MI New Agricultural Settlements. TO ALL WANTING Arms. li'are Opportunity in et Ddight. al and Healthy Cli mate, 25 miles &althea of hilaclrlphiu, Oies Camden and Atlunt . 6 Railroad, New Jar Hey A N old estate consisting of several thousands el IL sores of productive soil, has been divided int, Forms of. various 81%09 to snit the purchaser. A population of some Fifteen Hundred, from various parts of .the Middle States and New England, havt settled Otero the. past year, improved their places and raised excellent crops. The price of the land is nt the low sum of limn $l5 to $2O per acre, the soil is of the best quality for the production of Wheat, Clover,. Petiehes, Crapes and Vegetables. IT It CoNSIDRRED THE BEST FRUIT SOH. IN TRU UNION. Tho place is perfect secure fr , m , frosts—the destructive enemy of the farmer.— Crops of grab], crass and fruit are now gron ing and can be seen. By examining the piece itself, a taw : root judgment can be formed of the productiveness of the land. Tho terms are made easy to secure a ra pid improvement of the land, which is only sold for actual improvement. The result has been that within the past year, some three hundred houses have boon erected, two mills, one steam, four stores, some forty vinyards and poach orchards planted, and a large number of other improvements, making it n desirable and active place of business.. - THE MARKET,' •• ns the render may perceive from its localion, is THE BEST IN THE UNION. Produce bringing double tho price broughtin locations away from the city, and more than double the price in tlio Wes t: It is known that tho earliest and best fruits and yogi tables in this latitude como from Now Jersey, and are annually exported to the extent of millions. In locating hero the sltler hoc ninny advnntnges. Ho is within a few hours ride of the gran( cities if Now England and Middle States, ho is near his old friends and nssocintions, ho is in n ,etticd co•nn try where every immovement and comfort is at bond. Ho can buy every article he wants at the cheapest pricO,.and sell his produce for the article he wants nt the cheapen price, and sell his produce for the highest, (in west this is reversed,)" he hna school (hr his children, divine services, and will enjoy in open winter and delightful climate, *hero fevers are ut terly unknown. The result of Clio change upon those from the north hes generally been to restore theta to its excellent stilt° or health, In tlut way of building and improving, lumber can bo obtained at the mills at the rate of It to sift per thousand.' Bricks front the brick yet* opened in the place, every ortielo can he procured in the place, good carpenters are at band, and there is no place in the Union where buildings and improve-, wants can be made cheaper. • The.roader will at once be struck with the advan tages hero presented, and ask himself why the prop erty has not been taken up Were. Tho reason is, It was never thrown in the market : and unless these Meta:tunas were correct, no One would be invited to oxantine the land before purchasing. This all are expected to do, They will PCO land und , r cultivation, such is the extent of the settlement that they will. no doubt meet persons front their own neighborhood; they will witness the improvotnents, and con judge the character r f tho population. If they rune with a view to settle; they should come prepared to Play a day or two and be ready to purchase, as locations noon . t be held on !refusal. • Thoro aro twu daily trains to Philadelphia and to /131 POICIOTS who Turn te, THE RAILIWAI/ COMPANY c/IVES A FREE TICKET Full SIX MuNTIIS, ANI. A unix- PIWCF: TICKET lilt THREE TEAM:. THE TOWN OF HAMAIONTON To connection with the ngriouleural settlement, a now and thriving town has naturely arisen, n•hich presonts inducements fur any kind of husineds, par ticularly storm; and manufactories. T 110 F lion busi hese could be carried on in this place and market to good advantage, also cotton business, and tuanulite turbos of agricultural impliments, or foundries for casting small articles. Tho improvement has been so rapid as - to insure a constant and permanent in oreaso of business. Town lots.of a good siy.o, we do not men small 011ei as it would affect the improve-, Mont of the place, con be had at from $lOO and up• wards. Ton 11.tmuoNroN FA not:it, it zu nably literary and agricultural sheet, containing full info! maiden of Hammonton, can be obtained at 29 cents I or annum. - Title ihdisputaltle—warranted deeds given chair of all ineumberitnee when motley is paid,—Mottle to the land: Vino street wharf, Philadelphia, for Ham monton by Railroad, at 7, A. M., or 41 P. M. Faro DO eta. When there, inquiro for Mr. Brynes.— Boarding convenianco on hand. Parties had bettor atop with Mr. Brynes, it principal, until they have dot:tided as to purchasing, as ho will allow them over thalami in his carriage, free of expeaso. Let ters and applications ern be addressed to Landis and Byrnes ' Hammonton, P. 0., Atlantic Co., New Jer sey, or S. B. Couglan,.2o2 South Fifth Street, Phila. adelphla. Maps and information cheerfully furnish ed. ootober 9th, 189(1. —am LEHIGH VALLEY RAIL ROAD. On and after Monday, July 25, 1859, the Passenger 'trains on the L, V. R. It. will run as follows: DOWN TRAINS. Leave MAIL EXPRESS. . APCOM. Mauch Chunk, 6,00 A. M. 12,30 P. M. 8,00 P. M. Blatlngton, 6,40 " 1,08 " 3,85 " Whitehall, 7,12 " 1,33 " 4,52 " Catasauqua, 7,27 " 1 ; 15 " 5,22 " Allentown, 7,40 " 1,56 " 5,45 " Bethlehem • 7,58 1,11 6,10 " Froomansburg, 8,07 " 2,20 " 6.22 " Bastian (arrive) 8,30 " 2,43 " 7,15 " UP TRAINS. Lome ACOOII. MAIL. EXPRESS. Easton, 6,00 A. M. 111,45 " 3,35 " Freetnansburg, 0,40 " 12,09 ." 3,57 " Bethlehem, 7,00 " 12,19 " 4,08 " Allentown, 7,40 " 12,34 " 4,20 ". Catasauque, 8,07 " 12,40 " 4,35 " Whitohnll, 8.26 " 1,00 " 4,52 " Blatinkton, 0,04 " 1,29 " 5,26 " Ar. M. Chunk, 10,00 " 2,05 " 8,10 " . . _ Down Trains, with their Cottnec , tione. Tho 0,00 a. m. Mail train will run in connection with the Catawissa, Williamsport and Erie train from Elmira, Williamsport, Denville and Rupert, end will connect at Allentown with the East Penn sylvania train for Reading, Harrisburg and Potts ville; at Bethlehem with the North Penn , ylvanitt train for Philadelphia; at Easton with the Central R. R. of New Jersey train for New York, anti at Phillipsburg with the Bel. Del. train for Belvidere' This train will also enable passengers to go to the Water Gap, Scranton and Groat Bend, either by the Del. Del. or the Central It. R. of New Jersey train. The 12,30 p. m. Express train will' roil in connec tion with the Beaver Meadow trnin from Willtesbarro, White Huron, Hazleton and Weatherly. end with the East Pennsylvania train from Ilturisburr, Potts ville anti Rending, and will connect with the North Penn. train for Philadelphia, with the Central of New Jersey train for Now York, and ivith the Itel. Del. train for Lambertville, Trenton and Philadel phia. Up Tratii3, with Mei? Contirctiorts 'rho 11,00 n. m. Accommodation train will connect with the Hopt Pennsylvania train fur Reading; and Ilarrisbm•g. Thu 11,15 a. in. Mail train will run In connection with the Dol. Del. train from Philadelphia Trenton and Lambertville, with the Central of Now Jersey train from New York, with the North Penn. train front Philndolphi t, and trill connect with the hoer• or Meadow train fur Weatherly, Hazleton, White Haven and Wilkelbarre, • The p. m. Expters train will run in connec tion with the Central of New Jerky train l'or New 'York end will connect with the East' Penn. train for Reading, Pottsville and llarriAturg, and with the Catawisse. and Elmira tritin forßu. port, Danville, Williamsport and Elmira. The morning train down and the $,35 train up, trill not stop at South Easton. R.ll. SAYRE, Supt. At Eng. Xanuary 2S TRUSSES!AIRAMI,SUPPORTERS! C. H. Nii:EDLES, 8, W. Corner. Twolfth and Taco Streets, PILILADELPHIA. DRAcTICAL ADJUSTER of Rupture TrIIFFOF 1111 , 1 Mechanical Remedies. Ilan Constantly on hand a large Stock of t.iennine FrAch trusses, aloe a complete assortment Id . the beet American, includ ing the celebrated Whites Patent 'Lever Tines, ho neyed by tho beet nuthorities to ho superior to any yet invented. English and American Stapptirters, and Bolts, ;Shoulder dlraces, Suspensory B ndages, Self Injecting Syringes, adapted to both coxes, in neat portable cases, French Pessaries, Urinal Bags .&c. orders and letters of enquiry, will moot prompt attontion. z ALpiu ! ....t 24, 1859. ((.t OLD DR. HEATH'S BOOK OF et Travois and great discoveries of the Japan-NA coo and East Indio. Medicines, with full directions for tho certain cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh,Astlitnn, Fevers, Heart Din : case, Scrofoin: Cancer, Dyspepsia. Liver Coinflaint, fliavol and Urinary Deposits, Female Complaints, &o. Illustrated with hundreds of .cortificates of cures and engravings. For the purpose, of rescuing no many suffering fellow-beings as poSsible from premature death, it will be sent to any part of the aontinent, by sending 25 cents to .DRS. TIEATII, • 01 Broadway; New York City. Sold by E. D. Latvian, Allontown ; Dr. Snmitol Sandt; Easton ; J. A. Polk, Mauch Chunk ; John Beitenrann, Hamburg; Dr. S. S. Stevens, Rending. October 20, 1850. . —ly DR. HAMPTON: I= DR. HAMPTON'S Compound Diuretic-Pills. I=l OR. HAMPTON'S • DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S I)R.'HA•MPTON 8 DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIO . PILLS. . COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, - ' COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D - DIURETIC-PILLS; COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. DR. HAMPTON'S DR. n A MPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR HAMPTON'S DR. HA MPTON'S• t DR HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S DR. II A MPTON'S DR. HAMPTON'S" COMP'D DIURETIC/ PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. • COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, ,COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. 'COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS, COMP'D DIURETIC PILLS. • CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL. ! 4 ' CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL, CURE GRAVEL. CURE GLEET. CURE GLEET, CURE GLEET. CURE • GLEET, CURE . GLEET, CURE GLEET, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE, CURE STRICTURE. CURE STRICTURE. • • CURE LEUCHORRIKE A, • CURE LEUCHORRIKE A, CURE LEUCHORRIICE A, CURE LEUCHORRIICE A, CURE LEUCHORRIKE A, CURE LEUCHORRIKEk CURE LEUCHORRIKE A, CURE LEUCHORRIPEA, OURS LEUCHORRIICEA, • CURE LEUCHORRIKEA, CURE LEUCHORRHCE A, CURE LEUCHORREICEA, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, FEMALE WEAKNESSES, ' FEMALE WEAKNESSES. FEMALE WEAKNESSES. AND ALL OTHER DISEASES OF THE • BLADDER, K I D N E Y S, AND SEXUAL ORGANS. DR. HAMPTON'S Compound Diuretic Pills, CONTAIN NEITHER BALSAM OR MERCURY, BUT ARE PURELY VEGETABLE IN THEIR COMPOSITION, MILD BUT PROMPT IN THEIR ACTION, AND NEVER FAIL TO CURE THE MOST HOPELESS CASE OP THOSE DIS SEAM TO WHICH THEY ARE PARTICULARLY ADAPTED. Dr. HAMFTON'S COMPOUND DIUNEfIC PILLS, ARE ENDORSED, nEcomstesinp AND USED BY THE PRACTICE OP PHYSICIANS GENERALLY, FOR THE CURE OF THE ABOVE DISEASES, WHEN PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND A PREP A TION t.IIFFERERS SIIOULD NO LONGER HESITATE TO TEST • ITS EFFICACY. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. • FOR SALE EVERYWHERE.. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. • FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. • FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR .ALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER no.,L PREPARED ONLY BY DR. 3. T. malvirroAT du. co,, 405 SPRPCE STREET, PHILADELPRIA. [C7MEFSRS. LEWIS SCTINGIDT A CO. AND JOHN B MOSER. AGENTS FOE .ALLENTOWN, PA. : MESSRS. GARVEY, BIRCH A BRO., SOLE AGENTS FOR SEEKS cOVNTY. Philialelphis, November 30, 1859.. --ly "THE UNION," ARCH. STREET ABOVE THIRD PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned having purchased the interest of his former partner, Evan Evans, in the above Hotel, would call attention of tho public to its con venience for thous visiting the City, either for busi ness or pleasure. Its situation being but a few Mops from the prin ciple avenues of trade, otters inducements to thopo on 'business; while to them in search of ploasuro, passonner rail rondo which now pass in otos° prox imity afford a cheap and pleasant ridcT to all places of interest in or about tho city. = Tho Proprietor gives assuranco that "The Union" shall ho kept with such charac•cr no will merit pub lic approbation and would respectfully solioit patron ago from Lehigh and adjoining counties. UPTON S. NEWCOMER. Philadelphia, August 3, 1850. —ly WILLIAM zumvant, GE N ERAL NE WS A GENT ALLENTOWN, PA. All daily pnpors from Now York and Philadelphia served to subscribers regularly after the arrival _of the oars. • yen's Sarsaparilla A. compound remedy, in which we have la bored to produce the most effectual alterative that can be.made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power as to afford an effedtive antidote for the diseaseil Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a remedy is wanted by those who suffer from Strumous complaints, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of • immense service to this large class of our afflicted follow-citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by exper iment on many of the worst cases to be found of the following comiolaints: ScaOFULI AND SCROFUr.ous COMPLATNTS, ERUPTIONS AND ERUPTIVE DISEASES, ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, TUMORS, SALT RIIE.UM, SCALD HEAD, SYPHILIS AND SYPHILITIC AF FECTIONS, Muncuntra, DISEASE, DROPSY, Nett• nAtort on Tic DouLoCitEux, Drairirr, bye-. PEPSI& AND INDIGESTION,. EIIYSIPELAS, ROSE OR ST. ANTHONY'S Fins, and indeed the whole olass of complaints arising from txruniry or rue BLOOD. This compound will be found n great pro moter of health; when taken in the spring, to expel the foul Intmors which fester in the blood-at that season of-the-year.. By thetime, ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders aro nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through the natural channels of the body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the akin in pimples, eruptions, or sores ; cleanse it when you find it is ob structed end sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell You when. Even where no particularjlisorder - is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has,. and deserves much, the, reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone 4uts not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have been milt , led by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla ibr ono dollar. ivipst of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er; Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsaparilla, and intend I to supply, such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon Is. And we think we lave_ ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend ed to cure. • In order to secure their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously taken according to directions on the bottle. PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AVER & LOWELL, MASS. Pelee, $1 per Bottle Six Bottle• for D. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself such a renown for the cure of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it Is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of . its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As It has long been is constant use throttgbout this section, we need not do more then assure The people its quality is ke:.t. up to the best it ever has been, and that it may ho relied on to do for their relief all it has ever been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR TILE MIRE OF. Costiveness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, Headache, Piles, Rheumatism, Eruptimis and Skin Diseases, Liver Complaint,- Dropsy; Tetter, Tumors and Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Dinner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They are sugar-coated, so that the most Benet tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient lii the world for all the purposes of a family physic. .• • Prioo 26 ants por Box; Five boxoe for $l.OO Great numbers of Clergymen, t's Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, havii lent their nerves to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Amattio.ct; AIMAN cc in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not bo put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AYt R'S. and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our Remedies are fur anle by Lewis Sulunidt. Co., J. B. Moser, Alluntuwu, and by all Druggists and Dealers erorywhure. IMPORTA.N'T , r 0 FEMALES DROMMESEIIIIIAN'S risLus, Prepared by Cornelius L. Mamma, M. D. NEW YORK CITY. • . The combinntion of ingredients in these Pills ere the rocult of n long end extensive prnotice. They are mild in their operation, and certain in correcting all irregulerities, Painful Alenstruationn, removing all obstructions, whether from cold ur otherwise, headache, pain in the side, palpation of the heart, whittle, ell nervous gnu:dope, hystories, fatigue, petit in the beck and ihnbri de., disturbed elooP, which mime front interruption of nature. TO MARRIED LADIES. Dr. Chcosetnian Mlle ore invaluable, as they tvil bring bn the monthly period with regularity. 'La dles who have been disappointed in the UFO of other Pills can place the utmost contldenee in Dr. CUM !HIM'S Pills doing nil that they represent to do. • NOTICE. There in ant roodition of the female velem in ;davit the Pale cannot he token without prodorioy 51 PECULIAR RESULT. The enodition referred is, ie P REG NA NC Y. Rauh in the irrenintohle tendeovy of the Mcciicinel to reotore the neuron! function', to (I norm/ condition, Me reprodoetiec power of nature cannot rceiet it. Warrunled purely vegetable, end free from tiny thing injurious. Explicit direetione, which should be rood neecaninthy each box. Price $l. Sent by mull on enclosing $1 to . Du. ConNimia's L. Cunnuu sAN,'Box 4:151, Pat Mee, New York City. Fold by one Druggist in every Town in the IL S, it. B. 111.1TCHINUS, 411varn tt. AunN run lint UNtrun STATES. 14 Broadway St., New York. ahool all 117ndenate orders should be (11/dee/med. Sold iu Allentown by .Juba B. Atoaeor, and E. D. Lnwall. De. ember 7, .16.511. —ty Whiskey. 'volt SALE BY ' O. WHARTON,Jr., Solo Agent, No. 11G WALNUT Streot. Fur evidences of.its )111111110er, set) CER CIFIcATEs. PHILA., Sept. :Ali, 1858. • We have carefully tested the sample of . CHESNUT GROVE WE ISK EY which you inins none of the poise :UHL OIL, which is the characteristic and injurious ingredient of the Whiskeys in general uuc. BOOTII,.GARRETT A CAMAC. • • Analytical Chemists. CHARLES %MARTON Je., SOLE AGENT, Philadelphia. CERTIFICATE: Or TR. JAIIES n. crut.ro:i New YORK', Sept. Bd, 1859. I have analyzed a sample of CIIESNUT GROVE WHISKEY received from Mr. Charles Wharton, Jr., of Philadelphia, and having carefully tested it, I ant pleased to state that it is entirely FREE FROM POI- SONOUS OR DELETERIOUS substances. It is an unusually pure and fine flavored quality of whiskey. JAMES R. CHILTON, M. D., Analytical Chemist. Allentown, September 28, 1859. —ly • $l.BOO Wanted, IN SUMS not less then $lOO, on good security.— Further Information given by the undersigned in Allentown, JONATHAN .11EICIIARD. Allentown, November 16, 1S 11. —tf Great Redaction, in 41 AIL" Mi 111E-3IE MB 2_3l_ 35E., AT THE WHQLESALE CABBIZT Q SELL & SON, Ft RNTTI:BI.I DF,ALEII,4. .Ne. %I! wt Hamilton St:, e u, S. NOW is the time to buy your ftirnttnru. Having admded the Canh r . ),;••111, ut—mre the !midi , generally, that we can sell twenty per cent eheapeu thou goods inn otir iil, ul lilt quality cum be pur chased at any other Cabinet Ware Ileums in Allentown. Come one 11101 an, great :;:ol entail, old viol young, rich foul poor, anti see our large stock of ”E Iturolu Outset, Sidmhocurult ' Bureaus and Dressers, Sofas. Lounge°. II Oelt TaldeF, ilu.dt toads, and in fact, every article needed by a fluidly, that bore Just eumumenceul hence keeping. • ...ru 27,11 1 r•Ottr Windsor anti Cane-seat Chairs, and Looking (n a p e ,. ,uurpaes everything of `•• their kind tu b', found in town In oleo anti heanty, and pavel theta ..New 1•01.1: and Philadelphia in point of tnutut iu eo and atinapninin. Caine and judge for y.ontel% cc.— . • Every article it warranted to he PS represented ur no nude. None hut the best workmen ore employed in our ettuthlitlinient. '4'l4Cnker's, Putnam'''. Groan' and Ilaira'd , haunt 1 4 1,rilir limit; sale elleap 4 t• oath. AZ-Tuu Mattresses of every deseription at a very l o w print fm. - ,•aM. Thr• larg,t storlt Gilt and Carrell Moulding in town, and can be bought ,shenpo. fun rush of S . S r !' Son, than at any other Cabinet Ware Retool in town those moler the and %%ant of nn l'ini, , rtalier will d ith d e by day or night, by S. Sell & Son, who itboi atienild t.. tho of 8111. , 11 , 19. kto. l'inkrtnkors who reside In the ointniry, IVO [till l t oil timed with the hiirt• all Linde ~t• tic lulunt styli 4 of trinimingd at Very low prieed for e.n.h. • • P. S.—Now nll we want in it will Crum one nipl all lielbre pachndrs nru fon d,. .^ All goods pucl:c4 fro': of tAHLtip• and neat any ilbbanee either liy raiirond or by polbie for pitdt nud preeviit e11h1. 4 11101 , , 11101 tee hope I , y ,irki wienlion o. Ine.inc, 1.1 1.6•11 . 1.1.1.• dua l[ hey 1.111,0, lit tillf 11. W priced we now sell at for , 118 h• Don't fortct the phtee, :e..! Ecit Hamilton Sireet. Allentown, a few doors below the thirteen Itereititetl S.IAI El, Allentmttii, Jammu 11. 18ro P R E ZVI I V IVY ILiJ I - ••: - Th . • • . '; "":./ Allgr;;-=;-;;t = 7; '2 2;__ • 1 : rkai ' ''' , A•rt'.tt4llllkl, , T 7:1,1 f' 1 ,,,,4 4 .5ra!C.Tdr , Mf • Cabinet Ware Rooms. No. 211 11 it rot ar ly the k Shwc.' 1)ltIcE A WEAVER „ItnNing Intoly formed ti tot I parts er:op In the bloke loisitooot, re,pectrull3 annonnoo to the eitizontt of Allentown and vicinity, that the' have n halod n first -rate itssortintlit of CABINET WARM of all iltoeriptione, coniiisting id Bureaus, Side-hoard , Pier, Centre, Curd, Dining not Brent:flint Tables. also What,Not nail Sofa Tables, Parlor Chnirn.Spring. scat Itoelting Chairs. Sullie, Piano-stimln, limlnteadi of every deserlption. together with ti general usso•t. wont ol ITOILEN PliltNl'f' , RE.nilof^whieh ttuu will soli lit wives which defy comPetltion in either town or country. They also uuutullirttn•e to order every duneripliou'ot' Furniture, and ovary idled, sold by them in warranted pi give entire:mil:a:teflon, lira,• sale. So: plonse glee them n roll and nee fur yam'• selves, at No. '2ll Went Hamilton stroet,—sign of the Venetian Milani. Aloe, always on hand, Tuelcer't Patent and Putrutin's Patent Spring diode. Also, all kinds of Looking Oltisnos. N. 11.—A complete assortment o . Venetinn Blinds itliveys on hand, and mode to order at short notice. SIMON 11. PRICE. . HENRY S. WEAVER. Feb. 25.--er.l NO HUMBUG. 1859 . I FALL AND WINTER ! 1851' RECEIVED RICH•FALL AND WINTER GOODS IN ENDLESS PROFUSION ALT' WOLLE BURDGE'S GREAT STORE, Nu. 7 East lion all i,z Street, • (Nest. tho Allen Mono.) • Full Stock of SILK GOODS, Full Stock of STAPLE GOODS, Fun Stock of FANCY GOODS. Fashionable FALL Ell AWLS; • CLOTTIN, CASRISI Ens and VINTINCH. 131.1NI:r.11%, QUILTS, TAIILII LIN RN% OAIIPRTB, tt0.'111.4 . Groceries, nice, fresh and cheep. Crockery and Glass Wore. fine ussortmont, • WITH LOTS OF OTHER GOODS Too numerous to mention, lilt of which will be sold THE VERY LOWEST PRICES! Henn call and examine fur yourselves, no we do not expect you to Icy 'tubas it is foryourown interest. FAIR! PAIR! PAIR! Wu linxo laid In this unusually heaVy stot.l: with a view to meet, the llotniintls•tx the public nt the vouching Fnir; and wo think ourselves able to meet the tnsto of all in point of FASHION, QUALITY, AND PRICES All We want Inn rail Imfore you wirelinse eloo whore,. WOLLE & EU It1)(/D. JACOB R. WOLLE.] Septvpher 2S. LIVERY STABLE, WILLIAM F. YEAGER, RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally, that Ito still eontinumi to eery on the Livery business in Law Alloy, (in the rear of Dr. Itomig's residence,) whore be is prepared to accommodate all Will. WiSil 1101 . .1011 find vehicles, at the fiiiiirililq 11.1tieli111141 MI reasonable terms. Ms Huck of Horses has been. redacted with great care, atol trained. with an especial view to safety, which places him in a positidn Of keeping the e very model of a vILIVERY STABLE. i `Ho does not ,approve of hiring nut brolten•down, balks, ring-boned, spavined, or dis eased horses', but of keeping the right kind. of stork, such as can travel well and do credit to his stable. His carriages and vellichles of every description will always be , kept clean and in good order. . Ile trusts that by strict attention to busineSs and keeping the host of stock, ho will bo favorod.with a liberal share of patronage. ;33 - All orders loft at the Allen House will be promptly attended to WILLINNI F, YEAGER.' Allentown, August 10, 1850. —tf • AMERICAN Life Insurance and Trust Company. Capital Stook, $500,000. COMPANY'S Buildings :Walnut Street, S. E. Cor ner of Fourth, Philadelphia. LIFE INSURANCE at the usual mutual rates.— Joint stock rates at 0 por cent. less total Abstinence ratan the lowest in the world. Full Information, Book and Application may be had by calling on, DR. WM. J. Romig. Allehtown, May 5, 1959. . —ly PERSONS WISHING TO ESTAB -116 Manufactories in n new !mil thriving ranee where, business la good, See nilvert'setnent of Hammonton Settlement. UNION AND 'RETAIL WARE GREAT IIIIPOB'I li: hi 1111:11' L 1„‘• iit 111, , ti t 1112 11..111, In 1 1, I.l' .111 , 1%. hat ill P • it' .\ / /? /', 'l,llt 1 :1114 C:l!s.` 11 • 11i11 • , 1 . . till.l !:,•1:i1J:k ~1 :t1..1 Illit• nro 111,1.111 1..1 . 1!..,.1.!, ill I, 11...•1,1 , 11,illt; 1 , 1 , 0 tile :I 1%111 otiillit it pti00 , 11 . . , not n 111- 11,, thou 'lilt I , e 1.111•••1iiire.11 . 1,c,:10,... A It like Pnruilme i. 9 will ‘,ll L c 1V.,1.41;te.1 It, he .1111.11 y .1 ,, 11N All,i,o.v..n..l:ll.tiury .1. • CLOCKS, WATCHES, lkibir-liD TilliTh7l.7.ll-a -EiL"Lr `{(I11 . 1.0 re-poct 11,11%,1 , 11111%nv1 ierill4 otol Hit; reovi% y 41 1 .111 Nev.. Yml, :111.1 large , t and I., , selecled , t.el; .1' 1 . 1,t 1(: 2 , w:\'l'l Rs% and I I,V 1V A It I.; ever oiler,' cot. Htilt; o. All of Ivhi,•ll he ii det..nolo. etl to Fell ut 11111.(, , leWOl.lllll ever herore 11,1 ellen!, if nt. vhernp...i. 11,11 Ow' , :uqe r nn Le Ir,ut;hl in 60 ejlie,!--:1101 leiod..l le I k e r; hunt they tiro lepre.- , elitml, All use I'll Ile,' :tllll LA mnino for thenv,lees. eloelt4. awl Jewel, y reit.tirra io the I,e,t Ayle mill nil ivoil; Alen nn bona a kr:41.11,-olinici,t tho I,e,t church p •i va t, 1,0 attention to int ,s oittea lu moot a conliialiatioe +unw. Sept. 21, 18:,',1 o \ Do m n „ COFFEE POT Pc J o~;~ Boing based, as Dr. Hall, cat' 111: , Journal of Health, says, "on scicnc and common sense," are rapidly coming into use, and destined coon to suporcedo all others. ARTIRJR, - BURNII All, & (111,11()Y, 117 & 110 S. Tenth St., Philadelphia, Solo 11T-Por sale by Delilei, hi 111,u4e- Iceeplng Artleles,•aan generally. E. D. LAWALL. Apothecary and :Druggist =ME WHOLESALE AND DEU'AIL. No: 21 f i r r s/ A'N't., :filed barn, VONSTA 1,1" ON HAND lung',rfivnlival:= , 1.• *JlFc' Ac 1.14; Perfumery. P: , t(.111 • i• Calaphetie, Medieines, Tementitle, S A •1 11 A• Cattle Powilia, l'etn:•11. Eaponiliee, Fweet oil, Castile Soap, Lord Oil, dr. , • , Jieq reeeieetl a fresh '"poly ..r \Valet. from Sarateg Sprung.'. • For medicinal niiipmee, -cvoral lino I,randa Brandy, Old Port \Vine :nod Mo.__ • , Phyt , icians can 11'4%11 confilcnce in tin) purity of nil Medicinca furniFlMl by far. 2r...it - Country Deoiera purchan'ng official of me will find price,' agreenblo, Idiots ing thew HA labr profitn on by buying goods either in Philadelphits or Now York. E. D. LAWA Aliontown, July 20, —lf GEDITYIVIEIrS I I II II7 I MIISJ O iTDRE Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt ltlanufactory, AT tho old stand, No. ;Oil Chestnitt trent, Phila. delphia, opposite the Il'ashington House. • A. WINCIII;STEIt will give, no heretoro.e, hie personal supervision of the Cutting end :\fatittfaetur ing departments: Orders for Ilk celebrated style of Shirts and Collars filled :It the shortest netiee. Parsons dusiria¢ to order Shirts, ran Le eupplied with the formula for ineasuroment, on ippliention hy Mail: • . Constantly on'hand, a varied and creel stock of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goode. j o re•Wholesnk order, supplied nu lihenil term? PERSONS NA'ISIIING:TO CHANGE their im3itie, reentry, n Nev Settlement, where are goiu p, w h o , the elinutto te mild mid delightful, eentivert i9einent of the Ifitintnonten'Settletnent in another celuutti. ces. ROOME. S. SEMI' & SON. I . e. B. EXCITE MENT 'ANT NEWS. l'u \1 L 1; . U.\N~I.I E=l EEC HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS. The proprietors and manufacturers of HOS TETTL'It'S A..2:l.littltATELf STInIACII BIT TEItS can appeal with' perfect confidence to physicians and ekti7.l.llS generally of the United States, because the article has attained a repu tation heretofore unknown. A r e v facts upon this point will Fpi‘ak more powerfully than volumes of Lure assertion or blazoning puffery. The comiumption of liostetter's Stomach Bit ters far the lasi year timouniell to overn half million honks, 'lntl from its steady increase ill I inlet; pant, it is evident that during. the Coming year the consumption will reach near one million lad iminemettnititint could never have berm Fold Mu for the rave medicinal propertied contained in the preptira titm, and the sanction ',film intett prominent physicians in tho'ttte stietions of the country where the niticle id Imo known. who net only recommend the Bitters ill their patients, but are ready at till times to give to us efactwy ill till cares Vl . tl itint•Lir derangements and Ilia divelsett re:tutting Iherelruui. is Out is 11!11111.11'ftry popularity. o btnitted by extraorditotity efforts ill the way or I. uffi reting the qualitiii of the Bitters. but n solid estimation of an inottliethlo iii Mein,. whiell iii destined - 1 - (TM , 11,1.1(.11.'1'n Bit 11•1:1 luivr it re; L ioiN 1\ here rover vol ultue soul vat n.uil,laiuls linvy counted the it \ 11.11 , 11" , 1 1, 11 ; 1( 1 11 ,1•.. I'o Le lulti4! to I'llllll,l , 'lllly that the -hitters arc n certain core for the Dyspepsia utiot like disease., i to the pro p'tett.] tt n 'more of tut alloyed pleasure. it rrno i, s all nnlld.l twitter from the t-tomttch, polities tin' Wood, and imparts l'eller:Cd \ to the neroem giving it that ton.• and citer ' oy intikiten-able for the re-ttorat ion of health It t.l.i hoer, and other digr,tit e organs. mihlly but poi , orfolly, iii l Foot' rthitortts thou to a comfit ion essential to the healthy discharge of the functions of Mature. Elderly persona may me thy hit term daily nu per tlirectioly4 uit the hot tie, :111.1 thy will linti •ttiinulant poctillarly Adapted to contr.,' t drrliuing yearn, t 1(1 , p l easant to the palate. viLiorat ing to the howls, eNeellutit n it lonic, 1111,1 re.ittreitating g.t_tnerally. IVe Imre file evi (lonic of tionvlnittin of aged men :Intl %rumen, who have experienced the. I:outfit of toting thin preparation while 111 , rinitt front Amu:tell de ratigenteitta anti goneral tleltilit . v: itching tinder the advice of ithy , ittiarin. they haveabatitioneti deleterious deign and fairly tentetl the tattritn of t1 . .i4 article. A lyty to the gentler nex. are certain period. when their care, tire'no that litany of diem t.inlc motor the trial. ;lite relation of tautlitat and that the tituther,itiprvially if , he Lt. .‘ ming, is apt to beget her torn health in tel extreme anxiety . for Ina. infant. t•llottil.1 the period of matel pity rtive .1111'illg the FCrIFOII. the Wear of 1)1013. and tuillll zetterally :112,1,11'1111..1. ifeve. tiecw“ity for 1 oitittllntit to revitpe rate the-eller:6e•+ or the ,rl.lll. awl enable the .tomtlter ti; hear up exllllll.litig trials tl ~tel N • ainfi mothers gene _ rally prefect the flitter: ltt all other invigorti tor, dolt receive the etelort,entent of pliSt4- t t, 11(4.111.1 , e it is agret'ahle to the taste its toll •evi:tilt to gi 1., a permanent increase ti . I„„Iily All port.ttn,.L, It 1111111 the 1 . 11100 utirtit•tt- Ittel . e rei'erretl ;Otto. e. tilt From e, or anti ague. eatoetl hy malaria, Ili:111'1mm, .vine}, -Coot, 1..• of appetite. anti tlitteat tt. "It tlortlitgolltelit, fir the i"porwuti al' ,4"10u1,11'!•" 1111.1 11111 . ilte toot her.t. will ettiotitlr vt . " ll :tre l'Y gi to 1 1"c -1,,tiev%4 Celeht :Ord roach Itirtertt a trial. '.‘ CT I Otr.—NYtt cantitto the ti.-tittir unt of the I.l;my l•otnitur f,i!,, a•-1; I 1:11s ;;,„•!‘. it 11l 111:111;. uu l •0.111111 rnch Lntrte 113. 11. , 1 , 1, •. Lir. J. 11. , tet h.! 1,1.,“vn the :Ind :itftilipea 1111 the inl•tu!lie the coil:, mut oteterve 111111 our utttugrtipli ,ignattire is Ott the Pvepared end sold by IfosTwt"PEß & UIVI I'l'll, Piltsintrgb, Pa., and e:old by all driwgists . , grocers, and .dealers generally throughout tho United Statixi, South Amy en.s, fuel iler,onny. 1i: U. I anal I. :in M.,1.. ,11!.•iltown : S. 1.0w.111, Ceti SA . . 181 - ;11. ly FALL AND (1,)'111.1;(; 1=I1III) ALLEMTOWTT C orr Sl' 0 E. fl 5 I , t Alloitywo. 1 1401'1,1; edil :111.•111i,,Ii ,I 111.• .1 ic 1',11./. A .N 7) It' /.\"/ . /.:11 '/,()1'///.\(; \nod, I, vilHoly :thtt 11,l PSVeI.II? 11131 "„ r 1,1110. r 1111 1 .1 I ..kr "11 . 11.4 11I1 1 .:11.1 ”r 4;1., ANI. 1 . 1 , 1 IN,I nil .1 lit and n 1 I/ I I . NI. 111141V`i Fltoteli 111!1:.1.K C 111 1 1-:1'.41V11. IN FlOlO K. 11 Atil , 11121 1 .5. PA..', all kind, ni tti , t, Itit Ni, I: AND I'ort•ta , 11,tNio,f:Dcott, I:I .1\17,, ST., 1. 4.St, k, SrspENonns. ,• Pat itothr nth Dlion le Dnitt to flie getting tip id clotLiutt.:;u,l lii V. ill 1 . .11.1 It 1:11!;t: iiii.l . l•Utig Itlt the ei1.11.1 VIII iis a t 1“: I'e• 10.1115' 1 0' 1.1.10 . 111 P in II o•i It it iellit,1131•10 I lift anti I ,•ry etwoin II i „. : „•,;,.„1 ~„.1 iv h.. tiv ti piirols“ IA nil thi 4 :lil. .•1121•101111 . 11.h 1111 , 1 10g01 , 1 10 41111..011111V, Will 4.0.1,1111411% . 401 11:111.1:111.1 111'll1'1' 1. , ..t1111 1• 11! .1r 111 tr 1.1 1 .1.111 1 ,. kit Vre-. 1.,11 . 11g, uiil Lt. ,411,1 I.y tilt. nd at lii vvry Ite,spv. Irtiily, :\llouloir u. S:c1.11 , 1111, r. :!q '0041;111614 --- 1 r*V.CLUR I , s,o' G 3 N i'e• 'i? P•Y , V' , •-- '. - - A. . . . j c....„ -...•:-....- - ~... .--- file: ‘ % . ' ''' " -- 77?; . : — Y=T r /r '' --,,,i El Yu , ...-.•.--- ...t . . ...,. , , . 41 1,(e. $ eIVO . „•(...., , . 7 ' ''; '' ''' . 4 .:t. /.. - ----___ C E T 115 w v.,,. , ‘ . .„ ,, . .J.v.,,40,,,,' ik, ~..__ ~,. v. ,,, . 0 , „ss. , 4 ,, ~,, ~.„:„, „1,,„.L. ,, ~a \1 . 3 ~,et . Ala e ' • S., LI ino tiltlot. .6,,,Av • wi tulnlnp er p reT lor ‘"‘'‘l‘ Brig:3's & ileltirEch =1 COUNTRY PRODUCE as Pork, Beef, Motion, Smoked \l,-,Ms;,pool 17 `Egg. •, Ilmoo, E•, Miter, I.md, Clice,c, Flour Grlin, Fruit, .te. ..Ih.YO IN LIVE 57'001,", '1.5.1 and '1 4 .", IVe , t 'Washington Market, (First Pow North of Felton Sheet, Now York.) . 7...irflogs slaughtered at short notice. Otd.ers for rdeeries, Fish, Fruits, &0., promptly filled. All letters of inquiry will receivea immediate attention. ila,^Busincss strictly Cunitniet.ion. Sales strictly atttmiled to at the Boats and Railroad Lepatn, nod returns promptly mole. 131:11WS,.1 - I.roSATILIN 11. 111:1 muse. • New Y•wk, Aitgitit 21, IKAI. • -- ly Steckel's Ambrotypc, AND PICTURE GALLERY. D ooms in the Third Flury of NeUgh L new Imitl,lie!z, (I.ton over the " Ilegis ter" printing office, where lin continuos 16 (MR, an different styles of dkinhrotypo Pictures by flisliaht. IN can linrrnut Pielltrepi to ho ',et feet ns life.— lic . returtn+ his sinecro thanks far the very Mend potronage he line received, tied •bopes by pro , litving FoliAletoty lilienesFe , , to merit it contimmite , , of patronnge (rein nn intelligent puldlet N. li.—l icture:4 talten at 25 ernl9. December 7 NEW STORE.-NEW GOODS. Old Friends, New Friends, Cue,tomein and . the aommunityl n general! D (r.f.alift d LERCTI would retipectfully announce lit that they have }opt received a large and choice ,tack of wiNTER (1001)8, embracing nil the latest styles of Dry Goods. E 1 E0"1 -V7' lillgSS; Goons, Snelt ns Sillcv, Aierinog, printed pnblimeres, Satin, Fileed 3ferinng, idnhairs Pod de acmes, Valeneles, lioneyeomli Plaid ? , Delainea new styles, Just out Monrning and Ina Mourning C10011:' Bombazines, Alp:tens, (lingliillll, and loonutilli ' l styles ob., plot" Cunene., ,to., nII of %Odell will bo sold very low for mtsh. aiwk ( 7 / 4 .k (7//aks. s AwLs sil A ! sflAwLs I , l• ! zihm s long. foinore, Ilroelien, Web Stel- Tioi, o t long mid Fqiint.o Shawlg, MieHOS Shawls. kind ur N. id • Gentl - email: l s Wear. 1 • tl.,;1110111 , , Vesting', Satinetts, Tweeds, Joooq. Cravats, Collars, Ilandkorebiefo, Sblrts, Drawoi,. New rtylo Dit.ther awl Tea FettP, tilasennris In all t'arit.tic. Lill a mid \Vodka Table and Piano Covers, Hm'-ailh:r Quills Cloth, 'Cal pc t Chain, Crioh and Toweling, !flank et.; • Cheol(y, a hid' tire olleretl at a rmnll tl vnnee on cost by RIEDER & LERCH. c! - -.lracucolsliaauLeac, z ..: ,.:. IIDOWN and White Sugar, best 1, ,' i li a - 1 - 0 Pulverized do., best Granule l..--: of ted do.: ltio (AlTec Itguira, Mari . • •*.!' calm and extra Java Coffee; extra -—, - --- heavy golden Syrup Moines:ea, best Bohing 111::1:F.e. arm:n:l and Fine Salt, Mackerel, ,tc. And in rut f:ccic nraele belonging to the gro eery lino, at price? I. suit the times. . 1:y stliot attention to b:Winess and fair dealing we hepc to merit a ?hare or the public patronage. No g;1). fl ; 111 krepreltlllelt to client sales. ,:',tWe do an exclusive CASH business. Ono price and no abatement.' , • N. 1:.---All hinds of country produce taken in ex change na• good?, and the highest market price paid. 4.sa..Please give 10 rt call befOre purchasing else ii here. No charge fcr showing goods. ROEDER .t LERCII. C. 11. Roane? 1 [B. F. Lanai. Allentown, Deeember 14, 1950. , FALL AND I'VINTIMR GOOD. CuEH! MAP! MON TM MU • RENNINCER & SHINIER, NZ, W EST II A M LTON STREET, have just returned from New York and Philadelphia, and rep Ci vt;,l the largest stock of goods over before shown in Allentown and in cheapness never equalled and all they a,lt is to come and examine before making porchme elsewhere. They feel confident that they can any'nely that they say nothing else but what, ..an they suh,tan tint e. Their goods oonaist of • LADIES DRESS GOODS, A Fplemli.l assortment of Dross Silks, Binek, Fanvy, it .ya.lar, I'lai.l and Plain of all finalities and DnenlF, polio. Chirours, Figured Merinos, Vallaneles, havella Cloth, Para ' Pombazines, 17inghwns, Extennion Skirts, I.lgethvr with n roll variety of other goods in the way or wan) tvltiPli trill 1)o sold nt the cheap ••it I.y BENINI]ER k SIIIMER. • -- TIT EN'S W H. lull :I, ,, orttnent of Steel Mixed .11J. 011.1 0x1.1 , 1 Mixo.lSuttlnefto, Camtitueree, Ken tnohy find it run line of Black, Brown and and n full line of all (itloknipn's Wear be sold cheap I.r IirSIN(IER do SIIIAIER. \lt L: , AN I) OIL Fplentild na -1 :,or!tinnlkt or Figured Floor owl Stoic Cnrpots In so,l Cnn ni. Al,O t Pill lino of Floor Oil 1 . 1..iti which %S,II Itu rolil Lit tho clionpe'st prices by QI \V. largo and splendid :limo of Black, k) colorod Steno, Iho•lut Singlo and Double, also full Ednoli Thil.ot, mous Doiain and Blairket all .ionotitio. and prices which will be t (•honil Ity • • It EN !NG Ell k SIIIMER. it tic EV, I ES.-- A 101 l oFForlincot of Urocoriee k I so-li —Coffee .of tII (.o•riplion.9, Mulneses, ugurS, clu,onla to and Raisins, at eery 11,w prireN by I Nl.oherol, No.'s I nod 2, whole, I.:•Ivo4 and . I tiltrter hiareh.. Dried Senlefish, they Ht. the lowest HEN INIVER. k SHINIER. ME L 1.1171- ()nom,' l.icon Ind Salt in Fnelui and per F if, Ai:liton in bulk /Intl Reeks. Smell which will In snl l Tl Ilia lowest pried!! 11EN Elt &"SIIIMER. A 11,1, t , .AI :' , ept,el;er 11. lsr,t). --If - - Wsave a Larger Stock AND SELL AT 1a MIES 3P' 3Et. 3E I IT THAN ANY ()TILER .CillYllll. l NC‘. sTv o-ay. IX A 1,1, T WIV Colver v I, Arco, Live Just received LV 1..19 1 , 1:U3,1(41,11in a very heavy stock of ..1 Ni) NV INTER•GOODS. fur t rr,l,-, 'Eton nit or ‘vhielt they frill ne,he tn eider, and 01 , e keep en hand a Inge oup- . , that cannot be e q uolltol in Ibis or any oth r town in Pennsylvania. Oar Stork I/1 I wive as huge. atoi we sell doable tie amount of the R.wit, consequently ena laing t, to sell to a iciy rnuill profit. 'l'hey have ~11 halvl I very t ~f liniments adapted to the :.e mini, to w Welt i6r, attcatiati of the public ie Invlt od to a earvial examination of quality, workman clyle trimming.: and mat, which the propria . tor.; will gement..n to he . suporinr In that of any ! Iloa-a in the trade. They constantly keep on hand ittvleet.l sloshof tientlemett's Furnishing t;tolTirTmislimt; of Shirts, Collars, Stock's ' Cravats, Ilmollcerehietl.t, Cosi% Smpentlers, litslilea many at Hole. I.:iining in their lino of butiiiiet , r, all of which :tie ',lid iit tho,l..viesl prier. CHARLES • • (.1'..5"1 . 011ER WORK. ' Or.lei•- rot woil: will tilwnyti be received o‘l ottooileil to with punctuality, and too the lino me proet hall tailors, none but the iu•Ft w.,tl.loanA,ip will he suffered to pass their hand:. , :.. .Thvy e1,..i 'l.,,vtiriliir tly invite Country Mer •l,ol4 1.. I.i' , them n enlh iis they offer warner hnoly Ipu.;.,:iiii, :It Milde9llll.. ItitEINIO . dr, COLVER• All •nt , .on, 0.1 , '•, Issu, tf Clreat Mtvacitiito. 1 1 11 SUABLE GIBBS 1110 .CLOTENI NO. 5:I EAsT _HAMILTON STREET, (Two 110,111 S I;PLOW Till: A linvirioi ALLENTOWN, PA. p ESP ECM' It •otolooneett to his friends and 11) n.O public general, that he Istitt just received ,riemlifl aF,oriniciit of • Now and Seasonable Goods. • nbiel. will bo tondo up to order on abort no .' WI: in thn latest styles, and in n superior II .... tanner; cont•isting partly or lino Black Pr e o,.l, Cotki of all griles,.Blue, Brown, Olive anal tisane Clotl+, lila, I; Doeskin CIAS/4111.(11.01 of all !!'rit , le ,, , Illat•lt Zatabona Cassitnere new style, Frovieli Silk inixl..l Contings—Leavy , a large nEvort taunt of Fronli and linglit.lt .Corrinteres— elegant styles, Detnys,tie Ir'in•Jdnicres lif all qualities, a large ;,ssortment'of MnteinSPe. Vestings, Plain and figured Grenadines, Farley Silks eft oil qualities, Jte. ALT, Ounr.es thoulaully received and • promptly e:zeotted at rew , ,,nitl , l9 term. z.,..,71.t.,,,, , , 1,,, ‘1 , 11 win find it to their orliettlar ad yanr,,y, 1p e,bloliii their thwhiltll id Ilitt CatftbillihMelli, ir. (Ivy trill he iritft• to ,Tt.cire the bcttt ethiailmble cultic 1; !; • lfr Pfo.air 1/. P, t• ,:,alive rifintred for ellBh. MF., agent f0r,..1V11.c, , x .h (times Fatally Sewing Machina, stilt ha- , an establiOted reputation on the best mitant. The pin:oiler .i,itop;ieily and beauty of its nieehani: in i 2 atteked by the fact, that while it le nebielei.; in it , opertitiorn+, it is competent to make, If leaFt..looo =IMP' , 11 Milllll ll 11 ill' unerring ILCCUTtt— ..y. Pri ,, p, .witli Tubb!, !•:t().. TII 1.: HAMMONTON FARMER.-A Literature and Agrieulture,•ol f.n.th full rwentinls of tho nuw seltlemont of llonimonlon. iu . :,•‘%•.l , .:rsey, can be cubseribed for :I only '2.5 cent, per minim. Tf.lnfm kninps for the amount. A ddrees fn Editor of tbn Farmer, ilatntrionton P. 0. Jolter. , n n enunty. .Thorn wiHang °bean Innd of' thin bunt conlity, in one of the 111:n10110g end nn ,,t eliinot , in lho Union, and wh ore knroini nto nnver nut ilown by frost, the terrible ,courge of the north ) ntlyevtinetnent of Hammon, —3lll 1 ton Lunde. • • • E. A. t,TECKEI, 2NT MP 1 57%7 V' X Flail . 1101. 1 .`q.: 17•11A7SHING aOODS. Ici:~INUELt s'6IIIUTR BEA /) 1' 1/.4 DR CLOTH/NG 1E32 Nat. F. Miller, WI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers