It. for Wilkes . • I , arre, Pn.. Until further notice their Boats will leave New York as follows : For Wilicesbarre, via White Haven, ovary Satitrday " Easton every Tuesday, Thursday, Anil Saturday " NVashington, Daily, Sundays excepted.. JOHN OPDYCKE, Agent For Easton, Freomansburg, Bethlehem and Allen ten•n. LANING, Ocnernl Agent Office, Ner 19, North River. New York. Morel' 28, 1860. tr. • The fled Lion. What's the matter? what's the fuss'? what's 19ose what's up ? IThat's the cause of this mighty commotion ! Is the Jordan on lite? is the Lehigh dried up? !lave the mountains beets set all In motion? What does Jack yell about? what is got into Brown? Why is all the world racing and rurtning ? It is the Bed Lion, he lays himself down With an air full of comfort and'eunning; • , 110 shakes his thick 111E1711! ns if in grant anger . but not with inteht to devour, For ho merely runrs'out: where is friend (Jnnge were? And asks him the very saute hour : Who says that you had boon chased out of thu Square, 'Canso fifty morn, rocks had Leon kicking P. ft cannot ho true, for it w•oul.l not he fair, • lialess through some partintn tricking. This pleases old Gungwore, oral puts him In Omer • And he sings out: we'll make it ell right, sir. Had I 1111 L Con tinue.llo take mine one'pl beer, • r court'', iq.lty :who're r tine; Wttnift - tlhfiltr, 'si r. • 'Choy think that tho.squnre is n magnet of might, Surpassing tho North Polo's attraction, And draws to its focus, by day and by night. The friends or n pure,,Nalt-Decortion, • IMII My "Pretzels" have always been splendid, they Nay Anil so was my " . Seiletzer"--by Jingo! • And Sugars that rv, frequently given away, Are selling at :t cents in Mingo. And hod I not served up so " indeed; It would be " by golly" nu wonder, Thal no ono would follow me over the street, When others do serve over yonder. Now, finally, friends and nequniutances, come And meet nt the Red Lion nightly. Your old daddy tlangower has plenty of room You'll find none so clover and sprightly. And should his now cellar take lire, the llama Could . lm quenched with delirious lager And the fire in the s:etnaell his lunches will tame, Then mind and look out for AB. GANOWERE. Allentown, March 23, 1800. Exton's Celebrated Crackers For the,Siok as woll as those in Hoalth Them is no Cracker in the market that onn Euro Exton's Trenton Wine Crackers, OR Ills NM WATER CRACKERS, For welch ho received tho First Premiums nt the State Fairs of Now Jersey, hold at Trenton, Sept. . MS, and at Elizabeth City, Sept. 185 U. H NA c r i l p N a ? m i t t ,r tr oV u o iiiA d i t io h n ou to i w in n to n n n eda l l i y et n ii l i l e t;: c e u p i ri l n i, :: merely nsks those who have nut tried them to do Nn and juilgu for thposulves. Retail the Certilleate of Dr..fnmes 13. Cokninn, of Trenton, N. J. where the Crackers tan inanufnetnred. • on. .I .\N EH 11. COLEMAN'S I'IIIITICICATEL The Wino Crackers manufaeturod by A. Exton, of Trontim, N. J. aro composed of wheat flour, sugar, butter, lard, lemon and common salt. The delicacy of taste, lightness and crispness depend altogether upon the purity of material, mixing and baking.— they mire easy of digestion, nutritive, and palatable . , tiro excellent food for the sick as well its those in per- Met health. Tho Water Crackers are equally pure. Their superiorquality is owing to the skill witu which (hey arc manufactured JAMES D. COLEMAN. Allentown, Mnreli I I, I 8 (l. EC Carriage Manufactoryi undersigned hereby informs Jl. tho public that he keeps run -4411111113t....5tant1y on hand at his Carriage Man ufactory at Schneeksville, Lehigh County, Carria ges of all daseriptions, which le is prepared to fern ish nt the lowest rates. This carriage innimfactory has been long cstabli4ied and is well known in tbt : entire section of the county. None lint the hest • terials are used, and the bust workmen employed.- Persons calling elm urall times have a largo variety, rn.in which to :Arm. • Orders for now carringes promptly tilled. Repairs made nt the shortest nu tlet,. By 1 , 1 , 1'10 ntlention to ho,jites, th o twitter expeets to itivreaso that liberal patrimnge, with which lie has already bcon favored by the pub lie. .19NATIIAN HESS. Selinecksvillo, Poi:runny 21r,"18“ ----t f ?dosser & No. 30 I±ll.st Hamilton St. .1 1, L 1.,' A' 7' () 11' A', ..PA jIIfIi.I:SALI nodßetail dealers in Red and V' Intl{ Sole, Ilutrness, Upper and Collar Leath ; Kipps, Calf Skins; Aloroneo, Kid, Linings. !timi ngs, :une threads null Shoo Findings at. low prices nr cash. Also boid. Taunters Ilil. . Thu highest price paid fur Hides. • B.l.IIK! UK!! 11.111 IC! ! ! ..They wi=t to hey coc,/,, t jgond rh,,,aut at their tannery near the Little Lehigh. They pay Seven Ikoliars 1111 d Firty cents per cord. Thosu who will cut down wood. this spring will do well to peal it, as the Bark alone ib Mirth as int,elt, tie Darlt and wood together. 11111 M. Allentown, Jan. IS NATIONAL HOTEL, 3141.C11 ST' .LET, ABOVE THIRD .• P i A.l) E P I- A C YltUti CARMANY, Novonibur 2, Mt). • ALLENTOWN, PA', NVEJ/N.ESDAY MORNING, ,APRIL : 25, 1800, Stand troliat tinder. 9 1 111 1 1 mirth is betiding, and Joseph Stepp's Cheap Cash Store is against tho world and all the rest of manhind. Groat slaughter in the field of battle, for, the Sheriff has taken his course In Now York, Boston, and Philadelphia, and near 400 ear loath of new style Spring and Summer Silks; and all other' kinds of now and fashionable dress goods, hosiery, and embroideries hare just been sold under the hammer; also, near 1000 half and quarter bar role of the very best mackerel that over were brought into Allentown t oleo, a large lot of Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Tea, Chocolate, liaisons, Ace. And just two days before tho Ist of Aril, Joseph Stopp bought nearly all the atm° mentioned goods for some of his gold lusty California Gold. 1 oil, tiv Mime, Stony). enn, and will sell for Cash, cheaper titan any Mimi•then', mon m this or any other cheap whild. Now bobs, fait play and to ganging.— Sto-p's Cheap Cash Slum is at No. 35 West Baton ton St., Allentown, Pa. Don't tniss the place, Nu. 15, No. 35, No. 35, And I 'tilt heard some talk of another large Sheriff's unto of Shawls. Cloaks, Mon, titles, and Porn:Mk bon't tell anybody that Stapp has• ;mint:thing less than 18 or 20,000 of tho hutd 'John Balls' fertaik flw the snla.noLt-rrock.: ~1 rittt N. B. Notice Is hemby given that I havo b ) purchased this day the intermit of Mrs. Stopp, Co's oliillinery bwro at No. 35 W. "Intuit oh et., Allentown, Pa., and that 1 haVo now got a largo assort went of Straw and Fancy bonnets, Shak ers, Ribbons, flowers, kc., which I will sell very heap fur Cos t. Mourning bonnets always on hand. Country Milliners supplied at Wholesalo City Prices. Allentown, April 4, 1800. —St LE HIGH Transportation Line, T HE LIIIIIUH TRANSPORTATIPN COMPANY 1. give notice that they aro now prepared do re clove and forward merebandize of all kinds to and from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Monett Chunk and l'cnn Haven and all int ~mediate points via Didaware and Imhioh Canal. Tho goods will bo reeieved at their old Stand, first wharf ahoVe Vino St., on the Dula ware. This old established line has been in operation fur upwards of• twenty years and with strict nttention to bneines.4, the Company hope to deliver safely and with despatch all goods entrusted to their charge. Vic y respect f.dly solicit the patronage of shippers. • ,P It 0 1 E 7'011,Y, • C. l'n Erz, All en !own, .14.11 N Di: I, Easton, T. B. sv sox, " DERRICK " WM.Mrtitiuml, N. Y. J. T. P. S. Ahuni.ru, Huston, WE. PonnA Trading - under the firm of DRANK, WILSON, ,t; CO. A OEN TS. S. A. CLEWELL, Philadelphia. JOIIN OPDYCK H, Easton. BORITEK 4-, KNAUSS, Bethlehem. 'OSS, Allentown. April •tth, 1860, Gootis. MISS H. C. KICHLINE, ' 1 ESPFiO 'V F . UT, L Y informs ."\ , 1 t lin Ladicl4 . of Allentown and i ' lt • 4 1p i licttbi,, its virittily that she Call still he .i ft c;•, ,, , • •,,,,:.. Mond at. lto old stand in " Wilson's „,_.:6•,..4411 Row," No. it East Hamilton :tract, `••—"'"\ • • Allentown, neon Ilto German Reform , 1 0 4 .'• 4 . ' ' ed Church. where she lots reeeived a ," large os,ortment of new nod f.ndtiott - Ob.` able MILLI N Ell l'• li OOHS. Tier variety consists in part of Pren,•ll Lace Blonde, Blond Lie n , Fluted Lane, Fanlirnidereil Hair Tri poli, colored .ninlonltlerecl , Belgrades, English Don - Aahles. All kinds-of Chain Bonnets, Mourning 11, u nuts, French and nil kinds or Artiticiula, Cnps, Face- cap+, and all kinds orltibbona, 4e, . Repairing, nitaping, whitening and preening niter the latent fashion, and equal to •nay city establish- Went, is always done at the shortest possible notice. Miss Kichline makes it evident that her at , el; of !Sonnets is of the most fashionable selection, and prices correspondingly reason:tide. She Artists that a generous public will extend to her a liberal patron age, for which she will always reel grateful. .PK'S - Country Milliners will find it to their ndvan tage by giving her a call, as she will sell to then at a very low advance. Allentown, Merch 21, 1800 And Mantua Making Establishment. .. ; MIS S AIARIYr, A. Sl EI T UAL respectfully forms the public that Rho carries on the Mil linery and Dress Making business at No..9 , West Ilamiliton street., above Roeder S Lerch' Stomp where she would he happy to nectimmodate all in need of anything In her lino of business. She has Just. returned from New York and Philadelphia with a large and elegant stock of Spring and Summer • mituNERT Gimps 9 Among whiehmill be found all kinds of BonnetVal 'vets of nll colors and variety of prices. Colored Vet vets of all colors and prices. Figired, water'd and corded Bonnet, Goods. bonnet and Cap Ribbons, large assortment. French and ,American Flowers. Laces, Bonnet Tabs, Crowns,,liuckrams, together with a splendid assortment of Paris Fancy Feathers.. . . . . The above goods were selected with much care, and will be sold at the very lowest inorket prices. Don't forget the place, No. 9, West Hamilton St., Allentown, l'a MARY A. STLTTLI R Allentown, Fob., 2S, ISM). WALL PAPERS. 20,000 Rolls of Wall Papers of every., possible variety and description. undersigned hnBjust received direct from the manufactories, the larg2st, the best and the cheapest assurtutent of WALL PAPERS, ever offer ed to the public in Allentown. Persons desiring to purchase, would dd well to call and 'examine my stuck of new Patterns and beautiful designs at low prices before purchasing elsewhere. Also all kinds of Gilt and Plain Window Shades, and Fixtures. EDWIN SAEGER, Ni,. 61 East Hamilton St., Allentown, Pa., Dealer in School Book's, Wall Papers, Perfttmery, Also a News Agency, March 11 Penoek's Iron Harvester, :-... swa g , 1111.. attention of Partners is .particularly .. W f .1. invited to this superior combined Mow er and Reaper. Its lightness of draft, sim plicity, durability, ease of management, the slow speed at which it cut in the heavioit grass, its free dom front choking and clogging, the di atinishud lin bility to gut out of repair, tha good quality and com pleteness of its construction, and its perfect adapta tion to both Mowing, and Reaping, rustler it the must dusirahle Machine in use. URA 11A AI, P.SILENS pAssmonx, Sul6 Agente, 637• Alarket Street, Mureh 11, 1 S Allentown Seminary. It in% W. It. 110FrORD. A. M. Principal. REV. J. S. ICES:A..ER, D. D. Assistant Principal, rrllE 2 lth . 4 ionti;.4liiii SCIPIBOII of this Institution .1 will Commence on Tuesday, the let of May.— The course of ittstruction embraces all the branches of a thorough English education, the elements of Latin, Greek, Frolich and normal'. Particular attentimi will . be given to those who design to prepare themselves for teaching. Students of a proper ago are accommodated with private roinno, Ear Catalogues, or particulars apply to the Principal. March 1.1,1860 Executors Notice. LETT.ELLS lestal.entory having been grunted to flit, undersigned, Exceutor of the lost will anti le: lament of lien Barber, late of the borough of Allentowu, Lehigh county,'oleecaFed, all person,: &laud to said cent Le ore requested to matte payment within six weeks (rota •this dote; and till persons Ittivitig clitieas against sold estOte, will pro,untthetn, duly otithuntieatell, for sultlenient within thu above uututiuuu'a time to JOSF.PIi YOUNG, Ex . ocutor. Allentown, Nardi 21;186), Wm. IL. l'omr, ." JOHN OP I) I:, 1" MILLINERY OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. .L~ ? U . , . . Wit MUSIdAL . FRIEND,' a Rare Companion for the Winter Months. Every Pianist,. . Should procure this weekly Every Singer,-' - Publication of Vocal and Every reticher, • Piano Forte Mitsle, cost- Every Pupil, ' . I .ing but TEN CENTS a EVOry Amateur, number, and pronounced By tho cullio. Press of the country, to ho "The Best and Clienfiest Work of the hind In the World." Twelve full-siz.d Pages of Weal and Piano Forte Music for TEN CENTS. • Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, 2.60; QUarierly,4l . .2s. Subscribe to ...Our Musical Friond," or order it from . the iltation. News dealer, find you will have Mnsie enough for your entire family and atinsignifi cant cost; mot if yon *ant ,Music fol. the Flute, Violin, Corral, Claimant, Accordion,- etc., eto., sub scribe to the • . . . , • • SOLO MELODIST, Coniainlnti • 2 pages. costing only TEN CENTS a NurqbecicYla lv, 2:so; ' s Half-yearly, $1.2, - .,. Al‘ th.d3) . f; umbels at I U i!onts, and Bound Vol -I,ll,9•l,,Mallinitvg 17 Numbers, at $2.50 each, con stantly on liao. C. E. SEYMOUR CO.. 107 NtmFau Street, New York. January 2( ISIIO, • —2in =I =qui NOW IS YOUR. TIME. itgliman St tle It' RESPECTFULLY informs his friends, customers, and the lA&public , in gonerel, that he still Vir continues the COA CIIMA KIN 0 -. :7 7 13U5INLAS, in its various bronchus, nt his old stand on the corner of Sixth and Linden streets, in the borough of Allentown, where he will always keep on band or manufacture to or der at the 'shortest 'mile°, all kinds ofearringes, flitch its Bat WES) CAIIitYALT , S , SULkIiTS, Ills buttetittis bon g of the best that can be pro enrod, and the , workmen being second to none in the Union, heofeels confident that he con manuf..c turn Carriages, in point of workmanship, in beauty d bi style, equal to any other in the State. Ilia work is,,dene under his own eye, and can be werran led bf requested. All kinds of repairing done in the neatest, cheap. est and most eNpeditions Manner. Persons con call and ekniaine for thmnselves, as no charges will ho made. Thant:lel fur pant favors, be hopes by strict at tention to his business, to merit a slithery' . shorn 11f 1111111 in t twinge March . 7, 14,10 E. D. LAWALL, Apothecary and Druggist. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 21 flrej Ilum St., Jllll ., niutvit, l'a fIONSTANTLY ON HAND 1 Orngs, Chemicals, Dyestuffs, Ye-1r . Acids, Perfumery, Patent 5 1.47. is Fluid, Vain ph ene, Medicines, k... 11 11; . Alcohol, g'iirpetitinc, Soda Ash, Cattle Powder, Potash, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, Castile) , o;ip, Lard Oil, .1:c , &e. 'rust receleca a fresh supply of Congress Wsiter from Sai:ttog , Springs. For itiedivinal, purposep, several fine brands of Itrandy, Ohl Port Wine and Physiciabs ran hire confidelice in the purity of ail Medkine+ furiihdied L ,y, inc. Dealers purchasing articles of toe will'find pile& agreeable, allowing them as fair prolits•as by boning goods either in Philadelphia or New V. I. ."= 7 - E. 1). LAWA'LL. • Arentown, July 20. I. -tr Dissdltttiore Notice NOTICE is hereby given 'that the co-partnerSlOp heretof , ore existing between the undersigned in the Borough of Allentown, Lehigh County, intim Hardware business, under the firm of Barber, Young Jr, CO, was dissolved February 23‘1, 1800, by mutual eement. All such as are indebted to said firm, are requested to make immediate payment at the old Business Stand, and such, as have 'claims against the same, arc requested to present them for payment. STEPHEN BARBER, `JOSEPH YOUNG, • MARK S. YOUNG. ISM The business will be conducted at the old stand by .14 the undersigned, under the Ilrin of Mark 6. Young Co., and it will afford the members of the firm pleasure to vce their aid friends, no well as to chow nil purchasers their wares, knowing that the prices will give satisfaction. . MARK S. YOUNG, EDWAIt D B. YOUNG, REUBEN P. STECKEL, •- JOSEPH YOUNG. Allentown, March 14. • —ft Sewing Singer's 'Machines. • (....3 ) THI , I T Ic de o r r edl t r es ti c olLi i. n . Cl, - -; ,, , 't ..."•• (.... . ,W' ~.',A chines brings them in - .- I '." - -: '''‘' . 1-T re l ' i t ,t n ' t ' i r tel e ti v n L e q s .3. l=e y. an „.„. ..,,,ti ' established - reputation all .. • - ...'.. ,;.' ' I, i over the civilized world .... 4r 1',.,2„, •. . for its durability and tho t . work it performs. Where 1 , 1,1 no getting out of order. ' / 4 44.:" '_ l l • It makes a lock stitch . .[ - “‘„4 . ...... 46 .. which will. neither rip, ravel nor pull out. Per . sons having these machines in use would not part with' them, as : , ,41000 a year can be made with one of them. Jien 01110 at 010 lloet, and Shoe Store of - ti EORG E LUCAS A; SON", . • • (Agent for B. Randall,) No. t, East Hamilton St., Allentown Pm 1 P. S.--AII orders promptly attended to Allentown, January 17, 1800. • .Executors 9 Notice. LETTERS Metamentaty having been granted to the undersigned, Executor? of the last will and testament of Peter Newhard, late of the borough of Allentown, Lehigh county, deceased, all parsons in. dubted to said estate ere requested to make payment witiOn six weeks front title date; and nil persons having claims against said estate, will present them, duly authenticated, fur settlement within the above meniknled t.llllO to • SARAH NEWHIA.ED, E. It. Nimumw, • Exocutorp. AMANDA A. SMITH, Allentown, Mauch 14, 1860, OM . AL 3P T-a • WITII Lathrop, Ludington & Co. I AIPORTEItS and Jobber 3 of Foreign and Do rnestie J.PRY 7d - IMS, ./10.57E/i i 1 . • Nos 23 nod 25 Vial( New York. Also always on band an oxteneive stock. o NOt101:1S. Nor York, November 185% —ly A. B. Schwartz, ATTORNEY U LAW, n FFI,OE, liasG Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pa. X-1 lice doors cant of the Sheriff's 011ioe. .1:.1.1 - Cati ho consulted in the Eogllab and Oerman . language! , ."s. Iloventher 25, 1859, • • D l, ,/ 11 A UI.ADUATF ofJeffersou'Medical College, and resident of Heidelberg township, Le . • • 'high county, immediately in the vicinity of the public house of Mr. Daniel Delbert, offers his pro fussienal services to the eltieens of that vicinity. lie will glaidly'answerAo calls at all hours of the day or night. • • ' [Novetuhei lli, 185t1,--ti IEIII Adaiii: Woolever, ATTORNEY-AT. LAW,. SIIERIFF'S OPPICE, ALLENTOWN, PA. WILL attend to tho collection of claims in Le liigh and adjoining countiou. Allentown, July 27, 18159,. NEW GOOD% NEW GOOD: AT THE a ILI 1 47 ‘ (t) Mt la OF reeDtER t C ,NVe s Lll u t Allentown, returned from Nun York and Philadelphia with•a largo and splendid assmtment of SPRING AND SUAIMBR GOODS. The liberal patronage wo have received we consider a sufficient guarantee for enlarging our Stock, Beleiving that, by keeping a largo and well selected stock of . goods. That we con increase our sales and therefore afford to sell nt, less profits, adhering to the new rule of " Large Sales and,Small Profits.' Raeder k Larch make baits in fine goods such as Plain and Figured Black Silks, Fancy Silks of every shade, color and Intact styles, now styles of Irish Poplins, Silk Irons, Camillus, English and French Barges, Votenable, ebonies, new materials fur'Truv ailing goods, otc., •Wo have also a largo stock of Shawls, Raglans, Dustres, Manillas, Sun Umborellos, Parasols, K id 'Gloves, :MOURNING GOODS Bombazines, Alapaccas, all Wool DoMinos, Chally DClailiCS, Black and figured Silk Ironos at 278 cents per yard, Mehairs, Valencias, Lisle 'Ph-cad Ging hams, Calicoes, Black English• Crape, Lovo and Craps Veils, Collars, kc. Also,a full assortment of hall' mourning goads. Ladies and Childrcds STEEL SPRING SKIRTS, white and colored froth 20 cents up tds2l)o. Gentlemen's Wear. Block' and light colored cloth, Cassimcros; Vest ings, icons ale, A grout variety of Ifoisory, Cloves. Linens, Linen linntlkerchief, Linen and Woolen Ta tie Covers, Marseillas Quilts, Bosoms, Collars, Cra vats, Umbrellas Jce. Queensware and Glasses in all varieties. a ut ocomillaapa • WE hnco• always on hand n r T. 3110 large and well selected stock , l i t i mm , 4 4. u p, of Sugar, Tons, Molasses, Coffee, YLVAIIIMPIutr Raisins, 'Spices, Coarse and fine Salt by sack or bushel, Dried Fruits of all kinds constantly on hand. FISII! PIS!!! Macharol No. 1. 2 null 2, Whole Haloes, and Quar ter tmult , . Whitu Fish which wo ()Inv at cost for • N. 13.—A1l kinds of country produce taken in ox change for goods,and the highest market price paid tli.i'lease give us n call before purchasing else where. No charge f&r showing goods. C. 11. It.,.w.nr:ni Allentown,April 11, ISGO IMO ew s for e, c • Charles Keck, • Merchant Tailor in Allentown. LjEltlipY informs 'his friends ttrl•tho public •i II general, that he still coniinnos nn the Merchant Tailoring llnnines.r. • No. East. Hamilton street, "nearly opposite the tterman lietorMed Church, in Allentown Ivliere he keeps on hand a. ,Large Assortment of Woollen Goods, mu' as Cloths, Onsiinicrts, Sittlinetts, le., of a colors and prices. Satin and Marseilles Vesting. Sommer drew goods Pr um and lovs, alt of what, were seleVted by himself with great care. As fir Custonier Work-, lle will In, ready at all times to make up any kin .CCionds inln Clothing for Ctistomers, tut the short est notiee bought elaewhere, and will he pleased t see his old ett.tomers retufh to him with favors. II further returns hiriAineore thanks to those who bar :divers farmed hint with their mvitotn, nod trust that he will he able to merit their friendship. bone( forth BEA I) Y MAW: 01.01'11.1N0. Ito keeps on hand a genotlal assortment of Itnn MADE CI,OTII N (1," SIVil as COs is of every quality? Pants and VOSUIIgH. Such who are in want of the articles just named, will do well to call at his. estah tishment, as ho is satisfied to sell at a living Foal while others do business to gain wealth, He will furnish a complete dress from $5 to $25. It is evi dent then, that it is to your advantage reader, to give him a nail and judge for yourself. He is in the regular reloipt of Philadelphia 'and New lurk Fashion Plates, whichluables him to cut for each according to his taste and fancy. He invites the public to give him a call and canto ine his Hoods and his Clothing—which costs milli ing—and satisfy themselves of what is said above: farther, ho feels satiAett if this is done, it will prove to the advantage of .those who have adopted the plan Allentown, April!, 'SOO. tf A Fresh Arrival of GOoda THE now firm of Horn, :Jacobs Co. 'MVO just 1. returned froni Philadelphia and New York with a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS. ConSisting of Dry thou 141 Hardware, Groceries, Queonsware, and inline of all such articles, as are kept on hand in a country store—a dock not to be excelled in the County, and which they can cell as diem, if not cheaper, than at.any stores Outside the Sca-ports, prirmi the ordinary country produce taken in trade for goods, and"the highest market prices- paid fur the cam: _•_ _ _ April •4. JOHN F. HALOACH JUSTICE If THE PEACE. nfli Weco un the 'West side of 2.1. street between V ton and Linden Street , has been appointed as Agent of 111. L. Boiler's European Express and Expe dition, Commission, mid Forwarding 'louse, No. 4 'Chamber Street, New York. Ile writes or draws all Powers of Attorneys in the Garman and English Languages and forwards to all Germany and Englitud.'. Also Passago certificates can be had at his office to Bremen, Homburg, 11111 re, Antwerp, Rotterdam and London. .Allentown, August 11, 185 U. IMS TM TROTTING SUWON •St®: Charles ixT ILL ctand nt t h e vtablee of the Vv A .1/1:71 ICA N Allen. 44,, town, Lehign nountyi !end nt,ne elite, idatte,) from the 2.der April In LIM let el Augmd, 1860, every day in the week, (Snmlay: except..lJ Early application l'or his maviees should be made, as they are limited. WM Allabhorn, March 28, Allen Insurance Cot, ALLENTOWN, LEHIGH COUNTY; PA. plus cumpalis is organized under the gonernlln• 1. suranee Laws of this State, nnil insures ulna Ito It:moat pritleiplo exelusively, ugainst. loss by lire o u Iluildiiig Merellatulise and other properly. Ap• pliention 14 iIISUMIIUU may lie made at the ollieo the coninnny,ur to the Surveyors .whose names ha huretofore been announced. 0. W.. 000 PER, President. 0. M. BUNK, Serretary. Allentown, Dee, il. 18511 $5O to slso•Por IMEonth. MEI lION °RAMA: It US fN ESS. —Agentslocalor troy oiling wanted in every town and county in the Union to eng,ige in the fain of it new article patent, of utility, beauty mot novelty demanded In every family, office, stint, and manttfaetory, ofriirding profits and quick suleA. No tit tatlufg or medicine and no bonus for patent right. Cire.aar of deserip ion, terms, he., mailed on application with three cent stamp, to !, PLAN UELL CO., Ads i 4, Allentown,..Pa. robrunry f, 1960 • Removed. C • 11., RUN K has removed his .latly W N Wilco to o. 11; , Eat Hamilton ettnet, opposite beeliture Amor- , lean Maul. The Unice of Ruita Rumen, and Of the Ata,m; InsunAect:. COItVANY have been' removed to the same place. , . Doc • • 17 1869.1 . Mr. Edge was Into at breakfast—that' was not an umisual'oecurrenci3—and ho was a tlo disposed to be cross—which Was likewike, nothing now. So ho retired behind his news paper, and dovoured his eggs and: toast with out vouchsafing any reply; savb unsocial mon osyllables to the gentle remarks of the fresh looking little lady opposite-4o wit: Mrs. Edge. But she was gathering together for the grand final onslaught, and when at length Mr. Edge had got down to the last paragraph, and laid aside the reading sheet it Caine. Dear, didn't you say you were going to leave me a hundred dollars for my furs to-day?" " Whatfurs?" (Rather shortly it was spo ken.) notwEß LERNT. [B. F. Lencu. CHARLES R ECK KERN, JACOBS Sr, CO. Bin P. V. BUSTED ME F 1 Blue Eyes Behind a Veil. by LUCY A. RANDXa "Those new sable, dear; my old affairs aro gettingshockingly, shabby, and I really think— •" Oh pshawl what's the use of being so '6i trevagant? I haven't any•money.just now to lay out in uselosg folli . 9s. The old furs are good enough fier any sensible woman to wear." Mis. Edge, good, meek little soul that she was, relapsed into obedient silence ; she only sighed a soft, inward sigh, and presently be gan on a new tack. " Henry, will you go with me, to my aunt's to night '• Can't you go tdone ?" " Alone? How would it: look?" Mrs. Edge's ember—for she had one thought ,it.„did'nt ',Ty often parade itself—was fairly roused.— " You are so neglectful of those little talon tions you used to pay me once—you never walk with me, nor pick up my handkerchief' nor notice my dress, as you did once." " Well, a fellow can't be Corey. tin upon the women, can he ?" grOwle 1r Edge. . • " You could be polite enough to Miss Wfl (en last night, when you never 'thought to ask me if I wanted anything, though you knew perfectly Well that I had a headache.. I don't believe you care so:inuelt es you used to do!" And ,Mrs. Edge looked 'extremely pretty, with tears in her blue eyes and a quiver on the round rosy lips. " Pshaw !" said the husband peevishly.— " Now don't be silly Maria!" "And in the stage yesterday, you never asked me lf I was warm enough, or put my shawl round me, while Mr__Brown was, so very alfectionate. to his wife! It was mortifying enough, Ilenry—it was indeed!" •• I didn't know women were. such fools," said Mr. Edge sternly, as he drew on his over coat to escape the tempest which he saw ra- pidly impending. " Ain I the sort of a man to make a ninny of myself doing the phlite to any female creature?'. Did you ever know me to be conscious whether a woman had ti shawl 'or a swallow-tailed coat ?" Maria eclipsed the blue eyes behind a little pocket handkerchief, and lidnry, the savage, banged the door loud enough to giveDetty, the kitchen a nervous start. "Raining again! I do believe we tiregoing to have is second edition of the deluge," said Mr. Edge to himself that'evoning as he en sconsed his six feet of iniquity in the aouth west corner of it car at the City Hall. "Go ahead, conductor, can't you ? What aro you waiting for ? Don't yoU see we're full, and its dark already?" " In ono minute, sir," said the condnetor; as he helped a little woman with a basket op board. " New, sir, Move up a, bit if you ME Mr. Edge was !exceedingly comfortable, didn't want •to (novo up, but the light of the InmP, just ignited; falling full on the peurtY forehead and shining golden hair of thO comer, ho altered his mind and ho (lid move up: • "What lovely eyes!" tooth lie mentally, as le bestowed 'a single tieltnowledging " Real violet blue ! the very color I admire nost. Bless me! whet bosiness has an „old narried man like tile thinking apttt; ey , • Vita would Marin say, the jealous • Mink! There—she's drawn a confounded yi;.k . fiver her face. and the light: is as dim as'n low but those were pretty eyes !" The fair poSsessor of the blue eyes shivered slightly and he drew her mantilla' closer round her shoulders. " Are you cold, Miss? Pray, honOr•rno by voaring my shawl. I don't need it nt nll my: SILO did tint reftise—slie murmured some faint' apology (*or troubling liiin, but it was nut relusal. "Nn Irk11111tr;—not a bit !" said lie, w alacrity arranging it on the taper 'shoulders and then as the young lady handed her Carel the „conductor, he said to hiniself, "what slender, lovely little hand! If there's an 3 tiling I adMire . in a woman it's a pretty hand Wonder what klintof month she's got? nut be blighttill if it eirresymils with,t thitt veil !" But "li)lattge" w . lio(iver that niyt:tiOtil po or may be, did'not take possession of the ,p nuking Veil, mr) Ethtti's curiosity about, tl otoutli of the blue-eyed dams:ll remained u " Have you room enough Miss? I fetrr you are erowded. Pray, sit a: little closbr to me.". " Thank yen sir," was the soft reply; coin• ing front behind the veil, as Mr. Edges; rap turously reflected—" Like an angel front the gloom of a dark cloud." And his' heart gave a loud thump as the pretty shoulder touched his own shaggy overcoat in a nestling sort of at ' Peciaetily thie iv getting rather romantic,' thought he; and then, with annudible whisper " What would Maria Amy?" The rest of that long, dark, rainy ride was delicious witlx.that shoulder 'against his own. llow gallantly'ho jumped up to pull•tho strap for her:---by sortie faioring freak'of fortupe happened t0.b0....a1. the very Street • Wherolid intandedi to. stopt--And under cirount, 'static'eS:wC Can' . hardly' blamb'him; . when the ear stepped so, stulderd.fthat'sho:CUnght in stinotively at his .harLfcr 'support ) for the Tn ikj cis „e • , 7- S ' ":" C.:: T. 7-: ff. ,i, 7 -1. 41: ... ~i~?. 'fi ... .. i'....'2'l (N 3p , 4 . . . • ~ • .. squeeze he gave the plunip snowy palm. Any man in his.- seuses:would . havo:-..done the same' —it was such an.inviting little Lilly 1• Out into the rain and darkrtess'ourJwo• Brims sailed, scarcely meretban• able tooteer their course by the glimmering reflection of the street lamp on the streaming pavemOnts4 "'Allow me to carry. your basket, Miss, as long as our paths lie. in -the.same direetions," . said Mr. Edge. courteously, • relieving her ~of the burden as he spoke, "And-r-find--may bo-you'd find less difficulty in walking if you'd just take my anti!" Well, Was'nt, it delightful. Mr. EdgeAc got the *et 'streets and the pitchy darknese-i -he thought ho was 'walking . on•.roses•l , Only, as ho approached his own door, he•bogan to feel a little nervous,' and wish' that the lovely incognito' wouldn't hold on. quite .t3o • tights-- Suppose Maria should be at the window .on the lookout for as she often was, how would she, interpret . matters I He, could'nt make her believe that ho. only wanted to bo polite to a fair traveller I IfeSides , this etreep ing declarations of the morning—she would:be sure to recall them, As he stopped at the right number and turned round to bid the blue-eyed a.rogretfyd 'adieu, he ho was astounded to see her.- ,run lightly up the steps to enter likewise I .Qra cious Appollo I he: burst into a chilly' perspir ation at the idea'of Maria's horror! • " I think you have made a mistake. Alio," stammered he,." this can't be your house?" . But it was too late—she was already in the brilliant lighted hall, and turningrouad•.threiv off her dripping habiliments, and made, Min a low courtesy. -• • • .. '." Very much' obliged to you for your polite ness, sir !" • • ".Why, its my wijit !" • • .• t • " And happy to see that you haven't forgot ten all . youz :gallantry towards the:ladies put.- Sued the rnercileSs little puss, her blue eyes 4they were pretty!) all in a dance with • stitpreseed • roguery, •• . . Edge 10. - Aed from the ceiling to the:floor in vain smirch for .a loop:hole !of retreat; Nit the scaroh was unavailing. : • Well said he in the most sheepiSh of all times it's the first time 1 over was polite to' a woman in the cars and hang Me if it shan't be the • "'You see dear," said the ecidatidlittlei lady, I WaS somewlutt belatedi--didnq imptict.trii be lolaydd so long, and , hadnititiny'ided . l, should abet with se much attention in th&ears, grid coin my own husband too! , . : Goodness igraci••• how a.unt , Priscilla will •enjcipthirjokel" If you toll that old harpy,'? isitithEdgbt'in an accent ufl desperation;:`,. tnoldr , shall.dreirr xhe last of it." ' i;• • • T ht " Very probably," said MarittiprOYekingly.. " Now look here,.larling,". said Mr;.. Edge coaxingly, you Von't,eny anything, will ,ou ? A fellow don't want to: be. laughed-. at by : all the world 1 - I say , Maria, you, shall' haveAlle prettiest furs in New. York if yon°11 : 04 keep quiet—you shall on my honor." The i terms wore satisfatory, and Maria carat, ulated,—who wouldn't? And that is. the way she. got those splendid furs that filled the!hearts of all the female friends with envy ;and perhaps it was what made Mr. - Edgcs such a scrupulously ocirteOtis ANNECDOTE WABI.III4bTON:—.4IRyOr Zen ry of •Philadelphia, full:ashes Theiftsseivith .the following; interesting letter from , the men erable Grant Thorburn, , ,new in his.BEitli,lear. The letter is dated New 4aVen,l'eb. 4801860. Mr. PRINTER t—ln 1796 I head the farmer narrate 'the following incident!: . 4tid he, "when the British troops held pbsiessima of New York, and the . 'Ainerican artily lel in the neihborhood of Wet Pant, one morning at sunrlsb . went 'forth , to 'bring;houto' the 'On-passing liri'sh+fitoo'd, I heard ti groaning sound pet434:o in:- die- . tress. On; nearing the, sPot;I: heartklieieords 'Of a maiin pray Or. • I stood Vehindralttrbe the Ananeaine• forth ;' it . .v . rni Georgei Wiisilingtop, the Captain'of the Lord's host'in IlarthAtner ..:• • ; • ; 'armor 'belonged b 'ithe:'lSocie . tir of Friends, who, being oriposed4o:Wat iltitidti any pretext wore lukewarm, - andlf sotne'easet op peged to the eanse of the oonittilTithiti r -rnan was a T ory. • • .0 : . ,• •, However, having seen the':General mit& the camp, her' wont to hig•oivn , liouseij' , Mdrtha, 'said he to his wife, we mate not . oilposer this war any longer; this morning I hoard the man George Washington send a:pkyer to 'Maven fer his country,*aiid be heard. , . This faViner awelt'bettVeeri the and sent IVashin',Oen e .Manyiteins! edriebtititig the movements ef 'the enemy, vilileh"ditt ietid.ser vice te'the good cruise. . • 1 ' this ineitiolit'iVe May ifithethet•Wash inglon arose m:itit'tlitiimia' 'petty ftie hiiteoun ry fought for lier at Merhliiiiii,'lM,Viateh ed tor he'r in the silent 'ht.. Lau Oloinld road. tibuittpapprin7t It is one great mistake in female educatidd;tixkoep ;t yound holy's Cinin - and attentiniAgeted to only 'the fashion alde r; tt it re of~llth Afq. If yen would qualify her for oonyersrkti!!, you inti.o give her education with the antma).Forld . and its transpiring ,OventS.; hrAipo read newspapers .and 'becorno the .presont 'character . and iinpitWatuerit •tif our race. . . rp If you want to eerie pont , Inirannity ef fectively, help tlio ntitlyaroUndystu : LA thoro be any old, maids about, geAthoutrilusitands : if poor, give them money ; If widow'!' Console: them; if pretty girls, pleasoAhonyt if Pagans t s, preach tho mord to them ;,sti,r.Ahom up -,; turn',_ tivist,..fty, -boil,. stow or i nOok some"' thing Christian4lind- good:- After thaA; . look out for thri heathenVitiidAithee'lbiklifil foreigri partii •„e.:!, r„! , ,t iterA;FoantetvitiorAtyjwinikaa git l ifebyoung ,litdiee et the present dAmorgi fitted, ferl.twives? A, much mere tinpertaitt iequiryie wethr they are fitted.for t_, . ME ECM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers