• "AttrioleTtlnib vd *itrhitt Yti 161 Vi JKIP 'lO Li 09/1 - .7 line .f xlln9or.it• 1:1 tytl Rll/11j. , 11 /1() 0:4 4114,11 1,0 f: 101 rift • 10 xriilll: , ) 1,;,1 of ••••••••....•••••....114MICOM• . , . . • • ) • ' 111111‘13;iA,•, '.ll V Clicititlf:Pitll X V Di!) 11 . ' 614114')0 1 5/N - I:PflWair M; a p ) f) ( , 1 1 . 1,,, 1 . ;t , jiff ! titia - - '' .. l ,1.,1 ...! : I , 1.4 : lir .*:/' .. /slti t lll t 'lll.l,2 , l .V . I. 1.1 NEL ~. 1 i ( .y , , ! . .1 ,. 1 .1 .-- , • - , a , na-.‘,..i 0 . .,41,1 ... ... ..., ..,. ! ..., w 4.4 , . m1AN ,, ,1.. vo (A go ri.nl • it .. ~,,-1 mo gßjb li ,Aa t u,x,c,l4.., :.; •>r:,, •,!1,, 4 Q non hung!: Unkon hrpken• r up,i).4,,Whole.tinle, 1., JC,U, 't; tares ,In NP,w, York ,bnatett, and,o, or,lo ,011'il,. 11)11 ,iii:o. L. V ,'. It. it.',all'rali . info ppp ipioPie'orPruijeat 'I all theit'ttobieiniltlits hitiilildrne'W''46iplii'l Di aPliiiiti 's:tarp's -Cligrib•Ciiiih l •Siqro;lNd."3s 'Arai Iliiin(lithi 'StI: Allontowit,••ht•j•iintilStrillP is nt;lv detetilaltie&W roll Diem at stidir low rates; that ievery anyin;•-Wohnnn nipl• childi cull ttet,i storm afttite New Onellf.w•MCII•• ...pillipr p,:!r4 utue,bing4,oikfilit ,;1760y0 por : ,yl3 10 . 16 now l atilmi fancy drusivellknifor,so emits a ya r ; 1,1:'1 11i1111P11,.12.1.contg ll'yfir.}; mil i s eri'nl;ll - , deintoos, i#V l illr..slYNll.'Jii•lt mit, - dill cliaap',':.'for 'hitsli,.—' Ali, altnnt 'll,ooo.'ynille (if reniimittar'brmlll'eolors ott•hprices. (tirpot,', oll'efoth,IIM•l• tielthvgimuslitti l•litnol.M1 rind vii-blenched.•lahltv •IMper, , thweling, I).cah.renfittre k ,.t..c...vory elioal•,•. - Altto.tiballt 11 ,000 %} coittitor,-pninos. j•••t in limo for Alio young) morrle•l peilfde ; . nild. 11., old n. 0,, limy 111. •• lilPlll ' 'ilik it liloy bait, iht. in.,itey., Al.ntrning. \ • •••••I l'ldlarsmii.l nil lanai Ot l l:intirobleriortiv•tiu.ir•voir i t trioi,!. .-.. . • .- e ith i? A LSO Al Poi.. STOPP •.b CO, are (Hosing out ' :1;•- ''' their stock• or iyhter bottoms, Ilowurei rib , bons; .t'.. it liltsi 111.:11. 44 0 P ISAwir, Coital: . 11111 i 11111ile/P(;:l : j11)t ,übmik .sweet. Money Syrnia_hfol:i.ge:/ nt'D cilia qicirt.. - licst - 11Micy Syritp - ill,' 121 cent:' n qini,rE' Bal. Mild §llgiir at In Mints 11 Itr. • barge lot of Itilitilns and bther ilrle•I fruits NW) , cheap. (Ibis, nod ()natl. , - ' wnre and Looking Masses just nbout cheap enough -, • —, x ji lir I.liliz., sitx . '..;4lk• - lc ji : i j r.:. ;. l - 14 snit Ithe limos. Now Ltitlios and Gootlomen IC N E T . VI) r litiNl.d.llialing.it o iniperalVa ~yod•linve the CASH and Want suck Cheap (100,10 found ii •, call at S ; topp' , H ,, C s ilg iv P ii C t ll l B )e il o S ii t e s . lC :Ind ityou hove no fit P:tilliemainiriptlitte the publiq; neeessaiSi46Prcltrotiinore pointntidlane place of It. uun .' e St ,u6t I • ..• ohms, stnineoerdlitly emoted ti . :.. . • , IfFit . N. IL Al.m 7 dwelling liimsos to rent, nDo • PALATIAL OLOTIIINO HOLISE,: - . . I 211- 1 basement and 21 and :Id t•tories In Ilniuil• Sven cituutcd for n Dootor, 'Lawyer, Daguer on the 90111cr•of.Phuvolt,.Alltay : tino Muni/ton Firoet, ~ 101 l St., oppositp,?rfpeeee. Drug StOre, ,qf which they love roan or Dentisti Office. Basement fora segnr store just talesy pees.speolou, beicg:thainrgest, most; eum• Am. Also a gond brick, back building suitable for a modiouf, and bdeelirranged building 'for the btn.inese I Shocumker or Tifflor riloN n AlloOtiiWn •:- ''' • •• . • • " ' .'' ~ _• • ' Inquire :-35 Wtlti Hamilton St. The peoprietoreaf this New and Magnificent Cloth." Allentown, January, 23. • ing listlibliehMentiitakirplausure.ln further nnnounm. ' ing that they have also ineroused thoir tremendous HANDSOME LADIES ATTENTION! 'Winter Staqk cr• 0 , • READY ' MADE' CLOTIIING, 00D LOOICING MEN READ:! and aro daily adding thereto all : kinds of ttrtielvs op. • _ pertaininettOren and Bny's year 'which will lie ' Children Don't Cry. t sold atexirmittilitnry leri rates, as they'go upon the • .. --- prineinte thitt‘it "nimble 'sixpenhe in hotter thnn n' 1 1 01 t JAMES HESS his paid attention to all plow slillling.'t , ' They , havo•notrash of years on their. 1 . . shelvesvaithiehthey try . to palm otf for new . salmi,, your wants. For ladies ho his the nicest fors or •r seen in this county, mull as Mink, Fitch, Sable, goods,l;Mtsop'.ol6 'contrary, ere superior in quality, Opossum, he., of every description and grades-Mil, make and style, to.an,y,ertaglishment in the trial and you will place.- stye a, 'ona tne PALA TTAL fir al capes, half rapes null victorines,-and selling them ive t ''-'-- - - ;most nothing. Only $6 for a whole net, Cape, CLOTHING„HOIJSE Is' the place for everybody.- ,Cuffs and Muff. I defy competition-if any denier Their iiiiller purchases coMpriee entirely new nod' in this county will or can.sell Furs cheaper than I desirabl6 l ityles, such as' enn not, be found it any nth- tie I will give them, away- noir is your tima and er Meraitarttlallering estahlishmen ' Altentown.- : Their goods worn selected with the re test Care, and • °inn”' just roll anti mtl ' iS yoUrselves. will bemmdorpp in the latest style tn fashion, and i n . . . EMT S,AN DO4P • warranted, o:, prove the , some no represeqted al the ; time of p, rellaSe. Observe, that °Very, article or . T_TE has nn firma in elegant assortment Clothing.s Id ih,y tho ' prOprictors, of this establish- ; -1-1 of Fasniennhle Styles fur 1860, 1 , meht ileof ( tholf 'own mike', and may be relied upon ' among which are tt good supply from thel :us beint'g , Slad;'ditrahici work: Among their exten- ' beet establishments in Now York and give astertment' may. be found, tine Black and Blue • •I'hiltidolphia made expressly to order, which lit new style;Drose nil.Ftech Coats. made in the latest i elegance and durability are net excelled. Toshio!) , 4:4•French and EMgllolt Cloths, now style . Also, nll kinds of Fur nnui Wool , llnte, Infanis and BusinessAoats„ of, Pluck, Blue, .Olive and Green Youths Sill( and Beaver tints. Also, n large assert- Cloths, and,, piniii and figured, CaSsitneres ; Over meat of Silk Plush and Cloth Caps, of all prices mid Coats, bf all'qitallties, styles and prices, imntaloons, ' qualiyt--all of which will be sold at the lowest rates. vests, Marin fact everything in the READY MA DTI W If, Oa an d Modal Robes. CLOTRIN9 'F;Tfil.3,. front' an overcoat down to an • and selling cheaper than the cheapetit. undershirt'' ,' •: , ' '.• • ' For ebildteti, filmy Cape and Furs of ovary dle,2', Thoteur grentfeetxtroa or Neligh 46 Breinig l s Sterol seetption mid color, from $1.50 to $6 a rot, are, that,;tbay,lnt, •Tor.Cnsb, anti consequently can ! N. B. cash, anti the very highest market price, eel' cheaper. than any. of the oth e rs ; thoir goods are 1 paid,for Furs and t lins of till kinds. Remember mods up tinder their own supervision, find they "" ; the:place, No. 2:1 East Hamilton St , nearly opposite them foti l tatitt they ren/Vare, and last though not ' the (Terms' Reformed Church. least thy Sell their kootbi for Cosh. • . 1 • SYLVESTER WEILF.R, Agent. Raving 'Wonted , the 'CASH system, they nrn not Allentown, Jon. 18. . -II compelled to Prouido against .ltsooti, la y - inoronntbt•....--....-,---s-,--------, .--..--- -(-- - ---,.: prices.l ißuyees who pay cash are not required to make up.Htelosses, of such as will not pay, (AV ea,t, Pittx attic) n l . Wt hi t o e , r alii o r or to , 6 .tin or de u r nna, i e r r t, ,,, n ie nTilr h a ir z ,..c ( 0 ,11 . "n rii ikSlllol}lllll GIIODS AEI CLOTHING" kinds, MA itvotythitig In fact that is tonally ittlit In stores 6rThe , lthitl.. 'Call and see before you purchnse ;,. ~ Wm, F. Miller, eleowliotl3,4ls they willingly show what they have.- , ' , They arts saddled. that all their goods will bear a NO.. 58 EAST LTA 3.1112TQN STREET, close examination. , ' , . (Two Dooms ilutow 1111.1 AllElliCAN .11L.T13.,) ... Tant!ari 4,.1800 We Hive a Larger Stock 1 AND SELL AT IS WL.o F± 1. 1" -,THAN ANY OTHER CLOTIVIN G- ST 011 E lAr AL LENTO 1 VA,. & Colver En.t, 11+111111ton street, have just. received 111 trout Philadelithitt tt very heavy staclt'of FALL ,AND WINTER GOODS of most, favorable stylee, from all ofv!iicll they will make to order, and also keep,on hand a large sup. ply of . /IRA!) 1r MADE CLOTHING. at such kv prices, that eannat lie equalled"Stt 'nay estlibllehment in this or any oth• or town in Eastern l'enneylvimin. 'Our Smelt is twice as large, and we sell doable the amount or the two beat ettaldisliniants in town, conseipienily ens: Ming us,tr sell nt 31 very small profit. They have on haud..every,iityles of Giwinents adapted to the season,. to which the attention of the public is invlt 1 ed ton Careful *examination or quality, workman ship, OYU) of trimming., sloth cut, which the proprie tors will guaranteeto ho superior to that of any HOUK) in the•trade. They constantly keep on hand a well,Onkleotedt stock of Gentlemen's FurniAing Goodei'eonsisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocks. Cravats,, ilan,,lltorehlefs, hose, Stipeoilers, Sc., Inicides many oracles catalog in their line of horsiness, all of which are solda filo lowest piece. CUSTOMER li'Oß K. Orders for custonier work will always be received with pleasure, and attended to with punctuality, and as two of the limn are practical tailors, none but the bolt workmanship will be suffered to pass their bands.• tig,..Thoy ale° particularly invite Country Mer eilautp„to give them n call, as they utter cktraur . dinary bargains fit ISREI\IO Sc COLVER Allfltqwn, Oct. : 5, 1839 FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING • -kr TIM- ALLENTOViTN CLOTHING STORE. No. 35 East Hamilton Street, Allentown, Penno. I WOULE again call the attention of tho citizone of Allentown, and tho surrounding country, to :ay stook of FALL AND WV INTER CLOTHING Which' for variety anti excellence of manufacture exceeds that of forther sonnons. I have row on hand, and intend keeping a gen eral assortment of OENTLEOEN'S AND BOY'S CLOTH .ING of all qualities and grades t consisting of • BL:APK i BLUE AND Buowx FROCK AND DRESS COATS, OVERCOATS, IN FROCK, SACK . AND RAOLAN STYLES, PANTS AND VESTS. Alio, all kinds of 'l3entlouion"3 Furnishing" Goods viz: • • SHIRTS, DRAWERS, NECK AND POCKST lIANDKEECHIETS, . GLOVES, STOCKS, SOCKS, SUSPENDESS, ! Particular attention is' paid to the getting up of this clothing, and there will find a largo asturtment comprising all the New styles, equal to Custom Work in make and lininh. OA 'band Cloths Cassirecres and Vestings, of the host /quality which will ho 'made up to order, in the most, Inalienable manner at a reasonable. rate and at very.short rketice. The Cuitom Department is under the management of n'practicel end experienced Cutter, who has Os. on satisfaction, and purchasers may rest nssuted that' all Goods furnished nt this establishment•are selected with strict regard to durability. I will also keep constantly on hand and for sale n heavy assettment of Broadcloths, CASSIMOVOS, Vestings, Trimmings, which, will ho sold by the yard at. the very lowest rates. nospectfully, Allentown, SeptombOr 28 PURE:OHIO CATAWBA BRANDY, D. LAWALL, role: agent for the county.— Price per bade $1,25, by the hare $lO, Allentown, . -- • .. —'•... . „ , • . , aztoflnevaoo ailiii=, • thbrfoccragr eitT • ~ • i 0 ,. ? , / - 11 ;-; • 9 sum . ; ; iii .3 , • .zoi u-r irr - I . i) 11 , )71;17 : ,I . P.)fiyr . .t: ,-• if -,* •1 I A r i . A AD() ' .0441- OM? olipipamea ' ., . trtol4. ottniacm4a eifT Pid ' .1 - : ''i.i •-• fn.'. -..' 1.1 ..."/...:1' at f ,(1; EL II If 3.........„. f,Vi x .- I,7l•ing7Pri noi,:•. 11 J Dtili? ' , i1511',;01(1 , ., 4 1 5ti .0 1.7.- - " ' Cl49l(ttillit)7l lc, .1‘ A-4 I . 1 1 . Vittipil ' '"I 0 014391'.1.1mnol ml . runnier? INDC , f7fI 0.1 .1) ..„..„ „„• . ~-7 - -,,,,, it, ,r,,,,„,.: .!t...!.: ni rtf. f ,:•::•Tr' (17 . ...117..Z- lit . •) 9 , •..giq LEW . mni • ma 114.)-.. , • ...n. g q Di lt 10 l lir nE.:••mbfi.'if no ~.,7 n iikn..ii.t. - -1,) 7. . 1;(1. •.,iinvoutrAk •iiii 19 I , ,llinton i ''ii ,r1ni1ft , p711P... 1 ,141 % . „ - IJ,lll'wttt`tc/ ttltf Ili Ppili .../ 1 ,,a 7 r i 4: : :-9 - - - ; 1.1 tools, .Z - '7i .0 !L. ~,,:, 1. 1., !It' :" ntli,W; ,rf , ftt I . ottli 1 - 11/.> it t - tt •f , i3 b ':%',• It ~',9 % / . 11 . . ton . ...Ili...minim: i • ..,.. ;" f Dr."/Tr• 'i ,P .I.,0)• *4•4:.i s t 1 WM . I ',l •, V.it rn17;11•9 . 11 .... J . , 40nn:•• .. . „ ;) ,. . , !.....„, n'i• i - r - bn - An i - . ;,I i• • \ 7P"• - •': kl•• •(. 1 •• 1 1 .•7 / Ptiri,N ill .. ‘ (VIII ' . tI :' . I . 7/ i l l I : . .." 1 . 1•.;',.• II 7 i,i , , , : 1 7( 9 1't./ 4 . it,- e 1• - 0 i;•• , mum! ll , tbirtft-5:::, 7 , -,,. . _ .-) , - •of i".l. .- :;'t,,.„ 5•1:. , . i . . , : ~ ...../ 71, , rttl , ~ ; , :- . „ . 1; . ~ Klkiit 1: .; -vi A:31 11 ,.,;;• if! ~ .?,,i). i•f2 I : ,j!finl , f ,j4:l, ). rli• ~:i ..! ...., 11 . 166 H i;, tr ~1 1(111." - If. 00 I'HIT. .r.r . . -'', Olio 11 t/0 ft.r1 , 411!,i, ~I .... /, if .. • • 'lol l; .A.L.,?.... .- . . tt ,, lit Itl ' t '", - !fri , i/ ,•it'l T. ,r•;•• '..• - • • ' • - - ::.q . • -........,,, • .01.)•': lii , ).„ „i t i ~v - , . ,ir .1<fin:;;I::,.i.o • -• - y.. , ::! .fir an-. „.,, ' to qo dm il9fmlitl i l p , •mrit . .• r. , 10 i , v.') fillt 1• • ••)finl Jr., t j_. , nin .' 1 r ,17.P.1 1.1 I'. - ' .i . Ali f lin '-'7') :' nth . p 1. ., '.-.• fitti•_ ,, , , l .. - , , ,i r .-_..7.., : , . .e, ~i; ~,, 1 . ... ‘: ' IA k Ili r '''.):/' .. 1 '...1 . .71 ---- it hiPt i b'J'l/ i'i') . / ' ~ . -f 1(112 !I ~109 i) ,P.:.. , ,,,,tr. ci , ? , - , ~- • • 1•:' , 2 ~...• :1 9 . ~ ft.!) 94f nl 1 . ,•., ,lit : - •th , ' ::;• / ' if , ... . :_ti:•F ill, 1:0 lIA : Y Ili f 1 - .V.' si f ../... ' ,1 ....il •:1•'...,1-- , • • O,J i % , f: . . . . . r . .' '....,,,;.,“ ,I 1 4 .' nin:ll , 49inif ./.... „r . , „.•••••” , ......., .:10 0n . ' .. vi z..r. • , 41.. : ' , W ~.... •. a! i'f. I • •.717 . .1 - ii i i i . ' 911.0( t ...'-' if:: t ' . ) .7/.11! fri• , lll ~' f1;;,,,,......1.... .- ;.,.. ; ~,r, i , ~, f,.. , ..,,T ~j ~, , l.r. ..;;•;; - I-, ;I; tvi ,1i , ,,i•11-::! 1 : :1 .it ,, y ,- ,ri I: 4:97/ • I •iti- I.R , 1•11 :rig 1,.t:tt';, 4 4 4 I in() frr , t, , 1111 •''‘ , l; - 1' . i...ii11 !!anion j 4 01'171 ,1, , 1iaf.0/1 I) .1r,11.?.. ( .'1 1 .1.1 1: . .711 MI !it.t . 171 ~,01;1, 1 f,11111 Is:o ''' eflf I (II ;_li:17li(4) . 1 -, 4I..(111 ! , /n.. .I . .if , i:[ ,, 7)10 lif)tif Pi , .... . 1 ,T , i . f , , , , ;,•,,: , ..; , t,.;- ; . i „; p ~, ...: ; I , p :- •:'; , ,P '•:) I , l:'i p , ..*. , t' ,. .•tvt !an vfitani • , :ml••• i'z'itt !Nil' ' •:1 ' , ';:sit'') ilf•I'";: - i.'•"' ,1 ` 1 'd' ' / '=at 1;W)% 'l.ll'ilfii',l.9al T.'1 . i..)ti1.1:1.1. ' , Me"! int • ~li I , ,,ifi,u:ir Ji...thiliri . -it •I'i'l r 11)%ii f.llll Hi cri6.7j , ,if l•i i ; ~,,,•.:,, 1, i:1!,., 0 ~e, i 1 • • 1 :. -': , 1iii. , 79 d:". ; , L'' , I.; '' .• ‘ l I ''' l ' ....! `' ''; r • -:;( , ~1 " "'", , Itin9ti9;9 91 , i1: . 0f..1P1:• ,.. .. i. , 9:1. - ......: .1 .: . not n• - • - rn ,') 903 . • .ti „J 4t):Lif•irl. , it ;_,,ii•,•'. f••• 1 )' ,. fl:,l • Lill I: ,4jili 11,illirci-.,r. o'l" ..i7, i.;1;.• I.:Tn ;I:Ci!). , ,s, , ' ..f • " - ' - r I!, I, . '.f.__',3'tj,.'',.....L.‘..••• RE, RESPECTFULLY tannounces to his friend. etol th , e pnblie in general, that he hos just received a splendid arin:lrttnent of ' New and Seasonable Goods, IVIIICI4 gill bo tumid up to Order on shell Hu i), tire in the latest Oyler, end in n superior It manner; consisting partly of tine Illnelt French Coths of all grades, Dine, Mimi), Olive and tlreen Cloths, Illnek Doeskin ClllOtilllel'Cß Of all grades, Mack Zumbonn Canshunre now style, French Silk • mixed Coatings—heavy, is large esti - wt. merit "r French end English Cassitneren—elegant styles, Domestic Cassimeres of all counties. a large tisnortment ut<Matelnsse Vestings, Plain and lignred Grenadines, Fancy Silks of all qualities, Av. Am. Onus:lts thunkfully received anti' promptly executed at rensonable terms. :tit - Cosh buyers bill liar! it to their pit rtbotlar rob rootage to obtain flair cloth iota Itt this rettiblieloorot, us they hr lure to ;Tearer the beet obtainable rotor foe their money. Pee eclat:ye allowed for cud,. Also, ugent for Wll.cox h (11an's Family Sewing Machine, which has an established rbpittntion as the best extant. The singular simplinity end beauty of its mechanism is attested by the fact, that -while it in noiseless in HA operations, it is competent In make, nt least. 4000 stlehes II minute with unerring incurs• Prise, with Table, S3U. FALL AND WINTER STYLES. Buy your Hats AT B It Cr. ER.& KECK'S. NO. 17 West Hamilton shout, where they now have on hand the largest ti sort anent of r .11.7'8 .4 ND 0A PS, Alt Pull luld Winter styles ever seen in AA lentown, comprising every known wtyle daid from' /ire dollars down to filly ceidv, toot such that will &memo old and young. Their stuck of Calm is the largest in Allentown, iind sold ntexiremolow pci , To convince the piddle of wont is nld, it may be well to orate amt they hovefo,Vy-ate dillbrent styles. Surely enough to give a person it chance of soiling his tpste. Call toil see them. All Hats manufactured under the supervision of Mr Berger, ho being a practical Hatter. 'tomcod= the stand, directly opposite Barber ti Young's Hard. ware Store, West Hamilton street. ...XI - Country Merehnnts would do well to give us a cull, fie IVO will wholesnlethem bate and caps cheap• er titian they can get them in the city. BERG Elt & KECK.' Alleiltown, September 28, 1859. Shoe and Hat Store, ELIAS MERTZ •fit. SON. "tL4iimw • TIIF subscribers have this day en tered in co-mirtnership under thenbovo Firm, anti have taken 'lie stand lately occupied by Jonas ileorge, next door tc tho Hard man) Store of Hagenbueh, licrilt k CO., whore tbey ; are now opening a very large stork of Boots,lSM lints, Cops...tr. Aud i having adopted t he Ca:b I System, they would invite one and all to give them I nn early call no sash buyers will lied it greatly to I their advantagodo examine ourstock before purchns- ing cbewhero. Wo have n Shoo flll.i Boot Menu-' factory, by which wo are constantly milling to our already hoary stock,. good and sultnntinl work which will givo nmplo satisfaction to the water end which so are selling Wholasalu. and Beton at the very lowest figure.' N. B. Jost received a large supply of Gum Shoes of every description. Also Trunks, Carpet Bogs &c 1 ?Air-Measured work will be done at the shortest notice. . ' MAAS 311311TZ. CHARLES KECIC. tf • 1113 ALLUNTOWN. PA CHEAP CASH LEWIS ILMERTZ Allentown, Nov. 9, 18511 EAGLE HOTEL, CORNER of IlnmiltbiLand Seventh Streets, (11far het Square) Allentown, Pit. TILE ' Eagle' is well situated for the necomodation of travelers. It Is furnished in ilia best-manner. The Table is provided with tho'best faro the mar ket affords, and the bar supplied with the purest and boat liquors. Farmers and persons from the country, will find the stabling and yard, as well as tho Hotel, conve nient. • Aff•Ontnittneco run . regularly. (torn this hOueo to tho dopoto, MOSES SCIIIVECIC.,,PxoptIotor. Allentown, January 4, MO, ly . . n l . . -. A , 4 1; ia • 21NT3EVVVi , IMX - 4K. -- *Olt S i i i #lor4tWir 0 4 6 4 , ; • etwfitYiil ••••••nn; . 11 • "- • i!t. DCrItER k, LERCH would respectfulliintinhtikice thnt they have Just received nirtrge nod choice !kook' of.WlNTTMlLOODS;folniirncingtnll;thilitirit $ l .O OB orlDr,P , Owttle..; • ;,. :I •:. , ELEGANT DRESS GOODS; • -.lSuch net 13111tooltlerinorkprinted ,Caehmetetrot3atln, Morin,qe,.:klohltirti;;Pnillan Clo3%:ornthiVolatioilult , ' .11enpycoanh ,Delainee. now ety10k...1 1 45,t , ,-9,0 , ,gnurning and Mourning Ilona! rietultazines, 'Altninap, iAglinnut,.uolv, anti , boryu.tiful. s,t„yles.,'f itn WhiA` vor ' lonrler '' • 1 - • - • • F• ,, ' • .utllec 111(4b6i0loth•ielookig: • • 811 AWLS S I • S'IIWNVI , SI ti 111Oiket Ramie, long an 'ttqunre, Bto . chert, Rich'Stel la, Thlliet longlind FAillaro'Hhaivls Misgbe isvlt t Best-laud or Kid Gloves. . Gentlemen's Wear. diti:,;iin,4rei : ttaige; 'Satinottv, Tweeds, Jenne, ,craOlita, Colhirs, .11andkereltiOctt; Shirts; Drrarers;',fe! • • .; „ . .„, HOUSE. P,LVNZSIHNG"GOODS: ' - New style Dlnner end ,TOIL Setts, 'Mesmer° l itt all variction. : • • • • • •:•• • Lin-n on& Woollen Tnido•affd Pinno'Covero, Murnailles Quilts, Oil Cloth,- - - . Carpet Chain, Cfnsh end fr owallug, . Blankets, end Funnele, Ticking Checks, &c., &c., • all of which :tie (derail at a mall advance on cost by ' ItCHOHIt dr. LERCH. SZILVOtUaII Id SL Mall B ROWN and White Sugar, best - Pulverized do.-, best (lratutin• ted ; Rio COffeti,Lagtliip,llllpri, 1 ,114. 1 PR 1 P.T . .nw unbound extra Java Ce 1117%; extra . Syrup golesseq,.beet Belting SlOinsSlis., around end Fine Snit, Bfecherel, ,tc. And in feet eVery.ertiele belonging to the gro• very lino, •nt'priecs to suit,tlin'titnete. '• By strist nttehtlon to businegs end fair,donling we hope to , tnerit n,share of , the potrionage. No goods reisrispreeented to effect enles..• • . . . ars_We do an• exclusive CASH 'bus:poss.. Ono price end no nbelement. N. B.—All'lltrids' orceuntry produce bilietOn cx cluing° for goods, end the highest market Pried paid: ',7wa..l'bruise . give us cell libforo paclipsing else where. ' charge tor ill; owin g gentle; .{ ..ROED.IIIR .6; 0. li..RuznEn.) Lanett. Allentown, llecoulher.l4, 1850. I 11, IL AND IV !MVO poops. craP! PHAN MUER TM Mill ' RENNINCER.& SHIMER, NO. 5. WEST • 11AA1I1.TON STKEBT, have Just returned front New York and Philadelphia, and received the largest ',fork of goods ever before shown in Allentown and in cheapness . never etpudled and all' they ask is to route 1111 d examine before making purelinse elsewhere, Theyfeel contldeilt that (hay can satisfy anybody (lint 'they say nettling else bat whet can they Ftll”itnntinte. nett goo eonitist of , ' LADIES DRESS GOODS,• • A splendid: assortment of 111.09 R Sillts Fancy, Bnynder, Plaid find Plain anti qualities mid prices, Doh - tines, Decals, .Polto Chivonrs, I?lgurud and Plain Merinos; liallanciesihavelln ,Cloth,Parn. mottos, Bombazines, Gin hams, Extension Skirts, Int:titer with a full variety of other goods in the piny of ladles ware which will' be ?old nt the eheap , st prices by II.:NM - lElt k SHIM Ell. A ir EN'S WEAR.--A fall assortment of Steel Mimed iVL and. Oxford .111.ixott Cussitueres, kien• tarlry JCIIIIIR. and a fall lino .01 . .11xclyn rand Bluo Cloth, VeSlings, Cravats, rind a full line of all !rinds of neritionen'H Wear which will be sold shear Ily ItENINOBR 44 sirtmrni. ectimas AND Dti, C1.01:11.—A rplendid• im• lJ .ortinent, oc,Figureil Floor RIO' Flair Citrpelei in W0..1 and Cotton. Also mt full lino of Fler u Qll Cloth whielt will he sob! :it the elteopeot ptit , em by ItI'NTNI3EIt, & SHINIER: QUAWLS.- -A large nod Pplenditl line of Nook, Colama Stella, Druehat Single unit Double, oli) it full line of IMO: Whibet, l 'Alous Dobkin end Illenttet Sbawb , of nil iteentities end prices which will be sold eheo per Ikon client) by . RENINGER (11t0OBRIES.-- A full nssortutent. of Groceries such as—Coffee -a all descriptions, lgolasseft, !Toney, Tea, Spices, Sogors, clionolate nod Itnisiuti, which will be sold at very low prices by TillSll.—Seeli us .111sekerol, No. , s 1 •nn(l 2, whole, J halves and quarter barrels ' Dried Sealetish, Codfish, Herrings, which they offer et the lowest prices. lIENINUER SIIIMEIIt. QAf.T.--tiiound 1.1w:41001 Salt in seeks and per bushel. Fine Ashton in bulk and eneka. Smell Dairy seeks which will bo . sobl at the 16west 'pricer by RENINGEIt Allentown, September 14, 1850. HO EXCITEMENT! . . . Fun (lie better accommodation of our customers, • and the public generally. we will about thorn's( ' or March, 186), move to No. :al Bast Hamilton 'St., ! tict door to the Post Oflfee. Where the largest 'stock of Queensware ever offered in Lehigh county, • will lie opened for Hale at the lowest possible prices., Wholesale and retail, in sets or by the piece. Stores toting au assortment will be supplied at Philadel phia prices. All in woof of any thing in our line. are cordially invited to call and es:endue our goods : and prices and satisfy themselves of the truth of the above statements. Our stock consists in part. of evivy pattern, style, quality and color of Qbina, ' Glass and gllCl3llBWill'o, Stone, Rockingham, Yellow'" aud.Brittania Ware, Lamps of all kinds. Vat-Lamps altered and repaired to burn Coal Oil. QUEENSWARB. • ardssWAßE. In sets . All kinds, Par Hotel the piece, And Family use. Tea Sets, . Tumblers, • Dinner Sets, Lager Mugs, Chamber Sets, Dishes, Bird FountS, Mitge,Supti, Bowls, • . , Bowls;Dislies, Cults Stands, Pitchers ' Plates, Jars, Pitchers, ' &e. le., &e.. Bottles, Flasks, • STONEWARE, Decanters, . Butter Pots, Lamps and Globes, . Milk Pote, -Shades, Jars, JAgs, . Sucking Bottles, Spittoons ' Breast Cups. Pitchers, &o. LAMPS. BRITTANNIA. • Ali kinds, ' Tea POts, Fluid'Lamps, Coffee Pole, Coal Oil Lampe, Tea Urne, Parlor Lamps, • Ale Pitchers, Table Lamps, Castor Spoons, Night Lamps, • Mnge, Cups, Suspension Lamps, Ladles, ' Hand Lamps, . Lampe, &C. Church Lamps, • Hall Lamps, to. Don't forgot the place, next door to the Post Office. , T. C. RERNAHEN. . Allentostn, January 21, 1860. . --ly CUE ALLEN HOUSE, ' ALLENTOWN, PENNA. . PlllB well-known House will hereafter bo con- I. diluted under • the personal eupervialon of Yoh° A Newhard, who, will spare no pains to maintain the high reputation, the Home has heretofore borne. It is the largest and most cen tral House in the place, being situated at the corner of the Public Square and - Humilton'strcet. can: tral location renders it. the more convenient for businosa men as well as for those travelling, for pleasure. The House fe proyided with Bathe,. Airy Chambers, Parlors, Tteadlng Room, am, .Ic. The bill of faro and table accommodations are the best the market affords. Rvery • ationtlon ip givin to insure the comfort of guests. Agreeable society may always be found at this establishment. An omnibus Is always in readiness 'to convey. preen gore to and from the, depot at the arrival and depar ture of every train. • • „; • JOSEPH F. NEWITAUP, I EPHRAIM YOhil roPrlotutil. • . Allentown, October 20th, 1850, ' ' tf jr t l l l , ::A . , r! A t g r it i FTC, • ParrrYup , .. 1 ;71A 1 1,.. , ;i17( ViClllLiftt 11:11:1'..• s D .11M1Icti IN . : .-• A ITew4riirms nduregned hdtolkrtgorkritheli •fylezitll. and • filititifitiali pun Of (l io emit Of Gino S Ludhrig,'lni'd math' il fittatittfbla(AidttherTlin'tory'OWOdtfai• in SAI 4 1 011 WlPlAtthiPswiforfOUT)Y ri.4 1 1910,4 .bYtr.4lo9l*. , , " ElfaCl i tirP9 ," 14 , 141 1,1 MO 7,11 C/3{ 11 , Alteolawil.itt the stand. latoly .oeFt4p , !edby Co!' " ' 1 " •J• • "4- ' •- - . They nlivajte par:the:ll rill' EST. AI A ItlaTi IPRIc II 3 In Cq*ll •olohongq,for /..skatbßry f}' I'} AINDS Or 'SICINg AND DIVE'S; at thete"Tkin-• „tiOry : Di t3nlinburyi ot.ntAlitilr.Stot% kfek•SnOtaßil f41 1, ,Rr ilortment , ‘: f.4,;,ittrEs.fi"bp vtie'prgrottil,frt,“ " 0 1,7 whieft thoy will He i ll for cash or in trado f,or, 1119er, ns tho.loweat'intfili6Yrnletfi.'" i ' , As they aluill endeavor to please, they ei0,43 A ftql ohorepfpittillo pptronago.. • SOLOMON LUDWIG. Allento)rn - Novew,hovrltt r lpat.• ; ixtoon TR CHRIST JAN THE EST " Staqd . 'down.the Hulet.wiettinakewopifor 7 tho NEW SiIOEsPINWING.,67OI?4. • 1114 undersigned — respoctrully announce to the citizens of Allentown nud the public generally, that theyluivojusfkieno.l tliair'now '• Shoe Finding Store.: at No. 06 West Hamilton Street!Allentown, Pa.) where theylavet on panel the V„EItY,II.MT of,Lentli : or, and alt the articles p'irtnining thili line' or by.' ritio6B. • .; . • . ,1 Highest cash pticor trtlll for t :Thankful for past favors they hope that their old 6tAtouters will continuo lo extend a liberal pattoringe, at their new stand. LIRI3I & PEOE,EIi. WALTER J (} a nt,] . tidit Pal If heici No% ember 1. +`l ;.....,: _3tn Singer's- Sewtitg Illnoinnes• lhte 2sauction fn pries' of thole ma.- +shiuto bungs thou' in each or ev'elybedy :hose monthlies have an staldish,ed reputatlon ell ON e r the el‘ iluod wol OA its alukitility• and the / 'cork It,portouns There no getting out la order. t Idelts stitch neither rip, pal el, nor pull out, Par suus Laving thehe s itte wonld not paft with them, aq $lOOO It year'can be lEade ono of thun. Par side nt the Boot and Shoe Stole et (IEOR+I3II Lt CAS 'ION, (A'autt for B. Randall,) No, 5 Hart 11A 11 111 1011 1it, Allint9wn P; S.rAll oidois piomptl‘ attynoett Allentown, .lAnunt%c 17, 1840, )1• - • - • . . • • Papet Hangings Zloppt,. . NO. 10 COIVA'LANICg• N r EW YORK„ Directly'Oppntiitc the ll'elderit THE OROTOWNENEFACTURING CO:, ' • (Orglinizedin CIO (JannrolannufaCturlog .., Law. of tlio-Stuto of,Now.Yo o rk), Offors tit wholOsnlo; in tittmitttrOm to suit TardlinieiS, nt MonufnolurePuLowes:CPl"icos r for onsh or' nPlm'v9l),:q9diF:Th'; f. ' ;t• *: ).I,pwings of ovpq varictLof style auLl price,. I.l"rderm to miiich, tire- Bourd * .• • Mtneptirent Shades, • t. . .::„ • 04 Pn haat Window Shades, . , IVidd Window Curtain ,Pa:pers, and Windoiv . ,9hada . • • Store..ghatior oulde.to 4rder, find Ltrter'est,, • Of the late3l4 FtYlvS anll,superior finish, all of their unit innnnfacttri'd'aentl' Inii)ortatinn: As thoir stock is large and entirely new they, invite Aterehnnte, Booksellers; and• Dealers in -these articles, to call tied extnnine theinetylea•hil .pridesi WheneVer they visit the eity. i, February:ln, HO. TO',I3IEz_PITIRLIC: , e ; rr Tiii and Copper Smith business, I .00 sticcessfully crirriedinn for the ••;--` last tnrentk-one year nt No. 38 and 42 4 West llainiltan:Street.lll the inorougli of AllentOwn I bybyMuos 1:i ttin ger, will, fyomandafter, the Amt. 4 ofAp-p, I gust bu conducted under the firm Ettitp , er :76n. The attention of'thitniblic in eallint to'tho ° Met; flint the business 41ereafter.vill bucsiminet. a on the Cash j System, Byso l dealing', we expect to reduce our ' prices dell chenPoi than' ever, and thereby benefit the publip na well fis. enrsitlveii 'Thntdcful for past) favors, Mho now. firm, solicit. or qoutinuatwn. of ipa batrennge, With Whiell 'the' old husihers alMid, hits been. favora • ! • A panto invit4ltinitt sstentledlo,nll..stiebote ore indebted on the old 'books, to matte settlement in ash or occePtrtble papbri: • Those dho mnY not know; when .an formai t to duo, laity bu reminded soon by legal process. ' AMOS lall - N(IER, WM. S. ETTINGEII.• 1849 LSE " A TRUTH." .IT is n°0111406 •guin • peliblarit, but 'lt •is 'rarely 1 that men retain: it. Like money, coma °nib:go easy, popularity, is a Undo affair, and requires care ful nursing to keep it tiliVe. Especially. is tble.obseriable•in mereantile affairs If this • reputation, wbich ,is but tinother . .uniue fur popularity, be won by Refuel merit, it is la Sting. C. H. Bebernierhorn, the'well known • Grocer,. Fialn and Pi.ovi.lion Beaks!. il(13 hyhis straight-forward course, the fairness of hie prices and the excellence cf his Stock secured ti rep utntlen which will ho lasting. having taken tho butlineas hintacif at tim corner of Ninth and llatoiltott Streets—ho can defy corn petition and afford to soil at prices to suit everybody. Giro Lint a call dna' tip'eatleihl with tho 'Truth of ' aosertionit. • ' C:' 11. SCIIEUXIERMILN, Corner of Ninth and Ilam' ilton Streets. .1 Allentown, liecomheil4, 1850. , .--tt Mosser & Gitlin, No. 30 East Hamilton St., ALLEN:TO WN, PA. .• WHOLESALE and dealers in Rod and VV Oak Solo, liarness,.l.lpper and Collor Leath dr; Kippe, Calf Skins Moroern,'Kid, Linings, Ilintl•t! iterringwr 6 * aikivwr Ingo, Shoe threads an ' ilriSitee Findings at low pricos Iry • 7 , 10 1 .11 - &1/4 11 6. 1 10 for cash. Also host-Tanners Oil. . , THE undersigood respectfully announces,to the The higheM price gold for Rides. •• t citizens of Allentinvn and vicinity, that be has .B.ARK!' BARK! ! :BARK! 11 . opened[ a tSalden Intoly•in'the boseinont of Mates ~They wish to buy throe hundred cords of *gond `now building, corner of Ninth and i litnniltort Wools Ohastaut Oak Bark,.at tbdir tannery near the Little where all the dolicaclos of the irdson can always. be Lobighl..tTlioy pay] Riven Dollars and Fifty cents Ind. • Alsd PORTER, ALE, LAGER'I3EEIC&C. per cord. • Those Aviv) will cut down wood this t •. IL,SHUMAN. spring will do well to pont it, ns the Bark. alone is worth as Inuch i ss-Bark.und VllOO4l together. - ! • •• MOSSER & ORIM. • ' *-41u Allentown, Jan. 18 • •CRAIN. FLOUR .AND. COAL.. T" pritlersignedrespeetfully bog leave to inform , the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, that they aro prepnredlo ti'mr?orts of grist-work end to fur- Flouri:Feed and.blrain of all kinds at Butch Mill on the Jordan.creck ono mile from the borough. j Wheat, Itye, Corn and Oats, bought at the highostl market prieeeither at the mill cr et theiratore-house at the corner of Ninth and Linden Streets, (commonly known as the Freo Order.lor Flour, Feed and Grain received either at their More house or al the of office at their °dal-yard, in First IYard, "(T..1. Mop pinger'sinto stand.) The undersigned will Carry on I rui heretofore thireiffit - iiffil - kralri Mistimes at their I old stands. Bueiriels.'heFeafter carried on , exelul elvely on the tacit principle. • .110T11, MICKLEY & CO. Allentown ! Nov. ! 2, . 1859. . —tf GRAPE GROWERS 'CAN CARRY their bitableßS - meet iudeossfully nt ITemmonton,.l free from froth. Some forty 'Vineyertls ret out thu the past season:' See advertisement of lfatumenton Lends, Reuther aelumn, • • ALL AVAIsITING FARMS. IN A D,Ei lightful blimikto t 8114 geode') frOpi.frosts, eeo ndvertleettiont or lialontoritoB LllBlle imother eof-' Imii. ,"-.) I vellifli:C./11 01 ' 41 l)(10;:liPjf .314 i;laii.kyi. , ''.l ' At elli1011 ) . ompazgroti 1, , lieatidarreopiandii:EresoriXigtiTOw.• liriuggPoltato4mthotorybiukplit4lalcychrtiboardn . . 'A° l - 1 1 r fiftillh , 5°B ° bIlilr•Y.93r hfjfnfit 4 qi n Dll pplar.t4 curet, r zzutt or 5 inymoopeo in t) . 5 ylO (tat on drink. : Inrstillid tved:l , i . A mitkdourt:ro - e• Waist hi ttlDtt%/at lfrOdililn,,foFp lCrerX!pg, l l*,lelco44l,lo9 4 ui r .l M 61m / raid: c olore d' to unit tilo omplAion, at Aio Fp 02-TiflNA,JpE f ll,i I , :l1:.,. Alt (/ .1: ''•'-'. ''''" Nia.l.4f24.lrlst/ itarnilton , ftriuti• 50,1115 a 1t1a;1 ,,, ', ~1 i'PE. 3 / I ) .T;g,q.if 2i f is,T.4' 7 ,,, , -.-; , ;,,...- - 1 , , .: , 140. 11113 as Cll:iinliton St., ;wine scat), aild r i vnr tizzi . . itiv;-, It .1"l);..11 •-' L ,ui: VI!..1!:1.? I '' ''' gilEtli tx eitootil lir TE Sayan - nu Wild Lhnli3n Bit , ':•TItO -. suloc; . q .. bes ... rcfigoypjaattyillp4 4 45,..1 51i8,0iti ( pp 49,,ptil1lilyke's illosO to ellll . who Milli not ooTe'd 'tile erfloldn6y,blllitt idnsht itiliopertaluns. , " 111 W etlttlitt 'll.4ifidor kbilmporylsion or. , ..,, •-. , • i , ,i :,., .., .. 1 r ,• - j Piti),P: 6.'ir. 14.„itlifs, I j i • -o:: ••-•-• -- •- • • 'II ridotAinoi.i: '''• . 1 1)14011'0)mi ".gully 131 ',-/. ! ...; -IN i t , % ,,- Lz--.1:..5c . . MEM qiiiE ',C9rtn cif this Inyti tu ti • op iv o . , a r 41 o )1 p 1 ti , 911 (mired intn tpoSchilni.nt'n9y ant T llirgetynitt • •fron thn'tfatt' i bfonitnned; •Eiltuary, por.iinnttel.,- • • .; Cominonlingitsli hranfolitti; ; • •i 4,00 n und bfroek;. , 0,00 .r f: Frencii; blusin, ji • je ,8;00 Us° of Piano for prtiotleo, • • • ''• ,nubl A few•ii . upit tiro' ro6)1\1(1 into •tba •family of tha Piiiieipal at thd into of . $4O c poiequtirtar..for board/ wneliing , and tuition; fall :branollaa as.copt Mak . 4111 Drawing. -• I. N. 0134E(1011.1r,1',inpipal.. Doaetilliar.l.l.-:-"garell 10. 'Steckel' s ' Ambrotyrie PICTURE MA.ILLVELY. I~Oosin too Thirii,Stury of Noligh ,fireinig's m - new ,buildit g t (Lion ROIL) over thu " Regis• tcr",priiittrig office, whole ho continuos to tnko the diffetont' styles of Ambrotypo Pictures by sky-light Ily can Wrirrant lite •Piotnros to ho porfuct ne llo.roturrld hie stnecro thanks for thu very liberal plitrimagu,he lige rooeivod, mud hopes by producing entiifactuiy llkenossos, to merit., n c coutipuanco of patronage from on intolligoilt N. 13.-Pictures tab it 24 corks. E. A. TECK EL. December 7 JOHN •F. HALBACH THE ,p Offic e on the Wo.t Odo of 2(1, street, liotiveon Hautlh ton and Landon Slim% lois hob) appointed no liullui it European •pios and ,I.I•po-• dillon, CO:111111N ion, and Euxiiarding llia s iso, :; Chaftibei Smut NLAY Turk . lie itcs et di due all rowels of iqt oi no) 14 in the iloopan and nneimi Liinguagos and lbriVai ifs to Of Gm many mid boginnil. Also Ptistn4o cta tiffo.tts,i had at his office to. Bremen, Hamburg, Hat in, Ant% erp, itottertihm andiLundon. Allentown, A tiffuf4 , •% l l DPP --if I f Alleri nsurance , reo., rA,I AL,L I E .s N e. T n r . !, VElllOll' Gil Writ, mit arganDed. titular the genoral 1 51M11113% LaTI , Or thi 41.ltey and lioitraS 1 1 1) 01 k Om mann) principlu us t cluemely,agntost loss by ilre, op Building 4, ?slot chanibso and otimr irr(iperlY_ plickion for meal• ntou inny bo Made nt the WIWI, of the bompliny, or to the Survey ors ivli'os; nettles have horotoiore hope anneitnecil' C. 1%. COOPER, Piesidont. C. N. RENTi Secretary., ) Allontorn, Due, 17 , 15u t , —ll EMI , • • Lat•liroii; Co;, 411P0ATE?1.9.. 4nd .lA . be.ry uf t!digigp 'am! Do: I•• mo=no • . . _ ISM 111 • 1 ! DRY 'OOQ.DS, kOSIER3I C.; Nom. 23 laid 23' Pock 'Now go- Alb olvi'nykon .hrontritn oxtonsio stook of Ynnhuo Notions:. .• • Now Yoik,. November 30., 184. TIIE 11:0131ONTON E 4 R.)1,E11.. r7 -4: ..new,ppi)er (leveled to Literature mitl.Cgrieulture, nl en setting forth fall neimtintit of the new settlement of Htnimbinion; in Now Jersey, NM bo.subseribed for at only 25 emits per nanum.. P . • . • Lidos," pottage 'amps Ar the antotint. Address to Rditor of the Veneer, lituntannten P. 0. ihttra c outi County, New Jersey . . Tliose wisiiing cheep lend or the best tiunlity, in one of the healthiest and most delightful elinmtes in the Union; and where crops nVe 'never out dew by. frost, tho terrible scourge of the north, advertisement. of llananon, ton Lends. • -. • •• 0 %. - The 'underiliwled in 'addition to Ala. -": Inisinellis intdetoioeo Muria! 'e n. at MA - fruit Owl < ogathlifti gore, etilie corner of [Ant Alloy and Nonillion Strime,l/illontown, Pa., will aliirays keep on hand a supply of - tlntroyetereo which , eon he supplied at the stuee,.cr,to families; at their homes on girt notice. .. ~.1Y: IV:•IIASIEII6'LY. . Nov. 2, 19,59. JOSEPH S. it • RUDER , . 1 5 A GRA DOATE of 'Jefferson 'Medical Ciillego, -(3. • and resident of Iluiticlberg township, Lo a- high, county, immediately in the vicinity of the. publiellouse of Mr. Daniel 'Delbert, offers ills pfo fos.sional services to the citizens of that vicinity, , kle will gladly answer to cells at all hours ,of •the, day. [Noma' or' -I TT n u A.l - I Atli W g OVFICE, East llanillton titreet,:Allentown; Pa. Hie tloosi Oast of the; Sheriff's 'Office. Aar' 'Can 144 s consulted li' ;ho EinliaLl and oorman Novemboi 23, 1859 Adam -- Woolever ATTORNEY , AT LAW sirranrrs OFFICE; ALLENTOWN, PA. WILT. 'momd to tho culloation of claim', in V-V : .100 and adjoining conntina Allentown, .July 9i, 1859 M. RUNK hoe removed hie Lnw Office to No 46 hinst.llaniiltuairdreet,eppeeite Malden Amer ican Hotel. The Office of RUNIC 13,1.1:01M'nml or the ALLEN INSIMANCH COMPANY here Leon roamed to the mune place. Dee. f 'it3so Awn) STREET. ABOVE TEKIELD P H I:•CrIIitkUTSI"CEARL:IIIA)N.I.Y4,IPrAoietor. November 2,180: ; ;..i 2- . . • lo• DR. S. P. BLISS,. ! IBM '73llE` 31E MN r7E• OFFICE OVER 0013 81'011 . 4 . A 21, ENTO N, PA "' - - .• , Lky J•to I r ii;;Arc,lllin . ti htt.9 Pri'.l 11. 1 • 1/6 14i/1 , 1 11 . ,:' 5 1 IlinUtrtlPlitirtlfth P'rh:tin;!•.off 1. • 11 „Elk: AI 3E 2 'lr-slia, 71 Oysters! Oysters! A. B. Schwartz* December 7 1859 Hemoved. DIA.TIONA,L -- 20TEL, EMMEN rtlip ,_...... .n . rr . ...I , A .. i i , ..0 , „„ ::,. 4 ' ...-. .;.F...: . ? r.td iti 1:114,...1.)".wfTT'i . 1 , r (3• ti l , , r ,t) . i 5•••;,,,. ;1 ;. / , 1 4l :1 {41.'1 Ifr.T.l;/41.1 31:111T 1 ,1 YKA YAIIT ;rift qt JPJ/lil ...)J , •l Pt)lft f`i I .:7l•s'§'E Ir7l ll'ijffV,! :ITY..tiIY) i7IST wgr, x‘i r dl e , l [ne ver dreamed, 111ek eiV1 ncilaolL ; ,, , ) ~j, , i qj t j- • she had with .hoi, promised--to - x. 4 .901 ie r i, : ol:!, again . ; tlienitillighliKl ll l2lrElMPhits- • /tuivh4.o.lllAlWhintfgrfilVblistMesqu,elgttilltl4l4,rlllt ? bt1e..141g.6"r;11.11r1 "dT .1414:111344413r4101149.4.04:Ari1'Aig.h1yft 40$ P,913 WhousKtittotruth'el witluttirl,glitityeeßl .f Ler; tt l .ol 11111PWttisinritaisig4u/Rißroptlyirativionm4ro.fap.italtigreleekA.,iitndleditirig'uisthi) tvtddlitir ",91 farpm t ladratwr,4ll,,ilutetymiT t pper„liare4l97, o R ill) . "eyell;f usalainted , iif i senor [ 4lfecle, 6fspt dpl4..wierltditirtj,ling t'ilong‘3i9j3 tang Ilinirryf titta"to*httfotiatetbefogintngjitynil l , ..eaclt;pthekt a. 3 sthoPs IlassedontiouirltAlowitotho: ,V i x",P,eneelm . iile'iltrisetrikeretel ) cf.e/ e,ri •' 3 D 6) 77 uti'l Pr!' 9.F9l4l4drtheroltgbfeiliil; butdrufbrlAtth,qlllappyi,, iimbatolodked hifip antl:suririsedia ( 4 ;r1 F,fues,,witpaike iz.„.ratybofinimkight,ini triter gat h og ,l l l , l,E,,s,t,At, cleAint . thArddif9ts , I ilg. tcYtd ;n gt,lftiiinkseso2l.tliteNtlatettltirtmtlfien,tatte 11101) G hV i l fll ' 6s4l tftP4lB i 4 '"el` `b llk r ic .., 74 , l ,l, fitheilejatittiugogb ,,,, p . limbiba kg Aith AlttixeMbil iMit hlllgriall'clufl in folklwiagibeittisfrpohlistatuietiteolst ccaritPirpus Irk9hl,ll;••bi'Atictinlittczlltin'ty;Blf.ltilluoitigcta ed.t ,its.swe4.nex•prelsieutnitrgl4ta ttlphite:traollbtits oi'brfBotttt ,cir tuf ; forsff4ustu6temp9ley,!!t Alas' feerlja; 4.lg,sppilidWrAr6etk , f ftiregati yhttilluive pileup iilgQreiee g t3eareply ;,eudildegi at erl uo ltse krtertg iir tekttarictuitulof /tun •Wr , f/ nr) ol lM l ,loL.tttitattds rhearkijtj (nr, 141.1 (1 , , gifght.rfilni .prgiemittro for.:l r 40 , 2t,tttanj i natoait „ , , tact i le ilittib i ) , yteePlti.:Tlthey • lint'a little told eallbe,gittibrilleirv . % tereatAireolAfore'clieri..rflerv3ackfity''. garnientit • fi • c e ...tgamvoket.bit}wilni i i l ub fo a tyr,,i lvav a l iiinttpr.mith:•• .I , i' ) 911 1..1r,ni , r;', ; '•1 1 t it psis utud; antl vale faoe;lotkieklbltio, and! .( I -rd6t • pn,iFft ea' avitliftlimeold4".,hgraniiettaltleheaddiddr (31°P11N'o'f41:110;• • '&obcidY' etttV rreeist%yoli,,f.i't Er ' , fel len oaf I; or. elituthlera,; rt di a path: iff !-9, , cluelithutl P. l ; ' , lfe ft Rttill.47; - " 'and IyOu, tiiirat; 10: r:l Jr-yAF.. I lookdd! uplinteb4heirladYlanfuckftwbile,: Klitd“thatititßit lier.stiinitry.brooni43ls.e:tintotttrtitenoral3B4'lliwilvitit"ltoit'iribiif464llt,,,,t :,, , zi , 'doe'r fttl6sed-otifletaiilez,l i 't.Nover;nlfitd.,'! tot.hortielf.tt.r.ree 111411M3' 9aid gdeli rttii6Vg ,; .f; •I walk home:--Illie poor !little thihg :heeds , : this ratirh thitu do ;PI antlehrodropiAd into I vor rshitthitif irteitmentiffi'cir'rtilyliciayfliii..lie: palut before t br•- theyenly...simpon624.left,, , -.:1 The it, .eltilil; tt. ' , merry ehristhiati you ,P littlgirl'eurdbtlidt Alit Met .she-said, in a eireet, sympittkisingivoice, - whieb 41 4;a 41 ; nritite the/tears .come'intb eyes;ef .' 1 ,1 1 0ul" trc l "le , F v"" s n h dr ' l "* .ti; ' 4tCdva ` na httlp girl, ,as sire. tried • ftlitink her. or;, • ' 1 .I .kilu; Fietl?!kg het r iti 4 t a riotit 6 : l t 3c4 ittl'ednifhlt , ` - i' ' - 1L ryas a long.walk thatithedady, h a d her e i t , ; tug,: cheetripg vrecrtlY:' ; 'hei,/ and thorotimibus rattled • along with rn t;tught faith, '''Wlittirint ^father 'di ''; prei9tkiuglempty.seat or' two inside; but her nucLutiitlit4 forsa y e" ' Ae,itr i t was light; and happy.with the litileofette- .rifiett 'which she had, maticy gad Just as- tliejetts Mei? 'lir:6 to .". of gai tmblcize.but, of the! ov.indows ;she' ‘l;'`f reached • her. home: She had- heed :mantled .41:100.rPh'en: lice : there *riff •• only a short;•time, add'-es she looked...around ur t e i grdeit Kftd ' her pretty remit yiljielyilmV'Br9'hipii4.y.k-a4.4.,„,_ el the nished. for itttr . teir . l;s:itttrdiß , g lAquse site !y r .; for..Siill.e(l3- "' felt more itan,.ey,er gra toeu 4 t 0 90 h a l 'Add . her' COliStltTlf Vtl24:l6:l•Ah,ifirci , F6dittrebn'tiFirtitiT [ on tier, such 'a happy home. ,Slig;had HdAellictrk4.4 moyed her hat and cloak, When4elleard te:l.4on of husband's, in tel :, 3 , 1 'y'r;' l o'..7'' and 'a Lissinet•it'in at , •; • " "' - ' 4 -;"',•' :;1 •.9 • -.1 4 ' x .. A'evicif'; 7 -LLl_Verbr yet'fr •kbbrt: , '• ISrhy Kate, hew tilt(' yeti iook,, have yeti• • Vefito aut . ! ipaSiP'thei iftlOr't wohian4f t ;9 ,lone great deal, of ,walking. te..Ae N :l" 7' Kate hlushed Mid 81 1 t 1 - • •• . !het. ~•.[ .11 . .;; , ..1 Ur' 7 rig' noi parto7 ;Y. 0.3„ fXenty, „,, , h use is• on - fire. • -t; • " I V . ,; • ,; ‘ ,TYQI , { SOl l . / . l, l llCrt lign,done,tbat,",isUid•he p iittlti rp.pirash anti ,than i ftt', 'goy e • break your bow at all to Ito 'efenti i attetl . . t,' y,ott,olvq4o.:l4‘ `i skreti Ode ' yeti e ; etin' ;lewd, Hig,cortle to Ode' Iconic "2111,tb h. 91•11 ut:lii4rgrlit.fUlin . qt'l?/r'e f b,acr, ./. suppose •I I - Trennuli. • • , • .4 : rtp. r t • • „ a9other.bluslt lufvl . 4.44. tin; . ertt,v,.ll;leep. elsf keu.3tu i rpopls and •slxpenee:l,eft, ' • your ; suer • a • 4 " 4 . 1- 3. PM,Citc of 147. n.3 nttr - 9 , r tJi 1 1 / by, Kati4,ypurotaltoP,g.yOry.To'isehigiaToag, ..:;`. l °‘il'Xll ,l S° ( 'P • A l ; 9 1 , el . ! , 1 , 1 1 pent people, anilAy pgatithos p7 Apy, art:the, :t„ti l - 1 1 "1 1 447 () ; k9 . 4?' f 9P,lr B 3 l 'i 9 Y-t e rrtti a r car,r ;" : !kg lr t r ,i I.or f P A o i r fi itiot tigrateful P : 1 1 '? 1 1 .‘ t iqi.;''' ' ir'rrl • h, Ilut,'' 134 id slte,..nes stteh ; 7.Ne‘..es,ypef ! I () ti l r , pp,.f i 3)l ;, tte ; delicate, luilf-eletheg, and,. att-infraiciilltalf; 4h?7,1,11t-iY starved little st,reet.,/sNyeepyrr7-!',,;, 7 10. , n •ii , " *cot, sweepoy,! :luck Itor lipPuix,xl:tx 4 14 up te R ,Nq ttet; .46 the his h ni ni * i n Too*, tippygy,-; ,j 8 t4 1 •4P,:4 1.e . pick rip .handfplls! ‘l4s,;,ftecl,did,-ivf v - 1 1 .9 tte Fi Y.,9l i F-, s r9o,P l., 'M';:' „II I t.:f .1 you walk , give-tette layer fide in :it. aliteolitrrtage f?,!p. „ tit , ponce ?- 911, ob, }Oita ,won; t; your ; „tittle ; , heart, . B.°9fe 91 ; PqYPII le X9? l YcfiCY)ff 2711:5'1L er ,. I ..if not,l" . , , , il l ,ll_ T de,o , *l oo 9l3; 9 o. con tt 94 1 , sc?Ll'9 d ,,W l Y,i -; *Alto bore tbis 4 - 4iii*y.ip.; . very ~$%;v11,• ••,.! about .0 reply ,when, on. p0.§01),.; ./akr: Jituyl I,lp . •Ne ‘CYF'.T r Oa r - a 4 ..a e r' ll°ai '' 4l;wa ' the 9l(3,9lll ` llt . her r-m, ,she .exelaitupj,„,ouldettly;;,;" Q 4 ycia owe, for It or .OIG tailor ~yelicßi.yßtihil.Le. Henry, my bracelet. is gen et-vour„ gift,. last, riotpeicA:f9rithe;r994-inf,:.•• :;.,; I ; 61tristmas—Ivhat shall 1 do?—Where eau 1. " ev. c r ! t4l.l " l 4934°aY. hare lott. it?" . :Veittiap; you 'coquet ,c904 0 . 1 Y5N1 3 1 ) 1tiv 0 :91‘ . , 1 49 t-1 1 °.• 'r 'L9iat . " is ton had," . said . . bo, thottglittany ,ga'n"--1 h et bettor „rnditiori felt the next. moment 4o ogn.tiliaqd, kdauggiag r N oyerg o , err'Upa . n4ten .„ ,,, ,t '' I t ~tl„shuuiclurs, Jaitiel4evoutily 4.; .with, a sick...,:talq,,,r4 - 4,o.Fisjqq. ,sume .4uctesi .1) g l Oll. i c 4 e , p seping Fhif PkB iklf) I.l4)44fast,tahlel)eeaustl.; , the t ee - lie : coot, tututiv ryes; at meal is half WAiIt(TT. 011c 1 . 1 1t9.4 111 , spoeoh, pil t ; arm ! area utl I; o r...end. kfoted Never refuse, to , 7 prArttp • R -.lybeu„ . you- i - 0 t , ire road .his vapercc tor. , tt. • yeArricu:; r her, With ” .NeVer ndkul„ though, I can repinet% 'sonte final." pt. innu who does is wean enough • to: 5tec149,491?, it• • /for kusbapd,, ,wh e , to'ved: bid little. blind . Pig: • •;) wife tt:nderly, took hay ; hand mid pat some-, , ; Never, !iv • guilty, of any,or, thin g i n •isr ,,,. o .j,,, ,•Ark6 , r,.t i i7ejittii , against decency, wad , propriety ; , you, are yaw over it.'snytni,'` 4l ooh'''f - digtrt9it'votil:stlf any t 11. Qt ' 11 " ge:litl°111411d Mori , about d'o-ne'elefei''llit i 7'q sweeper's': here's pitir Chrlittanul: gift, Aiid the ttel;:titiu; you . go:down towin, get a pretty set" Of furs'U'itli Kate' . l4hrmci elesed 'dol lar bill. "•• • ' EMI EU The dtiy affer'Christiddi . she •whq again in l3roailway;• OW . ; 'du *tie 'Was pasSiiig by the identical spot ! where She had giv . cp away *fly' sixpence, she felt' her dteas piillet gently, and, turninh mound, she oneouu l tered the sento . lit tie, half Clad gill. • , ," I'm, so glad that you've Copie,unt:ant,", said the child ; "•yett dropped this, the, other day, and I've: boon (laving it kr, 3,-,,m,cyersitice;" and, pulling something..outsidlior bosom, stir put it into the lady'whand.; Hastily unrolling tlio hit of newspape4.li.ateAlair saw her brace- , let. What a .triumph for .herself ittul,for!Hen '!f) ry. ." Thank you, thank you;:my child," 'she exclaimed,, taking the, little hare hand.iri Libre. "I triettto 'find you that day," - said the tlo chilth ,. ..t. but yoii wodt out !or sight ire soon that. I cdulA 4 nt,"•thid! with a bright ;Thee,' she 'continued, "I want to thank; and• thy niotter wante•to thank you, too, for I didn't got a pen; ny all thitt day until I saw you, and that six penoo bought the medicine which is going to make her well." , OE OE an Krtio'a eyes glist!med as she heard this, and thought of the temptation to rid t: .e home 'that God had helUed her " TAO i 0 With' you to your mother," :she said, still hohlink the girl's hand; 116116136. 'and thanitful ness shall let go unrewarded. • It.wits u„prptly, long walk, away ti4E near , the North Ricer, hut ithey ,finaily restid.ted the. tenement hoist:, in the hasement of whieitithe little g 4rl lip t d, j 4, • wa,s . lying ott a hen in titaytisle,,ix . ut.whioh.. they ; occupied, hut slick looked.sip eagerly as site heard the child's voice . say, "Here mother, the beautiful'' lady is coniA •lirtit'4l.' ,.. %ilt by! isa't. down by a be' d-eitte; +164 litn't "&io'tet tale of want and bt'Whitdi' She. had ME 6, 2 3 if higa33 ,VIWCITIoIaUJA f .7 Tr)stLl4 ,"fAile:44(ia.it O .11 1:1101.41; 11911011 /1313m1 .13!tOT:vif1 k7161i;:7 OT r ELIE ,:::4vacmit B (NIT M: it t • i I • • 111 Cl(14,11() . (14;1).X a tr f` vc "s • 4 . rEA-4, 49Y 7,P:P , . h ) a . 1 : 3 i 1 ;6 . 1 1 ::q , hitt ovary 'aux Nyt..= . !!, gentlennul l t .11 mouth wua.proviled ••• t • , chi • 1 tilio ionld., i t er mouth pa , A "tliat ,sitn luta id" dYlitil,l4o::lfu. 11Uge mouth _ 7, betide ; I" exclaitaCa the' la v, atl , My:gray. oll ? • • 'in'. sspls tjale; ihrOving her iiit;iitti 'Ciaiii• r tt?' its flit. • i"i' i• :111 f: extent. , • • The goritlatuan baCajaa' 11514 - :*`: escape, and has not been heart! froin sites'.• z .• • Moimsry.--*lodesty in Titotneos,the (Alarm of slier/us—it is like itlie.iuteritieriof-gpaco nature,• itt W. tle . sett. oi! 4 mer: ;;, 111.8E1 . .. It in Modesty which: supplies .41M, norves.antlAoul to. Ileauty. feir.:Ww4lo I • without virttm,!'.saitb. the Bible, t'S isiike• pall-:;, • ) • It :is' a woinik.n"s fiotitil,clf liogin:nn; which sho can never tillew,to beAniultett .impunity. Iles honor, like the snow, is, ed with thy 'aliglitest.Joueli:/ It is ,liice.:xose water in a beantilitl gloms ; 'preult but theglas Tr and how doth„ the, fra;, , ,itintls . setOi';4l.tiale .- the hest, and lose foteve:r. nese I • „era The Liberty (Ind.). Herald saysithnt'a •. onhoolteneher in Union ehnntylvne'dticketUfiy, , i jris echolurs on the 3rd of he diknot trent ,dnring- flu; holidays. They-., insisted flint he should. trent:or .take tt.7dunk- - ; jug. lie jefurCd, amyl - fey took hirn:f l o a T .strenni,.nen . him hi anO•iiiiite'd hiin(;ut'altit' i ristOz`cit.fines ' it The tetiC 110 lind 'tli f e ' i ciosf,;” .one it}s§, — )l3 96 yors of ago,. kilt.. ~rplltA , oll9 ovary„ ~ dak,-anct mytiittmtloutSdoori esorolsorielgood , for: nnt .onjywhealth': t. , .1„y la rr MMMI OM 1 p ~, -. 7 .i? 11l SiSIII
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers