cilovtlutkti4 - - -- *Lotterfte'•orDelawiii' FOR FEBRUARY .1860. Trance, Brciidbents,ok ibianagoilh p l.9 r t cc( re::. , . • The Manitgere• doll tliepitention ot'• the public to the following Splendid Sebetnes to be' drawn in.Wil ratt.-ton DoIn) axe, by State tpithotity.^ 111.agniiticelit St,henie., GRAND CAPIT kP11 .. 17 , 13 7 .*:. -..t.c.E.57Q,1).15 .01' . i•' z;..•.... -, Grand Consolidated Lottery, of Del: •"' r• ' . Utiiss o i . • . To be dravviiiinninitijtton, Del.: Set.yreb. 25,1880. IS HBME. • 01 Ntbars-13 Drawn Ballots. L l'ltiSts' $70,000 • IS $70,000 1 ' '''. 30,000 ' 30,000 1 12,750 t , 25,500 1 12,750 f • . .i l . 5,000 5,000 2,500 B , 2,000 10 ' 1,250 25'71,000 ds , 200 05 , 150 d 5 100 65 1 70 4,810 27,040 32,396. prizes ' amounting to $1,202,000 Tielcots $2O; Helves $lO, QUOTE, $6, Eighths $2,50, Certitlea6 of knelcitgo of 20 Wholes, Costs $2OO 00 k ' Do. Grand Consolidated. Lottery of Del ON. THE HAVANA PLAN. ' Class TEN. To • o drawn in Wilmington, Dol., Wed• Feb. 29, 1860. Every other Ticket a Prize 1 k !• payable in full, without deduction ri these "'lotteries, every Price is drawn. SPLENDID SCHEME. 1 prize of • $5.0,000 1 prize of 25,000 1 prize of 10,000 prizes of 5,000 2 prizes of 3,000 • 2 prizes of 2,000 2 prizes of 1,000 10 prizes of 400 ,10 prizes of 300 • ' 20 prizes of 200 100 prizes of 100 25,000 prizes of 8 And 204 Approximation* prizes ranging from $2O up to $5OB. • 25,355 prizes, amounting to 8340,000 Whole Tioliets $lO ; halves $1; quarters $2,10. Person who dosiro need only remit tho risk on a Package, for which we will friend a certificate as follows A Cortitionto of Package of 16, Wholes, costs MI Do. do. 10 Halves, " 48 Do. - do. 16 Quarters, " 24 Da. do• 16 Eighths, " I'2 0/3"Prizes paid immediately after the drawing. CAUTION Persona living at a distance should he extremely cautious of whom they order Lottery Tickets or Cer tificates of Packages of Tickets. The country is flooded with bogus and swindling Lotteries. Every inducement is hold out to get persons to invest money in them. 'Capital Prises of from $20,000 tii . s4o,ooo head their schemes—with Tickets at Ono Dollar.— $lOO,OOO Capital Prizes are offered, Tickets $5. All such, in overytilistnnce, aro frauds ; and if money is sent to them for Tickets, it is so much thrown away without the shaflfiw of a chalice of getting a prize. Beware of all Lotteries whore the Capital Prize is unusually largo in comparison to the price of Ticket. In every instance where large Prizes aro offered for a small cost of Tickets, put it down for a certain fraud. 011`All orders oddment' to FRANCE, 13noAn lIENTB at Co., Wilmington, Delaware, will meet with ,prompt attention, and the printed official drawing sent atr soon as over. FRANCE, lIROADBENTS A; CO., ll'iDninjllun, Ikb, ware. 1 m January 25, 1860 PALL AND WINTER MMES. Buy your Hats AT BERGER & KECK'S. No. 17 West Hamilton street, where they now have on hand the largest assortment of 4 HATS AND CAPS. Fall and Winter styles ever seen in Al-4 lentown, comprising every known style and quality, from fire dollars down to 'fifty cents , and such' that will Become old and young. Their took of Caps is the largest in Allentown, and sold at extreme low pri- To convince the public of what is said, it may be wall to state that they have forly-one different styles. Surely enough to give a person a chance of suiting his taste. Call and see them. All Hats manufactured .under the supervision of Mr Berger, he being n practical Hatter. Remember the stand, directly opposite Barber '&„ Young's Hard ware Store, West Hamilton street.. . • AO - Country Merchants would do well to give us n call, as we will wholesale them hats and cape cheap er than they can get them in the city. BERG ER .c KECE Alledtown, September 28,1859. MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Just Pnblished, in n.Sealed Enrebqw• (IN TILE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RAI)1- M ICAL CURE OF SPERMATOR ~ e Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility. Nerv6usne, stud Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impateney and Mental and Physieal hump:wife. By Ron. 3. cuLvERWELL, Author of " The ectu The irorltbron . owned author. in this a•imiralde Lecture, clearly proves from his own caperivnce that the awful consequences of pelf-those any Lu (Alec to:Oily removed without Medicine and withotxt tlau gerous Surgical operations, hoagies, instruments. rings oi cordials; pointing out a mode Of cure at once certain and dreetnal, by which every :offerer. no matter What his condition may Ile, may, viire him self cheaply, privatelli and rat/kid/N. Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. • Sent cinder Seal to any address, post paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps by addres:•ing Dr. CII. - J. C. KLINE, M. P., 480 first Avenue, New York, Post Box 4580. • January 17.—llec. 14. FURS! FURS ! ! FURS:!! . FOR 1859-60. FAR EIRA & THOMSON, No, 818 MARKET STREET, ahore Eighth, smith side, PEILADEI,PHIA; nevi Juin. Oprnrun TITI:111 • Elegant Assortnient of Furs, manufactured under- their immediate supervision from FURS, selected with the greatest of care from tho largest stocke of the European Murhe't, embra cing ovary variety and style of .LADIES AND CIIILDIIENS WEAR. Those purohnsing early will have the benefit. of a larger selection. Besides the above goods, we have n line assortment of B UFFALO — R OBE S, GENTLEMEN' S FUR GLOVES AND COLLARS. The primal for nll these goods nro nt a lower figure than they can be bought any where in the city. FAREIRA k THOMSON, • 818 Market Street, Philndelphin. N. B.—FURS altered and repaired and I?UR TRIMMINGS made to order. November 2, 1886 GLENN'S ONE PRICE HAT AND 'CAP STORE, (001{N ER or THE YIVI STORY BLOCK,) N. Nog oornor of Eighth and Ral3o Stroots. PHILADELPHIA The Public are respectfully invited to bear in ado. that at this Store' may be found au assortment 0 Fashionable and lIIIIHISOIIIO Mokekita Dress Hats, Soft Hare, High, Low and Medium Depth Crown, Clotl and Glazed Caps. . Plush and Plash Trimmed Caps fur Neu anal Boys, Fanny Hats and Caps for Children, at Pair Prices. ARPNO TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS January 18, 18(10. *—ly NATIONAL HOTEL, 86013 STREET, ABOVII THIRD PHILADELPHIA. , • 0YP.1.9 CARMANY, Propriotor. Won't]:Oor:2, 1851). PERSONS WISHING TO ESTAB lihh a new and thrivingi?lnce whore )metples good) See tultortiseinent of Hammonton Bettltdd'ent. 6 Erag T i f S . , Th proprieteiii T CEI I EBRAV,I? ,STONIAC ~131T•TEILS • TEILS can nppetil:.U4th perfeet bOitficletice physicians and bitizemikene'rallye-'the United I . States, because NO hi-titre line` at Medd ArePll' tilil/311 heretefore , ittiknewn... A; few• faets, upon this I paint. Witt speak more:l).o)Tgrflli!Y, ,than elitmes of bare. nesertion or blazoning puffery. The consumption cd • IlOstettpr's Stomach' Bit ter'S for thelaSt . Year hinothited to O'er 'a half bottlekand from its manifest steady :increase in times fair ; evident that - during% the - 6oraing,;year.,the:constunplion will:reach , near one million bottles. This linthense amount 'could never have Been 'sold hut for' the rare medicinal properties containiA the-prepara tion, and the sanction of the most prominent, physicians in those sections of the country. where the article is best known, who not only recommend the Bitters . to (heir path Ms, but are ready ariill times to give testimonials to its efficacy in all cases of stomnehio derangenients and the diseases resulting therefrom. - This is note temporary popularity, obtained by extraordinary efforts in the way of trust-. peting•t he finalities of the Bitters, but a solid estimation of an invaluable medicine, which is destined to be ns enduring ns time itself. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters have proved • a Godsend to regions where fever and ague and various other bilious complaints have counted their victims by" hundreds. To be able to state confidently that. the "Bitters" are a certain cure for the Dyspepsia nod like diseases, is to the proprietyrs a source of un alloyed ploasnro.. It removes all morbid mat ter from the • stomach, purifies the blood, • and imparts renewed vitality to the nervous system, giving it that tone and energy indispensable fog the restoration of health. lt operates upon tlic stomach, liver, and other digestive organs, mildly but powerfully, and soots rest ores them to a'condition essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of nature. Elderly'persolut may use the Bitters daily ns per directions on the bottle, and they will find in it a sthntilant peculiarly adapted to comfort declining years, as it is pleasant to the palate, invigorating to the bowels. excellent as a tonic, and rejuvenating generally. We have the evi dence of thousands of aged men and women who have experienced the benefit of using this preparation while suffering from stomach de rangements and general debility; acting under the advice of physicians, they have abandoned all deleterious drugs and fairly, tested the merits of this article. A few words to the gentler set. There are certain periods when their cares are so harassing that many of them sink under the trial. The relation ot' mother and child is so absorbingly tender, that the mother, especially if she be young, is apt to forget her own health in her extreme anxiety for her infant. Should the period of maternity arrive during the summer season, the wear of body and mind is generally aggravated. Here, then, is a necessity for a stimulant to recupe rate the energies of the system, and enable the mother to bear up under her exhausting trials and responsibilities. Nursing, mothers gene rally prefer the Bitters to all other invigora tors that receive the endorsement of physi cians, because it is agreeable to the taste as well as certain to give a permanent increase of bodily strength. All those persons, to whom we have particu larly referred above, to wit : sufferers from fever and ague, eansed by malarin, (Banquet), dysentery. indigestion, loss of appetite, and all diseases or derangements of the stomach, superannuated invalids, persons of sedentary occupation, and nursing mothers, will consult t heir own physical welfare by giving to Bus tetter's Celebrated Stomach Bitters a trial. CAUTION.—We caution the public against using any of the many imitations or counter feits, but ask for Ilosmermes CELEBUATEO STOMACH BITTERS, and see that each ?mule has the words Dr. J. Lloketter's Stomach Bitters" blown on the side of the bottle, and stamped on the metallic cap covering the cork, and observe that our autograph signature is on the label. 10,000 20,000 10,000 12,000 257,000 13,000 9,750 6,500 4,550 192,4110 510,300 26 Halves, 20 Quarters, 26 Eigliihe, 1•{0 50 74 75 9'f 3'7 IMMI ars- Prepared and sold by HOSTETTER & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa., and sold by all druggists, grocers, and dealers generally throughout tho United States, south Ame rica, and Gerinnny. AGENTS.—Lowiu Selimbll Sc. Co., E. 1). B. Most., Allentown; Jnrub S. Lswall, Cats saugod; 1). 0. Saylor, Shoenersville November 2:1, ISSII Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAW S - AROMATIC INVIGOR ATING SPI RI 'l'. This Medicine has lirsn'uncd by thc pnhlic . for nix dente, with incrcaning favor. It is reconmemlnd to Cure primpsia. Nersonencen, Heart- lino:, Colic Irad in the Stomach, or Pit ins in the Bowels, Llenduchc, Prownincso . , Cinnpin in /s, LO sr Spirits, Delirintn 'Frew!, HS, bit teMpf rfl . IT STIIII 7 GATEN, EXITILARATrS, INVIUORATES. LIU r NOT NI'uND'ATI: OR .Tl' Pin". AS A MEDICES'E, it ii quirk nod ellcetual. cur ing tho most aggravated rases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, and all other derongementa of the Stonmeh end 11,.wels, in a speedy manner. It will instantly revive the mn,t melancholy and drooping tipirits, and restore the weak, nervous and sickly to health, strength and vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use or Uglier:4, Lava become Acjected, and their nervous systenis shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to that horrible curse to humanity, the Dra tutu . !I Tin:- 31Ess, will almost iinmediately, feel the happy and healthy invigorating ellicacy of Dr% Ham's invigo. rating Spirit. 117 LI T /7' WILL DO. • 'rm.:v.—cue wine gin, full us often II.; nen. , ICy. One dose will remove ell Boil Spirit,. Ore desn will iitire Ileart Intro. • Three the•es will 0111.1 0110 dose will give y o u a (loud Appetite. One dose will stet, the ill:Ore:sing point , DP • Oue close tent remove the dist r essing and tlisogree able onions of \Wind ar Flottilento, and no eoton es the stottwelt receives the Invigereting Spirit, the dis tressing load owl till painful ' feelings will be en ' Ono dose will remove the most aistressing pains or Colic, either in the Ftt:infivh or bowels. A few doses will remove obstructions in the Kid ney, ltholdoter Urinary Organs. • Persons who are seriously afflicted with nuy Kid ney Complaints era m.sured speedy relief by at.dose or two, and it radical cure by the use of 0111.1 or two bottles. NiUIITIN DISSIPATION l'ersons who, from dissipating too 1111101 over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, in violent headaches, sickness at skull:sell, weak ness, giddiness, 4:e., swill find ono dose swill remove all bad feelin: s. Ladies of weak and sickly constitutions, should take the Invigorating Spirit three times a day :At will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities front the menArnal organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn.face. Luring pregnancy it will bu found an invaluable medicine to remove disagreeable collations at Om stontheli. All the proprietor echo, is :a trial. nod to induce this, he bun put up the IN VIGOILVIINp SPIRIT in pint bottles, at 60 ete., quarts $l. ' tleneral Depot.lB WaterStroh N.Y. Sold by• D. Lawnll, .1. Moyer and Lewis Schmidt k Co., Allentown, Pu. February 1, 1860 LIVERY STABLE, WILLIAM F. YEAGER, pl.lEsl gCTFIJLIX informs his friends and the public geuerally, that still continues to carry on dm Livory business in Low Alloy, (in the rear of Dr. ltuntig'l re,idenee,) whet(' ho is prepared to accommodate all who wish horses and vehicles, at the shortest notiee end ni reasonable terms. I I is clock of Horses has been selected with great care, and trained with tut especial view to safety, which • . daces hitn,in a position el - leaping the VAX very model of a LIVEIRT STILBIAL, u does not approve of hiring out •broken..down, balk), ringdomed, spavined, .or dis eiised horses, lint of keeping the right hind of stork, sash as ran travel well II nil do credit to his stable. Ilis carriages nod voltiolilos of every description will always bo kept clean and in good order. llu trusts that by strict attenthm to business and keeping tho best of stock, ho will bo favored with a liberal share of patronage. - All orders left at the Allen House will be promptly attended to, WILLIAM P,'YEAGER. Allentowni August 10, 1859. —tf PERSONS WISIIIN6 TO CHANGE their business to 0 rapidly increasing anuntry, New Settlement, whore hundreds are gain re, where tho ellomto le mild and delightful, see edvertleement of the Ilmnmonton Settlement noolhet polgtoMi PEN ,: MTh s ts.f . ' fireat~dfierton'l44.l3l4frief" .41 6. 7 Wi M./11D. . OM Iti - *.il at,' E S ' - L:E.-A . N .D...._RE1,A,LL,.,„:,':;:,'„,': .CABINIT.: - ..:vux..•..n001aL CI SELL Si SON, pEALERS, Nu.:;•2 Ea:l Ifumiltnn Slreet, Allentown, Pa..— Now k the time to Idle your furniture. Having wielded the Cash systetn, tfo. cna aware the public generally, that , !.e can sell twenty per cent cheaper than gouda in our line of like quality ran be pur chased at any other Cabinet Ware Booms in Allentown. Como one and all, both great and small, old and yamh; rich rind poor, and see our large stock of CAD/NET 11'21R,N, consisting of Secretaries, Book- Cases. ;:ide-boards, Bureaus and Bre,,:ers, Sofas, Lounges, Rocking Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, and in fact, every article needed by a family, that hnve just commenced house keeping. I.. e ifr-Our %Vimlain . and Cane-scat Chairs, and Looking Glasses s u rpass everything of teir kind to be found in town in price and beauty, and excel thein , or New York and liilatlelphia in point of endurance .and , cheapnese. Come and judge for yourselves.— Iver;r article is warranted to be as represented or uo sale. None but the bent workmen :w employed in our establishment. .r•Tuclter's, Putnam's,'Gross' and Howe's Patent Spring Beds, for sale cheap for wish. Mattresses of every deseription at a very low price for cash. The largest stock if Gilt and Carved Moulding in town, and can be bought cheaper fur cash of S. Sell A on, than at any other Cabinet Ware Rooms in town. N. 8.-LAII those under the sad want of an Undertaker will be promptly accommodated if her by day or night, by S. Sell A Aatt,.. -- o also attends to the malting of shrouds, Ac. who reside in the country, we willt-till, times supply with the bare coffins and all kinds . ,s of trimmings at very low prices for ,h. I?. S.—Now all we want is a call Friuli one and sill lief( re.l - are made elsewhere. ;7-,,,,^A1l goods packed free of charge and sent any distance either by railroad or by public road. Thankful for post And present customers, and we hope by strict attention to business to Welcome many new ones, at the low prices we now sell at fur cash. Pont' forget the place, No. 33 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, a few doors below the German Reformed Church. . SAMUEL SELL.] Allentown, January 11, 1860 I'B Ts M X tr IVE : 1 111 ,1 I oe • ..-- amt. , . ' r• : ~-,71,,, . • 1 •r:..-El-';'-'..i‘?...:'...'... 7..' -„- . • .i,;*. -:.. • , 1;.-",,,,,,„.,„ ~...;>^l,,,ihr%Atiti.l).-1':: - Cabinet Ware Rooms. No. 29 lV'e+t Munition ,Sh•rrl,, fiArmerly the " Neu. York Sfor,::' PR ICE h WEAYER, having lately formed n, en partnership in the nhore ImFiness, respeet fully announce to the citizens of Allentown and vicinity ' , that they have on hand a first-rnte nsFortment of = • CABINET WARM urnu ennsißting of Bureaus, Side-boards Pier,' Centre, Card, Dining and Breakfast Tables, also What-Not and Sofa Tables. Parlor Ch airs,Spring seat Rocking Chairs, 'ofns, Piano-stools, Bedsteads °revery description. together with a general assort ment of KITCHEN FURNITURE, all of which they will sell at prices' which defy competition in either town or country. They also manufacture to order every description of Furniture, and every nrtielc sold by them is warranted to give untrie satisfaction, or no sale. So please give thew r a call and see fair your selves, at No. 29 West Ibuddlint street,—.-sign of the Venetian Blind. Also, always on hand, Tucker's Patent and Patnam's Patent Spring Beds. Also, all kinds .1 . Looking. glasses. N. ll. A complete assortment o Venetian Blinds always on hand, and made to order at short notice. SIMON 11. PRICE, HENRY S. WEAVER. Fell. 23. tr. I GREAT EXCITEMENT ! IMPORTANT NEWS. 9 1 111'. ttittlett , it!it,l litts NMV CAI.IINIII NV,kltl.:llOl . )M at N. \Vt.:Alitot I. near Hole!. ill 11, 1:1,i .1;i411 (ll' Allen ti Wll,.trhere hu Into in -lure, minitrat•ttire a gild ar.-ortmclit, of .\' / 7' l;, Consisting of Pres,ing nod Plain Ilurenn,,, W ar d.. robes, Secretaries, 11001 Cases, SlifilS, Eaton:dun-oml other Tables, Stands of every description, high, tow. and 'Cottage 13edstead, , , .Cano Seat, Windsor, and Reeking Choirs, Settees, Loolting Mosses, of ell sizes, and all other artieles in his lino of business. Persons who are :thou . & to engage in housekeeping can room, a toll outfit at prices as low, if not a lit tle lower, tlon can he purchased elsewhere. All the Furniture is well made, and can Le warranted to be good. liepaiting promptly attended to. .101 IN MA1,1111116. Allentown, donuary 1::511• 1 1- 0 1 fr 1111 '"..;"co»toTnlnßs - AEVIERICAN Life Insuratco and Trust Company. Capital Stoek,•ssoo,ooo. . . . . VOMPANVS !landings, Walnut Street, S. E. Cor k/ nor of Fourth, Philadelphia. LIFE INSURANCE at the usual mutual rates.— Joint stock Eaten et 0 per rent. hits total Abstinence rates the lowest in then nl.l. . . „ . Full information, Book nntl Almliontion mny bo bu by calling on DLL IV M. J. ROMIG. Allentown, May fr, 1S O. —ly • AMERICAN Paint and. Color Works, • A 1 .1, gN T 0 lr ...V , • PA. BREINIG 1 Blip. mnimfartitrers of White Lend,. line White, Chrome Green and Yellow, Olt iIICHiI and Prentinn Blue, Umber, Sienna, ya nWtr Brown, I Ven. Rod, Oabru?, le.' Ditto Lehigh (Mennen' Green, Pura Lehigh Metnllio Brown, Deeenther 14, I eGtt, ...If AT ., THE U F NiO N S. EPILL & SON. [C. B. M. SELL CLOCKS, WATCHES, Ath:Nrli 30'VO'ELeFLY. ell ARLES S. MASSES, No 23 East Hamilton street, opposite the German Re formed Church, A llentown Pa. ‘'UOULO respectfully beg leave to inform his v friends and the puldie generally, that ho has just received from New York a nd Philadelphia the largest nod best selected sleek of CLOCK'S, WATCH ES. JEW hILRY and SILVER WARE ever offered fur sale in Allentown. All of which ho is determin ed to soil nt prices lower then aver before offered— es cheap if not Cheaper than the same can be bought in the cities—end guarantee all goods to be whet they are represented. All are invited to cell end ex amine for themselves. . Clorks, Watches _ and .!cn•rtlry repaired in the best style and all work warranted. 1111 LO D EONS. Also on hand IL large assortment of Melodeons of thi; best manufaruu•e fur elinrelrs and private boas. es. Thankful for past oncouregetncat, he hopes by attention to business to merit a continuance of the collie. Sept. 21,4859. —ly E. D. LA ALL, Apothecary and Druggist WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A r o. 21 Vest 111miltoit St, Allentown, - Pa fMN ST ANTLY ON HAND ‘.../ Drugs, Chemicals, Dyestuffs, Acids, Perfumery, Patent Fluid, Camphene, Medicines, Alcohol, Turpentine, Soda Ash, Cattle Powder, Potash, Saponifier, Sweet Oil, Castile Soap, Lord Oil, &c , Sc.,, A. Just received a fresh supply of Congress Water from Saratoga Springs. For medicinal purposes, several fine brands of Brandy, Old l'ort Wine and Gin. Physicians ran hove confidence in the purity of nil Medicines furnished by me. //f4.l"Country Dealers purchasing articles of me will lied prices agreeable, allowing them na fair profits as by buying goods either in Philadelphia or New York. E. D. LAWALL. Allentown, July 20, —tf I. 44 0 9, Dominion,, COFFEE POT 3E 2 C)It. y Being based, as Dr. Hall, of tho Journal of Health, says, "on science and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined soon tb supereede all others. ARTHUR, BURNHAM, & (HLROY, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, 8010 Manufacturers under the Patent. il-Por sale by Dealers In Hense l/A:ening Articles, and Storelceepers generally. " A TRUTH. 99 TT it nothing to gain popularity, but it is rarely IT that men retain it. Like money, come easy, go easy, popularity is a tender affair, and requires care ful slurring to keep it alive. Especially is this observable in mercantile affairs. If the reputation, which is but smother name for popularity, be won by actual merit, it is lasting. C. 11. Schermorhorn, the well known Grooer, Fish and Provision Dealer, has by his straight-forward course, the fairness of Isis prices and the excellence cf his stock securest it rep utation which will be lasting. Ilaving token the business liwxcfj nt tha corner of Ninth anti Hamilton Streets—he .crin defy corn petition and afford to sell nt prices to suit everybody. Give hint n call mod be satisfied with the Truth of his assertions , C. IL SCIIMMERIIORN, Corner of Ninth nod Ilainilton Streets; Allentown, December 14, 18. Briggs &. Helfrich COMMISSION DEALERS IN Aid. HUMS OP COUNTRY PRODUCE Q as Pork, Beef, Melton, Smoked Meats, Poul 13 try, Dame, Eggs, Butter, Lard, Cheese, Flour Oran', Fruit, • 21 /N .1117: STOCK, - IZi I ;not 155 West Washiagton Market, (First Row North a Fulton Street, New York.) slaughtered at short notice. Orders for Oi4ceries Fish, Fruits, de., promptly tilled. All letters ainquiry will receive. Roundlet° attention. .70 - Ditsiorss sti ictly Oammission. Sales strictly nit - ended to nt the Boats and Railroad Depots, and returns promptly made. • JONEFiI BRIGCS.J• [JONATHAN R. HELFRICH. New York; August 24, IS5n. WINCHESTPit & CO. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING TORE EEO Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt Manufactory, AT the old strand, No. 700 Chestnut trout, Philo dolphin, opposite the Washington House. A. WINCHESTER will give, as heretofore, his personal supervision of the Cutting and Manufactur ing departments. Orders for his eolobrated ,stylo of Shirts and Collars filled at the shortest notice. Ymaons desiritur to order Shirt's, run be supplied with the formula fur iitesuoirement, on application by Constantly on band, n, varied and select stook el OmitletneWis Furnishing Coeds. 414,1-Wholemlo otdots fupplhal on Mutat Wins. EVIL ~.If., If - I Oin Doc. -HvAmpi-ovs ; Coniptoiiiidliiuretic Pills. -1)- MI2E= • • • /DR. HAMPTON'S • DR. HAMPTON'S . DR. HAMPTON'S,' • - DR.. HAmPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR.HAmpToN'S DR. IpAMpToN DR. HAMPTON S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S COMP'D DI Ult 'L'IU PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. , . COMP'D DIURE'T'IC PILLS, COMP'I) DEuRETic PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC 1 , 11.15, COMP'D DI URE I IC PILLS, • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, • • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, GOMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. DR. HAMPTON'S DR HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S . , DR lIAMPTON'S DR. lIANIPTON'S 'DR HAMPTON'S DR. UANIPTON'S DR. lIAMPTON S DR..IIAMPION . 6 DR. HAMPTON'S: COMP'D DIURETIC COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, ICOMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, . COMP,'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, comp t) DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC, PILLS CURE GRAVEL, . CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, • CURE GRAVEL, • CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL. CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET, • CURE GLEET. CURE • . GLEET, ' • CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET, • CURE • • STRICTURE, CURE • STRICTURE, CURE • STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE • STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE. CURE LEUCIIORRIICE A , CURE LEUCLIORRIKE A, CURE LELTCHORRIKE A , CURE LEUCIIORRINEA • CURE LEUCTIORROII A , CURE LEUOIIORRIKEA, • . CURE LEUCHORRIKE A, CITE LETCHORRIBE A , CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, CURE LEUCHORTUREA, CURE LELCIIORRIIM•A , CURE LEUVIORRIICE A , FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. • FEMALE AVE A KNESSFS, • FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES -AND ALL OTHER DISEA SES OF TIM BLADDER, KIDNEYS, AND SEXUAL ORGANS: MB Dn. HAIVI3E7ON's Compound Diuretic Pills, CONTAIN ISTEITLIER BALSAM OR MERCURY, BUT ARE PURELY VEGETABLE IN THEI It COMPOSITION, MILD BUT PROMPT IN THEIR ACTION, A ND NEVER PAIL. TO CURE.TITE MOST • lIOPELESi CASE OF THOSE - S WASPS TO THEY ARE rn RTICULAII LI" A DAPTED• Dr. ILUIFION'S COMPOUND DIURETIC PILLS, ARE ENDORSED, RECOMMENDED AND PSED 1W TI PRACTICE OF Pll YSICIANS- GEN ERA I.IX, VOR THE CITRE OF THE A lIOV I. DISEASES, WHEN PHYSICIANS RECOM MEND A PREP A TION bC FFEREUS SIB 171.1) NO LONGER HESITATE TO TEST ITS EFPICA(' Y. FOR SALE EVERY WHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. - FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOIL SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR .' , ALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. PRICE FIRTY CENTS PER BOAC. PRBPARED ONLY BY DR. 3. T. HAMPTON &CO". 405 MOOR STREET, PIIILADKLPIIIA. ( .- 111 1 :SURS.1.13W19 SCHMIDT & CO. AND JOHN 13 MOSER, AOISNTS Volt ALLENTOWN, PA. MESSRS. HARVEY*, BIRCH /.; 01(0., SOLE AGENTS POlt BERES COUNTY. Philadelphia, November :3 , , "THE UNION , " RCS STREET ABOVE THIRD PHILA I)E7.PIfIA. THE, undersigned having purchased . the interest of 1: his former partner, Evan Evans, in the shove Hotel, would call attention of the Puldte to ite eon-, vanieneo for those visiting the City, either for busi ness or pleasure. Its situation being hut a few steps front the prin ciple avenues of Undo, otters inducements to those on business; wbilo to then in scorch of pleasure, 'passonper rail roods whirl, now pa so in dem prox imity afford a cheap and pleasant ride to till places Of into:est in or shout the city. Tho Proprietor gives assurance dint "The Union" shall be kept with such churatvcr no will merit pub lic approbation and - would respectfully solicit patron age from Lehigh and adjoining counties. 'UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Philadelphia, August 3, 1859. VDILIAILLZ/Z RIOXVIER,, • GENERAL NEtYS AGENT, . ALLENTOWN,. PA. - • All daily papprn front NoAv 17(..1c Philodulublit nervad eilbccrihurn regulittly alto. am 011402/f tho care. _,, tt •• , a constitutional' disease, - a corruption of• the' Which • tliis fluid • beet:Mies .vitiated, Wihk; and poor. Being in the.. circulation, •it pervades the whole body, - and, may:burst, out in disease on any pan of it. .No , organ is free: from its attacks, nor is there one,which it May. :not destroy.. The scrofulous taint is.variously caused by mercurial disease, IoW laying, dbf-, ordered or unhealthy food, iffipure air, filth and. Blthy, habits, the depressing vices, end; &Wye- all, by the, venereal infection. 'What-, over be its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending .. frimrparents to children unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed;, it seems to' bd the rod of Him who says, I will visit the "iniquities" of• the fathers upon 'their Children." 1110 Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corruptor ulcerous matter,, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed. tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on ..the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul coy rikption, which ganders it the blood, depresses the eliergies of life, so thrit e scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases; conse quently, -vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the systenr. Most of the consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in' this scrofulous contamination ; and runny destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the systcni we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual' remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady; It is com bined from the most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be eniployml for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which. arise from it, such as ERUPTIVE and §I N DISEASES, ST. ANTHONY'S FIRE, Rose, r ERYSIPELAS, P innus, PUBTULEN BLOTCH , S, BLAINS and Bons, TUMORS, TETTER and SALT RHEUM, SCALD HEAD, RINGWORM, RHEUMATISM, Svrmarric and MERCURIAL DIS EASES, DROPSY, Dvsysrsm, DEBILITY; and, indeed, ALL COMPLAINTS ARISING FROM VITIA TED OR IMPURE BLOOD. The popular belief in ~ impurity of tho blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the bloods The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer 's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the range of their action can *tray withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they curs the every-day complaints of every body, hut also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below•nemed is pleased to furnish gtatis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the followirig complaints.: Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache arisingfroin disordered Stomach, Nausea, Indigestion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss .of Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from ri low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR TICE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease.' So wide is the field of its usefulness and so merous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pubt licly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public nd longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the lmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies flutist upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten, PREPARED II DR. J. C. AYER & CO. LONVI;LL, MASS; Lewis Schmidt Cu., J. B. Mcmer, Allenluw•n, and all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. IMPORTANT TO PENA LES DR. CEMESIIIIIIAN'S PILLS. Proparcd by Cornelius L. Chooseman, M. D. E. iv YORK CITY. The combinntion of ingredients in these fills are the result of n long and extensive praCtice. They Mu mild in their operation, and curtain in correcting ell irregulnritics, Painful Menstruntions, removing all obstructions, whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in the side, Mtltmlien of the heart, whites, nll nervous ntreetions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbi, to., disturbed sloop, which raise froth interruption of no turn. 7'o MARRIED LADIES. Dr. Cliveseman's pills nre invaluable, as they wil bring on the monthly period with regularity. La dies who have been disappointed in the use of other l'ills can pines the utmost conlidence•in Dr. Cheese man's l'ills doing all that they represent to do. NOTICE. Therl' ix 0111' 0011111 . 111,11 r,fthe ,%ennrlr eqpicm iu IA 141 the PI UR cannot hr token without produriny PEC('LIAR R E, 4 1 . i.7. T. The eondition referred to is PREGNA n Nnelt ix the irrcsistable tendeary of the Medicine to restore the xra•nal functions to a normai condition ) the doprodnetirn power of natnre cannot resist it. . . . . Warranted purely vegctablo, and free from any- Thing injurious. Explicit directions, which should to read accompany cash box. Price $l. Sent by mail on enclosing $1 to Du. Cow:curs L. Cm:lnd:- M. 6, Box 4351, Post Office, Now York City. Fold by one Druggiit in every Town in the U. S R. B. 'RUBBINGS, G ENP.IIAT, Ac ENT POE THE UNITED STATEH. 14 Broadway St., Now York fro 'Mena nll IVhdesale 111 . 1101 , 1 should he eildrevreil Soril in A liontoWn by John 11. Musser, mid D December 7, 1951), —ly TRUSSES! BRACES! SUPPORTERS:! C. IL NEEDLES, S. W. Corner Twelfth and Rue Streets, PIIILADELYIIIA.. WI TACTICAL ADJUSTER of Rupture Trusses and Mechanical Remedios. Ifits constantly on hand tt large Stock of Genuine French trusses, also a complete assortment of the best American, includ• lag the celebrated Whites Patent Lever Truss, be lieved by the best nuthoritics to his superior to any yet invented. English and American Supporters, and Belts, ;Moulder Brnees, Suspensory Self Injecting Syringes, :Minded to both sexes, in neat. portable easee r French Pessaries, Urinal Bags Orders end letteis of enquiry, will meet prnmp ntiontion Angtuq. 21. 1859 r-, OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OP Travels and great discoveries of the Japan- -4 4-r cso and East india Medicines, with full directions for the certain cure of Consumption, 'Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Asthma, Fevers, heart Die ! woe, Scrofula, Cancer, Dyspopton, Liver Com; Writ, Gravel and Urinary Deposits, Female Complaints, ,t.e. • Illustrated with hundreds of. certificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose of rescuing as• many suffering fellow-bolngs as possible from premature death,* will ho sent to any port of the continent, hy sending 2b cents to • • DES. itnATIL 1,17 Broatlivoy, New York City. .• E. D. I,awall,• Allentown Eatztuel Sandt, Easton; J. A. Polk, Munch Chunk I doh,: .lioltunman Ilamlntrgj Dr. S. S. Stotonni ItontlOs. October Ad IN MS, • - Nom - Avian tura - emen a: - • • 'T I'. l l-5,; • TO .NLL -WANTING, FA.11)11. Alcr'el Or in Iri till y is a I)ell . fiNiat awl 'fedi #IC? - • mate 26 ni1;•8 S'aythi?st Philadi•F,phiet, ' . the Camilep tind AltantiVlitiiitooir, , • '-' • 'Nein ifermey.;'. • • '..; . 6. ..'• • AsnitN 'old esinte ennntsting nf sdroral.'lliopsandS. i , has been' tlivideA 7.,, °eraser ,productlm Films of various ; 5i7.03 to Suit the puichniet; 11 4 population'of Some Fifieen parts at tile Stntett and New' England,' Wire 1 - • settled therd the tniftt year, improved their places ' 1 and raised xsellent crops: , The price of the land iS :.1:1. at the low 511111 of from $l5 to $2O per It the soli , is df the best quality for the production of \\Thant, Clever Peachcr, lirapes and Vegethlilbs.' IT I. C0NSIM111111) TilE BEST 'F'RUIT :SOIL THE UNION. The place is perfect' secureAryu frosts-1110 destructive enemy of. tho Intmor t —, Crops of grain, grass and fruit are now growing and can ha 'sea, By examining the place itself, a cor reVl judgment can ho famed - of the koductireness Of ' the land. The terms nrithantio easy to secure a ra'-: pid improvement of' tlio'lnTO, which is only sold frr,:.' actunl improvement. The result 'has boon tt at ~ within t h e past year, .sommthtee hundred hot ges , , Taco boon crerlml, t %vo SAID, one etourn, four clues. 'ine Andy vinyank and peach vreluirds , plantett, an t tt lurge number ttl' "thee improvententu, 'uniting ' devirahle and Itt•tive !bee of Nattiness. . . Till, MARKET, ' , • . as the reader may perceive from its Icntatinn, tet ,', TIM BEST IN Tlllll UNION. ~ Produce bringing the price bronghtin lectitionE away from the city. end more than doublet the in the IVes , , It is !mown tlfnt,the enrl!est.fiTid?44, is trait:. unit vugltablen in, this iatitude cone ;fr,cn New Jerny, and are annually exported to the biterit of millions. ):1! In locating here 'the Settler has many ntiventagott:!' Ile is within a few hours ride of tho great cities of New England and MiddloStittesf he ill near his old, r friends and asseeintionN lie is In,n ,stittle4,coln try where every improvement and comforVisathandt lle con buy every article ho wants at •,thitelteapest, price, and sell his, produce for, the artiale' hit wants at the cheapest price, and sell his prodneoler /the • highest, (in west this is reversed,) ho has school for his children, divine FaiTkol3, and will anjoiai spent winter and delightful climate, whore fevers aro. at, terly unknown. The result et Om 'change upon thoso'„ from the north has generally been to.resture the& to , on exeelltrit state of health. In th.; way of building and Improving, luinhor Son be obtnined at the mills at the rate of $lO to W.' per thousand. Brielts front the brick yolk opened: • in the place, every article can bo procured in • thts•; place, good carpenters are st hand, and. thero .nst, place in the Union where buildings .ari lunitote-. ments can be made cheaper. Tho renQcro ill at once be struck with the ndvan 7: , times here presented, and ask himself why the( Orop= , rely lion not been taken up before. The reason is, it was never thrown in the market; and unless flick( statements were correct, no one would.he examine the land before purchasing. This all aro expe.aml to de. They will see land under cultivation, such is the extent of the settlement that they will no doubt meet. persons from their own neighborhood; ' they will witness the improvements, end can judge • the character ( f the pepnlation., If they come with , a view to settle, they should come prepared to stay day or two and ho ready to purchase, as locations mann t be held en refusal. There nro two daily trainn tp Philo&lplan and to all rettlers who itoDrove, life RAILROAD COMPANY oIVES A MIER TIPKCT Full SIX MONTHS. AND A HALE.- MICH TICK ET FOR TIMER YRATOL THE TOWN OF HAMMONTON In cOnneelion with the ngrieulsurnl settlement, n new end thriving town haa nnturely arisen, w.hish presents inducements for any kind of hushicss, par ticularly Flores and manufactories. T o shoe busi ness could be carried on in this piano and market to good a dvantnge, nice cotton business, npd mnnuth&= . lurics of agriculturnl implitnents, or foundries for ensting small ortieles. The improvement has bean rnpi.ins to insure n constant end permanent. ere:we f bu,inc.4s. Town leis of a good size, we do not sell sikull ones as it ivould affect the improve nient of the Once, con be bad at from $lOO and uri tourd! , . Ti,,: ITAIIIIONTON 'FARMER. n monthly literary and ngrieulnu•al• PIRKO, containing foil information of Itommontori, con be obtained at 25 cents ror annum: Title indisputable—warranted dcods .g van dein. of all iticumberance when money is paid ; —Route to. the Innd : Vino street wharf, Philadelphia, for Mini mouton by Railroad, at. 7/, A. M., or 4} P. M. Faro lit elo. When there, inquire for Mr. Dryncs.— Ilonrding conveninnee on hand. Patties had better -top wilh Mr. Brynes, n prineipnlomtil they have decided ns to puridinsing, as ho will abowahom over the land in his carriage, free of expense. Let ters and applications can be addressed to Landis and Byrnes, Timumenton, P. 0., Allantie Co., Not. Jar ,cy, or S. D. Cottglan, 202 South Fifth Street, Phllk; adelphin. Maps and information cheerfully furnish ed. oetobor Oth. 1859 LEHIGH VALLEY-RAIL ROA:D.; ~~~x On :mil after Monday, July 25, 1859, tho Passenger TVilillB on the L. V. R. It. will run ne follows: DOWN TRAINS. Lea ye Eximass. Accor.. Mauch Chunk, 0,00 A. M. 12,30 P. M.. 3,00 P. M... Slatinglon, 11,40 " 1,08 " 3,25 ." 11'11110h:ill, 7,12 " 1,33 " 4,52 " Catusattqua, 7,27 " 1,45 5,22 " Allentown, 7,40 " 1,50 " 5,45 " Bethlehem, 7.58 " 1,11 • " 6,10 ." Preetnapahtteg, 8,07 11 2,20 ." 6,22 " Easton (arrive) 8,30 " 2,43 " 7,15 " UP TRAINS. LeaVil ACCOM. MAIL. EXPRESS. Easton, ` 0,00 A. M. 11,43 " 3,35 " Freetnansbarg, 6,40 " 12,09 " 3,57 " Bethlehem, 7,00 " '12,19 " 4,08 • " Allentown, 7,40 " 12,34 " 4,20 ." Catnsunqua, 8,07 " .12,40 " 4,35 , 3 Whitehall, 8,26 " ' 1,00 4,52 " Slatington, 11,0.1 " 1,29 " 5,20 " Ar. M. Chunk, 10,00 2,05 " 6,10 " Down Train'', with their Couttertlows, Tito 6.00 a. in. Mail train will run in connection with the Catawissa, Williamsport and- Erin train from Elmira, Willinmsport, Danville and Rupert, and will connect nt Allentown with !Ito East Penn: sylvania train for Reading, Horrisburg and Potts ville nt Bethlebetn with the North Pennsylvania train for Philadelphia; nt Easton with tho 'Euntral R. It. of Now Jersey train for New York, and 'at Phillipsburg with the Bel. Del. train for Bolvidero This train will also enable passengers to.go to the Water Gap, Scranton and Groat Bond, oither by the Dol. Del. or the Central It:It. of New Jersey train. The 12,30 p. tn. Express train will run in connec tion with the Beaver Mendowtra in front Wilkosbarro; White Haven, Hazleton and Wentherly. and -with the East Pennsylvania train from Harrisburg, Potts ville and Rending, and will connect with the North Penn. train for Philadelphia, with the Central of New Jersey train for New York, end with tho Bel., Del. train for Lambertville, •TrentOn and Philadel phia. -11 p Trainn, with their CAnnectioni. The 1,00 a. tn. Accommodation train will connect with the East Pennsylvania train for Reading, Potts ville, and Harrisburg. Thu 11.15 a. in. Mail train will run in connection with the Eel. Dal. train from Philadelphia, Trenton and Lambertville, with the Central of Now Jersey train from New York, with the North Penn. train from Philadelphii, and will connect with the Beav Cr Meadow train for Weatherly, Hazleton, White Haven and Wilkesbarro. The :1,35 p. m. Fxprose-train will run in connec tion With the Central of Now Jersey train for Now. York and will connect with the East Penn. train for Pottsville and Ilnrrisburg, and with the Calawissa, Williamsport and Elmira train for Ru pert, Danville, Williamsport and Elmira. - The morning train down and the 3,95 train up, will not stop at South Easton. R. If, SAYRE, Supt. 4 Eng, Jonnary 23 ..IA none of tin; poieo noun substanee !mown as TIISIL, OIL; pitich 18 the cheractoristie and injurious ingredient or the Whisheys in general use. BOOTH, GARRETTA CAMAC Analytical 0110MIFV. CHARLES WHARTON Jo., SOLE AGENT, CM CERTIFICATE 01' DR. JAIIHFI IL CHILTON. New Yana, Sept. 3d, 186 A. I have analyzed a vample of CHESNUT. GROVE WHISKEY received front Mr. Charles Wharton,:Jr., of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I ant pleased to state that lets entirely FREE FROM POI SONOUS Olt DELETERIOUS substances. It is an, unusually pure and fine flavored quality of whiskey. JAMBS R. CllluroN,.m. D.', Analytical Clietiiist: Allentown, September 2A; 1.859. SISOO Wanted, PI sums not !Op, tun $lOO, on good setwity. inlbrinatiott given by ILo Molt:reigned In Allontown. JONATIIAN 1110011Altbi • Allotilown; iforombbt • - 9 -6m ! Whiskey. • "OR SAVE . C. lo Agent. No,: 1I ALNUT Street: • For ovidoncoo.of ila taractor sco CEA'. [MATES. Sopt. 58. _ . Wo hove carerallq =tea the enxiiple of RESNUT GROVE lIISKI Ywhiohyou
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers