0 VOLUME XIV.) Statement or Tax of Lehigh County for 1859. I ' I a R.' 2- a - , o •ma II V t : d . , P , P , r) , - . . ~guto Couscroas. DISTRICTfI. ' ' 4,.'*1:1 ,-; E. Ei. ;s r. w P a IS . c S. 2 PI Y. • f 0 . William Dech, Allen- North Ward, $1826 49 $1216 00 . . .•.. . $6lO 49 South Ward, 1590 09 910 00 . . . . ..• 680 09 Jon toWn. . Trezler, Lehigh Ward, 427 67 , 325 00 ..... . . . . . 102 67 .7. D. Knerr, Lowhill, 497 50 3 . 80 00 ..... . . .. . 117 50 John Sherer, • South Whitehall, 3143 28 2389 00 ... . . ... .. 754 28 John Croll, North Whitehall, • 2457 85 2280 37 00 00 106 43 J. Michael, Lower Macungie, 1882 59 1410 00. .. .. . . . . 472 59 J. Heller, tipper Macungie, • 1956 45 1908 38 28 50 19 . 57 . . . . M. Groman, Upper Saucon, 2354 05 2244 00. .. .. . . . . 110 05 Henry Ortt, Lower Milford, 1378 66 1274 59 54 54 49 . 53 Aaron Shuler, Upper Milford, 1443 71 1408 64 21 70 13 37 . .. . Joseph Funk, Salisbury, 1477 20 1280 00 ... .. ... .. 1 . 97 20 H. W. F. Eberhard, Hanover, 1234 43 ' 666 84 58 00 959 500 00 Jos. Lazarus, Catasauqua, 903 67 595 80 .... . . . ... 307 87 Jos. German, Washington, . 1006 50 950 00. . .. . . .. *56 50 John German, Heidelberg, 585 20 359 43 16 00 977 *2OO 00 Sol. Knerr, Weisenburg, 836 97 706 50 .. . .. . . . .. *l3O 47 J. Christman, Millerstown, ~. 125 22 75 73 751 38 .41 60 E. Follweiler, Lynn, 1346 63 1313 49 30 00 314 • - *Since paid in full. TOTAL, /,- 20,463 11 21,693 77 276 25 211 78 4281 31 ACCOUNT OF County Treasurer fur 1859. FINANCIAL STATEMENT LEHIGH COUNTY, DR. Loans unpaid January 1, 1859 $29,849 Temporary loans made in 1859. Permanent loans made in 1859 CR, Taxes assessed and uncol lected Stock in Northampton Water Co. 1,180 00 Subscription to Litzenber gees Bridge unpaid 150 00 Temporary _loans paid in 1859 59,000 00 Permanent do. 800 00 Balance in Treasury 3,233 28 County deficit 20,449 84 • 589,249 00 7 !somas Steckel,. Esq., Treasurer of Lehigh County, in Account with said County for the year ending December 31, 1859. EMI To balance in hand of Treasurer as per Au ditor's Report of 2.Gth Feb. last Permanent- loans made in 1859 . 1,400 00 Temporary do. 58,000 00 County tax received from Sundry Collectors for 1855, 185 t), 1857 and 1858 Do. for 1859 Cash from Commissioner Peter for lumber sold Do. Mari Do. Dornblazer Sundry collectors, exon erated tax 11. Kuntz, Esq., fine for Sabbath breaking Cash from Cole, a convict Cash on a judgment vs. Leister Cash refunded by Win. Biery overpaid Abatement on State tax for collecting on final settlanient of dupli cates for 1858 and 1850 By Cash paid sundry County Orders, issued by County Commissioners during the fiscal year, to wit : Court, Court House, and Jail Expenses Sundry bills for Stationary, re pairs, Boarding and lodging for Jurymen in Murder case of Moses Kern 240 50 Coal hauling, mdze. water rent, &c. 223 11 Sprinkling street in front of Court House Gas for Court House Cleaning Court House and Offices Court Crier Tip Staves Grand and Petit Jurors. Carriage hire for Jurors Elections. Officers for holding elections and making returns Assessments. Assossors and Assistant'Assessors for Trionial Assessment, Inquisitions. For holding inquisitions and post, mortem examinations on sun dry dead persons Loans and Interest. Temporary loans liquidated • Permanent do. Interest on temporary loans at 6 per cent'. Do. Permanent do. Bridges. Repairing.Newhard's Bridge " Furnace " " Bitner's " " Bogert's " " Holben's " " Jarret's ' " Jordan '" Rex's Sundry Lumber for io. 369 63 Finishing Litzenberger's Bridge - 363 95 Do. D. Guth 's " 114 37 Dd. Gutheyille II 104 99 Witness fees and expenses in try ing Guthaville Bridge case lie fore Auditors Commissioners' Office Gideon Marx in full for services Levi Dornblazor • John Peter Edward Beck, Clerk Salary IL 11. Schwartz, Solicitor Do. expenses to Easton Cotnmontoealth Costs. Clerk of Court, witnesses fees, &e., in Commonwealth cases 2508 16 Fox Scalps. Sundry' persons for Scalps Sherffi: Balance due H. Smith, • EN., for 1858 • 356 56 • , • ' il 1. 4 . ,**.....""% %•...../ 1 ''' ."k,. ~ •41.-. -t: ; ,. . ..c_. ...\ ( .. ; , `,l: 11: - 'II J • 61 ' ‘ Ci . PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY HUBER & OLIVER AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER ANNUM. On account boarding 'prisoners, For returns to court and mileage 82 13 County Auditors for auditing ac counts of 1858, and trying Gathsville Bridge case 95 00 C. L. Franke for auditing State ac- , counts • 12 00 58,000 1,400 $89,240 00 4,435 88 Poor House. F.. R. Newhard, Eng., Treasury, sundry orders 5,000 00 Printiv and Stationery. • Mifflin Hannum, 205 38 Haines & Huber, 59 00 Blumer, Leisenring & Co., 01 15 'Freiler; Hurls - teller & Weiser, 135 72 Keck, Guth & Helfrich, . 89 00 Miscellaneous. • Annual gratuity to Lehigh County Agricultural Society, 100 00 Eastern Penitentiary for keeping Lehigh county convicts 210 07 Arresting a horse thief, 20,00 $3,153 30 Atuount of debts, Tom. loans mado in 1859, 58,000 00 Bal. in Treasury from last year 3,153 30 ----91,153 30 59,400 00 2088 71 23,693 77 -- 21,782 48 26,201 36 Co.ordera paid, 83,352 24 Tempo. loans, 59,000 00 24 2 24 11 00 8 06 Treas. fees. 1. per cent. 50,553 00 . 379 14 on Tem. loans made Do. paid MI 4 00 3 00 TN.. fem. 6. per cont. on 117,000 04.) 30U (H) Bat. in hands of t .Tenl 4 ., 3,233 28 12G 43 MEI *87,354 99 We the undersigned auditAws, in and tar the county of Lehigh, and State of Penn sylvania, do certify that we have audited,od justed and nettled the account of Thomas Steckel, Esq., late treasurer of the county of Lehigh, for the year ending December 31, 1859, and found it as before stated to be cor rect according to the best of our judgment; leaving a balance in the hands of the said Treasurer, due to the county, of three thou sand-two hundred and thirty three dollars and twenty-eight cents. Witness our hands nt Al lentown, January 12, 1890. ROBERT YOST., • W, J. HOXWORTIL • Auditors. CHARLES FOSTER, 1 February 1. —3t. 8,51 94 $87,354 0 Sss4 57 Register's Account. The account of Jacob Skinnier, P.sq., Register of Wills, FC., in andAr the county q/' Le high, in account with the Commonwealth Pennsylvania, on Collateral Inheritance Tax from December Ist, 1858, to December Ist, 1859. 27 80 30 58 41 97 183 75 802 28 39G7 21 10 50 The 'said accountant chargeß himeelt with the whole amount of Collateral Inheritance tax, received during the above term. . $4960 99 To dash received &eye the estate of • Catharine Andres, deceased, 11 00 . " Susanna Sorber, 17 05 " Catharine Ortt, 19 42 " - Samuel Knibel, • 939 " John Doichman, 299 13 ' " . Barbara Stahl, " 109 10 " Peter Shaffer, 13 47 Conrad Kohnel, 37 37 653 02 1,119 59 235 00 59,000 00 800 00 CR. By cash paid Common wealth as per vouchers of State Treasurer, 1,524 69 Register's commission at • 5 per cent on sBo 24 1,066 33 1,234 34 $62,100 07 We the undersigned auditors of the county of Lehigh, and State of Pennsylvania, do cer tify that we thave audited the account of Ja cob Simmer, Fag., Register of Wills, &c.,in and for said county, in account with the om monwealth of Pennsylvania ; that the same as above stated is correct. Witness our hands this sixth day of January, 1860: 1 ROBERT YOST, ' W. J. 110XWORTIL Auditors. CHARLES FOSTER, February 8. . --3 t 44 57 50 80 95 59 26 80 40 35 41 16 31 12 95 10 126 94 (10RNEIt of Hamilton and Seventh Streets, (Mar k) • hot Squnro) Allentown, Pa. THE Eagle' le well situated for the accomudation of travelers. It is - furniehed the beet manner. Tho Tablo is provided with the best fare the mar. ketatforde, and the bar eupplied with tho purest and beet liquors. 123 90 $1629 27 253 00 216 00 200 00 450 00 50 00 300 Farman! and pervene from the country, will find the enabling and yard, ne well as the Motel, conve nient. .Ir33`Omnibuses ruu regularly from this house to the Roll-roil] depots.. $1172 00 A. S. HEATH, PHYSICIAN AND SUMMON, will ex amine the sick and give advice free, at our agenis.— Mr. R. D. Lawnll's, Allentown, 31st of January and 29th of-March, 1860. Mr. Jacob Lawall's, Cutts eauqua, 30th of Jan., and 28th of March, 1860. Dr. Samuel Sandie, Easton 2d Jan. and 31st March 1800. Mr.. John Illetennsan's Hamburg, 23d Jan., and 22d March, 1800. Dr. B. S. Stevens, Reading 21st Jan., and 21et of, arch 1860. December 21, 1859. EM bee, &0., $1,206 66 Constable's Fees. Auditors 87,354 66 58,000 00 59,000 00 Era EAGLE HOTEL. MOSES •SCIINECK, Propriator Allentown, January 4, 1800. THE OLD. DOCTOIVS SON. ALLENTOW'N, PA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1860. • Militia Account. Thomas Steckel, Esq., Treasurer . of Lehigh County in account with the Military Board of said county for -1859. - - - To balance in hands of • Treas, as per County - Auditor's last report, 787 55 To Military tax unpaid as per said report 581 80 To Military tax assessed for 1859, 16 31 By exoneration to Collec tors for 1858 300 00 Commission do. (114 22 75 Amt. uncollected dd. 27 25 Exoneration for 1859, 202 00 Commission do. 21 34 Amt. uncollected do. • 004 77 Amt. paid for printing for 1858 and 1859, 40 00 Paid Commissioners and Clerk for 1858 and 1859 120 00 Paid Officers and Compa nies as per order of board orofficers 820 23 Paid A. Ettinger late Bri gade Inspector, salary, and election oxponses, 200 53 Paid Capt. Good, Brigade Inspector, salary, and election expenses, 121 00 Treasurer's commission, 10 45 Bal. in hands of Treasu rer for distribution, 404 03 • 850 00 3,000 35 • We tho undersigmol Auditors for Lehigh County do certify that we have examined the above account of Thomas Stockel,.Esq., Treasu rer of Lehigh County, and find it to be corroot according to the books and vouchers of the said County 'Treasurer. Witness our hands this oth day of January, A. D. 1860. ROBERT YOST, • W. J. HOXWORTIL Auditors. CHARLES FOSTER, February 8. —3t $lO7 00 110 EXCITEMENT! FOR the hotter accommodation of our customers, and the public generally, we will about the first of March, 1800, move to No. 36 East nonillion St., next door to the Pont Office. Where the largest stock of Queensware ever offered in Lehigh county, will be opened for sale at tholowesi possible prices. Wholesale and retail, in sets or by the piece. Stores taking an assortment will he supplied at Philadel phia prices. All in wont of any thing in our line are cordially invited to call and examine our goods and prices nod satisfy themselves of the truth of the above statements. Our stock Consists' In part of every pattern, style, quality • and color of China, Glass and Queensware, Stone, Rockingham, Yellow and Brittnnia Ware, Lamps of all kinds. pfli-Lamps altered and repaired to burn Nal Oil. QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE. • In sets All kinds, anti by ' For Hotel the piece, And Family use. Tea Sets, Tumblers, Dinner Sub', Lager Mugs, • Chamber Sets, Dishes, Bird Fonfits, Mugs, Cups, Bowls, Bowls, Dishes, Cake Stands, Pitchers,Plates, Jars, Pitchers„ . • Ac., ~ &v. Bottles, Flasks. STONEWARE. Decanters, . • Butter Pots, Lamps and tilebes Milk Pots, Shades, Jars, Jugs, Sucking Bottles, Spittoons, Breast Cups. • Pitchers, to. • • LAMPS. BRITTANN lA. All kinds, Tea Pots, Fluid Lamps, Coffee Pots. Coal Oil Lamp', Tea Urns, . ' Parlor Lamps, Ale Pitchers. - Table Lamps, Castor Spitons. Night Lamps, Mugs, Cups, Suspension Lamps. Ladles, hand Limps, Lumps, &c. Church Lamps. .hull Lampe, fie. - Don't forget the !deco, nett door to the Post Office. - T. C: I,: ERNAIIF.N. Allentown, January 23, 180'). —ly $550 25 330 07 A New Firm. THE nndersigned hereby inform their friends and the public in general, that they bet) formed n co mulnerehip undmthe nein° of grim & .Ludwig, end ne they hero purchased the Tannery on Ceder Creek, in Salisbury townehip, formerly owned •by l'eter Ludwig, they have established LEATIIEIt STORE • In Allentown at the stand lately oceupledhy l rim; Hecker co. They will always pay the HIGHEST MARKET PILIC.I3 In Cllail or exishange for Leather, for ALL KINDS OF SKINS AND AIDES, nt their . Tan nery in Salisbury, or at thoir,Store In Allentown.— They will also keep on hand at their store a full us' sortruont of LEATHER OF THE BEST QUALITY, which they will sell for cash or in trado for hides, at tho lowest market priees.i As they shall endeavor to please, they hope to re oieive n full share of public patronage. • WILLIAM GRIM, SOLOMON LUDWIG. Allonton November 19, 1859. —a MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Just Published, in . a Sealed Envelope. riN THE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADI 1,/ ICAL CURE OF SPERMATORRROEA, or Seminal Weakness, Sexual Debility, Nervousness and Involuntary Emissions, inducing Impotency and Mental and Physical Incapacity. Dv ROB J. CULVERWELL, M. D., Autho at" The Green Book, &v." The world- nowned author, in this admirable l i Lecture, elea y proves from his own experience that the awful co sequences of self-abuse may be effec tually romo ed without Medicine 'and without dan gerous Su gical operations, bungles, instruments, rings or ,tordials; pointing out a mode of cure at el ea cey(ain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure him self cheaply, privately and radically. Thin Lecture will prove a boon to thousands and thousands. 1,604 93 1004 93 Bent under seal to any address, post paid, 'on the receipt of two postage stamps by addressing Dr. CIL J. C. KLINE. M. D., 480 first Avenue, New Yeak, Post Box 4586. Jnnuary 17.—Doc. 14, BtritßAU I ItURRAEL Z GOOD NEWS! THE CHEAPEST AND THE BEST! " Stand down the MO and make room for the NEW SHOE FINDING- STORE'. THE undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Allentown and the public generally, that they have just opened their now Shoe rindlng Store at No. titi IVest Hamilton Strekt Allentown, Pa., where they have on hand the VERY BEST of Leath er, and nil the articles pertaining to their line of bu siness. • Highest cash prices paid for hides. Thankful for past favors they hope that their old customers will continuo to extend a liberal patronage, at their new stand. • '(TRIM & HECKER. WALTER J 011111,) [JOSEPH lIZOKER. November I. WITH Lathrop, Ludington & Co., IMPORTERS and Jobbers of Foreign sod Do mostie DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, Nos. 23 and 25 Park Place, Now York. /MP Also always on band on extensive stock of Yankee Notions. New York, November 30, 1859. CONSOLIDATED Lotteries of Delaware FOR FEBRUARY 1860 France, Broadbents & Co., Managers, Wilmingtan, Delaware. The Managers call the attention •of the public to the following Splendfd &lumen to be drawn In Wil mington Delaware, by State authority. Magnificent Scheme. GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE ° $70,000! Grand Contolidated Lottery of De). CLASS 0, TO to! drawn In Wilmington, Sat., Fob. 28,1860. 3000 35 tiUIIEME. T 8 Numbors-1.8 Drawn Ballots. 1 nuns $70,000 IS $70,000 e 1 1 . 30,000 30,000 12,750 1 25,500 1 . 12,750 J 1 5,000 1 10,000 1 6,000 J 8 . 2,500 /0,000 5 2,000 10,000 10 1,250 12,000 267 - 1,000 257,000 200 13,000 150 9,750 100 ' 0,600 4,650 102,400. 540,800 9 6 4,810 27,040 32,398 prizes, amounting to 11,202.000 Tickets $2O, Halves $lO, Quota., $5, Eighths $2,50. Certificate of Package of 28 Wholes, costs $299 00 Do. do, 00 Hit Ned, • 140 60 Do. do. 2l Quarters, 74 75 Do. do. 20 Eighths, 37 37 Grand Consolidated Lottery of Del ON THE HAVANA PLAN. Class TEN. To bo drawn In Wilmington, Dol., Wed. Fob. 29, 1860 Every alio'. Ticket a Prize Prizes payable in full, without deduction rlltAeie totteriesfevery Prize is drawn. SPLENDID SODOM 1 prize of $50,000 1 prize of 26,000 1 prize of .• 10,000 ' 2 prizes of 8,000 2 prizoe of 3,000 2 prizes of 2,000 2 prizoe of 1,000 ' 10 prizoe of 400 10 prizes of 300 . 20 prizoe of 200 100 prizes of 100 25,000 prizes ofB And 201 Approximation prizes ranging from $2O up to $5OO. . 25,356 prizes, amounting to $340,000 Whole Tiokets $10; halves $5; QuartMa $2,50. Person who desire need only remit the risk on a Package, for which wo will send a certificate as follows: A Corti!lento of Peoltago of 16 Wholes, coats • . $9O Do. do. 16 Halves, " 48 Do. do. 16 Quarters, " 24 Da. do• 16 Eighths, " 12 ,Mlr-Prizes paid immediately after the drawing. 2--o---- Persons living at a distance should ho ortremoly cautions of whom they order Lottery Tickets or Cur tificates of Packages of Tickets. Tho country Is flooded 'with bogus and swindling Lotteries. Every inducement is holdout to got persons to Invest money in them. Capital Prizes of from $20,000 to $40,000 hood their sehotnos—with Tickets nt One Dollar.— $lOO,OOO Capital Prizes aro offered, Tickets $5. All such, in ovary Instance, are frauds; and if money is sent to them for Tickets, it is so much thrown away without the shndow of n chance of getting n prize. Beware of all Lotteries whero the Capital Prize Is tinusuallflarge in comparison to tho price of Ticket•. I u every instance whore largo Prizes ore offered for n small cost of 'Tickets, put It down fora certain fraud. i Ver-All orders addressed to FaAlton, BROAD DENTH it, Co., Wilmington, Delaware, will meet with prompt attention, and the printed official drawing sent us soon as over. FRANCE, .13ROADDENTS it CO., Irtniingion, Agawam January 25, 18(10. . PAWL AND WINTER STYLES, Buy your Hats AT BERGER & KECK'S. NO. 17 West Hamilton knot, whore they. now have on hand tho largest assortment of HATS A ND CAPS. • 4 Fall and Winter stylos ever soon in Al-111, lentown, comprising every known style and quality, from floe dolleis down to fifty cento, and such that will dooome old and young. Their stook of Cops is the largest in Allentown, and sold nt extromo low pri- To convinoe the public of what is said, it; may be well to state that they have/brig-one, different etylos. Surely enough to give a person a chance of suiting Ills taste. Call and see them. All Hats monufnetured under tho supervision of Mr Berger, he being n practical Ratter. Remember the stand, directly opposite Barber & Young's Hard ware Store, Wad Hamilton street. s`Country Merchants would do well to give us n call, As we will wholesale thew hats nud caps cheap er than they eau got them In the city. BERGER St KECK. Alledtown, September 28, 1850. —tf Attention, Company! Heads Erect, and Eyes Right, On HARMS' TRlO — thorn you can have your boards removed with ease, and your hair cut, ram- Teem', curled, frizzed or shampooned in a style that -cannot be surpassed. And keeps for sale his Lavaro Roditum, for preserving and beautifying the hair.— Also beards colored to suit the cOmplexion, at the FOUNTAIN HEAD, No. 52 Rast Hamilton Street, south side, TEMPLE .OF TASTE, No. East Hamilton St., north Ma, and UNITY - CABIN, North west oornor oP Seventh and Linden Ste The subscriber renders many thanks to his old pa trons and invites those to call who have not tested the efficiency of his tonsorial operations. Tho corps is under the supervision of , PROF. C: 11. HARRIS, Allentown, Pa. December 7.—July 111. 1:11 " A TRUTH." TT le nothing to gain popularity, but It 10 rarely IT that mon retain it. Like money, come easy, go easy, popularity is a tentlerAffair, and requires care ful nursing to keep It alive: Especially is this observable in rnereantile• affairs. If the reputation, which is but another name for popularity, bo won by actual merit,' it is lasting. O. H. Schermorhorn, the well known . Grocer, Fish and • Prevision Dealer, hnn by his straight-forward course, the raimens of hill prices and the excellence cf his stock secured a rep utation which will be lotting. Having taken the business lamed/ nt the corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets—hu can defy cam petition and afford to sell nt prices to suit everybody: Hive Lim a anti and be initialled with the Truth of hie nsecrtions. C. 11. SCIIERMERHORN, Corner of Nffith and liotnilton Streete Allentown, December Id, 1850 Ma - insurance doi, ALLENTOWN, LESION COUNTY, PA. THIS Company laorganized un'aer the general-In k aurance Lawe of this State, and ineuroa upon the mutual 'principle exclusively, against loss by fire, on Buildings, Meruluindise and other property. Ap plication for insurance may by mode at the Oleo of the Oompany, or to the Sitrveyora whose names have heretofore been announced. • C. W. 'COOPER, Provident. • C. M. RUNK, Sccrotary. Allentowp, Dec, 17 1859. . —ly CAUTION, Mil NELIGH & BREINIG'S 0141 i PRICE • . . ; • ?!-- . = • • ria( 4 l ,l- : , • • !,, I;ligPr+ . • • - 2 .. .. 7rNcOF . FicE• - • ' • •-• , • :• • : . -'; ".... e' CLOTHING HOUSE I LION IX Zia. I.JI N ELIGH BREINIG, fooling it an Imperative duty to accommodate the public, found it rfecoeenry to procure a more commodious place of bu sinoee, and nccordinly erected a PALATIAL CLOTHING HOUSE, , on tho corner of Churn!' Alley and Hamilton street, opposite Mosor's Drug Store, of which they have just taken poessession, being the latgost, most 'com modious, and best arranged building for the business in Allentown. rho proprietors of this New and Magnificent Cloth ing Establishment, take plonsure,in further announc ing that they have also increased their tremendous Winter Stock of • - READY MADE CLOTHING, and nro daily adding ihoreto all kinds of artielos ap pertaining to Mon and Boy'o wear which will be sold at extraordinary low rates, as they go upon the principle that a "nimble oixpenco is bettor than a slow shilling." They have no trash of years on their ohelvos, whiel they try to palm nit for now sound, goods, but on tho contrary, era superior in quality, make and etyle, to any ostablislitnent in the Once.— Givo them a trial and you will find tne PALATIAL CD . ..THING MOUSE is the place for everybody.— Their winter purchnsee comprise entirely new and desirablo styles, such an can not be found at ony oth er Merchant tailoring establishment in Anon'town.— Their goods were selected with the greatest care, and minim mado up in the latest etylo and fashion, and warranted to prove tho same no represented nt the time of purchaso. Observe, that every article of Clothing sold by the proprietors of this establish meht is of their own maim, and may bo roliod upon an beinggood, durable work. Among their °von sir° aseortment may bp found, fine Black and Blue now style Dress Mal Frock Cents, 'undo in the latest fashion of French and English Cloths, new style Business Coats, of Black, Blue, Olive and Oreen Cloths, and plain nod figured Cassimeros ; Over Coats, of all qualities, styles and price's, pantoloons, vests, and in fact everything in the HEADY MADE CLOTHING LINE, from an overcoat down to an undershirt. Tho four great featuretiof Nang!) Ji; Broinig's Store are, that they buy for . 01$11, and consequently can soil cheaper thou any Of tho others; their goods arc made up under their own supervision, and they sell them for what they really are, and last though not least they sell their goods for Cash. Having adopted the CAS It system, they era not compelled to provide against. h ssos by increased prices. Duyors who pay cash are not required to make up the losses, of such as will not Tiny. Also, a large stock of Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Collars, Winter Hoisory, Under Shirts and Drawers of all kinds, and everything in fact that is usually kept in stores of the kind. Call and see boforo you purchase oleewhero, as they willingly show what they have,— They aro satisfied that all their goods will hear a oloeo examination. January 4, ISIIO. —lf CHEAP CASH Shoe and Hat Store, ELIAS MERTZ & SOW. 11L bw TILE subscribers hove add' day en-. tored,in co-partnership under theabove Finn, and have taken the stand lately occupied by Jonas George, next door to the Hard ware Store of lingenbuch, Ilorsh b Co., whom they aro now opening a very largo stock of Boote,,Shoos. Hats, Caps Re. And; having adopted thli Celli System, they would invite one and all to give them an early call as cash buyurs witl find it greatly to their advantage to examine our stock before,purcluis log oh - miter°. We have a Shoe and Boot Manu factory, by which we aro constantly adding to our already • heavy stock, good and substantial work which will give ample satisfaction to the we:nor and which wo aro selling Whulasalu and Itotail at the very lowest figure. . _ _ N. B. Just received a largo supply 9f Gum Shoes of every description. Also Trunks, Cthlet Bags .tc l'af - Meitsured work will ho done at the shortest notice. nuns murtrz. Allonto . wn, Nov. It, 1850,0 FURS! FURS !!. FURS !! ! FOB, 1869-60. FAREIRA & THOMSON, No, 818 MARKET STREET, oboe Eighth. rola side, PHILADELPHIA HAVE JUST OPENED THEIR Elegant Assortment of Furs, manufactured under their immediate supervision front FURS, selected with the greatest of care from the largest stocks of the European ilarket, embra cing every variety and rtylo of LADIES AND CHILDRESS WEAR Those purchasing early rill have the benefit of n larger selection. Besides the above goods, no have a tine assortment of BUFFALO I?OBES,GENTLEMEN'S FUR GEOVES AND COLLARS. The prices for all theao gooda aro at a lower figure than they can be bought any whore in tho city. PAREIRA k THOMSON, 818 Market Street, Philadelphia. N. O.—FURS altered and repaired and FUR TRIMMINGS made to order. ' November 2, 1886. "—Jai TO THE PUBLIC. AT :lE llo T l3 l l7C a CO n e d a f C ti o ll p y pe e r ar S ri n e l l i l t l e i o n u f s o i r n e t s h s a , .. last twenty-ono year at No. 88 and 42 . West Hamilton Street, in the Borough of Allentown by Athos Ettinger, will &emend after the first ofAtt— gust ho conducted under the firm of Ettinger & son. The attention of the public in called to the fart, that the businers hereafter will boconducted on the Cash System. By so dealing—we expect to reduce pur prices sell cheaper than ever, and thereby benefit the public as well as ourselves. Thankful for past favors, the, new firm solicit as continuance of the patronage, with which the old business stand hue been favored. A polito invitation to extended to all suet, es arc indebted on [lto old books. to make settloment in (milt or acceptable papers. Thom) who may not knoto, when an account is doe, may be, reminded soon by' legal procep. A MOS ETTINGER, 1V M. J, ETTINGER. July 27,18.'0. —tf CRAIN, FLOUR AND COAL. TIIII undersigned respectfully hog leave to inform the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that they are prepared to do all sorts of gals!-work and to fur nish Flour, Feed nod Grain of all kinds at Butz's Mill on the Jordan creek one mile front the borough. Wheat, 'lye, Corti and Oats, bought nt the highest market price either nt tho mill or at their store•house nt the cornoruf Ninth and Linden Streets, (commonly known as the Free Hall.) Orders for Flour, Feed and Grain received either nt their store house or nt the of- Oleo nt their coal-yard, !n First Wnril, ('l'. J. Klan pinger's Into stand.) The undersigned will enrry 0 as heretofore the coal and grain business at RIM old stands. 'Business hereafter carried on eNeht !lively on the each principle. ROTII, MICKLEY -A: CO. Allentown, Nor., 2, 1852. • —tf GRAPE CROWERS CA Sr CARRY on . their business most successfully at Hammonton; free from frosts. Some forty Vineyards eet.out the the past season. See advertisement of Hammonton Lunde, another column. DR.• DARIUS - HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. Thin Medicine has been lured by the pnbliefor six years, with increasing favor. ft ie recontm drd to Cure • Dyspepsia, Nerronancse, Rena-MOW, Colic Pains, Irind in the Stomach, or Pains in the Bowels, Headache, Drotesinc,m, Kidney Complaints, Low Spirits, Deli; hint Tremens, Intemperance. • Ir 81in 1:L.111:8, ENRILMIATES, INVIGORATLS. err OVILLNOT INTOXICATL OR 6TUOICV. A S A MEDICINE, it to quick rind effectual, cur ing the most aggravated eases of Dyspepsia, Kidney Complaints, mind ell other derangements el the Stomach and .11,.wels, In a speedy manner. It will instantly Teyire the most melancholy end drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nervous Old sickly to health, strength end vigor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors. have become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, constitutions broken down, and subject to dint horrible curse to humanity, the Deuttrun Teo- LENS, will almost immediately. feel the happy rind 'healthy invigurnting efficacy of Dr. Ilain'slnvig,o 'rating Spirit. - WHATJr WILL DO. Dosc.—Ono wino glass full as often es necessary. One dose will remove nil Bad Spirits. One dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. Ono dose will giro you a - Good Appetite. Ono dose will atop the distressing pains of Dys pepsia. Ono doge will remove the distressing and disagree. able effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the dis tressing load cud all painful feelings • will bo re moved. Ono dose will remove the moot distressing pains of Colic, either in the stomach or bowels, .A few doses will remove obstructions in the Kid ney, Bladder or I'ricary Organs. Persons who aro seriously afflicted with any kid ney-Complaints are assured speedy relief by a duce or two, and aradical cure by the use of one or two bottles. Persons who, from dissipating too much over night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquo7e, in violent headaches, sickness nt stomach, weak ness, giddiness, ke., will find ono doss will remove all had feeliti„s. Ladies of weak and sickly constittitions, should talcs the Invigorating Spirit three times a day: It will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and rostoro the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn face. During pregnancy it will bo found' an invaluable medicine to romovo disagreeable sousations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks, is n trial, and to induce this. ho has put up the INVIGORATING SPIRIT in pint bottles, tit GO cis., quarts $l. thinoral Depot, 48 Wati3r Street N.Y. Sold by L. D. lativall, J. B. Mosor and LOIVib Schmidt /6 Co., Allertown, Pa. February 1, 1800. • *--ly Dr. Wm. Zunce's Adjusting Splint. pIIE undersigned, having purchased the patent-right I for Lehigh County, hereby inform tho public that they are . prepared to furnish Dr. Wm. littnee's Adjusting Splint. This instrument for simplicity and utility in the treatment of different, fractures and die ion:l, is a decided improvement on any o n l yr n ow in usu. Attention is called to the following receom modations from gentlemen distinguished in the med ical profession. I hero examined the apparatus of Dr. ;I'm. Bunco. It is a combination of Adjustor and Splint, and well adapted to meet the indleationa for which it is design ed. It is really an improvetnent on must' I' nut on ttll rush instrutnents. Ily the Adjustor, tlislnentbnl, 111 Well 119 fractures, may bo controlled, while by tho splint+, till tho advantages nifty be obtained without many of the inconcenieneies incident to most of tho , t in um. 'f hi,. apparatus therefore deserves tho al to:Ilion 01 phy,i, : inna and surgeonP,lming from its price :woes. slide to all, a n d in my judgment bein , .; an improve ment ou thinge of the kind non• in use. DR..roliNrimwsroy. Peofessor of Anatmny and Physiology. Starling Mudi,al I have examined Dr. niMOW!. Adjustor, and find it a eupital instrument to bring about pertl•ei eoap tation of the fragments in eele of fracture. It PCOITOI to 11101.180 well adapted to eserrine exten sion and counter-extension in ease of tii4lth.ations, t itiv i ug the a dva n t age vii any other inPtrunient, lu allowing manipulations of the limbs during exten sion. I can cheerfully reecommend the instrument of Dr. Dunce to my prolesitionnl brethern in the eountry, who need to have n reliable nppnratus 011 Mold for such einergetwies. DR. GUSTAV. C. F. WF.ItElt. Professor of Surgery in Cleveland Medietil College. I fully roman. with Professor Weber in relation to Dr. Dunce's Adjusting Splint. PROCTOR THAYER, M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiolugy, Cleveland Medical -College. This is the best i strument thy kind new in use. This Splint is so constructed that it may be adapted to any length of limb. It eon be used on the priori• ple or 'double inclined plum:, or it eon be used as the long straight Splint. The Adjustor eon he applied with, or without the Splint and is n aetly applied to any fracture or dielo ration of any. of the straight bones. With this ndjun• tor properly applied, it is utterly impossible to get shortening of the limb, and withal so perfectly simple iu its construction that any Surgeon will see at onee. Iwo• the instrument is applied. Price of the whole apparatus, $25. • The Adjustor alone Sl2. ',MIST!. MERTZ srr A: SNYDER. Smith Whitehall, Lehigh County,, Post. DiHee nd drem4 Trexlertown. rl limn') 1 Ou it MUSICAL FRIEND, a Rare Companion for the Winter Months. Every Pinnia, I Should procure this weekly Every Singer, Publication of Vocal anti Every Teacher, Piano Forte Music, cost- Every Pupil, • I ing but TEN CENTS n Every Amateur, number, and pronounced By the entire Press of the country, to be The Best and Cheapest Work of the kind in the World." Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for TEN CENTS. Yearly, $5; Ralf-yearly, $2.511; Quarterly, sl.2t). Subscribe - to "Cur Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest News dealer, and you will Rare Music enough for your entire family and arineignifi cant cost and if you want Music for t h e Flute. Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, etc., etc., sub scribe to the '' Containing 12 pages, costing only TEN CENTS n Number; Yearly, $2.50; Half-yearly, $1.25. All the back Numbers et JO cents, and Bound Vol umes, COTI Wining 17 'Nimbus, at, 82,50 each, 'con stantly on hand. January 25, 1850 . Allentown Academy, 91111.1 Fall Term of this Institution wns opened on handily tho Ist of Soptutober. Pupils ore re ceived into thu Sehool at :lily Litho and charged only from the data of catmint). Primnry, per qunrir.r, $.lOO Common lingliAh 4,506p.1,00 Higher " " with and Oro:lc, 6,00 " Frond', 7,511 14,00 2,00 2,n0 Mtißie, • . Uso of Piano for practiro, Drawing, - Fuel for winter; A l'ew popile are received into tloi family of Ihe Principal nt time rate of $l.O per quarter for hoard; washing and tuition in ull lirunchus except Music and Drawing. I. N. GREGORY, Prineipnl. December 11.—Mnreh 16, —ly ALL''WANTING FARMS IN A DE, lightful olimoto ' tick soil, and secure from frosts, ECU advertisement' of llnmulonton binds in onolhor col umn. Dyspepska Remedy NIGHTLY DISSIPATION Columbus, Ohio, Februnry 17, 1857 Cleveland, dttnunry 17, 1R:,7 OUR MUSICAL, FRIEND. 1 EffNal SOLO MELODIST, C. R. SEYMOUR & CO., 107 Nati!.Wl Street, New York. —2m (NUMBER 21. ALLEN HOUSE, A LLENTOWN, J'ENNA Titis well=htloWl1 4 •Ironso rheretiller bo eon -1 ducted under the personal supervision of Yoko b Newhard, who will spare nn pains to maintain tho high reputation. the Holy° has horetnfore borne. It is the largest and most Con tra] limum in thu place, bring actuated at the 'corner of th e pal:p e Square and Hamilton stated. - Its cen tral location rendur3 it the moro convenient for business men as We:l ae for those travelling Gtr pleasure. The Irons° is pr0vr , 14441 with Baths, Airy Chambers, Parlor:4, Reading Room, Sce., The bill of fare mid tablo accommodations r.re the be"t the marhet atTords. Every 'attention is given to instill the comfort of guels. Agroeablo society may all aye he found at this ostablishinont. An omnibus is always in readine,s to convoy passen gers to and from tho depct lita arrival and depar ture of every train. JOSEPH NEWHARD,' EPHRATA! Yollhl, Proprietorg• Allentown, October 261 11, 1559, . , tf . . Sill n (rer 9 S SClVill° n 1 AlaCilillOS. ,4: - .,7-1 rrlIE Into reduction in t.„ .l. price . of tin on ma , ....!\.. : il; chincs hrinps thrin- in ....41,ci1 . . , reach of everybody,— ,i'l'',, ,,There machines havo au 4'oAr ' ''!'t." cotaldished reputation all 7 over the civilized world for its durability and the . . work it performs. Thorn ; lc lo t n o In o getting .e9 s, lock outof order. --41 ., J which will neither rip, . 0 1 1 ravel nor pull out. Per sons having these machines in use would not part Avith'thcm, no S.lOOO a year can ho made with one of them. For onto at the Boot and Shoo Store of GEORGE LIiCAS k SON, (Agents for B. Randall,) No. T. East IlaMilten St.. Allentown Pa, P. S.—All orders promptly attended to. Allentown, January 17, lot3o. GLENN'S ONE PRICE' HAT AND CAP STORE, (CORNER OF THE FIVE STORY BLOCK ' ) N. Wost cornor of Eighth and Raoo Stroots, PHILADELPHIA The Public are respectfully invited to bear in mind that at this Store may ho foudd ad assurttitent of Fashionable and Handsome Moleskin Drain; Hata, Soft Hats, High, Lott/ and Medium Depth .Crown, Cloth and Glazed Caps. Plush awl Plush Trimmed Cups for Men and Boys, Fancy Hats and Caps for Children, at Fair Priors. :1,147N0 TWO PRICES FOR REGULAR GOODS. January Is, MO. —ly ACH JOHN F. JUSTICE Of THE PEACE. Offie°on tho west chic of 2d. street between Hamil ton and Linden Streets, has been appointed ns Agent of M.L. Ileller's European Express and Expo dition, Commission, and Forwarding House, No: 3 Chamber Street, Now York. Ho writes or draws all Powers of Attorneys in the tlerman and English Languages and forwards to all Germany and England. Also Passage certificates can be had at his (awe to Bremen, hamburg, Havre, Antwerp, Rotterdam and London. Allentown, August 31, 1832 General News Agency. (I N and after Monday, January 2.1, 1860, the unl der,igned will constantly keep on hand nll the Philadelphia and New York dailies, weeklies, and monthlies. .lle will servo his sub,eeibers regularly .)very day, imm:liately after the arrival of rho ears. EDWIN SAEGER, 6,1 on of Low Alloy and Hamilton s t ree t, Allentown, Tit. 1 1 171:::1 ry f, I F. 611 AMERICA AI Paint and Color Works, L L A' 7' () X, P.A. BRE I NIG A BRO. onrunfacturers of Whit,' Lend, Zinn IV bite, Chron•e. and Yellow, Chineso and Pros inn Illne, Sieumi, Fpqraill Brown, Ochre:, Ae. Pure Churnieal Omen. Puri, Lehigh :kletallie —is Oysters! -Oysters! 'Pilo tintlersiftiletl in addition to the' ",:o.‘lll. , ltleFS Ilerdti . OTO eat vied on at hie fruit I.llli o ern ble store, et the corner of rmw Alloy nod Street, Allentown, Pu., will tlwnyr• keep on hand a supply of lino optters, which! mill he snit' lieil nt the sterr.'or to families nt their toques ..0 rhort nutlet.. W. W. ❑AMERSIX• Nov. 2, 18:41. • —ti JOSEPH S. KIDER, , fie A \ Dl'.ll`l , . of Jefferson Medical College, YTS nit.l ra,iilent of Ileidolberg townbhip, Le t& It county, immediately in the vicinity of tho public 1,11!... of :%Tr. Daniel Delbert*, offers his pro fession 11 FerViVeH to the ,itiv.co, or 'hitt vicinity. lie will ghully !Immo . . In calls at all hours orthe tiny ~r nigl t. I . Noveml er 10, 1.351.1.—tr • ----------------- - A. B. Schwartz, ATIORM AT LAW, nI.TI.IE: East IlLintithin Slrtiot, Allentown, Pu. 11t r, .hiors east of the Sheriff's Oillett. y_x3 - Can hu consulted in the English antl German Isingitages. Icovuniber 23,1859 Adam •Woolever. ATTORNEY AT LAW SHERIFF'S OFFICE, ALLENTOWN, PA. atot.d to the collection of claims in Le high and adjoining counties. • Alloutpun, July 27, ISSO. Removed.. M. RUN K' has removed his Law•Oflice to No. 413 C East Hamilton street, opposite liceittel's Amer ican Hotel. Tho tulle of Rvsr k 6nrnr u, fled of the ALT.RN rNMURANCI: COMPANY hel) Leon rt:levVCd ' to the :+lllllu Dec..l7 1.559. • :Im— . NEW 'SALOON. Tit E undersigned respectfully nunnunces to the eilizetut Allentown and vicinity, •that lie hair opened n Saloon lately in the Int , entettt of Mitrx's tiow ' Ninth 11011 Hamilton Plieen, whin the H 711.3011 two always. ho M==NiEl NATIONAL HOTEL, RACES STREWIT, 41130VM 'MIRY) P A 1) P II I A . CI - tars CA lIMANY, Proprietor. Noveiiilwr 2, P,5;1. .__ ' PURE OHO CATAWBAEI/ANDY, • LAwALL, man agent fur the county.-- Priv() per InAtlo $1.:13,1,:,* thu eaFt) $lO. Alit:ate:l.n, Jan. I. ~ D. S. P. F3ILBSS , JED 3E9111 init.T r- JaC' 0 FIR d OVER i'i u 01 1 T LI dt CO'S STOIIII A :..1,1!;.` TO 14'N, PA PERSONS 'WANTING CITANGE OP elittinteTor health,foo ndveithetueut of liatainontou Lunde in another column. • IBM IMEI =I EIMISINSI 1218
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers