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I, I. ; :', -:',*; •-• I.:;.;. ;.::;•.; ;. - I; • i •.' s • ,i,:c.,r),i •:'.:.. ! 1.: . ,::.:, '.., I.:E'. , . ..,, •.,, .•• •;• ; 1 !,.,. 1-, ~ E-i " ~ ...11-, : • .... , ;;:li-.•77 7. - Pl. ; ! .-.;; ... • •-• ! /; ! ;:.;/...li:';',:ift;;'! l r. , -.1:.')IV.); ,: 'I -• ~, '. 1 ! i ,... :, . ..; • ,-. , . ~ ~ ; ;. - j : :.., , • , , - .4r •f 1 - . . i . _ . t.r.! c l !!" -1 I .:1 llffiC IMO • • .0' , 1,, ioi: :1 91 1 ~t)gl:i: 'ii V 4jL'il,ll.'s'7'.:.X'-i•'.y.•.) 3E 211 X NEWlTolum—NLixr 11171 . • • Old Friends, New Friends, C.ustomen, awl the community( u general! R ' 76 DER" 4 LEIICII would respectfully announct (E thitt,thili . have just received large,' and choice, stock coriNTEtt GOODS, ouibracjpg all'the latest styles of , Dri Wads: • • r) • VARGA NT • DI?I , JSS I 01)5; Such its 'Silks, Merlit'os,'print6d Cashmeres, Satin, Faced MerVios, Molilts;pott•dochisvoros,Valenclas, iDelainos , now: styles, just out Diournieg antbdrulf Mourning Moods, Bombazines, Alpacas,,Olagliplas,now and beautiful " quot" COleop,s,.ho.,nil : pl which wiß .sou very low for • . . S.llAlgO SHAW,LS !: SI-141INsLR! Blankot i ßhols,long.tiud. square, Boohoo:0130h Stel la, Thibst,lotng,and,sgusre Shands, Misses . Shawls. Best kind l y r Kid glove:, . • • Ilentlemen's Wear. , • Cloth; Oassitheres, Vostings,Aiittinetts, Tweeds, Jeans, hp., Cravats, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Shirts, Drawers, hp. " .FURNISHING GOODS. Now style Dinner and Tea Setts, Glassware in all varieties. ; Linen zed Woolhin Table end Plano Covers, Marinillesguilts, Oil Cloth, OsiVref•Ohnin, Crash tind•Toweling, Blankets and Fannols, Ticking Cheeks, he., all of which , ore offered;at a small advance on cost by . , , , IttEDER k LERCII, -- B ROWN and White Sugar, best ' Piilvcrived do.,best Grimula mill • trim d 0..; Rio Coffee; Legnica, Mari ' ,!.. 011 !, 1 ‘ ) ,, eve. :calm and.eXtra Java Coffer.; extra heavy golden Syrup Molasses, best Baking•Molassev.' Ground and Pine Salt, Mackerel, &o. And in fact every article belonging to the gro cery liae ! ot.prices to suit the times. By strist attention to business find fair dealing we hope to - moiit a.share of the public patronage. NO goods misrepresented to effect sales. agt..We do nn exclusive CASH businevs. One price and no abatement. N. B.—All kinds of country produce taken in ex change for goods, and the highest inneket price paid. %SRL.Please give us a call before purchasing else. where. No' charge for showing goads. ROEDER .b LERCH. C. _ [B. F. LEncit. Allentoivni December 1-1, 1859. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. CiiIOIIIIEM.CHEAPER TRALIVERI RENNINCER & SHIM ER, 5 . WEST 11.AMILTON STREET, hove just returned from New York and Phillidelphin, and receivedghe largest stork of goods ever before shown in Allentown and in cheapness never equalled null nll they ask is, to•coune and examine before malting purchalleulsewhere. They feel confident that they can satisfy_anyhotly that they soy nothing else butt what can they substantiate. Their goods consist of .LADIES. DRESS GOODS, A. splendid assortunent of Dress Silks,Black, Fancy,,Dayader, Plaid and Plain of nll quaities and prices, Widnes, Ducels, Polio Chivenrs, Figured and Plain Merinos, Ilnllnn'eles, Lnvolin Cloth, Para. mattes; Bombneines, Ginghams, Extension Shirts, together with e. full variety of other goods in rho way on Indies ware,which will be sold at the cheap. llst prices. by RENINGER & SIIIMER. MEN'S WEAR.—A full assortment of Steel Mixed rend Oiford Mixed Sattinotts, Cnssimores, Ken tucky Jeans, and a full line of Black, Brown and Blue Cloth, Vostings, Cravats, and a full line of all kinds of Gentlemen's Wens which will be sold cheep by RENINGER & SIIIMER. • —_ • CARPETS AND AND oI CLOTH.—A splendid as sortinent of Figured floor and Stair Carpets it Wool and Cotton. Also a full lino of Floor Oi Cloth which will be sold ßE the cheaest prices by at NINDEIt p & 51111%1E11.. fiZI.IIAWLS.—A large and splendid line of Black, P Colored Stella, Broeha Single-and Double, also a full linPof Black Thibat, Moue•Dolain and Blunkok Shawls of all quantities and prices which will he sold cheaper than cheap by ItBNINGER A; SHINIER. GROCERIES.— A full assortment of Grocprim such us—Coffee of all descriptions, Molosses Honey, Ten, Spices, Sugars, Chocolate and Raisins which will ho Bold nt very low prices by RENINGER F — -- ISH—Such ne Mackerel, No.'s 1 and 2, whole halves and gunrtei barrels,Dried Scefish Codfish, Herrings , which they id offer at the 'owes prices. RENINGEIt Jr. SIIIMER. SALT.—around Liverpool Snit in melts and per bushel. Fine Ashton in bulk end sacks. Small Dairy sacks which' will be sold nt the lowest prices by, RENINGER & .51111i1E11. Allentown, September 14, 1859. EICITIMENTI FOR the better accomodation of per customers, M afidihe public generally, we will.ohout the first of March, 1800, move to No. :16. East Hamilton St. next door to the Post •Oflice. Where .the lai•gesi stock of Queensware ever offered in Lehigh county will ho opened Air sale at the lowest possible prices Wholesale and retail, in sets or by the piece. Store, taking. an assortment will be supplied at Philailel phia prices. All in want of any thing in our lin aro cordially invited to call and examine our good and.prices and•satisfy themselves of the truth of lis above statements. Our stock consists in port f every pattern, style, quality , and color of ('him Glass and Queens Ware, Stone, Rockingham, Yellow and Brittonia Ware, Laws of all kinds. ,'Lumps altered and repaired to born Conl'Oil. QUEENSWARE. GLASSWARE. In sets All kinds, • and by For Hotel . the piece, And Family use. Tea Sets, Tumblers, Dinner Sots, . Lager Mugs, Chamber Sets, Dishes: Bird Founts, Mugs, Cups, Bowls. . Bowls, Dishes, Cake Stands, Pitchers Plates, Jars, Pitchers, &e., Pitchers, &e. ' Bottles, Flasks, STONEWARE. Decanters, Butter Pots, • Lamps and Globes, Milk Pots, Shades, Jars, Jugs, . Sucking Bottles, Spittoons, Breast Cups. Pitelters, &c. LAM PS. BRITTANNIA. All kinds, Tea Pets, Fluid Lamps, • •Coffoo Pots, • Coal Oil lamps, . Tea Urns, Purim' Lamps, • Ain Pitchers, ' Table Lumps, Castor Spoons, Night Lamps, • Mugs, Cups, Suspension Lamps, Ladles, Hand Lamps, Lathps, &c. Church Lamps, Hall Lawns, &e. Don't forgot the place, next door to the Poe Office. ' ' T. C. E.ERNA HEN. . ' Allentown, January ?5, 1860. ALLEN HOUSE, ALLENTOWN, PENNA. T HIS well known House will hereafter be COll ducted under the personal supervision 01 Yohe Newhard, who will spare no pains tr maintain the high reputation, the Howe litn heretofore borne. It is the largest and most cen tral House in the place, being situated at the verso of the Public Square and Hamilton street. Its cell. tral location renders It the more mniveniant fa, business men as well as for those travelling lbs . pleasure. • The 'House is provided • with Bathe, Airy Chambers, Parlors, Reading Room, Ac., The bill of fareand table accommodations are the best the market affords. Every attention is given to insure the comfort of guests. Agreeable society may always ho found at this establishment. An omnibus is always in readiness to convey passen . gore to and front the depot at the arrival and doper. turn of every.trnin. • JOSEPH P; NSWHA hr,prl,•lar INIIIAA DA. Y011E) HMO:, : ::: t - ' - ~ r • • ' . , • , , , , , • PCBUSOOL iVREKIOrSt "WU A .' ik. '•• OLIVES 411. 11 16.1%. 'lo.ottotk:Amic fifty :. CENTS....::PEtri.ANNUM ~ 'NELtoa : ',,,,f ..B.Rgit#o,',4: ONE PRICE CLOTH 1 4 0"'"' - IMP .L• x. XJ3 & BILEINI7I, fueliud iE nn Mutually°, , duty to acceminetlato ',bee public, found it necessnry to procure a trinro'cumunalions place of bu sirieis, and ncoortlinly erected n PALATIAL CLOTHING HOUSE, on the cornerof Church Alley mid Hamilton street, opposite Mosar's Drug Store, of which they 'Mire just. MlCeit.possscssion, being the larget4, most cont. modions, and best nrrangett building for the business in Allenthum. We proprietors of this-New and Magnificent Cloth. ing Establishment, take pleasumin further announc ing that they have also increased their tremendous Winter Stock of READY MADE CLOTHING, and are daily adding thereto all kinds of articles ap pertaining to Men and Boy's wear WhiCh will lie sold at extraordinary low rates, ns they go upon the principle that a "nimble sixpenee in hotter than n slow shilling?! They have notrnsh of yearn on their shelves, .which they try to pahnnlf for new Found, goods, imt en the contrary, are superior in quality, make rind style, to tiny eFlaldishment in the place.-- ive them a trial mid you will find tne PALATIAL CIAMITNG HOUSE is the pineeTor evefyhody— . Their winter Mirehnses comprise entirely new end desirable styles, such ns can nothe found at coy oth er Merchant tailoring establishment in Allentown.— Their goods wore•seleeted - with the greatest care, and Will be mile up in the latest style and fashion, and warranted to prove the same as represented nt the time of purchase. Observe. that every article if Clothing sold by the proprietors of this establiFh-• melt is of Omit own ninlic, and nay he relied mien as being good, durable work. Among their exten sive assortment may he canna, line Mack and flits .new style Dress and Frock Coats, made in the latest fashion of French and English Clitths, new style Business Conts,• of Black, Blue, Olive and orecn Cloths, and plain anti figured Cassimeres ; Over Coats, of all qua titles, styles and prices, pant:drums, vests. and in feet everything in the READY MA RE cLoTitmo LINE, from an overcoat down, to an undershirt. The four great( features pt . Neligh‘tr PoNillig ' d Store aro, that they buy ('or ensh, • and eonseqUently can sell cheaper than any of the others; their goods are made tip under their own supervision, anti they Fell them fur irltert theil reollyre ' nod last though not least they sell their goods for Cash. Having adopted the CASII system,. they tire not compelled to provide ngalnst loeeo'e by inerensinl prices. Buyers who pay cash, are not Inquired to make up the losses, of such ns wilt, not pay. Also,a large stock of handkerchiefs, Shirts, collars, Winter Bowery, Under Shirts and Drawers of all kinds, and everything in fact that is m,nally '<opt in stores of the kind. Call and see before you purchase elsewhere, PS they willingly show what they have. -. They are satisfied that all their .goods will hear a elose.exnminatiou. January 4, ENO. We Have a Larger Stock AND SELL AT TJIAN ANY 0111E11 CIAOTIViN Cx ST OWVA lA` A LI:EA - 7'o 11`X. Breinia & Coiver O. 11, East Hamilton street, have just receive 1 1 1 from Philadelphia a very hepvy stuck of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, must faverablo styles, from all or which they wit ho to order, anti also keep en hand a largo stir ply Of READY MADE CLOTHING. at such astonishing low prices, that cannot he equalled in any establishment in this or any oth er town in Eastern Pennsylvania. Our Stock is twice us large, end we sell double the amount of the two best establishments in town, consequently ono. tiling us to sell at a Very small profit. They have on hand every styles of Garments adapted to the season, to which the attention of the public is invit ed to a careful eXamination of quality, workinun. ship, style of trimmings and cut, whirl the proprie tors will guarantee tribe superior to that of any I House in the trade. They constantly keep on hand a well selected stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, consisting of Shirts, Collars, Stocks, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Dose, Suspenders, &c., besides many • articles coining in their line of business, all of which arc sold at use lowest prices. CUSTOMER WORK. Oeders for customer work will always he rereilied with pleasure, and attended to with punctuality, and as two of the firm are practical tailors, none bat the best workmanship will ho suffered to pos3 their hands. l.. They also particularly invite Country Mer einnts to give thesis a call, as they idler extraur. I dinary bargains pt wholesale. GEEING; & COLVEII. Allentown, Oct., 5, 1859. • tf FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING ALLENTOWN C LOT H ING S r ORE. No. 85 East lido ilton Allentown, Penna. f WOU IX again call the Idtention or dm citizens of Allentown, and this sturounding conntry, to thy atocic of • .PA 1,1, A NI) WINTER CLOTIIING Which for variety and excellence or tnaintracture exceeds that of kriner semon9. ' • have vow on hand, and intend 14,, , ning n gen eral rassorimcnt or OENTI.I , 3IEN'S AND Bor'S CLOTH !NO or all qualities and grades, vow•dding or 13LAcx, 1/Lui: AN' ISuntvs Fatocx ANSI PRI:SS CoArs, OVERCOATS, IN Viso , E, AND RAGIAN STYLES, 1' A NTS AND VI:STS. Al n, all hinds of Gentlemen'? Fornh.ltinellood vie D ienw Ens, NEI' K . Alq Pot:1:1:f - “1.oVI;f1, STOCK,S, SoniCS, St!SPliNnilitg, ttl,!, Particular attention is paid to the getting up of 1 this Clothing, nod those will lied a largo assortment comprising all the New Styles, equal to Custom Work in make ouch On hoed Clothe C.lF:•iiiter,, nod VcAings, of the hest quality which will ho.ntatle up 111 order, in the Most lashiontible manner at a reasonable rate and at very abort maim. Thu custom De - partint 7 lit is under the managetnent of n practical and experleneed (hitter, who has gi e. on satisfaction, and purchasers may rest asset ell that alio:Iona furnished nt this oitahlialiment are gclected with strict regard to durability. . I will also keep eetistantly on band and for stile it liceVy usgottineut of Broadcloths, Vestings., Trimmings, wltirh. tvlllbe sold by the yard at tho very lowest rate. Respectfully, ' Allentown, September 211. PURE OHIO , CATAWBA 'BRANDY, LAWALk Hutu by •fiir county.— I. ' , rice pot bqttle $1,26, Iv tho 42ne. , . i . II): MMEOOIIj Jane lit .AL - L - F;Nto . w . ,,N, .:P':A .. .., - . w . . - p_.N.',§ . .-p:A: : Y-:::.aqwx:l.. : . N.q.'!;:: - -k:' , ,F . ll:V , Aiti;..y . , 29, 1..5'0,(). 111110NAII GADS AN Mir '.'. AI la.. i . 311111er •, . NO. 53-1.:-Aiir- HAN! ti,TaisNsTRNET,- . (T wo DOUltf4 It1:1,01V liitt , AufttlicAN 11(Tgt,) ' ALLFIN'rOI6 7 N, PA. D V i SPEOITI.I lON ailliiilMPOS 'twills friends , and lt the pultlM in gonoral,tibut he had tint received 'a splendid assortment, of : • , ' . , New and Seasonable Goode, . - whiel, will lie made up to order. on short tiO.. 4 : tine' in the Limit styles, and - in a- satiorior 'Z.., manner 1 consisting- partly .of .lino flinch Vrtifich CllOl3 of :,tII grades, Dine, ,livettn, Olive and . firCiin Cbdis, Black DettAin CaSsitnerei of 'Ulf grades,: ill-telc '/AntlittitA CaSsiniclat --. Ile* ltYln, ...V.tonelt Silk inixta Coctinf , S—benvy, n ilttge !Insert.' want of ,Frei, It und yuglish eassimeres--elOgnsit styles, Domestic l'assitaares of nil rytiallties, alum° , .r.xortutent of Matelasse Vestings, Flain'atultigevoti ' ciritadinos, ]RineySilks o f all q iiptiti,,:i, 41,, . ‘ .; iiv, onDgpt4, tnaiiltroix, 1 exeiVed • and promptly - • -•dxl:6l.ted at renittittlile terms. . . 'll4`Cittl , bayrt; a;lofiatf it to tilt* particular ad. itantool'nlifoin . th'i.ii'rlothing at•thii ) entaldtd.nical, • wok g will he 'rail.* In receive the lint nhtaituthlendlit lor 111,q1.111M1V71. Per CICIIICIge (11101CC(1.1 .0 p vas& Also, agent for Wii.cox .h giun's Family Sowing -llnchine,.whieh lieu en established reputation no the best extant. Tbe.singular simplicity tool beauty of 'Do meolinnism IS nitri , fea by the fact, that while It is uoiselesli iii' It' , operatien , t, it is competent td make, at least, .1-00(1 stielics it minute with unerring aeattra. ey. Price. with 'rabbi, $:10. -•— Shoe and Hat Store, 51 ... k ' VIP, inbseribers Wive this dny en tered in ee. ,, artnership under the above Firm. and have [liken the stand lately occupied by Jonas (icorgai ne'xt door tc the Hard ware Store of Ilageubuth, Hersh .1 Co., where they arc new opening it very large :stock of Boole, Shoes. Mtn, Cops & e . And, having likl , .l,tt!kl the Cash System, they would invite ate and nil to give them an early call an rash buyers will find it greatly be their advantage to eNninine our tdock before purchas ing chewher.t. We have n Shoe and llootManu factory, by which We are constantly adding to our already heavy atook, good anti antudantial work which will give ample ;:disfactien I, 11w weal er•and which we are selling Whola:alc and Henn at nie very lowest figure. - N. It. iIN t re ,, i veil a large supply lif (:mm Shoes of.every deseription.. Alen Trunks, Carpet Bap .1c ,2...:l'•Mcmitred work trill lai lout - n 1-.1 he 61101106 - . - 111;1AS. MERTZ. notice.. LEWIS ii. annaz. Aueto.,,,, -.•:•••,•: e. , , iti. '6 . ly . . . • A New F rtn. TIIE underfigne.l licichy inform their, friends and the pnldie in ;;sacral, that they lave formed a. CO - ortiserslii p imdor the name or t t rim .1. Ludwig, and no they hate purelin-od the Tannery en Collar Creek, in Salisbury tewceldp, rertnerly owned by Peter Ludwig, they hare relabli,licd a • . .J.E.V.I' f I EI t STO HE I=l CHARLES RECK'. tr Great ttrattionil. 0=ZUIBI!I rLIAS HERTZ & SON. • in Allentown at the 24:12221 lately ocenpiedky Grim, Hecker t Cu. They will alwa3 22 pay Ike 11121111 7 ,5 T MARKET PRIOR in Codt or exehan24e for Leather. for ALL RINI/SOF SKINS AND . 11TDES. ta their Tan nery in Sali9hury, or at their Store in Allentown.- • They will also keep on 112111(1ot their store to full nu 1201111e II of LEJMNII BEST QUALITY. which they trill 22(211 fur rash or in trade fur bides, nt the lowest market prices. As they shall endeavor to/12‹:. they hope to re ceive 0 full share or public patronage: WILLIAM GRIM, SOLOMON LUDWIG . . Allentown November —3m HURRAH: HURRAH I GOOD NEWS! BE CHEIIPEST BNB THE BEST! th , ad!" nor! mn/,•r! I,oin Ibr the ;q/0/; 1 , 7.Vi)1V11• STOW:. THE under:it:nod reepertfolly announce to the oitizens of Allentown and the public• generally, that they h:n•ejust opened their new Shoo Finding Store at. No. MI West Hamilton Street Allentown, Pa, where they hare on haat the VERY BEST of heath er, and all the articles pertaining to their lino of hu- iiighoFl enMi Tirioe paid for bides. • Thanttfol fur past favors they hope that their old customers will eoptinue to extend a liberal - patronage, at their now stand. . • • GRIM HECKER. [Josue I 1 en. WALTI:II Gitim,l Novemher I • Singer's SeWinw Machines. 1 n „:-.:) T TI E. late• reduction in ~,c. f.,.” '4 ''4 , 1 price Ilr these mu- i • ( ... 2 .-.,N.,... , ,.....,:„. dillies brings thcin in '. ( N I ' ..,,..„1"--,J.,..; C ' (i ~1.1_. . .. i f e l t i t t et , i , i of l ey e . ry 1 i .i . 013..._ ' - Tr!`:!5): A V,l4. ',s t ,ti kit s i lt' i t:t I I t i 'l l '711t1 1 1 ' ;i ' ll ° 11 1 4 0 11 1 1 ....:".'„, fr' '. ', ever the eiviliziM %vitriol ./t -- i r I/ C , tel its durability and the ~".' 1' i% , wnri: it perkiiinc. There tC'7l,l. l' ) & i. , no get ting out of order. -...:.... rik.V ., /,.. • , A 14 makes a leek stitch p ._ ' -..... L". y. i .... 9 Which will null her rip, • r,vel nor pull nit. Per ::,.lN linNite r t Ili-e inneltinc , in it well not part with than. n; *lllllll a y , at call be made with one of them. l'or sab• :it the !toot mid SliiittSt.ue of if, Et llti i E 1,1 *I! \ri f: t.:O N, (.\ gent., for 11. Ititndull,) No. :o Flits Ilatellten ;It., .•kllettlown l'it. 1 , .,'..—.% II 1.1 . 11. , 0,1111,11 y :It I lllikil L. , .. , AllelltliV.l l , .1:11111:11y li. 1,6(1.' TO 11`1111E PUBLH2. „... r u lE Tin and Copper Smith business, . i . no stwomon f eamled•un for the Prti last t wenty-une year at No. 3S and 42 ....-•_ . West Ilatnilton Street,je 11w Borough of Allentown by Amos Ettinger, mill frown,' after the first efAtt-, gu=t lie conducted under the firm of Ettinger & Son. The attention of the public is nailed to the fact, that the businesa hereafter trill beemoluet , it on the Cash System. By so dealing we ex . peet to reduce. our priees, 'sell cheaper titan ever,. and thereby henetlt the public as well as ourmive , . Thankful for past favors, the new fir, elicit Ils continunnce of the patronage, with whieh the old business stand has been favored. A polite invitation is extended to all such; as are indebted on the old b 001.5 ., le wake settlement in cash or acceptable papers. Thof.q: wholllll3' tint /04/10, when an account is due, way be reminded semi by legal pt ore s:r. ' ' AMOS ETTINGER, • ' WM. J. ETTINGER. —tf ly , 27, 186;) 'Rosser & Grimm, No. 30 East Hamilton St., ALL. E T IVY. PA. WHOLESALE nnil Heidi deeleri in lied and Oalc Sole, Harness, Ppper and Collar Lentil er ; Rippe, Coll Shins, Morocco, Kid, Linings, Bind. ings, Shoe threads owl Shoe Findings nt low Klee!! tor (.4101. Ako hoed Twitters Oil. The highei4 price paid for 'Hides. 11:11?K! ILI ! ! ! •AL.They wish to Icy h o ve 1, rords Chemoit Oak tonhery nelr the. Little Lehigh. They pay Seven Potters and Fifty cents per cord. Thing, who will cut down wood this spring will do well to pent it, its the Boric clone is worth es much, es Mak tend wood together. MOSSER GRIM. Alknbiti~n, ,lan. 1E Removed. /1 M. It ()NI( hn. rainuvca Itis Ulm , (Alec to No 1t Um' ItOn suet t,•oppod to licClAtel's Amer: icon notch The °lnce of 11.1 , NK A SA1'141:1, 1,0.1 of the ALLEN INA1:01.4111 O.Oll'A 4' WV, .. ; l l t o th e mimo 1-)no, f y Halltial,!;'.Hallogli . , 4smon bona. !,1' Utiion abicaked' lap I I. 7 W,holesole :! Ptomain Now .Yta ,bested,bnal Or,lo, oars on, the I/. V. 14.,..14.:all,tan i intRonwipollynamdnPant all their . tranirapmalotts loOsqnewgaiands tato,lesepla Stopp's phonp 'Cash 8194; No: 5 tantt tthiP, i;& tori'iloterrOned tp sell iheti such low 'rntrdilhattlatvertmitta) . iforann and' cliild„ can 'got sound dfabOr New Goods:- He'll soll , for black• silks' at' '37.1 rents Pm , yard ; ,fine, now $1) los funny dross 'silks 0.0 1 44 n yard black alpaaat,A2j couta a' yard j collo° and,,delaines, all now styles just out, ", dirt cheap ,"' for itih:— Alec; abbot 11',006'ilarda ofTelruianta' ofiall colors and prices: Carlietsj,9ll . 'olotte, tied `Oohing; muslin, -Iffianchod and 7tiaLbleatabod,Jtable toweling, fresh fonthors, dao:,',./Ory cheap. °Also, about 14,000 white nouuntiin-mainos, itustiitt Aline .for. the; young ,married people vont), the odd folks may have Ahura, ,too, Bf they lisave s the money, MourniPg and ttuhroiderlos fit near htdr „' ALOTtiRS. STOP? dc CO., are oloslxig brit stock• of ftiloter bonnks, flowers; rib ' bons, &0., at (kat coat. • • Sugar, Coffee - and ,Molasses ,just .about sweet, Honey Syrup, hlllasses:nt,'9 cents a quart. ; Best Honey Syrup at pi, !mats tt - quart. Best White Sugarat 10 coati .6 lb. Large lot' or Basins and tabor dried' fruits' very, cheap. %Ulnas find Queens trate and Idolting 'Glosses:just, about cheep enough to suit the times. Now Ladies antl.Gentletnen if you have the CASII and Wont *such,,Cheap; Goods call at Stepp's Cheap-006h Store and W you have no money, just pass down the alloy. ' N. B. Also 7 dwelling houses to rent, also 1 'basement and 2d and 3d stories in Hamil ton St., well situated for n Doctor, Lowyor, Bogner reran or Dentists Office. Basement for a Boger store &C. Also a good'briek, back building suitable for Shoemaker or Tailor shop. Inquire :-35 West Hamilton St. Allentown, January, 25. • a: • —5l HANDSOME LADIES ATTENTION! GOOD* LOOKING MEN READ! Children Don't *Cry: T.OOll. JAMES MESS lms pith' attention to all .12 your wants. For Indies he has the nicest furs cv.:r seen in this county, each as Mink,Fitchi Opossum. he., of every description and grades—full ropes, half capes and cietorines—and selling them. for almost nothing. Only $6 for a whide set, Cape, Cuffs and Muff. I defy competitionif any denier In this county will or can sell Furs cheaper than I do I will give them nwity—no is your time and clionee, just call and satisfy yourselves. BATS AND 0 ILP . HE has on hand an elegant assortment of Fasnionablo Styles for 1800, among which o re n;good supply from the best establishments in New York and Philadelphia ,mails expressly to order, which for elegance and durability are not excelled. Also, all kinds of Fur and Wool Hats, Infants and Youths Silk and Beaver lints.. Also, a largo assort ment of Silk Plush and Cloth Caps, of all prices and quallyt—alt of which will bo sold ntthalowost rotas. Waif, Cat and Buffalo Robes, and selling cheaper than the cheapest. For children, fancy Caps and Furs of every de scription and color, from $1.50 to $0 a sot. N. B. Cash, and the very highest market price,' paid-for Furs 'turd king of, all kinds. Remember the place, No. 33 East Hamilton St , nearly opposite, the (lemon Reformed Church. SYLYESTER WEILER, Agent. Allentown, Jan. 18., —tf OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. - a1iM.,,M11112 OUR MUSICAL, FRIEND, a Rare Companion for tho IVintor'Montlis. Every Pianist, I Should procure this weekly Every Singer, I f Publication of Vocal and Piano Forte Music, cost Every Teriidter,, _ - IT/ LOW, Every Pupil, • ing hut TEN CENTS a Every Amateur, I number, and pronounced By the entire Preen of the country, to be "The Best end Cheapest Work of the kind in the World." Twelve fall-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte Music for TEN CENTS. Yearly, $5; Half-yearly, :t12.50; Quarterly,4l.2s; Subscribe to Our Musical Friend," or order it from the nearest NOVA dealer, and' you will bare Music enough for your entire amily and at insignifi cant cost; and if you want Music for the Flute, Violin, Cornet; Clarionet, Accordion, 'etc. ; etc., sub scribe to the • SOLO MELODIST, Containing 12 pages, costing only TEN CENTS a Number; Yearly, $2.50; Ilalf-yearly; $1.25. All the bock Numbers at 10 cents, and Bound Vol umes, containing 17 Numbers, •at $2.50 each, con stantly on band. C. B. SEYMOUR & CO., 107 Nassau Street, Now York. January 23, 18GU. . —2lll Paper Hangings Depot. • NO. 10 CORTLANDT ST., NEW YORK, Directly oppouite the Western Hotel, THE CROTON MANUFACTURING CO., (Organized in .1846, under the General Mt:naiad:lring Law of tho State of New York), Offers at wholesale, in quantities to suit purchasers, at Manufacturer's Lowest Prices, for cash or . approved credit:— • Paper Hangings, of every variety of style and price, /1111 . 111,1 . 8 in match, Fire-Board Prints; Transparent Window Shades, ail Painted Window Shades, Wide Window Curtain Papers, and Window Shade Fixtures, Store Shades made to order, and Lettered, Of the latest styles and superior finish, all of their own manufacture and importation. As their stook is !Urge and entirely new they invite Ifierchents, Booksellers, and Dealers in •these articles, to call and examine their styles and prices, whenever they visit, the city. February 16, 1800. —4t POUDRETTE. PiEIMSEISSION P ISS CELEBRATED GENUINE POUDRETTE. 150 .000 BUSHELS POUDRETTE, especial ly manufactured for Wheat, Corn, Grass, Cabbage, Flowers, planting of Trees, 'and' every kind of crop. Price $l2 and $l6 per Ton or 30 and 40 cents by the bushel. A liberal discount to Dealers. ' , minium, if you want a good manure, go and see . the Poudrette Factory of A. PEYSSON'S, Gray's Ferry Road,•bolow the Arsenal, or to Peysson's Farm, Gloucester, Woodbury Road, N. J.; and satisfy your selves of the superior quality of the material. Ap ply to A. PIiIYSSON, Office No. 12 Goldsmith's Hall, Library Street, or FRENCH, RICHARDS dt CO., York' Avenue and Callowhill Streets, Philadelphia. February 8, 1800 :CRAIN, FLOUR AND COAL. THE undersigned respectfully bog leave to inform 1. the citizens of Allentown and vicinity, thnt they are prepared to do 01 sorts of grist-work and to fur nish Flour, Feed and Grain of all kinds at- Butz's :trill on the Jordan creek one mile from the borough. Wheat, Rye, Corn end :Outs, bought at the highest tnarket price eithei. at Oteseill v,r at their etoro-house at the corner.of Ninth Mut Linden Streets, (commonly known es the Free Hull.) Orders for Flour, Feed and Grain received either at their store house or at the of office nt their cool-yard, to First Ward, (T. J. Mop )auger's into stand.). The undersigned will carry on as heretofore the coal.and grain business at thetr .ola stands. .Bosittess hereafter carried on e.eliv aively on the cash principle. ROTH, MICKLEY tts CO. Ailentmin, Nov., 2; 1859.. • . THE lIA'3IMONTON newspaper devoted to Literature and Agriculture, al so setting forth full accounts of the now settlement of Hammonton. in New Jarsey, can be subscribed for st only 2S coots per annum,. !Indus° postage stamps for the amount. Address to Editor of the Farmer, 'lliwntnonton P. O. JolTer s-in County, Now Jersey. Thoso- wishing 01100 liind of the best quality, in ono of the healthiest mid moat doliglithil climates in the union, and where Crops 'tau never wit down lay frost, tha terrible •011 rg r the north, tylverilreteent of liar hae4ol • AlPrAialffill EMI .Attettiori --. Company! ireado.'llivecu•iind 'Esnis ~,I tightp On TTA:rut 7tliloZ4hero.yon ean havo year biitirdi romo'ved , with' anso;inn iyour hair out, ram poonod,-ourredi Mize& or. shotnpooned in Astylethat ,ohnnot surpaseed.7. Andliseeps for, solo his Lavine Boditum, for prongerving and beaptifyLlF . tho Also bcards,-colqied to suit the complextoti,, et tho FO UNT,A.DT HEAD, . N0.:52 Bost Ifinnilton Stroot,_sooth side, TEAr.PLE' . O.e . j'A SPII; ' ' No.2ii last thinilton St.,'north side, and UNITY CABIN, . • North wesb.eornor of BoVenth and Linden Sts. Tho shbscriber.rondors ninny thonitcr to.h is old pn— trons,mulinvilos.thOso to, coll. who hnvo not Wenn' the oilicionoy of his, tonsotial oporations. 1 lin corps is, under, the suporrishin or '- PROF. C. it'ITATIRTS, .Docombor 1%!--July 13:- Allentown - Academy, Tim Fall Term of this Inatittition was opened on 1 :Thursday the let of Fieptomber. Pupils are re ceivod into nig School at any time and charged only.. Wo'66 date of entrance, Priihary, per,Ounribr, ' $l,OO Common English bromine., • 4,50©5,00 irigher " 4 ' with Latin and Greek-, 6,00 " French, 7,50 8,00 2,00 2,00 ==l Music, Use of Piano for practice, Drawing, • Fuel for winter, A lbw pupils are received into the faihily of the Principal at the rate of $lO per quarter for board; washing and tuition in ,all branches except Music and Drawing. I. N. GREGORY, Principal. December 14.—March 16. —ly Stegicers Ambrotype PICTURE GALLERY. ROOMS in the Third Story . of Noligh d: Breinig's new building, (Lion Hall,) over the "Regis ter" printing office, where ho continues to take the different styles of Ambrotype Pictures by sky-light. Ile can warrant his Pictures to be perfect as life.— Ile returns his sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage he has received, and hopes by producing satisfactory likenesses, , to merit n continuance of patronage from en.intelligent public. N. 11.—Pictures taken at 25 cents. E. A. STECKEL. December 7. —3m JOHN F. HALBACH lISTICE OE THE PEACE. O( l ilies on the west side of 2d. street between Hamil ' ten and Linden Streets, has been appointed as Agent of M..L. Ileller's European F-xpress and Expe dition, Commission, and Forwarding house, No. 3 Chamber Street, New York. Ile writes or draws all Powers of Attorneys in. the German and English Languages and forwards to nil Germany and England. Also Passage certificates can be had at his office to Bremen, Hamburg, Havre, Antwerp, Rotterdam and London Allentown, August 21, 1859 EAGLE HOTEL.. 1 CORNER of Hamilton and Seventh Streets, (Mar ket Square) Allentown, Pa. THE ' Eagle' is well situated for the accomodation of travelers. It is furnished in the best manner. The Table is provided with the best fare the mar ket affords, and the bar supplied with the purest and best liquors. • Farmers and persons from the country, will find tho stabling and yard, as well as the Hotel, conve nient. OD-Omnibuses run regularly from this house to the Rail-road depots. MOSES SCHNECK, Proprietor. Allentown, January 4, 1860. ly Allen Insurance Co., ALLENTOWN, LgIIIOII COUNTY, PA. Tins Company is orgnnizod under the generalln suranee 'Lava of this State, and insures upon the mutual principle exclusively, against loss by fire, on Buildings, Merchandise and other proporty. Ap plication, for insuraneo may be made at the odic° of the oompiniy; or to . tho Surveyors whose names have herotoforo boon announced. C. W. COOPER, President, C. M. RUNS, Secretary. Allentown, Dee, 17 1811) .AL X" Ma 3131 WITH C o . Lathrop., Ludington Si o IMPORTERS and Jobbors of Foreign and Do MOP tie DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, (C.P., Nos. 23" and 25 Park Pkwo, Now York. „akr Also always on hnnd an extensivo stock 0 Yankee Notions. New York, November 30, 1850. —ly Oysters! Oysters! pThe undorsigded in addition to the buainess heretofore carried on at lib fruit and vegetable store, at the corner of Law Alley and Hamilton Street, Allentown, Pu., will always keep on hand n supply of lino oysters, whirl. can bo . ttpu.lied at the store, or to families at their homes on short notice. W. W. HAMERSLY . II Nov. 1, 1859.. JOSEPH S. . M . e l A GRADUATE of Jefferson Medical College, ti and rcsident of Heidelberg township, Le hioh county, immediately in tho vicinity of the -public•houso of Mr. Daniel Delbort, offers his pro fessional tieryicas to the citizens of ,that vicinity. Ile will gladly answer to calls at all. ovemi.hours of the day or night. [Nor 18, 1859.—t1 A. B. Schwartz, Anl n o o "ljgßii' l it e nStr ir llle fivodoor:OnstotlSlorf; oll ce ...,Ta - Cap lie consulted in the English and Germai lnnguages.Rr November 23, 1859 NEW SALOON. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the citizens of Allentown nnd vicinity, 'that ho opened n Saloon lately in the basement of Maix'p new building, corner of Ninth and Hamilton streets where nll the delicacies of the smson eon always. be had: Also PORTER, ALE, LAGER BEER. &C, It. RUDMAN, December 7 18:11) 12123 • Adorn • Woolev'er, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SIINKIFFS OFFICE, ALLIiINTOIVN, PA. Wattocd to the eollection• of dahlia Lo: I'V high and adjoining countieo, Allentown, July 27, 1959, DR. 8.•. P. BLISC 31011311E714110"."31E l lIEffior3I".• OFFICE OVER PRETE, OITTU 100 , 6roRE . A L.LFINT3 PA • --- GRAPE GROWERS CAN CARRY on thoir business must - suceessfully.mt Tiatuttionton, tree Srom frosts. Soma forty V ineynyda not out the the past season. Ebto advertisement tit Ilamtnonton Loads, ['mother c01umn....,. ALL WANTING FARMS "IN .A DE .. lightful climate, rich B°ll,, and secure fro m frosts, see tulvertivemetiChfMotittht daylhor col . . . . num. . . PERSONS .WANTI CI I ANOII o b` . diuintb tot bonith,noo alvortisoment, of lirunmonton ‘1.5 in another column , . Execution of a Cuban Itobbor end Murk .EXTRAORDINARY cosrEssv»; lu 'LIFE CAPTAIN: I , rrrsoNs MURDERED •lir HIS HAND. • " • Francisco Javier • Lazo, aged •tWenty-three years; ct'as - convpyeirio.' i the criminal ward - of the Hospdal SUM Juan de 1)los, in llaVaiti, to receive surgical assistance - for a. severe -Bahr° \veined in the breast. Afe days after .liis.! arrival in the ho"sidtitElo. beCinne ill, and was supposed to - bo dying,. A priest was - hastily summoned to administer the oleaq, according to the'rites of the' Roman.. Catholic Church ; hat; upon. feeling the criminal's pubic' the'priest declared that the Man was under the influence of some strong, narcotic,, and the. usual remedies having been applied by a phy sician, the priest:o opinon was fully confirmed. On reinovjag . trty,o to.anotherlied, a letter ad- . • •dresspil.ty, his Execiloney the captain General. wags finiadnuulet his pilloW, apparoetly.within juSt,provions taking 11-silose of •landa mim, with which he.hrol• iiitended to detroy himself. It may he doubted whether the: an. ••... Mils of crime bear record of greater atrocities having been committed, by any single individ ual than these confessed to by FranCiscu.Titvi e.r.Lazo in the following letter , - To His Excettmser TIM CAPTAIN GENERAI.: SEsoa—Being about to destroy myself with , poison, 1 desire hetbre I die to make known to your Excellency the horrid' crimes when I , have perpetrated in thisdslaml, in order, that those mdivinals who arc now in prison under suspicion may not sutler wrongfully for my misdeeds, and also that, by making a full con -1 fession, toy stud may lie somewhat relieved ! front the lead of sin which now weighs it down. I emnenced my career of wickedness by be ing imprisoned at St. Jago do Cubit for a rob bety effected in the town iie - Bayanio. was confined in a cell, from which I made my escape to the city of Puerto Principe, where, in company With a colored man called Joaquin, I broke into a jeweler's shop and car ried off an entire case of valuable watches, &e., which wits taken from me on the road to Las Tunas, by Cornmissary of Police, fruit whom I made my escape. I immediately returned and robbed said police officer. At Simeti Spiritus I robbed a similar estab lishment, and on. tiro same night and street, broke into two other houses. • • 0. I their went to Trinidad, and, having effect ed entrance into the houses of an Englishman on Guiterez street. I took [live bang about 54,- 1 800 worth of ,jewelry. I was arrested upon I suspicion, but escaped front the jail, having in the hands of tlie authorities a trunk, contain-' ing some clothes and a pass, which obtained front the Aleahle of Sancti Spiritus, under the ,assumed name of Pradencio Belot. In Matanzas I robbed several houses, from one of which I carried oft some very valuable diamond trinkets ; but being pursued by sev eral watchmen, I was compelled to throw the greater portion ay - ay. I suceeedod in (v.:ding my pursuers, and soon returned to the city aglin, and perpetrated great atrocities; after which I started off to Cmanajay, where I rob bed a vizeitino of a large sum of money ; from thence I removed to the village of Guana ba coa, where I was guilty of frightful excesses. was I that killed who was found laying A thin town, Pn. . —lv IEB dead at the font of the hill called Joaquin was the murderer Of the Cotmnissary of Police. Martinez ; iii the Lieutenant front Jaruco, at).( others whose names I do not know, found as Hainate(l in the v:e:nity of the villaze, froth whence I pa -sed over Jo Havana, in a house rented by it Jew called Andrade, T murdered police otli , e: named Marmite. mind U.; Wife. I lint been some time contemplating the per 4wtration of this crime. inasmuch as that Mar mite was the most energetic. officer in the ser vice of the government, :old the one who. had been the most active in his endeavors to dim. enver my w h er eabouts; but, as lie lived in an upper shay, in a in e't frequented strect,,il was difficulty to g et;tthiia. Iluwever, I avail ed myself of a dread nil ditin . der storm cif who: and rain, and, with a rope, ladder, crowbar, &c.. at midnight, I proceeded to the residence of Mara nte, and soon accomplished my pur pose. I killed hint aim 111:4 wife, as they lay a sleep in lied. The :mime night and in the same street. I Murdered an old man for the sake of his watch and a trilling stile of money. T fonnd in his I o •Tets, The next 'awning I went to look at the body, as it lay stretched out at the , ite . ef the jail, where it had been plaeld by the police tutthorities for recogniti(lll. A l's iv days :Cr erwards, in Cain paullta street. outride the trails. early •in the morning, I drove my knife into the heart of a young Vrefieltman, who attempted to defend his pro. :cear to the faCtory (now the hospital milltar);:ts also in the vicinity of the trra. coons I have becn guilty of slMekit:g.marders At a place tailed (ljo de &gen, near ,Matan za s, un the r o ad to La Thalia, towards dark, met a gentleman and lady, tvhuiii T. t ordered t. stop; the gentleman drew a'pistul, lnt, before lie had time to use it. I-shot him dyad s with my earbine. I dragged the hody :n to the bush, and after making 11.1! •the woman, I . 'eut her dirt ott to prevent discovery. The next day the ttvu bodies were found in the woods, and T fled from Mattuwa-:, because a reward was of fered by the authorities to take me. dead or 1201 At San Antonio I committed various exces ses. Returning again to Iravana, 1 robbed several Imm:es—among the nom her. that of the captain 0" •r iteillory, I) , n Jose 14, der. fr an whom T took 'a large sent ”f 111 , 1111 w, and the mer ehatt t! an ocll ed in tit it 1,) fly from tlavann, 1 proceeded to Wl:mai:tr. where 1 was (Mut ur 41 kr the officer of the di.triet, who caused me to lie seour.ly pinicntt with cords. rind. guarded by f;ltrteett Smniards. rent nut to Havana ' kit at a mooning place on the way, whilst most of any captors were at dinner, 1 managed, unperceived, tt o l q, hands loose, ;I nd seized a machete b eing n , r to one of the part. who hail carelessly left it on a' table. I attempted to escape, lint was lip - PNS. followed by the chief otnewaiot some others: Stein that the former waa rapidly gaining- on me, and rendered furious at the prospect of . Lein r retaken, I suddenly turned around and run the Mileer through the lady With his own m a ehette. 1 WM:wn , u overpowered by the others, who shmek me .out .Iteavy blows with their swerds. and half dead from loss of blood. wi t s convoyed` to this city, where I am now layinf(nt the point if death, front having swot lowed it dose of poi flan. FriglithiLas logue of erinies may lie, it is far from (moi l-dote. Bet 1 have not . strength sufficient to continue thisletter. A fiendish drsirenppear ed to.seize hold upon me to murder as many. human ereatures years I find lived. Yes, the blond oftwenLy-tlirre innocent.yietims cries out to:Heaven against int, and neighs down my soul with horror:. . . r. ; VIt.UNCISCO JAN' TM: LAZO. • tiAN: JUAN 14: ThO . S. \ The miaerahle wtetritlit mulatto, native of Cuba.) reeo.vorml.r , “; a t e. orthe pidatat he Itad Swa and Was publicly rctitrd, in front or the, l'unin :1 'with , . ar latc..leeging in his lust Moments that ft;••• 10 .4 1 . 11 way lint. ii floor atimeintmt UK! 10'5 ufll ke unt'vetnll4,l of Ids mtirtlerons , . CO E 8 MI derer 1 h c iP 10 1 . 74 P '03)1-.7) rq , trx ( yr Tria.j6t.t., K_ • r.:3 PA F 3 - J :PJLT::.I4I (NUN BER•'-n. •T n ; E P Urn: osToN dittle bey, t tedeileer; one chid - waders niorri -lug, I was accosted, by it with an • axe on his shoulder.. " My pretty boy,° - said has year fatliert'f(.3oiiidtithicerTCY 9 Yes, said 1.. " You are, a .fine•.littlp.felloWiff p7r . . - 41,1 ho; " wilLyou lot ma grind 'flay flKft Q.ro ;II 11 it?" Pleased with . the ..compliniont of ..`!,fittel 5:4 little felloW," ",Oh, yes, sire',-.lsnwor.ed, ; (I: , , If . 1$ (10V11 in the shop." •". And .you, 10,y , ,c1 oafs reran," said he, patting rne•on the.h . ead,tl`gp.r ine a little hot water 2" How could, .I.. : refuoe 7: , .:;.::, I ran, and soon byouglyte, . - ald are yeti, awl. what's yory pin° . he, without waiting fora reply; 444 liuro • • o'•;;, that you are,ouo of the,finest , la4a thatlsmegiT have soon ; will—you_just...tpr4 .foyf;. Mi 49002 for me?" Tickled: with the *: fool, I went: ti? 7ork,. an 4 bitterly did L; rue the day. It.waq . a eoly, axe, and I t9i1,91; find tugged:4in. 1,-4 ahtte,lt. The school-bell rang,,p,nd,,l, my hands ware blistered, and it. yais ,not , ground. At . Imigth,:howover,,, the . naq i iNvq.s,,-.,-*,; ) , r sharpened ; and. thq man Aural:l, te:„ . ll . lo„withi r ,, " Now, •you little, rascal, you've played.r.l4gl4t , ;;,•, send to school, : o t r,;'ypii'll ,•`, I' I. • thought I, •" it ...vas hard enough , grindstone this cold day, htitpow to be,realle4 7 , s . - a, little rascal is to. much:" It, sa*, d,C..e11 , 407;•••,l my mind, and often have Itliqught. uf,it shwa!, When I see a merchant ever polite to,his.,eute, ,; , toners—beggiag : them to take a little, ilea throwing itis„ goods .on the eouatyr r -,-.1.! , ; think, that man has an axe grindi :Whoa T. see a man flattering the, people, making great professions of attachment to liberty,,who ls in . ! private life a tyrant—methinks, look out, people ; that fellow would sot you turning „ grindstones. When I see a. man hoisted irdo„ office by party spirit, without a single quelik , cation to render him either respectable or use, ful—alas ! methinks, deluded people, yoe aro doomed for a season to turn the gritalstone,for.,. a booby.—Franklin. . fai — Pitts is a fast man, a man of business. tact, and when Pitts oiesinto a store to traae, ho always gets the loWest cash price ; and ho. ••• says " Well, I'll loik about, and if I don't find, anything that suite me better, I'll call 'and take this. Pitts, like all fast men, is partial to woman,: and young ones in particular. No*, quite lately Pitts said to himself : "I am gettin' rather 'long in years, and, . guess I'll-get married." his business qualities wouldn't let him wait; so on he travels, and calling on alady,-frlond; opened the conversation by remarking that ho would like to know what she thought about getting married. . . . " 011, Mr. Pitts, that is an affair in which I 7' lin not so very greatly interested, and I prefer' . "; ' to leave it ivith yourself." " But," says Pitts, " you are interested, and my dear girl will you marry me ?" The young lady blushed very rod, hesitated, • and - finally, as Pitts 'was very 'well to (loin th'e world, morally; financially, and politically r ; i" good standing in society, she accepted him.— o, Whereupon the matter-of-fact Pittyresponded Well, well, I'll look about, and if I don't find any body that suits 'no better than yo . u,. I'll mile back I" Geographloal Enigma. I :on composed of 45 letters. 29, 19, 7, 39, 22, is a tor in:Eaglarl. 17, 35, 14, 11, 32, 4, 4 . 5,, ip 11,, Cape on coast of Italy. , I . 44, 34, 42, 38,. is a, lake in Italy. ,'• " 25, 40, 17,11, 15, is one ofthelanianlslee.''. 45; LO, 5, 17, 20, 20, is a gulf in 10 1,4, 2, 31, 10, 1, ,38, IG, Is a torn) in: o,lf, intt. 40, 33, 41, It, 43, 42, 28, ig ntivot4rr'Aoiß, 1,9, 30, 37, 42, 4, 45, 21; 11, is - a. l .ctilibti j ia Indiana. -7. • • 8, 12, 24, 20, 42; is it iwincirialt yin recce: 2.3, 5, 27, 11,43, ie a country My whole is a group of Islands in tho • By S. and M.; 'cif "" 5,•,11,1e Nu.—.A, little girl, not elk, - .years of 0. age, seretuuod out • to her, little blotlinty !whorl: , was playing in the land, " Bubityou nothing little Hemp, come riglitinterthe house : this minute, or 1 will beat lour till the •ines off." " Why, Angelina, Angelina, dear, what you mean? where did you. ldarn suck talk exclaimed tins. mortified ,mother,t whoostood , ii..- talking with a friend. • ,•• Ang childish reply. was ni..gliod cOni ri - mentary upon this manner of apdaking to drew: .• " Why, mother, you' see wo are. phiying; he's lily little boy, and I am scolding him. junt,a;:, as you did me this morning.; that's .all." Lott AND SMUT DAytt.-At Berlin and Lou don, the longest day 1a:p..4)09mi i!oiirti and half; at StuFkiipliut . it eighteen, uutl a half linurs i at 11rthurgli, sernateendiousi4,... and the shortest sevei; at St. lieterpburg,.tile. ;. Inagest day has nineteen, and dieslioriest aye hours; itt, Tornea,. in Tilllt}ud,' the lonhost day ha 4 twenty-one hours and n luilk and , thp . slimiest twohoursald a ilnlf; ut ;IVandorhup . ;': in Norwax, the day lasts from 'the f..%)15t . 0f 'Av .; to the 1. 5 .2 d or July: at Siiithergen,thoii longest day it three month 4 and it doAcH of wash-boards titre nor rctel: eotnnlentled by.phyAieions fir Inclien-who seoin- 1 ;• plain of tryvelinitt. Young .111()El. trtntblotl the sang way may onto& by. n pioprirniiow•c of saw-horse, • • ;1. E'll==3 hat are.you looki.ug 4110', ciid 0.• very„atrectioate mother, to Jag thmigh tor. - Alatighter, !puked ttrOuncl e l'aLibekiug, after .mu4a.-law do w'; i t ow" %-:tluiilllc enUttglY:ici. - g6iy - mem 431112013 . take in ..ctiria-Aoy f things , _ El :( =NM IBM ~ r r ii MEI =I u-.:,.~. ~ i' !,;;;J .i . ct.i'"4.4. .1.1:t:V.11....5. MEI
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