MEE VOLUME XIV.) Poor House Account Account of E. R. NEWHARD, Errq., Treasurer of the Directors of the Poor and Hance of Employment of the County of Lehigh, front January lint s 1.848, to December 31st, 18.51 t. DR. To Cash received of Charles B. Busb,former Treasurer, as per Auditor's Report, $5Ol 06 Caofreceived at different times the County Treasurer, Cosh received of Thomas Faust, us per Auditor's Report fur tho year 1858, Cash by Thomas Faust for lior- sea sold. Cash of Guardians of the Poor, Pittsburg, ;26 28 Cosh from Directors of Mont. • ' gomory County, Cosh by E. Kohler, Esq., tine J. Relnsmith, Cosh by the Directors of the Pour of Montgomery Co., for out door• relief to John Kulb's family, Cash by Thomas Faust, for Pro- duce sold, 291 00 Cash of Do. Do., for Cattle sold, 140 00 " ' Do. Do., do. do. 300 00 " 'Do. Do., do. do. 90 00 OR. Dy CNA paid Cheek of the DI• reefers as hereafter stated, $7488 80 Balance over paid, 404 33. CR. 117 Cash paid out in orders as follows :. HOUSEHOLD EXPENSES. Dry Goods and Groceries, Elm 30 Stone Coal, 244 13 Fire Wood, 213 90 Casting, . 836 Stove, Ao., 19 70 Hardware, 42 64 '1 lnware, 37 53 ('ooperware, 6 OD Making Corn Brooms, 7 Si Shoemaking, . 101 94 Shoes, 65 92 Wool Carding, 8 4 Hats and Caps, ' 34 31 Cider and Apples, 22 31 Fresh Fish, 4 32 Slaughtering, 4 00' ' Tobacco, 98 14 Attendance in . Hospital, l 8 months, 60 00 i omale services, 70 001 I , i odloine,l2 3 48 1 oneral Sermon'', FARMING EXPENBRR. ID OD 28 7.3 Mile Service, Clover Seed, ilrain, . 986 6 Lumber for Coffins and repairs, 102 16 Wheelwright work I)locksmith work, 24 head Steers, 1 Home, Sad4tOT VVRTO, Apple MOB, l'inator, Maaon work for repairs, Sawing, Road Tax furl 858, Stato Tax for 1859, Interest on Dower Bond, Issuing orders of relief and supporting out door paupers. BOROUGH OR ALLENTOWS• leaning 177 orders of mile, 35 40 Out door relief roudorod to Susan Langenhagen, Matthew Zimmerman, Misses Borger, Mary Spiess, Mr. Riley, Misses Boyce, Caroline Stettler, Susan Thompson, Catharine Spinner, Hannah Hoplees child, Misses Miller, . Ellen Smith, Peter Steelier, Two Irishmen, Gottlieb Holmart, Mr. Langer], John Bachman and Son, James Johnson. William King, James Thompson, Hiram Young, Ko3hler, •---- Frederick, .Collin, Joseph Nagel, • Hayden, • Keannich, ---- Bean, Medical attendance 'rendered to Susan Langan h VII, William Mason, John llnchninn's son, Mary Steins, Peter Stecheni family, •Funeral expense of Ellen nautili, iUU Do. Jacob Frick's wife, i 00 ConveyingentharinoSinith toPocr House, (twice) 2 OU David Fox and Collie. Kleckner, 2UU William Mason,: t 00 ; Win Rachman and Fun, 1 50 John Kuhn, (twice) 2 50 James Thompson and fenny , 2 60 William 11. 11. Weil, 1 Ou Jacob Wolf, 1 UU Henry Yochlin, t• Us William Leinbiteh, 1 00 John O. Spiess, • 1 OU Mathew Zimincrioan's family, 2 60 Barney Daugherty, 1 00 Nagdeletut Fluth nail 3 children, 2UU Widow Eschenbach and 3 children, 2 Ou Daniel Johnson, I On Francis Smeller, , I On John Flinn, • 1 nu Samuel' Hays, 1 UU Corpse of au unknown child, • 100 1101101'011 or CATASAINVA. issuing 18,priloia of relief, 3 00 Out door relief to Stephen Peer • and family, OO Michael McMullen and family, 87 04 Conrail Wernig, . •1 00 (finder Sehlauoh's family, 3 80 Medical attendance rendered to Stepinin ileer's family, Miami' McMullen's son, Funeral and 6ther expense of Gin• - dor Schlauch's Cloneeying 'Peter kit in to Poor _House, Aaron Moshor, Ann. Hutchison, Francis Jose; Ronooan or EVA WI Out door relief rendered to Michael • Riley, James Melo inn, Conveying Jas. Frail and Michael "Lalley to Poor House, Issuing 11 orders of relief, 11011011011 OP .11fTLIIRBTOWN. Funeral Exponee of Miss Weiskin, 700 Conveying John Rohn to Poor House, Lownn 153suronn. Out door relief rendered tellelena Wleand, 48 00 Ursula Hiteler, 55 25 Modical attendance to said pauper, 33 00 Funeral expense of Bald pauper, 7 00 Biwa MiLrono. Out door roltof rendered to John Frederick, 4 76 Edwin Bret', 26 99 Elizabeth Wolf, 1 00 Medical atteri dance to Susan Bender, 10 00 Elizabeth •Miller, • 660 ' Sarah Sorts, 2 15 Conveying Peter Riley a ndidward Lynch to Poor House, LI MI: :L. ~“ : ~, - , , • - + -4 7 • . , t ;1 , • - ------ . , 1 j ' 1 • ' 1 'i i .' ' . ~$, I . . ' • . • ~, 4 N O. ', ' ( 7 0 • r —e i •••.... •,., . - . . . r ' , : -.. . <'\4: : : • '...; 4'..' Al. , ~, -- . r ) . . . • <'''' ' ' ', , , ,•. : j . ; : 1-, :' ,4 . ,;'*.!:, ' :.• 7. ' A . ,;''. . ,---... . . . 4 11: ::: .4 .• V , -. ~ a . .' -,, ci...A• ..„._, • •n • ' '•'. e ... • ....... PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY HUBER & OLIVER AT ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS PER AIM E UPPER BAUM' Out door relief rendored to Michael Heckman, 32 00 Medical attendanee to mime, 21 7t Conveying William Rein to Poor House, SALMI:MT. Out door relief to Chas: Boner, 2 00 Conveying George Fetzer to 'Poor House, 1 40 Wife nod children of Wm. Mess to Puor House, 8 20 Removing Sum. Nettle from Penn- Stote Lunatic Hospital nt Harris burg to oar Poor House, • 1r Pomona° of said Hottle in said' Hospital, 4 73 5000 00 70 97 24U 40 limroveu. Out doer relief to Fred. Miller, ao O. Stephen L. Smith, 'lochler's OM 53 50 mown' WHITEHALL. Issuing 4 orders of relief. 80 Out door fella to Adam Yoh', 10 50 50 Oil Willonglihy Kratzer, 19 75 Sarah Steinbraiincr and children, 30 54 Martin Stoiner, 10 00 Medical and other ottendanee' to George Levan, 2 00 Conveying said pauper to Poor 1579 67 Rouse, Charles Rogert, Ann Ccok end 3 children, STOSi 53 Thoman Cook, Andrew Yoh', 2 40 Funeral oxponee of Juoob Delbert, 700 • WARIIINGTON, Out doer relief rendered to Barba ra Rex John Kolp ' a family, !office' attendance rendered to enid family, Convoying Joseph Both to Ponr Itouso, 8 211 Peter Clause, 1 SO 7034 09 Juhn Duldoy, 2 40 Funeral °spume of Sophia Hertz, 700 Ileanr.LuEno. Medical nt.tentlonco rendered to William Sahaetibe, Convoying aakl pauper to Pour 2 OU Christian Mainz, 31W Itnehol, 4 00 LOWIIILL. Convoying Potor Clam to Poor Homo, 1 40 LYNN. Oat door rellof rendered to David 8 OU. Kunkel' 1 311 Conveying said Kunkel oud fam ily to Poor House, 4 DO 2780 23 WNISENBURO; Conveying Angelina Nellg to Poor House, 1 20 18 32 72 72 Charles Nollg, 8151 47 UPPER MACCNOIR. Out door rollof rendered to Daniel Perber's family, 2 40 Medical attendance rendered to Daniel Catrey's family, 9 00 Patrick Bryant, 12 30 Convoying George Ritz's obiklren to Poor Home, 80 Henry Bishop, 1 40 435 00 18 15 62( 17 00, EOM 11333 IBM 75 80 Adam Sheeler, 1 00 Charles Dietrich, 1 00 Conatablo foes for arresting Lett 9788 21 Koch, Lowe,rt MAcu:catu. Out door relief to Jame Moll, 12 50 Medical attendance rendered to 11 79 591 - 1 39 IR 0.1 3 39 13 SR 4 75 7 00 said pauper, 10 00 Widow Parcel's son, 3 00 Thomas ,Connell, 6 00 . • Conveying Christian Hansen to Poor House, 1 00 Out door relief rendered to Mary Bigley, 24 00 Grimy Ilobin and child, 3 1U William Woodring and family, 14 30 Medical attendance rendered to said William Woodring, 10 00 Issuing 2 orders of relief, Funeral expense of Peter Steelier. 700 Convoying Joseph Miller to Poor House, Lawrence Mansfield, E. Mahler• Ferdinand Eckstein and family to 4 00 26 00 4 75 75 747 1 62 100 8:14 1303 431) 0 43 4 25 Poor House from Carbon Co., Constable fees fur arresting Nathan 1 00 1 87 U Ud 1 id Frederick, Out door relief rendered to John ISlnhunnuy " PRINTINtI, STATIONARY AND POSTAOF Dllimcr Leisenring EEO big statement or 1856, 12 tai Do. Stationary and Poet stamps, 19 99 M. Ilannum, fur publidting auto- MS mural t'.u• 1857 and 1858, 24 00 ❑oluue .4. Huber For do. 1858, 12 00 Kock, Guth lielfric4l, fur du. 12 00 19 10 00 Dn. publish,ing one notice, 1 01.1 'fro:lor, Ilnrlnohor Walser, pub fishing Platement of 1858; Du.'publishing ono notioo, SALAHIES John Alattern, Etti, one year ue Director; Do. extra, John Bartz, Et 41., one year ne Di rector, 20 no Do. extra, 1:1 00 Jesse ()rim, E.N.; one year as Di rector,. -20 112 . .Do. extra, 5 00 William Harlot, M. D., one year as Physiclna, 65 00 H. o..Mortia, M. D , do. 05 00 E, It. Newhard, EN : , one your as 2'reneurer, John I). Stilog, EN., ono yonr•na Solicitor, 2U 00 TholuneFran , t,ono ycnr fi 9 Steward, 400 00 . Jhonme Fnuit, one year as ' tent Steward, 100 00 275 26 We, the undersigned !minters of the county of Lehigh, do certify that no have examined the above amount and friund the mime correct as above stated. Witness our bands this 7th day of Jannery, ISCIth ROBERT YOST, W. J. HOXWORTH, l Auditors. CHARLES FOSTER.) can 2 00 (I 90 Steward's Account. THOMAS FACST, En., Steward, in account tat' the Directors of the Poor and House of Ernploymt. : fin. 'the county of Lehigh. , DR. To cash rqccived on sundry accounts as fo:lovra : Balance of fast 'years account, 70 37 W, P. Huber, ono acre timothy, 10 00 Urlah L. Hartzell, do. ' 10 00 Do. for Wheat sold, n 2 47 Miokloy,Worivcr Co.,Wheatsold,lBo 00 Do. Do., Oats Fold, 77 00 Henry W. Matz, .3 Umbels Oats, 150 • David Motto, Oats-sold, ' 15 00 1 40 1 40 1 40 1 40 70 53 5 06 2 Ou 2 00 2 20 11 20 Do. dn. Whont sold, 8 77 Solomon jluVr., Wheat sold, 8 40 Susan Dornoy, do. do. 12 17 do. do. Roof sold, • 1 1.13 do. do. Medicine, 10 Levi Rex, Wheat sold 16 05 do. do. 5030 lbs. Cool, • 747 do. do. 13 lbs. Beet, 117 John Mahanny, ono load manure, 00 do. do. one pair of shoos, 125 S ,tuuel Opp, turnips, 50 John forte, do. Henry Dorney, do. Jonathan Rabonold,.work done on the road, Simon Unger to balance in full for expense of his child. William Wicand for returning H. 1 80 8 00 FEE Druakenmiller, 20 00 Mehrbaoh for a horse sold, 120 00 Meyer Sohnurman. do. • do. 100 00 bovid Letheneperger, Oar* eold, 29 40 2 80 e 3 a 6 -.z=fe--.t:telAl2etz* , Jli=.A , ALLY TOWN', PA.; W DNESIYAY MORNING, FEBRUARY Ib', 1 860, Directors of this Poor of Northamp ton county, for expense of Adam Ha uk'S family, ° Do. for topping Patrick Onffnoy, Do. for keeping Simon Snyder, on acconn. 120 BO Christ & • °limn money refunded on bill stone coal, Daniel S tier for expense of his brother n our hospital, John Huai for heaping Caroline Weiss in hospital. Solomon fiery for Beeping Francis .Y - in hospital Overseers of the Poor of Carbon Co., for keeping. AIIIIIOW Gaily in our lloopinil, Henry T. Deily for keeping, .Le., George Fetzer, in hospital, 12 40 Williatu Hollenbach fur expense of bin child, Iti 00 Peter Zimmerninn for 'expense of his ton Simnel, William Dice for eervieu duna by a pauper, 4 110 Solomon Durney, do. 1 00 Joseph Yealtel, being money doe Magdelenn Stanch, 2 511 David (filbert for n lot of sheep, 75 00 Sohnnkweiler fur a cow, 30 00 9 different persons for pigs 94 20 12 dn. do. f.r tallow, 10 07 10 do. d.. fur lard, 24 32 8 du. d ~ hor.iefeed, 2 99 2 do. to. weaving, 2 40 Moses Butz fur labor by a pauper, .50 Peter for eurplus of n stray horse sold after deducting expense, 75 Roninger ,0 Shimer, 308 lbs.- tallow, 30 80 Do. do. Flomeed, 111 50 Dn. do. 7711)4. white rage ((I:1i, :1 85 110. do. 139 lho. mixed do. (tS 2, 335 Cedar Church for stone enni, 0 40 Henry Sehantz fur half kogshend, 50 Joseph A. Coed, hides and skins, 48 72 S. ,t•C. Ludwig, In. dn. 40 75 Grim .0 Ludwig, do. do. 14 97 0. W. Fau,d,do. do. • 02 87 llenry'Seluudi., for beef,' . 113 Found in the pockets of a pauper .diseased, 80 2 40 all ID 28 85 EEO/ 28 08 28 OU 440 LOU Zell Ir 3 EEG 30 50 10 87 mia QM By ensh paid on sundry accounts fig fellows: John Newhard repairing, Flocks, 1 50 Snrnh Schmitz, f0r,62 lbs. Veal, 3 72 Henry Gelman and Joel Stein for ripples, 3 00 John Garner two razors, IOO Solomon Reinhold castrating pigs, 2 18 William Illnnk, " I 21 M. B. Hornbeck, Post Stamps, 3 110 Hiram M. Van I, for mending harness, 25 Solomon Burger, mending tinware, I 25 " " mason work, 172 Elias Mulls, repairing cradles (grain,) . 14 Jacob Ileninger, repairing spin: ning whdel, Oil William S. Weil for buttons, 75 Griefuss " " , 87 Herman Thillopek repairing clocks, 1 25 Lewis hart for brushes, 1 00 Simon Adam for baskets, I 75 George Sehlieher for ashes, 2 25 Joseph Wetzel for rakes, 1 87 -- Funk for rat trap, 20 Jacob Spanhatier fur brushes, 75 Cinder for lime, 2 Oil Joseph Faust " " 54 Charles Funk for mending tinware, 05 Jeremiah Smith for shoes,• 3 08 EOM 1113 Levi Ilex for Veal, 2 57 B. 11. Newhard F. 9.1., treasurer, 319 77 Willhughby Fought for repairing roof on horn, ..50 David Mertz for harvesting,' 7 50 Willoughity Mob., " 775 Solomon Donley, " 750 Urinh L. llertzull, " 750 George Stein ono pair specke, 50 John J. Schimpf for ice, 37 G. It. Newhard Eng., treasurer, 201 00 .----JOIMFOII fur sweeping chim neys, 1 00 . John Dornoy for prick', 2.25 geninger ,t Shimer, etoro goods, 51 53 Solomon Dorney, articles bought 'on routine. ' 52 Joseph .1. florid for leather, 73 MI E. It. Nowhor4 nig., treasurer, 140 00 00 00 n " n S. 300 00 S. & C. Litdwig fur leather, 02.82 Grim k Ludwig " In IT 0. W. Fanzt " 1271)1 Traveling paupers It 80 0 OXIMIPO3 l'or team, 4 20, " for steward, ' 20 50 Balance in !mink of ttcword, . 42 30 1 00 20 10 EEO 1 00 1 00 S 00 9 hornea, IS•or,wa, 1 Bull, 5 heifers, :3 onlvoa, 17 strorP, II t•henp, 57 hog., 4 pigs, 4 wagons, I dear barn wagon, I sleigh, 2 clods, 2 harrows, 2 corn har rows, 5 whorl barrows, 1 grain drill, 1 raapin,, ,, china, 1 thrashing uoc•hine, 2 fanning nallle, 4 ph,Wri, 1 001 . 11 plow. YRODITCE ON FAHNI. MEI 1105 Lnshuls,,i wheat, FIJI bushel,. lye, 52u }audio's oat F, 14.5 IlaN•ced, 2600 1,u4101.1 corn in ears, UJ bu‘liek 960 budiols potatoes. 41 bushels onions, :12 bushels red beets, 6 buF lads soup beans, 5 harrek eneumberr, 45110 heads eaL'etge, 5 how:aloud,' sour lama, 122 lbs, halehled flux, 67 kilde bay, 36 loads corn 220 loads manure put•on the land 10011 buslieb, Hine put en the laud, 2470 lb a. beef hitles,.22ll 1b. , . calf ,it ins, 15131 lbs. tallow, 1151 lbs. laid, lull 12 IA iOl.l OE9 MEAT SLA UunTERED. 17,1t1a lb, beef, 1381 lAa. Veal, 0341.1 Its. pork ARTIci,EsMADu IN THE HOUSE. 20 00 1$ 00 135 pair tine ' s N111(10011 4 , HI) 11101V8 shirts, 1411 bay's pantloons,. U 7 ronndahoute, 54 vests, Uti.chismi :les, 135 women frocks, 59 petticOnts, ,160 short gowns. 200 aprons. 8 truanen raps, 80 sun 'bonnets, 111 children FrockA, 39 . children putliconts, 40 pnit .Ir:twain, 18 shrouds, 110 stockings knitted 105 pair stockings footed, 65 t0w:319,11 quilts, 470 cut stook ing yarn, 65 cuts thread. 13 holsters. 53 pillow ra nee, 30 bed eases, 15 pillow ticks, 10 bed ticks, 05 sheets, 20 chall bago, 75 quilt petticoats, 20 grnln hap:, 285/ lois. linen, 140 ydq. linsey wonlsey, 44 yds. carpet, nil woven in the house, S6O lbs. hard soap, 27 bids. soft ...Hp, 25 coffins. IN'M.ATES• IN TILE HOUSE.' Remaining in Ihu holm Jan. 1&; EMI 1850. Admitted doting tho year ESE Born $7488 80 Discharged during the }'cur Indentured Died Curpsa when received Absconded Remaining In tho Immo Jan. 1. 1860, 205 This 'number consists of 78 white male adults, 2 colored male adults, 01 rliito female adults, 35 male chi'dran under 19 ;cars of ago, 29 fonudo children Under 12 yetus of age, of which number 10 aro luau- Lydiann Sherer to Abraham Walter, of Upper San con, [Farmer.] Sarah Muth to Henry B. Komoror, of Salsburg, [Farmer ] Mary Ann Huber to Henry P. Schell, of Lower Milford, [Farmer.] Kitty Ann Huber to Ephraim IVosco, of Upper Milford, [YoMrian.,] Directors Office, January 101,18E0. BENJAMIN JARRETT, Directors of the JESSE OIIIM, Poor of Lehigh JOHN BORTZ, . county, Pa. Allentown, February 1, 1880. —3t EAGLE HOTEL. CORNER of Baudlton and Seventh Stroeta, (Mar ket Square) Allentown, Pa. THE ' Eagle' is well situntod for the decornochalon of travelers. It is furnished In the best manner. The Table is provided with the best faro the mar ket affords, and the bar supplied with the purest and best liquors. Farmers end perms fiem the country, will find the ambling and yard, as well as the Hotel, conve nient. 20 80 18 00 Affir - Omnibuiea run regularly 'from this house to the Rail-road depots. MOSES SOIINECIC, Proprietor. Allentown, January 4, 1800. 3.Y rc ._..— sw_ ` _ a ~-- 24 00 4 00 8 09 0 00 14 00 4 00 EiEl MI SToCK ON FARM 204 1301 1388 INDENTURED Dyspepsia Remedy DR. DARIUS HAM'S AROMATIC INVIGORATING SPIRIT. This Medici ne has been tiled by the public for six yea e,I with increasing fni.or. It is recommended to Cure I Dlleprpsia, NerVOlteliC4B, Ilea It-Meru, Colic Patiiit ' !Vied in the Stomach, or Palos in the Bowels, Ifewlache, Drowsiness, Kidney Complaints, Low Spirits, Delirium Treineo, Intemperance IT STIMULATES, EXIIII,III43TES, li4NlllOlWl'l3 111 T WILL. NOT /3,T0X1t,A16 OR t Tll ir3 AS AMEDICINE, It is quick andofli to 11, cur ing the most agErnectul cans of Dynpcpcin, Kidney Complaints, and oilier dorntngentottu of the Stomach and spco ly inanmr. It will instnntly revive ho most melancholy and drooping spirits, and restore the weak, nor; Oily and sickly to health, strength and 4igor. Persons who, from the injudicious use of liquors, I have become dejected, and their notions smitoins shattered, constitutions hithen down, and etiliyact to I that horrible curse to hiimanity, the Duirsi 31 11111 mezts, will almost immosliditeh, fuel the happy and healthy invigorating efficacy of Dr. Ilnin's Ins igo rating Spirit. WHAT IT WILL DO DOsou—sOno wine glom full an often no necessary. , One dose will remove nil Bad Spiritus. 3r... I co lest. .. 3r... 3r... . • Ono dose will cure Heart-burn. Three doses will curd indigestion. ' N od Eldn & .BREINIO, feeling it en impereeu Ono dose will give you a Oood Appetite. ' duty to necommodato the, public, found it One dose will atop the distressing pains of Dye. necessary to procure a morn ememodlous place of bus pepsin. . einem, and accordiely erected a One dose will remove the distressing mid disegree• i PALATIAL CLOTHING HOUSE, able effects of Wind or Flatulence, and as soon as the, on the cornet' of Church Alloy mid Hamilton flume, stomach receives the Invigorating Spirit, the die- ePPusito Moser's Drug Store, of which they here trussing load and all painful feelings will ho re- inn taken puts 3EOIOOII, being the largest, moat rem moved. . modinun, and host arranged building for the business Ono dose will remove the most distressing pains of, In Allentown. . Colic, either in the stemach or huwele.„ The prop lotors of this New nail Magnificent Cloth. A tow doses will remove obstruotlons In the li id. Ing Establishment, talus plonsure,in further announo. nay, Bladder or Urinary Organs. , lug dust they have alto 'nominal their tremendous Persons who are seriously rthlieted with oily Eli. t; inter Stnek of racy Complaints are assured speedy relief by a' dose READ r mil V E CLOTHING, or two, find a radicarcere by the use of one or two end ere daily adding thereto 1411 kinds of articles rtp• bottles. tan thining to MOll anal Boy's wear which will 110 . NIOHTIN DISSIPATION. sold ht extraordinary low rates, as they gi upon the • Persons who, from dissipating too much over, principle that a "nimble sixpence is boiler than n night, and feel the evil effects of poisonous liquors, chow "Wing.” They hove nouns hor years. out their In violent headaches, sickness at stomach, motecc goods, bui on the contrary, ore superior in quality, all bad feelings. make aid style, to any 0110.1)161111100( In 010 place.— ( live them n trial and you will hind We PALATIAL Ladies of nook and alokly of should Wilco the invigorating Spirit three times a day ; it CLoT TUNG HOUSE is the plasm for everybody.— Their winter purchases commise entirely now and will make them strong, healthy and happy, remove all obstructions and irregularities from the menstrual dinil'abro ,(pies, hlllll 4 3 0%111 mat be (Mind et any oth y er Merchant (altering establishment in Alientown.—. organs, rind restore the bloom of health mud beaus to the careworn face. • , Their goods wore selected with the greatest care, anti . will he tondo up in the latest style and fashion, and During pregunney it will 'be found an ineulimltle medicine to remove disagreeable sensations at the, warranted le prove fill) f11111:0 .e. represented at the stomach. - •• , time of purchase Observe, that every article of . Clothing sold by the proprietors of this est a blish. All the proprietor oaks, is a trial, nnul to Indium ; this. ho has put up the It:mot:JlM termer 111 pint: mein is of their men make, awl may be relied upon bottles, MO eta., quarts $11• 011 being good, durable work. A along their ONlan. General Depot, 48 Wnter Street N. y. sive assortment mule ho found. fine 'lllnek and Blue Sold by E. D. Lawall, J . B. 1.4 „ se , „ ni t ', ow l, new style Dross end Fronk Cutoff , . 1113110 in the latest Schmidt & llentown, Par , fesition tiff French and English Cloths, new style February 1, C0.,1 800. . —1 y Busine s s Coate, of Black, Blue, Olive and Green _ Cloths, and plain and figured Cm , simeres ; Over Coats, of all qualities, styles nod prices, pantaloons, veste and in fact everything in the HEADY MA DE cLoilirNo LINE, Creel fin oecreunt down to nn undershirt. The four great fentmee of Neligh & Breinig's Store are, that they buy fur Cesh, mid consequently ran sell cheaper than :my of tho others; their goods are made up under their own snpervisien, and they sell them for tchof they really 0,, end last though not toilet they sell their goods fur Cash. 'buying adopted the CASH system, they urn not compelled to provide ngainst I. sees by inerensed prices. Buyers who pay cash are net required to make up tho losses, of such 113 will not pay. Also,a large stock of llnnullserelt We, Shirts, Collars, Winterllmisory, Ender. Shirts and Drawers of till kinds, nnd everything in fauft that is usually kept in stores - of the kind. Call nail eve before you purchase elsewhere, as they willingly show what they have.— They are satisfied that all their goods will beer n close examination. Januery 4, 1800, 1022 13 Dr. Wane Tune's adjusting Splint. TIIE underßignod,linv ing purchasoll tho patellt-right for Lohigh County, hereby inform tlio public that thoy urn preprirod to furnish Dr. Wm. Bunco's Adjusting Splint. This instrument for simplioiiy and utility in tho treatment of differonb fractures and dis locations, is a decidod improvornont on any other now in use. Attention is called to the following roccom modationa from gentlemen distinguished in t•tie mod- , neat profession. Columbus, Ohio, Pubrunry li, 1857 I hays examined the apparatus of Dr. Wm. Dunce.' It Is a combination of Adjustor and Splint, and well adapted to moot the indications for which it is design ed. It is really an improvement ou most if not op all such Instruments. By the Adjustor, dislocation!' as well as fractures, may ho controlled, while by the' splints, all the advantages may bo obtained without many of the inconvenienuies incident to most of those in use. This apparatus therefore deserves the attontion of, physicians and surgeons, being from its price ueces• ' Able to all, anti in my judgment being an improve ment on things of the kind now in use. DR. JOHN DAWSON. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Starling' Medical College. I Lave examined Dr. Dunce's Adjustor, and tiutl It a capital Instrument to bring about perfect conp tation of the fragments iu case of fracture. • It seems to mo also well adapted to exercise exten sion and counter-extension In cave of dislocations, having the advantage oven any other instrument, by allowing manipulations of the limbs during exten sion. I can cheerfully recoutninend the ingtrnmout of Dr. Bunco to my professional bruthoru in the country, who need to have a relinide apparatus on hand for etioh einergencios. . DR. 011gTAV C. E. WEBER. Professor• of Surgery in Cleveltind Modica! Collage. I fully 'concur with Profe:.nor Weber In relation to Dr. notices Adjusting . PROCTOR•TIIAYER, M. D. Professor of Anatotny and Physiology, Cleveland .Me.thlal College. 1C22 13 This le the best instrument of the hied now in.use. The Splint is so constructed that it fluty be adapted to any'lengtb of limb. It can be used on the princi ple of double Inclined plue, Qr it can be used as the long straight Splint.- • • The Adjustor oun be applied with, or without the Splint and in easily applied to any fracture or dislo cation of any of the straight bones. With this adjus• for properly applied, it Is utterly impossible to gut shortening of the limb, and withal so perfuetly P imple iu its construction that any Surgeon will see at once how the Instrument is applied. Price of the Whole apparatus, $25. The Adjustor alone $l2. STECKEL Si SNYDEIL. South Wbttehell, Lehigh County, Post OUiee aol drew Troxlertunu. roblunry 1 OUR. MUSICAL FRIEND P t ", -.-- 13631M1 OUR MUSICAL FRI tho Winter Months Every Pianist, I Should Kogan) thin weekly Ivory Siugor, '' Publication of Vocal and' Every Tokehor,, Piano Porto Music, cost. I Evory Pupil, • I log but TEN CENTS a Every Amateur, number, and pronouneod By the entire Proms of the country, to biz "The Best and Cheapest Work of the kind In the World." Twelve full-sized Pages of Vocal and Piano Forte 1 10U3 laic for TEN CENTS. Yearly, ss;lf-yearly, $240; Quarterly, $1.25. Subscribe to "Our. Musical Friend," or order it from tho nearest News dealer, and you will • hare Alusia enough for your entire amily and at !mina& cant cost; and if you want Mimi° for the Flute, Violin, Cornet, Clarionet, Accordion, etc., etc., sub scribe to tho EEO SOLO MELODIST, Containing 12 pages, costing only ZEN CENTS a Number; Yearly, $2.50; Half-yearly, $1.25. • All the back Numbers at 10 scuts, and Bound Vol umes, containing 17 Numbers, 'at $2.50 each, con stantly on band. January 25,1800 A New Firm. TILE undersigned hereby inform their friends anti the public) in general, that they have formed a ec partnersbip under tho name of Grim h Ludwig, ned as they kayo purchased the Tannery on Cedar Creek, in Salisbury township, formerly owned by Pctcr Ludwig, they have establisbed'a . LEATILER STORE . in"Allontown at the stand lately occupiedby t 7 rim, Becher &Co. They will always pay the lIIOHEST MARKET PRICE in Cash or exchange for Loather, for ALL KINDS OP SKINS AND HIDES, nt their Tan nery in Salisbury, or at their Store in Allentown.-- They will also keep on hand nt their store a full as sortment of , LEATHER - OF THE BEST QUALITY, which they will sell for cash or in trado fur hides, at tho lowest market primes. As they shall endeavor to pleaeo, they hope to re- Save a full share of publlo patronage.. WILLIAM GRIM, SOLOMON 1 1 11DWIi3. Allentown November 16, 11 4 69. —3in Cleveland, January 17, 1R57 D. et nava Companion for C. D. BI YMOUR rt. CO., 107 Na/eau Strost„New York. —2ln NELIGH & BREINW'S ON D PRIOR CHEAP CASH Shoe and Hat Store§ EILIAS TVIIIRTZ •& SON. THE subscribers have this day en tered iu co-partnership under the above Firm, and have taken t h e stand lately occupied ny Jonas, George, next door• tc the Hard ware Store of Ifagenbuch, Ilordi A. t•o., Wage they aro now opening a very largo br9vlc of Bowl. Shoeit, Hata, Cnps fie. And, having. adapted the Cash System, they would invite ono and all to give them nn only call as rink bitycrit wi'l lied it greatly to, their advantage to examine our stock heforo purehan ing of owl Wo. have a i-ihno and Hoot Manu• factory, by which wo are constantly adding to our already heavy steels, good and substantial work which will giro ample satisfaction to tin weal cc and which wo aro selling Whotosalc and Retail at the very lowest figure. N. p, just received a large tit pply of Gum `-'keep , of every descripi ion. Alen Trunks, Carpet Bags it.c Vl,lMettrared lc et k ii ill` Le thine at the shortest notice. ELIAS MERTZ. Allentown, NOV. Si, 1969 11'118 : Fl: ! ! V URS ! FOR 1889--00. FAIR EIRA & 7110IVISON, No. 818 Al STREET. oh,,ur Eighth, eolith side, PHI LADELPTITA ; NAVE JII:HT 01•FNED CIIEIII • Elegant Assortment of X'urs, ntnntanrittreti muter Weir immediate supervi 31011 6'olll FURS, selected with the grin 4,11 61 . Ultra from the largest stOelts of the t, embro• clog et cry variety null style of LADIES AND (1111,1)1t14N5 Wi; \lc Thmiu purvhntlng enrly hilVe thn hellf . lit of n largur relection. Itehide: thu nbovo goods, Ivo 11111'0 it One ItEsortment of BUFFALO ROBES, LTL E EA" 8 1.7? oLo FES AXD COLLARS.. Tho prices fur all those goads me ut n lower figure than they can bo bought any whore in the city. IFAREIII.I d THOMSON, SIS Market Street. Philadelphia. N. D.—FURS altered and repaired end Flit MMI NOS made to•order November 2, 18:AO. TO THE PUBLIC. T IE Tin and Copper Smith business, r ett • Co nuccosefully carried on fur the list twouty-ono ycur ut it'S and .12 I M West Hamilton Street, in the Borough of Allentown by Amos Ettinger, will frouiand after the first unlit-, gust be conducted titular the firm of Ettinger Con.. 'the attention of the public is called to the fact, that the business hereafter will boconductcd on the Cash System. By co dealing we expect to reduce our prices, sell cheaper than over, mid thereby benefit the public as well nO ourselves. Thankful for past favors, the new firm solicit ns continuance of the patronage, with which this old business a. tand line been foiNiercil. A polito invitation is extended to all such; ne nro indebted on the old books, to melt() settlement in cosh or aceeptablo papers. Those who rosy not know, when nn account Is duo, luny bo reminded soon by legal piocces. AitIGS ETTINGER, ' WM. J. ETTINGER. —tf July 27,1859 CRAIN, FLOUR 'AND COAL. undereignetbrespeetrally beg leave to inform um' / the cili of Allentown and vicinity, g h at they are preptAad to do nll sorts of and to fur , nialt Flour, Feed e n d Grain of all kinds at Butz's Mill on the Jordan creek ono mile from the borough. 1 Wheat, ltyo, Corn and. Oats, bought at the highest ' market pricoolfiter nt the mill i.r at their store-house at the corherof Ninth and Linden Streets, (commonly known as the Free Hall.) Order, for Flour, Peed and Grain received either rte heir store house or at the of office at their cool-yard, in First Word, (T. J. Elei)- pingor'e late eland.) Tho undersigned will curry on ! on heretofore the real end groin business nt their old stande. flueinese hereafter carried on exclu sively on thu clubinciple. . 110T1I, MICKLFY A CO. Allentown, Nov., 2, Mit.. GRAPE GROWERS. CAN CARRY nn their business most successfully nt Hammonton, the'from frosts. Some .forty-Vinoyaras set out the the past 0065011. Soo adVertillOtOCOt of Hnnunonton Lands, another column. DR the better accommodation of our en3tamers, J., and the public generally, we will about the first of March, 1860, move to No. East Hamilton St., next deer to the Post Office. Whore the lac;est stock of QnceriF.Wllro ever offered in Lehigh county,. will be opened for sale at the lowest possible Wholesale aud retail, in seta or by the piece. .`'torus tithing an as.sortinciit will ha supplied tit phia priced. All in want of tiny thiw; in our line • aro cordially invited to call Ana examin.s oar kends nod prions and satisfe thomselvca of the troth of the above staloment4, Our steek consists i.t pirt , every pattern, atyle, quality and color of China, Hla'as and Quoari , ivao, Fkone, Ilockinghom, Yellow and Th•ittania Ware, Lamps of all kindS. ~/aillPLatrins alt:red and repaired to burn Cool Oil. Q EEiNSIVARE. LA In sets All kiwis, For Hotel time pi:(c, And Family me. T:a Sets, Tumbl,rs, Diener 'Sets, Lager Muc,a, Dishes, Bird rollUtE, tigs, Cups, Bowlt,Dishoq, Cake ;.:tand.s, Pitcher:, Plater, Jar. Pitehevo, 'l3ottlec, Flacks, STO.NEWARr. Decanters, ThitterPots, - • Lamps and Glebe?, Pata, Shades, Jars, Jugs Flpittoous, Pitchers, kr. IFRITTANNTA. All Mutt., TM Pot•, Fluid Lamps, Coffee Pots, Coal Oil Lamps T. um, Parlor Lamps, Ale Pitel.em Tablo Lamp; CaLtor tipoce.s, .Night Lamps, Muga, Cups, Susponsiou Lamps, 'Hand Lamps, Lampe, Church Lamps, Hall Lamp, ,Cc. tlit.t: i:Eits lior t) AiiEx the o . Pet c All.nywn, cfnmulry iitiIAINHOOD 9 HOW LOST, HOW RESTORED Just Published, in a Scaled Envelope. IV' TUE NATURE, TREATMENT AND RADI- I ICA.L CURE OF SPERMATORRROEA, or Soniinal Iroaltnes , , Solunl Lability, Ner%OII2LNEE 1111 ,1 i1111(.11' E111;.1107:15, ill(t110;112 - . ltnputvo,y nntl Monod luitlPhyAiNd Inenparity. • lir ItOh. J. CCLVERAVELL, M: D., Author " The Geacit Rook, d'e." Tho world.roucumed author, in (Ha admirable Lecture, clearly proves from hie own experience that the awful COUSOCIIICIiCOS of calf-abueo may be effec tually retnoved WithOllrMedicine and without den. [scroll.' Surgical operation!. bongio?, instromeoto, ring.; or cordial!: pointing out a mod. or cure 10. one., certain and effectual, by which ..very !Alt - Myer, tio matter what his condition may ha, tons cure him self ehenply, primed!, end radically. Thit. Lecture will lucre a boon to thousand= nun thuttostrls. Sent under ~ c al to any address, pour paid, 'JO thoS receipt or two portawo stamps by addressing Dr. Cll. .1. C. l, D.,. A,Tinfe, Now vocE, imx• visa. .htituary 17.—Doc. 1.1 TAE CIE PEST ~ D TIE BST " S'and (lo'llin the flail" anti make ronntfire the ..\7; IF :4/0 E STO le E. Tim ninlerd , 4nekl remedially announce to the eiti...eng or .\llontowo and the public generally. that they have juht eperel their new Shoo Finding . Sto . ro e t No. PO rtht Mroot Allent•mn. Po.. where ,they have en haw( the VERY' BEST of Loath, Cr, and all the article.; poll:lining to their line of Int eines:!. . Highest cash pikes paid for hides. Thankful for past favors they hope th.a their customers will continuo to extend a liberal patronage at their new stand. ED 501 , 31(1 1, Cf 1. ALLENTOWN, PENNA. well.hnown House will hereafter be eon• littler the personal suporvision of Yoh° I .Nowliard, who will spare no pains to tuaintain tho Iti;;Ii reputation, the house hat buretoforo borne. It is the largest and most con trot (louse in tho pima?, being Mantled et the corner of the Pohlio Equate and Hamilton street. Ls 'eon• tral lontion tenders it the 111(11'13 eutiveniant for. husineen men as well as for tins° revolting fur pleasure. The House It provided' with Bathe. Airy ,Chambers, Parlors, Reading Room, Thu bill of fan:land tablo • necommodations tau the beet the market affords. Every attention in given •to itOuto the comfort of guests. Agreeable society may olivaya be found lit Odd establishment. •An omnibus is always in rondinesa to convey lumen gets to and from the dupi,t ut the arrival and duper. tars of every train. . 1,1;11'1:3 IL SIERT7. . Hoads Erebt, and Eyes Right Cr ll A lutw TO—thero you can have yUur beard, removed with ease, and your hair cut. ram eurjed, frizzed or sbampooned in it style that 111Inut ho surpassed. And keeps for mile his Levan fur preserving. and beautifying the hair.— Drib colored to suit the okunpleNion, at the • FOUNTAIN" HEAD. Tito Maiseriber condors many thank, to hie old pa tron; and inviter thoso to call Inn) havo not tested the oileionvy ot• his tonsorial operations. '1 ho corps is toolor the :ttper% ision of PROF. C. 11. HARMS, Allentown, —ly =I TT is nothing to gain popularity. but it is rarely that man retain it. Like money, come easy, go easy, popularity is a tender affair, and requires care ful nursing to keep it nitre. •Especially is this observable in mercantile links If the reputation. which is hut unothwr name for Popularity, be wan by actual merit, it is lusting. ' C. H. Sehermerhorn, the well known Grocer, .107.dt and PION . Sion, Den k ,. has by his straight-forward course, the fairness of his prices mid the excellence cf hie stock secured a rep. utation which will be hinting. Having taken the business hinlftelf at the corner or Ninth nail Hamilton •Stieets—he rum defy emu petitiomund afford to roll at prices to Mlit everybody. Give hint n Cali nod bo satisfied with the Truib of his assertions. Allentown , Academy, rrIIE Fall Term of this Institution won opened on 1 . Thorpiny the let of September. Pupils ave ro colved iutti the School at any thou and °barged unly from tho date of mar:nice. Primary, per quarter, 54,00 Common Hriglinli bninclic., 4,5065,00 Higher " " with Latin and (hook, 0,00 4 , .d d. Preneh, 7,50 Miteie, ' 8,00 Uso of Piano fur prartice, 2,00 Drawing. " Ot' Fuel fur winter, • - r,O A- few pupil nro reocivril into tha family 't.f the Principal at the rite of PO per tittertiT for betted, mirliing and tuition in. all branthoa' except Music! and Drawing.' ALL WANTING FARMS IN A DE= lightful climate, rich soil, and keen from froeta, pee advartieoutotit of Iltuartientoo Lamle in mother col umn. • • . • HO [RUMEN.' and IT 9ttelcing Bottles, Breast Cups. LAMPS 111731 LATE ri17111.A33 GOOD NEWS : 0 RIM RECKER. .11Ericr.n. —3ln ALLEN HOUSE, NEWIIARD,I :.torePropr EPHRAIM YOUE, AllnntNivn, October 9Gth, 1.54. Attention, companyl No. t,', EfiA llnmilt a :itreet, tooth Fig l'E.lll'l,E 01' TASTE, Nu. `..;tl Enetlton north Clic, and CABI'V North wog curnor of Seventh an 4 Linden Ste I)..reinlmr "A. 'I'RUTH." C. 11. SCIIELIMERIIORN, Corner of Ninth and Hamilton Streets Allentown, 14eetnber 14, 12359 L N. GREGORY' Principal. December 14.—Mnru4 IU, lIMMMN:I="mirm" (NV'M:,R!Kit . :2 0-, Slinger's S[,wing...ll:.la6hirfes. • , /... - i3 rpm: late retluctlon in cr.,,,,..,.e .•tv, t,,';'N„( .I. price of, tia,et nut l'!,tl7,l".r," ~ L -,•• shims brings, than in ';;;.. ‘ i±'''''.'-' l ' -i - r - tt I reach *of erei•ybody.— "- - I;:ig.,-.o';'k . ."7; , 'lltele . trinehines have an .7) :"\ , .,...17 .-- " . ... 2 :: - 7 4 : j: , / , cstald , slted reputation all .) ~,1 __.. 7.7, , 'Yr . 0, over ,the •civ il izecl world './...., -I . \ / t , for il4 dtirability and the ;../it I . ..,:e...4„.„, ,\ ' ~' \i. murk it perfOrmS..ifbern V f % -- 4 A l , ‘ ) A \ d 1 in DM gtAtaig, out of order. ''' ' ' l '-'1 ! - ;- , 1 , lid It makcl it lo.dt ,o ii VI '-'i,„: . . , sAll which will neither rip, ratool nor pulbout. ' Itor von , 1..-....1:...-; tin , 23 inacLincs in non, would not, part withl': 0t..:: S 1 .tOO n y-t r c.i.n IQ made with one of Clem. l'e:: sale nt the Boot and Shoo Stlra . of 1::01wB LUCAS ‘i:,.' RON, 1.C..,. 0 1:i.0 , t. Hamilton .'l., .wa Pt P. E.:. -All 0r.1..!ri , promptly attendod to Allentown, ,farinery . 17„ . 4d0. GLENN'S ONE PRICE lIAT AND OAP STORE, (c or inn rtvr, sTolv N. Woat oornor of 'Eighth anll 1'039 §troolo. PIIELADIMPTII 1. Tlio Public urn ro:pc,itfully invitod to Norio mind that nt, this Soto tray ho found an ftssortmant of Fashionable ood 11..miLiomo Drcqv lints. Sufi Aa7e. High, Low and Medium Dilpth Crown, Cloth and Glazed Cons. Plll5ll and Plush Trimmvi (aps for nen and Boys, Fanny Hat: and Cape for CuiLdron,at Fair Prices. ygir"NO TWO PRICES 1/011 Et1it.11.71,,1R GOODS. Jsuoary 18, 1800. —ly JOHN F. HALBACH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Oilien on the we, , t side of 2d. street between Muni). tort and Linden t.4treets, has been appointed a I Agent of M.L. Eur.wean Expr, , ,t and Expe dition. Commierion, end Vorwortling Holten, eh:l'lo,er Street. Now York. 110 macs or drama all Poems of Al torneys in tip, Gortnan and English Langtogos and forwardet to all Germany and Aleu Passago certificates can he hail at his onion to Women, Ilainl,orks, Harr°, Antwerp, Rotterdam and London. August 31, 1650. r. , ITII lAllirop, Ludington & Co. and Jul.beri I.Fureign awl Do- Dll r; OOD S, lIOSIE I? Y, (1:- Non 2:1 nod 25 fork Phtoo, Now York. Alms olwsp. un liana nu oNtuu , iivo stuelc of Vault( Npti om Nuw i'c;rlc, Novem‘ler :10, 1850 Cieneral News Agency. n N v.% I after Mou,lny, .Tanunry 180, the nn (I,l . ,ignetl will cao•ittuttly hoop on haul all tint nnkl. New York weeklies, and Inontblicq. Ile trill servo his subscribers regularly every ty, iunn•Nliately after the arrival of the cars. ED V; LN• SA EG ER, • et•: . • or of Law Alloy and liateilton stroet, AlluntoiA Pa. --1 t OE Jatri, ry 18130 AMERICAN Paint and Color Works, ALLENTOWN", PA. 1)111 - 1N II.; ' BRO.innnnfnrturoreof White Lend. Whito, Chrome Grcon nud'Yellow, Cliineso and P:. , ..d0n Blue,, Sienna, iipankli Brown, Von. Pod, Ochro , , Porn Chernioal Green. Pure Aletallio Brown Dr aallier 11, 1859 Oysters! Oysters! • • Kt„. I'l -;) The nedernigtledi 4-nildition. , :to the ‘, 1 ,4 licrat4.444co carried •on ut hie fruit rll4l wntablo Flom of 1140 corner of Law Ai icy and Hamilton Stroct, Allentown', Pa., will :divot, Itcap Cu Loud a e•niiply of fine uysturs, whit+ ono at tie 9tote, in. to. families at their tunnel on rhort notice. W. W. HAMERSLY• Nov.:,, ISZ t. JOSEPH S. MEI 1: ,n . 0 II , 4 011 A DCATE of Jefferarin Medictil College, nod te!diliint of I.leidelberl? towindlip. Le 11.;711 county. itniondintely in the vicinity of the piddle hoit,i. of Mr. Daniel Delbert, offers hie pro icEniii,d Mervices to the citieens of (hot 'vicinity. Ho to ill g' ...ily answer tv calla, at all hours of the cloy or tiig:it. . I ; Norctitl:er lii, 1.350.—tf A. B. t!=chwartz, ATIHREY AT UW, OVP East. Hamilton t;" trent , A lien to*n, Pu. 1 va ,lotoli (tort of the Sheriff's Office. .fin , .. - Can be eumultecl in the aud lierman longuttges. - TigZ. Novo.'alter 23, 1550 ciin DOCTOR'S SON. A. PLIYEICIAN t n Sunonox, will ox: Ilio rick and givie nark() frce, al our agontp.— Mr. P. N. Lawnll's, Allontown, filet of January and 20th of March, 1800. Mr. 3 actob Cita 30Ih of Jan., nod 23tli of 31aroh, 1860 -- -Dr. t. mm•l Nandeg, 1:a , lon 21Jan. nod 31-t. 1880. Mr. John Diotonman's llamlnirg; 231 Jim., Hint 1060. Dr. N. F. Stovens, Reading let Jon., and 21eI of Iduroh 1860, Dec ond,or 21, 1850, Removed.. M. Itl/.. , 1i. has removed his Low 01Tice to No. 4 lJ Bert Hamilton Hieet, omiosito 13oelitel's Amer ican Hotel. I'llo tithe° of Ssruan i and of, Ow Ar.i.r.s Isectase O.I3IPAN Y have Leen romeye4 to thu eatne One°. ". Dec. 17 1859. NEW SALOON. THE untlersignekl retpeetnilly nanonnees to the eltizene of Allentown 'and viiiithyt that lie leis (ironed it Saloon lately in the baunnent of Marx's nee• corner of Ninth end Ilhinillon stroeis where nil the delicacies of the ni avon ran. always. be hed. Also main+, ALL, LAGER Deeninlier 7 185 t, Adam Woolever, ATTORNEY AT LAW Sll 1:1t11.1 , ',`4 OFFICEALLENTOWN, 'PA. TA TILL tittotol w tho eu ' llection in Lit high anti adjoining 01113qt:if,. Allentown, July 27, 18(4), Mil NATIONAL HOTEL, Ti,,ACEI STRUM% 8E01733 TUIRD, PHILADELPHIA.. • CYRUS UARNANY, Proprietor. Novecnlx;r 2, 2959. , CATiIWBA BRANDY , ED. I,AIVALI., 'rola ngcnt., for the county.-- Price per hc.ttln $1.25, by the corn e ILL Allentown, Jan. t 1 • • 11E2DR. S.• P.• BLASS, Nr10314 -r 3r l ]IC 'Mt' fa dovvreti ovLiR PREirz, ( . 1 wrira co's Brink A Li; /O.' TZ..) AIN 4•P A • .PE4.BO,NS WANTING: C.LiANGE OF . clivnt 9 f r licnlttvpa cp.lvoitiromen't of llummonton taMlolfrhoothor column. '••, ' • ' #ll k .• E ; . !::! MAN PURE OHIO Ea MI BM El ME ME EEO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers